THE CAUCASIAN. VOL. XVII. KALKIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MARCH 1G. lami. NO. r,;''- a Recess Until the Second Tuesday in July, 1900. f,0NG SERVICE IN THE SENATE. aUr Connor Presented Vith a S:!ter T--a Scni.c -Rcprcsctitathcs t the Paris Imposition A I arc well Address by Speaker Conner. . - - ft a inonuraMo pension of fifty .o i n ' i tho Legislature -adjourned at ' "1 Wodue-dav afternoon, to meet ia f!.'i MMsion Iho KtcoQ'I Tucday in h.'.x, l.ntO. There are about t,2.ii nct3 nud tesuliit ions hi h result of the labors cf . ii I Mature. The last act rati fied was tlio !t!Vons auti trut Lilt. 1 liO Senate BUlCUd'.'d it. Firry rnii.i Dv. In the Senate n tall ii p.r'-ed pn. tiding tlt t judicial v lu aiH-iiM ran ho tilled by the ( iovvrnor l aiinointrui-Jit only until tho l;et general fi!'ftiiiij. '1 lie Vance Tetiio Mrumd l.iil fin i) n; with an unfiivor h I -1 report f I uiu the iiate cornniitteo !l lllrilt iHl. (U taction of.lllstire ii was tabled, l'l.o m hool law was taken itl'. Au niMudiuoiit t tenure the pay l ' tluj on ii tv Hiporintnudeut from $1 p. as adopted. Bill. i nsxed to r.p I rui nate .T,- 0 ) for waterworks nud "vei ago nt tho I" i.'.vosity. 'I ho lull to l.eep the Ciitiiw I a river open to Moat n;e wii' tul lit- 1. I ho trustees 1 f tho ri".Tn Agricultural :;J Mechanical Pol lego wero !',l.'l. Tlio ra nts ap p nr m thu lluii-o report. '1 lie revn t.u set rvnitnkfu up. A Mi!-tuute was t I ' i t e I for tfc'in'j I. 1 1 J I nee Stato. 1'iiiiks uu an opal footing with national iit it allows rountv nn.t m ho'.l tinoi on i::k to:k to bo paid N the county trfiiMiirur instead of bo mi;: i l.uttrU 1 ytho bank cashier, lirct tn thu Stnt trc.v hit. Int y-riM'ii i ii Iy. In Iho nalo tLu loll to appropriate V'. fir tho i:t year to tho School for the Deaf, I'urub ami Iliind ramn tip. After foiho discussioo. a substitute wa. a lopted f,r tU,j lull, wlitt.h rroviile that SI J,r.0t loinlilt'il t tim Mantlini; appropria tion of 5f-K,!(ii) mul that $!.". 00O he ap f rci rialotl for siuprovimeitt. The bill to m:ko nj'i'i;i!Minii lot tLo Stato llutit:ila uri oiiuo u;t for i-ouidcra-tioii. This lull was rtiticiiiluit so &4 to Uive tho Mati l!i)M(itul at Ilcsh "t'.'njii i.i ti'u.l of "i,"iiii : to piva tuo Mutu Hospital nt Mnrnnton ?'.'0,itjin ht!ij of 1 0'f, tio . S.iction!', which pro vi.h's that the :-uu. of S'.'U.OUl) for this vrar mill .-".;, nir f(.r tho car l'.iOO fr th" pii'itn n at'l fnrnisliin of two lu .1 . 1 in ic fit" tho State Hospital at iol'lshoro, woro ftrirkiMi out. Iho othrr (eotions of tba bill, which ieiuairi ii ucli an ',')d, apj-ro pri.ite .l(t,'JJOouuual lv for ti huililinu' for itiualo patients at tho Mor'fiiiJi-n Honpitul r(nl forabuihl nii,' to colon io inalo Atifii(d. Kor tha rurport ot tho tstato hospital at, (tolda lioro l,h(joi iij j ropnaUul unnnully. A bill provii'itif; t!::it no action shall bo ilium a n apr!iMt:on for iiur- l i uuIom-4 re:iMiu8 for application bnvo l i::i M:lIishcl once a Y,ik for four w-cckrt in the county pr.pcr, v,nn trl!jl. At tho Sc an to m;iit Ko.ion a bill to nppvopftato c.'Mi) for the benefit of iho Soldiers' Homo was passed by a nvuniiuoiis Tisinu vote. A bill to up vri pri.ito 5 liHi.oi'o to tho public fchool fiMid uas Iko passed nnaiiiuiously. 'I he bill to tuaKe u uniform law of in.Uiuiueuts pushed its liual reading'. The last bill passed by Sou ale, provided that the Legislature ad j'Mirn at noou W cdnesday until Tuoa--ilav after socond Mondav in Juno. 11: 00. I'tFTY-rit'Tii 1' w. In tho Seuato tho bill to require self-ouplers and auto mitio brakes on railroad cars was killed. A joint resolution to appoint tivo com iniHsiouciM to represent tho Stato at the I'aris Imposition was adopted, a: was a resolution nnloi sina tho wi rk of the l'iford Sanitfiiiuiii for Xeirro Con Miiuiiive!'. nl rioatiiorn l inos. ino joint roso'.ution to pav nil tho clerks and employes for extra work passed its final leadings. Short Knceches ol f ii eweU wero nvido by Senators Fraaks, .'ustico and and Daniels. A joiut resolution to i rovido .rlO) to defray tho funeral expensos of n member of the C'.euernl Assembly wns nnaninioinly passed. The Senate then related, and nniical exercises wero indulged in. Lieutenant gov ernor lleynolds rcvod u pool ihorti'i leader, and wns al-lv assisted by Senators Glean, Wilson, Whitaker, , iilinms. Smith nml by iloprcsenta- tucs Allen, of Wayne, nnd Sttiobs, who hud cohio over froia tho Ilou?e, -m xue senators nnii persons iu the lobbies irathered nrmind tho Siieaker s chair and tho galleries rapidly rilled. Once tho tuair was inttrrupted to ratify soiuo billi, but the si'uin was lfsumod and continued on over an hour. At 2;i7 the Senate adjourned. TiiKTiorsii i irrr-THir.n hay. in tne nouse a bill was introduced to nutho:ize tho t'orporttion (.'ommission to assess rail wavs. telerapu, telephone linos, c. Bnls, steamboats, cipreas companies. sleopinj: car comi'aaies, car trtv-t ecru 1 an ics or other transportation compa nies which lnvo escaped taxation. A resolution was pasted to take a recess at noou Wednesday nutil July .Mb, U'OO. An omnibus liouor bill prohibit tho calo of liuuor within two miles of a larse number of churches roed, as .lid the bill to codify the business laws of too State, l lie bill to appro priate tire thousand dollars for a li brary ami jrvninasiutu at tho State Xor Mai and Industrial College at Greens bcro. was rnssed. The House went into the election of an insurance com rai?ioner. J. Kichard Younjr. of Vauce u-'Hntv, was elected, for corporation commissioners. Franklin McXeiL bam ucl L. Holers andKupeno C lioddinfr- tiold were elected, receiving - votes, l'or members of tho State board of electious tho following were elected WiNr n (J. Lamb, Walter H. Xeal. IS. l. ''Iwcr. W. U. Pollard. J. D. McNeil. Democrats; Cicero H. John on. ToouliDt and Ilepublicau. Ihu next buiiDcss was the election of bo cf the ('riminal Court. Do3sey I5a,;ie was elected judge of the Lantern '-od Henry 1. Stevens of tho Western Circuit, each receivius (14 votes. M. O. Sheirill was elected State Librarian cettinir 02 votes. C. C. Cherrv was elected keeper of the capitol,bot.h thea oem- second elections', br.t at Iis-t in Koier form. The followiu were elected trustees of the ncirro Asricnl- tuial aad Mechanical College at (ircensboro: W. J. Williams, of Pitt; V. V. lion?, of Kowau; J. Y. Joyner ana a. Scales, of tluilford; Geo. I. Innlp, of Stanly; M. C. S. Noble, of Orange; J. 1. Currie. of Moore. Foushee introduced a bill to appropri ate ?30,000 la thia year and a like om for next year for the niaiutsnanoe of tit raaitentiary. A bill f ancd to al low tit C.p Fear 4 Xorthtrn Kaiired p fitted iu list froa ay point a tlxe Cipt f$ar rtT to rtyttttTilli or to 61 t9 J'.l there piaces, and to allow it to build branch lines, not over 'J milos in lfcn;tb, nnii to increase its capital to FlfTVM?riTn Da v. A recintior. was introduced in tLe" Hcnie provwin that Piobeit II. Jone:4, who iui-ultcd Leprenentative Powell in the capitol rotauda, by tiid before the bar of the HoQ for ctittui.t. 'Ihe reso lution was indefinitely postponed. Tho trouble arose over i'oweil not votii.' for Jon-s for a place, the lloase ranged a bill providing ir a ptattifl of Vance and alut reue 1 to concur in the St ua'o aincmlinent strik ing from too revenue bill tho tax ou the cro8 e.iriinur-i of milroiiiis. Con frees were appointed. Appropriatiora f-r the State lastitutious were passed. There was interesting discussion by Overman and Craig in ap port and F.outUreo aaimtt the bill to require outomatic couplers to be placod on all trains. Council faid the lull was practically reaffirmation cf opinion of tho Supreme Cjurt. An amendment .was ollercd to make the date July o next. Overman opposed tbif, saying he c osired it to take elTet instantly. Tho amendment was lost and t'ue bilL parsed by an ovtrwhelm iucr vote. Firrv-i n ru Day. --The House met at 10 o'clock with a fairly jjood attend ance. The band of tho clock wore turned back half au hour. A few bills pushed. A bill to appropriate JD for ventilating the hnll of the Senate and House was tabled. Mr. Patterson, of Koboson, was called to tho chair and Mr. Overman, in his happiest f tyle, i resented to Speaker Conner, n behalf of all the members cf the House. solid silver tea servico. "IhUo it home with you." he said, "as a testimonial of your faithful service. You bavo wou lasting regard and esteem of all thu membors of this ilon.-e. Yon have added another tdar to your crown." There was great applause from the floor and galleries. Speaker Connor, iu accepting tho;ift, tail this was the proudest moment of his hfo. He ex presFod his pride nud pleasure at hav ing wou the regard of every member of th'J House. ll said the lluiiso had discharged its ouoroiiH iluties and dono its ruon imentul work ably, zealously and w-!l. Ho was heartily applauded at the conclusion cf h which were made in a most feeling wtyle. A resolution was adopted giviug the t'lerk:i ami employees 81 extrai'or night work. Another resolution thanked the newspaper correspondents for their ac nrato and impartial reports. A very handsome Coquet was sent to Spoaktr Connor by tho lady touchers nt I'eace Instil uto. Mr. ALbjtt offered a resolution appro priating SlO't for tho cxpeu'.es of the funeral of any member of the Legisla ture w ho die: from tsicknoss now suf fered, rnd .hat this amount be payable to Ilex llotpilal, Raleigh. Tb's was intended to cover tlio case of i'eprc- pentativo Trotmun, who i3 dyiair at that hospital, of pneumonia. The Speaker appointed tho following 12 commissioners to represent .North Caro lina ut Iho Paris euposition: John S. Cnnuingham, John C. Drewery, Joseph A. Holmes, T. I. Kruuer. Cbanes i. Johnson, J. L. Gurrie, W. 15. Council, Clayton Giles, Julian S. Carr, Nathan O Perry, J. D. Murphv and James A. P.rvan. Alternates: II. C. Wail, John Wood, Fred A. Old.-". Fred Philips, W. P.. Odell. J'. H, Hanes, D. i. Cooper, Ashley Home, ( buries W. Worth, J. S. Westbrook, M. C. loms and Hush Chatham. At 11-10 actual time, and lt:l by the inucii hurrasfcit clock, the peudulum of the latter was stopped. Pending Clerk Wilson iu behalf of the Housu em ployes, presented a cane to llepesenta tivo iJoushail. His speech was a neat one and Mr. Bor.shall'a speech of ac ceptance was in happy style. Keeper of the Capitol C. C. "Cherry gave his bond and was sworn in. At 1:1" the Senate and a great number of ladies came over in a body, headed bv Lieu tenant Governor lleynolds, and tilled all tho f-eats. Tho Speaker in a sjeech which brimmed over witn wit, wclconi edthem and extended the iVecdom of the House. Speeches were made bv Sena tors Glenn and others. At 2 o'clock the Sneaker made thefarewell address, and at 2:0 tho Hou:e adjourned until Tuesday after the second Monday in June, VM0. ispouker Connor, in clo.'inu: the lious sai.tiupart: "Ibis Gem-rul Assembly met C-4 ilays ago. charged by the, peopie of the Stato witn a comnniou. tne tiTirs and meaning of which wre clear and unmistakable. Political conditions whieb havtj existed iinionc us had terminated in w biit miKht not inaptly be termed a pudtica) revolution ia tho Stiite. The election last November was the emphatic expression of a Used determination of the oeeulo of North Carolina that tbe peaeo Had welfare cf the neoplo for tt;o future demanded heroic treivl meut of tb suffrage ia:stion. Every mem ber of tlio anif.rltv of tbb ueuerai Assembly entered m.oi. the duties of tho session witti a recocEiuou ot tins laet and a determina tion to oerfcrui this t'.utv. There were of eiuirso differences ol opinion in regarato tne widest uud hesit manner of dealing with tbe nuestioE. TbePe differences ha-ve been Uis euss.Al fu'Iv, and mutual concessions have been -.wade, and alter loni: ana laborious et- f.irt-. the iutensitv of which will never be known, save b those who engaged in thoa., a common position was reuched, resulting in the nronosed amendment to the constitution. 1 imt it i unt nerfeet none know better or appreciate more fully tuan ourselves; that it is ttu best possible outcome of the situation w bcliivto be true. Wo" oUo believe it is the bajis noon which we may be able to build a safe, stable and intelligent system of suf frage in this Stat-. Wo submit it to the peo ple for their ratification. 'Mauy other important find perplexing question commanded our attention. The care of tho State Institutions educational, charitable and pennl--has received our best attention, and we feel that those selected for their control and management measure up to the hii-'beat staudnrd of competency and fl irlity. No n an has been elected by tbis General Assembly to any position of lionor or trust for which tbo j-eople of tho stato or of tho Democratic party will llDd occasiou foi apology. The inaeh-vex?d question of providing i-y law for separate cars for the races was more complex and difficult to deal with than the verar citizens thought. V.e trust the people will accept tno resiiit arrived nt ns a basis tor something more satisfactory, after two years' Tor the tlrst time ia our history the honses ot the General Assembly in joint ses sion have been caded upon to exercise judi cial functions la bearing evidence and passing up'Mi the removal of public of licers the SVU.'on ease. The terms of law under which we proceeded were far from clear, and the procedure new and untried. That tho members were discharging judicial duties involving determinations of questions of law and fact was conceded by alt; that in the discharge cf the&e duties each member acted in the capacities of judge and juror nd was reuuird upon his oath and his honor to return true verdict and judgment ia equally clear. Whatever the citizens of the State may think of the result arrived at. it is clear that the controlling representatives of the people making it their duty to give ex pression to the will of their constituency, eould net control in thl3 matter: that the im position of such duties upon tbe Legislature is unwise and contrary to fundamental prin ciples of our form of government, which provides for separation cf legislative, execu tive and judicial functions, is admitted, and we have removed tbo provisions, therefore, from our statute books. In dealing with the finances of tne State we have endeavored to be conservative and economicil. That there is among onr pea- v. Id an industrial awakening is ebown by the larjie number of ouurters for such enter r,n',i-rt we ha?o teea coiled coon to enac inter enact fstd Jw, It U c satter w?U worth careful iicniiarsuco, wfct&; tfjM aouj set ca to hccrovetse&t ia taegsfesral law proridiaf f.-i thallium rmritlsn cf Dfl'tati I'oscanlM r aoi Aisoclfttlofll, tBfity saving much tun, tU n cf j uUi': tffaur. Tt- Jsrge icctf cii'irt-ri! f.jr 'itics uD-i tf.WD mvl to ua In. in li?I-r-ijt i-4-tior.s cf IL htala .bow a K l.i a'.lhy !r.f:r'--.t anions the eopi in rejeard to j to' of tuunii-ipal Kovertitn-nt. I fcavt DotLltnf raid or too which aid ad- vtfi': XV,- be-t lutTtrsU ot tli htat;. i.jf,;i:it our wort to fair and jast -oa-v fHti'jii of our I'uu.-tituency, wtio t-ooCJM t h:zfrl tin-i bet political luier- '. WuUbut rearl to p'lrty or rjlitl'Nl lirf n v," r4-artt srp.ij t.cutt but k j .-tiy f..,ut:ruoi.-. Tiic at'.eL(3aace ha t.u'iMiully ,. A i.uiober of zw;:n-''-f p Lii- fiets;il by K'kaefs. oti !.- -it i! ath'rt Ci.x.r. Icr tim ltvt tluse lu h ui'; t. n'Mury tim General Aiaem '!y of Noitli r.iroUuii ha iu-t u now riulvt- uiljourn. Vdt r?ions deeoDed .vij- to , biv , as tli" roi.sututloa pro-!iP'-we r:Kiy do. ai;lrifiited to adiouru lot'iy. In ..--c-rUiini'H. therefore, with the i-ini r'foiution of th two houses, I be re by ! '' H(.uo;i Jjyurai'd tu tb rxDd fuv.iilay )n . I .i.'ii-. l'jljd.'' THL .NEW ELLCTI0N LAW. An Oulbn.' of the Principal Provisions by Sections. Tiie new election law is in its main features a -opy of the law iu furoe previous to 1B5J5. The bill provides: 1. 1 bat the eieetluu fur Bloto aud county oftb'ers Mhail be held on the first Thursday in Aug iat and every tivu years thereutter. 2. That there hhali bo a Stato board of eieetion eonip'sd 'f live persons elected by i.ej!ature ior a term or two years. 3. That ther ti;;d ti a county ioard of eeetioriM e"tisbMni; ot tbreo persons, ao- p.-.lntO't by tbo State b-ard fur a term of two years. 4. I hat Stutei.uj.ird or elections snail meet ia Kal?igh the ilrst Monday in JJa. ;iid orgaui.o by electing one of their number chairman and another socrotary. Another meeting shall be held on thu llrst .Monday in April in each election vear. Bpecial meetings may Ik; called when necessary. Jr'or tiieir services' tne ooara snail receive i a day an t traveling expenbes. 5. That the cutiutv boards shall appoint sii rei.-trars ana ju igLi oi election. Jlem- bers of the county boards may ho removed by tiie state boat a and the county board iu turn may remove any registrar or judg ol election. ti. That county boards unlit meet not later than tiie flr5t Monday iu 3!ay for organlza tion, and fur dividing tb counties into nre- etnets and fixing iiidling places. 7. That before tho next general cicclion there hliail b an entirely new registration. Among questions to bo naked applicant is whether bo has listed nts poll lor taxa tion for the current vear in which ho ap plies lor registration, ana lor tuo year next preceding. And if any applicant ahall falsely swear It lias listed los poll fur taxation, he r ha!, pe gumy o: icrjuryand puuisnel ivi prescribed by law. s. int the rgissration books snail be pt open for twenty days and closed on the second Saturday belor the eleetiou. Ou en ;li Saturday daring this period the regis trar shall go to tuo polling place to register i-otes. Uu hU'-n cins tho boolts isuau bo for inspection by voters of the precinct i nere stian no no registering on election dav, but voters may bo challenged. 'J. That on or tjforo the iirst Mondny in .luivtno count v ooara unaii appomt two judges of election for eaeu. precinct. 10. That to jirnvent disorder as maav as turee spocuu oineers may bo appointed bv th.i registrars and judges of election. 11. 1 hat there siihII bo one ballot for all State officers, one for justice of the Supremo to art. one inr meiaoers oi it ucuorai As aonibly, one for county olFiccrs usd one for twn-ihip oilicers. That ail bultots for each of these classes of officers shall be same size on white paper and without device, . The size oi the ballots must bo proscribed bv tbe Stab board ot elections1, llckets in tne wrong box saau not do co inteu. 12. That the .neinoers of tbs several boards ot election shall constitute tho board ot county canvassers, which thall meet at the court house tho second day after the elec tion, canva-s the returns and declare the re sult at tho court house door. Tho reroaindor of the act provides for can vassing toe returns for Stato officers, Con gressmfcs and electors, prescribes oenaltv for performance of the duties prescribed for u racers or tno election, aud makes other gen Krai regulations ot elections. Brief Mention. The Pennsylvania Legislative prob ers into ihe bribery charge in connec tion with the McCarrell jury bill brought out more sensational testimony at Wednesday night's meeting. Xo one will die a. result of the ri oting in which the men of the Eighth Immune (colorsd ) Regiment engaged in Chattanooga, Tenn. , but half a dozen people injured will be luid tip for ey- eral mouths. Thomas Douaide-on, of Bath F.each, Lout: Island, known tho world over as a champion high diver, dove from the roof of Madison Square Garden, New York, into a tank less thai S feet deep. a distance of tSo feet, with probably fa tal results Welcome A. Ilotkin. husband of Cor nel'a A. Jiotmn, convieteci ol tne mur der of Mrs. John II. Dunning, of Do ver, uei., turougu tne agency o: poi soned candv, sent through the mails. has applied for a divorce m Sen r rau cisco, CaL, on the ground that his wife Lad been convicted ot a feiony. Dr. Bigelow, assistant chemist of lha Agricultural Department, has accom panied the beef inquiry board to Chi cago as a scientific expert attached to the board. Hewill chemically exam ine samples of all the beef inspected by the boards, and oa the completion of the inspection trip will report the results oi nis analyses nrouS& me j Secretary of Agriculture to the board. Vigilance Committee for Tacoma. Citizens of Tacoma. Wash.. indignant at the many recent robberies and hold ups, held a public meeting and decided to form a vigilance committee. Tho polico department was denounced as incompetent aud a citizens' patrol or ganized. It was deoided that all sus picious characters most leavo the city. Dr. Ta'ma;e Resigns Eev. Dr. T. DeWitt Talmae, who for nearly four years has been the pas tor of the First Presbyterian chut eh at Washington, has sent a letter to tha session of that church tendering nis resignation. Soldiers Hunting Sbade. , The temperature at Manila Wednes day at 3 o'clock was 7 degrees, bat the cloudy air was Jil;e steam and the troops were greatly inconvenienced on the line in spite of the temporary shade afforded by matting the bamboos wher ever feasible. There wero fewer pros trations, however, from the heat. A vast quantity of rock, overhanging the village of Bucuerja, near Aibaceto, Spain, iu the province of that name, fell, destroying many houses and kill ing: 11 too pie. An Important Decision. The United States Court of Appeals at Cincinnati has rendered a decision in volving the title to the large publishing house at Dayton, numerous colleges and thousands of churches held in the name of the Church of the United Brethern iu Christ. The decision sus tained Judge Taft in giving the prop erty to the Liberal faction of that church, as against the liadicala. F.ritUU trade, L c tbo sale of Brit k:n manufactures abroad, is shrinking to a rat &o rapid as to amount to a collapse. Tiia lost markets aw itas la vb&t propostioa it it act TJp tibia iftytt AiEWU&at tad ESUME Of 118 I S Classified List of the More Impor tant acts OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Toe Maxnificeat Sncwi-X the Stale HUket in f b Departments of f datJ-'ioo aa J Coo rotrie as Showa by N ScUoels and Business Enterprises. Below wc give a classified list of the more important legislation paused by the General Assembly: CUAKbES IS TllK COSK. To amend section 04 o! the Code and chapter 13!, laws of ISSli. as to uue at pater nit v. lo amend section y,buij o. tueoue as to indx of deeds aud otner docu ments. Tu amend section S,t?v5 of the Uode a to government of nties aud towns. As to election of justices of tnj peace. As to bankruptcy. To amend fcect.ou l.-Wo of the Cade, making cruelty and abaiidonxu out cause for divorce. To amend section 2, 14 1 of tue Code aa to reatoratiou of tne riguts ol citi- zenshio under certain eircuui-taaces. To amend section o,04 of the Lode. relative to register of deeds. To amend section 61t tf tho Code as to proceeding id quo warranto. To amend section of Vbe iort aa to widows' allowance. To repeat section 1,833 of theCode a3 to buying and eel hug pretended rights and titles. To amend section 2,0T of the Code, compelling sheriffs to return proceBaei issued by a justice or tho pe;ioe. To amend sections VJ'i ana xi oi me Code as to removal of causes. To amend section 'J,llj-i of tbe Lode as to probate of wills. To amend section 2,320 of the Cone as to spread of splenetic fever. To section 4 vl the l.ou as to returns on executions. To amend section t'& of the Code as to commissioners of affidavits. To amend' section ii,42ti of the Code as to the u-so of Dutch nets iu Carteret count v. To amend section 3.747 of vjo Uuue concernmif time lor elecuou oi muni cipal oflicers. To amend section 3.C4 of the Code as to indexes to mortgages, deeds, etc. in registers ofSce. To amend sections aud 2,228 of the Code concerning tho institution fox the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind. To amend section 2,810 of the Code as to imnounums a toot running at large. XJENS AX MOI.TGJ.t-ES. To amend chapter bo", Public Laws ol Ib'JT, regulating the probata and regis tration of crop liens. To provide a short form of crop lien and reduce fees. To provide a short form of crop lieu in Johnson, Iredell aiul Columbus counties. To espnntre defects ia records ol wills in Pamlico county. Kelaticg to negotiable instruments and codifying the law relating thereto. Kelatmg to probate of wills. To provide for the-cros idexing oi wills. To validate registration of certain conveyances. JJ'PBOVRA XIOJCS. To make appropriations to the State Hospitals for the Insane. For the maintenance of the State's Prison, appropriating 3-0,000 annually for two years. To appropriate $10,0D annually for support of SoldierV Home and o.OOC for repairs. To appropriate 85,000 to provide fot the insane aud inebriate Croatan In dians. To appropriate $47,000 to the school for the Deaf and Dumb at Morgauton For the benefit of the Deaf, Dumt and Blind Institutions. To provide for improvement at State formal College. To appropriate $100,000 to tha pub lio schools of North Carolina. To provide a (sewerage aysm for the Agricultnral and Mechanical College. To provide water works and sewerage for tne State I niversity. COUETS AND THE XDUIO-fABT. District Changes: To amend chapter 156, Acts of 1395, putting Northampton in llastera Crim lunl Circuit, . To abolish western criminal conrt To establish the eastern district criui inal court To supplement the law as to court; of the ninth district and the westerc criminal court circuit. To abolish the criminal court com posed of McDowell, etc To establish western district crimi nnl court. To change the time of courts in tht 12th judicial district. To change the time of holding supe rior court in Franklin county. To regulate time for holding snperioi courts for Cabarrus and Montgomery counties. lo regulate tne noiaing ot court in Randolph eountv, To change the time for holding courts of 12th judicial distriet. To regnlate the time of court a in the 10th judicial district, To regulate the Holding ci snperiaz courts in tne sixtn district. As to February term of court for Craven county. To change the time of holding courts in Y rison county. To increase the number of terms oi court in Pasquotank county. To change the time oi courts in Union and Stanley conn ties. To change the time of holding tha spring term of Ashe Superior court. To abolish second week of May term of Vance superior court. To supplement the laws as to spring term of Craven court. To abolish the February term of Madison county court. Sundry. . To permit juuement by default at criminal term of Durham court. In relation trials by justices of the peaoe in New Hanover county. Relative to costs in suits in justice of ol tne peace courts fa xiew xianovex county. To restore concurrent criminal juris diction to the courts of Warren county. To regulate the time of drawing jur rors.'. To provide for the appointment of a joint committee in regard to court's. As to removal of cases ' from one C county to another. To provide for proving tova ordi nances on appeal from Mayor's court To. amend chapter 109. Public lavs Of 1897, aa to trial of civil actions. To regulate quo warranto proceedings ia Tvliich the title to oiSoa is involved, to mat t&tjvx lilt el Xt7 Site- tr of Sur:rerx.e court LauJlug. To aandttesct gcttrnm- th fcrd of iateraal Iujprovtani. To )ci a Jxpr of th ' t.Uul. To lec: Stu Loti J of EicvUbt. Agricuitura: i'o repeal ha; ter S, Ls of l7 aud to iorgaaiiM tho Agi.caiturai De partment To suppieta at tt law itt za'wt. the Agiicultural D artssut leslsttxtg to Xl itKirgniZall?T. .f tie Agrtcui:tirvl Dt .-artxaekt. Joint roiut.on to ar;oiet a coaiiuit ler. tu nouiicatn m Lourd o! A f ric dtui. Rcolutioa tw elct member of tie Ioiird of Agricultcr. Sixteen educatiouai instiUttiona wera iaeorporated. and four hU their fhu terA mended. There were char:is rattcl to IS radroads; and 1 CiiMi wre amended. Tweatv-six LaiiLi wsre 'incorpor ated. " Fifteen insu.ranoi vompaaie wcio incorporatfcd and one amended. lour mid and nianufactu; mg ea.r- prises were lncorporaVI and six chr ter amended. There were 1? s'.oia-o i cuipsi.s iu ccrporated, fcn.i . r.e charter rep.-..ieit. There wero six nets panned retail v to road ami bridge coLinmii-3. Bcurteen c?inrt-ra weie giMutt-d to religious, charitabio aud ednc&tional asuociatioiia, oco charter amended aud cue refunding ul tax Six private coipcratioa were in cor- i atd, one amended, one for rt-iivf, and . one to ivjrnut chage of naino. 1 lwecty-six towns rv iiiearriiti. and til biiU passed ilativ e to amend mest and repe; of charieis; hiAz uoj'-ed to allow tire twixs to change tkeii' Dailies Thirtj'-two town wvie granted au thority to Lnue bond 4 for achool pur poses. Xiao towns wero granted anthorlty to establish graded reboots. Bills t Assed providing tru sloes for eight educational institutions. Seren new cciiocl district were es- tttHiShfcJ. Nino school claims were ollowe-J. Tw elve county lines wero changed. Eleven other Liil relative to county legislation were parsed. -Nineteen biils were leased rula'.ive to justicts of tn peac-xi, county com missioners and other county legisla tion. Pleven bil! i dati ve to the coliocvion of taxes and relief of aherins were passed. i Twenty -eight cnatica ar.d two tou-: ships were granted authority to levy special tax and lcr bond issue. " ! Forty road and bridge bills were paseed. Forty-one bills relative to pensions, claims were passed. CXCXAliSlFLD Ot'KHltAI. LAWN. To make Labor Day (September 11th) a legal holiday. Ihe anti-trust bill 'for the punish ment of pools, trusts and combina tions. " To compel vagrants t& work on pub lic roads. To abolish the railroad commission. To create the corporation coin mis sion. I'o create the Bureau of Labor and Printing. To protect water supply. To make it a misdemeanor to beat one s way on a tram. '1' .1., . .- ,t I. .- j. j xoumt3 ma ituitj oi Minwiyji 1 jurors. : To allow the penitentiary to hire able bodied convicts to nine counties, Meck lenburg, Alamance. Rowaa, eta 1 he revenue act (taxes same as levied in 1SD7. Forty-three cents on property Si. 29 oa the poIL ) The machinery act To encourage the ue of wide-tired vehicles by i emitting half the road tax or labor. To give the University water-work. the Agricultural and Mechanical Col- ego at lvaieigh 6eweruire aud the Nor mal and Industrial College at Greens boro a gymnasiam and library. lo give power to tax and regtilato telephone companies. - lo repeal set giving dead bodies ti medical schools. To prevent foreign corporations from transferring cases from State to Federal Courts, by requirring them to domes ticate tnaniseiea. To put the public printing iu control cf a committee and to make Edward A Broughton and FL M. Uzell pubbc printers. To provide u separate eluction law for counties, torw nahii, cities and towns. To appropriate SI 6. 000 for the State Guard, .50 to each company, with provision for encampment 2io negrooa to be enlisted aa long as there are white troops. To create the county of Scotland. To amend tiie constitution as to suf frage. To be voted on in August liXl-.i. Tho election law, providing August elections for State officers. To incorporate the State's prisou, abolish office of superintendent and put all power ia hand of executive board, which alone can receive and disburse money, no matter whether the courts hold that the office of superin tendent yet exists. To authorize publication of sketches of North Carolina reg:mnU iu the civil war. To take from the Governor and give to the board of .internal improvements appointment ;f State proxv and direc tors of Atlantic t North Carolina Rail road. To protect boarding house keepers by giv- uik mem a uen on ooggage. To pay tbe oyster war rat. t claim sgaiun :be State (for 15 f.tKiU.) To authorize tbe railroaJ eonsDit-sion to assess all property whien may nave esoapei taxation. To protect oattle frcac splenic lever. Te estaiiliili aad protect true mervliaa Eoaumcnts at the various county sAto. Eesolution?: Declaring iu favor ot the election cf Uaihstl States Senator by the peo ple. Askiag Congress to pay depositors in the defunct Freedman' bavin Lank. rDansvag Capt. ghiAn and the erew of the cruiser iUile.'gh. Authorizing tne 7oni Cagely statue to be piaaed ia capitol equsre. Appropriating C3 tKXi for the stance ot . it Vance. For the appointment of 12 comsii sioners to represent North t aroUiA at the Parts Exposition. The appropriations mode are a follows: Public school" 100,000; State's prison, SuO. 000; Lilnd and Deaf UaVi School at lUloigh, 67,500; leafiIfito School at Horganloc. fjOi.OK); Central Ilc-spital for tbe Insane, ?o7,000; Wefetero Hospital. 8100,000: Eastern Hospital, Hi.Q'jQ; Agricultura! and Mechani cal College, at Raleigh, f 12.600; Oyster claims. U.9S3: Soidicra' Home, 15,000: State University . &32.S0O; State Nonnl and Industrial College, at Greensboro. 30,060; state uoaru. i6,uuu; V aace monuuient, 5.000. Toe expenses of the Legislature era esti mated at &,000. DlSPENSAKFLa At towns of Greensboro, Madison. Clay to a. LitntOB. Betnei ana smunneia. For conn- ties of il icon, Warren and Columbus. To abolish uispnusary of Bladen county. To permit the people cf Morgauton to rote ou dispecsory question. To prescriho division of promts of ltutherford's dispeasary, 6H I liquor ts Cherukee u protibei. rfuw4 mi on i mm He Reviews Some c( thr Imf-OfUM J I J Mca:ures Passe AGHtAT WORK ACC0VPLISHD. j J The B'y a Kfnfj.. lata:.: hi m Us fl-. ' txa f 0ffcrs. j V . tv- . . , . -iu ci-i :u m.i .iia i aro:. it i-.. . ttr ..-quaiiitsd iU w i j le I.e2i-;tct tlau Jau. ii. I'ttt. . Demccrati hairuiaa ! lf.i-; ..'. ... . f,ti. vui.i,.jiuij, y. 1.1 i .1 . . , 1 . 1 -ii i.iiii..; UICj I I Vedne-tiav ua:ti Jimu vt acxt er c I compin-ict w co" Uk. It w t pri-ied bL uicr t.cfatc.ry '. workttiaa ry mvy liimi Lrg. a'ui J It was rtarkoiti !n ttis Zei-ew.s ' it wa- ti.e Sv).t!.t tody f ' 'awuiakrrs etr hie: tJt m i rjeaiier wan ic;a t:tuaa osrt.: the :itire n et icb. It was U i.-rl tt rioaLcgi.-.l;-iro .a ic-jr.L I i.v.1 l wt-rk w.i deje nothing That oci e'l -v.ty Wa evn ia its irc'td'ug. I.sslly, 11 wn the tii-fct :tor i.'i l.?c-i-'Isturo nu.i it b.TjI' iiho.i ui tuus " over before done iu f, ,.u. Bv t'ie propoKod'-v.usit'ttitiii; t.ud-itM it niib.3i tL9 pt.S;.: ic make whii iaprco-Aiy ; truj .iet.t : t.ey ovu.uo to io s.j. Jt ic.riraa.;'.- t tto u- rioui Instituu!'. ar.d Otj artmviiU. I Iir.r-id.- tbe CiVh -i,"-:ie!! ir. -i: rf t- I l-tgiriatii:a, a Las m.iitin'.ii'i- 1 lr cf w is lawr. It L4t .t'.i'.-.Se J j ... Dcprti.ut 1 1 h-t cii j,. i j, lird all the;ce laws cl lue Mti fcuu L.hs ainplilitM Ificsi law i.ku. r."-v in this cla-ss id lc;;.felsiiOu Ncrtii Car j lliia is abreast cf tbe nut ptiitunw S title and pro icciiou ait-t- the vt o3n fiwm tl. -bosket an iusoi yr-nt icsu r2tc coapasiej is assured. i'h pro bate law fif tbe btale h-vi lei care fully ocltatod u::d can heicaiter te found in one chpttr. T-a a:ue in ; ioviueut is raada x to tnw regard ing meeuaaici' lions. Now tuoe are rare.'uliy collated. Tac reiL'ti hab been purjued with roicard to the law cf negotiable :z.uuujen'.s( the new law, l.ktwire ia one 1 hn; ::, being admirably drawn and .r Str ing North Carolina izXo hue wan tho commercial iSlsia. The same Lai Leon done as to ih iLau:ty iaS i.'ie ra-lroa l cmu-ifiisu wt is enlarged and iu far more efJic.antfoim; j mo ix-i:ai.c car in, xair iu ma lo;i. 1 and tho railroad, ssd without abolich tug second cles rates; the Maty Guaid is provided for and for tho Hist time the oiil was supported by all pni-.-i. The new election law is a gnat wirk and there ia what has all the while rKr. needed, that 1 a separate law for elec tions iu towns. Cit;e?, couutes stt townships, 'the Agricultural Depart ment ia re-orgamzad audatllswa relat ing to it codified aud it is given po wr t esteblish au ctuigraUon bureau arid elect a couiuti.iu&er therefor. Ihe school law it very complete. 1 he toxu ship is the un.t, but ltd old eysteaiof a committee for each school diMrict ist- tr tibliLfed. The school uulLuiitles are Ptiuitted tu aporttcu be fuuds uu $ iu give each tace cho:ls ot the r.4 length of term, but they are permitted to take into consideratiuii tha fact that negro teachers ran bo employed St much lts thai whito teaoh ers and thus tiiey awav with tne wa-to ol giving negro toach ers higher salaries than nccewry It is profoab!4 tit the adoption of this rcction of the school !tw was the rtt dui-euient not to aU&pt tha fcu2di.4ftrit to the constitution prope..,t ;& tUi Stulj&s tducatu.,al bill, vhich really luLJi.t negro mune)' only f-r i.egro frchouh, which hat a favorable com mUtce report and laaby atror. ar PwrtsM in tLo Legiitaturr. The i?v euuo law i-i probably tuo best ever enacted. It ws the pohcy of U:e franicrs of the Saw to aUrsr no piece cf proerty to esca; taxation but net to t&2 a single piece twice. A number of j vexatious taxes were abolished, enoh : as the inheritaLce tax r.z l t:e im -cbant' purchase tux. The rat l.-jn ' piuperty aiid poll lcroaius praotikViily ' what it boa heretofore beea, )e! cot wtihstjndisg the fact that the legisla ture appruprs&iei r;i-),'hJ:J ancul!y to tht pcaitentiary to ml it ou its feoi again and mdu libtral appropria tior.s to all th-j ictitcticns wh.c needed them ajl lviuccd x.o annual apFropria'.on" to asy Insti tution the Legislature wim enabled to appropriate Si'SWi tv the catncica schools of tho .v.atc, in ui-lition to tL usual talcs levied for their sanpJi t.snd &ctx:ls thia vtar iu toost counties ought to l-c 01 a full four ixiup'hJ. for the fie.i time ia the Lutoiy of the Siata. In i royiding let the future educationfil quahh?otio3 for antfiag, the S.a.s Lai iieady Ixagun tu impio;e it eJica f.onal to tueet that recaiiw meut. The Leeirdatnre au'-hoiizod a bond iifcUfl of $110,C to p for ihe deficiency cf tho penitentiary, and :t Las authorize! thu itsuect ?:y7 ii fcends for the purchs-iecf c;iti-i leased farms which the SVte hi a'tcady greatly impraveJ. The interest chire on xiivfa bends fails upou tho peniten tiary and not tne State and ia caly about half thersntalcf tbe land. The ore a few of the impcrta&t suvjetrts treated by the legislature within Ci day. In the election c! oSLrers its wis-dom was again tnaniieet. For railroad it elected n &b!e lawyer, a competent business cun ar.d an excel lent farmer representing the tcree sec tions of the State its ocsimercis! metropolis, its great agricultural le!t and tbe trans-montane i eg: on, as yet so undeveloped. For Insurance oom- mi"iioner it elected a thorough busi ness aud exrer; iosnianoe xnaa. Its choice of CsmmisMoaer cf Agriculture and of Labor Commisicner - are excel lent, the Labor Comn-issicter beiig the most popular man iu the Stata with wr&asized iabcr. Work oa the new cotton mill at Weldon ia progressing rapidly. Hr. W. T. Shsw. president of the com pany, has left for the North to pur chase machinery. During a terrific storm at Salisbury, the greater part of the roofing of the Salisbury Roller Mill wa lifted off and a quantity of brick from the walls of the Central Hotel were blown oft. The recruticg station in fialsigh, for the regular army, will be open shortly. Men from IS to S3 will be enlisted, if sound. The Slate claim of f38,000 for Stats Guard property used by the volunteers, is practically allowed. There are now 1,033 State convicts ad 192 Federal; convicts ia Raleigh. The number of State convicts dwindles steadily. It is expected . that counties will take 209 or mora atste canvic. f JUS XJWn OUSMTU OtOWOf CI USUI Hx. DsBial Eaord Broiro, cf Earn st-ytetos. iiiBiRKisiOHi. If a-jv. witf JlijH rtf(5 abcuiJ bet b ra r-ts 1 . alo why tb nfi-. r--.l ft- t.l Xtit S.-t;.U itt L ilwcd : ' ! a: e i: 4 .t oa tt J v"l - carc Air !.. tj s.e ris it th a.e tv ... ta it'i3j:i rf:dtc i -.--. r l v f I. W c m r f t.e ii.r.iHi, 1 prvt t.a. a rc' -i o j i 9 ui t; i - . . . . .. v. t' C9C1.&WOI.S iui'.i-a S J : m pJ loca. fit ot tfttj ral Tt - 1 Xx ... t -rth f. K mJ t.:c- to .b- a. Li itru.aa-- :tg e.w.r. vl.i tu, t . t cvd:t.eJL o rtta. ; 1 air L4?!.,ttr, Lit: uve .. , , . . tr.ei tu uw 2 lu "TO i"i c&:& "'.rw'. r a U. M idk tt'-ut tL 1 lio tori c t?0C tf fch:-i mil l-S ItlkiT J'l.t btTot lla In'lm ' Lie ii. 1 w. 1 f a-.. ; tvc.'o i-t iu b-. .,i he; t ik-u as .t 'ii4 tr tt 1 iooe l?ij tui !.. t'.k ! rc-k t .t .-l g ,. 'tat! trokce tht w-. ris.t cf ti. fa '!!. IL: S.i-ltl, g S o ;rf. ii : ti, fi -..u. ..'. 4 f right at 1 ru; '.iia Ci li, :t ' le'. thXt.? c, u I 1 . ,h ? 41 I i.rri.k.t.g 'A m (-'.Ui 1.. . 1 La tia u . ! overtkr r v --r s'rt: :t- ! X-J cf H l.l.U 'rctt: f 'J. V; sni . a Kli latirtwl. ao r'T: u j I tr;i'.r, w:tr u: rtir.U .tt. J. P. 1 WVo'it. were vr:i t n the ftn. at.. i 1 - .. ..- 1 , - iJ w r i&. ;M vit,.u.f. ! t::ea .kUtits str tally t dSi4t: I a-d tUrca .tl Lr. i.tra :sp.m U.r tvtc ut 1 'ill, pfl.J l'i LC!.ti::g 'H'..'i ifj tioitil Jie.', aittVt 15 Si i'.rl hH'. !f i..ui.::; of !aI ttfL'. itiiT t-i coia to -Ta. vii.a 4 n tna f.'i 1 !-r trai 1 a id iro ,nt o irth Ifr-tt'll rua-.'Sy tftti---r.. h f 1-1 r .i ilt tram !!, be rr!4"J rjr-.ii U t'ri liim lu :?:.!:. iiefs I cTiforthtj i.rrci!. tiearlr a:u:'. 4 lhl a liltii ti r 1 1 li'-io trait.. bill Mr. itj -tcnt-.tSaka ts u.--t to ! t jfD a l I a;c i n.wi L'.la lliZ Irivl.e Mr. John "4-x u v o u 1 g, 4.. iC, i at coias ie ever b j v. i..a tr,.Mc L i of Dfl o tb t-cantv s.'il. !!! a-i lATKti.y lu frrt.liicrs i.v! c:fo3, ' w 1 - . - . j .g ou w ten bfa'-t t Ua, unab: t. c-c i icitivtif t It 1 x . prrlit 1 Ut oUi:alln . liu vr 40 ver u in! a a rti..vrt it rih taon-y 4r -'ur life, aa I i-osirg ip i tbia lico he uce very tttr r.:!e::i;ir tw tiitls with ivad. girinc . urL,.. t bullet btie Ihrccgh L;L-at t Sum oa the tZutj atfrr j fi urn the eifc at Mr. li. c.r-.;'. i idler mill. Nctl 'is; yi at 4,1, 11 the matter uut.l Cbirf rf Tc;'.r ixct arrcstad Bud Pea-. yoi-n ngr boy. At lit the boy 1ku- chai4 e. bu "h."y l i t.i. bj tol'i h-4 wttre !, Viu'j tui t. 1 A ii-a.J "avL 4t.:t.if.:Lk; 2-i wc! '4l.v4, r tioilsr and :tny-f found aficirart!4 fjJ cfli-er. it tLjf-gt - 1- .- n a C ;:. ua ta utili Ct H. . Ci-er, : CLr; tr, J.t u , tiaardta tha ti-ut a t !r e :.. l:.-t vryrttetiwo'tiis rui l d t'i'-;j Jiid, which ia tu it?!! .' ,J i .t;'it. j and to co-t abuct 11 : a . s Ciui; th 1 e-ieo -1 Na. - Un :s ; iiiiiiiaa. w-ch m rturitig o. iu? n, wiih a ccKii-islc t-yi'pjjcr.t .f h.-j j ery for T,'''! n;isolc. Jtu i: tr . cist aboa: ij'.uii. ' i:cprcc:tta..v J. i n3t.i.. .: JIobbsviLe. (iC.5 CUu.r, :J I5i' . . . . . ... ... cay bigut ai tr.e .. tu i-r.r s -.. j II. Lody it tiktu 4... tee 1 i:t i - j an 4r.prc;r!ti'j:; t j .'tfra tb ! eir.sostet. Mr. Tr-tci. t;4iwi''; U di! cf pLeunon:i. In a rccnt app'ote iaiiwb i-!a the U. r4. heiiae "tc-. r-j onU 1 fir tif.i4; fcicl wt-tlc. Ij t'.ia ir...m. t.r'j Can-.'ins w;;t rc-f -n si -V.... I- ..i;Me.....ii,.! au eqail ei propria.! sj. w..l give ;: far XhA its Hlato $ht,xt tists year n,rttEl work. .. . ,... . - . . . . rrcucti 11 attS vt Lik:n. J The SUt3 mu?at44. Ias iccelrw en cotcf u from W.'m.o tor, tha desatis uZ J'lr. Cu-.ri-s tLitl'-CK. It :t vtT' 4i T v ti 41 a . a 4 a a aw a, j iie- and wi'.! r-eprapee-l aud a caity 4. foathie. 1 lav 1 hce spec- msaatcl ir:ui:si aires iy La t vrtoi at. b-z: j ttc ;m ncen received yes'et-lay is ) muu'h Letter o-s. : luarjatcir !cs cl mi.-.ul'.t tt f'-r Lis e-'Jotts sj ra-eaUh.i-hiag cor. WUV'&. JLi- retire ;t; t.ia'.ic.t lj wJI rlswt ltaa lis Uewis teu TCKiaaUl aad viih t-e pritiO-J X.. Mr. V. b.le. in r j .yiug ssi-l tie ucis ut- Jahen it is Lvlh-vi tat ee Fnperor'a grtccdyr trrtetl ivt.-di,ea-6 ill b8 sUmpoi cut ? rc-ardttr lt Jyail J:i ;g L4 as ex- ... XL Uea.ll tiX i3 tse irzct tuCfS f 14 tie State 1. oi iao:e oadt- tbs z..v reveace isw tLtxs it was uder fh old v n. The S'aie and concty u: i Vis-, ecaliy ;iiid. Chairsos li&'xaa, ct tke -in a co coramittre, ? that a city ctu Ikx? m zcitck :icre ta J. P.. Yo-g hat Ukrn the .aT!.'.f oflccastnrcrasCe oiiia!S:c3er ccf-n Jndge Brown an 1 teic-i cpot uztin. lie r; cnt cler'r, W illisra W. Wilson, cl Raleigh, who ws r-a J ig clerk of tbicwr ctue. The A. R. IV., cf Charlotte, wwilj eelabratei their rwnrt-fi.f'-aaau.vtris ry vf church &rgciilL. i. T. Lf ... i-Sheriff cf Halifax. Las tiled a petiuca in bankruptcy at JlaieigU, .wUt 4iabiuua agrgt.i.Lg $ljt Ova. Uscar J. spears, sealant tHUlci at cz9of. tsys all tse evidence in tn case of Oliver iXtt-tery ts. JoLn J). Bellamy froui tbe -aixth Axx'ut hx all been uiet." sod seat to the dcra; ci the Houee cf Ue;reaeataUvs. Ti...i... ..r. . has Lean signed br Fxiwards A 1- ... . 4 o vf r..i. ...1 ii savsa avaa ai tax aw.asa a ux, saw a.aav aar 1 w a4 Mam iaa r 4.IUU4IIW...B4..-4. 44 mno; gave bond. It is expected that wcrk will beers st an early dsle ub Gsb. Hoke's rsd road frosn Li&colntcm to CrsnLerry. Is ail, 2,071 bills raae iatrsdoced is the Legislators. I as largest nusa ber ever before was 1.K33. in 1"7. Tarcc Here Crsdscrs to Sail fer Catas. llie Bom correspondent of tha London isll says tbe government bee ordered three mora cruisers to ret in readiness to proceed to Chines waters ia connection with th demand vt Italy for s concession st ban Una, sro vinos of Che Kiasg. Total Deaths la tae'Array SJ7L The follow iag statement has beea is stxad, showing th total number of death reported to tha AdjuUot Gasar al'a efflce batwaaa iStf L IS, and Febmrty 22, 1 Sift: K4Ud ta Mtioa, 3 j dlai of TxaBds, lii; dlgft Cf Ut- it':: It fit ?.f m 14V t-jg r a Pi.txr fa. J V t e 1 f .'.it i.: tj .-:; t f I-viti.- ha,.,4ii.) tie tts si.a i 4. tt rtiea; ia l air.t ul :' !- c tt ..; Lm v.U ut. rrtr a 1.-. ti. ? !! .-t t I Jr' t t il t ' m'-rn f ' .i.r, vl tf t .-t' : 1 1 . 1 4 I 1. -k 'i 1 . V t.c' 't r . V ..4- 4..-. ( ! A-V . t ' t '-at t ti t k .r.!-s. ;;.-r : ti-. ? 1 1 wt.ttra m ;MT t T I m hi .... "1 l4.-ri. :..t t. ! ; rltulrer.cU' m -r . r ti 1 !. t t ''i-nal V. L 1- .-r.. 'ultu l- i., 1 .ort a. .. t f : t- u '. ft f-l -r5 .- . .' a. n 1 t:.l - i .. u r;i . o tj4...i; r :-. i r adtic e rt mi.t, V -l 1. ..'-tJ" B.' i kul IOi 1 4 '- 4i '. t If t ! c .i . a-,i ' .ijirsl 11 - Iftti'S u Iff- v a-i t s'i . rut r 1 f c a. '.; 1 ' ";i fjd 1 r 'ily c.4 .n . t ral tJ.;r- ' ifc'..S , itiiiit:.iNt. : . : V li.4--. .- :iJ .i. 4 iJ.-r 0.- t. l.i rrf rut;va J. tu Tuf a' ti 1. A V.i xi. 14! i. !; f tl lodi.a l.a . N . at t.a. r: -4i..!.l. ai::V A.-ui if .' 4' 4 1 1 - : .t . ! 1 ' :. i -u'- ii j: t: l;: .t: t : ."t-Vl tjfc Lralf't' a" I I :cn.9 i4 i I ! i k'.' 1 t K4.CI ..i, : .tU -u. the . Mr. la.c .!. uu 1 it st e .,. 1 J Iie e: L.i. 4.;i-i-oT. mv - t!ubjt ar.d lte.J.ftl!r r.f.i ttt. tUiff, f: l!taf at- lu'1.1 T jr'tl' ua A i-nb'. iitrtrt. ll.c 1 i n '-ot. La i !iff J. uiuA isia'.a.a fcv.;.l a. jweratt.'-nt 4 . v? the S. ui j ,to4,r.a hia;r. A f-.ii t.i4V th'. italc K !ai.'.: siet.a! xi l b iiKhufcad !i:'h iu.j t dvft.cp th-r tiota triable at44. that tL ?rti ' S'4CihJaia..ieI.alr' 1 enty rhar .eri tv tte !v?ir ate. atht.. it Meagivi. i at, a ! If a rJ. t'l Jeta: p "t Jr 1a:at C atd Hilil l jl i:.tri.. ia 1 rali v iatt.w-"l 1iraL Al'sat In.. road ";th 1t l .m'A .-'.u.. " L t 1 fVi r-tjfs ".r;tt.a t'.ai iit m .Vtr. ia ia: e'lt.ty 1 wit ti e -r.C.-ru tiftl. i a , ie ur j -n 1 mi m nt tbe Aiiaut.r " t i-iu.. .'ir,M. i:,no tt tto j crV.;;e t in t I r n.ut i tbe !.. Tu..'.. a. d ta tLtavl.'T Lit hrl Ly t-;tifc a .tel. v.rr rm.f :c ft-rttv. . 44c!ti tzvtu '!..; tay: I..tutt-aatt il. Ii. Mff l-a!io4 at ti If iu.; :iry .atnrday, 1? ? vaer.a Lih La i :.4)t c'ft- i l aiter i.-g 'd !,r 1L If a-jflporla- 1 . f ,4'. .iTt . M-J-l 4 'UJt IS Wl444 tl . v. v. , - . fl.uge t" 1 t-M u t:ri t. the Iwlotu of b44.:i wte cvctri w;lh at.aa. :a r!.i.-4 icgst r itswlior. . . . . . t. oJ V riuj I'eaii 4ne at. j 'i st IhviMS, at Ci..LauSa. lsst t ?nui.ajr. Crsc si t4nt.r ln.fetcl. Tu Cil tiiltlaty m-riVy. t ria- Ti'; in t oi'i.c ivtt alnrdsv e'ter- ucji, iy -. J ictiorel b.ii lxtta the .ia'aa'l at I Ct-ioatcr ta r'jf cf be Cuba t a 11. v !. trt ta:it U4,ea react u 1 .i. cs-t n .apport ol Urn Sbvtl't. 'icactaJ Ciituer, k-ai-U lit-. 9d ritava ppOS 4 IO f2 Tfcsrtt .f the f nrperor. At Ih'-ajC' gda hy ta t Juiro jI itri-;y. lt Ma a.'ai warily ttat-ked the tiu-4 h:-.s arflti4a.dr. Andrew it WLtte, s cereal e-ci 1- ma iin;4i .3.iwm. SMW-bveaJ la ttyu A j-ce:sl frimrhTe--. 'sts one has tired co!. oldrt of the 1ia-tj-fecrtU Jr.fiiry at I vrt J'.ift:l hae To!t.a!rl to go oct s iLevalers to j-oscu th paLrer tram n tbe C "hey etre i: NitL-.-ra Railroad, 47 tsscgtrs. which Las !ea en&w l.rnaa at Iron Mccntaia S'uuica ftr 15 days. rrrty e:ffct Tm$ ct Co'-. La lr.itJ SUtss trssrpcrt Mtt? t. aailcd fro& New Vrk ft-r jdava&a. M;eki ta board the tiffi,Wi pre side! ly In L'ti:ed.wttagocrctx.etia Ut i ay the C-han trop. Of the total tizccat, Lilf it is gold and half irt -r-lver. Tit.gfclvf the bctsl is ii tc-s. i Sswsttrr'is s Ccsrt tlom. . a rci! frnn Br.sUd. Vs.. esy) ' ba; wt.! cx-Cb&grafrsae James A.' j WaiLri. cue te taut frr tbe cf J Jalire Rhee in the Fifty sixth Ccn- . j cfe I w.ttl t rrasa. was crMfc-exsiainu:; Rhas'st .tccaae. na icaue isvotve-i ia j ... V. . 4 lt T. .P I 'j w.tM .... - w m M . v , wi. f crasw for Itsca. vv abit 11 ant iltra is the sb-lotsen a-d HaraUtea csv 4lie. Walker was sb' t ii the axta, and a Scalier. Lot cotserioaly wonad !. l?e ard ace of Lj triads here 1 U4i wrwa -. cr -.1, w mmvm I by G. J'. Dsvi. private aecretsry ta Judge Lees. A Xtw SSOSXOO Otto. Mi L A. Ktranss t Co.. cf New York, lsj closed deal by which they obtain tlo pre per tv sa New Decatur. Ala., former ly owned and tial by tL Unite.1, Stales Car Company, sad will proceed, at one to erect m rvttoa in ill cmtisc S.01. It u tot completed beforsi the ecd of this year. . K Deer est: in the beats late. The fallowing has been received oil tha War Deiatufit frera Uaasral Ludlow, at Bttaaa: tteta, isstha for fauruirr, Iftft. wa. 81 pea ak leaf Utlo Uiit tf aYtbffs tl r taV m , i ! i It I 4 ! t i 1 t , tt i ... - - .1

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