THE CAUCASIAN. VOL. XVII. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1809. NO. it;. mm mm son Swept Through Portions of A!a-Missi-sippi and Arkansas. LIST OF FATALITIES LARGE. Aho V.uch Properly Dcitroycd-Trees Twisted Off Like Pectfi and all fencing LcvcUd to the lirounJ. A scries of terrific wind -Atones swept ILroueh portions of Alabama, Missis sippi bad Arkansas Saturday, doing aa immense amount of damage to prop erty and killing a number of people. Tho Moum covered a minis of several hundred mile?, dentroying telegraph wuws and cutting oil' communication with a largo mt at tho uflccted coun try. Ciel.uriui county, Ala., ceo ins to have suliYied the most soverely, tho storm tliero taMinimg tho proportions of a tornado. At tellers und Luverne, A I it. , in mli druao i reported, aud at liob U.v, Aik., one MHii wan killed atid itrul badly injured. Da nmv. Am., practically wiped out of exinttUi'! and nevcral oth er towns pi t!' vicinity rnlTurcd snverely. ne j croon is reported killed at Hickory flats, Al itH. , i.n I an tho farm Ih.iisum m tho vicinity mflcred h-avily, it u not unlikely tnat many fatalities occiii iud which have Lot yet been reported. At Ihfk'iry I'luti there was catisidor fl!o luiuiio d'jiiu to budding and other iroi'titv. Tho school building and two chuichei wero demolished uud dwelling Mown down or unroofed. Several pcisivs recoiled a : ai f u 1 i n j i -r A biinily living wtst of thire lost their l well i n; ami la youug lady, unmo us yof unknown, was klltd. Trees v.ero torn up by tho root, twist ed oir like reuds and all fencing iu the path of tho lyclwuo wni lovulod to tho ground. Advices reaching Birmingham indi rato that a rt al et ri has pitt ed over Cleburne Pi. unty, devivtatiug a largo Miction. It is reported lha. te u poplo huvo fo far been killed, nine of thou in tho family of a ins-j named Coliee. Te-lcgrni h roijimuuu'at'.on ia meagre and not hitig doiinilo can bo obtained. The tornado iasstd through portions f Jeliersou and lo-ha counties, Ark. At Hob l!oy "i hou:e: were blown down, one man was killed. At Uuuiaa nearly all tho ho'.i'C.s ia the town wero either blown down or damaged and Boveral persons wero wounded, but ho far as an bo leai ncd, no lives were loit. There are t-cvornl Miiull towns ia tho section, through which the cyclone part, ed, and ns yot no rows has Leerc received froi any of them. Cyclones pn'tcod over different portion of Alabama, but ou account of tho b-legruph wires being down, co particulars evi ha loarcod. At Helma the spire of tho First Methodist church was blown down, crushing through the roof and doiug uiucli damage. At Sel lers, r. small x'.atiou ou tuo riant y.s tern, south of Montgomery, tho ontiro town -except threo houses, was destroy ed, f.uvurno M'.u'ore.l CTcaily, but uo letails can bo gotten. 'Hie cyclono passed over the country lietweeu He!! m uud l.dwardsville, Ala. it ih reported thai tivo porsoua were killed iu one family. Telegrapli wires bio prostrated. Pryan Takes the $.1.00 Dinner. "William Jennings J'r.rau has w ired to his friend iu New Y'oik Cily that ho would aitotid tho f?: dinner "which ill be Kven in that city on April 1IJ. l ue cucaper dinner was decided upon at n meeting of the Central Labor I'niou. The tnuall cost of the dinner, It wad a-sertod, wt ii'd bo wore in ac cord with .It flVrsouian principles tuau Mr. jCroker's dinner. Col. Dryan was invited to attod tuo Lroker dinner bv I'errv llelmnnt. His replv was n telegram nkin Mr. He'mont if he ad hered to tho principles set forth in tho Chicago platform. Mr. ilelniont telo- trrupln-d back, dodi;iur tho incstion. .ur. bryau then decided not to accept. u Sheriff and His Deputies Jailed. The coroner s jarv, on the riot at Hot SpriuKJ", Ark., ia which five mea wero killed, has rendered a verdict nainst shcrilV Koht. Williams and Uuput.v Sherilli Coffee Williams. Kd. spears and William Wntt, holding that the killing were not justified aud com- niittii) tho above men to jail to await the grand jury a action. The Raleigh's Compliment Returned. As the United Stated cruiser llaleish Failed from (iibralter for .New lork. homeward bound from Manila, in order to bo put out of commission, she hoist ed the Spanish en?i?n and tired a palute while pansinsr tho Spanish iquadron, commanded by Admiral Cnmara, oil Al't rciras. 1 he Spanish tlspahip Car los ( uiuta thereupon hoisted the Aruer- lOin eugign aud returned the Bulutc. The Orcjou Arrives at Manila. The Navy Department lias bcon ad vised of tho arrival at Manila of tho battleship Oregon. Tho following is tho cahleram received from Admiral Dewey: "MNiii.. March 1. Secre tary of the Navv, Washinston: The Orej?m and the fris arrived to-da. ibe (JreKOU ia in tit condition fti any tuny. The Tolberts Pcturn to Their Homes. A special from Columbia, S. C, saj-s the Tolberts, who have l een under banish ihment f r their j art in tho l'luenix !ection riots, of last November, have Heeded to teat tho efficacy of Governor J.licrbo s proclamation, aud have re turned to their homoi ia Abbovilie and (ireenwoou o uutie. Attacked by the Filipinos in i orce. ibe rilipmos in force attacked a company of the Washington volan eers at Tannijr haturday night. Two coiupanies of tho Washington and Oregou Hopiiiienta were sent to the as sistance of their comrades and drove tho rebels back iu front of the Twenty second ltegntars, who also engaged tho enemy. Two American soldiers were killed, au officer and 13 privates wonnucu. j.ue enemy a io&b was se ver e. Fire at Greenville, Tex., destroyed iSO.WvJ worth 01 property. The ationaT Conventions. The New York Board of Trade and Transportation has unanimously adopt ed a resolution "to bring the uational Democratic and Republican convea tions" to that city next year. Ia order to mike tho resolatioa effective the president of the board ia authorized to appoiut a committee of twenty-five. "with power to add to their number ana also to appeal to other organiza tions aud citizens and to the oitr au thcrities for co-operation, to theen d that the city of New York shall secure the holditjr within its limits of both the rrtt sational politioalcoaTaUo&s STATE SQUIBS. Nothing more conclusive proves that North Carolina is eateriog upon pe riod of most wonderful industrial d velopement than does the hoaltbv con dition of its railroad properties and tho prospect of their great expansion by new couetruction during the next two years. If tho number of charter granted by the Legislature be any indication, tho closing years of tho Nineteenth century will see ac enormous advance 'n the business of collecting, carrying distributing, merchaudiso in this State and the outire South. The Laws cf North Carolina for lSi)J will ahow fourteen uew roads chartered aud the charters of as many more amended. A majority of the new roads are, to be sure, short lines constructed with a view to devolopin? some particular sec tion or industry, but at least three will complete great through lines, and eveu tho shortest and mast insignitlcent of tho propoiiod roads are to be built with the end ia view of ultimately being mado feeders of soma great rail way sys tem. The tax on corporate franchises in North Carolina has beeu very much dis cussed recently, aud there teems to be fcomo doubt, generally, as to tho pro visions under the new revenue act. It may be well to quote the brief state ment made by the State Auditor: " J'ho property of railroad companies is asessed by the railroad commission at so much per milo. It is supposed that tuo value of the franchise is considered iu connection with the assesKment. Iu addition to" an ad valouem tax on private business corporations, a gradu ated frauchise tax is imposed accord ing to the amount of capital stock. The lax ou a capital ot ,')oU or less is $, and ascend-) by a graduating Bcalo to &w, on a capital stock ot Sl.000.0Q.. Hanks aro not subject to the franchiso tax. Insurance companies are taxed ou tho gruss receipts. Upon them there i.s no specilio franchise tax. The fran chise tax is nscertained aud collected by tho sheriff or tax co'.ioctor cf each county in which corporations are locat ed, and paid to the State Troaaurer. " The total number of bills on tho House calendar during tho last ses sion of the Lcgistii'-o was 2,071, includ ing resolutions. I he Senate calendar had l,.ri ',!, making a grand total of bills aud resolutions anuounced by the two reading clerks of both houses of 3,C70. Allowing for the number of bills intro duced in tho Senate us a basis and add ing the number introduced in tho Sounto that were tabled or roportrd un favorably the total number of different bills on all subjects put into the new law mill must have amounted to iu the neighborhood of a, 000 bills. This av crnges about seventeen bills to each Senator and Representative of the 170 ia tho two houses. Mrs. Robert It. Gotten, of Raleigh, is making an ettort to form a State x eder atiou composed of women in North Carolina. This will bring tho women of this State iu touch with each other aud with the women of other States, thereby seenring the increased benefits which comes from enlarged acquaint ance, txcuango of thought, and unity of action with dednito aim. All organ izations of women, and all women's departments of mixed organizations (such as Daughters of Kebekah, Itatu- uouo Slaters, etc. 1 are invited to join in this movement, which is nou-sectarian, non-political and only designed for mutual helpfulness. The new revenue law provides that on each room or hall used as a theatre or opera house where public exhibitions are given for profit in a city or town having more than 10,000 inhabitants tho tax would bo 200 per annum; less than 10,000 inhabitants end over 5,000, SJIO'J. On less thau 5,000 population aud uot loss than 2.O00. &0, while the tax for a town with leys than 1,000 in habitants is ?... The license is to bo triveu by tho sheriff, and tho taxes are to be equally divided between the State and county. Each traveling theatre comiauy exhibiting in a theatre that is uot licensed shall pay a tax of 10. Mr. 1) wight Asheley, of tho great silk manufacturing firm of Asheley Uailey. operating three silk mills, one at Columbus, Fa., and one at Marietta, Fa., with omces and counting room in New York city, is in Fayettevillo ar ranging lor the erection ot a sim mui Ouo factory will be erected for the pres eut. aud 1! it proves successful, of which Air. Asheley savs he ia assured, all three plants, which employ 2,000 people, will bo moved there, lhe hrst building erected will bo u three-story brick one. 100 feet long and 40 feet wide. Among other counties named in the acts prohibiting public drunkenness, there aro Mtsckleuburg, Rutherford, Uaston, Haywood aud Cleveland. Iu these couuties it is provided that druukeuuess Bhall be punished aa a misdemeanor, and not as a violation of town ordinance, as formerly. The Governor offers a reward of $200 for tho unknown murderer of Macon Bryan, who was killed at vauceboro, Craven county, recently. Tho old board of directors of tho At lantic & North Carolina Railroad have refused to surrender their oliicas to ;he now board appoinloi by the board of internal improvements. The old board contends that their term of office do not expire until next September, and in accordance with tho charter of the road, tho board of internal improve ments has no power to remove them. The name of Jim Youug together with tho uame3 of the other fusion trusteos of the new auditcrium build ing for tho white blind, appointed by the Legislature of 1307, has been chis eled from the cornerstone of that insti tution. The alone now bears the sim ple inscription: "1843-1808." Auditor Ayer 13 engagod in reorgan izing the pousion boards. Practically ail of the present county boards will remain ia office. They are appointed for life, or during good behavior. The queerest act of the legislature is the one making it a misdemeanor to kill a fox in Alleghany county for two years. It is the first act of the kind ever passed in the State. Another act for an eastern county forbids hunting save by permission of landowners, fox hunteis with not less than three hounds being excepted. An effort is being made to organize a company at Uendersouville to extend the street car line to Flat Rock. If the plan goes through the cars will b run by dummy engines. A good many papers in this Stato and elsewhere have stated that the last Legislature enacted a law abolishing the three days of grace allowed on drafts. This is a mistake, such a provision was in the law of negotiable instruments passed on the last day the General Assembly was in session, bat attention was cnlled to it and it was stricken out by an amendment. Mr. -A. M. Price, who recently pur chased the Lander mioa mill property at Lincolnton, wilj erect a modern cot ton mill building on the property this summer. The main building will be 100x50 feet, with an engine huuu and piektt room annex 00x32 itou 10 PROTECT THt TOLBERTS. The Banished Offered the Support of the Law. ELLERBF'S PR0CUMATI0N. Ue Calls Ipsa Officers sod the Good Clti zens to Protect "tie Vmg4 aad Per secuted Citizens." The story of the Tolberts is knows all over the country. Sinoe that fatal e'ec.ion day ai Phoenix when poor Etheredge was killed and others badly hurt, since those days 01 violence which succeeded, the Tolberts and some others have been wanderers from their homes. I hey have begged that they be permitted to return to their homes in Greenwood and Abbeville counties, they have pleaded and have promised, but all, it seems, to no avail. The situation there now is this: The people of the towns have not such bitter hatred lor the Tolberts, bat tney recognize that in the rural districts there is an animosity which may lead to bloodshed. They have consequently advised the Tolberts and others not to take up their residence in oli Abbe ville district Tho governor has been appealed to for protection for those advised to loave. He was almost powerless at the time of the riot, but endeavored to do everything possible to stem the tide of bloodshed. In answer to a number of appeals re cently received Gov. Ellerbe has issued the following proclamation: The State of South Carolina By Ills Excel lency VY . II. Ellerbe, Governor ana Commander-in-Chief In and over the State aforesaid. To all ami tdnttular Sheriffs. Constables and other Officers 01 Justice, and tne citizens of Greenwood and Abbeville Counties, In llio said Slate, Greeting: Whereas, it has been brought to my atten tion that certain citizens of suctions of Green wood aud Abbeville counties are deprived of the enjoyment of their liberties, their prop erty aud their civil rights in violation of the constitution and laws ol tbis State, ana tnat there la a conspiracy among some evilly dis posed oersous in said sections to drive and keen awav from their homes aad vocations said citizens and otherwise deprivo them of their just and legal right. Now, therefore, I, William H. Ellerbe, Gov ernor, do hereby issue this my proelamatiou demanding and requiring said evilly dis posed persons, and all otbers encouraging the same, to desist from said lawless projects and couHpiracies, and to resume their peace- lut and lawful avocations. And I do hereby tall on the sheriffs, dep uty sheriff, magistrates, constables, nud all other peace officers in Greenwood and Ab beville counties, under the pains and penal' ties of law, to protect all such wronged and Persecuted citizens in their lives, property and liberties aud in the performance of their duties, and said officer shall have all the assistance withiu the power of the Stato through thid office and those of the solicitors of the Seventh and Eighth circuits and tho attorney general of the State. I hereby ex (end to all citizens driven from their homes As aforesai 1, who desire to return to their hornet, such full protection as au the powers of the State can Kive as long as they pursue their lawful business. And the good people in the said counties are earnestly urged to assist in upholding the law and in saving the cood names of the respective counties. Given under my hand and the seal of said State, in Columbia, this 13th day of March, in the vcar of our Lord 18U9 and in the 123d year of the independence of the United States of America. W. II. Ellx&bk. By tb Governor: W. Boxd Evans, Private Secretary. Cuba's Bone of Contention. Havana. (By Cable). The action of Civil Governor Mora, and the police in sttempting to prevent Monday's popu lar manifestations in favor ef General Maximo Gomez, is strongly oeusured, and the ill feeling against the police runs high. The people consider that their rights and freedom have beon attacked. The action of Governor General Brooke in re straining the Cuban authorities from interfering, has pleased the people and is favorably commented upon. The occurrence has done much to des troy the popularity and efficiency of the new police force. General Gomez is receiving hundreds of telegrams from all parts of the island expressing the people's allegiance and loyalty to him and to Cuba. The Madrid Correspondencia says that the cabinet has advised the Queen Regent to ratify the treaty of peace with the United States without tho re assembling of the Cortes. Ten Italians Arrested for Counterfeiting. A special from Boston says, after more than four months of careful work, United States secret service agents, as sisted by the local police, Tuesday took into custody ten Italians, wno, tney have every reason to believe, have beeu issuing a great amount of counter feit $5 Treasury notes, and are the Boston agents of one of the largest and most crafty gangs of counterfeiters that have operated in this country. Spanish Officers Get Off Light. Branlis Zorita and Jose Ruiz, the Spanish officers who were recently tried in Mauila by a commission for the embezzlement of 31 0,548, (Mexican) devoted to the maintenance of prison ers and who were convicted and senteneed to pay a fine of $3,500 erold. and to undergo three years im prisonment at nara iaDor, nave naa tne term of imprisonment commuted to six months, in view of previous confine ment and certain circumstances justi fying olemency. John B. Bailey, assistant United States attorney for tho Eastern Dis trict of Texas, bas resigned, and Frank Lee, of Paris, Tex., has beon appointed as his auccesoor- Brief Mention. Fourteen membera of the New Tork baseball club, including John B. Day, manager, have sailed ou tho steamship Comanche for Charleston, S. C, where they will get ready for the champion ship season. Elida Wilbur, of San Francisco, CaL, -who for thirteen months has Iain in a heavy stupor resembling death, is showing signs of reviving conscious ness, and the doctors now believe she will recover. Banquet to Cecil Rhodes. Both Emperor William and Empress Aueusta Victoria, besides Baron Von Bulow, the Foreign Minister, and other ministers with their wives, attended the banquet given by Sir Frank Las cell es, the British ambassador, in Ber lin, to Ccoil Rhodes, who appears to have personally impressed everybody from the Emperor down. s. O. A. Gruner, treasurer of the Phil Gruner & Brother Lumber Company, of St. Louis, Mo., ropresontiag the eraditors and bondholders , OX tho I Sportsman's Park and Club, bought im AIMED M0&. ear Sbet to Deata as4 Three Wesadcd. Palmetto, Ga. (Special). Twenty mea, armed and masked, rode into thu little town ai aa early hour Thursday BsomiDg.and pat to deata four negroes, fatally wonnded one, shot another and broke tbo arm of a seventh man. Two others who were of the crowd moa which the ballets were showered. miracaonsly escaped. These unfortu nates were under a guard of three men waiting the boar 9 o'clock, when tby were to have a hearinir before a iastice of the peace on the charse of arson. Wm. Cotton, the leader of the nice men, confessed some time ago that a conspiracy had been entered into which resulted in two incendiary fires here ia February, and on this evidence the men were to have been tried. A Proclamation by the Governor. Governor Candler is very bitter in his denunciation of the Palmetto lynching, and terms the killing an outrage. In an interview the Gov ernor said: "I regard the outrage as simply inexcaaabie. These mea had been arrested, as I am informed, aud proof was at hand to convict them. They were in the hands of the law. The law was amply able to punish them. and the interposition of this mob of dis guised mea was entirely unnecessary. aince with the proof in the bands of those who had made the arrest-1, con viction and punishment were absolutely certain. I offer the largest reward the law will authorize for the appre hension of any one of the perpetrators of this dastardly deed, audi will try to see to it that they are prosecuted to the limit ot the law. such outrages mui-t atop in Georgia." Later in the day the Governor issued the followiug procla mation : "Whebkas, Offloial information has t-n received that on th night of March 15. 1S99, an unknown mob foully murdered H-nrj Bingham, colored; Tip Uudson. colored; E i. Brown, colored, aud Bad Cottin, colored, wbl.e said parties were iuearcerated a-id well guarded awaiting a committal trial upon the charge of arson, ia tho county ot Campbell, "I have thought proper, therefore to is-sno this, my proclamation, hereby offering $000 for the apprehension and delivery of the flist member of said unknown mob, and a further reward of $100 tor each additional person Implicated, with evidence sufficient to convict, to the sheriff of said county and State. "And I do, moreover, charge and require all officers iu this State, civil aud military, to be vigilant In endeavoring to apprebei.d tho said n: embers of the unknown mob, iu order that they may bo brought to trial Tor the offence with which they htaud charged. "Given under my hand and seal of the State, this the 16th day of March. lS'JO. 'A. D. CAsni.EB, Governor. Ey the Governor. 1'uil. Cook, Secre tary of State." Fortified Town Captured. A special from Manila says: Tho strongly fortified village of Cainti, northwest of Pasig, was captured Thursday, after a desperate fight, by the Twentieth Regular Infantry. The troops first encountered the rebel out posts in the dense jungle on the banks of the river. Tho enemy was dislodged aftgr half an hour's fighting. . The Americana advanced in splendid order unaer a heavy nre until it was nec essarv to vollflv tb rhla f rum th 1 trenches. The latter had great ad vantage and dropped a number of our men. The Americans charged across the rice fields, making four ad vances on the enemy, who numbered 1,000 men, 500 of whom were entrench ed, and in the face of a cross fire. Our troops, however, carried the town after four hours' fighting and burned the outskirts, the rebels firing from the windows and keeping up a running fire in the streets. The Americans then withdrew in order to obtain more am munition. The rebel loss was about 1P0 men and the American loss was: Corporal Johnson, of Co. C, and Private McAvoy, of Co. L, killed. In addition tne following Americans were wounded: Sergeant Cheek, Co. L; Corporal Household, Co. M; Private Kelly, Co. C; Private Kinney, Co. C; Private Tinker, Co. C: Private Gilley, Co. G; Private Varley, Co. G; Private Galey, Co. F: Private Mahan, Co. L; Private Griffiths, Co. L; Private Lafeyih, Co. L; Private MacFarland, to. L. Artie Cinckmann, the regimental "mascot," car ried a parrot Into action aud was wounded In the knee Cuba's Free Lunch Stopped. An order has been issued by the United States military authorities at Havana, to the effect that all rations distributed to the Cuban poor after the Bupply now on hand is exhausted shall be charged against the customs re ceipts of the province in which they are distributed. Five Die in a Street Battle. Five lives were lost at Hot Springs, Ark., in a factional fight over the com ing mayoralty electiou. The dead are: Tom Rolen, ch ef of police; Tom Gos ley, captain of police; James Hart, de tective; John Henkle, driver of a beer wagon, and Louis Williams, son of Sheriff Williams. The shooting oc curred on Central avenue, a principal thoroughfare. Saloons have been closed by the police aad considerable excite ment prevails. Another Dreyfus Disclosure. The Loudon Evening News pub lishes a sensational Dreyfus story. It declares that the former Russian am bassador, Baron Von Monheim, is the real culprit who sold both Russian and French secrets to the German govern ment, adding that the Russion govern ment itself is convinced of his guilt. and that it is only to avoid a public scandal greater than the Dreyfus af fair, that he is unpunished, further than the intimation that he is not to show his face within thw Czar's domi nions. In a fight, at St. Louis, Ma, Bud Price, a negro, and Edward Osterhide were shot and almost instantly killed. Detective Jack Wdliams did the shoot ing. A $1,750,000,000, Dinner. The Bank of the Manhattan Campa ny, which celebrates its centennial an niversary on April 3rd haa sent out in vitations to the sixty-four presidents of the banks which are members of the clearing house and to the presidents of the savings banks and the trust compa nies to a dinner to be given at Sherry's on the evening of the day named. A careful estimate of the money interests to be represented at the dinner puts the total at $1,750,000,000. Tho dinner will be private. Lefislature Thrown Into a Panic 3 Members of tho Arkansas Legisla ture were panio-stricken when it was announced that physicians bad diag nosed the illness of Senator Lankford as smallpox. After a half hour's de bate, tho House voted to vaccinate all ita members. Virginia Oyster War. Attempts of officers to arrest negroes for depredating on private ovster beda in York river, just below West Point, Va. .bare mot with orranixed resistance. and maw result in bloodshed. Soma 40 neffToas are banad together te resist ervio 01 the warrants, , MLIDEItO BY AS FIFTEEN PERISH IN WU The Magnificent Hotel Windsor Destroyed by Fire- FORTY PEOPLE INJURED- Loss (he Hotel About $1.039.009 Orlfla of the Fire Other EailXafs Sertoli? Dams jed. New York (3pccial.) Flames which originated from tho igoitios; of a lace curtain, burst forth from the second tloor of tho Wicdsur Hotel at Forty teveuth street and Fifth avenue short ly after 3 o'clock Friday afternoon, aud in a few uiinuUs they had leaped up to the root aud enveloped the entire Fifth avenue and Forty-seventh street fronts of the hotel. T'Ju minutes later the flames were rouring through the interior of the hotel, and all means of escape by way of stairways otd eleva tors were cut off, and there was the wildest scene of excitement within and without the building. Hundreds of guests and employes were iu the hotel wheu tho fire broke out, and for many of then escape with safety was im possible. Fiobably from ten to fifteen lives were lost within a half-hour, and thirty or forty other iersona were in jured iu jumping from windows and ia rushing throuirh tho ilames iu the cor ridors and 011 tbestairways. Mauy who were injured died later at near-by reii deucesorat hospitals, and others who made wild ieapa to the stone wide walk wero so badly injured that they aro still hovering between life and death. The lire was lhe most spectacular ihat could be imagined. When it broke out Eifth A vence was crowded with people watching the St. Patrick's day parade, which was passing the building ut that moment, aud every window in front of tho hotel facing Fifth Avenue was flilod with tpectaiors, watching the marching men and the floats. An uuuffuiiliy large number of people were on tb streets, and Interfered not a little With the movements of llio liremen and K lico. In addition to the regular guests of tho not el, the windows wero crowded by a largo number of spectators, residents of the. city who had ungregaud there to witnubs tho 1 made. Within 40 or 45 minute after the fire broke out the walls cf the Fifth avenue side showed every indication of ialliug. nnd shortly, with an awful crah, they struck the asphalt cov ering of the street. This fall weakened the walls on the Forty-sixth and Forty-seventh street side, and they followed a moment later. Wheu lhe wails fell tho bricks and mortar and twisted girders and corrugated irou ailed the streets ou threo sides of lhe hotel. The doorsteps aud irou fences la front of the housed on the opposite tide of the street from th hotel wcru wrecked by the fulling wails, and tho aiuouut ot debris piled iu the streets was o grt-4it that travel will be impeded for seveiat days. Meanwhile terryfyiag scenes were being enacted by frenzied meu aud women on al most every fl ior of the great building. How many persons are buried in tho ruins is not knowu, but at least threo or four eraons were seen to jump, whoso bodies have not been recovered. Eye-witn ssos say they saw a woman throw a child from a window, and fall a moment later herself, just before tho collapse of the walls. As yet no trace of these bodies has been louuu. The loss on the contents of the building is almost complete. The salvage men managed to save $20,000 worth of paintings on the first floor of the hotel. Many of the guests who lived at the Windsor regularly lost val uable jewelry and bric-a-brac and other fur nishings, among them being F. F. Flower, a nspliew of ex-Ooverimr k lower, wno, among other thing, lost a package of jewelry valued at 8,000. Tho loss on the hotel is estimated at at least $1,000,010. Several adjoining buildings were damaged consider ably, but the los3 on thes i comparatively small. There was COO,000 insurance on tho building and -75,000 on the content?. Kogarding the origin of the lire, The Her ald published the following: John Foy, a waiter in thw hotel, was passing through the hall on tho parlor floor, the first above the street. He was making his way to a place where ho could catch a moment's sight ot the parade. In front of him walked a man, a patron of the hotel. Tho waiter did not know him. Passing thus one behind the other, they had nearly gained the angle of the passage near Fifth avenue ar.d Forty sixth street, when tho patron drew a match and lighted a cigar or cigarette. He tossed the match aside. It was still blazing and foil into the foliis of a lace curtain. In an in3tant the filmy fabric was ablaze, and instantly the flumes shot to the surrounding draperies. TL1- from all accounts was the origin of tho holocaust ia which many hu man beings perished and others wero se verely mangled, while helpless thousands looked on ia wild horror. mm A upecial from London says Baron Russell, of Kiiloweu, Lord Chief Jus tice, has beeu appointed to succeed the late Baron Herschell on the Venezue lan arbitration commission. Reed at J'kyl Island. Speaker Thomas B. Reed anddangh terarrved in Brunswci k, Ga., Friday from Washington. Their coming was unheralded. They reached Brunswick on an accommodation train of freight and passenger cars and were en route to Jekyt Island. Their stay in the city was short At Jekyl Speaker Reed is the guest of Mr. John G. Moore, of New York. Ho will remain several days. A Floating Island. A special from Havana, 111., says a float ing island from one to two acres in ex tent and four to five feet thick, has come down the Illinois river. It crashed against n cabin boat, smashed the keel aud landed it ashore. It next struck the pier of a wagon bridge, shaking the structure violently and throwing several horses off the bridse. It then stranded on the shore and pier. Dornvtory Burned. News comes from Orangeburg, S. C, that one of the boys' dormitories and the printing office at Claflin University (Methodist) were burned to the ground. About 50 students werevrooming inlhe buildins. The majority of them lost ail they owned. Pallets and cots are improvised in the chapel. A Hero's Funeral. Friday, at Lincolnton, N. C. , in the place where he first saw the light the body of the youug hero cf fe'antiazn, Lieut. Shippe was laid to rest until the revillo cf judgement. Lincolnton was filled with visitors who came to pay the lasttribnte of resneetto as knightly a young soldier as ever wore a sword. The German Reichstag Thirsday adopted tho army bill by a vote of 222 to 132. The 'proceedings were so tur bulent that the President, Count on Ballensteiu. was repeatedly compelled to call tho House to order. Popes's Condition. The Rome correspondent ot tho Paris Figaro says the Pope's physicians have decided upon another operation. The sec ond operation which the physician have decided to perform is necessitated by the fact that the physicians were un able 4o sew up the wound after tht first operation. Arrived Safely at Havana. The United States transport Mead' (formeily Berlin), having on board 83, 000,000 for the payment of the Cnban troors previous to their being disband ed, has arrived at Havana, escorted by the UBitea etatei cruiser vaioago. RIB Bill PftSId Gen. Wheatan's Column Advances to Laguna do Bay. PRESIDENT AT THO MAS VI ILL Tee Pretidettial Part Cteaa Worai Sutl ers Wekoae fr cat iters of Ike Hack Dfeaosd lead Meet. Matus (By Cable). -Late Mowday General Wbeatoa'e column encounter ed the enemy ia such force between Pateroe and Taguig. as to necM'iute a change in the original plana. The Cav alry attacked tho rebel stronghold ia the jungle, driving the enemy into Pa teroa. The Americans had one raab killed and three woanied. Scott's Battery sholle t the city and woods ef fectively. Later the enemy eroaad the river from Faaig. Two com panic of the Secoud Oregon Infantry cleared the right bank after a sharp engage ment and then retired with three wounded. Iu the meantime the Wash ington Volunteers closed in, driving small bodies of the rebela baok upon Paterca. One man was killed. Daring the tho enemy burned the town of Pasi. Brigadier General Wheaton's column advanced Tuesday beyond Pasig to the shore of the Laguna tie Bay, sweeping everything before tbein. The enemy made a running fight and aatfered se vere Iohh. Tho rebel's avenue of coui muairaiion north and south is now closed, the American cordon stretching a mile from tho rivor to the lake. The rebels are in force at Pateroa and Taguig. Two of Monday'a wounded. Private Stewart, of Company B. Twen tieth Regiment, and Private Manon, Company K, Twenty-second Regiuent, are dead. Ihi President at Thomastille. : The presidential party arrived at Thoma-villc, at 2:30 o'clock Tues day afternoon. The party wa met at the station by Mel llanna, brother of the Senator; J. Wynian Jonea, who married Senator Henna's sitter; Mayor Hopkins and a number of prominent citizens, lite Messrs. lianna and Mr. Joue- each keep a magnificent stable. henco there was no lack of handsome turnouts for the accommodation of the whole party. Thedistinguuhed visitors were immediately driven to Senator II an 11 a' a house, ou Dawson street. By special request there was no demon stration, but there was a wealth of bunting and decoration everywhere. The mavor had issued a proclamation inviting everybody to decorate their buildings in welcome of the Chief Ex ecutive and the invitation was liberally complied with, inerewsre a number of patriotic mottoes stretched across the streets and in front of buildings. About some of the latter on porticos. were ladies and gentlemen, who saint ed the President and cheered as he passed. To these the President bowed aud smiled as he raised his hat. Thou sands of people lined the street and cheered. The Black Diamond Route. An important conference ia tho in terest of a new north and sooth rail road known as the Black Ditmoud route, was held at the Graud Hotel, in Cincinnati, O., Tuesday. The road is to run from Columbus, O., to Port Royal, S. C, traversing a rich coal- bearing belt. Charters and rights of way, together with partly constructed roads, have been arranged over the whole route, but nnder different com panies. The proposed capital is $50, 000,0 JO. Attorney Dickinson reported that work wonld be began at ' Clay City, Ky., and extend to Port Royal within three months, and will bo com pleted within a year. He said London and New York capitalists wero deeply interested in the scheme. A Dinner to Speaker Reed. A dinner was given to . Speaker Thomas B. Reed at the Manhattan Ho tel, 111 New York Tuesday night by ex-Congressman John J. Bel- den. Among Mr. Belden'a guests. iu addition to Mr. Keed. were Senator Cbanncey M.Depew, Appraiser J. S. bhermau, ex-Congretsman J. P. Fischer, Congressman Benjamin B. "Idikll i.T.P.inirrdalman C. It I.nn.t ex-Congressman George Southwick and C. U. Buell, Commissioner ol Patents. Unloading it All on Earaa. Colonel O. M. Smith, purchasing agent of the government at Chicago since lS'Jo, testified iuesday before th government court of inquiry in thsl city that the stores of canned roast beef. bought by him during the Spanish war, were all upon the direct order ol General Eagan, the commissary gen eral. 110 also stated tnat some pur chases of canned beef wero made with out bis knowledge by toe commissary general. Contract Closed with Cecil Rhodes. lhe Jueriin lageuiatt says tnat contract bas been closed between the German Government and Cecil Rhodes, the British South African magnate, for the consti notion of a telegraph lino in German East Africa. The Tageblatt adds that a contract for building a railroad through the same territory is upon the point of conclusion, only a few details remaining to be settled Wcfes Raised. Notices have been posted by the fol lowing nrms or an increase in wages of their employes: Fiskdale Mills, Worcester, Mass., an increase of about 11 1-3 per cent, adoui 4W nanae are affected. H. O. bpaulding k Co., Haverhill, Mass increase not stated. Ordered Away r rom Caba. Five Sisters cf the American Order of tho Sacred Heart, according to a dispatch from Pinar del Bio, have been ordered away frosa Cuba by Areh- bishop Cbappelle, the papal represent ative recently appointed to investigate the affairs of the Catholic Church is that island. Coffin manufacturers, makers ol green and class flint bottles and tbs owners and operators of the coal mines in Indiana, met in Chicago for the pur pose 01 increasing prices on their pro ducts. Cnbaa Asseewiy Repudiated. Senor Quesadaat Washington has re ceived a cablo meesage from oantiasro. which says: "The people of 8antiagc disauthorize the Assembly, sustain Go mez, and are preparing for 4k public manifestation." The dispatch received by Mr. Queaada from Santiago is from Judge Sanchez, bead of the Supreme Courtof Cuba. It is aaid the course ol the Assembly ia the first move, in the formation of a new political party in Cuba, the Aasembly representing an ele ment of malcontents, while the Gomel element represents those favorable tc the efibrte of the United g&xs to ' malntaiA peere end order tad tdtaact Tar Bcl Vtca. The eesaaitte 4imm ef .U.e. ef tae AfTtcmltarsJ dit taaeat. hm de cided Ui 4 I. I arli. WW eruary aarfeva at Ue AfTie;tera4 aad 3ieekaatral Ol!e. t several ibe voaue a coati ol l mi l study Uo rsxasfevMer aai t stake a i-raeueal tfft to prevent ue orr4 ibm osvttU. Saps la U deal Meaat lo Tory smsy peep" ft prtat'M f la aew rheel law. He. wan every mi who Las taeaUeaad the matter, pteiaee Ue acuea oj Ue tieaerai Arbiv la smog Ue flOO.ovo t the rVU" choul fund. Tuia it eae art Uai is barred cnttctam frosa aay eae. It dees sot apt -ear te be ceeerailj aaderalood that the last Leguleian adopted t aoieadmeaU lo Ueuiveroe law. Both allow alula's divorce; eae for cruelty entaule of the State 00 the part I Ue haabaad; aad the otbtl for desertion or elaadoaeat for eae year issued of two aa forvaerly. The new Gaels ef the acricnUeral deiitmeat will not tale ofloe aatil naa li. Tat &uiol raftibTS. Chairstaa farts Aaaosacts Bis Cac3iata aad Appoiats His Off saatri. ' Miltoa Park, of Dallas. Tex., chair. tnan of the Populist national reorcaat Ballon com mil tee. has isaued a usai feto setting forth the nomination ct Wharton Darker for President, atid Ig natius Doauelly, for iee President, acd the adoption of a platform at Cin cinnati April 1SW. CiaiujiDC that "there ia a need for a rerir standm for equality of opportunity aad enamel special privileges. The great n.aa cf leop2e in the United Mate ate P01 n liata at heart, though they do uot ac knowledge it He cob eludes by ay ine: To losure the ewre of tb Perple'a 1 arty. there U cctLdug aerdM Hit en" rem orcei- catioD and la order to pre lhi rk u; ously, pT.-Lttiily aod ruvfuly, chair man of ibe t-a'lonal roininltt. 1 ! lerte-d to Afrt-t tnr. Ibn fod'.Winir wHt-kn- wu Popuii-t. to rarn ol h-m 1 tav aasdciied a group of Slate, to 0r4.a1.11- l y CoULtW Hud pr-li.v: M-eWMtppI, A ma, and Ten "-. Frank BurVoit. i tuo lona. Mis.; Kentucky, W4 Virglola. Vir ginia. Nortu Carolina and Maryland. Jo-j b A. Parker, of Loulr.lli Mi-Mgu. Onio. Indiana. Illinois. Yiaroniu. CaiifutnU. Or egon and Watilug;oD. 3 Uu O. Zona'.u.l. t Petersburg. Allcb.j Maine. Mnaftia-tt, Vermot.t. Connecticut. r.Uode Ulaod. N-w Hampshire, New Tork. Nw Jrey, !-!-ware, Penn-ylvanla, L. C Cateaian, ot Au burn. M. Uionol4. Iowa. North end Hontb I'akota. Montaoa, W'rumlnic eat Idaho, Hnry 1; Fay, of Mi'nrapoiU; Mis souri, Kanaaa, Nebraska. Colorado, t'lau aud Nvada. Paul II. Ptckoon. of CailU cotue. Mo.; Texas, ArkaaMu aad Iuialna, Wlareace &ugei.t, 0! btepbbavtfie, Tex. Telcfrspb Briefs. General Miles baa received a dispatch dated Ponce, Porto Rico, stating that ex-Secretary bhermaa is very snack belter. The California Legislature bas ad journed without sleeting United States senator. Notice was posted March 19. by the Penomah Mill Company, in Taftrilte. Conn., thatwagea will be increased 10 per cent, At a recent civil service examination for promotion in tho New York fire de partment every candidate failed, in cluding Richard Croker'e nephew. The entire American force at Manila has been reorganized, two divlaieas of threo brigades each being formed. Genersl Lawtou has assumed command of the First Division. General Otis is rlsnnmr another blow at the insurgents in execution of his general scheme of haa tea in at the ending ef the rebellion la Lotos, be fore the advent of the rainy aeaaoa. The light batteries which have been ordered to Manila are Battery E, First Artillery, now at Jefieraon Barracks. Mo. ; Battery F, Fourth Artillery, now at Fort Adam, and Battery F. Fifth Artillery, now at 1 ort Hamilton. Rjt. J. M. Frost. D. 1).. of Nssh- ville, secretary of the Sunday school board of the Southern Baptiat Con yen- ifi Ban asi ell In tat a ass aw the home of his brotber-io-Iaw, Mr XL N. Bradler. Dr. Frost ia diet in- guisked man in the Southern BapUrt Charon. Coed Beef Seat Back. The army beef court of inquiry con eluded the taking of teatimooy in Kan- aas City at 2 o'clock Saturday after noon. Several witnesses testified that the two lots of beef rajected at Mobile and Jacksonville and returned te the company's plant in that city, were in fair condition; that moat of it tea ap- rarentlr not been inarected at tne camps before being returned, nod that after reaching there nod betnjr re inspected by the comnT it was re placed in su ck. It was declared that all meat fnrniabod the army daring the Spaniah war was dated aaoV prepared with the utmost cere. Another Laetrert Affair. August Beoker the ssosaze maker. who has been nnder arrest in Chicago for four weeks on a charge of murder ing his wife,has made a full confession. He said that he eut hie wife to piece and burned the resaaies in a afore. Becker, when first arretted, admit e I k 11 liar hie wife, but declared he male 1 her off Randolph street viadoet iato North CaroUaa Won. Tho iaUr-eollesriato debate botweOO tho University of North Carolina and tue University of Georgia, took place at Athens, Ga., before Urge crowd. rbe Nortn Carolinians were victorious. The subject was, "Resolved. Tnat United States Sonatora should be elected by the direct vote of the people, the North Carolina boys hav ing the negative. Baaaa'a Nephew a W A remarkable pigeon ahooting rec ord waa made at the Coaetry Cb grounds, at Tboaaaaville, Ga.. when Charles Thompson won a match with Charles Cbatin, Senator Han no's nephew, by killing 96 live birds out ef a hundred. The otbers fell jest out of bounds, Cbapia stopped with O te his credit out of M birda. Mcliatey Braca l Fast, News from Thomas ville. Ga.. Bays the Presideat to beginning to ahow plainly Ue good effect el hia outing. The bloom ia once more rwtoraisar to his cheeks and the fagged-out appear ance ia vanishing, lie is ea joying the vacation greatly and expresses himself as delighted with the maay pretty drives around Thomaeville. - Licet triages Accsteetawy EOs Ekeadf. A apodal from Albany, Ga., aays: At Camp Churehman. .Lien tenant D. K. Bridge, while getting oat of a car riage, atruek his pistol ' against a wheel of Jus carriage aad it wee die charged, the ball entering his left aide. I ttsA ue tree cad befort tsjrmrttzj waa . Gain mm Tcwn. of Pa;, 1 ;u g xi Parrel Occupied bi O.r lrp?pi. 303 PRISONERS CXPTUitfC. Usy Bathes f tb Ib-rt it ttt lafSft. retflealef tHs t I " iiie t.c A tab au Taraa;. Mamia (Ky Cl:ei -Sefttrel W.e. tea'e btlfeUe ooaiieue Ike k if cleaxtB; itn Ifce tet! ateaad !' . Tlte Weahj BfiWa tHBstewra bate ra t U.e4aaj t nraeJ I , avtia i'b a i.rp Hie Iruru !Le etetur ski t e-veaiaf the fiver VV4.4e'e tLltac waa like tfcat f '.l- .. the iaerf e&ia t -?. a, v ibelttg stand, t ut eventual;? Seii. I ter loes ia anpi-vaed lu Late atue'l. m Ue Aaaeticeaa weteusaLle t tbe eae my ia Ibe thicket, lie ttt-fieae of tlte Aweitcaa edtaaoe a !. lrbrai loor I U knU o, H.w-teaall. ( tte Called K.aia. C)it rwlvda, atal aa I UHil a ttr .f 3 rtu I ...4- ti I U rsl da a'i-f.v . tkCit.. a teir ka Ui-atti t t.-c I lir ! I ea Mikt lb liml i raititf-! '0 .U' bl . MajT tlMM cd r-1- . a t - I 1 A Ifc eba?acaH.t f -an." .L ee (b rrr. pma'e I rr ..1. .f tbe Te--ttth I -vl al.l. 1 cital N-rtaae, t n. rr . if .'.ik U-l-nrnt, aiaa tvimll, l'ri: t r. .1. t' -mt- X. Tartd)-aa -wd 4a.1 I'ntala- Maraba.l. ( jTi-itf A. Itt'Mk lKlXt.t, iIIIiItIi pria-a ' "-I-aiijr IaT-ul I I. alw4( I'Mia'.f U-, l . ; a .( j -ewa4 !:-." j t.Oa-V. A'muI til .iiiuca arrt-bi. -d at tte toe a Tava.rft ibe l. --m-.l. aud 17 1 d.4o et-r r ti.'i-d at l a-U t V iliai TtmiiMb li-vlr-i' to. tr ti. .. f t.i4 10 d I I llipl .ua aal 101 umm Ciaa air.r I'aal. 1 1" f t -i s ra tIv-l. tuti, ttiviorc. It U r- ai .-4 l nm at tbr-lr t'jrval cf thrweiae- ll.u ai tu la 9 tbe rlvaf. The Grstr.t 4.!ert 5:efrb. t. Tb Lid..a B.nii Na- u liaa-a tbe f4taniaT 4tai b t'ru M i lie !. VVI.nal. t. r4i-M-tt it r- u. I l. r.H4 aja a...d ltaa kx-mH 1 1 v.i; eat t'alaroa. HVcral Laul--' .f lb ac-e wra klilvd aal a tnat j rr. .."a eapi-4. O-ii. O.U a)a thu ta I La ritda'. l--t'-f lBi r, k Tte k l-ft.cmu mill t.u 4w wwara bcM'utraiA Aaolkrr Reps t tf ta Ocs Ot s. A t-lcran to tSa ,.m A-W. Cl a T'r fr- MJ r U'-ral UkTrt..a .!, datt-d Mania, Ala'rb 15. af ; I la 1 w. 1Mb Iu!aiilty Lai aa a 1 day at PaUr Tbrvai thoaaatid tvl ! f a ft.riUut't-i aVa.4 4Ir-et-t. lby w-r fi:l alth y Oor loaa ataall. Ttira tuairaj atid C'ljr reU-l aoidK; r a ad prlx -. Wbatuua t.rUai-a boiJa She t. ana of l'al an 1 I'atatta. In, uaar. M4 aM, cfSal tut it a.atiwb. Our r1 ft e-Uale fwUaLt tbrir way into Ibe !. wtcatos V tps J.OfH) -4M FvlsMert. The fllowtec irt b baa Imi rwa4 at Hf I-4irai-T t fltffu (I ikoI U Aa: Ma ltA. Mar- IX k. muX Waablnrtai 1 Lr-a lb naat.1 lauraia mutnl ! lat 4.IClt Ut lia ) f la iC and l itm. u ttta ah re Laua .da fiajr. iruitUug Klwlm.' tt" a ua I'aal llvae lli. Hr b--ay flt tlur. U't.aalna haa 41'm1x4 and 4r-a tbaia k. taalnr 4(a) irl-oiHaani li.R.iig tiar laa ia Ailial auid (Ub4-1 ?l rrf u bt i aa vary nol-raiA. lltwttr m-iim Ike t -wu iu ebmcf-utfor-ieto bold il-ta. Oni." Aa A'abaeaa TtrraJe. A apelal fr ti Itntuirban, Ala.. eey Tba fiarcMt luraado e-v ka la tide i Clolly elalll tb Uea .f lf a ibe votallrta of tba rltv. at i olw k.-4udf taortiloc. It eaaiedlrrtly lrf the H .uib. with raia ad iUMlk-:. I'Uu is.m4 mifif la frotit.f Ut Ae'Hidala (WUVUi, It I4w dowa t be lint ruUo'b -dial rbtirrb aal utterly datbuU-brd It. TLrva ty Irao.a booareaa4a aavwod vru rlr b. eb-rt 4llanr aaay, vera att 4-nral. Mr K.Cr eter waa 14 la I--4 mui b-r tai4 waa waitiuK at b-r al ia. Tl'a liouaa waa taa 1 ron ever I -r ba 1 an I La I -ad n t bwa 100 fet aarar. Mr4 It aay. M Fotr aot tart. Tt txarre . bui an 1 tfgro IltMUt rburrb arara t--ra le nraa. Mr, uut- J'La-a waa Onrti OtidT br buuae and fcaj Vi a.oa;ctit Kte ia badly cut aad lfui "t. and li u t r-iU'-at Conditio a. Arthur U. II u lno. a a-Mi -t. waa aJao barM la Ibe - kaw ut fatb- er'a bona". Ilia arm w l-rctm aad be aaa aluit-ly It jar4. At tbta b !. f.r wa;ia were blown away and a t4 'tialnii'A I' ra eblidr k-fl la tbe rail 11a d IU rw TUm ebtl-t'eo araire aut arret -tad. 7b Uiiarci boy waa la ao oxii-t alag and tbe snai badia Ibii craabel tbie la. Msst be P 1 te. General Mauajrr UnJarwoed of tbe Baltimore aed Ohio l'.adroa-l. Las is eneJ tbe following notice to station ageats and train men: "Yonr eapc al attention is directed to the tteatmeot cf astrons by eoi4oyes of Ibe eetaiaay. Complsiata Lave been toaJe from vart oua sonroes of ducoorteay to freirbt aad paaeeoger parons oa the p'tof our nsrenta, or their reprebtativee, at several of onr stations, and aiao it at tention cf conductors and terakemen to properly care for the corn fort of i-aaaeegeia. There abonld to ae cause for each complAviate, It is a pert of yonr doty to ae that onr patrons are treated at all times with politeness ed eocrteey, not only by yonraelf Let etniloyes uader yonr charge. One of tbe vain able att of e railroad rooiay is nsifurra folite nas end eonrtey fron nil cf its em ployes to its patron, aad this meat not be encroached uia. It is tvoir for you to udarataal that aJrasca meat de not drad wholly on yonr efficiency, but ie other direct ioe alt, and will be tneatnre-d in e rveat degree by tbe treatment accordel te tUoaa. Rbetfe lilaad Drssocrats. Tbe Democrats of Rhode Ilatid hiA their eaanal convention in Provident and BOtnisated t!a. Georre W. Greene, mayor of Woonaorkct, for gov ernor. The resolutions welowmed tbe return ef peace and rxi veaaod gratitude to tbe sold era ead aaiiora for their aerriee during the war with Spaue. Tber condemned tbe isoofiapetescy of the War Departmsat. - Jtersu Lett ie tbe r Sea. United SUtes OvBul Cunningham, at Aden, Arabia, retrts to the State Department that tbe eons mender 4 H. Jf. H. Briaco. bee rked op. tret loat again, a amall Aaerieaa yacht, avr chooner, after towing her about 2U0 e 250 miles ia tbe western mxt of the Rod Son. The yacht Is eapro4 to be tbe Axnerieaa r act eg acboooer orma. Tho Sink Untied SUtes Tolaataaw Infantry (immune) was mustered oet ia ViftMili tl aiiawkiUtarlnast Tbe Ben were from North Cavrokna, aad Kentucky. aad Kentucky. Wast to be aeaeata. New bas reached Waahtartom that the English subjects fa the West la dies are signing m memorial asking tbe mother country to transfer tbe tlanda to tbe United States ia exchange for tbe PltSippiaee. The rHe are he r Casing diegustod with the at-atby and utur inditTereuee of the British Gov ernment, aad believe they wonld Lo better ofl if tbe American flag floated over the isiaaa. Gereral Gcmex haa decided to jre- ith tbrlolaaa agfeod bpm lot the dietribstrem of tbe U9 1 the L LQUif Dasenaii tttto ai pnio attettoa ttf f&Qdo. ia. '