THE CAUCASIAN PUBLISHED IVBBV THURSDAY tt TMH CiCCASlAW rCBLUHIlM IX SUBSCRIPTION IWTCS KB WAR. ix uosiub THRES j VONTH8 - .11.00 . . Entered at the Pout OfftV- r i:tl-h N. C, as second-rl inil "t t"rf ELECTION rRAU0. INTIMIDATION AND MUR01R "THK MOST I'AINHI. V l K I EVKR OAVK IS MY I.IKK W A- for Til K i' o n .s r i r i; r I o x a i. AMKN'OMKNT. I IMI NOT OIVK THAT VOfK AH A I) KM Of RAT, XOR FR TDK HV.i .KS- OF TIIK OKMOCl: TI: TAR I Y; It K 'AlF. I VKItll.Y HKI.IKVK THAT II WOL'I.U 1SK ISKITKK I OR TIIK liKMOUKATJO I'ARIY FoKTJIE NEORO UHOS I IXI K AX ISsL'E IN 1'OM I'lUS.' 1,1 I I OAVK II1E VO'IK liKCAl.'HK I FKI.T IT WOULD UK llRTTKK FOR TIIK rOORNKOROWK II A V K I. EARN El) TO I.OVK FOR Ills FAM HFi:!-NK-1S. I VOI EI F(JR IT TO I L'T ANKXDTO KI.ECriOX FRAUDS TO INTIMIDATION'S AND MURD ER. I 04VK III AT VOTK FOIi THE OOOD OF MY I'OI'ULIST AX D WHITE REI UUMCAX FRIENDS WHO COULD, I F Til K N EORO WAS ELIMINATED FROM POLITICS DISCUSS THE OR EAT STATE AND NATIONAL ISSUES WITHOUT UE I NO CALLED "It LACK-HEART ED."-SKNATOR OSBORNE, IN THE LKOISLATURE OF 180'J. The Associated Press each day an- noances that we have been trying to uuwt lua priuoipiou oi me v ciara- biuu ui iuuhquucui;o iuiu a lot ui Fillipinos and have murdered those that have objected to the process. Soveral subscribers have written suggesting colonization as the only sure and permanent settlement of the negro question; but if this were done it would deprive a larcre class of politicians who live by howling it : M : &i ii i ; "nigger in the woodpile" during cam paigns of an occupation No legislature has ever mot in this State that was as hungry for office as the last legislature has proven its elf. They not only did not abolish any xf the many fusion offices they had bo much to say abont in the cam piign, but they went to work and created many new offices for hungry pie eaters. Ihere were many things that Col. Andrew, overseer of the Southern Railway, was determined that the legislature should not do; and it did not do any of them. There was one thing that this overseer was determ ined it should do, and that was to whitewash the two Wilsons and re instate them as Railroad Commis sioners, and that thing it did do. There are a number of men in the State whom overseer Andrews and the other railroad bosses would have been willing to trust as Railroad Commissioner, bat there is no one they can trust as well as one whom they hare tried and found acceptable to them. This probably explains why Beddingfield was elected. We can think of no other possible expla nation. The Supreme Court of the United States has just rendered a decision upholding the decision of our State Supreme Court, declaring the Wilkes eonnty railroad bonds fraudulent and invalid. The Supreme Court of the United States, in their decision, say they express no opinion them selves, but that they follow their enstom in upholding the decision of the States' Courts in such matters. Thus the people have another object lesson of the importance of having anon-partisan Supreme Court like the one we now have. The News and Observer says that if the proposed constitutional amend ment results in disfranchising a Urge number of white men that after it is adopted that then the Democratic machine can be trusted to change it by substituting another constitution al amendment that will not disfran chise these white men. But how can the fifty thousand white men who will be disfranchised have any voice to.rote to change the wrong after it has been eommittsd. Im every vo ter think abont this before putting a haltar around his neck or th n..t. of his neighbors and then giving the nd of the halter to the heartless politician, after hi, own hand, are Recently certain Democratic and Repnblican newspapers have been londin denouncing trusts, out it?s noticeable that nof a single 0ne or the., old nartv f . 9 . Wiiito-S." .i-gleon. of fhem hav.aid that UIT IM a . - m " 4!wr OI removing the causes that produce trusts. There is oi a nrteen year old boy in America but what knows that the only proper and common sense way to kill trusts ii to remove the eanae th.f them. The cheeseparing p oCe howerer vigorous it may be Carried 3 U9 carnea vii, win never no-root or .t w formation of trusts. But the miser able make-shift of anti-trust law pawed by the last Legislature is not E. " coeese-panng process. cry sentence in the bill .. . wmm lltliu asy to Take asy to Operate Are f -ioirM f"ii!ir t IT"!' fill. Bmall la try n ii. I ' V i ii-v. r Pills v-r." ' I lUn-i & i n.. Tin 'Mil) to Uke w:tU U'V riajrUla doc-d ly Mi. Stev. n that was nt least o'j cti -nab1 to the trust w& stricVea from tbe tiil b fr re it war ptss d, at the d.rtation f 'he trust?. Ti (f'.l Mm and m-n poli-.ts in the D?in fra'iu i-artj, with the help of tb sile r hj M-rires in the party, are already bmbting that th y will b able to c Ltiol r at st to block the dx" Democratic national con vention. For more than a ytar The CaTCajMan hs bet-n p 'luting ont this dtnuvr, and it has especially warned i be silver Democrat! of North Caro'iua that the scheme was on foot, acd that that class of Democrat il the State who opposed co operation in the last campaign as advised by Bryan and Jones, were the leaders in the movement. It will take only 308 votes in the mxt Democratic na tional convention to block it and prevent the nomination of Bryan. The gold bugs have already publish ed a list of 311 votes that they are certain of controlling. Tho last Dem ocratic campaign in this State and the action of the last Democratic Legislature is the strongest kind of encouragement to this gold and mo nopoly conspiracy. AN IMPORTANT DECISION. r. u.- -,,i . ; j n TftIl , Rn.,tl,n.n o-;i n inis was a case wnere iroxier war injured in attempting to couple cars on the Southern Railroad, on- which there were no automatic car coup- I lers. The railroad claimed that Mr. I Troxler should not recover damages because he was sruutv of nee-licence himself, not being careful to protect himself from iniarv. The eonrt hnldi I on the other hand, that the failure of Iti.. :i j x .. the railroad to equip its cars with modern safety appliances renders the company of negligence and continu ing negligence, and makes the com pany liable for damages sustained by an employee even though the em ployee might himself have been neg ligent also. The Court, in the opinion, cites the fact that Congress has passed a law, as far back as 1893, requiring all railroads to equip their cars with au tomatic couplers, which the Southern railway, in this case, had failed to do. The court holds further, that even if Congress had not passed this law that it is the duty of a public carrier to provide itself with all the new inventions and improvements, the advantages of which have been proven by general use, and especial ly any reasonable improvement that will project life or limb; and that the failure of the railrod or any com mon carrier to do so renders it liable for damages to those injured there by. The opinion of the Court fur ther sets out the fact that in 1RA7 there were 1,093 men killed and 27. 607 injared in the railway service, while in the recent Spanish war there were only 298 persons killed and 1.- 645 wounded all told, showing that there were nearly six times as manv railway employees killed and nearly twenty times as many employees wounded as there were soldiers killed or wounded in a great and glorious war against one of the oldest king doms of burope. The Court further points out the fact that since the law was passed by Congress in 1893 re quiring automatic couplers to be put on all cars that while only part of the roads have complied so far with the law, yet there were last year 219 few er employees killed and 4,994 fewer wounded from coupling and uncoup ling cars alone, than in 1893 when the law was passed and when there was no automatic couplers, notwith standing the fact that there are many more trains and many more miles of railway, and therefore many more persons employed in railway service, than there were in 1893. These are very signiaoant, no't to say startling facts; yet in the of meseiacts it will be remn,K- that that the recent Democratic leg islature tried to pass a bill exenaing the railroad companies from fn;-v. ing their cars with automatic eoup ers, or rather extending the time, in the face of the fact that hundreds ana inonsands am each year being uy cms criminal negligence of the railroads. This one fact alone an index of how far removed the ' legislature was from the people "uoir interest and how ZV" UDder the infle of CP?rat;0rnPOlie8 d trusts, J Th mre imPco to T?10118 and7 the railroads, to control the courts than J-Jo control the legislature. Asa J I " ' "J wre auu 111 T)rM.nTln I In F,wi : ' "wy fc 1U geiUng men f0f juuge. wno tney either control abso lutely or who are so blMA of railroads as to be unable t j see iainy Dotn sides. The h Je. 5fN "U-, W 2f ? a ihmin.c"m of a fair, i bold, and unntrtiii , ,. . preme Court of North Carolina, how- Y --- uUW wmcn t . - nun has risen above the poisoning jnfl '"w wt corporations and deals out absolute justice without regard to fear or favor from either rich or poor. It is to be hoped that North Carolina will he so fortunate as' to always have such a Hapieaoe Court. The difference between the last legila tnre and the present Supreme Court is almost as wide as the difference between cay and night. It is said that members of the last legislature seriously discu?std whether or not there was any possible way by which the legislature could abolish the court or re-orgHD'as it. There is no thing that the corporations and mo nopolies that contribute large sums of money to the Democratic cam paign fund o much desire as to get rid of the ptesent Supreme Court and if ib-ere had been any way under b'gh beavenrby whieh that legisla ture could have legisl&tel the coutt out of i xistecce there is to d Aubt it would have done so. How fortunate it wastbt re was not a Supreme Court to elect last fall. If there had been, behind the cry of n gio tb monopo lists would have succeeded in pack ing the court j ist as they packed the legislature. " That Throbbing tleadact, Would quickly leave you, if juu used Or King'd New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their match less merit for ick and nervous head aches. They make pure biood and 4'rong ntrves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 2" cnts. Money back if no cured. Sjld by all druggiats. "AT LEAST BE EAIR." The T mi-Alercoi-f Give Soma Fac in Kepijr to a FaUa Chare Maria by I ha lir:ot e Otxtrver. Hickory Times-Mercury During the closing days of Con gress we marked an editorial in the Charlotte Observer which most un fairly criticises Sanator Butler, and laid it aside to comment on it. We have unfortunately misplaced the paper, but the substance, if not the exact language of the part of the editorial referred to is as follows: "Mr. Butler, of North Carolina, consumes a great deal of the time of the Senate, but nothing he 6ays amounts to a row of pins. He has never gotten a measure through the Senate and he only talks to occupy time and obstruct the public business at the cost of the people's money, etc." It is true that the Charlotte Obser ver and certain other North Caroli na papers have tried to make the State think that the above was a true statement about Senator Butler, not only by making such editorial utter ances, but by refusing to publish the facts and giving him the credit for what he has done. We can always find out mere about what Senator Butler and the other Populists ar doing in papers published outside of the State than we can from the D m ocratio State papers. Bat it hap pens that in the very issue of the Charlotte Observer in which the above editorial appeared, tlKM was published in it an ass elated j. ss dispatch, announcing the fact iu&i Senator Butler had succeeded in de feating the scheme for a subsidy to a Pacific cable company and had succeeded in getting the appropria tion committee to accept and adopt his amendment providing for a gov ernment cable to be built by the. ?(a vy Department and then to be turn ed over to the Post Office Depart ment to be operated as & part of the Postal system. It was noticeable, however, that the Cnarlotte Observer put this dispatch on its fourth page in an insignificant corner next to ad vertising and put no headlines over it, while su,ch papers as the New York World and the New York Jour nal of the same day published the same news item on their front pages with prominent headlines. This is simply one illustration of the splendid work that Senator But ler and the other Populist Congress men and Senators are constantly do ing in Washington, and is , an illus tration of the unfairness of many Democratic, newspapers in North Carolina in suppressing the news and, in editorially misrepresenting them. Who was it that exposed tho Ar mor. Plate frauds and stopped the steal and offered an amendment pro viding for the estahshment of a government arusr factorv and passed U through the Senate at this iasi Mssur, of Congress? It was this w ''vlr. Butler of North Caroli nV who, the Charlotte Obser ver says, amounts to nothing and who talks against time and has nev er gotten a measure through the Senate. Who was it that got an increased appropriation in every item of tho River and Harbor appropriation bill for .North. Carolina above the amount passed by the House in this last Con gress and in the Congress before: and besides, got new items added in the Senate that were not in the House bill? It was this same "Mr Butler, of North Carolina." Who was it that got a forty thon sand dollar increase for Geological Survey -work, the most of which will be used m North Carolina under the direction of Professor Holmes, as an amendment to tfce Sundry Civil bill? It was this same "Mr. Butler of North CarolinaJL" Who was it thi ,t formulated and pushed through the Committee on rost Offices and Post Roads thebil f t a system of Poa tal Savings banks and prepared an support of the bil an able report that is attracting at tention of thvsmew siapers in nearly every state m the Union, but North Carolina? Who was at that "succeeded in doing thi f r the -first time in twenty years though postal savings bank bills have been offered every year during that time? It was this same "Mr Butler of North Caroli na." Who, -was it tjiat introduced a bill "Better Be Wise . - Than Rich." Wise people are also rich when they know a perfect remedy for all annoying dis eases of the blood, kidneys, liver and bowels. It is Hood's Sarsaparilla, which is perfect in its action. It so regulates the entire sys tem as to bring vigorous health. It never disappoints. COrtre-" For 42 years I bad goitre, ot swellings on iuy neck, which was Jls couraein? atxl troublesome. Rheumatism also annoyed me. Hood's Sarsaparllla cured rue cowplftely and the swelling has entirely disappear, a lady In Michigan aaw my previous testimonial and used Hood's and was entirely cured of the same trouble. Mie thanked me for recommend ing it." Mrs. A!!a Scthcklakd. 406 Lovel Street. Kalaiuazuo. Micb. Poor Health - " Had poor health for years, pains in shoulders, back and blps, with constant headache, nerrousness and no appetite. I'sed Hood's Sarsaparllla. gained strength and can work hard all day: eat heartily and steep well. I took it be cause it helped my husband." Mas. Elizabeth .1. Girret.s, Moose Lake, Minn. Makes Weak Strong-" I would gire 15 a bottle fur Hood's Sarsaparllla IX I "could not pet it for less. It is the best spring medicine. It makes the weak strong.' Albert A. Jahnow, Douglastown, N. Y. ra iu' m avr rrr. ...i" j . Hood' mi, ciiraJjTOrUU; tha non Irritating and only cathartic to take with Hmh1 SaraaparlllaJ in less than three weeks after he first became a member of the Senate pro hibiting the further issuing ot interest-bearing bonds without the con sent of Coungress, and in less than three months, after a most bitter fight, succeeded in passing it through the Senate by a good majority? It was this same "Mr. Butler of, North Carolina' Who was it that succeeded in the Congress before the last in passing a bill through Congress providing for the establishment in North Caro lina of one of the largest fish natch eries in the United States, and who in the last Congress secured the an nual appropriation for the operating expenses of this hatchery, though the hatchery had not been commen ced on account of the failure of the State Legislature of North Carolina, to pass a bill granting sovereignty over site for said hatchery to the government? It was this samo "Mr. Butler of North Carolina." Who was it that commenced and led the fl ht who checked, exposed and prevented the conspiracy of the Navy Department t rob Admiral Schley of his glory and just deserts as the hero of Santiago,, and to pro mote Capt. Sampson as an Admiral over his head;- and who not only commenced this fight but who re fused to surrender even when Sena tors Gorman and Wellington of of Schley's own State surrendered, and announced publicly that they were willing for Sampson to be ad vanced above Schley; and who con tinued the fight until Schley was pro moted two numbers above Sampson? It wo.b this same "Mr. Butler of North Carolina." Who was it that held up and de feated the nominations of a number of negro postmasters in Eastern North Carolina? It was this same "Mr. Butler of North Carolina." Who was it that held up in the Senate the bill dividing cases of con- em pt of court into- two elasses and offered and secured the adoption of an amendment providing that in case of contempt committed out of the presence of the court that the person charged with the effense should be guaranteed the right of nalj which right was denied by the bill as passed by the Judiciary Com mittee and reported to the Senate; and which amendment was endorsed by the Democratic national conven tion in. the Chicago platform of 1896? It was this same "Mr. Butler, of North Carolina." Who was it that succeeded in pass ing three times a bill for a public Building at Durham and a bill to erect monument' to Generals Nash and Davidson, and numbers of other bills of equal imoortance. which would have become laws if they ha 4 passed the House? It was this s ma "Mr. Butler of North Carolina. Ualv By referring to the Congre clonal Record to refresh our meror we eould continue this list, 5ut thege serve as samples to sho te work that he is doing, butw'4ioh factg cer, tain papers in North Carolina try to keep from the publi while edUori. ally they abuse rjm. Tne Kecord will show that no member of the Sen ate is more alert and active and a more tireless worker wherever the interests of his State e concerned or the general public welfare than is this same "Mr. Batlej , of North Car olina." Considering the fa,t that the ma jority of the Sena te is hostile to nearly all of hi vfev ra that he holds, it is perfectly won erful that he has succeeded so. weE. A man of less abUity and lee a ergy .would have accomplished abc lutely nothing and made no impreasft0n whatever. Sena tor Ransom waa in the Senate over twenty-years, j t we challenge the Charlotte Obear ver to show that he did daring the whole time that he was in the Sea ate, with the benefit of long exper ience and service, as much as this '"Mr. Butler, of North Carolina" has? accomplished. .Whether tt e Charlotte Observer likes Mr. Bat) er or likes the People's Party, it is ee rtainiy due it to itself as a newspap, er to be at least fair. Constipate n of the Bowels mar be A MONSTROUS ABSURDITY. Maay .o4 Dvwaacrata Oyyaaail Im ! 'irsa4-aa mf HI lira ad -fa br Cn tliatiaaal Awivadmrat flaaa. The correspondent of the Char lotte Observer, writing to that paper from Fajettevill. uaJer da?erf March 4th, say: The Observer eorree'lj gug pub lic sentimeLt ia throwing cut a wtrd of wercing against akicg for gran ed the carrying at the b&iiut b 1 ot the suffrage cocs'itutiooal amend ment. It will require Lard w ik frtn the rank a'td file and of thi party. Tbtre is ortaiuly no elond on the title cf the Ctpe Fear Dm ocracy to orth-d .xj, dat the writer is surprised at the number cf lead ing Democrats whom he meets op posed to the amendment. Theclauae about the "grand son of his grand father" is pefliaUy d cried as monatrous absurdity. The uff-g urn LilfDrnt re'eried to abov?, rhi h wu a 'o e t ry it, last LecisU'ut-, i a N1! : THft SLTFRAilE MK1MnT Sectkn 1. That Atiit- VI . 1 tfce CoaBtitu'icu of N-.rti Carolina b, and the sme is hereby le.a!'!. a i in lieu tbi-r-of sh 11 - -ufsi'u' d the following AttLle if Sid Consti-J tution: 'Ahtklk VI. Suffrage and .Eligibility to Offi e Qualifications of an Elector. Section 1. Every male person born in the United S ates, and dvery male person who his been naturalized, 21 years of age and possessing the qual ifications set out in this Article Ehall be entitled to vote at any election by the people in the State, ex sept as herein otherwise provided. Sec. 2. He shall have resided in the State of North Carolina for two years, in the county six months and in the precinct, ward or other elec tion district, in which be offers to vote four months next weeding the election: Provided. That removal from one precincry ward or other election district to another in the same county, shall not operate to de prive any person of the right to vote in a precinot, ward or other eleceion district from which he has removed until after such removal. No person who has been convicted, or who ha confessed bis guilt in open court upon indictment, of any crime, the punishment of which is, or may thereafter be, imprisonment in tb State prison, shall be permitted to vote unless the said person shall be first restored to citizenship in the manner prescribed by law. Sec. 3. Every person offering to vote shall be at the time a legally registered voter as herein prescribed and in the manner hereinafter pro vided by law, and the General As sembly of North Carolina shall enact general registration laws to carry in to effect the provisions of this Ar ticle. Sec. 4. Every person presenting himself for registration shall be able to read and write any section of the Constitution in the English language; and, in addition thereto, shall have paid on or before the first day of March of the year in which he pr poses to vote, his poll tax, as p re- scribed bylaw, for the previous v ar and he shall exhibit his receipt there for when he offers to vote. Poll taxes shall be a lien only on assessed, prop erty, and no process shall i jSao to enforce the collection of t'te same except against assessed pro ,perty. sec. 5. Ho male persorit who was on January 1, 1867, or s jt any time prior inereio, entiuea t vote under the laws of any State in the United States wherein he the m resided, and no lineal decendent. 0f any such per son; shall be denier, the right to reg ister and vote at p election in this Btate by reason c failure to po- sess the educational qualifications prescribed in sr -jtion 4 of thia Artiele Provided. He. shall have registered in accordian c6 witn this Article prior to Decemb lf xgos, and no person shall be entitled to register under this 8ect0B after that date. The General Assembly shall, at its urst session after the adoption of t0 is amendment, provide the manner ' jl which the classes of persons pro vided for in this section shall regis ter. Sec, G. All elections by the people shall be by ballot, and all elections by the General Assembly shall be viva voce. Sec. 7. Every voter in North Car olina, except as in this Article quali fied, shall be eligible to office, but before entering npon the duties 0 the office he shall take and subscribe the following oath : "I, ......... do ' HOW TO FIND OUT. ' Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty four hoars : a sediment or settlinsr in dicates an unhealthy condition of the kidneys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kidney trouble: too fre qaeot desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the Kidneys and bladder are out of order, WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so of ten expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's swamp Roo the great kidney reme- ay iaimis every wisn in coring rhea matism, pain in the back, kidneys, liv er, bladder and every part of the orin ary passage. It corrects inability to noia water ana scalding pain in pass inar it. or bad effects folio win ar use o liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes mac unpleasant necessity of being compelled to aro often d urine the dav. and to get up many times during the eigne, i ne mua ana tne extraordina ry effect of Swamp Boot is soon real Ized. It stands the hirhest for its won derful cures of the most distressing oases, ii yen neea a medicine you anouia nave tne nest. At druggists fif ty cents or one dollar. .Ton may have a sample bottle and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail, if yon end your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co Bingtamton, N. T. When writing be sure and mention that yon read this generous offer In Tn Caucajiav. The Truth About Catarrh. n.,.,. u.s. it.,, ft :- ' "- " M r-astriti. . i.x. nrrr, t Vvrrr,, sTATr II I fl II II thett:". xf.'i hi" DXARSnt:-It affrda me much r- t,. War t'-V.Vr.t.rrS of your medicines. Pe-ruma and Manu-lin. 1 hare troub.cU w it J"J J the bead and stomach; I have used many ..f the N t knon and i.r t aaveriuca meaicmes out iounu n f1 - .-. began to take your Pe-rn-na ad I am pleased tuaay t I nov tx.ns;Jor invaaJ completely curwd of catmrrh. I a aiao trouMfl nd.-st.o.i. n uA Mve Ul0rf- C Yours I olemnly swear or affirm, that I will i apport and maintain the const i tu t ion of the United States and the constitution and laws of orth Caro lina, not inconsistent therewith, and -that I Vill faithfully discharge the duties of my office as So help me God' Sec. 8. The following elapses of persons shall be disqualified for of fice: First, all persons who deny the being of Almighty God.. Second, all persons who shall have been convic- I ted or confessed their gt tilt or indict ment pending, and whether senten ced or not; or under judgment sus pended, of any treason a r felony, or ny other crime for whiei'i the pun ishment may be imprison! oent in the penitentiary, since beoomi ng citizens of the United States, of corruption and malpractice in office unless stch person shall be restored to the ri?Lts f ci';zuship in a manner prescrib ed by law. Se-. i. Th act ehall l in force fr iq d1 aftnr its ratifies. ijt. IipV par Hood's Sarparilta cures wher. all other preparations Jail to do vny eor 3, and you run so risk in giving it a fair trial. 'If thjm llabla CvTtinc Teeth. he sure a nd use that old and well tl led remedy, Mhs. Winslow's Soothi o Syrcp orcbiidren teetbiog. 1 moot I es the chi'ii, softens the gums, allays ;all pain, iures wind colic aud is I be b at remed.j for diarrhoea. Twenty-fit e cents per bottle. Tha Prayer of m Devout Parr. t. A resident of Pittsburg who spent a rart of last summer in England, tells in an exchange an incident which sad ly disturbed the religious peace of a parish in Penzance. A maiden lady of that town owned a parrot which some bow acquired the disagreeable habit of observing at frequent intervals: "I wish the. old lady would die." This annoyed tfae birds owner, who spoke to her enrate about it. I think we can rectify the matter," replied the good man. MI also have a parrot, and be is a righteous bird, having been brought up in the way he should go. I will lend yeu my parrot and I trust bis influence will reform that depraved bird of yours. The curate parrot was plaoed in the same room with the wicked one, and as soon aa the two had become accus tomed to each other tne Dad bird re marked,4! wish the old lady would, die. Whereupon the clergyman's bird rolled up his eyes and in solemn ac-1 cents added, "We beseech thee to bear ', us, good Lord. The story got out in the parish, and for several Sundays It was necessarj to omit the litany at the church ser vices. Saturday Evening Post. Bettor Than Eear. J "I suffered from a skin disease anrf I had such an intense itehing that I J conld hardly sleep at night, nothing gave me as much relief as Mood a Sarsaparilla. I have taken three bottles of it and now hare better health than ever in my life before.'' Gilbert T. Paynb, 50 1 North Au gusta Street, Staunton. Va. Hood's Pills give strenth even: while their cathartic qualities are at work. Easv to take.. Stats or Ohio, Citt or Toledo, J Lucas Cora tt, ( Fkaxk J. Chbxsy na kes oath that he is the senior partner 'of the firm of F. J. Chmbt A Co., doif g business in the City of Toledo, cons ry and State aforesaid, and that said 'firm will pay the sum of ONE HUX. ORED DOL LARS for each and everj case of Ca tabbh that cannot be ear ed by the use of Hall's Catabbb Ccb. . FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me aaa subscribed in my presence, this 6? ball y of Decem ber, A. Dn 1886. ( , A, W. G3 REASON. sbal Xl ary Public. Hall Catarrb Cure is ft ken inter nally, and acts directly eaa the blood and m neons surfaces of tl ie system. Send for testimonials, frees. F. J. Chbhbt A CO.3 .'oledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c Hall's Family Pills are tfb e best. Ladies desiring a content 1 and hap py old age should ose Simee os Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets, ooorssa anciog at 40 years old and. continual during "Change of Life. No other medicine build up and fortifies the system against .miscar. riaares as well aa Simmon Sqcaii Vine Wine of Tabl ets. Albert 8. Brown, Mari'yn, IV. C, writes: If y mother waa iteatUy xe liered of Dieordereb Lir rf by the use of Dr. Mi A- Simmons LVtrer lledieine. Hare used it myself n'ith grea banefX. It nan- r" ..f tlir .t..Mi ii..n- U what urTrrlnj K 1H it f.; .o U.m w n ' 1WU vazrrW -n:nt an.l 1'aUt f.M- William T. IIarncs. H-paii Mat-- Marshal Smllifrn i4Ntr n- - a U r..mi'.-t-!v rorrJ vt ratarrli t ,ca.l an t t.mafh 1-y lr. Ilartmaaa ment. Mr. Harney r'fture t trint.l li.-rr. U on .f the Wat know n an.l in-t p.pu'ar l-m ra,. " In sutlioru '!:. piilaritr U insr fullv lrm.ustrat-.l ly b- v!H-tin f-r thnv wvi-w trnj i .1 .fii- in th- rfiu.Ican cnnTy ..f W shiiivt..n. 11 va-aPi':nt-.i 1 Vputy I'nitM Matt- Marlial lor !.. tlK-ahuiuitrat:.n f IWIn.t , .(.yjaijlj, ... - - 2 ,.(tlv ha-, tl an -nv'.aMv "- 1 I ....I ill tiia M.unf-. SmVIHMS I:-Tr.ux .r ino. riXClVXAlI. . SI1.. 1".'. truly. Win i am T. IUii AYER FOR DEMOREST'S The subscription prior of paMII V Ilnnrata ia nsllinp.1 I Vi'UL. 1 Demomts is rrJaorl to It OU a year. MA0AZ1NE. DKMOKESrS FAMILY MAGAZINE U more than a FASHION MAUAZINK. al- though it irivea the rr-Jl Jvery Utrat Lome rilv ;S 'i ' - - and foreit-n faah- I ,v ACA.I 1 . V thi. is only on. ci 9m uiauj vswmww feat urea. It Uii aoaethine for each member of the fam ily, for every Je tartment ot the LouatholJ. aud iu varied oonteuta are of the blithest frrade, tuskice it prteu -r.ently TIIK FAM ILY MAUAZ1NE OF THE WORLD. It furnkbes tLe;iH thousbts of the most interestitiir and niiat profrreanive writeis of the day. and i abreaat of the times in everything Art. I.iiera'ure. Science, twiety A Hairs. Fntion, llousehrld MaUers. 8;ort, etc. a nrle numln-r fre qoently containi'-e from to r.neen eravinjra, making it the MOST OJMPLKTK AMD MOSTI'KOKITHKI.Y ILLt SlJlAlED of the GREAT MONTH LI EH. DEMOUNTS MAGAZINE Fashion Ie partment is in every way fsr ahead of that contained in any other publication. Subscribers are entitled each mouth to in terna of the latent fashions in's at tire at ko cost to them other than that nec eraary for pontage and wrai ring. XO BETTER CUKISTXAS IJIF1 than a year's subscription to DEMOUESTS MAGAZINE can be made. Ily subscribing at okcb you ran ret the magazine at the re duced price, and will also receive the hand some 25-cnt X-mas Number ilh iu beau tiful pane! picture supplement. Remit f 1.00 by money order, reiateied let ter or check. Great Special Clubbing Offer for I rompt Subscriptions: ONLY SI. 75 FOR ass DcarareaVs Fl1y Wttattaa "Send your subscriptions to this oftce. hm Co.,! RALEIUII.NJV. 5 W. S. BAPNES. 5 General Manager. Our brand are "LemonlWranper'' Ouano,Frmers Choice" Guano, "O. K." Guano and "B.B. Acid I'boptate. XJ We sell to farmers direct and at farmers prices. A borne companyand not In a trust, our prices are low and goods not excelled. ji2G Rob Childbirth of its Terrors and Minimize the Pain and Dangers of La bor by using Simmons i-'quaw Vine Wine or Tablets. ! Foul-Smelling Catarrh. Catarrh is one of the mot obstinate diseases, and hence the mt u difficult to get rid of. There is but one m-ay to con it. The disease is in the blood, and all the pays, washes and inhaling mixtures in the wc 1 can haw no permanent effect what, ver tipon it. Swift's Spe cific oares Catarrh permanently.foritis the only remedy which can reach the disease and force it from the blood. Mr. B. P. McAllister, of llarrodsburg, Ky., bad Catarrh for years. He writes z I eoald se no lmproTeiceat whatever, tawagh I waa aenstaaUr treated with sprari ana wasbea. and dlffar ntlDhallDs; rmedira in fact. I euuld leal thai each winter I was worst than the year prevloaa -finally U wal nrooehtto my aotles that Catarrh was a blooa dlaeaae. and after thlaa In a- orer the matter. I aaw It waaanreaaonaUs to expect to be curad b remedies which oalt reached the surface. J then decided to tri after a few bottles were used. I no ttead a paroeptlWe laaproreiaeot. Contlaaiaa MM raaaedy. the diseaa waa forced ont of ani sratea. and a oomplete cure waa the reeuli I aaTiaa au wno aare this dreadful diaeaa u haadon their loaal treatmen t. which has avras done them any (rood, and take 8. 8, S-. a ram adr that aaa reach tha diae&a and core It." To eentinue the wrong treatment fox Catarrh il to continue to suffer. Swift'i Specific is a real blood remedy, and cures obstinate, deep-seated diseases, which other remedies hare no effect whatever upon. It promptly reachei Catarrh, and never fails to cure even the most aggravated cases. For TD1AAJ LTheOIUUU h Purely Vegetable, and is the only uioou remey guaranteea to contain na dangerous minerals. Books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Beawtr la Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean akin. Xo beauty without it. Caacareta, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im pontiea from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheada. and that sickly bilious complexion by taking; Caacareta. beante for tn Mna aiiuZT are. a. and (Lr I.2.la3 ' jpm. satiafaetion ptarsatesd, lOc,23c,Kc7 tmms , ...... xv aaaaaa .4. ... mllWli t fyt v- O tv. sm"jt .,..,, Saaavi W " W- a- if f4 a----I ata'"' . 1 ra if n atx taaa .. ftl.t-"Ifvm a.. ' - h IhMmHii 1iiiim.u., PYNY-PECT0RAL t s t sf is s am r mT fft JL " -a. r COIOIIS and coins. :: VCBV ValUaSIC raxacy ta a '. ffactiaas ! tfc THROAT OR LUNGS. a aattlaa. tta. DAVIS A LAWRCRCC CO., U , rj o OacV ,n. '- row 4.aT ar ,! 4 I ruits ar.d hrurC"' DROPSY crsta :ts -r- lain.M Ha. ' u ...j aiM4 tKria lu ut Amvm mt lr tSir . f a't -u-!..- f i. . tK. B. B. CKXt I I SOUS U- a K. AUM-a . Positions Secured . . . W? aid tb- artto util ffotrrt tii. t poui.ii: pitr unar Nttir rulra: J apj-. n. rnriit. W ar rrrat a tirmaiid I.-r Irmplujera ilLiU i mntt. Hurra ol tint Strlrr ln.frull4 US Kiflli htreet X. 1 WaauiKtiKifi. !.'. Ca.-r.-ta ai ! '.u..t im i u v. J . i .1 in-J .- i-.t '. at a 1 r' '! nr' ' ' ist- (.' '.'. an, i ivHy ailn , M.i ti w. k, t.Usu tt Ui iiUl' m. 1 .,. ), CUi K-i-!act". U-v.-r. Iiai'i-"?! .'ifatut anJ ti lo iMfa I'J.-aa" !"; ainl IT m U of C(C V-lv; l ' sHTk. tv.Ulaii' uaran:d ta cure i tt Otm. g;ta. TRY THE JEU HOME WRITE FOR CIRCDURS fZZrJ!; prices before yoa pan hake moj oiber. TMC NCW HOME SrwiNQ MACMINC CO. oaua. aaa. trm.&maj,i t. in. Ialia,la. aWa ttrtmm. Cms, a IWiU Atai.W" ATTENTION ! The 1899 SOUDAN Bicycles. M Attractive Wheel. 3 inch drcn to hanger, Flatcrankr, 2 pieceB, Star fDrocket, Ball Betainerr, Felt wathera . Thumb Screw aijnitur. fl & A. perfect fitg ch'n. Tool steel coEei- ! NEW FEA TUBES j Stand comparison, ire aiiraciiTr', Are eaiyrnnnirjg,l Are durable, Are high grade, Areelegantlj utbed. THEY Wonderful value Vl. We want an agent in every ctty or county. TIIK OUIAX:3f FC CO, - iH Carrdl Ave, Chicago III. ale. Oa tbursd.y. April 12:b, UJj, I will ell at public auction, at the reeid'rw o the late J. A. KilMte. a lot of Ma chinery, to wit: Iiiers H and 20 Dorse-power; enyioe, 18 horae pow r; larristniill; 1 aaw mill; 1 co-ton gn, press, wire, ropea, and tbaftirijra i?-!"." .Tb hove property belong Ing to Jul-an A. KiJIette deceased. lermswiii be made known on dav of sale. M. M. KlLLBTTE. Meh lOtb, Vj. 4c e r . msm rREEs fMM IN COLO. V ta?; Hi T BicydcOokt Watch. IMaaaand O kJnC. or a Schalf ship aa CIlIC College. aahvUle, Xeaaor fW xeaarkaaa. Tea, or a acbc4 araaaoak. moat any other reputable bnaiaeas cl MMMayerary achocl ia the U. 6. can teaecared Orn.m ..auiUewotk at borne for Ihe Youth , aa illustrated semimonthly JouraaL ting in character, moral ia tone, and iatereatinz and nrafitable to vonne at read with interest and twofit be two . ! ares. Storiea and other intereaticc weU illustrated. Sample copies eeat free. - anted. Address Vautha Advocate fuh. ."sTiUa. atama. iMeatioa this paper J usWtiikty eaatts eared at noma with out paia Book of par tteulars eeat rRCC. II IB WOOLttI CO. tea Bam wrt a VHCm awwaa. u r.r, j --7,- rrr '-' Jv Vf wr-r ... t la frt rtci. T m n , :vaa -..u m " " . stttmm V tW K?7 -J I W s ataaa a uaia. v fatiate mmms ..u. -

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