- . - V VOL. XVII. RALEIGH, NORTH C.VJ10L1NA, THURSDAY, APRIL G, 1809. NO. 18. CAUCASIAN. liilLVL Si flu III f LAG RAISED 0VI MALOL05. The Rebels Ti.'i Filipirm Evacuated Their Cap ital After Firing tho Town. MARTHUR ENTERED THE CITY ,r i.l T urtJjy Marning Reb;ls Lost lUavily They RetrcatcJ Towards the v rtli-Tlie SJ.000,000 May Com; Back. Mrr.A (By Cable). -Tho United Stut"" troop rented Wednetdaynight in t j ii j i i to. about a mile And a quarter (ru.ii Malolc. tlio day's advance ba ll mi at 2 o'clock and covered a dinUnca .,; cim ut two ami one-half miles he yr.i l tho Guingintnrivor.alongtherail frul. The hruut f the battle wm oo t ,u right of tlx track, where the enemy vim apparently concentrated. The !,i't Nehraikn, First South Dakota nu! ientli Pennsylvania regiment tihciuitr-rcl tbeui entrenched on tho lifii'dtiM f the wuvdf, and the Ameri rrn u Ivauc ng across the oponing.suf-fi-red n terrific liro fr half an hour. 1 uir iuf'ti of the Nebraska regiment umo Luled nud thirty wouudVl. Ten niiMi df tho Dakota regiment were wiiuinlcd and oqo of the Pennsylva nia wat killed. Ihe Americans fi lm! iv drovo tbe Filipinos Lack. Al ihuuli there wero three liues of -ii'.ii,' entrouchtuoiits along tho track, t!i'i eucmv made scarcely any defeuce II (iciieral Mc.Vrthur and Inn I..H wpro walking on tho track abreast df iIim Imo with everything qnier, when 'i I don! v tboy received a shower of bullet from sharpshooters in treoa an I en hotiiotops, Imt they wore speed ily tli!o Iged. 'I he enemy's Ions wa uppiucntly mall, tbe jungle afiordiug Ihtui H ii'h protection that tho Ameri- mii were unable to ton them aid in lir ing wi-ru guided ouly by ttie sound of tho 1'ilipiuo shots. The American ar tilU i y wua huudicippud fur the same J U .I si Major General MncArthur advanced to a. tuck Malolos, tho cat of the insur ant mivorumont, at 7 o'c!ock Tuurs day luormt)'.'. lie wa met with strong opposition, the lebols resisting des peratelv, Imt losing heavily. General Hull' brlgnd is advancing north from the water-work ami driving tho left win. of tho onoiny across. Major Gen eral Mao Arthur outerod Malalosi, the Hc.it of the Ho-callod insurgoat govern ment, at ) :'.) iu the morning, the rob tin burning the city and simultaneous ly ovwMutiuir it. They are now in full retreat towards tho north, wbe'e A'.'Uiuuldo aud hi cibiuoL have beon fi.ir two days. Ton Years for Dickerson. Joseph J'.. DU-kcrsoa, formerly di rector of tho Firut National Bank of .Uhoville, N. ('., which failed ia July, Kir, who hai bsen ou trial in that city for two weoks iu the United States Court on enrages of ' embezzle incut and abstraction aud misap lropriatinn, was pronounced guilty bv the jury at 1 o'clock Thursday uitciuoou, after it bad been out s minutes. Judge Pnrnell sentenced ! i i k rnou to 10 voars in the prison in Noi lh Carolina ieiijnated by the Unit I Staton. A molion for u new trial us over ruled, and notice of appeal uiven. Tending the benring of the ap- l c;i!, bond wai lixed at 8o!),0t)0, wbicb Mai mail i? up iu 11 minutes. Pul Out in Terror Mount ales. Manila (By Cable). -Tbe American wTed over Maloloa at 10 o clock Friday morning. The Kansas Keeiment and Montana Regiment, on entering the city, found it deserted, the lresidncla burning, and the rebels re treating towards the mountains in a state of terror. It is believed that they cannot in any future time make e?en a faint resistance. Tbe American loss was small. It ia evident that tbe rebels bad for some time raat abandoned all hope of holding their capital, for tbe Ameri cans found there evidences of elaborate preparation for evacuation. On the railroad tbe raila and ties for about a mile had been torn up and probably thrown into the river. The only prii oaen captured were a few Chinamen. Their M ssioi a Failure. The delegates from the Cuban As sembly, Messrs. Villalon and Hevia, Called informally at the Htate Denart- ment Friday, and had a Iocr conversa tion wnn secretary nay. The condi tion of affairs in Cuba was freely dis cussed, and tbe delegates rresentod me resolution of the Cuban Assembly. Secretary Hay assured the delegates mat me united states eovern ment would not increase the amount to pay the Cuban army above the $3,000,- aireauy sent to Luba. lie t aid this mutter could not further be considered. lie also informed thorn that tho l'res Ment would not consent I t anr scheme for raising money by the Cuban A6som- uiy 10 pay tUo Cuban troops. An Excursion Steamer Su k. a c a . a opeciai irom Douiiiampton says: The passenger steamer Htella, plying between this nort and the Channel la- lands, crashed upon the dread Coquet nocK, near tne isiana ox Alderney, Thursday afternoon, ia a dense fog, anu ionnuerea in iu minutes, ner boil era cxploJintr as she went down. He ports as to tho number lost aro con tlictinir, I but tho officials of the Loa don & southwestern Railroad Company, which owns the boat, said that the drowned will not exceed 70. Other re ports make tho loss much higher. 'lbrce boats, including a collapsible boat, were lost. There were about 135 , i i passenuers on uoaru, auu me crew numbered 33 men. Samoan Trouble Patched Up. a joint commission to settle tne en tire bamoan trouble has been practi cally agreed upon by the United States, Uritisu aud uorman corernments. Lord Halisbury'fl absence from London alone delays tne formal acceptance by Great Britain, though in his absence Sir 1 nomas Sanderson and Mr. Yilliers, who are understood to be especial'.? fa miliar with the Samoan questiou, have approved the plan for a cotnmisuion. i ho united btato? lias lormauy ex- pressed its approval, and the formal acceptance, it is loaraed from the highest quarter, will follow speedil'. Germany Takes Charge. The Pekin correspondent of The Lon don Times says: "Under orders from Berlin, the Germans will occupy Si Chau Fa rnd I-Chan Fn, in the province of Shang Tung, until China isable to give the requisite guarantee of her ability to pre- 3rve order within that piovisice. Since she is anablo to give such gnar anteo Germany's actiou is equivalent to effective interference iu administra tive contrnl within the German sphere of influence. BAtQNESS DETJUSCB DEA6. for the A woman Who Spent SfJOOCO in Cftari- lies la New Vcrk City A Ion 2. A special from ParU de Huach is dead. Baron llifch left an estate of SW.0O0.OVO, tauca of which was ueqneatnea to charity and after wards dispensed by the Baroness. Mil- noas cave oeen spent in colomziog large bodies of ilnssian refugees in the United States acd the Argentina P.- poblic Barcnesde Hirsch was quite as remarkable a personage as her hus band. Wrth rcanv miiiinn. in hr own right, she gave as freely of her wealth as of that left bv herhusbacd She was a danehter of thn lata s.rninr Bischofheim, of Brussels, head of the great DanKing uonse of Bichofheim & Goldschmid, that financed the Erie Juailway reorganization in 1871. A careiul estimate shows that the Baron ess tie llusch spent 1,500,000 in the cny el isew lork in cbanuble work since her husband's death, three years ago, besides the annual iucome of the tuna oi 5,400,000 created by the Baron. They Think we Want to Fijht. ILe latest uevelonmenta in ih nomoan muddle claimed the larirer cart oi puoitc attention in lierlin last week. rs" ine government is most rst'eant. to tbe great dissatisfaction of tho trq and in the absence of clear information Irom headquarters rearardin tha at titude of the government, editorial comment is varied and contradictory. Aue general tone oi tne press, in com menting upon tho recent occurrences. is one oi dismay ana distrust, both of Great Britain and the United States, and their ultimate intentions. In this tne German newspapers have seeming iy ueen connrniea uy specials received from tho United States, all of which as sert tuat tne American press and people desire a serious encouuter with Ger many. The influential Centrist Cologne Volks Zeitung prints a New York spo cial warning Germany against the be lief tnat "the anti-Gcrmuu sentiment prevailing in the United States ia of small account." It asserts that war against Germany is daily preached and "may lead to deplorable results if the American trovernment does not check this in time." AMIS flllllL crnxsusa-s tarffOYEvora Or.s Thousand Filipinos led Aguinaido Give Open Battle. WERE COMPLETELY ROUTED. Rebel Offccrs Use Hie Lask to Keep la Filipinos Li Liae P.ritlsk iad Aracrkai Cruisers CoobarJ Tows of Simaa. Masila (Cy Cab!o). For the first time since the war began, the insur gents gave ope:j battle Wedaesday, about a thousand advancing openly to meet the Americans oa thoplapes be yond Marilso. They were commanded by Aguinaido in person, assisted by Gen erals Garcia, Torres and Pachecho. As the line advanced across the plain, the Americans reserved their tire, but when the natives were only four hundred yards away there was a sadden roar of artillery and musketry and the insur gents broke and ran. The cliicers were seen trying vainly to stop them, but it was a rout. They could not be stopped as long as they were in range. Prisoners captured by the Americans declare that the officers stand behind the lines with - heavy ! whips and lash tL.s unwilling native3 into fighting. Tkase lashes were found among the prisoners and the dead Jr liipinos. According to the natives captured executions occur every day. in tbe Filipino army, of men refusing or showing an unwillingness to hght. Cottos Fl9el AJf. the Oaly Oec ic ik Santa. Be;j Frecied. The growth and progress cf Greeaa- boro from an industrial standpoint for tbe lan two years has been rapid and substantial. Cotton mill, farnitare fcioris and iron fonnd&riea have been built aad are flourishing. Oa top cf this, the outlook for the next few mo'nths U something for the State to be proud of. Tbe Prcx mity Cotton Mills, owned and operated by Messrs. Moses IL andCsar Cone, now renning IS. OOOspindliB, is to add 10,009 more at an early dt. Ground has been bro ken nar the Proximity Mill for tbe New Revolution Cotton MilL Work on tbe building begins at onoe. This mill iato have UVrJ spindles ajd 800 looms. The product of tbe mill is to be cotton flannel, this being tbe first in the South to make it There will be 123 additional tenement bonnes. The old Greensboro Steel -and Iron Fur nace, so long idle and worthless, is soon to be in operation. .Within the next 60 daya;a concern for making oak chairs, with a capital stock of $10,000, will be running there. Shot Sweetheart aaJ Self. Mr. JijicLane and Miss Glennie Sari i, about fl years old, both of well-to-ui families of Kinstoa took a walk together. Not returning, search was made, and their bodies were found near the city. It appeared that Lane had shot Miss Sauls and then killed himself with a pistol. II is attentions to the y XL ig eirl were not eccepta le to her parents and he had been forbid den to visit the home. This was prob bly tho cause of the tragedy. STATE SQUIBS. a aueu n AUiAiA, His Own Soldiers Turned Down. Governor Povnter of Nebraska, has sent a message to the Legislature veto ing the Senate bill which commends tho First Nebraska Begirnont in the Philippines. Tho languarge iu the bill objected to by tho Governor says: "That we acknowledge with gratitude and joy the debt that the State owes them by reason of the honor couferred upon it by their valor while defending iu the Philippines the principles of our government and adding new glory to our Hug. liie uovernor in his veto says: "I cannot stultify myself with the calm judgment of thinking people of this commonwealth by giviucr of ficial approval to the Btatement t.'iat the war of conquest now carried oirin the Philippines is in defense of the priuciples of our government and is adding new glory to nur flag. " MacArihur Reaches Malolos. Tho following advice from Manila was received by tho War Department Wednesday: "Mac Arthur advanced at 0 yesterday morning from Marilao, and passed rapidly to Bocave. At 11:43 he took up tho advance for Bigaa, and at 3:13 p. in., for Guisuinto, three and a half miles from Malolos, reaching that point at 5. Casualties for the day about 70. Fierce lighting in the after noon. Troops mado mado crossing cf river at Guiguinto bv working nrtillerv over the railroad bridge by hand, aud swimming mules against fierce resistance." I dustrlil Activity at Hijrh Point "Great industrial activity prevails at High Point. The Union Furniture Company is forging away at its build ing, aud by the 15th of Jane the ma chinery will be in operation. Tbe fac tory will make a general line of medi um grade furniture. The capital stock is 20,000. Mr. IL W. Fraer is build ing a furniture factory. Ue will make school desks and wardrobes. The cap ital stock ia $12,000. The $1,000,030 May Corns Back. Governor General Brooke has nlmos made up his mind to send the &,00'V ti to hack to tho United States if the t'u'iati Military Assembly does not i;.ve ui the army rolls. MYou may as v-i ll do so, and not trifle much longer," :r.d Stcretary Alger, when discussing tho matter in coufereuce with Gen. Mrooke aud Geu. Gomez. The latter tiud that such a course would serve the Assembly right. Auyway, the impres Men h spreading that the governor general niav return the money to Wash ington, nu J it is stirring up fresh feel ing a.'uiust the Assembly. Snow Iii Chiajo. Thursday afternoon aud evening Chi rn;o was visited by a heavier snow frhriu than prevailed at any time dur ii ir the regular winter months. The m w, although rot over four inches on the love!, wat badly drifto' by a 40 ini!e wind, which drove it through the liown town streets iu clouds. The I or in was general throughout the Notthwep, tho reports showing that h:le great incon venieuce was occa o.oue.l, but little damage was done. Brief Mention Work is to be commenced immedi ately ou another cotton mill by the La- ntt Company, of LaneVt, Ala., to con Uiti CO, 000 spindles and 800 looms. A head-end collision of passenger l-nins occurred on tbe Blnff Line, at lluyue, teu miles above Alton, III. l our people wero injured. The en tineeva escaped by jumping. The failure of air brakes to work caused the wreck. Col. Bryan on Democracy.' A Democratic conference and ban q'iot, under tha auspices of the Demo cratic State Comm.ttee, was held in Tonka. Kan., Thursday evening, rnraiurtit speakers, including Col. Wi liaru J. Bi van, of Nebraska; Champ Olaik, of ' Missouri;" A. O. Meyers, Ohio, and S.dnev Clark, Oklahoma, v. ero pre.'ont. Afore thau a thousand persons wcro invited. The meeting wiMiotbo natnre of a conference of 1'eiaocratio leaders, the policy of the party in the campaign of 1000 being t jucheJ ou. Mr. Bryan was civen the urnst prominent place, his subject being , J omocrBcy." Jacob C. Mohler, of RichianJ, Pa., 'ed 80, and. Mis Maria llob6rts, of Hsgerstown, Pa., aged 00, are to wed. The Mohawk' Club Banquet Four hundred Detroit. Mich., . Demo crat, with a considerable company of ladies, enjoyed Thursday night tho third banquet of the Mohawk Club, the leading silver Demo cratic organization of Michigan. The large auditorium of the Harmonic ( lab house, in which the dinner was served, was gay with patrotio decora tions. A life-sized portrait of Colonel William Jennings Bryan was a con spicuous feature. Letters of regret from Colonel Bryan and others were read. $70,000 Fire in Columbia. At Columbia, S. C. Thursday even ing the big city hall and opera house were burned to the ground, together Wtth the adjoining building occupied by the Postal Telegraph Co. The fire started on the theatre stage, aad in a few minutes had enveloped the entire Luildicg. The aggregate loss is about $7r,000, with 235,000 insurance. The city police headquarters, eleotrio fire telegraph station, stores beneath, lodge and library rooms were all totally destroyed. Practically nothing was sated - ' -r New Party in Porto Rico. A special from San Juan, Porto Ftico, says a new political party has been born "the Republican party of Porto Itico. " Though the party was origi nated by the Radicals under the lead ership of Manuel Bossy, it has for its object: th'& association of all political elements in this Island; and they have aereed upon a platform which is pro nounced to be faultless in its Ameri canism. The platform endorses Presi dent McKinley and declares for the gold standard. A New Cape Charles and Norfolk Steamer. A contract has just been placed with Roach's ship yard at Chester, Pa., by tbe New York, Philadelphia & Norfolk Railroad Company for a steamer to re place the Cape Charles, which was burned at Norfolk in December last. The new ship, which is to be much finer thac tbe burned vessel, will be 823 feet long. 42 feet beam, and is to be driven by twin screws actuated by two quadruple engines of 8,500 horse- M, -It it i power, ine caoms win oe eiaooraieiy finished. Incorporation Business Flourishing. Papers have been filed with the Sec retary of State of New Jersey, increas ing the capital stock of the American Tobacco Company from $35,000.000 to $70,000,000. Tbe number of companies incorporated during the month of March was 230. of which there was paid filing fees amounting to $126,000. There were 3 companies and the au thorized capital of these So companies was 81,111,750,000. Three Men Hanged. Thomas Johnston and Richard Hale, white men. and Sam Rivers, colored, were hanged in Troy, Ala., for the murder of Mrs. Ira Myers and her dansrhter in-law. Mrs. E. Myers, last December. The negro. Sam Rivers, was hnn? first. lie said be was ready and told about the same tale as at the trial last month that he was made to take re iQ tDe rnurder by the two white men. The white men wero then hnnsr. They denied their guilt to the last. . The Southern and Southeastern reads in sessession in Atlanta, Ga., organiz ed the Southeastern Classification Com mittee, and elected P. J. McGovern chairman, at a salary ot ?3,uuu a year. The Dead Soldiers Arrive. The funeral train bearing the bodies of 150 soldiers who lost their lives in Cuba and Porto Rico, arrived at Ross- lyn. Vs., shortly after 1 o'clock Satur day afternoon, having passed through ashmgtou without stop. Tha train was heavily draped iu mourning and decorated wilh llags. Ihe remains are encased in hermetically sealed cas tets, marked, wherever possible, with the name and regiment of the soldier. These caskets were removed es rapidly as possible to that part of Arlington Cemetery where the final interment is to be made. Mrs. Fayne a oore Goes Free. Justice Scott, iu the Supreme Court, in ivew lork, released Mrs. layno btrahn Moore, on her own recogni zance, on the charge of stealing silver ware from the Waldorf-Astoria. This uctiou was taken ou tbe application of the district attorney. Mrs. Moore had been previously released cn the indict ment charging her with extortion. She was under $1,000 bail on the charge of larceny, but the hotel proprietor hav ing recovered all the Bilvcrware exhib ited uo inclination to press the charge. forty -Five Dead. The complete morgue record of the Windsor Hotel victims is as follows Killed during the fire and died subse quently of injuries received during the ere, n ; uoaies tasen irom the raina and identified, 2; unidentified bodies taken Itdtn the ruins, 82. Total known dead, 45. The missing number 41. Father James Needham Dead. Rev. James Needham, North Caroli na's oldest preacher and citizen, died at his home near Pilot Mountain, lie would have been 100 years old on May 2. next. He was ill cnlv a few days. "Father Needham, as he was famil-j jarly called, was actively engaged in ministerial work for 60 years. Fighting al Samoa. Apia, Samoan Island, (B Cable). The troubles growiug outof the election of a King of Samoa have taken a more nerions turn, and bavo resulted in the bombardment of the native villages along tho shore by the United States crnizer Philadelphia. Admiral Kautz commanding, and the British crnizers Porpoise and Royalist. Thebombard- I ment h33 continued iutarmittently for eight daj-s. Several villages have been bai ned. and there Lave been a number of casualties among tho British sailors acd marines. As yet it is impossible to estimate the number of natives kill ed or wounded. The Porpoise has shelled the villages east and west of Apia and captured many boats. The Americans and British are fighting splendidly, but there is a bitter feeling against the Germans. Two men, a British and a German subject, have been arrested as spies. The bombard ment of the jungle was for a time very hot. ' The Negroes to Blsm?. Tha race riot at Edgefield, S. C. , Eeems now to nave subsided. Both whites and blacks implicated in the af fair are quietly following their cnatom- ary vocations. Ihe testimony at the inquest shows that three pistol shots were fired into the whites before they replied at all. Then a perfectfusillade followed. One of the wounded darkio?. Wilkes Ballentine, ran abont 20J yards before he fell and he hid bis pistol just inside a plank fence beside which he lay. Two freshly fired chambers were found in same. Arthur Townsend, the negro who caus ed all the trouble, seems to have organ ized the party cf negroes. He is a worthless loafer about the town and regarded as extremely insolent. He cursed several faetory employes as be ing low down "white trash, which of course incensed the latter. The defandents now in jail are spoken of in the highest terms by President Fisher and Superintendent Sossaman of tho cotton mill. Four of them aro Edgefield couuty men and have always borne a good reputation for being quiet and peaceable. To Build an Immense New Mill. The Amoskeag Manufactcrin; Company is making preparations to erect a large rotton mill on its -property at Manchester, Mass. The company is tearing down two cf tne old mills of its plant to make room for the large one. The company employs 8,000 hands. ' Deal Made for the Ducktown Copper Mine. The purchase of the Ducktown Ten. Copper Mine by a New York syndicate, headed-- by Lewishon Brothers, has been consnmated. Ihe price paid was $157,000 in cash. Adjoining properties were also purchased at an additional expenditure of nearly $100,000. Ex-Senator Gray Appointed Circuit Jddge. - Ex -Senator George Cray, of Dela- were.has beoa appointed United States circuit jndge, for the third district. Senator Gray'a term expired at tbe close of the last Congress. His service in that body began March 19, 183j. when he was appointed to fill the va cancy caused by tho appointment of " nomas Jt. Bayard as Secretary of State. Mistake hi Goldsboro Charter. By a ridiculous mistake in enrolling the new charter of Goldsboro tbe last Legislature put the people of that city in a "box." Section 8 of the charter reads: "That said board of aldermen shall provide for each ward two ballot boxes, one in which shall be deposited all voters for mayor, and the others in which shall be deposited all voters for ald.rmen. ' Reckless Shooting. A dangerous thine occurred in Con cord, when some person at Cannon ville recklessly shot a 32 -calibre pistol. The bail passed through the window cf tho house occupied by Mr. J. H. White, striking the headboard of the bed iu which Mrs. White was Bleeping, missing her bead only about ten inches. The guilty person is not known. - Tar Heel Notes. Superintendent Mebane has received from Dr. J. L. M. Curry, of Washing ton, $1,700 as tho State's apportion ment of the Peabody echool fund. This money will be devided as follows: 31,400 to the Greensboro State Normal a-ui Industrial College; 203 to Wm s'ou Normal School; $50 to the Elizabeth Normal School, and $50 to the Fayette ville Normal School. During the recent series of meetings held in Cameron by Rev. Willian Black and Rev. Mr. Pool sixty-one made pro fession of faith in Christ Twenty- sefen new members were received into the Presbyterian church. Mr. Pool received 825 for his services and the sum of S35 was raised for Synodical Home Missions. The Methodist State " Orphanage and Home of Superannuated and Indigent Methodist Preachers, together with the industrial building and several build ings connected with these institutions will be erected on one of the prettiest spots in all of Wake couuty within 150 yards of the Raleigh city limits and 20 minutes wals of the capitol building. At a meeting of the trustees of David son College it was decided to build new Science Hail ia memory of Dr. Martin. It is to cost $10,000. Com mencement exorcises proper were changed from Thursday to Wednes day. Work on the foundation will be gin at onc9. The Randolph Chair Company, with capital stock of $3,000, is a new en terprise at Asheboro. It must be stated now that there was no finer regiment in the Seventh Army Corps than the First North Carolina. Such is the statement of regular officers aud of the officers and men of other regiments. The friendship between the Second Illinois and tbe First North Carolina, comrades for over ten months is something touching to see. Thomasville is to have a new chair factory, with a capital stock of $10,000; also a new bank with a $25,000 capital stock. Insurance Companies Sued. Attorney General Davis,of Arkansas, has filed 120 suits in the Pulaski Cir cuit Court, against the C3 fire insurance companies doing business in that btate, end an insurance policy now cannot be obtained at any price. The suits are brought under a new anti-trust law. which was passed by the Legisla ture a few davs arre. It is one of the most sweeping and far-reaehing meas ures of tbe kind ever enacted. . Forty-eight yonng women have grad uated from the law school of tho New York University. Brief Mention. . The greatest clearance on record of bonded warehouses has just been made in Liverpool. Not fr short of a mil lion dollars was paid for duties, one firm alone paying in one check $425,000, thus beating Lipton's 335,000 check Jar tea.'- By a decision handed down in the United States Circuit Court of Ai peals, in Richmond, Vs., The .Postal Telegrapli company obtains ine rignt of condemnation ot right of way along the Southern Railway in North Caro line, . " . Sampel Wertheim, an oil merchant of Vesev street, New lofk, killed him self in a most shocking manner, in the office of G. M. Pohtizer, in Charleston, S.C. Heria and Villalon En Route Heme, genors villalon nd iiena, the rep resentatives of tbe Cuban Assembly, who went to Washington in an effort to secure more funds to be distributed to tire Cuban army when disbanded, have left for the South, presumably en route to Havana. They expressed the mselves as disappointed with the result of their visit.- Telegraphic Briefs. A building "boom" has been started in Columbia, S. C. - A dispatch received in Washington from Samoa' says Mataafa's people obeyed orders to leave the government reservation, but since then they have become aggressive, killing one Ameri can and three British sailors. The common - council of Detroit, Michigan, by a vote of 21 to 11, ap pointed a commission, headed by Gov ernor Pingree, to negotiate, purchase and operate all the great railways cf Detroit under municipal ownership. A wealthy gentleman named Tourrett was shot dead in Paris by a man mimed Ozouf (who lost a fortune in the Pana ma canal smash),, who mintook his vic tim f or President : Loubet, - to -whom IL Tourrett bore e resemblance. Cur Foreign Commerce Reviewed. A picture of the foreign commerce of the United States from the adop tion of the constitution to the present time i? presented in a sinsrlo tabje which forms a part of the recently is sued report of tho Chief of the Bureau of Statistics. - The total imports of merchandise in the entire period are $20,870,901,437 and the total experts $30,952,202,985, making the excess of exports of merchandise $972-, ,241,498. The total imports of gold and silver are $1,940,150,320 and the exports $3,400,623,581, making Ihe excess of exportof Bpecie $1,460,473,261. Com bining these, the table shows the to tal imports of merchandise and specie in the entire period as $31,920,111,807, the exports as $34,352,826,566, and the excess of escorts o 2.432,714. 750. Off cers Elected. .. The Southern Publishers' Association in session in- Richmond, Ya., elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Colonel C. O'B Cowaruln, of the Richmond Dispatch, was unanimously elected president Mr. Leland Rankin, of tho Nashville American, was elected vice president. Mr. A 1L Holderby, Jr. , oi the Richmond Times, was made secretary and treasurer. The follow ing directors ' were elected: C. P. J. Money, Memphis Commercial -Anneal; L. J. "Brooks, - Jackson, Tenn.; .Whig; Geo. W. Ochs, Chattanooga Tuaes; ?. S. Nottingham, Norfolk Landmark; Clark Howell, Atlanta Constitution; R. M. Johnson. Houston Post, and J. Hemphill. Charleston News and Courier. ,. ,. . - " - : 7 . - -. The Promotion Knard Passes all Officers. 1 hfi.vd nf nrorooiion. consist- p... .ilmimli McNair. Howell andHowsen.has completed its work and .nhmituil it. mnnrr. - The board was .Anvund ia rlAtrmine tha . aualifica i;nn. nf thnMnffiiar recently advanced tn thn rank nf rear Admiral, under' the terms of tbe naval personnel bill. The .tI nocwi favnr&hlV On all the OKI- mtb .nr.nintnil Ma that all Question of their- advancement u removed, c The North Carolina Teachers Assem bly will meet this year, June 13th to 18th. The program is now being pre pared for a most interesting meeting, and indications point to the largest at tendance in years. The place of meet ing will soon be announced. At Salisbury Mr. Walter Murphy speke of the rich "find" of copper ore at the Union mine, twelve miles from that place. He says the copper is in large masses and sheets, and that S00 man are at work there. A 6tock company of Elizabeth City citizens ha been formed for tbe pur pose of establishing a rice mill in that fown. The capital is $15,000. During the past week twenty-four recruits for service in the Philippines were enlisted at Raleigh, nearly all negroes. The Cherokee Iron and Marble Com pany have made a contract to supply a Middltsborougb, Ky., furnace withe large amount of iron ere from their property. Nine -thousand people living in Greensboro have beenvaccinated. This makes that city almost totally immune from smallpox. . --, - There ere 129 insurance companies in- the state. Most of tnetn hnve signified their intention of xdming in under the new registration. . The First North Caroline Regiment has arrived from Cnba and is stationed in Savannah. The Populist ta Open Up Early. Dr. Di B. Crowe. State chairman of the Alabima Populist party, states that the national and State Populist cam paign of 1900 will soon be inaugurated. Various Btate conventions will be held this s Drifter, the nlntform of the Cin cinnati convention will be endorsed, as will the national nomine for - Presi dent ": - ".-I " " ' Bcvca Tear Work on HMtfkwvehlef. - It teck'i seven years to make hand kerchief lor which the empress of Rus- sUsaid 11.000', , - The j-uWia printing be been de'sjed on account cf the late hoar at which tbe Legislator gave tut it eoatiacl Tb contract was awarded en XI area 7tb, th day before tb LegUtatrn ad journed. And not until e wek l:r. March 15th, wer th printers abl to get a sheet of ir. Dttfite tbe drawbacks, however, rapid egT hs tn mad in jrvtting ont the Laws. And this for the reaon that aII tb typ setters that could be employed lTave been set to work aod the presses have bea running day and night In stead of tb usual 0,0-J J coin of th Laws there Will this year b 9,500 cop ies printed. Th lteveune and Ma chinery Acts couUin 93 lg and the index to it was not received by tbe printers till Saturday, bene the delay in getting it out There will hi year be G,0ut more eop:e than usual r"at ed. The Insanity Laws consist of 24 iasa. Of these 5,000 extra copies have been printed. The insurance Laws make 52 pages. Both of these Insanity and Insurance Laws bare been printed and delivered. Deputy Collector J. P. IT. Adams captured and destroyed a 223 gallon illicit whiskey distillery in Nash oountv. It was the property cf a maa named Brantley, on whose property it was located. An interesting feature of this capture was that Brataley was seen at his home, and at the request of the officers, accompa nied them to the illicit distilllery, wbero he b!d the light as the still wa cut up. He denied any knowledge cf it at first but upon being i rested con fessed that it was his property and that he had paid $180 for the outfit. This is one of the largest stills ever destroy ed in that district There will be a material decrease in the cotton acreage of North Carolina this year, as compared with last, Tbe increase in the acreage of tobacco and .wheat will, however, be very materi ally increased. Reports received at the Agricultural Department indicate that more small grain bas been sowed this rear than ever before aud the crop is in flourishing condition. Blanks for monthly crop reports to the depart ment will be sent cnt about Airil 1st for the May report the first this year. That valuable water power, neAr Salisbury, including 133 acres of land lying on both sides of the Yadkin river. has been sold by the owners, Mesara, J. M. Brown and T. C Hearne, to the North Carolina Power Co., for the pur pose of carrying on tbe great enter prise undertaken by tbe company. This deal embraces the Fall", which taken in conneotion with the Narrows, forms what is probably the finest natural water power cast of the Missis sippi river. - Governor Russell is in Washington, stopping at the Ebbitt lie called on Assistant Attorney General Boyd, but did not visit the White House or the Departments. It is understood that he is thero to prevail unon the author ities to send the cruiser Raleigh to Wilmington and givo the citizens of North Carolina an opportunity to do honor to one of Dewey's warships that aided in tho destruction of the Spanish fleet at Manila, May 1. The number of the Naval Refetves as well as of the infantry of the Stats Guard is being considerably increased. Under tbe new law there may be as many as 5,000 men. The State is able to secure equipments now for only CO men to a company. There may be men in excess of that number, but if so they will have to get along as best they can for a time. Attorney General Walser expresses the opinion that the anti-trust bill re cently passed by the General Assembly will in no way interfere with the oper ations of trusts in this State. Tbe At torney General states that he will not institute any action against trnsts, as he considers tbe law ineffective and does not think that such action could accomplish anything. Dr. H. F. Long, of Statesville, the smallpox expert, who was employed by the State Board of Health to inspect infected districts, has returned to that city from a tour of Eastern counties, where tbe disease is prevalent He said the smallpox had been stamped ont in many localities and that the situa tion is improving. The program for the annual com mencement for Salem Female Academy and College has been announced. Rev. Dr. Egbert W. Smith, of Greensboro, will preach the annual sermon. The annual literary address will be made by Rev. Dr. J. W. Stagg. of tbe Seo- ond Presbyterian church. Charlotte. Deputy Collector .8. P. Satter field. Revenue Officers W. K. McBroom and J. B. Barnett, all of Roxboro, made a raid on some moonshiners in Orsnge county. They captured horses, a still and everything in sight, but the moon shiners escaped. The names of the owcers cf the illicit distillery could not be learned. North Carolina will be well repre sented at the Grand Camp of Confed erate veterans which meets in Charles ton, S. C, May 10. The Silver Hill gold mine, ten miles from Lexington, is now being devel oped by the owners an English com pany. The ore will be sent to Uermaey for smelting. The ore of the Silver Hill mine is of Very good quality. It turns cut 5 SO to $90 per ton. Treasurer Worth has paid the new executive board of tbe penitentiary $10,000. This sum will be used for the purchase of fertilizers for tbe nlate farms and for a number of mules, wbicb are badly needed to prepare the soil on the farms for planting. Roxboro has voted on the question of issuing bonds' not to exceed $10,000 te be expended in a system of waterworks and other municipal improvement. The proposition "issue" was carried Almost unanimously, only six voles be ing cast against it The other Jay eight United States prisoners from Alabama and Arkansas were discharged from tbe penitentiary in Raleigh. Such prisoners are give transportation home, av 12 suit of clothee and $5 ia money. Some nice specimens of gold have been found at tbe old Gibb mine, sev eral miles from Concord. The mine- is not being worked, but ihe gold was found by a man who farms on th land thereabouts. Winston Furniture Company has de cided to increase its capital stock front $16,000 to $30,000 On the &?st Monday in Hay, an elec tion will be held in Durham Vr author ize the eity to issue school bonds. The amount of the bonds proposed to be issued is $10,000. - Revenue Collector Duncan, of Ral- Veigb, has received report from Dep- uty collector oatterneia ot ine capiur of a large illicit distillery near Rox boro. Holland MeGee, of Lewis Fork town ship, Wilkes county, is 88 years old and has 10 children, 45 erandchildren, S9 great grandchildren and 7 great great grandchildren. . Auditor Ayer says Columbus county' reports bo marriage during 189$. Several Beliefs ftu Pma sJe& A cyclone did eoAftidreb!e damage Ta4ay lath Lttle Iowa ef tUls- vtll. sat! aorta t rlsa. Ala. Th saw-Mi:! cf the U H Jack Luabc Oasreay esd the ry stct wre td:y wrecked, aad a anas- ber oi dweilisg wre aeste -Uhed. A large f raise dwell w carried more than a hnadred yards aad rrt of several hse were Uea completely away. The croie was abont cB-ght& f mile wide esd moved i a uthastfly dtrecUa. A vr wled storm reused ever la aection atoned America, tie. Ta milst east i that place rreat dsatare was cad ia the timber. FUleea boasts ere reported to have b wrerked, among thm a eh arch. Tbe roads are obstrnctod by faila tree. ImaDH dsiaagbAba doc areas J Waco, Tax., by th frs of Maday night. Corn, wbicb wa ia places oa to two iachs hif h, wss kdld end will have to be rtJetd, while the fruit erop i traciically de stroyed. Tbe tea per star aa 90 d greMh lowett ever kaowa thr this late in to spring. A terriffie storm fasd ovr Opliks, Ala.. Tnday. Th roof was blow off th Mineral We i Hetel aad in o astern part of th city a two room houe was demolished aad Amy llneguly instanJy kdled. Mast tie wer blown dove and much damsje done. Tbe Qssy !amtirstec Tbe PcnnsylvAaia legislAlive com mittee investigating the ehATges ft Alleged bribery in coaaectioa with the considereticn by the If oae of the Mo Carrel I jury bill and the bAllotiog for United StAtea Senator, held tons in Harrikbarg TaeftdAy Afierooon aod evaoinir Aod som interesting tti- tnony was ireentiL Representative Kendall, of Somerset tlifid that a resident of Bedford connty not a metn bjr of the legialetare bad told him if be could see his vtv elr to vote for Qaav for United HtAtea Senator, b would receive $3,000. H declined to name the man. llerreatative Lao bauch testified that b wss offered the clerkship of the mint or cuWm btute to vote for Quay. RerreMBttive Brown swore that be had bea offered $300 to stsv away tbe first day of the first joint ballot fer United State Sen ator. lasiis CrhsnaaU Captured. Th Kansas Cty, Ma., Star prists a three column story regarding the ar rest of a remarkable gang ,f KanaaS criminals who have for years lived by means of robbery aod murder. One of the gang i believed to be the murderer of Joueph New, who was killed inJGreeo wood connty, Kansae, two years sure, for which New wife and George IL Dobbs are serving life sentences. H firmly does WArden Laud is. of the Kansas penitentiary, believe la the ta- nocence of Mrs. New aad Iobb that he will imraedietely nrge Governor Stanly to pardon theui. Freak Altgood. alledgod to be the ral murderer, is is jail At IoIa.Kab., under acharge of forg ery A. Bullard, serving an eight-year eentence in the Kansas penitentiary fcr home stealing, baa confessed that he, Altgood and "Bill" Turnr wrc the murderers of New and tbt Mrs. New and Dobbs are absolutely iaao cent F cArt ar's Trerps Restiajr. General Me Arthur and hie ar my are resting oa the rlaiai beyond Mariailos, after three nays' reran) bling in the broth, ford ing rivers, end charging trenches is tbe blazing sun. Tbe men are tired but arein sp-endid spirita. The beat is intent, being 90 decrees oa the coa.t and fully 100 degrees ia tb interior, acd the Americans suffer a great deal. In spite of the heat, however, every man is eager to proceed toward the enemy. A detAchmeat of 90 Fil ipiuo prisoners was escorted into Ma nila Tuesdsy. Their appearance aroused great interest as they were marched from the railroad depot te the prison. Secretary Leer Visits Nevfolk. The Dolphin, living tbe flag of the Secretary ot tb Navy, visited tbe navy yard in Norfolk end's salute wa tVd in honor of tbe distinguished visitor. Secretary Long was aeeotaneaied by his family aod Commodor iligrinsoa, the rartv having boarded tbe Dolphin at Old Point Commodor FarquVar and the officers ot tbe station met tbe Secretary sad bis party sad showed them Around, after which courtesies wero exchanged. Maa aad Wife Gives Leer Seeleace. Robert Bond ick endwif, Catherine Bundick, who were under indictmeat in Northampton consty. Vs.. for rob bing Mr. snd Mrs. Jobs W. Tankard, an szed coo pie of tbe Eastern Shore. of $000 in cash and $3,000 ia bonds sev eral months ago, were tri'd ia East. ville end given 15 sod 10 years ia the penitentiery. respectively. None of the bond snd very little of the money has ever been recovered. THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. leeSeeh. The as is be f ewe cl stAelr-! ta the Mate t N4U CeraUea is Ucrese rVamrtsi wss the fit Wt shs st M Afus. 11a I T. ferkarsBte. tttr l tee aa4v, we, ta head p rwrt The atvi:i A IUfctl rti'r4 le ea te t eear4wd ttwea Us Clsta. Ta reed u t trstt) twa Mrrrti'.iti a a J C4tjWs. Teas. The retaaiss f Ja If 5aal U. Mel to, wa 4t4 i Clt. rV. C. wv tales ie C!sl as s ecsJ U their Aaal rUf 4ea ta) lUosweod. Mr. Michael Glosses. Wrwdet esd gsstf al as ac Age? of The fgisiaa Pdet lebltehieg l'Mrr. fcrssevly ctr sad edit f ta Necfaia Vir giaUa. died t hi besae as fe4Jk, Ya., iets rbeQAAtiam. The beard of suit ere of the ralvet itvof YueisiAh !eeUi Pref lit Grave, of IS WkerteB as 4 ! University Iew "-cee4. t ted t let Prot Dabaey of th I'sueraity Law Schoot Oca. 1. W. Fit tier it deL After tsaay weeke ot esrTef Uf ttmm thesia Um, which rat!y d!apd sest ASd dUtreeieg ft., t f4 wy at th llyis tleUl t Old lat. V. It ht bee a a ace seed that th Ala bama Helling If dt. st Gat C.ty, 4 tb BirmtBsbau Helling MiU.. tttr miagUsm. t eatered s cwsbbt f W'tera sad !outhrs bar iailjt sew ia rocs ef fatmatton st New Yk. A special ircra New Madrid, Me . s3 tL tteaiuer Kowesa !. wtta aboat SI tAcre aUoarrf. t d tr new, explotfod i pite Tvlr. M . sJ icatseditul v essk with :i oa Ur4 withtb arpiin of George trv4 an t one of the crew. Kohea. Ixeb k Co., f New Toil. hv i-nrrbeted from th Norfolk a Wettern llAiliOAd $W0J9 flli euldeUd 4 pr CBt bond f tbi t !,5tK).W0 at for better ue At. lb r uiAioder r to tak np tb adtlylBg bond maturing up te Jaly 1st, !1 Ike Nerth. At a sperislmeetisgef the tockboU r f th AtavrtCA lobacr C'0y. held ia Newark, it w aeaiael voted to iacrA tb lUl Uck from f 30.Ouo to $7i.OO0.VJa Th la create is a'.I la the roctaoa etack. A ttrciAl frimOmaLA credits J. tMer- ling Mortoa witbtb tatcBtia ! feiia ing s new t-o'.iticsl rty. whih 1 -r'.arct will ! tb gratt plilir4 er gaaization eiee tL formattaa of th KepubltcAB Arty. r-'-cathbuaod narliectea pAtaare trm No. 2 frota . was da railed 21 diIii north of Parkvill. M. Hevea eiAo8a were more or leee eetl oatly tart 1 he lueil ad 1-AxgAg ear were tnrod V-ttoia id op aad the !eter turned ca its sida Watkieglea. Ex -Secretary cf Slate Joke Klroa ht Arrived lbis Lou ta WAthi ag io n, Senors Joee R. Yillaloa aad A. fTe via, who wer appoiated by lb Celaa Assembly to pretest to tb'Wabiagt98 AOtLoritiae threeo!atioasof IhAtbody, Lav arrived ia that city. Tb British embsy ia Wathlegtoa ha' received ed vices from Farxios intLe sni f a ditpAtch to the BriUth I e tga Offio from it reiTeteetaliv tber. It aabobdc that foar BriUab sailor a wer killd. Major Crt-btoa Webb, who was a Genrl Iawtoa ttaff la Cab, testt fled before tbe beef iavettigst.Bg lw.r.1 m U',lii4lua that tha eaaAMil roat Leef conld aot Le eata by tbe soldiers, end tLat eves the CabasB would aot accept it preferring ie eat bard bread. AiKelUseess. A new seteliteof tbe p! eoet Satara baa beea diaeoverrd by Prof. U'm. IL I'lckerisg, of Harvard Obearvntory. Commsoder Logaa will f eoeeed fresa Cuba to Honduras with tb gaa-boal MaebiA. to i vet tig at th air set ead imprisonment of six Aueriraa ritisaae now bald by the aathoriUes as LUbas-tera. A movemeat it nader way ta taske ex -Secretary of State. Richard Olaey, tbe Democratic caBdidAte lor trest4eat aextyear. 11 ie cad pale a ie baaed oa the theory that be is ia fsv r of impe rialism, while opposed ta xpaasioa. Reports of Sonthera cot'oa mill aaraiege which bAva reaUy ba ooming ia mak a most tiefaclory ' habit ead go ta show tbAt the cettea iadastry ta the hoath is ia a moat prea prons coadiUox A lt.003-Mile Walk. Dr. Beresford Grentham, who has undertaken for a wager of $50,000 to walk round tbe world ia Ave years. without money or luggage, has readied London, after ha via g watked fiom John o' Groat' Laad'a Ead. Mr. Grentham left Vancouver about three years Ago. From Loadoa be will eroei to Ostend, proceed through B1gium. Germany, Iiassia, noutbera Si-eria, China and end bis walk at xokanama. By tnat time he will lava covered 13, 000 miles. The lasarreat Capital Hsved. A dispatch from Manila says tha ia-sura-eat capital has beea moved from Malolos to Sea Feraaad. The iasnr geate burned Bnlacaa. Treabie ia Negr Treuble is brewing la tha Ielaad cH Negro, where the iaabitafita rapvdiate the self -eoastitated authority of Aaito Lacson. rrestdeat oi tea prenetaal government, ta arrange affaire with the Americaaa, aad nave attack tae Americans. The eeaaer at Uaaila tap preesed tbe detail. The Teaaeesea Senate baa adapted tha Hons joint raeoiatioa eommaad ing the aeatuneata exprauad by Presi dat McKialey ia his spaecb ia At, laata. ferriga. A dispatch from Rome eaye the Pep bas writtea aa aatogrsph Utter which be will eaad to Pretideat MeKialey by Archbishop Lrelaad. It is report el that 80.09) Tarkish ArmealaBS are sterviBg ae a result f crop fadaree aad devastation wrtaght by Turkish soldier. A special from New Bedford. Maes., aaya that effort are being made by repreattive of aa English eyadieaU to eombiae all tbe o-tu yara atille ia the Uatted htAtea. If the deal ie ecr aummatod, it is aAtimatad that a capttal f ovr tlOO.090.OOQ wtU b sieisasry U farm the eombiaation. The Laadea Statist takee aa apiimle tie new of the tmaiaeee oatleek ia Loadoa aad America. Reterrtsg to America it ys: n5paakiag bieodly, trade ia tha United feutee ia grewier snarwleasJy aad it le likely ta eon lis ae to grow aalose tho new crapa prwv ary bad iadoed, or eoemeUiaff alto gether aaferetaea occatra. Tho iasorgeatB ia Lnxea eoat o massage vs Lieatoeaat Com maa dor Cow per, of the British gmn-boat Plat er, whoa the latter eedosvored to ef fect -a, oampramiea, aaggesUag that they wer ready to treat lor taroaga a aeatral great power. A tract of swamp laade lrlag La tbe oaatora part of North Carol taa aad eoataiaieg 9X1,000 aeras. baa beea par chased by the Brssaiag Lamber Co paay. X he price paia waepo.wu, ere dolier aa sera. Those laade bahmgad ta tbe State Board of Edaeetiea, aad tbe paraaaea moaey will bo iato tho general ecbool f and. Work Began ia the teekaal Work bas began aa coal too ot Lookout Mouataia. just across the Goorgie liaa. ' A larga party wita tnm aaa campisg otuw have cone to locate the best veias aad make opeatnga.. as soon as tne mmee are folly opeaed ooko ovens will bo built Work oa a - railroad to the left a soar mines will oommsno aot later thaa the Jr Ti ai ittt. . I tianktbed ia valid oa board. Ais avi a The store of Brace A Brace, at Towaville, Aadersoa ooanty, S. C, was dostroyea by aa expieaioa, oae, it ie believed, to tb use of dynamite te conceal robbery. Jaaa lAerana Arrhcs. TWa miacr Chicaza. wbicb IXamptoa Roads March IStb. rM ta avartaka tka AmonoA City of Paris aad" transfer from thai abip ax-Soeretary of State Jeba Saorv ana. wa bad beea tskea serioaaly IL ZZiZmA at nu Vaiat. Vs.. ebortly after iady. wiia w w I Uagmstbed U valid ma er a rs. . Tie's preud fbla poetry.- TTea. at any rata, be seems to be fall of poetical conceit." Town Tclca. . I! i, ' ' t O ' t