THE CAUCASIAN rUULLiUKU JtVKK t tilUiUtLtA'k, Ui Idi UllltitlUII ru-LisMiw-u SU33CRIPTIQN RATES, 0!TS Xl'JL ...... IX Si'JNftW MltE- MONTHS ... . lUCllJM f r.AU03,lAll-DATluN AHl MbROtR. -THE MOST TAlXVLTi VOTE I KVKIC OAVE IN MY IAVR WA FUrt rilB:ONST IT U II ON A I AMKSUMESr. I UIO NOT 01V1 Til A I VOIE A A OKMOLKAI. NOK Full THE aLXCKri OF Till UK-OUt ill-PAIMY; UE:aUs1 I VfciKll.Y UELIEVE THAT I WOL'LO UE ll-ITErt.FOlt TIJI DEMOuKAITU PAKIY FuK Till NEliH'IOCwNUNLE AN HaUl IN I'O LI I'lCi. liUl I. OAVE llil VOIE ULCALaE I rEM I WOL'LO liE UK ITER FOlt Till rooilNKUKO ME HAVE LEAKN EO to LOVE FOK 1J 13 FAITHFUL NKvVl VOIEO FOK IT TO I U AN ENO TO ELECI10N FRAUD. TO INTlMIOAlluNS AND MUHO Ell. I (JVE '111 AT VOTE FOi: TUEOOOOOF MY lOl'ULldl'ANI WUltE JtEl UULlCAN Fit I -Kb: WUOLOULO, IF THE NEliKO WA tr 1 1 u 1 v a 1 v 1 1 fc'ltnil I'Ol.lTIO V 1 6C U 6 i 1 11 E O K E A T a T A 1 E A N I X A 1 1 ON A L I as u fca w I T II O U 1 li r. INO CALLED' -lll.ACK UEAKI EO.M-bEN A I OK OaUUKNE, IN TI1F LEUlaLA 1 UKE OF 1699. THE LEGISLATURE AND THE PUBLIC bCnUULS. ' All of the Democratic newspapen are crowing over the sppropriatioi - of one buudrtd thousand dollars mad by the rece nt legislature for path schools. We w&Lt to j -in them il coigiaiulatiog the legislature to thai one act; for it isoue of the ver few thirgi done by the legislature But it r quires no gteat amount 1 wisdom, patriotism, and courage t. Tote an appropriation of money f most laudable and popular pur pose. Any leiruJature is, as a rul retdyaud wiling to do that. Th usual trouble is ibat ihey bare cot the money to appropriate. . . . . 1 w- Wien Air. Worm, ine i eopit Pai ty Treasurer, uccceded Mr. Tate the D. mocrat)C Treasurer, four yeai 1 ago,' he f utid that the 3 ate wa OTtr eighty thoustod dollar b'-hiiid 80 the lusion legislature of 1805 ha no money to appropriate for publi school.', but had to deise means ot rauiog suQl Jent money to run th State government, and to make ui the dt Qcit from the Democratic ad ministration. Bat, in the face of al of thin, that fution legislature hat the courage to inert ase to a consid erate ixtent, the rate of tazatioi for pub. 10 schooh a thing that i took tome courage to do. When the D.mocra'ic legislature met in January it fouod that tb Populist Treaurcr had over igit; thousand dt liars on hand, making difference bf one hundred and sizt thousand dollars from the conditio of the treasury whu the fusion lea islature met in IS!) 3 Of course, ul dor these cir utnstaoces, it was ver easy for the'ic legislator to appropriateoneLuudred thousan dollais for public school.", especial!, when it was for a purpose not spe cially ol j cud to by the m mopolie and trum that contributed to th.. ratio campaign fund. Toe auilm of this 1-gi lature witl tefi rnce to ihe school law ii alf noticeable. Daring the last cam paign the Democratic newspapM and politicians loudly denounced tb fusion school law as a botch and a an abomination; When tby cam to prepare a substitute ior if, how eter, th y were much troubled. Tho found that the fusion school law war almost perfect and was supriorn anything that the State had ever hao belore. Ttxey may not have knowt this themielTes, but they Wire to! this by the leading educators of th. State who endorstd tbe law and wh protested against the legislature r pealing it and going bank to the olc Democratic law. Sj they were lorcec to endorse and approve practical!, very important feature of the f usioi school law. We congratulate them upon their sense and caution, if no upon thtir patiiotUm and noselfiii love for the public school system, fc itasdiog by the fusion school law in spite of the fact they had denounctc it in the campaign. x This action of theirs, together witl the appropriation of one hundreo thousand dollars is the best thiov done by the Itgttlatnrd, and one 01 the very few inings tnat will meet popular approval. Hence we cat. pardon the in for crowing over Ihu one aor, for if they crow over any thing they ..must necessarily cro over this. - "OUR TR iOPi SURE bF VICTORY." The daify reports from the scene oi war in the Phihpplue Islands canno fail to have 'caused considerable re flection on the part of even a casua. observer of current events. One da the Associ'u Prets repohs announce, in gt eat Lead-lines, that "our troops tie steadily advancing against the Filipinosi" another day -that ' Gen. Otis bat theaiioation noder control;" another day that ''Oenaral Otis tbinks there is no doubt about Lis sutjagaiog the Filipinos after j" .uo.iur'd y inr was on yesterday a sharp engjge- Constipation Caotes fa2y hzlt U. !ck3fa H worli It eulas tie d;pett food tso lorj !n tt bowetj and produces Lil;omcir, V-r.-A I -t. LaIV Inlo cett'on, till Usit. e-xivsJ tonie, lick bcaU'tf, In somnia, etc. HocJ's W.S ureeontiat!'n anrl !J lis resurts.e.-i Iy and t:rotijL!jr. ZX. A!14nijrg!J3 Prepaid'! 7 C. I. II'xkI & Co.. InreH, Mas Ine ouli V1m to to'-e wld UaoCt S&na&arlliA aiot between our troops and th lipioop, we Intt fl ty men tbe Fil ,inos .st heavily hot nt tohfr up not another day lht "'Gecr' )t s is r-pariBg to make a mi igorons onslauvbt against the s'dV oro Filipinos." O ly a fw da) gi tbe announcemen' was that tb r ai bfen aery sharp nf?u'ran . al tbatonr soldiers fougbr Lravt-I od sustained tbe deadly firn f tl Aiipinos. with great course'; tb 'hile we lost a hundred or mro, tf F.I piooi lost muh more beai to. Tbisssmt dispatch contaioe v list of the killed and wounded ur men which made over a col u on ;n fine type. No on has evpr doubted th sb 1 y of the United S'ates ?oTerLtnt 10 SQ j it ate tbe Flipinof, and, i act, to kill and hnry everyone 1 tiem if we so desired. IfwHtbul ot qur ucb an half fed, bhl'-il .i J, and balf-savaire people in a bu rd d fforent islands, th-re woi 1 no glory or credit in it for a rr iviliz d government like tbe Uuit- ates. Tbe question tor tbn Ames in pf ople to consider is wbetbtr ot it is right at d b-st fur ns to (I ois thing. F rat, wbetb r it is r gii ud con8itent with the principl ipon which this government id Ioul1 ; and, second, without even r .ardmg the qi-8tions of right at uorals, whether or not the game 1 vorth tbe ammuni'ion. If we bad the Philippine Island that would we do with th m! If w i'tempt to govern thun as a coi fiured people (1 thirg that must l -pugnant to every American patrio nd to every beliytr in a free g., rnmen) it will be necessary for 1. ' always k-ep a large stauding aru.; t g-eat txpense, ready to sho Iowa and to kill the inhabitants hose Ulands whenever they evin vie least desire for freedom, j 1st heEjjtlis1! were ready to sboot u 'own in 177G, or to hang any of ou -adicg patriots up by the teci vbenever, by tongue or peD, tb-; ared to express the sentimetj htt we ought to have a fr- government of our own. 15 sides, we will have tosendalaig mmber of 1 ffija Holders to those Ul iid who would not only draw thei alaries from our government, lu ho Mould consider it their piivileg o plunder and oppress tbe F.llipiu... r their personal profit and gai. Vnat advantage could come to ou eofld or to our govt rumen: froi his great outlay ot money, this coi uption in high places, and tb sourse which would result in nece? -ary murder to enforce our decrv-e1. one whatever. There might be iVw monopolists in this couotrv wti ?ould gobble up 8me francbis-s aluable res urces of the islands t hiir own personal piofi, wnile U leSim and the Arnerican peoii oted tbe bills and committed tl rreater crimes .nnnessiry fortbn personal gain. We pid Spain iwh y million dollars for a Uwsuit. W- ave already sent much moretb hat amountsince in trying to es;a '"h our claim, which, would be wor han a whi'e elephant after we hav von it. Tbis is the fiaancinl sA . he transaction, bat the iff ct th uch a course will have upon oi. wq government at home is sti n re serious and important. No individual can ever eleva'- limself and accomplish arytblr, raisewortby and noMe without bav "g a high idetl for bis inleofcoi luct, toward which be is always str 'ing, whether he ever attaius it 1 ot. The same is true of a natioi nd vita'lf true with ref-rence to ! R public. Our fort fathers setnoii n Declaration of Independence tb- ligbest code of political morals eve promulgated by man. Firmlv plan ed on these great princiils as tb ed-rock of our faith, this govern ment has grown rich and powerfu I u tne brief time of a century to b aot only a world power but tbe greai at world power known. Wnile it 1 rue that our government has not al ays lived up to the principles of tL O.claration of Independence, au uore tnan has the mcst devout chns- lan lived up in strict letter to tn Cen Commandments, yet the imp. i- ant tningid that the nation has al a?s hell to these principles au. tnven toward them just as tbe chti.- pun has always kept before him an a front of bim the Ten Command oents and the Golden Rule as h.? lud by day and bis pillar of fire b iight. Nations and individuals mafc mistakes, take false fctept ; but thts tre never serious as long as we stan oy onr ideals and principles. b cause the mistakes will simply serv san examileandan olj3ct lesso to point out dai and warn u against making other such faU teps in the f ntnre. Bat whenever . uatioa or individual deliberately di regard its high ideals and deliberate ly torus its back upon them all ir rder t- commit a false step, nhn such a false step is fatal and the in dividual and the nation is lost. Sj tbe policy upon which the syn dicates and monopolists and fran chise grabbtrsnave forod ihiscjuu ' j-y to embark, in open repudiatioi, ur: every piinciple of the Declaration Pills The Ills of Ur. Hartman cjrt Ui cdvitt ftr parent w EARN eblld attacltic To the tte faUl enow vj fn rron?r v the lir..t parents. tree. All catarrhal diseases succumb to f li.dp Ij1- 1 -' aud of ty luuiU 'lentnl prim irle nodfr!yiner a fr- I -public, is fatal to ihe g-ivrr mr. . lless th people th mseW s ral z i euormity ot tbe cticne c mmiitd Irive fr.m p.wr thfir falsr) repre -ntative?, atd restora the govt-rti tent ioto tbe hands of the follower.- t Jtffjrson h ml Lincoln. Therotton beef furni-bed to cu ,rmy by the beef trust duiinp tb. ar in Cuba is still under investing on. Tne ode r of the beef, as wel s the reputaiioa of those respons' le for purchasing it, grows slroiig -r eaca day. Docs the Raleiph News & 0'iser tr like tbe two Wilsons better ftn Ciey hre whittw&sbtd than it d d b Ti T Before tbe whitewash wasap Hed by tbe legislature, the N-w.- & hservtr plead piiiully with then iut to do if, and said that tbe got eople t f the state from the moui. 41ns to the sea would cond -mn an arty that would so sell oat to ti: tilr fcds as to whitewash ihm, ""ney wfie whitewashed aLd tt iwa aud Obstrver has be-u dum ver since. Wuat is tbe Lflaeic ht basbhut tbe Neas & Ojicrvtr'. uoulhT Oar readers h'txo &h great ar rcUtioll of -too admifabU w.n I l ne by Mr. J. F. Click ia r-portit; in 1 r .credit is of the legislt ur f, he Cai-csian. Wuile Mr. Clie. asiu ltih igb preparing: the curr 1 -pore fcf the fiocetdings of ih dy, he took cariouj notes tor f . are discusioD. Sj since tbe legisln areaiJj urm d our read rs have eac -ek bn-a ireai. d to a letter w itt y Mr. Cl:cfc, coutaiuing his rvie c the letjisUtiv- proceedings. In last wtek's issae, Mr. Cliek' tter fchowou 1 p s bu of ihe mu ustakts of th last iegisiaiur nch w-TH irsdeed r- m -rkable e consider iht t the D m ot-ratic pol. icians boasted that they bad in lb ir'sUture ihd of the brams o if Srate. Oirred rs will each week lool iw rd w th fur Mr. C.ieV ext lefer. If jour neighbor doe t take The Caucasian t jow iti. m, anddoa Jitile good wors foi cause by getting him to sao scribe. '1 lie Way 11. rimes-Mercury. Just a word to Populists. Don't 'or-y over hi w we are to carrv thi- :ate. Tbat is 00 broad and com .li ved. D in t worry ovr aoythiufr r to Work, C nVert TOUT liflirhnnr nd bfure lo carry ymir preciac. thliwilido ihar tbe Sate is i med from lit- ciutches of ihe g .1- "K". trusts nd rai road: wi n mrt and telLng woik in will" l-asmt and easv. Will V btlierviu will MOST VIOLENT CASES HAVE . A SMALL -SPOtr bay be mm. IrKrflKUl A I HKI A ary treatment rvo one can tell uow ? .-13 I UnllLU HI rinOLI HO will develop into Cancer of the jarnr muni t-A .,bo many PP19 die from Cancer flERE PIMP! F c?use the rio Hot know just what the .iikiiu 1 I III! LLOi they naturally turn theml i t anJ are lorced -uciiimu me ouiy treatment whirii ihn mniplly returus. however, and U even oefore Cancer is ti deadly poUon in the ther external treatment -;in have no ?ff aome from witlun-the lat vestige of poison must be eradicated, i i- ir'L m WalPole. of Walshtown S Dj little blotch about the size of a pea came uf eye gradually growing larger, from which d at intervals ran in all directions 1 became grl and consulted a good doctor, who pronouncJ ai dudvis d that it be cut out. hut this 1 ci vPtit In I 1 I - . - - - i ' S S. 8. rind dpride 1 i-S vrrv frplv. This i--vuuuim timed altogether, off and now onlv I what thrpatend to A-oBiuveiy ine oniy S. S. 8. FOR oecanse it is tne only remedy which can ineoiscasei na iorce it out of the. at stem twrraanentlri A surcicaffr-?t, r" .f the bloody rb.ftho bSiSSffiSSwiH- Children. ten trtctmtnt ef covgkt mmd col it to rard agmlcst colds. Nearly all tbe Els oi cliilJren begin with taLlcs cold. II rocr catcher cold dca't wait a moment before that cold. ignorance or cc-'.ect of parents h dee tcrmiEaUon of raaay duldrea coxa- plaints. - If yon ar not informed as to the proper course to pursue to drive eff a child's cold, write to Dr. II art man, president of tbe Surreal Hotel. Columbus, O., for ad vie, and ask for Bbwe of his free books w bich contain the most pertinent facU about colds and corahs and a'. lcatar: hal diseases. I'e-ru-na, Dr. llartniai.'s great pre scription, is wholly v r'e table. It wards off colds entircl'if taken at the beinninjr In prop r doses. It breaks up settled colds 'jTiicklv; it if scientific and safe; the: e is no mys tery about it. Dr. Hart nan's books tell just how it acts at i why. All drugiits sell it. Mrs. C. T. Rogers, Elp In, I1L. says: Dr. S. 77. Hartman, Co. umlus, O. Dsar Sin: "Your nv dicine saved my baby's life. We stop -ed all treat mcnt but yours, and Jiow he is a beautiful boy. It was certainly n miracle." Mrs. Becking, East Toledo, O., writes to the Pe-rn-na iledieine Co. Sirs: " Pe-ru-r a is the best rnedit-iue I ever had i. my My children had a bad cough, an l one of them had the luag fever, cured them all with Pe-ru-na. the treatment of coujjhs and colds is of This knowledge is offered I'e-ru-na. A New 1 lias of luieraitt aui. X'n-Coiifiirmift. Tbe iich iren c.f Chicago are op- pistd to an income tm for thesuj- o-trt of tbe U 11 ted States goven -tneat, but all all the sune some o 'tiem are laying an income tax 1 tbe British government. This S-at f hffurs ermes about in this wa Some of ih breweries there w-r lought by E iglish capitalists and tb out-iness was reorganiz d as a Bri jsh c imi.aoy. Sjme of ihe stock w retained oy Americans and the Ej ihsh g jvernmeut claims that ever- ne of these reorganiz iions mu y it an iucome tax. The courts o Ejglacd and America have decider oat this is good law and Chicajf it z ns must cough up $50 000 t up,..oit royalty in Great Britain. VV. l-t not suppose that they will miu bis, because they love everyihi liuglisu, you know. It loi ks Tep range, th ug i, ihat AoiencAU ci " & us sliould ot.j-scf. to pay an meou. ax t r me saoport ut tneir ov vernmeut and at tbe same tin, oluu Utiy pltoe tbeiliSelVes lu a 1 iuu wtiere ibey to pay au 11 nie tax towards ihe support of f. 1 iiu deStnisujs. Is tuis anoibu uas-j ot imperialism f When you ask for Dr. M. A. Sim nmb Liver Medicine, s-e tliab jou gt uU not souic woriUlcos lumaMou. Jenura of n ments for CatatrUtbkt Cuii tains .Hreru 3, .-i iiiercurj, n.n urtij uestroy th -ue ! Miull ni.d uuUiplelely drraug 'e whole sjsleui when euttrrii,F aroi'g.i 1 tie mucous euruces. Sjj.i .rno.ea fliuiiiU ucvtr 0e Used exot-j. 11 piescnpiiuus iroui rrpu.aoie "yl'y ician.-, as the UaUiagc Itir) Will Uu I en loid lo I lie joU liie van p. s-iOi. irrivc iruiu. Uieuj. Liau'- Uatarru Cur uiuulaci urcd bj F. J.LIirltey JtU. loictlo, U.t eoulaiiin uo Uit-rcurj, an. tahen luteroalij, aclui U.rccil vou ilic Diood aim caturrn Cure 1 .rc you gelltie geuuiue. Id in lake I'eruailj, and uiie lu l'o edo, 0..1 . i F. J. oUcuey & Co. Tectimouia.i ie. oold by druggi?t--, price 75c per bolL ie. Hall's family Pills are tba best. 1 he y 3Ho;ii) lies 1 om 10 CU ties, -tc I. Nron-Conforiflist. The Nw Testamnt tells U3 to Vi i'usi aud opnu in our busiuefS ail cret m our cfianiirs. Mr. Koc r ll-r hts improved n those old f i m -tnmi. 1 1 bides bis us ness fr ju ei q'uriuK w rld, and bl 2 ua . hfiri y with ihe tdare of liuinptbb ile r 1 uses to tell tne courts a jiju ns private busiues, but when iea h it njii tiives a million to the lit pi is vrsiy tie uishes to the A8ociaU,, Press md has his name printed iu ki tae papers. No other medicine builds up ru1 oriiQ-8 ine syntt-iu agdinst mts'iHr aet-s & el! as Simmom tequaw Vu,, Viueof Tablets. J La1iP8 desiring a cunt nted and iap v old njfe should u-e Siniitiiii.s qhiav me Wmeor Tub eis.c.uinnenciiiV j ..... emu buuiiuue uuririk I. ...... ,.l T .... Jl ''S&HSjAs any little sore, pimple or scratctfi rIiows lif 1 wir f-ji i.a..I ...iJ irbich ordin- 1 these type. klr be- sse is; to submit to a rruel and octors. rinnra l- nnn, . 1 pemus more violent and destrf" blood, and an operation - t. u-iiatQ, ar ; diseafe ve than ster. or e must "A I my left fine pains alarnieu Cancer. iiiy nK-ai jsiper 01 a curt to try it. It acte.1 lite not crn : let ted by arm tbe cradiiallv iTTPW I oca anr nrsc irritated. ani thP chrjring leavinst n-small twab'whw disron- a henlthv littln wsr r n -rop- destroy my lif& once, hfl s wnete cure tor Cancer is S 1 sway." THE. BLOO) go deep enoneb to reach- m RYAN 010 RIGHT. 1Tkt 9mmJ9T ntir aav a xw Vk Jmmrumi Ah -at lb Uvll.r Elliott, X. C. 5Ur. 25. e Yrk J jarnal. Xw Turk: B'ply ne to your tUrram will ai bat I think Bryan did right in re- unngto accept tbo iavitt'ta to th li Imout Crvktr dinner. Don't se iow b eocld aecept an invitation u itend any political dinner no m' er by what name called, and o natter wbat tbe coat per plate, no les it wtrd given nnder the anspicei ft bos who stand for the pric. ulea of J.ff.-rsoD. Marion Bctler. BRYAN CROWS. No bolder anJ more eoarageto cion was ever taken by any pohti 1 leader man by ilf Bryan .n d. ttuiug in Boiujoui-Crwaer diun 4vuiljn. Mr. Bryi.u, U tis decl' i.i.t id tbat he di I n.t rc. za J ff-r4Qiau Demert a titer hy mht nm mej I iTnslves, those wno oit upon r. -fose to sapDort everv imrtt rinciple advocated by J-ffrs r'hissnnda l.k- old Andrew Je od; and tho times now ned such uu ia the Wnt'- Hous f.ore tnn neydidinold Huk. 'a av. H Bryan h not ouly re'id tofritn uizj with-these go'd bogs and mo- ..ipoiy Urttnocrata in Aew Y .rk. r.i. is taking active sc-pa trying t organize h t,ariy ibere and pu he true silv-r men and ani mouoi. lia'a in control. Each day Bryan endears hmsel uore aud more to ihn Amrrican pe !, atid it s-rm tht he may yet h ble to purge tbe Democratic part f us traitori', and s bring the o. r"Zuioa back to the principles.. J ff -rs D, as to mak it possible fi. i patrit to remain in its rank VLen B yan resum d leadershi he pary had dr.ried awy fr u very fundamental principle of Jr. -rsonin Democracy and had sl at, 1 .ck, stock and baml. to tt. : -l.i-bjgs and m nopali3(g nuder tb -adetsmpof Clevwlad hoC'oker ie Wbitn-fs and the Rins m. I -em das if his ta-k torefoim tL. oriupt and difciedited party wn. ot only Herculean, but well-uig uposMble, and that Common sens s well as patrioism, would dmn. oat be and all like him should lo time in going into a new pan q iar-ly sta idiug for the fuoda arntal principles of troid goveib nt as laughi by the f tueis. li y bucce. d, but there ar- ruan 'gcra ai.d pituhs ahead wbie ty jet make it necessa.y f r o i lud all pitliots to lake tUatCours Tu g aitst obstacle ahead ..t M iryan and his ltulade iffrs. a. a tbe open go:d ougs hk j tue Bf '",,! and the Croktrs, but the pi. ndd irieiids and political bo lies, like niauy ot ih c wuu ar i. -.ntrl of tue prry iu N..ith Car uua. la states where thM .ilr. u . . . c tuu-monopoiy sentiment aie stron. uiany mn wlo would uc if Id b. wmti uiaies preirud t be for si er auu ttie people, in otder to kee, oemseives ia powei, not only con roi me m -ts ror ine tim i,ellll. oui io oiray tbe people at the fir pporiunny. We wisu Bryan G.d ppeed in bi voia, out me aoijfce t lat lies in bi Jtu-ay is tbe one that we have ij, -jicuuoueu. .. - j If yon have bad tbe trio takenod'. iaapariiia. 11 win brace vuu ui -..... iiiui UllI'lU. A II I llVHri..lliu m. au tueuis ol lue Uiaease. Dr. M. A Simmons L:ver Medicin. ears I lie CoUlulXin. jfiwen hllnim.x o the uiind, cure heaJactie, rejrulate I. ....... .ft. k I 1 Vultersltr N tea. Lehigh met dtfeat at our Land Friday last on our home grounds v e won easily by a score of 5 to 0 Vinston, the 'Varsirj first baseman itching for Carolina. The fair sex prayed E ister Sun lay with more gratitude in thet leaits than had been there for som me. Whjf Because the day w uch as to jermt their cominir lort 'i all Eister's dainty plumsire.' nte a number of the students wen me to spend a few days of tb fiisier tide. Mn Turentine, a graduate of tb Uuiv-ritv, preached at the Meihod- -t hurch Sunday moruing and tha 1 ?nt neia services in the colleg chapel. Dr. R. H. Whitehead was in Kal ighadayorroago in tbe interes f the University Medical School We sincerely hope he made som- atufaetory arrangements for ob iniLg the material to necessary fo. he teacning uf anatomy as it shonlo oejangur. The weather prophet has certain uacie mistakes in the qaality of th. eather to-dtJy. He has given n Jhrisimas snow and cold instead. ol " f.7 na a orignt warn. sunshine. . J. M. H. HOW TO f IND OUT. Fill a bolile orcouiuiou glass witl our water aud -Jet it aland tei.t .ur hours : a aedimeut or eetiliug iu licates au uutiealltit coUJiliou ui li.. aiduea; if it Mama cur lmeu is ir VldrtiCeuI klUiiev trouble: loo ire luciitdeaire lu paes it urpaia iu I In oaca is aiso coufiucibg ruof that Ibi :Uueysand biaduer are out ut order ...... WHAT TO DO. There is cumiurc iu the k now led g--o oft eu exprtaaed, Ibat Dr. Kuuiei. twauip Koo", the great klduey reuit-ij-fuimi6 every .iaU iu curing rbeu uihiu, paiu iu the back, kidueja, li v -r, bladder and e?er part oi the urii . ge. It correcid inability l old water ai.d scalding pa1a-m pas- iiKi'.orbaa effects lollowmg ueo iq-ior, wiue or beer, aud uyercviurf nat uuleasaot lieoeastty u o-iu compelled to gO-Often during (be da, .nd lu gel up many times uurinjr il. ignt.- The miti and ibe exiraordiua r) rffrCl Ol &SOIi KiWllS mmju real zed. J t alauds the bijrbest fur its wun derlut cures uf lbe uiust diatresaii.g aoes. u jw ueea a meaicitie )u bauid have tbe best. Aldrurff.sts fit i cxnts ur oae .duiJar. . You may baT,a tarn pie bottle and a ouuk ibat tells kniore about ir, buti .-eiit abaoluttJy lire by mail, if jou st-iid your aocreas to lr. K.iucr A o. . Biugusuilun, Xi. x. When . wmtbjr b. ... w ItlltJU tliav lull cUuiutkMil laat.tcisus, CHANjE of clmte . WONT CURE CONSUMPTION The Slocum System is Needed. A Curatire Medicinal Treatment Fonaded on Modem Scientific Truths is More Potent Than Air Alone. FREE TREATMENT FOR LUNG WEAKNESS. If those of oar reader who reside in .he must highly favored iec.ions of thia country. wUh the chaste i healthy and invigoiatirg. with a dry and tonic Atmosphere, will b k aio.t tl em. they will ee a grej.rtor less jiurr.ber ol thtir friend a;id i etubors dyi: g of o n sumpiK.n. whle many others hae alreaily been cairied ca by dxcad malady. These death have occurred from t'rse to time art.ul the nfieslur.g prame urccics oi summer; in tiic xair and mel low days ol a i.U'nn. and also t i the dty and sunny m. uoni of a southern winter. Such dtaths srrid such favorable sur roundings aif-rd positive aud conttne- ng proof time climate alone will cot :ure consumption: that t either pi .e !aden bieezis nor bra irg mountain air jrill resTore wak lunc or huiM up a xntiiutiou that is be'ng nrdcrminel ind bioken down by th-i inidiuus j;ttm if a fatal d iscasc. But. n t'ie other hand, many tbo. ands of tes.imouials from gratt-icl pco lie all over thi-. c untty. w ho betn :ured by the Dr. Siocum Sy.tcra cf Treatment, and aie t!.y in thee. j'-y-nent of perfectly restored health and trencth. afford the most convince g vidence that this treatment, at.ted b avorable clunsttc co di io- s and sur-ounding-i. is a iostt ve cure f r C n-umpti-m an I all th-r chrctc disease f the Throat. Chest tul Lun:s. Therefore. thoe w h- go to the mo-n-ains. the s.-ashre ir to Southern c i-1 na'es. as well as ttu-se uho alte.-idy esidj in such favored lr.lities. nh ub't tot fail to taVe the Dr. SI cum Jvsi.m f Treatment f they wih tod.-rtVethe ull benehtsof favo aWe cli-i-at.c ioi.di ions and scien'ific m die iirn. The Dr. S'ocum System of Treatment c n listing of Four Preparation) is lth nrdicine ad food. The medicines used n it allay the couvh nd long irrita'ton. '.eal the soreness ard sulxtue the paii s n the throat, overcome shortnss of reath. improve the appetite and dues ton, and br' ig com'ort. rest a d re reshing sleep, while it fcd Drojertics ire b-uM;mr. p the cn:t;tutlon. enricn. :ng the bloo.1 ard infn-ing the sufferer vith new life ant vicor. No single remedy will ncrorrplish all :hi, but the Four Remedies embodied n the Dr. Slocum Svstem of Treitrrent will. More than a quarter r.f n certnry has been devoted to perfect th:s System of T'; cv rv ind ca ot. -very symptom 'n Cn --pt;on and -hee di'-'-a -f f th"T: o .t 3.1 Lun. nils THE ni. N THE HE0 '"Ut Click '"IU I--V TVonlil a - M.MII.I ,, t lo, U iiat Mil. I l. nor 0, iliry did ao I'.-.kory Times Mercury o . v oimp nma aeo w wrMe the fol- owmg to the CArcASUN: a rr ine nproes bare gotten th-ir yesoprn. Nmney can get then O Vntfi tm Tl.imnA l: - . mm. vruiu-isiic ncaer. ine 11 .. 11 . . . - .1 ii vote against the amendment Io reply to tbe above, the bun- 'ay s News and Observer sajf: "Thus writes J. F. Click, of Ca bi county. Mr. Click is right on. mp,and we quoe this extract b. -ause it is pleasant to see a man wb. a almott alwajs wrong bit the nai r-ght on the head one limn." Click '-hit the nail right on th. hed ' more times than one. In th. mpsUB Click sad if the D--mo- rats got the L-eislature they wouh try to disfranchise th negroes. Th Ooserver and all otbr papers whid .re always right (T), said Click i- wrong" again, and no hone.rt gi tble man won d believe euch a ridici Ion statement Click said El wards & Bronghtor -uuiu not me oiate prin'inv nd they did. Click said the Sa'. ,rintirg w.uld tot be let to the low st bidd-r, and it warti'c. Ciitk sair itwonld et-st the State m ire ibai or tto last two years, and it doe Click said they would create m-i man iuu lUrloDlS 8. BtC bey did. Click said tby would 6 ll tbe "worthless 1 filets"' the fu ionists created and have scores fBee-seekers lelf. and they dii Ci.kstid they woa d -whitewasb' Oiho Wilson to save M-j WiIsji.. nd they did. C.iek said tby wou o urn out Jhu Pearson, who tried t 4crve the people instead vt tbe rail oads, to please the railroads, slo they did. C.ick aid they would pas law not to allw white men to vo t for their county commi:sic:srs, aia ihey did. Che said the raiuoa. .nd liquor men wuuld control th Legislator-, and they did. Click said hey would make more mistakts that. the fdsionis s, ant they did. Cli k aid they would in pass an ff -etivt n'i-trut law, and they didu't. Cncl. -.aid itey would not impeach GwVer- Uar Xlustj.ll because there was ii. rteinitfor tLem. and ibey did. 't. OJuk said they onld not send J. It. Smith to the penitentiary for all thai noney ihy said be stole, ani tbej ildn't. Cack sail tbj-y would in tense taxes in th 'State, and tbev Jid. Cuck said they wond not knot i to draw op a Revena bill, and bey didn't.- In fact, they havedoie vei3 thing Click said they would 01 woold't do. Intn tbe Observer closes 1 saying: Of course the nrgroes will vote tgainst tbe amendment beeause thtv Jo not watt white tupremary.' now tell ns why so many Demo- srat will vote against the amecd v. uecause ney Co not want niggerw supremacy. -rttmt AHlLTraat Law. VFinstonenlinel. tbo anti irnVlaw passed in the tin IBs? lays of h legislature is eiy -nil a. ..!.. tt . . . . .i vi uviea. , mJmy ot tn 'gialatora really wanud a atrooe aw against ttasts tny muse hav K hovdooed by, paid atturneys of taia aheii the) luaiitoi i hM 1.1 i . .. 4 - "ta aiUii g nuieuUuitii-8. . epment of tbis Tresttaent, tberrfo those w ho take it and give it a fair trial certainly aval themrlrvs of all ta modem science and skill have to offe fur tbe care of Consume t. on and al foirnt of wasting dike aie. Dr. S ovum's taitb in the efficacy H bis Ssum of Treatnnt is so stroeg and hi interest ta the welfare of bn manttv s ureat. that be will cberrfullj -end hi co-rp etc Syera of Treatment (Four FRLC to all sol fcrcrs who ask tor it. . iiJ - M:h; 1!fJ Conpleta Free Coarse ( Treat t. f-mrlettf f Four PrrparaUoaa. Horwvl Or. Write the Doctor. Simply write giving yor full name. and express addte-a. to Dr. T. A SI. h urn La'oratoties. y6 ard 08 Pn-e Street New Y-rk City, stating tbst vr.u rea ' this article if th: paper hen the FOUR FREE PREPARATIONS wi,l be sent yoj. together with fr.e ad vu e id"jijf H n vttr c e. PEOPLES PARTY W U HaViTA"TICIET National Cant..n Will b II. Id K.rl la ISuo. Tbe following letter written by tbe Cbauman of tbe Natii sal Ex-cutive Committee of the People's Patty t th Wasbioaton Post, ixplainr itself. Ivhtor P4st:In a leading editori al -I your usue or Sa'urday, March ll,repljio,c 10 a query by the Phila llphia It-cf-rd a tu whether or not be Penf.1..' Party w ttid have a tick timbefirll in VJQ0. appeared tbe foil ing: MWna a citizen it nominated for President of the CjiteJ States by arty that has proved itself capabl. f polling a million vut-s f..r iu I'r-Mdentnal ticket all of bis fellow i'.'z.ds m-iy be fairly assum! to h iw-re of tbe fact. Many moons ag. I-t8umtn r or earlr autumnal l-'JS. b-fwre ihe frost was on tbe uuipkia and the f dder in ib. h,,;t'Tbe P. puliat Party afsmh I d in Nat tor ai Ctiventim at Cm -lutiati; and aftr I oir deliberati n .t unattended by exeit ng incident nd thrilling episodes, imaiaated lUik-rand Don Lei I r for President ti.d Vi'- P.faident In tbis tuatttr tbe Post is vry uu.-b 10 etror. The Puopl 's Pit iasnotet a Presii-n-Hal tuk-t fr J'JUO. nr bas it at--uihied in naii..fc.l convention at Cii.ciiinari, or any wt ere trlae, since t hs-.t,,ble.l in n.'ional CuuTentiot tt S. L .uia io HOG. Tn'. Party Na ional Et -dtive 1 ouimitue will meet sum iue n.xn winter and isue a call Ut hii'DiiooleooTentioD, whieb ill a-femtil b-fofe eitb.r of tb id p-irty cm v-uii .or, ad will th-o VtW1 I,,elde"l kt fur Tne P. tt pf as a rol", so fair ard i acurae Ibat l ia du to ils-lf, a a to tbe IVupl' pArl. w make tbis correttn Manioc Rcrr ts C airman PeopUV P.ny Eaucuti'va i.iDimiuee, Kni .Mt N. 0., Mareb 15 1893. IKLE 1 0 MILLIONS uFSFFLREHS ew Cur- r KI .- ri..i t rl Acid Trbla, evrro.Kir wba reads th. leasuapera ur bu kuuw uf dffsmu- U is the great medicine triumph o Im iiiiieteriitb ceftur; diacuVrr-tl ."-r jrn ur sciotiiie 't-farcb bi e ettiintMir k.dnrv ..i ''. Ur Ki.ui.r.n4 baa trul le.-ui .... r. iu curio tudu-j. l.trr. tt-r and uric acid oiaea. n. ui.j ir..utie ia rauuuabl for .f- m one ailll SUJdU dr. I m th. I.JT Oilier d rllr aai.t ... ",l uouauus batre it wit bout kuuw K'g It. Tiiousand owe their health . .. . ".-w. ' "wijc , and ibuuaud. wuu luuaft Lllll.K Uumi.1. .... y..i.d bei.,can be u.ade Weil br thr uiMfof thi reai reaiedv Swamp Jt-us baa bt-ua tested in i any huauiial w.k vale prari Ice, amuii b. blla.Vj,, l.K,r lu purely rH..f( aud haa urVed cial rrn. r ' " ' " ... " . oeep made rt reaarrs ut tbe CaoCaaiasT wt.o have nut alrrad. i.J. LA'' baxe a Sample buttle aeut abau'luuiv sbtut Swamp It Kts a.d " 1.'! aume of ibe U.ound, UtK. moussads of ivatimuuial leltrra. reeairi r." i.rn aud women wba owe llie w.k -h,;n t I.e. r TefJ ,,- uTtbe rutiderlul curative ... 1Z S-mp-ItHit. Be .ur.":;"'!!..." i 1MB Caccia wbn aBdiaa: your If jnu are already convinced tliat Swaoip R,.t .. whas Jtm car. , urcb. ttm rrgZlar TSlit abd one dulrar s xe at d-or stores ' MtaawtUiCarda. It )OU Lm9m) h rnUlia.t. J . r - a ea ire one ut chua fd uur.lJ ouuiuMB li IJ. R.l.:.. V 4-. - 1WJWDBBPTHII1 ww., micijiii, a. v. . - SjSSy wta iaa All dray s: i- '"Z"- 'O - ,) r f':'-wr' 1Wtaeii m.j r Kccu.iri, 3 SKI. m. irmi -i tir CAfUtl' 1. ttits is mi ""it 1 n :- j, If. t h Jit.c, tf olsid CS tbB, tie j (, l!iig piciritt 1. 1 ljMfJ a is ilinM t pd.. .,.. 1 .itrin ! - tit! 3 - Ir I rBalr ibat the cam t. t rifctii g eUd let t d , i-ltx 1. iitsid tf ilt lie Ke.t t,f,,v lie lifter i.W t tile j. r. Sl A Btl tLtt B tlHl 't .jj j . 1. . ... -.. irruiiirf iivD.nir ftt ,i. w. ik'to tben, r-tt tie 1 S'tTS rctf s c BriiJj sro Hied yf J. mI o Patitle S'ste Tttt .r ifis st ib time laid tltt Vr lf(tta tif litlle inna 1! , wiril end driviig irtitr,, uttir lo titt ct tntf bat leilonld le lrttdfta prtJ. r iojo 9t rat in etirr m,h Edar d Brocf bton tb.y .t urgvp SB ild score. tt, etDfsif B I fctSld Ctr r Tt ari7ti;v, w a fpicb. atd ! lsd a trst sto lay abot th io!a.t 0! a a - a m . 1 a er cttse's, le wss !sdtg frnt is Tsrltssard settntd toiLusti o sirrrd tbe lsie nM t-e a M V tb of a rrntrsrt, atd fortlr . t f a vi lstico of his ostb. t ut tri r vtp Ia i mall a t a"r amlt St rrinticg. and aavirc a fr ust d c'ollsrs bv tleciirg a Per I y ibat wss arotb 1 tbirg. I Vri onr ! ad ts will ret trrk- r scro-b sprvt a I'Isb of wots tid rt t p t ihM lei go u r r am wi'lirg oo vbt I ,t. r pte ti 1 ts ih wrt iid ff tjrary td trn'd eot l toltraltd ile-.f. rI I all ot r'Bst tbe amttdmtttta be CbtSti'tlMfB. Tcnrs for reform. A IV r. Mbr w UI it m a-ut hltl rrlt lild cUrth di 8moit hqiia V. H.e vt Tablets as Ibej aptrirh itt- wtiti 3oa aaa e jbsrVEnaio Co.. S BALflUII N. t!, f W. S. BAPNES, I S tlcncral anicr. 0r brrd araTmn Wrsrper i;wrt. Frmra' t tmc-m CSuat..0. S " G at.u ai d -B It " Arid pi tt t t-' M'f ell to tern.. r tlir.ct ndtt aiui-r' i-ricra. A tnt Mrti(ai. t 0 ot in a iruar. Our rices sre low t rd ? X'-el"-d. aw r Saa mt. rf tk rlM aranaa raica. ais.6o ta mrtium rrtJj VTTf Ml rrn H"'' rrg l!J-4 irr, u 77,l V 1 1 " 1 ik rat mm -. 4 II. rttrr. itat "- ot u etc a co .7;; wwm' mmrt ,mmlt n. 9 turn tm TOY TUB The ncw ho-jtwmjo Mactuac Co. mu ar DROPSY wi.aiw. Hacar taay tawia4 caxaj-a aoas bJ luaSa. Sat Positions Secured . . . W mtC tb ho aant government mipou. Warerwatt a demand furTjOOO fiarea.! tvii fervid I. traetlsa IU Fiith a rr S E. WasaiaoToa. D.C. ofcir r!?: - y and try a bos araat-Bd to cure i J duSsta. .FREE i a x wins: Vt OOCD, wi Am SnfTJ U. a. caa be .ecred w" "ttl work at ham fn. . vhi- aoat for jc yaaxh VewUtr Aavocala ra. IMiWIw (bu papar taa.ssa,' ifc- iT lrZL' imtw Xa Am . . SeLTf? CaacareCndjCatbar. y the hUve?aXivinni- ti?fe?yr aaaaaWa t, aZlZTH if fr" aOJ -- f .uaiIZ r T If " "?"J 1 aJL bird " 7 mirm. m, .Lot-., tUa tntrtit " 'failT" " 1 tS: -mi