TUK CAUCASIAN. ii tr , N. (' , A pril '20 o If k I . It r. I II !. I IL l- I'lio I'r. s'tl -nt La again tf'.vea Mr. ' fnrJ a r fVif.'i appoint Dn-nt as jidjre f rht- 1' Jc-ial Court of the wesurn Sorrh Carolina D strict. Twice ;.;r tli ii I'i('S:dfbt hts appointed this ntii tor thin tace, and twice the -i m'i'm ha failed t coLfirm. This I robably thf first thne in the bis ry ot tho Kovornruetit that the t'f i id xt has tf'n t-n a recess a point tii nf to a nan for cny place whom t ,- S-r nt j had twice n fused to con aLd surt-ly n; President hastv . , i.f.ruiiiati d any man fur such an ii ) irtaut an t 111 :h who whs so to : i tv 'lnfi". tor it. Tim VsIiin'4ton c irresry -tvlcnt of Ktl-ijjlj I n ia announcing the 'i i i f th't Piesidunt. say : '.HisiTos, Ajril U. The i "r n t to-dy again appointed Ii . riiil ion O. Kw.trt U jited 8:ates .J,.i!t"r the WVntern District oi N ,i th Carolina. This has bf come & . i 1 1 l-brn, aithisi his third ap p njitnn.-i.it, th fcit'iiate having fail-d t i ( '"i.ti'iii him for reason fully set at tho time. The Prt sident'e it'c.it advisers have ured him r . u 1 not to r peat thia nomina ti .ii, oat, i litial necessities havo j ; iiv:d iri x .rabl-4. ; I" MhK A MUM IM.Iir At..INNT Hit: VI . Tho Washington Post in a recent i- Iim. rial, iu reply to a letter from a rio rcf pobdent asking which one of tlo-old parties would probably de i i ire against trusts in the nut am ji tiii, haul in substance 'Why both nf i ho old parties will of course de tlirti H'iii at trus'r; they will try to u r 1 catli other in drnonncing truM H. Tuo una that holds its na t.ou tl convention first will attempt to 'Viaust tho I) iglt,i language in liitrjiiiL? and dunouncio; them as i vii i and promisiui; to aboU.-di them. Tli" other one when it meets in con vention will try tooutdjtbe former. Tuc Pint is no doubt right in this, md vt The Caucasian would be willing to lay a wagr of dollars to doughnuts that neither one of these old parti 8 will declare that they are in favor of retnosiog the causes that ii n u:h iiusis., anu mat u tney uo tl.fv will amonnt to f.ml th nnVili r. t by uauuug the false causes insted cf the real causes. In short, neither one if t ti in will dtdare for taking the uisti unu'nts oi coinmorce out or tne imiij.s of rrivato monopolies and a si to; them as public functions', as et n . a f irt fathers intended. Whoever I'jntrolrf the instruments ot com iiit'tco controls commercr: whoever cutrol. commerce control i the gov- latrefore, if tho govern- i- a i i uj as meat dots not control the inttru ments of com lnrce, tLoso who do ontrol tlie instruments of commence iki '!) i, iii hi i ii n ii i uu a.vua u y s in .ily looking around and seeing h. to-day control the instruments eoinmorce in thia country and he H sen that they aro the ones who rerunning the povernment, making n nut Ives millionaires at the ex- t use of the lab.Ting: and producing HS.KO A we ti I I im.fi Our (aim luff. f ir Tll ('Al C 1AN. KinsTos, N. C, Aoril 8, 189J v.ir. r.DlTOw: I see from the pa- era -hat the State Treasurer is about rr ... I .... . I V Sf l odh hunrtrpd and fen tbonsatd r ii .i - . .i. . Liih aud credit of tU taxpayers of it S ate. Tais docs not look much Ik prosperity under wbuo euprem- l' V. 1 thmk this an outrage noon le people, let the peoplo ask them- ilvrs the q lestioc: 'What shall we with the pe nit'?utiary T ' It is not staiuirg. and wo lave to be taxed keep it uf ; taoreis something rad- illy wrong about it.aul tee people iKit to know what is tho matter ith this institution, there must be ul play somewhere in connection ith if. Ic is very strange that au tle beditd man eannot feed htd tLe himself in the penitentiary, ynitlly when he hes a boss behind J u wuh a bull whip in hta hand to I ke the convicts w.rk. What shall d with this institution is the (at inn ura In oUrrlillr taTiil ketpitgoinf The people are get g very tired of being taxed on 5 t cotton for evtrythiog that might i) tiiB.ta ccif.aMntin T a. tr ' I canuoi maKO ine penueniiary sustaining, it would be best to ipi seme otntr mamoa oi hi, It appears that the p Xple get the greater the t Ration, but the people, U in II yA 1 i Ir ra rt ap nvun i ., . .i . I 1 ,- i, 1 iuib oiutf lua.u-m ui iuuu-i It appears that the poorer the burden of c n m nf 5 r ' the harden the better they like it. hen will the people of North Caro- Mttrtn Uir.eUinr. that will i,..,., .i.. v.-.j a u 1 1; ii iiiHir 1 1 ii rii a- i i iih i w iiiii i Mic papers cursid and abused the iT,"., . Iv-iop. legislature for mcompe- Ppy atd extravagance in legisla- pn, but this hst one took the cake appropriations and increasing of- ers salaries, the t fficers salaries of r town has been increased doubled Kt.t it m H- ,u t,i whatitwa8 under the old town rter. Tho nn.oimn . bfln " N.aa,wM Janes increased, the onlv reason I ' V could trivn ws.s that thev bad L- ... . ri WOIK ao. ana me icwn was Kiwmg, but they never for a time .1 psidtrtd that it takes twenty lbs. cotlnn iikneailnil., T f t hi. i n. j .. Vase of tax .tion continnes to go I for five years longer it will be 'and to bankrupt tbe people, it is haid now for them to pay their "Only the First Step is Difficult." The first step in Sorina thould be to cleanse Nature's '' house from Winter's accumu lations. Hood's Sarsap&rilU does this work easily. It is Americas Greatest Spring Medicine. It purifies the blood, as millons of people say. It makes the weak atronj, as nerroua men ana women gladly teatify. It curea all blood disease, aa thousand of cured voluntarily write. Itiatnaio. medicine for you, as you will gladly eay after you have given it a fair trial. I Bad Blood-" Although past 70 years ot age I am thoroughly well. It was three bottles of Jrood's Sarsapartlla that mad aDUe"a.r 9&7ilt" ' my ankle." Mrs. Locisa Maboh, Court Street, Ixwtll, Mass. Running 8orea-MA mouttis i Kve my children Hood's Sarsa- i irum ana u cared them of running sores. Hood's Fills cured roe of dystx?pila and constipation." Mrs. Kat E. Thomas. 31 Governor St., Annapolis. Md. wonsumpxive COuen-Five years ko i naa a consumptive coujrb which re- o?: -r,Kafd!.',!fd in thounds of papers tDroughout h altTtSVbeeJwSlI coun.r. ' ev.dence of a new and take Ilofxl s Sarsapa recovered normal health. ever sinew." Matilda Bridokwatkk Cor Fearl arid Chestnut Sts.. JeBersonvilla. Ind- J&sOdA SaUafmiftg Pllltpur llTr tin. th non Irritating aa only rmlmrtlc to tk wltiTHood't brMMriiiaZ tax s. Kinaton is to have a graded school here if the people will vote to tax themselves to do so, of coarse the negro ain't in it now, but two years ago he was when the State held anAPnl 21 23 Iq Salisbury friends election to see if we would vote & tax on ourselves for that purpose, the Democratic papers heralded it and honnded it all over the State and said it would educate the 'damn ntgffr' thev said it was Dolitical ont- up by the Hep-Pop legislature to ed- ucate the nepro. But now in Kin- ston they don't think a graded school hre will havo anything to do with educating bm, because it was a Dm- ocratlc legislature and a Democratic Wfc.- I ! I A m a . T Dismark s Iron Nerve I Was the result of bis snlendld health lodnmifahle will and tremendous m- I ergy are not round where stomach. Iiv- r and kidneys and bowels are out of I .i-, it .. i i th ...., rhT brintr. n. Dr. Kini ew u re fills, iney aevfnrp every r-rrrp power or tne Drain ana body, only 25o at an drug stores. L'olveraltr Notes. J. L. Ludlow, hydraulic engineer, was on the 'Hill' several days ago com Dletinir arrangements for the addition of a much-needed improvement here and that is the water supply. Every- thing is expected to be In running or- ur by the time school opens in Sep- lemuer. A dancing master Is procured by the students every spring, if possible, for the benefit of those vho care to add one more accomplishment to their list. Prof. Antonio Bellezz is conducting thciss this year. He is matter of bis art and has spent many years in the S'ate conducting dancing schools at different places. Dr. A. K Alderman,'PrePiden t ofjthe University, lectured Sunday night, li ia subject being an able, graphic and eloquent description of his trip to Je rusalem. Chapel II ill can now boast of a bank. The last legislature granted a charter for a bank at Chapel Hill. The bui'd ing will soon be erected, aud ere many weeks it will be a much easier task to get your check cached. Colonel Julian I 8. Carr is president: C. L. Lind- I - t rr!ii I "l UP c pw- tint Tho ninlltl tnlr aill ho tilt. "w v". uiu. wnu due uruurKO tu iiiureias il i OK), with the privilege to increase it to $100,000 if so desired It takes but a K,auto lu pec UJS ""uu' Vl vuaci II ill's progress. The Loyd Cotton mill to cost nearly $100 000 and a bank started by most re sponsible, level beaded business men Prof. Holmes and bis wonderful im provement in the town roads and those leading to and from the town is annth r great step forward for Chapel Hill such truly interested citizens are what give a state, a county, a towi tbeir backbone, their strength. May 5cb the Chapel Hill Choral Soci ety will give its second concert for thi year. It will prove a rare treat to s lover of music, and it will aff ird tb people ,the students and opportunitt to hear reproduced by a well traioed choir and renowned soloists, the melo dy sad or j yful that stirred the deep tender, majestic souls of different com P03CD, J . M. 11. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life . of 1 it. Buckieu s Arnica saiv in aua t la.m Iflit m I H fiinnindP nrl fn Vat Bre!. ulcers .boils .felons .corns, warts cuis, brul-tes, burns, scaias, cnappeo nanus, cuiioiaius. uest nns cure on . ,th r,,!t,. llt 4. mnA mham fin. i, 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed. bold by all Druggists. I tPllA T.ntlilnvi A JIOId m W AiVAntnli AM ponaid-red the best literarv nnodi- Cai in Eagland, t fl-red a prize for a list of the twelve best books of the season, in a recent issue the resul of the contest was given. The Let- . . ters of Robert Browning and Eliza-1 CT.T, t TWrtt.. nnhlUhed in ,, . ---- r - the United States by Harper & Bros. received a large mij jrity of votes sewers of ointments for Catanh tat &9 mercury will surt-iy destroy OS. sense uf smell and completely derange the whole sjstem when entering ,K. rhtt -.,, a.,H .r.....M ..a-ri Av.,.nt IBI.IVtw' W'iWMne v- ao uoca S AWCUU r..iA r ha . n.A. ....;ki. I tv U s u. m uvu HIICJ VBU ajisoi UIJ I derive from them. Hall'. Oatarrh Cure. I manufant ured hv V J. P.hanow Cln . - " i, taken interuallr.. actina: directly uicuvt w e v'jn vaiun uu uici uui f amuaA apau the blood ana Catarrh Cure be Bure 3 " Dlrrilal.iBfll inaiia in Toledo. Otilo. I h F. J. Obenev A Co: Testimonials. free. c Hold by druggists, price 75o per bot- tie. Hall's family Ptlla an thw hast. THET ICNIfcOKHE IltTLEBU AHtMl. WEST. Tbe Lceolr Topic K fea-d to fat.li.hth Ke.oln-i-ne riti by tba J.Um T. Juom Cats p. LX'oik, April 16. 1899. Ma. Editor : bear Sir: The old soldiers bid a meeting; ia Lenoir on April 4h and passed rfilutiou endorsing Butler and bit Pension bill and President Mr Kinley'a kind utter ance concern-rig; the Savb. i be mo. lutioos were the aaroe.of the J isrph E Johnston ' imp, witb a fewchangea to mike it suit our camp, which is the John T. Jones Camp N'o.&52 ' We took it to the Lenoir Topic. The editor aaid be would publish it; ao be took b'Jt when bl pper caaie out u wts not in it. When askt-d bis reason for not Publi,n,ns 't, be said be could not Pr'nt njtbiog that bad that damned rMC,, (Butler's) name in it. II would not let us have it bck, but be destrojed it. A S"ctB- The resolutions pasrd by the J iseph E Johnston Camp were published in -. Example la Belt-r Thau Precfpt inoe aentenrious provrhs. or old ws, wnicn are usd asprfrflis to a'J of (he Ho.d Sarsaparilla ndverttinir Bl3l ompiay aavernnnK Doin plinT and eff-crive. Th- Hood urm is to oe cDgratuiar-a on so clev erly adapting such wisdosn as has file ered down through centuries. Anoth er charming thing about this Hood advertising is the unique type they are using. Bfeetlng of the Fifth Annual State Con ventlon of ChrUtaan EhUmto for N. C. Everything is in readiness for the fifth annual State Convention of Christian Eadeavor for N irth Caro P'aa wnih con7enes in Salisbury, are &J "or as and are anxious for 48 mtL7 Christian Eadeavorers and those who are interesttd in this or- ganizition and desire to know more aooat lt a9 possible to attend the Convention. The prog-amme will De interesting and helpful, ana Sec Iretary IJ ire's presence will add njach to tne 8Qcce8s of the Convention. Every ffrt is being made to have this Convention known as the "Con vntion of nrr " w K.ti 1 J ' " "' ' " - uwt w ai BwCa We have reason o thank Qod that innsuan i,aaeavor stands pre enai- l.M4LCu J ' a. r A i i lur UWUUOB lo ons., loyal y to One's own denomination and in terrlnomin.tion (Sh. .t Tn th. ... .... .. . BDiri - oi ine motto: "une is vonr master. fivn Chrisf. and ll VA r brethren." This society is probablv doing more than any other one agen cy to draw the denominations of Christians together, and thus is an swering the prayer of our Lird and Savior that they all might be pure. The spiritual dement of Christian Endeavors, that which tends to de velop the spiritual life of Christians and lead the unsaved to Carist, has never been superseded by anything else and the blessing of Gad has rest ed upon the orgauizition Trom the first. Let us thank God that the Chris tian Endeavor has never drifted into a mere literary and social club, but that it stands for Christ and the church. Let us consider a few facts of im portance in this connection. The first Christian E deavor Society or ganized in Williston Congregational church, in Portland, Maine. Feb. '81, by Rdv. Fransis E. Clark, then pas tor of that church, and now Presi dent of the United S iciety of Chris tian Endeavor. From this small be winning, the Society has in 18 year?, grown from one to more than 50.000 with a total membership of mere than 3 222 000. It is found in all d . . . j : j : 1 Lost, if not qaite all lands whewjt1 Christianity has reached. It is a mistaken idea to think that Christian Eudeavor stands for one church more than another, for it has from the first been interdenominational. In North Carolina we have from f -ur to five thousand members of this I society, and these are doing a noble ork for Christ. In this State there ire perhaps many who know some- hinir of the Christian Eadeavor Sa - Mety, and desire to know more of it. If these come to Salisbury, for by at - ending the Convention more infor mation can be obtained about the Society than in any other way. The secular pr-ss in all parts of he State has given us liberal space for notices which we appreciate. But the tailroads have given the tsual reduction on tickets a little less nan one and one-third, and wo ap jreciate that also. The tickets are a sale Apr: 19, 20 and 21st, and the final limit is April, 25th. , . May this Convention be the best n the true sense of the word, North Carolina has ever known, and may God's richest blessing rest upon all ho attend. Mamie Bays, Ch'n. Press Deo't. North Carolina State Union of Christian Endeavor. No RIeht to Cglinefts. The woman who is lovely in face, rorm mP wi' l"a,9 aye il alwa; i irienus, out one woo wium o ae'rac- Clve muai heep ner bealth. If she is riends. but one who would be at'rc- weak. siok'T and all run down, she will be nervous aud irritable. If she bas constipation or kidney trouble, ber impure blood will cause pimple, skin eruptions blotches and a wretebfd complexion. Electric Bitters is tbe bestmedidine in tbe world to regulate stomach, liver aod kidneys aud to pu I rify the blood. 16 gives siroog nerve, I. - . -.nMAe lioir. charmintf wman of a rundwa I 'a. a -v l" PFi. a. -a .Il J inYA.tu. uuiy ou oeut av ,n lArug I Wires. I Derangements of Menstrual Func- tious pruduoe Miscarriage. Simrooi'S Dquw v iuC rr .tie Mr xeutete KeVv tbe aeraubremtnts I A Tumid Liver causes Denression 'of spirits, In-ilg'stion. Constipation, tlcadaebe. U e Or. M. A. oiuiuooa j Liver Medici be to stimalate that or I no. , CHAIRMAN SIMONS' ADDRESS ISSUED ABOUT SE PTI1BEK 25TH,-S8 TO THE VOTERS OF THE STTE. It Vim to It cl t Ool-a tm Ilfr. t h I tho X'cr. Dofmra Bmv4 the Property ad CtetlJ QoaOlac tlB la tb atst. Below we give a few extracts of what Chairman Simmons sent out through the Democratic papers dur ing the last campaign. What we do njt copy is on the same line of what we do copy. Read it and decide whether he lied or not. He said: "F ot the past twenty years or mre, jast before every election, the Re publican speakers, at their midnight meetings, have been in the habit of telling the negro if the Democrats came into power their right to vote tould be taken away from them. Af- l ter the Democrats came into power in this State, they always bad some reason to give these credul us brings why the Democrats bad not disfran chised them as they had before pre dicted. ' First, they told them if the Dem ocrats got the State government they would disfranchise them. The Dem ocrats got the State government and did not disfranchise them. Then they told them if the Democrats elected a President they would disfranchise them. The Democrats elected a Presi dent and did not disfranchise them. Then they told them if the Democrats got control of Congress they would disfranchise them. The Democrats got control of Congress and did not disfranchise them. All along the honest white men of the State laughed at these lies, and marveled that the negro did not. have sense enough to see that he was being duped. ''Finally the negro himself began to see through the trick. H-t had seen the Democrats in full power in th State for twenty-two years, and bad learned through experience that that party did not propose to disfran chise him, and he, too bgan to laugh at these liars, and fiaally refused to be frightned by their rot any iocg-r. S the old R-rtublican scare crow nad to b" haultd down and put away. "Now these same old demagogues, aided by a few pie-eating and pie- bunting Populists who used to laugh at this fraud upon the neem, have again brought out the old Republi can scare-crow of disfranchisement ; but, strange to say, they are now utdng it in an attempt to try and frighten, not the ignorant negro, but ihe poor aad uneducated white men f tn State. Bat these wdy schem ers will be disappointed. They will find that the uneducated white men f this State are not so easily fooled. They will find that while they may not have any book learning, they have the quick intelligence and hard sense of toe white race, and they will fiad that they are not to be fool ed, by a bugaboo. There is not a white man ia N rth Carolina who will be frightened by this old Repub lican negro bugaboo, and they will by their votes teach these fellows who are presuming upon tbeir igno rance that their intelligence is not to be thus trill -a with and insulred with impunity They know the Democratic party wis the party that removed the property and educational dis qualifications to suffrage ii North Carolina. They know that the Dem ocratic party has always stood for manhood suffrage, and they know that the Democratic party will never, under any tircumstances under the sun, consent to the passaere of any law which will take frm them, how ever poor and ignorant they may be, tne rignt to vote, or wnicn win in my way diminish or lessen that ereat privilege. i.hey know thit the Dcm ocratic party i c tmposed largely of poor and unedu ated men, and that it looks to this honorable class of our i.M7inchin Inr its ennnnrt anHthot " . r r " i .' .it iu iuiu vi .ittvi. lucui i u at r in their homes, theii reputation and their virtue. ".t mast be remembered it fs the' Republicans who are cireulaiing this illy story about the D-mocrats. Even the Populist wmgof that party deuounced the storv as absurd. As barren of truth about some things as the Hand B ok recently issued by Dr. Thompson and Hal Ayer. It is frank enough to admit that thie is no truth in the Republican clamor 1 about the Democrats disfranchising I '"ff'i!.1?88 aD 7fwe maD' . fweritv odd veara of nemfjcratie ml in North Carolina proves the utt -r - - falsity and absurdity of the Rpub lican rot tbi3 sut-j-ict. Nor do r sponsible Republicans openly and publ cly.make this charge. As reck li-s8 as they are, they have too mu l respect for and fear of decent publi opinion to visit upon themselves th scorn and contempt which an ope avowal of such absurd and ridicu lous change would merit. But wb 1 'hese Republican traitors are silei rnemselvts upon this subject, the send out secret circulars, and sen out sneak speakers and bush whack ers to try to frighten and deceive th- people by clandestinely circalatint these falsehoods eoncerniug the pur posn of the Democratic party "These leaders and tbeir c tque rf know, as every intelligent man ii the State knows, that the Democra i plan to protect the white men of tb East from the horrible cegro ml under which that fair section of th q , m w a . oiaiu uu w s v u, era auu laug uies is to take advantage of the reeent de cision of the Supreme court to the effect that one taction or county mav have one system of county govern ment and another secti on or eonnty j may nave an entirely different sys tem of coufly government, and wbil according to the white counties, tbe richt to elect all their local f meets, to restore the old Democratic system of eonaty government in tbe connties having negro majorities thus lifting the ruthless bed of the negro from tff tbe nt-ck of the white men wht live in the negro-ridden connties of the East. Tbe Baby Is Cutting Teeth. " be sure and use tbat old and well tried remedy, Mas Wine low's SouTHitto SYBi P,'cr children teeibing. Itsooibea tbe chud, t-oftens tne gums, allay all pam. cares wind colic ana is the b-t remedy or diarrMgw, TweDtj-flve eents psr Djtus, - His Family Praise Lon V. Stephens s the first native born Governor of Mis-ouri; neighbor log K -Mucky bas fur n'shed the red As chief executive of the State oi Missouri his policy is bu9iness-likf. economical and progreive. Gov. Stephens frankly and freeh recommends Paine's ce erv compound He has been greatly bf nefi'ted by it and whenever there is sickness in hi family Paine's celery compound is the rera-dy that is used. As a witness to the wonderful effl cacy nf this reroedr, especially ii spring, the experience nf the chief ex ecuMve of the State told in tne follow ing letter cannot ba slightly passed over: Executive Department, State nf Missouri, Jpfferson City, Feb. 8, 1899. Gentlemen : I have ii -ed Paine's celery compound keep it in my house fur family use and And it a splendid remedy. Very respectfully vnnra, LON V. STEPHENS. Why is Paine's cl-ry compound to day the most, successful spring remedy in the world? It is so wonderfully successful sim ply because it accomplishes in every instance exactly what is claimed for it. SEMP OME DOLLAR ton DTireuoi u.u.11. iuojuci wgumuwuua. ua toe it. TO AMt SIOO.OO Ir BtVUT you er w, perfecUy aatutactory aad tba CaaSkT SAHbalS Ot HatB - --. . atsa skis o MAaiior, OUR SPECIAL OFFER pay th railroad agent 16.50 - ' a . BUILT IN OUR OWN FACTORY IN CHICACO. n "i 1 on honor trom tba bt materlaj moor can buy. bi la AV ' v - I our Fra Bl(y ClUlCWD tbow. Ton BunlM n.d. t,. SOO.OO X K ynrl otner KmkerJ t,t M.SO, 28.7S and S34.7S tl it niTooVcc. N Nil li " bufgy that are .old by inx blDery dealer., at MiW to BUGGIES' X W 11 II i00aiaarebelnrwi lelTajTertl-ed by many atS3awtoaw.ee. AND X I Y I II tl SURREYS. tltUTEtf ACME QUEEN. (OUR OWN MAKE.) bodies are Water KaakeS and taelalrHal aad LabarlaralaUaa !AW1 K n T f SSS. 00 BARELY COVERS COST of material and labor. !eain m tbaamailevt proBt lmar' le, bat wearebuildinc 'Obuasrtes a day and to adyertiae our baser factory we are wiiime toatu-taiaof ai.ea PROFIT KAIiL. We know S7O0O daily profit on 70 busTieewai aativty aa, advert aa every bre aad baild ap tbe 1VABOB8T BOOOT BUSINESS IH THE WORLD. THE ACME OUEEN e build ia narrow or wide track, cloth or leather trrmmed. end eprtnr.baoYd leather quarter top, kolkl panel back, springe n back. IteUnr mini B aad Sata, M m. tmiyu body, ttzSt Inehea, No. 1 Sanren'a patent acre wed rtm heel. aaiaMd la IS aaaia. body black, feat dark yreea itk very delicate mode and saarca. ill inrin I Afaf AUC rni I IB with your order. B MABASTBB Ihe Bssay le Bnrh tea aaaty and BERtf UWC Uvbmit u aatiefaclory, pay tb railroad rtnl aalaiw. att.eo 4 trellbtehatyra, otberwiae pay nottalna- and tbe agent will and Caulorae Hoa'ea. BUY THE BEST BUCCY UVfl A ou x a vaai IAP FACTORT BUGOY at to LOWIbT FKICS IvEB KJfOWIt. UIUIKU IU UI. iwhiuauit. f WRITE FOR OUR FREE BUCCY, CARRIACS AND HARNESS CATALOCUE. v aaSEARS, ROEOUCK & CO. (Inc.). CHICACO. ILL. SEMD MO MOMEY yon OUR HlbH-GHAOE SUKDrCK SfeWllHi MACHINE by treat t. . B., eaajeet loeiaartaallea ToacaaexaaBtnettatfearaear. eat frebjht aeyet and lf found aerSjctly aatarfacMn, exactly aa represented, eeaal U marble, eiairi U aa hlak Sf.Se, aad THK eaJUtkST BAktiAll 1W BVKB HKABB lV, Bay year freirkt aceat Our Special Offer Price 5.50 and frela-htcbarsea. Tbe machine weigh l ntlat Aataiac at SaJO.S10.OS.aiLW, BU.W and up, all of DOUOiia na ineireiiru. wiiisvrrirr cuw aw mu mUea. CIVE IT THREE MONTHS TRIAL fa your own home, and we wUT return your ai&M any day .n. miiAttiiilal. W dlSereat auka aad area r aVSa, "bVtSlsTsO IS? Tato TKAWTftlTBOKDICX ie tbe greatest value erer offered by any house. , THE BURDICK '"t V m.a. aiweK (Ka HAOiaaeti nnnA SlaLdlakw tkdt IbbmA aan&ksrlaa AaaWfl pollsli, tntt niclul drawer MOla, ratam 4 tmr Ij t...e. Kl teaalla afenirlite fle-etk fsmnam artSUlM. flnJoatt ahsea haaewt eneuidb nrbmTtJwaa f Mlmetlaism feMlai- ftaClf terMdineT Inff ahattle, antsttmUc bobbin winter, mdnt bemfin.i- fat wniiun UDenwr. imprvvvv svuev wiwi a -je . foot, tmprorMi Uiatuti earner, peueni pewn wrf pateni arm ijumiti. GUARANTEED tWnWeat iaiiali.aelar. mUm 4 aianal a uhlai aiada, Bvaey kaewa uudanl la BnalihiS aad ear Frew Inatructlon Book tellsuat how anyone can rua it aad do either Slain or any kind of fancy work. A SO-TXAS iTJAJLANxH is eent with seary machine. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING XKS&Z'ZZZg. nay yoar rmisnt imt tbe f IS. BO. w ye BrTCBi to a ai waaif at aat ilayAwU aeeaaSMeaTl WlaVa Tet4?. SIM? -tJttSS2' WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE. . SEARS. ROEBUCK A CO.. CHICACO, I! QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS MID COLDS, PYNY-PECT0RAL The Caaattlaa Reaudv far all i THR01T tDwG AFFECTIONS. pAjio Bottles. 25 otsv. y DAVIS ft LAWRENCC CO., tlm Z faoe-a Ptaav Daws' PaufKiuaa. m m. Cav aret n.k.Ml. - - ImmiM f V CaC, Snitlrefae aaoexrj. Joins Him in Sincere of Paine's Celery Compound. And of what other remedy can that b -aid? Ev-ry form nf nervnus trouble, wh-ther lc alued in the minrles. heart, brain, or in the nervs them Ives, i ured to sray tviMi hy Paine's eel ery compound. Every kind and deree "f iropoverithoi'tir of system is over come by the greate'. nf all invigr tors affr other remedies have tbvwa no beneficial eff-ct. It is the spring remedy vouched for by physicians, teachers and well read, well informed ra-n and women in ev ery part of the country. People are ever) where dj Ing nf ex hausted nervous energy or dragging out their lives in pain and discomfort, because of sleeplcHsneai. tierv "isne and fagged tur brains. The objective point of Pai'ir's celery comoaund in successfully nunog such nervus t.nu btes is to feed the nerves, buiid up the waited brain ptr'a. nnuri-h ih- tissues and tnciease th- cm s'rocfire ctpsrjfy if the bl od. II-allh and renewed life to all the nervous tissues thu tsk-s the place of the lethargy and the de bility nf disease when Paine's celery compound is employed. X i r.ne will need to be told that Paine'a celery compound d.s its be. work now as spring comes on. Tbes eat this ad oat and send to as and If yon llva East of th Bocky Muumui'i wt wiU and thia MICH.CRaDE Ton aunr.v ta i - " iiiiim nu four irtirM aFuit ii.d r u giuiiin ikKiyour ircivni oepa ai--a ir ttu una i PRICE $55.00 Jd Ona Dollar sent with order. . vyR,SCMEVUS AT 959.00 wonuerful yaluo ever offered, ins Lul la tba mott OS TBI BEST Bt W.I THAT tAS SI RULT. We ina'ntaia our own flva story buggy factory fr the . mii-Dore ot bull(1ln and K-llinar a arrrra BICLV THIS lI CAS Bft KLAtWHrSK m4 ie BAVE OCB ccsToaiaa BAJurAmara-a ranrrr. Every BuaraTT Wa Make la Cuarantaad Five Year and They Will out wear Five Ordinary Factory Rig THE MATtllAl AMI UIOI IH III ACME CBtEl eoat laaa eaaM tbat lo I lie ordinary factory bofrry. we uae m St. to ca.tuoa cloth, aonia aa (0 cent, we ow a SI .AO bead limn, aomc ae to rent we aeAaent leather, tome um a cent, we oar at Mk fiioitnu Tarnmnes. eme o.e reat aodtl awl PAT ALMOST DOUBLE the price BKt nakera pay lor . im. nB. mm aaa ain. braaM Wr MIT TMB IMI. Our wbeeta rear ana OUR ACME OUEEN. weaM aalat tarae ebraa aaraba. return bupa-y at oar expeate and w will mora yor a. :peae I lo-Wel now enl lalmo et-lalely by all Marbtaery Iwaler MONEY CAN BUILp, direct from the maker JSiSS bU Jf keaTfT bTeVaV We nave a bank. preijejetl eepecleiiy for yoo. orukrb V w anail free. It treeu of tbe 1 excunayin niBonlaia. am ma ete. tbM tnrety enlid u liebla to oC icr WDleo a irrew'o Vermlfug BWI I' cir i i . ase:n, eate with Uroeteerl. M woe mm ll I I na Seen reuueaaraUly need Y V TX ; lt!L rta,y SI early spHng daja encourage ret Km well. Nervmi d erases are lea a'u' birn and debility )i-ld tn re uUkl n w than at any nih-r time. It will astonish eey nt ! knows I'ainr'a relery rnmpoutid onl by hear-eay. to try it now and ta the htnge from a jellow, sallow rnn pinion to a fre-h, health) clor: ti-ai aches will wholly ras; leep will r fresh and the mind grow clear It means of thi great modern nrn-d the liver that bas been eluggib a wint.r bee tmea active, and ' iuuu a' tack ana the ixiiannnus headsrhea im the diseases akin to rbeumstisa wbicl are its result, are rut short. If it were poible to make a h"us in lvoie cnvaa nf families Wher Paige's celery compound i beini ued theae early sprtog day, 'Ver helniing amiuit of evidenr would appear showing aha impMci cotiQ lnct that a ilc-d in thia arrea' est of all epring remedies; and th normoi numb-r nf fieople who ar bing cured of some form of nervnu tronbie4, gleepteaanea, indigeatlai headaches, neuralgia. iesrt troublea vt a general Tua-duwu" condition. ft4j SA.L1 wfaAvtySan'jCi TO Atlanta, Charlotte. Aujruata. Atlanta. Wilmington New Orlean Chattanoor NaabvUla, AND New York, Boeton. Richmond. WaabiDirton Nortola PortatnouUi SOUTHBOUND. No. 403. No. 41 Lv New York, Penn.E.Bll siem tnfm PhiladelpbiB 112pm 12ttkatt Jialtimore S 16pm 2 ana WaahinirtoD 4 40pm 4Uaa RtehmnrMi A IM k lw m B rrar Norfolk. t. A. L. Portsmouth . a 4&pfn VlJun il ptnll bAeiai r Henrtwn lZfml 4tt r Irarnaoi ....... . Irnrham t lD tllnae ....7 tia irt a Lv tUienxb zT5atB "p denford S JUsra ftipe Bo. Pi ore 4 23ea SaApn Ham lrt. 8 (Cam S&6pti wedeeboro- SSXea S lOpi Mrmroe S i3eoB 12pr Wllmnrrn I2 06f CharM4U 7 Sdmn tUA,i Ar t"r...... .-ia-i sifihtw Lv Columbia. V. S A L K R Ar t lioton. 4.Saruli Itaa Omen wood IO6ee. I 07 ee Abbewiiie II ft3em 1 sfee Elrcrtoo ... ....11 07 pre 1 4la trAUtens 1 ISpea S43eji Ar Winder. 1 t6ptn 4 2eai Ar Atlanta (Central UoeJ . 2 SOdbb fi Juaa NORTH BOi:iD 50.402. Ko.eS Lv AtlaoU (Central time)i2 ttm'o 7 frOpa Lv Winder S40pa lesopa Lv Athena. ft Upcb 11 tftpti Klberton. 4 15pm 12 tips) I Abbeville lpta 1 SAeai I Greenwood.... ft 41pm 34ea Clinton. Supm 1 &Sae Ar Columbte C.HAL R. K 77 Sana, Lv Cbrwer. B. A. L.. - Upoj 4 Ar Charlotte ..lufcpte 7 ae 1 V'uroe. 40pns mm Uaralet lllApea laa Ar Wilmington iote Lv Bo. Ptoea ISOOaaa SObaa Batevh tl6aai 11 25en Ar HenfiATeon- Xere 1te7p Ar Lrorbam 7 Mm 4 leoe Lv frnyfaam ..... ...t7 0Tej idlSmm Ar Weidon 4 && 3 Richmond A.C.L. S SOasi 7 , Waebinxton. Penn RR.12Sipea 11 Bel tmore ..1 46paa 1 Pbiledelpbia. 3 StipcB SftSeai Sew York 2?aa . H ST -JOBX.TkePwaideni ad Mat. Oa' V. B. BfcEZX Oen'l H. W. B LOVER. Trafle Msi T.J APnSJteaufll.tsew'l Pan hi S Alt COLOR and iU or U fruiti i.c. quality anj Iterance of rrullct. arc .ill jnv!.xcl I y r .uOv Potash, properly on:il tr.r4 Ms;h Ivv phone Acl.l z:A Mirm. liberally 'applicv!. vi.I i - prt -.r every fol nn! i-urrj-.r ;j and fjuaiity ."V i l i c a?. ! '! H t , AXl HKANt lir-V. ASD rUiHKM t KAlIROjltt cotaa0 Kasria Ao. 1st. I SWT. , , ' m l. Wlon II i ti ir tUrST MMDt ! ft-lo 34 a r a Lw Tartnro. i I- t. Roifef aftfuat. If 4. tu a L W lana I II t L bvltsa I a . t. r'avHirTilto.. 4 , 1 ar Faswanoa.... 7 , y t It r. , Lf Uouiabaro. to 4 t a aa r m . L Maxnola a a a. m Ir r limit) ctoa. T TRAINH titvu ki:th. s Sa; i 'i e 1 . a 4 11 JO I l 4i r ' ia .... lu .... Lv Ftormoe l. r'aettrnil. Lv (Wiau ir M ilaoo U to r m aj. 7 is t a) m M ;o io it tm Lv Wlmnxiot L Warttoha ... Lv Oofclaburo.... r m at r r aj i; is it .o it 4 iz :a ti v. i xi lv wiiaoo ' 1 42 arKurfcy Mount. 2 SJ Lv Tartfro 12 12 Lv ftnrfcy Ifoacu! X3 . kr Wiiao S . 12 bS : I 44 ... fltally eiorj Uou-Uy. 'Sunday. lns4 Train on tbe HnaUaod No a llraurb Lue4 Sei U .lon ( IU p an.. Ilalifas a eu amvee Huutlatxl rrfc et & JU p u.. trv- nl 9 4, p. tu . Kl'tou iUi a lturo ua teevee avioM 1 :ai a ta . titwrneille 62 e m. ernvina- Hai'faa II la e se AVI'Joo II U e m. Trmit.aou VS ealiifiifon tlrartrti ieera VTee rtun N AJ a cu. aud I aj am . erne I'er- aueie IU e. Be. aud 2 ao an . maraiu ee 1'arturle Ui m. auJ fa i p bs . er- tve Waebiiijrtwtt 11 J a. au eu4 ;jip m.. eilv. Train Irevea Tartrt. SC. eieiir ire-t4 vuiMlaV bSJ o tu . Hatrflav 4 t n ru ar- Tea riytuoutb 7 'l p ni ,t tu tesere). e leevra t'lvtuwuib 4aiJy esai HuiMief a. ta.. eud ruli e e. h . ernvae 1 ar- ourolou6a nt aud II tsj a. ce. Tlettt on at tu laud V c tlreodi leeeee otdaxuru daily . iri4 ruUar. IVi er mvic: m ttiuetd a Ju e. r turtrn eevee bru-tti&rid H.dU a. bl arrieee el CxMie urv lu H e. eu. I rajia ou Naabville liranHi irava fir 49uutet4Biip au.. etnrv Neabvuie Uii. .. B ntm Uua e ld p u . rrturtji' y rate pruic note? f ij a o iaabvUte Ai e. aa, rnve el Kwty Umtut VU6 e. ae, daiir es- rt4 Huoday. Iraitt o- CJlbtoa Bfatri ire Manst r lltitoo daily tnr4 Huudaf . II III ce., ud 4.1U p- au, mutbttic ereree t titVua el tMe. am. aa 1 Iuj p. eu. rrela No . tuaBee rnaa trnmumrvum et Aeiuoa for ell iiwto Nonb de it . ell rmU ie KAChrawtd. alaa el Itma Mwuot wttai ur!oia en t eroiiba K It fur vrf wa eutl 1 pOUlU OTLb Vie Oifuii H M KM EIMON. o I aaa Agl J. IL k' EN LY I Man. T. M KM kKrlM. Tram- Maa 1 . ) a wa...).. .... Tih4'.M'ateta i lliirtir. luirT. ICCC fail Ut ttirw wrujcatat r toe Abviwcy. A.&U.G. RAILROAD. T1MK TAUaUJO S. fo take effect Baaday Jaae 19, UOt. at 12 m Saperaedea Tlrae TabW of Kov. 28, IB7 aud eui.k cue tile UereUA. eUJBTBOUSI). TJUAKB. 8TATIOKS Paawrbyer lietty del.J. eaurpt Hit nay T. at. P.M. tv O Meboro ft 20 S 40 eeu a A 40 a 4 0U Ursuigv Saw e 4 tat PaUiUi-creek SOU i ill W Kiiaswmi" e IX U Ceeweil f Xi f (il Dovert J CU A0 eV rrs Cratk....... IU e ft 03 Tuetmrvra f M f I4 Ciera a I 2 uu f ft au Sal kf Nwbatro j ? o f Riverdale 7S0 f I0 Iruetaj) 7 uS f S il ileeelucft I IU I IS 7 NrwptKt S 14 IN lidaruod J f S 4 AUestUe f f J MofAdCity-..Je Jg . J Atlantic ileaei lLCttytJaier.. I flu 710 P. MI. P.M I WX8TB0C5D TatAlSTB. 4 Paaw nftr IfUf x- aaxuy. A. M. .. 11 US .. 11 u ... lit Si 8TAT10XI. 4tUl. A-W.i M S)C7 17 S U? r sa A Ooklaborv tfeWeffel xi W Irnacv... relluic c Aanaaua ......... Itt 13 tesrell...... f it Ml TC ftl 3 ft 17 S40 S7 438 4 M . sue. 3 SO 1 3i. 3 n. A.3C. AUaatie Beaei Lv K. Cy Xkfat . 72ft A.M. t.9t0p oa Siarial letacrmph t Peas in; petal, aw L. DILL Rap. Lv n.it ) U iwtw i ........... W Core CreeS S 40 Tuermrors..... t XI Ciark'e..- t A Lv wr . aj I S 19 is gawoem j a JUvwdAlsw. f V Croeiea .MM. t e UeveAock.. a S30 W KewMrt..MMM. a S us WlU woo C 7M Alawnc...w... f 7M Jj Motviatatf-..e77S X. ateaf w ui ' SO vmh apMej eetvivrr -euj ejdiA pun iou(2 pat nejeJei3 ne eof vtixaeAS) tlV t an neest eeajeaa aat 'nM-pmmm mn 1-H Joi Pv eaAee ej-t e cat n . A

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