3 ! i VOL. XVII. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JULY 1899. NO. .T2. -8 1 IrlJK CAUCASIAN. I PIIOKI l. IJIMI.HS. 1 ( M one yer ono dollar. i!,trii 'MiiniiiMhioris to those securing cj ..f KiWriliT'-.. Write for pur- sion "A MM iiml looking rIimws triiht ;,, t. It voiiM not bo stir . ,f hmiiio Hort of it quick hilver b til'' it i. ., 1 1, . i : i Well, it i ""til ttvn nilvcr curnbiuii- t..ti, nt nuy riitc JfU'i:'iA ohuj Hid "llldeptlld- , ;s t . I triirtu l only with tho ,,," ii phraso tliut must be 1"'" f(Mi I t ' -kauri io mm mo X'Uni ot n certain in i'U ni tl who thi'ik that: Tin; .!: arc only to bo "trusted" luty HJ'lt pi inliMic;. f ........ 4 If l N;MI,; .maio i .. im.a, tiurtllg lW) Huj .urn in Knland, should study tin; r Uti'in of t ii i:T duties to trusts, do tlutt .lit; ' explain on Lin return lj.inn li" little tiritl duties have to do 1UUI HI'' HI I 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 f j Ul ITUHlfJ 11) lfl'0 . , .i .. . l .. : I i : . . i . i tnult' l.n;;li!i'l. A :t'so t ( iiiurtnin Simuom, thf IIi'i'iililifUiK have Necured gl .".(TllO with wl.irli to liny legal opinion of nn; cliino I 'iiiocriitit; lawyers (f which Mr. SuuuioHrt in the IchiUm ) nguint tli; nuiMtitutioiinlity of tho roioHiMl him' ii' I 'n 'li t . If thi ho tnu, consid ering the number of tbcno lawyer, it uiilv coi s t'lhhaw that tho Republicans Imvfii't placed u very high ehtiuiato iiiou tho selling "linger," per capita, of Mi. Simmons sort. und 3Ir. Kinmioub'ti N"v th'tt Dreyfus in l.tudvid in V'ruiHC, mid the wbcela of ju.stu'o have lic,'uii to turn, it ih limo for the Coun Iuhm Custflhiuo ( MiMsAnun (ioul.l thut wn) to head nnotlier proiCfhiou of K.-jyiilihts, to bhow htr dinupproval of the triuni pli cf the cannille. Other wiw tliu Aniericm public, with its ehiiraL'tcristto impoliionesH, might cou- tinuo to rog.ird lirr uh tho daughter of .liy(!iiii!d iufctead of tho bought nnd- jmiil fur nrittocrat that t-ho is. Or rim many foroigu It-gutions iu Wu-.ii i tig ton City, only ono unfurled it4 ting on the Fourth in honor of the Nation' birthday, and this cue was the l'.ntiMh legation. This win noticeable, too, for tho reaeou that it was tho tirst opportunity in months that England has not taken advnntngo of to uhow us "thut friendly feeling" and to push sloug that good thing of an Knglisli American nllianeo ho io much desires. It it come to think about it, England liui recollections of her own in connec tion iiih tho Fourth of .Inly which make up a pr-tty go: 1 excuse for lu;r fnilure to join in the celebration. 'I' i it-: ('.utAsiAf desires to thank thoo ot it-t 1 liuniis wiio nro inunifest iu their interest in the fight it in mak iu:i I'V Honding in clubs of subscribors. Wi trust they will iticreuso their el'forU ho as to put tho paper into the haudi of us many voters as possil.de. And we winli to urgfl tlio.ie of our frieud who huvo not an yet sout in n list of eub scribeM to do so if they poHiMy can. I'lio ('Att AsivN is nut being run to luikj niorny, but to advocate tho prin ciples of the People's party. And if you beheve with us iu the fight we arc unking for the.o principle, flnd car iK'tly desire lit Buece?s, we feci that o have a right to call on you to givo ii8 ull the aid you can. Write for subscription blanks and return envei- They had n big blow-out over iu Manila ou tho Fourth. Streets parade, brum bands, lire work?, speochas aud ill that sort of things; but a feature of tbe occasion which isdeserving of note wns the readiog of the Declaration of Independence by Cuiplaiu Knn Isdeu, f tin Washington Regimeut. We presume, of course.that tho Chaplain's audience wa so filled with the fervor f enthusiasm, and, perhaps, with N'iriN of a less transitory but equally inspiring influence, that they were "ot in condition to understand its meaning, and that the Uoaumeut was feid moro as a matter of form than for anything else. By tho way, the Administration, following up its late etiblisbed precedent, Bhould put a stop to the circulation iu Manila of such "editions liteiature a? the Declaration "f Independence. Mr. Choate, our Ambassador to England, made ft Fourth of July 'peech in London, but uufortunely the Associated Pross cabled only ono extract from it, and this extract to us seems rather ambiguous to say tho 'east. Mr. Choate said: "When au American, on heariug that I was to come to England, crie I 'it "God save the Ojieen,' he com- pitteed mv outfit, for when a mnn couples 'prosperity to the American people with that other sentiment he gives an Americau ambassador theful est credentials and all the diploma he need." We prefer to believe that tho Press unintentionally, of course, did Mr Choate n injustice in the selection o ioe extract it cableo to America, and that there preceded or followed thi itraot explanatory statements which KS4t Hi Kianica cleir, As it it we r&7 kfisw that Mr. Cheat was tnukla !t rafiUfcl(rf)nt Alliance. peecb, Aq4 rutting two and two together, we be- ieve we have pretty fair comprehen of Mr. Choate's meaning. P.nt what could tho Americau hare meant, ho, on hearing that Choate was to go to England, was so filled with alarm f.r her safety, that he exclaimed . Got Ktivo tho tjuecn." We have lizard of nothing in Mr. Choate's pre vious career to justify such apprehen sion ; ar.J we submit this more by way of inquiry than of comment. ThT a. AND M. COLLEGE. Its rrobjblc Policy Under Its New d;r.t. Presi- 'iidgc tiri8tou was been reoentlv 1 l'oui mo nuure policy ana V " , i, 'A3"cuiiure aua .-.wUL.uli.ai uin j(c, Bitiioa in buu- fctntico that he wus not authorized, of course, to speak for the college or auy one connected with it, but that he was lUin,cr oi me uoaru f'1 . LlchLl,e ii,t ii.n i....,.u . i i , , liiil tho Agricultural and Mechanical College would bo conducted stiictly along tho hues of its incorporation. That tht;r m .. ,m..Ktti. n.... liua for two Stato cn11,. n'nn .vwiuiil4WSU WUt V- I nry lints. That tho col eae will tak .. . r . i 4 oa new life and aotivitv. and that it, new president would put himself in clone contuct and sympathy with every movement lookmz to tho indubtrial and mechanical .training of tho youth ui iiiv inuiu. j.i:ufc it wouui no ui3 I cpccial pletiHiire to co-operate with the other industrial departments of the He dwelt particularly upon imperial State government. jsm trusts and free silver, as the lead- e arc likewiso pleased to stato that isRimB in lorwi .Tu,ia T.Frin f Mr. Fries nud Mr. Tompkins, who at mm, jjuu miiiiu uouuius io tue industrial i.mwiicMuuua u, me new preeiaent i . is navo Bignca tneir wish ana purpose to uphold tho now administration and that they together with the other trustees, wm welcome tne now presi dent to the college und that all will work in harmony for it upbuilding. There waa never a timo when such great results might bo expected from auy movement iu this State as free from tho industrial awakening of the lust few years. Machinery for Silk Mil!. With tho work well up now on the third story, the Ashley Silk Spinning Mill at Fayctteville begins to show it- self for what it is the future centre of a great industrial development. Its iinnienso Corliss engine has just been received, and this will be speedily fol lowed by ail the other equipment of a firn-t-class factory for spinning silk. Not far away, just beyond the Holt Morgan cotton factory, theTolar, Holt & Hart cotton mill walls are rising as rapidly as industrious hands can rear them. Massey's Hill has already been transformed into a pretty, busy vil luge, attractive in its new homes, gar dens, plots and neat churches, and when all theso leviathans of labor be gin to move heir ponderous wheels and inn their huge shafting, this Fay ettevillo southern annex will be almost a citv. - Cob!). President. J. W. At a meeting of the summer law class, on Thursday the following officers were elected: J. W. Cbb, of Mecklenburg, president; S. E. Gidney, of Clereland, vice presidept; Fred J. Coxe.of Anson, secretary; M. Erwiu, of Buncombe, treasurer. The court officers were as follow?: Judge Shcphern, Supreme Court judge; Prof. Biggs, Supreme court judge; Marion Butler, of Samp n. associate instico; C. 11. Hoev. of Cleveland, solicitor; J. B. Grantham, of Jthnston. clerk: J. B. Soei.ce. of Stanley, eheriff. The law school is the argect it has been for years. About 10 have already entered, and more are to come in. Tar Heel Notes. United States District Attorney Ber nard is informed of tli6 robbery of the postcflice at Burgaw, and of tho cap- e.re of tue thief as he was leaving tho mi'idiug. Georgo T. Winston replies to the of- icial notice of hi election to the residency of tho Agricultural and Mechanical College, accepting and pledging his Lest efforts to advance all its interests. Tho Capo Fear v Northern Rail- road'ei Southern terminus is now An- gier, ten miles from Lilingtou. As yet there i-mystery as to what course this road will take southeastward a unpi Til i i ru u o cnnrnnncTurirn The board of A. & M. College trus tees meets again in August. Some of the fusion appointees were re-elected. About this there ia some talk among the politicians. There are two State Guard compa nies at Goldsboro, ono in the First, and the other in the second Regiment- Both have the same company name, "Goldsboro Rifles." Capt. T. H. Band, who commanded the "war com- pany," in the First, asks that both be allowed to retain the same name, but 4 1 , i ti ia s - oa m i oa l-lzl Cn trlA T1 PTV Hi.i io llJ it pci aa loot kj- f uir uv company will change its title. Of comse these name are really local designations and really unofficial, yet they are generally used. Suicide in Charlotte. Mr. T. E. Wright, of Chester, S. C, shot himself through the head Friday afternoon, at 10 minutes to 5 o'clock. in room No. 17, the Charlotte Hotel, and died at 15 minutes before 9. at St. TVtor'a Hospital. The ball did its Peter b UMp ia . xn e o a.i am its deadly work mstantfy, to all intents nntnoMB. as the unfortunate rfan and purposes, as tne unioriunate man never moved nor spoke after firing the fatal shot. He was totally uncon- scions from the moment he pulled the tricecr. The breath continued in his . h . ii . . body for several hours, but there was only the form, not the consciousness present, rinnncmi tral despondency are assigned as the cause of his rash deed. The executive board of the peniten tiary has drawn the mcney to pay all the employes at tbe farms back salaries tmm Dptnber lbt to the end of last a -rom M.,.h 6. to Jul, 1 thi. year. It requires something Iikfi 20, 000. The board nud Capt. Day went to Oaldpo&Ia farm, which is ts ba puT cbaCflJ. to rauke a thorough si&Klsa tluh of It, w l U bought ANOTHER DOLLAR on Col. Wm. J. Bryan Speaks in Co lumbus, 0- HE DELIVERS AN ADDRESS I On the Subject of Democracy -No Retreat from the Stand Taken in I8 The Mon ey Question not Dead. fnrruLfu O Qnul.l i I i a wwv I v. ... .tuoi. auvut ii.ww 1 people attended the dollar dinner giyen uy i us i ounsr .ueu s democratic CInb. I &t Columbus, in the auditorium. It I "e isrgesi Danquetwuicli tne local I euioi racy nas nau since mat given on me hiu Diriuaay of tuo late Judge Al- Ion Thurman, in the same hall, ten years ago. The aflair was atrictlv bem- ocratic in its simplicity, all classes being represented. The chief truant was Colonel Wm. J. Bryan, at the sio wuu whom were also seated ir,. ,r r.,,.. . A f, , 1,'' M I George Fred. lVllll.ain Jf M.8.ehuaetU; Judge iMTin, of Kentucky; Hon. Allen W. m. . y , , ... Anurmau, oi oiumous, tne toast-mis- lor "uu UUfflU OI prominent -i i . ... ... .. . m tate politics. 1 be entrance of uol onel iiri'& greeted by au outburst ' applause, which lasted until after be nna uecome scateu. Hon. Christopher T. Callahan, of uasaouuseiis, was me nrst apeaaer. responding to the toast "The Issues.' Kentucky, responded to the toast "party and Principle " Wheil Colone! 1Jrv.B WM w.. 5n,rn. duced there was another outburst of applause that continued for several minutes. When quiet had been re- Biorea ivoionei uryan launcnea upon a discussion of the issues of the day in response to tho toast 'Democracy." He said in part: "I congratulate the club upon having declared in emphatic terms that there shall be no retreat from the position taken by the Democratic party in 1896. The Chicago platform applied Jeffer- "oniaa Pojples to the question then I lu country. oomeumes we hear a suggestion that the silver plank bould be dropped or ammended, but as tboso who threaten to get off the platform are really the persons who were never on the platform. The money question is neither dead nor sleeping. Kveiy argument made in favor of an international agreement is a condem nation of the gold standard. "I he trust question is not a new one and yet it has grown in interest and im- portance because the trusts have grown I in number. The Federal government I must deal with the trusts as soon as its I pernicious influence extends beyond J the limits of the State in which it is I organized. If that law is not sufficient he can recommend laws which are snf- ficient. The Republican party through I its administration could extinguish its trusts if it desired." I The latter half of Mr. Brvau's sneech I was devoted to imperialism, with this conclusion: "Let us eive to the Fil ipinos the same assurauce of independ ence that we have given to the Cubans. Let us assure them that we stand bv them like an elder brother, and say to otner nations, 'bands on. ' Let this re public work out its destiny. A Week to Think it Over The Hague. By Cable. The third committee, sitting Friday morning at the Hulsten Boacb, discussed the scheme for the mediation and arbitra I tion convention drawn up by the Com- ite d'Examen. Many of the delegates haye only been acquainted with the proposals since Thursday, and they have not had time to consult their gov ernments. Consequently it has been decided that when the committee ad- journs it will be until July 17, in order to allow the dolegates a week in which to consult their governments and re ceive hnal instructions. Mrs. Dicklns Burned To Death. Washington, D. C, Special. Offi cial and unofficial Washington alike were shocked Friday by the tragio death, from an explosion of gasoline at her home, just west of the British em bassy, of Mrs. Marguerite Dickins, one of the best known women in social, lit erary and charitable circles in Wash the ington, and wife of Capt. Francis W. A hist omcial news oi tbe blowing up of the battleship Maine, in Havana har bor. The Yellow Eever Patients. New Yokk, Special. The health of ficer of this port. Dr. Doty, and his assistant, passed Thursday , night at the yellow fever patients of the United States transport MoClellan, from San tiago, Cuba. Of . Miss Clendenin, whose father, Dr. Paul Clendenin, I medical officer in charge at Santiago, I rliA rt vtaIIavv fitrAK aftav tha r1annTiiai i uicu va i vuvn au v s aaa aa nuv uosai iusv 0f the McClellan, Dr. Doty said: "Miss clendenin is suffering with a mild at- J ac 0l ygjiow fever, and is improved this morning, having a lower tempera ture. I have every hope that she will improve right along. " 10,000 Applications for Commissions. Washington, D. C, Special. It has been stated at the War Department that almost every officer who served in the Volunteer army during the war with I Dan and who had been honorablv i mustered out, has again offered bis I services to meet the needs of the Phil- ippine campaign. Altogether no less than 10,000 applications for commin- ions in the new volunteer army now form i us: have been received at the War epartnient ftnd have been placed on fll In one d alone the appiioationn i numbered 480. Santiafo Situation Alarminf. Santiago de Cttba, By Cabe. Four neve cases of yellow fever all in the city of Santiago, were officially reported Friday. Two deaths were reported. No official report was received from Boni ato Camp, but it was known that the I situation there ia serious. The two SuSStSSWL - 1 jj6ftuhy, but a dangerous element, very diffionll to control, exists in the pres- eooe cf ouwerom Amanoao aoveotur tr, who rt uiuiUy h?d driakwi b4 refaiato rtitast tfei hnlth rsfttlatloo; Up to aati m din bin btta nww 9? inm, the half ms mt bees told Of the Great Itatoc Wmxht by Tens Floods. Hocstov, Tox., Spoctal. A corroa poodeat baa just roturnod from a voy a through th Hooded district, yllo aya: "Tho half baa rot been tolcf.of tb baToc wrought. The disaster ia so apiallinc that a description is not pos sible. After this flood will come sick' neus, undoubtedly, and what a week ago was the fairest part of Texas, in now almost a God forsaken wilderness. The waters of the Brazos have for six ilava cnrl it nllv a 1ntlt nf frnm - ht In Ihirtr ft U htM m. Mk ..to tbere were on every band fields of cot- u a. .t.roinn. ,.4i-. there js 8nmy mQd Ru over the vegeta- tion, the carcasses of cows, mules. pig, dogs and cats and mayhap hnm.au be ings, for many are misaing. "Our party left Bryan at sunrise Wednesday morning going to the No- vasto bottoms and to a point about vy me manner in three miles from M.llican. Here we hch bo introduced the name of Wm. encountered everywhere an overflow J- Dr-Van BDd tha Chicago platform to from the Novasoto, which spread out lh S, e mention of Mr. Bry fully two miles on either side of the name and reference to the Chicago Houston & Texas Central track. Ev- !''" 'eing received with tremen erythiug is under water. It looked on dous PPlu8e, which was lotg con all sides like a great lake and the Tie boom that was launched water was so high that for for Augustus Van Wyck had a very in a vast area it completelv sub- d'ffreut reception. It bad been arrang- merged the telegraph and telephone poles along the line. In truth portions of the NovaBto bottoms are even now a perfect sea, extending four or five miles wide at certain points. 'I saw hundreds of houses there tot ally Hubmerged and as many more were swept from their foundations and de- . . ...... I stroyed. The planters ot tne bottoms .rA .till moving thir hln ftn,l what- ever is left of their stock, to places where thev can becared for. They are all noblv helping each other and taking refuge wherever'they can, some of them seeking safety on housesteps. All the planters stated that the outside world has no conception of the floods Cr losses incurred by the destruction of stock ad buildings. Nearly every planter has built boats and sent them through the flooded districts to render assistance to the people and if possible to save some of their downing I tojk "The flooded distrit has a length of over 500 miles, a breadth of probably 50 miles and ia all this vast spaco dam age incalculable has beeu done. The loss of life will never be fully know, perhaps; the bottoms were thickly set tled, mostly with negro tenant farmers. Among these has been the greatest loss of life. To show the damage done the follow ing estimates hnve beeu made by men who are in a position to know: Lives lost from tOO to 300; loss to farmers, including crops as well as live stock from $5,000,000 to 15,000,000; damage to railroads and country bridges $2,000,000 to 4,000,000. These esti- mates are based on the flood damage in the whole area. It is knowu that more than GO people have met their death and that many bodies have been re covered. It is not believed that all of I them will ever be recovered. The Peace Conference. The Haoue, By Cable. Frederick Hollis secretary of the American dele tion to the peace conference, refer ring in conversation with a representa tive of the Associated Press to the pro- P8als of tlie United States for the pro- ; tection of private property at sea, with the exception of contraband of war, in time of war, from capture or seizure, said: "We have strong grounds for making the propositions. The presi dent understood that the Russian invi tation comprised the question of private property at sea, and has instructed us to raise ihe question. We will push the matter energetically insisting that the J conference is competent aud that if its competence is doubtful a liberal inter pretation was necessary. The Heads of Twenty Bad Men Cut Off. Tacoma, Wash., Special. Late Ori ental advices etatethat 20 ringleaders of tbe rioters who destroyed and burn ed the electrical tramway cars at Seoul last mouth executed in public at Korea's capital font weeks ago. They met their fate bravely. Their heads were cut off and exhibited in publio places as a warning to all evil doers. Too Early For Missionaries. . Manila, By Cable. Almost every steamer brings missionaries. The arri val of one in Cebn made no little ,.b... .. tb. r.port SPre.i npidl, iho ;onn,nt tVifit Hi among the ignorant classes mat tne Americans intended to compel them to I give up their churches. The American authorities in the interests of harmony, requested him to withdraw and he com plied. Senor Llorente, who is con- aidered the most influential native in . , , c?a Cub' 8al? to fcchrman: 'I like the American idea of the separation of the church and State, but I think it would be unwise to introduce protes- tantism nettled." wniie couuitiona axe bo un- Enlistments Darin; the Year. Washington, D, C, Special. I statement has been issued at the Navy I n.r..rtmnt sbowincr that during the ear 8t clo8ed, 16.123 men en- I y J . . . the naval service, 2.U7 of whom were enlisted for the war only. Tbere were 798 boys under instruction. A passenger train on t Burlineton roaa was wreumou ut ""J at 1 o'clock Friday morning. No de- tails are obtainable. Texas Flood Situation. Sr. Louis, Special. A special to The Post-Dispatch, from Dallas, says: At 11 o'clock Thursday, a short dispatch was received from a lineman at Dewey, just across the Brazos river, from Sealy- fvlt reads: 'River has been fal- ling slowly since 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The conditions here are terrible. Everything in the country has been swept away, and a large num- bar of livea lost ia the bottoms. It leokniikai afK raa hi uuhh j itrtwafvK' j. , z r: . - 7 I MY CELEBRATED Glorious Fourth in All Parts ot the Country AND FOREIGN POSSESSIONS- Tammany Hall Leads with a Big free Sit ter Demonstration .Tlanila and Bataaa Celebrate in Great Snap?. New Youk, Special Tammany Hall celebrated Independence Day, as customary, at Fourteenth street wig warn. The gathering was remarkable for its unexpected features. There was a dearth of prominent men, ex-President Cleveland, David B. Hill, Wm. J. Bryan and Senator Murphy failing to make acknowledgenvnt of the invita tion. Ex-(Jovernor Hoeir. of Texas. I 4 v ,1 . - a: i i ed that ex Congressman James B. Kich ardson, tf Tennessee, should speak, but he was unable to attend, and Governor Hogg was asked to speak in his place. When Governor Hogg arose he received a hearty welcome and he indulged iu a few remarks that seemed to plerse the Tammany men immensely. After tho few minntna Iia tibai! in mi f I in in rr 41. I ' M 7 " . . , I well established principles of Democ- ""J- "SP g- puuippio wm,c" D0U8e m ftn urar- J b0 lPl"" bau when he asserted that ex,1 -ar the Democratic party would declar& f -nd unlimited ciaZ 81 vcr at tbf ratl f"4"" "u " . u UB B" ",eep huiFed up with a start and joined in lDe "Priause nen tne speaker i f i""".- me piauorm oi in which imperialism would bc denounced, the applause broke forth , j.ue speaker in nis speecn exclaimed: "In this great contest we want the aid of united Tammany, the greatest political organization on earth. Wo want you to close up the ranks, to settle your local difieionces, if they exist, and to go arm iu arm with the stalwart bread winners of the South and West to victory next year, under ihe leadership of the chivalrous, the dauntless, the matchless, great 'American, Wm. J. Bryan!" As the last words fell from tho lips of the speaker, the audience was car ried away in an outburst of enthusias tic applause. Cheer after cheer arose, and what had been started out as n Tammany love feast becan i a howling silver demonstration. The other speeches of the day were in keeping with the Tammny princi ples. Joseph J Willett, of Alabama, and State Senator Thomas F. Grady, Tammany's star orator, made two of the best speeches, the latter making an attack upon the civil service system which aroused his hearers to great en- thusiam. The following cable dispatch from Richard Croker, who is in Lon don, was read: "Congratulations on the Glorious Fourth, the day we celebrate. My heart is with you always. Let us re joice over the coming triumph f Dem ocracy and tho people s rights. Signed "Ricuahd Chokes." State Senator Flannigan Killed. Richmond, Vs., Special. State Sen ator William Flannigan, who was also Commonwealth attorney for Powhat- tan county, was shot and killed at Powhattau court house Tuesday, by vv. C. Pukinton. Ihe shooting was tho outcome of a quarrel over tho recent canvass for the election of United (States Senators by a direct vote. - Justice Cox Resigns. Washington, D. C, Special. Judge Walter S. Cox, justice of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, has tendered his resignation to the Presi dent. Justice Cox has been on the bench for more 20 years and bis determ ination to resign was prompted by his age, which exceeds 72 years. He pre sided at the trial of Guiteau.the assassin of President Garfield. The Yellow Fever Record at Santiago. Santiago, Special. An increase in the number of new cases of yellow - ". . I is a striking feature of the situation. l on . . . xnere nave ooea oj up vu ui, I of which 17 have proved fatal. Eleven out of the first 15 succumbed to the disease. Nearly all were camp follow ers of the drinking sort Eliminating these the daath rate has really been small. The medical force was rein forced by several doctors from Havana. The fever hospital, which is on tbe island across the bay, is excellently I equipped, and it is impossible to over I .ciim.i. th tAt;n .ml hwniim nf I - . " . the medical men, There ia no fever in the city. The Fourth in Havana. Havana, By Cable. Tho Prado and other streets of Havana were as noisy I on the 4th. doubtless, as any Quarter of New York, Chicago or San Francisco, I r, i. ui. .i - r Cuban youngsters caught the infection 1 and were given many a dime to buy I firecrackers, which they religiously in- vested. Some enthusiastic Cuban an nexatiini8t9 nired a band, gave 3u0 American flags to boys and men who l ,d march .nd then naraded the would march, and then paraded tbe streets for two hours, drawing large and cheering crowds. "No Entangling Alliances." Chicago, IlL. Special. In an inter- view Snnday William J. Bryan said: "I believe George Washington wai right We ought not to enter into "-i- tangling alliances with foreign nut! n. Tbe question of an Angle-Saxon a. n- nCe is involved in the question of im- perialism. No entangling - alliance W0Qid be aujjffested wer it iipt for tbe faot that colonial policy would Se8.;.;tho,,.w i THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. 1a SittX Ir. Cat Itoa II. VUr. tf H chcoa l. reported as dead at Ltnn lltttc. hi turted up at home stnjd asd we.L Kx-(Jov. Hage Tyler, ff Vrc iai.w ..I run fur the United btstcs hca.ie 4a iL anti trust itiue. The Virginia CoatCtub, of Utrhaiond, won the io?l shell event ia tho I'eu p'o's Uesalta, ou the cliuvlkul, at Pbiladelpbia. Heavy rains I'ridsy t ed up rn'rcal in South, Wet and Central Tex. Inundating hundreds cf acres sa l doing vast damage to cro; s. Tho fire at the United V rJe Copper Mines, wh:ch .tarted Tuesday a;sht ii the reverberatory and s rsd to tUo un derground work, was nnally Liou-ht under control Friday. A family cf four were rescued froui a tree at Calvert, 'lex., Saturday. TLree more drowued neroet' loths have been fouud. Up to the day of his firt entering school. Hooker T. Washington's nanto was Bocker Taliaferro. Then the teacher said that ail the cluied luys of the tecti03 had three or four nnuu-s. "Well," said the new pui'il, "j nt mt down us Waihiiicton. " The North. William F. Draper, United States Ambassador to Italy, has arrive t"iu rew lork Five hundred coavicH ia tho Aca- ! mota penitentiary, ies Moines, Iowa, have struck for better rations. The banking houpe of Morton. I'hsi & Co., New York, will bo continued lv the Morton Trust Co. Jeremiah Sullivan and Louis t":y, at (iraniteville, X. V.. were Lil'.o 1 ty a cave-iu in a rjnarry Ihursday. A big (Jerman svudicate v ill ororn'o a great copper fcnieltt-r uud tweuty-tive rlalniH in Nhnsto. r-otintv ('.! ,. v' " . At XeillsviJ a. MimA iiro Wil- lanaud Mrs.Neil Mrrnon were throwu from a buggy and killed. The Diamoud Match. Co.. at Chira ro expects to increase itcapit:d locl: from 1 1,00), 000 to S15,0fju,w. Two men wero hcabi I tj dath 1 y tho collapro of a eteuai :!uo ou the iicr etearuor St. Paul, e.t St. Louis, M . Tho Government trausport, McPher son, has arrived at New York from Sau Juan, Puerto llico, bringmg sevcrul citizens and army othVcrs. The Union Traction Company has been incorporated nt Judianapoii, Ind., with a capital tf $2,00,J,0i,o, to operate a number of the city and su burban street railways. President G. P. Stewart, of the American Investors' ('ami BCV f w York, surrendered under iudictmouts for grand larceny, aud was granted bail. The Appellate division of tho Su preme Court of New York has author ized the Montauk Indians to bring to trial their mit for S1,00, COO worth of property at Montauk Point A crowd of the three or four hundred mon and boys ftopped a bouthside car in Cleveland, Ohio, and has chased tho non-union conductor and motorman, as well as tho passengers, away. Firo Commissiouer Scauuel ha3 ap pointed Edward F. Croker Chief of the Fire Department of Gi Later-Now Yi-ru, at a salary of $G,00'.J per year. The new chief is a nephew of Richard Cro ker. In a fast, fierce battlo that went the limits of 25 rounds. Jack O'Brien, of rsew lork, was tho victor over Dau Hawkius, of California, at the Broad way Athletic Club. The winner cauie to the ringside as the short ender in a 20-to-l hotting proposition, and wou almost as he pleased. foreign. The Federal Enabling Act haspnssed the Legiblative Assembly cf Victoria, Australia. Naval surgeons report no trace cf yellow fever at Puerto Ricaa ports. Capt. Coshlan, late of the Raleiiib. will take charge of tho Puget Sound Naval Station August 1 The Naval Board of Bureau Chiefs it trjing to determine whether tho six small cruisers about to be built shall have steel protective decks, The Diet has been summoned to I rneot at Coburg, Germany, to seiUe I the baxe-Couurg succession. Lmted States Ambassador Choate has bad another conference with the British Foreign Office regarding the Alaskan boundary. A box, supposed to contaiu the bones of Velasco, defender of Morro Castlo in 1762, has been found in Havana, and -1 1 a. a f : win ue sens, io Dpain. The Venezuelan Arbitration Com mission at Paris, has resumed its ses sions, Attorney General Wr:bstor con tinuing tho British presentation. The Parliamentary Committeo for the promotion of the Anglo-American movement met in London and will soon report on its first year's work. It is said that Spain will prefer a de mand for a lease of Chinese territory because China during tha Spanish I American war permitted shipments cf SEJSt. SSBTlBSSnK I , ,. , The Italian Chamber of Deputies u M (n i:-!t n ,..i,n,.f i . mier General Pollaux, to lefer the J royal decree restricting constitutional liberties to the Committeo on Political Bills, ench reference to have the force of an act of indemnity. Miscellaneous. A panic arose among the crowd at tending the funeral cf tLe Archbubop I or Prague at Vienna and twenty people I .,ii ininr-l were seriously died. It is reicrted from tbe Hagne that Sir Julian roncefort will retire as British ambassador to the United States. . Manganese ore production in this country for the calendar year 1SW, 15,907 long tons, was the largest since 1891. Interest in tbe Shamrock's trial has been greatly increased by the authen tic report that Emperor William is sending his yacht Meteor, to partici pate in the trial spins, expeeted to take place early next week. Salea of - postage stands throughout the country during the rict.l year just closed were largely in oxcers over pre vious years, according to official fig ures. The sale of ordinary stamps aggregated 3,4J0,C29,8.ii, with a total valuation of $60, 28.8.1-3. This is an increase of more than 10,000,000 in number, and-$2,000,00 iu valne ova. last year.. Madrid, ' By. . Cable. Admiral , Cer vera and the other commanders of tho Spanish fleet destroyed ia the battle of SaatingiV whose conduct baa btea tb suo;fcr tj inquiry uy apeciat OOUrtr murtifit.- weifl a&ntiiua.i aaa formal 'libnttfd,' . . ENLISIMEHI The OfFcial Orden Hue B'en Published. GEN. WHEELER fOR MANILA- lielttx! Csialnnus Can Tot twt as $ at He Can fk His C9-Stci CsAmcIs AfitJ. WaMiMro!, P. C., Spei!. Tke order fcr the enlistment of olaaUts for service in the Pmltppie was ib luhed Tbut.day.auJ ssvea xuore colo nels to con.iuasd the r;inints were api-oiuted. Tbere are y.t twe colonels to be dtcnate.l. K'ght mtjars aleo were named. The rerrnitiag will art be sin until cme time next week. The ex act date cot having been Csed jet lle rruiling stations .U be epeoel ia ercry State and Territory, atd as fat as the men are enlisted they will be scut to the regiments, to asi;se4 to comjaoies. SUte lines are obliter- ated and the men first enlititg will be first to l-e tnuatered in. lhe rij:n- ueut to companies will le by ther&icer commanding, and he will U at liUrtv o organize m company compoecd cf men from one State, if be finds it con veaient and practicable. V SHI0TOl 10 TAMP. llic Seaboard Air I iac's Kt Route, wash ibjtton, Rikhmund Dalcib. Kam ct. Chtraw. CamJcn. Celembj. Then Via F. C. & ia. When the Scabc-ard Air Lino icade a deal w ith John Melton Williatua, the lowerful aod aucceful ycuog ril reader, of Richmond, who wra largely mtetettcd ia .-. u them HadreaJs. they Mazed tie war, and by tbe dial h:ch secured the Honda Central and Pebintalar It It.. they opened the way fcr a direct line from North to Sooth by bnildirg only two gais, viz: from Richmond to Hidgcwsy, X. C, and and from Che raw to Columbia, S. C Tbe former is pretty well graded, and tbe contract is let for the latter to be built this year, lhia gives this popular and hustling R. R. syndicate a hhort liuo from north to south, putting it cu an equal footing with tbe two other great lines out cf Washington, reactng for tho far acuth. The S. A. I tra verses a diversified county, a new coun try to a great many travelers, and .t l a settled fact that the Sfaboard will tiqnip its new line with the best tra:n to bo had and will be a strong bidder for next winters travel south. By its liberal policy to the public, the Sea board is a favorite where or it tenches, which fact will enablo it to get tbe bet ter terminals in the new towns it reaches. With talent employed in every place to look after it interest, and a new, abort quick and direct route south tbe general traveling pub lic will give it a liberal share. Leaving for Home. Washington, D. C, Special. Tbe Nebraska, Pennryfvania and Utah troops which have been on duty in tbe Philippines have started on tbeir home ward journey. Tbe following diepatrb. from General Otis was recce ived by War Department: Manila, July 2, 18911 Transports Hancock and Senator with Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Ftab, left for San Francisco yesterday; Ne braska forty-two officers, eight hun dred twelve enlisted; Pennsylvania thirty-four tflicert. 711 enlisted; Utah nino officers. 24 enlisted. Nebraka left in Manila one aick. Private Lan- tcrman, Co. H. thirty discharged; Pennsylvania seventy discharged ;L tab twenty-nine discharged. Madam Lreyfas, on leaving jibe pris on 'IbniEdar appeared in much better spirits than yesterday. It was evident that her conversations with her hus band had been of a more cheerful na ture. Setcn Deaths ia Santiago. Santiago, da Cuba, By Cable.- Ten new canes of yellow fever and seven deaths were oulcially reported Wed nesday. All tha victima cf tha diaeaaa I were soldiers, except one. an American Llacnsmitn. A new fever hospital bad beeu established near Boniato C 'amp, xorth of LI Caney. General Henderson, prospective Speaker of tbe next House, does not believe tbere will be any occasion for an extra session of Congress. Government Aid Graated. Washington, D. (X. SpeciaL Tbe War Department has granted tbe re xuest of tbe Governor of Tens for aid flood tuflerer. Such government boata as are available will be placed at the disposition of tee Governor, and the rationa asked for wdl be issued at once. Chairman Joaes Will Not Resign. St. LoriH, Mo., Special. Ex-Oot. W. J. Stone denied the report that Le bad been appointed to succeed Senator Jones, as chairman of the Democratic national committee. lie naid tbat Chairman Jones would not resign Lis petition. At Louisville, Ky., tbe Social Labor party nominated Albert Sebmntz, o Louisville, for Governor; Jama De laney, of Newport, for Treasurer; W. 8. Palmer, of Newport, for Superin tendent of Public Instruction, and Jaa. O. Hearn, of Louisville, for uomxais sioner of Agriculture. On the Clinch Valley division of the Norfolk & Western, at liptop, west. Va.. Wednesday night, a locomotive boiler exploded, killing F.agmeer J. V. McColgao, Fireman E W. Altert and Brakeman Oscar J. Oweas. Life-Saving Boats te the Bescae. Washington, D. C. Special In response to an urgent request from the district superintendent of .the Life Saving Service at Galveston. Texaa. General Superintendent Kimball gave authority to have lifo-aaving boats sent oa flat car tip tbe country to tha flood ed district, where it was reported many lives were , ia danger, - Tbo antbority was promptly acted on, srd tbe ni-r iotendeat. with Keeper Haine,' tf thi Oalreitaa stctloo, tsd Krr Whl, cftb Aracaaa ititioc.irtth crtw, itatti4 wU Doit! uti TBerieir irrr ocoa. 11. vtMllSh TUIi. WdsBrr hiktiia t fntM. e4 fr- I'.aota, franc. Pr -:-. Cel. Ireyfl y 4 ff aa lie day Ufe. Vla4e !reyfsa. Uua fHeifa. aul"u- er, a4 MaiUe UUr, e tii4 the rtsef, I t ttetw . Ptl lacteal e-rrmrt J. A t.!a- ttatica cf Ike li4 ?, el tbe gw lUa, it u vectby f aetw tUUU rda -Vive Dretiw. rt.kd i a wall la a cecr cf tk Ua iwi U4aU!y aa4iiatJL My, kw vr, rrdct trvable ta tbe aiital fttedey, wbea a ttw ( tie cn- wUl l-e liebl. Ibe aU lHyfait, tt ia farJ. wUl attempt Uut l trpe lata a dtattrtius. Ifa&a. DrT!o. a4s ta at4 by Lr lareaU, Urate la ttt;ua iat(M I U;re la tae ailra4va. liar eietta vara vl a4uiltvd. tut Le twao4 with Ler iuta&4 fr aa liar, "a leaving aba tbowrJ. hrllf tottut. eigcarf dittc. llct : .! la and ieJ. a tL.a.-b btJla waeptcg bitterly. Ma i lt d m dw taura:a, and is lrSrtatu-d ti i4-i&aa a natil Lr Lattaad ivftta tuiitr ty. A eonaewLat !aicx r4 li.4 utuil watrba4 Ler aitial aa l l-t t ur, and aa.u dtvd titter Ituk 4f tnanaera and cv:drratMa !.r h terrible oeition. cathtrta;aroua 1 tf, rsdalv etanag Ler ia lie f, au 1 I retting one aewtber aIda la tbv.r egeraa aut to lc a .i -a'.m UtiJ ,f Ler inward aeay wht.tt u.iMt Ito reTlrrlal in 1 rr rwaut nance. IU-r !.!! h-tic a feast for tbaa cbcbl. who, b . ware ejaa4ily dirl Ly a -ju 1 I prbdartucc 1 La latter Anally LuttJ tLa lav street Uadiftf to the i-ottl f tie rion. Just pj-onta tLa j naa. and rt looking the wiaJow f 11 e rrll .f i ' L Dityfa atid tbacoit '!. a ta Bcrj. TLiiLLn a favr.ta 'k of vantage for a number f huiv rapbera, who bate tales euap htt f very ai rival and daiartura. abi, a often as poiib, f the itridtnti c curring intida tLa t(ion j wJ. Today tbe jKilice aCited a tiotka oer tLa tan nery antianr, prohibit.bg tbe at.Uj tbere cf any oe e xcept on bnitc connected with the UoLrr. lt.ia ueatnre Laa arocsad ronidrWa com- meat, but the ow ner of tbe taot-ery w ill robably find it prudcat but tj iuia tbe notice. Maitra Labori, Mattbia-4 Dreyfaae4 Mmt. Drayfua returael to Pari ia the evening. f he Government's I maaccs. Wamiixoton, I. C, hiciL Con trary to eii-actiooa tf tha lreaury f ficialf, tbe gorcrttcaeLt eipcndituras during tbe fiscal year, cloa-d July 1. exceeded tbe receipt by ouly 7 &"V. Onetuoutb ago the CcaU -t-dictad tliat tie lclirit liihl ul rxricd ?lO0.(XX,OtX, but at no t.cja up to a few days ago, wit it ipK-ld that t .a amount would be le than fJ,"Ki,' rr. This oolooked for ranuit is arouctr l for by tbe excaptiwt-ally heavy iocaipte from customs and intcinal ravetina sources and a marked falliag cfTi- penditnres. It ta iiot xt'Octad tb-t tLa conditiou wi'.l roatinue dnrisg thi coming months when the new appro- priations became available. A defec t for J oiy nay be looked for, although tbere was a surplus for the month of Juaao! 815. 744.Ua. U hitecapsers dinged. CnTTAxoocA.Teoo., Hpeoi!. Plats Wynn and Cat.ett Tipton, the white- capper, were banged at &avierv;iie Wednesday for tho murder of eld man WLaley and bi wje, ever a year agi. They both rarferaed and sta'eJ tbay were hired to do it. Mrs. Tipton sad Lis five children were jreiant at tbe scaffold. Tbe Hcu of Coiutaon raiacted tba amendment to tbe London trvverameat bill, permitting the elecuoa ct wwxuea as councillors. Saatiago's Yellow Fever Beccrtf. Washington, D. C.t KpeciaL A re port summarizing tbeye'Iow fever situ ation in Santiago, up to tLa 2ta test. baa been receive! by the eargeoa gen eral of tbe Marine Hospital Service. U states that np to tbat time, daring the present season, tbere bad beta Zi cses and 11 deaths, all of wbieb, except fear. were among Amdricaa soldiers. A til Fire ia Memphis. Mr.rm, Tenn.,8reciaL Iire broke out ia the establishment cf tbe Meta pbis 1'aper Company, at tbe corner of Gayoso and Front street, late 1 ties- day afternoon, and caased a Icsa cf ooe life, the fatal injury cf ex Fire Chief CI ear y, and tho serious injury cf Assistant Fire Chief James Ryan, be tides a property loss cf about tl'A.Vrt. Tbe Gayoso Hotel, oao cf the oldest landmarks of Memphis, was one of tbo buildings totally destroyed, and while tbe guests wore ail rescued, some cf them lost valuable effects ia tho r, which burned fiercely for snore than six Lours. Bf)a at GahKstille, G ain Esvnxr, Ca., Special. North Georgia gave enibuaiaatic greeting Wednesday to Hon. Yv'm. J. Bryan, who was tbe guest of tbe Gainesville Chaataaqua. Tho Nabrakaa ap&ko to 2.000 people ia the auditorium cf tbo Gaiaosvillo Female College, being ia trodaeod by Gov. Candler. After tba speaking a dinner was srivee OL Bry an, Got. Candler aad a number of other distinguished visitors. CoL Bryan left for Atlanta at 8 o'clock on bis way to Columbus, O. r Tbo fourteenth annual convention of tbo National Editorial Aociatira net at Portland. Ore., WedneMiey. v. tieorge aud Mayor MT-y we'eomad tbe delegation on behalf f tha nut f Oregon and tba city cf Prtiaad. II. W. Scott, editor cf the Poitlai-U Ora goaiaa. delivered tho forma! ad4iesa of walcono. Tbomaa A. Edisoa. Jr.. the sou of . tbo famous iareator. Las uarricd ao actress against Lis fatbev'a wikba. and annottnewa that be baa eevsu ed b ooa. naotion with tha oldnectlemaaa" aad will lanncli biaaalf as as itdepei dtct j Inrmtor, vf et t wioff wwajrt44rf j ui wiswro. - - i I i ' t 'ft -1. ' r

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