CAUCASIAN. VOL. X'VII. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1890. NO. :a I'.Tl rs m AIM FOR BOUNTY STATE FrESS ASSOCIATION t.(.r r-cs?n'icd Through His t'crney. IRST YET FILED r: C i r : tc l! " " ; h -j i.l U' f Cl ms-Thcre Win be 'l Ihun Altogether-Qu:s- ir i tl. tt'.t I ""' ....' Iji. i I) C. S per .-'it unlay al. Ad file I in r,i-, through h'.r, af ii for rival bruin,.)-, ;!.' b.'ltle of Manila This ). 'Ai? of i. i'.n tiled iii thU court, i., ': ,c 1 t!r:!t there will ; i r..tno c: t:.m ai- Muy of t!if,-e claims were ti!" I 1' mi :t the Navy Po :., i r :!! provisions of i1 t""ised Statutes, fjr d-.-i: roving vr-- ;;un en variom ri').l from A i ; . I ivp navpl opera -iunrry were on- ! t - w i - f ' t ) S-'; t ; I it :i! t'i su-p. :ision Ok ' r T rf the II IV. I 111 p.l!'.i w N! 1'. X. l.r, i M '-ft- I S Hi' ,--'i : 12. ihds. ' iH:iVi c -introverted " I iv. a:nl Ihf de.-!.-:.'on of 1 .!'! i a number of casts, r : ' :ii 'i a i ff : e l?rL for the mi -,f i.V N'ivy Department i' i ;i'.' !:t of this class of '! .-' t.iry of the Navy, af !;.. rn w'r.h th Attrrney .:; w't'i his apprroval, has :,, ;v. fi-i!rt of Claims the S flagship New York, Iii- '. j'.uh iago, Cuba, July i,. ! K;atc.s Steamship Conco-.' ... V. i.v I. 1S!S; United States ;i ui'.:;;, Spanish fleet, San . i. .inly 3. 1S03: United i.mis'iip Yale, surrender San .l.'.ty hi, 1K?S; rnitea Ml - 'lip arhusf Us prize ! ' "i:ty for sinking Rcica .. 1, mImu- S:inU;iK. rvvalag '; I'lii.l States Steamship u :. M inil.t Bay. May 1. 1S; Ii.it1eship Texas, Alniir infant; Maria Teresa, i : !i.i! Colon. I'luton. Fu--.e.lrs. .Inly .1 and 4. IHDS; 1 1 a ru.. i'T, . . 1 1 1 v ; , ; ID'.... ;'o;; 'n...ui, ':v;,' V. nil,. lut t'r.-'iip Texas, vrj 'ii 1 tirtn: of eapitulation , i :m i t'.i-toni province of I!.:' i States Steamship Hist, .'.r : i uir!? of Kotrella. tlisab . '.! Cr.'.'a Kspanda, and tor i: I ''.'i. 'lu'.iin f slotip ' i r-. burn las; ,rmrJ vc.-eln. .. : iin tit f sai!i.t superior i i- Manzanillo, t'uba, July oi" the navy i given " n ' i .lie-:- claims to the ' ..ii :n for decision under pro ' . S-.'-tii'-'i '2 of r.n act of March . i ::.';': "An et to afford . 1 i. rrf to foncress and ''!im ! 'p:finienis in the inve.s i o,' il.,ims and demands ': L'o, ('.r. rpo. : of the refereiue of the to i:. t a indicia! determina . i iMiu't of the rights of all ' coi.. f.'noii. I nan p..i. k.j for a Speech. 1 II. Special. Wiliani J. ; i -l k on the re.-mlts of in 1 financial condit'.on-i. at a en tru.-;.-'. to be held in "i S'ptpmber 13:h to lith, i;n !cr the auspices of the .'.u'.on. He hi' been a?-;'.i- troverncr o Nebraska t'i- deVues to represent ;.t th cnfereive. MnWiibtr Jenkinj T r,tft Intere.t -!y About the Editors. The fo-lowln rlowini tribute to he North Carolina MHor. from the facile Pn of John Wilbur Jenkins, ippard ln a reeent i-Hiie of th rh,,i,... New a: The North Carolina editors amble In their annual convention to-day at Carolina Iaeh. below Wilmington. This h the one time In the year wh-n hy Ret togmher for the exchange of pTier:e8, opinions and Idea, whn those who meet every week in the year through the columns of the pres., see tJ'h othr tar to face and give the hmy grap of the friendly hand. There is not in the Union a more pa tilolle. fcelf-sacrlficing set of men than th North Carolina editors. With a rparheiy populated country, and a small reading public many of our news papers have a hard .struggle for exist ence. The majority of their editor have to content themselves with glory and bread and meat, looking to a fu ture life for their reward. The local newspaper Is the strongest fator inthe upbuilding of any town, and Its Influence is more far-reaching than that of any other force in the community. And yet many persons who subscri'e to them and advertise in their columns regard the money they pay to the newspaper as money given to charity, when In fact they do not get a great returns from any other expenditure. North Carolina has an average of more than one newspaper to the coun ty, and the field in some places is un doubtedly overcrowded; but as soon a one (lies, another springs up. and the annual crop of journalii;.tic births more than equals the number of newspaper deiths. Some people think that "any body can run a newspeper," which is a great fallacy; for, anybody can start a newspaper, but it takes a genius to keep one running. The country editor has the most complex imaginable. It is a trade and a profession coro.bined. lie must superintend his press room and com posing room, mint act as advertising solicitor and ad writer, superintendent of circulation, subscription agent, col lector, hook-keeper and cashier, man aging editor, editorial writer, local re porter, exchange editor and proof reader. He must write about every thing that is going on. but mil.-, not put in the paper anything that will of fend any one in the community. In ad dition to this he usually acts as secre tary of all the local conventions and committees, takes an active interest in politics and acts as Bureau of Informa tion for the entire community. His reward for all this usually con sists in being paid for advertising in taiico. chips and whetstones, and sceir.g 'c'inf,!cnt subscribers have a gre.H time on the money they owe him. Put this state of affairs is "growing !e:-s more so" every year, as Cncle S.r.nlo said. The. newspapers of the State have improved greatly in the pa-l few years and our country press v. il! compare favorably with that of snv Stare in the Union. The local newspapers is usually really better th:v.i the comnnty in which it Is published. They are better printed, bet ter edited and better supported than they ever were before. The work cf the press for the State has neon of incalculable value. In every effort for advancement, in very battle for right the North Carolina edi tors are foremost in the fight. Work Rfsumec. After a few days of interruption work on tfie new chemistry laboratory at Davidson College, began in earnest again Thursday. A number of the lower windown frames are in place. Mr. Charles Knox reports that every thing moves rapidly at the brickyard. A third kiln of 1 .".0.000 will ie fired the first of next week, and -f 000 are out on the yard. m FEW w III CI Betencourt Indulges in Some In cendiary Talk. LEAFLET ISSUED IN MATANZAS. The American Charged W ith Deception and Described as Tyraoical Masters Cnbast Are Restless. BSITH CAI0LPU riESS ASSOCIATION Havana, By Cable Many Cuban pa pers flatly deny the existence of "plots" against the American visitors who re main here a few days and then return to the United States, but there is un doubtedly a considerable element en deavoring to sow dissensions among the Cubans and using eveiy means to array them against the Americans. Even the province of Matanzas. which is supposed to be the most peaceable district, has such malcontents within its borders. Recently 2.000 leaflets were issued in the city of Matanzas in the form of an address to the people in the following vein: ' Cubans! You men of honor whom Spanish bullets respected and whom fever and hunger only served to make doubly strong: Your mother country calls you to make her stronger and grander because there are those who wish to humilate her. You, who have helped to convert your family heart stones into bread, clothing, medicine or arms; you who have been ready to give your very lives, even when you would have left your adored ones to a miserable orphanage, to know only the pain of living by menial toil, their beautiful eyes full of tears; you whose women were born to be happy only as their country is free you that mother asks to be ready to hurl from the coun try the crafty eagle, as you have ree moved the haughty and hungry Span ish lion. f ct one thought lw ours. So long as our fiag does not flutter from Cape Mai.-i lo Cape San Antonio, there will be only ruin i'.e?olation and vandalism for our fertile fi!ds. our rich treasures. our wealth and beauty. The Americans deceive us. They tyrannize over :.3. They are masters of cur places and forts. They make a display of wealth and power and reduce us to the level of menials without, a country and without a faith. "No. This cannot continue. The in tervening power must keep its prom ises, or give quantities of blood "to pay for its ambition. Be ready to answer the cry of the country. While we men do our duty, let our sisters, if neces sary, convert their jewels into rifles ?nd cannon, as they have already done. them at the same time make lan Tiages of linen to staunch the blood of liberty. There will be with you all the soul of your chief. (Signed) "BETANCOURT." One copy of the pronunciamento is in the possession of General Laidio-v. The name "Be4ancourt" is common I among the Cubans: and while an ad- (hecS like this, though inflaming the passions of those who read it. scarcely points to any present dajc, still, in the oponion of men prominent, in Ha vana business circles, it indicates some possibility of the future. Caraliaa Beach the Sceae af the Meetlaf. Larfe Alteadiace New Off cers. Wilmington. N. C. Special. The North Carolina Trets Aaotiation. 13 strong, met In annual session at Caro lina Beach near here on Wednesday morning and was called to order by the president. W. C. Dowd, of the Charlotte Evening Nws. in Sedgely Hall, whicn was tendered for the use of tht body by the owners. The session was very laie at the beginning and every train brought additional numbers np to thj day of adjournment. Eighteen new members were admit ted, and the sessions were lively anil Interesting from the first. Many points of interest were dis cussed and many valuable papers read. At the election of officers Thursday the following were chosen: President D. J. Whichard. of Green ville Reflector, with Dr. T. N. Ivey, of the Raleigh Christian Advocate; lienj. Be ill, of the Wilmington Meus, and H. S. Blair, cf Lenoir Topic, as first, second and third vice-presidents. Secretary Jno. B. Sherrill. of Con cord Times. Historian W. K. Marshall, of tonia Gazette. Orator Maj. E. J. t'taio. of Fuyette ville Observer. El'i FAR TAXES COW, Gcod Patents are Required to Pay Tribute PRESENT LAW IS INADEQUATE Aad the I e is to b: Eiterded-Telephoae Companies, for Instance. Would aot be Kurt by a Small Assessment Mita I In surance Companies May Cet Belief. THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. ACUINALDO Poet J. A. Robinson, of iKirhara Sun. Between sessions tho eaitors took full advantage of the surf, which was fine and the- weather perfect. "Wil mington did much to make it pleasant, and tha steamer City cf Wilmlntron, the street railway ar.d Fc-acoast Kail- way belonged to the boys during thir stay. Cable Message From Dewey. Washington. D. L., Special secre tary Long has received the following cable message from Admiral Dewey: Port Said. July 14. "Secretary of the Navy. Washington. D. C: ""Olympia is in voluntary quarantine. As soon as coaled will proceed to Trieste for practice and recuperation cf officers and men. (Signed) "DEWEY." Washington, D. G, Special. It ia altogether probable that the next an nal report of the fatarnal Rovaauo Bu reau will recommend aeTeral change in the warreTeuueaet la the main, the law has worked satisfactorily, an J baa pro duced almost exactly the amount esti mated by the Commissioner. Thin, however, something leas than the esti mates generally accepted by well-in formed members ot Congress. The in terns. revenue officials are of the opin ion that the law might properly be ex tended in certain directions without be coming at all burdensome to the pub lic, and in a way to produce a consid erable revenue. One crc position now under consideration is to assess a tax on the sale or rental of all patent protected articles. Iu speaking of the matter, one cf the officials rpoke of the telephono companies ia this con nection, and at the same time said that there were many inventions producing an enormous profit which could well stand a revenuo tax. It probably will be suggested to Con gress that express and telegraph com panies doing a money exchange business be required to pay an annual tax for the privilege. Although taxes are now paid on receipts and telegrams, respectively, it is pointed out that bankers are required to pay a yearly tax of S-jO, which is regarded as a dis crimination against them. It is prob able that each express office and tele graph cilice, in towns having over a certain population, if the viewj of the Treasury officials are approved by Con gress, will be required to pay a certain yearly tax for the privilege of doing an exchange business. It is also likely that a modification of the law with respect to mutual insurance com panies may be recemmended. In the present act, there ia considerable ob scurity wita respect to the provisions as to these companies, both lire and life. It is pointed out that a number of the leading companies in the coun try are operated upon the mutual plan Some of them are paying the tax with out protest, but there is doubt as to their liability in this respect. It is b9 lieved, however, that Congress clearly intended to make the exemption apply to local companies doing a strictly local business without surplus or undivided profits or money at their command with which to pay large salaries to their offices. Section 20 of the war revenue act, de fining what shall be taxed under Sched u'e 13, has been a source of much trou ble to th-3 internal revenue officials, For instance, the whole group of coal tar Ordered to Fort McPherson. extracts has been decided by the courts Washington, D. C. Special. The fol- I to be not subject to the tax. A pound lowing named officers, recently ap- J of phenacetise costs in Canada, it is pointed, have been ordered lo join their said, from 12 to 15 cents, and yet in the regiments, the Twenty-ninth Infantry, j United States the price is uniformly at Fort McPherson, Ga.; Captain Geo. I Si a pound. This druz. it is thoueht. E. Lovell, Captain Owen T. Kenan, J could well stand a heavy tcx. First Lieutenant Madison H. Wilson. I There are several items iu the o'd in- First Lieutenant Edward H. Almaad, ternal revenue 1 aws which, it is belief First Lieutenant Blanton Winshin. I ed, 'should be eliminated or modified. First Lieutenant Walter K. Wheatley, and it is not improbable that Congress Second Lieutenant Robert Patterson. 1 will be as! ed to appoint an expert com- The St at a. Tha ciar makers held a monster aaaa meeting ia Taaifa, Ha. SJoaJsy sight. Fifty of them Uft latar en il tteamer for Havana. A directory of Darbaai. X. C. jast issued, give-the r-oruUtioa at though tha Herald says tt is w.iltcg to taock off the wdJ thousands. (Jot. Sabers and a corps ef ai,uc ipent an entire dsy wcrkia m tUlf ?f flood tan"rera np and down tha Brazos rivor bottom. Ibe condition f the Iljcd tutlerers is improvise vcrr Utile. The Comptroller of the Currency has aeciareu a 5 per cent, dividend in lavor af the creditors cf the Merchants' Na tional Bank of Ocala, Fla. A drunken colored man, Etumett Uolmea, was run over by an electric train on tha Ocean View Railway at Norfolk, Va., Monday night aud less badly manglsd. One of Holoiss' les was amt'Utated, and a foot, which bad been partly cut oil, wai dressed. Senator Bacon and Representative Rartlelt, of Georgia, railed at the 11 mm His Ce'ebratei F!cery TsU at Tarla: USES SOME PINF RHETORIC. He Ecicctacs th; BclotcJ Paaralrr cf the tr(tt Ssaaf th: Irenes Vt t b: lo;ratefal ta 5pa a. Trade Reiew. New York, Special Bradstrcet's Sal urday says: New features In the general trade situation this week were of an almost uniformly favorable char acter. So rare, indeed, are the dis turbing and unsettling features as to necessitate considerable search to lo cate them. Aditional statistics of past trade movements received ate of an en couiaging nature, foremost a:nonr these being exceptionally good railroad .' . T . . . .1 . . f i earning -j returns 101 June u-iu me i:rsi half cf year, and ascertained totals of an enormous export trade, and proc tioally p'iual lo the phenomena' bi: i ness of the preceding fiscal jear. The record of railroad receiverships for the first half of the year bears a striking resemblance to the list of business mortalities, inasmuch as they are the smallest in number reported since re ceivership first became prominent. Yellow Fever at Santiago. Santiago de Cuba, By Cable. The strict enforcement of General Wood s quarantine and sanitary order, seems to be repressing the yellow fever out break. One death and three care have been officially reported iu the last few days, but there have been no new cases among the United States troops. Many American and Jamaican vagrants have been at rested and taken to the detention camp. - Mamls, By I'ebV A coy i-f tLt San lndepnJe je.a Las tclel Ma nila, con'.a-cm,; tUa atrcv wbuU AcninelJo made Jurio- tin rtcjut cl ebration at Tarlac. cf tLa asa;ttirr the proclamation of 1'il.j iuo iiiJr'.-eal-eore. In substance t ia at folio s : "iih-ino, beloved dau'gLcr f I la ardent ana of the tropic, eisuea del by Providence to the rare cf bcble Spain, ht not uogra'.efal to Ltr salute. who warmed you With the breath t f J . . V I 1 ltlU4 Bt U V I J White House Monday and f reseated to I her own culture and c:v;luatija. It is me I'reauieni a lut oi about o'J men from that State who are el is. ble under the President's call for appointment as officers of the new volunteer regi ments. The North. true aLe "juht tocroiu tLy ai trat 3i for independence, at a lov.nj laturr Cppoaea separation forever fruia the daohter of Ler bmota. lh: I at proves the excess cf afTsciioa J iore sbip felt for thee. ' "Filipino! Delicate ilr f tlia East. acarc!y eight tao-.t'is wemed from the Lieatt cf thr mother, thou best dared to brave a great an I ow erful nation, such as l the I'uitel States, after barc'.y orcisiz n;' aul equipping thy little armr. l e reply, we w.ll be elavas t none, n-r The report of Capt. Watkins on the I allow cf ouroclves to bj deceive! l y stranding of the American Line steem- toft words. Let us continue to d .'a 1 erl'ari, has been made public Capt onr f.UarlnJ ut.l laj.,,.!,.,. .. Watkius makes no attempt to evade , , ,. . . . . ,,. responsibility for the accident, but ou sair''. the cjntrary, says frankly that b, l let k . the stranding of the i-hip was the reoult American nation will aok'4 t1 of of an unaccountahle error on bis edre the richt which iiun ourt. U- Tbe Alleghany Coal Land Com i. any. with a capital stock of SIOO.OOO. has been organized at Roanoke, r. J. LHjson, of Sichmond, is president. Lieutenant Frank C. Belles. Sixth nfantry, has been Assigned as an aide on General heeler a stall, und order ed to report to the general at San t rancisco. UU a o.. 131 (U tt ti-,.!i t I rWMfi: lactases Y'ri:. i C. '.':ei. Gee tit! J.(u V. ;r :fi it. y ef :. I tt ! l i ll te i r'. !! f1 CI f)(r, 's- 1 I'jrr aJ t I-akr. 1 Tjt a i e s I t. f '. sa Finfcf.'f a 'wTiT. L I C3t.,' '.:. t'ttitl U 41 He :.l a I Mu..ijtu: tu. "i lata a j- . ( -: n a . " Le aittj ii .-.'. 'il I i ! ft-r, "atd L 1 t t k t. tat t iu i ut tulit 1 tt..t it i t (('...!! trta dan. iv I ilk J t Lae -t tr.V--! V i - t ii fcJ. tt a" t - teXia.; iti a cutrtiy n'.vtj mU Ctr.'l. ? - t ci' 'ia. .:. t ti'o. js tx. i r.Lar aaa tc .'. ii u.ii i-t i-ay tLtail. Ii r L. iri. L.:-a f . 1 Mac litter n ir ; ;- .:, 1 . i ! rm ta tie l.rlt1, l I bilj t . t. 4 df l Lais i 'a , . ii ii-jf to a? y a w a. a V tLtt t.v ! r ira i.e. Ha,llc ii. ii.;a Lie in llv Hi j f tt ta Picj. V--if. I. C. .!. a'. -TLe Nary Ir ai '. la ' .iU-l.J t A.!ili:1 Itri tirUi t 1 i..i I c .-' i ( l" .r.Tfii, tj c tiu part A Burlington special train from St Louis to Los ADgeles, loaded with teachers for the National Educational Convention, crashed into a freight train near Newman. Col.. Monday. Miss Addie Harris, of St. Louis, and Mr. Lena Thomas, of New lork, were in- Hautly killed. Secretary Alger is very anxious to have the new regiments recruited as far as possible from men who terved iu the State volunteers, during the Spanish war. He has received infor mation from a number cf officers in d.f- Manila, to seek uous lo l-rin ferent States that if there was an op portunity alloraea, prooauly w per cunt, of the new regiments would be composed of these men. Of coureo un der the regulations the recruiting ifii cers cannot discriminate between the men who bavo bee a in the volunteer service and those who have not, aud men will be enlisted as they apply. without regard to their previous reo ord. Foreign. At Jiaysnio, cut a, .,i;oo men are waiting payment. About 2,0)0 weap ons have been delivered to the mayor. Aguinaldo, according to a dispatch received at Madrid from Manila, re fues to liberate the Spanish military prisoners m the hands of toe Filipinos. Five artilery men were killed by the explosion of a powder inagaz no in Mngtoland, South Africinu ile public. It is rumored in Paris that as u re suit cf the revelation of the inhuman cruelty practiced upon Dreyfna while that the doctrine of the great MoLror, that America is for American, is not forgotten, just as t affirm that the Philippines are for the Filipino. "Some States r f the Amcrn-an Union bave arisen in our favor. peciu'.I y h the Democratic party oonviuce 1 tl.-t both victors and vanquished will I,e precious lives. Thus many of tLe i e - pie and many statesmen cenrure Presi dent McKinlcy as inhnmau for Lavtug ordered bis military roprcs.-utatir.,s at hi olt hostilities the Fdij iaus. J facts provo that they wnlif 1 tt try u-, to see if we are able to live up to the second color cf out banner red - .u-h signiua, courage, beroim, aul iar trydom. Therefore, we should not ie sent this struzg'e with tho Aui,cfji. In spite of their expressed desire t dominate all the Philippines, well con vinced are tuey that we will tlht with justice and right on our u.k auJ autonomy is ail a saavr of duc:t, ou'y nerving to save certain aocauiu'uVi wealth. Wo have never concflnl our aspirations that we aspire Latt in dependence; that we strnzzlo on to ub tainit, i-erbapa from those who are now our enemies and tomorrow w ill Le cur allie, as they were for the overthrow of the power of Spito. We m;.;Lt v. e l accept this autonomy Autcr:a cfler. Lut what can wo do with it, if cur am bition is indepndetcc, and if we urv v accef t it oniy to liter overthrow i.y rate e l-.t!., f ?; I...: ki'i t . '. ,.'. a! rut to -c' t-.xi i t l i'.t, xcc; tit ti f 1. i :i i u; u tS c lb a l ..U '.Um I 1 I. t f-t to 1. 1 I 4a- ent Meveas. ti L.nio-j. I.r Ltciy. n.lf.v r!t w nM.-!cr a. aitrl Mii--.. Ga.. Niccat. K tj-co.! l- the Tclc.raih ffoia I acit-e, huwtar cotitjty, : " 1 he rr; reetiiat. c f this osuuty. Hot. llcury .icter . acd c ttiia,l Jatalajr L!'Lt, wad (.1. f i via Li ' to hi Lcil .e i.ekf ly. "I Le LoJr h ftun l a 1 slf Lour .ftr the li i.oj 'lLe Lbl was riulil in as if l y a tti. ! 1 .l Oupaty, 'J 'iva jUoy, on Devd's Itlaad, M. Lebon, the Mm ister who was responsible for the o rder force of arms the sovereignty of Amer A'at'arca C! "ltj-r 0 Out c-a a :r kr. I : i. v i 1 1, Ala , Vjc.a". - Thar al !u.b-rat t. Mi:l"alt Mines an! tte luit Pi f the ! at Bi ci n (. !. w-r t utn a tr.k iuJr. 'ihey c'.- :a i. iii fo i.ot tLe k.-c Krht-iuie e.fcf 1 t:j at the run uii'.i 'i of J ii 'y 1. Fiva h iadr l cun e:e tL-"'e by ti itt.i. ll.eoutiat f tLe ix.ii i'li.u t c c 1. h: Cr trs f prcac in;. Sa IV m . . Cal . I , rc al. --Ma.l a lv:rti t'i txu Gua't :c'a r m the rti r '. of an api tiucume ic in th Vnral Ain.nr3 riul;i. 1 hat th diaGfaciu t. v:ll lr l to a rrvolntitn aaturt the atlitinitra.ica Peiiat ( ebieia caii Laidiy LLely, in ! t-f tLe fact that th re i i.o u.u3ff ia the couulry to otgnie; atiytLig I pre -i a a t uri:i.!ui iuuirectt. and Second Lieutenant John J. Mi'.Ior. "'port of tho Cdin-.n ssiiuur of Patents. Bi.' i iti;'!, uvi;' '":: ' t.w.i. 1. C.. Fpjtial Commis I'atrr.ts Dueil. has submitted '. c.c for the fiscal year i It show.; that during the '? v.-. re received 3".32 appli- f' r patents. There were 25.401 Krantrd There w?re 16.670'. that expired. l.ati: (icet "nn:e Dre)fu. . !:.iv-. ity Cable. Maitre Demange !;i'-ri v... Capi iin Dreyfus Saturday ;"'m 1" o , ;0, k till 1. aftfr which Mmc. I'tvyfuj, i-i;rd her for eever 41 hours, on leaving the prison she 4 testify her. ""e'ed by seventy Rennes society . 1 : who had assembled to 'ifi' sympathy with i AdJressed Road Builders. A 14-t he session of the Road Builders Institute Thursday the address of Gen eral "Roy Stone, of Washington, was the -feature of the occasion and w as fulLCf practical and wise suggestions, concerning road building In the South ern if tales. Other valuable addresses vcf delivered by Presid?nt Alderman, -Cfthe University of North Carolina, gttt Geologist Holmes. Commissioner ofatgriculture. Patterson. Prof. J. V. jys, of Clemson College, Prof. J. M. BATvdy. and several other prominent defes. Delegates are delighted the more than 100 miles of splen--n tmaradam roads in Charlotte and MoMvlenburg county To Blow I'p the Filipinos. -!iinston. D. C. Special. The wai has recently concluded an fhaifivt? scries of expenmeun ia 'Ji'.y Hook with high expiosii-c and ''Sht fif-M 'ins. that promises, if adopt to iKult iu arming the l-ocp- in e 'iulipines with the most advanced ' 'f light fh'ld gun In the world, he i,,,,rij ticcided or. ti ty.i of t1 i "ri, k 'in which can Are 15 aro.ed shoti " r.iitutf. which can be operated hi ,, fi'n iinl h.en its full ir?v c:-..n klfi ti, p;rlf;S ia j- geiondj fQ. fading lr :uui- hark Tcr trn.iportation wh-:ie-te -l-d. It is a n-:t:t': t.aiibr. t:n crry j s;10t 0i;,rj,nei or a bursting hig'1 PiP-wlve wkLL r. ill v ci-.ncu--.sion In a radius of '2W fn. Tar Heel Brevities. Imington lvas levied a speciat tax offSlO per month on wholesale mer chAnts and $2 per month on retail mer chants. a (The agricultural dcpjtlment hss just received letters from the northwest asVing for information as to the estab lishment of four sheeo farms. Percy C. Co-tner, of Lincoln county made 367 bushels of wheat on nine teen acres, and Thcmas J. Raniieur averaged 23 bushels per acre ou seven acres. The board of aldermen of Charlotte has apropriated $100 to assist the fire men in attending the big ga.a wee aud firemen's tournament in Greensboro next month. 1 U now exoectea mat tometnius - ' . . . and in: Exploding Bombs. Barcelona, By Cable. Four bombs were exploded in different pans of the city this week. No serious damage was done, but the excitement ii intense. The authors of the outrages are un known. mission to thoroughly go over the ground and recommend such changes in detail as experience has shown to be necessary. rresiJent Elected. A. T. Corson, of Columbus. O.. ha? been elected 'president of the National Euncational Association. Te'egraphic Briefs. George Dixon was given the decision over Eddie Santry, in their six-round bout at the Fort Dearborn Athletic Club, in Chicago Friday. Blazo Petrovics. a relative of Prince Nicholas, of Montenegro, has been ar rested on a charge of complicity in the recent attempt to assassinate former King Milan, of Servia. Americans May Become British Subjects. London, By Cable. The Cape Town correspondent of the Daily Mail says: "The Transvaal field cornets are re- Important Movement. a new movement soon to be inau gurated, and one that will go a long ways, not only to advertise the State a.nit resources hut -to ednra-p its own people in regard io what the state asinS to register American citizena really Is, will be a series of monog- unless they take oath to bear arms for raphs to be prepared by Secretary I the republic in the event of war. The others and Lssued at regular intervals. I Americans, therefore, threaten to be- They will be 'handsomely printed on j come British subjects, so as to avoid finest -paper and illustrated with views ommandering. The Transvaal gov- from photographs, taken specially for this purpose. How They Fight in Texas. St. Louis. Special A special to The Republic from Texarkana, Tex., says: "At New Boston, Bowie county, there to-day occurred one of the wildest ind most desperate street battles that has yet been recorded in the fighting his tory of that town. The trouble ema nated from a dispute over a barbed wire fence which separate! the farms of Ira Smith and W. D. Hays. The two men met at a prayer meeting last Sunday, when their case was talked over, resulting in a fight in Vvhif-b Hays was bested, i ne d'tno-ruiy was brought before the peace oti':v.' and were arr?s'.-?i. Highwaymen in Rowan. Dt. I. W. Jones, of Zeb. Rowan county, reports that Thursday night on his way home from town he was held up and robbed by three men who boarded his buggy, one or them get ting him by the throat from behind ernmont is making representations to Washington on the subject A New Cotton Mill in Alabama. Florence, Ala., Special. The Ash croft Cotton Mill has been organized with a paid-up capital stock of $50, CO). The Florence Land Co. donated a site. consisting of one block, located on the railroad and the Tennessee river. The plant will be built at once and the con tract reads that it shall be ready for operation by March 1, 1900. It will be a -'.U'JJ-spintiie Turn mill, ana will sect to M. Gauie!, while in charge cf the penal Fettietnent where Dreyfus W88 confined, will be proceeded against, the government not confining its ao t;on to the dismissal of denial. Miscellaneous. :ca? As 1 believe it is the iutcutibb : the Autonomists to make ue c f t. :- a try ana uece;t, we cannot accept tuci a procedure. We do not w:ii to l traitors afterward. We wish to onr cuaracter oi iraiases an I sia-T- itr and notbinz more. Jet c c . . 1 Eight thousand teachers bave already the eiimi.l of thoae native hkr V- a S a t I arrivea ai ijos Angeies ior me conven tion of the International Educational Association. Arti t.rv ( tSirci I the Ctpe. L tf, Br C'aLV. lLe Seventy tbir.' Battery of Artillery l a lea cr dr .i to h nth .'fura. r-akitg tLa Cfth I at'., i y cf J'M t!'!'rr ti tinder or tie:? 1 r the I aj-. A:i the uu rar-r-Si- f tl."e i'atteri ate a;:.!eJ to r.a't't the Jural c.l.-r. 1 hi: ly l:- L.i.o tLe irauva-1. The following have been apiointeu lieutenaut colone.s in the new volun teers: Major J. Ia Bell, Capts. Her bert II. Sargent, J. J. Brereton and II II. PI urn mer. The new floatine dock from New York for Pensacola naval station, towed by the government tugs Potomac and Piscataque, has arrived at Pensacola. Twelve thousand teachers are in at tendance at the National Educational convention now in session at Loh Angeles, Cat Cardinal ieodolfo, Alertel, vice chancellor of the Holy Roman Church, who was raieu to tee cardinalate in 18W. died '1 ufsday in his 93rd year. atone been csloniats, acc.iel autonomy to enable them to make lucr work surer, once everything n i re pared. History Las given as an exsni -pie of this in recent eventa Ie: us persist in oar idea wh-.cli ia only the legitimate and noble aspirations of a people which is desirous at a'l cvht to preserve its national honor spotless atd as pnre as a crystal, fbm, then there will not be a single Fdipiaos aat ..00:21 ist Those who are so in the eyes of the ieopIe, ace but time-server, fe-r ful of lowing tLcir r;ches. threataac 1 by risks cf war. 'I'llipioo. let o be exu ltant. Let as atrengtLen ths Loa U of onr u lion." AguisaMj roiiclaJe w.tii calling for T . - . 1 1 .1 1 T . 1 .1 . - , . . 11 is reiorieti irom me naarue mat 1 cotexii lor la.iei eaueace lor tne ii j oi Sir Julian Poncefort wul retire as 0f the Filipinoa and for tee Lbcrtt ug u a . I army. oiaitj. An order haa been iasued bv the I President extending the privileges and A Souad Moody Convestaa. Bk huoni, Va., h'rcciaL Mr. II V. protection of the American flag to the Smaller, geaer.l eer.ry of t - Na shipping of Porto Rico and the Philip- .. . ' , ,r , pines. All ships owned by residents of tlr'oal H', 1 Mney Leagn. wt Ia i.ut were shif pel l .!fs. Tbea'tt ui'. u.w.ig f th of tLe J'irc 1kju' Ai l aad Sonihera l'.iU'-'..': .-'-.'. r cf tke Mtto.i.t ?.J i-c .j.l Lc c!., Leld at the Metco-l.t I' t-L L(ri2, ia ii.c:n tali. '1 ae '.my. 1 b i -n. !! ! ue c.f It.rJ Toaa day een:ig 1 ei tl e c-t 4 leading f tLe I' M i"j i.o.' U'M;n t proti-l et t r tL r a.tsbia Ly TC-te of Z4 la f.V'jr. to 21 j'-rd. Three tao'-ii-' c-jurt ia '.timing for tie death of XL zareai'.rt-. Grand Duk ' i eorr. f fla a. l-iotber of the I'ztr, vi. a d e 1 !; r ol con suuition. at Abl.aa, la Ike CaUCferc, l a i iel oroeted. Jl2i.(.03.'J00 h IriKt. lcrei, N. J.. Sir al. TLa Dim tilierv C'otat-enr cf .ca ith an an'.Lcr ed re.t!a' f 5 2..vOVI La been ii-crptrfc:rd to uatiu,r'Qfe aad deal in whi'kr.v, jir;t. fAu1, g.a and all d.ti'ltry j.-o iacis wd Ly duc:. Of the ca .'al t.rk iVI.oi.OI is j refereirt l neck. w.t'a7jr ceat cnaiuVxva d v: cj1. and the other two presenting pistols in hi3 faiee. They got $10, a silver j make the medium grade of yarns. watch bearing the owner's Initials and J : . a pocket-book containing som5 notes , and receipts. Dr. Jones was unable to 1UMk; oCi.-iu urmuuv fix the identity of any of the robbers tioa 01 tne united American Glucose beyond observing that of the two who Company, with a capital of -?3o,000,000, confronted him one was a white mai and the other a negro. Consu' Jones Died in Mexico. Anniston. Aia., Sfw.a' Col B Jones, oi this z'.'.' -'lib-d Fta. c-nn sul to Tuxpan. Me -., lied at T;x- pan thi-r niT:inc The nature or his iilness is not known. The remains can not be shipped home. Colonel Jonet was born iu Wales, in 1843. and came to Pennsylvania when two years of eg i age, and auerwarcts to Aiaoama. He rd I appointed consul to Tuxpan Ir test bv Gen. Otis. "th.naton. D. C Special. -S'.cneral V Jiri;rn Gray O .:. who his icon i:, fc I'M fret t's. Manned he" Saturi-.y to -" against certai.i f.iiri .f tha 'HiproiUy a&ieemnt ceutaUvtly i:tgc-l-J OJ -Aith The f;,!if .ru ' " - fruit grower lur.pv? that the oran;.i. rT.?:!- etc.. aniiiiia would iniurlmi.r attart - j u, and it wi in their L- Jt CI r ,: .11 tr, , . . u .wa.ty nw U4 "torn J :r.:t; 1.. ftOO men of the heron ,ini3t-i of the state guard win oe ih , Kr;:aent Mcwmiey m uctooer amp at Morehead City this month at J His family is here he two encampmeii. company has been organized in ATnston to build a new opera house. The North Stare Trouper factory Is tie name or tne new uiuyic re ceft'y organized at H'gh Pclat for the inknufacture of trousers. A. C. Bar bie Is Its proprietor. It will be ready fck business in a few days. Ttbout one uundred coanviots were lakt Monday taken to Robeson county tefwork on the Hub and Ash pole (now ntri railroad. About the first or uugust tt Is erpectej that 20 mor lVi . , jAn tara ' by 1S37. The Junta to Change Base. Manila, By Cable, It is leportid that the Filipino junta will be moved from Hong Kong to the Island of Li buan. a British colony, six miles from the northwest coast of oBrneo, as the American officials have watched Use members of the junta so closely st Hong Kong that the latter have found it impossible to supply the insurgc-nrs with arms. has been completed at a meeting iu thia citv. these islands at the tice oi the ex change of the ratification of the treaties are included in the order. Interest in the Shamrock's trial has been greatly increased bv the authen tic report that Emperor William ia sending hia yacht Meteor, to partici pate in the trial spins, exacted to take place early next week. Madrid, By Cable. Admiral Cer vera and the other eocamanders of the Rici.idand ikedaeIy. c3uit:ag wuh a number of gold at tadard uea wtiu reference to holding a national cur rency convention in this City, at eoiae date in October cext $50,000 for Ite ComcM-ox CicacK), SiciaL The Record will say: "Kansas C.ty Democrats, bide 1 by members of their i-arty in other part of Missouri. Lave iaed '. 'sim. Spanish fleet destroyed in the battle ot I which tley intend tfleiiLg to tl e J 'em- Santiago, wuose conduct baa been the I ocrat:c cational committee, if tte com subject of inquiry by special court I mittee w:i aeno the national conven- martial, were acquitted and formally I tion to Kansas Cay. liberated. Al;er !!js N t Eti'xnrl'.. L. C, SrreisL-It tasy Le afithvzdsGTtlr rta'c l :Lat re ports that Stc.-oUry ,"i!;r L te:. l:e i Lia rcsib&'.i JU i w.'.hut f.4i.latioit. TLe becreiaty La U.-i ato eucl ae tion, tior La Li rc.igba.:oa Leea asked for. An Earthqaake ireif. A Berlin dispatch says that a slight earthquake Friday caused iLe collapse of a galiery in the recklinghaus of the mine, near Heme. Westphalia, entomb ing 60 miner;. Several have been res cued badly lujiire-a. ice late or ite others is not yet kuowu. The shock I tie?troyed walls und bruke windows ia Heme and was felt &s far as Munster. It was also noticeable at Lai bach, Ans- Extension of Time for the Pavment of Cu ban Debts. Waskixton, D. C, Special. The question of extending the time of pay ment of debts in Cuba has been re ferred by the War Department back to Gen. Brooke, who has placed the mat ter before his cabinet officer having chsrge of fiscal affairs. The creditor class recently proposed modifications in the existing order, and these been taken under advisement and referred to General Brocke. Se d for tbe Texas Flooi Sufferers. Ao Uprisnr of Negroes. Washington, jj. u, npeciaL JSe- ! 41 XI '- " - AN UPRISING OF NEGROES. preaoutawro xiB.ey. i .icim, -ao ia I a : it-. ;a a . ff a 1. . T.... a 3 Boston. Mass.. Special The Pot? ot new m u iue uoou Sunday, says: An uprising of the col- J - - ored race against the administration at j ... 'ft soil In lh Bnftrr 'n t h A K7ni WbsiuDgtcn is being organized in Bos- . . . , , vaney. owiag to iue exienaire ue- vastaticn, the seed will oo sent to the post jffices near thedeo ated region for distribmioa by tbe postmasters. Re presentative Hawley says the War Department has responded generously with tents and rations, and has done ton. Thi3 is the scat or the movement that is proposed, wherever the colored people are populous. The instigators assert that it will mean the downfall of McKInley imperialism and the republi can party. The object of this organ- Manganeae ore production in thia country for the calendar year 18'?, 15,957 long tons, was tbe largest since mi. Sales of postage atom pa throughout the country during tbe fiscal year just closed were largely in excess orer pre vious years, according to official fig ures. Tbe sales of ordinary alampa ageregated 3,490,029,830, with a total valuation of $G.2o?.0O3. This is an increase of more than 2-),QQ) in number, and -52,000,000 in value ore. last vear. A heeler's Mitsioa to Maaua Chicago, Special. General Joseph Wheeler tessed through Chicago Thursday, cound for tbe PLilippices, on an -unknown mission. Aa he put it himself : "I am ordered merely to re port to General Otis and do Lot know what I shall have to do when I get there. I expect to return by Decem ber, wben Congress taeett luring in the army I felt that I bad no rigat . t remain idle all smmmer and fa!L and asked to be sent on active service. C'Er'cn Succeed FrcuJ:at Hast. !if Yoke, S;eci"L At a meeting of tLe boar J of directors of the Southern Exiresa Cojx nr, Le'.d Monday, Mr. JI. J. O'Brien vaa elected resident, to snore d the late Heniy B. I'.aLt. Mr. OU'ita was f icerlr rice-preaideat a'jd geccr&l manager cf the emnjaay. It ia fail that Brain will prefer a de maud for a lea.e of C Lne:; territory leeuc Chita durm the Spar.tib- IsaUon is a revolt at the ballot box. all in ite power to relieTt the distress. ; died. American war i-ermittetl sipmeota of arms and ammunition by steamers to tiie Philippines. Tbe Italian Chamber of Deputies voted 300 to 13S on motion of the Pre mier, General Pollaux, o refer ibe royal decree restricting cuctltntlonal liberties to tbe Committee e.u iVImcil Bil. such reference to bare the fore of an act cf indemnity. A i:-oic arose amoaz thj crowd (-teb-ling tbe fn-uerai of b Aichbi'bor or Prague at Vienna aad tweuty !ei-:c were seriously injured, two having The Greatest Tube Trust in tUe 'Xcrli. New York, SpeciaL CocioliJst.oa of tbe wrought steed, iron and tub ia- American j daitrie of tbe country was effect 1 Wednesday. Tbe new com r any will be known as tbe National Tate Com pany. It ia tbe largest of tLe kitd in tLe world, and is the third ia taLk as ateel and iron corporation. It ia ex ceeded only by tbe Krn:p and Cerceg-e inteiests. Its capitalization is ISJ, (X'J,tX), asd it controts practically all tbe ateel tab works in the United States. Th: V-.Ili t t:r n Ctff. Wa:-hix tjv. I. C. Sjcl hr gewn Geaersl rittri urg Las rered two cablegrams Lota Maj'r O'ileJy, chief u.';cua at Havana, tegard.&c tbe ye;lt fever aiicaTton. Ia the first be says: "ilanaid. at h'aut-ao, tle graphs rcv.tcd lit rl owicg 122 witj '.'4 i a'.Ls celalisg f-cr cCecri. Mcloa i.i a. Cieadeai -. 1 abricu and Hcvl-; t"j 2 1 r.t I in ca a and Cvedeatl. !e! ia ciip ia last tbreedat. He ivj -: s ordered to ittenor. It; Ct ica Lcs ta frail. ACJliv. Ttx, S;-rc-a!. The c-ottca cxciiatge ic tLi c.ty co:c;.et4 the -woik ! ortffc.'r Ij .u V.;-.; tLe loac on iLe c a i rt:, v'trtdaat apca the B-azs ritr C.d. TLry td ttat the t va m tt e!r7 fa' . a- ear a 1 r traBVwf 1 2KV"J i-f M!va, reireratmg I ?':. .VIo. I --cy fc..UL J lUat tL i Ltn y t ei a "u e i' i ro-:urtt the xT at.d n tr 1 tl -.;. lit tbe l-t1rtu Lave kiitti tel c.ioj gruwiiig n tL ni irr lasJs roioiiao42at'r. -uiLat l y fat ibfl lat tro t-a-rktd ta ya w ii t 4o4ecd irvca tLe cplaads tLi I- ad iecrciary of suu will uv ut.i. " -