J1BE CAUCASIAN. VOL. XVII. RALEIGH, NORTH -CAROLINA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1809. DE If! ASKED 10 NO. 3J. Si ii. mm Ihi State Department Not Inclined to Believe it. DEWEY'S RECEPTION AT NAPLES uf lit finlJ Certificates -Atlanta's Mayor Miivt Resign No New FekT Cases Issue r f Gri d Certificates. V; I',v CHbl. A dbnatch to th I.I!,:' Parol says the Austrian govern niMii nked Admiral Dewey to explain rh" Mtpment eaid to hare been mad hy him. (hit the next war of the Uni ted stairs would be with Germany and thn' trie United State would be sup port"! ly England. To this request I i -i f Parole says Admiral Dewey n that he would deny nothing he : and thereupon advanced the ' f f V departure tram Trieste. THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. Tie South. Ingon. ' 11 YU,Un WMh- .?nHl p,n,boat Frolic, Hawk and Dorothea will be fitted for service . iw it uttoi k yard. v" Blackburn is Tery ill at n the pending campaign. Under the CPTT Vila a nntr I m. ... MlKsiippi u divided into four super v,.orl districts. Two of the supervisor n u wnite ana two colored. Baltimore haa Newport, News, Hamoton and Ol.l Point Comfort. f p ' imin-'fo. Special. Regarding the pii'riiiipd statement accredited to a Ki-Ti'h paper, to the effect that th An trim Kovrrnment made a demand up'in .Vlmir.il Dewey to confirm or dent- his allejred statement to the effect fhnr our next war would be with Opm ni.iii.v. the State Department officials point ;ut that It would be a glaring I r :t li of diplomatic proprieties to i niiiiiniiiicate on a diplomatic subject v. itli ,i T'nitP'l States naval officer dl i.i ttv. nd ouUldc of the lawful rhan ti l' ft would, moreover, "be a matter cf i (.mplalnt should Austria have ad lr -mm! Admiral Dewey on a matter ifliit rix entirely to Wermany and the N.ipliM, My Alrnlrail Dewey itn'.v -1 Saturdjy, frrm Trieste, mi lif iirtl ii" l'nlt"d States cruiser nivmpia. was Isltc.I by Mr. Lewis Morris Mdinga, fecretary of the Uni- lul staler emlaiy at RomsjMr. Uich- arl P. Parsons, second iccretary oi the i inli isHv; Mr. Hector De Castro. I'ni ttil States consul general here, and the ice ronoiil, Mr. Charles M. Wood. I ho admiral commanding this sta tion, tliH commander of the girrlsoa ami the prefect also visited Admiral t! i. Drwfiv on beard tih? Olvmuia pikI the American admiral returned thd'.r vlF't Forty Amcirican tourists nftrrward visited the Olympia. Admir n! Dewey and the crew cf the Olympia are all in good health. It is raid the cruiser will only remain here eight or un day;-. Ii DEATHS FROM FEVER. The Situation Is Said to Be More Favorable. EPIDEMIC. SEEMS CHECKED. Surgeon Geieral Wymaa Oives a Word of Cautien-AII Except Eleven of the la mates of the Indian School are is the Norm. Washington, D. C- Special. Official reports of the Marin Hospital Servke from the Soldiers' Home at Hampton tthov that the yellow fovcr situation there continues favorable. Surgeon In view of the yellow fever outbreak Whlte rpPrt5 to Dr. Wyman fchat there Southern leaders sav that the cratlc party will maintain its indlvidu- amy ana win serve its relation viih &t the Hampton Soldiers' Home, Rich- uiunu nas auarantinotfl tmind Point and Hamnton. Old Issue of Gold Certificates. Washington. D. C, Special. The Treasury Departrrent has made reqnl- it inn upon the Bureau of Engraving Hod Printing for the printing of $10, iiim.ono ?:old certificates, In denomtna tiona of $20 each. The Treasurer now holds a large unissued supply of certi ficates of the larger denominations. It is the evident Intention of the Treasury 1 Apartment to be in a position to issue J5!d tertilkates freely for gold coin, chould the fall movemeut of currency 1'dd to a demand at the Treasury for gold certificates. In exchange for gold coin, it la to be noted that while gold rolivs ran be freely had in denomina tion' of fives and tens, the law restricts thr issi.e of gold certificates to denom lnatlons of $20 or multiples thereof. It Is n debatable question, therefore, whMhr gold certificates will adequate ly meet the demand for money or small denominations. The North. XWT.X if ... wutuii, is ratine in th fli , n .! - - " ""U7 111 ounnejrota for lack of harvest hairwls. Augusta J. Sohechter. 228 Madison avenjue, New York diislooated her ja.w yawning. , , Secretary Gage eavs he will not r. ply to the last letter of the Civil Ser- Tioe i(rorm league. r- ecTeuiry Hitchcock lias announced that the sale of the Cass Lake lands, in iuinneaoca, will begin November 1. Maxttn Dotz, Just released frcm Bridewell prison, waa arrested in Chi cago charged with having married six women, four of whom are now living. miss Kannie Goodwin, milliner of Falrview, Pa., shot and mortally wounded Bryan Allegree. She charged mat he had slandered her. in a freest collision at Dennison. Ariz., Engineer Mdeod and Brakeman Constable were killed. The smelter strike at Denver, Col ha. caen ccmproovlsea by i.ihe Board of Arbitration, for 10 per cent, in create in wages. The bllla of rc:: .virant keepers for reeuing policemen during the recent street ear sliilke In Nw York oppoxl mate $35,000. Atter the naval reunion at Phila delphka, SeptEiTniber 1, Admiaal Samp son h fleet w-111 fall from Newport, R, I., to meet Dewey. At uen ton Harbor. M'jcn., a passen ger train scattered a pile of baggage, and Miss Olara Henley was fatally in Jured by a flyling trunk. A reward of $300 has been offered for the capture and return to Chicago of Dan.'el Ccug.hl.in, w ho was on.ee pen tenced fo.r itbe murder of Dr. Cronin, and is now cha.rged wife jury bribing, The health ofucer of New lork sees little danger of the fever reaching that nort. No auarintlne has been estab lished. The fire at Tupper Lake, New York, Sunday morning destroyed 69 buildings. and nearly wiped out the town. Loss $150,000. It is officially announced that Sir Julian Tauneefote, British Ambassadoi to tihe United States has been elevated to the peerge. STATE NEWS. e cm raoi his mi T. D. loseaua Brtvaei. Kewt of the death of Mr. T. D. Rose- I Bill Arp SlyS the Old lady Will Find Out WHEN SHE IS NOT CONSULTED. i3 nothing suspicious in the town of Hampton. There were no new cases and only two deaths at the Home Fri day, according to a report from Dr. Vkkery, the surgeon at the institution, eent to the surgeon general. Dr. Vick ery expressed the opinion that the im mune help on the way there bhoulJ be sufficient, as the epidemic seems to be checked. The cordon around the Home and the immediately adjoining village of Phoebus, Surgeon White says, !s as tight as he ever saw it at any place. Surgeon General Wyman, In syeaklng of the f ituatlon, inferentially uttered a word of caution against too sanguine views of the checking of the erldemic at this time, which might rcault in a relaxation of the precautions which Khould be maintained against the spread of the fever. He said: 'There are certain factors in the bit- uaticn which make it encouraging and they are, first, that the disea&a was dis covered very promptly, conpared with usual outbreaks In an institution where all the inmates were under good con trol. It was recognized much quicker than it would have been in a commer cial community, because all the cases and all the deaths were brought to the notice of one man. Another favorable factor Is that the latitude is not ex tremely South. Nevertheless It should be remembered that in Brunswick, Ga., iu 1S93, a little more than two week3 alter the last reported death othsr case? appeared.'" In response to an inquiry a. to the situation and ned at the Indian School of Hampton, the following dis patch waa received by the Commission er of Indian Affairs: "Rigid quarantine for and against us. All Indians except eleven boys are In the North. They are efficient and faithful in the general guard duties. Am authorized to say that the possi bility of infection is remote. (Signed) "F. C. BRIGGS." The school has a total enrollment of 138 pupils and the news that all but li of them are away and out of the fever district reliieve3 the apprehension of the authorities here. man by drowning reaching Salisbury Saturday afternoon caused expressions of deep regret. Very few details of the accident are known yet and those only from a little boy who was dispatched to town at once with his sad message. At half past eleven Saturday morning Mr. Ros man started out to have a night's seining at Boone's Ford, on the Yadkin just above Its junction, with the South Yadkin, with Measra. D. L. Arey and' M. L. Bean. Coming to Swicegood's ferry, on the South Her, they were unable to make the ferry people hear their calls. The stream being only about 100 feet wide at this point, Mr. Roseman volunteered to swim over and brine back the boat, presumably not waiting to take off his clothes, it being a public ferry. While swimming over he was seized with cramp and sank before aid could reach him. Mr. Roseman was a resident of Salisbury and was well known. He was a man of considerable means. He was married twice and leaves a wife, who is a daughter of Sheriff Monroe, of Rowan county, and six children. De ceased waa between 35 and 40 years of age. tii Cat Bows Saae Trees WfcUe Mrs. Arp Oaotes Froai UacoU. A. Misenheimer's House Berne '. The elegant country home of Mr. Abner MLsenheimer, of No. 5 township, Cabarrus county, was totally destroyed by fire at midnight Friday night. AH household effects were consumed, ex cept two feather beds, which the occu pants of the house carried out with them as they escaped from the leaping, roaring flames. The origin of the fire is not known, but believed to be in cendiary. Loss about $1,200; no insurance. Who Shall Appoint Counsel? There Is. an interesting clash be tween the corporation commission and the Governor over the employment of counsel In the assessment cases which come up bsifore Judge Simonton at Asheville. The commission ha3 select ed coyasel; Governor Russell claims thcit he alone can pay or select, and that he will do the selecting. But the commissioners know perfectly well that the next Legislature will pass a bill to iay the fees of the counsel the commission may employ. The com mission it -is true, has no fund for counsel fees. It will go ahead. Of course the Governor will get the "short," as he always does in State affairs. Chxago P.atform Democrats. Albany. N. Y.. Special. The execu tive rommlttee of the Chicago platform I '"met rats, of which Thomas W. Cant- of this city. Is secretary, Friday Issued a call for a conference to be held nf Syracuse, on August 9th, to perfect flrrRngpment for the proper organiza tion ct the party in this State for the coming national convention. Trouble Expicted in Hayti. Washington. D. C, Special. Hayti is in a state of ferment, perhapa from sympathy with the neighboring State if San Domingo. United States Minis ter Powell Jias cabled the State De partment that the presence of a United States warship may be required, if the Present threatening conditions contin. n to Insure the safety of the United Slates legation and consulates. No New Cases of Fever. Hampton. Va., Special. There are absolutely no new developments in the situation at the Soldiers Home. "No r.w raes and no deaths," was Satur day's report, and a general impression prevails in this section that all danget r.r k niriomtr retting outside the Home has passed. The official state ment to be issued from the hospital, is new being made up, and will state that sine-? the discovery of the disease in the Home, one week ago, there have been 42 cases and 11 deaths. In Phce- btis no new cases have been reported, and the only ca?e thus far reported is improving. Foreign. Minister Hunter has entered a pro test against the expulsion from Guate mala of an American citizen, J. B Richards. It has "been decided that sixteen Fili pino actors, now at San Franci.-:co, clhall be allowed to fill their engage ment at the Omaha Exposition. The Irklh agricultural and technical instruction bill passed its pecond read ing in the House of Lords. The sale oi food and dmga bill was adopted. At Poonalh. India, 56 deaths occurred from the plague in 59 hours, making the total 261. In Mabanzas. Cuba, an American wearing Spanish colors in his hat was stoned by a mdb of Cubans. The trouble he-tween the Canadian Grand Trunk Railway and Its en gimneera and firemen has been settled. Thi2 Canadian Hcuse of Commons has adcipted a TeTliruon of sympathy for the OutlandeT3 in the Transvaal. The Cuban National Party Commit tee ha voted to make no demontra tlon on tihe entrance to .Havana of the family of General! Gomez. Le Soir of Paris, announces that Col onel Du Taty de Clam was noeratea Wednesday. The House of Commons at Ottawa has adonted a resolution expresselng Canada's sympathy with the Uitlanders of the Transvaal. A clash between Dreyfusites and Na tionalists haa occurred in the streets of Rennes, France. Are They Living Too High? Havana, By Cable. Considerable comment was caused here by the pub location of a disjMitch from the United States, embodying tha charge made by a leading New York newspaper, that Governor General Brooke, Briga dier General Ludlow, military gover nor of Havana; Collector Tasker Bliss and Major Davis, sanitary officer at Havana, have been receiving extra al lovnnces out cf the Cutxin revenues to maintain themselves in luxury. The feeling among Americans in Havana is that this charge is based upon a eexi ous miaappreh&naion of the facte. The suggestion of luxurious living per plexes the Cuban-3, who are in. a pasi tiom to contrast the democratic way in wbkih men holdiing the high rank held by General Brooke and Ludlow con duct 'their establishmeats with the pro digal habits of the old Spanish regime. Should be RedeemaMe. Gardner Bros., of Cherryville, Gaston county, writes the State Treasurer that the trade checks they are using are transferrable and therefore not prohib ited by law. The evident intention of the Legislature, however, was to com pel the person or firm issuing these checks to redeem them in money when not used in the purchase of goods. That this is not done is the charge against Gardner Bro3. The Treasurer ha3 re ferred the matter to the Attorney General. A Generous Gift. Mr. A. F. Page, of Raleigh, has re cently given six thousand dollars to the Methodist Home for Orphans and Re tired Preachers to be established in Raleigh. He is one man who, when he gives with his right hand, does not let his left hand know it, but in this in Etance the trustees of the Home have felt It proper to print the name of the generous donor. Mayor Wordward Must Resig.i. Atlanta, Ga., Special. On a vote of 1" to 3. th? resignation of Mayor James O. Woodward, of this city, waa asked for at a secret caucus of the city coun -il and board of aldermen, held Sat urday afternoon. Mayor Woodward waa charged with drunkenness, several weeks ago, when impeachment pro- reedlnfs were threatened. At that time the mavor Dromlsed to reform, but 4 now charged that he naa faith with the city council. it broken 101 Years Old. Brooklyn. Ind., Special.--Mrs. Kate Medaiis, one hundred and one years old. is dead at the home of her grand daughter, Mra. L. T. Apple, of this place. She waa born in North Carolina June 24th, 1798. She leaves one hundred and thirty living descendants two ona, SO trand-chlldren, 82 great grand children, fifteen great great rand ou, who waa born .to Mr. and Mrs. Drval Bek.f t FrieudwooJ, March t0. Miscellaneous. A nlan for the distribution of armor on the new battleship Maine has been approved by the Navy Department. Bureau chiefs have been notified by Secretary Loag that they will not be allowed to criticize each other in offi cial papers. funeral Merrltt is making arrange ments to transfer the garrison al Fort Monroe to Battery Point at tne moatn of the Delaware. It is said in Santo Domingo that General Gome, the Cuban leader, may be offered the Presidency if the revolu tion which is imminent succeeds. A Halifax. N. S., dispatch says that four men were crushed to death and seven seriously injured in a wreck of a construction train on the Miaiana railway, in Harris county. Tied f o a Tree and Shot. Hattiesburg, Miss.,- Special. Henry Novels, a negro who attempted to as sault Miss Rosalia Davis was captured vinnrinv.. and was identified by Miss Davis. He was lmmeaiaieiy tiea to a tree and shot to death by the angry crowd. Legation as Aa AsyU m. Port-AurPrince, . By Cable. The po litical situation is causing anxiety. Numerous arrests have been made. Among thi0G9 taken into custody are M. Doubillon, a former Minister" of the Interior and M. Du Vlvier, a newspa per man. Du Vivler made strong re sistance and succeeded In entering the United States legation, dragging with him the officers detailed to take him into custody. The officers, however, were able to take their prisoner .out side the legation doors. The Comm'ss'K.n Overdue. Washington, Special. The non-arrival of the Samoa n commission is be ginning to attract comment in official quarters, as it is thought some n'fe.v complication may have arisen in Sa moa to keep the commission there. The last report ww; that the paty would leave Apia on July 18th, and if this had been carried out, the commission would have been due in San Francisco before the present time. Destroyed by Forest Fire. Washington, D. C, Special. The fol lowing telegram was received at the War Department Friday: "Vancouver Barracks, Wash., August 3. "Adjutant General, Washington: : ' "Captain Hovey reports the destruc tion of Ck'mp Dyea, from forast fires, on the 28thV He reports no injuries to the men. Some subsistence and quarter er's supplies were destroyed. The amount has not yet been determined. Tie succeeded in moving the command and supplies to Skaguay. (Signed) -"- - "McCAIN." "Acting Assistant Adjutant General in Absence ofDepartment Commander." State News in Notes. Salisbury will vote September 4th on a $100,000 issue of public improvement bonds. Bethel voted on a proposition to es tablish a dispensary. The Reflector says K was defeated. Including five new suits that are to be brought at the next term of court, there are twenty divorce cases on the Guilford Superior Court docket. - Chauncey Davis, the negro who last spring burned the Battle residence, Cool Springs, in Edgecomb'county, haa been sentenced to hang at Tarboro, September 7th. The National Flower Commission at a recent meeting in, Asheville decided to recommend the golden rod as the national flower. It is the only distinc tive flower found in all parts of the United States. , A. C. Flynn, a merchant who lives at Pleasantville, Rockingham county.shot and killed his brother. . He claimed it was accidental, but the coroner's jury found that it was premeditated. There had been bad blood between them. : Several political events are scheduled for this month, these being barbecues and picnics at Old Fort on the 19th and Clinton on the 24th. The constitutional amendment will be discussed by the different political parties. . , Weekly Trade Reiew. ; Ne'y York, Special R.G. Dun & Co in their Weekly Review of Trade say ; July failures have been smaller than in any month of which there is record, n'ina; May, and trading failures smaller than In any other month. Sur prising contrasts are shown by com parison of small with large failures in different years, and in no class of bus iness without some large failures not attributable to present influences, does the aggregate equal the average of the past six years. .Bryan Addresses the Fpworfh Assembly. Ludington, Mich., Special. About 6, 000 people were on the Epworth As sembly grounds "Friday when "Colonel Bryan was driven in to deliver his ad dress on "Pending. Problems" His flr6t propositions related to the religious and moral principles underlying his political philosophy of equal taxation. The money questipn and anti-trust and anti-imperialism arguments followed, and the efforts of the eloquent orator were received with applause. Later Colonel Bryan spoke in the street for 15 minutes. He left this evening by steamer for Manitowoc, Wis. ; . Firemaa's Tournament at Greensbsra. Friday was the last day of the tour nament. The horse reel race, two hun dred yards dash, lay three hundred feat of hoseT was won by Newbern, in 43 4-5 seconds. Goldsboro No. 1 was sec ond. The quick steaming contest was won by Newbern, which got steam and threw water in two minutes and twenty-eight seconds and a quarter. Tha hundred yard individual dash was won by Garnesey, of Goldsboro. Negroes Beatea at Has. Pans, . HL, Special. Three negroes who arrived in Pana Friday, were set upon fcy sympathisers of the union miners, pelted - with' stones and mis s&es of evercharadter, and driven out of hss city. In he party wfao ets raultoi the blacks were a number of the wlveu and sons. One of the re groes wa.3 badly ustil up. DutCcs tihe computoary exod-uj of the. negrcea, i: is claimed by their arrlants Uuit they were fire! upon four ttme3 from the Springslde Mining Com?jny"3 UjTe but none o Vx& shots o6j; effect. ' Mr. Lincoln :d, "You my fool ome cf the people, all the time yea may fx9 ail the people some of the fjtne, but you cant Ccol fool all the people all the time." That's ao. I reck on, but I will add that a man can't fool bis wife at all. Sha catches np with him bj lassinct. My wife has been awsy to Rome and ao I took ad vantage of her absence ai4 had two tree cut down. One was dying at the bop and the other w3 crowding two other trcej and doing no good. But she is ittterly hostile to cutting down a tree and so I have to do It while she I away. One of them was cut down low to the ground and after every chip and tw'.g was cleared np I had gras nut over the placs where the tree was. I was goLcg to do th otiher the same way but I got sick and she came home prematurely and there wan the stump grinning with its fresh cut edges. I wa3 getting bcV.er, but when I saw her coming I took a horizontal attitude on the couch and tried to look sick and sad and melonoholy. It was two days befsre she nomcel that stump and when cm called my attention to it I told her that it wa9 an old stump and had been there for years. She never said anything, tout there was a doubt ful ey-pres3:on on her 'tranquil counten ance. If there were no grandchildren around here I could get alotg, but they let the eat out of the hi every time and I am the vkolm. I don't remem ber even- seeing that stump before," said ciie, but I persuaded h?r that the late rains had colored it. When she found me out. I assured her that the tree was hollow .cd wa3 bound to die soon and that its proximity to the other trees prevented thsir expansion and that expansion was now the policy of the country. "Yes," eaid ihe, 4'I suppesp we must cut down the smaller trees to that the larger oce3 can have more roam. We must kill off the Fili pinos for the same reason. I wonder how many of the poor creatures they have killed. If our people kill a black brute down here, they make an awful fuss about it, but they are killing thou sands because they are defending their native land. It is all very strange to me. I don't like some of our governor's late utterances. The daily paper prints in big lines that he eaM the man or men who lynched a negro were v.s guilty in the sight of God as the negro they lynched. Surely he didn't sayit. The reporter mu5t have mis quoted him again. It does not sound like 'him. There is no such theology in the books. If God had not have put a mark apon Cain anybody might have slain him. Moses had to provide ci'Lles of refuge for those who accident ally killed anybody, lest he avengers of blood should pursue and overtake and slay him. The avenges of bleed were recognized factors in the admin istration of the law. What would have been the punishmenjt of these black brutes in Moses's time for their outrages we cannot imagine, for with the Jews no such crimes were known and to this day no t.uch crime is knewn among them. As a raoe they are the purest people in their domes tic relations. Husbands are loyal and true and kind to their wives and wives to their husbands; children are obe- dien't to their parents and affectionate to one another. But here among us are a numerous people who seem ut terly devoid of ihose family virtues bhat are the safeguards of all good govercnaenit. Within the last thirty years they liav3 grown from childhood to meiahocd and have become infinite ly worse than rheir fathers and moth ers were while in slavery. There are more bastard negroes in and around this city than those born in wedfock. They are not mulatoes, but thty are negroes of full blood. The moral de generacy of the race Is alarming. The state convicts and county convicts now aggregate over four thousand, and all of them nave come to maturity since the close of the otvil war. The morals of these negroes gets worse and -worse and their outrages upon white women more frequent and more brutal. Our people are sbscked and whisper to one onotaetr, who will be the next victim. When be eavaga Indians burned the hemes and tomahawked the women and children our forefathers pursued (hem by day and by night and bad fiielr revenge. We have a people among us many Z whom are worse than savages, ana every man among C3 who is loyal to his wife or mother or sister or dacg&ter is an avenger of blood and should sever stop until the brute is caught and slain. For such there are no citdeo of retfuge and no horns of the aar for him to lay hold of. This Is one cr'axe tthait make.? a man an outlaw and the people have no more fear cf provoking tbe vengeance cf Gcd than 3id Governor Candler when he was leading his brave men against the enemy and crying at the top of -Skis voice, "Saoot 'em, boys Shoot 'em! : Kill iihe laJt rascal r corns on boy 8; - Come on axil, follow me!" He never thought cf giving them a most bearcat rroza all their ers. If yon wih to aar Um tnr. Jat sound the eoanoa people -ra country popK tha workta people w uve la tae p of thaw otttraawa the people wbo are too poor to nova to towns or cttk th people w&o sx of all people the mot otxdlsct to law Che people who rve oa our ur4.e and wcrk ta mH and nurv thefr sick neighbors act bury tbir deal, and who c&tber at Us btMsbis churcfe on the Sabbath day and worship Gol. Theee are tfhe lync2kera for thla parti cular crime and always wit be. If a i hough UeM. r?htt 4nmit jota them it cannot be helped. Taa people of our county cf Bartow, I suppo., are a fair aample of tha psop! cf GoktIt. There naa been but one hanging la twenty-two years. We have no whits citizens in the rhaingang. nobody ever shoots or fights in our errceta Some times at long intervals thr la a small fight between lawyer la the court house, while court is in session, and STILL III A lit! STIR. The Developments ! tht Fever Situation. Yelloi FOUR CASES AT-HAMPTON. rVsit Gcttiaf Aw y frsai taa as fast as rciJc-Gra mfa Ike rettstacc tin StesycJ tvt. the Judge on hand to rto? K, but noth ing more. But- cJn out of ten of our grand and petit Juries wouU Uynch a negro for this crime a soon as they could catch him. Ex-Governor Jonej, of Arkansas', has g;t Mra.fr com mon sense and be says: "AU tbU stuff about the law's delay provoking lynCh irgs is the merest nonseme. When this crime is committed s) man stop to think or to care whether the brute will be tried next week or next year. They want vengeance right cdw and they are going to have it, and" that is human nature in 11 civilised coun- trlea and is to be commend e J rather than condemned." And so 1ft Governor Candler recon sider and take back, if he said it. He can wkh propriety teach us patriotlm and the purity cf politics, but his obler dlctu." as the lawyers cail it. on our guilt or innocence before God Is "ultra vires" it is beyond hi Juris diction and hence goe3 for nothing. But we are all getting along pretty well. Two weeks ago it ;oked like starvation was staring us in the face. The garden had dried up. th corn was perishing away; everything eave cot ton had withered, but the rains came in wK'h the Aos days, which this year began on the 20th. and tfce change is wonderful. It looks like a miracle of grace, verily, uod moves in a mys- terlons way and. as the pact saya. "Behind a frowning provides: He hides a nulling fe3." Our second crop of garden vege tables is better than the flrat. We did not count on any more beans or Kqua rihes or cucumbers and the tomatoes were nearly teid, but everyt'aing Is cn a boom. Our roes are more beau tiful than ever before and every morn ing I fill the rases with a fresfr supply. and my wife ssnikia her pweet rewards. Verity, we cannot foresee wthat a kind Providence has in store t-jc ua. Now. If the Philippine war will be honorably closed and our northern brerfrnen will apologize ard be reconciled to uf and our negroes will behave and vote the Democrattic ticket, we will all be happy ECU Arp, in Atlanta Gon;tiiutioa. Taty art flits t? tat CttfartOaa CsJ Tto corpora eoxaaftjaiaa aTrtsaa tt rilnae4 tax e a rottr stork a fx'towa: Th aVarttMr tUllway to rUl to aay lit ::Vo fee tl year ul M ot t rwiMc RailfMd cav aclt tt. for roiJac Cork coi th N,T-i OaniUr-s fUCnmt fastis feie-G,e,a r, iao(l ,,Jm j,. , 9 of tss firs Jr eatltm lit r far rolUsg ukx oa tb lUktaok aa Tr River tUUroai. Itmtl Trac t art tVptslt Coats :cy. f 1'UaMtt t par oi till. rtlcaUca aactMHy far roiling curk cis) r K'tft a1 V torn. RaSCgV Axt s4 9eoa and Roaauk fTtKoc of tb r -ti"5 Air Lias for : tS tt .-.- adtnc lat fr. Tt rtrpyr'iy roausWloa left tut Ahrtil.- tlrfur aoos and taru for frt is toaaotvu. Thty will W sxms siwrt mean week. Tiry wcM t AcbetUl aala Aogv; m. vi Jadg Rlmocroa t! ejr t anr B3nt of lt Csrt?Uit ( nl Rl roal's applW-vJoa for aa taJanVM against th rr-lurt'oo ft fre'c&t ri oa frrtiltarr. Hlc-no Jt IV. R. It. IlsfUe. Juc K. Rhv? Cbi!r M. !l jt- will ppr ross rl for the romroV- 'cj la thU cr-. Washlngtoa. D. C. 8pwlal-A4Tls received by Surgeon Gnral Wymaa. wp to o'clock Wednesday sight frua. Hampton, thow that to oely change la th yellow frtsr altaatloa U th ad d::B cf four uprtd taej t- thorn already in exUteace. Tlwn havba ent front tha naaap to tae boapStaL Thla iaformaUoo and the additional Matement that tVrt ba4 not broa a dvh lace 7 o'clock Tuejday ht, an I that evsirthlng wVi rr.Vrrar to ra dL-case Is more favorible. was r celved from Oovernor Woodfia. of th Soldiers' Heme. II lo telegraphed thst he U quite ur th pAt'.llrnc wiU be Ham;! out. From Dr. Whit. w2o haa gineral charge of affairs at H amr ton but who remains awsy from the lnti:utlc3. word cafe thtt th situation la unchanged. The facts, couplfj w'.'n th cansplet pretirs tiona ih( are being made to arrest th prcsresa of the disease and the hearty rooperaUon promised on every side by th localities o which perkons Who have b?n at the Home may go. coo tfaiuc to be a source of gratlncatlon to the offlc'-sls here who bop that th measures taken may be productive of great gool. Governor Woodfia haa prepared a H't or all members of the Home bo have been furloughed since July 22. the tune time giving their destination. This will! be telecranhed to Surgeon Gene.rjl Wynsxa, and will be spre ad brcu-lcast through the pi est. thu ecabllcg municialitlea where th Inmates may now be. to detain them for a reasonable length of time. Th governor Is also preparing a bltory of the Eo'.dirr from SatV.igo who Is r ported to have stopped bftre on ! way to San Francisco and from whom It haa been sufge?'.1 the infection may have been spred. Dr. Wyman ssj sent dispatcher to the health cocnmb-ronr of Baltimcre and the president of th board of heai-A of Rlchmcnl asking them what meosures are being taken regarding refugees from the bom at Hampton cr the a 1 Joining town of rhesus. The doctor tfitakt It U or the utmost importance that all such persons should be kept under close observation for ten days following tbcfr depsrturj parUcul&rly thors from both plsoes showing the aotirity of th officials Interested ani their sbltlty to cope with the situation. Tr ait fga Stat Th pro. pert fr a anol cp-s'.aj ft Trtatty lltgh Scboot r-a lb Had la. stant U tery picmUli.g. The boJl4iti. and ground hare rtat:y tea pat is proper condition, and th rfcja! ap pears to be oa tb road U escreea. Th faculty rcmiliU of lmrottrt9 J. '. Kelt man. J. J. Cahona and I. C. Jha. son. all gradcitrs of Trinity t'ollrg and reboot te4bers of eiprrunre. Ml Cmua White. ho b ba4 chara th irtniary dpartraeet fur eereil year, and who Is a tbroMigh Wa. hrr. aad Mls Kra llcttman. a daughter ' tb prlnclpi. and a i--.i.t eta'lecu of CrrenebcTo Fcaiaie t'otlcs fit.lTaaaccoaVtakal i'. 1 be cpealog tvbaro breik at WiUoa Wednrwday was er at)fai1nry to all coccerned. Atiot. a hundred and fifty thousand pounds were mid. It will ar. erage about eight cents It ia br!.eed. But for th rain there would hat bees a gool deal snore. Tanner ar et fied with the pri -. TubQ tntr y Wilton will eell faft-n mllliab i-jn-lr thla seams. trial by jury nor- o! being guilty of murder. Let governors nroclaEsn in their prefunctory fashion let preach ers axtd judges spC'ak ex-cstihedra from the pulpit and t3w beach, our people will lynch a brute aa soon as they can catch hicn, and it .is no sign of law lessness, either . You cannot And . ia any state a bettor dtfxeaaJaip than in Early counky, and. my letters from friends who Jive there defend them" LOVE OF FEBFTJHE8 People la Power Have Alra Ce4 Tbem Lavlahlf. The loo free nw of perfume alnnit the inrson has been avoided for many years, and held inadinissabl in good society, the merest hint of a faint odor leing all that was Kssibly allowed. Recently this edict of good taste has not been so strictly regarded, and such perfumes as violet and sandal-wood. both of them expensive ones when pure, together with heliotrope, are somewhat In favor again. It Is quit likely that the very general wearing of large blue violets has led the way to this. It Is not easy to eradicate tle love of perfumes anyway, for the nerves wade to appreciate tbem will always demand satisfaction; and since the race, civil ized or uncivilized, has existed, the love of perfumes has existed too. Even animals are sensitive to per fumes, and it used to be said that ono of the helps of the great horse-tamer Itarey was a bunch of violet. Emperors, and prlets. and eplc In power, have always leen lavlali In their use of perfumes. Saladln wash ed down the walls of the Mosque of Omar with rose water, to make the Mohammedan heaven more attractive. Some of the liouris were declared to hare bodies of pure musk. The Turk has always been more fond of musk than the Occidental is. At a later period than that of Rich ard's great foe one of the French monarchs Ixuis Qulnzc, we think used a different perfume for every day in the year, although some of the shades of variance must bare been in finitesimal. It was a poetical custom of the court at about that period for two lovers to uxe the tame perfume. Our grandmothers, and theirs before thm. sometimes scented their balr dresslnzs by means of an apple stuck full of cloves and spices, kept a lodg time in the pomade, - which was per haps as simple a method and provided as simple an aroma as could have been invented. iTbey loved, too, the odor of patchouli, with which everything com ing from India or China in those rich old days of the India trade was loaded somewhat too powerfully for modem tasfe; but perhaps they loved the scent more for Its asoclatlon with the won derful shawls and scarfs and stuff which it accompanied than for Itself. Harper a .Bazar. VTbat a at eaaorr. One rainy day in spring, says Stray Stories, an eld Yorkshire fisherman returned- to his satire Tillage after1 aa absence of fifteen years, and fearfully sought the -house which sheltered ha deserted wife. Entering without knock Ing. he seated himself near the open door, took a long and vigorous pull at bis dirty clap pipe, tad nodded Jerkily to "t'owd woman." "btornln', MarlaV be said, with affected unconcern. Sh looked up from the potatoes sh was peeling, and tried to otter the scathiag tirade she had fully rehearsed sines his departure: but it would not come. "Ben." she said. Instead, ones more re aumiag her work, "bring theafcn o'er to t' fire, an' AhU darn that hols i thy jersey. Ah meant. dola' V day tha went awV- but summat put me off!" D serthif Not fo!k- -Wai-htngton, D. C. Special. The steamer of the Norfolk at Washington Steamboat Company that reached here Wednesday mcmlng. brought an un usually large number of passenger. Many cf them are residents of Norfolk and vicinity, who are leaving for fear the fever will break out near their boroes and detain them witbla th quarantine lines. The same Is true of the Baltimore steamers from Norfolk. La isssrf ss a tm. A large fare cf handa are at wot k on the Scotland county cotton Mill. Tb building committer ar punning th work and It will not long before tb work will reach completion. Mr. ii. It. Spencer, of MrCoIL 8. has be lcUd superintendent of the mill as4 moved In tact week. Thert Is s raw ment on foot to light th town Kb electric lights as scon aa tha fartori starts up. Th movement la w1 oj ported and tb prospects arc that tb tows will soon b lighted by elertrlrtty. Heavy rxasrfs f Lsssbtr. New Orleans, Special. The exports j of lumber and products of wood from Southern porta during the fiscal year ending June 30th. is beyond anything in the history of the trade. The Lum ber Trade Journal, of this city, baa col lected and tabulated the statistics of lumber exports, showing an aggregate from Southern ports of 1J32.457I feet, against a total of 1.095.792.007 feet In 1898 and feet la 1897. The Maryland DexscrsX Baltimore, Md.. Special. The Demo cratic State convention, which was held at Ford's Opera House, ia this city, Wednesday, nominated th following ticket: For JJorernor. John Walter Smith, of Worcester county; for Attot Qey Geeeral. Isador Raynor. of Balti more; for Comptroller, Joshua W. Herring, of Carroll county. The con vention was unanimously harmonious. what teecber Will the Secssd Rarrlei Stawe Say A best Tb s? Macon. Ga.. Special. A special to tha Telegraph from Americus, says: "An a trod ous crime waa committed near America. . 'Tuesday. by Eugene Gibson a -negro, his victim being a 10- year old negro child, tb daughter of a farmer residing on the same plantation The father of th little g'.rl seat her to Gibson's bouse for a watermelon. Gib son took the girl to the melon patch and there assaulted her. The girl terribly mutilated. Streams cf blood marked her course from the melon patch to her bouse. Gibson Is biding la the woods near here. The Degress on the plantation are greatly excited and talk of meting vengeance upon the black rsvlsber If captured. Americas Abssrbs aUre Cesna sates Chicago. I1L. p;daL Representa tives 'of the American Tobacco Com pany nave purchased the plant and bnsinees of August Beck Jb Company, for $300,009. Only a few weeks ago tb American Tobacco Company purchased the plant of Cradle gtrotx. . Th American Company. It la said, hold a option on the plant cf SpalXiaui at Merrick, the largest of the three firms engaged In tne tnanufactar of smok ing tobacco la Chicago. Fig Stsrm ia Harass. Tallahassee. Flau, SpeclaL Severe I wtorms raged here all. day Tuesday jand far Into the night. The rainfall was immense rod the wind terrific Tele graph wires are down aouJCiward and railroad cerrice for the Oulf la supend- ed. Many Tnlltbtaarani are at coast resorts with which there Is bow i communication, unconfirmed rumors say that the etcamer Crescent City was lost between Apalachleohi and Cam belle, and that several peracos were drowned at &t. Marks. Much damage has been done to crops. ' Tar Btel Ktts. The Stae Baperiatrndent of Public Instruction Is lasulng a circular Is which be says th apnorticsmrnt of tha public ad! root fund U very Irapms trly made, as Is rJjowa by tV fart thst whils la the paut Irs yearn th evboot fund hat lncrra-l $700,000. th flgs of the terms has not Increased. Tuesday snorniag about S o'clock la front of Mrs. C.G. Soutberlaad a board ing bouse on WrigbUvllle Beach. W. N. Harris and W. G. Fanner captured a turtle that weighed iVt pounds. Mr. Shepard while on the plaaas, where b had been asleep, discovered the turti on tb peach, and be called tb .b to his assistance. They also found tea docen and two egg which the tartV had laid. A large collection of relics of tb war la Ctoba has been presented to tb Trinity OoUegs Historical Society by Sergeant J. T. Lewellln. of a -United States Volunteers. Ia thla rot lection there sre about CO apcln. Boost of which are now at Santiago d Cuba awaltlnc shipment. The wheat crop Is Randolph county this year appears ta be abo-jt tea per rent, short. CapUla B. J. Flsber. through bis at torney, CoL Jan. N. Staples, wlil briag suit against the Greensboro Water f . for $30,000. charging fa!' a re to bate a anfflcteat water pressare when his bo te, waa burned. Aa Interesting suit la XeDowell Ss psrior Court Is the. Mitchell county bond case, w nereis the county Is en desvotlag to avoid payment of $110 of Its boada. Judge Avery. E. J. Jsa tice. M. H. Jestiee and Jobs Perkins appear for tne county of Mitchell; fie, ator Lambert. Davidson & Jones sad J. M- Gndger. Sr.. for the boadbo'.dera. The trial. It waa thought, would Uka p all ibis week. AabeviU CJUseau Mr. Jobs Leslie la to be cashier of the new bank at Albemarle. George W. Bringle haa been appotaU ed postmaster at Craves. PmMnvWt HtS&tff sstssSsawf lxndca. By Cable. The Daily Mail publlabea the following dispatch front Simla: "A dlatlnguUbed native officer, a aubahdar. major and sura ha man, with the Swat Valley edema was shot dead by a Sepoy. The latter was Immediate ly shot by a ncac3JBlesloBed officer of the came reginienL The Maaosic picnic at Occoorerb waa a grand ao:ress. fuUy three thous and people were asvseat. Dinner la abundance waa served, the proceeds going to the orphan asylum. The oc eaaiosi was under the awtplees of Taale Lodge. Every detail was perfectly s4anned and carried out.- Apple brandy procntrti to La plenti ful In the Booth moco tains thla year. There U a large apple etc and aaaay brandy diatlTertee are t annha. 'Tb dUUllers sre buying apples at from S cents to 12 tenia per bushej. . 9 , t r t f - t i f 1 t

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