VOL. XVII. SftI BlflW 111 DREYFUS The Mction for an Adjournment Was Denied. SUFFERINGS ON DEVIL'S ISLAND Tears Shed in Court Fears of Ou'sL'e h tcrfir.'rce ii Behalf of Drey ."us M. I.e bon Would Repeal His Course. R tin" .-. My Cable. Immediately af ter th'- wi'n, f ! had entered the court room '-ln .day morning Maltro '. '--nn.-fl for Captain Dreyfu, i I tor an adjournment oa account of M. Iilcrl's ahfiu-'. Major Carrlere, the Knvrrn:ii"ii't conimi.-; ary, unex-pocf-ily ;iio-' ar. 1 opposed the appli cation l:i t rnc,.;t vfiir-mcnt manner. Major ''in U'vc diluted upon thr fact that !!i ri'-irt' world was anxiously awaiting a decision, and upon the ner .,.,. of ndin the suspense. The cjtirt retire I for L'O minutes, dtirinjj wlil'li time tli" audience ar.inia.tely '.j:;-. I the pvbible results. Color.cl Jouau :. on hU return, read a unanl niou. (!n' .; n of ;1ip court rejecting th tppli "ition on the ground that the p.iv : n Ivatu-rd wi ro insufficient. C'ai in Dreyfm II. toned to the nn nminmnrn' with characteristic eom piur'. This was confide red a severe Mow I-.' tli' Drcyfu.-ite.j and caused rnnsldi'iyMe depression nil day, but tiHiK'ht it l:-i understood that Matt re iirrunrr rejK-at the application f r an adjournment, in consequence of a li'nt that the government commls- try. Major Carrlere, has received instruction- not to oppose it. Tli" feature of the day's proceedings was the story of the sufferings of Dreyfus "n Devil's Island, his prison off the c.iast of French Guiana. Drey f '13 wtpt in court whon tJhe clerk read ft document recounting the details of liia Incarceration. The followin is the evidence In de tail: Ex-Minister cf Justice Guerin, the first witness, said he knew abso lutely nothing of the facta in the w, but could repeat the surrounding rlreinistnn.'ea, which he bad already cla:cd before the Court ol Cassation, If th? cmrt-nnrlial desired. Ci l. Jotiaust, having explained to the witness that the court-martial had no ( r,r.izince of previous proceedings, M. (Suerln proceeded to repeat his evi dence a-t given before the Court of Cm.-'aticn. lie said in brief, that after a cabinet meeting In October, the Pre mier, (leneral Mereler, and he met to discuss the disappearance of certain documents from the headquarters staff. General Mender was convinced then that I.rryfiH wa.i the culprit, basing his belief on the similarity cf Dreyfus handwriting to the bordereau and the fact that the different items of infor mation it contained came from de partments which Dreyfus had been successively employed in. lac decision cf the cabinet to prose cute Dreyfus was based solely on the horde rrau, no secret documents having made their appearance then. M. Gerin had not learned cf them till the Zola trial. M, Fifbcn, former Minister of the Colonies, wa.3 then summoned to tes tify regarding his treatment of tho prisoner.' He said that when the cabi net was ashed, to intervene in favor of revision he thought the executive ahmil-.l not interfere with the judiciary and his respect for the chose judge was :reni?ther.ed by his personal opinion of the culpability of the condemned "On my soul and conscience," declared M. I, ebon, dramatically, "I say I re Kard the measures on the Isle du MUhle as warranted, and if I had to repeat them would not hesitate." Ltad PoureJ Into His Ear. Atlanta. Ga., Special. A special in the ConUitirtlou says: Henry V. lb' Irs. a farmer who lives near Guest, Colquitt county, came to town Wednes day to consult Dr. Harris. He was in great agony with what. he thought was bus in his ear. Investigation by thrs doctor developed the cause of the trouble to be lead which had been melted and poured Into Mr. Heirs' car while he was asleep. Four Transports Sail for Manila. Washington, D. C, Special. Secre tary Root has been In consultation "ith the officer of the quartermaster's department with a view to expediting the movement to the Philippine rein forcements and as a result he this afternoon directed that four additional transports be chartered. They are the Pueblo, Belgian King, Columbia and Charle3 F. Nelson, These four sihlps have a capacity of 2,530 men. It is Secretary Root's desire that the entire hody of reinforcements for General Otis' army may raach the Philippines for service during the month of Octo ber, at the latest. North Carolina's f rst Cotton. Wadesboro, N. C, Special. One bale (1 cotton was sold on this market Mon day, being the first in the State. It was brought by W. L. Little, and sold to IT W. Little & Co. for seven cents. Mcrven, N. C, Sped!. The fir-t bale cf new cotton for this season was sold here Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock by C. D. Thomas, superinten dent cf T. V.Hardlson's plantation, ibd was bought by Hardison & Co. It gra ded strict middling and brought 6.50. The bale weighed 520 noundsv To Overthrow the Republic. Paris, By Cable. The office of the Ant! -Semite League, in which Mm. Guerin, president c! ths League, and Max Regis, Che noted Jew hater, ami x-mayor cf Algiers, sought refuge from arr? on Saturday, are tlll be elgel. 'Pliey were guarded through out tha tight by a force of police arm 1 with revolvers. M. Guerin, hla friends declared, would fire cn the troops if Attacked. After terry 'ng to fain the beselgerj over to their til'de, the belonged men threatened to pout boiling oil upon those outside. THE CAUCASIAN. ' PROGRESS OF THE TRIAL Proceeding 0f Thursday and Friday's Ses ion of Dreyfus Court-MartiaL Rennes. France. 1V Cable.-The trial of Captain Dreyfus drags wearily on with now and then a ssationai development to enliven the otherwise monotonous proceedings. Thursdays sitting of the court-martial witnessed about the u.-.ual attend ance. Maltro Ibori. leading counsel tor Dreyfus, who was shot on Monday 13 still suffering severely from his wound, with little prospect cf his being able to take charge of the case soon. Maltre Manard, DreyfuV counsel in his former trial, has been summoned to resume his duties in court. Manard I a poor substitute, seeming to know out mtle about the fiise. and to- iany unable to cope wilh iho u-i'v witnesses put upon ibe stand by the prosecution. A mass of miscellaneous evidence absolutely uninteresting to American readers. Is brought out at every session of the trial. All the testimony so far in. If viewed from an Impartial stand point, puts Captain Divyfus in the light of a very much persecuted man the victim of plots and counterplots, not intended primarily for his iniurv' but suffering severely, nevertheless, cn account of others' treachery. The real convenient scapegoat of Drcvfu. he. ciuse, first, ho is a Jew. and cecoi.dlv he was, until n ado famous bv his first trhil and banishment, coiniai itively an obscure man, and without wealthy and Influential friend:. During the progress of the- present trial, he has kept his composure re markably well under tho severest strains. The fact that bio enemies have hounded and persecuted him with such relentless fury, and the attempted as sassination of his lawyer, make it very evident to the simplest that Drey fus Is an Innocent man, and that the real criminals are to be found among those who most persistently proclaim bis guilt. An American court, backed by an American pcpu.ncc-, would make short work of the whole natter by restoring the accused to hi3 family and citizenship, and meting summary punishment on bis guilty persecutors, but what the outcome will be here, is difficult to forecast. Following is a brief summary of Friday's session. Rennes, France, By Cable. Friday's session or tne Drcylus court-martial was a good deal more favorable to the prisoner. Col. Ficquart continued his testimony in a straight-forward man ner, and added much to Dreyfus' chance3 of acquittal. Dreyfus display-, ed been interest in Piequait s anal ysis of the dozier. Colonel Ficquart explained how he hid acquired the convict ion that the bordereau was written by Esterhazy, and how he as certained that the anti-Dreyfus proofs were worthless. The military set hive received a ssvere blow by the development of Fri day's session, Captai.i Pieqaart being the leading witness on the stand, and Dreyfus' chances of justice stem much improved. riorida Town Asks for Aid. Carrabelle, Fla., Special. The citi zena cf this place have issued the fol lowing appeal: "To the Public: At a mass meeting of citizens the following i-pKolntirtn was adooted: On the 1st Inst, our town was visited by the se verest storm within its history. Every house in the town was wrecked, and most of them totally. The majority of the people are without houses, food and clothing, and we appeal for imme diate aid. All contributions to be sent to chairman of relief committee. "Agent State Board of Health." "T. S. ANDERSON, M. D., Mercier and Casimir Pcrier. Rennes, By Cable The siooiticg of Labor!, leading council for Oapt. Al frod Dreyfus, rebbed ithe morning ses sion of the Dreyfus court martial oi ita paramount interest. The murderer apparently chose Monday lor tne 'ai tampt. because ithat it was anticipated that M. Labor! would crush General Mercier, the former Minister of War, with his cTCiS8-questioning. A $J5,OO6,00O Cotton Mill tombine. Fall River. Mass., Special. The in dications in mill circles point to a n,moHnn of a cotton mill combine with its financial end in New York, which will absorb $35,000,000 worth of Fall River manuractunng property. Thrmieh that means all tne tan ttiver mills are to be brought under one gen- rnl nianaeeinent. This would effect a savine. It Is thought, of $1,000,000 a year. Conspiracy Discovered. Paris, By Cable. The Journal Des Dobats declares that the investigation of the cases of alleged conspiracy to change the form of government in France has resulted in the discovery of a concerted plan of action to be carried out 'by the various leagues. A 41 Per Cent. Dividend Declared. Yorkville, B. C, Special. The net earnings of the cotton mill at Clover, York county, for the year ending July 30, was $36,940, 41 per cent, on the capital stock of $89,000. The original capacity cf the mill will be trebled next October. This year's dividend completes the payment to stockholders of every cent investetd in the plant since the mills were established eight years ago. The Cotton Report. New Orleans, Special. Secretary Hester's statement of the world's visi ble supply cf cotton shows a decrease for the week just clcs;d of 70,845 bales, against a decrease of 11.1.926 last year and a decrease of J12.551 in IS95. The total vi.rl.ble i3 2.258.3.SI against 2,?29, 226 laat week and 1,753," til last year. Of tbia the total of Av.erican cotton is 2,044.281 cgainst 2,11 5,22' la:-t weelr, 1,557,561 last year. and cf all other kinds. Including Egypt, BiaLll, India, etc., 214,000 against 211,000 last week; 196,000 last year and C09,200 in 1893. STATE NEWS ITEMS. Cumberland County Prospering. The new CumbtrlaaJ mills, at Fay cUeville, are- receiving their mahin ery tlally. and experts in uch matters figure the Raleigh Post correspond ent that it h all of the very highest c'a.-s--no:.o superior, to be faur.d any- ;- In the 3ta. When complete 1 the factory will run about. 400 t-p:n-dles. wl;h warpers and winders, and wi'l be fitted up especially for coarse yam. from No. 8 to No. 12. It will 'ciu am-; about 2,(W0 p-unds of cotton r-r The superinte ndenc i- Mr. ii. If. C..toi. Fayetteville with Cumberland coun ty include! makes rr bad showing as a 1 1 nnufaeturinz cerJter. a there an no a. .i::ifr in n.K ration or n'.r.e cotton mills for yarns. building, heetine.- r: i oiorod g,xU; cr.e silk spinning mi'!, and one knitting mill. There are, besides, an Iron foundry, a tur p.?i:tine tool manufactory, a bucket and churn lac'Lory, an ice manufactory, i i.iuing mills and many other minor industries, with the just completed to bacco saleis warehouse. Assaulted by Colored Women. Mr. I). W. Snider, the sewing ma chine man, had a lively experience out i:car I.UGngston cc liege, with a col ore! woman, savs the Salisbury Sun. He lnd repaired a poiVica of a ma- nine and upon bc;aj advised that the owner was ready to pay for same drove out flnd adjusted the machine. This done, he expected his pay but the wo- fian offered him a dollar. This he re fuse ti to accept and started to take he part of the machine he had fixed way. whereupon the woman grabbed u ; a pistol and attempts;! to shoot him. .Another woman prevented this while inidf r made a break for the door. He din rot rea'h it, however, until he had been beaten and knocked about by a r umber of women who seemed to ap pear r.s though by magic. When he fcn.i'ly succeeded in reaching his bug- V.y he came to town to 'have a warrant wen. out, charging the woman with n assault. Flax Culture. A Church missionary laboring in the mountain section of Western N. Carolina has recently undertaken, in a moderate way, to revive among that people the growing and spinning of ilax. Considerable success is in sight for the work. The people seem to bs interested, and take interest "liken unto the days of auld" in the industry. lax is a profitable crop in that coun try, and the numerous unemployed wcm'?n welccme the suggestion to utilize th3 crop to their advantage. Recently we were shown some 'counterpanes" and "-portiers" made by women interested in the work, vividly recalling to memory the sub stantial work accomplished on the loom by our ancestors long previ6us to the ante-bellum uays. &OUinern Field. Suspected f Child AWder. Sheriff Kapp and Coroner Linville, of Forsyth, went to Bethania, and in vestigated the report that a white baby had been found almost devoured oy dogs and buzzards. Only the bones of the little one could be seen. Upon in vestigation it was learned that a girl named Florence Butner was the moth er of the child. She admitted her guilt to the sheriff and coroner, but claimed the child was born dead on Friday, Aug. 14th, and that she put it under bushes and covered it with leaves and dirt. The matter was re ported to Solicitor Griffith who will nrahablv have the eirl arrested and tried. FieVble Tombstone. Rev. R. A. Miller tells of a peculiar phenomenon at the New Hope grave yard. It is a flexible tombstone, the Gn.Rt.onia Gazette relates. Marking the grave of Holland Reid is a stone which has been sta.nel.ing many years. It is fast in the base and for two inches above the base is apparently like other tombstones. But the stone for the next six inches (above the first two) possesses remarkable flexibility. You can catch the tone by the top and bend can catch the stone by top and. bend and suddenly let go, it doesn't vibrate bu' assumes an upright position and stops. They Tear the Plague. The Spanish government urges all Spaniards now in Portugal to remain there with a view of preventing the propagation of the plague in Spain. Experiments made at the Pasteur Institute in Lisbon identify the Oporto eridemic microbes as those of the bu bonic plague. Guilford's New Gold Mine. Tbe Chifar Consolidated Gold Mine Camoanv. cf Gi'bonsville, has begun crushing ore. John Farlow, superin tendent of the mines, told a Greensboro Telegram reporter that the prospects for a great financial success in devel oping the mic.es were very bright and that the company was well pleased with the outlook. The ro.nes are half a mile scuta of tbe depot at Gibson- ville, and inside the incorporate limits of t.he town. Four shafts ranging m dcipth from 30 to 55 feet, have already teen sunk and the ore is solid all the way. The company ihas one of the best nZlis in (site Stete. State Printers Hoed. The Secretary of State requires the public printers to pay a fine of $50 for four days for forfeiture of contract to have all copies of public laws and jour nals printed and blned in ninety days after the adjournment of the Legisla ture. They were four days behind. This is the first instance where public print ers have been docked. Half the fines were paid $C6.67, and $133 1-3. 'aturday. Edwards Uzzeli & Co., & Broughton. Salisbury Savings Bank. Th? stockholders of the proposed new savings bank at Salisbury met Friday night and crganfzed by the election cf the foPcwing directors: D, R. Julian, D. A. Atwell, A. B. McCan less, P. H. Thompson, R. t. Wright, E, P. Wharton, M. S. Brown, W. H. Over man, John S. Hendarson. T"he direc tors then elected officers as follows: President. L. fl. Overman; vice-presi cVnt. A. H. Boyden; cashier, W. F. Snider: teller, C. K. MeNeely. Work on the building will soon begin and the bank will begin operations when It la completed. KALEIG1I, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1890. BIG SEIZURE AT STATESVILLE. ley Cos Entire niskey Ettb!isbet Taken in Charge by Off cers. The entire whcltale wQUkf-y and re tifying f-itiLlkhme ct of the Key & Co. Manufacturing and Distilling Com pany, of Stau.svi!. vj.s on Wednesday detain-cd by Special Deputy J. J. Brttt, who is understood to be acting under tbe orders of Special Agent I.. A. Thrasherd. of Grecn&boro, Saturday, on orders from Collector Hark ins. alxjut S.O00 galhm-3 of spirits in the wai :hou.-Je wre seized. The action of the officers was taken on account of alleged violation cf the internal reve nue laws. The case will likeJy be heard before tin. Commissioner Internal Rev enue at Washington. Agricultural Statistics. Mr. T. K. Brnner, the efficient Sec retary of the Agricultural Department, gives some interesting notes on the prosperity of the State. He says most excellnt business conditions prevail and that fair prices prevail for pro ducts and labor; that there is an in crease in the manufacturing Industries, as shown iu tiae many cotton, tobacco and furniture manufactories (espe cially cotton) that are finished and in course of building. Tne tcbax-o crcps are fine and the method cf curing the srnaJl leaves, making "twists," gives a good supply cf tf9 golden yellow crop that is so much Cn demand. He gives the prospective corn crop 38,000,000 to 40,000,000 bushels; wheat, not so good, the amounts 4,500,000 bu-hsls; oat, 8, 000.000 bu.-fuels; swc.t potatces, 6,000, 000 bushels. The tobacco crop this year will approximate 125,000,000 and cotton 350,000 bales. peat Experiment Already Tried. The papers, some in our own State, are remarking somewhat over tiie pro posed estab'uhment of a "negro town" in Alabama, wherein no cne will re side save negroes, who will, of course, hold all tCie offices, etc. North Caro lina has had such a town for years; Frin'cetcn, across the river from Tar- boro. It ds peopled by colored people entirely and had its own municipal government, and the last time we beard of the place it wa a peaceable, quietly governed community, never in terfering with white people, and white people never trespassing upon them. Speaking of this Alabama t.v Wilmington Messenger adds: "North Carolina lhas two exclusively white towns into- which colored people are not allowed to enter, and they are people by Northern whites." , A Bloody Fight. A bloody fight occurred near Hull's Cross Roads, Lincoln County, Thursday of last week between C. Z. Hoyle and John Ledford. The trouble grew out of a settlement between the two men Ledford being a tenant of Hoyle. Both U?d knives and both were badly cut. Mr. Hoyle ibad a narrow escape from death. The point of his antagonist's knife entered the shoulder near the neck, the gas'h extended down across the collar bone, making a desperate looking wound six or eigfat inches long and barely missing the jugular vein. Mr. Ledford received a slash across the cheeit, which laid the fiesCa open to the bone. Fortunately, neither was dan gerously wounded. Both men were drinking. A Close Call. Mr. Joe Gray, a young man who lives at Roberdel, had a hailrbreadth escape from a (horrible death at the depot Tu&sday evening. He was going to Lilesville and started to jump off the train as it was moving off, when his foot slipped and he fell under the plat form. He held on to the rod, however, as he was dragged about 40 feet, when the engineer, in response to a signal, stopped the train. It was stopped none too soon, for he was almost under the wheels when it came to a standstill. Judfe McRae F.lected Dean. The board of trustees Saturday elect ed Judge Jas. C. MacRae, dean of the Law School, and the election cf the second cue, as was proposied by the ex ecutive committee, was postponed for awhile, but left to the executive com mittee to elect. Col. T. M. Argo, of Raileigh, received five votes, and Mr. R. H. Battle, of Raleigh, and Mr. London, of Pittsboro, were voted for. The sum mer school of the University was in corporated into the University. Shot His Mother and Sister. Mr. James Tiner, a young man who lives with bis father on the road be tween Smithfield and Clayton, accident ally shot his mother and sister last week while shewing his new gun to a friend. His mother is in a critical con dition and it is not believed she can iive. It seems that Mr. Tiner cannot handle a gun with safety. A few years ago he was out hunting and finding some yoting buzzards punched cne of them with the stock c! his sun. Tv-- young bird struck tbe hammer of the gun witfj its wing and caused the load to be discharged undr Mr. "Knar's arm. He came near dying from the shot. MONEY TALKS. Save $3.00 ly Taking the Seaboard Ail Line to I h ladelphia and Return. A che?.p, fast' solid, ecnocii service to i-nJalel'pt.ra. and return via th? Seaboard Air Line. A half fare, ifor the rcond trip, oi Three Dollars less tlhan via any ciher route on eaAa. licke'ts f.i." this excursion may be purchased ct '.he Scccco! Air Line ticket offices on Seatediher Int. 2nd c n 1 -m . dra, am tney will be gjod to return until lnldnigL1: of September 13th. tfut .tickets may be extended to Sep- teiiiDer 30. h, upon depcclt of them with '.he J;i'at Agen; at Philxdeipaia. bee uae Quaker City and nearby resorti?, and the G. A. R. Reurion will be :n full swing. Sight-seers will not 'fal to take ad vantage cf taa surpassing service of the Soabeard Air Line, which has been nicknamed "Tha One of the People." Brazil is now tbe principal cofTee-i-Fau 6udng country of tha world. t. . ' "" ' P .Says it Cests Nothing and Pays Wei!. SOME GOOD ARGUMENTS To Show That it Pays to Be Polite at All Tim.-s. to All Persons and Coder All Circumstances. Pollteneijs costs nothing and pays well. Whether it U natural or artifi cial, It always makes an agreeable im pression. The oldtinie negroes are ytt the politest people- I know, but they have nearly all yossed away. There are two that we meet or pass almootev ery day, and they are favorites with my folks because they bow humbly and gle the sidewalk with alacrity. One of them goes bent with age and de formity. His body is nearly at a right angle to his legs. He is set Just right for digging a ditch or chopping wood and makes a fair living at it, for he is no beggar and says he loves to work when he is well. Sometimes I drop a dime in hi trembling hand, and he al ways says, "God blcss yon, massa; you is a gc-mmen, sir." His gratitude and his compliment always reward me. The other day I overtook him as he was struggling along and, as usual, be shuf fled to the edge of the sidewalk to let me pass. I didn't have a dime, but a half dollar came into my hand. Out of mischief I said: "Uncle Jordan, dldent you drop this money back there on the sidewalk?" "No, sir; no massa. I knows I dident, for bless God, I dident have no money like dat. I jes had two nickles, sir, and Ise got dem yet. I was jes gwine to Mr. Stanford's, sir, to buy some bread for Sunday." I reckon you must have dropped this money,' said I, but if you dident,you had better take it. You will want seme meat to go with the bread." His old gray htm' his bent form, his astonishment made a picture. I would give a dollar for it in photo. I looked back at him and Jie hadent moved. He hadent taken it all in and seemed afraid lest it was a trick to get him into trouble. That old negro carries me back to the days of my boy hood, when I went to school with his young master, Roddy Gresham, at the Manual Labor School in old Gwinnett. The Greshams were, good people, and eld Jordan was happy until freedom came. Nobody cares for him now, save charity the charity cf the old-time wnite folks. It has always eeemed strange to me that negroes were so in different to the poor and afflicted of their own race. They will bury them with great satisfaction and ceremoney. They will hire tha finest hearse and carriages and buy a coffin with silver handJes and have a dress parade and weep and wail at the grave, but that is all. The other negro whom we pass and repass is a curiosity in his way. He is love crazy as crazy and as devoted as Shakespeare's Orlando who wandered about carving the name of his love on the bark of the beech trees. This darky flame is a cook for one of our neigh bors, and she will not notice him. In fact, she hides from him. Day after day he walks past the .house to and fro all day long hoping to get a glimpse of her ebony face. The corner of my garden overlooks the backyard of this neighbor and there he comes and stands and poses in despondent atti tudes. It would be romantic and pa thetic if it were not so ricWeulous, for he gees dirty and ragged and is mortal ugly. But he is always humble and po lite and that will give favor and a friend even to a vagabond. These old time negroes wall soon be the missing link between the slave and bis master. Shuck foot-mats and horse collars and baskets and brooms have already gone. The new set have neither good man ners nor politeness. Education and the ballot have alienated them. Our chil dren" and the children of the old slaves have'no common bond to bind them, and the animosity between them deep ens and broadens as the years roll on I reckon it is time to separate, but how is it to be done and who Is to do it? Of course these good old negroes will not wish to go, and it would be cruel to force them. I remember when the Creeks and Cherokees were forced to go and how some or tne oia Indians were left behind. I remember old Sawny on Sawny mountain near Cumming. and how his old wife and four of his grand children were allowed to stay with him. When the old forks died these grand-children followed the tribe. But, of course, force is not to be used with the negroes, and it is certain that any considerable number will go. Bishop Turner says they will; Booker Wash dngtcn say3 they will not. One negro paper in Atlanta pr-;-fesse3 to be in fa vor of gcing. The ot'hsr is opposed to 4t. Their exedus is yet afar off, for Congress will not vote a dollar to it, hot If their ballet is eliminated maybe we can get along in peace. Suppose wc try it. White primaries should be the watchword in every town and county. and then we can elect legislators and municipal officers who are not afraid of the negro. As it i3 now, neither oui law-ncakcrs ncr our mayors or mar shals will do -their duty for fear of of fending the negro and losing hit vote Dirty, oderiferous negro men and boys wont give the sidewalk to white ladies on one of our business streets. Then is a regular den on another street thai leads to two churches and all the negrc vagrants of the town gather there anc as many as possible stick their feet oi their posteriors on the railing of the piazza and spit tobacco juice on th tiidlewalk to the disgust and annoyance of the ladies who have tp pass there TT2e ladies have complained Ut.c again, tilt this den can't be abolishei while the negro has a vote. WT,hen the trains arrive oar ladies can hardly ge! on or off for the negro brigade. Then 11 POLITENESS ts 6c am on oi. of eor buv'.b'- !rcct. They we adwty la fb way. 1 A the CoasUtutkm Mid mtly. muf t bar white primajte. not p&rtl-1 TB. but whto, to purr t to n of nero iodornce nJ nexro In-jlnc. They ruurt eliminated from the poll Juit as they have bi ta Atlanta. The dona must be broken up. ttM til walks kept clear for ladi and the pAwaya to and frcm th tn.!n uno'jtilrurvM. Hen. Franklin fid that Hitnra waa th? parent if vice and crime. The young buck who cocjrrerate at thia den are either liting off of torn hard working man or wm cook or washer woman, or they are stealing from Home body. Every vagrant should be arret ed and put to work or we will n hear of som outrage and have another lynching. These are perilous time. The old devil cecms to t unchained and is going to and fro upon the earth and walking up and down In It. The djilly paper are full of crime. White and black exn demoralized, and w aie getting hardened to the finful and bloody calendar that every dayjneets our eyes. When will thes Mop? I started to write a little essay on polite uess. The lack of 't among our young white men is painfully observant. Last week, when the day was hot and the dua't was deep, a young man with his best girl dashed by two of ua- lidW in a buggy and almost itlflcvl them with dust. They had to atop, for -ey could not see. He made no opolcgy nor said plca.se excuse me, and yet he was from a neighboring ctty and Polls means a city and politeness comes from Polls. Not long ago I was coming from Atlanta and a Marietta man who sat behind me elevated his dirty thocs to the top of the back of my seat and kept them there within six inches of my head while he gassed away to bis com panion until the cars reached his town. I looked daggers at him, but it did no good. I leaned as far away as I could. and felt like treating h'.m like I did a cowboy once in Texas. The cowboy stuck his big boots and spurs on the back of my teat and I deliberately got up and went over on the other side. I would have cn this tough, ill-man nered rough the saim way, but the seats were all full. Young wn can show their breeding anywhere in the cars or at church or at the postofLce while waiting for the mail to bo open ed. A true gentleman will fire and fall back and while waiting for his mail give somebdy else a chance to look into their box. but a selfish, ill-bred man won't. He will stand up close and cover half a dozen boxes and peep through the glass at the postmaster nntu k gets his own. Tha best mannered man at the postoffioe in our town is "the oldest. There are a few well-raised lads in our town whom it 13 always a pleasure to meet. They make a gentle bow and tip the hat and smile a pleas ant greeting. There was a rich old bachelor who died in Jefferson some years ago, and he left $10,000 to a poor young woman because, as he said in his will, "She always gave me a pleasant sniils When she met me." The Irish, as a race, are naturally polite. Pat," taid a good lady, "ycu passed me on the street yesterday and never even looked at me." "Ah, me, sweet lady, I was in a grat hurry and I knew that if I look ed at ye I couldn't pass you." My good father was aa old-tSme schoolmaster in the days wben manners and moral: were taught as well as books. The first day ci his employment down in Liberty- county he made the boys and girls a talk, and said the boys must make a re spectful tew and tihe girls a courtesy to him before they took their F?ati In the morning. All complied pleasantly except the biggest boy Jn Fchocl, who said he Ledogocd if he w&3 gwine to make a bow to anybody. Father gave him a talk next day, but it did no goad, and two other boys quit bowing. That evening at the clcie of school father told iiim to wait a few minutes. He re luctantly waited. After the other schol ars had all gone out father closed the door and told him he had either to bow or talie a whipping or quit the school. He studied awhile and said: "I'll be durncd if 1 11 do either." Then the row began, and it la-ted quite awbile. They were pretty equally matched. Thty fought all over the benches and under hem and turned over the water buck it and raised a mighty commotion, but the hickory was going all the tim? a' all tToe outside scholars were peeping through the cracks of the leg school house. After a long struggle the boy gave up and hellcred tils way home. That was the end oi ail rebellions in that school, and my father's reputation as a teacher "was established. "As polite as a Frenchman" hsa grown Into a proverb. The whole na tlon is polite, men, women and chil dren. It is chiefly artificial, for it Is taught in the schools; but it is pleas ing and seems to be Eins?re. In Mex ico the politeness of the higher classes is painful. When two prrsens meet at tie hotel door one will decline to go in first and tbe other will decline In like manner, and it makes a minute or mora for the question of precedence to be decided. In England the courtesies of social intercourse are never forgotten; n? not even in a quarrel. Two Enlis'a men had a bitter quarrel here In om town while I was present and each a t dressed the other as "my dear friend' and "pray excuse me" all the' time they were quarreling. But still that wai better than cur American style of "yoc are an Infernal liar" and "ycu axe an other" and then a blow or a thsolin err?e. Englishmen quarrel, bat the never fight Americans fight, but rare ly cuarrel. With them it is a word anc a blow, or what U wore?, a ball from pistcl drawn from the hip pocket. have no respect fcr a man who habit ually carries a piotol. He is a coward. Dill Arp in Atlanta Constitutiex It is a good thing to consuler tbe bumble penny. Oue cent ftn can be made to do much (rood. Vhe gov ernment should provide "'au"uce of small change. THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. 1c SMta. Fr Svllry joal cvTlr bt Va tab2Uhd at l'rxrkrkb'jrK. Va. At iUrk-o. Va.. Tboa MirUa anl hla thrre children were V.infl la hit bou. J. C. MrKtbUn La been arrtl at IVoo. Ta. charrnl U cMua.- frCtltc $5. 1 10 aa4 Ira) eational tca noten. Gor$ Stmotr. of Thir&u.!. Ky . Weat Pvtn; cradua'.e: hU brother, aul n unknown mm wr ktll la an ft p!a!on to Turcrl x . a th C.8 ilooari Southern, at Sta-r:. Ky. Th Florida Kt.a at.d I-e Com t. jut incorporated, cf Ja-k-nltl. u now in full awlc. Capital Hetk. Loom). t.f which X.00o pxiu up. It r. utio.fc all thf fisheries la Honda ax.d eat of iVnaacola. The dJspoit!ot of th !a f'lty. S. C. poytoffx- con rory t;II mlr cldd. dplte con:rar reports A nt factor In the cae la ar. advttx rrjrfrt of an lnirtur axiii.it re-e tab!l:tns the oCVe. The steamship Kni City, rrpoitl piilel frcm New Yrl' Tuead'xy after noon for Savannah, 'ia . ! Jo houra overdue. Inspector Gnra nrekenrtic haJ a brief interview with Perretiry Kcot upon the Pubjct of his bureau. By an explosion of I i Itch's saw mill, tear Norfolk. Va.. Ft May afterouon. Douarla Shrurer and Fred Smith wete killed. Gus Oabornc and Pi est on Wil liams were fevrrely iJujvd and fhrte othr men painfully bun Thre of tbe eight large boilers cirlode .1. Th mill was not running to-day and It Is sup pled that the nfi!ntfr let the- wkter get too low. Hon. Pope Brown, president of the GooTKia Agricultural Society buLein asked to call a convtution of melon growers and fruit uiei. t.f ;orU. Ala bama and Florida to itirc, either here or in Jacksonville, on SoptemVr lith. The convention will !1c"m th hip ping and Fale of fruit. The North. By the burning if the Tu-on Springs Hotel, near Itrd Bluff. Cat.. one llfA wa4 lost and IIOmm) worth of prrpcrty destroyed. Miss IW1 MrKcn zle. an employe, arounej many tcueu. and, tarried long in the bulldlnr and lost her life. The Clyde steamer Iroquois. Cipialn Kemble. which left New York on Tues day afternoon with jii first ciuln pas rengers, and should have antid at Charleston S. C. aLr.it I o'dmk n. m.. Thursday. s t II overdue. The hip and captain ai c both t-taunii and no anxiety la yet felt th Helen Ilebren. at Jerwy City. J., has sued her d'.vorred husband fr $Hm for aervWa a lnuek-eper fir five years after the divorce. Albert E. Davis, a former rl-rk In v.uPnurK Department of Cbve and. O., hat been arretted for etnbz- rling $1900 from the dpirtmni. There im a total discrepancy of $C60Q. John T. Itofcer. a civil war veteran. at Marion. In!., cor.fe.-vd that he kll ld a man named Humphrey! In Vir ginia In 1S64. and that an Innocent man was hanged for the crime. Anson Stokes I'helpt. tbe n.1311 n aire, had his leg amputated at Hovon. Mass., the result f injuries reef Ired in a runaway accident. trrctra. A dispatch from Manila reports that the German dispatch boat Alvall hat tailed to the Caroline Inlands. Dr. Lapponi. the Pope's pbyt!clan. who rcturnel from a holiday on Au bu-at 1, declares the ptntiff is in good health An earthquake shock caused a email panic at Corte. Island of Corsica, on Wednesday night. In a terrib'e storci In Horn' light ning fused a lever ia a street car :n to; noun's hands. The Assembly of VKtorlJ. at Mey- Lourne, plnTed the folany to Join theJ 4 -itic r njf. Emperor William, of Oeru'auy. will visit Queen Victoria at Windsor Cat tle, in November, remaining a meek. Viscount CastleTeagh. e dcrt eon of tho Marqu'; of Ixjndcnberry. while riding in London mot with aa acci dent which caused eoncus-ioa of the brain. His bettothal to Mist Edith Chapln ha l Just been announced. The itland of Montserrat. n. W. I. was completely devastated by a hurri cane. Monday, au tne rnnrrn. estates and villages were destroyed and nearly 100 persona were killed. In addition many were Injured and ren dered homelew and terrible distress exists among the sufferers. An explosion In th Sl-st colliery. In Glamorganshire. Wile, daring the night shift killed 25. The- other 2 men were rescued. At the close cf an exciting tmaion the Peruvian Congress forma Cy ap proved tbe recent presidential elections and proclaimed Eudardo Roman tt President and Eenores Air men ar -B reran 1 as First and Becend VI re-Presidents. General Juan Ieidro Jimlner. at-pir-u to the presidency of San Domingo, was arrested by tbe Lnlted States mu thorltlefl on board tbe steamer at Ha vana Friday as he waa leavlnc iaja-i-oa for Santiago de Cuba. He waa un armed and accompanied only by bit tecretary. He protested against lis arrest, but waa brought athore anl lodged at a good hot'. I. The French Government has laxuel a prohibitum of any farther fights be tween balls and wild beasts. In the past three weeks the Aus trian Government has sealed SOI luces of newspapers for protesting acalnet the Increase of taxes on sugar. Italy's request for a railway con res sion In China will probably be rtfated, as Humbert's Government has loet preetge since the Saa-Mun Incident. Misccllaaeoss. The report that W. K. VanderMli. Jr.. will join the Roman Catholic Church because of his wife's member ship. Is unfounded. Tbe salaries of ISO persons In the Bureau of Engraving and Printing have been increased, principally among tbe poorly paid. a It is believed the temporary roll of clerks in the office of the Treasury Au ditor, for the Nary Department will be made permanent. In view of the io creort of work. Military con tin genu are daily leav ing Cape Town end otter cit-ea for tbe Transvaal frontier, and recruiting ft actively proceeding. Ambassador White lias resumed control ot United States Kmbaasy at Berlin. NO. 3S. WEEKLY TRADE REVIEW. lataMsa as 1 1 lata t rnmtmtt aS. ta.tM rvs4. V-. fMiMl -ft G Ia A C S U rea If lUtltw Tr4 ot SU.r y vr Tae Cranstr bate jvm. d maay ttcbdn! ad m 11 ta Uu rJ r.sa f r rx,atU 1 ' . ar ship (win tie? cxz.zA rt ta Tr't -atk steal s, t tfcnj -M-vrtt itwl. b Ujis im im Ivawar la a!f a?rled .a a sioaa Je C-fsailc ip-..a ot -.d cemin.1. Na ra tfc : rkmrlBI tUWeea bar et t pe rrot urter t!in ti I the rnnoth thaa far. .-nl.jt. d. e . Tork Zi per em. f: ta Toiamt of Lua.nrae 1 ia . ti' t ..re of pC.roa Ham ail h.M far ihla aJvA& can ttioil ra-r i n ! prXlem whK-h 1't1 t..i..-e r atvadtint O..Ja a T eockd coojmyl.ii rwr. bu. I. would bwriXd'.rh to h,M r-.-ne lnt M.-ler frrew wt .i! not valr tn. Int; In trot th qtieatt fl ? :re t;l- le. wh et 1 1 f-ra. hi .11 -ii- j.nU htr b.j.'t.: fr tc iJrn'. o that nw ordiu he a nrr.w tntrket. V t ' tuon.ha bill' i aa .-. ji tl to C hirbcr than ra'.u made frr-rj them. O.hrr denx-tad. luK mterrj i.j votrt!a. are ntalnlv fr ax.4: . Itipe at;i !(!,! t,n'.y prr Ttwd ta cratraoa. WhJle iirlrva he rUeff ti ersa for Smtljtn i lr.Ti. t cea a for Chicago ! roke. aa 1 "I en- fcr rrey furje at iTl-ciii-f. r:: Lai a4tancid 11 per toa. w!.h wrrk,e -ered for ail thbi ;sr. anl '' t$.a or more la-fond what fan e del!eI u 11 nwxt eir. xhr fa'.ht diKta li r haire. ai'.bouth the ce-m-t&d at all 4na unHi jifrwn: a pvtty. i.;r is -ea1y ai li I : cent i for lake, with p-oSu- a f, July. tl.313 t.tr. d njei i- atnl .: Uant frrn. Tin ta U rr it 3(l , -t. anl 'ii w-akens on h .ii;nr of th- an;l:rr" rtrlke. Cotton roa a wetk :g u C V t La faJlen c l. Mr. Neil bivl&f e-a-Xlmxri the cnaiinx yleVl at ll.:.' ' to 12Xtfi.Wrfl Wm. or.cial aal 4ii-r e-n-niatea are all rutKb etMalUT. t-4t tS maa sbi Jadd rightly a -ar ax tai the 0 mr. f.iti UDWn here anl rvl bti le-ti vry larce. anl d of Hor.is re rbln. while rot'oa f il'. anl nx ca."e,i er muK mw - tTe. t.nt will le le lbn reyt re tma lo.lina'. Fr to,', " i' circular fr Aa guet 1 at: 11 holk Rti. althuh la nlim quutatiuna are snore of tea ma le Fil!a for ehree nIii n-iva lna 2. Hunda. axa'ait ll.VM.i lint ywar. 3ft.30.2 la Ilk?, an l 22.2C; (N In tine a me w-r4is t 1V2. Gnla l;ie advanced further. wpeciilly la ad rrxrf . cbttUr tv.A cr.1:n warp o.kV njer i. and tb falency U upaari !n arly ail r.r. !-. Wheat has altanrej about a -n dTirlnn tL we k. wl'h Atlantic ex ports enly 2.3C3,2'2 bj.b-l. fiour iz eluded, agtintt 3OJ2V0 law. )eir. a d Pacta i porta bu tiei. asi-a; 17S.I0O I lavt ye.sr. Wcera rcpi htv Uea nly 3.212.11? buh -. ailnt 3.S69.22 last yar. It is a j ii ttaa whLcir tb rmiller rne:p: are due? 'j- reent rhanxet la rrp r-p-1. gluing luf jera of grain a ! ter oKlook. Kawrtaof w heat ra lhe" wv-ka htr? I en from lrth v -t -.. flcrxr Include!. 9?3."4 buhI . atplnrt. 10.11 t.2:i bit ftels ltt (i'. and tb Weitra recelwta have ll.KI.C ibuahels. araint .di.1l last year, but tl 1 a'ao Icaifl-ant. th recejpu of 2.CC.C12 bui.eli f th k. agiia 3.SI1.U2 lant yeir. whl tho eiport bare been 4.021.032 Int I -K agalnat l.S7.3a2 Is year. Tit flrures clearly d tt'A lnde-n' a ma terial oVrrcaae la fwieira demanl la the whole, although fjr wb-si it 1 tonewbat ra xI1t thin erprire-l la July. Failures for the wees bive bm. la tbe far.- f iH li. ec n U U : yrnr. anl in Canada 2. aalcst 17 IiM year. Atk Ai4 far I'arta fuses. JCew Orlein. 9pcal. filth vp J. If. Bnk. of th- OitbolJc Chnrrfe p. Porto RVco. bx fc'uird aa appeal to i t. the I if Lops if the 1'nl.ed F'-aa. eil log oa them to arl tae perrp of the church a b- atom-artrlrke rlaol He r iy t tL Cavtho'lca there look to ti Cathllea la Amrka It aii Lhera. It aaked rhe. trh es to take wharer step rhit may be opp;rtuD to all t'.e sniffering. Tbe Drryfas Trial Sataroav. Rennet. France, By Cab. The ttage In he fJreyfut wurtmart'a! wa crxup'ed Stfurdjy aacaylr -T thn- enemies of Drerfas. Zty Cult ret, Gnril Db B'deffre aal C-ftr..S Gonz. who from C:tO vnt.l 11 a. sa. mainly devote;! tbcmaejves '.9 rei'ers' Idg whit they bad previou s siM ia evidence agaCnit the trtotee, "hi fal lowed tbm wih charar-.f.rti r-i:j ure; but when the moment ctu Vt him o rep?jr the prltonr cielltr rel oci of thttae brf nttee-aacea of tai nat'ca whidi lave bad a jwrt fa effect upon bit bearers. CaaUtbwlsMt Froat the freiiiiat aaf CabiacL WssbistrM. D. C BperiaL Anuaj tha cootrCratlorji rerei-rel at tbe War Departmcfct for the Porto Rico rtnm sufferers were froca Prasideat M-K'f-ley, 1250: Vica Pre-lkot llovm tr.. SccTrtary Rott. t20; WITjim Barbov. New York. $250; Aagtnt Bern; L. $500. A letter baa been received frau tha Merchants Auorlacka of Nv Tork. axyCns that tlo.WO hM b-en col lected for Pccco Rioo. Brief Mrstiaa. Capiala Diaer. cC the ateamthip f sex. at Baltimore, reports thru be left Btararnah Anew llch. and ran !xta tares d satinet burrlcanea. lit) trkd to make Hat'.craa. bat waa c-irried ta the eaetem cle of the Calf Screim. Teen Bailer won la tha mile profs slocal at Chirlea River Jfark. Bo-'xc. bowltic wocderfal rprintlnf ability juat at th: time when tfhe race Vooke 1 !:tl to him. J1mn-f.e Maria, of Chel sea, tcok th.5 amaCtaca booers, L-ac-tns oat Ptabody, of CThiaaco, by a few r