CAUCASIAN. r VOL. XVII. RALEIGII, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1899. NO. JO. o?'t Appears on the IS FAVORABLE. jifj'D k 1 w iu f' He i!a Ch;ned t!i: r. rni:r Trial a"d , ncr' Fa r. f. :rr Car .ftl.i: I: !o:' ".h'n "I -iv a I" '1! CS.' ' " " fit 'I ai Hi ps !.,'.'' ;n in ? i' t:; V. .1 t I ,:! 11 !. ii. 'I I . I'M-V. ... My Cable. The. Lil- tic." Monday for a :,or (t Dreyus. Five : hlr.i ;m flv;n aaki:. intf'te tins testimony i :: f liandTVrililig fx- ;.r hnd cone to -! e;.Mnly hts cplu I v. a; ;i r i i n t Dreyfus, ii favcr of hli'i. lie yfi.s was not the au r nu. His candid con- : a- i ' c I vol vi;h mur in fnu;!, which n !;!:, la spito or - p!fU t!i approval, ;'.y ii'Mcl: "I declare :I an I on-r'-ncp, that r !'r.l .Juiinust's ac Cnri'irrc'a request :.-iml.-..-:l.;n h la.-truc-: "1 rm Piity do Clam's i'liihtivo rime p'trely commissary. Mai- sri Laving no yi becuuso it nl iii t escap? cros i is the only thi;i i" i';' -"nt cirr.ini- t; 'IT IMV, By ;i : t: t!v A MIXED QUESTION. Greensboro Drorriitt at a Lost to know to What to Do. Tie druggists In Greensboro -flnrl themselves in a dilemma. They have w en unable to far tn r n , handle whiskey. Should a prescrip tion come In with the dispensary dol ed and a wan waa riving u ,-.i,i be had. The sheriff grants them, but under the advice ol the county attor ney he has refused to do bo, though tii .-ate Treasurer says he should do to, while the opinion of the attorney Sfeaora! U to the same effect. It is un derstood that the ground upon ahh the county attorney bases hi idea is that to do so Is to come in conflict with the dispensary act. The drug Slsta ay that they do not want to ell liquor except in compounding pre scriptions, but they can not do this ex eppt by buying from the dispensary. The Army Worm in Mecklenburg-. C. ( 1 Iniln 1. ii . . . Of the l1';triir.tinn U a-- . u, i,uu uiui. tue army worm nas accomplished on his farm to the v wie cny. ne sUtes that he had a beautiful field of millet which covered twenty acres. The worms cn ntiu irom one corner and uitir way in a V shape. At first he heped that the millet on th Mcs cf the field would be spared. Af- i'T me worms had compassed the field they returned to make good their work of destruction. Mr. Moore eayo the field has been completely destroyed rfnd bo ha3 given up any hope of saving any portion of the millet. Monday's News to'.d cf the costly work of destruction that the worm had done on the farm of Tied Oliver to the south of the city lr. o.ivcr spent for seed alone $S00. Had the worm not appeared he would v . . . . nave reiuert in hay alone $3,000. As it i?, the entire field has been destroyed and nothing will come of it. YELLOW FEVER M KEY WEST The Island Completely Cut Off From the World. TWO DEATHS REPORTED. STATE PS. M'lEftH ON FIRST BALLOT. U-:n. I V. tijV ;iM- I. '!: ,.l.,V V.I .ill !n; ii-;' " ? ;u'"i', f ;;. 5!.ni-:':' of W.-.r. T f'li. r,.' . .;! vv jnii,.,. -1 i!;i.;n 1 V ro't! !. epir. :.:;r rta i i :! c. Cole. Ti:e.v l.irg-'.-.t sin. e trial. Kvrry- i'li vivo to hr-ar the ':;'-.-:s de Krcyrln-t, !;. former Mi.i-i-n Affairs, an I form:r i r.roit politl ' o! French frncc a? well si? i'fa of a fear u v.?;.: it!on r-c::l,l in cf fi ormy, groat- as cal- Vii Pivyfu.-ard... : r t! K l' Ii.' follow-l it T.'Ith II- :i;.:nr:r of the Drey . "A. S.-hcu-er-Kestner, Pn -ident of the Senate. Fie G;nuine sol Senen ?Vfiit r-c Dr. Tortsr Vacation Cot Short-Oarcn. tine Estab ish'd. Jacksonville, Fla.. Special. Comam- nlcatlon with Key West by the of the world has been cut off by tta? orders of Dr. J. Y. Porter, executive otfir-pr of the Florida State board of health, on account of two deaths and several tares which have been diagnosed a. yellow fever. The order was issued Iat Thursday evening, by Dr. Porter, on tbe report of the existence of the dis ease in Key West, from Dr. Chas. 13. Sweeting, ogent of the board et Key Weft, and sanitary inspector of the port. Dr. Porter, who left Key West one week ago, on a brief vacation, vos reached ia Virginia and left immedi ately for Florida, wiring his orders to quarantine the island city. He will reach this city at noon tomonow ,mil will Immediately leave for the South, arriving at Key West oa Sunday after noon. Meantime no one will be allow ed to leave the inland until he ;-:all ar rive. The dead are Dennis Eagan, Jr., dep uty collector of customs at Key We?t, who was taken sick early in the week, and a boy named Cosgrove. Both were buried Friday morning. Five addition al cases have been diagnosed as yellow fever and seven sup-icious caca rre under surveillance. Those who have been declared to have the fev r were named by Dr. Sweetin, Friday after noon, as roilows: Uakley, atouin, Mor ris, Browder and Pate, all supposed to be white men. The suspicious cates are Taylor. Sturgts. Cockran, Rosn- T.ied to Stoct EersarJ. A upeeUl fro.n firtenTliie t.sjt: Fnlted States Disirict Attorney C. M. Bernard, of the Ilastern North Caro lina Diatric-t, has1een la GreenvHl? thi past two d3s. Friday everlog he was a: the depot expecting to take the 1 o'clock train fur Klnhtoa. Mr. I). S. ShepparJ was alio at ih? dsot. and Feeing Bernard he exclaimed: "You D d scoundrel: yci ruined my hom?" a: tae same in.-taut drawing a pi-stol and firing at Bernard. The ball mi it-1 and Bernard ran into the waiting room at the uepot, closing the door af-cr him. While Sheppard was trying to ,et in the door Bernard juaipel out the window, got in a buggy and lrove rapidly down tewn anJ swore out a peace warrant fcaeppard. r:e matter is being ranch di.scu.ed by -dozens cn the street here. The over whelming sentiment seems to be that the greatest misfortune about the shooting is that Mr. Shtnpari mis e J his mark. The Ohio Denocrats Nim- Ticket- Their BRYAN'S NOMINATION FAVORED , SHOT BY ACCIDENT. Yecf f L.'j Ii ItS ty Wei t : f ijfra. Caa'.taooa. Tna . i-p..-;!. AVfi Dejdar ulfht tlx Merlon rld.ri ttn eocd's.iicc a nueiibg la a bcu hour at Plte Bluff. Ptewart county. Tnsei m, htn the building n toi:f J ty a uob of ovr mn. and ro k were thrown tLrouch the ln!o sad The JULeao Meo ii tierjtho. Their ue Lwl-.attg almct eailrtly dea...lil- 0a Way From the Beffnnlnf. and Wcp j J. Those present Crd to (? ih:i Oat Eatilv. lTe- bulUt commecced to tr ke th bul'.ilcs thick end fit. MIm May llardta. a popi.'ar ycui-g woman of the p!ae, alkrd betmea the Klder Olon and ivttr. ith a view to ( Lectins the work of lu- rm b. While the trlj pafd down the rojd iUota were fired from ambush, and the woman waa hit by a ball and akncM !u- etantly killed. Her brother ocJ they would avenge th crime anl aMr ths excitement died out secured b'.oai hounda and placed them oa t'.;e 1 1 ail of tna assaastns. nuitoa ia&on, a rrcm Zanesville, O.. Speriil.-The D. no- cratic State convention closed Wednes day night after a da7 of dranm'-c ll'l. !1 . .... i""'. noi mere were a nilt u;z--n other Cir.dldatea for Goveruar. M-- L-ean men have claimed everyihirs with such toaaJer.ce that they unU r- luu 10 ue magnanimous in m'nor parts. althcgk they were at the saaic time careful that the star candidate was not eclipsed. They btatd early in the day that the first ballot would have inent youag farmer and uperlaitnd-rt ncr? Of the 'EecODd Choice" VOte far nf x Rnn.lav .ihnn' urnl. . r,.-'.! n II WOULD t 'IflOY llUlll. UTyU lterI.- Pill Arp cn the Frcpojitlen ta De p:rt the Negrott. IT IS ALL AN IDLE DREAM. caU ft !sti! ta Ctl Thta 01 ! the CMatrykt fruiBiari lirim Other fcaitcri. Bad Nfgro Pardcncd. Governor Russe:l has granted a par don to Henry Wise, a negro who n33 been confined in Craven county jail for several months past. Wise was con victed at the spring term cf ths crimi nal court for resisang and asaauitms an officer of the law with a d?adly weapon, f;nd was Fentcncerl according ly. There is considerable fe?l;u; against Governor Ru.-sell for his action in the matter, as Wise is a notoriously bad character and has been an un ending source of trouble to the officers for a gcod many years. forth Carolina Notes. A rahl was made by United States deputy marshals cn the Wake ccunt thai, Shamshield, Dr. McCailahan and Mr3. E. Sudlow, the latter a resident of P2l;I, h held in me I'.r-.i ID ltr,:i .1 1 HI l JlOilt mili;i.ry Treyfu Snftuf n :is f:.r hi pr c i. V l IT. i l';',ip:p, o 'C .1 f tlii' !:t i ; rnfavi... t'AY. TV Cable In r r,en.v. Wedne? rrfyMH day. oaly the v.-ltae;;. General able. The t?s- M. IM-,: 1 I'i'le !.;: ' 0' a l'k; er o: the !y. however, ta 1 nateri- hi. -s I urodr.e;ion 'hurlJe-, the Austrian i'' .o. a (h.imnion of rathe? cal.-.ilnted to truni and adversely to ' j i e:-ii)ec!aliy aa It I by G-.eiv"i Rcgff.s tact- ''aiii-'t Colonel s'h:i-?idert :;t iry ; i 1 i -! 0 s to French Ren;i: .-. 'ryfu, c r.n;,i the rr;- nliitf: have ii. TJI' I'runr Cable. The ! sit with clc3e I I nor oav f-.r 10 mtrn-130 nf 1:: ev; But l.ttle of ! ou!d bo obtained and . v' bear. 112 seemed to I'cV'Ic.pC 1. 1 !.ifAY. iy 1 .i.y.c v via ay wa3 a "TV iii...inTO 9 -. - r-. T'. i'ir !M;..o Germain, who ' to : .vc Ion tlrev'ii a.ronfld i'.'i r,i ir.o' iUTe.j. fo;m 1 hii Btati3- 1 1 by a reputable wkne3.. iluC Cf.w.:!'!! ir-.inilf if wna nrnvcA .......IV.-, b . . ' two c-nvktlon? for swlnd 1 1 rtl-M I! tn-11 r - 1 w 1 the 01 testimony v.- In?, t '"i.i'.n; 1m cf thfin l, ;ru fl-P (,f C:,., tnd ' ri.iii.'ir.. :;:j;r.j tf) show that!ars 1 nrn' t.iinui! f.f the 120-gun and n?ilro;inn:iuatie Irak? wrre almost hiii.-.. .. . Mi.f'. ; nr i.i-tmrr-:i I.T.ia'.l7 amnni i.ij. nr-""i- frc-i npcial position vn 'ill' s-l iff in l lumiI'ii" Tn'vm '! fr.t.iinte'l with them, ha. the remainder of the In? ia hh favor, several rry wfl jh:y, a la th Carvalho, General 'Tijor Hjrtmann, theli hr.e a few days ago and some illicit still3 wrre destroyed. The moonshiners settled among themselves that a cer tain gentleman and lady had informed on thrm. On Tuesday night they vis Red the house of the man and took his carriage, cut out the spokes, cut the tongue off and ripped up the seat? and curtains. At the home of the lady (a widow) they cut the throats of her hordes. Mr. T. K. Br uner, secretary to the ttate board of agriculture, ha3 been traveling thorugh the bright tobacec section selecting specimens and sccur Ing photographs for the Paris. exposi tion. He says the crop this year is ex ceeoangly tine ana the cures are very satisfactory Indeed. Colonel John C, Cunningham's crop is especially good this year. He has 3,000,000 hills of to bacco under cultivation, being th; largest tobacco farmer in the world Thirty-two meters are being used in the Narrows to gauge the river. Nc estimates have yet been prepared, bul the horse power has been shown to ap proximate 23,000 at low flow. A meet Inc cf the directors of the concern, the North Carolina Power Company, is tc be held at the river this week The fiDe peach crop in Catawba, ir this year-'s great scarcity of vegetables Is a blessine. They are of the best quality teen in many years. As the crop is a failure in all the coanties south, a good many crates are being shipped at good prices down the Nai'- row Gauge road. At North Wilkesboro a few days ago, Salomon Childi, a white man, roue his horse on the railroad trestle neai the town. The animal's feet went through and the rider was thrown about fifteen feet, tout strange to say, was not hurt. The horse's legs were badly skinnej. Dr. H. J. Thomas, ef Winston, ha; received a communication irem iue surgeon general of the United States army, tendering him the position ol I it.. TV'Iltwvntnv-i surgeon. lor service in me rjmyiMus. Waynesviile is moving to erect b furniture factory. The race prosiamme for the State Fair hai been is?ued. There are $2,000 in purser. State Labor Commis-icner Lacy will make letters from employees the lead ins feature of hi3 annual report foi 1833. and they will be grouped accord ing to the vaj-lous trades or avocations. Lettcra are now coming In very rapid ly. Of the report for 1898 about 6,000 copies were printed, but not over 1.00C were sent out. A Judgment for $300 against the clerk fcrtune's Finances.. In Raleigh the special prorec.l;ag against J. B. Fortune, clerk cf the Federal court, on an unpaid bill for $300 came up before Clerk of the Court Kusa baturday. u wa3 in evidence that Mr. Fortune's income had been some-wnat over per year siuce ni3 aoo-omtment and tnat his Uanli ac count is now less than the exemption allowed by the law. His account wore submitted and examined 'a the pro ceeding and the plaintiff droppal the case as there was nothing to tak? hold cf. McLean; that none cf the rescjves would be called out till the seccad bal lot, and that all the candidates w tild have their respective votes on the first ballot. In this olay McLean was nomi nated on the first ballet by a hill vote. and the figuring was fo close that the dramatic scene of changes cn iiie sec ond ballot with "second choice" re serves flocking to Mclean's s nn iard did not take o'ace. After the adoption of the niajotlty report on credentials, the McLean men felt that thy could make ar.y play on the ballotirg that they desired. The vote of SSD to 341, in .icfeatit-3 th-i mi nority report cn credenlinls was the hardest fight the McLean men had dur ing the day, a3 they were then'ioi-.t stating that he had killed tb girl, but that It was an accident and he wirbej to rid hinuelf cf remorse of conr.cnce. Shortly after the confession the blood hounds trailed to his home. Vinson turned, picked up a knlf nd tut h.s throat, almost at the aame In'tant sending a bullet through his brair.. Hi family and the officers' poise v.itstst i the suicide. Trouble for Ot:s at Hon. Chicago. 111.. Special. The Tl'nes- Herald says: Charges of perjury and subornation of rerjury have been f.I(d against General Llwell S. Otis, com mander cf the Anicrkraa army Iu the Philippines, with President McKin'.ty by Frank P. B'alr, one of the ccun.-el the 5C contested votes from Cuyahoja for Capt. Obelin M. Carter, late govern- Fatally injured by Train. Late Saturday afternoon Mrs. Re becca Jenkins, a white woman, aged thirty-five years, was run over by the shifting engine in the Southern yard at Winston. Eolh legs were horribly mangled, and the attending physician says she cannot live. Jacksonville. By Dr. Porter's ciders. State Sena tor V. Hunt Harris has been appointed to assist Dr. Sweeting in maintaining th strictest quarantine and from his energetic character it is certain tht the orders will be most strictly carried out. The officers at the State board of health office here were busy Friday en deavoring to discover by wire the num ber cf cases, the length of time that they have been observed and the scarce of the infection, but Dr. Sweeting has been unable to trace the disease. The board officials have established a launch quarantine patrol at Meanai, I Winston's Tobacco Sales. and have aopointed additional kispec- Winston eold 335,6544 pcund3 cf leaf tors to guard against possible mfec- j tobacco during August, making tha to- ticn from Key West. At Tampa, the tal f cr eleven months 17.803,767 quarantine station and patrol are :on- I pounds, a gain of 112,177 pounds over sidered to be sufficient protection,as nil the same time last yer. vessels coming in are compelled to stop at this station. These two points ure the only ones through which communi cation can be had with Key West, and they will be thoroughly guarded, so that the possibility of infection from the beleaguered city is thus reduced to the minimum. The news of the fever in Key West was received in this city with no alarm. There is no excitement nor will there be any, for previous ex perience has demonstrated the efficien cy of the board under Dr. Porter, when Kev West was formerly caught in the same trouble as now. The only com munication excepting by telegraph is over 150 miles cf water and the rigid quarantine that has already been tablished is sufficient protection. county, and on that vote they could not ! have made a motion. Judge Mcon:-y made such a good impression tha all wanted nim tor permanent chairman. and the amended re-port also ccatinu. d as secretary Hon. Tlicmas J. Ccgaa.'he friend of McLean, and shut off the anil- McLean man who had bacn named in the report for sergeant-at-arms. The convention much of the time was be yond the control of the sergeant-al arms and his assistants. The convention was prop-.rly repre sented in its platforiii and the keynote speech of Judge Moonty. The n:;me cf Bryan was cheered whenever it was mentioned. The conveuVicn showed de monstrations over ire-e silver, aati-iu''- parialism, anti-bossism and all the in dictments in the Bpecch of Judge Mocncy, and In the platform. ment engineer at Savannah. Counsel Blair declares that at cn early date he will also file charge s cf perjury and subornation cf perjury against Ueueral Advocate Col. H. B. Barr with Piesl- dest MKInlcy. Col. Barr appe ;rfd !n the famcus trial cf Carter for the gov ernment. General Otis was presd lent of the Carter court martial. North Carolina Notes. A man near Spring Hope killed eighteen highland moccasins while cut squirrel hunting. The younge?t ones being about nine inches long. Rev. Yv. T. Jones, who began hi3 ministry as pastor of the Wilson Bap tist Church, died in Staunton, Ya., on YTednesday. The funeral took place In Mcrehead City where he was once pastor. The Statesville Landmark says that after a furtaer consideration cf the mat'ter Col. J. F. Armfield has decided not to accept the appointment as major in the. Forty-sixth regiment. now enlisting for service in the Philip pines. Revocable License Granted. Wellington, D. C, Special. The War Department has inaugurated a new policy by granting a revocable li cense to Ramonde Valdez to construct a system of canals and electtic limiting and power works oa the Rio Plata, :it a point about 17 miles from San Jua-:, Porto Rica This is the first licence of the kind yet issued. Mr. Valdez is a native Porto Rican and the Yi'ar De partment was induced to grant ihe li cense because the construction of th plant means the expenditure amor. tae distressed inhabitants 01 Porto Rico of about 5200,000. Mero Regimert Not Wasted. Atlanta. Special Regarding the an nouncement that a negro regiment would be recruited at Fort McPhersan, The Journal rays: "When the announ cement was made ihat the regiment would be organized here, i3veral of!l cials at the barracks, realizing th-? danger of ma?? Ins? ngro eoldicrs li: the South. t:ok the initiative. Mayor Woodward was scon acquainted vith tho facts, and he wired Secretary Root not to send the negroes. A similar re quest W23 made cf Governor CanJler. end he readily agreed with the Mc- rhereon authorities that the nre?n" of negroes at thl time, und-r the prcs- erx existing anl disturbed condition;, might res-alt seriously. 6C0 "dinners Drcwnec. Yokahoma, Special. Six "Mill hr vo'iil l,a:-'. This wai the sum cf u" day's proper linz.s. wnich were not ffikr, !,v inv Inelde t. of unusual of thP United states Court, J. B. For -"- ur. ia? Kcse-t-L'rayere cp;soie, a "Mi'h Genml rtfTr.;-f nleirlv Eire Wmseif ;,v;jy t.rli.j? the cnly matter iica a:t-i, .pi :n.'.-iiri nt!nn. R.m'nnar. . - unrrf; tvnnee. r.v fab . L at on , . M 1.1" Cn!v Wi.-.t thr.t frnrf.r.fa the 'filing, f . !lrr--.'i '.ir,ij nftFP H'ltUf u'y s proceedings. 'I he tide l.M turned last, they sayi an,i Dreyf as cannot be '"nflpmned after the evidence giver aaUlnlav nnmlr,- T!,n r.lrlf4 rt the u'eVflunirl j -.-11 tT't-or . i'n wit: iiuij mi. since the opt ting of the trial ha3 n thrra rise or fall; recently they nave i,-f,n faning heavily, tho close of tllt! rar,n.ii;3 .tlon generally finding thrra in aiislovs conversation, accom- narde.,1 i,y noteworthy as a f:driy good day, but Saturday's tession, they claim, puts the verdict cf donbtnd the judge must acquit 'jyfus. the meeting of th Amrican bar as Wation at Buffalo, N. Y., Senator William I Jt: 1i v f Tfontnekv. de- oniir.ous shaking cf their Jr.-! I 11 r 1 j l,:t"winAir I h-raf " an . ..11,. TTwi vi. iiinri; fill ih n ill til J A. I IMi J liv WtJl the Udre.33 tf the day. Sir m- R. Kfn'nHv. n 1hM.--a of the IHeh Crjlm of j'T.'tlce of England, delivered a audiej ":,"n "Sat Punishment of vrime. tune, was secured by a creditor id Raleigh. The authorities at Washington have allowed North Carolina $12,337.03 for rhe exDcn Incurred in equipping vol unteers for the Ciban war The Southern has added a new daily freight train between Greensboro and North Wilkesboro North Carolina Schooner Wreckod. Twea. Del.. Special. The schooner Wni. T. Parker, with a cargo of lum ber, from Doggs Inlet, for New York, which branded last Sunday night 02 Round Shoal Point, off Cape Henlopen. was Fi'day pulled on Dy uie vievniu5 us Northara. The Parker afterwards -apsized and was breakwater. towed inside the hundred lives have been lost by the flooding cf a Conner mine at Kessni, island 01 Shikoku. Sounds Like Report from Otis. City of Mexico, Special. The news from the Yaoul countries show that the Indians have been again encoun tered by the Mexican troops under General Torres and twice defeated and disnersed. taken refuge in the mountains, where they are beicc mii-sued by the ' troops. The hostile F bands are regaining confidence. B. & C. Dining Cars. The names of a number of the dining cars on the Baltimore and Ohio Rail road are to be changed. Hitherto, with several exceptions, however, Ro man generals were complimented, bnt the management has decided to give some free advertising to the prominent hotels along the line. When all the changes are made the thirteen diners will be known as follows: Waldorf, Astoria, Savoy, Netherlands, Manhat tan, Imperial, Raleigh, Walton, Hol land, Carrollton, Brunswick, Massasoit and Brevoort. Brief Mention. M. Lissajoux, who supplied The Eclair with information from which the Cette Canaille de D article was concocted, was arrested in Paris. All the yellow fever patients at vte Soldier's Home at Hampton, Ya,, are now well, Surgeon Yickery reporting to Surgeon General Wyraan that the 'ast case had been discharged from the hos pital. The commission which has been en gaged in distributilng the 53.000,000 ap propriated foi: tho purpose cf paying off Cuban soldiers reports that 33,652 per sons have received their share of the gratuity, and that the totatl amount cf money distributed is 52,526.900. A special train bearing Cooper's Cir cus, was wrecked at Tclner's Station, Tenn., by the bursting of an air brake hose and 12 persons were injured and circus property and animals scattered in all directions. Inv'ted to Atlanta. Canton, O., Special. To the acccm paniment 01 entnusiastic encers irom the large crowd that throAged the sta tion and platforms, the special train bearing the President and Mis. McKin- ley steamed out cf Canton at 9 o'clock J Friday aight. The President from the rear platform bowed his acknowledge ments for the kindly demonstration. The train goes direct to Washington ver the Pennsylvania lines. Croat Meteor Bursts Over AtlantJ. Atlanta. G., Special. A brilliant me teor passed over this city at 8:25 Wed nesday night ia an aerial direction frcm north to south. The heavens were lighted by the glare of the atic lite and the electric lamps for four fc-c onds during its passage shone dimly At an angle of 45 degrees from Atlanta the body burst Into hundreds of frag ments and a minute Jater a loud re port was heard resembling a distant cannon shot. Messages from surround ing towns report the passage cf the meteor with attendant phenomena. Vasuci Ready to Gite Way. Santiago d Las Caballcros, Saa Po lEiiig. uy tiDC. uoratlo Veerjr. elected president by the chiefs cf th? revolution, informed the correspondent of the Associated Press that a presi dent had been ehcten because public order necessitated a superior chief, General Vasquez said that h? wa3 r'tcl to deliver the government to JIminez when the people required. The leaders of tho partisan revolutionary bands are everywhere in authority. P;es!d;nt Vasquez and the minister cf war. Ra n co Caceres. have left for San Domingo city with 500 horsemen. To Repua ite Eritish Sovereignty. "Oai war lata tbe Urtrh. $4 til'U&a. Ourr nxtr The urjrD qur.Uun t lot nr u.; lu li taiadt cf all tae pole of lie icuth aad I wilt oai uot u;.?tt.jl .'ubjt-t t to tnodra-.'y pat tonft hnCy In-d-jrac tae utterance of la Coat:tu-tk-a la'a paper. Their d poriaiiun dtfjai. aa utterly tst praetlcable nalatln cf th race prob- m. :xty year ajcj it a a great uLdrrtaking to restore M.000 laliaat fiura north Georgia to the ladlaa Trr4. tory with their reluctant rcDteat. Kea then 4hI Cf them die J oa the way. The Waibinntca Pot aaya ther a.-e not enough tranpor:a ta the wriM .aA m . . inai cau.a oe .11a or airrl to ioje th m all In twenty year, and It w.tuld co,t cot lesj thsa tir0 a head uLlfh woull nuk a tbojaaJ mil; Ion do' lars. Ti e ftvleral itovernmeat vvvi'd not ot? a dollar to becln the ."iie-i. meet. More thin all thia. the nrgro will not ga. He will nat eTen so -icr.b to live with his frnd.. hla d. lirrrer. A few hundred went to Kin -a. an ytars a?o. bjt they got tome . 1. a 1 came l-acJt. I compare.! 'ob: about it and he aaii: ' Well, inirr. ta my opinion we won't git rll cf oaie of em. We icon: git up an ci.-irhur train with a few carloads of v.jtfrniSI licns la front and toll Vat aloa ,i fur as Ohio and drap oaa. but I 1.1 JjYm aliout sit : In 'cm to Afrl-y. There u.-ej to be a coloaiziii rr- ciety that owneJ a goo-J nhip invel Elizabeth, and they carried a'.l the marumlttel flaves to I.lbeiia frc of charge. Old Major Water, a eitby gentleman of GwinnCt rjunty. ;" thlrty-feven cf his slaves thIr fr-.-c-dm. and by hla will mile ny his executor and dirrctej him r;-- vide gool clothing for thm and ta take them ta Savannah and se ihm p it on board the KMzaW'h and to py ovr to V.'illlam. his faithful br'y ,r- vent. $K-9 la Rold tcr mh nf he thlrty-Fetn f'ave.. Thl men-"? wii to set them up In Afrlci. So m fath er corresponded with the ork:y, ail IV gco l hh'.p was ent to Savaac ia on time and the nfroes w;e t ca board. They ept and -:d ha they told father goodby, for tVy ail hec- that he was thir old r . " fr'.fnd. About two yeir.s aft-r thit thre was a kno?K at lather coor ou winter night. Wfcfa It waa opnd there Ftood William and tlx other of the negroes tent away. He reported ell the others dead and that he an I thee elx had Fvrt-tel themselve In the hold of the.ves?! by nlfcht anl kept hidden until they had bn two days at sea. for it wj agalnot tae ni!es cf society to allow aay fr4 man to retr-n. They were brought U Philadelphia, ard there gat word to Howell Cobb and Alex. S'f pben.. ia Washington. 1h'e mea knew Wil liam and his mater and aent bin enoiuh money to pay their way home. -r-'.ai r J affair cer it 1 riafMal aTwst lh A.Stter - VI ! tor:ara Wi.' at I t ' . lit t& -iit alal ettaftllAtory aJ- at H txaera. mt lkt Urvttgtt ta total tV t !atv3rt car fcr fc"v tJ at H.t.Mi. 1,j enirtt : I oblltHva W-i? vii a t;aikr pit. J-fot :cag aj ! Ci" c riH"eit ftttt.t'4 a iaiUr ta a t oal dedal f;r ta at ? it ttitliaal troit pff utagta )' II had ttl to at ha otkrr aua ulJ tar t at tap; It. ael tb ts).ry a tai im a (KtrtLera ir to mt a llttej tc lb anlat '.a la I avl 1 5ttev W'bf IIoImob. of iii:m Sj o:r rt of loJt'liua! hrrr'.aa sr tta fcli. tt i-Vr b ?ip'T at reporttif rr )iloni of aim Jt 1:1 they r o( Vh'.ty. t1 thj ratc-t t a few klv Icto tbuvusli ael rt! pxit of blaa. Ti r;to )-nirr ilt arl th ht: oa ar :i ir I r ll ta our raea Sup;.- th U1 did kl hlra aa-t h aabmitlet t i I Thy ar th Vrt of h.-in.w t know of. II a aa'. ay 1j Jt and a lttr from Ml FtiSri ta ti lat Vll1onary g:a itri.t f r o a jhtb t tnad at Hob lu tb Yiis Maa'a Chrlatlaa Aor:atloa. tat t baulfally patriotic aal full of ftuf tlaa aptrit ! tnl"l otry ! M;'- MIm !lnllt k!J h ni :h dil nt ay. but h dr all ttt h g't - Bill Arp. la Atlanta C Italian STHANCF.TOWNSorTiicv.or,in Ob Oatll Ik J-. Aolr Th luarla Tl5y eI 1 i;-jVl. Vw Guinea. w:u'.J tak a I t losi ng cn th trcr of '.asulritf. II. th boue ai a'l ;ri-aT!-(l on i-t" lad atacd right mt In ti. "-n. -tr ronidtab1 dbtatc frota th t.. Th ohJt of thU iut-t iltl-a O protrt lb Lb c tirt til- ln attark of th d4a:d fc-l trnat- 1a. ho ar ala oa tb lookout fr ilctlma. Otbr '.;iata la tbia titr land ar -.rrLfd up la m'i it tsar- 1M lrt. for tb tai !gb'y rraoa. Another url(Mi !a- ! a Iowa without a nam a on f tb arm f Ijk Huron. IMi rtisiUU f m .l oodn hni. iMrlog tb rjnwf thef littl dllirg r hldda til ia a rariLx ca hr. and th lon otitaln) tiot iccl ir.h&ldtiat. :it ?n tb airi.a! t :atr. wha tb? ia froza or lih a tbUk tls.g of Ir. tb owi of tb tu'.a arrlr and pro-d Jo mot tllr hou out ai tb aurfar of th "aV. Th flr of the huts Is taVa op and a tiu " .fcrottgh th lr. Tf.rtugi tl. l tt th residents flb. rarr)lcg oa tb'r Pratlona tar.tll tb rrlrc ri" t lake from Its iry td. a;a 1hl k- treordlcary tewn la co t nor t.rok up. th .bai.M ro tack V tbHr - lag plar acid th!Aa ratr )vr tb country. Thl p'ar i tiomjita a .firing fartery at! a rbur n. not to mntlon aetral ptVion) all ca th i. Atho. a town situate d t A. a rromon- tory oa th corrt of Maedcla. !! jra th tltl of tb raot cur'.otn towa In tL uahta. Th pr.3au.a Ii Lnowa ai Th Mootstaln 'f th Monks" from th fact thst a w - to of mortal rlt are dftd at:t th rcugh hllUUror th ra!r la "- ttabllhracnta dwJl a ruaro.3 df tf aamlev. kind tad liopl '. ,0 randrrs. Lut full of t3prlton. They went Into service of their yoang I believing la th dtriii of ;.aratk.a London, by Cable The Johannesburg master. Tom Water not as lavr.. Munx pal Election Contest. Columbia, S. C, Special. On repre sentation of attorneys cf S. A. Townos, the defeated candidate for mayor in the Greenville election Tuesday, that Theie cky executive committee did not de clare the giving Mr. 48 hours to produce prccf. Mr. Wi:iia:.i3, on the face of the returns, lcceived ."3 more votes than Mr. Townes. Discussion Referred. Pretoria, By Cable. Tue Yolksraad I a Fight With Strikers. has deferred the discussion or tne cor- 1 wilkesbarre. Pa., Special John Pol- respondence between tne impenai ana d k n d William Transvaal governments until Monday, I , , ' kon a mAtinn rAe-nrrlin the. I inayer was senoubiy To Launch the Sbubrick. Preparations are being made for making the launching of the Shubrick a gala occasion. This event will take place early in October. The Shubrick is one of the several torpedo boal3 which tho Trigg shipyards are build ing for the government. Thi3 will not bs the first ship constructed at Rich mond, but it will be the first turned out by a regularly established yard. The Richmond, one cf the Old Dominion liners, was built there, and two or more Ironclads were launched there during the war. It is proposed to a-ik all of the factories and business firms t close on the day of the launching cf the Shubrick. correspondent 01 tiie Manuanl say.,. "It is generally un dsrr.ood that there Is the strongest inclination in the Yolksraad to repudiate British suzer ainty. A large section or the Boers is strongly opposed to a cessation of the franchise of a five-year residence, and the position is still very grave.' but as fre men. and were happy at escaping from Liberia. Hre l Unc' S?m. who work.s in my gardea and chops my wool and goes after lc oa Sunday. II has four grown up chil dren wha are arter married and they have a lot of children. Th old maa own the humb horn and is sot go ing to Africa cr anywhere els, and the children will no: leave him. There to a wonderful degrr. Th actual town, aa distir.t trata It monastic environs, la called Cary. ted atippli the lmp waats cf tb moaks. I!r ar to L fwid etrt- af bop. CTomdd Latam. flotirUbirg trad and all th Lu.t and rvrnt yf a modra towa. Hut co thlag wt" atrlkea th niltor aa atrtag. Tht H uot a fmale to t rn anybr-. for the gntW aa I rlrorcaly ta ifched from th tdar. Hien th rntaU Tha Return to Washington. Atlanta, Ga., Snecial. In view cf the r-cllnw fe-ver at 1Cfv Vct wIimj tli- teries B and N. of the First Artillery I WQjlil "eplns and walllag worec Turkish rartlsfa. from th c tnmaat ere located, and the probability that I than a funeral. But suppo they all ant omn to the .r!vates. oaslrU of they will be removed to Fcrt McFaer- I went. Who 5? going to pay them fcr Ibarh!. ti- I , r , v : ..:. , I . I rew ;n3r 'nn tn lt Tc DTO9 1M Thla itraord Jcary law It r?xr:d t dressed a communication to LleuUnae.t .,,., vn..n.i i . . . . Lyon, who is commanding the r-cpart- n hUv. c,1,,1'cn, of b do.t.c aa'rna.a. ment of the Gulf. General Frank being rtJr- whIrh Is real eaU:. They Only the wild birds vade It, and lira in Kpw York asktnsr tn nr.'or th own probably 200 homef In and arojad atilr rhn free, for bo female Urd . - - . - - . batteries here. Cartersville. and tire would he no I ever brought to tab!; the fowl oti of British, troops on the Transvaal bor der will be debated secretly, llerr Fischer was present at the secret ses sion of the Yolksraad, a circumstance that caused agreat deal of curiosity. Large crowds gathered around the building, anxious to learn the latest in telligence. A Farewell to Missionaries. New York, Special. There was special communion service in the chapel of the Church Mission House Friday for class of lo missionaries who are soon to start for. Japan and China. The services were conducted by Bishop John Scarborough, of New Jersey, assisted by Bishop George Woi t'hlngton, of Nebraska; Bishop Lelghtou Coleman, cf Delaware, and various other clergymen. The Rev. Beverly D. Tucker, of Norfolk, Va nreacbed the sermon. . Another Iron Furnac? Chattanooga, Tenn., Special-The of ficers of the Roanoke Iron Company, whf own the larre furnace at Rack- wood. Tenn., announces that oa Sep tember 15th they will begin the ertc- wounded and about eight men hurt in a fight be tween tne strikers at-the Stev?ns col liery. West Plttston, and a repair gang. The strikers have been la an ugly mood for several days, and Friday they stoned several men4 YTarrants .vers is sued for their arrests, but none were served. Explosion at Pittsburg. Pittsburg," Pa., Special. A boiler ex plosion at the Republic Iron Works on South 24th street, shortly before day- UlllUCl "... - . , -- tlon cf another large fifrnace at that light Friday killed five men and cer- place. The company will expend $200,- iously injured seven others. A fire 000 in improvemnts, which- will in- whicn broke out following the exj&o ind. the erection of this furnace. Fres- . - -r . . m . siiiii n t i 1 1 CU LrLJ luv UU1 a J . . auv tuna na Mer.t H S. ChamDeriam, oi me com-i ' , , ., , LVnv will arrive in New York on Sep- partly wrecked and the entire plant tember 12th to purchase modern ma chinery. was compelled to close down. -everything is aweeteaed by riaTc- ; One man and . four -children, three girls and one bey were drowned at Black Rock, near Bridgeport, Conn., Friday while sea bathing. Col Meal Arrested. Columbia, S. C, Special. Col. Wm. A. Neal, former superintendent cf the State penitentiary, who was faund by the legislative investigating commit tee something over $10,000 short la his accounts, has been arrested in Pickens and brought to Col-ambia by a magis trate's constable. He was arrested cn three -warrants .charging failure to turn over pnblk.funls tovhU succes" scr, with hreacM of trust with fraudu lent intent, and with embezzlement. Skipped With SUOO. Brunswick. Ca., Special. W. A Air heart, Southern Express agent at 3runswick, disappeared Sunday and SupsrintendentMarle O Brien came heie at ence to investigate.finding the short ape $1,200, as stated. In tha safe, Mr. O'Brien found a nota from Alrheart, in which he Eaid:"Tothe gentleman open ing this safe: This is my last chance. I could not stand the temptations of this town. 13 n Brunswick. . My only regret la on account of my friend, Mark J. O'Brien. "Yours fcr other parts. "W. A. AIRHEART." Troeps Sailing for Home. Manila, By Cable. Of the troop3 about to return to the Unite! States, the Kansas, men will leave cn board the transport Tartar, the Washington regiment cn board the Pennsylvania and the Nevada Cavalry on the Ohio. All three departures will occur .within the next week. Eight hundred mea of the Kansa3 regiment will return. and 200 will remain f"t Manila, 150 of them re-enli3ting. Three officers and SO men'cf the Kansas were killed and 19 men died from disease during the smallpox epidemic, while 122 members of the reziment were wounded. buyers. If they were all deported, who would take their places? Who would do our cooking and washing? Who would nurse cur bibles? Who wcmM make our Crcs when the cold winter mornings come? Who would pick oar cotton? But tae fact remains that there are too many of them, anl th-y multiply too fast, end thla generation are Indolent aai ne?d regulating by vigorous laws. There Ii a bisehill game going on right now while I writ. and at leas: 200 vagabond n'groei have passed my bouse going ro It. The ne gro vGicea are supporting them ia lilcne;. Jchn Anderson says he baa for dinner ia aur to t a corlrrt- For thl unparalleled state cf affaita there la only a legend to account. Al though to our practical minds fiim-y to a dgre. It ta Implicitly b'ved n tr the Inhabitant. It at pears that la of the chlf nooaajtria on tb j.ti--ontory there 1 a miraculous koti. which Is picture or linage tarred t member of the Itaaao-Crerk cbr K This particular picture la a representa tion f the Virgin and the lcgad that one day aa the Capresa Pa"cbe.-la. ho had liberally endowed the cfcurcj. aa well aa beautified and restored ;, was engaged la her d'votloc. the Vir gin tpoke. asking what b. a woiaaa. m-a doing la the church. The px.J Austrian Asks Sat'sfact'.ox Pari', By Cab'e. I-a Lantcriie says that Colonel Schneider, the Austrian military attache here, has telegraphed to the Austrian charge d'affaires to ask General Roget if the reference made to hinTby Roget in Ll3 reply ta Flcquart's testimoney in the Dreyfus court mar tial was intended 83 an insulL If it was then the charge d'affaires, on b half cf Schneider, was to demand an apology from General Rogct o. satis faction by arms. a nigger working very cook la a heard then sinking at the dea the Uiy BO douU a:3M4, d.d not rcp'y. other day. and the chorus of the rong I whereupon the voire commanded her to leave, aaylag that th feet cX woman should sever asaia tread the Boor. The empref s. probably aurprifd at the seeming Ingratitude cf th speech, as well as awe-track. Wt the place, which no female ha alace ea tercd. How the prohibltioa thus at bltrarily ubliahd came to compre hend the length aad breadth if tb promoatory la not very cdear. Aa residence for bashful lri!ora abould lmagl&e Atho would be hard to surpass. J;ffr:es and Sfcarl-ey to fight. New York. Special. Jim Jeffries, of California, and Tom Sharkey, of Dun Balk. Ireland, will fight for the hcavy--welght champicnthlp of the world at the Cony Island Sporting Cluo on Oc tober This was d abided ai a meeting of the managers of the pugil ists. Only two bids were received for the cots$. and the managers of the club hotis by the seaside having givea tho boiler inducements secured the bout. was: "No use In hard When his mammy la a white man's yard. Politicians and preachers keep things hot. My friend Ham. who has bcea ta a Chautauqua In Missouri says Le heard a lecture there from Bishop Fowter. on Abraham IJncoln. la which be took ccca-loa to lampooa asd tcirlfy uc ai is uvjjI up there, and aaoag other things recharged that olJ ile that Grverncr Prowi bni offered a reward of 15.000 t hive William LIcyd Carri?oa kidaaed aad brought to Georgia. The tlahc? ought to nake np a ntw stock. Those ell lie r v.cra out. lit knew It was lie when he repeated it. This Is Ms for which ther : wss no crcue aal no foundation, bat it is a g:oJ traveler aal prcachera can fcaJ a He a far as anybody. If the devil, who is th father of tie, ha. tny prefertnee fcr fcubj&cU. I thlaji he would chose a .ylrg. slanderous pre 2cher before anybody. Eat sa??cse that wasn't a lie; what geed can p?i- ftcaraic tt n: rii. Red-headed people, as is we'l t no-a, ire lees say,: to ballarsi thta o ti ers. A lK S ixtor cxplalrs th sauer thusJhe hair cf tb ri neadei Is relatJveljihick. oae red ha telag almost as tiilck at Are fiir r three brows halrf. Y!lh Zi.rS jI- r ha Irs the scalp li v!i tbatcKt J. uhu - aa with the mo tubr of Ulr Li n oae l comparatively i-a'd. i il1s 1W.WD fair and 19i.M1 brava LaJrs cover acjefiuittly aa twdirary LtiL ' I -1 I i ; . i - ., ' i ? 'If !! r4 ; ;; H i : . ' ! j ! i I - i

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