! THE CAUCASIAN. vol. XVII. 8 1. DREYFUS CONVICTED. Trarc Ending of a Farcct Stupendous THE FRENCH PEOPLE OUTRAGED t a ,Hit.7?! e Travesty on Justice The Wtid: Ci.'lcJ World Condemns the ViTJ't! V.ny b. R Icasrd Soo.i. i li trhil (A Captain Alfred Iri-ytn?. Hi" persecuted Jew, un i.mIi.h- tna:on, ended at Rennes, Saturday In a way that was t a nil unexpected. The military Minimi ft who bar lira -tood accused, from tli' flr.-t been deeply preju ili f.il :i',':ii:u-t lil in, and has not lost an cj'P'iriiH.ity f di-jilay that bitter prcj ,:,!;rf, n it"',m r t !y tijtintlng It In the (a;r of an (iHtrusrd public at all times. V tri.il liii-i lirf-n a farce from the liny inn in::. DrVyl'us has shown tho Iciiiru; i f n nan and a Boldlcr ihioi!L,!i:,ii! the t r-r rl b!c ordeal, and to ijiy stvuls immeasurably above the piiiini' - v. li" ac use hi in and the pcrju dl who ''ondernned hlra with oi 't u ' .iiti.la of evidence on which to wo m . r: i- 'miN At.FBED tHVfCS. km' a iiuivictlon. The first act in the great tire ma that may disintegrate and ties? i oy the republic has b?en played. TV ern.-TTpicrirrs will be revealed f " ly iu France's future. Tho following is an account In detail of thr conviction: tt.nr -s. Fran e. By Cable. The cx piTlrd h?. happened. Dreyfus has been ronili-iircl bet though a majority of thoFr in tli" court rccm fully expected the vrnlict. thpy were completely ttiiprfli'd when it wss given, and the si lence which prevailed In the room ai d the way mm turned pale and caught their It at ha was more impressive than any other manifestation could have hre a. As tho audience left tht court room fully 10 or 1." men were crying o;cnly, nil the majority of these' present ttalknl quietly down the stret for more tban a hlock withont speaking a word. It whs i!vp a funeral procession. Minnwhilo a tragedy was beins en lot in th.- little room off the court f"c:n. whore Dreyfus listened to the rMilir.R cf the verdict. He had been tcM tl'o result by his lawyers and hid Wrpt bitterly, but when In the presence cf tho officials of the court martial, he !iMi-nrl Impassively to the sentence. Hi wif who was waiting in torture and su-pcn:-e at her house, bore the utws rnvoly, and when visiting hir hiishanl ia th? evcilncr, showed the tn looUn; who wers In the streets no sign f liT sufferlnga ns she walked from ter carriage to tfc? prison. Mathlpu Dreyfus wa3 not present In rourt. hut visited his brother after tht vcMict had been rendered. He found him prrfectly.calm and without any niMiif.'statioii of mrprise at the finding ot th cn-.irt. The prisoner nimply fhruggpd his suf-uld-rs, uttorlng an expressive "hnli" adding as he embraced his bfothrr ns the latter was preparing to fcavr, "ronsnle my wife." The por.rral bfli?f is that Dreyfua I!l he pardoned; but this will not at sfy li i 3 friends, who vehemently dc rr that they will continue the batti Ur'il th? Judgment is reversed. Ths er;ut, they say, is directed more against the J-W3 than against Dreylus, aH'l if allowed to stand will make their Si8tenr e In France Impossible. Maitre kilori and Maitre Dcmange took the Midnight train for Taris. They drove the station In a closed carriage, cs cortpd by fcur mounted gendarmes. "he read was practically deserted "ti'l no demonstration occurred. Maitre tomans and Maitre Labor! will sign ai1 HPP'ieation for a revision of the rp. although there is no hope that the vertlicr will bf revised. Both are much "Cfft, though It cm hardly be said that arc surprised. Th? appearance on the streets when flrnr.es aweke Saturday morning left n doubts in the minds of any one that 'h final crisis of the great trial had b?r-n reached. Instead of scattered K.rturmes guarding the vicinity of thes Pf'Son and the Lycee, the whole town bristled with soldiers, all the streets near the ccurt were guarded at Inter- vals by double lines of Infantry, two 'ompanies of infantry sat on the t'V.irth steps adjoining the Lycee, with Ulf!r arms stacked in front of thein Wr"le in the court yard of the prison an1 at various other points, cavalry could be Been In readiness. Jt is reported here that as DreyZus has bppn condemned to ten years de t;Dtion, and 09 he has already suffered flv years solitary imprisonment, which etints as double the ordinary deten tion, he will be released at the end of fortnight. Meanwhile, unless the president of the republic pardons him, which majiy iuR certain as being the only aoln lon of the present situation. Dreyfua ' ijii iiTr li l!l have to be degraded here again SUFFERING OF INSANE. Board of Charities to Devise Means of Relief. II is learned that the Jails in tlie western part of the State hold many Insane people who are not able t admittance to the Western Hospital for the Insane, at Morganton, because that Institution Is already crowded to a dau. gerous extent. Dr. Murphy, the super intendent, in a letter to the members of the Board of Charities, says that so many patients are already being cared for that the danger of accident or of tuberculous infection, a constant men ace In such places, is very great. In order to devise means for meeting the situation and to provide if possible for this class of our unfortunate Dr. Charles Duffy, of Newbern. chairman, has called the Board of Charities to meet at Morganton on the ISth of this month. It Is the purpose of the board to make a full investigation of the facts, and to lay the results of the investiga tion before the public as it finds them. It is hoped by Dr. Murphy that tin board will find a way to give the care to the insane that is needed. Meet on 18th. The Executive Committee of the Hoard of Directors of the State Prison will meet in Raleigh on the 18th in stant, when certain matters of impor tance are to be considered. Mr. W. C. Newland, a member of the committee, could not be present at thi3 meeting and so nothing of importance was done. Among the things that the com mittee took up early in the spring, juot after the General Assembly adjourned, was an examination of the accounts tne Mate prison for the time that it was under Fusion control, and also - Investigation of the freezing of convicts on the farm under Summerell's control. Doth of these matters were looked lu- to by the committee, but their finding In neither case has been made public, except in a general way. Bg Suit to Be Heard. Uy far the greatest suit in which th State of North Carolina has ever figur ed will certainly be heard before Judge Simonton, of the United States Court, Aahevllle, next. week. It Involves $10, 000,000, being the additional assess ment of the Southern, Seaboard and Coast Dine railway systems which the Corporation Commission fixed, and which the railroads are fighting. It was reported that there would be postponement. It Is positively an nounced there will be none. It is learn ed there are nearly 5,000 affidavits in the case. The railways have taken them to prove that other property is not tax ed over 60 per cent, of it3 .true value, while the State's affidavits are to show that other property is taxed as fully as railways. Suit Against Bernard. Suit has been brought by S. B. Shep pard. of Greenville, against C. M. Ber nard, district attorney. The? summons was served on Bernard last Friday, cit ing him to appear at Pitt Superior Court on September ISth. Mr. Shep pard. it will be remembered, 13 the ma who shot at Bernard Saturday nigni September 2nd, charging him with hav inc ruined his (Sheppards) Home, in? exact nature of the suit brought by nun is not known here, the complaint not vet having been filed, but it is supposed it grows out of the facts leading up to their recent trouble. Truckers to Orfanize. Mr. J. Bryan Grimes, member of the State Board of Agriculture and Fresi dent cf the Washington Farmers' and Truckers' Association, writes to com mlssloner Fatterson to suggest that a general meeting of the fruit anrt true gl owers of the State be held in Raleig fair week to organize a pat mnont Association. He has i!nforma tirn he sava. that the largest associa ir.n nf such interests, the Eastern Car niinn Fruit Growers' Association c.V.nu.a sizns of disintegration ana is o hc nntnion that a larger organization and more cordial co-operauuu is . - . .. . sary. North Carolina Notes. received at Raleigh from Chapel Hill that Miss Davidson, who live in or near Chapel Hill, had com mitted puiclde. She i3 a young woman who had been working at Durham an', had recently returned nome. uunuK the absence of her mother she took four ounces of laudanum, from the ef fect cf which she died. It is said that disappointment in love was the cause of the taking of her young life. The Weekly tells cf a new swindle a store there was counting his cash a. store there was counting hisc ash when he found two raised bills. A ten dollar bill and a one-dollar bill had been cut in two and two ten-dollar bills made of them by pasting one end of the dollar bill onto the end of the ten dollar bill. Samuel Cook secretary and treasurer of the new cotton mill now being built at Avalon. Rockingham county, was killed last week by Jumping from a r.issenger train near Avalon. The train was moving faster than he supposed and he fell, striking his head against a wheel. Senator Pritchard is going to OJ110 to take part in the campaign. Ri Fire at Hot Sprints. Saturday evening at 6:30 o'clock the boiler room of the Hot Springs Bartyes Company's works was discovered to be tm in a few minutes the entire plant was in a sheet of flames. Within 1 tv. wnrkn were a mass ox ti, ina as far as can be ascer tained U about sixty-two thousand dol- lars, with only nominal K,f Wrtodv. chief engineer, and su perintendent W. P. Perry came near losing their lives in an effort to keap the boilers irom expiuum. Volunteers Landed. cn Francisco, Cal., Special. Tha United States transport Sheridan was aa Sunday, and the Thirteenth Minnesota and the South DakoUi ...inniisri were landed. The soldiers TVHU1'"' were given a fine reception. Tne street along the march to the Presidio were thronged with people who deckeo the soldiers with flowers. The moa will go into camip at the Preaido, and i mustered out iii a few weeki. The general health of the trcops Will ia j g00(i y.i Sword Voted by Congress to Be Presented. GRAND GALA OCCASIONt A Tremendous Concourse of Peni T. pscted-The President and Cabinet to Participate in the Ceremonies- The central idea underlying the grand welcome t be Dewey in Washington the first week in October is It nan His arrival at the capital will mark his real home-coming to the American people,. where the officials of the gov ernment will participate, and the mag nificently jeweled sword voted by Congress will be presented. To that end all the arrangements will be of a simple but most dienlftod character. The welcome to the hero of Manila at the National Capital will probably oc cur on Monday, October 2, although the date will depend upon the length of the celebration in New York, which i3 still unsettled. The principal 8WORD VOTED BY CONGRESS TO DEWEY. features of the reception in Washing ton, as planned by the citizens, with the co-operation cf the President and Cabinet, will be two in number the presentation of the sword voted by Congress and a night parade. A pub lic reception at the White House will be followed by dinner to the Admiral by President McKinley. The sword will be presented by Secretary Long, at the east front of the capitol, in the presence of Mr. McKinley and all the members cf the cabinet, late in the afternoon, while the parade, consist ing of organizations of all kinds, will be accompanied "by an illumination of the city on a scale of beauty never be fore witnessed in Washington. The different features of the pre parations are in the hands of a cen tral body of citizens and eleven com mittees, embracing in all ever a thou sand people. Preparations for the celebration have been in hand for over a month. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and other Tailroads entering Washing ton have agreed upon cheap rates for the celebration, and the committee ex pects that there will be an outpouring of patriotic citizens almost equal to the inauguration of a President. B. & O.'s New Locomotives. The Baltimore and Ohio railroad has ordered thirty "three cylinder compound consolidation" freight lo comotives from the Baldwin Locomo tive Works, for December and Jan uary delivery. These machines, when completed, will represent, the highest class of heavy freight power, both In pulling capacity and economy in opera tion ever 'built in this country. The cylinders aTe to be 15 inches and 25 inches in diameter, with 30 inch stroke. The total weight of engine, exclusive of tender, is to be 176,000 pounds. The drivers are 54 inches in diameter with a driving wheel base of 15 feet 4 inches, and total wheel base of 23 feet 8 inches. The tenders will have 5,000 gallon water cajpacity, 8 tons coal capacity and weigh 95,000 pounds. The boilers are to he of the extended wagohtop type, 64 inches in diameter at front end. The firebox is to be 41 inches wide and 118 Inches long. WThen these locomotives are ecmpileted the Baltimore and Ohio railroad will have 137 freight engines, each exceeding in weight 175,000 pounds. Sampson Comes Ashore Oct. 3. Washington, D. C, Special. The present understanding at the Navy De partment is that Admiral Sampson will relinquish His command of the North Atlantic squadron, on October 3rd., immediately following the conclusion of the reception of Admilral Dewey. The vacancy in the Boston navy yard caused 'by the death cf Admiral Pick ing, will offer one opportunity for suitable shore command for he ad miral, if he desires it, after ?a shall have taken a sihort rest. Bryan in Nevada. Carson, Nev., Special. Friday was a general holiday throughout western Nevada, ail business being suspended in honor- of the visit of Hou. W. J. Bryan. All the mines ware closed down for tlhe day' and Virginia City sent 1,000 underground workers to the mass-meeting held here in Capital Square. Mr. Bryan was brought over from Lake Taheo in a coach drawn oy six horses and escorted by the leading A Democrats and sllverites of Nevada. ADMIRAL DEWEY'S 1 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, BAD DAY FOR WRECKS. Wednesday Almost a Record Breaker hi Poiat of Railway IHsistcrs. IloAnoke, Va.. Special. Oae t4 tha nost teTkm accidenti in the history of the Norfolk and Western occurre-i hWednesday mornS. near Narrows, a lancm 00 the Kadfonl division Two Loaches of an east bound train Jumped the track and rollid down .-. 30-foot embankment. Two persons vers kill ed ac-d 23 more or less injured The dead are: A. B. Luck, contractor, of Roanoke; an infant, name unknown, from F.lihefield. W. Va. All the injured will recover Their wounds fire mostly cut and bru!3e. They .Tre unable to be moved and tame continued on their journey. A paity of eight was brought to Roanoke aa-J received medical attention. It ia said the spreading of a rail caused the ac cident. A wrecking train with physi cians from Roanoke was Eent to the scene of the wreck at once. Traffic was delayed emly a few hours oh account of the wreck. Connellf-ville, Pa., Special. Proba bly 50 persons were injured in a rear end collision on the Baltimore and Ohio Wednesday night at Connells. ville station. The presence of mind of Engineer Haggairty saved the lives of many Many ci the Injured continued on their Journey amd their naimes could not be learned. Frst section of train No. 5, and a special of eight Wagner cars, ran into the rear tmd of tha Cumberland accommodation. Both trains were west bound. Engineer Murray, of the emigrant train lost control of his eng'ine, the air brak-3 re fused to work, and crushed into tho rear end of the accommodation, which was standing in frnot of the station and was crowded with passengers. Engineer Haggarty, who was oiling his engine, threw the throttle wide op en seeing the runaway train coming. The accommodation train lurched for ward, but not quick enough to escape a collision. The crash was terrific. Two coaches of the accommodation were wrecked, the rear emd of the last one being crushed as though it had been an egg shell. None of the pas sengers on the through train were se verely injured. Meadville, Pa., Special. An open awitch caused a wreck on the Erie railroad at Miller's station a short dis- tnace ahove this city Wednesday, in which three Meadville men were killed A tramp was also killed and another Injured . A west bound freight train had taken the siding to allow No. 5, ihe vestibuled limited New York-Chi' cago express to pass The switch was left open and the passenger train ran into the rear end of the freight at the rate of 60 mile3 an hour, ploughing through freight cars. Williamson, W. Va., Special. Seven persons were killed by a freight train wreck Wednesday, in Dingess tunnel, on the Norfolk and Western roailroad. The dead are: Frank Archer, brake- man; Charles Booth, "brakeman; names unknown. Dewey Thinks We Will Wh'p Them. Gibralta, by Cable. Admiral Dewey has expressed a favorable opinion as to the outcome of the war in the Philippine Islands, saying that he hoped the next dry season would see the insurrection quelled. The admiral said that he did not expect to go on sea voyages again except in the event of war, and that he will probably retire under the regulations. The Southern Buys Another Road. Knoxville, Tenn., Special. Advices re ceived here from New York state that the Southern Railway has bought the Knoxville and Bristol railroad. Twenty-Two Convicted. Darien, Ga., Special. The riot trials were concluded Tuesday, with the con viction of four and the acquittal of four of the accused. The convictions aggregated 22, and the acquittals about half as many. Sentence was passed jn those convicted. Six received the max imum penalty of $1,000, or one year on the chain-gang, and 16 were fined $250 or 12 months in the chain-gang. Brief Mention. The United Starch Company, a con solidation of the Oswego Starch Fac tory, the American Glucose Company, of Buffalo, the Argo Manufacturing Company, of Nebraska City, Neb., and the Sioux City (Iowa) Starch Works, has been organized. The navy department has not . the slightest apprehension as to the safety of the trainlrg ship Moncngehela which is said to be overdue at Annapolis. Sto ries of pro&able disaster to the vessel have 1 joded the navy department with telegrams from anxious v parents and friends of the'-cadets aboard, but an swers are returned in each case that tne department entertains- ed appre hension on ber accoumL Big Trading Company Org anized. .Norfolk, Va., (Special.) The Eastern & Southern Trading Company was chartered here Wednesday, with a mini mum capital of $500; 000 and a maxi mum of $1; 000; 000 to carry on a gene ral importing and exporting trade be tween the United States and foreign countries. Hlppolyte L. Hardie cf New York is president; Cha3. S. Knight and Chas. R. Hebard both of New Yark. secretary and treasurer ia the order named. . . ' Meeting of Seaboard i eopie. Raleigh, N. C, (Special.-) A gen eral meeting of the stockholders of the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Company- was held here Wednesday afterncoa in the office of the company. It was decided to accept the amendments to the charter granted by the last Legis lature authorizing consolidation of the various branches of the Seaboard Air Lane in this' State. The consolidation of these, roads is preliminary to the formation ' of . the Seaboard Railway I Company which will include the Sea board Air Line system; the Georgia & Alabama Railroad Company and tha Florida Central & Peninsular Railroad, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1890. THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. The Soata. Three miners were killed in an ex plosion in HliVand Mines, la Wit Virginia Saturday. J. F. Burley, a cabin pistenger oa the Lampassas from Key West to Nt York, haa ben removed to Swlnbura Island Hospital for observation, it be ing feared that he haa yellow fever. The fever haa been declared epidemic at Key West. The type of the dlmre seems to be very mild. Owing to strict quarantine very little fear la Tell at Jackson ville and other Southern post. Colonel Davidson. ex-Congressman from the Eleventh Kentucky district. U in a critical condition from paraly.-is. Mayor R. E. Boyle, of Atlanta. Tex., ia in Jail charged with murder, for shotting his brother-in-law, Albert Culberson, on the street. Three hundred miners cf the Soddy Coal Company, at Soddy, Ter.n., who demanded 10 per cent, increase in wages, have compromised on a five per cent, advance. For the third time within a Tew months the toll gate cn the Eminence and Clear Creek pike, in Shelby Coun ty, Kr., was Saturday night destroyed by dynamite. Former Senator J. C. S. Blaci-burn has broken down, and will have to go home to Vermont and rst. He has oaten scarcely anything for a week and hia condition I3 serious. He Is not able to help in Goebel's campaign. E. D. Free, who was appointed Treas urer of Barnwell county. South Caroli na, on the death of his father, the former Treasurer, reports to the Gov ernor that he finds a shortage in his father's accounts of $8,700. The short age, he says, was over $16,000, but there were funds to his father's credit to reduce it. The son tells the Gover nor that his father left him property enough to wipe out the shortage and this will be done. At Dallas, Texas, arrangements are rapidly being completed for a Demo cratic national carnival which will take place October 2 and 3. concludin on the night of the 3d with a "dollar dinner," covers for from 1,500 to 2,0'K) being arranged for. The "dollar dia ner" will take place at the new Audi torium, at the State Fair Grounds William J. Bryan will speak at the Fair Grounds October 2 and 3. Other speakers who have been invited to make addresses include all the promi nent silver leaders in the country. The North. Haber J.Grant has been convicted cf polygamy in Salt Lake City and fined $100. At the meeting of th Amriean bar as sociation at Buffalo, N. Y., Senator William Lindsay, of Kentucky, de livered the address of the day. Sir Wm. R. Kennedy, a justice of the High yourt or Justice or England, delivered an addfS3 oh "State Punishment of Crime." James B. Eustis, former Ambassador to France, is dangerously ill with pneu monia at Newport. Preparations are being made for the great conference on trusts to take place in Chicago September 13th to 16th. Te first meeting cf the New Enelaud Bimetallic League was held at Provi dence Sunday. Judge Tarvin. of Ken tucky, Congressman Leutz, of Ohio, cx- Governor Altgeld and Senator Tillman spoke and were cheered. The vanguard of the Grand Army of the Republic reached Philadelphia Sun day, and the thirty-third national en campment opened Mondaj. Admiral Sampson with the North Atlantic squadron arrived off the city Sunday The veterans paraded Tuesday and the naval parade is scheduled for Friday. New York firemen will be allowed time off duty for three meals a day, in stead of two, as heretofore. The American Tobacco Company will hereafter buy leaf direct from Wisconsin farmers and will erect a big depot in Madison for sorting and stor ing its purchases. It is stated that Hon. William J. Bryan will stump Ohio with John K, McLean. A carpenter, named Vandiver, at Salt Lake, Utah, gave his children, a boy and a girl, heavy doses of mor phine, shot the girl, killing her, shot the boy, probably fatally, and killed himself. luesaay was tne nottest in Chicago since the establishment of the weathei bureau there, in 1871. At 3 p. m., the government' themometer registered 98 degrees. ' Two deaths and nine ca3e5 of prostration were reported. The hot test weather known since the records of the Weather Bureau began was re ported from Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and Nebraska, Foreign. A destructive cyclone has been rag ing inn the Azores. The news from the Transvaal indi cates that a rupture is imminent. The Morgan City is reported beached near Nagasaki, Japan. No one hurt. Miscellaneous. Charles E. Bentheim stated that Mr. Halsey was consul at Sonneberg at the time that Florschbultz was vice-consul there. Mr. Halsey being away a great deal, Bentheim said he did not think the latter knew of the-use to which Florschultz was putting his office. Escaped Spanish prisoners tell the Americans that the Filipinos are in need of rations and are using black powder. John C. Leigh, now in Chicago, who has been in Samoa as correspondent ror tne London Times, declares that Judge Chambers and Consul Maxse sys tematically Ignored Consul Rosa and fiade themselves as offensive to him as possible. He adds that Admit al Kautz acted in the same manner. Leigh thinks the Germans showed great pa tience. Commissioner of Navigation Cham berlain thinks the United States should adopt Europe's plan of subsidizing ves sels. President McKinley has returned to Washington. It is believed he hs reached definite conclusions In regard to the government of CubaTtne Philip pines, Porto Rico and Hawaii. The sixteenth anniversary of the birth of the late Henry George was celebrated' at New York Sunday by the Manhattan Single Tax Club. Henry Emde, of Chicago, shot and killed his wife, Emma and 5-yeaaal. Hanehter. He than mmmltl JP V by hanging. Two child-1 8"lciM and , who slept with Jff M not was until sevahir moiner, oia ftoubTe with tenanal hours alter. hftnu xrhlr-h TBmii WOO OCCUDtett a insane. s adQ arove una f,ll 10 REST A Change of Mental Food is What is Required, Says Arp. THE BARTOW PHILOSOPHER Tells BiW lie Secures Meatal Rest Atea He Cnat tVmy ita Staiy-Hi Rem aaiiocs. Ttoe mind dovea't nttl ret. fr it will not rtw4. but it cc: i rhi&se of menial food. We ciuncl at wtil s'op thinking, but we can give our tbouja's a more pleiilns dorectlcn asd thit I rest. And o. when I tired aaJ perplexed reading and ruminating about the war and the tecr-s snJ IKJlitical ccTnip-ilon, I take a day off ani commune witn nature a&l her wonderful works, which are ever be fore us and around us. I: 1 even a rest to bear it thunder nd to which the gathering cf the cloud and wel come the big drops of rain that fall upon the steps. When the lightning ia flashing and the thurder stroke conies quick and chaa-p andnear. we re tire from the vtruaZz and for a lltth while humble ourselves under th? mighty hind of God, and tat la rest Then let 12 not worry and preplex o-ir-bcCvcs all of our waking hours about things which aTe afar off, but take sholteT end oemfert at horn?. Iet i change the diet and It will rest mentally and physically. My pool father was a philosopher ar.1 would say to me. ' now, my fon. I yant yu to hoe theye potatoes an 1 whn you gt tired you can weed the onions for a rest." Professor Mitchell, the great atrcnonier. told men tibat when hi mind was wearied with long and per plexing calculations and his eye were tired of figure?, nothing relieve! hiru more than a game of whist with hU wife and children. It was a dellghtf il rest. But my sweete.-t rest U a frolic wl.h the little grandchildren and lk.tenicg to their Innocent discourse. There are two little girl3 of three and five yejr., who visit me almost every diy and cf.imb my knee3 and kiss my oM rough check, and say tha: I am not old nor ugly and every night I help thtdr mother put them to bed and tell them the same o'd jiorir ab;ut Ja?k the giant killer, and the bein vine and the wclf and the pigs and little Red Rid ing Hood, and what 1 did when I was a little boy. By and t-y the monotone of my voice becomes their lullaby and the little eyes close and the little head-s fall over ca my shoulder and they are off for the land of dreams When the father has to g to hi drug store every night an old grandpa let a heln to a tired mother, and I am thankful that I am yet fit for that. I saw, a pair of old-fa&Silosod blue bird 3 today and felt like the friend. of my youth hid come bick. Some years ago they disappeared and I have wcidered what became of them. A Jaybird lith only cne leg comes 'every day to tne fountain to. drink, l am trying to make a friend of him. bu he -H very shy ard suspicious. Some cruel boy hit him wh a sling shot. I reckon, for I see them sometimes i the back all trying to get a eh-ot at my pigecais. Maybe that Jaybird will meet that boy in purgatory. Boys ace t i mean about killing bird-s as cur gov ernment i3 about killing the Fhili piciw. But this 13 a Christian coun try, and, I reckon, it is all right. These pigeons that have a happy hcm at my house are an interesting study for the yoirag people. We have about a hundred cf them, and some of them are ever before us as we alt on the veranda. They ere of many colors. frcan almost black to a pure snow white, and at all hours of the day they gather at the little hydcant fountain In the front yaid and drink and then fly away. Tie pigeon is the only bird that drinks by draught or suction, as we do. All other birds raise their hends and let the water run down by gravity and then dip ths till down for another drop. Pigeons do not feed their young with worms cr bugs, but the old bird3 digest their food in their own craws into a curd and eject it into the mouths of their young. Hence it is that very young pigeon ? or squabs generally die when they are givea away. Pigeons are cot exactly polya mists, but the male3 have no particu lar mate and they will feed the young of any mother. Indeed; they do mo3t of the feeding. They are not galll naceous nor razores. Now let tho young people hunt up these big words. They can walk, . but ca anot hop. Most all other birds can hop. but cannot walk. Of cs-urte pigeons are pigeon- toed, and so are some 'folkswe koow. A pisecn-toed girl generally wears long dresses. Then there ia a lan guage called pigeon-English. It ia really pidgin English, for pldgeon U a Chinese word and means builnes;, and pidgen English is a mixture of Chinese and English and of signs by which bufdness is transacted in the port3 be tween natives and foreigners. The migrathjg butterfly is moving southward. For two weeks past oac or more have been seen at all hours of the day on the wing passing through our grove My neighbors far and near tell me they "are passing their homes. It is a good, large yellow, but terfly of uniform size and shape and color. They do cot come In pairs or flocks, but singly and not often in sight cf each other. They all com and go in the same- direction and. do not stop a moment cor pause to puck the heney from a flower. ' Well, now, 1 have counted. them by the clock" as made Ave in a minute ere grove. ' That Arough my fiv ur cr 3,000 ws a makes 800 in an ccwat 600 to an ;cre day. If. tihen. 3 would nince to.uu-j. la a day 100 ac Ten thousand e 000 for a single re-3 would icuke 6.000,- ay. How many mor 3 over mi aow aaj acre do thoy p oora days? Ta'il I: a&J t" books j u'-y r? sa:.x .oj.a .0 fivrrsu 3X. TSey fell itrir c up tmXXk be ' fjr thty betia tVIr Lag )xsrai. Fjvra oi"Ti 11 xa I 9 if thy average forty nalVr a day. It It to( 1 rapll fllut. but ! unvotes What a ainruUr orratioa U that and Vio raa tell hy and th wV-rcfor. Nttar ? full of mrtrirs so-! woadfT. My ditty mail tr.5t many lnq-4ir and. tome of tbzn 1 -nao! A "Coatar.t Ketnsle K-Jrr" vta ta k&uw h(,w the moo laflur&ct ta tnaaing of lye nup m mu-t t'Jt pw be t-llrrd barkrJa cr frafvU !!. I ve It cp aul ffrrd t" mritrr to Aunt nt--y Hamilton. An other Inquiring m il l wseta ta I now why mule' Till arr thirej asd talr mated clipped. 1 hive rvfrroe! kla tn Un RfDui. but 1 ltttervkirrj nce of ay friend ard one Mil bfoia it improved the looki of the aninia" sad Cave the mule a KU-up-an-U appear ance. Cot f-!d It wai done so yoj could tell 'cn frvn a hart, fur it wa a refl-tioa oa a borae U be taken for a mu or far a mule to be taken f w a her e. An cld farnvr atll It i dene ta git rid cf currying an! cuckl- bur. anl thereby the nxro who toil la plow them. InK It n mljfhty hsrl cm the mule la fly tSm. My frba-l. Juha Androa. ay that 13 unshcired mule Is a very un Jfhlty beit. Jim Jrff hi 1 on thit he rale! and nerr nculd bae tiix.nj'J. When the mule n twelve year oil Jeff get tirH of fcer anl tri-! to rwa; hr off to h'.H Delphi c. iff Till, for a hooe. but they loj'.'nt trale. Then he offrrr I t j si-'.l Kit :o Sleill fir 73. but he wrutdrr.1 give it. N very mx .after that Jeff onie l ton in 1 a Tenrch.-e horse trader got hold of LI;n an l pve h in an n?d chunk of 1 h;cse for hU mule. KK wa put unu-CT the shea: forthwith, fc-e ii c'.'rpM anl rubbr 1 anl wjahel sa! gmmr-1 trd In a few day watrin migAlfird Inti a vry r.'8p;c'ible look ing cnlmal. F:cjal wanted s mu about that tint and the Tenn-an fold Kit to him fir $1W, but h did nt knew it a Kit. Next day Jlai Jeff hal busir.. over at Ftiir anl St gjll took him down to th A to ahow him what a fine mule he ha! b:agt. As soon a 4 Kli i-plr-i lur oi l mitr t-he nickered and trcttel up to him arl put her head afTc;tlii.ately upsn hi tic'. dcr Juit at be use! la do. and Jrff kis.d h-:r ca the ncse. an! sill: "Ki. why Kit, Ij tbU ycj? Hlexx your old soul. 1 cr.htfct to have Fold vox Stcgull, 1 will g!e j-3U $75 f;r her Jut becau.se tae Ijveg me to. Mok 1 are curious creature, but they fill a long felt wart aad never .rlke for b'ghrr wages. The mu'e and the nc jtio are a happy rooi'rfinatloa and when the ne gro ia d?p:rtei the mule will a;o, too. I reckon. My celsaboc. Mor.-i. ha a very Cne mule and about fix mor.'.b ago thla mule tri-d t pick hia taVh with hia hind fret, al got th: cboe fastened In his mou'b oa a broken tooth. Mr. Morrh worktJ en hour to unlose It. and tbca eilkl la the neighbors and they worked with rcp!a and levers, but co-.il lnL All cf a sud den. while Mcrrla was standing bv thinking whrt to do next, the toi;h Lroke with a report like a pltol. and the mule's foot few back sgalnt Morris thLubsne and b.-jke It all to pieces. He was down in be! for three months art got 3 on crutches cor Such i a rauV. He hia no pride of anee?try. but he lives long anl happy. Bill Arp in Atlanta Constitution. THE DRL'CE MYSTERY. A Sradicate sill Praiecate the Clai ! Is tte Oakedoai el Portias! The Tall Mall Gazette nay a yndl cate in Indon baa mibscriUd $."jM"0 to prosecute the Druce claim to the Dukedom of Portland, and that ar rangements have lieen concluded fol the sutweription of another $.VKK. The Druce vault In Higbgate Ome tery, Ixndon. contain, as alleged, the remains of Tlioinan C. Druce. who. It U aerted by Lla daughter-in-law, Mrs. 'Anna Maria Druce, was the fifth Duke of Portland. The faculty of the IMocene of Ixn- don. in compliance with an order of the High Court of Appeal, on Novem Iter 2T., 1KS. granted Mm. Anna Maria Druce a permit to open and inpect the coffin containing the remain of Druce or a man buried a the latter. " When the decision wan rendered by Chancellor Trlston. at the ConniMory of the Court of St. Paul', flfteen daya were grarted for an appeal, notifies tion of which wan given at once, sn! on February 17 lat the Quen's Bench Division of the High Court of Jantice granted a rule to prohibit the order of the Conaistory of the Court of RL Paul's being carried into effect without the ia net ion of the Home Secretary. Mrs. Druce claim thit ber father-In-law death and burial under the name of Draw were deception, and that he died later In a lunatic any! urn under the name of Dr. Hanher. . Her con,' to whom she say the title of Duke of Portland I due, la in Aus tralia, employed a a servant. A recent estimate of the rent roll of the Portland estate placed it at $2,000. 000 a year. It ia claimed that Druce suffered remorse and abject fear, and that by adopting the name of Thorns C Druce be transferred to blmelf as Druce an Immense properly from bim selfa Duke of Portland. After realizing the risk of exposure from his double existence, be decided to end hi life as Druce. and canned a coffin to be buried witn hia supposed remains. It was announced last Decemlier that Mrs. Druce would carry the case to the House of Lords, and in order to ob tain the necessary expenses was about to Issue fSOO.ono of -Druce-Portland bonds,"' the holders of wlik-h. abe claimed, would, receive $23 for every $5 within twelve month after her son Kucceeds to the dukedom and estates. She-declared that $55,000 of these bonds ltd already been taken op. boai.e day there will be no inter national boundarr line Utwecu Can ada and tho United States. In the hearts of the peopl of both countries there ia no" now . NO. 41. .I i ' - STATE SQUIBS. Ratarfscl crusty fcae tie eHleM Prwta im tW I'sMed t dwbt th oUmi t wortl ft r aaa It Mr. Naary Hsll:cd. svl ah L'ir t-a tm'ie trxm 0Iar 1 lit jtsra oil aaJ sari tf year m ac roM walk tae di t t to E'! Uwt tih all a rotlisg rhslr. Rr. lr. CL Ijt. w d! 't iasrf. lo art it t tbTTt- )tt aco aul itt vi Ml t!a He m axxi. i as h 4.e1. asl ofIa d fc rM rmrat 't hra h ru a tu:i boy srr t him. aal that ttra abe b1 eerl groa ft-ilra. ThH I a Itw 1 T. mr kno to lh ?op of Rata erfrrl roaaty. Hie la totfM. rkrf l and taUs:lvs. as J It tu eajuryisg rl iaH&. sad raa W kii at sr f.-n at Mr. WUHtta Staarla Iat ek Xr. 1UVA UcKHii. L llte at the Bn Chrltl fold tsire la Mt&taoeary county. u th sa4 of a blc itllke aii.r.cf itk a:de i.4 ata rhWlea mp He vlL.y C.-t a hoe and frg tip far 11 nakoblp. lth Of b'o rrffl ti e bead from the txwly. FtreRe t l;i. the brJ cf the aak b't a pt trt ty and the animal dlrd la abnit i. micuta. 1h Mia" a of IL iartrt twr kilVI n ibat rtUa aoJ had nftern rattlr. Thli la a true wl.! Ccncrd fU5lard. Mr. D It. Colirane. bo ! r14'tt cf tb nMfB mill at Noc fH. tnfnrw Ihe Concnrd RtantM that tt rtj t;tf of Ihe Hi 111 1 txfi( larrrarrd. Au ad- d;t!n ,f kki fr l.jr Z fl lia t-a added to the buildlna. a tutmlior piarrd imi tfc tcp. and aa up-t date tlnnary addd tvar the cctlcn tni'l. The ttwui- ir of spinning and tslstlbc aplbdUs til if lnrrcard lrm 7 .72 l ll..2. and wet and dry tlt ):ra vi'i U mad beroafier. Fifteen wore tie oiect boux-s have Ufa sddel i',o. Tl ete w;ll be romm' or4 oon the hul'.dlnc of a ral'r4 fiim Mwuat Alt to the fullU of Killer 4 Ka. Daw Hirer. In Virglbla. 1 hr roil 111 tta lhroih the rout.tl f urry. Nurlh Carolina and I'atrbk. .r&lnta. ml m-ill traere a ienl'n rifled for Uus farmlna lanl asd ndnral rrjteen. Th new road v 111 tie call 1 IUe Mt. Airy and Kai-trn." Much Inurcft l fe-7t ia the tetltal f !be nti-prle I j b .lld a rl'.rrad I-t; c itl.pcrl l W.!idlw?ioti. t;a of tb a:n. I ti iake Fotitbpcrt s i-t ;t;g tet'.on for a'eatai-btr. as a rl read wi.l pla tha port lo lir4 - niMuiritlon with tfce coal Cld f u Irli and soncr r latT. sltb the rv and Iron rerlca f Tenneas. mb Oneral lloke'a railmad e-btue '.a computed. Three table, two ndrla aed on i"y were bctn t Mr. and Mrs. Fu . Uu4. Faturday. I'p to Saturday ba family conhltd of evru bl!4ren. all lcyr. The three Isat children tniili tn hildrcn for Mr. and Mr, liuatle. eight boya and two glrla. The tuoth-r and thr-e baldci were doing veil at lat acrounta FJatevil Lendmaik. The Itf-tkinal ini tRbbmond rooaty I AnglSavon aya tb 1iotibt liT-t aii prevailed In that sciin fnr a mjnth. torethr with o-rul'.mal tih winds, baa cut th" ccttoa rtp at I'l.t one-third fhort. The VadevUaro M-nger aaya that the crop In Anson i'l be from 25 to SO per tnU below tit average: There Is a man in Hot br ford all who la the father of three children mbe mother Is bis omn daughter. His wife left him because of bis con duct. He baa also been guify of win burning. Revenue Collector Duiwan ys that Senator Pritchard baa been Invited by the chairman of the Ohl9 Republic a Slate ecxailttc-e to make a number of apeechrc there durkrg the present ciai- paign. and that be tin accepu The Coloa't Ci asdera Acaadtea. Madrid. By Cal. The trial of Cm- tain Diaz Moron, who romm in 4c 1 tls Spanbh cruiser Crlstobol Colon at tas battle of Santiago de Cnba. and Oea- eral Pa rede, who wit on board the Coko. on chargea arising from the Je- atructtlon of the Spanish fleet eff Faa- tlagoon July J. of la?t year, was con cluded Monday. Beta the accne4 offl- cers wera acquitted. Brief Resiiss. A mecnirg haa been fceld 'in h Bufinera Mcn'a Assoctitioa room t High Point to discuss and take sab- script lom for the establishment of a new cotton cnlll at that place. It la said that IW.000 or more of the re quired $100,000 have been stfb riSM and that the rest will be forihcoailag In a short time. Jcha Collins, a ssilor Z years old, supposed to hall from tUci. N. was killed by John Brewster, a pilater, in a fight Friday la aa east side res taurant In Buffalo. N. Y ronlnrted by Wm. Hines. Erewaler rtmck Col lins a terrific blow oa che Jiw with his fist, fellltz him and killing hia In stantly. The Am r'-cas Bask rrr. Cleveland. O . (SpeciaD WalUr H II. presldeat of the, American Ezrhangs Bank. SL Louis, will be chosen aa tha next president of the American Cank ers Aasx'Iitlon. The nomlnitiag com mittee decided at Its meetincg. Mr. Hill haa been president of tie assent ation during the past year. AlTaJt Trowbridge, president of the North American Trust Companny of New York, will be rccomiaerded for first vice-president. air a EllaM tUca Snort Atlanta. Ga SpeclaL Commiaion er of Agriculture O. Stevens, who returned t Atlanta after aa. Inspec tion of the crops throughout middle and southwest Georgia, states that cot ton will be at least half a million bales short, and that in order jo re alize 75 per rent, of the crop of 189. conditions will hare to remain favor able for come time to come. Many a soma a speaks cf her emo tional temperament, bat ethers call it temper. t 1 -a f f j i t i . hi t t t' i "! 1 ; l i r :. 4 1 s f 1 . 1 i I -"iu rigai otya. . v

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