I UK CAUCASIAN. Sept. 14. 1800. I'lipulUt I'rlerlple. by ine the Populist teaching iinntr ijiio r'Bogoiuon ..I III 11 l'.lliaHIUI Bl I uv j.e T x Lfl'.Mflftiare condescended i I' puht prop; sit wtx to the a I mocratic law. In tbe Holier a bill in found tbe r '.... tYu im nt r a 1 i mnnUtii ttr tl.- cinuiiFsioanr'a Ciurt b nihiU' appointment of pubiic w,.:nb r provid. UDy itw. a ctr i i i r ' nt ' ln,; I'p' caQ ptti- iCCUOb 1U Midi .,,.M t'r iccuou iu Milt i preeincr L,j ,i i in:ti.datuiy on tbe court to ..r in election. Tbe people thua M. powi r to vote tbe officer . nt tit hi iioiutun nt. This principle gh liii'l "J'l'ly a" uffiofcrs whether !,, iv or appoui'ive. I'ut all ' .1- 1.-.1., . si... l Mk I'uolic tfli 'e a trust and hot a Hiiap. 1" M private I, tV Will lntroliies the MK YuiiK, man .1. IT I '11 mil. Sapt. 11 Congress M. livj announced tml ty tlmt j ust a soon as Congress n,rfts ti' will introduce resolutions in the Hou.-h withdrawing the support i f ibis I'ovcintm nt from tbn Paris ;j,iisition, on accouut of tbe Drej- Iu ' " I ro -t not to pparaice," but pit juir Itith in Hood's .Sarsaparilla, h h wwr ilisappt-iutA. It lathemed- i, me niot.-y r.an buy. I iiln Krom J.it-kawii Iteglo Jaciv-on, Miss., Sept. 11 There hvf Mm no new case of yellow fevt r h rn. Hundreds of people left (or tli- north and cant, most of them purrntis; i.f tickets fur Chicago and AxhtilK N. C The mayor has is sukI a pMclaination, minimizing the daro-o r Hiid urging p ople. to remain. Mosrt of Uie tieibboring tewns have (juarHiitiiid against Jackson. (Jov nuir McLaunn's family left town yn-tt nlay. ARCH KINSAUL CAPiURED. Sariounly Tnkeii by fosse After Ileitis, Wounded. Arch Kinsauls, who seriously cut and mortally wounded John Herring un the day of tbe public speaking at LV a man's Cross Roads latt October, and who at tbe time was arrest d nl U-tlgtd in jail here, but who s captd from prison on thy nigl.t ff l)mrubt r 'JOth, and who since then has lieen secluded near the home of lis father, Emerson Kinsauls in II Mipveiit's township, was arrested iij a i (,shc on lxht Sunday morninsr aHtrWing hot seviral times and seriously wounded. On last, Satur day nitfht a posse of thirty five m"r 8urroariued Lis lather u uouse as senti ut ld of six in a sqaad, station iug themselves about ono hundred and fifty yards from the house. They kept watch all night and continued tbe watch next morning but to no avail until a friend leaving the bouse about nine o'clock Sunday morning. notictd tracks in the road about one bar died and fifty yards from tbe bouse tf tiere a crowd bad couert ga te!, wi b foot-priii ts leading out from there in several directions, and thinking probably what it all meant, went back to the house and told Kinsauls about it, who came out to make investigation for himself. Af ter seeing the foot-prints in tbe road, he followed the tracks through the woods, supposedly to satisfy his cu riosity, when on getting about '25 yards from the road he advanced near a squad of the watchers, and when he observed them he shot at them, whereupon they returned the tire, and as he turned aud tan to make his escape, they made a charge on him, and being disabled by the wounds, he was soon captured by( the posse. He was armed with two pistols and a Winchester rifle. He was accompani' d by a young man named Mai shall Gilbert, who also was shot, but not Seriously wound ed. Kinsauls was literally covered wiih stiot from hisntck to the low r limbs of his body. He wa3 taken to his father's house and a doctor summoned. The physician stated that ho was critically wounded, but it could not then be determined whether or not bis wounds would b fatal. He also stated that he was too ill then to be brought to pnsoD, aud advised that he be not moved until it could be known what would be tbe ff9cts of his wounds. Gilbert made (rood hia escape. There was a reward of two hundred dollars of tort J by the OoVernor and also a re ward of fifty dollars offered by sturirl Marshburn for the appre- htntion and arrest cf Kinsauls, I'linton Ciucasiaa God never made a dishonest man .Dishonest -men are the product of dishonest man-made laws and insU: tutioos Ex. "Woman's Work ts Never Done. The consist cre us lUepttssr ess. loss of ppetHe, extreme nervousness, and tht tired feeling. But a -wonderful change comes 'when Hood's SirsAptrOU ts Uken. It gives pure, rich Uocd. good Appetite.' steady nerves. Jl J.I Km . A MONSTROUS ABSURDITY." M o? l.iBoert, Opposed to the "iiru.,00 t III. (,.ud.lb"tn. Ututlonal AmD.lufD ClaoM, The correspondent of the Char otte Observer, writing to that n from Fayetteville, under date of March 4th, says: The Observer correctlv trnacen nnh. lie sentiment in throwing out a word of warning against taking for grant ed the carrying at the ballot box of tho suffrage constitutional amend mpnt. It will require hard work from the rank and file and leaders of the party. There is certainly nc clond on the title of the Cape Fear Dem ocracy to orthodoxy, dnt the writer is surprised at the number of lead ing Democrats whom he meets op posed to the amendment. Theclaue about the "grand son of his grand father" is especially decried as a monstrous absurdity. The suffrage amendment referred to above, which was adopted by the lat LKis,latuie, is as follows: THE SUFFKAGE AMENDMENT. Section 1. That Article VI of the Constitution of North Carolina be, and the same is hereby repealed, and in lieu thereof shall be substituted the following Article of Said Consti tution: Article VI. Suffrage and Eligibility to Office- Qualifications of an Elector. Section 1. Every male person born in tbe United States, and every male person who has been naturalized, 21 years of age and possessing the qual ifications set out in this Article shall bo entitled t i vote at any election by tbe peoplo iu the State, except as herein otherwise provided. Sec. 2. He shall have resided in the State of North Carolina for two years, in tbe county six months and in the precinct, ward or other elec tion district, in which he offers to any ther crime for which the pon-' uhment may be imoriaoBmBnt in th i fLteXiTia-rySsiDe becoming citixen of the United 8fate. of corruption MQ malpractice in office onless aoeh L person shall b wat or citizenship ji a manner prescrib ed by Uw. 8c, 9. The act shall be in force rorn and ter it ratification. I 'arms provide yourself with Paiit V" hl of the year, wfcec colic, cholera morbus, dynemerj , diar rhoea, Ac, may disable your bsote iseit in tery case of the kind, but be sure that you trut ro other remedi uttbI.,d' ,OD lrle1 IV"y l'9 ,n killer which never failed. Avoid ubutitutes, there is but one Pain Kill er. Perry DavU. Price 25c. and 50c. DEWEY SAILS FOR HOME. Olyinpla. Gibraltar, Sept. lO.-Tfae -United States cruiser Olympia with Ad miral Dewey, sailed this afternoon for New York. Admiral Dewey has informed the committeo of prepATHtions tor the re ception in New York that he will ar rive at Ntw York on Sf.ntf.mV,. r os ihig would give the flagship Olym day iu May, 1899, and organize by It lrr I ! m lmtmrrtm tT VmAtmf Iiwmorrmlle Papwr. The recent Legislature repealed e non-partisan cieetioa laws of 1895 and 1897, which guaranteed to every parly tbe right to be represen ted on election board by election officers of their own choosing, and enacted an election law more vicious than infamous Simmons Ball-Pen Election law that was in force before 1S93. Tbe leading provisions ot this law as published by tbe Raleigh News A Observer are as follows: county officers shall be held on the first Thursday in Aupust and everj two years thereafter. 2. That there shall be a State board of elections composed of five persons elected by the Legislature for a term of two years. 3. That there shall be a county board of elections consisting of three persons., appointed by State board for a term of two years. 4. That the State Board of elections shall meet in Raleigh the first Hon pia about seventeen days for the Llectinf? one of tbeir number chair- voyage across the Atlantic. It was man and another secretary. Another reported some days ago that the meeting shall be held on the first Ulympia would stop at the Azores Monday in Aprd in each eiecuon on the way, but there has been no year. Special meetings may be call confirmation of the report, and the ed when necessary. Fur their service? dispatch from Gibraltar indicates the hoard Rhall receive four dollars that the Olympia will proceed direct to JNew York. EASE AMD DISEASE. A Short Lftnauu I lie Meaning of Fa miliar Word. Disease Is the opposite of ease. Web ster defines disease as "lack of ease, uneasiness, trouble, vexation, disaui- et." It is a condi ion due to some de- polling place3. appoint all registrars and judges of elections. Members of tbe county boards may be removed by the State board; and the county board in turn may remove any registrar or judge of election. 6. That county boards must meet not later than the first Monday in May for organization, and for divid ing the counties into precincts and THE NORTH CHROIIIU COLLEGE t OF IAgriculture and Mechanic Arts.: Term Bejria? Nedr4av, SepttmWr 6th I Gives in extraordinary couri of iotrurti-n at an extraordinary low a cot to tbe Undent. It uot only tducatei but rere its ?udent to be lnlllfct J directors of igTicuUursl snd oibsiirsl enterprise. a There are complete special acdb rtcoure in tbe various Agricultural Industrial, Mechanical, Textile abd Civil Art. J Students will be allowed to staid tbe entrance examination at tbe connty-seaUof tbe counties in whicn they reside, tbu saving tb expense or a trip to Raleigh. 5 Entrance examination will b-1 Hd on tbe U'tb of August, in tbe court- bonne, under tbe supervision of untj Superintendent. For farther Information, catalogue, eto, apply to J PRESIDENT 6E0 T. W'XSTON. WMT KM KIOII, X Elkin Woolen Mills rangemerft of tbe physical organism A vaat majority of the "dis-ease" from which people suffer is due to impure blood. Disease of tbe skin is cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla which t-rifies, enriches and vitalizethe blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures scrofula, salt rheum, 7 That before the next Kttneral election there shall be an entirely new registration. Among questions to be asked applicant is "whether be has listed his poll for taxation for the current year in which he applies pimples and all eruptions. It tones ror registration, and tor the year the stomach and creates a good appe- next pref eding. And if any appli- tite, and it gives vigor and vitality to cant shall falsely swear he has listed the whole body. It reverses the con- bis poli for taxation, he shall be dition of things, giving health, com- nHn and and rmnished tort and "ease" in place of "disease." " J -ZZyZZf i 8. That the registration books shall Browne Henpeck gets drunk on be kept open twenty days and Closed every anniversary of his marriage. on the second Saturday before tbe Sadie lo celebrate it? election. On each Saturdav duriner Browne No. To forcret it. the nerioc the registrar shall ero to the polling place to register voters You May Bend the Saplin?, But On such laj s the books shall be open Not the Tree" for jnsptition by the voters of th wh H!a h hnm .hrnniJpreciuet. There shall be no no ng !.niju.n...tLii .hi. Afun Hifn.iif n isterice on election day, but voters atsia ucvu o t m v c va sv a u vivvu va swwi - - cure tt. That is the reason whv it is may be challenged. beat to take Hood's Sarsaparilla when 9. That on or bofor the first Mon vote four months next pre cod iter the disease first bhows itself in pimples, day in July the county board shall election: Provided, That removal headaches indigestion, or other trou- appcint Vj judges of ele i.on for DtUUIU UI UI5U1UCI5UIIIC1 UI BlUUrj Hi This great medicine regulates tbe whole system. It never disappoints. from one precinct, KOI HULA P II ALE PKKMM. ht th Larsest Koaadlsp Cotton Plant la the South bw Von for the Farmer. The Huntiville Roundlao Bale Com Prehs plant was oriranizd by T. VV. i'rait. cats thM lluntsville. Ala. Mer- vurv : "tt is owned bv Messrs. Pratt & Conn, and ia rle largest in the Houtb. Una plant started i opratiou in e tall ,f v'J7. irinninir aud baliiK th flrt Jear 3,:00 ble. Ot the crop of tS " Kini ed abwiit 7,00t bales. The pro Tietora exptct to gin and bale 14,100 bilea of IhM nrnwi.t cenn. The reSU'is "f this KjBtem are untuld in tbeir ad Isutaires to the farmer aud the ship r. Tnis plant has reduced tbe cost of u'iitK iron. $j.50 to fl.W a hae. "The farnr driven hta load of ft tnii-,,.,, . j Bu on hi vac 0t and rest ten minutes, during whicl time oil wagon is uuloaded by ma "inert, di. cotton irinned. baledisam l11"! aiid maraed and delivered into b wavi.n toitether with tbe teed if he Pre'rn, h- can take a storage ticket 'or coliuri and seed snd be bothered no 'nure with hi. i,rolinrt. Bat tbefe are ''t all the advantages, lie can drive ,u this ifin and ell bis cotton, in any quantity from 100 pound to 10 toi s - me market price, withuui ni i Kir.ntd at all. F.ir the small larm-r. "n SvsNm i the bnKt of all. He bill Qles hit cuttnn crop in this uiauner x cUj aa he does bis corn crop, selling n large or small quantities as be wiu money or has time to dtJiver." ward or other election district, to another in the same county, shall not operate to de prive any person of the right to vote in a precinct, ward or other election district from which he has removed until after such removal. No person who has been convicted, or who has confessed bis guilt in open court upon indictment, of any crime, the punishment of which is, or may thereafter be, imprisonment in the State prison, shall be permitted tc vote unless the said ptrson shall be first restored to citizenship in tke manner prescribed by law. Sec. 3. Every person offering to vote shall be at the time a legally registered voter as herein prescribed and in the manner hereinafter pro vided by law, and the General As sembly of North Carolina shall enact general registration laws to carry in to tffect the provisions of this Ar ticle. Sec. 4. Every person presenting himself for registration shall be able to read and write any section of the Constitution in the English language; and, before he shall be entitled to vote, have paid, on or before the first day of March of the year in which he proposes to yote, his poll tax, as pre scribed by law, for the previous year. Poll taxei shall be a lien only on as sessed property, and no process shall issue to enforce the collection of the same except against assessed prop erty. Sec. 5. No male person, who was on January 1, 1867, or at any tinfe prior thereto, entitled to vote under the laws of any State in the United Slates wherein he then resided, and no lineal descendant of any such per son; shall be denied the right to reg ister and vote at any election in this State by reason of his failure to po- sess the educational qualifications prescribed in section 4 of this Article: Provided, He shall have registered in accordiance with the terms of this section prior to Dec. 1, 1908 The General Assembly shall pro vide for a permanent record of al persons who register under this see tion on or before November 1, 1908, and all such persons shall be entitled to register and vote at all elections by the people in this State, unless disnnalifled under section 2 of this Article: Provided such persons shal have paid their poll tax as required by law. Sec. 0. All elections by the people shall be by ballot and all elec tions by the General Assembly shall be viva voce. pa. 7. Everv voter in North Car olina. except as in this Art. ditquali fled, shall be eligible to ffice, lr. before entering upon the duties . f be rffi e he shall take and subscribe i u fllwinr nn.fl. "I i dO I Li IVIIV MD - ' solemnly swear or affirm, that I will support and maintain the constitu- ,rxr ami lfl.Wg Ot the U. S. and the constitution and laws of iorth Caro l.na, not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of mv office as So btlp me God.'' Sec. 8. The following clarses of peisons shall be disqialified f T of fice : First, all parsons woo deny tbe beitir of Almighty God. Second, all i ersons who shall have been convic Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. Non- irritating. IU. Tha. to prevent msordei as many as three special ofii".eP -Jiay be aDDOintcd bv the registrars and judge of election. 11. That there shall be one ballot for all State officers, one for judges of different courts, one for members Remember the serpent's "head has 0f General Assembly, one for county to be Iruised, no matter how big and officers, and one for township ofn ie. m lnnV Rum' Hnrn. cers. That all ballots for each of " J I a.i i e -m u.n l u i liitse masses ui viuceis suaii uo iuo I . i. : . n A MEN Kidney trouble preys upon the uu wunw payci uu nu- Ifltll mind HiAmnram and lejisona out device. The size of the ballot AND .... v. . a I mnst be prescribed bv the State WIlMrN HirfninHn annn dissnnear board of elections. Tickets in the I w ki rr l . . , i when thekidneva are out of orfler or dis- Wrong DOX Efiail not 06 COUntea eased. For nleasine results use Dr. Kil 12. That the members of the sev mer s Hwamp-Koot, tne great Kianey reme- er& boards of election shall consti $ fl"-BMipto by mai1 Uute the board of county canvassers, Address Dr Kifmer&Co. Binghamton N Y. which shall meet at the court house second day after tne election, can- A national bank is being organized vss the returns, and declare the re- i i suit at tue court, uuusb uuui. a L UICQUIU1V ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND THERE IS HO KINO OF PAIN OR ACHE. INTERNaa. M EXTERNAL, THAT PAIN-KILUtat MtLL NOT RE LIEVE. LOOK OUT FOR IMITATTJNS AND SUB STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE. BEARS THE NAME. PERRY DAVM ft. 80N. His Lite Was Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen j of Hannibal, M.o , lately bad a wonder ful deliverance from a frightful death In telling of it he says: "1 was taken with typhoid fever that ran into Pneu moma. My lungs became naraenea. l was so weak 1 couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me- I expected to soon die ot Consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. I contin ued to use it, and now am well and jstroi'g I can't say too much in its praise. This marvelous meuiciue is the surest and quickest cure In tbe world for all throat and lung trouble Regular size 50c. and $1.00. Trial bot tles tree at all drug stores. rj' If you want to exchange your wool or have it manufactured into tbe best Blanketr, Cassimers, Jeans, Linreys, Flannels and varns to be had in America. If yon want tbe beEt made and mostt torn fort able fitting pants you eve.r wore; if you want to trade witb the cleverest men you ever had any dealings with, try the ELKIN WOOLEN WILLS aud you will never ngret it. They have one of tbe laigst mills in tbr Somb. They shi their goods to nearly every Stale in tbe Union, and 1 he quality of their work is unexcelled. - . . Write th m for tbeir rardtrmo r.tw etiiah gue, ard do nt d siom tf our wool untilyou ec it. Address, CHATHAM MFG. CO., Proprietors, ELKIN, N. C. 'Ktsuuus'XitXi AUajtLa. CaarisU Acras&a. Alicia V USSAttaw. OfiMU ChaKartoccm. XasarUte. A.M New Yorfe. Hosiaat. aUcamo4. BOCTUBOUXD. Lv K York, i'uo.k.KM iu nvn raillif4u I LTca U uum fUIUbiors I Uja J Waatuactao (tv ( mjs fc-c tuoud. Al". L. satmia a SoVfoKA. a. A. L.. ... svb wum. fttrumoota s 4f 4o s an, UlOua7. il t.m'ii Xmui Al Hsttdsrsott. iual jta Ar IXirtisto t ; ,44r Lv lurbs(u Lv bjnah emni art Ho. ilnm UaiuC VVaxtastiuro., Monrvm W i tlatiinrtoo . chaiMitte T c OLOR art !Uvr est truiti, ire, quality ap- Kt-tht a:A plumpnc of rcTAin, ire alt irx!::col ty IVtavh. Potash, prpjK-riv in.r turi'l i:h Hio j'hrric Aci4 a:ul NItrrcn. anj f.riv i r::! ir.tri : Icll A . ..t; UKim tlj 1, ... ... S Ua litta ... X&aai A Villi . . A iC am ... Uui a iwo. .... Uun V llf-to iiifin 1 (Kl vt '. Art buer... .. tL4 la ft Lv t olunjbis, O SAlKh. . . . .... lpm Ar rhatonTtLA.L ...4imll lisn Urwovood IOS3x ICCsju Abbe Till IItilia t Amn lubvrioa ...12 07(tM mT A ILeliM t Uf-U AT Wiodr 1 1 a Ar Atlanta lCnirai Uiuo . S 2 iUu NUKTU BOUND. No.4vll Ka. in Lv AtAUU( uLralttn.etliuti a 7 iyu Lv Wituter 2 tut ltf il4w Lv AUtaua. t lfta 11 itwvn 4 lfut litltu AbbcviiM ft Uiui 1 &:atu OrvcBwwod &4ltn 3 i&uu flipion... t i u Ar e uluiubiA . S A L 1L. I; 7 mm I.vCiirtr, bA. L Ar. l harlou Lv Monroe. Hamlet .. ...! 4)ut o uc 11 lpm a uiiaxd 13 Uta ..12iautt uui . : itMuu i i 4i .3 12 iJ at 17 SJaa 14 l'tu t; ii iu im ijsu 4 kWm i a jtiatu 7 Oiuj LITERATURE li an International weekly ioamal of Htarary criticism. It is a canoaratirclr new periodical, which haa bean rccofnixcd treat its ftrst numbar sa ravtaw af th kifhaat atasding. CRITICAL REVIEWS i Thaa4hTo!, thorough, and comprehensive reviews of ail important publlaa tloaa In tlis civilized world. French, Cierman, lulian, Spanish, aa wall as English and American wotka, are Usatcd from weak to week. &I.OO The auljwiii'lon inc cf . l'euiorvetisii rr I j-irl o tl J a jnr. W. D. Hawelle 4 BELLES-LETTRES flpeelal artlales appear weekly lo the paper, aometimee under the title al Asasag My Books," written by such well-known autture and critics aa EDMUND OOS5E SIR HERBERT MAXWELL MAX MLLLER DEAN 3TCBM erea of literary work, poems, firtion, and case only from tbe pens ot world-famous Meary Jamas 3EORQB MEREDITH Each week a leading article In the nature of an editorial appears. Theas by the editor, and deal aiclusively with kterary subjects. and from time to time original pi essays are published, but ia each writers, such aa RUDYARD KIPLINO leaders are prepared AMERICAN LETTERS The Bi-weekly letter, written by William Dean Howclls, deals ta that author's original and keen way with subjects of vital Interest ia the Aesericaa world of letters and art. FOREIGN LETTERS French, English, German, and Italian letters will be published, making this periodica of great value to readers interested in the growth of literature. Occasional work by Henry Jean re, and men of like ability, will also aturaar Rudyard Kipling SPECIAL SUPPLEMENTS will be published, devoted to descriptive articles on such subjects aa rare aa4 curious books, book-plates, special editions of lessons books, noteworthy Aesericaa editions, etc. A PREMIUM OFFER PRFP A fn" " LITERATURE'S famous portrait euprlessems e alaCC distinguished men of letters (jo in all) for one year's subscription Trial Subscription, 4 WtMks, 35 CU. 10 CtnU m Cepy Subscript fn, $4 00 m Trmr Edmund Geese f) Address HARPER ft BROTHERS. PabUsbssw. Netw Vark'N. V. FOR BUYERS AND PLEASURE SEEK ERS. BOTH FOR ONE PRICE. The question of government owner ship of railroads is growing in iiubnc Half Fare Excursion to Philadelphia ana favor and t he people want honest iu- - ... . I r . ; nn vn -.,s.;i- 'V i. t. i . . lurtuatiuu uu tiuc cuujruu nj sian has secured for its readers a )ari; supnlv of the "Railroad Question" Thb reliable work by ex-uovtruor larra- bee can be had lor a short unit until tbe present supply is exhausted with J he Caucasian as a liee g;; with the book. The price of 'Th Railroad Quebtioo" is $1.50 in cli ll- binding, but we will send buth Ihl Oattcasian and "The Railroad Oj-- tion" for the price of tbe book alone $1 50. ' (This offer is good for old or nm subscribers or for those whose time i- Ketorn by tbe Seaboard Air Line, Nick named "Tbe Llue of tbe People." Sveaker Reed Resigns There will be speed, cheapness, comfort and eleganee via the Sea board Air Line, nicknamed ".The Line op the People." The journey will be made on the Solid Vestibuled S. A. L. Express and the Atlanta Special. Buy your tickets from any Sea board Air Line Agent either Sept. 1st, 2nd or 3rd thse tickets eeod for retnrn nntil midnight of Stptem- in arrears.) ber 13'h. or if you choose, until Sep tember 30b, upon deposit of tickets with tho Joint Agent at Philadelphia. The Quaker City will be nnnsnally festive with the li. A. a. parade in fnll swing Do not fcrget that one of the chitf pleasures to a person who has taken the Seaboard Air Line, nicknamt d "The Link op the People,'' is the consciousness, that made no mistake. Send quick before the suprly is ex hausted and the offer is withdrawn. Address this office. FORTY BOOKS FOR FORTY CENTS ! A MOST EXTRAORDINARY OFFER! Weasree to send, br mail rost-naid. tbrtu taluaNe ftoofci. the rcrolar retail price cf which Is five eaata each or $2 U0 for tuo eet of fort v. uion receipt it only Forte Cti. Thi ts at the rate of eaaecly oas coat each, bat bear in mind that no liat than the etmplfte tn cfor will be HM. Kever einco tUa lomtxit c4 tba printing press baa there boen otrret by any rmponsiblo publishing boose eorhavist amount of ae(ml and attractive reading matter npon such terms as we now give. The following are the titles of ta forty books onerea: JTrs. Oswllr' Cmrtnim lsrtunt. Rr Doalsss Jcrrold. A stan4srd humorous work, m b smlred. I'trful Knamitdfe fir IV MWxm. A lien'tr book of asefsl in forrasttnn npon ituot subjects, lllixtrtal. The Am Hafmlrr tHrmmrnt. Ky the author of " 1 be Wklow Hf dntt Pspers." Ontte equal tn Its popular predecessor. rrsu. John G. H'tarter. Contains moat ot tbe earlier works ot the favorite poet. Tke frl Made Men tf Modern Time. Contains portraits sad bk( rsphies of tsinous seir-mMe Americana. The Peopie'M Natural Hiatery. Contalos Interesting deeniptinne accompantea tr illustrations, 01 auiueroua Deasia, mroe, rep tiles ashes and Insects. Tile Ladm tae Lake. By Wr Walter Scott. One of tbe most dele orated nnems ever written. Seteetkmefer Antoornpk Album. Valentines. Weddirtc Annirer asries, Blruidsv tlreetinva anil Bouquet Presentativns. Admentnrm ef a BaeMmr. A creat hurooroua book, by tbe autbor of M The Miss Slimmens Papers." Bijab fieanpole." etc Law Life im Hem Fort. A series of vivid pen pictures, showing . tbe dark side of life In the great city. iUumeM. Mere BtbW than fiesta. A Novel. By Charlotte M. Braeme. Tke Fatal Marriaae, A Norel. By Miss at. K. Brsddon. Bdsr Ltiau A Story. By Mrs. Henry Wood. The OM (tefera CAtat. A Novel. By Hylvanns Cnnb. Jr. Tar Peril ef Mkkmrt Pariom. A Novel. By B. L. Patjeoa. The above books are pabliabed la nest vamnblet form, manv of them haadsomelr iUnstratad. and tfcw4 ro printed from clear, bold, resuable typo on aool paper. Eaea b9k eoDtaina s complete, Brat-elaaf novel or outer work by a well-known and popular author, published in the) handiest anJ most convenient form for reading and preservation. It is not a large number of novels or stories bound (oawUier In one oooa, out jvny xvoraoe ono aamaici eooax Auia wo airree to sna to yon cot one, or nre. t ten, cut us nonuic junw mpKiwmn vuvss vy bibui poBfc-pata, upon receipt 01 jorrj enuf r sua rec-uiar pnee inr ineea nooae cciue cucis, or two aoiiars lor toe set 01 ion v. j n rue ca:aio?uee or inrci tua DODUiar unranea " or But taEinginem att ieirown lowprtea ane Mevr Sear. A NnveL Bv Wllkle Cotllae. Tie Mmtdm ataeei 0 Jemm Strtetmn. A Wevei. rteveneoa. 'hrrwsa'e ,t A Novel. By Rag rinaway. A f'lemrrayM rwMrr. A Vo,L By Mrs. stsh Idvarea. lironerm : ar. The Lifhtlmmm mar. A Nov. By at T Casoar. A geaeWeetae areael. A Novel. Sy Mart (Vil Bay. Imateaea- few. A Novel. Br (twriotle M Biasaie. H-rw Arkttt. A Novel. By Mrs. Heary Woae. Oatet th. rf the. A Norel. By Hafh Caaway. rate Ximetr-Tmm. A Novel. By Mary CWtl May. A (rra Jawajel l am A Kuvel. By CSMrtotte at BreaMs A l ataeemA Ui r im,. A 7-nL By Mrs Asate Bdvrsves. The Blatchler AVveeet A Voeelette. By Hash Csrwev. TW Treaemrea) fmwlirf A Novel. By ISntert 1 n all nil I saSSI 7ae fatal f.vVa. A Nuvri. By Charbite M. tn sis. Perrwemdlhe rref'et. A Novel. Bv Wllkle CWItaa. err l eeekea. AseWtal A Novel. By Mae LyaJL Me Bent far a HMieT. A Novel. By Jofce mrssuta Waster. Tharaneralt Crvav. A Ni-'et. By Ketl Viseeat The Hrrr, of the e.e7isav A Novel. By Btla W. rsweav Mxmamt. A Novet By Mery Oerri MaV. Amm Barnm. A N'ovH. By tteorse allot .1 rartmae HamVr. A Hovel. By Anew Oat of the era- A Novel. CUrs Aarusta. The firm falam. A KoveL By M T. CsUor. - (tori Ba. Addraaa Foetry and The State Normal and Industrial College OF NORTH CAROLINA. Offers to youne women thorousb lit erarv. classical. scientific, and indos- he cr she has trial education and special pedasoei- ang 17 3r. leal training. Annual expenses $90 to I $130; lor non residents of tbe state,! $150. Faculty of thirty members. More than four hundred regular stu dents. Has matriculated about 1,700 1 students, representing every county in the stale except one. Practice and Ob servation school of about 250 pupils. To secure board in dormitories, all free tuitioH applications should be made before August 1. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent trained teachers For catalogue and other informa tion, address PRESIDENT McIVEB, ' - Greensboro N. C. is In the catalogues of any of th popular Libraries " or ,es" Ton will find the same books lieted st 25 cents each. Ofenad eooka acr qffSred are KtaxtQ snrta boa oiiart. and yet we send the entire lot post-paid for ArV iUaloartou Lv 6o7liDw , Kaicrigh Ar lleiiOmon- Ax Huroaiu... . 7. Ly Durham Ar Weido".7. .7. .77. lUchmoQd A.ir.L.. VS aaumRton, fenn K U.12ltd 11 X-.-ui Kaitimoiw 1 V-jui 1 unum 1'iiilsMleicliut 3Atita i tmui N York t iiitu Uaju K. T JOHS, Vto I residoul soitl Oen r V -K. McitLE, Uen'l HutnijUutieDl. H.W. if UL.OVKK, Trsftc itmuft. T. J ANEKbON. Oeu'l laawiii.r Agl. UDralOffica: IfJKlbJaUl 1H A. A Y EA H YOU LtMUktbl'S FAMILY I sa. I . , v , . A. & B. C. RAILROAD. TIMU rAlllaU sa Ta tsA sffevi MoAn jcM j. lawa at jj I'. al IsomHIv ro. wntesfwMtea Tiawa T saves T. of krtar w. imm. atxl all eui-f es-tuwfcU iWsv 0TATIOM I'avs ris r la-j Uu. eirarte: eXeSvOae I. I. H . W W Ar l.v W Ar Lv Ar Lv W Ar DEMOKcISTtf FAMILY MAUAZINCjs more than a AfclUON MAOAZIMC al- '-' r-s- y 'uh Its? .-..-.'- Vrv lalewt 1ioii. L v-m r Kins t-ii luo-iUi. geAj, siavJC-r'l iU Dianv vSiuab.e frwiurrw. 1 1 has oil rih ilk for eatli D.VllitaJT of th f srt; ily. for every d- t'tDifit of th CMjavr olil. aod iu vsnevl rouirbta snr iff Uic husttat Msle, tiiakiLiK rt rrv-e-n i oet.tly TIIK FAM ILY MAOAZ1NK OF THE WORLD. It fun.isbra !! Uii tboufibta of the most inte-mtiiv aixl moist prorrsive wntrrs of the day. aui ia abrwaat of tLetimefl in everylhir-c Art. I.itra'iir Jkneiice, eonety An sirs, r ictiwn, Mcuavrio..! m altera, HrorU. etc a ainr; utiiutirr ire qentlv ooniainiv m from Jl to V Cneers- pravintm, making it lbeyWT fHiMI I.irTK AND MOSTllU)FrRKI.Y ILLl'STKATkD of the GREAT MOXTHI.IEH. DEMOREST8 MAUAZINK Fartrftn D. partment ia in everv war far ahead of that oontaind in any oilier -t.Mituon. t3UMrnrera areenutieu eacn D otun n pat tenia of tbe latest fashioos in women's at tire at no cowr to Tnr other than that Dee escary fur postage and wra;uicic. . Ar V W !Lv Al W l.v Ar XnJJf.vViWj w Lv Lv eai4ettva 6i 1 e IWu a a tsi Isrmrtf-e It. s rslliDf rwa taj 4 xi KlLstwti a All tt . a ... t e:i f aa. Dover a at a 4 1 (ore rvwfc ... s t sj a AC Tuavnarorm f .4 I l Clark a f uu f jt i- .li . !uwrV.aia . f 7 a I Cl 4 nis'as f :u f a is liateksifc st lu Nevtvan. a s l s l V Ikfwoud I i'4 t Atlantic f a v f f 4 Morehaw-JOty .J. . A Uaii Uc Uotaii M.t'lty Ie-a".... IU) J I r. U. f.U. H KHTUorSD TUA I Mi. 4 I asnwDs-wr HTATIONh. Irailyei- auswi.ri rrt tlsuy. Sut...ay. A.M. A.M. iwilUUhetrte ...... 11 111 t,.) lean s 10 43 a i lAl.rei.fv-s... .. . nl'tXi m haUmjt Cmt H Zt a 617 kiiiftu.ti a lu li a A 47 l eta we.ll.... t inj f A AS IW...T " If !- s tin a I IA Taxsr-iii.... f ;o Ink ' f -J? f 4 57 vj- Uitrrtlaia ... .. .. e (4 11 t rvmfai ., f I 4- Hsr-U- a ...... . s 0l e 4 Newte.rt... ma... 7 s 4 VMUsfK-ef f f s Atiaiitic... ...... f 7 S f 1 1 , UriiwJ C ty-.. . , , t t ti i r. Alisnttc Heteal M. City Dstsat M.. ; i m A.M. A. if. W V ater atal tots. Teiricrapti alaliwn f-buvp uu fwrtai. lirmtilBf ST'lrj.. h. L Ml L but. Hll.WI.S.noV t MKLIhiV 4 It A.SIl IKAM llKv ANI FIKKNi;K KA!I.J.OAl. Cpiisaiatl aCMIbtLt. TiiAJSH OUIMs 8o! JH DATFD lu( let- 17. n. Has e.a 9 .Ca NO BETTER C1IBIS1 XAS Islt'l than a year 'a nhecriptlnti to DKMORDiT5 aauai.ibjg w msiie. f.y iuijtihii r AT onct yoo can ret the roaraxine at the re duced pnoe. and will alao receive the I.ti1 aome 26-c Dt .X-maa Number with ita sj tiful panel picture atipplement. Remit II. 00 by money order, reciattr J, ter or check. Great Special ClubSixnr Offer for from) i i.6ubacnrtirof: ONLYISI.7S FOR T1I15 CAUCASIAN S 'US Billy Maresas rSTSend your scbacrptona ia to hoT.a A S rtt'RE"li.. att .i m. m. r . Lv Wel.ton M w U . Ar He kf Vcvii t llfZIOJi:. or a,., xi Lv Tsi-buru. ii a Lv P erky M wml. It hi li ii. l.v .laviD...... Lv rMlrua Lv r ayenteTp. Ar t"iiej,a . . . t (i 4l 1 It r. . a Lv (sOtd'ioro .. Lv Vsfi.ol.a ... ii Hi uitafUmi 1 I 4' " tl t A. SJ 12 43 2 12 S 10 l 45 e. at. 7KA1MJ OolMJ NOlilU. a . it Ss as : lj If. 9 a ,V.Za o a Lv Flo rwTKw sj j Lv Faettevi;.. 11 3i IV8IB l Ar W ilawri 1 U t.m.' l .... 10 a) .... is io f THE DESIGNER rhibllsheO rioathljr 4Vwls sTH KANDSOMF COLORED PLATED Lv VV Ut ti.t ton' Lv Miri) .... - Lv Uo 4lwterrO . . . . e. at. a. 7 ll ti hb 10 ft 10 II 11 r ., at. r, at. r. m. Lv Wion ....'..( 1 42.... 12 1511 'Al 11 Ar liar fcy Moont,, 2 33 .... 12 U ll &7 1 LvTarlsnro 'jj 12 ... ! ' The Colportage Library POPULAR BOOKS FOR GENERAL. READING only forty cents. This Is the most rigantic, the most atartlint; vffer ever made ty any responsible sad reliable rmblkahine hotue in the wort.L and la noeaible onlv from tbe fact that theea booaa are aaaanfac- tared in Terr larre Quantities, with the latest Improved machinery. It is a srand chance for every lovev of literature, snd will furnish a whole winter's tleiit-htfnl roadinc- Ts will send the Forty Valuable Books above named by mall post-paid upon receipt of ottiy brty Cam. ff im Ua Utt mart tet if font U ( asw nprial Prpmiiim flffpf We wiu tecd th foki'Y' valuahi.k bo k- wiwwui i iwiiiiuih wsiwis above namea by roan pf srpa'a, Also i bk iaUw'as ian for tbe year, upon receipt of $1 20, which ia but 20 cents io addition to nur regular subscription price, bo that vou practically get tbe forty books for only 20 cents. If your subscription baa not yet expired, you may renew now and secure tbe book' at once, and your mbscripticn will be dated from its expira tion. Address CAUCASIAN, Kaleigb, N. c. $16.00 3errriorias Part, book Complete i6mo Volume; contain Inr about ias paces, pruned in usrww wear aypw, and Is bound In Attractive paper covers. an 4 tm,iih -wA m. siwwt asileiirioB also in the German. Swedish and Danish-Norwegian langnsses. IS cents each, two copies for 565 cents, or ten copies for l.OO postpaid. See Partial List below . ORDER TO-DAY! Way to God. D. L. Moody. Alone in London. Hesba -PrdDflii,oor SfcSWaanoe, F.a oniif.'.Duti-. r. 8MSJedlife. Joh, Poinf Pnrposa in 8to- acNail. y and Savin,. Ovarcon life. D. Ia oMfsOldOra-lr-. KaVmanthsTBrrian. A.B. Heaven. D. U Moody. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH LIMA. CAR0 A DAY. SURE EASY MONEY Any perron without experience, or without capital, willinjr. to work and willing to talk and ahoir the Canny Gas Retort in op eration at their own homes to their neighbor and friends, can easily, and without work, make at leat $16 a rfay. An exrerieDced agent afcooVt make 25 or 3i' a day. A -tore can be opened, and a 11 000 A MONTH cleared. Thr (ias Re tort ts the STAR ATTRAi TWX for an ageni; people crown trie place wrere it i shovn .Makes fuel gas fron coal oil; no canpen bnms a dear, ongnt name, neats oven m ten minutes: coal oil, the coming fuel; everybody interested: the Dew fire a saccees; Hea no (iirt. no afhes Get first char ce at one of the wonders of the century . BIG MONEi for an enterprising arent lady or gentlemen don't delay, write to-day. Just put the Retort m vour kitchen stove- chipped ail readv to set in Itove. ro expense. THE. WATT MAN! FACTURING U0 IIP ANY, NO 290 EST 39 ST. CIN6INNATI.0 aug. 61 4t e o w. PrevaUins Prayer. Welched and Wsntutg. IX UMoody. . !,,,;, crnilr nt insiie.t- IW ------- Bibla.Ohaa. nient pending, and whetner senteB- awA&A.xewj. Lost Crown. 3. W. Cbjtp- OreVof the Dolphin. Has. Jo Ploughman's Talk DSBtrsnon.. . .Drs ;. Widest patronage, and fullest equip ment in its' history. Faculy 38; Students, 495; 3 Academic Courses ; 8 Elective Courses; 3 Pmiessional Schools, in Law, in Medicine ard in Pharmacy. New Building, Water Works. Suleodid Libraries Libera tories, Etc. Advar&fd Clasps open t women. Tuition $60. ay ear; Bjard $8. month Amide opportunity for stlt-belp I SclHil&r Allies ard loans tor the needy. J Free tuition for teacher. Summer i S' htKJl for l'eachera. 24 jKsiructors, 147 students. Total enrollmert 644 1 Ft.r catalogue, AdtJrt fs 1 President Aldbrmah, . Chu el Hill.N C. ecter Crops , ALSO IIXU STRATI S yh: Celebrated aaus, Standard Pattfrws Cc ml reliable patterns, oecaase thejr allow Mama. OPtm FrfCe i $..00 fX2T. " ;JTlvlCF. V ANTED -?al "."HL ' ItwUnjCATION Caksru tjgal. eowmiMt a rite tv Jijf an tod tf to aflbcriflfit. A .tatfswsaat 9 Sal tii Slreet. Noar York Cit taxSx frrxa csa cf fertilizers rich ia potash. Host fatSzer. sold do not contain - Sufficient Potash to insvre the best results. The results of the latest bvesdgsttiocs cf the we And abuse of potash are told hi our books. They an aval swS ft taC3 aoat yoar aothraa; ta read fhea, aad fhey 0 attva yea . CCTMaW KAU WOaXS, m Kasaaa aiiiaaiaedy Sa ja Bav Caaotreta andy CaXhartic, the most v.r dsrful medacal. disco very of the acre, per a aat sum) retreabinc- to Use taaus, art peoti and r uaitively on Iddneya, liver and boweU cleaaaic? the entire ayatem. disjel colds cure bcadacbe, fever, haUccsl coosUpsUiot and biiioosmeaa. Pleaaa buv and trv a bov of a to-day; 10, 25,60 ceatav. ttoldanl aiar ntawei toetOT oy aUdrntaTlita . k fasimer Jiaiss aba) I ba fasts VI Ufe a fJrala t Salt. Th war to tbe aeasde i hy it S'lard Air L:n. Satordar ate Su.!y H'urfiona frrtni 3Jiy 20 :h t S'p't-nrr 24th to Virginia Bach. Ocean Vie-w and Old Piint 0 cufort, and trip $3.50 via tbe i a boa id ' Lise. .Tiekets wiltbs on a ale LvIUKjy yocct- s si.... ii u I.... Ar V lvti I S ....: 1 44 . a. i a. at. r. . tLs .y xo4 ltUy. XIaily ezorvt 6or.day. Train vb the fraUabd Brabtu lUmS kavea'vveiJor 4 ICi p. rt llal'.taa Ua.n, arrtvea SrxrUaxid Ntli at i 'JJ p. itu Orea. vue bJLx p. ui.. Kir man iJjtt .. ta. irjturtv ibtT leaves KiiurrrD 7 W a. m- OreetiyiUa 62 a. m. arrivu.r liahfu Il ls a- bx VVeldoo 115 a. m. Trail; sou aiunr.on Bimxich leava Waaa t'rtoo Jua. ta. aid Irtft p. m arrive lar- mcM iv a. m. ana ztu p. m., maraioc leave Parruele it.tt a. to. atad 6 JO t. ia- ar rive M'aeJuixirtoD lltXJ a. m and 1JU p. aa daily. Train itsvvea Tarboro. V. C-. dally ezorvt rhxndav &M p ta.. hooday K-fA p. o. ar nvea riymrttb 7.4U p. aa., a p. ta-, return. in leavea Pirmooth daily exorpi bauds v 70 a. ta., and Sanday a. aa amvea Tar boro IQMb a. m. tmA ll a. ra. Txaia oo Sitduaod X. C Braacb saavat Ooedrnoro daily. exre nonday, 7J0 a. n-, arriving; HratittrUi tju a. La., rstarnin. ataves r u thfieU hv.ijO a. ajT.raa at lioJde borvi IV. 6 a. ta. Traina on NaahrilVe Braxtcta leave Cocky Moant at 4.3o a ta arnva Kaabviaiei OA p. ta.. Brria u r,T sv n. en., retortuag laave rAriaxisO w a. KaabrU S.Av at. jau arrive at Kocky If ount 1tM6 a. aa-, daily i cet4 Sonday. Train Cliotoa Branch leavee Warsaw t-t Chntcsn daily, except btxnday, 1 1:15 a. ta and 4;l( p ra rrtarnitit seavea Limun at 7.-0i ay ex and 2:00 p. ra. Train .3t Ta 'isaarw -oas ooontxxkMi at WekVrn for all points orJi daiy. all rail via Ksciiraoud, a-a at ock- ).bas&Lirttl Norfolk an 4 Carohaa at. fc. for JKtoU'aTrl 11 jjoiiitt Xonh via Norfolk W. If. EMavSSfrV, a 1 X. V. BBVLY. Gwn'l IfW T. 1L. KMElUOV. Traflsr aasjaaaac. Aft. v -u s;, (v-YTa'J Kr'LPT evs im ra erf t m V'ein vntrl fares Take It ej "Tt I Mf ILs wttpaaatatls.asiissavrts tea I QI I VAwaa as anaaily afasi H seea.aivs fwarsan i i eeewrv,. er see res' ana1 asawee

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