CAtCASIAM VOL. XVII. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER '21, 1899. NO. 12, 111 H JOIN! DEBATE. Declines to Meet Bourke Kan Ccc1- ran on the Trust Issue KICKED ABOUT THE PROGRAM, .... . Mi firailv. After a Personal Intcniew Hie Yorker, Was (iiven His Was r-ii t Mill! . "u ' Ii r i hi'.iJi ' fit : ! -' " . III., Hpnci il.Th" exciting I;u!trl for Friday night. Win. .1. Bryan and Bourke; nil tru.-ts, did not take place. Mil -ic 1 1. ill wua parked with .hi !i r f . but in? people pres- i ditftit themselves wiithout ." 'if tho fa mom NVbraskan, a. .. r. ( ci iipifd a seat on the 'I'm' Hi. ! I: , in i f.u he I Central Music !l r;v in lh evening. He went m' ! i .i mini upstairs, where he 'A ,S H-i.' 1 'i iv thilrman Franklin t'n .--man Gaines. Ralnh M K I'tnl dt)nr members of the pro i tii n i mtntnittre of th rivll federa i.nii i . ii f ! ii t-f on 'trusts. Bryan tur ,i; -.1 : ;: itnmitten by declining to -imI i: ii'' night session with W. H Hi- U ran. In accordance with n' , il:i -.i i,i t ii o previously arranged. II'' ; ii :'"l Ii" did not wish to W ! M' iniM i si.imi no out that he was to niNi ;ii 'i ;i didiate with Mr. Cockran. I'm :!i, ii ia in, die said, hp would not fp. ik v.i ii Mr. Cockra.n at tho same " --I' i 'ih- committee withdrew to ;.ll '- i i'i two orators to settle the iH'.,ii, ii aiiioti'jt themselves. Mr. Cock w, ii rd to talk at the fame session ni i tin' no. i"l Ncbrasknn. find of l' " in ili;i a coin to determine who -;:i i''I Iiim- t!if privilege of delivering t.i rlo-itig ;i'iilrrs . Mr. Hi. vim would not aceppt this .:np'i..i;i;in. Mr. Crrrkran then agreed 'i ii;mrii' ;.t any time Ihe committee i1' Mi 'I. The programme was then iliiiiucd ti mset Mr. Bryan's wishes. y,.:. Hryan snirt lie wan anxious to ad-lirr-s t!i" i oiiferenee, and claimed that his only reason fur changing the pro gramme Mas to avoid any indication if a public del'a'e with Cockran. Mr. Hryan sp.-ke at Saturday's session. Sm'cj S ripes for R. & 0. Railroad Men. Tlnri' ;!' many uniformed cm pinyrs of the Il.iKimcre and Ohio rail- r ::nl who have spent the better part of lii'ir lives with he' (ompanv, but V"vy few people are aware of their I'Tth or service and devotion to duty f ':': lias niailo them valued meu. Vi:o- I'.f-i'ini: and llnn-nil Manager ITn I'i'wiDil w K 1 shortly issue an crder. In.viding for servlw ctripes for the? ri'ti, t!:;it fue pr.Mic may know of tir f.iltlifulne--s and ability. A gold .'fvi);" will mean Ave years of service. anit :i yiher wtriiie two years. Pome of tip Halt itnore and Ohio conductors vill Ii,. rnUfk I to from seven to nine (-' ! fdnpc'S. The company will al'o f'atnicii conductor, brakemen and li.-SiiKemcn of ti',1 plashes, with badges, i that t'iry may b? e.isily distinguish " ui:.-e uniainuiar wir.h the ser- four New Case in New Orleans. v' Orleans. Li., Spacial. Ther? wri'o f ,,. nrw paj, nf yeiiow fever an- n nn -1 by tho State bonrd of health Tui-il.iy. No deaths were reported A' a ni-'fting of the board it was de "vniinrd not to quarantine again?t in '" l points. There would be no rea on f;;- surh a course now, inasmucb a Mississippi has pretty generally (i,-rl her doors asuint this city, ar.J and Alabama are bent on main ,;'iii:u: tlirir quarantines. There have lr,,:i fiiiy seven cases of fever h?re al ;' "' tlmr and the ity was never In bet lin'ih. Ilunjj Tw!ce. Mi l.ilo .Mi.. Special. Henry Gard " ' '. fi r.egro IS years old was lmngei ''"i '"Milay. fcr assaulting a white lrl linni-r ten years of age. The crimu was '"Mmltted last June. When the trap f U (iardr.e r's weight snapped the rope ""'1 he fell heavily to the ground lv i,.ly minutes later lie was again led t the gallows and executed. Delagel Acquitted. ''nylon. Ga., Special. Henry Dtlc fc-d. colored, was acaultted In the Ef fi'Uham Court of the charge of mini "al ussaiilt nnnn n. white woman in Mc Into county. This wa3 the affair out ' which grew the Dari'en riots. Argu intts cf the attorneys were made at a i,f0 hour last night, and the Jury re nniwM locked tip until noon Friday, "fipn a verdict cf not guilty was re turned. The cases of Edward and Ma lnila Delegal, charged with being ac THforles to the murder of Sheriff fwrnrend, were begun In the after n(!on. These are the last of the Daricn 2SPs. 5 c n I eySti 1 1 ToSa iTt he Se a s . Washington. D. C., Special. Some time ago Admiral Schley applied to th? Navy Department for sea service. At present he is head of the Tetlrlng ward. The Navy Department has now Rnnted the request and has notified liim to hold himself In readiness for r,'u- He has been assigned to com n,"nd the South Atlantic station, and ae department is about to take steps to make the command commensurate xv'th hh rank by Increasing eonsider ah'y the number of vessels on tho Nation. Artillery Returns to Fori Monroe. Newport News, Va., Special. The 'wo batteries of artillery traneferr-d 'lorn fy, t Monroe, at the outbreak of ""i yellow fever, to Plum Island, ie. ll'i-ned to their old quarters at the fort, Tn'irsday. They came down oil the stumer Jefferson. The Pope'i Illness. London, by Cable. A special dls-Po-teh from Rome eaya the Pops ii saf r'ln( from a cold, unaccompanied "by lfV"r. but. u v. precautionary meas ". hij aadteccej hv bfren diaccatla- ANOTHER NEW COTTON MILL'. Urr Manufaclurinr Plant to Be Located at Mount Pleasant. Another new cotton mill was granted articles of incorporation by the aec:? tary of State. The "Tuscarora Cotton Mill" Is the name of this latest tnUr PMKe. Its location is Mount Pleasant, Cabarru.s county. The amount of tap- .!. bi.h u oi me mill is 130,000, and may be Increased to 1100,000. The in- orporators are: L. J. Foil. J. W. Can non, Paul Barringer and A. N. rhe annual meeting will be held the second Tuesday in Se idem her. Th business propped is the manufacture and sale of cotton, cotton goods, yan.s, nread and woven cotton, silk or linen, ither spun or woven. Within a radius of seventy-five miles of the site cf the great Yadkin river power plant now icing building there are at piesei;l no c'mb than eighty-three cotton mills alone, to which power could be sup plied. Rome of there mills use water now, and are situated on qher powers almost all of which would admit of ir.. creased plants. Especially is this tir.a of the Coolemee mills in Davie county. now in course of erection, on the smith Yadkin, where they have an available power of several thousand. T.ic Yadkin River company, which Is envt Ing this power plant at the Narrows, intends to erect an immense cotton mill somewhere near the plant, to de monstrate the efTicency and cheapness of electric ty as a power compared wi h team. After Colored Recruits. Lie. tenant Settle yesterday received orders to begin enlisting men for the two colored volunteer regiments, the Forty-eighth and Forty-ninth. The Forty-eighth will be stationed at Fort Thomas, Ky., and the Forty-nintri at Jefferson Barracks, n?Ar St. Louis Recruits can select either, but those having no preference will b? sent to Fort Thomas. These are the oniy colored regiments to be raised and they will probably be filled very quickly. The recently appointed colored officers of this State wil probably be assigned to help recruit, and if so offices may be opeued in Durham or Winston. Graham's New Factory. These are growing times, and the Scott Mebane Manufacturing Company, of Graham, manufacturers of overalls,' have outgrown their quarters and have neaily compleatcd a large two s'ory brick factory, 75x130 feet. This busi ness was begun only a few years lso and the great success which ic has ut shows what can be done in the old Xorch State by men of the "get up And get' spirit. State Notes. The Presbyterian Synod of Noith Carolina will convene in Asheville ov. the 10th of October and will con tinue its session for several days. It is expected that about "00 delegatej will attend the meeting. Krwin Q. Houston has been appoint ed postmaster nt Davidson. Mr. W. II. Wade, who was di owned at Wrights ville Beach on Saturday, was a grandson of Chief Justice Mar shall. , John F. Rowland, a prominent Re publican of Rutherford county, has de clared for the Constitutional Amcid ment. The Rank cf Madison has opened its doors with Col. J. M. Galloway as pres ident. Wm. C. Ruff in as vice-president, and J. O. Kagsdale as cashier. The Albemarle correspondent to the Charlotte Obescrver sys that Cal Fra Icy was sentenced by the late court to six years in the penitentiary for psr- j "'. The suggestion that Mr. W. C. Felly will extend his road, which is now be ing built twenty miles beyond Carthagu to Greensboro. It would give Greens boro connection with the Seaboard Air Lino. The Greensboro Record says that since the SouthernRailway acquired the northern end of the Cape Fear road, the Greensboro merchants complain that freight rates have gone up. Di fore the purchase, the rate on tobacco from a South Carolina point was 53 cents, and now It Is $. The Record thinks this a case for the Corporation Commission. A local option election was held re cently in the township in Watauga county in which Blowing Rock Js situ ated, and resulted in a victory for i.he drys by 6 majority. R. Lieb. a native German, recently living in Madison county, together with a friend of foreign birth, has leased two farms belonging to G. W. Muse, adjoiiiing the well known R. L. f. Jones farm on Hominy, and will as sume control at once. It is believed these gentlemen will carry on farming in the most thorough style, having had training in the old country, where farming is dene scientifically of neces sity Asheville Citizen- "We Lee- of a peculiar accident ihat befell a young man by the name of Hayes, In Richlands townships Cold swell county, last Tuesday. He was harvestinsr buckwheat and stopped work to rest, sitting on the ience, plac ing the scythe and cradle - on tiie ground Ei&arby with the edge of the scythe up. By some means a rail on the fence slipped and Hayes, to pre vent falling, jumped, lighting on the scythe, cutting through his shoe ai.d into Ms foot to the bone. A very peculiar case of hydrophobia Is reported from Stanley county About two years ago a dog, seemingly in play , with Charles Little, a young man who lived in Stanly county, drop ped some foam on Little's hand. Sorea broke out on his hand. The dog proved to be mad. Some time ago Little started to Albermarle, but after goins a few miles refused to continue fur 4i,.ii T ater he became mad and was carried to the hospital at Morganton for treatment. The hospital physician .uimr-sed the disease as a very plain case of hydrophobia, and the young. mb died in terrible agony last Friday. BRYfiN SPEAKS Oil TRUSTS Great Leader Denounces the Trust System. THE STATE AND NATION Should tnite to Make These Combinations Impossible. Enthusiastic Listeners, and Great Applause. Chicago, 111., Special. Central Musi Hail, the scene of the Civic Federation Conference on tru,ts and combinations, was pocked from pit to gallery when W. J. Bryan delivered his reply to W. Bourke Cochran on the trust question. Mr. P.ryan was introduced by Gov ernor Stanley, of Kansus, who acted as chairman of the open'ng session. Wild -iipiausa greeted :ae Nebraskan. W. j Bourke Ccehran listened intently and Joined frequently in tihe applause. Mr. Bryan spoke in part as fellows: "Within two years more truvt hive been ergzeized than in '.I'.ie previous his tory of the country ami the people now come face to face with this ques tion: "Is the trust a blessing or a curse? If a curse what remedy can be applied to the curse? "Monopoly in private hands i3 in defensible from any standpoint and in tolerable. I do not divide monopolies. There can be no gocd monopoly in private hands until the Almighty send us angels to preside over us. "There may be a despot wlio is bet ter than smother despot, but there is n gcod despotism. The defence of the monopoly is always placed on the ground that if you will allow people '.o control the market and fix the price they will be good to 'th3 people who purchase of tlh&ni. The entire defence of Fae trusts rests upon a rrjrney argu ment. If the trusts will sell an article for a dollar less 'tfean the article will cost under other cc-nditions.then in the opinion cf some that proves a trust to be a good thing. In the first place I deny 'that under a monopoly the price will be reduced. In tihe secend place, if under a monopoly the p:ice is re- dured, tihe objections to a monopoly from other Eland point 3 far outweigh the financial advantage thit the trust would bring. But I pretest against set tling every question upon the dollar argument. ' In the eiily yeavz of Lincoln's ad ministration he sent a messae to Con gress, warning his countrymen against fae approach of monarchy. He said he saw in the attempt to put capital even upon equal footing with labor in the structure of government, 'the approach of monarchy. Lincoln was right. Whenever you put capital upon an equal footing with labor, or above la bor in the .structure cf government, you ere cn t-hs road to aid aovernnient that rests not on reason, but on force. "Xotiiiing is rnoie important than that we s.ha!l, in t'iie beginning rightly unclerstand the relation between mon ey and man. "Man is the creature cf God and money is the servant of man, and I protest against all theories thmt en throne money and debase mankind. "If you will go about the country you will ree where people have sub scribed money to establish enterprises, and where those enterprises, having come under the control of ithe trusts have been closed up and stand ncrw as silent monuments 'to the Sodom cf the trus't system. In any case of local S'trikes stju fires, tihe work goes on elsewhere, thus preventing serious lo?s. "When a br;nch cf industry is found in tiie nanas oi ore ci ine great, mo nopolies so that every skilled man must ro to one man for employment. the one man fixes the wages as he pleases anu tne lauoring men wm men fi'.iare the suffering cf the man who sells the raw material. "I want to warn you 'tha't when the mcccpoly hs absolute control, brains will be ait a discount. We have not yet had a taste cf a complete trusit. But v.t'aen the trurt has rid itself cf all com petitors what is g-cing to be the result? Mv friends., ail you have to know is human nature. Gcd made man sel fish. "On the farm we used to protect property from the hogs by putting rings ia their Eoses. Why? So that while they were getting fat.they would not destroy more 'than ithey were worth. "One of the great -purposes cf gov ernment is to put rings in the noses of hogs. If I were going to try to find tihe root of the monopoly evil, I would go back to the Bible for an explana tion, and I would find it in the declara ticn that the love of money is the root of all evil. "Falling prices, caused by a rising dollar and the ihig'h tariff, have ccn tributed to the desire to secure the fruits of the monopoly. "Some have suggested that to put everything cn the free list that trusts make would destroy the trusts. But I do not believe that you could destruy all trusts by putting all trust-made articles on -the free list because if an article can be produced in this country as cheaply as it can he produced abroad, then the trust could exist with out the benefit of any tariff at al! though it could not extort so much. We cannot destroy monopoly until we lay the axe at the root of the tree and make monopoly impossible by law. "Discrimination by railroads has aid ed trusts. That can be remedied by laws which will place producers on equal footing. But the remedy must be complete enough to prevent the or ganization of a monopoly. We differ more in remedy than we do in our opinion of the trust. Few people wlli defend the trust as a principle. As to the remedy both State and nation should concur as o these remedies. In tie first place every State has or should have the right to create any private corporation which is conductive to a welfare of the people cf that Suit. I believe that we can eaiely entrust to the people of a State the settleaivLt of a question which concerns them. If they create a corporation and it Lc cones destructive of their best Inter ests they can destroy that corporation and W9 can (safely trust them both ic create and to annihilate if conditions make annihilation necessary. "In the second piac-e the State hce, or should have, the right to prohibit any foreign corporation, from doii.g business in the State, and it ought to have cr impose such restrictions and limitations as the people of the State may think necessary upon any foreign corporation doing business in the State. I bel ieve in an addition of State letn edy, but there must be a Federal rem edy. "Congress has, or should have the power to place such restrictions and limitations, even to the point of pri hibition, upon any corporation organ ized In one State, that wants to co business outside of the State contrary to public good. "I believe that thrse concurrent rem edies will reach the difficulty, that the people of every State shall first decide whether they want to create a corpora tion; that they shall, secondly, decide whether they want any outside corpor ation to do business in the State, and if so, upon what conditions and thirdly that Congrcca shall exercise the right to place upon every corporation doini business outside of the State in whkfc it is organized, such limitations and restriction.: as may be necessary for tb protection of the public good." TO SEE DEW'I Y. Excursion Kates ty Ihe Seaboard Air Line to the Spiendid Celebration. The busbaDd f aid to his wife: "Dear, do we no, or do we uot goV" The good wife promptly replied: "Dewey ! Provided we go by the Seaboard Air Line. Above all do not let the children miws the great event. They will thank you, dear par ents, in the years to come. Excursion rates at one and one-third fares for the rouDd trip, -all rail or by Norfolk and steamship llces. Tickets on sale September 26:h-27ih, Kood to return until October 5tb inclusive. Take advantage of the cheap rates, brilliant weather and perfect service of the Seat oard Air Lino to the most stately pageant Df patri otism of the century. New Cars for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. Within the past 30 days the Balti more and Ohio Eailroad has placed several orders for new freight equip ment to meet the excessive demand for cars. The South Baltimore Car Works is building 1,200 Baltimore aud Ohio standard box cars, with all ir.od ern improvements. The American Car and Foundry Company has an order for loO refrigerator cars and 10 im proved hors9 cars have also been ordered. The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad has only received 1,000 of the G.000 Schoen steel cars ordered sometime ago, and when the remciniDg 5,000 are delivered, will have 6,360 cars to add to the '15,000 now in use. WHITE SLAVES. Efljrta Ha&ins to Stop the Cursed X raffle la Russia. St. Petersburg Cor. New York Times: In view of the International Congress to be held in London at the end of the present month for the dis cussion of the beet measure to be taken for the prevention of the "white slave" traffic, the Novosti has lately been publishing detailed accounts of the manner in which this business i3 car ried on in Russia. The trade has de veloped1 to a great extent in the past few years throughout Western Europe, but the town of Jassy is its center. The women are bought, particularly at Leipsic, during the great annual fair, but it is the capital of Moldavia, which is the central point of the traffic, ju3t a3 Khartoum was formerly the mar ket place for the human merchandise imported from Abyssinia and Central Africa. From Jassy the merchandise is directed to Russia and Turkey. Next to Jassy, Brussels has become the most important center for this business. The white slaves destined for Russia are generally sent to Riga or to Vilna, where the wholesale merchants from St. Petersburg and Moscow meet to make their selections. These they transfer at once to the principal cities of the empire and to the remote prov inces of Siberia. There wa3 recently arrested in Odessa an agent of the principal Russian "white slave" mer chants, and at his residence a volumi nous correspondence, with sub-agents at Jassy, Brussels, Riga and elsewhere, was found. Thanks to this edifying correspondence, the Russian police as certained that white slave agencies ex ist throughout Russia, in rural dis tricts as well as in the principal cities and towns. In some of these letters the sub-agents mentioned that they had "exceptionally fine merchandise at a relatively low price, five parcels (sic) in all." Then there followed a detailed description of the goods. The Odessa agent in question has been exiled to Siberia, where he will spend the next ten years. From what I hear, the Rus sian government considers the white slave traffic as an international curse, which can only be successfully eradl cated by the united efforts of all civil ized nations. It is well known that the czarina is herself deeply interested in this matter. Whence Came the Japanese The people of Japan have shown such adaptability to European ideas that particular Interest attaches to the conclusion of a writer In the "Transac tions" of the Japan Society that the ancestors of the present inhabitants of Japan built the sepulchral chambers called dolmens in that country. No slmrlar dolmens are found anywhere in Asia until the search comes westward to the shores of the Caspian sea. "and for more closely allied form it i3 nee essary to go yet farther to Western Europe." It is shown that the orig inal inhabitants of Japan, the Ainos, were driven out by invaders from whom the present inhabitants are de scended. - Behavior Is a mirror fn Tyhlc! even pet displays his iaaxa. i mm mm Bourke Cockran Leads the New York Delation. CHICAGO MEETING OPENED. Not Half the Delegates Appointed Trcm the Several Slates Show tp Strung Convictions Manifested. Chicago. III.. Speciil The con't eme on the uses and abuses of trusts and combinations began Thursday, with less than half the delegates ap polpted by the variom States in at-tc-.ance. New York, headed by W. Bourk Coc kran, and Wisconsin, were nii numerously re.resenttd. The lnieting tcok place in Central y.v.Mr H-il. sno wa? called to order at 10:30 by Franklin H. Head, the tenipuiary chairman appointed by the chic fed eration, on call the conference was arranged. The delegates listened to an address of welcome by Attcrney General Aiken, of Iillnol-. representing Governor Tanner, who was prevent 1 from appearing in person, by reason of business affairs. Mr. Aiken was fol lowed by Dr. Taylor who welcomed tho delegation on behalf of Mayor Har rison. With the progress of the speak ing, it became evident that many of the delegations had come whh firm convictions for or against trade combi nations. The speech of Mr. Wootea. of Texas, delivered during the afternccti, in which he hammered the trusts in a merciless manner, aroused the wil iest enthusiasm in the ranks of the labr representatives ar.d the delegations from many Western and Southern States, while Easterners generally smiled critically and kept their am;-; folded. The attempt to round the some what shapeless mass oi! delegates into working form resulted in considerable disorder. It was resolved, finally, that the Civic Federation, through its chairman, Mr. Head, should conduct the meeting, and that a committee on programme consisting of one man from each State delegation and one from each organization, national in its scope, should be appointed. Los'al or ganizations in attendance were given a voice in the committee by being allow ed to vote on the committeemen with the delegation from their States. Th? labor organizatons did not sure rec ognition until vigorous speeches had been made by Augu t Gans, rcyrrsent- r.g the Knights of Labor, ar.d John W. Hayes, also a Knight of Labor dele gate. The non-attendance of many dele gates was not unexpected ar.d Secre tary Easley announced that probably a hundred of the tardy ones, incluiias Governor Pingree, of Mieb'gan, v.uiM be present at succeeding s?s.-io: Among, those present were: W. Bourke Cockran', Albert Shaw, of the Review of Reviews; Governor Atk'.n-on. of West Virginia; ex-Governor Foster, of Ohio: Prof. John B. Clark", of Colum bia University; Attorney General T. S. Smoth, or Texas; r. p. Tanrber, of New York: Prof. Henry C. A lams, oi' the University of Michigan; Prof. J W. Jenks, of Cornell University; Pro?. jno. u. urooKs. or uamuri-ige, .'.lass.. lecturer on political economy in th" University cf Chicago; Prof. Bremis; Lieutenant Governor Jones, of Ohio; Prof. R. T. Ely. of the University of Wisconsin; Attcrney G3r.eral Smythe, of Nebraska. Wm. J. Bryan was ab sent .but it is believed he will appear later in the conference. Chairman Head delivered an ail ire; in explanation of the call for the con ference. Prof. Jenk3 followed with a papsr under the caption. "Problems Before the Conference." The afternoon's session op:-ne.l with a paper Dy rror. Aaams. cn tne same subject cLs his predecessor. Mr. Jenks These addresses were received atten tively, but it remained fcr Dudley ooten, of the Texas dleeation. to stir up the enthusiasm of the camp- meeting variety. He was frequently in terrupted by cheening. Brides Worth Having. it costs only ?ioo tor a license to i,:o.r- ry a Choctaw Indian woman, and i:p to September 10 all white men who i;tcr- mcrried with the triba v. ere entitle! to coO acres of ground. The withdrawal on the elate mentioned of this premium on matrimony caused a great rnsd: ot whits men tor Choctaw brides last week, and none were too poor to raise money for the license. Will k'ru;er Back Down? London, By Cable. A representative of the Associated Press has learned that the British message to the Tran? vaal doc not demand a renlv in S ncurs. tne exact wording ueirg a re quest fcr an immediate reply." The message is not an ultimatum in the general sense of the word. It expresses the hope that President Krttger will accept the proposition to "relieve the present tension." The only part which is at ail aggressive, 13 the reiterated declination cf the British government to discuss the matter of sovcre'gnty in any shape or form. Two Americans in Trouble. Maieklng, by Cable. Mr. MacArthur, who was recently arrested at Zeerust, in the Transvaal S3 a spy, ani sentenc ed to a yeai'a imprisonment, claims to be an American citizen. The Uci; States consul at Kimberly is investigat ing the matter. Mr. ElMs, his forner companion, on being discovered 'at a Boer meeting, in Lady Smith, was tar red and feathered. Cyclone Sweeps BeraiuJa. island ot Bermuda, By cable. A cy clone swept over this island Wednes day nighL Houses were blown down and others were unrccfed. The storm raged the most of the night. No lives were iost but heavy damage was done to public and private property.fruit and cedar trees. The cause way was badly damaged. The stoma was the worst known here binca the hurricane oi 1SS0. In fact many cf the Inhabitants Eay it exceeded the' gale. c4 l-"9 in violence, STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSIIY. Dp tli j treats all lecorjs From Tmt " e-f Atteadiate. "Hi UDiteoi'.y operd Mctklar IU cn at'endance rait brnl all revo-d tefene cr ino :u war. Four hua dred aad . venu--n tudects had ro istered by S!urlr afurnoon. TM i a gala of eighty-two over liot ear at this time, Rreit e ae numbe. then a gain of twenty-fire per.-c cent. There are one 'hundred and nit .y- seven new btudentu already retl.-tered. rerrtsjiiUng eighty-rren ount.e. eiee-n ;a.c and Japan. T-ire H a notabit- increas? ia law and medic! n. The men are well pivpaifj and eater the regular ecurie reflecting great credit on preparatory .&'. The buildings are full and the town is filling lanidlr. Th beautiful Cirr building is idly u ?ded, and other dormitories bide?. The picked youth of the State are there, full of enhusl- asm and readv to work. Kiery tiain brings many more, and all next wcei. tiho numbers wl'.l grow. All delayed students should come on at once. Nf f ro Girl k lied in Sal tbary. Ada Bennett, a colored gill of about 1" jears of age, was shct and instantly killed at Salisbury Saturday night by a negro named Jo'aa Farro-. who drive- for Mr. W. G. Newmaa. Farrow and the girl met r.ear the corner cf Branks and L-.ine streets. T'.iey engaged In conversation, and passers by heard th girl ask Fanow to c-hmse -uine money lor 'ucr. He tooit th" mrney at A'i a quarter and started off. She r .'lim an.l mill in li'in- "Vnii ilnn I mean to take mv mony. He cam back ami said. "Hush. Did you my anything to nie?" Just a- he aid th words there was the report of a pisti'. and the-girl fell to the ground. A num ber of persens were passing, all ef whom ru-h-l to the snot where tho girl fell. Dr. J. W. Ixing was of the number. The girl breathed for a fw minutes but life was practically ex tinct from the moment tihe oill siimii her. It having passed through her heart. Farrow ran as scon as tie did llr? sihoctlng. but returned wth one of .he Mesr3. Newman. He said the she lng wes accidental; that he was flru.r- Lhing the pistol is a bluff, when I; went off. The man was arrest eel and placed in jail. Key and Company Comprora'seJ. Winston-Salen.. Special Captain R. B. Glenn, who returned from Wash- ingtca city fcaturday morning says that a compromise was effected Friday in the case of Key & Co., the rectifying distillery firm cf Statesville. whose- plant was recently seized by reven officers. Tiie company chered to pay the government $2,100 for ex"mpt;oa from prosecution for alleged irreg-t laritie?. Collector Harkins rccam mended that this offer be accepted ar.d Captain Glenn succeeded in gftting an order issued releasing Key & Co. property. Cartridge in His f ipe. A special from Grpcnsbfro to th-? Raleigh Pest says: There was an explooion at the iteini laundry Saturday morning that might easily have resulted fatally, thoagh. fortunately. r.o one was Ihurt. Mr. E A. Antler, the manager, wan pum?g away at his big clay pipe when there was a bang and the pipe went into a thousand pieces. Upon investigation he found that some one had put half a dozen pistol cartridges in his to bacco box. and one cf these had got ten into his pipe. State Notes. Jefferson D. Bast, a prominent farm er of Hickory Grove township. Mr?k lenburg county, was attacked by an i i- furiated bu:l. The bull threw him to the ground and gored him jr.o badly that he died within fifteen minute.-. Herbert J. Hirshinger. of Cliarlott?. formerly second lieutenant of the First Noith Carolina Volunteers, win served on the etaff of Gen. K. P. Pear- sen, in Cuba during the spinl.-h war. has passed the examination for se:oa l lieutenant In the Marine Crps. Mr. Hirshinger was fourth in a class of 23. who tcok the examination. He will get his commission Octcber 1st. William Huddleston. fatner of tac girl assaulted by Melville Parker, tays he is gcicg to bring suit against the county of Durham for several thousaad dollars. Parker was a county chain gang convict when it is alleged that the assault was committed. Huddl? Eton claims that this was a vioiatioa cf the lav on the part of the county. The vote on the proposition to levy tax' to build a new court house in Alexander county la?: Thursday wai a failure, only 43 vctea out of 1.700 were cast for the tax and 34 against it To become a law It would have beea necessary for a majority of the regis tered votes to be cart for the aOrma- tive. Never in the history cf Cheiokcc county has th;re b?en fuch an Inhere?: in minerals a3 at the present tim?. Gold, iron, marble and tolc properties are being worked. There is an unpre cedented demand for ihe talc which is ther? in abundance. The grading on rhe South Carolina, and Georgia extension railroad from Marion. N. C, to Johnson City, Tenn will begin in about ten days. Hands are being employed. It is thought that this movement will induce the Sea board to consider more Mtr'.oualy ex tending its line from Rutherfordton to Asheville. Jones Ta ks Politics. London, By Cable. Senator Jones, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, has arrived here from th? continent. He denies ihat he intends to resign tine chairmanship on accouut of ill health. He says the best physi cians assure him that he has nahear: trouble and that his condition Is due to his" nerves. He declares that h h almost recovered and mill bcoa tca:t for home. Referring to the political situation, he said .that the Democrats must take positive grounds tg?ls: imperialism and trusts. 3IH ARPjyieis. Savs the Idcrejs: From Year t9 Year in Thtm is Alarmir.g. WAS DFFERENT YEARS AGO. Rd. Sjis Re Decs t kn ht tac Fmt Girls IV ill p If Hatters D ft Mc4. He femes of tae Trm. .Yh are tj marrlaceib.e alii g - Itk to mur) ? Th'a imtritloo cinntt judice the future by ihe pat. for lh paM dmi tH lnw-rrt th"m. The ori ent 1 their chif concern. Only th olJ people hu mtrrint Slf rn- tury ago ,a ajp:e-ut the rontraat txtwern now nd then and tb change for l l:c ore 1 alarming. The tnai- rlase rcUtlou ha lrt muh of it e- rluusce-s. l; Mdetnnlty. !: dignity. and con-cquer.tly. oepjia'.Ln and di- or.e have lnrejl fir rn:re rapidly tnau population. D.itln Ibe tvti twenty rear population ha increas ed fift r-r eer.:.. wall dhorrca hae in- crested 1,7 per rent. What a record of broken row and conjugal nilry. Dr. Iindrum. the enilun: Iltiti prea:iM-r of Atlanta, nil In rerent rc-rnion. " h ium m:e in prl. Th- n f o-lctv are threat er.ed. MarriaK- I. t;o f;n a nwK-k- ry. Divane are rapidly multiplying in our e;irts an I o mHutl- depravity gmwti a par. Hut legal dlrornv arc tint a mil! proportion of tle ntinbT f t-;ura- tkn. and a kHII small r proportion t.f unhappy married niip'.e who mi!T r 2nd endure thlr oniuca! tnioery rataer laaa morwy their cn:iirn .r ex'ite a public f-indal. A tm'au.e lady f our ton dv,r d recently tht the knew of but two happl'r married cciples. la our whole community. Onlv two who are ax Irving asd deroted at when they K.eed a! the marr'.ag a lar. We ll know many who If not a hap py as when f.r.l married, are aa 1 v- iug and kin I to eac h other, and thdr happine:. Ij only mantd tiy th anxl" tie incident to niartiad life. St. Paul a'.d. "The love of mooiy U the rort of all vll." and B'n Franklin ail.l. The- la. k c f i: I the c am of all misery." N-I her f th.e abortion are altogether tine. b-t ibiy approxi mate th? Iiutii. I wj iiimlnatitig abcu:; the greed and eluvium of mankind, f.r I have been reading abattt Jhee ttu.-te -o much t,t late that like the Ci:y e.f S'ni-shan. 1 hvf become pciplexed an I d .I't kruw what U going to ! the end 4 it. In The Saturday Ri-vicw ejf S'-pfmlter 21 ind luh. which Is a ladua J-j.inul ;( greet excc-llpnc-e. publ-h-d In Atlanta. there are two articles tn trusts, writ ten by Dr. Alftcd K. t-IJcn. an Kng li.-hman. I .e".iee. but now a citizen of At'.an'a. which for cogent and clsa ic tbniigat exe!i3 IkjIIi admirjtion and alarm. After setiujr forth th many evils that will fa'.l-iw tbes- great combinations cf capital, he a 'What is pushing on this tWghty racvemeat :hi.s great Ic; lir& Is roing counter to powerful current and billows? Popular da'anelctloa the pres-s. the enact men.; a cf eoagreaa and legi.H'aturei are Ve many waves i-pendin? their impotent wrath in vain upon the monsfr. Trusts will continue to move on. Ther will grow in power and will in time ccrial ail the wealth, the tran-portion. the produce of o'tr mines and Adds. They will en list in their nervlce a vat army of toilers,, whose derdence on them will be Koul-crushiug and absolute, and they will bar out another amy o! wo:ild-be toilers, who mill nave no visible m?an cf rupport and then what? To what ceal are we hasten Ing? C.ircrefs might m well try to prevent th sun from r-?Ulnje on the -est. or to Ftop the ojwn-ru-hlng of Niagara, as to attempt by law ta mmn this universal trerj cf modrn com merce towards treat." Then Dr. Sed.lon writes of th; nw factcr In American -o:-Je y the factor of poverty and tsay that l: peteace and its porr I nt yet realized. He quc'ei from the addica cf welcome by the Chicago FedtratUn of l-tbcr t3 the trade a.-nibly: We bid oi mel come in the nam's of a n mdred mo nopolist and fifty tramps. Here mimmcn r.ifls ner canivai :n palacen. aile ma.herj -are bean broken and c hildren are at trying and men look in vain for w-orfc. We mel come ycu In the tame nf a hundred thousand idle raca and to-night we will enow you h'indreila of TCOg Wn lying tn the rough :ona la the cor ridors cf this f-ry buil1?"g no ham-. no food raca ab'e and willing t work, but for whom thre Is n work." In New York :.y tacrre were over 30.000 famili'a turned oat lt rear far unpaid rent. Thr were 230 mlcidea and one per.on la e-.ery tea wb dies is burled In the potter field. Oa, the p!ty of it the pity cf i:!. Wtia will the milleclnm c;me.' Vr. Seddsn be lieves it bec3Ue b knows that Cad is gocd and will not fuffer misery to be prolonged, and becaae be has promised that all the LtmlHr of the earth fhall be blte.ed. I am almost afraid to read trnch thirgs raw. Szc'i picture of bunaaa misery bring tadnca ard a feellnj of despair. Ixng.' leng ago I wept OTer the "Lay of ihe Iboter, by Torn Hcod, when it first appeared ia Lon don. That tame sad zoag has gotten over here cn thla tide-of th; water and now oor cwn strong me-n are singing: "Wiisrever nature needs. Wi-rever labor calli. No Job 111 t!birk cf the fcuden work To shun the wcrkhocae wa!l.; Nr alms I ask, giye tne my ta:V Her are the arm. tt leg. . ... . . . " U. . .'. .. - . t .. ..I... t .vitk i-zd te." A'P. Ja A-'atta ranttitutlcx YELIOW FEVER SIIUATIOW. (W'y Oh V lt klnttl m4 IVrt M IVattt Twr. Waa?-Aa. n, C, ferial Ta frrrr aUaat!i lt mk kat gU ;aux ta ilwiM 1la- pltal trlc. mmck emenmrmceaayw Tae fr h aaa-S it asframr at oxly ee Drar ple, farm Ckrtadaa. Mlaa.. aid bat om a etUta tVere Tae fee l. cnente4 t thre fttate. Ulaiara. Utaataair aa4 P.cyl4a la Plot td a Lot m ra taa rarhe4 te tKalnUn-?. Intt tt ltaatK lm Key Wett la flj'.ie Mrrere. 5 run Mil rrjor.e4 th- Trx-dK rept4 from Tasini that tre haJ tmada booae to feoaae laitkm la Tampa and fvrt Tampa City. mi kal !lted et. Prtertburg. bi bad ti Bc-thlcg auapt.-l9a No rt aJ)me4 to leaie Kry Wet ml: Wat goUa ta the detention camp l lry Tortagaa. utiea be la rerttfle4 aa an I an ts. F!grea la to pre rated from Near r. ieana tat there la a tramblp laspe tkn there f tiot'.a tu-jad vp tae rltrf aol Da muencrfi ar taken. Iurgf.m (Tteueial Wrmaa kaa ae Dr. M-;ru.Vr front .t Orleaaa m JarkM.n. Vl . t mafrr mil a the aa- thorltW there relatli to a tralm la a paction aertire through MlaUaalppl. Hta auigrocia ate eotnpe'llcg tke oU aerrauie ty the Ktate anthorltlea of the liriMity regulation for the Isola tion and guardtftg nf raaea o'hr pj!M. A dupa'.rh rerer4 f-4a from ir. ItriiBry. Savitutati. t) that thit rlty ha a aiarantin4 mgatat paengeia. fruit and manuf twrel clothing from Sar 4trleaa. WlaUp pi City. Pa. raria'taa and For the merk there hate tem 14 new eir and fle d-atha at Key Wit, making 24 rae an4 21 deafht lue August 21 IS re haa beea moaj fate at Miami, one ie a ad one death at tott Ta ni ta "lty; an rm mn4 mo ueath at New Orleana and one Uath at llala-ippi CHj. In the public health report ltt tbi mek fVdorado la reported to le free from raialipoi af'er aa epl4eflgte from Minh to the tulddle of Auaruat. during wbbfi :hte mere raoea aaJ 26 dea'ha. The t-iCil number of a mall- p-n lo the 'nitd Plate thla eea- eon maa I Oil. Tb rejorta re-ied through ! cortula ihoar tat elJnr feter l pr valbng la Arget'.ine. Itraclt. "luni. Ida. i'fttm Ki a. Culn. lUetlco and Htm SaUaJor. Maet f the -UDiriea only report the dea'ha. nd re pot la fur th la: tao month thow 71 deatho. lie- twee a June !ifc and Auruat 21 h. th dale r,f the lat report from SahtUgu, there mere 2"C iM-t and IC leatha 1 that city. In the bub-tin p'.s e-.irlcko roun trl., the mortality liaa teen tet r heavy. Out of l.l2 r-ei la Ilcoc there were 1.4 CI deathand at Tf-m!ul. Japan, out f 2.4VC raea there mere !; ditha. At perto. Portm- jcal. the nnut meterly olnt touched by tb plague out of l raaea tip t. August 7. tbete mere 1 dea'ha. Tbe Marine llcepltal Service la taklat; every precaution to preteot the Intro- d act Ion of the plague either from aoatbrta Kjiope or Africa. he-re baa Rallied a foothold, or from the EaM. tmugh the Mrt of ttaa Fran- clKen. All rteamnblpa from Italy . Spain and aoutbem France are uH r.g Inspected before Miilirc for the lnl'd State. Tbotnaa II. Heenan. mritea a moat intereatlng tepent from f4ea of the precautiona taken la It mod agalna'. the Introduction of the plarme 'a which be ay that there Is a general belief In that taction of.Kurop. that with the advent of the Parla Kipoai- tlcn, th plaatue mill le pread all over the ronllnest of Kurope. and may evei reacSj the fratei of North and i-vutb America. Death Set. Irate a1 SUatt Waahington. I. C. Fp lal. Tae War Iepartmeffit haa teeelyed nothing from General Otla regard lag prea dl- patehes ttatlng (bat two aoldierm bav beea aenle ned to death for outraging Filipino women. OtScer tf the de partment eay they bare no reaeoo t donbt tiw report, and believe th prealdcct mill approve the mtar In order that an example totj Ir. made cf them. l Deal at iat'.ea. Wlneion-Salem. N. C. 5peclaL The Wlntoa Cigarette alablfle Company baa dipooel of all foreign territory ls a mealtby Cni;1ib ayndleata for abowt tl0M0. The Wlaatva t jmpany re erred the United Ftatea and Canada and machibe for their trade la this territory wfil rontDae ta be mtnufae- tared ia thla city. The deal waa prac tically fooumuatcd la Indoa a fw week aga by the praldcct A the ront- pany. Mr. J. R. Wiiliama. of Kayette vllle. Repreiva:atlvem of the !oo4" company were here to-day atid net tb dirertora tf the Wias&oa xenpaay. when the fSnlaalag tcuebea mete pel upon the big c"eaL CcaacJ far rHttrr. Parla. By CaV.e. Coonael for pe.--aos receatly arrested cn the charge of plotliog to overthrow th repablke held meeting, after whUb It waa de. cided that the law of IVW applies to the High Court cf Jaatlce. which baa been ronvoked to try the roncplratora. Cooeqnen"Jy "couna! will maintain that they bare a right to be prearat at all Interrogator lea of tht ir c.lea . The remit of aach actios wiU be to enor mously proiocg the prov-eedlrga. Ike Vepty Oeraai. Cape Vom-n, By Cable. Fun br tele grams frctn Pretoria conflra th; fore cast of the re-ply of the Tranaraal to Great Britain. wlch does not accept the demand of the Britiah govera ment aa a whole. ' Great excitement prevail at Pretoria over the conre qnences which may eaae. The Taunt Boeri are asking to be led into the field Immediately. It ia Impossible to predict mUa. will t the altoatkm afur tW dclliery f tae leply la Lcrsdua. 1 i . f i . . i i - - V ?

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