THE CAUCASIAN, . -v()ITrl!T I ADMIRAL LifY HOI. More Funds Aske. ; Jor By Tele graph THIRTY THOUSAND PEOPLE llncNilar Contributed $29.03. but the Cnirmttee Asks for $33,000 -To b: J'u :i n Washiiijron. W.i-liirclon. I. (!.. Sp. lal.-A rlnal -IK 'it, v.: tho Dewey national h-jn.e f.r.t n.inmittee wns hld tt t the o.Tlr-e . i t:. rVrrttary of the Treasury Krl-'i.-iv. .n m . cunt cf utoek was tak?n r.i ! I ';ins pfifo tl for dosing the nil i r.p:i: ka. before the arrival in ?;.. York i f Admiral Dewey. ';'r.c ior.rnitr-0, tcmpos-cd of Asirtant si r. .iiy ( t the Trsirtury Vandi-rlip, -M anr l'. f nianter General Heath, V.Ufint Srrrary of the Navy Allen, Vi.i t.u r Unral C'orbln and cnitMl ,-tvi . Tr-i-uiTr Kill II. Roberts, w:rc . prc-nt. At tho conclusion of the THE RETURN OF "THE tahlp of A Inn Ira I !tf Vfy m the battleship apparal on her homevarJ voy the Admirat's ttapr flung to tho lre??.. .:, with r.r.M-tinjr the corcmltlee requested the vv.-oc iii'f (1 Tress to p iblih the fol- no wrwfv national licnie iittd ("inmhtfp ha received cnntrlbiuions tvor.) r.ljtit 30.0fK) citiz?ns. representing very State pnd territory iu tho Tuioa. Vhr.-e nj?pre?t6te 7,0;j. cxc'.uiv? of rt-ntributiou? received thi-- morn U'K. The fund thould be increased ly at. lea.-t SIO.O'M) to cnabl hr ..nimitte'e to p.irehase a hon.e ! tiie capiial cf the nation, v.h h will be a credit to the g!v- t. .-n.l a prld? to to tue hero of Man ila Kay. Admiral Dewey h29 indicat 'l t th? ceir mlttee a ue-ire to inakv W' Ms prmaneni honic. lU;r as the ranking r.fRcer cf the l.'nit eil :-';atf navy, he will trnd the re n:iirlpr cf h'.3 life. The admiral hn inliia.rd his grateful appreciation cf the iut?nr'on of the American people fo p:e-fi him a home and he will at- Tt it in the spirit in v.hich 1: U glv- n. The committee rauit cloa Ii j Cherry Bazemcre, ag?d three, also of .th.-rripMon-i btfere the end Co the . Xorlh Carolina. The injured dre: e?.t week. lefore the arrival of Ad-1 . , l;.,rrett. f.ren2n; Miss Kate ral lev. ind v.-jli b-pleas?d to it-j , . . -vr;c, t-., ':v? anl a. knowledge, by tht? iasulns Colau. a,aington. nur,e, Ter rf j. sruvcii'v receipt, any contribu- esa Glass, Ulchmoad, a., niuse. Sev-'irr-s. A home will b? purchased wi;h ! eral others were le53 severely injured. wl)ti.pver fur'. Is the tottnitte may h.ivp .it th? end of next week. The imp ii now so tho:c that the commit su.jgeits that those who desire to in.tK an immediate sucre3 oi t ? uilt by lirsi mall. wo-k bv making liberal contributions VW rootnu - - frC! banks and they v n rf tnited SUt me corps deposit their funds. " " 'V U" n.'VT. from the Norfolk navy yard rescued have been made and vC; V. ;Vr,; ;.f ttA. and t r.- I .hem at great vUk. lJ- is about $200,- confident they have dis . .a - - i . . . w nn.A i " j uw, msuranre aui. Simpson Hoited Off ths , At Ceredo w ya., Wednesday aft?r V.'ichita Kans., Special. Ex-Con- j neon the contents of a cannon at a aol- C!n -.c hnntPd diers' reunion passed through a teach :.-u;au jrn jiuij-v " " ff the platform here, while addre?i::g a !o al G. A. R. reunion. "Mr. Simpson ?-i'd: "I glory in the spunk of Aguir. "'.'io's men. They are simply fighting to r.-galn the land the Catholics took fiuai them." keepinz the Wires Htt. rrrtoria, Py Cable. President Kru tr has been in ttlegraphic conference j with President Steyn. rcgaramg ine "ituation, and the decisioc of the Itaad of the Orange Free State is awaited with interest. ' Large numbers cf local Iftnes. Germans, Frenchmen, lloliand frr. and Americana have offered their Pfi vices to Commandant General Jo l"rt, in the event of hostilities. Tje llder Burghers still fail to see the frounds cf a casus belli, but. If Sir. t'hsrnberlain make what they would tbaracterize as "humiliating demands," 'irh as, for Instance, disarmament, Mr would be inevitable. Anotber Georgia Oc!ra;e. Gainesville, Ga., Special. Two un known nerrcea are surrounaca in swamp near the southern end of the tnirty. A povse with Winchesters, shf.t irnr- hirtrwt honnda are in fiusuft. They arc charged with crimi nally assaulting a daughter of Wm. Woffcrd, a prominent citizen of the county. They accosted the young lady In a aeld near her home, and she lieu. Thy pursued and stoned her. and then took to the woodi. " w M i Street Car Blowa Up. Cleveland. Ohio, Special. Another Big Consolidated street car was dyna mited Friday night. The explosion oc curred on the Wade Park JJne, in a lonesome place, near the city limits. The expicsloa ema&hed th front wheel wj one side. The car Jumped the tTack and waa tpped In the gutter. There ws only two passenger and tJiey both "aoti Injury. Nobody was seen abr.-t ;a8 place where the explosion cc f " l aaJ there U no due V th,e pcr-pt- . tors. ALL LOVELY AT JOLO. Military Potts established at a Nsraoer tf Mces. Manila, By Cable. Cineral Bate re turned from Jolo Fiiday morning and rrepc:.: everything quiet and eonditinoi faUsfaKtory. Several military posts have been eatab'iabed at different "- na peiago. Captain Stay's company of the 22.1 regimer-i was sent to the Syasgl, at-1 Captain Dapray's rornpany cf the same regiment went to Gongoa, the south ernmost part of Tawital. The Moroa are friendly to Americans and the peo pl? cf Syasal ani Doaboa were glad to re the troop. General Batea went to Syas-l c-a tie Ywktown. When the troops landed end the flag was raised and saluted, the Chinese inhabitant responded with a great dismay of fire works. Kalvl ami Jokanine. DatOB who are unfriendly to the Sultan of Jolo. have cot yet begun their threatened rebel-' Hon. General Hates touched at Zambo-a-nga. There hs been a Miiall rov THIRD ADMIRAL." there, but the Moro-s are friendly with '.eth Ameiicans and insurgents. Baton's Maccabebe scouts surprised tv,-3 t-ruall town on the Pampanga river the ether night and cap-lured a fejy rifles. The-y exchanged shots wiih the enemy, bu,t neither side suffered any los3. Thi3 is the fi-ct actico in which the ?.Iaccabebs, who are friend 'J' to t!ie Aniei loans, have participated. Hospital Burned. Norfolk, Va., Special. The main building of St. Vincent's Hospital, an institution conducted by Catholic SH ters of St. Vincent de Paul, was burn ed Thursday morning. The bodies of fcur inmates were recovered from the rain today. he dead are: Mrs. White and Mrs. McEwen, both of Nor folk: Mtsi Pippin, Tarboro. N. C, and There were r.o fire fescape3 Won. the building. nd when the flames and fntoke made it impoasi-We to-descend the r.airv.ay the imperiled inmatei cf a Huntington and Big Sandy trin. More tha.n a half dozen "persons were injured by flying missiles and broken glass. Harry Zelgler, of Huntingtcu, and Mrs. Henry Smith, of Central City were badly hurt. Every window of the coach was broken, The cannon had been packed with gravel. Delegates to the convention of the League cf American Municipalities at Syracuse were late In assembling. Prior to the session cf representative j of Charleston, S. C, Atlanta and Peoria, 111., busied themselves in soli citing support of the claims of thtir respective cities fcr the convention next year. Secretary Gilkesou an nounced that forty mayors have regis tered, and 114 citie3 have representa tion at the convection. John R. Gentry wen the race with Jce Patchen at Oklahoma City O., Wednesday in two straight heats. Time 2:03 and 2:07. Tbs pacers were handicapped, the half-mile track being an inferior affair. A crowd of S.OtXl persons witnessed the event. Robb:rs Vis't a Miser. Cumberland, Md., Special. The res- ; uvu-.c i .. , ! farmer, aged 0. living cn Virginia side of the river. the west near Paw- ; paw. was discovered on lire, st l i o'r lock Friday morning. Neighbors hurried to the scene and -were 'horrifUd .tn find Kesler and Albert Gross, his hired man, lifeless in the yard. The housekeeper, Anna Daman, was also murdered, but bar body was consumed i in the flames. Desecration of Church Property. Washington, D. C Special. The War Department has received the fol lowing cablegram from Geneaal Otis, regarding the military use of church property in the Philippines: "Referring to your cablegram of. September 13, sixteen churches in -different localities were occupied by United States troops. Four were only partially occupied and religious services were not interfered with. Also three convents were oc- Minied. Tbeee three and ten of the 16 Weflt8. Cfturch uroperfy respected ! and protected by our' troopl." n i , ti Nothing Specially Significant in Transvaal Situation. RHODES CHANGES HIS VIEWS- Putting il malt oo tie Side of the War Party Ellwand Has Prosb!y Leased De lagoa Bay. London, By Cable. A special dis patch from Capetown says there vaa an extraordinary scene in the absem bly Friday during the debate on the registration of voters bill. Cecil Rhodes, who hitherto ha de precated the possibility of hostilities, repeated the statement that tversi members had "accepted money for electioneering purposes from the Transvaal government, with which Cngland is now on the verge of war." me statement treated a great im pression. Later, speaking of the same bi.'I. Mr. Rhodes pointedly indicated that some of the members were practically guilty of treason, that they were "supporters of a ministerial Darty who lived en tirely on offal" and were'nothing mere than political scavengers." He called on the premier to hold there in check. The departure of more officers for the Cape and the denial of the Portu gese minister that Great Britain is to take Delagoa bay were the only de velopments in the Transvaal sitution. The cabinet ministers have left town. Their action Friday evoVs nothing noteworthy in the way of tn ment. The expectation that their meeting would be followed by a border outbreak has so far been unfulfilled, though news from Johannesburg tella of unrest that is not assuring. In spite of the Portugese minister's denial, there is good reason to believe Great Britain will lease Delagoa bay. The most notable among the officers who sailed Saturday was Maj. General French. A number of staff officers, special officers was correspondents accompanied him. Robbery Near Mexico City. City of Mexico, Special. A sonsa sional robbery occurred Friday in a subuib of this city. Guardalupe Vas que?, an old woman, 83 years of age, living with her widowed daughter, was the victim. The woman was alone and employed no servants, which i$ un usual in this country among people having property. Every one thought them exceedingly poor, but this was only apparent, for they had a great sum of money in the house, there be ing kept in a steel box $50,000 in bank bills, the proceeds of the sale of a hacicdna near this city. Besides this sum there were many thousands of dol lars kept in the wardrobes, hi stock ings or between the leaves of books. In pome w?y news that the women had a great amount of money got to the tars of seme men who came in the house, and hired a large corral at its rear, for the purpose, the old woman says, cf keeping pigs. Their purpose was robbery, as new appears, and Fri day mcrning, the mother being alone in the house these men canle and on the pretense of having a message to deliver were let in by the old woman, whom they seized and bound with ropes. They then took the steol ficx with the $50,000 and decamped, but omitted to search fcr other money. The women on being interrogated by the police said they had heard that bank clerks had been stealing money .ere afraid u Many arrests the police are covered the rob bers Two Transports Arrive at Manda. Washngtcn, Special. General Otis has informed the War Department of the arrival at Manila of the transport Ohio, with the men from the wrecked transport Mor gan Ciiy. She left two sick men at Na gaski. The City of Sydney also reached Manila, today. There were no deaths during the voyage, and but one man deserted, at Nagaski. Grand Lodge Adjourns. Detroit. Mich., Special. The 75th annual meeting of the Odd Fellaws Sovereign Grand Lodge adjourned sine die Saturday. Action was taken provid ing fcr trial and punishment oi any Odd, Fellow who connects himself in any manner with any insurance con cern which conducts business in viola tion of Odd Fellows rules by assuming the name of Odd Fellows or otherwise. It was voted, however, that the Odd Fellows' Relief association of Canada can retail It3 name. A committee was appointed to prepare a scheme for ex- ercises annually for September 20, which is Rebekah Day. The sovx-reign body ordered cutting all superfluities out of its official journal of proceed ings. Enlistments tnier Last Call. Washington, D. C, Special. The en listment to date of soldiers in the volunteer regiments last called cut is 9.2S1, of which. 418 were secured Fri day. The 38th regiment at Jefferson barracks lead3 with 1,277 men. The two regiments next in order are the 39th with 1,179 and the 45th with 1,032 men. The two colored regiments, the 48th and 49th infantry have enrolled 341 and 186 men respectively. Departure of fbe Twenty-Ninth. Atlanta, Ga,, Special. The Twenty ninth Infantry, United States Volun teers, Colonel E. E4 Hardin, will leave Fort McPherscn fco; San Francisco, en route to the Philippines, as soon as the necessary cars can be obtained for I transportaiipn, which will probably be on Saturday. Six companies will go over the Southern, via Vicksburg.Miss., and Shreveport, La., and the other six eo over the Atlanta and West irom El Papo tan Francisco will be I ih time for both divisicas, RALEIG1I, NORTH CAROLINA, THE SCHOOL CENSUS. Its leljlio to the S 09JM Appropriate For PuM S cased. The Superintendent of Public In struction bu Issued the following let ter to the Ccunty Superintendent of School s: Dear Sir: 1 have had some Inquiries as to whether a delay In sending the census reports to this office la Octo ber would effect the apportionment to the counties cf the 1100,000 appropria tion. First, I will say the census .that L now being taken is noc to be reported Chls office until Ju y 19Q0, 'j?n your regular annual report is made. This census you are now taking is tcr the scholastic year aad WOO. Which began July 1st, 18?. and will end June 30th. 1900. Y'm will see on page 43, Pamphlet of School Law. that in January. 1900. we will irfee a.3 the- basis of apportionment at thl3 time "the school census of the previous scholastic year." Therefcre the school eensu3 of the scholastic year 1898 . and 1830 will be used. This census is included in the last annual reports sent to this office In July of the present year. The census tiiould, however, be com pleted promptly by the first of October. as required by law, so the County Boards may know how to apportion the school fund. Speaking approximately will say that you may expect about 16 cents per capita for your school population from the $100,000 appropriation. Years truly, C. H. MEBANE. Superintendent of Public Instruction. At the Pari Exposition. North Carolina is to have its repre sentation among the exhibits at the Paris Exposition despite the Dreyfus case, t-nder the regulations ana on . account cf -the great demand for space from the whole world, no separate space for erhlbits will be assigned to the several Stales of the Union, but each can send exhibits if it so desires and they 'will be displayed in the space allotted to the several departments of industry of 'the United States. Secre tary T. K. Bruner, of the Board of Ag riculture,. ha been corresponding with the national aar.hcrities who control the space allotted 'to the United States. He has secured space for t.his State !n the departments of agriculture, horti culture, mining and fisheries. He i. now corrcrpomnng w.;tn pars tbrcorg'hout the State with a view to making up the exhibits for th33e sev eral deparime-sts. The matter, it will ce remembered was discu53ed at the last meeting of the Board of Agricul ture, but actios was postponed. It will be -taken up again at the approach ing meeting and it i3 hoped that a suit able appc"opriatiea may be secured for the purpose. It will be the purpose of those preparing the exhibit to make North Carolina come out prominently 'among other State3 In all the several lines cf exhibits. Of (merest to Tar Keels. tiereaiter no cniia under twelve years old will be allowed to work in the East Durham cotton mill. This rule is to go into effect thi3 week. All of the mills of the city are now practi cally under one management, and if we are zsX mistaken this rule already pr&7f..!3 in- the Wei't Durham mill. Good schools are maintained in both Ea;i and West Durham, and th3 man agemont of Ifoe mills are determined that children at least shall have the advantage of them. This acition, while it may -seem a hardship to some of the parents, is proper and but justice to tne craiaren. A cotton mm or any cither mill, for that matter, is not a fit place fcr a child under twelve years old. Let such work as this continue -Durham Herald. The four year old son of Mr. J. W Hrasmgton, of Gulledge township came very near being kMled by hogs recently. The lj.s-le fellow climbed over i-s&a his father's pasture and was set upon by a large hog and knocked down, and received a severe ga&h cut in the face before he could be rescued, If his seven year old brother faad rr;t succeeded in frightening the hegs away the ale fellow would probably have been torn to pieces. Wadesboro Mes senger. At Mocksville about $10,000 of the fur niture factory stock has been subscrib ed and a charter applied for. As soon as the eharter is received the stock holders will elect officers. The lot has been bought which adjoins the Mason ic picnic grounds and is near the rail road. O. L. Wiiliam3, L. G. Horn, and Rev. H. H. Jordan have been ap pointed a committee to have the build ings erected, which will be done at once. The factory is at last an assur ed fact and will prove a vast benefit to the town. . A State convection of truckers will be held in Raleigh cn Wednesday of the State fair, October 18th. The purchase cf tie Caledonia farm (camps 'Not 1 and 2) has been formally authorized by the executive board of the State prison. The tract includes 7,290 exres in Halifax county, and the property is bought the heirs of the J. A. Fntrell estate. The price to be padd is $61,665, and the purchase mon ey is provided for by the issue of $60,- 000 of the State four per cents., which are now being engraved and printed by the American Bankzote ccm-ptrny, cf New York. The Agricultural Bulletin, which will be issued by tha end of the month, will hate a very valuable article r farmers. -.It is an article giving full description and profusely illustrating the "tick," which ii infesting the cat tle in some sections of the State. In five cr six weeks at farthest the Ashley Silk Spinning mill operated by negro labcr will be at work at FayettevCUe. U-is a model mill, the bnilcYng' perfect in al its appointments, e machinery throughout, firat clajsa I a all respects, , - - THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1899. Hi ill! WIS ArpHasto Have Help In Anser ine Them. IS THE RESULT OF EDUCATION. to)Hi4 Girls Nowitfavs Seek k:o:e!x cd Bill Takes Delight is rtix Lttteri ! The. It is i hopeful sign that to rauny ei the young girla and boys have a .blisl for knowledge. ' Th. youtha .UmiH nieujjn the cewsaper? and iaagail is g ow'ng into importance an I tl.i-l; letters to the editor . v - r u'li vw) uuuiug ramus, me nit or '.-ni writing Is Itself not only an a-tc:.i plishment. but a good part of a un. l-etiers Ind rat fii. acter and good letters require thought The letters of notable men and wn men are the Lest part of the;r bio graphies. They are an index to ih heart, the emotions, the disposition Time Was When but f r.- rrmM n-r! n. all, and the opening of mail in t country town was a umall affair. 1 know from experience, for when I wai in my teens mv father ih master and I had the work t3 do There are now at least ten letters iwm capita to where there was one in lhost daj-3. One great drawback on lett-i writing then was the tost nf witaf A letter to a pla.-e within the Statt was 12 1-2 cents nd the postage l:ai to be paid by the person receiving il and if it was a poor letter he felt like he was cheated. Many a letter wat handed back to me with such a roni3ri as "Well, I reckon it's from Licl Jones, over in Arkansaw. and I ha:n'i got the quarter. Just put it back untl I come ag'in." This is not all that could be wiitter about time and where the day begins but it is enough to satisfy the bcho.Y. girls and boys, and especially tht pretty girl who writes me from Mc Rae. In these days of telegraph ani ocean cables it seems very funn to -ii veterans that when a uessaee i.-? s-mt 'rem London it gets here two or thrt' hours before it starts, and if we r.en a telegram to San Francisco to-day r.t neon it gets there at nine o'clo:! this morning. The battle of Manilr. was tougnt cn Sunday mcrning. bin the news of it came on Saturday night belorc. How is that. iiasgar roe wrote a pretty little sov called "Three Sundavs iu a Weak." It wnk-n tie told about a young man wht was adopted and reared by a riti ob: bachelor uncle who had been a sei cap tain, but how the old saiior was t leave his nephew a large fortune if h behaved to suit him. The old man wa- cross and contrary and the young niai was awfully uneasy for tear he vcuh ao something to disnlease hi:i A- last he fell In love, cf course, with very poor but a pretty git! rained Kate. They kent their love and lived c-n It for about a year, an thought the old captain didn't knov. it, but he did. So they determiiicrl ti get married even tho it should make the old man mad and he sbould t-irr them out of doors and not leave then: anything when he died. So on Sun day morning Jack took Kate by the hand and boldly they went into the old man's presence and told him ail about it, and that they had ccme for iis consent and for him to fix the day vhen they should be married. Tlie ole fellow was really glad cf it, for he liked the girl, but he coiddu't help be ing contrary and so - he blustered around and pretended to be very xuad and finally wound up by saying: ''i'es. you may(get married, and I'll say wheit yes when. Well, you may get mar ried when there are three 'Sundays m a week. Yes, then and not before." This was awful and the sad young couple were about to leave when tlivre was a knock at the dear. Whra it was opened two sailors. Bea captains, too, came rushing in and seized the old man's hands and hugged him, and all three get jolly, for they were old chums and had not seen each other foi a j'ear. The old uncle introduced then: ,to the young man and Kate and sniu something nice about then;. He (.son brought cut some fine old Madeira urn5 made everybody take a drink. Afte: while Captain Pratt said: "Well, new I remember that the last time v. e were together we had a royal game of card Suppose we have another game a3 j reminder." " Oh, no," said the old uncle. "Coo-' friends yon forget that this is Sunday and true Englishmen never play cards on Sunday." "Sunday, indeed," ex claimed Captain Pratt. "It is Mon day. Yesterday was Sunday, and : had prayers on board ship as I al ways do." Captain Smithscn by this time was excited and exclaimed: "Why you both are crazy. To-day is Satur day and to-morrow will be Sunday. Didn't I make my sailers scrub shl this morning before sunrise as wt came into port, and don't we alway; scrub ship on Saturday. What aie yor thinking about ." Then the old uncle laughed and chuckled and danced around the roorr in great glee, for the wine was doing Its work.- "Sunday Sunday!" he exclaimed 'Pratt says that yesterday was Sun day. Smithson swears that to-morro? will be Sunday, ana l swear mat to-flay is Sunday. Ha! ha! ha! I see how it Is- Pratt sailed west from London and Smithson sailed east and have been round the world in opposite directions, and I have stayed at home. Three Sundays in a week, by Jupiter. Here, lack, you young dog. go after the preacher and you and Kate get mar ried to day, for it will be a long time before three Sundays come togethel again. I haven't told the story as Poe tol l it, but that Is the .gist cf it. gill rj io Atlas ta 6on5titut!o2. AFTER CASUE PINCKNEY- The Gttcraacsl tcs U Iilcs- sm lufrxtmtmlt Three. Go error MrSe?ny bit r-it4 .be following letter from the $ctiy cf Wir: Deer Sir: TM$ drpir:nBt It ta rt ceipt of a Vftter frca the Secretary of the Treasury -n w&lch '.i tte that the llf Ik hcue boird hxs under ea tldwatkn tie attf-rtlon of a bw Je fcr bucy depot la the lxth Heal hoit dUtrK-t. but I of tn t.inl3 that the present Ute of IV dp3t al Cartle P.c.-kcey I th tno.t alaa ou ere. and thst It be fr tae la terect cf th: (vercmen; ta pnd b? STiiour ; of $3VuOO approprUlfd for tlie purpose ia improvement Md la re taining the d'pc rn i:a preweat lo tion. He therefore atks prrvntU ta cut dawn the old brick fort at ta lVi t!e Pintkney buoy dpc. Sou'h Caro lina, to a height of tea fet aV- mean high wr.tec. and to u tb ma terial now Above that level to fill in the Interior of the fart and a c-c a'.de area. Major E. II. Ruffner. tip of ea- gineers. at Charleston. S. C. rtn- tnends that the requent of the Tr-s- ury Department be granted, and the chief of engineer, in submitting Ire matter to this Jepirtment. stales (hit in 1S78 the Feeretry of War transfer red the use and control cf Cj;1 innckney to the Trea-uiry Depirtmeat for light house purposes, upan o ndi tioa to its return to the War Depart ment when needed. He adds thvt the site has no lonzer any military val--La 'the defense of Charleston hsrbor: that the castle Irse'.f U practicilly a wreck and useless for other purpose of defence, and he know of no ob Jectlom to the demolition of the exist ing misonry and recommend i vhat the reiuefct of the Secretary of the Treas ury be granted. In considering the subject it an o: currcd to me thai pobly by reaso.-' of historic associations the demolition cf the castle as propo.-t-d ro'ght Ik viewed with some disfavor by th? p?:pTe of your State, acd I, thtrefcre. write to inquire whether in your Judg ment the d&mQliMcn proposed and u-o of the material as desired by ths !'j?ht house board would be in harmony with a general er..:lniect cf your pcopie. ' Very respectfully. ELI HIT ROOT. Secretary of War Wardio Mad.' Capiat!. Friday the gove;nor's office wis no tified thrt Capta'a J..eph Hirdl... frmeily of Co. D L? Lis;ht Infantry in the First Sooth Carolina voluoteei e. had been commUaloaird a cspl&ln in the new Forty-sixth regime-et. United States volunteers, now organizing fir service in the Philippines. Captain Hsrdin has been apiiointd in the place cf Captan Mobley. who resigned. ThJ-f Is a compliment to Captain Hardin's qualifications as a soldier. He ppe.;t some time at West Point and made oae of the best officers la the regiment. It was generally thought that Mr. Spahr wcuM get thl3 appointment, but hi3 failure to do to Is very likely due to the fact that the War Department has given no appointments la the regiments to men nave ne.u K;t than a captain's comnii-s-ica in the war with Spain. Palmitto Notes. It wa3 f tiled Friday that; he ajeoti of the sinking fund commission bad In looking ever the list of property not in the tax books determined to look In.o .he right to tax the grounds ani build- ng3 of the Stile Fair Society, and haJ ubaiitted the question tc the attc.-ney general ss to whether ta::e could r;i be tollccted cu this propeity. The at torney general ha? as yet rendered r.o opinion. The property nelcngs to the nunicipa'ity cf Co.uma a. ani ts aeld by the State Fair Svl?ty u a its fair3 ere held a'ssualLr. neither th? ?ity. the fair tc'eiy t. 3y one el 5ts: a cent of profk out tf the pi-. eriy ou. the attorney general will tlo-ibt 'ess look into tht law ca:?fa!"y and vhe agents will act in accorir.-ve with hi? deii'.cc. Gov. MtSv.eeney has reveived and accepted the re:gca.'on cf 3 . S . D--enberry as supervisor of re?istr?.'.Isii m Georgetown county. No sze-ior has yet been appointed. He has 3iro received and accepted the ret'lg ration of E. C. Martin as a magistrate ia Andersen county. The delegation will be asked in recommend a ucce?sor. Lasi June there graduated from the South .Carolina College a young man who brck? all records at that iastiiu tion. Joan Sweariagen. cf Edgefield, though biind, went ihrougi the entire college course and graduated at tht bead of his class. He was pronounced by the faculty the most rtxnarkable man they had ever knows. Upon hU -graduation Mr. SweaTingen wen.: to hi home in Edgefield, waere he has qui etly spent the summer. Now he has been elected a professor ia the State Institufon for the Deaf. Dumb and 31ind at Cedar Springs, and soon en ters upon his duties there. It is nn 1 srstcod to be his purpose tes rave his money and complete his education at Harvard University. - He L "ambitions to enter the legal profession. At Greenwood a petition Is being cir culated asking the city council to or der an election on the question of es tablishing a dispensary. The requis ite number of signatures will doubtless be 'obtained and the election- ordered. The Secretary of State has Issued a commission to W. P. Padlock, James T. Ladd, G. W. Duvall, Edwin Malloy and L. M. Evans as corpora ices of the "Che-raw Club " of Cheraw. The or ganization fa to be purely social la character and will hare no capital stock. Ten freeholders of the town of Gray court, in Laurens county, have, is compliance with the act. filed with the secretary a petition looking to.ths Ia rccrorcttea of the town. The place will doubtless receive its charier In the near future and enter upon its'cofpor ate exhrtance. The Chicago Times-Herald cays that Mayor Harrison will run for governor of Illinois next yeax.HIs decision was supposed to remain, a secret until Iat-i In the season. Hon. w. J. Bryan lei nut tt secret, and Is pleased orer tht BOOKS FOR CONVICTS. 4 fra stnly Kateatrsi at th krm farsas. Aa ehalrmaa of lh Iselltali Coraaiittre appoltrd Vy tk Ut 0 rral Atmbty to latmt tlse sSfclrs of th Stat pTtoa. I ted that lh cm tkU of tb StAl at U tirlou tf. m as at tb C-atrl PrlM. fcai i&aiparat)ely no rdt8S toaittr. fn- brneiok'Dt pcpl bi ta rs M t InnUaerft urpli4 PlU. ard ! u ilriUnJ tha,t lslt of XIJAfkuwtta. p-rhap. have Mt tacastres l : or to J ta (rro. Capt H. T. Rna bardt. Suprvlor of Aotua Farm. Wadrabnrt. N. C . kas presided teaall library fur the ue the roatirt st hi oma eipra. acd L tll sac tKl Ibe (cavtrts are tety (lad t gtt the u cf this readlcg taatler. aad Ibe fl&d some of thre who aa fad teacblftg the lllitrrate ccea to m4 atd rite. II alo atatea that he fads that dar ing; tslr Idle time tbr read ae I cl u what thy late read, aad it has c-cvurteil to me that hU effort bo4 b (Brouraged. 1 have tterefot de cided tj afk the moi m-ple of the SiH to forward euh ltteratiire At tbe caa aie frt-n the'r libraries u It. I. ltelchaMt. WaJe.boio. N. C. to t donated to Li l.brary. W eaclal'y cl: fo? Illustrated litciature. ub at iitnttratMl nxag.xir.c. opir v? ie ligloua npwpipi. aa4 soth bv-L as the iM-jde cf the State may are 11 li contribute. We a1o ctpxUMy ak tue trael'r cicn In buylrg tnacaxinr and thr l.terfetnre. iotead of throwing ltm ta the ear teat. or gitlns them aaay. V (orv.aiu ihem to Capt. Itetahardt to a !t him ta thU com Uiud able work, la ae dtiplirates shonlJ be aent t Capt. Relchardt. or he should hate a ear- plw. I have akfd tlni to forward to the Superintendent c-f the Central I'liaon be distributed to the different farm of the State. We are trying thli aa aa expri laent. to irovlde a library for tLe-e unfor tunate people, aad if we End that Ih's pica woiVs well we will extend it to the different farms of the State. In rae any one rhould vlab tt con tribute mcney to this purpose lhy may fend It to Capt R. P. Re.nrtrdt. Wadestoro, N. C. and it will ex panded ia the proper direction. I hope the rrular and re.iio j prt-ts of the State al- will nd wh rending rjatter as they may Weu pi-cper. and they will be dolg an un fortunate people a terviee by cofyirg tlii! article and call! eg attention t a the feame. J. A. BROWN. Chairman I ire tUigatiag Commlttr. ' State Ntes. An nterp;i!e that I Jat a fea!ii as it ie vast has been finaily a: rang 1 that means much to he!by and sur rounding towns. It Is the narnoMns of th rn-hlcg. tumbling waters of Main Brojd rier o Vm its volume may be urd In the tranmlloi of electrical power sufflVIfnt to op:r;f the rail's of Shelby. Ga-ney-. King Mouci aln. Ga:tcoia. and Cherryville This is re llle fpeeulatin. bat iu ac-rcenpii-hed fart. TL? lipar'.m rigat h-ve been fci:red acd the plant will be estibllaed vl.bli the next few xouths. The General Electric cornpi ty, a corpratloa of ample capita', will establlKj ta electric tteneraUve plant on Mala Broad rUer. IU repre fcatatlve. Mr. Giles, cf A.bvrr a. accom-pc-ied by Mr. H. D. Wheat. p-ail-neat maa of Caffney. was her la. wesk. Contracts were eigned by both vhe Belror.t rc'lls and Shelby cottoa mills, in n'a.'T'j th?y atre- to take aaf firlent uwer ta run both nV.lls by e!et- trilt'. Tl-i's eiectr'c rower will be frrnished at a much 1 cost thas -ltLer coal or wood can be cA: lined. The Gaffcey mill will iko be operate ! by Che time mo ive poacr. as will tbe mHIs of other towrs raeatloa-d sot The plant w;ll be enaJ Jo generate power within a raoiua of thixty m.ks. ?helby Aurxs. The secretary of agriculture wai tc day requested Ly John V.. Cunning ham cf Ptrsca county t call a SUie coriventit-n cf t-ctton growers for 0--t-- ber 21ft. esd raid be weild complr with the reoueirf. The secretary of S.rc has lsu ed articles cf IncorpoTatioa to tV? Catawba eoltea mills of Newtoa. C. The capiUl fctock !i $2S.0. with privilege cf increase la ?lf-).rO0. The Incorporator are Jehu H. Yocnt. Rob ert B. Kcox and Cdw. P. Shrua. o!I.f Ci'awLa county. Greersbcro has a chewing tun. fac tory. A herd cf eat tie fnurmiks from Ral eigh was fouad Saturday to be dying of Texas fever. Already four are deaJ out of a herd of fifteen. The first six nv;rij of the year were marked ka North Carolina by the pro jeeiiss or becinp'ag cf thirty-hree textile mills. Of these 26 were cottoa, 1 woolen. 3 knitting, aad 3 aome othT kind. At the State penitentiary 200 mal treises are being manufactured each week. Shipments are beirg made to all parts of the State. The North Carolina Farmers La a severed its connection with th NaJcnal Alliance, and ia working by tlL I: fail dropped pditlcs and is eeeklng to get the farrrers to agalu Jrin tbe State Alliance. The construction of a cotton factory tt Hickory i new assured. Fifty thou sand t'ollarsiave been anbar-rlbrd aad a larger ascunt is in sight Mcesrs. A. A. Shuford and C. Geitner ate the promoters of the enterprise, Ncgota- tioas are alau pending for the part base of the Kone b3al, rear Hickory. Ly i parties who expect to eicct a cotton miil there. Mt Airy Newa. - Much interest Is felt In the new rcii way to be built from Raleigh east ward. The chief expense will be for the first eight miles . out of Raleigh, where the grading will be heary in order to get aeress the valley of the Keuse. ? The- semi-ennsal meeting of the J. M. Odell Manafactcrixg Company, cf Byn urn's waa held here last Thuri day. A dividend of 4 per cent fcr tb kIx mnnths was declar-t It wis fi cidt-d to increase the cepitel slovL' A the mill frcsn $4S,W to $6!,Wf. C&a cortl Hat. xo. a. fiOOI) ROADS NOTEt. a Oeaatal Uf !. PeeCee mt nJ laatry tW IVfUat 4 At m1Ui. at WttirV, v'ttUu Ne Vt Cty eoevatlf. oaU lal co artavtlj la trtaf i4ay4 1st risJiarivat tka laWa for yew. at!t ta IV swaftirsetMsa I tA. t-t ia tU rrJ ai talt-a tat thaf ratrrtv. "All tka toal smacaioo aa?ai er. fca aiJ. Jrtea ib e4era, aa t tWa 3e of llai a-)miry ra illi appltaanata tat a4ro mm ra I Ur.alaUja i 1 iuUn la f sal caftlrartta. Taeta ai f Uaf fely roal riwilix iate f.r iWt aa-- at lly ia la Xlkl 4ee t' aaMpe of the laleraial Ii I I ia je aaa a t k leMa'. a. O ret lea oa ra UaistnU ball I at a naUr of afTtealiaral rollers la lao tlo4 aa I SontW. "t lit ia par smeaia ery i lai4 1V taa taaaifaHara a tra icla oSra of fttal aiatr. Ta ae of r.virtal laAr v rwa4 lnTts)vttt t e4iaf raftily lltrvasa l Swataeea fiiatea. laoao locality, aear CisrM'.o. tj aalloa f tr 1 atoa rs 1 kte Imill ia tUi t&aauer. 1 1 iateeeat thm creat rwaerra aaaaIaHaria(aatoaa 1 tnlesia tba tajroeaaeat of kiiawaya. Tit laisfuttaaea f ti rt tutlia) tlie atjwabsla tri aero sW roaatrr tt aaeeaaity fr btttof toa ta tot. this da of vLel." Va ttw tla tm rt. Tj War Depaitmeat Laa ta sa taonpiatioa a ceaeral iiareiat t tli roal ai I btliaav ia t'a It i firi.tsUI that itS ti laaafa ration f a ytia of roal iiaprava meat, tli rreat fre ditribaUa of ralious to lb s.atire ia (ijb it lea dioMtinaJ. aa 1 thj iii l fat la work oa tba itnprof -aat. Ia aev eral of th Jeparlmrat ra 1 ara al rtaJy ia eiilare. bat tit ha 1 rata almost ioiiaab'.e of a- leet ani lark of at. WitUia taa at ait taoatliS aerrral io-provaaieut cuss patties Lava start-! tU callitaUoa f farais ia Caba, bat fiiey hsa la irrestlj handicap! lj tk li4 ro ditioa of tti roa !, aad tb work ka Wen carried on at a Rrra. !iaaJeaa tajte. Tlie pro;xi.ioi t pat tl (!abaa t- wjrk oa iiaprare-a jt ia tb saU a i l rnet witU tU approval of tUo War Department oJ.-ul. It ia es ectej that irjits fim tleaeral rrMie itl le tcreiirJ ithu a abort. tituc. au 1 the a a ceaeral !! for tk reps r of i!l b uatiia! nader the. thrctioa of Aitat SoereUr MciLUj'na anl abteitt! li t'a I'reai lebt for bit approva!. " ml ftkrIU. I a tuaay of tb Hatter aJ SoiUi- ern States road stoaes lj not etiat; neither i it Ksibi to aecare good coarse gravel. No ac!t taaterial caa Im s eon red except at aoch aa etpaaao for freiffbt a U jracti-ai'j reclado it nse far roal batldiaf. Oyster abella can b vecared eiieaply ia saot of these State, and wbea applied di rectly upoa sa-id or saa ly eotl ei?Uto ten inches ia tiiclnss they 1"t s ee!Uat ras ! for pieisar driviag aw.l lizbt traffic. KLells wear saaru s&ora rspidly tbaa broken atoavr crl qood quality, aad eonteqaealij triaa caadc of tbe reqnir nr roaataai attention to keep tbeta ia order. Ia most cae fbey aboald Lava a ea lirlj new arfc every lbr or four jeara. When properly raatataia-! they ros roaay l tb jaalita fonad in i;wl atoae or ffravrl roaa. aad aofar as Ixaaty i;rjocral t47 cannot be sarpatsed. iraet tar Ik aarlaee. Altbonu it i in practicable, and ia many esses impossible, for comma al lies to bailJ good sta roadr. a ear faea cf srrarel way frexjaeaUy be a sad to advaatage, girioz far better ralt than oaali bs obuiaed by the of earth aioae. Wbare bed of good gravel are atailabla tbia is tbe iss p'eet, cheapest aad taost effective uetbol of iiuproviagcoiatry roais. Tit AaU-Ra StUa. Good roads are a necessity ia tle making of pro perocs faraner. Ther s&ight ba a Lint ta assay arasrs who desire ta preaerva tb 'oils on whie!i tby ride to and fre ia the sign aecn on trees ia varies parts of Lanj lab-ad. Tb aiga rea.5: 2'rotct tjroid; Joa'tdriva ia oa Th Uteres! ia good roaJ baa greatly i&r?sed, aad so cotamaaitv worth liriog aad working ia eaa afford to do without tLis "smportaet ageat in advancing civilization." Th "goI roads" question should be Uk ap try farmers' organization. Frjm whatever aid i sasj view :h que lion from an economic sUaA point, an 1 no matter what tbe preaeat aondition of tbe afjiealtaral claaae. w cannot deny tb fact that good roads are on of tbe highest eaaeatial in th line of progress, ssad ia tb oetter development of our agricul tural resource. Good roads raise the ralae of far as ands ani farm prod act and tend ta beautify th country throoga. which ihey pass; they facilitate raural aaail delivery aad are a potent aid to edu- nation, religion aad aoeiability. Charles Samner one aaid, "The road and the schoolmaster are th two most important agenta in avaxscaag ciriiixation. I a every locality waere splemdid roads ara foand wa see the people liviag along their right of way becom iag more prosperous, tb eommuni ties thickening in popalatioa. whil its sections of - tbe country where . bad road are the rale, farming is at a standstill, there is no demand lor Land, th population parse aad gradually decreasing. Leagae member No. 103,833 sug gests that if the . TL. A, W. eoaid se cure the oo-operstioa of the wheel wrights and estfriageaaakers, wide tires might become popular. Be nays, "If we eaa iatrodne Ibata to alter the atyle of tirea from narrow, aa at preaeat to the wide one which wo hope for, w aboald thereby aeeona plish a great deal for the caaae. Slabs peoeils are- made ia Teaae see from alat dast by hydraulic p.e sore. One rencern takes tS, 000,00) U a jew, 1 . j

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