THE CAUCASIAN PUKMrtllKI)' KVKKY TIII KSDAY Ml THE C41C I'IIH.1 . t SUSSCRIPTlOf RATI 5 Y t-K. '' SIX MONT1I8 riiKEE MONTHS Entered at tbe Pout Ofllce In Ra!eih N,(;.i4 Mcund cIim niftit matter A HTULH AkiMI. I OK A LI- THAT. The Morning S ar of WiJiceton, is rotaiderably xrtiied over what i known aa tb Hinna I'yr.e abif aubsidj till, which will cm ap s tbenixt as-iou ,f .CoLgrrs. WV agrte with the Sar tLt it i m vi eioos meMire, deaigoed for the pur pose of ranking a raid upon tb peo pled Treasury, but it ia not unlike another raid upon the Treasury afrainat wbicb the Htar and other or gans of the kind make no protect Weref-rtotbe custom of railroad official in going before eviry Con gre&s and ankinc a "aubaidy" for tb catryitig of mail., which, aa the ree orda will ahow they always pet. IV ar in mind that the gov tutuent pays to railroad companies for orrviocr the mails about tbirty-dvo million dot lara annually, which i li they ask and which, it has been repeatedly proven, is a moat txborbttsiot turn and whirh iquala a rate greatly in exceaa of what express cornpacio have to pay for like service. And in addition to this ample compeasation, It it alao compelled to pay railroad e.ompanits an emrmoun rnit for the poatal cara iu which the maiU are transported. An examination of the reports of the IVn'mastera-tJeueral will ahow that in many canes railroad companies are paid for rent m out year more than twice what it cost to coi struct the ct.r. The nverai; coat of a car ia about four thousand dollar, the bt not costing more tban aix thousand dollars. That raso in which the irovemruent pitjstuour great through lines for the rent of one car one year lees than the average cost of a postal car, ia an exception to the general rul while in many cases as high as fit A. A . . I A .1 i a irru iu eignieen tnousatm Collarf per year rent for one car (three tiuuf ita cost) it) paid. When we cnsdr the life of a car t b twenty v. ats (ita estimated lif.) it rrq tires stnat L. 1 . j . . . . . iluwuubi1 vi mail ; in tilt a o fMli;- t .1 I . . . . jaie me numocr o: limes tne govern mtnt paya to thr railroads the origi nal cost of a car. e can cur readers' attention t' what the govrnment pays for car rying mails and for rent for postal cars to show that they are well and amply paid, even from their stand point, for this service. Then is there any good reason why they should dt mand a "subsidy'' 'also T Therein no one who claims for them tba there is, yet notwithstanding all this, they ccme before every Congress asking a subsidy. Speaking from memory, Ihe rubsidy giten to th thioiirfh lic fn m the North to tht South by iho lat Congress was tw hundred thousand dollars or therea bouts. Why CoLgrcss snould vott this subsidy ia one of the mjsterlep, i nt it has dune so for a nnmber of j ears in spite of the fact that out Port masters General have, year af ter year, rt commended against it. Now, returning to the beginning, we atk of the Star and other rail road organs which hate nothing to say against such pernicious robber) of the Treasury by railroad compa nies, if giving the people's money to ship owners is any worse than giv ing it to railroad companies f Anc In fact, if the steals are to be judgid by their size, wouldn't the railroao steals of this and various other char acters be the worst of the two evils 1 The Caucasian ia opposed to thr sr subsidies, whether granted to ship owseta or railroad companies, ane it trusts to see this thip-subeidy bil deflated as earnestly as it hopes t see railroad steals curbed. b it another l'0 the iJ.mucr.uic politician of then states have l art el frcm the Ppls Party. And alJ hm l8sooi, from the ineome tax of 1892 to the Chicago platform f 1800 and the 1899 declaration for tbe Initiative and KfV rend urn, has tbe Democratic party learned from tbe People's Party. Hence we sy, that if experence ia worth anvtbmg to them, they might aa well aave time atd declare at once lor tbe People's Party platform instead of Ukirg it by ttiece-mpal. The (Jov-mment j a mersbip of railroads is nut in raer. n is noi worm wnun ur them to stop and argue against and ridicule it thy have dce this with nil the other Populist measures they are now advocating. lo time the masses will force the politicians to tbe issue, anJ better begin now in order to be consistent. We repeat they should learn from experience doD;acd Utbytt referendum tuvact tht enb law a are pro posed sball b submitted to tbe peo ple, who sua I vote whether tbey ap prove thereof or not. By the two so called popaHs'ie ideas tb legilatore is tot without any initiative, rar irom v a iw isfatnre can propose any Jaw. and bn referred to the people atd ap proved it becomes operative. Tbe initiative may b new, though the right of petition was on this line; but the referendum is as old es sub mitting amendments to the eoawtitn tion of HtnUs- There ia a decided advantago in having lawa'whieh the people ap prove. Threisalo an advantage nicb would result from tbe reter- eidam in having not ho moy laws; but he gret advantage would b ixs having tbe Uws of whleh the majr- y approve, and not laws of whieb tbe mij rity do not approve. Neither la the initiative nor in- referendum half as b:d as painted. Hcod'c Pillc Are preparer from Na ture's mil l laxatives, and while crentle are reliable and efficient. They Rocjoo the EJver Cure Sick Headache, Bil iousness, Sour Stomach, and Constipation. Sold everywhere, 25c. per box. Prepared by CI- Hood A Co,.L&,.1.Mai. FATAL IlLOW TO I'KtK OOVKRNNKWT. Congreptman Prarsxn of tbe Ninth District has recently written a long argument oppysiD the pres'-nt North Carolina election law. The Wash ington Post iu'an editorial referring to Mr. Pearson's article, reprin's the three sections of the election law providing for the eltcfion machinery quoted by Mr. Ptarson, and submits very titmly and pertinent com ment upon the same. The three sections 01 tbe election Jaw provia ng for the elction machinery, which the Post prints aud comments upon an as follows: "Sec. 4. That there shall "oe 8 ae board of election", consistlnc it weven discreet p rson?, who shal be electors, fleets d by the genera assembly at its present session. "hc. o that there B&ar oe in il A. t - - every counry in toe ofate a couniy board of eleUions to consist or three rFriday) the Liverpool market real ly opened at a decline, which .wu A m ex sts as it d t--dy vnmwi KnAoit .t. Vov Vftrir lxited tu eo the time of tn a. m. a . . . IVi IVU VI IUQ ! wr-Tlf AU 4 1 I VU UVfc HWV BlUU V I At RCm I HE HUK3. I Sir. Uw4 Thlnka Tkt G4 Mr T- FiiT Thk CArcai. WxKKATlLLt. X. C, O ?t. 2 1899 Tbre has bet-o mueh said aboot the Ngro and the proposed Cooatt taionai Amendment. Ther ia much difference of opinioc; som I ee ar in favor of tbe amendment aod m are against it. It seems to me it tbe negro was al'Ogetber limintd the country would be much betur ff I am convinced thor-oghly, ibat tbe true tsnes of the State can, or wf over be discnswd while ra- ir ia ua uf existed f u m the time of tn-mne not make sy g As for the Soubernr it pre ft rs by considerable odds the de-ires of the people to those of the pout vian. ceived In this country, the report I improvement on the tituatiorj b was sent out to the other ex. as they are allowed to rote a id b changes that Liverpool futures mie hobbys, upon whieh our poll . M. ,, , - t cians can ride into power. The in writ: nuiuijr ouiouiiue, ju iti; . . , -. ftujuuotiiuw meow i opvuwD vv nuiiwcnt unwjwi Well Convinced tnt tbe n-Sf r' the people. As for tne pou nernr ajvauce futures began to rapidly em never rnle a race whose missioi advance on the New Orleans and j ' d has b en for ages to dominate 0Kana if iolDJ enlighten all other races, a. tht- J V AA V A AVUCIUKUO W UV 3 A Al A V UVIUWI A 1 O i . i i 4 I Anelo Saxon has don. MuSi..8mciiummi. B'shop Turner 8-f a it in i tru iyiiat's TH constitution suspension ol business, ine tricKiiieht. He is one of thefret-at li.7ht twisw was intended to shake out all the! the negroes have m shis country The Neero Col-mization scbeme,Li,npt . B,,!itn inturoeiB thmmrh I His advices aud wUle fchnld b which Capt. R. B Davis has been so Lut the count. wnich lt ,s Btated r,n.t- wVwe ,b.em V u??eb -j .u u ..... i 1 . . u'l memoeMiomz-d ca build cp uiy auvwcawug - 8Urierei constdtraoie toss. ut our vercm-nt for themnelvos. and umns for the past several weeis, is gympatby is not with those who let the whites of this country help j ist now creating wtae nauonai ais Iose in cotton futures. We have be- tbem to do it it tby want to do thr cusaiou, arjd strange as it may saem, j ore stated It as our belief that ttiisl ee thing It rhoa'd h ib further mostof .ho expressed opposition to tt,m of Kambiing a cotton Is ?,issloni 8 &fJrer l,Kh'" t fi, s,thrn HomA. ....,. f . h'&cK?, first under task-ma.-rs aad : - generally lujunous w bpui v. the lash, then in books and he sci vy"' " - s ue. in in is case, nowever, ww uu- uDCe or government to fit them ui some ot tne editorials 01 .nese pa derstand that many farmers who nic-Iy to a government of their own pcr. We quote from a recent one! hfL thftir nntton on tho market re-I aad l'Jace Prt4 ctorst if need be, io the Richmond Dispatch an txtract ceive& a better price on the strength which is a fair specimen of them all. 0f tnj8 supposed rise, for which we lu the first puco tne neero aoes congratulate them. SHOULD tKAKN FROM tXTERlKNCE. If experience is a good schiol foi the Dimocratic party, it should pro fit by its training of the last two 01 three yeais, and oppose no longer not even m the small st essential any of the principles of the People Party. The majority sentiment ot both North Carolina and the natioi is in favor cf these principles, for the simple reason that they an thourougbly democratic. To thi- fact the Democratic politicians hav in the last two or three years had their eyes opened, and have in measure trimmed their sails accord ly. F.r instance, tbe Chicago plat form contained declarations in favo of certain reforms for which the "regularity' Democratic papers and speakers, a few years, yes, even a few months, prior, had nothing bu ridicule and abase, for the reason aa they said, it was "too populistic. But u there any one familiar with the politics of the last few years wh will deny that the Chicago platform . was lorced noon the Democratic party by reason of the growth populist principles with the Demo eratie massebf And this growth of Populist principles among the rank ' and file Democrats has not stopped at the Chicago- platform. Today the clamor for the more democratic ideas embodied in the People's Party platform in greater than it has ever been bt fore. Who can deny this in th face of the ami trust sentiment now sweeping the country, the pops lar demand for municipal ownershi of public utilities, and other Popu list demands. The Democratic plat form ot Ohio, Nebraska and aIaasa- tntiou as it exists to-day the negro is several of our Southern States to de prive him of it. Why thn, this seaming regard for the Federal Con stitution on one question aff-cting not want to emigrate, and under the Federal Constitution, as it exists at Dre8ent. there is no power to maae him go." It mieht be suggested to these pa- dhcrwyt parsons who re electors in I pers that under the Federal C msti- the ecunty in which they are to act, wiio shall be Appointed as herein after provided by the State board of elrtionp. "Sec. 7. That it shall fee the duty of the county beard t f flections in ech county to appoint all n-gis rars atd jidge? of election m their re spective couuties." Commercing upon this fraud-inspiring election law, the Post (Tbe ditor of which, by the way is him self a Southern man) vt-ry IratLfully atd pointedly remark.-: And it is only too evident that tbe Dpera'ion of mch a law will be dt; structive of political liberty iu North C-'.rolina. We recognize iu this a rtal blow to free government anil ovular institutions. It propose the ruthless and perpetusl domina tion of tbe party iu power and th effectual tx'iuction of public senti ment throughout the bc&te. That means, not popular government, but the tyrannical and oppressive o mi cat ion of a class. This very tersely sta'ts a truth which must be patent to tv ry this ti ng man in North t aroliua. acd ti uone more than to th men who lanned this election law i f fraudu- ent pmpose and intent. Tbeir pur pose in framing such a law was ''the estruction of political lib rty in North Carolina", to ''ttrike a blow a free government' ard to iraugurd'e the ''tyrannical and oppressive domi nation of a class." Tbey have simply used the tegrc to justify this blw at tbe fretdm of the ballot of tbe hcusands of white men in North Carolina, Democrats as well as Ipu- ists and R? publican?, who have t een disposed to rebtl at the domination of the State by a class not in sym pathy with the bast interest t f th state. Will such a blow to roliticRl reedom this usurpation of powr by tbe few be allowed to succeed? The Democratic p ress of the coun try is taking very kindly to the over oem till they cau pet etioug and able to take care of themselves oat Hill Arp and others ask what are we going to d about getting oo babies pursed, our victuals cooked our clotues washe i and ironed etc. and others still want to know bow we are going to get our ditches dug . m At -kT 1 TTT 1 J I i ,m . . , soggesuuu oi me iw iu wnu i out ana r&rms tended, and a great that the next Democratic National I many still are thinking no doubt, how Convention nominate Dewey and la he world mil they be aole to sue ceesiuuy cuuuuci a campaign wuu guaranteed the right of suffrig", and Wheel tr as its candidates for Pres- out the negro. The yet there seems to be a power in ident and Vice-president. Espe- pie enough, make us answer is sim use of tbe whites daily Is this true since Dewey has I many who are now deprived of the not denied that he would accept : necessaries of life, would be glad to I H I mttvt. 7 . 1 t titv,!,,!. 4io .Trillin 1 """j a utrKiuo a uibco as a nursf tko a, lai lu uiau etc., especially n n was made honorable and rt munera- ASCm.VOT LOST VIOIM CASES IUVE St bo w no dispca fPFEHRED AT FIRST AS WSSZ HERE FIUPLES. No into abonU bs piece UU Urm of ti So hut twooit di frooa Catattr stsapry tbey 6 Dot a now jost wau ut n tbey BsAomDy torn tbMartlvea over to ua lit ooaration the only treatment which tba doctors know for Qutcvr. Tbe kmm ore. Cancer is a deadly poiaoa ia the blood, and aa cptvatWa. plfr. or other xteraal trsatmeot ran have eo effect wbatATr upon it. The cwra aaasaa from withia-the last vesUgeor poiaoa moaa ne eraaioawa. Wm Vilink e Walahtown. 8. D . MV: "A . f x Mr. little blotch about tho of a pea under Bay left ye. gradually trowing larger, from which abooUaf jJ at utervau ran in au airecuona. ioiaiiui and ooasaltAd a rood doctor, who nrooouoced it miiH AwimA that it K cut out- but this I COttld BOt mi Ia. 1 rt in bit kwml Barter of a core effected by 8 S. 8.. and decided to try it. It acted He a rlaaraa. tba Cancer becoming at flrt Irritated, and then discharging v Tery rreeiy. inu gnajuuij ktw "Tr v'V .UoMikui Laa4 amalt mrmh wnlr n MM OTOtV : 1 ped off. and now oolr a healthy Uttle scar remains wbsro what threatened to deatroy my life onoe held full away." LcJ FoeitivelT the only cure for Cancer la Swift's Sparine C. C. O. FOR THE BLOOD because it ia the only remedy which can go deep enough to reach the root the disrate and force it out of the system permanently. A surgical operatioa does not reach the blood -the real seat of the disease because fe bioaa earn siot be cut My. Insist upon 8. 8. 8.; nothing ran take its place. 8.8.8. cures also anv case of Scrofula, l-rwrna. Rheums t Una. Contagloai Blood PcJn, Ulcers, "Bores, or any other form of blond diabase Valuable books on Cancer and Blood Diseases will be mailed frea to any address by Swift Speotaa Company. Atlanta, Owgia. i if r iih, - tsar llssae.) Tb,re i a rsraa rUn - , eiar:.t girr ftKr "rj . Keep est t.f tt p. Ut ... . a - - j oia sosg. a tMriBt i Jetjrasi wntrs a fl-t.. .. ,. t. per. Oss tr ar osaty tt-ri born f ivir a th f ar rag J , . (t tbey rail i ). till,c t. aa t., .," till on polities, sad k at . t , 1 the far, that thy wic;j m t t..rf polities and visiter t fo... N. whde tb frsi lt t ke-ptr v t 1 c th 1 c- th-m. and iarkr. wsti u , bolder tsr Ixrb m k t f thetiai;srs fortsitg trtf . t' most svery prodact ot tfc . . thatth raftsv when ifc ft.r 4-.., asythisg lack after it t . throoga the haada of a trst, t&j manfaetared vr. b will , K pvlied to pay fna 10U t(, ;. ., (M.r cut ad vanes oth what be turj in ita raw state. -Ue . l .. . ex. L .6 4 a- however, that no other poor woman of North Carolina, no matter how many of them had married scamps in other states should ever have the benefit of this law as It only ap plied to his special case his client, and to no other case It mast ap ply to his suit then pending and to no other suits of like nature, no matter how meritorious. Only one woman in tho State of North Caro lina can ever reap any benefit from this law. What is applicable to one citizen ought to be applicable to all. Special legislation on the subject of divorces is forbidden by the con stitution of the State, but the lat legislature did not permit a small matter like the constitution stand in the way of legislation. Marrhlss 0. Nebraska Independent. PopulUm "goes marching on. HrltUh "Suzerain! jr" la tha Traravaal. But how would such a ticket fit the the negro, and the utter disregard of party declarations or the last few tive as it should be, and w juld be on the other question t ffcting months? It is natural that Dewey, j hut for tbe negro, and a3 to running him? We niAke no comment upon whose life has been spent on the ampaifI"? " woulDe tar better to I I horn lnrllirvnf . J A U , a ne m3nt or tnse qi suons. we sim- t?, suuuiu u iu iavoi uj itatuiug i fter being rid of race pnjudice ply otj-et to inconsistency. out for new possessions ; while we ,hey will likely let the true issues enU At.fil8 -.tb4e British demands, though all know that Wheeler is a rank gage their attention, and carefullyi WU"TJ - T V F r c nuiii i asu 4s j imperialist, a supporter oi tne ad- oiuu1ub oulii wul wa ii- uuw ministration's war record, canned ""wf t- ,necnaii . . . . . . ' . . that bind us in servitude shall be beef contracts, Alger and all. And broken and we will be free. The while it is probably true that the negro may thik it hard, but it will OPERATE. North Carolina Democrats ot the machine variety, who have so loudly denounced Populist and Re- Democratlc party is equal to any be also to his advantage, and if he puuncau cu-uperawuu m vu,s oit emergency which has a prospect of 18 "lemgens ne can will no doubt bo very mochm rtl- i .nn- Separation of the very fled to learn that their brother Dem ocrats In Ohio have entered into an alliance (a fusion) with a'wing of tbe Republican party in that state. By the terms of this fusion the present State Republican office holders are :o be retained, instead not tail to see races is abso- law, did not directly involve tbe question of the independence of the Transvaal. The sitnation was mere ly that of tbe strongest .empire in tho world bringing a domineering pressure to bear npon a tiny repub lic to inflarnce a change of certain success in it. and may be willing I iA.i , ... . I domestic policies. But Mr. Cham to caice aavantage o! me great aa- morally and intellectually of both " sIX 7k1-Z Jll tK jT-r ,in... ,u;u 0ii .i i- .u- w ., mng of September to get the dispute uiiiaii'ju an turn iaiu iso, muu uto bwuki it laACB uiav? t-. j . i , the better uiiwu wamw ia uwkuo- for Dewey's management of a Ship eoeuer. ment on the of the Transvaal of British "snaeramty. If tbe Trat6- a a i v ii . v t-- ii a.iit-1 mi n saa imiiii.v Las . - - neartthe of negro, tis is a sad condi tion viewed from a oolitirai stand- mltted is the proper one, it would ( point, all of his aspiration? to great- seem to men of convictions on both ntss is curbed by reason f color re- The advances tt has made in the las year are wonderful. The Demoera of MasfAchuaett held a state couven tion the other day aod unanimously adopted a platform demanding di rect legblation, the initiative and referendum, the election of Uaited States senators by direct vote ot tbe people and the enforcement of an fight-hour workday, tho abolition of the law granting a life tenurs to members of the judiciary and the public ownerahip and operation of street railways, waterworks and otb- to! municipal business enterprises. This ia the reanlt of the fusion c t forces in 1896. By that fusion lb f upuliat got access to ,uw,wu o voters in tbe Democratic party and who could never have been reached in any other way. Tbe doctrines of Populism, as soon as these voters heard them, were adopted aod are now everywhere being meorporaud into platforms- It same way oould be devised to bring our doctrine be fore the Republican voters, it would result in the adoption of tbem by tbe men who have so long voted 'b ticket. These men are not a wbu more prejudiced or set in tbeir ways, than tbouar;ds.of Dmera's wbo have c -me ot er daring tbe ast tiirar y ars. Aftoriarioa orr&t .,. 5 of railroad etascl'lii m. f. anr fcaa ba aoadr li . . . t , k i n waeiriir sun snrrri iii biet take tn 2C.U0U mU . No een r. try in te wurtd o f. United 8tsts bss aa aur- , railroad as ih- fw m-n trol. tl rsaaoy. wLirh n- any other eunry, Ll "J". 1 st laat see-urii ' ccaic n t. I sd 2j.5V U itiid. Lad 'J4 012. ; i the fourth, had -M.'JtV. Ti.. drMlia aiote ratitrol m r u ,L ... European country exep a nr. atd if tbey gt tb Son L-tv i'r i't system thy will cn'iH Di i tt, an country beyond th r l r. .f th Uoite States, without t -i t,. The New Yi-rk J-utsJ -. r. tut if the aliisne is r(.niM..4 ? control 60 000 uib of t. .e thisoouotry The It cki . t . - iu every airt of iodutiy. . i it, CMsesion of the roU f n: t wilTgivs tbem grat adrr i - ,r all competitors. It9frMi . u. itat this great railway trui. t nicd out as indicated, ia im.!i' tug t question of State ownrhip 1 .i- trol or railways, as ayndir r.t trol of atreet railway irruk iva y municipal ownership. Tt f i',..i. QUESTIONS rOR 70.000 000 Hmi which the party has become corn- event of success of the regular Re publican ticket. The following dis patch from Cleveland explains: Cleveland, O., Sept. 29. A seen alliance between cnaries Li. K.urtz and John R. - McLean has oeen formed for offensive and defensive operations in Ohio this fall. There vaal fchonld now rieeida to coneed the British demands respecting the franchise and o her points of inter nal policy, such concessions would k K I I I w a.a as wuc:umh ukjcuoiw.. do to rise to the point of saying. We e ,u;s Imi li- . . n Ia uca fAse the claim of British - - ' ' i i l a. aa i a -icaii iruuuun tsi iiin j& lira- . ... would rather be right than have a Slin race.' therefore, he should look ?"9rw.nt i4 "Pdy hrnur f , o fi .1,1 ;mnrn.a .1"" """" "ul"i lv" ' F...v. v vr s.v Atav-w of decapitated as they would be In w th more courageons tninj. to gardless of true worth and m-m. He resident. field to improve, and bi mother country is amply roomy An explanation whv sections 4 and f or 018 lot lt h'm return, bear- .f,u.mum.n( -.. llEg theohve bratch of civilization " - to his benighted brethren. This done :ed into one section would certainly Und ri,hni,. tnl.,.ttH th,. existed an understanding petween be verj interesting and timely now. I will be much bappier than to remain ivurtz ana .McLean jong oeiore me u get mg that no e0od r,agon can be here. ANOTUtK l'RI'CIl - latter was nominated for governor. Indeed, it is said that it was tie assurance which Kurtzgave Ale- Lean that influenced McLean logo iuto the gubernatorial race, more than any other one thing. When he did euter the contest, he entered to stay. By the terms of agree ment the anti-Ilanna Republicans civen why these sections were mad" separate atd ois iact from each otherand we urge tbe Democrat i nailers to explain this phase of th matter. Thos Meads A Iw for una Ca purp-ses, tn-i lransvaal would tx regarded as annexed t the British empire, lne independence ot tbe TraDSVanl republic was recognised first by Great Britain in 1852 Th Bers who went to the wildrnesrt beyond the river Vial to form that self-governing community had left Natal a few years previous when the British bad taken and annexed Na tal. Th se same Boers bad 1 sf t Cape Colony for Natal to get away from BntiRQ rnle. bew-n the years 1833 aud 1837 In 1876 'he British assis ted the B ers ot the Transvaal in a POri'LJST "PASflG" ON. We have often had occasion to call attention to the onward stride of People's Party principles. These same principles which were so rld- culed a few years ago by the Dem ocratic press of North Carolina, have been so often proven to be necessary to good government, that these same Democratic partisans who onco ridiculed them are now forced to admit their justice. A few weeks ago we copied an edito rial from Democratic paper of North Carolina advocating govern ment ownership" of railroads, and saying; while it was a Populist doc trine, it was a good one neverthe less. That editor would only have to study "Populist doctrines" to find that they were all good. The Tarboro Southerner, another Democratic paper, has recently dis covered some merit in the princi ple of the initiative and referen dum, so long advocated by the Peo ple's Party. Its editorial in de fence of this principle is good, and we reproduce it In hill. But first we suggest, not only to the South erner, but to all the other -Demo cratic papers In North Carolina, that they study the People's Party platform from an unprejudiced standpoint and they will find it all good. ' The man or paper who con demns the Populist platform is in fluenced to do so by one of two rea sons, either he has no idea whatev er of what the platform contains and, parrot-like, denounces it be cause he hears some one else do so, or he Is a man who would be hurt by the enactment of these' just principles into law. The editorial referred to is in the Issue of the Southerner of Sept. 28, and is as follows : Some people are disposed to object to the initiative and referendum aa methods of effcticg legislation, be cause these two are cf Populist ori gin. Such an objection is puerile. It does not matter who or what par y suggested the idea so it is a good one.- All wisdom ie bottled in no one party or individual. -Before condemning it, it ia well to understand that by initiative ia I meant that when a certain nnmber evilly Re,i&t(r. he solons of the last legislature ndertook to amend the divorce a t a . a I iawsoiiorin Carolina, ana irom r.ntr i.h iK Tti and r.i the reading the attempted amend- W&! f0ii0WfHii .he sonreof 1877 bv It U I 1 u ii Bwuis vu luej au th annexaion of the Transvaal to d then mucn WlSdOm ana Will receiVP DUt th British mnir. Bat th srrsnire 1 S AAt 1 ? A 1 .9 TTT; . A. I I uiuu wurjia tuereiruiu. w ilu idtj mAn . M,k , M r o i ij V3AA sw s uufc paiiai llii w lu iur lm deranTtsted in aSainst trusts- The Party aBd Pro?able exceptions of a singlecase Bh who took np arms agaillgt h r .u irttanc t.vaoo eoin IT VQC imftiyinQYtr TnAT. KflTTln flnp tlT Tnfl Til r V V fSil IHnQ 1 - n t innA m . i . cnoo iiu 11 ttho iujujiujij I " j ww.w...jn Liecemoer, looo. ana roognt so and that farmers and the Pops were had then pending in some of the v;,-nrftnfijv tuKt th Aef-At nt mad because they didn't have the courts of the State without a cause h Rritih Mnnh. Hill n BRAVE MEN FALL Victims to stomach, liver aod kidney troubles aa well as women, aud ft el the reaulta ioloMuf appetite, poiaons in tbe blood, backache, arrvouar, bead abe aod tired, listless, run-down feel ing. Hut there's no nrJ to feel like that,. Linten toJ. W. Gardner, Ida ville. Ind. He says "Electric Bitter are just tbetbiug lor a man when be I ail run down, and don't rsre whether be live or die. It did more to give tu new strength snd sood arnetitite tban anything I could take I cau n iw eat anything and have a new leas- on life." Only 60 cent at al Drug Stores. Every bottle guaranteed. Oa Oaftacklaaa Ikwut mt a. .,. taala Saatarwaa law Ex-Ujvetnor errism, thed;i.rr of tbe ensus, has bad sv-ttl .4.5 ft re nee a at tb White Uoum fr t' ly a 4 to mttrs pertaining to Lo burs to. ia tad. it th subject of qaeationa hi I. r s be proiKocded to tbe 7 00(1 hni tt. pl of tho country next Jane. Tuy hs h en decided upon byi.t ior Merrism. aod will aocn be tinted Tb y bave met with tbe approval cf ;h I'f netit. it ia le ceneral tbe etdvm ! teo o cak the qats'ioos riiar lr tas 'fore, and i 1 educe tbr rmWr. Tbia is in serord with th- ii! t'.ie; eet.ani pomnittee tl Urn t toea of Coucrtsa S-ial of tia qiations wbeb arous d tb '-t ic- tagonum ia 1690 bae b-n oontted altogether. Tbi chief f b- vaa the irqairy ot each pm Letter be or abe bad any br nic lis-e. Who Can Deny It and Democrats are to attempt the Hickory Mercury 1 The Far inert' Alliance organization of the next g neral as- jiii ui v i9 turn VAit-i twu jraio auv, . u t. . f , hn r.nt Ctt nffi hoHr.4 the Populists first tooknp p.v-. who are sure t the event of Nash's victory, are to be retained if the alliance proves successful R'bo Pattar Dlrarra. Philadelphia Time At the last General Convention of the Epia oial Church there was division cf opinion as to whether tne 'listing canous noon mairiage snd divorce which permit the rt-mar riage of tbe innocent party would be bet amend , d by the absolute pro- niDiuon of tbe marriage of a dire ed person or by d Being m 're rigid ly the conditions under which auca a marriage mrght be antbonx-d ia in idividaat esses. In tbe discuaaion of It is noticeable that outside ot North Carolina th9 Democratic press is disposed to have little sympathy for the fraudulent election law under wiich Goebel is trying to-win the Governorship of Kentucky. We have clipped from a number ot Demo cratic papers outside of tbe State in dicating a dislike for such methods. We e-ive below extract from an edi-t The Gswnmsnt Ownership I torial iD the Lynchburg (Va) News j Morganton Herald) maney and Sense to get into a trust sufficient to support the action. thetreaty wag 6jK0tKi in March 1881 o yo ureiu wnu - iui n iciaiie i " ..-v ... vunwvo "I Whlf-h niHdH tbR IransVl&l an Itide- IDIS SUDieCT. WUICn Teanltl .1 in ita talk that way. Then Websters simple lncumornce to tne ttatote , Anr i reffrnncB to n oAm.HU n..w. will deny this. These papers have not grown wiser. They had all the sense then- Solomon was no where. They are just party tools, tbai' all'. op Potter was rne of thoae who od posed the more sttir gnt proposition. He has sinee had occasion to revise hia opinion, and in hia address to the annual convention of hia dioeeae he A 1 1 e n t i 0 n! The 1899 . SOUDAN -Bicycles. k hi Attractive M HEW FEA 3 TUBES 3 inch droo to fcicjrtr, Flatcrarikf, 2 piecei, SttDTocke, BaReUioen. Fell wishers. Thumb Bcrew aJjcitet. H6,xrfert fit'g ch'ii. Weekly and other papers did not books and for all purposes, save the! ifa itrni affair hrt madp come to the rescue of the farmers, special case, had just as well been J Britain its representative in exter nal as soon as ine party oeciares iert out of the records or the legis- nal matters. Iu 1884 another treaty against tiusts then they can defend haUVe proceeding. As a matter of was sigmd with England, under it, agv.nst such trusts. No man , ,1 whieb th ndn of th 8 .nth " i I : wi; n amendment, which is as follows; a mnoh laiminih. wi vv. .u,, . "Section 1, That section one thou- 'imited to a certain nirht on the nart .... i- A. .--.I :!? . sand two hundred and eighty five of the British Government to oe con- i rA m :-,..i .7. 1 A!-Cibeae1edA0l0Ts 8Qlttdin the fort!n dealings and which have uodonbUdly awaken id Add to said sectioa of said Code the relations of the T.anavaal. The in all aober-minded CLl: T J!, following bud ai vision : questions now in dispute have no- a nrnfonnd .t.a f -i... . "If the husband having married thin v to do with aneh fori-n r1- M..n.. "' .r."' a citizen of North Carolina shall Mr .wfin hs.V T .Z "": remove with her to another State, moreT.TndThe treTt v a W and whll living with hpr In annh I j i - . . 7 . 7 1 ' ...mihh Ol- o - 1 ut iuiiuuuui taw. iv cDcerD'TorrMi ar nn 4 : The Scotland Neck Commm wealth, in speaking of Judge Clark's recent address, comments on it as follows : commenting npon the Kentucky bolt. Tbe News thinks this independent Democratic movement in Kentucky good (Tbj-ctJesson and warning to Dem: era's else wnere to beware of aoie or Duraensome, the wife shall. mm.n nffr in ir,eu . vs ... .,. . w. & rrZ returning to North Carolina, Te Progn I of the World in the ' HAI,A WIU NOT RETIRE. J : on the subject in hand, and is a new nd residing therein, aepsrate and American Monthly Eeview of Ee- ... ma laaepenueDi move dibdi - m i prooi ot rne wonueriui versatility oi f 2 . v . I ior vciootr. - i Kantnokv is a revolt ae-ainst Goebel- J nd Hlark'a tUttt. Tt. h J. - riod-of twelve months, be entitled I I . . . . . .. I " . . J v, U v, J i t r. .. . . ism, ana uoebemm i out another I student of passing events as well as I . . avavuvo vij w w ucviwi t vumssub, vin.O'pt. 29-&sa loiinwg; - - . niiiiu.iiuu.i iv tuwiu Tvrcea persots under anv e.:rn m. Judge Clark argues Wrongly for nf r Sta,te shall by cruel or bar- himalf with the elective fruchiae ataa whatever, baa gratfr wid government ownership and b.lkvea treatment, endanger her in the Transvaal than president Krn- ened acd deepened? T - that the telegraph and telephone ' or render her condition intoler- ger b u to dUcuas the question of ,, e B-ti Iat Ul ef IUsrt mt His K- WORKING NIGHT AND DAY "Sec. 2. That this act shall apply Th. K...i..t BnA m;.hV..t unuti.;.. to cases' now pending in the courts! that ever msd i ir. Kin.a k of this State, but shsll not apply o Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coat- any separation tnat snail tae place ea gioouie ot neaita, that changes after the passage of this act,' I weakness into strength, ";ietlessnei7n- When it is understood that a 1 wt.?"LfF..."1? n VUltUa m. av w Bar WUiuryi fj . UUI 'U ehusetts this year delare for the I of naonle notition the lecilatnr tn initiative and referendum which is I enact aneh a law the asm shall be erm for bossism. Thousands of of recorded things and where v r hei by.ihe "l18 of tn,s State : . w 1 - SSWvn S lKn a 8 . ,.. Hon. st, Uemocrats in -.enfucky re-1 writes or speaks he does his native rusea to support u"eoei meinoas as state honor manifested at the State convention, j 3 i rt na as ezpressea m me vt eoei eiec A Ionli to th ItoUic;Bea of th state, ion law. This is "tbe lesson which I . . - Virginia u mocrats enoniu study. i r " J- - -. wnen n is nnaerstooa that a The way to keep mdeperdnts from Hant np a copy of Democratic married woman's ritizon&hin kin :.i.iih ni.K.u.k.. party in the Virgina to eschew of Chatham countyla the last esm Ootbtlism. . ' I oai.n and read: "Tho tn -.t aste. uu uone out ciwzens oi inia tl. inirerx . -if th fn.mT,;e i n th;. state can secure divorces In this I '-" - raria kA iu, ,vu ,uu uun : V" UT State, it m annnmtit. vhv tha tl FrBck JwUrm. . 1 . - 1 " ... I DHIftUUD IS IBM. IT IRR ll.iinA.ntB f - . .v vv I luiseifcuon iaw in any otine papers f-h. -.111. . was passed. Some oneof the manv During tha coming winter tha Hon. oi tne democratic i Carolina is because is equally as bad if not worse than the intellegence otwhites and colored P10 ? nother state and left her frequent eontribntor to The 8atnr- rhA riKAi t. An. iAl aiuce. How does this eomnare wtth I "OM" icmrum w xionn ua; otbibjiwi vi t. uusaeipciA. ! ! hi. efforts now to iZTr ina-. She ?t a citizen of Mr. Beed's paper., will, in the main, North Carolina can tolerate such a I nh tn hnm th -aaZT I In another State, and conseanentlvla most important and intereatisw law ary more than the same class of ed to ratify the yery thing whieh. in ?he aciUrenof the State where-1 eontributien to tbe history of Am-rl - I. a . ' I in has hnakavil sell . l . . I saw haI a m m if -. T . l , !,, ? 1 Democrats in Kentucky, : ine aoove, tney were assured would 1" , ""fTTi , TL" "u .T M T t-";-- a rrip, J I . , m I Qtnl R TA, l.f In Ihn mmm .liL.llnMliV. Kama A n 9.11. sot oe .none 1 ; "ep v jmwi vuuiwui vuat -7 w awuvw, ciwti x ue state, nence this act was nassed. to Atuntie for its anbieet and tells hi kai.ll tmm.le.t- 4L. -Z - 1 ..t,L ... J O 1 , a i n....i r I w- - vwiov w uiun laws oi I vjuccuuio wi c resca law eoi Tim. -- vwi w .anni lor iu, o.t. ivi. I J .1. - , tha Itflo-Am. ricaa Alllaac. - I W4W w bmh,- vuia specuu case, I wapwwiiy luuw uvoivea in tbe ana n proviae a new met nod andlreyius ease, impreasesan Am ri a new cause of divorce nnheard of I can uwyer. Ton oa ner enti-1 .1 Some supposed I Paris and French Jastiee. will ap- Someoneor more of the enter prising men who carry their offi ces around in their hats took ad vantage of the close of the New Non Conformist JnSt At this time lh' tTnttn1 Re.V. I In Nnrth riamlln. York Cotton exchange last Friday and England areengaged- v-w n ws-cj, w . nuia uu-1 - "vi -, we io i cyvwvu sui oi a garden tnat ne was I oi o:u oer 4. cx eame on other tf on exchani?eaiTH9,nd mnch of a' aolon aa Ha I . thAnntt- - TCnw Ko ie. Filipino Great Brit thought he was, and that his action KD HOT FROM TBE GUN known that our home market al most invariably responds to the opening of the Liverpool market. Why this should be there Is no very good reason, but it does nev ertheless. On this particular day ain to civilise and otherwise benevo lently : assimilate the' Boers, i Oar purposes appear to be much ; the same. We should form the Anglo American ..altisnee without - delay and adopt the same ooa't'bf arms rifles sxossed, two jugs of nun and aa unopened Bible. - : . ; - was misconceived, and that unless I Was tbe bail that ata a ,... he obtained a special act be would of Newark, Uichln the fvll War. It lose his case, so he appealed to the osed horrible Ulcers that no treat-thirty-nine other solons In the lea- mtD helped for SO 3 ears. Then Bock- Ulatnre, together with his own 1 -f"Ma Balvs cored bias. -Cores help, to pull him out of a hole, at "? ZVt-JtL.' 5l.Felena the enenan nf th finnoet core era of thsStata. Ha w a verv erfSi I Xl?n Jt?0' c.ure Paa tor Uanas d-nia with emphasis tte report that be will rtsiga the chair wiaoabip of the Republican Nation al Committee. ' He aaid to dei : I cannot imagine what basgtren rue to aoch a r-pnrt, ctUu it is ay vujb ci raaamoo. rum ota ct whieb have been eug-rkUd. lx It neees ary to tbe perp:sAiic cf the prbs eat glorious reign of the Republican party mat fresu-'ent MtKmley be trdorsed in Ohio this fall and re tained to the White Souse a xt year. I expect to partieioate !. the former indorsement, and I do not anticipate that I eaall be aaked to THEY ASJl 1001 steel cones- Stand com pari sod, Are attrsxtive, Art easyruDninf, Aiwdarlble Are high grade, Ars elegmtlT lEciibel- Wonderfal valr We want aa agent in ev y-eltjr ecunty. THE SOU AS MFGCO, isS Carre! 1 At'. V.HCm(Ht III A BAEGA1N'. I bave a IS borae power eBxir. fA as aew. built by Rlcttjd tlve sod If aebiae Work, wbirb I mill ell st s bargain. For prir fc ai der as j.c. WILUISS RlliU. X.C DROPSY ysa CXa aaaaf ia--a4 " caiind AiJ mma TEA SAT tra S SOS Mos A. A A . T. VL. Barw T 9 in ue tatter, l kno w of j no disposition on the part of the R ' . pablteana to ask me to do a .. W are ciaer together to-Jay than ever v::.,'"ww' A FkEE PATTERN I aa trrvrt aaV wauy as easas a ymu. Tbe Populist party Las not y. 1 1 --rt posmoa oa ue proposed Cjustitntival amendment What has wdl be, no oae as yet an aat It s for the delegates ia eoaveM.o, to say. -Popnlist papers have b.en aeektag to edaeate the peofU ou tte satijet .so they ean set inte'lis-ctlr when they do meet. To the m, i? ea i "U'J quesuoa el eho? hetwe i two evils... They may dec de tfc i , ntirely a Democra ie -ai-4 fr ay. and bene will DemoeraU nurse it. Times tfrcBrs 5iJy 0 A LlT tUL&ASSCm 3 ; LsaaeaTawwat!' laaktanT' S ayiTilsaTtaffrrr IUUre-da, telegraph asdt La-hone ah, aid he rum by taeaatkril got' lixo tho pcrfoCra a?rta.--rT :vM?kZ lH bl I n i m ry mm j t;5 hscau. oa. IS4U tKt 143 Ca. Sws raw.

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