1 y- 1 . ""TPTT TT"T? 1 xxJi VOL. XVII. MAN'S VIEWS. The hC'j'mil Returns From the East. . I PRONOUNCES OTIS A FAILURE. Denies that Agulnaldo Was Promised Independence lite Opinion of the Philippine. Ynik. Special. Kdwln Wild- ic" consul of the United t Hong Kong who wa station - v. hen the war In the Philip- min. St it i pi! r t,,r.s v, ;n ogjn, was n passenger ou tl. Ai!"Mi,m lin? steamship St. Ixnils tthi-li i'.'i'hfl her dork from South ;n;t iiii I Cherbourg Saturday. WiMnrin Fpokr on renditions Jn thi' Philippines and eulogized Ad niir.il Hcwey. "The Philippines," he ;,,il, ;uv well worth the struggle. !i ii intiy out there I ragnlflcent airl i.b" Hirnate is good. There are nrr. nii ntliH of good weather and tlnii M.mp.j the taitiy canon when one urn 'in p'XMiik. Hut then In every in'iy there In the bad time of the year. The unoner we Ret down to gi l ining the Islands the better. They iirc mth niiK h from a commercial n;;i:i'lpint. The whole country Is lirh ;uii productive. Gen. OU li too eld and lint aRKrejfsive enough. "He tries to do the whole thing out tliire and like every other man who tiles to dn nil he does nothing puccchs fiilly. TIk- firent need out in the is-l.init-' Is n young and aggressive man. . to the question of aelf govern nimt I am led to believe that none cf the native people are capable of that in i he lushest sense of the word. The niily way that the natives rould gov ern i under American supervision. "I believe that the flag in the Phil ippine should never be lowered. Wc have not to conquer or annihilate them. The question is which will our war do. "I wnnt to .ny now at no time was. Atfuina'do or any of the Filipinos rroiuicd independence. Admiral Dewey made them no promises. We liiMimlit Acuinaldo to Manila the satin us any other man was brought out there to help. At no time was anything m.iI.I about giving them their Independent p. You will notice that in lil-t manifesto Aguinaldo is careful not to .-ay directly that there were proniWe-i made. That talk always mines from seine of uU followers who iin e f ss." 'inethini; to aln by his muc Sampson's Squadron. oid Point. Va.. Special. The North Atlantic squadron arrived In Hampton Ko.uU Friday evening and came di rectly up to Fort Monroe and anchor ed. K.-ar Admiral Sampson' was in roninuuul. The vessels which arrived ure: The flagship New York, cruisers Brooklyn and New Orleans and the battleships Indiana and Massa chusetts. The battleship Texas was already in the harbor. The gunboat Srorplon also accompanied the squad ron. The orders for the return of the cruiser New Orleans to New York for repnirs. preparatory to sailing for Ma nila, reached Admiral Sampson Satur day morning. An order to hold the lh-noklyn in readiness to be dispatched t the Philippines was received at tho same time. No Spanish Flags In Havana. llahana. By Cable. Tho mayor of Habana, Senor Perrecto Lacoste, has issued an order directing that no Spanish flag shall be displayed In the city of II a ban a. except at the Spanish consulate, it is believed this will give rise to considerable hostile criti cism. Tug Boat Sprang a Leak. Norfolk, Va.. Special. The tug boat Sweepstakes arrived here early Satur day morning in a sinking condition. She sprang a leak about 60 miles north of Cape Charles Friday and was com piled to drop two barges and make f'r port. Constant work at the Pump kept the tug afloat. A-wrecking tug was dispatched to search for the abandoned barges. Tennessee Regiment Returns. Manila, By Cable. The Tennessee raiment, the last of the volunteers, fir the United States'sailed Sunday ou the transport Indian, after a week pass "I in the harbor. Most of the year these troops have "been stationed in the southern Islands. Their colonel fcya they are in excellent health and have been much benefitted by the ser vice; 637 men will sail. Three officers nd 91 men remain to enter into busi ness here. Sixteen officers andlC5 men have been discharged for Te-cn-ilftment. Two men were killed in ac tion, and one was killed accidentally. Chaplain Legand and seven men died of disease. Naval Estimate are Ready. Washington, D. C, Special. Acting Secretary Allen has prepared a full htatcmtnt of estimates which will be submitted to Congress for the main tenance cf the naval establishment for 'he next fiscal year. These amount to " 3,0 13,1 83, which la an increase over the appropriation, for the current year of 124,537,187. Included in the Increase for the next year are appropriations "f $12,168,474 for public works and navy yards and stations. There ta nlso an estimate of $2,021,000 for the new naval academy. Signs of Weakening. London, By Cable. Most Important news comes from the Transvaal. hkh, Jf true, probably indicates that the South African republic Is about to yield, or, In any case, that the Boers nave, abandoned all Idea of invading. Natal. The news is comprised In a Cablegram from New Castle, isaiai. hkh says that farmers who arrived Saturday from the Buffalo rirer state that the Boera are returning to tbeir home?, leaving patrols along the nver. Tta comnmd?ri still remain On tne fia commanders 1 ntt Sute border. THE STATE FAIR. Prosoects for The Best One We Have Had. Ever) thing point now to the bi Rest and best fair of them ail. A hun dred men were at work at the ground Saturday arranging for eKhiblt and putting the building and grounds In condition. Secretary Fogue wan out to Inspect the work, and he i mor fcauMieu with the excellent grrss tlmt has been made. He cause to be. pro bes Kxhibits are already coming in, but the inflow will not begin until tbu week. There never ha ben Mich a demand for space, and it is not an ex travagant assertion to ttate that ti e exhibits will be larger ana more com prehensive than ever before. Chief Marshal L. A. Carr is working with zeal and energy for the fair. Aa unusually large number of marshals have signified their intention of bein present throughout the week. The Raleigh Poat is in receipt of the fol lowing announcement from Chief Mar thai Carr, which the State paper are requested to publish: The great annual State Fair at Ral eigh will be opened on Tuesday, Octo ber 17, 1809. "On that day the para.de will form at 10:20 a. m. in front of the Carroll- tun Hotel on Fayetteville street, and at 11 a. ci. sharp will proceed to march to the fair grounds. All per&ons having horses, who are interested in the fair and In ma Ing it a grand success, are requested to join In this parade. Lpon arrival at the Fair Grounds a competitive exhibit will be held of the first, second and third best coach teams; also first, second and third uesi oouuie ouggy, ana nrst, second aud third best single buggy teams "No entry fee will be charged, and not only those who compete, but all other teams are invited to participate in the parade with such competitive teams. "Competent judges will be provided, and the competitive test will be made by twice moving over the race track "Ornamental ribbons will decorate the victors. "L. A. CARPi, Chief Marshal. October 6. 1833." A Great jobacco Market. Within comparatively few years Winston has grown to he one of the most important tcbarco markets in toe bouiii. tor tne year ended bep- temlSr 30. ovr eighteen million pouuds of leaf tobacco were hold in the Win-ton warehouses, and il is ' ex peeled the sales next year will pass the twenty-million mark. During the tobacco year Just, closed. Winston shipped 16,639.312 pounds of man'u factured tobacco, and the revenue tis aggregated $1,996,793. The shipments of tobacco were larger than the year nmi iiuia an v.cio tho stamn sales.' .7 " " " The f.eures for the previous year, on tobacco, spirits, cigars, cigarettes an1 war, aggregated $1,156,576.63. Arrested For Assault. A. C. Cline, of Yadkin county, was arrested at Winston Saturday after noon on the charge of making a crinil nal assault on Miss Mary Kinely, aged fourteen years, n.ear Yadkinville. Clino denies there was any resistance on tho Dart of the girl. He offered to give the officer who made the arrest eight dol lars. all the money he had to release him Defendant was carried to Yad kin on Monday for trial. Tar Heel Notes. - This year there have been two calls made for volunteers for the Thillip tn I'nder the first North Carolina furnished 119. and for the second 261 the latter being in excess or the State's quota of recruiting officers. During the months of. August and September Wilso 11 feold 7,44i,Gi3 pounds or tobaeco. In September !, 474,746 pounds were sold, and of tbis amount over 1,200,000 pounds were sold by the Watson tobacco ware house. The stock for the Neuse cotton mill, $100,000, of which C. G. Latta, of Ral eigh, Is president, has been over sub scribed. Rev. R. L. Wharton, a son of Sir. W. P. Wharton, of" Guilford count , has announced that he will go to Cardenas. Cuba, as a missionary .of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Wharton has been serving one of the Presby terian churches in Durham for some time. Chairman Travis, of the executive board of the penitentiary, says some nrovlsion will be made by the board of directors for reading matter for the convicts. He approves the letter of Mr. Brown, chairman of the investi gating committee, calling on the peo ple of the State to send literature to the convicts. Durham, says an . exchange, is to have a cotton mill that is unique. The mill is to take the raw cotton, spin it into varn. weave it into cloth, make .v. inn haars to be used for naekine tobacco. A market for all the product of the mill is found almost at v mill H rwr Four hundred thousand to be largely increase " great a success as ouv.F Veeetation was killed by frost in Wilkes Monday. Ice was nan an men thick. . Th Bakersville Mirror says Mose Peterson, of Yancey county who -went to the distillery a lew nays ago u..ru o llauor. sat down on a log, and in . . .imitM dropped dead. He was about 50 years old, and a noted drinker. The supreme court will render no decisions until the . third 1 uesaay m October. Taintless has left port xoaaeo v..vii with extra men and a i . . tt report that she U off on 1 i,u-m sedition la not I w"'"", - I believed, il Oil I AGGRESSIVE. Boers Have Only Taken Steps to Oppose Btitish. SO SAYS PRESIDFNT KRUGER- Pret'deal Steya's Address. He Tells Br- f fcert of toe Oraoje Free State to Fifbt for their 0w Independence Pretoria, By Cable. President Kru- ger. Interviewed with reference to thn rumore of Incursions into British ter ritory Y,j the Burgher forces, siid th Republic had no intention of actlag on the aggressive unless force! thereto y the military attitude of Great Brit ain, which is iaa.-i.-lng troops ia the di rection of her borders or sending heavy re-inforcements from over the sea. It says also that all British soldiers must be removed from the borders; that no further menticn shall be made of Great Britain's suzerainty over the Transvaal and that there shall be no further British demands. The "Volkstein," the official organ of the South African Republic, accuses Hoffmyer, the Afrikander leader, and Premier Schrelner, of Cape Colony, who are imported ta be on the way to Pretoria to prevent the war, with back sliding and expresses the hope that they will tee the character of the Brit ish policy. It adds that the Boers will not lay down arms except on the ex press understanding that the present crisis shall be brought to a close. President Steyn in addressing a com mand in 'Market Square Thursday, congratulated the Burghers on the rapidity with which they responded to the call. He said the Orange Free State didn't intend to make an attack, but would freely defend its cherished rights. The enemy is strong, he said, but if the enemy crossed the border it would be to meet determined opposi tion. Concluding, he exclaimed: "We would be fighting for the independence of our State." There is" no doubt now that the cor respondent of the Icndon Telegraph was mlolead in hi3 statement that Bo ers had occupied Laing's Neck. It is probable that the Boer patrols who ad vanced to the Neck at night, retired at daybreak, and they were mistaken for the general body. Cape Town, by Cable. Private ad vices from the Transvaal report that an Englishman named Robertson was arrested for enrolling rter its for the Light Horse Brigade. He is likely to be shot. Vienna, by Cable.-The Extrablatte prints a curious story which it declares is founded upon information. It says that the London Court 13 circulating a story that the Queen decided cn last Sunday in the presence of her family and Premier Salisbury, that she would sooner abdicate than consent to the war with the Doers. Manchester, by Cable. The Guardi an's Cape Town correspondent says that the Bastutas will probably attack the Orange Free State, unless restrain ed. Civil war throughout South Afri ca li unavoidable. Eaten by Cannibals. Vancouver, B. C, Special. The French steamer Reportos from Sidney reports that a Hawaiian named Amu ru, who acted as orderly to the immi grating department on Noume3 Island, New Hebrides, was killed iid eaten by Cannibals on the island of Aoba. The New Hebrides steamer "Aroange," from Australia, reports that Dr. Vaughan, an American who worked up a large trade in New Guinea, narrowly escaped being caught by ho:t';le natives a few weeks ago and eaten alive. killed by an Explosion. Richmond. Va., Special. By the ex plosion cf the boiler of the Bruce's saw mill, near Trevilians, in Louisa. county, A. Cambill, a well known farmer, amd a negro man were instant ly killed. Another negro was fatally injured and the owner of the mill, Mr. Robt. Bruce, so badly scalded that he may die. Newark's Skeletrn Mystery. Newark. Special. Four more ar rests will be made in Ihe skeleton mystery cases. One is a minister of the gospel, Rev. Dr. Routin, of Brooklyn. The others are Nicholas W. Dobbirs, his wife and daughter, Grace Henn'on, and a Swede servant from West Cald well. New Enterprises Jor Richmond. Richmond, Va., Special. The Gal lengo mills property here was sold on Wednesday to a syndicate. It is under stood that it will be used ss a cottcu) mill. The name cf the new entsrpriif will be. the Richmond Cotton Mills. Filibusters Sa l. Jacksonville, Fla., Special. The fa mous filibustering tugs, "Three Friends" and "Dauntless," with extra large loads of coal and some myster ious looking packages, slipped off to sea at midnight. Both had doulle crews and extra firemen and engineers. Captain James Floyd, of filibustering fame, was on the "Dauntless," Capt. Charles White, the oldest Bahama pi lot, was abcardV The revenue officers, while still regarding the rumors as ab surb, are awaiting development?. Erookiya Ordered to Mmila. Washington, D. C, Special. The President has directed the immediate dispatch to the Philippines of a num ber of vessels of the navy, including the cruiser Brooklyn and the gun boat? .Marietta and Macaias. Thd ac tion Is the result of Admiral Dewey's interview in which he went over the Philippine situation with the President The orders given are in line with the expected determination of the Presi dent to furnish the. army and navy every resource for stamping out the Philippine insurrection at tbe earliest pttfttblw tins. . RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1890. THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. IheSesth. Prices of Southern coal are rising. William Jennings Bryan has cone to Texas to attend the Democratic carni val at Dallas this week. Senator Jamea K. Jones, of Arkan sas, chairman of the Democratic Na tional Committee, sailed Saturday from England home. The Indian Ridge Coal and Coke Company will have a second advance of 10 per cent, in wages to its 800 em ployes at Bluefield. W. Va. The delegation from Atlanta. Ga.. to invite Admiral Dewey and Lieutenant Brumby to that city, have arrived in Washington. Maryland survirors of the wreck ol the steamer Scotsman, ia the Strait of Belle Isle. Newfoundland," tell of terrible suffering among the passen gers. The North. John R. McLean opened bis cam paign ia Ohio Saturday. :r The World confirms the report that the will of Henry B. Plant, the rail way king, Is to be contested by his widow. Secretary Root has announced his intention to make promotions in the volunteer regiments from the officers and enlisted men in these reglttmt. This plan will deprive politicians of considerable patronage. Ex-Senator Harlan, the only sur viving member of Lincoln's cabinet, is dying at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Rev. J. T. Boyd, of Ia Porte, In J , who says it is not possible for him to be mistaken, declares that the world will come to an end on November 11. The People's Gas Lir ht and Coks Company is building a iig gas tank as the opening of a campaign against the Ogden Gas Company to illuminate Chicago. The mcit interest ine snbiect un for discussion at Saturday's session of the Mazet investigating Committee was the Dewey Parade stands. Dr Charles F. Roberts, chief sanitary su perintendent of the Board of Health submitted documents showing that the Dewey stands were not construct ed in a sanitary fashion. Stephen F. Barrry, owner of one of the Dewey parade stands, testified that his part ner settled matters by giving one In spector $5 and another one $25. Foreign. -m-r . oartunai vaugnan, preaenmg 111 linden on the Transvaal crisis, said tnat an unjuet or unnecessary war would be a crime. The mayor of Havana has issued an order directing that no Spanish flag shall be displayed in the city of, Ha vana, except at the Spanish consulate. General Jaudenes has been retired by the Spanish council of war for hi conduct in surrendering Manila to the Americans. - - - Boer troops are rushing to the Natal border, and it is predicted that a clash will occur this week. Gen. Alejandrino, representing Agu inaldo, herd a fruitless conference witlj Gen. Otis at Manila yesterday in an effort to obtain peace. The Filininos .have returned tn Gen Otis 14 enlisted soldiers, whom Vhey had held as prisoners. The German government has paid into the Spanish treasury the sum of $5,000,000, the price of the Carolina Islands. The Haytlen Government steame? Defense, used as an armed transport, has gone ashore near Fortune Island in the Bahamas, and will prove a tota wreck. All on board were saved. Numerous chiefs of various groups of revolutionists in Peru are asking amnesty for themselves and their for lowers, offering to submit to the gov ernment if their requests are granted Miscellaneous. The Nile is now at the lowest point of which there is any record. A native of Hawaii named Amaru was recently tortured and eaten by ;he natives of the New Hebrides. There is likely to be a split in the Junior Order of United American Me chanics unless pending difficulties are settled. One o! the departments of Cornell University kept a record of the des struction caused by lightning in New York State last month. It killed six men, eighteen horses, twenty cows and one sheep, and struck fifty-nine barns, twelve residences, two churches and one mill. In proportion the churches seemed to fare worse than any other kind of property. . President McKinley approved -the sentence of Capt. O. ML Carter, Corp3 of Engineers, United States Army, to imprisonment for five years, the pay ment of a fine of $5,000 and dismissal from the service. Captain Carter was placed under arrest and is now con fined in the prison at Governor's Isl and, N. Y. - Senator Hanna is eaid to have paid for his suite of apartments at Clar idge's Hotel, where he stopped whiU in London, 175 guineas a week. This is about $925. " Sir Thomas Lipton's offer for the Muckross estate and the Lakes of Kil larney, in Ireland, has not been accept ed, and the property will be put up at public sale. -President McKinley's acceptance of honorary membership in the Brick layers and Masons' Union of Chicago has just been made public in a letter written by his secretary at his request to the president of the union: The ac ceptance is based on the- .assumption that it will impose no obligation or re straint Inconsistent ' with the ; duty of the Chief Executive to all tie people. The street car' conductors and driv ers went on a strike in Havana, but substitutes for them were soon found. General Henry L. Burnett, United States District Attorney, has received Instructions from ' Washington to co operate with the army's counsel in op posing the application for the' release of former Captain Oberlln M. Carter, and today " General Burnett was granted permission by Judge Lacombe tOLfile a- brief In .answer to the argu ments of : Abr am B. Ross. - Carter s counsel. This will take several days, and it is considered probable that the decision of the court will toe tJelayeti until at eefc TRAM EXODUS The Peopte Are Getting Away in a Hurry ACTUAL WAR SFEMS TO BE ON- Fraace asd Geraasy are Said to U ti- chaagtaf 5e: 0 f cUI Csmss catlees Oa th: Sit ala. London, by Cable. The mwt Inter- e-stirg announcement in connection with the Trn.Taal cris'.s is that Chan cellor of the Exchequer, R?ght Hon. Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, has already sanctioned the provlilcnal exoend- Iture of 8.000,000 pound, and that the government will net exceed thjt amount without authority from Par- iament, which will b? asked to tott a sum rot exceeding 8.000.000 pound. A raretlng of the war board diseurs?d and drew un arrnncementa it Insnr the Ftfety of the route from Durban to Laing's Nek, so that large bodie of troops may, on disembarkation, be rapidly forwarded up the country to the front without confusion or crowd. Ing at the base. It is stated that the War Office has decided that the corps for service in South Africa shall be much laTger than originally estimated. and that it now consists of over 40.- 000 men. The preparations for the dla- patch of this force, including the char ter of big ocean liners, is steadily and sat'.sf actor; ly proceeding. The press association learrs that the dispatch drawn up by the cabinet on Friday, was etlll unsent. On the other hand I a telegram from Brussels gives, from ! "well-Inffirmed source," the news that Dr. Leyds, the representative in Europe cf tne South African republic. has received confirmation cf the re port that President Kruger . had ad dressed an ultimatum to great Brita'n demanding the withdrawal of the Brit ish forces from the frontier within 48 hours, and that was delivered on Monday. This report, however still lacks official confirmation. The confidence of the military au thorities there and General Sir George Stewart White. V. C, who will com mand the British forces in Natal, and Lieutenant General Sir Frederick Walker, held to consider the situation, General White expressed himself aj confident that the British would be able to present a force sufficient to re pel any attack. General White, who intended to go to Durban on board a warship, has now. in order ta time, abandoned the idea and will go by train tonight. A lire steamer left Lourenzo Marque Delogca Bay Wednesday, with 1,200 refugees. Large numbers were left behind and all the trains are crowded with thofs taking part in the exodus from the Transvaal. A dispatch from Volksrust says that the Boer camp on the Natal border now comprises 8,000 men, and is growing daily. The camp breathes a rel'.gious fervcr. The com mi?sarat arrangements, the dispatch says, are defective. One of the largest corps lay in the Veldt without shelter during a heavy thunder storm. Com mandant Genera Jouberjs momentar ily expected to assume command of the Boer forces. Confirmation cf -Tuesday's report of the acquisition by "the Transvaal au thorities of 500,000 pounds in gold, which was oa the way to Cape Town from Johannesburg, was received here. The Cape Argus asserts that the Boers made the seizure at Vereeniging, the amount being the week's shipment of gold on the way from the Rand to Cape Town, and forwarded the treas ure to Pretoria. A London news agen cy publishes a dispatch from Paris saying it is rumored there that a semi-officJal exchange of views is pro ceeding between Russia. France, and Germany with reference to the Trans vaal crisis. Fell 1.000 feet. Des Moines, Ia., Special. Marzi Townsend, cf Decora h, I a., about 20 years old, was killed on the Carnival circus grounds while attempting a par achute leap. While up 1.000 feet in I the air, the parachute failed to open ana ne reu to ue earxn use a stone and was picked up dead and terribly mangled. A large crowd saw the ac cldect. - PhTppine War Notes. Manila, by Cable. Several hundred lasurgents have re -occupied Porac, which was captured by General . Mac- Arthur on September 28th and evacu ated by the Americans the following day. The insurgent forces are also report ed moving toward -Mexico. , southeast of Angieles. Ine object of the doable movement is, apparently, to get be hind the American garrlaan on both sides cf the Manlla-Dagupan Railway. .An attack upon Paranaque was made by the insrugenta Tuesday n'ght, and rebel 1 sympathizers 4n the town set tire to a number of buildings. Col onel Daggett repulsed the. attack ami declined cffe:s of assistance from Ba coor. Washington, D. C, Special. General Otis has informed the War Department of the arrival at Manila of the tra-s-port SL Paul with seven troops cf the Third Cavalry. The Garrone, carry ing horses and mule3, has also reached Manila.: - - - . Ccaaissweer Oeaikit roasted. Columbia, S. C, Special. Commis sioner DoutEit. of the dispensary, has been removed by the board of ccntrol, as a result of an investigation, ahow& Ing a long list of irregularities ana frauds in the management of the li quor business. - Ftroiers Meet ia Boston. Boston. Mass., Special. The Farm ers National Congress opened Tuesday in Fancuil Hall, which- wa3 crowded by delegates from all sections of the Union.. The convention was called to order by President W. D, Hoard, of Fort Atkinson, Wis., Joeiah Quincy. mayor of Boston, welcoming" the deb gates in behalf cf the city, while Gen ner Francis " Appleton, of Governor Wolcott's staff, spoke for the State. Responses were made ' by President Hoard and - others, and President Hoard deUrered hi annual address, rtTlewini tte rorH r DEWEY IN WASHINGTON. Trei ees Outiea Tcadered at tie Satiea't CsaiU. Washlagtoa. I). C, BpeelaL The culmination of Adsairal Dewey's trt omphal bome-comlag was reached Tuesday in the thidow f the dome f the Bstioaal eatfltol. Here he rrl. d from the hands of the Prwldest the magnificent jewelled tword voted him by Coa greta. la commemoration of the victory of Msnlls bay. This was the official provocation for tae ceremony. But mere official ssartloa could never have thrown into the dem onstration the fervor of eathuslasn. that was meted out to the great ad miral as he appeared before the vct audience that was'compofced not only of all the hlghea cfflclaU In the land, but of spectator drawn from every quarter cf the United States. The battle of Manila biy was not forgot ten, but It might be said to hive been relegated almost to see-ond place In the desire to do honor to the man who proved himself as great after victory as before it. and who bad shown In the long and trying months that fol lowed hid naval triumph the qualities of a statesman and a wle administra tor cs well as those of a flagship leader of a victorious fleet, And en hancing these qualities was that of manly racde3ty, d!tpUyed in the quiet dignity with which he met the oc casion. This trait of Dewey's charac ter was demonstrated from the mo ment he reached the stand side by side with the President. He paured at this point for a moment, unwilling, apparently, to take the place that bad been prepared for him on the right of the platform. lest he should appear to usurp the place due to the President. President McKinley grasped the situ ation in an instant, and taking hU great sea captain by the arm and plac ed him by gentle force In the chair that bad been intended for him. Later in the day, as the carriages bearing the official party drove away from the capitol, between walls of cheering people, the President again displayed his tact by remainng covered and Ig noring the demonstration himself, leaving it to the admiral alone to ac knowledge. Fcr Dewey it was a try ing as well as a triumphal day. It has been given to few officers in naval his tory of the country to sit before a crowd of thousands while the chief of the naval establishment dilated npsn his exploits and then to stand before the same crowd to receive at the hands of the President a sword prepared for him at the behest of the repre lontotlvM of tk Mt people. Tlic strain upon Admiral Dewey reacheJ alnioat to a breaking point. But none of those nearest to him could ree how he labored to repress his feelings dur ing the address cf Secretary Long, but when he arose to receive the sword from the hands of the President no one could mistake the flash of the whit gloved hand as it rose to dash away the tears before the admiral came to the rigid attitude of attention before his chief. . When it became Dewey's turn to re ply, his voice failed him, and be made the effort twice before his lips would respond. When he did succeed his tones were clear and steady, but so low that only those nearest to him could hear. There was a quiet but ex quisite comedy following the trying formalities that escaped all but those directly upon the stand. As the ad miral closed and took his seat he turn ed to the President and In a tone of quizzical appeal, inquired. "Now real ly, don't you think I did pretty well for an amateur?" One of the most remarkable features of the eventful day was the ovation to Rear-Admiral Schley on the return of the party from the capitol to the White lloufe. His carriage was sever al numbers behind that of the Presi dent and Admiral Dewey, and he re ceived an ovation that could scarcely rank below that accorded to the ad miral himself. The tumult grew as the carriage proceeded down the ave nue and the crowd surged arounti it till the horses were brought to .a foot pace. Finally a company of the High School cadets came to the rescue and formed about the carriage in a. hollow square. Thus protected . and flanke 1 by a force of police the carriage reach ed the White House with a long gap between it and the next preceding. The ' home-coming of Admiral -Geo. J)ewey for henceforth the national Capital is to be his home was made the occasion for the greatest tribute ever paid by Washington to any itfdi vidual. Arxer the preliminary wel come in New York, itself unsurpassed in its kind, it remained for the highest and greatest In the official world to bold out the hand of greeting to the famous admiral, and to Join with the people who arc to be his fellow citi zens In, bidding him welcome. The citizens fcad made every preparation to make the occasion worthy of tttelr hero. The decorations were elaborate. Pennsylvania avenue was one maw of colored bnnt.pg along the enr.ra .lux of march from the . station to the White House, and not content with this, few private crusens failed to make some display of color on thMr residences. Unique designs in fairy lamP3 dotted the boriron, great search lights threw broad beams of bright light across the blue sky of a clear October evening, and the stately cap itol stood revealed In all Its. queenly beauty in the powerful rays of many concentrated light. The same device was used effectively in the case of oth er public buildings within the range of vision of the distinguished paxtyon the reviewing stand. The prow of the white Olympii projected In bold relief from the stand at the head cf Penn sylvania avenue, whereon stood Dew ey, the central figure of the demonstra tion. Esvsys Taraed Dowa. Washington. D. C. Special. A dis patch from General Ot's waa received at the War DepartmenUMonday morn ing; giving an account of his meeting with the insurgent envoys- General Otis said the Interview with Agnlnal do'a representatirea indicated that the leaders were tnanoevrlng solely, with 3 view to secure recognition of the In surgent government. All such over tares were rejected and the envoys were informed that the caly thing tht United States wcmld -regatta waa a Y 9 nag ana t&t iroBfliaf W VEX ARP IS THANKFUL TUl Wc Kie G4 Ttaft 1t py is Teis WerU. MtCO BAPPIMSS Oil HOMES. No Matter flow Masarle 1fcv Are, This Harpiecss Pro a tttcsalag. Ccsutfes of Atitama Lcac. -How the put vt mUtl all endure Is that aka kings cr !. a ciu-e or cure." W make much t l or tb ntoaey qutk)a. the tar.ff. th lrut. th combination cf capital afsiau lafe r and the grmi ard rorruptka .f poli ticians, but after all our frl-rlly le penda upon ourselves aud hit c rhroae ta make of 00 r dome tic ! fa. Compared Uh hspplnrs at ha'Cr all other J y are trtflVs. transitory t h. ure s thit ron.e and at and li j at la.t to tak rerun- la the dcmt lr cle. A hundred yeir so the nt wrtte: "If solid htipiLss s i-flie Within our brerM tM hd l-. From cur own selves tur Jnys init come And tbt rndearlax idac-oir home." HOW sadly twtei It tho dream t.t home to the boys v'io bate ctli-M '.hcmselvee to a for.Mjcn Isrl ti h darghtera who have f .ll;wJ ti? r hi s. band far away to tie soldiers th. Me In the trenches in t'le dltaj ifc ands of the sea. and to the wr:d con let who to I !n tne mines f- l rt or for a term cf inferable yesm. I wis ruminating ljit how taucn complaining tro.lals have tj l thankful fcr in ti l goodly land. It is well fcr i:s all to sanictioies tak a invoice of what we have ko! th.-tf ul t er king ner laws can take awiy fruu. u.. The mattes cf our people ta hoitits. comfortable home, where. William Put said "The po:rfsl run may bid defiance to the crown. It nay Le frail, its rcof may idiake. the winu may blow tlirouich It snd the ra!n leak in. but the king of England can net enter, nor LI forces dare to ro-s lit threshold." The mssces uX our peop!t have gcod health, which !. the rhkfes. of all the paor din's Me sing, t this roodly Font hern land we ha pure sir. grod water, a temperate r!i mate and 11 sU t'nt respond eaaH ana surciy to tae laborer's t U Adari bmith sa!d la hii great work in tU wealth cf nations that a kind Provi dence had eo crda!aed that the aver as- iiur ci o:e can would tuppon e.gni iwrscns and give t-em all cf lh cfcessar ea. many of tae romfoit-. airf some of the luxuries- cf life. H0 nicely this fit a the average family, ma a .If. 'm4 .1. . k:i 1. r... I . there are more children the elder uct are able to help, and as the nan g.ow oiu ana feeble the youegtr chillier nave grown cp to take LI place. O. course there are exception a. for th wire may be an Invalid cr the ch:l dren all glrla or the farm Lo.se tick and die. or the hegs take c bolen. or the house burn up, but mct all aar ills are the result cf Indolence, impru dence or crlmina! conduct. If we vlo late a law cf nature we are sure to suf fer for it. If pend mere tha-a we mane ana get in ueit v.e ciisln oar selves to a hard master, for. aa Solo mon said, '"the borrower Is a servant to the lender. Frugal habit and coj- tentmert at home are cardinal virtues that ensure happiness Thea he:e are the pleasures thit affect the aeart and the emotion-', the Joy a of lovlna and being level, t'ae innocent sport or children or grandchildren, as they piay around us; tae sweet charm of music, even though it be a mother's song es she scotbs her child to i-leen. From my windew I tec beautiful flow era looking up to h;aiea or bending gracefully to the Gcd who made them "Flowers thit weep w.thout wee. And blush without a crime." And the vlce3 oa the trellis are fad' Ing Into beauty and forest tree are taking cn their variegated color What s lovelier than the autumn robe of the chestnut and maple and awcet gum and the intermirglcd green of tae pines? Why not cultivate a taste for all these outside ornament of nit are lor taey are n;t cniy oeautifal. but the contemplation of them la refining. A beautiful Cower is a ralracl?; no h 1- man hand could faehicn It. and 'Sol- tnon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these." The blessings cf natureotre gratuities. They cot noth ing the trees, the flowers, the graa4. the sunshine snd the rain, the song of birds and the reverential sound of dUtant thunder that comes, ss the po et says, from heaven's own organ. The catechism asks what I the chief aim of man? And the answer Is. "To glorify Gcd and enjoy him forever. That is gocd theory, but the fart I that a man's cti?t burljesa Is to raJ, children and enjoy them. Tie worn is working fcr children and our great est pleasure and our greatest grief comes from them.. What does politic or fame cr morey weigh compa-ci with the death cr dlsbcncr of a ch id? How dees the great world thrink when affliction Invades the family e'rcle The welfare cf cur children I tie til absorbing business cf cur life. Tbc desire to fee them well and happy ia chlldbocd snd later cn to be well mat el and married and prospering in bra Iness asd orname nts to the charck and the community is thi Ideal hope of pared. "To glorify Cod and ea joy himjecever is in a treasure pa poned fcr another world. We trut Cue Lord and rray to Him. bnt our mart constant devoticn and tniiity Is !or our children. . , But why this moral'z'.Eg. The pojis have long alcre sang the swee: tons of filial anl paterral lave. Evea David sang of the rich reward to tae righte ous man. when his children gre?r nn like olive plants around his table. Our little crohan cirl came l.ozv yesterday as proud s tr Uncle To:.a will be-avhea re reed res tli taoa aid dollar sword, for the Is oa the mcoad honor at schcel end her picture vrlil let Into the pamcrs some cf tle e day? Another grand chill c?t the itcozi hener In another grade and the par ert and we grasdparents are as proul aa the children. We had co marks ct acnora vhenrre went to school, ex cept to get head in the Friday eveniujt spelling diss, a hea the whole school ttxd up In a aeml-clrcle an! ecs tended fcr the highest place. My sweet heart generally bell the tort. :nd it I could climb c? to her aids and hold her fcasd in mine It waa enough fcr me. But. ah! the braatl fcl becks the children hare now an J the teaatlfol picture a. How we wooll hare wcjadered and admired If we bad bad a tolall porticn cf thca, Tte ell. NO. 43. U kaxk ri&ot fc:a ts4 I IhUk I rr Xm r tw It W 0 de tre so stsAlttg are. At 4 el as C:alsa tat -.- t Mt'j of Ike farsbft a caw Om 4 a' r tie as 1U tf tt ts t I s4 tWf ax sUiBt U li.Hr saia-st. a le was i t n ca a t.4 m il g ait that et Uwr ss a law - We taa a rvatatssr a artasM a&4 I eooc tt tire tinst tire si I male al:e aad Its ssitJa'tU- t lUs tte aaa, t.! I 4. at IV rvle f tsrs tor t rtrl tart last ta r.uprr .- ts Sake its 4t rat ixr tiicras a trk a4 as :! tatra l-t to ii tun IU-t tier It ro .a the bay aa! tae girl lata tie W.4 . lSi e't Jrr rssj jet OS 9-i it t .n tf Iter try t Tbe t-t art if rr et rt tae afW i ii 4c4 a4 ttk loss U the baa tees f U. It raaau. f:p rraditx goxl tJVU!.to'y. 1 1-'KTar-ay. anstitKe sal nrwmpn .' la cur iiTf daja 4.4 art r I tra. fcr did i t ku m. lat a tha jemef p fie r-s I asttslrg ant vetytk'tg. If evil rjna:ratla. corrupt gc4 rr.asr.4i aa X I P' t aid. tor a jxTXtti a karsctr la a' Vrted .v t bo; la le read'. Ilea. lK ail itt f aotvls i is tnu a 0 4; ipat'ea as jramtlus. ,t I Wh tt:r aa a rutaania.l-) la eery Mats t !eie what bocis are i,t ntaoi '-u read. TLe U a tmart irrvsat im our faw lr d sh U teid ag ' TrUtu jB lb sly socrtfs w:i 4- erry de :I!H thine they sw vliitr fctka I reckon that U th.tJisker that la .1 thew -M ll .rp. ia Atlacta Caastlti- Ilea Haad'ieg ft. Ik tciMI.CsI.f. ;! -rrniu-rir rli-at the ta IT- iu u Ih uj1j iLrtu uji a ilaiu tan.lsr.1 Ih liatKllins tnilV. sal trv-awi. A Mt f rnW-s l ajdUl. m U. it. If .- M-8tHly ilio(Jc.Vrl. trviJJ t fhf Ulrj msti. Tim m- irl ai- f mhu U U-l iu the m-I Lu tt ; Jim !4e. nd tb-y slioul I f t-. and ln1 t m I'V fartiM r ! maVe tltr -sm Liir butter n a muMI t large Mak lliry Wilt la the rul. Ifi fll 1-y lln-ln. fr thry all I-!!!" tu- luakluf f Itii i-r and iLtm- It the urd-r f tU lay t imprute laliy iriMliK-ts. and iIm uian atlHt tan pr!'C sf.lt 1gol uilk. Iutt-r r li-4 l irr l luaLc a Ut.l ritit. tioJratol ,y irativ aii-1 rt-riiiH-t all o r. U l aatt It Jut a xn MM.itie afur It 1 drawu friu tlio row. and tbti ! f-A or il.l'l H. 1 1 iva4i f;r tln- !o ij -o- mt lni.V. The flrt r-uiitt fituu f r"k o-rtalu animal dr ssl gn Hist taint all fn-l i.idt. 11e sttnt n41UjS tlink IIm linill!di-ll.fll ' In lurions ln t iLi. hi h ws 111 lu a kH lime liit-rtar lliat tl- (uill: l u fair way to t-r lu a lrW-f ja f iln.e. Th" iimmUim a.-ratr atxl 4m hi Nitorm ituiu or tn ifimim at !.. bat a faruw-r a Imitate lb work lu a ii-italu taimt wltbuut tLeni. The aeration 4tuily tn-au t es : tte milk to the H.-ar air by spray ut It out In a thin stream. If cm Las a tuli. ami M.ur ttie milk out el-wl from a Ii4-f(bt of evv .-ral fe t. r will aei-oiiiillrb what 1Im ai-ritit 1o. lb clillling of tlie tullk vduHild follow Im mediately. (l-ao rana that bate l"eti scabiod out with lulling hot water tie sunk Into a tub of Icr. uti l th-n by Hftirii!C the milk lutu tbeni nt Hh Ins the top ilbt with tin arxl flawa-!. I lie ne-ea ry low temMTslur wl'l I obtaliieil In a ebort time. Hime farui- cr bate simply sunk tL-ir -an In m lntfti or erins f "1I wate, burjlnc IIm bottom lu a foot or two of rulf rravel. Where oim lias io bt tvlj thi nielboil I a gruel sulietltute. Hi In-atiiy; tlx tnllk la tbl way It will be sweeier. cleaner and urer. aad at the same time It will I" so frerj I'rotu ' lclerial perms that It aa be kri4 a day or two lousrer tLan iu Ik tratcl In the ordinary way. If o!Me ih milk ehoukl lie ruolcd lo a tenij-Tataie of r degrees an. I kept so. It gw with out saying that the utuiott ears Is ee. esHsry to keep th cans aud ntea!l erfedly clean, ami that they moist srableI out with ttollltig water eyery lime tbejr are euiptlel and frfore new milk Is put In them. AuM-rkan 'ultl vator. The "cbildreii'a ourt.', mbi.b Ls been established by the Illinois igi lataro i an eierini-nt that will well be Aortb watching. Heretofore tb law Las made no lititirtiou Ix-tscen jnvenile criminal aud a nit criminal situ tbe result that magistrates unm often eiercised a discretiou in !eI iug with yontbful offenders that tbe law did not sanction. This is Lardlv itM hov lvluh Mitiir troOlis t. ) r- J J D I sped tbe law, and tho Illinois legis lature ban attempted to correct tlti practice by tbe eslablisbtuefct cf a aale court f trial of Slender less than sixteen years old and l-T ti.9 adoption cf a code sailed to tbe c'aae. . Under Ibia at heme tio child on-Ier t valve years of age eaa be artesteJ r held in a police atation. ' A place f dtntiou fwrcbiblren uast bo sjoci ally provided, and wLen rbildrea ar to be brought into r-cort it auut Iw Ly antuauous served tn their i.retits or guardian. Wide diseretioa i then al!oveJ anagisUatf ia dealing with yoctbfal offenders. Ibm rr.-st a.ivantsge of this sebroie ia tbst tL "Tender do not come ia eon'.st t witb ' police or witb Ltr!enel eritfiial. "I hey ar treat d tuntli as a ttrra arliJolnsster treats ni rulj p;iis, ftttratoer T. lis-r. aaisrstut. "lie knew tbe b!ri of the air. from the ptarmigan that lives among the everlasting snows, to the bupmlaf bird that revels among tbe orcalrda cf fhe tropica; he knew the beasts of the forests and the prairies, anl Ue rep tiles that crawl through the desert sands cr slimy marshes: Ye knew the fiahes that scale mountain torrents, that bask In qtrlst lakes, c that Jour rey from zone to none throng! tae deep waters ct the tea. In all his realm of na!ure he bad a minute and comprehensive knowledge - that no other man has ever acquired. What ethers bad recorded in this field of re cearen he knew, and to their discov eries .be made a contribution sa boaa teoos. so stupes dons, that "be is ree cgnlsed aa the master of cystematvc raologlsta.- "Self Cultnre.- . General Wood airs tbe Cnl-aca ia his departuent are aaxioca f-r tbe reorganization cf their aeto!. anc are denaalis At-jrusa . Iscbers. No better ialicatioa could be bxd ci (4 Jj AjsericwUcw Cwts. : i il 1 r r . 1. s 1

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