IIIKCAI CASIAN. HtrH. N.C., O-t. 20, 1899 Wilmington Stir arid the Wjl . MfHf i lift f lat HnJ.irdst mirt "lJ " ' there rpr !. tttion of facts from utr.rt to Ijoish. T.i newspapers stated that k'in.-.t'i'" ,( 11 tbtir 'epota that ulit ritHiueil nearly acolunn m with thfr njtii'Jerer, Arc)- ilx, w)i tsko to prison lot rVily tr Hift? k-f p- ,y u pu'y hbwMli hrere't T ir T ,e articles contained & mis- tion. , Hi ml r tnis county packed . . i. : i t ' the J'ir' aK,,'n U,U1 unu lllt ce ,. nvict' d through pi-ltic 1 p-r- 9 . l . m . L . .. . t ,ti. losittaa oi mere Ofine a of grour.ds for ibia arns. th" facts are that tbo Judge . A.I O . ('.mf i l-moTt, ine rv'licitor . . ........ u li n il A l rt Yt t. r it t a. 9 t fc. jrfft l',l.,,C.'-. 1..,'S HIT Welve j'ir' ra who found iiim gail'y ire i),.iuf crut3. These statements ,re fact-, ar.d if tht-re Wilmington D(,WSjHf rs wantfd the truth about fh .,HttT, hy didn't they go to th, t Hi .ft who had KiDsaula in eai oily instead of publishing a puck ,t lit-s from the mouth of this notorious dpperado and cold blooded Bur!err. I'puy Hheriff Turner ttji these reporter did not approach him a'out tLo matter. This ahows they were not looking for the truth. If a corrected report of the affair doe not apprar in the 8rar and MfSHHiRt r bef rn ur nxt is.iue we will thun have more to sy about the muttf r. ''linton Caucasian. London. Oct.23.-In tbe House of Common, this evening; during a dis- .-oo.vii ui allowance to mi ilea or reserve troop,, Ptrnel. ..men,Dr, Patrick Brienfsald he v,-u ,, o-rs would be victorious, i" apoiog-z d for Mshmto in the "ril"n Pt7 declared that Cham fcerUin'g hatids were more deeply dyed In blood than tho.e of any criminal who ever went to tbe scaffold. Tbe speaker ordered O Brieo to withdraw his remarks. Us refused and was sun. pended. When told to leave, O'Brieo went out, exclaiming: "You need not bring an army corps 'o remove me; you may want it elsewhere." Ooi-k Mm well In lti. George Maxwell, who ehot add killed Tube Maxwll, both colored, in I)mal township on Friday, 0i:tol)er iSth, as related in the CaucHS'iin last wefk, was brought to jtil here by Constable Hinton Mnivrell on last Friday the 20th inst. The prisoner stated on his examination b fore the committing Magistrate, L. (.'. Sj-ell, that the ghootiDg was an ai cident. That he and Tohe got into a fight and that Tobe had him down beating him in the face, when he drew a pistol from his pocket to frighten him, and tht in Tobe's tffort to got the pistol oat his hand, atd in hia iffort to prevent him from getting it for fear he would use it, the revolver accident ly find. O'her witnesses on the examination swore that Tobe had threatened to kill the prisior.er. The ease will be btfore the Supreme Court for trial a: nut February term. Clinton Caucasian. Mm Killed Neur Marlon. Marion, N. C. Ojt. 22i. Last night at Samuel Weaver's, two and a half miles east nf Marion, Edward Tamer shot and killed William Py aft. The Weaver family, coinposfd of lewd women has been giving the community and courts much trou ble. Several fights have occurred there in the past five months, but noue of fatal result before, ham, the hat-lnud and father, a mm of weak intellect, wa driven from home two weeks ago. The facts iu th honrcide, as I father thm, art: A woman was talking to Turn-r, Pyatt caught ber by the arm aud led her away. Turner follow d tb m, a sctrtl en sued when Tarner drew his piifol anJ shot Pyatt through the bi dy. The latter fell and diod almost in stantly arrest. Vhat a DimtvrvL Thiko it is to Wdke up in the night suffering from cholera iriorhm.aud jet caes'of this kind are very common. Tbe trouble, biwever, will never become serious if If ou keep a bottle of Pain Killer at Jiir.d, for it is a remedy that never itiia to cure cholera cramps. Iitrrhoe or Ojaentery. Avoid subsri totes, ihere is but one Pain-Killer, I erry Davis', l'riue 25c. and 50c Cnu Taking n Cub. Havana, Oct. 24 The census i progressing favorably. A striking feature disclosed is a large number of Spaniards who have not register ed under the Paris treaty in order to retain their Spanish nationality. They are holding the matter in Rbeyance, which indicates no de sire to participate in suffrage unless compelled by fear to seek safety by registering. The proportion of in habitants who cannot read or write amounts to about sixty-five per cent. BISMARCK'S IKON NERVE Was t he result of his splendid health, ludomitahle will and tremendous en ergy are not, found where Slomach. Liverand Kidneys and Bowels are ou' of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. Kiog'a New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25 cents at all drug stores. I.ltorary Note. The College Man's Number of the Saturday Evening Post (of Philadel phia) though planned primarily to appeal to university men, past and present, will interest all who care for the short story at its best. Robert W. Chsmbers, in 'The Spirit of the North," tells of the adventures of a party of Columbia naturalists and their quwst of the dingue hitherto supposed to be extinct in the un known country behind the Hudson Mountains. Tbe College Man's Num ber will be on all news stands Octo ber 2Gth. liusiKKss Department at Littleton Female College. We are prepared to give young ladies h thorough course in Stenography and Tvpe-writing, and Book-keeping or Telegraphy at a very low cost for board and tuition. It will pay. any young ladies who arethingiog of going off to a Business College, or who de sire to prepare themselves to take a good paying position, to write to us at once. Rapid stenographers and good tele graphers are always in demand. Ad dres, Rev. J.M.Rhodes, A.M. Presi dent, Littleton, N. C. A certain Dyersburg woman as sured her husband she never told him a lie and never would. He told her he did not doubt it. but would hereafter cut a notch in the piano whn he knew she deceived him. "No you won't" she screamed, "I'm not g-ing to have my piano all ruined.'' VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of j'iy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them, also old running and fever sores, ulcers, boil, felons, corns, warts, cuts bruises, burns, scalds, chapped hands, chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and ache. On ly 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed. . I'll auu VJ iiu i t ixj -1. l . , . , , , . Turner has thus far evaded h0'd b &11 drKK8ts. IMd'i't Know How Mur Wives be Had. Chicago. 111.. Oct. 24 - Forty-two T.,rn,l Strike SaK" ! "ramie. scattered throughout the World Havana, Oct. 21. Despatches four of whom are in Chicago was from Sxgua LnOraude report that a the confession made to-day by Wal- toroado and cloudburst struck the ter L. Farnsworth, a Chicago candy town yesterday, destroying many commission man, who was arrested housfs, including the hospital. Four yesterday charged with bigamy. patients were killed. In the city Farnsworth also admitted that he tix persons were killed and nineteen was a man of many aliases. Some wounded. Crops were severelo dam- of these arn Chines Lradford, A. J aged. Hittig, S. L Thomas, A. L. Kiefer General Bandera, a most active and Bradshaw. Cuban negro politician, delivered a "I cannot tell exactly how maDy speech at Cardenas las night urging women I have married' said he, "I Cubans and Spaniards to forget kaow of 11 in Europe. 4 in China, 6 their differences and help ra'h o; her. in Peru, 1 in Eagland and over 20 others in differt nt psrts of the world, hut to ave inv soul I could rot tell Vintp minv I married them for dif HKLENA, M -nt.O t. 23.-F r five f.,,nt -.PR!ons I did not live 1 dp das i8r wek snow erne down al itu th.,m Taev will all tell voa I I nnt In I he Sn w. moat udc asdutfly. At tbw town of Cb.fai, tie couu'v i at of Teton foun'y, it ws tn to twelve ffei dep in d i if is rd at least Ibree on the levl. Toe bodis of eigb' I i t orders hare -drehdy b en f 'u d in Tton count v, ard fifteen her herders wn are roisijji hnv bei-n eien no f r l. Toe los f life will ni'titil it'div nrsors in Te oT county. nd 20 000 P?rish d in th storm. was good to them.' STORY OF A SLAVE. 99 "It is an HI Wind That Blows Nobody Good. That small ache or pain or weakness is the 04 ill wind" that directs your attention to the necessity of purifying your blood by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Then your whole body receives good, for the purified blood goes tingling to every organ. It ts the great remedy for all ages and both sexes. Dyspepsia " Complicated uilh vot nd kidney trouble. I suffered for yers from dyspcpsU, with severe poms. Honcf s SrspArilU rrude me strong jwd hetrty." J, B. Emerton, Auburn, Me. JlCcdS tSaUafjguft Hood' Mll enreUTerliU; the non-lrritmtlnff anil wily n.thi.rtte to tk with HwVtWHiu; . I Kta of Two Workmen Moving Tlinbrr. Madison, N.O., Oct. 23. While Will Hopper and Riley Pierson we remov ing timbers from the new cotton mill at Avalon, both were struck by an up right piece of timber, which killed Hopper at once and fatally wounded Pierson. Pierson is married. Faith Core Believer Acquitted. La Porte. Ind.. Oct. 20. Th tri al of James Chenowith, a believer m raitb cure, who was indicted by the grand jury of Clinton county for murder, being held responsible for the death of an infant child, because he failed to summon a physician, has been acquitted. The case was taken from tbe jury by Judge Kent, who held that there is no law requiring a parent to provide medi cal attention for his children. The State will carry the cas9 on appeal to tne Supreme Court. The decis ion of Judge Kent is regarded as a great victory by believers in faith cure. Explained. "Could you tell me,'' inquired the passenger who was waiting for them to change horses, "why every thor oughfare in this town bears the name of some war hero and the smallest, dusty street should be called Dewey t" "Yes," responded Amber Pete, "we called that thar little street Dewey because it's modest, it's away off from the others, got more grit than all the others put together." Chicago News. Tin Freight Embargo Cusp. Washikgtox, Ojt. 23. The Uai ttd States Supreme Court today granted leave to the State of Louisi ana to file a bill for an ir junction against the State of Texas prohibit ing the enforcement of a trade em bargo in connection with the yellow fever quarantine of the latter State. The question of jurisdiction was argued by Attorney Farrar on be half of Louisiana and by Attorney General Smith, of Texas. ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND There is no kind of pain1 or ache, internal or exter-' nal. that Pain-Killer Willi not relieve. I LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE BEARS THE NAME. PERRY DAVIS & SON. THE NEW BULL-PER ELECTION LAW Ita I'reUlo llrjnlM tn Leadtag Th recent LgisUtcx repealed tue non-partian election laws of 1S'J" and 1897, which guaranteed to every party the right to be represen ted on election boards by election officers of their own choosing, nnd enacted an election law more vicious than infamous Simmons Ball-Pen Election law that was in force before 1S95. Tbe leading provisions ot this law as published by the R&leigh News & Observer are as follows: L Tbat the election for State and county officers shall be held on the first Thursday in August and every two years thereafter. 2. That there bhall be & State board of tKctions composed of five persons elected by the Legislature for a term of two years. 3. That there shall be a county board of elections consisting of three prrsont, appointed by Suite board for a term of two years. 4. That the State Board of elections shall meet in Raleigh the fust Mon day in May, 1899, and organize by electing one of their number chair man and anotner secretary. Another meeting shall be held on the firs' Monday in April in each election year, bpecial meetings may be call ed when necessary. For their services the board shall receive four dollars rppoint all registrars arid judges oi elections. Members of tbe couny b ard8 may baTemoyed by the State board; and the county board in turn may remove any registrar or judge of election. 6. That county boards mast meet not later than the first Monday in May for organization, and for divid ing tne counties into precincts and polling places. 7. Tbat before the next general election there shall be an entirely new registration. Among questions to be asked applicant is "whether he has listed his poll for taxation foi the current year in which he applies for registration, and for the year next prereding. And if any appli cant shall falsely swear he has listed his poll for taxation, he shall b guilty of perjury and and punished as prescribed by law." 8. That the registration books shall be kept open twenty days and oiosed on the second Saturday before tht election. On each Saturday during the perioc the registrar shall go to the polling place to register voters. On such lays tbe books shall be open for inspection by the voters of tht precinct. There shall be no no reg istering on election day, but voters oi ay be challenged. 9. That on or before the first Mon day iu July the county board shall appoint twj judges of election for oach preciD"t. 10. Thai to prevent disorder as many as three special ofh.e-s nay be appointed by the registrars and judge of election. 11. Tbat there shall be one ballot for all State officers, one for judges of different courts, one for members of General Assembly, one for eountj officers, and one for township offi cers. That all ballots for each thesa classes of officers shall be th . aame size, on white paper and with out device. The piz of tbe ballot must be prescribed by the Scate board of elections. Ticfcrts in the wrong box shall not be counted 12. That the members of the s v era! boards of election shall consti tute the board of county canvasseis, which shall uieoi. at the. court hou e second day after the election, euz pas b returns, and declare the r. uk at the court house door. Ml THE NORTH UROUIU COLIEGL OF jAqriculture and Mechanic ArtsJ Term Bgta M4a-4av. ptMWr Stk. Giye an extraordinary eourat of instruction at an extraordinary low S cot to tbe student. ai not only rdocates but prepare ita fudr.t to tx iMUifr.t loT ot liu!tural and mrcbaniral mtrprie. lurrr we complete pc!al ai.d rbru court in t b various A rrtrultural inuuainai. Mechanical, Tntile and Civil Art. Mudenta will he allowed to ufand the entrance examii.afi. n at the vvuijtioi i counties in wticb tt-y rrnJr, tnu air.rth- rii-rr w Entrance ei.ruma'ions will be held oit the lSth of Auti'. in the caurt Uoiine. utider tbe euprrviton t-f ountj Superintend? ni. tor further Information, catalogue, etc , apply to PRESIDENT CEO. T. W NSTCN. WKST KAl.KHill X C. I Elkin Woo en Mills wW COSH 33 HOW pH O O JJWg mm? " miv J7 If you want to exchange your wool ir bae it manufactured into the best Blanket?, Cassimers, Jeans, Linteys, Flarbelsand yarns to be had in America. If you want tbe best made and moft comfortable fitting pantf you ever wore; if you want to trade with the cl vrest mt-n you twr had any dealings with, try the ELKIN WOOLEN MILLS' at-d you will mver regret it. They have one of the larprH mills in the Suh. They bip their goods to nearly every State in the Udk-tj, and tbqnaiily ot thuir work is unexcelled. Write them ft r their handfome u w cxfalogur, and do cot disrobe of our wool nctfil von pre it. Address, CHATHAM MFG. CO., Proprietors, ELKIN, N. C. $16.60 THE WHOLE SYSTEM A DAY SURE EASY MONEY Any person without exrerience, or without capital, willinfj lo work and willing to talk, ard t-how ihe Oiniiy (ias lUtort in op erat'on at ibeir own homes to their neighbor ar.d fri-rn. can ensily, and without work, make at Hat $Gariv. An en i rin rd rp'n f ouM n ute $25 or Hi a day. A 'tore cn be orered, and a 1 00') A MON I H c'-nd. The (ia P tortis the STAR . ATTRA TION for an agent; jtople crowd the i.'tce where it is t-hown Makes fuel gas fron cr al oil; r o dur per; twee 8 cesr, bright flange, benln oven in ten minutes; coal oil. thercmiLg fuel; tvrjrof'y inleitMeC lie r ew tire a 8urH; clean no dirt, no athes. Get firtt chrre et ore of ihe worder? of ihe cctiury. hid MONKY for an enterprifiEg atent lady or gentlemtn don't rit-Iay. write to-V'ay. Just put tht Retort, in your kitchen si ove Sbipi t d ail readv to f-et in ftove. Noexjxrre. THE WATT MANt FACTURING COMPANY, NO 290 E'ST 33 ST. CIK6INNATI, 0. aug. 31 4t e o. w. SEMPUSQNE DOLLAR Cut tiii ail. out and xentl to us wlihtl.oo, an. I we will -euJjuu tliin SEH IJ1FKOVKD Al lK QILEX PAULOK OltUAS.by frelpllt .0. !., tuljrct torxamjomiun. You can examine it st your nearest freight depot, ami Ifyoutlnd it exactly as rejjresented, cjual to oritan tliat retail at SIS. 00 to (lOO.OO, the frreateet value you ever saw and far better Wian organs advertised by others at more rannej, pay the f reiirht arent aur ptwlal 90 Uyonr price, 31.7&, ie4PtDeei,or.w.iaaaa mitneum. teas Luati one-hail the price chaxK" special Wf Qj ownr price, ei. 10, lew; uieti,wrw.i.M. ucii., S3I.75 IS OUR SPECIAL 90 DAYS PRICE, ill ed by others. Such an otter was never made before. MIAIir flllCCM is one of the mott durable aadaweetetttemtln AUMu yULtll Ktrumeutsever made. FrumtbailluRtration pome idea of ita baoilful aiparare. MadefrOITIbOMa 2nOnnnnls! contains & octaves. 11 Bt.il as fiillows: Ulapi Principal, Dnlelana, Helodla, CeleKte, Crraaona, Basa Coopler, Treble Coupler, Dlapaton Forte, Principal Forte, and Vol Huaa aa; 8 Octave Conplers, 1 Toiie Swell, I l.rand Organ Swell, 4 Seta Oreheatral Toned Keaonatory Pip Qaallly Uccvla. lHctof SI Pure Sweet Helodla Rreda, 1 Pet of 87 tbamlna-ly Brilliant Celeale Kecda, 1 Set .' 81 KlchXel low Smooth Diapason Keeda. 1 bet ef 84 Pleasing Son elodlont rnneipal Keeaa. TUC IPllCnilCCU actid consist of the celebrated int. Humi. ijutkii n tne nil? nest gi lend Couplers and Ui.i.11 aewel Keeds, which areonly used I grade Instruments, al: o fitted with Rm-j, 3d Vox Humana, aleo best Unlpe felts, leathers C DON'T SUFFER, THE E17ECTRO-FOISE Curea all diseases without the use of medicine. A pure Oxygen treatment, by absorption. It cures where every thing else fails. It is needed in every family, for it will relieve every weak ness or ailment, to the most persistent chronic disease, and without the use of grain of medicine Thousands of peo ple all over tne united spates, irom private citizens to Lavyers, Doctor, Preachers, Supreme Jud?es, Editors, etc.. even Crown Heads of Europe bave given written testimonials of these facts. Book of testimonials, ana mat ter of great interest with pric of in struments sent free. Every family should have au Electropoise; it saves money, induces health. Send your art- lress at once and see what people say who have thoroughly tfsted its merits. Agents wanted. THE ELKOL'KU- POI-ErO. 5'3 4thSt. Louisville, Ky May Become Invaded by Catarrh- General Lewis' Case. l'r r. Clark K t"i. 1-rXtNOTON V..Ot?f. 21 PlS d-nr Wilson, .f Vva-bingt'.n at d 1 Tobe bouid hind and foot for years bv tbe cbalng of disease In th worst f.iriii of slavery. Oeorge D. Williams, .it Irchesr,er, M c h.. tells how such a slave was made free. He says: "Mj wife has ben so helple-o for five years . i t, shp f.i.nl J not turn over in b d eht ep aionp Alter uing two Docies oi iviec trio liitrers, sne is woiiueriuiijr iui- penvi-d ami able to do her own work." I'his wiprr ini remedy for female di "Htfb q iifkly cures nervousness, s eep le'snet s, mcloncnoly, neatiacne, nacK chp. fainiinc and dizzv spells. Thir miracle working medicine is a god t'uivribvtv. has cus d a s-ls i v s-od to weak .sickly, run down people. lit-ru r. Bnt...nnini tr thx law Everv bott e guaranteed, uniy o'J cts. ulent boJv Kssembled tbat there Ihfl nlinir of onm mon andatatate law and Professor Robbery ronge. Clark hd zevrred hia connection Goldsbobo, N.C.Oct. 24 The with th ITniv.rsitv. Professor Unfa in th tobacco warehouse of Clark is recogniz-d as tbe greatest Keondy & Biker at LiGrane was u'honty on contracts iu Anotri. a robbed ot six nanarea aoiiars yester Clark has not oeen in his class day. Tbe sale was nniocgea, in room for irrht davs. It is paid tha monev bf-ing in a drawer in th there has beein a violent breach, and gafe and 1-cked The robbery took 'hat he was allowed to resign. He I pi ice daring the sale. A Strang1 negro man was seen to leava tne building about the time tne roonery is 'supposed to have occarred, The arue negro pnrcnased a ticKet to Ooldboro, and, from the descrit tlon given, it is thought he bought ticket here for Warsaw. left last evening for New Yurk. TwUteil th Lloo'a ll Albant, Gi., Oit. 21 The dan Kr of twmtiri? the lion's tail was pointedly illustrated here today Frr-d M rris aged ten, visited hooper's Circus. Emding the vigi lance of tl.e kttpus he ee zed the tail of t hw hircrat lion and Lmve it " ' p. p. - r-i REMARKABLE RESCUE Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plamfield, III. th. m-n hernia makes the statement tnat ene caugn Vre ahU W,7h In Tngrv roar th cold, which settled on her Jungs; she w r W,n n "'I. !.Ilur Vt. was treated fur a month by her family st inrnsi paws K ,u" ph sician, but grew worse. He told hrr barn r..- K.l ska i.hi!H a hi.aH aTifll . . . .v.-i s - b.mucu mo a...- - i Bne wa8 a oopeiers victim OI COUSUUip Dearly palled it ff before he conld tloI1 an(j that no medicine could cure oe rescued. The scalp was nearly her. Her druggist suggested Dr tfra tffand the claws scraped the King's New Discovery f. r Consump it-nil in . j...n niaixtr Th child 1 1 ion t s he bought a bottle and to he seriously u j !'' . rinbugh La Comee Horn. New Yobk. Oct. 24 Tbe steam f Havana arrived from Cuba to Dight Among the jarsengfrf was 0n. Fitzhogh Lee. - delight found herself benefi'ted fron the first dose. She continued its use and after taking six bottles, found herself sound and well; now does her her own housework, and is as well at she ever was. Free trial bottles ol t his great discovery at all drug stores Only 60 cents and $1 00, every bottle guaranteed. Hon. James Jjewis, purveyor General ol Write to Cozine& Co.'s Cut-Rate Purchasing Agency, Louisville, Ky., Pe-ru-na Drag M'f'g Co., Columbus, O. for any thing you want to buy. You can save Dig money, loioriusiiiuu free. TICKETS 6000 FOR THIRTY DAYS. A heap Excursion Trip to Washington, Bxl'imore or Philadelphia, by the Sea b'ard Air Lin. You can boy of any Seaboard Air Line Agent tickets to the Phi ladel- as precious as blood. It is blood, in fact pbia Export Exposition at the rate o I it is blood plasma blood with the cor " Gentlemen I have used Pe-ru-na for a short time and can cheerfully recom mend it as being all you represent and wish every man who is suffering with catarrh could know of its great value. Should I at anv future time have ocea--i sion to recommend a treatment of your kind, rest assured that yours will be the one. James Lewis." Whei-ever the catarrh is, there is sure to be a waste of mucus. The mucus is one and one-third fares for tbe round trip. You can stop over at asbmg'on or Baltimore, going or coming. Your ticket will be giod tor tnirty (30) days from date of ( urchase, only t mHst be used on or before uecem- ber 2. You can go by Norfolk and con necting steamship lines, or all ran. Millions of dollars nave been spent on this mammoth Industrial Esposi tion.an education in itself. Tickets an sa'e Tuesday ana rnurs- day of each week and including Tues day. November 23d. isay. sezu iui In the highest nuad Co n piers a etc., bellows ot the best rubber cloth, S-p'v bellowa st ck and nnest leatoer in vaives. inc. ACMfc.VUe.tNia finished with a 10x11 beveled plate French mirror, nickel plated pedal framea and every modem improvement. V,K Fl'RMSH FREE a handsome organ stool and the bestorgan Instruction nooK pumisnea. GUARANTEED 25 YEARS H'lrWryfi ; . It. v j ItneQimi Urr.a we issue a written binding? 25 rear guarantee, by tbe terms and conditions of which li any Dart eives out we repair it free of charm. Trr It en.; month and we will refund your money if you are not perfectly satisfied, auu r these organs will be sole al CU.7S. Order atonee. Don't drlay. OUR RELIABILITY IS ESTABLISHED I'l not dealt with us ask your neighbor about us. write the nublisher ot this paper, or fetrorxditn National Bank, National Bank of the Republic, or Bank of Commerce, Chicago: or Oerraan Exchange Bank. New Vork or any railroad or express company In ChlcRpo. Wo hate a aaplial ofoier (4o0.O0O.0O, oeeupr entire one of the larv est business blocks in Chicago and employ over mxipeople in our own building. C!Kl.L OKU4SeaT 2t.fMaa4 npi PIANOS, fljo.ooand opt also everything in mnpical instruments at lowest wholesale price. Write for free special organ, piano and musical instrument catolosrue Address. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.). Fulton, DesplainesandWayman Sts., CHICAGO. ILL. SEND NO MONEY tTOT&aiSSIS SKnnannannnKannaniaBanaBnianaKanal we Will Baud J oU GRAut C10P CABINET lU .OICa SEWING MACHINE ; freight C. O. o. a.tiert nation, x ou can examine it at your nearest ireitrnt depot ana ii L-iund perfeetly satisrartory, exactlv as representl, rpial to maehines others sell as high as SCO. OO, rnd IHIarwnKni bllEaTKST BARGAI5 IOU ETER HFA11D OF, pay war V il . . . i . mm m, . nnnnBnnnnnnn ... iu. mi out oijouiii uttbi mce 5i3 Ml J and freight charges. The machine weighs 120 pounds and the freight will avern ;e 75 cents lor each M0 miles. GIVE IT THREE MONTHS' TRIAL in your own borne, and we wiU return your I15.M any day you are not satisfied. Wo sell dif ferent Bake and grades oT Sewing laehine at ts.60, SIO.OO, (ll.OO, la.OOsnd op, all folly desrrlbed In Onr Free BeHlag Xachlne Catalone. bot Sirs.sO for this DROP DESK CABINET BUHDICK concerns our ad vertisments, offering unknown machines under various nances, witli various inducements. Writ seme friend la Chirac and lean who ar REL1ABLB AND WHO AR NOT. has every ODCRS tlFBOTinJT, bvert boon piti.iT or rtkrt hiuh fiKADI MACHINE SAKE. WITH THE DEFECTS OF HONK. MAUE BY THE BEST MAKKR IN AMERICA. KUX 1UE BtT MAItKlAIi ?ab SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK gSS? riA.iu ruusHLQ, one illustration snows macnine clotted, (beaaarop. ' I p'Dgiromsisrnti to ne usea as a center tanie, tae r aeeii. (a pen with lull length tatile and bead in place for sewing. rsaey arnwert, latest lav akrietaa Imat, carved, paneled, embossed ana decorated caolnet finish, finest nickel drawer polls, rests on cao teis. ball bearlnir adjustable treadle, iretiuine Kmyth iron stand. inest tarn Hieh Arm head, positive four motion feed, seif threadinaT vlbrat- shuttle, autoaaatic bobbin winder, adjustable bearings, patent tenstoo is the gy eatest value ever offered by any bouse 3EWARE OF IMITATIONS THE BURDICK L- ) ;8iani-h-lnsa-i6nwr' I ' "TAP "A tana worm elctitecn feet Ions at leaat came on the scene after my taking two a O a TfWttmO rTls I T a. a Was dhsoHsSAV Iltf bad health for the past three years. I am still before August 1. taking Cascarets, the only cathartlo worthy Of notice Dy sensiDie peopie. Geo. W. Bowlxs, Balrd, Miss. puscles removed. To etop this waste, you must stop this catarrh. A course of treatment with Pe-ru-na never faila tc do this. Send for free catarrh book. Address The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Co Columbus, 0. The State Normal and . .. Industrial College OF NORTH CAROLINA. Offers to younar women tfcorongh lit erary, classical, scientific, and indus trial education and special pedatriri cal training. Annual expenses $90 to $130; for non residents of the Sate, 150. Faculty of tnirry mernoers. More than four hundred regu'ar stu dents. Has matriculated abnnr 1,700 students, representing every count? in the State except one. Practice atiu jo servation gcbool of, about 250 pupils. To secure board in dormitories, alt free tuition applications should be made raw nwahi ataas 0 ! Ili'nl.i 7Tv . . - . . fMe TU Udaat. Cllotaa, Aoerwt. At v bauuxkarn. aArUaX v AM) Tort, bnmma. kJcamol, HAa&tadrVM art-4 rorMMrttX c Ar HrtulraMi. ... a. Hurtoatn lit Uaa,!! 4 ;vs. j WnilM'Mi. . . A. N t Lh!,14"4 -. uul! " .. u.w. j afota l vasMWhbjrvoo 4 fcn tKi.aaMoU. A L jr.oua . . . i . VZL n-c t, I 'aara o.i , , I . , . , ------ - - .naa m , .w.anw Ha . - .. .- a-AO. t J. aai Isvas ...... ,H 1' till Slkn, h ix at .'. h cu cats a ivt. Um V ixtm li i "! anil tuvw i! trutUL irc; quolsty and ap prarancc of vrtut4c triht anJ plumpn cf rrala, trr a! produced ly TuUih. PotasHio projK-rly tuniKr.o! ulth Iho. picric AcU anJ Nitrogen, antl liUrmlly applied, 111 improve l cxrrv . ar. I rurt- :clA ar.vl j::.i!.:y f - tkwiaio ChattfurU V. Ilwa) , KaB.-L VS a.)rr.ro.. . . . . utirv W llat'iia'UMl ... t i.aHMnt ." At t LMrt V liu ? AL- -.- lUornaa li ui u. X 4laa, At w inUrr 1 11 1 a. Ar AlUiita it e-ut-Ai uiutj . 2jci n Amui NOIiTUBOl'SIl. r .., ot.X Kj. i.t AliatiUiODtraUinieliis, a j -I,!11 lufcn. JKlfm'u K-u. UUP, I liuuta ,, ,k Ut mx AM'oluiubuit. N A C JL i: ; ,r5-l,tu', A- L.. .. i lij.ia- r.au. iribaiwif..'. .'.'lo j.,, , ; !.fcIU Lf Muurw. .. HMu,.ir.. ... lajau. Mlt Ytu .... itMlJ 11 u 3 -iti litni.vi ArV iiiniii;u-ti.. Lt So. Pinw.:..T lUlr:i:ti Ar lleiidrrvon ... ArDuruaiu... l.Tlurtaiu Ar VV eiUon . .t,' Jao. tl;,ui is-j.a tio l5lu . .i Uum i 4..ut n Jastu i J-'l Ki KicliUiouvl A.l'.L aaUiaton. l tna li li.liipia 11 I ui liar.iniorr i 4,,.,, j riiiBilfji.tjia. in ...... jj... w Vora tii,wi, hitn fcT JOHS, Viof i rraulrnt at,d uu 1 r V K. Mt BLK. Gn'l SuiwriDUcdent. I .LoN tk, Iraiti- M.i.r. T. J AMKMiN. I ti ur AtC Oer.rraiUttck: JCK'JhkCtlH a. Sl.OO fhe subMrription prir r f ut-uiort-s's is rrxtucnl o II (U yrar. A ri id FAMILY f -x 1 a v a t iV l l. ii o; . ml U V. -. A. & H. C. RAILROAD. TIM.VS TA lllli . T UU effwri Mswuv Jan 21 m $ jj I. UotCatkii, rronnr TlBo 7a War T. (4 krmi t, lr aavi all m.; win.! ttsraw. urrnuou nuixt. BTATlONB W I. i!4tntnr IWe , W Unmiifv raUintr r .. W Klustou oWeil 1 lKrt W i or 'rwfc Tunrmrora VUktt 9 W At N.Ur Ltr Itivvtrla) Okisd Ila.rlnrk W Nrtwjri W lilnud AtUalte M orfbwaxl "y Aliar.tir If oto. . t'. otaflf dsl.t. s Int.laf r. m a . ft CM a iv li I! fcl 4I f fcl r ; uu I 41 4 4 V 4 At 4 a. 4 7 It 7 .A 741 7 o a It r 4 3M 17 U w Ar X) r. m. wErrruot'XD tiuinh. ; i. a ft 4-1 iO la' e i 4 5 Ct4 S IS 7c? 7 IS r. m. DEMORWR FAMILY Utiiimn. more than a FASHION MAt.AZJM: al- thotla:fl It klV t.'.w . J vrry Utt Ikui DiiVJKl-ih SNACAZl.NQv : , . 4 W9 m nl fori ij. ii l-ti- ohs b h n.oi.tli; 'li'a is otily 'iie f lm llial.y TaiUali.r faturs 1 1 ha O'. fih nii fur tadi Mni,l-f of th (am ily. for -vry la-tmrit cl tl, lionsi 1 iiJil. and iv Tnnl ttn.iri.u ar. Ol tl.s li:j.'i.rS J-Tn lr n ami il t i ti-t.tly Illfc KAN I1.V i;Ai,lZl.Nr OF I H K WtMtl.li. U t'iri.M. ui liO'lf'tl" tif 1tf rr- ill'. rt-'f; fi.i ..ol l'rocrwivt rit.--F ..f 1 1,.- 1. v .1 i- r ' r-T f tl.f t:ri. i ii; fu i y'l,-.. .rt Iii snr. ri-l!oe. H'ri-y Atlair-. r '!. n. H..iim-, l.j Mattt-m, fi-.rt! ftc a sirn'e iiunUr fr lrntly coini' i froj'i ir y.$ tr, u erav'iips, Triskinp it id MOT "(VI'I.K'I K IM) yOSTPHOKl'M.Y IM 1 S I lVTKD f thwGKK AT V "XT I! T.I K' DEMOKljT 8 MAUAZINK l'r ; hion I.. iiartinTit Is m everi .v fm r.t , ,f ih . ; nontft'ned ti any ol: m --.. outtcrnvm areiitit.i ,ru r i. r!i tift terns of li e latest fitl;irn i,, vu.i.f 'i m tire AT rVOOOaTTOTHrW Otb T tJ-ail lil Ar W W It Ar W l.T Ar I. Ar 8TATION8. lit borer ...... lUia Ibi rat ? Kal.jt.tr .... Kiriaiori' ...... wwlL Iort fore Crrt... Tuiw a rurs ..... t lark .v-trn.... KiTf rial roaian.. ....... Ilar-Uk........ Na-.t.-n- N lMaon4 .. Allnntir.... ...... MoirhrtHirrty . AtUntlr HcUi..., M. Hy 4 I'arnr laily rtnmrtf A.M. A.M. . lira . J4J ft .. s luSi s j7 . mzi 9 tti . luu a A 47 . tm r ft u J J 0 . . So a ft is . f Xf.it ft . f UU ( M -S7 , t if t 4 IS . t ' t 4l .. S tM 4 Id . a 7 i a a ' 7 8W f ft lw ;ji f u I 7 22 r. .... . a. U, A.y. V. Water Mt;.Tjs '-r(fnj L alalKiu f -f-'oi u jt.ai ! C PT OJj H. I Ml . ....(. H II.MI.V. ti, .t wr Imin ... K AM liKAN llr.x AX1 FIXiUKNCK K.II l;iH. tOKIiBtraSD KHIUrn. NU HlITf Elt CMK1ST.MAS v.lFT than year's mibrrji tioti to liKMORI TK MAtJaZINKran In maile. Itv -ul-r tn'j tT ouct ton can pel Ihe m"ajin- at tl;r t lu1 price nI will u p., ixive il-e h.,y oniei-c nt X-ma Numlt-r uh i: Uu lifnl jiauel p-rture nj.i!enjertt. Remit tl.K tT raotiev onler. r-i.(..,1 t?rorrhe:k. 1UAINH tiOJMJ bOl'Tlf. I'ATKll Au:. Ii. l7. C? 'si ! - i a. n. 9 nt.l l.T Weltion : V 43 Ar llorky .Voont 12 'M M S.V 12 12;. Qri .Siberia! '!i.1.Tim.k r for Vru ONLY f.7S FC3 r iik ov i :ca js 1 v v 4 DearCt'l -r.sai.ly ls(nst; t.-nd your 1 b trii t or. i u ;. ta 1 L 1 arboro. I. iu l y Jlo' iit. 12 fit l a. lWi.rm 2 ".Hit, l. sini ' ft 10 I.r Fayettrr.Ji?.. 4 4' 1 II Ar Fiv.vnc .... 7 zr. j r. ., L h '.IstKiro l.r MapT.ol a ... j Ar Wiirr Jrirton..: BOTH F R CWE f P.IJ.l. "T"" & 4' 2 7 u; My 4. at 12 43 2 II ft 10 16 ft 4ft r. TRAINS OOI.VO NORTH. ! t f !l,rTH L rwuna Ar Wi'ana Me (U'M ( I g , . r : '! til f-vr 1 . f- lup l rml'rn!, i trr .v in n!, i, avir ird ltr- ( e-, i - r t it., "irriiftii. n tr j. 1. r 't c- ilA.N la- f rr. f r ; - ,.' . : r I Li V'ilrn'irri! . iui i i) in iiie -ii iiir-i; i..j iin.i i.v .,t i I ' I ."a; ' mm. . . . -. 4 5 ; r. at.' I ... 15 1.. II 10 JJ !... I i I ! I 42 .....12 Vi r-iiab. vv. rk he r.-iti b" led r it . I.irre- ii1: U-U'j liberator, improved Ioom ahml, adjustable presaer foot, improved ahoulf ' carrier, patent needle bar. patent dress troara. head is bandnmielr decora tod ! and ornanvntr sad beaattfnlly NIOKEI. TRIIrirvTED. GUARANTEED tna IbralMt rnnnlsc. at darnblo ami aoarr.1 nolssleoa aiaeMna I aaan. Bwry knowa aMaeaaM Is fonihko an4 oar Free Zoatrnction Book telle I Just how an vnne can ran it and do either plain or anv kind of Inner work. I i: I II I ren.? ,i,j.h'j iin Hit (;rc8 is pi- .. itfc th- b.k ': l.r pri.-.' 1 ! IJailrrs.l (Jnu- " i jl.'t ir r''th tl ' j r,i. vtr fill if ll. In; 1 1ICM1N lii "'! n.! O,,.. . i.. ill- j 111 .; j I, ,,n a Lv GiKieticro. 9. M . a. ' 7 1 IS ' fti 10 ft 10 li II 6 r. m.i l.i Wiiaou j 1 4.2;.... ArlUKky Mocnt,! 2 Si .... "--ann.wow snnan i .nnaanonnnai sanana LrTrrVri) 'iJ 12... a h. r. sr. . at. 12 15 1 1 A)12 S 12 S3 II 57; 1 Li Kork Voout, 2 33 .... 12 W .. Ar '-'vn I T ....j 1 (4 ... f CANDY CATHARTIC y TNAOI MAKN aHalTlWk0-,ir Correspondence invited from those desiring: competent trained teachers. - For catalogue and other informa tion, address PRESIDENT McIVER, e . Greensboro. N. C. sriomon.ua, raiaHwio. iw.h .muw. y.' Oood, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Griper. 10c, 25c. 60c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... r, nieafo, Monti' .al, low Tork. t WAHTED-SEVERAL BRIGHT A N D honest persons to represent as &a Nfanagers in this and close by counties. Salary t900 a Tear and expenses. Strsie'it bona fide. no more, no lees salary. Position perma nent Onr reference-, any bank in any f?' " 1 rr?,"V-n; bo lown. It is mainly office work conducted at 17 students. Total enrollment 644. aUV I ' va, mi . I a . 1 1 ' hinai Ana, 0- a Iamii am M rm i u.aa- ome. Jteierence. isncioee Beii-aaaressea 1 "".ur, Auurc-oa tamped envelope. Thb Domikioh Uompa- President Aldkrii a.y KT, departments Chicago. , t t Chapel Hill, N C. f 1 to. A 2 O-YEARS' BINDING GUARANTEE Is sent wl(b every machine. , 1 fj r . . , K IT rilCTC Villi MrYTItlNfi to see and examine this machine, compare It irr , ur j w ( e B'1 TOU WUIHIWb ththonevonrnaorekeeratao-rrrVi . r.sri lbi-rs lit for t In VI !l . r- ..i:..- l 0 SllUiWi .IIU Him U " . n mm-w wm.wMMMi v.ww w - . . . MKICSI TOCB SlktO n at any Oaa wiinla an. Boots roa ony yoa nra hrfiO ij.l i b- M r 'll'lf-1 3' l l f . A iJrt-f tl is t,ff,f?. and than if convinced voa r.ailaa aia.ee to Sle.ee. nan C1K.KO. frt TO KKTI ki TOCa alt. tO H at nor tlaa lihia ln Booth, voa snore ore OSBia TO Dif . HOST DILIT. ISaara. Rnernek at Co. an thoronstilT reliable Editor. Address. GEARS, ROEBUCK 6 CO. (Inc.) Chicago. III. 4 TRUSSES, p5o.-Sl.25 AND UP 65c. We ar senior the verj Soest Trasses made . ,-niUT PRirRfL lasn than Altthinl the price c ha reed by others, and WE f2 nillBHTCr TB flT V0D PtRtFP.TlY Sir V CJt whether yon wish our 65e I'roora Truss or our al.lt Sew Tork Beversibl Elastic lrn.a, illustrated above, cnt this ad. oat and send to ns with Ol'B r-i tlUL rSlCEnamed, state your H.la-kt, Weieat, Age, bow lt.ne: yon have been raptured, whether rupture is larpe or small; also state number inches around tbe body on a line with tbe rupsure, say whether rupture r on ripht or K it side, and ve will send either truss to yoa with tbe under- stanii&fr. If It Is not n perfrrt fit and eeaal lo tmoaea tnat retail at three time ear prlee.you can return lt and we - u. ill M.r.rn tr..im nr,nnMw WRITE FOR FREE TRUSS GATStOCl'e t,,?" of tnwoea. inulutlinsr the Sew nn.'H Lra Trcol "J taatenrea a!nro.t nny rae, ni wrtrh we srtl lor Kill Is. Address SEARS. ROEBUCK & Co. CtilCAGO (Snara, HAIR SWITCH 65 CENTS. Ml BkU. HCXAI HUM BNinilaa lanutok nay kalr al from 6SO S3. 23, tn ooal f wile bos Ual rosau ni Sz. W to s.ooV OUR OFFER: Cat thU ad outand to as. inclone a rood sized sample of Uie ezaet shae wanted, and cut It oat as near the root, a pooai iie, Ine loo ear aeelal nrir awotod and orols oitro to pay postage, and a will onko ta wMea so Bate yoar kalr eiaet, and send to yoa by mall, postpaid, and it roa are not perfectly antUned, return It and we wiU Immediately retund your monev. Oor spxlal Orr rntt aa b.IWwsi loc. twitch two. long, long stem, 63C abort Mem, SOOt -oa. 23-in. long, short atem.ai.2Si Sos. Zt-in. long, abort Mm. SVI.SOi tL U-la. Vmg. sh ort stem. S 2.23) is-os-ts-tn. uii,NwiBKai, ot. otaauiss i " tne Highest grade oa the market. Oroor nt oooo and not aooooin.rJal avtero. Toor ssowey riia.il It yo. aro a El. Write (or Free Catalogue ot air Goods. Address, SEARS. ROEBUCK A CO.flM.) Ctiicaoa. nk.sk Ce. swerkmaikaf tsSskhi InMnaj .a. m. 9. . 1 - :-t I if av j i v. ." liJrawi. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CARO- Widest patronstre and-ullr'st equip ment . in its history. "Faculy 38; Students, 495; 3 Academic Courses ; 3 Elective Courses; 3 Professional Schools, in. Law, in Medicine and in Pharmacy. New Building8, Water Works, Splendid Libraries Labora tories, Etc. Advanced Classes open to women. Tuition $60. a year; Board $8. a month. Ample opportunity for self-help Scholarships and loans tor. the needy. Free tuition for, teachers. Summer School for Teachers. 24 Instructors, GOOD WATCHES ABSOLUTELY FREE. We want your name for PASTIME, a bright, clean, illustrated story and humorous paper for the family circle, 16 large pages, only 75 3 a year; on trial 4 month, 10c. We give a Dickie silver watch, guaranteed for one year. Will keep time for many years as ac curately as $100 watch. ' And we give Gold Watches Bicycle-, etc Sample and particulars free. Send us your address to-dfcy if you An no more. We will surprise you. Better enclave 5 stamps for trial subscription or 43 stamps for watch and paper and post age Ac. while the watches are going free. The PASTIME Pub. Co., Loms ville, Ky. 01 ICE. f. W ll. P.rs. ii. 3 1 tv'f t.usl'fled ta t'l'i.iri ira cr l M.- -.n f Mrr ilfaMlft, d ( J,r;l, !l Tf .1 ( avii.if lain;. f?-.if..t ft. o1 .-: re r q .m. d li. ex' .bi." il.ni f r j- Lt t ,i r !.f.--. '. I fi at r.f xi:- 'b-r. A. I, linn. r th will be V;rr-1 t;y tl.f M.u' TListLt I2'rt ds i.f Si r 'r-rytir W. Jt. P.KAN I LEY, Adu.ii i;ra; ,r. Se't 21-G-. tOally oirept Monoy. 6!i-lay. I rain rrn the rVvKiand Kerfc Branrfa Eoad m yiuiar VTo bar a book. fr S prepared frsr"!y for yoa. wrblcliwr J E I we rniill free. It treat. c.f the! yt n'omawU ttisoriJc-ra vrorras etc. I Chat every child is Lus&o to, owd for vUcb . C martlet a ivj u Vermifuge iurrns3creHiu.iruea r . raiir ivniurr. i net! ay an. I avr STi. i' wr m i . ma . - r a, .asuiniTre, a.. Qn TOtltC fOA MONTH FOR BRIGHT vHU hostler for speeal pofltkm. . Good chance for advancement: no catrital or ex. perienc required. K. A K. MasnfaKtiuirut vv v a.v. vaaa S7., M lunHluiuua, A SV. ' Oct. 12 It JDai.'y exeeU Ur t. W:.!tfi 4 10 p. ta UmUtmx p. so, ari!Te)fVJfin'! Neck at p. in Ortom- ii t,jtl p. kipoa p. ta. Hnaru In Iravo tiooton 7uvi Greea?ill M i in., arriving Ualifsx 11.1S a. BU. WUoa 11 53 a. m. Trail ou Waaliixir-.fyn Bra&rh leert Waofw i rtou J) m tn. aid lit; p. a; m-rwr har ti.-: 6:10 9. m. and 2.40 p. to., rettmiirg .tut I'arrule V:3i a. m. auJ ria p. m.t u. nve Wko&irifioa ll.-W a. ta mud J u. nt Jalv. Treia leav Taxboro. 5. C-. lilr exert burday 5 VI p m.. haulj't.tA p. nu. ar nvea MyiuO'iUi 7:40 p. tn., 6p.hl, man.. a. ta aiid fcaoday it a. bl, arnvee Tar boro 10:15 a. n. and a. tn. Traun on MilUod K. C Brauicfa Imtm &oidaioro daily, except HaaJay, 7jg . m amving hm tunid s Jw a. r-iamtai M-arce &rnniiL-j it3J) av. tx arnr ml Gtudav boro 1X a. tn. Trains on Natbvillc Brarcb learn Rocky Mouit at 4 l p. arrive batj.ru 6.; 6 p. "i- tft-niiar kloim km m. murnln armtai tiprmflio -r. -Kh .. m haatiriile SJk aL at. arrive at Jlocky Moont tA& a. aa daily ez orpt Buaday. mm on Clinton Branca leaves Wtmw fr (unton datlv. exomt Sandav. II: if. a. m and 4,10 p- mornutc leavee Clmtoa mt 7.-UU a. m. and S OU p. m. Train 78 makea rloaw cooDectioo at WeWon for all Doiuta North dailv an rmil Via Kichmotxl. aiao at Bockr Mocnt wna Norfolk and Oarolina B. K. for Norfolk and all points Korth via Norfolk H. M. EVEEfiOV, n 1 Paae AzC J. K.kEM.Y,0n! Ma. . T. U. HMXiXtsOS. 113 Manacer. ttrawta wltfc yao nrfcsin,. r y w'o lwva.uMn..iataa tia. pou-iao iUj -mstfiof orora SraM maoariloTa. TooMAa a I mtfrm : m I asr M I "r V M MmJ i " -