-4 VOI-. XVII. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1899. NO. IS. FOR CENSUS T IERS. And Duties f Those Win yd v) rccfme rnumerators. INjTPlCIIONS OF COMMISSIONER. I - - jojala'Uiti'T. Nevesssry to I'll! Ac- ifpl:is' the PonHIoi's to be Assign- tj o -ir kf i:ls. i 1 1 r - ) '. ' t'.ig fi.rth the iua! '' .! ' ".npenx UJon tf , ., nit? ; f : tie 12th census I, , , i v tli? Information of , , . v 1 1 1 f- r t po-lticns: ! ; Ni in h .1. lVtf" un r the l i . , which tile 12th CT.H'H Of ! !.' i i;-' h t' i t.ikn. pro it., f ,- f v.pivmitrrrnt of Hiiper- i ' ' 'i .'!.. m- r nire to each ' it ;y. tli.- District of Co- -1 i .' : i. and t'.te Hawaiian 1 si -'icr.il K'iporv!.-!on with- i''lvc district of the cm. ,,- : i In- in:i:l la Jun. l!0j i i i i f "'iM s l'i lip imp-ipi bv the i ;i tli' siipcrvl. or la .Mi ,n '. v, ith t'n! onsen; of the f id" ri'i;sM. m enumerators in t i : i ' ' i . 1 1 v o districts. It Is fur- iv. I'- 'vi i.'ii t.nt surii itfrson shall he lis. 'in' "f i lie '.uinier(iion districts f r 'a ..' i I!ihv nny be appointed. :.ind l!: '! Hi. -'' 'li "' fKlecte.l Solely with ivf. it . , ; i littK'm, and without ref ill, t ' t Kir poll, leal nmilatlanf. Tin .i ? 1 1 t ran t of enumerators :!! I" 1 1 . : i wlih reference to their v. i I riM'-y and to aptness, ncat- i i .Mriiiat y in writing an I in ih" n-" cf !i-;Mim. The census requ.!rta : lu.'tfc pcrsr.-js of grod nrt- dr- mil ri;.(IUu-3 with the pen. Daly lih .'.,ii i!u t c work wita eatlsMction tii, H' :, . .-'inicnt or profit to thern- THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. Sjutb. tnrltT!!rCr.r- a A A.Ian la negro. Hatntri.iv i.ti,. un.. ...... v , , , - - c ii it-it jor.n Ne decker. ar,l fatally wounded John Iron "a? h Wh,U' n' wIt'J 80 lanana t ml Prlntiple. two running fr"11JCU t the Atlinta race Pie badly Injured. n 1 v.VaJe U!!,ljm unrtell. of Battery f,lr&t, artillery, died of yellow fever at Key West. Fla.. Saturday. ml?" wound,nK hn Uohfnson. liiB employer, a mob bached John Goonby, colored, at KcaKan's Mill, Oa. In a ouarrel over a corn crop. John Kobinson colored, ahot aad killed h'.s wether. I'rofewor Gec-rge Robinson, at Hopklnsville, Ky. Kd. Lucky and Tom Mltahell. who criminally assaulted a hlte woman at famnr. S. C. have ben sentenc-d to die cn NTovenUer 21. Norih. Senatc-r Hettifrrew, in an interview, at Bioux Falls. S. D., regarding the re port of hl.-t speech at Voon.-ocket, de nied that he disowned his country or hia Pag. The. House of BishonB of the Pro- t f suitable nersr,TM tn i festant Episcopal church, in , , , . oi. i.cins. nave appointed Hev. Sydney C. Partridge Bishop cf Japan. He will oe located at Kvoto.- Britlsu residents at Snokane. Wash. will raise $1,000 for the widows and or phans of British soldiers killed in South Africa. A strike of hod carriers at Kansas City, Ma., has utopped all bricklaying. Recs'-Admlral Sampson has gone from Rochester, N. Y.. to Palmyra, his birthplace. Admiral Dewey was entertained at Dinner at the metropolitan Club. Washington by a coterie of friends whose guest lie was at a farewell ban quet Just before hia departure to as sume comniamd of the Asiatic quad ron. Judge John DavU of Washington presided. Complete returns of the registration In Toledo, Ohio, showed that the to tal registration is 26.000, cr over 2,000 more than in 1898. The total in Cleve land is 61,252, against 52,399 last fall. The Increase In Cincinnati Is about 5,000 ever 1898. Senator Ilainna expressed 'himself in an extended Interview at Cleveland, O., as satisfied with the political outlook. The slogan of the Republican presi dential campaign in 1900, he said, will be full dinner buckets, protection, an unchanged currency, and expansion."' IIji h pi liiuii socking appointment as ii i, in i t.i.itu rator must matin a writ- to ;ii'ilir;itir,u to the supcrvitior for th- ilit-ti ii t of which h is a resident, uivtu;; tho i lu istijn and surname 'in lull; win tin r a r;lzen of the United St:iti.-i nr not: nrenent leir.il residence- 'it. .un. 'ior; age; puce oi birth; t.ie j,it). 'p il fai ts of education and cf pro- f' -is or liiHliif -'3 experience, in iluKiiK it statement of all national .Mat ', co iPity or iuiink.lpi'1 ofllces held ntiiiij lime; n.it tire of presuat o'cnpa tlmi, if any; previou-i experience in ii'r.si's work: Titi v.-Iciit einititlnn n.nil kuu. Iniui.i of Kntllah and other l,in- :n. TIim application (see frirm T-JlTi iinisi lit made in the hand writ is "'! tlif tinplit int throughout, and I'i'ist l'i' ifTtirie i to as such. 'Hi'- i.aunirration required by the HiHiiH ai t will begin oa the first day "f .Funo. 1900, and mutt be completed i;hin two weeks in all cities for nhi'.ii S.OOO w more were rencrted In and m ail other districts on or More the first day cf July next there tiftcr. It rill be necessary for each cnumera- tir, liefure entering upon his duties to ri'ceive a commission, 'under the lianil rf the supervisor cf the district to wliiih he belongs, to take and sub- seril'c an oath or affirmation that he '111 f.i'lhfully discharge nil the duties required of him ucler tho Uw. llnler the provisions of section 7 of the ePtisiii act. the enumeration iu 'line, i niio, is restricted to Inquiries re btlnn 1 population, to mortality, and l'i tin' products of agriculture and of mroiefafitrine and mechanical estab liKlinifiits. and. by the same section. t ie schedules of mortality and of man fiii'tnrlng and mechank! establish ments may be withheld from the enu merators, in the discretion of the di fet )r of the census. In no case, there fere, will the schedules of Inquiries to lie made bv the census enumerators exceed four in number, and In thU re speit the work of the enumerators of the lth census will bo much more Kinip than that required of enumer afors at preceding censuses. I n" enmnensation to be paid to enu- iiTitrvs is fixed by ecctlon 16 of the fit cf March 3. 1899. and a minimum rat of 2 cents for each riving Inhabit ant. 2 cents for each death. 15 cents for vh farm and 20 cents for eaca csiao li hment of productive Industry la pro vided for all . subdivisions where 'luctive Industry la provided for an Ruiuiivlf tons where such allowance '.i.i!l be deemed sufficient. In other mibdivLsloni where higher per capita rates nrc to be paid according to tne enumeration, the maximum rate will not exreeri 2 rents for each living in habitant, 3 centa fot each death, 20 p.3 for eachtarm and 3i cenxs ior neh rsta.r.lshment of productive in 3'ibtrv, while In subdivisions w&ere rr dlrjra rate are established, having reference to the nature of the region hi canvassed and the density or harder fss of settlement, or other con. UeratlMis pertinent thereto, tne com pensation allowed to enumerators will fce r.nt less than $3 nor more than ? rfr day cf 10 hours actual field work enrh. Except In extreme cases, no elaim fcr mileage cr traveling expenses win bo allowed to any enumerator ana tben only when authority has been previously granted by tne urrecwr i the census. . .. Anv enumerator who, without justi fiable cause, neglects or refuses to per- ifirm the duties of this posiuon, w incepting an' appointment and qualify ing for the work or who communicates ' j any person not authorized to receive the same Information gained by Un in tli" performance of his duties, will be K'lMcct tD a fine of $500, as provided In r' tlctj 21 of the census act The nrovlslons of the act of March 2. 1899. which relate to the appoint ment, dntles and comoensatlon of enu m craters are appended for the Infor mation of all concerned. WILLIAM R. MERR1AM, Director of the Census. A Loas of Two. Manila, By Cable. General Young a rjlumo, which left San Isldro Friday morning- at daybreak, moving north ward in the direction of Santa Roc. 4 the fire. Colonel Scott-Turner at trenched lust bevond the Tubatin river. A brisk fight ensued and the rebels tre repulsed. Two Ajanicaa were killed enc wounded. Pursuit was im PotsiUa cn account of the vldth and ipih of the Ptram. foreign. The well known author, Franziska Blumenrlch, committed suicide Satur day evening In Berlin, by Jumping from the fourth story of a hotel at which he was stopping. The Britisli made a sortie at Kiraber- ley. Cape Colony, and it Is stated, In- ilicied severe loss on tlifi Boers. Reinforcements are etill being hur ried forward to General White at La- dysmlth. Natal. A committee of the Netherlands par liament decided "to urge mediation be tween Britaiu and the Transvaal. Florence Mryat, the author, died at her borne in London. Visa-vans are organizing a revolu tionary Junta against the Americans. General Rius Rivera, who has vacat ed the post of civil governor of Hav ana was dismissed because of a con flict with others in authority. Over a hundred Englishmen, Austral ians and Americans at Manila, have de cided to go to the Transvaal to flgtit for the British. The hospital ship Relief has arrived at Manila. She reports tne disappear ance at sea of Lieutenant Robt. u. Carmody. It Is thought he leaped overboard while delirious. The Parliamentary bye-election3 for the Bow and Brombey division of Tow er Hamlets. London, held to replace the Hon. Lionel Holland, Conservative, was fought from the Governments Transvaal policy, and resulted in a big victory for the Government. sir Henrv Stafford Northcote will succeed Lord Sandhurst as Governor of Bombay in February next. Army chaplains assigned to duty in the Philippines are bringing pressure to bear on the War Department with the view of ihaving their ordersrevok ed. W THE ALASKAN BOUNDARY. Canada's Last Propos.tion Le Rad ical Than Her Former Oas. 1-ondon, by Cable. The Associate;! Pre enabltd to give authoritatively Canada' final proposition for a per manent settlement of the Alaska dis pute. It is very different from her for mer demand and wa delivered to United States Amjaador Choate, by the Canadian Minister of Marine and Fisheries, Sir lnile! Henry :avies, before the litter Failed and was dis patched to Washington by the officials of the United Ftitfs embassy. It as follow,; "That the boundary line lie arbitra ted upon terms similar to those Im posed by the United State3 and Great Britain over Venezuela, particularly those provisions making fifty years occupancy by either Hide conclusive eveldence of title, occupancy of less than that periud to be taken as equity allows under international law. "Thnt as a condition precedented awf absolutely preliminary to arbitration, Skaguay and Dyea would be conceded to the United States without further claim if Canada received Pyramid har bor. . "In ether wcrds, Canada gives up much of the disputed gold country in return for a fi-aporf. but stipulates that she must ret the latter before she agrees to arbitrate the boundary line.'1 It is said at the State Department that the proposition as to a permanent Alaskan boundary laid down by Sir Louis DavLs, is nothing more nor less than a summary cf claims heretofore preferred. When the Commission was In session last spring, and the Canna dian proposition was made to settle the boundary question by arbitration, the American commissioners replied by an offer to accept arbitration with the proviso that no point occupied by Amer:Htit for a specified term of years shoul.i be- submitted to the arbitration. In other words, the term vas so fixed that by no possibility could the title to Skagufcy, Dyea, or any other place that the Americans 4iad occupied for a period represented by the discovery of the Klondike field, be called into question by the arbitration. This was one of the final propositions rejected by the Canadian commissioners, which caused the failure of the joint con ference. Since that time there have been several suggestions in the nature of compromises and included among these was one like that embodied in Sir Louis Davies propositions, name ly: that the United States should con firm the Canadian title to.. Pyramid harbor fr the Canadian confirmation of the American to Skaguay and Dyea. It is. not possible to accurately fore cast the view that the State Depart ment will take of this last proposition, but It may be proper to recall the fact that in the opinion of the Department, Canada has no more claim to Pyramid harbor than it has to -Skagiiay ant'. Dyea, and the British government has already been Informed of that belief. Therefore, it seems probable that Sir Louis Davits' proposition will not ma terially advance a permanent settle ment of the boundary question and that the two countries will continue to act for tome time to come under the terras of the modus vivendi recently arranged by Secretary Hay ' and Mr, Tower. THANKSGIVING DAY. TAR HEEL NOTES. The President Issues The Custoaary Proclamation. BURNED TEE TOWN.' THE FILL TEXT OF THE DOCUMENT. The President Think That This Na i tlon Has Seldom Had Greater Cause For Profound Thanksgiving. Fire at Bingham School. Asheville, N. C, Special. Fire was discovered Tuesday morning at 8 o' clock in one section of the barracks of Bingham school. The cadets formed a bucket brigade and got the flames un der control after five rooms toad been gutted. No one was hurt. The school will not be interrupted. The loss- is about $3,000, fully covered by insur ance. The fire was caused by a defec tive flue. . Washington, D. C, Special. The President Wednesday issued the fol lowing Thanksgiving proclamation: "By the President of the United States: . "A PROCLAMATION. "A national custom dear to the hearts of the people calls for the set ting apart of one day In eacb year as an occasion of special thanksgiving to Almighty God for the blessings of the preceding year. This honored obser vance acquires with time a tenderer significance. It enriches domestic life. It summons under the family r. of the absent children to glad re union with those they love. "Seldom has this nation had greater cause for profould thanksgiving. No great pestilence has invaded our shores Liberal employment waits upon labor. Abundant crops have rewarded the ef forts of the husbandman. Increased profits have come to the home. The national flnanaces have been strength ened, and public credit has been sus tained and made firmer. In all branches of industry and trade there has been an unequaled degree of prosperity, while there has been a steady gain In the moral and educational growth of our national character. Churches and schools have flourished. American pa triotism has been exalted. . Those en gaged in maintaining the honor of the flag with such signal success have been in a large degree spared from dis aster and disease. An honorable peace has been ratified with a foreign nation with which we "were at war, and we are now on friendly relations with every power cn earth. "The trust wc have assumed for tho benefit of the people of Cuba has been faithfully advanced. There is a marked progress toward the restora tion of healthy industrial conditions, and under wise sanitary regulations the island has enjoyed unusual exemp tion from the scourge of fever. The hurricane which swept over our new possession of Porto Rico, destroying the homes aad property of the inhab itants, called forth the instant sympa thy of the people of the United States who were swift to respond with gene rous aid to the sufferers. While the insurrection still continues in the Isl and of Luzon, business is resuming its activity, and confidence of the good purposes of the United States is being rapidly established throughout the ar chipelago. ' "For these reasons and countless others.I. William McKinley, President of the United States, do hereby name Thursday, the 0th day of November. 1899, as a day of general thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed as such by all our people on this continent and in our newly acquired islands, as well a3 by those who may be at sea or so journing in foreign lands; and I advise that on this day religions exercises shall be conducted in the churches or meeting houses of ail denominations, :n order that in the social features of the day its real significance may not be lost sight of, but fervent prayers may be offered to the Most High for a continuance of the divine guidance without which man's efforts are In vain, and for divine consolation to those whose kindred and friends have sacrificed their live3 for country. "I recommend also that on this day so far as may be found practical, la bor shall cease from its accustomed toil and charity abound toward the sick, the needy and the poor. "In witness whereof, I have set mf hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. "Done at the city of Washington this 25th day oT October, in the year of our Lord 1899, and of the Independence of the United States the 124th. t Seal) "WILLIAM M'KINLEY. "By the President: , - "JOHN HAY, "Secretary of State." New Companies. The ApaUrhia TauU Acid Cj. hai txea incorporated with a caplt.il tun of $23.00V. by J. E. McC'ay. Wnt. 11. Furbee. H. il. MiiToy. J. II. Thocruj nd others, for tht? manuKrtur cf tasic acid and of dye for coloring cloth. S. M. McEwfU. of Jeffrie n. ha pur. charted 11. IKK) acres of timt-br Und In Swain fcud Graham counties aad will erect saw mills for developing the property. At Concord, the Lippard aad Sheaiy Manufacturing Co. will charge Its name to the L'.ppard Yarn Mill. At Concord, the largo 5,k-looni Addi tion erected by the Odell Manufactur ing Co.. to be known as Mill No. .", and operating 100 looms, has begun operations, and 200 additional looms will be placed at once. J. G. Fousee and John B. Inning have formed the Ellse Lumber Co.. and will erect large lumbA mill at Elise. i The company recently reported as i i organized with capital stock of $25,000 for the erection or a mill will be known as the Elizabeth City Knit ting Mills, with W. C. Glover, presi dent; W. T. Old. vice president; D. B. Bradford, secrtary-treasurer. A company has been organized with a capital stock of $25,000, for the pur chase and development of a slate quar ry at Ether. The Roland Lumber Co.. of Bait- mere, Md.. George W. Jones, ltisinesi manager, will erect lumber mill near Faison, with capacity for cutting 75.- 000 feet per day, and a kiln that will dry full capacity of the mill. The Greensboro Ice and Coal Co. will install a new ice plant with daily capacity of 50 tons. A. D. Reynolds, of Bristol. Tenn.. has commenced the development of his magnetic iron ore lands in Mitchell county, under direction of B. F. Cbll-ders. At Ncwbern the Carolina Canning Co his been organized with D. B. Hackburn president and William Dunn secretary and treasurer, for the estab llshment cf a canning factory with ca pacity of 10,000 cans per day. Retlsboro Barrel Co., J. B. Reel, manager, will engage In the manufac ture of laths. Wealthy YUayan Airrte4 for Aiding 'nstrgent. Manila. By Cable M. Rnprt Sia tiago. one of th w!Ut Vlajyani, who had takn :h otth of allrUn-e to the United S'atr and aho pjrtl aa a friend of Americans, hat tn arret ted at Hollo, while othtr Vlsyn a re being watchM. The prlopcr I chtred with organizing a revolutionary Junta. Santiago owns sugar estates through out the Uland of Negros. It Is arrtM that a council of ten and the manager of the Junta met daily at Santiago 4 of fice for the purpose of engineering ai extensive schem of collections fcr su Insurrection. One of Santiago's m-n was captured carrying supplies to the rebel. HU arrest caused rumors of in outbreak of the natives of Hollo and rrecautlons hare been take to prevent trouble. A batalion of the Eighteenth Regi ment and the marines of the gun-Wit Concord from an expedition at Concep tion, northern Pansy, which Is search ing for the Concord's coxswain, win was lurd ashore by a white flag and who 1 supposed to he a prisoner. They found the place decerted. and burned every house as a punishment. ARP'S WAR STORY. I AflU TRE TEH WOVE COW AMIS la Aflwriajf ike Qa) of Cofre pwitnl A$k:2; Abat Bices. niicnhs 5.MD r.is meat By Hiding t In the Hearth c4 an ti UliclMnth 'ion till. AJtlcc About Cotton. Reidsvllle is now installing electric light plant, both street and incandes cent. In connection with lt water works system. Driven Out of Negros Again. Washington. D. C Special. The War Department has received the fol-.l lowing cablegram: "Manila, Oct. 24. "Adlutant General. Washington: "Hughes reports Paney insurgents driven out of Negros. -Byrne struck one band; killed ten; captured 13. The native troops struck another band and killed six. No casualties. (Signed) J'OTIS. Brumby on Hand. Atlanta, Ga., Special. Flag Lieuten ant Brumby, of Admiral Dewey's flag ship Olympla, arrived home at 6 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Thousands of people waiting at the depot gave him a rousing reception. A committee of Atlanta citizens met him at the State line, and acted as an escort. Boers Completely Staggered. Cape Town, By Cable. News has been received from Dundee to the ef fect that the Boer disaster at Elands laagte staggered the Boers completely, rendering the attack upon Dundea fee hie. Therefore, there is no cause for anxiety. The W. C. T. V. Seattle, Wash., Special. The Na tional convention of the W. C. It. U. Twined a series of resolutions, some o' which caused hours of discussion. The main fleht was over two resolutions one censuring the general government and the President. Attorney General Griggs and ex-Secretary of War Alge, by name, for their action on the anti canteen law, and the other denouncing the war in the Philippines. A resolu tion protesting against the seating of A. -1 i. o we Q 1 rT congressmaii-eiw-- iwuw j. ed with cheers. S80.000 Por Stopping a Runaway Cleveland, Ohio. Special. City coun cilman J. L. Reilly has fallen heir to $80,000. Four years ago while in San Antonio. Tex. Mr. Reilly stopped ir.owav team, nrobably savins the life" v nWttottoTi. I beoueath one hua- I driver, a wealthy farmer of Pal- a a vm,-..h rirrilrrs: also one nun- I t.tm numed John Wallace." His urn vuvuw . ui, - . . Miscellaneous. , The United States transport Missouri with medical supplies aad nurses for Manilla, has arrived at Port Said. Wm. J. Bryan started on his flying trip through Nebraska Saturday from Wymote, making seventeen speeches at as many towns during the day. He plainly shows the enect or. me nwru campaigning. . ' Betting on the result of the Jeffrles Sharkey fight Is singularly light. In terest in the battle for the champion ship of the world is keen enough, but the appealers oi rxan men eeem wui to wager their money on the result. The War Department has been owtg. to reconsider its determination to send four army officers to observe mil itary operations In soutn Ainca, as the British authorities have made it known that It would be Impossible to give adequate facilities to such num ber. Tb transport City of Pekin has sailed from 8an Francisco for Manila, via Honolulu, with eight companies of the Twenty-first Infantry, me cen tennial also sailed with a cargo of horses. The transports Sheridan and Taco- mi. carrrlna: relnforcementa for Gen. Otis, have arrived at Manila. fieri ' Rlns Rivera denies that he re- i Aim. AwomrfihtTi of the Drovince of Havana. He says he was dismissed upon grounds of whicn ne was ignor ant He attributes the dismissal, how ever, to the influence of Domingo Men. The court of inquiry into the Scots man disaster, sitting !q Quebec, holds Captain Sklrmshlre responsible, and has suspended him for nine months. In the thirteenth clause of the wlU of Cornelius Vanderbilt, a bequest is made to the mother of Che deceased w-Mch reads: "TO my moiuer, as a Martial Law at Barcelona. Madrid, By Cable.; Count Torraaazo, governor of the Bank of Spain, has been appointed Minister of Justice, in succession to Senor Duran. whoves'gn ed Monday, in consequence of the de cision of the government to suspend the constitutional guarantees at Bar celona. Martial law has been gazetted at Barcelona. dred thousand dollars to my brother, WlUlam K. Vanderbilt." r , . wfcii belne hoisted in a niche m the new cathedral at Berlin, a coUas rf ttatne 61 Christ fell 100 feet arm was so badly Injured in the strug fYT a time amputation wa; HHr.riatot to be cecessiry, but eventually It heajed. On Saturday Mr.'ReiJly re ceived notice from San Antonio that Me. Wallace had d.'ad and left him 8 lefaey of fW.000.- Briefs. The report of Director of the Mint Roberts, shows that the production of gold in the United States during the calendar year of 1898 was 3,1118,098 ounces fine,, of the value of $64,463.00i. The amount of silver produced In the United States in 1S98 was, 54,000,000 ounces fine. ,Mrs. Mary Ruby, a sister of Kit Car son, tne famous scout, aiea at war- rensburg, Mo., Tfednesday, of apoplexy. She was born in an Indian fort near Bconesboro. Howard county, and dur ing the 87 years of her life was never out of the State of Missouri. Mrs. Ruby was the last member of the Kit Carson family. State News. There are now no colored troops tn North Carolina. There was one com pany at Charlotte, but when it was mustered out of the regular army at the close of the Spanish-American war it was not reinstated in the State Guard. This was done In conformity to the following, from an act passed by the last legislature entitled, "An act to establish and provide for the militia and for the support and maintenance of the State Guard." Section I. That section 2 be amended to read, as fol lows: That the white and colored mil itia shall be separately enrolled, but shall never be compelled to serve in the same organization; provided, that no organization of colored troops shall be permitted while white troops arc available, and that when permitted to be organized, colored tropj shall be under the command of white officers." This clearly shuts out any colored companies from the State guard. The State is to be well repres"nte1 at the Paris exposition, according to a Raleigh correspondent. Most cf th expense of the exhibit will be borne by the United States, which assigns space to the State. But as an earnest of its zeal in the matter, the board of agriculture today appropriated $2,500 to supplement the United States gov ernment appropriation, and to have the State well represented. It is the expectation that there will be a fine display. T. K. Bruner. the boards secretary, will gather the collection. He will go to Western North Carolfna In a few days, aa.the United States government's agent to complete its collection of apples. The Improvements on the main build ing at the blind institution here have been completed and the building Is now occupied. Raleigh News and Observer. 'High Point has decided against issu ing bonds for water works. Perhaps the youngest engineer in the Union Is King McEntlre, of Green Hill Rutherford county, who fires and runs the engine while his father manages the saw and shingle mills. KIsg Is not yet seven years old, and does bis work well. His brother, aged nine years, bales the shingles, doing a man's work, neatly and expeditiously. The Industrial parade of the opening day of Winston-Salem's carnival, on Monday, was fine, with aboK thirty floats in the line, some of them show ing great taste and skill in execution. A Hot Fight. Cape Town. By Cable. Official re ports from Klmberley, dated Tuendav. state that Colonel Scott-Turner, a Ith 270 men, proceeded northward to Mar Farlane's farm, where they unsaddl?d their horses. At 9 o'clock a party f Boers was seen on the right flan'i and was quickly scattered. Colonel Scott- Turner opening fire cn tbem and sev eral of the enemy being seen to f-il! The enemy moved to a 6and heap acd opened fire on the British, who return encountered the enemy strongly cn tempted to prevent the Boers from ad vancing against Colonel Murray. bj was met with a heavy fire frcm a dim wall 600 feet to the left. At 11 oMicU Colonel Murray ordered 1C0 men of tie La cash ire Regiment to preceed t.i the north. An armored train Is already sunoortlng Colonel Scott-Turner. At Midday Colonel Murray started, alo with two field guns and two Maxims and 70 mounted men. One of thj two British guns opened suddenly upon the Boers, who were in an unfavorable po sition. The Boer artillery fire war brisk. Another armored train was b!J In readiness. At 2 o'clock the second train wax sent forward with additional ammunition. The Lancat-hlres bebivd splendidly and Colonel Scott-TurnT highly recommended them. Command ant Rotha and many Boers w?r kill ed. The British loss was three Villed and 21 wounded. The engagement wis a brilliant kuceeas for the Briti-h forces. The Bloody Scrool Unrolled. Manila, By Cable. Hollo Is Mtrrei by the expectation of Important fight ing. General Pullon beg&n "unrolling the bloody scroll," as he promised bis followers in a recent speech by firclug volleys at the American outpo?ts night ly. Since Sunday re-enforcemants have been arriving from the north. This ac tivity is designed to divert the Visa yans from their dissatisfaction agiinrt the Tagalos. Aguinaldo has ordered the release on parole of Areneta and other Visayan leaders, who are dlspod lo negotiate for peace, and is watching them to prevent further negotlatl jaa. Boers Shelled Dundee. Ladysmith, Natal, By Cable. Boer artillery is. shelling Dundee and the former British camp. Our troops are now occupying a trench near ; the camp. The Boer artillery is firing at very long range and the shells are in effective. Communication with Dundee Is severed. The Boer - wounded ; and prisoners are still coming in nd the former are receiving every attention. General Ben Viljoen is wounded and a prisoner. . - ' ' . : ,- " ,: Records flust Be Produced. - . Columbia, S. C, Special Judge Aid rich, in the Circuit Court has ruled that the State board of liquor control must exhibit to that court the records on which the commissioner, J. B. Dou thit was discharged without a hearing: The commissioner can ; be" discharged for cause only, and Doupdt depads trial by the board. SU leading at torney Colonel Oearge Johnston, was very caustic in his arraignment of the board. - - - - The two little Waldenslan boys whe strayed away from home at Valdese, Burke county, last" August have been located In South Carolina, where a kind hearted farmer has taken charge of them and has become so attached to the little fellows that he does not want to give them up. He writes to the father that the larger boy Is at school and that both are well and hap py, and it is probable that he will be allowed to keep them for the present East Durham was visited by a disas trous fire Monday morning in which 18,000 went up In smoke.- It was partly covered by insurance.. The tax valuation of property hi Ca tawba county increased thi3 year over that of last year $271,992. The total valuation of this year. $3,069,466. The school tax this- year. Including the county's portion of the special appro priation, will he close to $11,000. W. T. Winston, of Aulander, Bertie county. t& been forced to resign as county commissioner because he "has imbibed the Mormon doctrine and baa been attempting to lite up to It," says the Roanoke-Cbowan Times. :- The Southern Cotton Spinners' Asso, elation 3ns been called to meet , in Charlotte November J-i Not A Gift New York, Special. The World pub lishes the following: "Cornelius Van derbilt, at his home. No. C08 Fifth ave nue, at 10:45 o'clock last night mjJe this important statement to a World reporter: 'The agreement by. which I received $6,000,000 from my brothers portion of the estate has been md-j to appear as a mere gift. It is no g'ft. but the result Of a compact entered in to before my father's demise. By this compact I was to receive no les than $10,000,000." Big Box Car Order. The Baltimore and Ohio railroad has placed an order with the Pullman Pal ace Car Company for 1500 box cars, and with the South Baltimore. Cir Works fortOOO box cars. The cars arc to be built according to the B. O. standards. This makes a total of 8,- 860 box and coal cars ordered for de livery within the next six months. Briefs. ; News has been received at the War Department of the arrival of the hos pital ship Relief at Manila. She re ported the disappearance at sea, be tween Guam and Manila, of Lieutenant Robert D. Carmody. who went to Gu am with the marine battalion on the Yoeemlte when Captain Leary was sent out as governor to take possession of the island. There are no details of the occurrence. It appears that "Lieuten ant Carmody was taken aboard at Guam, presumably eick and on orders home, or else on a furlough. It Is thrrasAt oosslble that he may nave Jumped overboard while delirious. CoL John D. Roquemore, of Mont gomery, Alu- has announced his can didacy for the United States Senate to succeed Hon. John T. (Morgan, coi onel Roouemore is a lawyer and has never been an office-holder, except to represent Barbour county in the State Senate. The will of the late Cornelius Van derbllt was filed for probate In the sur rogate's office In New York Friday af ternoon. Tne provisions oi tne win are substantially the same ea men tioned in the synopsis given out Thurs day by Chauncey M. Depew. The cabinet tyeetUs U&ted much longer than usual and was detsted to adlecusslon of mlliltary and "naval puna for the Philippines and the treat? with the Sultan of Stria, r . . " . - Recognized, Caracas, Venezuela, By Cable. The 1 foreign ministers met at the American legation and decided not to recognize the Castro government without- In structions from their respective" g-nr-ernments. President Andrade has ex bled from Sarbadoes. where he arrived recentix, to the commander at Poreta A fii-?d ti. r.ic from Ktrjiu that bircm :ll n,i krp well iit climate-, aad tl-at the 4d Mtkr It alcyi rt rttiiU. ll wn- t j kno' if tbre l any ruM for thta. le. I thl k . I'ul-r a ct fa'tead oa p!n ! r, are d'.rr n! ffuai IS.c fttfmd ia enra. Il UCi roy wif nrtA hx( A ea l t- tle ih'llien funj rrua fr.vn 1j- fcul luidr at be.- fjihr" p!ar.Hli ca the uppM" (. hat'.ahuo-h.- titer. There was to ahlte inaa th-r r TMf time save l.rr o'd faih r. Ja.' Ilutrhiua. Thc:e cr &'oet a bun tlrt? t.fgro. i.?-re than half ut .lm too .ld tr to.i yani l i wjrk. Kr J frr cur t-olilcrs was r'-tilng wiir every d.-.y and orJer. cam? tfc: eir f.vrnier l.oc'd L? till.ed thit 1 tc ay. c tho:: 14 up t" sli z tvrn- aient jr. cut a a rt!n of LU crrn tr-d meat and beef atil. A mcua'-d .v- tstl frrm the r m? guatU a t u-1 with T.aror.. to eaf;sre the crd r gather lu the j.applUv. There ? tohoJy to rs'M them, for every U 1 wai In tli army ave old ri!-i aa! It vallJ end wonen and ehl'd-ti. !.' cne eitr.'.n? a c-umpauy cf ta'itr r-. rinse to Judge lluwhir.a' h..i.e f.i. rudely Informed him thrt they .-i-.' fcr t-acn and b-ef esttl.v The J i.l-f very calmly toll them lie had nor- t tpare. Fcr a while thy paileyrl i h'm. but finally demanded the -r f hln fcaroUehou e. My ml and b:l Iren aad twa r;ber 1 ttle gtailrh'.. d-en listened In fear an I .sv'mv. M.ty know that tV .!'idr ' i fer"n ann. b:;l th:e vk"e o rary v.H nrm'd n:cn at,'n.l bin. ih ed'1. nr f?irli.l. i.nd wile .v h ret'i-! o up th ky. tl.ty is'd !h-y iil . r-re.-t b;m ar.4 ir-ik d-wn ib ; That niKht about luMuicit tb- 'ulre caibd tip rid k and Vlrll. r.h ni h knew he coti'.d trtist. end ha I h Jcinti of the meat and a irt C ' Bid s carried e;ui.--tly 'owa ta :h til blaekFm'.t'.! i-hf n en the bmk ef iV. river. With rl-k cud shrvI t! c rlnde-ri end earth in th rid hrr;t"i weie fcorn eicavatea ani a e-jjn.-r fatbinH that o:!M fcr 11 ut.A h ue a ho.ihar l rrrt't?. 1; w? lr4 hia nd the h"r?h rrs cov re 1 Ja t liV it hd Ii, j. ScTiie t-attrlu( zbir oU flllcil iu the pat ad f.'3- f X on tcp acd the black old bo.kt jd. d where It Ions lad b-n. WUh virvd and whet-Ilnrrcjw th r-uitd-i- tt, was takii l'n lb rlvr b' a"d tunb'd In Ld tha all cai n the Ch3tah. ohfe. The bmlal e.' Fi icha i.;cre was n;t Mote a'lefi. In liana iv. IsCj. 1 I-.ined tny famiir a' the plant-'Unn srd net leg ef;. i'-e- lndre fju -!ih-d t:: a cod niut? I 3.0 .nd v.-a?cn fcod v.e, rurr. 1 t ?r hf:ne In Heme. The day befY-e e K: ba hrlta'jle 1:1m -Ion !: e. el the earhe aT 1 fo-ind Hi wit w-ft ard eaiirsd fid vt broutht a good pc-rticn cf it w.th ua and it v. as rs picicu r rcM. My .!f iy l' charcoal prid I: rnd kej.t it frn tasting edd or rarcld. No- then I have nwere4 ray friend's ejiit!rn. I'e tniint net u,- i n other civil war ar-l hide h!s na fi the hearth cf aa c'.d black -radii Oi ; Earth and charcoal ?ra bcth kji u - Infecrant and prtef-rvcru cf flejb. aid If I was la Fl'fb'a I would v.y meat la ehar.-cal. net duO. but r.iM crushed coil. IVfcr? pitting te meat down I wo:i"d powder It ."tan a pepper box wl;h lcrx. Borax ! mcft imlvercally is'd tow. It -s t-ure death jo tkipp r and ciher veriinn. and a druggist tol-1 rre mat tte of It hid Ircrear.l a thousand pr erl wlihin the list five years. When rar f ir!:y got heme we feu-el that It rvaa ret good to live by m-l alcno sd we had to r'-nd rlcwi river a hundred mil's fcr a I w bjrhel cf corn and bid It tear a rIll In the covntry. beejtue th oui a aid deserters were pstrclllog th? !atd and taking everything they ro-all and. good friend brouaht ua hall a bushel of meal at a time oa tn sr. and so we gt alcng. The nem tv 1. old Rowland Bryant U still prtcl-its u us fcr his klndnes la tho -? dare ' tribulatitn. It is "in.-ncraglnsr know that Aracir and Co. have to' abolished all the rrnolrc-borea m the land, cor eJrawa car hem? rax I men Into tbelr mlgbtv trnt Oar Traa)r are generally raVng their own ratt sr-jd tEK S, gocd deal to town to eil. and my wife says that country lrd it purer and becter than any that eome 'ram tne aea:n irusrrm v cn Our home market Is wsil upplled lv cur farmers with almost everythirg that Is good to eat Beef, perk. bu tfr. chicken: eggs, potatoe-s, turaJpa, cabb2fe, beaM aad applea are fa great abundance. Of course we cant hive mutton, for the nerroes must have decs end the candidate mart hare nerro votes. I lost clgt r. Mtrinos In one eight and my neighbor. Mr. DosVns. lost three tnndird in five years, and quit the btnlneas. But with ell our drawbacks, cur iop'-e are oa the upgrade. Ssvtn cents cctton '-a helped greatly, and If mr farmers wi 1 cut down the aerr?e r'lll mora. 11 win bring 8 cents text year sod !av more land for wheat and cere. Tfc southern farm-n eight to form r mirhtr trust aad regulate acreaje en prley. Oar" own conn:y could gui c it?clf hy orgarlz-ng ana na:ii with the local tanks. Our avrra crop Is 10;WO bales, end at ff ccls pound would trlng wm.vj. o v half of this could be carried lai rV by the more wealihv proiacer. Th ether 5.000 bales eonld a't en sdvaa cf cents a pouaa. or V-0 a ta e :in th bcaHz oa wareoo-e Kftiaw This would take crly SlW.t'OO- $23 a hzl w.-rrll piv t c-'t :f p dectioa tvi Ua-c the msryH fcr i prodnccr. tn1 this wrrn -erri ir the bsnl crly tUSJ 't .-e -wmUt tru t ti'j: a 1WW ercn would Ju-np to S reata with r SUte TreaaawrT etll Um I Thefr Dr'lefwewt Taar. Mat Treaj-T Wtrth l eH tc. f.iy tte e-sia tlra t-m-al 1it are notj: Lie Vaa !rrl la S.te. tat tit r"tte art lv 1 a irut tdtill er rrt a tfcr err ir-rtpta. Itt aeat- ofjhe cvtfUJt(itr t-e t.iA S14 V1 It. ai4 tal'e 5iT tae fta.e Tr urtr ye'.erdy ta-4 elrtnUx Ut 1 ter la tie t-rlk i IV Ute. talUa their al.ettl.-si l r i 1 t2 t r; i&pe tt f 1 tliK. If le ay ! tb ui U Iu f ktt lis erl. ail at .: "I htf the aaie.s t ecuapa tJr il. j rate nA c-witl e4 th tae r(H!reftM-r.l 4 iSkm tat W)kti ars evUVatly aajrrt la lt las lw-i ortd tbeit). To th r fft i.Jfir t tM xB4i I aate te It U imW mr duty lo ra lrt '.it las. a&4 I asa -dor lio4 to rotelx prrtrm IS tie uf tr A.rr. I itsertfore nut ! Ut that tn-:-rdlat ;tii.. ej a'.l doe nirr tt-a W m 'tr t rtkti'.iitrn. en Utiit'u tf waia e your l:a tr e.h(.cr. up !- el t Hiut'r eir4 tsrtttrn.TVr . 1. aktl le praietly rnlttr-1 :th trttfe4 ae oaat c f Mbw tt eWaiiaet at ecee. ahd that lietvafier iettasr- and ri ru kh'l ! ua-le pntwtlr ' the !rt cf m a quktle. ai r'l,' le the etin Icipo.l&t t la " ThU rtvtli n ! cf Ibe tevtiae art tef erred t ! as Ial5.a ' V. -ry eapr-a rosrjMi-y, aad er terraih or trlrjihose t f-fn etu'fC tualnB la tbts ltate. uf a ta of two irre utuw In U era re rrlpXm wlibln the r'tate. Te aa-;ta-trndent. getirral iranicrr er c r rlef cRtrtr .f Ciery 9iuh ity all n ike return un 1e cMth t t'e trr r of the tMr vlthil l-n Amr afli the f,rt day uf January. Anl. Jo'y, and m .o'.n-r. f the amuat of gra re --e!pts of the riinpiDr f r tae warle-r ending oa the tt Car .f te ttli luimedlatt-ly pr-cellrf a-.4 iar la t Ireikurer the tat Itetr m !irn-4 f the I lice ef tnakits 'h ituia 4 all all lie the duty rf e-a. h r-e!3 t i IKyft to the tiexft-jrer fty J- a -pnuy doing bu-la-Bi le !i ntulT. la fWf of default of tmrh rlnrr aa4 ij taemt cf las the Diiaav all ay a tv-ailty e f oue lbMtnd d iUi. lo b e-lWtd b the be10 tt the lr-arrcf of the Stat shall eiritat. by dt.lrre or otbe-ralae. Irvv2d-d. b county c..irpertlia ball ! iilluud it Iwp any additional ta. lUere or fee. cet ad vlo-ni las." Qukk Jcsatke. Near Iin.l-ito3 TburaJaj a. gat. m a youug white 1-1. t:r eltr s&4 fmall trrtHr ere gcdra from r'aarra. KA. ltljutit. a iiearMi. iiu.le as aaaait bun tbc yonne lAf aat a tll frvnn loan. 11 lure hi" eU.tUtng fiiu Im-t trylEg to pu'.l lr Itti lb wcrtd. IU era j-1 but be pir u-d anl e-tusht lf a erid tlm. He il,a aiteftttHed t wmlt l be rwtiMr e!ate-r o eaa'.ly CMitran Lira. Flrmlly they g:H as t-ar tVIr h n. that li left them, lie a ert.'1d Lefcee tnMnirb. Judge 11U tle uM-t,ded t WUl!rn.-a mtirder t:tL The arai.1 Jury foetiid a tru W!l against the tt'gro ItlrMint and h s put oa trial, ocvkte-l e-f aaaav't and aeatenred to f.ft--n yara In th pe-nl-tentiary be-fore a o'cloek Friday. The sheriff rarrVl l:kjne l the prut tcnt'ry ia the evn!ig. la le tLaa JO hcHira from the tlse Ibe rrltse was committed. He Is now under the wail of the pen. to a" trust with tr.st a-1 d:- th- panl tors. V.'hr " - ei-rj,?-? Arp In "-- Eel ChoaA oa Hal- A monster e?l his btea found dead la Hezapstcn LczL cse cf the -Dart tribu'urr.e3 cf EcglarJ. It baring ap parently tetr. chcktfi cy a wit r raf it had tried to ixaUa. cni wh.'" Cabelloi to if.efcnd that city agalns; I partly iiz'-rzA'-ZZ trozi its moi-h. The General Castro to theast extremity.! ee! aho cta'r.:J a yang tr oar tea. Coro and Maracaito have surrendered I in trying to sya'.i; tcu t:ri and rat to General Castro. Order reigns here, -I ihe. eel Ics; L'j 1.1. , NORTH 5TATE NOTES. The Stale auditor aiya aom eoaatlfl In sending la their lax re ports snake error aa to the poll tai aoi th e-dora-tlnal futid. The conntltitloo pro videa that three-quarters cf all las poll tax cotWted, ablrh la nut apeeial. rhsil be applied lo tb eduosUmal fund, atd so when 12. the ronatifoUoa al limit, is collet-ted. $LS0 ought to ga to that fund. Some roustles snake a report of all the property Hated ff taxatioa. tut when they xe,-ort this a divided between the whites aad blacks the aggregate of the two doea not tally with the total for all. EScrU are b lag made to rorree lbs crrcr. Senator Prlte hard's son Is appelated a battalion adjutant ia the Forty-eJaUs regiment (rokced). hkh la now telag mobilized at Camp Thoaaa and whkn scon goes to the lltilfppuaea. Sparks, the cirrus man. says the f lot a day tax which he Is required to ray It prohibitory and that he wUl lea re the State. A telesrram from Msrphy states that R. I.. King his sarreadered to officer of Cherokee eou&ty. Kit, at is a son-in-law cf Dr. Candler, of DUUboro. ia charged with ha viae murdered Wesley Price, alao of DfHsboro, several weeks ago. He was released oa $5.WS bend. Mr. 8. R. Carrragtan has pnr-ba4 the old Durham scsp works and will establish a svap factory at an early date. A two-story brick building will be erected oa Red Cros street sod portion of It used for the soap factory and the reuninder ss a cigar factory. The contract for this hail lung will be let at once. The Greesabcro Supply Cor.pasy. which has Jat bea organ lived for lh- pcrpoke of handling as jibbers ral ttrraufactucTrs sgests. all kl&ds c4 od wcrking acl ceit'le snaehlaery. Mers. ecglncs. saw mill sspplies, oils. tc. will eonimr&ce IrasTnewi oa 3vo- ember 1st This roaipany U co?3po--A of W. J. Toutg. of WtMtsn-Salew. S. D. Young, f Pllt Moixtain, and 1. J. Lin la J. cf fJreerTi The new railroad mileage la this State this year will be considerably more than double that lc3t last year. Beajamin F. Jones t-as been appoint ed poalinaater at FolkrUle. Cleveland county.. - Mr. John C. Gorier, proprietor of The hotel ele Gcrley." at SmUhfield, deao. Mr. F. A. Fetter ha been proevJ from a position In the S. A. L- freight lepot in Darham to tie p-Jion of tgent at Littleton. He Will take charge Novtmber 1. The Daraia paper praise him warmly. President Mvlver fursUftes the fof. lowing lateresting statlrtlc: Of the first 426 students enro led t the State ' Normal and Induslil coicg iu are -members cf the Methoiitt EpUcopal 3hurch, 122 of the Prtihyterisn charch. 19 cf the Epiecopsi enure j. si 01 uw 3hrUtisji cSureh. 11 cf th Fro tart Methodist church. 3 of the L-rnfrii :harch. ore is a taa:r cf te ?r!r.J -hurcX 1 of the Grrxi Hcrea I -hurca 1 ef the Advent tlurca. I ef iie Jewlah church: ZZ trial r - ihlp. Of lis 25 noa-'iurtt raa .-" prefer the Fr'.tzds Or. . 1 1 ; ytcrlsn. 21 tie Bap , 2 .i t- t; , .. leticdist Grcrib-:; 1 : . -t I 1'. . 1 1 it 1 1 1 . : f r 4 I f, f f : f t t - i -I s . t i ? ; " IF' V n i I! 1 . !

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