CAUCASIAN. . 1 JnLiS 5 VOL. XVII. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30. 1850. NO. :?. A COMPLETE VICTORY The Bocrs Made a Brave Stand, Bui i Were Driven Out. DPT A IK fiF THP RFI IIAVT dittit ' 1'i.irni.w v. mliu.iiu.1i IMIILLV Pursued l or live Miles By The Brit- i Ish Cavalry, They Shot Down flen ' Under The White Flag. - ' It-lmoiit, Capo Colony, by Cable. j Ire entire western division moved on the Orange river Tuesday, and blou- r s-ktd at Witteputs. Two companies f mounted Infantry and a detachment I .f lancpra were rent to nold Thomas' j f irm. Their pickets prevented the Bo-! ers frnm advancing. The Boers fired i cannm and the British artillery arrlv- ! 1 on the seen and tilenced the Users' I tire. At 2 o'clock In the morning the 1 C.tiarda Brigade moved steadily for ward to a hill a few mile east of Bel mont ftatJon. The Soots and Grena- ; liers advanced to within 50 yards of ! the has?, when the Boors poured in a I athing flr staggering the Cuardj ' momentarily, but quickly recovering, j fhey returned a deadly hail into the ; liners. The duel was continued for j half an hour. When the artillery com- ' wncrd the Boers evacuated their front j position and the Soots' Guards rushed 't t be hill with the bayonet and amid ! iusty cheers. ' The Ninth Brigade then moved for- i ward in extended order, and the Bcer3 i muted n terrible cross lire from the j Mirroundin hllh. The Coldstreams, j nipjMirted by tin Scots Grenadiers, Northumberland and Northarnutons, j htorni'd the second position In the face ; tif x constant nud effective Boer fire. The Ninth Brigade then advanced, the artillery, in the meantime, maintain- ; ing excellent practice. The British in fantry never wavered and when u trc niendous cheer notified them of th charge, the Boors fled and suceeded in joining a range of hills In the rear, in Kpite of the Lancers' Hunk movement. The infantry again gallantly faced th tire and the naval brigade came into action for the first time nt a range ot 1.S00 yards. The infantry was well supported ly the artillery, and the Bo ers, unable to withstand tho death licalirg volley.-', retired, and were agau. forced to abandon some minor posi tions. The Brltl-.h cavalry charged the Boers and pursued them for rive miles. Possession was taken of thu Hoer laagrr, and the Boer stores were destroyed. A special dispatch received at Lon don from Belmont. ays that General Methuen's farces numbered 7,000 men snd that of the Boers 5.000 mm. The engagement was really a series of bat tles, during which the Boers were con ftatitlv carrying oif their deod an.l wounded. The War Office at linden has Indued the following advices from Tape Town: "General Mcthucn further reports that the wounded are doing well. There re over 50 including a Ger man commandant and six field cornets. Nineteen of these prisoners are wound ed. We ore unable to estimate the Boer loes. The prisoners say that Thursday's Attack was a surprise, and that Is is the only beating they have had. A large amount of correspond ence has been secured. The Reservists are doing well.- Colonel Pole-Carcw replaces Featlierstonhaugli in com mand of the Ninth Brigade." The Boors hoisted a white flag over their second position, whereupon Lieu tenant Willoughby. of the Coldstream Guards, stood up and was immediate ly shot down. The Boers twice repeat ed the same tactics. The Ixmdon Daily Mail publishes the following dispatch from Belmont, describing the battle: "The Boers held a position which British troops would have held almost against any force. The British victory is com plete. My estimate of the Boer los3 is S0O killed and 150 wounded. Mr. Knight, correspondent of the London Morning Tost, was wounded. The Bo er prisoners are ignorant, dirty and wretched. They say that half their comman. tired of thenar, will refuse further service. $00,000 Mill For Fitzgerald, Ga. Fitzgerald, Ga., Special. At a large ly attended meeting here, it was decid ed to erect a $60,000 cotton mifl at this place. More thau half of the capital stock has been subscribed. The bal ance is In sight. W. R. Bowen was elected temporary president, and will at once proceed with the preliminary arrangements. Chairman Jones in Washington. Washington, D. C, Special. Sena tor James K. Jones, of Arkansas, chairman of the Democratic national committee, returned to Washington from his trip to Chicago, where he went to attend a conference of the ex ecutive committee. "There was some ffort on the part of some outsiders," he safd, " to make it appear that very significant business was being trans acted by the committee. As a plain matter of fact, there .was little or nothing of popular Interest in the some matters of organization." j A Successful Test. Chicago, 111., Special. Demonstra tions that were accepted as meeting Tery expectation were made with the Pollak-Vlrag automatic telegraph In tention. Messages were sent over a elreult that extended from the Tribune efflce to St Paul and over other clr euits that reached to Cleveland and Buffalo and back to the Tribune office. TV. i . . 1 .1 tti. Innn tn 1 UT (Weil IlllllUCU J .wv,- - BuffalSTaad back reached at one time the rate of 153,000 words an nour, tne message traveling 1.0S0 miles. Fireman Killed lu a Wreck. Cumberland. Md.. Special. The sec ond tection of the Baltimore and Ohio pa?nger train No. 9. west-bound, knowa as the oyster train, crashed Into the firtt section in South Cumber land, early Thursday morning, and was badly wrecked. Engineer R. L. Kindle, of Baltimore, stuck to his po3t on the second section, checking . his peed tnd preventing the telescoping vt the passenger section. He was seri ously injured and may die. His fire man. Lewis Massey, died in the hos ftriUl here. - MEETING OF STATE BAPTISTS. Pr ogramme Includes Addresses by j dome rotable run The D. Y. P. U. 8tate CoaTentlon meets in Ashevlllo ia December. The rrafl5ea ror tae occasion t...i' '. ! u',aJ uuuuod, ueceniuer 5, 3 o clock p. m. Devotional exercise;, ; 1 rwl t ' T7n Li f T- a . . . a. . i rier, aiorgantor;. is. , the glde a credu f&r ukInff aa 3.30. "Tho Object of the meeting." I 'nventOT Thls nne of us can ua Addresi by Kev. C. S. Blackwell, D. D. dritand. Here is a statement show Qf Wilmington, N. C. ' ' j ,Dg coat of the nianagement and 4.13. "A Survey of the Field; Op- j clerical labor per month before this portunlties. Obstacles and Encourage- year and this year. It used to be $293 se, xu. ? L-! TrTztrr? i clerk- Nr Election of temporary officers U 13 ,S09' the ,atter ,Qcld!ng euperin- Gieetlng to Secretary C'alvers. , tendnt. purchasing agent, etenosra- TUESDAY NIGHT. Phcr. clerk, book-keeper and executive 7.30. Song r?r lce; provided by the I Atnevine curches and devotional ex- WiHon N C' W' " ' RCdll8h' i 8.00.-Addres.v: "The Wave Offer- Ing," by Kev. W. C. Newton, Gold- ; horo. 8.30. Addred by Dr. Chivers. i Address of Welcome, by Rev. J. F. I Vines, Asheville. ! Response, by Rev. Joseph Fred Wat- son, liicensboro. Reception by the Abbeville young people. WEDNESDAY MORNING. 0.30. Devotional exercise led hv Rev. J. L. Cleveland, Chapel Hill. j 10. Address: "The Relation of the ' B. Y. P. V. to the Church." by Rev. M. D. Jeffries, of Knoxville, Tenn. j 10.40. Address: "The PresentCrisIs and the Young Christian," by Rev. C. ' :5. Gardner, D. D., Greenville. S. C. j 11.30. Address by International Sec retary E. E. ChWers, D. D., of Chicago. 12.30. Open conference; questions ! answered by Dr. Chi vers. i WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. 3.00. Devotional exercises, led by 1 Rev. E. M. Light foot, Waynesvllle. i 3.15. Address, "Our Heritage from i thf F'sithors " hv Bin- T TV Unfh.r.i I D. Hufham, ; D. D. 3.."0. Open conference. Discussion, ' Shall We Meet Separate from the ! Convention?" "Shall We Have a Paid j Secretary ?" "My Experience in the I Work," "Opinions and Suggestions." Ten minutes speeches by Rev. R. T. : Vann, Rev. R. E. Tredway, Rev. L. j Johnson, Prof. J. B. Carlyle, Rev. C. ; W. Blanchard, Rev. E. A. Brown, Rev. 1 T. Bright. Rev. M. L. ' Keesler, Rev. Forest Smith, and any one else may be impressed to speak briefly. Fever at State Normal. After a remarkable health history for , seven years, during which time out of an annual attendance of about four hundred young ladies there has been only one death and very little serious illness, an apparent epidemic of ty phoid fever broke out at the Normal and Industrial College at Greensboro. About three weeks ago the girls began to have chills, which were followed with fever. The resident physician supposed malaria in the system was ihe cause of the trouble. 'Later there were symptoms of typhoid fever. Three deaths have since occurred, and ; forty-eight young ladies arc sick with fever. Three or four are seriously ill. As there Is very little sickness in the town President Mclvcr and others be lieved there was some local cause for the sickness, and experts were put to work and every part of the building ; end premises have been inspected. , Under the dining room was found a de- ! fective sewer, from which a poisonous j gaa was emitted. The State board of j health appointed a committee consist- j ing of Mr. A. W. Shaffer and Prof. W. i : y. Massey, cf Raleigh, and Dr. Dodson, i of Wilson, who made a thorough ex- . amination of the building and premi- j 11 Z L Plil"11!!!.!!!!'1! They confirm the report of the i drainage have caused the trouble. It j ' was thought best to suspend the. ex-I j ercises cf the school until the second j ; day In January, and this was done. j Ail the young ladies except those who j i arc too unwell to travel have returned i o their homes and the sick . are in i the inHrmary receiving the best medical attention. Briefs. M'r. J. R. Reynolds, of Winston, has offered to devote $3,000 to the Sla ter Industrial and Normal School at Wingtcn-Salem for the purpose of erecting and establishing a hospital and nurse training school in connec tion with the institution. The gift is conditioned upon the efforts of the of ficers of the school, who must raise a j similar amount by 1901. j A fine portrait in oil of the late E. ! Burke Haywood, M. D., LL. D., has been added to the portraits of distin guished North Carolinians in the Stato I.thrarv me aucmor " un report because it showed only J180 01 Last vear $4,200 was reported. j C, while out in the woods cutting tim- es possible moment, and he is expec- The'crop pest commission has grant- j ber recently, was struck bf a falling ted to take charge of all the details of ed license 54 nurseries out of the State limb which hit him cn the bead, knock- j the funeral. n.l 44 in the State o ell their tock ing hlm dolfrn seasc:ess- n was some i. Among others who sent messages of and 44 m the btate .o sen tneir Svoca timeibefore he heCarco conscious. At ! condolence were Sir Julian Paunce in North Carolina. It is Interesting j last accouI1t he was improving. i fote, the British ambassador; Count to know that the nurseries in th,e I Tne work o; pijcjag in position the ! G. de Lichtervelde, enroy extraordi--Statc range in size from three acre to ? steel toll-brlcsc over the Yadkin, be- nary and minister plenipotentiary cf 225. There is one of 225 acres, one of j m twQ of each and two nurseries e s.n oarh whirh raisft onlv -native or. namental Dlants plant The National Tobacco Workers' Uaion has organized two branches in WInstcn. ce white aad one colored, sracng thu rtiployes of the tobacco manufacturing firm oi Brown Broth- ers comp.ii.y. This firm will here- after ciapioy on'.j the members of this union. The- organization has a large I . , , . ,. - A j Etintcrahip in the north and west. unonr; l.ictor:cs cuts:u-j ot me iruu It -Is Intimated that the tpe ot fe ver at the State Normal and Industri al College is so low as to look a good deal like typhus The latter Is Tery rare now. ' North Carolina now ranks fifth in the number of female colleges and in the attendance thereat; only New New York. Massachusetts, Pennsyl vania and Maryland ranking this State. The preliminary trial of the turbine terpeda boat Viper, took place at Lon don recently and was successful. She developed a speed of 32 knots. The of- icial trtals will follow In a few days. J FINANCIAL STATEMENT. fhe Report 5how Heavy Increase li Expenses. A corrected copy of the penitentiary financial statement has been sent the state Treasury Department. One of the oSlc there said: "On one side ! Of this report aODOars a charee for makina an Inntnrv r a farm end r board The penitentiary this year got l at least J33.000 from last year's pro- rduct8 - The expenses cf running things I tbls year as comParcd wlth 3ast car are as 7 t0 3-" Unknown flan Killed". - j A horrible zccident -n,rrB,i ti, i railroad track at Twelfth street in j Charlotte Saturday n!ff"at. A young unknown white man was literally j ground to pieces under the car w"heel3. ; Just how he came to his death is not ! and never will be known, but Investi gation made by the railroad authori ties discovered that the man was struck by a shifting engine at Twelfth street, and was dragged from there to the Gingham Mill, a distance of several hundred yards. Receipt hi Full. Mr. E. C. Beddingfield Saturday wound up his connection with the North Carolina Corporation Commis sion. Dr. D. H. Abbott, the Supremo Court appointee, called on Treasurer Worth and presented his claim for back salary. Treasurer Worth con sulted Governor Rusicll, who advised him not to pay the claim. He refused accordingly. Dr. Abbott thereupon made demand upon Mr. Beddingfield for the salary the latter had drawn for i his services as commissioner. Mr. Beddingfield paid over the money and took a receipt from Dr. Abbott in fulL Fever Patients Improving. It is learned that the fever patients at the Greensboro Normal College are, with two or threa exceptions, improv ing. For the past week, says ths Greensboro Record, nurses have bsen in demand at the Normal and scores of the best women in Greensboro young i fflrla unit mjtnr matron? havp ctn nated their services and take night about helping in the work. The ! thought of contracting the disease ! does cot enter into their calculations. 1 Chapel Hill Iron Mine. It Is learned that the new machinery ordered some time ago for Gzn. i Hoke's iron mine near Chapel Hill has arrived and is being put in as fast as possible. The main shaft is nearly 100 feet deep. Capt. Lawton, j wno is in cnarge or tne mine, say3 tne . ore will average 50 per cent, of pure iron. The ere from this mine is sent to the furnace at Greensboro to smelted. With ircn at its pressnt high price the mine is understood to be paying handsomelj. f : that condition until his death. Mr. State News Notes. j Hobart's death was due directly to an- Secretary of State Thompson Is j gima pectoris, complicating myocar rapidly re-arranging the land grants aitis. The funeral services will be In his office by counties, alphabetically and chronologically. Among the scores of thousands or grants ara those given by Earl Granville, which cover pretty, nearly the whole North- ern half cf the State. All the grants are in pasteboard filing cases. Some counties have an enormous number. Bladen and Buncombe and Wilkes are notable in this respect In 1S85 the placing of grants in boxes by counties ceased and the system of numbering began. For somo unexplained reason this began at No. 7,000. In the 14 years which have elapsed no fewer than 6,936 grants have been issued, or ! J - 936 Th, -fl . much more convenient and makes it very easy to find a grant. The annual meeting of the North i Carolina Association of Academies will be held in Raleigh in the' Senate Chamber cf the capitol cn Thursday and Friday, December 2Stii and 29th. Waynesville has a knitting mill proposition, the projectors of the en terprise offering to invest $35,000 if 16cal capitalists will subscribe $10,000 of the stock. for There will be a special meeting of traveling men held ia Charlotte on No- vember 30. . . One cotton mill in Henderson is do - i ing ell as evidenced by th fact that i it has three times enlarged, , Georee Glass, of McLcansville. N j tween Rowan and Davidson, is within t ten days ot completion. An inter- ! county celebration cf the opening of the bridge to traffic is proposed to bs new on tne spot. j . Revolution Gaining Head-way. Captain W. A. Ramsey who . has j Kingston, Ja., By Cable. The Brl finished surveying the lands compris- ; ing the Anson State farm, reports that tish steamer Atrato from BarranquiUa he has discovered thereon, ia unlimited ! Tuesdav and Colon Friday, reports a ?!J??.5?LF?0iiespa. revoluUonary movement no reason to doubt it, it may be that ihe State has come into possession of a veritable bonanza in the purchase of this farm. The engagement has been announc ed of Miss Lalla Ruth Carr, daughter of General J. S. Carr, of Durham, and Mr. William F. Patton, of Clearfield, Pa. General Fnnston is not only a hero bnt a truth teller as welL He won't accept a sword with an inscription on it, purporting to quote an expression never nsed by him. "While lie did not say he could hold a certain position until his regiment was mastered out, no one elonbts that he would have done so had it been necessary Never theless, one must admire the spirit of a man who doesn't want glory that is not belonging to him. Such men are not too common, HOBART IU ULitAU The Vice-President Passed Quietly Away Alter A Loaf Illness. THE END CAME TUESDAY MOWING. Peaceful Termination of a Brilliant Social and Political Career-A Pro clamation. New York, Special. Garrett A. Ho bart, Vice- President of the United States, died at his home la Patterson. N. J., at 8.30 Tuesday morning. At his bedside were Mrs. Ilobart and his son. Garrett A. Hobanjr.. together with Dr. 'William K. Newtoa and his wife and Private Secretary Evans. Mr. Hobart's death had been expected for some hours. The beeinnine of tbo end came Moa(lay afternoon, when thcre was a sudden failure of the heart and from this attack Mr. Hobart nev er rallied. He had been sick for a long time and had suffered frequently from heart failure, and his strength had been undermined. Gradually the more apparent and soon after mid night Monday night Mr. Hobart be came unconscious. He remained in held at the Church of the Redeemer, at Patterson, and the interment at the family plot at Cadar Lawn, where the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hobart was buried six years ago. Rev. Mr. Magee will preach the sermon. The church can accommodate no more than 800 persons, and as thousands will be eager to attend the services, it was suggested they be held ia the armory, which, will accommodate 10,000 per sons. It is known.-however, that Mrs Hobart wishes the funeral to be as quiet as possible and there is little likelihood that tho programme wjil be changed. The miyor and aldermen of Patterson have suggested that the body lie in state at the city hall on Friday, and this suggestion wll prob ably be carried out. The pall bearers have been selected, but their names will be withheld until after they have been notified aad have accepted. Nearly all the representa tives of foreign nations in this coun- try have sent messages of sympathy ) "to Mrs. Hobart. One of the first to ! express his sorrow at the death ' of j Vice-President Hobart was President j McKinley, who had been notified by ! telephone by Private Secretary Evan. f.. - i Attoreny General unggs, wno was m 1 Washington, telegraphed that he I would return to Patterson at the earli- Belgium; Count Cassmi, Russian am bassador; former Vice-President Ste venson, Admiral Schley, Governor Voorhees, of New Jersey; United in Colombia and a grave outlook. Her cargo she landed with diffictilty and she was unable to secure an outward cargo owing te the suspension of in land transportation. The government is recruiting an army by impressment under naval law -- - Military Strength. In the table of the armed strength of various countries it is customary to nnt Russia first amone the nations of Uic nunu, ttliu Ail. avuic aiuj ua 1,125,000 soldiers, a first - reserve of 2,500,000 and a second reserve of 1,375, 000, bring up the total number of avail able soldiers on a war footing to about 5,100.000, as against 5,000,000 in'Ger - manv, 4,800,000 in France, 2,500,000 in Italy. 1.600.000 in Austria-Hungary, and 1.000.000 in Turkey. I I DIM " " ' - - -- - lJ ri m m a -- u itt-- . i zi IC-H-.IAILaIlBUIJIIL.VIIIl.'fc.'l X Ufilf I U 1 D MIL LHIL T IWL'T l UARXtll A. I1UDAM M nBn TTT TI T" II1WI Tl TIlTlll 1 llT MT III lllli MTflll I Ml Illl -I I la ua LLI f 01,11,01 nanna. t.r Ohio: Central A Alger, Senator Fcrtker, Senator Fair- Dank General CutilLv Hr l nvTnnr of Santiago, end A6Luut Secretary of War Meiklejoha. The News In Washington. Washington, D. C. Special. All the Cags in Washington were fcalf-ma:ed out cf respect to th memory of Vice President Hobart. The announcement of the Vive-Prcsidcnt's death, whil not unexpected, came es a dUtlnct shock, and cast a deep gloom over th city where he was loved and honored. The news was first received at tae White House 10 nilsutci before 9 o' clock, In a private message from Pat terson. The Cag over the Executive Mansion was Immediately hauled down to half mast and ths doors of the man sion closed to the pub'.ic The President was deeply affected by the telegram announcing his col league's death, and at once dispatched a telegram conv?yisg the sympathy and consolation of himself and Mrs. McKlBlcJ1 to Mrs. Hobart. By the death cf Mr. Hcbart. Senator William P. Frye, of Maine, becomes President pro tempore of the Senate and will discharge a'l the duties cf the Vice-President as presiding officer of that body. The Senata rules specifi cally provide that no election is nec essary at the beginning of the session. ' Senator Frye accordinely will contln ue as presiding officer till the end ci TS'tSTTI ' President McKinley's administration, unless he chooses to resign or the Senate wishes to elect another Senator to the office. After the cabinet meeting the Pres ident issued the following proclama tion: "By the President cf tho United States: . "A PROCLAMATION. "To the People of the United States: "Garrett Augustus Hobart, Vice President of the United States, died at his home in Patterson, N. J., at S.30 o'clock Tuesday morning. In him ths nation has lost one of it3 most illustri ous citizens, and one of its most faith- ful servants. His participation In tho i business life and the law making bedy J of bis native State was marked b7 un swerving fidelity and by a high order of talents and attainments, in bis too brief career as Vice President cf the United States and President cf the Senate, exhibited the loftiest qualities of upright and sagacious statesman ship. In the world of affairs he had few equals among his contemporaries. His private character was gentle and noble. He will long be remembered and mourned by his friends as a man of singular purity and attractiveness, whose sweetness cf disposition won all hearts, while his elevated purposes his unbending integrity and whole hearted devotion to the public good deserved and acquired " universal re spect and esteem "In sorrowing testimony of the loss which ha3 fallen upon the country, I direct that on the day cf the funeral the executive offices cf the United States shall be closed and all posts and stations of the army and navy shall display the national Cag at half mast, and that the representatives of i, : .1 o r t c-n,n ,t,.. illustrious dead for a period .of 30 days. "In witness whereof I have set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. (SeaL) "Done at the City of Washing- a. at.!- 01 -a. J XT l a ... '.I... iJZ ,i VT - T a lru eight bunurel and ninety-nine and of tne independence cf the Unite,l SUtes one hundred and twenty- 1UUIU. "WILLIAM M'KINLEY "By the President: JOHN HAY. Sec. of State." Briefs. Mrs, Stuart, of Richmond, Va has been elected recording secretary of the ; international beard or-Women's and Young Women's Christian Associa- also of Richmond, was elected one of ! tion. at Memphis. Mrs. W. R. Mason, It is announced that the tnion Stock Yards, a big new Richmond, Va., enterprise, will be ready for business by December 15th, and the Richmond abatoir, a large adjunct undertaking, will begin operations by January 15th. The second week of the trial of Ro land T.' Molineux began in New York with seven jurors ia the boi, and at the adjournment the number was still seven, no Jaror having oeen selected i 5nin? th dir's examination. Tbe former Baltimore and Liverpool liner Queensmore, now known as the Manchester Enterprise, has foundered at sea. AH hands were saved. The 1 new of disaster reached Baltimore I Tuesday from Cape Henry, when the Docaldscn . Line steamer Lekonia t passed in from Atwero SKETCH OF mlVB LIFE. " ; ue una a Poor Raw. AmA k rt.A MUWay to The Top. . Camti A. Hobart was a!iBtIy successful Loth la business anJ poll tics. H! reputation aa a mra of af fairs aaj one of the shrewjcot bul . res mea la the country was perhaps greater thin his reputation as a polit ical leader and stttetaaaa. aawl his election to the rlce-presldtccy. three years ago. Mr. Ilobart wis bora la 1S4I. at Long Beach. N. J. Ills ancestors on his father's side were English and on his mother's side Dutch. Tbtrty ' three years ago be was graduated from i R'itgers College, and begaa teaching ; f chocL Three months later b entered i upoa the study of law with Socrates Tuttle, a promlneat lawyer la Passaic 'county, aad who was at that time 1 mayor ot Patterson. Young Hobart Is said to have andied at Pattersoa lth but 11.50 la his pock- i et and from this small begianlng made his way unaided to wealth and pron j inence. In 19. he was admitted to j the bar. and the same year he married lbe daughter of Mr. Tuttle. Mr. Hcbart , made his way rapidly to the bsr cf his native State, and his beH led him . oartv Intn rw !'! In 1ST1 K vae miit. counsel of Paterton. and in 172 was elected to ths State Assembly, of which i body be was rboeea Speaker, la the ; following year. Even during these early years be displayed that accurate , knowledge of men aad exhibited that ! wonderful executive ability which were the key of his later success, both la business and politics. At the end of his scond year In the Assembly, he retired , to devote himself to the law and to the : numerous business Interests with which he had become Identified. But the demands of his party would not : admit of his remaining leng la privatb : life, and ia 1S76 he was elected to th? , State Senate, of which body he was '; chosen President la 18SL During his : service in the Senate he was chairman - of the Judiciary committee, and was . the author of many measures cf Ira- portance which are cow on the statute book3 of the State of New Jersey. His party became more aad more exacting in Its demands upon him. He was rec ognized as a safe aad guiding hand, and from 1SS0 to 1891 he was at the head of the State Republican organi zation of New Jersey, and as sm-h planned some ot the most brilliant campaigns conducted by hi party In the State. From 1884 to 1bD5 he wss a member of the national Republican legislative committee, and had much J to do with the management of the na tional campiign during tacto twelve I year?. During all these year; his ruslnets ccnnecticns becanis broaJr aa l broad- er. His ke"n insight iLto airs made his advice and counsel cf sr.!i value that he was sought aftsr by the largest corporations in the, country and at the i time of his election a3 Vice President ; he was a director in no less than 60 different companies. Probably the 1 greatest honor which be attained was : his selection as one of the three arbl ; trators of the Joint Traffic Association. ; composed of 37 of the most prominent ; trunk lines of the country. Through his business connections and his law ' practice he built up a large fortune. After his nomination and ?lection to j the vice presidency oa the ticket hcad j ed by Mr. McKlaley, he came to Waeh i ingtcn and took up his residence in ! the old Cameron mansion, adjoining ! the site of the historic eld Seward ! house, on Lafayette square, where i Blaine died. Mr. Hobart's residence ; during the past two years has been the ' scene of many delightful social affairs. ; Socially the Vice President and his i charming wife divided the honors ' with the President and Mrs. McKinley. : Vice-President Hobart's genial tempei- anient and charming personality made him very popular, not only In the Sen ate, over which he presided with dlg- nity and ability, but with all who came in contact with him. Mr. Hobart left but one child. Garrett A- Hobart. Jr.. a boy of 14. Fanny, a girl of 22. died in 1891 In Italy, while thcre with her i parents. , Mr. Hobart was a popular presiding officer, and a good parliamentarian. It had been the habit of most Vlce-Pres- idents to refer closely disputed points to the Senate for decision. Mr. Hobart, however, usually decided all such ques tions himself, especially if they In volved parliamentary law, and the. rule did not provide for decision by the Senate. He was quick in disposing of business at his desk, and proceedings were never delayed through any In decision on his part His firm and Im partial manner won the respect of all Senators, while his genial and pleasant disposition made him one of the most ; popular men who ever filled the high j office which his death leaees vacant Telegraphic Brief a. It is reported that the famine area in British India and in the native States this year amounts to 350.000 . square miles, with a population of over ZQ.vw.vw. under tne system or i famine relief whkh has been evolved ' at Simla, during the terrible famines ! of the past, the whole of tho affected area has been covered with a network i of relief stations. While it will be lm- possible to overtake the tide of dis- ; tress In all the districts such good use fc de b administrators whe , became mrUiu ; fet famine WM faevitaWe that It ! will net be necessary to call for out side help. Lord Curzon's appeal re- eenuy mace 10 veaiuj uum uu j met with gratifying success. The one hundred and thirty-first j banquet of the New York Chamber of commerce was held at Delmonlco's ) Tuesday night, and brought together 500 representative business men of New York. There were also a number of distinguished guests. Including j Roosevelt. Senator Thos. a I rit cnatnr Oianncev M. Deoew. I ex-Speaker Reed, Whitelaw Reld. President Seth Low. of Columbia University: A. T. Hale, of Yale la versity; Major Wesley MeTritt and John Barrett, ex-minister to 81am. A Richmond dispatch says that In vestigation cf the report thai in Lee county young Tate had shot and kill ed Evan Bledsoe, the slayer of Tale father, ia pursuance of a tow to avenge the death of hi father, who was killed by Bledsoe a few days ago. shows that the report was a mistake. The Italian bark Fablo, Captain Bel giano. from Naples, September 2th. for Pensacokx, Fla., was caught In a storm and damaged while trying "to make Kingston. Jamaica. She struck on th P&Usadoes Saturday, tad is now a to tal VTfce- RESTING IN PEACE. leciiis of Yl:cPrtsiJet! Estst literreJ Sattrdjy. SIMPLE SOLEMNITY OF fLMIAL Trtbt to IH nets or y of tfce Urtat Statesman. Who EM4 Tuesday of Last Week. Tatcrrm. N: J.. Sp-rlal-WUa the mpmsive rrLglca rv)rc- of th Preabyurisa churra. asd Hh the dig nity do to hi high eCx. all that Is evrul ii the lc prrs dent. Cartett A. Hubart, as rjmn'ttfJ to th earth Saturday af.rrao n. The j-rsl- dtzl. Pocrrtsry of Fttte Joha Hay. Ch Jutlre YvXUr. Furr V.c Tresldert Lev! f M.-rt-,a. Former Sccrrtiry of War Xsr. Secretary f the Icteriorr llltrhcock. tb sapreme court judges. raTnVrra of th sraat. members of Coagrrt anl tb lrt residents jwrscaai friends, fillel the beautiful chureh cf the Rcdrcarr ani with molttcnM ty-s acd baed had testified (llently and cluettly ! its worth as a satesnaa. frlrnj and neighbor. Thronrh tk et Iadow frcs the centre of the stained glass Malte cross pierced a shaft of er.moa that shed its light around the rilafalqae and bathed the orchid. &irli. u. to sorrs and white roses In br:bt llnu. The eye of the clergyman travel along, the shart of libt to the rross as he repeated the words. "The Inrd gave and the lxrd ttVeth away: blessed b the name of tb Lord. The chief magi'trate of the country bowed tla head la bis hand; He at j risibiy CRiiaiej, yntre ti scarcely i a dry cheek la the crovded edifice, aad the widow was apparently the taoat composed. All the pomp of ar. official pageant, which was omitted Ij deference to the wish' of the de-oared, could never hart equalled In Impretaivenesg the scene In the church. The imposing and solemn t trains of Chopin's funeral march filed the edifice with !t a .loan melody as the casket was borne up the aisle oa the shoulders of the atal- wart capitol xollce and placed upoa the bier prepared for it in front of the ! pulpit Following It came the pall- bcarers, members of the aerate, f0. lowing them came the family, the wld- ow and her rca. In dent McKlnl the government dlgaiurle. and Inti- mate fricsds. They all tat close around the casket Oa every sido of it the floral offer ings were banked In a wealth of beau ty acd color. The funeral sorrleea were opened by Rct. Dr. Char lea S. Shaw, who read a pottlon of the VOth P-alm. verses l- and 10-12. Tbls was fellowcd by a selection from Job xlv. verses 1-2 aad 7112. and concluded by a reading from the lith chapter of I Corinthians. After a prayer. CO male voices filled the church with tbe beau tiful melody of -Nearer My God to Thee." After tbeermon. in wbS-h the busi ness, statesmanlike aad social quali ties of tbe deceased were extclied. the I Orphans' club sang a chant by Chaw- atal. Dr. Magle then praaouocea iae beaedictlon. and In tbe fame order i that it arrived, the funeral proreaalon J left tbe church. As the casket was j borne dewa the ais'e and out J-to tbe porch the vast multitude, wbicr. coulj hardly be kert under control by the police and soldiers, uncovered, and When the president eprared lth bared head, leaning on arm of John Hay. there wzs only a turner of greeting. Through a long la.- of thousands of uncovered bead the eortage wended its way to Cedar I-awr cemetery, where tbe body waa placed in the receiving vault The !ty wore its meat aoaabre garb In mourning. All the mills, blr brnd nesa houses aad ttore were closed. The municipal buildisgi. banks and factories looked gloomy In drapc-rlea of black and parple. Oa every basd were sign of gTief for tbe loss of New Jersey's statesman. Oat of deference to the wishes of Mrs. Hobart there were no visitor lo Carroll Hall except tbe Immediate relatives of tbe family. Tbe body cf the vice prealdcnt rested in its casket of oik on the catafalque In the library. His right haad rested llxhtly cn Lis breast and held a bunch cf violet placed there by hi widow. On tbe coffin was a bunch of ralla lillle. a sheaf of palm and some sxilax aad rose. Around tbe room were many floral tributes, eouiplcnoa among them b . , i - . m . v . wv. bore the Inaeripticn. 14I. Garrett A. Hobart The service at the bouse was britf and simple. It was held In the II- brary. which was basked with. Cowers seni oy inewas ot cae oeaa virc pre- j dent Mn. Ilobart. with her oo, Garrett A- Ilobart, Jr.. sat near the head cf tbe casket while near her were groaped the presidert aad his cabinet Judge of the sapretne court, the honorary pall-bearers aad lb Immediate friend fJl the family and the family servant. The Rev. David D. Magie offered the prayer aad read a passage of Scripture, le preiaeat. cabinet and supreme court Jadges and those present took a last look at the face of the dead, the eaakrt wis closed and all that was mortal of Vice Presi dent Hobart was carried out to the hearse. There was neteer gathered tn New Jersey, and e1do3i in any part cf th United States, so many mourners of eminence ia the cation. They repre sented distinct stages of car national life, combining ths history cf trrsea doos civil strife now buried wits th marvelous record cf progress following the days of Lincoln, and marking th epochs that came with th lamented Garfield and the living President Mc Kinley. Ia the throng; were senators front States that wer Territories before the war and for years after. Tber was Boar of MaMachnaetU. representing the old and Beveridge of Indiana rep resenting the ev ia national life. TTaere were John W. Danl of Vir ginia, represcV!e: the Cpnfoderate soldier, aad Kavley of ConaectlCBtt sia&dUr? as a type of th Unlcn vet eran, each Ci tOarm as Tftmtcaa raocrav laa tho Saoa cf Utir oCi . Taort oma Joro of Aria a, a. a. at la arta otih ity cf Milt lYooa tey gut eaase aars of Wal ealtaro aad proaitaoaro a aatwtai aEalra t hooce the aoiory of i tl'ootrlMa Aswrtcaav. s. arka-al-rdg4 aH.TTy aal mam him a r-.i.oe pVaro CJOoag mrj cf th uai tbaa are-tnga of tho oat amd nearly katf cf tae inaS? f tb hous of rerrectstlta ro la t rrrh Ua the goeror cf ; U!r4 of the ftuu. lfwt is axr,td at tae rcarrb mtx. '.-- f the t'al'.4 flat aoa:e aad h.-. cf rnrrrstatlTa. dAtegUhM nn from It Stauo U ta lrb reprvaratatlto of tao N legtalatar aad trnptvm ort - oaaUd. This Ufl ro-ai rUy f n lb faral party froca th Imw Oaa pr:J br A. atoeUM WUha. frooa C&tla aad iwtlwfo Umdteg of Smptcrr-a as4 prtyrrt FUe. Caarlo IV Maw cf th rVwsJ !retrua ekatrh cf lat-rw Hreaa. Nai rr My Gd to Tt" by the lrphoa elah. Atfdrroo aad mjt Vf iUv. I hUci. AetEn. -Weary r;aa4." tg th Orpheus clah. Ik-ardlrtk4i hf Dr Mgt TCXOViKOCT TEE CQDnV, I . TTeSosrttx. A poroe eaptord a negro who had aaaaulted Mrs. Joha T. UrCSnr. near Jarhaoo. Ca cs Mciiday. r'. fl 4 h:tm with Uullrie aad purled tlm In a ittap. FeetlLter taacofartarera cf Nw York. Maryland. Virginia. Teabraaee. Corgia and Alabama held a e ret meeting at hfootf ery. Ala ft la " 1 ered. to effect a roMa:k9. The llavana-Atoerlraa CTgar ts peay. rapltal IO.w 0"9. Wean ta! ceta at Tan pa. ra by ttkUc piM aioa of ttirre factor le recently Jhjt rhaed. It la annoused that the ea pay will remote to Tampa at once. t. (,l,TUIiln.nll mJt IX I f I Mi r?n. and Co . New Orlea.. Bnceno allea and Co. of ChWagi. ard I. X. Trujillo and font, of Key We.t. A New Orleana dlspatrh ar that Arthbiahop Cbappelle. atUc dele gate. La reretted oSrtal uatlre that Mgr. Itosato Flarrettl. auditor of th apoM.d'c delegation in Waa!art"a. II. C bad been appointed by 111 H-sll-nea. the fcpe. tilVp of Havana. Mayor R. II. Price.' of Mama. t;a died Wednesday afuraoa cf later UftT(ptlcn rampl'.raled by peritonitis. Mr. Price was c-ne of the no1 r ldly hnown public nvn In fiootg!. and he err4 with dictJertlon In tb Coafd- nt T. The Ionaldoo Une ateamtVp Lo- aauia. captain arrliea at naltlmore Wednesday morning w.h the crew of the IJritUa a'eataTbio M,af?wter ElUrTprtoe. malra t(nn4. I on NoTmUr ,.ta fh. esft of Cape Rare. The reemed tar a number SI. of which nine are cstt la men returning from Uterp'ol. Tbe Manchester ;rf.erprie eprung a leak dcrlcg a severe gale ca ?teiii Ler llth. The Carter Steel aad I: on Coca pa -jy wai organized at vnoxTlll. Teno-. Saturday, with a ep tal atork of ffiOl 0K and the t.riT!ga of Inrreaatcc tt t ta.'K).e00. The new company baa absorbed the liloa Fpritga ll'ng Company, the Helen Maod Iron Com pany, tbe Ktoney Creek Iron Coat?? and eecured valuable Iron mine la Carter county. Teaneaaee. New Torfe eapltallita are Interested. Tbe North. T&leveo cracked the bank of Mllto (Wla) aad aeeured $209 la rash aad $3320 In otamp and bonds. One thousand coal mlitr will re turn to work la tbe Eraasvll'e (Ind I section at an Increase of wagea to C4 certs a ton. Colonel W. J. Dry a a received $22 for a lecture oa "Pending Probleena" at the University of Arkanaaa. at Fay etteavllle. on Thnrlay. aad donated the money to tbe Institution. Francalae Bock, arrested at New York, charged with amuggiing l.TiO. OOC Imitation pearls Into tbi con a try. yectrday waived a bearing and was sent l jail la default of $JXM bait Prealdnt McKinley ha derided that It will be 'mjKxaibl for him to go tva Tenseaoee t greet the troops return ing from tho PblMppioea. A bad wreck ocrur;ed threa mile east ot Coaboetrp. O.. oa th Cleveland division of the Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad la which three persons lost their live ard 29 were Injured. The killed are: Jlwi Catcs, A bury laima and 'Squire We; ForeJgm. The Dolphin has ailed from Port of Spain for tho month of th Orinoco River to surrey a dangerous aaoaL Count Mooravteff. Raealaa Foreiga jer j I Qneea Victoria has eongraUlated 1 Lord Slethoea on hi victory over th j toera- 41 Capo Colony, j Skirmishing has oeeorred la Naul. but no farther important battle. M. Deieasae. French Forelra 11 ia- ) later, aald in the Chamber of Deputies, at Faru. that he favored mediation la the Sooth Afrkaa war. bat did not deem tt proper to take the Initiative. Emperor William visited Blenheim. England, aa tho guest of tho Duke and Dacnea of Marlborough. Trouble ha again occurred la Somoa. and some of the native chiefs aad their followers have bees lighting.; General OUa, la a rtch from' Manila to the War D?artmeet at Washington, says the Fl'lptao govern ment has been broken on. Sen or Baotlata. president of tho Filipino Congress, has VTrreaderod to General MacArtaur. General Wood, military governor of Santiago prorlace. Cuba, has failed for this country to coaler wlti President McKinley. Th four candidal for th minority leadership of tho Bobs Bene aata Cret RlcJiardeoa. Do Araond. Bank head aad Salser. ar la Waablegtoa--RenreoeataUva Wachter was agala la Washington. autZag tho parrbaM cf additional grouaad for the Baltimore Costomhooac. Bepreaeaxativo XScreer. chairanaa of tho Cooxmatto Oa PoUie Bandiac. antlrtgstog vary KtS actirity ia Lis eocssctn tka ro lo I