i; I' UK CAUCASIAN. Dec. 21, 1899 i hi nw eihai:riu-r with your r,.:l A ll to th CaL'CAMIAM. a . wxf unship to r.orrrrf our truil , !,, tli - w-'k, b'lt If yo'i hsvppaid A column of medicine two thousand feet high. r itii'Titltui jour dife will he ,v ,. up li-for our nxt issu. I , r nti-! of The Caucasian i i tr 1 mi ftrticl-) igael "X Kays'' l n i a substitute for the ameod ;,, ,,t. Tli b hh attracted a good ..r Ht''ntion, ia that it has di t , i t 'I 'triM'Mi to viw of the mat t. r tbM not o fore b discuss . I h v thf pr-s.H "i fnr an we are in j.rmxl. Iu thi i8ui will be found H-ii.tin-r oiii'miTiicattoa setting forth r jr' h-r rt tii n for tbH adoption of ;i . uniMit. We hunenk for this nrticl" etrfnl purustl and earnest -1 ti -i il ra t i n- II- ltuh- bnit, who laiirflM lut " If )int ukn tlool's SiMapsrill you may uugli ttrrtt, last and H the tim-, for it will mike you wpII. We r It U. 'ha' hiui I th" N'hw ar l Oborverin favor iif putting th i!lit-rato children of p-ur w'lito m") l'low ti danatd ni-ifpit'i k"p, n th democrats trw tfi V th iifnontnt ngro from vo'irg l.:i iriti'ili'v t f-tnto in jmwir a pMlirinnl ring ho (irmly tliat if will nut i rt-Hp-Tisihlf in Uim majority of ttii 'it,Mt)rf for its conduct? Uk.t l)ftt li' r.f h) cliMip Omst i.i i-s r i !. and two week ti-k't.-i ly tt.. Si nt nr i Air Lion. 'Ill Alxlillli il 1 1 n I I '! t M I N'i I HAM, Alt,, Dot. 11 Tim St iiK fx Moitivf onjtuit- of the I'npuli-it p.trtv tii"t in thin Mty, to 1 1 m v . find d"ftd'd to otll a State cn vi'hii in of that D.-irty t asse-mbl" in M'.ntifom tv on M-iy 10. 1!KX, f r t'i purpoMM of nominating a full S-Mt ti'k"f I h nl- und'Titood that the iiiiniitt' u'ijud former 'ongrHss mati M. W. II iws.nl. of Fort Payn to hi conn, h caudidate for thp United St-is Senate to suonefd John T. MnriM n. Thk old folks are waiting for you ('liri-tm , no is the Seaboard Air li:ni. ne Htid nun-third fares round trip. Ti k tjood f r two week", if purrhned DecemV)or liiod. REPUii.ir.aN LEAGUE CONDEMNS AMENDMENT Itxxilutl'in l'fil lr K.rciatlv Com mlttf if thm I m ii . SpMi-ial to tin Gazette. Wamunhton, Dec 12. The cx eiu'ive eommittee of Republican l e ir iik iu b'mou here today unani nt'M.ly pH!ied the following retolu tl'Oi: " VoreaH the Il"pablian League of (lie United S'ates ia carryiojr out the Kfat principle of the repvbli i'HQ party has always stood for the nirhU of man and manhood suffrage, and wiiereaa mere is pending in North (!arolioa a proposed amend ment to the Htate constitution which iu tfTiiet violate the fourteenth aod flfteeoth amendments to the conati tution of the United States by its un jnat discrimination, therefore be it "Itosolved by tho executive com mlttee of the National Republican league, That the committee in sea aesion assembled express there sin- cere sympathy with the republicans of North Carolina in their struggle against the proposed amendment, and pledge them their support in the effort making for its defeat. Christmas is the time for coming together. Go home by the Seaboard Air Liue. One and one-third fares tor the round trip. Tlire Mu n Four Wheel. Tnren men on Four Wheels is Je rome K. Joromo'd rather eccentric title for the series of humorous sto ries which he has just competed for the Saturday Evening Post, of Puil a delphia. Every one who has read Three Men in a Boat and who has not! will wish to follow the misad ventures of Mr. Jerome and his two 'oiupDi'jn8 on their tour through Germany astride a tandem and safety. Mr Jerome's wit is n less Keen, nor his humor less kindly. than when he scored his first great liternry success teu years ago. The drat story cf Mr. Jerome's se ries will appear iu the Post of Janu ary 0 It has been superbly illus trated iu half-tone by Mr. Harrison Fisher. A United States Senator's Letter. miTKIl STATES SENATOR XeESERY, OP LOUISIANA. Hon s I). MrKnerr, UnttJ State. sBtor from Louialan., .ays the following in record to I'-ra-na: Pe-ru-na Irne Manufacturing Co., Colombo. Ohio: OntIr.i..n-1'.-ru-na it an excellent U.nic. I har. oikmI it .ufflclenUr V .ay that I U-liev it to be all that you rlalm for it. Very He pectfullj, S. D. McEnery. Three Car Loads Daily. To tnwt the demand for Pe-ro-na a. a catarrh remedy during the fall and wln- tr threo rar-IoadA per day 1. required. Few people comprehend what an lm mni nrnount of Pe-ru-na thi. U. Itl. eighteen hundred dozen tattle, of Pe- ru-na. each bottle containing twenty oune. This amountH to twunlr-nnn thoiiriand dir hundred bottle., or four hurulred and thirty-two thousand outn-.'n, or three million four hundred and iifty-rtix thousand doaea. Threw i-ar-louds of bottle, of P"ra-Qa plact-tl end l end in a .ingle row wld extend over four and a half mile.; ar- ranv"d In a 'olnrnn one foot aquare they Would inak" a column nearly two thou sand f. ot hih, four time. a. high as the hiyhent eatlu-dral tower In Europe, and nearly twice an hih a. the famou. Eiffel tower. Kememher, thi. amount of Pe-ru-na is .hipped daily to meet the enor mous demand for this wonderful catarrh remedy. The facilities of the Pe-ru-na Medicine Company are taxed to their utmost to keep up thin remarkable output, week after week, and month after month. This ever-inereaain?; stream of Pe-ru-na finds its way into thousand, of home. In every state In the Union. Pe-ru-na is a. ef ficacious to cure the winter catarrh of New England a. the summer catarrh of Texas. Pe-ru-na la an absolute panacea for the climatic dis easesof summer and winter. It is the safe-guard of the home amid the bliz zards of Montana, and the ever-present, never-falling remedy for the ill. that lieset thehouse- Mrs. O. t. Mo llarKue.Ho 'niHti, Mont., hv Iv-ru-narure- n-of a aupponeil twlv pim, ratnr''i mut throat trim . hold In the swelterinjj heat of Florida Mrs. MaKie Turner, Holly Springs, Miss., writes: "A I Mint fifteen years ago I was taken with catarrh of the head. I tried several deotors and all the patent medicines 1 could hear recommended for catarrh. I spent several hundred dollars and found no relief. I waa grad ually growing worse and was given up fv die. Last September Pe-ru-na wa. recommended to me by a friend and I began to take it. I had no faith in any thing any more, a. I was not able to sit up, and was a mere skeleton. After I had taken one twittleof Pe-ru-na I began to improve. 1 ant now taking the ninth bottle and believe myself to be perma nently cured. I have diacharged all my help, am doing my housework alone, and weigh l' pounds. Although I am 41 year, old I feel as well a. 1 did at 16." Contractor Robert, in a recent lettei to Dr. Hartman as to the merits of Pe-ru-na says : " Your remedy P3-ru-na has cured my boys entirely of catarrhal troubles and now I have three of the healthiest hoya in the state of Iowa, which I attribute to the good effeet of your medicine. My wife had a stomach trouble which Pe-ru-na also cured. Alto gether for my whole family we have saved $.VH in doctor bills. I CYCLE SUNDRIES.. 7fci nceiBHit it .fcr.ned fo ali ntrefcacts reading tbie paper who all eyele endrie-v If ete in ibis eat.srorj )ou want gcwla that wUI ell quickly aod effort! aatufaetory profit. We eanj tbe ligt aid Lett orif d sleek of cycle ur dries on the market. Onr pact vide expert utr aid pKMly icfreaMd ferthtu a eratle n. to quote prices whieh will Bean profit aakiae; to jou. W ia vit ti trttCBdrre ard rqoect will brug cor travelirg repreantative to yon with a fall liae of aaapUe td i r rit s. Onr beuc'-r me Sundry Ca'ah gue of over 50 pages, profusely illostrated, is in prnoeee of ptiMb'Hu A fiil raid toBiiot its ibis jat r will place your name upon onr aaailiaf list for a copy wber mpkted CAPITOL BRAND SUNDRIES ' xr ! a list cf attractive ffe'altiP which we control. Each article ia a leadet ia ita reapective iiii- od pf ffiH mri wb'eh mkes it a quick and easy reller. We can quote prices which will iaaure a satifitadoi) ard safe mtrgin of prefix. We tre crcttantly adding to tbii line and will be pleased to subnit you 11 r btrtbt list fr m fme to time, qnoticg cet prices. HOMDAY TRADE. Cyc.l. Sundrue mi.ke most Rcceptallet bristmas pnsents. Do not let Santa Clans find Jyoa without a full stock en bstd. Place 3cnr oiders wlfre jcu know you can get goods promptly. We can fill orders on almost ai ythicg in tbe fundry line witbin 24 bonis after receipt. Plao your trder with ns at onee, and then advtrtife tbat jonbave a full 6tok of the Cspitol Brand Sundries on band, and you will get your share of the Christmas trad. Jfope Manufacturing Co , Divimon of American BicvtLi Co. Hartford. Conn. Is ofi a wanonc I tut I Uh tlrs? If tarf44 tiMvtv. Hoe m ! tmnbW caav f a tr eOctosst roe of lleadartw aai U Bvw IruaMra. Ua WTilW tbrv Mav ll ttwe. tall, etvitf arttua t4 it bowl. Utry A taut fTlfw or fV. 4d fWJ imutr or Iwfl.fw tw tnu nl orr. srt ba a t""tv ten- r8l -at all drvKftvta nc fc Mil vl C L Uonl low lil. Maa. C. T. Roberts, Dent son, I a. OFFICIAL UTTER OF SUPERINTEND ENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Continued from second page. Third Where no protest at all was made, and where the old board did not even appear at the office, and the Supervisor turned over the rec ord, books, etc , to the board ap pointed by tbe Legislature, which is the legal board heref In reply to these questions the At torney General gives the general rule yf law as follows: "A discontin uance of the exercise of omcial func tions in obedience to a statute which is afterward declared unconstitution- am a contractor and mason by trade and si during the continuance of the am Known ail over ,orth western Iowa, term, will not effect an abandon- I have had stomach trouble which has ment." been greatly relieved by your remedy Again be fajf : "1 donot thwk the Pe-ru-na. We think it is the greatest old boards can be taken to have aban- medicine on earth." donfd tbeir offices, even if no protest Mrs. Elizabeth Gran, New Athena, m, of any nature whatever was entered, .ays: For two years I had catarrh of unless you should find as a fact that the nose very bad. Sometimes it was so such a refusal or neclect to perform bad that I could not sleep at night. I the duties was wilful." doctored wi n two physicians, but they According to tbis ruling it becomes did not help me. I read about Pe-ru-na my duty to recognize the old boards in the paper and got a bottle of it. I in every county where said boards then wrote to ir. Hartman and he said request recognition and desire to act, I should continue to take it. I took and in all case" where the old boards it until I was entirely well. Whosoever do not care to resume the duties of follows Dr. Hartman's advice will get the County School Board, tbe boards wel1" . appointed by the Legislature will be Are the nostrils stopped up? Is first regarded as the legal Boatdof School one and then the other nostril stopped Directors as hertofore. up? Is there a discharge from the nose? All the acts of the new boards as Is theredropping from the Wk partof de-facto officers in accordance with the nose into the throat ? Isyoursen.e th general school law of 1899 are of smell affected ? Do yon have pain in I valid. Elkin Woolen Mills. 34 r. A. W. Aaaaa baa a aew ad rtiaeaaeat la to day's paper atatiaff tbat he baa eelectad Friday of each roe aa a bargaia day. NO RIUUT TO UGLINESS. Tbe woanaa who Is level? la face. form aed tea per will always have frieada, bat oae who woo 14 b attrac tive aaaat keep her health. If ehe la weak, sickly aed all rua down, .be will be atrvons and Irritable. If ahe baa "oostipatioa or kidrey trouble, her Impure blood will eaa pin plea, blotcbe,ekin eeaptlona aad a wretched complexion. Ebactrte Bitter Is the beat medicine la tbe world to re gv late tomaeb, liver and kidneys and to purify tbe blood. It give atrong nerve, bright je, mooth, velvety akin, rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-down Invalid. Onlr 50 eenta at all Drag Store SracxaL chrutmas ori viler to College students by the Seaboard Air Line. Tickets rood for throe weeks if bought December 15th. at oae aad I one-third fare for the roaad trip. i lcteta on sale December 15th to 21st, inclosive, r?od until Jaonarv 4th ia elusive. OPsrtH o gfe o J s " r ) oQl Tickets on sale tor the Chrirmss afS holidays by the Seaboard Air Lisa, 2n5 December 22nd, 23rd, 24th. 25th, al Sr3 o December 30th and 31st. 1899. and mmL January 1st, 1900, good until Jaeua ,Q 5 tj 4th, inclusive. w ar 7 Vk w At the nose? Doe. your nose smart? Do you sneeze often? Are you troubled with nose bleed? Do you blow your nose frequently ? Is the discharge from your nose thick or thin ? Is your breath offensive ? Do you snore while lying on your side ? If so, you have chronic nasal catarrh and should attend to the matter at once. A short course of Pe-ru-na will cure you now, but if you put it off "it will take longer. Besides the disease is liable to spread to the throat and lungs. JTree books on catarrh sent by The Pe-ru-na Drug MTg Co., Columbus, O. It is stated that in outburst of enthusiasm, a divinity student in a college in North Carolina uttered this earnest prayer: "Give us all pure hearts; give ns all brave hearts; give us all clean hearts; give us all good hearts; give us all sweet hearts'' To which the congregation responed, "Amenl" Ex. A POWDER MILL EXPLOSION Removes everything in sight; so do drastip mineral pills, both are mighty dangerous Don't dynamite tbe deli cate machinery of your body with calomel, croton oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are gentle as a summer breeze, do the work perfectly. Cures Headache, Con stipation. Only 25c at all drugstores. AS TO COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS. The Attorney -General says : "Su perintendents elected by the new board, in those connties where the old board retired under your advice, are the legal ones." The township trustees and their of ficial duties are not affected in any way by the decision of the Supreme Court. The District Committees and their contracts with the teachers are not touched by this decision. Certificates issued in accordance I with the general school law by the rVtrfntir Snnfirintfindfinfr. who wan a!a- wonder somebody do 2 n't t d by the de-f acto board of directors intr fAF crt a nrifri a loaf I It's write a book for girls, with the last chapter first. Ex. WP2 A PROCLAMATION BV THE GOV- nog tmiUH. J $200.00 REWARD. Mttf STATE (F NORTH CAROLINA OatM Kxbcutivb DaraTM8T. 2q Whereas, official information b aJfCJkM been received at thi Department tbat S Wm. Jenkins did kill and murder one 3 Patrick Wbiteburst in tbe county of O Pitt and Btate of North Carolina, on S3 or about tbe eleventh day January 1698, If 5ou want to exchange your woolfor have it manufactnred into the Jenk?n.' JaJfl best Blanket;, Lassimers, Jeans, Lmseys, flannels and yarns to be had in conceal himself tbat the ordinary pro America. If you want the best made and most comfortable fitting pants oess of law cannot be served upon him. you rvfr wore ; if you want to trade with tbe cleverest men yon ever had Now, therefore, I Daniel L. Russell, any dealings with, try the ELKIN WOOLEN MILLS' and you will never Governor of tbe htate of North Cro r. trrt-t it Thi-v have one of the largest mills in the Rnnth Tb .bin Una, by virtue of authority ia me vea their tocde to rearly every State in the Union, and the quaiity of their Jd byiwdo iMU li,.m pr.oc,ll: i woik unexcelled. 7 2 Write tbero for their handsome new catalogue, and do not dispose of I livery of the said VYm. Jenkins' to the ur wool unteil vou Sf e it. Address, Inherit? of Pitt rnnnti t th muh j-mm a rwn a. a ax r ffTa S a. T liai aw I . ..... ... LnA I n Aril mr-u. LU.. rrODneiors. tLMfv- rv.U. I nouse in ureenvtue. x. u. and I do en- i. . , T n . 1 - jwiu km ouicer. oi ine state ana auiAX good citlzent to assist Id bringing said criminal to justice. tVin at nil, iti nf Raliti tli. lUttt il f Ikumk.. In t. J.. - - I W Lord, one thousand eight hundred ana omeiy-nine, ana in the one ban-1 i.m dred and twenty-fourth year of our I Ar American Indenndene.. I DANIEL. L.RUS8 ELL. I Lv By tbe Governor, BAYLUS CADE. 3 NO crcp c&n Crow with out Potash. Ever) blade of Grass, every grain of Corn, all Fruits aod Vegetables must have it. If enough t supplied you can count on a full if too little, the growth will be scrubby." CIJtMl yEAl! Wpa Kl.uK A. k II. C. RAILROAD. TtM5 TAIII. i aarart a. a a.y A. M. at at sail is jury iTafcatt.ef A Oca. xx ubbls. 7I SJ-tt.tB9 aa4 all BBaaBja4a taa KAaTTBOUaTTJ TKAXTS. Mad fret r i isji TAT10K3- aad rm Uuiif Maa Wad aad rn A. a P. M. w At Lv W .4 710 a t as .v.. a be ralilnclMk a Klaflloa 14 Caswell f I B IOranav ralilncii Dover Cor Creak.... AT Lv 10U .. 100 .. a 11 U Oars'. ... f lial 1101 Kewbr .... ... 1 1 Riverdal Croeua UaloBfe Newport. . M. .. WUdwood AUantle MoraheadCttr.. J AUaaue UoSal M.Ctty at oa e oa a 4 so e 4 as f a 4M S Of e eta f axe a r tit f IU a en a tea f t M Ar W W w A.M. A. M. :wbbtbouvd TRAXX3. 4 aft rrt BTATIOBt. riMiinai 4k Paa. "y-.. Taasia'a A. at. Ooloabere II 0t Bta.. a 10 41 LsAiraaaw a 10 tx Falllnc Crank a OaswelL Dover j,. CoreCi io a a 10 IS f M 4S Vewbera'. are good for one year from the date ) of their issue. In fihnrt the RC.hnol Rvstnm will hn "IF THE CAP FITS, WEAR IT." carried on as it now is, except as to If you are suffering from theconse- questions that may arise relative to quences of impure blood, bave boils, the rights of certain individual offi- pimples or scrofula sores; if you food cers, wh'ch can only be determined does not digest or you suffer from when all the facts in each case are catarrh or rheumatism, you are tbe one tnown who should take Hood's Sarsaparilla. jW r,- It will fit your case exactly, make your No '?nfe rf?urets confusion m the blood pure and cure salt rheum, operation of the public schools more scrofula, rheumatism. dvsoeDsia. ca- than myself . and I think I can safely tarrb, and give you perfect health. I say that no one has labored more earnestly to avoid confusion than my hood s iriLLs cures all liver ills. Hon- self. irritating. -pne ;me must come when the work nf nnblic education will be regarded HIS LIFE WAS SAVED. I aA caornd and of Rtinh crrnTf imnnr. i,a DISEASE has so baffled the mcdlcct vlctll of nil ages as RHEUttATISCl. and no remedy has ever been known to cure It until "B Drops," the Rheumatlo Cure demons tratod tio wonderful curative power It has never failed to euro RHEUMATISM In any form, Aoute or Ohronlom Here is what a Prominent Physician ha to say who hmm had 35 riADK mark years of active I'ractice or medicine : I hare never before in my 35 years of practice of medicine given my testimonial or recom mendatiou to any patent medicine, but there is a remedy, the result of which has come under my own observation ; for there is no Iieas which has so baffled the medical skill of all K Kheu'nat ism and to find a Reliable remedy for the f-atne. At last we have louna it in "5 DROPS," manufactured by the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Company, Chicago, ill. The "5 DROPS," has proven itself wonderful for its curative power in Rheumatism, not as a Temporary R-liever only, but to give a Permanent Cnr even in chronic cakes. Sometime ago, I had among others several Rheumatic cases, under my treatment and prescnted for these t;..t. tii- t7r-i- 1-fit li.mIlia which I skillfullv selected, but without desirable results. I then heaid of " 5 DROPS" and of its Vnderful Cures, and ptvcrilied it to a few patients who I KOBTH, found reliet lrem its uc - itiun a lew tinvs. Aiicrin;:i 1 jircscriuvu n i icrvai surprise, I will say that in the course of Two or Three Week, after they had used "& DROPS and "5 Drop" I lasters they were Cureu. BO r axo Clark's ... f 11 I. toe Is a 17 iTrdai ......... f IU Croataa..... t 8 OS Hayalock . . ... e a 00 Newport. MM. s 7 8 WUwood-.-.. f 7 as AUaatio...... 7S5 T.U. Sal e SIS a IU a I IS e ISM f 11 M a 110 e 10 40 e 10 U t 1014 AUaatia H M.Ctty at7..a',g 701 A. It. A. It, WOES W Water Telegraph stattoa. a . L. DILI TO ALL POINTS ROCTH AVD BOUT1IWK8T vYILMlNUl'O. WKLD024 K. ft. AXD B&AKcnxa. AMD FLORKXCX XAILROAD. OOBDBJIBBB BCMMSVIM. TRA1X8 OOXHO aXCTH. Among these were a few who had. for a number of years, been suffering; with Chronle eumat irin, who had piloted themselves around on Crutches. They came to my office with Crutches and told me they were perfectly Well. They eive all the credit to 5 DROP" onH ,- nmn" latr nnrt t his is tnrir trstimonv 10 ine nwanaon naeuuMio -- Fiany for their kindness and for the conscientious way in which they .re placing; these Woader ul Remedies among suffering humanity, which they told me to write to tbe Company as aa acknowledgement. As I have seen the Curative Power of "5 DROPS" and "5 Drop" Plaster. In a great ma- y instances. I can Truly recommend them and also that the firm is perfectly honest and re- liaoic to ucai wua. r. jn.ivow, iujmucu auu ouiwu, a..j .--w-- -71 -tt- IN EFFECT NOVEBBER STH, 18993 SOUTHBOUND. DATXD Aug. 1st, 1SS7. mm Lv Weldoa o.4Qa. 9o.U I Ax&ockyMoast. 12 2 10StV. How Long Hmva You SwNm4 with RHEUMATISM T How Long Kavo You Rood About "S DROPS" Without Tmkbtm Thorn T Do vou not think you have wasted precious time and suffered enough? If so, Lv New York. Pnn.R-Rll 00am 9 OOpta I Lv Tarboro Lv Washiiurton P. & & ... 6 OOpta 4 SOaca I Lv Richmond. A. C.L 9 00am f Ofiaai I Lv Rocky Mouat, i..piiMiMiHig a i. aauu aa art I WIbqb.. is m Ar Waldon Swpn ii lupm li Lv 81; isaxtic vJ U M It is a mistake to imagine tbat all the old girls who used spinning wheels were spinters. Ex Do Yoc Hrrraa Irom lutnbairo. rheu- tliat ISlli a ibuI lull m ii jilua9 ft at k m.h i-iu t r prf IPIICII (11 u v icn a Qi nnxMire at once a bottle of Tain Kil i.kk and follow tbe printed direction. i ne reliet m instanraneous as well as asting. Ni necesity to suffer wen rtMiifdy such a Pain-Killer is to be had. Sixty years if ticces speaks for itself. Avjtid substitutes there is but me rain-Killer, Terry Davis'. Price JSc. and r0o. Watt What was the worst storm you ever encountered? N. I'eck I thiok it blew at tbe rate of anout 300 words a minute, Indianapolis Journal. KOt' SOUP II A UK IU WORTH MORE. Wliv a Texas Partner and Compress Man 1711V HE CURES. The Greatest Specialist of the Time Gives Every Cue His Personal Attention. n Most doctors have a certain number UOCTOr f atvk wmmitAa which thevnseln Hathawav'a all case which seem at all similar. ' " " This If not Dr. Bathawaj's method. niiiiHu. Kvery cae with Dim is mostcareiuuy latatrnosea ana toe exact IIMioltion of tbe diseased con dition determined. Thus every case Is treated separ ately and medicines are id- imlnlsterca wnicn are specially prepared under Lr. uatnaways personal supervision for each case. N n two Deooleare affected bTaparticulurdlseaseintha btta manner, conseauent- I It no two people should be It ronton In tlm same wav I even for same complaint. itr Hnuiawir isasDeciai- ,t in th hest sense of the I .p.-t.l I. treats sneclal dis lnso inasDeclalmanner ot ofhlsown-a system studied out years aKowuiieiu CverV C nrovoJ and enlaraed upon constantly Kn4ltllv (lurillK me iwiuij jirn m Specially . " ," ,hA mnat ATtAnslVB Treated, practice enjoved by any specialist In ihlsronntrT. Pr. Halhaway's irreatand uniformsuc coss is duo to thm individual system of treatment cossis uu Jn pjte o hunarw)s o, request. EXCIU V vearl y from doctors In all parts of the Treatment World, asking for tbe privilege of nlneDr.Hathrtway'8motDiortreaimennoDeiieves it wlsr to allow none wmu" " u,.j..cv. chief whk-b mav be done by the unskillful use of any ...l.m nAV.minil nnwiMrfnTt. BlOOd and Skia Dr. H sthaway" treatment for PlfWXl Ql WHSPB III UW!Pf PWK, Uiseasaa mresall forms of ulcers, sores. blotches, plmpl "", etc.and not only restores the skin r as? n Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen I tance that a successful political par-; c Drops " is a speedy and then try the ' 5 drops " and be promptly and permanently cured of your afflictions. ii oStm 1 Vmm I rTU Ssure cure tor Kneumaiism, noiraiKia, auaiiM, 1 R,u4gh t m t 6pm I m . -a - s v -a a I . Ml a . . 1 v . , . . v m r oi nannmai, mo., laieiy oaa a wonaer-1 ty will not aare to tamper wun us t Lumbago (lame back), Money uiseascs, Asinnm, nay 'revcr, aryapcpaia( i a, Southern Pines 427am 6 00pm I rul deliverence from a frightful death. I progress; if this time never comes, i Catarrh cf all kinds. Bronchitis, La Unppe, riecaactie, erv.us or neuralgic, i at Hamlet Sliam 1 0Ovm I . n . -1 In telling of it be says: "I was taken tnen te public will never accomp- Heart Weakness, Dropsy, Earache, Spasmodic ;il Catarrlnl Croup. Toothache, I I VI with Typhoid Fever, that ran into fuv h- JSnL w !L Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Creeping Numbness, nalaria, and kindred dii- j Lv. WilnungUm. B. A. U . 1 0Opta I ZPJ- VVBO a va W U1VU tUVI W J V I . . . , . i . - r r .1 1 1 a" M-aaa.innB m mmammmommmmrmmmm Pneumonia. My lungs became bar-1 Jl. dened. I was so weak I couldn't evel ""i?""?""". . , . . sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I Official duties away from Baleigb expected to soon die of Consumption, I ana serious uiness ot my moiner nave wnen i neara oi ur. ning's new uis-1 causea aeiay in issuing mis leuer. covery. Une bottle gave great relies, I Again, I have endeavored to sret at 1 continued to nse it, and now am well I what is law and what is right in the and strong, I can't say top much in its matters referred to in this letter. If praise.' This marvellous medicine is I r u ; . wi, f the surest and quickest cure in the t. .;1 u . mneM foe .n ThJ.t.nH t nno T.nnhio these efforts, the failure has been an Regular sizes 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bonest one. x ours very iruiy. bottles free at all Drug Stores; every bottle guaranteed. When a man has no enemies you can generally put bim down as a dead one. If the Baby ia Cutting Teeth. Be sure and use that old and naM tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup for children teething. It soothes the ohild, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic ana is the best remedy for diarrhoea. 25 cts per bottle. C. H. Meb&nb Sup't Pub. Instruction. eases. " 5 Drops " Has cured more people, during me past iour years, 01 me a.rc Honroe. 8 A. I..... 58am 9 12m 3 A11 4l,v 1- ti,i-rt nnl t VI riCA nf W nMITI Jiff I Cfftl 11 I UaiUCil UlCilr 3 LliCtll tll Vtil'Tl itUKUUE MlVrVtU, Wni aa. v ara-w in i aaaaaaaan.ii.nl man curing more than all the doctors, patent rnedi -r-.s, electric belts and battel us Jar Charlotte 8. A. L. .SOOam10 combined, for they cannot cure tnronic Kueuinaiism. 1 nereiore, wa.ste non-rc valuable time and money longer, but try " 5 Drtjps " and be promptly CURED. " 5 Drops " is not only the best medicine," but it is the cheapest, for a fi.oo botl'e contains 300 doses. Price per bottle i.co, prepaid by mail or express, or 6 bottle for $ 5.00. For the next 30 days we will send a 25c. sample FREE to any one sending 10 cents to pay for the mailing, i Agents wanted. Write to-day. SWANS3H RHEUMATIC CJ3E CO., 150-134 E. LAKE STR-IiT, CHICAGO. uuai tow 401 I r. a. t ul a at 3iJ ? i 1 sW Mita Si S IB S It u r.s Ar Cheater 8. A. L- UamnOoftpm Ar Greenwood MMM10 49am 1 12am atatMOl 1 Z4pm I At AtlanU ICOom 6Uaa TSAin oouro voetb. NOKTHBOUHD- GRAND CLUBBING OFFERS. Ko.402. Mo. a. Pyny-Pectoralf DONT "SUFFER, THE ELECTRO- POISE On res all diseases without the use of medicine. A pure Oxygen treatment. and soalp to th-ir natural condition, but so purlfle. . bv absorotion. It Cures where everv- WUhesPiieeraa to lh American the bLxnl that th disease is rraanenuy ano com- Tfr. tj, s DI"1T nr:vri ir "ia r m 1 ---- aa - - w - " V ' 1. 1 .iaiituinaneHaniMFniiBrlpnM 1 M M - a. ! ! L. Students, go home by the Sea board Air Line and get your certi ficates j siarned by Superintendent, Principal or President of yonr Insti tution. W A riTTTfV fTTt?T7 T?r4T COUGHS AND COLDS I A Very valuable .Remedy in all t affections of the I THROAT or LUNGsl 2 Large Bottles, 25c. DAVIS & LAWKEXCE CO., Limited, Prop's of Perry Davis' Pain-Killf-r. llwtton Coiupsny's Tarkage. The fullowing letter from Mr. J. Adult, of Calvert, Texas i interesting its shitwinir the attitude toward the American Cotton Oomptnj'i Round lap bale of a man who ia a cotton far rorr a well a the owr.erof a square Dale compress. Darir: A few d.tys ago I noticed ft bill Introduced in the Legislature proposing to tax jour company 40 per cent, or its cross receipts. I presume (ne bill i in tf tided to confiscate your property or drive jou out or the State ''Your machinery cut n presses the cot ton in a smaller and better package than the pretent comprcees You are in the tii-Id nnw offering to save tbe cotton ir rowers fully $100 per bale oy reason r coiuDressmir the cotton 6 the gin sod the saving of bagging and Mes,) ardsge, etc. ' No doiib'' it is the intention nf the Legislature to protect the present coai- press from your iniquitous compe tition and ns a conipVea man I want them to do ir. A a farmer, however. I hone vou wih mil b- driven rut: I want to con- 1 Mime 1., you my cotton at about $100 per btie more icanif pat op in' euJtr,. btles. ' YuuMtrulj, I (Signed) J.A0U, tLvsMi, 1 .xam, Feb. 24, isaw." sdiutuisiermrf i "nne?it" orvlrirnrei. family, for it will relieve every weak Varicocele and mul Stricture Is method ezcln ci.u,iim slvelr his on and In SO percent Stricture. of aIl caRP. uita m perfect nd permanert cure. No operation Is required and no pain or Inconvenience are experienced by the patient. Theex'iensenf this treutment Is much leas thnnlbntftf any operation, or hospital or institute trenrment. and Is loth sate and sure, restoring the organs to a conairion or penect, normal neaitn, Pr.Hathasray lias lust preireda new tost question blank for those who bave Kidnev ni-.. reason to suspect Kidney tronhle and disease, thlsblana hwtll gladly send free to everyone who sends him bis name and addrees. iri.. j 1 , r-v ,T .i , NW Book book "Manltne-s, Vi'?or. Health" has rarr alrendy exhausted the first edition of r "ai1 imi.000 but for a limited time a copy of this book will le sent free to anyone who sends his name and addrees to Dr. Hathaway. Oonaultatlon Dr. Uathawav makes no charge arncar forconsaltattonandadvlceatelUier his office or by mail. J. NIWTON HATHAWAY M. D. rr. Hathaway Co. SaM D Viatb. Uroad Street, Atlanta, Ga. ' VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS Are grand, but Skin Emotions run ness or ailment, to tbe most persistent life of joy. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, chronic disease, and without the nse of cures them; also Old, Running and a grain of medicine. Thousands of peo- Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, pie all over the United States, from Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, private citizens to Lawyers, Doctor-, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Preachers, Supreme Judges, Editors, Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out etc., even Crown Heads of Europe have Pains and Aches. Only 25 cts. a box. given written testimonials of these Cure guaranteed. Sold by all Dronist. ibuio. .vuua ctiuiuuiaiB auu uiav ter of great interest with price of in struments sent free. Jfivery family I To Need a Piano or as Orraa, snouia nave an juieotropoise; it saves money, induces health. Send your ad- lljon do not, your home does. Life dress at once and see what people say without pleasure is a liviog death, Mu- who have thoroughly tested its merits. "c make your borne bright, keep Agents wanted. THE ELECTRO- the young folks about the hearth stone POISE CO. 513 4th St. Louisville, Ky lanawiii anve pleasure that will means ui unp(iiur8. rtuu me gooa prices prevailing for your crop, why not spend a hundred dollars and get a pia no; you can pay balance next year. An organ will only cost from 120 00 up, and you need rot pay but half now. Any instrument shinned on trial and satisfaction guaranteed. The oldest and largest bouse South, Philip Werleio, Limited, - New Orleans, La. Allotber kinds of musical instru ments, music, etc. Mandolins, Violins, and Ouirars $2 00 up. Catalogues free, dee lft-6t. I Lv Atlanta 8. A. L 100pm SOpta TTTTUniliurton... Ar Athens. 108pm 11 Ooom I l l MaST ArOr-Mwood, itOpxm 1 team I Lv OaLaaborev... oii ucari , miwdib uaazn I at Monro 0 aopm a , lLv. Charlott-, S. A. L ... 8 20pm 00am Ar Hamlet, 8. A. L ni 10pm 7 Ar Wilmington, 8. A.L 12 Oopm I Ar 80. Pine 8. A L... 12 02am Ar BaleUrb 2 03am Ar Henderson- 2 Ar Weldoa 4 Ar Portsmouth 7 Ham 48am 1 1 I I 1 yr,ti iz lj; 1 lata ria &s i& , I-" Lv notwnau.... 46 ..., a I SiSaa: ui Sn::M:::r zz Ax Wileaa...... 142j....pjft if. aj.ia.ai 7 1ft 2 j a 10 ,10 10,11 46am I - ..1 u - L - f- - Lv WUoa.......l 1 4T....:i2 1ft u 2912 f Ar Boeky Mount. I 2 .... ;u at u S7 1 2f IITartore U ul L..J L. J ' 1 idoa......l Uam I Am W. u 2r2S: tDiiy fi lra I 4?aT .....ri aa!..... r.a. .... IDafly Train on the Ar Richmond A.C Ar Waaaington, P. Ar new York Daily. gp" w Itaa lavm Sb-auaa IdnZmTbJmmmSL az a. av arrmaw Eatifaz lLOl a. aau t Daily Ex. Sunday. Weldoa 1L2S a. Trains on Wi The C -upasinn. Ladies' World, A'ncle's, Muns-v C mopoli?an $365 Tbf Cm'Hs an, Ladies' World, Anle'8. Mnns-v a M Clnre'a $3 65 The Cu"asian, Lsdies Wotld, Ain.le-'s, C tsmop li an, Meniere' $3j65 The Caucasian, Ladi- s' World. Ainslee's, Leslie's Mo-.tny, MaClnre'a $3j65 HcWhorter's Fountain Pen....25 Cents AGENTS WANTED The best fountain pen on the market at the price. . . .Equal to many sold at $1.00 and upwards . . . Made of Aluminum and will not tarnish. . . .Has an ebony metal cap.... Splendid automatic feeder.... Works easy.... Uses any ordinary black writing ink.... Holds enough to write twenty-five ordinary letters. . . .Does not soil the hands and is so simple in construction aa to be almost impossible to get out of order. . . .Just the thing for Ministers, Profes sional Men, Students and School Children in the advanced grades.... Sells on sight, too per cent, profit .... Send 25c. for sample and secure an agency, at St. GOOD TEMPLAR PUBLISHING CO. Chicago DrHObb.' Bparagaa Pills cure aU kidney ula 8aa flf. A4LgtasTWniatayCo,CaioaoorS!T. AM. SUI HQ WZ. "1M aUaBta Bias al I nwtaa a. aJ ln . Soiid Veati baled Train of Pullman Steeper I 6-.10 a. aa. aad 2:40 9. mil aamtaar auu uwin unsm VfVBiegiOB aod At-1 BBBvw tTSaH STja Sk I uwia. am rpiiman Bjeepers Dot ween Porta-1 rrv WMBiaaraoa 1LC8 mouiu ua voinoua, tt . M. daily. Kos. 41 and 84. -Th 8. A. L. Imaa -1 Trata I a-sa- tsaaratag aa. uUI au ajLTar 1 a. at and75awaa No. 41 and M. The 8, A. U SxpreM." I T tmnm Tarkora, M. C-, molij mi Solid Train Coaches and Puilmaa fiUaTsaia 1 9aaam7 - nnadai a-cajl batwam PnHimnmh mint t.i.11t I civ PlyaMota 7:40 p. a-, av aaV lafS Both trains mak tiawufc. at Atlanta for Movtcoaaery. MobUe. Kew wiaana, lejaa, aniortua, wertoo. fttta Booga, Haahvill. Memphis, Macon aad Florida, nvaaonta danlV V-aCafh M A . M ore 10A a. aa. aod lL-OO a. m- .TTBta O0 lUdJBBd St. a FOTticktA,Bkepsr,etc apply to H.8. Laard. T. P. A-, Z. P. Smith, C T. A. Ttrborough Hooaa, BaWgh, H. a saisaarKT-i.'asis; toiv SwiHhfWatJ ftC? a. aa, mtSrm at Omi- X. ST. JOHXt, Urx H.W. B' OLOVKR, 1 V XkcBUOaVII I, a. Aixn, fjaal raa At. rraflettanam. Ihliiailiiaaailii I ' waw uua a a. t i Tjataaoa BaaavQe raaaa laaveEawy fcO . ay, artva raiviae Ma, Hop teu a. u. aatavaa-j aav BtwlaatllajoaonaL aa, Ca-rvtfcSViu rmfrt aad naaanaa It IT tm rrnleil aad aU Batata Mavma-arfaa I raaAA tiave y tn aay paia. or acbe. ar weak I it h n'-n aaaV Dom oar kiaiia ahM tk.t I. I v w w- w a J i contain impannear Jara yoa aervoo7 1 usa, Iuo yoa lacar aaap aad activity al mind and aody? Ara yoa easily tiradf The Oauossian, Ldiffc World, McClnreV. Good HoosekopiBg ' $3 00 The Caueasisp, Ladies' World. "M nosey 'a 6-od Honaekeepiojr $34)0 The Caucasian. Ladies' World. Good floaa-keeDior r osmonolitao $3X0 The Caucasia i, Ladies' World, Leslie's Monthly, Good Houae keeping $3.00 I Have yoa lost ambitioa? Ia Uwre aay I wnrfr-niT. I aaaataral draia apoa Um arataair U I --gCVX CZZZZ? lavery, orj-an perfanai.s; ita pttper mlSaCTete isbwh. tawawwwaiiAW yoa a I a year aad perfect roag,acttvatvlyiroas.aaarty.l aw aaava. aa bappy amaa or woaaaat If ao, jn M Out AID ahoald aaa delay aa aay befe eoaaatt J. Kawraa Uatvawat, ti)i Bai

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