CAUCASIAN. K VOL. XVIII. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY,' JANUARY 18. 1900. NO. y ON GOOD TERMS. Differences Between Germany And " America Settled. 1C0.ND PROTEST TO ENGLAND. the (iermans Tirud of the Sslzure ol Their Ships and Merchandise ns Contraband. Berlin, by CableThe c jir. epondenc Of the A.-Hocialcd Pre:-s interviewed the United Statcn Ambassador, Mr. An , drew I). White, about the oresent rta- tus of the relations between Germany 'and the United States. Mr. White The Samoa question between the t Tnit?l States and Germany, the Insur ance and Biindry minor matters have teen bapplly isettled. Tho main ejues tlons which remain aie the commcr ilal treaty and the proper Inspection of American meats. The former will bo mainly considered at Washington. The latter mint elpcnd open the ac- M of the Reichstag. Though tlie (rarlan parly slur.vs Litter hostility fine m vn'i:tt(on or trie present ar- ngc'meJt, so cppresive to American . .terctiUt, it Is h'jpt.l that the proposal ad in President MoKinlev'a ne?aage .r the nnnn'nlnmnt ,,f n r,,-P'nl enm- I fL.i,. mnv . .....t t,' , li:s.-iou may be accepted. There is no loubt that the government, apart from he Agrarian.-!, would bo heartily glad o nee Borne such fair settlement." In thr Diet the government's com- plete moral defeat during the debate Ion the dismissal of political officials for voting a-;aiiu-t the canal bill is con- Hidtred to be of great importance to internal politics as it i hows th-5 Con- ; Hervative-f still intend to Utterly op 4 pose the Emperor, especially on the I new canal bill vbi li does not please t tho Agrarians, in Fp'lo of tlie fact that it contains erorriou.i improvement ,1 projects for the Eastern provinces of I Pnusia. The seizures of German i.teamcrs by "ISritlsh wars-hips have had the effect of ; intensifying and gt-neralizins anti British sentiment in Germany. I Count von Ibit'low's speech at the launching of the Hamburg-American Line steamer Deutehhnd, c-tprciaUy tho terms of friendship be devoted to 'The United Etatos is much commented by t'.ie German pie s and with few J exceptions approvingly. J Prussia lus now begun apointir.g fe . male factory inspectors. The budget I contains appropriations for their sal I aries, 2,100 marks each. I A test cci-u-red recently in Yilbel, I near Frankfort, in tbe presence of many official;, of a r.e.vly invented smokeless and noi ide.'-s powder. The test, however, turned out rather unsat- iffactory. I The corref pondent of tho Associated Press learns frtm an olliciul source I that Germany has addressed a second I protect to Great L'ritain, urgently re- questing the release of the German steamer Itunde-:?rat 'j. ad expressing i astonishment Rt tho undue dehy. The ; pretest also demands guarantee from I Great Ilritnin against .1 recurrence cf I Pitch evident "wrongful and aggrrns- ive application of a combattant'a rlg'at $ ngnin-t neutrnl's." ' It also renuests Great Pritain to de fine the meaning of contraband in a manner acceptable to the nations not concerned in the war. , An interpellation about the seizures will be introduced the coining Friday in the Kekh-tag. News Notes. Sensational testimony marked the day's proceedings in the Clark bribery investigation. Several of the Senator' letters were produced. The House of Del fates cf the St. Louis Municipal Assembly barred from its Bession citizens who came to pro tect against a failure to properly light the city. Jacob Heinz and Henry Kaiser, who had been convicted cf the murder cf Edwin E. Brown, and eight times re prieved when about to be hanged, were pardoned nt Jcferson City, Mo., hav ing ivcen shown to be innocent of the crime. The Russian new year wa.s celebrat ed by adherents of the Greek church in Philadelphia. Tho protest cf Governor Taylor, of Kentucky, again.-1 the committee which is to hear tho contest for his Feat was overruled by the committee. Five yachtsmen wers poisoned by eating canned corn on a cruise off At lantic City. N. J., and two are in a crit ical condition. Tho resignation cf Governor Smifh. of Maryland, was presented to the ' House and it gave rise to considerable discussion cn the question of a need of n uniform system for the filling of va cancies. General Wheatoa's troops now occu py the entire province of Cavite. Difficulty Settled. Santo Domingo (via Jlaytien Cable. The difficulty between France and Santo Domingo Ii33 been satisfactori ally arranged through trc French ad miral and th.' otlkials cf the govern ment. The latter -vill probably irstie a proclamation thanking the public for its patriotic feelings and declaring at the same time ihat there wa3 no inten tion to offend France in the patriotic demonstrations, or to molest its repre sentative. Commissioners Adjourn. New Orleans, La., Special. The cot ton States association of commission ers of agriculture concluded their work and adjourned. The day for holding (tuo next convention at win uw arranged by Commissioner Patterson. A resolution was adopted recommend- jtj cj lUA-l liaw vuittwi .kVMMU(jb aaa v. - cert of action, fix and adopt uniform classification of cotton, such as will correspond, if possible, with the clas ilflcatipn of Liverpool and the princi pal cotton markets of Europe." BAD SE RAGE THE CAUSE. Committee's Final Report ou th-s Epidemic. Tho Directors cf the State Normal and Industrial College adjourned Fri day night after thoroughly canvassing all the facts In regard to tho late dis astrous epidemic of malarial and ty phoid fevers In that institution. The directors gave special attention to the queston" as to when the doors of the college should be re-opened to fctu- I dtnt3, and decided that it was besi to j fix the date for Jan. 30th. The report of the board, adopted after matuie de liberation, is ia full as follows: The State Normal and Industrial College, "being a State institution, the public is interested in and entitled to information relative to the recent epi demic of malarial p.nd typhoid fever, resulting in eleven Ie:uhs at the col lege and three at their home3 after thj students left the college. In view of the re-opcning of the col lege on the 30th of January, we, the board of directors, make the following official report ol the cause of the epi demic and the remedies appllel as a precaution against further trouble. We have spared neither time nor ex pense in securing the services of tha I iKft n.;dical and sanitary experts ia i aiding us in tracing the cause and re 1 moving the clifticultie-s. ! After a thorough iiivestigaticn. we ! aie satisfied that we have located tho J cause. i 1. We believe thit the central well, !1- tc IrniSh water to tne taoirS ia (lillinK oai, as shown by the bac teriologist s analysis, to ne the cause. That a Jerking plumbing conneo j tion between the water closets and the mjhi sewer under the dining room ! r.-inex created on unsanitary condition i thtre and may haw contributed to the ! contamination of the well located abcut 125 feet I A thorough distant. examination by our- rlvcs end the ranitary and medical experts fail to fix ar.y other cause, as tho entire premises otherwise, were ! found in cxc-ellnt smitarv condition. i The State "board of health and the j ! 3anitary experts employed by us make I I the following recommendations: j I 1. That the three wells near the col i lego buildings be filled and tho city I water used. j 2. That the entire sewerage system i be inspected by competent engineers, and any defects found be rerr.erli :1; that the dirt adjaeent to the leaking s-'ewer-pip-es under the dining room annex foe removed and the location thoroughly disinfected. 3. That all the buildings, rooms and furniture be disinfected, the walls re calcimined, and inside wood work re painted. All of the above reeommeniU'ons have been cc.rried out, cr will be ijefure the date of the opening, and submit-':-! to the State Board cf Health for in spection and approval, and in addition thereto we are putting in a plant to filter- Ji.rd str-ri!'"e thn tvnter rr m-od I for drir.kine Tv.irnasr. ' ' The mattresses have been burner i I end irca bedsteads placed in all rf the? i ! dormitories in lieu cf the wooden I nal. TIip old bith tubs have been! discarded, and modern ones substitut ed. The water closets have been re arranged and the whole premises over hauled an.d placed in first class sani tary condition. All of the above work has been done nu-er the supervision and advice oi the '!est experts, iucludng the -ecre-ta-y, the bacteriologist and the en gineer cf the State Board or Health. We feel safe in saying tL-at thc physlcal condition cf the institution is as near-perfect as human skill can make it, end the public need hae r.o apprehension of further tro't'ile, and students can return to their work with urance that full provisio.i has been i i maue ior 'ineir connori una iwiiui. In common with the people o! the entire 'State the members of the boivd of directors have felt the deepest sym pathy for those anieng :.he pitrens, re laitlves and friends of the college upon whom the hand of affliction lias fallen so heavily. The course p-i.-sued by the President end Faculty in all matters relating tt the epidemic has our thor o.ig.i endor sement, and we have never been lettci satisfied with the work of those ad ministering the affairs of the co'lege. All who have taken the pains to learn the facts as they occurred are unani mous in their praise of the wisdom and j affection displayed by the entire man agement of .the institution. C. H. ME DANE, President, J. M. SPAINHOU'R, Secretary, H. G. CHATHAM, R. D. GILMER. W. D. TURNER, S. M. GATTI3. J. E. FOWLER, J. A. BLAIR, JOHN GRAHAM. State News Notes. Judge Walter Clark, of the North Carolina Supreme Court, has been elected vice president cf the National Anti-Trust League, which meets in Chicago in February. Cypress lumber is now $50 a thou sand. Six months ago it did not ex ceed $30. All lumber has gone up :r proportion and the dealers cannot keep up with the demand. A four-year-old eon of Mr. and Mrs. L. Banks, of Salisbury, was given a tablespoonful of equal parts of glycer ine and carbolic acid by mistake for castor cdl and died from the effects cf the dose. The mistake was made by the colored servant giving Mrs. Banks the wrong bottle. The Wadesboro Messenger says the clothing cf the little three-year-old daughter of Mr. James Sings, of Anson, caught fire Tuesday, while she was playing aroung the fire, and before it could be extinguished she was so bad ly burned that death resulted yester day. The child's mother was in the yard when the accident occurred. , Hobart North, of S'aore, Yadkin county, wa3 playing with his father a few days ago when a piece of timber fell on the boy's head, killing him in stantly. Hutton and Bourbonnais have secur ed through the authorities at Wash ington, a $60,000 contract for boxes in which to store census reports. Thi3 firm also has the contract for supply- ing the Blackwcll Durham Tobacco Company with all the boxes they may ceed for a period cf tweive months. Thi3 contract was formerly filled by northern mills. Hickory Press. An annex of sixteen rooms w'll soon be'cOmpleted at the incase asylum. It will be occupied by the officers cf the institution and by pay patients. MATHUEN IS CRAZY. Army Led To Destruction By a Madman. THERE ARE SOME EVIDENCES GIVEN. It Is Stated That He Has Been Re called The London Press Repress nz the Facts. Chicago, 111., Special. A special cable to the Chicago Tribune from London says: Lieutenant General Lord Methuen, commanding the column advancing to the relief of Kimberley, is to be re lieved of his command within two weeks. Later he win be sent to Cape Town and eventually ordered home. When he reaches England he will be retired. Ttese facts have been con firmed by an official of the War Office Lord Methnen's case is a Fad one. Hi3 constitution began to show signs of breaking down almost immediately after he took command of his division. Three days after the battle of Eclmont, General Wolstley suggested to the War Office that Methuen be relieved. Hi. advice was not heeded The wis d:m of the aged but keen commander-in-chief of the British army is nov? realized to the fullest extent by the War Office, who scoffed at his sugges tion. loose wno Know tne circumstances and the situation on Modder River equally well and who are willing to state facts plainly, say that iMethuen's :r:ind is unbalanced. Constant proof of this has been com ing to the notice of the officials of the War Office for two weeks past. The London press is considerately suppressing the true state of affairs so far as Methnen's ailment is concerned, but the papers do not hesitate to print the hard facts about the battle of Magersfontein, which are just reaching London through the mails, all of which go to show, in the language of an officer, that "the attack was that of a madman." The death cf Lord Wauchope, com mander of the Black Watch, was one of the many sad results of that en gagement. Lord Wauchope, it is now well known, realized the futility of the assault as planned by Methuen. He argued strongly and expostulated bit terly against it. Methuen, however, persisted and the two quarrelled over the matter the night before the battle which proved so disastrous to the Bri tish forces. A member of the Black Watch in a letter just received, gives the details of the charge which led Wauchope to his death. He quotes the general's dying words words showing hw fully he realized the situation even in the hour of his death. The letter reads: "It was one of the darkest night3 we ever saw. 1 he ram feu in torrents and we went on and forward, falling. stumbling and slipping over necks and" anthills. ' "It was impossible to see where we were going. After we had been taken by surprise our right half battalion charged, but toV, men were mown down like grain before a reaper. General Wauchope was shot at the beginning of the charge. When he saw the mis take that had happened be shouted: " 'Rally 'round me, Clack Watch, It's not my fault.' "Then he fell, literally riddlrj, with bullets.'1 Letters from men serving in the Modder River column tell of the de moralization of the troops since the commander's incapacitation. A Hghland Brigade man says: "There is not the slightest doubt that Methuen ha3 lost the confidence f every man in the Highland Brigade I am not going too far in saying that they are afraid to trust their lives with him." "Wauchope, no doubt, wont out to find death."' writes Sergeant Grey, "when such a disastrous fire was opened. He had previously shouted to the Argyll Highlanders: 'Don't blame me for this. I received my orders and had to obey them.' With proper handling we could have cleared the Boers out in two hours. As it was we were taken into a butcher shop and left there." Duller Changes Base. London, By Cable. The War Office has received the following dispatch from General Duller, dated Spring field, Thursday, Jan. 11, at 9:20 p m.: "I occupied the south bank of the Tugela river at Potgieter's drift this morning and seized port. The river Is in flood. The enemy is strongly en trenched about four and a half miles to the north." In Honor of Mrs. Vance Washington, D. C, Special. A large company, representative of the entire South, attended the ball given by the North Carolina Society of the District in aid of the General Robert E. Lee memorial monument fund. The oc casion also was intended as a compli ment to Mrs. Z. B. Vance, one cf the society's members, who has been elect ed president of the Lee funds It was a brilliant success. The proposed monument is to be erected near Fort Myer, on the heights overlooking Washington. Filipinos Stubborn Stand. Manila, By Cable. Colonel Bullard with the Thirty-ninth infantry, mov ing in three columns from Calambet, with two guns, attacked ten companies of insurgents strongly intrenched cn the Santa Tomas road. They resisted stubbornly, making three stands. Twenty-four of the rebels were killed and sixty prisoners wrere taken. The Filipinos retreated, carrying their wounded toward Lake Taal. One American was killed and two officers v."ere slightly , wounded Gen. Murray Dead. Richmond, Va., Special. News has been received here of the death in Pe oria, 111. of General Babney H. Maury, late of the Confederate army, and some time Minister to Columbia. Gen. Maury is particularly remembered in history for his gallant defense of Mo bile Bay. The remains will be brought to Fredericksburg, Va., for interment General Maury reached a very ad vanced age. Generals Roberts and Kitchener have arrived at Cape Town. MANAGER'S REPORT. Air. Arendel flakes a Very Good Showing. The report of Mr. F. B. ArendelL the manager and purchasing agent of tto State prison, to Superintendent Day, is given herewith: "A report from me must necessarily embrace the business operations of the State's prison, during the year Just closed, as shown by the tables and tab ulated statements which go to you and to the board through the office of the clerk and book keeper. "It has been necessary during the year to make Jarge expenditures in the way of repairs and the permanent im provements at the central prison and at Vie various farming camps, for the reason that, at the beginning of the year, almost every department at the central prison and at the various camps had been run down, and in many instances the prisoners them selves did not have a change of cloth ing. "There was but little new etothing at the central prison and no stripes from which to make it, and it be came necessary at once to practically clothe tne institution from .beginning to end. "I have done my best during the year to keep down expenditures, bear ing in mind the necessity at all time3 of feeding well and clothing well the prisoners at the central prison and at the several camps, and while sevTal requisitions have been cut down by me and many ethers disregarded entirely, I have never failed to respond prompt ly to any" requisition for necessary clothing or commissary supplies. "This year's accounts are relatively larger than in former years because cf material advances in the price of almost every article purchased. In view of these facts it is especially grat ifying to me, as it will no doubt be to every one connected with the manage ment of the institution, and to the peo ple at large, to know that, -while our expenditure have been large, our earnings have been correspondingly large, and that the balance is on the right side of the ledger." THE KEELEY TREATHENT. Incidents Showing Its Tremendous Power For Good. A few years ago, writing of the Keeley Institute at Greensboro, the News and Observer said: "The efficacy Of the Keeley treatment and its tre mendous power for good seems, to b3 thoroughly established." Last summer, upon taking the train at Greensboro, a gentleman who had long been addicted to drink, picked up a large fan upon which the above extract from this pa per had been printed in bold letters. He fanned himself and went his way, leaving the fan on the seat in the j nam liut tne words "I he efficacy i of the Keeley treatment seems to I be thoroughly established" had fixed themselves indelibly cn his memory and lie could not rid himself of them. A't length he went to Greensboro, took the treatment, and says that he owes his later success in business to the treatment. That incident caused us to recall the "efficacy" and "power for good" that the treatment has done for men we have known. In a few years more than sixty men from Wake county have taken the Keeley treatment at Greensboro. Cf that numiber at least fifty have been permanently benefitted and some have become leaders in every good movement, showing that it is a "power of good." The Keeley cure does not claim to do anything but put the patient just where he was before he formed ' the haibit of drink. Men who have been slaves to the drink habit find the crav ing gone; they realize that their will is re-established and that they havn tf.e power of self-control they had be fore they ever tasted whiskey. We give this voluntary and unpaid statement because a recent remarkable rare of a bright attorney has come ander our observation, and we feel it i duty to commend an institution or treatment that saves "brains and char icter from waste and degradation. Raleigh. News and Observer, January State News Notes. Those who have the new Arlington mills in charge inform us that while It was their intention to put the capital stock at $120,000, urgent requests for stock in the company necessitate their increasing the capital stock at $130,000 Mr. Ragan has received letters from people as far south as Florida. Thi3 is flattering to tke managers of the new company and also to the town of Gastonia. Gastonia Gazette. The revenue act requires that tele graph telephone sleeping car, re frigerator car, express and dining car companies, etc., shall make reports to the State Auditor during the first months of each year. Notices to them are now being sent out, calling for the reports. The reports when received will be turned over to the corporation commission as a basis for tho assess ment of these companies for taxation. The penitentiary has sold 300 .bales of cotton. It has remaining 1,700 bales; all at Norfolk. Dr. G. W. Dong, of Graham, has re moved to Statesville.- He is one of the first physicians cf the State. The Secretary of State has granted charters to the-following corporations: Taylor-Cannady Buggy Company, of Oxford, capital ctock, $20,000; Incor porators, Mary C. Cannady, N. H. Can nady, B. F. Taylor, C. W. Eryan, J. M. Currin, E. T. White, H. G. Coop er, J. G. Hall, W. B. Ballcu, Z. W. Lyon, J. D. Bullock, J. H. Bullock. B. S. Royster, J. G. Hunt, S. W. Mi ner, J. B. Roller and S. H. Cannady. Power is given in the charter to dc about everything except preach the gosoel conduct a theater- Tho Miller Dry Gcods Company of Charlotte, capital stock, $10,000; in corporators, E. C. Miller, S. J. Lowe, W. C. White and W. K. NeaL The business proposed is conducting a wholesale and retail dry goods, fur nishing and flhoe store. The North Carolina Publishing com pany (publishers of the Rale:gh Post), is allowed to increase its capital stoc from $20,000 to $30,000. Drastic-measures are being taken ? Yokohama to prevent the spread; the plague. SECRETARY REPLIES. . - Says the Treasury is $21,026,000 Ahead. PRECEDENT AN ESTABLISHED ONE. Mr. Qagi Shows That The Govjrn mint Does Not Suffer Loss By His Deposits in National City Bank. "Washington, D. C, Special. Secre tary Gage has sent to Congress hh replies to the resolutions recently in troduced in the Senate toy Mr. Allen, of Nebraska, and in the House b.v Mr. Sulzer, of New York. The text of hi9 reply, which is an exhaustive ex position of the management of that branch of the Treasury finances under his administration relating to national deiTostaries, contains about 9,000 words, which is supplemented by spe cial reports from Department officials relative to special (inquiries . in the resolutions, including copies of over 1,000 letters on the subject under con sideration. In summing up his reply to the inquiries the Secretary says: "First, That the reason for utilizing national banks as depositaries for pub lic moneys, as authorized by law3 when the receipts ol the Treasury were exceeding in expenditures, has been to avoid the disturbance to business, which the withdrawal of large sums of money from active circulation to the Treasury vaults must inevitably cause. The policy thus pursaied by me ha3 been the established policy of the gov ernment for many years, and a de parture from it under similar condi tions would certainly cause disas trous results. "Second, Hie reason for directing the internal revenue receipts into de positary banks at this time is that the revenues are now largely exceeding disbursements from month to month, and seem likely to do so for an in definite time. This condition would b& a menace to the business world if as surance were not given that this sur plus would be diverted from the Treasury vaults to public deposi taries, where, while secure to the gov ernment, it would remain available to business use. "Third, The reason for directing all of the internal revenue 'eceipts to one depository was that it is more conven ient to -firtt collect the receipts at nu merous offices into one place, and make the desired distribution from it. "Fourth, The reason for selecting the National City Bank as such distri- buting agent was that at the time the i order was issued it was one of but two banks which had offered bonds suffic ient to cover the amount of the daily deposit. Its bond deposit was $4,000, 000, and that of the Hanover National Bank $1,910,500. The National City Bank was, therefore, the one most nat urally cho-en. Of the sixty-eight banks applying for a share of the de posits, the National City Bank, tho Hanover National Bank and three other applicants for over $800,000 each, are the only ones out of the 68 consti tuting group one, which have not been supplied the full amount for which they had offered security. "Fifth, The cu-tom house property was sold to the National City Dank as the highest bidder on July 3, 1890. Un der the term3 of the sale it had tha option cf paying in cash all of the pur chase money at any time or any part cf it might elect above $750,000, wti'ch sum it was absolutely obliged to pay. It exercised this option by choosig to to pay $3,215,000, leaving $50,000 yet clue. No deed will be executed until full payment has been made. The pay ment received was turned Into th Treasury by deposit into the National City Bank, it haying been the estab lished custom cf Treasury officials, un der the counsel of their legal advisers. supported by decisions or the suprem? court, to consider moneys on deposit to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States in designated depositar ies as moneys in the Treasury. "Finally, under my administration of the Treasury department, no dis crimination in favor cf one bank against another has been made, gener ally speaking. When an increa-e in depositary banks was desired, ell have been invited to qualify themselves for receiving such money and have been equally and equitably considered in the irrespective relations to the Treas ury. Boers May Seize Durban. London, By CaToIe. The Times, in a special article, dealing with the Dela goa Day question, express the opinion that the endeavor of the Boers to overrun Natal lends confirmation to the assertions made before tha war by prominent Boers that they would seize uuroan 2s a port, 'ine article pro ceeds to point Cut that by the through rale system, specially -favorable to Transvaal shipments over tha Dela- goa-Transvaal Railroad, German ship owners have been alble to secure traffic with little risk cf examination at the continental ports or at Delagoa bay. American Flour Released. London, By Cable. The American flour seized off Delagoa Bay has been released. United States Ambassador Chcate had an interview with the Mar quis cf Salisbury and received a ver bal reply to the representations o! the Washington government The British note cn thi3 subject was sent later tc the United States embassy. The gist of it was cabled to Washington In brief, foodstuffs are not considered contraband cf war unless for the enemy. Telegraphic Briefs. me long-stanong accounts be tween the State of Tennessee and the United States now seem to be in a fair way of settlement. The govern ment's claim aggregate about $500,000 The claims or the State amount tt about $1,200,000 and include the use cf railroads during the war, on whlct the State had a lien, keeping prison ers, the rent of -the penitentiary one i Blind Asylum buildingo.- 11; i President has nominated Hecn L. Howison, Albeit Kautz, Geo. C Remer and Nonnaa H. Farduhar te than to give new institutions daily to j Taee " 1 UMW' j "p"n. Xo. i7; he alr.t. be aint for 113 collectors. The most convenient lutu ra-e- ! t .h, T illlt inSn hal agency to effect such distribution is a ! The Kentucky Distilling Company. Vd; cr Kg thJt tl- ba?.k which is a member of the New known as the Whisky Trust, his mort- ! .fAjT: If. 5flty aaJ lecu Yoik clearing house. Raged its ZS distilleries in Kenfuky to ?Se ?ld.dfv L" ..T.1, ? ! be rear admirals la the navy. . THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. I ae South. The Norwegian steamer Acsir hz cleared at New Orleans for Kobe. Ja pan, with a cargo of 12.000 bales of cotton. Judge O. W. Buchanan, of Columbia. S. C. severely scored for failure of duty a Jury which remained out fcr 3 days in the case of Prof. Meares, char ged with the downfall of a girl. A new cotton mill, with a rapU&l stock of 1300,0000. is to be located at Hooea Path, S.' C. Councilman 1L D. Darnell introJureJ a resolution at a meeting of the Roi noke. a.. city council to prohibit the wearing of hats by either sex at thea tres and other places of amusement. The Lake Tracy Drainage and Im provement Company, of Iake Tracy, iaae county. Ha., has been incor porated with a capital of $50,000. Th? general objects are tha drainage an 1 improvement of lands ia that vicinity and building and operation of rail roads and canals, saw and planing mills. Urey Woodson, Democratic national committeeman from Kentucky, his said in an interview la Chicago thai William Goebel will be seated a3 Gov ernor of Kentucky before February 1st " The Columbus, Ga.. Power Company has increased its capital stock from $200,000 to $300,000 and the additional stock has all been taken. The fourth cotton mill to be organ ized in South Carolina this year I th? Limestone, at Gaffncy, capital $300,009. The North. The Cranston Hotel property at Highland Falls. N. Y., ins been se cured by the Missionary Sisters of St, Francis, and will be converted into the Academy of Our Lady of AngcU. The manufacturing jewellers cf New England are u-ing every means to de feat the ratification of the reciprocity treaty between this country and France, which would lower the import duties on jewelry. The trustees of the estate of the late Cornelius Vanderbilt have paid to ! Yale University the $100,030 bequest left to the institution. In a quarrel over the ownership of a knife, Willie Dagg3. 8 years old. pro cured a shot gun and killed Irs sister. Lena, aged 12, at Evansv:!!?, lib ! While en route to Jol'.et Penitentiary j from Chicago, 111., Thomas Downes. a ! convict, leaped from a train in tho '. darkness, but was recaptured. i Believing that there is discrimina- j tion against them, the colored buainevs ; men of Chicaeo. 111., will incorporate the Central Trust Company of York for $5,000,000, at 5 per cent. The New England Tobacco Growers convention adopted resolutions pro testing against any early admission cf Porto Rico as an integral part cf the United States, as a forerunner of dis aster to our leaf tobacco interests and favoring a constitutional amendment providing a colonial system and civil government of all insular posee.-siona separate and distinct from the United States. A Gardner, Me., Dispatch says ice manufacturers are discuseing the pros pects that the American Ice Company, which now controls the natural ico product of New York, Pennsylvania and Maine, may purchase artificial ice plants in Southern cities. An agent has visited the leading plants in the South to ascertain the capacity and value of each. The cities which it is proposed to first bring into the com bine are Atlanta, Memphis, Mont gomery, Birmingham, Chattanooga and Nashville. Foren. . y Influenza has caused 193 deaths in a week in London. The American art institute has been granted a permanent site for a building in Paris. French soldiers' anti-army newspa pers have now been shut out all troops' rendezvous. - English life insurance companies are severely criticised for charging an ex tra 5 per cent, war risk. The London Authors' Society will es tablish an Authors' Tension Fund to be available to applicants CO years old or over. While walking alone at night, M1S3 Rachel Ferguson was knocked down and robbed at Toronto, and died eooa afterward. Miscellaneous. Captain Eckhoff. of the Dutch oil tank steamer La Hesbaye, in port at Baltimore, reports having sighted an iceberg, on which four polar bears were walking, off the Newfoundland Banks. Private David E. Ferrick. Troop G, Fifth Cavalry, died on Friday of ty phoid fever at San Juan, P. It. General Otis reports that Thomi3 Stocker, Troop K, Fourth Cavalry, wa killed in action near Concepcion, No vember 11. The Comptroller of the Treasury holds that under the peraonel act naval officers on leave axe entitled to one half shoro pay. Colonel S. M. Whiteside. Tenth Cav alry, has been designated to act tem porarily a3 commander of the depart ment of Santlaga and Puerto Principe, Cuba. The inability of General Otis to bring the Filipino war to an end has given rise to the story that hostilities are being prolonged to carry out the political schemes of the administra tion. It is said the idea i3 to adminis ter the crushing blow to Aguinaldo during the heat of the presidential campaign, thus arousing patriotism to the point of voting for McKinley. QIiss Cella Sherman Miles, daughter of life general commanding the army, and CapL Samuel Reber, United States army, were married in Wash ington at noon Wednesday and left on a Southern tour. The wedding was an uKra-fashionable one. Two six-inch ibronze Spanish can non, formerly a part of the defences at Fort San Felipe, Manila,' and cap tured by Admiral Dewey at the halt' of Manila bay, have been presented '. the city of Atlanta to be used at ti 23e of the monument which will erected to the memory of the la. , Lieutenant Brumby. - t i i . r 1 1 f n-n -I n t ff i-ir. f n Rr-n-l m rf til il IT IS ALL THE SAME Bill Arp Writes i Chapter oa the Sin of Stealing. DIFFERENT NAMES FOR IT. Nerroe "Take," WhlU Men Oct the Advantise" of One A not her .and So ItQces. I hare- always coatrsd?d that steal ing Utile things was the dxseuln? 'n cf the a?gro and was a race trait. And thit cheating in a trade wa a trait in Jews and G-entibra. We white folks dc not call it cheating, but iy bs g3t the advantage or be got the best of the bargain, but this adrea- tige ia generally got oy deception or a suppression or tt.e truta. THe nrgro smooths his sin over by calling It tak ing thlcxs just as our cook ence said to me when I complained about hr stealing lord and flour and rice and such thing?: "Mr. Major. I don't think you miss what I takes." Weil. I didn't tery much, i'or the never took much at a time, but it annoyed me for her to think the was fooling me when the was'nL But that sime negro would sit up all night with a rick member of the family and was always good and kind to our children. Now the white man rarely steals anything and the negro as rarely cheat you In a trade. Bofore Che civil war the negro" mot frequent crime was stealing chicken and he get so expert in that business that a law was pxs?el making it a penal offense, for anybody ta buy chickens from a negro even though he i i3f:4 luriu m litis II, u j li u. i, r could buy foot mats and broonia and baskets, but we must not buy chick- ons. Law or no law. he ccatinued bis midnight vocation, and -If the com mandment hal fald thou shalt not covet thy Eeighbor's chickens it would have been all the time to Mm. Flrt covet r.nd then steal was part of bi religion. I was ruminating about this becaua I bought a turkey yesterday from a negro for a very low price and j I wondered where he cot it. I didn't question him. for I didn't wmt to I hurt his feelings. When I was in North i Carolina a friend told me about en o'.d darky who was on trial for stealing a turkey and the proof was positive, a ad yet he did not wrm to be alarmed. His lawyer wa dibcourarted and said, Tne-le Jaek. it looks like th?y have got ycu." "No. dry air.l. Mas John; dey aint g'Jt me yet and dey alnt Sin to get me. Till you bow It is. Mas Jolia- o Jp(5fe FCt,a UP ljr my young mister when de war broki over an! the judge asked Uncle Jac: tlon of his crime. The old gray-headed m-an got up with a gnint and look ing around upon the fpe.-tators and then at the Jude said: "Nuffin' much Mas Judge, nuffin much. Only dls. yoa kr.ow ell abcut dat old war which we all got whooped and you haiat forgo, how I went out wid you to de army fc. you was a cappen and old master told me to go 'long and take ker of yoa, and you kno-s I did de very bca' I could for four mighty loss years itnu how one time you got wounded ar.d I staid by you ostell you was well again and how anoder time you took the measles zzl me. too, and I t-tay by yon and nu' ycu anJ how anoder time dtm yankees catch me and I got away !n d9 night and ccme bark to you and how sometimes you get fit cf nioay and cut of sumfen to cat all at de ame time and you call me up and say. Jack, you mus go out a foragin and get us sumfin'. and I go out li'e in ie night and bring you chicken and ros tln' tars and one time I bring you a turkey, and you ncber ax tno nutria about whar I got mm an-t you cevrr . . . , r a giv me any money to ouy mm, ni you, Mas Jedge. You call It roraia I'm. d!Ant vou. Mas Jodge. and If it w-as foragin den how cum it w w stpslin now?" We soldier's didn't steal much dar ing the civil wir. but sometime we wr Kcralv Umoted and fell. Some times we got awful tired of salt meat and longed for a change of dtet. I re number that when we campod uear Orange courthouse there was a lovely little shot that took up where our hordes were tethered. It "oelongsd to a cross old man who lived on a hill nearby J Major Ayer rods op there one evoning and tried to buy 1L The old man refused in an insolent manner. for he w?s a union man man and wa mad because our army had camped on his land and was cutting bis timber. Carialn Cothrsn was a good fhot with a pistol and wa proud of his cam, vai so the next evening Majjr Ayer bet him a quarter that he couldn t shoot that plg'a eye out. lie took tha bet and won. and our fiithful err2nt Tip dressed and baked It, and we feasted. The old man came prowling eround every day hunting for that pig. and It was harder to lie out of it than It was to 6tcal It. Cut the moinirg we broke camp we sent Tip up there and pxld the old Tcm:n two dollars and quietfd oar ccnscieiice. A tit hot9 waa almost !rrtri,ttble. One time Ceorgi Burnett iM Tom Ayer killed one under almi lar circumstance and eot a q narter to our nses. The old man tnisa'd hi? hog in die time, and when te Inquired cZ Lurnett if they had rera iuaround. Burnett wh'.snered to him that Cap tain Stillwell'a mem tnl fresh pig for dinner yesterday but te mucten t'.l who tcld tfm. I belonged to Stilwll'j me:s and the first thing w knew Col- czzl Yeisr had us tummoael before him to be tried on a chargs of stealing th-9 old man's pig. It was a kind of mock trial end recruited la conTicticg Burnett Lyer. and they hai to pay for the pig. But I am pleirrd to eay of our confederate Midlers that I never knew a case cf flagrant or cruel robbery or nillacs. nor did I ever know of but ne Instance of a soldier violating the acred rights of a man's family. At 'ecterrllle the Loa! Tigers, at hey were called, committed a shame ful outrage ia the country nearby and were Immediately arrested and trie! that evening ard thot tha Eext morning at runrise. Old Joe Jchcton bsat lynch law out of tight when he had a nre eise. There are various kinds of steal ing, but no-t aggravating to writers fc-r the prei i th stealing by tht Tress. Two friends ene fc Birminr and the otter in Lcs Argei. "Mi'omia have Te'tlv rent tre ypte3 of ptvt imbl'sK In the'r w.Ta 1u w-h'ea th !d psra hr 3ed from the Chicago Ti-r-Oee.v he letter I wrote for tha Ccn-.ItnJoa about Pebrer. South Carolina. My raa&e H not metkHeJ. mcr It ta rtl1td to Ch Oetmhntioa: oa'r few tBma:rUl rbxete hiv mad iaat f&oujra to mak U ar?ar that tno latrr-Ocfia fnt a reporter down tbr to writ xxp ta tw. t baT knows pHlr th!?TB rrt to llm ctalssaag for do'nt lh&t tot half k inma aa that. GUI Arp la AtUata CoBstJtaUoe. TEE NATIONAL LAW MAltRS. What Coagrraa la Doiog From Day f Day. Tha SenaU. Seventeenth Day Senator Hoar, ol Uaatacausctta. introduced a rtaolutiaa asking the President ts fumlaa U Saat with all coDauoiraUoci reced ed from Aguinaldo or any oca repre senting the Filipinos or any ailrged au thority of the people there aad oar replies thereto; th proclamation t to the Philippine people and the sa aa actually proclaimed by General Otis if In any way altered, together with la formation whether ua chaagt was approved, and the Prt-aiJrx.1 it aUc asked to forward without delay all la formation he has of the forma of gov eminent, proclamation or ronrenUan of those Islands. Mr. Hoar sought la mediate consideration, but on objec tion went OTtr. Senator Ram Hog. of Utah, has Intro duced a resolution direct. eg the Phil ippine committee of the House to re port on what form of government other than the Spanish, existed in the Philip pines prior to Irea;T 10. srd ia what eitrnt Spain hid actual -trol of the Islands. Alto w briber sovereign power can be Justly and ia acordarcs with international law ciilajrl la th absence of power of control. Mr. Allen, of Nebratka. offrrej reso lution calling upon the Secretary of War for complete inf artnstUn t the transport st-rrire. It wis adaptct. The Senate, at 4 oVWk aljrn'd. Eighteenth Day. The diy wss sp-t !n hearing eulcglrs on the I f snJ character of Vice-Pre' int Hobart. Many Senators paid elfti-r.t tribute to his memory, af:er wui b the Seta's adjourned. Nineteenth Dsy. A spirited ant at times sensational debate w as prHp -tsted In the Senate on thr Vit Ppilre question over r"olutloas of Ir-ju ry. Mr. IVttlgrew. cf Srjta Dikota. at' larked the administration's rut'Jry n the Philippine and lo ruad on:e startling charges against lh wli were support: the admin trstu. He declared that a syMeniUir -tTort was Le'.ng made to prevent arra-a'e la formation from reading tb fvf f the Felted State and that It was political w heme ti further the rindl dacy of Mr. MeKlrl-y fr rr-nota. na tion and re-election. ll-ft r adjourn ment, the Senate, afler prolonred de bate, p&ed the bill c snfrrr'ng powers upon th director ef tb- rnsus. Twentieth Day. The Jrrnat? bell a brief serrdun. evt4 primipilly to a dlKcussion cf the rp1y of England cn the seizure of American flour. After a tbort executive sewsiun the Senate adjourned. I 'wuiy -First I . Tha Kens Is eta- mittee on Privileges and Elections continue! the lnv stlputloa of (bsrres againrt Sen i tor Claik of Montana. M. 1. liewctt. a miner wbo wai la IDiena during the iel?n t tbe legislature in 1SJJ9. said that Charley Clark had asked him to see Senator Myer and offer him flO.OOO for his vote for Mr. Clark for Senator. He tad according ly taked with with Mr. Mem and tei tified that that gentleman Ua1 told him after first declining the proposi tion to say to Clark that If Le was dis poned to do so he cjuld put tie IIO.O'.X) In the hands t Mr. Wblt '.de to be paid to bim (Myers) In eaae Le should vote for Mr. Clark, lleaett said that the Senator's son ttated that thin ar rangement vai ftatls'artory and had afterward told him that tbe money for Myers bad been given ta Y.uit'twde and that his vote was assured. The witness said that he had cca the Senator at his home at tbe Helena Hotel a abort time after the Whiteside exposure and had satked h'.m what he proposed to do. w be a the Se nator re plied: "There only cne thing to do and that Is to make the p?ople heller that tbe Daly gang have furni hid the mon ey and have put up a conspiracy against us. Concluding his testimony Mr. Hew ett ald he had received no pay tor his services from Mr. Clark and no proia lee of any. He had been Interested with the Senator In a mining company and preferred LIm to his opponents. The House. i Eighteenth-Day. Miscellaneous bus. v , leers of minor importance occupied tbt attention of the House until 19 o'clock after which an hour was devoted to eulogies upon tbe life and publie ser vices of the late Representative Creea of Nebraska. Mr. Kile ben. cf North Carolina was among the speakers. The House then adjourned. Xinteenth Day But little buslneea of Importance was done by lb House, The aefcslcn was brief. Twentieth Day. Tbe Hou commit tee on Inter-s'ata and foreign com merce ordered a favorable report upon the Hepburn bill for tbe construction of the Nioara.Tuan canal. The season of the House occupied Just 20 min utes. Twenty-First Dsy.Tba ts:s of tfca House was of brief duration and noth ing of Interest transpired to break l monotony of the proceedings. A Oserttls's PceslisrUy, Colon'-! John X. Moby La writ! in to a Ilkhmond 1ict an -latrate Ce fense of .K.Meral Grant. Lis friend, and certain statements therein rttnind tne that Mosby's ranfferw, or guerillas. Dev. er stood a sabre tbarre In tbe wbo! coarse vf tbe war. Each man carried four pistol, one In each Loot leg; and two In holsters. ajgTi; tins twenty four shots. There i not a raibine or sabre In the csrauiaacL Carbines were too heavy, and sabres Lad a dis !o!tlon to rattle la their neaLtard. Besides, close quarters were Dot fa tbe guerilla liking. With l;tby"s toco It was ever a case of scatter ns twn.a mm the enemy approached, if ever one company of troopers lived In mortal fear of another, tbe honor belongs to Mobys men and tho Eighth Illinois Cavalry. The latter w as the best cav alry regiment In the Army of the Po tomac, and Sheridan oicerrd It to go to Muddy Branch to eiterminate as many of Moby"s men as tbey canj Tbe glitter of cold steel set a Moby man off at a gallop. New York Tret. Tommy, aged S, was ztrutting around the house In his trtt pair of boots and being told his baby titter wsnted to tiis him, caid; Til fust bet a cent that kid takes tne fcr her fa iter.- A L r