RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1900. VOL. XVIII. NO. 8. . fi COL BRYAN SPEAKS. Enthusiastic Audience Greets Him i. Baltimore. DISCUSSES THE MONEY QUESTION. Also Elucidates His Position on fhc Problem ot Expansion A Large f. Audience Hears Him. Uliw'.'njorc, Mil., Special. Hon. W. .. Ilryan dj jifvi-rtu ao. address here t?,itunlaV- nlKht upon the - -political, questions of the day to an audience which -filled the music hall, the big Rpst auditorium in tho city to its full est capacity, and which greeted him and 'his remarks with the greatest en tuuslam. The meeting was held un der the auspices cf the Maryland Dem ocratic Association, on of the free "liver wings of the Democratic party oi me itate, and was not encouraged any manner by the regular Deaio- In rratlc organization. In fact, the latter held strictly aloof from any partici pation In"the affair. Thry male no effort to discourage It In any manner, but not one of the Democratic leaders appeared on the platform, and an of fer of stage thk t3 was politely de clined by the principal members of the Democratic Stato Central Committee, j With the party who came from Washington with Mr. Bryan were Sen ator Tillman, of South Carolina, Con gressman Sulzer, of New York; Rich ardson, of Tennessee: Jonrs, of Vir ginia, and DcArmond, of Missouri. It was nearly eight o'clock when the party reached t lie muak; hall when the crowd greeted him uproariously. Mr. Bryan said in part: "I want to assure you in the begin ning that my happiness does "not de pend upon any honor which the peo ple of this nation can confer, neither do I believe that this nation's happi- i Hess or welfare depends upon any one person. Ad In polities, aa in the army, the general. get glory and the privates do the work. And therefore I feel that 1 owe it to those who for nearly four J 'ears have been bearing the burden n the heat of the day; I owe it to them to tuy that what I have done is but an ; atom compared with what they have done. "In lSiiG the vcters proved that they could control i'he policy of the party and during the last three years they have proven that they could hold what 'they gained in 1896 in spite of news papers, in spite of railroads, in spite of banks, and in spite of every in ! fluenre supposed to obtain, the plain people cf the Democratic party have and now Mand for the Chir-ago plat form, in ail that it savs. TL'E NATIONAL L'AW MAKtftS. What Congress Is Dotog From Day to Oajr The Senafe. Twenty-fifth Day. Senator Hoar's resolution asking for a detailed report of the conduct of the war in the Phil ippines passed the Senate without di vision. The Senate is discuselng Hale's res olution regarding the seizure of Ameri can flour. Senator Davis say3 negoti ations ars proceeding satisfactorily. Senator Aldrlch made a public agree ment to take a vote on the currency bill the 15th of February. He wl3hcd io make the date the 8th, but Allen ob jected. Twenty-Sixth Day. The day's pro ceedings were confined to speechmak ing. Senator Wellington, of Mary land led off-wit)? a opg prruTient on the Philippine question, maintaining that the Philippines should have the right to govern themselves, this gov ernment affording them such protec tion as they might need. Senator Mc Ennery, of Lousiana gave notice that h will have something to say about the proposed amendment to the con stitution of North Carolina. Teller of fered another installment of his speech on the financial bill. Mr. Teller had not concluded his remarks when he suspended for the day. The Senate then adjourned. Twenty-seventh Day. A speech, sen sational in interest and international in its importance, was delivered in the Senate by Mr. Hale, Republican, of Maine. The occasion of the utterances was the simple question whether ' a resolution introduced by Mr. Allen, Populist as to the recognition by this country of diplomatic representatives of the Transvaal republic, should ba directed to the President, or to the Secretary of State. Mr. Hale made the question the text of an impassioned speech in which he Ieclared that nine lenthn of the American people sympa thized with the Boers in their gallant struggle for liberty against one of tha greatest powers of the world. He spoke with unusual force, decisiveness and earnestness, even for him, and his pas sionate eloquence claimed the closest attention of every auditor. At the opening, the Allen resolution, calling upon the Secretary of State Jor infor mation as to whether any representa tive of the Transvaal had applied to the United States government for recogni tion, and if such application had been made, if it. had been accepted; and if not, why not, was laid before the Sen ate. Pending the further discussion of these measures the Senate adjourned. Twenty-eighth Day. Little new in formation was developed in the Clark senatorial investigation by the Senate committee on privileges and elections T. F. Normoile, cf Butte, Mont., a member of the last legislature, testi fied that he 'had been approached with an offer of $12,500 to vote for Mr. Clark, but had not accepted it, and had voted for Conrad throughout the contest. the stand additional IN HONOR OF LEE. His Birthday Celebrated Both North and South. THREE NEW FACTORIES. MANY TRIBUTES TO HIS MEMORY. An Ovation Given Mrs. Jefferson Davis at a Banquet in New York City. I w.nnt to br.- gin wHb n accepted preposition, that1 Mr- Cason. who was on ! Tuesday, was recalled for damental in government. I cross-examination. He said He had "I find it in the Declaration of Ind-;- ! 'been urged by Mr. Clark to secure the nmuiMi.. if : 1 vnt of "Retiresen'tative Marey. Mr. quoting anything from that old and outworn document as our Republican friends seem to think it. Look Up Old Cotton Cielm. At Washington Southern Senators express themselves as hopeful over the prospects of securing legislation during the present session of Congress, look ing to the refunding of money paid into the treasury of the United Srate3 soon after the civil war, as the result of the sale cf the cotton captured by the Fed ctal tvoopa. There wa3 originally about $30,000,000 of this money, but a Clark 'indicating to him that he would pay $10,000 for it, but as he found that Marcy would vote for Clark anyhow, he did not approach him with the proposition. As neither side was prepared to in troduce other witnesses, the commit tee, after a hearing of les3 than two hours, adjourned until Monday. New York, Special. The tenth an nual Uanquet of the Confederate Vet erans Camp of New York, given in honor of C&aefal Robert E. Lee, was held at the Waldorf-Astoria Friday, 300 persons being In attendance. One of the features was the presence of a large number of women,, members cf the families of the camp members. Edward Owen, commander of the camp presided. While the dinner was in progress, airs. Jefferson Davis was es corted Into tihe centre box in the bal cony overlooking the banquet hall. She was given an ovation. Fans and map kins were thrown in the air, and flow ers were flung to the box from the ta bles ibelow. In a short time Mrs. Davis was surrounded by a group which de serted the banquet tables to greet her. An informal receiptlcn of an hour or more was accordingly held by the widow of the former head of the Con federacy. The dinner over, Commander Owen proposed to toast '"The President cf the United States and the Army and the Navy." It was drunk standing. Thomas Nelson Page, of Virginia, responded to -fhe toast "Tihe South Be yond Her Borders." The speaker first referred to tie part played by the South in the upbuilding of the city cf New York. He then spoke on Stone wall Jackson, and paid that Soutlhern hero a, starring tribute. He next told cf the life of General Lee as a civilian an)d as a president of an educational institution, and eaid that 'Ms motto was "duty is the eublimest word in the English language." He alluded in glowing terms to the life-work of Mrs. Jefferson Davis. Letters of regret were read from President McKtoley, Governor Roose velt, Mayor Van Wyck and Colonel Longstreet, of New Orleans. The letter from President McKinley was as fol lows: "I received your kind letter invit ing me to be present and responded to a toast ait the tenth annual banquet of your camp on the 19t!h inst., and I regret very much that engagements al ready made prevent me from sending an acceptance. The cordlial feeling cf mutual respect and good will existing between the sections of our now re united country, among all the people is most gratifying to me. Tt would af ford me peculiar pleasure to be with you on this occasion and give renew ed expression to my grateful apprecia tion of the promptness and patriotism wiSh which the citizens cf the South, as well as of the-Noriih, respond to the call of their country, and of the ever Increasing ihelp they are giving to these things which contribute to its permanence and influence." "The Man on the Mcnaanent and t!h-3 Memory of Robert E. Lee," was re sponded to by John Temple Graves, ot Georgia, Brilliant Outlook for High Point This Year. The present year gives promise of a record breaker In building factories in High Point. Besides the new factory, the Lindsey chair company, organized there a few days since, three more in course of organization and it is more than probable that the names of the contemplated enterpriser will be forth coming in a few days. Messrs. Oscar and Gurney Kearns and their associ ates will build a factory soon. As yet they have not come to any decision as to the line of goods they will manufac ture. A company for the manufacture of pants is being "Kotten up by Mr. J. Henry Millis. The capital stock of the KENTUCKY KILLING. Ex-Conessmen Colsoa Shoots Three Men to Death. THE ENDING OF ANOTHER FEUD. TbeTragedy Took Place In a Crowded Hotel Lobby. Colson Surrenders To The Authorities. TOBACCO GROWERS SESSION. Frankfort, Ky., Special Ex-Congressman David G. Colsoa shot and killed-Ethel bert Scott, Luther De- company will be $15,000 and about all !.??,jTee Charles Julian, and wound- the stock has been subscribed. Mr. A. J fe Joseph Golden, in the Capital Hotel R. Hammer, late superintendent of the Piedmont Table company, and others, will erect a wood working plant soon. The class of goods to be manufactured has not been decided upon. Escape of Prisoners. Six persons broke out of "Wilkes county jail Friday night They were released by a negro prisoner, who broke the lock with a pick. While he. was in the act of breaking the lock Ij another cell the jailor's attention was attracted by the noise and he captured the negro who was responsible for the release of the other' five men. The sheriff says those who got away are bad men and were to be tried for seri ous offenses. First CJass Postoffice. It seems an assured fact that the Charlotte postoffice will be graded as a first class postoffice after the 30th ft. March. According to the regulator s a postoffice must 'receive $40,000 'Cpr more, as actual receipts for stamps, money orders, etc., sold during the pe riod of a year before it can be ranked as a first class office. The office needs to receive only $7,000 in additional sales by the 30th of March, when it will have seceived the necessary $40, 000. lis receipts have been a good deal more than $10,000 for each quarter; and in the next five weeks the sales are sure to be largely in excess of the $7,-000. here Tuesday. Tho killing waa the result of the renewal of a feud be tween Colson and Scott, which grew up between them while in the army laat year. Scott and Demaree died almost instantly. Julian was thought to be only slightly wounded but dded at 1:55 p. m., from shock and loss cf blood, making the third death. Harry Mc Eweng, of Louisville, wa3 also hit by stray bullet3, but not seriously wound ed. All but Seoit were bystanders and were shot by accident. Cokon was shot in the arm, but mat seriously hurt. After the shooting he went to the residence of Chief of Police Wil liams, near by, and gave hiniaelf up. Later a warrant was sworn cut by Clint Fogg, who witnecsed the killing. Fogg says Colson shot first. The kill ing occurred in tha lobby of tha Capi tol Hotel, which waa densely packea witn people, who are here attending the trial of the contests before the legislature. Persons who were In the hotel when the tragedy Anti-Trust Resolutions Pass:. New Contract Agreement Hie North Carolina Tobacco Grow ers Association waa In session at Ral eigh, on Thursday. There were SO to bacco growing countle represented, and the association la a strong body of men. It was dead set against the Am erican Tobacco Company. The asso ciation elected J. Bryan-' Grimes, of Pitt county, president, and V. B. Lp church, of Raleigh, treasurer; J. B. Phillips, vice president; T. V. Parter, secretary. The associaton adopted by a practically unanimous vote the rough draft of a contract to form the basis of an agreement between the organiza tions and the capitalists who agree to furnish money to handle the tobacco crop when 90 percent, of the growers of bright tobacco have signed the con tract. The following resolutions were adopted: "Whereas, the tobacco growers have to sell their tobacco to leaf dealers or manufacturers, therefor "Resolved. That we petition Con gress for such legislation as will give any one the liberty to dispose of his tobacco in any quantity and to any purpose." "Whereas, the growers of leaf tobac co are not receiving a just compensa tion for their product, and believing this state of affairs has been brought about by unlawful combinations, we do hereby solicit the aid and assistance of all organizations Interested in the ad vancement of agriculture, of our legis lators, both Ute and National, and the press, to aid in correcting this un fair and unjust state of affairs." VOTE TO BE TAKEN. Staadard cf Ytloe Io Be Defiaiterj Settle. VOTE WILL BE TA1FN FIB. I5TD. 1 he Pending Gold Dill to Be Discussed In the Mesa time hoar Speaks oa the Philippine War. j The Hous?. I Twenty-fourth Day. The urgent de- : flclency appropriation bill was taken i up In the House. It was the general expectation that it would open up a ! stormy debate upon the question of ex pansion, in view of the large army and portion of it was paid to the owners of j navy items it contains, but members the cotton soon after the war. The re mainder was left in the treasury and ' has remained there ever since. Sena- ' tor Money, who i3 giving special at- j tentlon looking to the reopening of the i subject, ays that the sum left amount ed to about $11,000,000. A bill intro duced by Senator Davis gives one yetr additional time for proof of such claims before the court of claims. It has been favorably reported by the Senate com mittee on claims and Senator Money thinks the outlook very good for fa vorable action. Most of the claims are held In the Southern States. Jov in LidysmithT Ladyimlth, By Cable. T'he enemy have placed In position new guns throwing eight-inch shells and have been bombarding more vigorously for the last few days, though little dam age has been done. Three cf th British force have been wounded. T'he troops are jubilant over General Bul ler's successful advance. His guns can be heard distinctly, and the burst ing of shells can bo plainly seen. To Oust a Democrat. Washington, D. C, Special. The house committee on elections, No. 1, divided on party lines and by a vote of tlx to two decided to recommend the ftatlng of Win, F. Aldrlch, Republi- j can, who contests the seat now held i by Gaston A. Robbins, Democrat, for J only became very much engro-sed In a discussion of an item of $150,000,000 for rural free delivery, in which all are personally interested, and the subject of expansion was barely touched upon. The last hour of the debate was enliv ened with an attack by Mr. Richardson the minority leader upon the Secretary of the Treasury for his course in con nection with the sfle of the New York custom house. Mr. Hopkins, of Illi nois, championed the Secretary, Twenty-fifth Day.-The Roberts com mittee concluded Its work and came to a unanimous finding of the fact.?. The majority report will be signed by seven members. It favors exclusion of Roberts from the House. The minori ty report, signed by two members, fa vors the Beating of Roberts, then ex pelling him. Those who sign the lat ter are DeArmond, Democrat, and Lit- tlefield, Republican. Democrats Lan ham and MIere voted with the major ity. Twenty-sixth Day.-The House pass ed the Senate bill to extend -the powers of the director of the census, after striking out the committee amendment to authorize the director to contract for extra printing with private con tractors. After some further debate the committee rose, the bill was passed and the House adjourned Twenty-seventh Day. T'he pension appropriation bill, carrying $145,243, 230,was passed by the House. It was made the vehicle cf attack upon the Webster's Statue Unveiled. At Washington, on Thrusday, a dis tinguished gathering of public officials including Prtident M'Kinley and his entire cabinet, representatives of the Senate and the House of Representa tives, the judiciary of the United States supreme court and other branches of public life, participated in the exer cises attending the unveiling of the c lossal bronze statue of Daniel Web ster, executed by the Italian sculptor, Trentanove, and presented to the Uni ted States by Mr. Stilson Hutcliins, of Washington. The President and most of the other distinguished guests pro ceeded to the Scott Circle, where at 12 o'clock, the statue was unveiled. The drawing of ths veil was performed by Jerome Bonaparte, the great-grandson of Webster, assisted by Mrs. Hutch ins and Miss Katherine Deering. State News Notes. In Charlotte this week one A. W. Whitaker assaulted Mr. Will Keerans, a lawyer, because Mr. Keerans asked him some embarrassing questions while he was on the witness stand in court and had criticised him In his speech before the jury. Whitaker had a hearing before Mayor McCall for his assault on Mr. Keerans; and was sen tenced to thirty days In jail. He ap pealed and gave bond for his appear ance. None of the Charlotte lawyers would appear for Mr. Wnitaker in the trial. Mr. Keerans formerly lived in Statesville. Tuesday evening as the work train on the Southern was entering Hickory from the west some toys threw rocks at it. One of the rocks struck the fire man and badly fractured his arm. This thing of rocking trains is bad business and possibly if those who indulge in such spoTt knew that if arrested and convicted it would give them a long term in the pen, they would quit it. The Waldensian farmers, located in Burke county, at Valdese, a station on the Southern railway's line between Asheville and Salisbury, are meeting with success. These people began ia Burke county with small capital and upon low priced lands. They are rap idly developing fine farms, and it will soon be the most independent colony of people that ever came to the United States. Mr. John B. Brockett, a prominent business man of Elizabeth City, died last Wednesday morning at the age of 45. British Losses 7,967. A London dispatch of Thursday says: The British losses in killed, wounded and captured up to date are 7,987 of ficers and men. 'he Fourth congressional district ot j Commissioner of Pensions by Mr. Cur- Alabama. It is the first decision in a contested election case at the present session of Congress. The contest was based on alleged intimidation and racial prejudices growing out of the appeals for white supremacy. A mi nority report will be made in behalf of Mr. Robbing. Americans Fired On. Manila, By Cable. On Thursday a pack train escorted by 50 men of Co. C, Thirtieth infantry, Lieut. Balston commanding, wa3 tmbusihed by insur gents near Lipa, province of -Laguna, and two Americans w&re killed. Four were wounded and nine are missing. The insurgents fired three volleys and the escort was obliged to retreat after killing 15 of the Insurgents. Several animals of the pack train were killed and their packs were lootPiL Closing Mines. Scranton, Pa., Special. -The Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western com' pany has closed its mines. Officials of the company declare this is done be cause? of an overproduction for the market demands; but among the min ers there is general conclusion that It Is done for the purpose of anticipating any labor trouble by reason of the oresent unrest among the miners o! C L district No. 1, Uailod Mine Worker of , S America. . ... tis, of Kansas, wlao was seconded by Mr. Lentz and Mr. Norton, of Ohio; Mr. Robinson, of Indiana, and other Northern Deiinocrats. All inveighed against tihe lack of liberty in the ad ministration of the pension laws. The Commi's&ioner was ably defended by a score of members from both sides of the House. A rider was put upon the bill, by unanimous consent, empower ing the Commissioner, in his discre tion, to withhold the fees cf attorneys of record in pension cases where hs w-a3 satisfied tihat the attorneys had rot prepared the cases under their per sonal supervision. Mr. Barney, cf Wis consin, in charge of the bill, said the Commissioner of Pensions' estimates under the bill during coming year would largely decrease, but the appro priation fchou!d not be reduced owing to the pendency of 25,000 Spanish war claims, which $5,000,000 or $6,000,002 would cover. Twenty-eighth Day.-The House spent an hour Tuesday in disposing ol ibllls favorably reported and among those passed were the measures to build the League Island and Mare Island Dry Docks of stone instead oi tlmoer. The reports on the Roberts' case were also received. An hour was given to pronouncing eulogies on the late Representative Danford, of Ohio. Mr. White (N. C., colored) presented . petition signed by 2,413 persons .foi national legislation against lynohic? and mob violence, and asked that it ba read at the clerk's desk. Mr. Ricxard son (Teniv) objected, saying that there was no reason why this petitioa should not take the usual course. Blackburn Declared Elected. At Frankfort, Ky., on Thursday, J. C. S. Blackburn was formally declar ed elected United States Senator at the joint legislative session. 1 h? Jim Crow Car Bill. The Virginia House of Delegates passed the "J'im Crow Car" bill, cr the bill requiring separtate cars for whites and blacks on the railways without a dissenting vote. Prices of Sugar Reduced. New York, Special. The American Sugar Refining Company announces a reduction of five points on soft sugars Number 2, and Numbers 7 to 11 inclu sive, in any quantity. The reduction hold indefinitely. Wages Reduced. In a circular which has been posted on the walls of the Pullman sub-office, at the union station, Chicago, a reduc tion in the wages of sleeping car con ductors is announced. fully 20 shots were fired. ScoLt, who was the first killed, was a nrphsw of ex-Governor Bradley. Demaree was assistant postmaster at SheibyviLle, and a prominent Republican politi cian. Julian was one of the weallh iect farmers in this county and be longed to an old Kentucky family. The trouble between ScoSt and Cokon, which began 4n the army last year, resulted in Colson being th-ot by Scott and it nas been predicted since that one or both would be killed enould they meet. Colonel Colson is in a highly ner vous fcibite, resulting from excitement attending the tragedy and as he ha3 never fully recovered from a rtroke of paralysis sustained last year, his friends are greatly concerned over his condition. Accounts of the killing dif fer and it is impossible to giva details farther thza. wh,'.le Colson and a panty of friends were standing in t'h3 south west corner of the hotel lobby, ScoLt came in the hotel, and when near Col eon the fi.n'ic'g began. Scott, after be ing shot, walked backward toward the stairway looking to the bar-rcom and fell dpwn the stairs, dead as he reach ed them. His body rolled over against the bar-room door, and as it did Col onial Colscn, who had followed, shoot ing at every step, fired one more shot into the prostrate form. Demaree, who waa killed in tihe general fusilade, was shot twice. One ball pierced the heart and the cither either penotrated the heart or went directly usder it. Those in the immediate Colson party decline to talk about iha affair, and, while it is generally understood that several others were engaged in the snooting, no names are given. Hundreds of people flocked to the scene of the shooting and watched the tragic scenes, following t'he removal of the remains of the dead from the ihotel. The most profound sorrow ex ists over the aceidemtal killlag of Demaree" end Julian and the feeling against Colson among their friends is exceedingly bitter - flortgage of $5,000,000. Possibly the largest mortgage ever given In North Carolina was recorded with the register of deeds of Wake county on Thursday. It was the trust deed authorized by the stockholders ot occurred say t the Raleigh and Gaston railrcad In fa vor of the Continental trust company of Baltimore, to Eccure an Issue of $50,000,000 first consolidated mortgage. A brief summary of this Instrument was given In the Post together with a number of interesting facts connected with It It required $2,520 in war Washington. D. C. Special WUh out difficulty and wtthla fire minutes an agreement vms reached la the Sea ate to tike a final vote on the pead- ln bill fixing gold as the standard of ralao in the United Sutca. Mr. Al drlch. chairman of the finance mittee, euggesud February let as f suitable date for the vote. Mr. Joaes, Democrat, of Arkansas, named Feb ruary 15th, and his prcpoecti was ac cepted by Mr AVirith. Xu the later venieg time b uuosure will be di- eutceJ. After several day of warm debate the drag-net revolution of Inquiry re gardcg the conJuct of the Philippine war was advpted. It was Introduced by Mr. Hoar, of Massachusetts, mad practically was adopted as a general substitute for resolutions of a similar, but less extended character, offered by Mr. PeiMgrew and Mr. Lodge. Beyooa a rlgoraua epetch by Mr. Pet'.igrew, the resolution aroj.ed no debate, aad it Is within the discrttioa of tie Prcil- dent to send or not to tend any of the Information requested. Th resolu tion offered by Mr. Hal-, of Milne, a to the seizure of flour by the BriiUli auchorkues, was alap;;J, but only af ter a spirited debate and after the resolution bad been niaieriil amend rd. When t'he Hoar resolution, amended by Mr. lxdg?. exiling for general in formation regarding the conduct of the insurrection in. the Philippines, was taken up, Mr. PcUlgrew. of South Da kota, spoke of its pas. -age. He declar ed that he had received information stamps. to legally put the mortgage on record Fifty $50 stamps and two 10 j Blnce the lntrcdurtIm hJj t.ons that assured him of the facts he cent stamps were used. The amount received by the county for recording the mortgage was only $27, a mere bagatelle when compared with the tar iff paid the government. The railroad paid the county $23.50 for registration of the document and $3.50 for proba tion and seal certificates. Populists State Committee. The Populist State Committee met at Raleigh Thursday. The following compose the eomnrlttee: Dr. Cyrus Thompson, chairman; J. B. Schulken, James B. Lloyd. Zacli. T. Garrett, Morrison H. H. Caldwell. Hal. W. Ayer, E. A. Moye, Harry Skinner, The ophllus White, J. T. B. Hoover, R. B. Kinsey, V. J. McArthur, E. M. Cole, S. Otho Wilson. James Amos, W. O. Stratford, A. S. Peace, S. A. Edmund, J. Z. Green. J. H. Sherrill, John A. Sims, R. A. Cobb, J. Y. Hamrick, Geo. E. Boggs, A. D. K. Wallace. Lexington's $200,000 Mill. A new cotton mill with a capital of $200,000 was organized at Lexington this week. Seventy-five thusand sub scribed by citizens of the town; part of tie remainder will be taken by men In the county. It is an assured fact that the factory will be built at an early date, and will probably be located In the northern portion of town. Among the promoters are Messrs. Grimes, brothers, J. F. Ward, W. G. Peary, J. F. Hargrave, G. W. Montcastel and i others. This will make three mills for Lexington and will add much to the prosperity and growth of the town. naa asserted, "me blood of every soldier," faold h?. "who has fillen since tl war besin, is on the hands of the administration. The bleed of the six boys of South Dakota, wha lost their lives after being conscripted Into an unwilling rervlce after their terms had expired, lies at the door of the ad min! tt ration and there is no escape for it. The charge is that the censor ship of the press and Che suppression of fi;ts are for the purpose of advan cing the political ambitions of Mr. Mc Kinley." If this action, eaid Mr. Pttl grew, put the administration in a hole as was stated, it was not his fault. Th resolution was then passed without division. GOOD K0ADS N0TG I The State of Vew Terk i -T oa tecidJ slvaata i the wrt of eo traetiac ioirrarJ rH.l is the fr that it roaUia wituia iU an limiit an J prttty wr 11 dialrit4 tfcrarza oat lie arra, aa ataple aapplj of 8rt rale raw eaiterUL T ere are 4M leaa other SUUa as fatly L!et ii ttia retpect, and here are rrrtaialj laaej others not that btett. . Oa U wbol, it ia doabtf al if any olhrr SUU wilU o fTsat a prcportioaate etteat of level anJ arable leal hat ao abaaJaat au I well dutribateJ a aapplj of roal mating material. There are few 00a a tiea la I be State la which qaarriet of fiyi roa l tos are not bow ia operation. aaJ titers are atill fewer ia which aara qaarnte talgSt not profitably be oja4. Oa Long Talaad there ia, i bV.it re. t quarry, trictlv apeakiug. bat thee are numeroea depotita of gra el at4 bowldeta, which nay Ue uulizcl for roadmakiag tii'j admirable retalta. The UaJaoa Hirer ragioa ia thickly dotted with qaarriea ot liiaavtoae. granite and trap. Ia the CaUktil sad Kbaan;uak taoaataiaa sal aloag the Delaware and 8aahemcra auJ their tribolariea Llaettctia It lr&liial. with a liberal aJmittart of etaJtoa and limeatooe. AUn the Mokak Valley and the line of the Crie Canal. clear to Lake Ie. aaadVaue and limettone alxanl. at they li north ward, oa Lake Ontario an t tha St, Lawrence Utter, la tue lake reriua aad tha Southern Tier aaadatone ia the chief material, with here and there aa oaU-rc-ppiag of Mattoae. We are not aare tUat tuero it more thau one county io the Stale ouUi la of Loog Ialand ia which there ia cot a quarry of one of tlicee kiaia cf tone ia operation. And wherever aach a qaairycsiatt nothing ia seeded but a atone crather t? enable the ot putting of first rata laatenal for Im proved road a. The valae of tbeae different vlonee for rosdmakiag tarie. of courae, tint they are all gooJ. Trap and graaite are, no doubt, the beat, the former becauto of ita unriralel binliox or aelf-cemeating qaalitiea, and the lat ter becauao of itt hardueat and dura bility. Li me Ion a bat floe binding prcpertiea, bat it ton oft to with stand heavy traSe. Blue tone aad other varieties of aaadatone are Dot particularly hard, aad Lava almuat ao blading qualities It it cudeot. lion ever, that theto 1cm deairable atonea tuaj profitably be csuoioed with other kiadt, aad that that s roal may be made which will be better has soy cf suy eingle kind of atone; while of course, the pooreat of tbetn. used alone, will tuake aa lueoatptra bly better roa I than mere clay and oam. New lurk Tribune. Atlanta's Celebration. Atlanta, (3a., Special. The Virginia Society in Atlanta celebrated Uhe birthday of the Confederacy's tiaief by attractive exercises at the Grand Opsra House. Seats were set apart for the various local partiotic associations and the boxes were occupied by Governor Oamdler, State officers, justices of the Supreme Court, the local clergy and the beauty and cihlvalry of Atlanta. Hon. Hamiilton Douglass, president of the Virginia Society, presided. Free Rural Mail Delivery. Washington, D. C, Special. dt has been decided by the postoffice depart ment to permit the star route system In a measure to supplement the system of rural free delivery, and to permit carriers on star routes to deposit mails in proper receptacles placed along their lino of travel. This plan will be inau gurated in South Carolina,, beginning July 1, and will be extended to other parts of the country as rapidly as possible. The Golden Belt manufacturing com pany of Durham has brought suit for damages against the Milhlser manu facturing company of Richmond, Va., for infringement upon the rights of pa tents for making bags. The amount involved in the suit will be, it is claim ed, $100,000 to $200,000. The Populist State convention will meet in Raleigh Wednesday, April 18. The capacity of the Southside cotton mills is being increased by the addition of new machinery. Some twenty-odd hew houses are also to be built in the vicinity of the mill. The growth of Sa lem's suberb is safe, steady and sure. Winston Republican. At Plumtree, Mitchell county, Wed nesday of last week, while at work on a mica mine, Louis Buchanan was killed and Sam Wilson seriously if not fatally injured by an explosion. Bu- chanan was about forty-five years old and leaves a wife and several children. Three new cases of smallpox were discovered Saturday in Greensboro. the patients being negroes residing al most beyond the city limits. Nelson Smith, colored, is in Wake county jail charged with stealing an other man's wife. The allegation is that Smith forcibly entered the dwell ing of the woman's husband and car ried off the wife, but it 13 not supposed the wife offered any serious resistance. The Journal says that In a letter to his mother, Lincolnton's colored sol dier in the Philippines, Lieutenant Wm. McBrayer, of the Forty-ninth Volunteers, says he is about to marry a Filipino belle. Mr. Howard F. Jones president of the East Carolina Telephone companv, with headquarters at Wilson, Is arrang ing to have a place in the corridor of the Wilson court house by which, by dropping the amount charged for using the phone in c lot, one may talk with parties anywLre from Raleigh to Washington, N. C. The total value of all tho property in the Stae,. real and personal, includ ing railroads,' telegraphs, etc., is found by the State auditor to be $169,000,000 this being am increase of $4,000,000 over las"t year." v Fesperman Caught Mack Fesperman, colored, wanted in Charlotte for the murder of his wife, Irene FeBperman,. was arrested at Ker shaw, S. C, on Friday, by W. S. Orr, chief of police of Charlotte. A Blow at Fair Card Players. The criminal court grand jury at Charlotte in Its report says it is alarm ed at the Increase of crime and believes it is due to the desire for gambling which permeates all stratas of society and that the "dainty hands that deftly deal cards at progressive euchre par ties should be dealt with as sternly as the negro 'crap shooters.' " War News Cut Off. London, by Cable. Even rumors are no longer telegraphed from Natal. The military experts, therefore, conclude that no decisive blow has been struck either way. The War Office announced early nothing would be given out. The South African conciliation committee, quietly formed to represent the peace minority, announced itself to the coun try and asks for support. Among the members are many notable personB. - fledal F r Elue. Gold Medal to Lieutenant Blu'; New York, Special. Lieutenant Vic tor Blue, of the Unled States Navy, was honored on "board the battleship Massa chusetts at the Navy Yard, by the wo men of South Carolina, the lieutenant's native State, for his heroic work en land and on water during the war with Spain. Ex-Governor Hugh 5. Thomp son, of South Carolina, presented the lieutenant with a gold medal, on one side of which bore the Inscription. ' Ex. plorator Fortissimus In Ponto Sylvis que Floruit," and on the reverse the words, "The women of South Carolina to Lieutenant Vivtor Blue in high ap preciation of his courage, enterprise and distinguished services in the Santi ago campaign, 1898." Morgan Replies. 'Montgomery, Ala., Special. Senator Morgan has pubCihed an cp:n lerter in answer to that of Governor John ston, of the 4th inoL The Senator charges the Governor with 'having aid ed and abetted in forming a plant to sell the property of several Alabama corpt!irationi3 to a combination formed larger than the Shate of Alabama I trains on the Wilmington & Newbera would sSI-cw, and this purport of sell- I division of the same system were de ing for cs?h has stock in a coal com- layed several hours for the same rea pany and several thousand acres of son. ' m. coal land. State News Notes The first catch of shad were on the street Thursday and were offered for sale at 50 cents apiece for bucks and 75 cents for roe. Newbera Journal. The Hamlet smallpox patients are all confined in a railroad car in the woods and there 1b thought to be little danger that it will spread. Vice Presidert E. St John, of the Seaboard Air Line announced that the company would rebuild In Raleigh at an early date the shops which were de stroyed by fire some years ago. The cotton mill development this year is simply astonishing. Lexington is to have a $200,000 mill. Kittrell one. Selma one. Over ten mills have been organized or put well on the way for organization thus quickly in 1900. French Whips the Boers. London, by Cable. The War Office has received the following dispatch from Lord Roberts: "Cape Town, Jan. 1C, Evening. On the 15th the Boers made a determined attack upon French's advance post held by the New Zealander Mounted Rifles and a detachment of the York shire regiments. The ' era were re pulsed, having 20 kllle 'heir wound ed is estimated at) it I than 50. The attack was prece- 1 a long range fire from one gun'; iierwiie the sit uation is unchanged 'eneral French's 6UCCCSB, consoling to V 3 British, is re cognized as being only a side issue, The country is grateful to learn that the British loss In thia engagement was only six killed and five wounded News that two transports with troops have been ordered from Cape Town to Port Elizabeth, indicates that aubetan tial reinforcements are on their way to General French. Demand Higher Wages. Savannah. Ga., Special. Unions No. 264 and 318 of the United Brotherhood ot Carpenters and Joiners, the former of white men and the latter of negroes, formally notified all contractors and other employers that on and after May 1, next, they would demand an increase of pay from $2 to $2.50 per day of tea tours, to $2 to $3.50 per day of nine hours. Tracks Washed Out The almost unprecedented downpour of rain Thursday night In the section contiguous to Wilmington,, consider ably dalayed traffic in the different ralroadis running into the city. On the Yadkin division of the Atlantic Coast Line, all trains had to be annulled on account of washouts in the track and Fire at Dsws;n. Seattle, Wash., Special. The steam er Danube, of Victoria, from Skagway, brings news that a large part of the business section of Dawson was wiped out by fire on the night of Wednesday last. A dispatch was received at Skag way on the same night. The loss will exceed half, a million dollars. There are no names cf the buildings or losses. The Skagway operator says that great suffering would undoubtedly fellow the fire, as the temperature at Dawson was 49 degrees below zero, with the wind blowing. . At Wilmington. Wi-lmlrsto-, N. C, Special The bir'Jhday of 1 t R. E. Lee was cele brated 'here FrtSy, in en. elaborate manner by the local camp of Confed erate Veterans, Daughters of tihe Con federacy, Wilmington L!ght Lofattry, Naval Reserves and Junior military organizations. A parade of the prin cipal btrects, an tdress by Juntos Da vis at Jhe epera torae, and a anrii served to the eurvlning Ctxnfeder-ates at "Che city hall, ccns&u-ted ha evicts of the cay. Why Wheeler Was Summoned Homo Washington. D. C, SpeclaL It ia un derstood here that General Wheeler's retura from the Philippines la on ac count of ill health , While it la not ad mitted that he hi resigned his com mission, it Is staU. that if he has, the President will suspend action until he can confer with him with a view of dissuading him from such a course. He is nearly 1 years of age, the statutory limit of actlce service in the army, and but for that fact would have been ap pointed a brigadier general In the reg ular army. Bryan In Cincinnati. Cincinnati, Ohio, SpeclaL CoL W. J. Bryan addressed an audience of 5.000 at Music Hall under the auspices of the Cincinnati Bi-metalic Council. He said that the time had come when no farm er or laborer could afford to be a R publican He said that party had ea tirely changed front. As to droi-plng the money question, he aaid that there was no man In this nation bir enourh to let that question fall la such a way as to Dreaa it. Wheeler Has Resigned. Florence. Ala., Special General Wbeeler anaporces his plans la s pri vate letter received here by Tax Com mlssioner Wood. From Luzon. De cember 2, the general writes that he expects to leiTe in a few days and will devote himself here to pocJiiin min eral and school land legislation for the Philippine tbrough Ctmgrezax He rays: "I could not bane left diere while tbe campaign waa oa without being subjected to severe ertOc'sm. I have resigned my positton in the .rmy. Tb L er. "It ami be plain to any one who gives the matter thought that we of fer enormoua loases each year at the result of bad roal." aaya Gttaj Dorner, chairmau of the Ltaeaa of American Wheelmen l!uhay Ita rroremettt Committee. "But what d these loaaea really ataoant to, aad how much woald ba nave a, if w had eni formly good roads? We may aay that it doeau t coat the farmer anything to market his crops, becatta ha oes all. the hauling himself. True, but isn't his time worth aometbiug? Suppose that ia place of every too of wheat or hay or potatoes loaleJ oa his waroa . be was able, ai a result of good roads. to load r two tuna and to market the entire crtp of his farm with jast half the labor aod in jast half the time which ia required at present, wool Jo' t tho amount of time Le could aave bo worlh aomethiog, an 1 woalda't it be worth aaving? Labor is the farmer'a orkiug. capital, which he is coalina ally aetkiag to make at irodactire as possible," A TvrwarS Lk. In tpeakior about rood roads tho other day C0I01M Albert A. Top said: "It is estimated that io New York City there are twelve thousand tracks, carrying on an average a load of a ton and a half for three miles on each of the business days of the year. aod with an average daily coat of 1 1 for each truck. Thia meant titty-five million tone transported one miie ia every year for tl.OW,000, cr about twenty-two centt a too mile. TMe traasportatioo can be dae by rail at six-tenths of a cent a mile. When oar bighwayt Lave been aocontrutad that draught animals eao haul the matimjm load at the'aioimum trice, when the lowest freight rate aad greatest freight convenience Lavo been combined, or, in short, when wo have secured a tree ioterebaofre cf commodities throughout the civilized world, we ahall have intared 'peace and good will among the nations.' " What Might Ba Save. The effiee of roal inquiry ia toe Department of Agriculture hat esti mated that over SG00,009,0 might be saved annually ia the United States by the construction of good roads. The atatittiee of the Department of Agriculture ahow the total ainonut of all kinds of grain raited ia the United States, The amoa&t coaeamedontbe farms was estimated asbeiog offset by a large amount of other articles hauled by farmers on the public roe la. By reducing thia all to tone and nting their inquiries into the eott of bant ing one ton at a basis, it wat foaa 1 that the total cost of haulage amount ed to $310,414,065, and that two thirda of thia enormvtt anoant might be aaved each year. A Strifclag UuLc. Tt ia estimated that it would be nec essary to build about l,OO0.OW miles of macadamized roads in the United States in order to hare as good a ti- tern as is found ia eeveral European States. At $1000 a mile tbit woald involve as outlay of $1,000,000,000. a pretty large aaoj. Bat tf one-half of the draft animal could be dirpe&sed with by the building of Bach rosi there would be as annual aarin; of $700,000,000 ia the food bill. Coast queoUy if road bonds were ittae 1 bearing three per cent, interest 6,0V 000 miles of macadamized road could be built without increasing the annual expense one dollar. A Kev Zealander his patented a fin id for marking cattle which will d way with the neait of brauiia .