i THE CAUCASIAN PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BT TUB CAUCASIAN PUBLISHING; CO SUBSCRIPTION RATES. 9MB Y1EAR. . ...-.-BIZ MONTHS. . -. THRKK MONTHS. ... ..fl.0u .60 .. .85 Entered at the rost Office id Raleigh, N. C. as neeond-class mail matter WHY rilK SIMMONS KLECTION LAW SIIOHLD HE CONOE NED. The Biblical Recorder In a recent dltorlaljommenting upon the late Mr.Ooebel of Kentucky and his po litical methods, says : "He may have been Incorruptible, but ho made an election law that was the legalization of corruption an election law which, In the hour of hi burial, his most devoted worshippers agreed to repeal be cause of Its unfairness." When the editor of the Biblical Itocorder finds time to examine the provisions of the Simmons election law In this State, he will find that it Is not only modeled after theGoobel law of Kentucky, but that it has beon amondod and made even more Infamous. Some of the points In which the two laws are similar in their pro visions will bo Been from the fol lowing Darairranhs from the two laws put In parallel columns: OOKBBL ELECTION LAW. 'SIM MONA ELECTION It A W Sec. 4. That there See. I. The gen eral assembly shall shall be a State at its present ses-jltoard of Elections slon elect t h r e e consisting of sev commiasioners who en discreet per hall be .-tyled sons who shall be The State Hoard electors.elected bjr of Election Com the General As sembly at its pres ent sesrtioti. Seo. B. That there shall be in every missioners." Sec. 2. Said State Board of E 1 e c tionOommissioners shall annually, not later than the month of Snptem-J her, appoint ttuee Election Commis sioners for each county, who shall be styled "Th Election Hoard of County Commis sioners." See. 3 Said coun ty board shall an nually, not later than the month ot Ootober, appoint for ach election precinct in the county, two judges, one clerk and one sheriff of election to act as mh in their precinct. countyin the State a county board of elections consist ing of three dis creet persons who are electors in the county in which they are to act, who tfhall be ap pointed as herein after provided by the State Board ot Elections. Sec. 7. That it shall be the duty of the county board of elections in each county to appoint all regis trars andjudges of election in their respective coun ties. There aro other features In the Simmons law, giving unlimited power for fraud to tho registrars, not contained In the Qoebel law. Under tho Qoebel law all of the registrars were not of the same po litical party. Under this law ev ery registrar in the State, from mountains to sea, will be a ma chine Democrat of the Simmons stripe. If such can be found. The law requires a new registration, and then gives to the registrar the pow er to ask persons offering for regis tration an unlimited number of questions. The law cites ten or twelve questions, and then says the registrar may ask any other question that he may regard ma terial. and that he can refuse to register a party if he is not satis fled with any or all ot the answers. It permits the registrar to require every person offering to register to prove his exact age by two other voters. The law does not say that the voter, must prove that -he is twenty-one years of age or more, but the registrar can require him to prove his age. So with an un principled registrar there is not a voter in the State who is known to belong to any party other than the Democratic party who could be safe In applying for registration, with out having first secured two votf8 who knew his age and vy'no couid swear to it, and tat&''them wlth him to the reft!i$rar. Remember that all .?-' i Im! f aI nAWOf a j fylfven to a registrar who is not even ,' '""sworn. Besides, remember that the I Buporvisory powers which the ju l diclary has in the past had over ! registrars and other officers has j been entirely taken away by this law, and a little registrar is clothed with all ot these judicial powers, and from his decision there is no appeal. Is this provision fair? Is it Just? Is it not dangerous to put such power in the hands of one man, even if he were the wisest and best man in the State, and were in addition sworn to do his duty? There can be but one pur pose In framing such an election law, and that purpose is to disfran chise the votes of enough sovereign electors by the arbitrary ruling of a registrar to make it possible for the Simmons Machine to triumph In defiance of the will of the major lty of the people. The purpose of the law Is to disfranchise voters by the wholesale by keeping their names off the registration books, and then to steal votes by the wholesale if still necessary to ac complish the ends of unscrupulous politicians. The Biblical Recorder and every other religious paper should not only expose the infamous features of this law and Its purpose to stea votes and corrupt the ballot box but they should appeal to every discible of Christ in the pulpit to raise up his voice and appeal to the reason and conscience of the State tn condemn this effort to legalize theft, corruption, and fraud. Notick. If you are not a snbscri bar then this is a sample copy, and U an Invitation to you to subscribe For $l.tX) we will send four copies o the paper till the Btaw eiecuon August. in WHAT DOES ALL THIS MEAN T During the past few days there have appeared some strange and significance utterances by certain Democratic politicians and news paper organs on tho national situ ation. A few days ago governor W.J. Stone, Democratic national committeeman for Missouri, gave out an interview warning the party that there were enemies at work on tho inside of the camp. Among other things he said: "Some sort of a scheme Is on foot, although I am unable yet to say exactly what It is. From infor- rnation that came to me at Wash ington recently and since I left there, I gather that the end which the Palmer-Buckner Democrats are trying to attain is to capture the organization of the party. They are of course declaring for Bryan, but what they want is the organization,- That there is some such scheme on foot is shown by many bits of evidence that has cropped out rocentiy." It will be remembered that Gov ernor Stone has just returned from Washington City, where he had been to attend a meeting of the na tional Democratic Committee. It will also be remembered that Gor man and Croker coralled the ma jority of tho committee and defeat ed the plan of Governor Stone and Bryan's other friends to have an early convention. They fixed the date for July 4th, later than any national convention has been held in many years. It will also be membered that Mr. Daniels: the committeeman for this State, while loudly professing loyalty to Mr. Brvan, joined Gorman and Croker In winning thoir first import move. About tho same time that Gover nor Stone's interview appeared, there appeared a leading editorial in the Silver-Knight Watchman, published in Washington City, and which is understood to be cotrolled by the Democratic national com mitteo. The editorial was headed "A Warning." We make the fol lowing oxtract: fi T1l 1 . . i t i TiViuenco is aDunciant to prove beyond the shadow of doubt that the money kings, trusts, and mono polies have renewed their effort to breakinto the Democratic national convention and preveut the nomi nation of Bryan by controlling one-third of the delegates. Their attorneys and henchmen in every part of the country are exhibiting increased interest in politics ana are laboring hard to control the election of delegates to the national convention. They stand no chance whatever of suc cess if the people do their duty by attending the primaries and exer cising discretion in the choice of delegates to the county conventions and giviug explicit instructions to delegates to State conventions." The Caucasian is rather in clined to think that Governor Stone was nearor right when he said they would whoop for Bryan at conven tions but try to capture the organi zation. We do not think they will attompt to defeat the nomination of Bryan, but we think they will try to prevent co-operation between the Populists and Silver Itepubli cans on a Vice-Presidential candi date. If they capture the organi zation, they can easily do this ; and besides, if they have the machinery of the organization they will see that Bryan is defeated after he is nominated. It will be remembered that certain Democrats tried to play this game in North Carolina in 189G. In this connection, and editorial that appeared in the Washington limes, the only Democratic dalVS published at the nationaypitai a few days ago, issiy significant! It charges thafthere is evidence of an effort 'on the part of the Ken uily Democrats to try to make i terms with Hanna and McKInlev. promising to give to tho Republi cans the electoral vote of that State f the Democrats can control the State offices. We make the follow- ng extract : The average Kentucky Demo crats, like the average politician of every party everywhere, places a higher value upon the local offices than upon the National Administra tion. Therefore it is predicted that the so-called Goebel law will not be repealed by the Legislature now n session at Frankfort. The ma- ority of the Statesmen there assem bled care not what becomes of Ken tucky's electoral vote, except in a sentimental sort of way, so long as they reel secure in their control of the local and State offices. A few days later, on last Saturday, the Times contained another article charging that the Louisiana Demo crat t had in '76 sold out the elector al vote of that State to the Repub- icans In order that the State Demo cratic machine might have the State offices and saying it looked ike Kentucky Democrats were get ting ready to do the same thing. We make the following extract The Kentucky Democrats seem bent on playing into the hands of the Hanna counting machine by refusing to repeal or in any way modify the Goebel law. It is believed that the men in con trol of the Kentucky Democracy are in about the same mood as the Louisiana Democrats who sold out the Presidency in 1876 for the State offices. We wonder 'if Chairman Sim mons ana ' national committee man Daniels are making the same overtures to Mr. Hanna from this State? Or, are they better than the Kentucky machine Democrats? In as much as they adopted the Goe bel law and are following the Goe bel methods, it would seem natur al that they should follow the whole programme. The Caucasian does not care o comment further on this condition of affairs or to express an opinion At this time we set forth the facts to let the public see what Is going on and draw their own conclusions. P. S. We add this postscript simp ly to call attention to how fre quently Mr. Simmons and the Dem ocratic politicians are reminding Republicans that they ought to support the constitutional amend ment on the ground that it would help build up the Republican par ty. Indeed, it i3 a strange medley. What does It all mean ? A NOVEL EXPERIMENT. A KJ AULA tm LSCfrpTA MO V COUQ nVUlU) is what the Rev. Mr. Sheldon has been attempting to do with the To peka (Kansas) Capital for the past week. Uur readers will remem ber that a month or more ago it was announced that tne proprie tors of the Topeka Daily Capital had tendered to the Rev. Mr. Shel don of Topeka, Kansas, the entire use and control of their paper for one week to let him run it as he thought Jesus would run a news paper. The announcement of the novel undertaking attracted wide attention and caused subscriptions to flow into the paper, not only from every quarter of the United States, but from every quarter of the world. The subscription list ran up from a few thousand to about two hundred and fifty thou sand. Mr. Sheldon, when he began his experiment at once ordered out every advertisement he thought ought not to be in an ideal news paper. He has edited and blue penciled all the news sent in by the Associated Press or by special correspondents, which he consid ered objectionable. In addition to writing the editorial matter, he has himself overlooked every item of every kind that has gone into the paper. We have not seen a copy of the paper, and therefore cannot express an opinion as to the sue cess of the enterprise. We take it, however, that if Mr. Sheldon had beon running a paper in North Carolina that he would have con ducted it so in accordance with the Ten Commandments and the teach ings of Jesus as to have repudiated and denounced 'ballot-box stuffing and Redshirt mob violence and murder. ATTEND THE PRIMARIES AND CON VENTIONS. The official call has already been issued by State Chairman Thomp son for the State Convention, which will meet in Raleigh on April 18th and it is highly important that all Populists should attend their pri marl s and county conventions They should select their wisest and best men to attend the county and State onventions. The State con vention should be composed of the ablest, wisest and solidest men in the People's party, and there no doubt will be a rousing gathering of enthusiastic, patriotic men, who love liberty and justice, and despise the effort of the Democratic Ma chine to rob honest white men of their political rights. There should be an Immense as semblage to greet Senator Allen, who comes to our State to sp9ak words of wisdom and good cheer to our forces. 25 CENTS TILL AUGUST .ELECTION. We have been urged by manyot our subscribers to make a.ampaign rate for the Caucasian till the State election .-fiext August. They say that'fiy could get many per sonso subscribe in clubs who do lot take the paper with a low spe cial campaign rate. In response to these requests we make a 25 cent rate for the State campaign, provided that they are sent in clubs of not less than four. That is for $1 00 we will send four copies to any address till the Au gust election. With this very low campaign rate the friends and supporters of honest elections of liberty and manhood suffrage should send us at least ten housand new subscribers within the next thirty days. THE DiNGEROtS LOUD BILL AOAIN. The dangerous Loud bill is again up in Congress. It is to be voted on in the House this week, and there is danger that it will pass that body again. This same dan gerous measure passed the House ast Congress. When it reached the Senate Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads, Senator Butler, a member of that Committee, fought it in the Committee for weeks. The majority of the Committee at last reported it to the Senate, but he succeeded in beating it on the floor of the Senate. Every newsDaner n the country ought to appeal to i j ri a . , . . . its senators to see tnat it ales a speedy death in the Senate this time. DID ATCOCK SAT IT? The Raleigh Post reports Hon. C. B. Aycock, Democratic candidate for Governor, in a speech at Snow Hill, March 1st, as saying: "There are three ways in which we may rule by force, by fraud, or oyjaw. we have ruled by force we can rule by fraud, but we want to rule by law." This report of Mr. Aycock's speech was published in a leading Democratic dally. Three weeks nave passea, jMr. avcock Has not yet denied that he. used the lan guage. Is it possible that he said it? In another column will be found a communication from Mr. Meares of Elm City, referring to the con temptlble conduct of the News and Observer In republishing the dis torted and false reports of Senator Butler's speech at Rocky Mount in 1897. It will be, noticed that he expressed surprise that that paper having refused to publish the affi davits of thirty or more good citi zens who heard the speech should have the cheek to republish the false charge. Mr. Meares evident ly has little knowledge of the kind oi cnaracier who euns me ewso: Observer. The editor or that pa per is a political chameleon with out political conviction or moral conception. He takes pride in his own infamy. The meaner and more contemptible his acts are, the prouder he is of them. Each day the good, honest, christian people of the State are finding him out better and better And as they find him out his capacity to do harm by falsehood and slander will each day lessen. It now seems that the system, of blackmail that was carried on in Kentucky to threaten the railroads that if they did not put up cam paign fends and support Goebel and his election law that vengeance would be wreaked on them when the Legislature met, was extended also to insurance companies and many other business concerns. Is it not probable that Mr. Simmons is pursuing the - same course in North Carolina at present? Can those who know the man doubt that he would blhckmail every business enterprise in the State, promising to give them legislation inr return for campaign funds and threaten ing them with vengeance if they refused to shell out and support him and his methods? The News and Observer in its re port of the recent Democratic pri maries In Hickory said that a num ber of prominent Populists return ed to the Democratic party and en tered the primaries and were given a cordial welcome. It gave the names of Messrs. F. P. Moser and P. M. Hunt, as the most prominent among the returning Populists. The last issue of the Times Mercury brands this report of the News and Observer as a lie out of the whole cloth. This News and Observer;. itam ahnnt, rAt.nrnlntr Pnrmliafs la O A. no doubt in keeping with most of the items of that kind that have been appearing in that paper. The Caucasian would be glad to have short reports of county con ventions. Every county should send its wisest and best men as del egates to the State Convention. It is of the highest importance that the problems before us be dealt with by the wisest and most patri otic men in the party from the dif ferent parts of the State. A few days ago ex-President Har rison was asked what he thought of the Porto Rican tariff bill now pendidg in the Senate. His terse answer was as follows : "I regard the bill as a most serious depart ure from right principled ft is safe to say that a majority of the people of all parties agree with the ex-President in this statement. Send for bundle of sample copies and hand them out to your neigh bors who do not subscribe. Get up a club of ten for the campaign for $2.50. This is only 25 cents a codv. Is there a single christian in North Carolina who endorses bal- ot-box stuffing, perjury, fraud and redshirt mobs? HOW IT WOULD WORK IN BUNCOMBE. Tne Effect of lhe Foil tax Disfranchising Scheme There. Asheville Gazette. The Gazette was informed yester day on inquiry of an official at the tax collector's office, that nearly one- third of the taxes due in Asheville or 1899 are still unpaid. These taxes are distributed among a great number of residents, as the taxes paid are those of the large tax pavers l T - Ul TTT . . . uie weauny citizens, wnat is true of Asheville is doubtless tru9 and probably to a larger degree of the remainder of Buncombe coun ty. Under the proposed constitution al amendment, which will be adopted or rejected at the August election. a citizen who has not paid his poll tax on or before March 1 is disfran chised at the next occunng election. So under this onetitutional amend ment the "poor and ignorant" voter is between the Devil and the Deep Sea. If one doesn't get him the ober pretty surely will. It will be a question with him sometimes, whether it will be easier for him to read a section of the North Carolina constitution sufficiently well to satis fy a Democratic registar, or to get around with the money for a $5 poll tax before the tax collector begins to hnbtle him in March. He must do both of these things, and when he has done 'em he can walk into the bull psn and try his luck with Mr. Simmons' ballot-in-the-slot machine r How the Poll Tax Provision Will Work, Winston Republican. At our request Sheriff E. T. Kapp miorma us tnat not more than one third of the poll tax of Forsyth Co were paid by the 1st of March 1900 Thus we see what hardship the poll tax clause of the proposed amend ment to the constitution as offered by the Democrats, will work to the tax payers of this as well as other counties. Can't Meet the Argument. Hickory Times-Mercury. The Democrats can't argue the amendment logically, fairly or lega! ly. All they can do will be to distort what others say so as to get an ex cuse for their past redshirt acts and for them again if it becomes necessary to carry the election. PORTO RICAN TARIFF A BONE OF CONTENTION. No 'Chane for Ewirt-Quay Case to b April 3rd Commute to I- Toted on ..speet Vance Statue VUIt Washington. WlgHINOTON, D. C. Special to the Caucasian. The newspapers of this city have had a great deal recently about Ewart's contest for coaflrmation by the Senate. It has been frequently hinted that his name would be withdrawn, but these papers now state that the President will allow his name to remain until the end of this session of Congress,' thus enabling Ewrt to draw his salary, and that at the next session another nomination will be made for the Judgeship. The sub-committee of the Senate Judiciary are still ad verse to IVvvart's confirmation. The Porto Rican tariff question is still a bone of contention in the Senatp, and there is still wide di versity of opinion among the lead ing Republicans of the Senate as to the wisest course to pursue. Many Senators on the Republican side con tend that the Porto Ricans should have absolute free trade with this country, while many of the more powerful in the party councils ar gue that a 15 per cent, duty should be levied on all Porto Rican prod ucts imported into this country. Numbers of influential Republican papers throughout the country de nounce the protective feature and demand absolute free trade. There is a great deal of apprehension among the Republicans as to the result in the elections next fall Many believe that they will lose the House on account of denial of free trade to the Porto Ricans, If tho Senate passes the House bill now pending in that body. The Senate decided to vote on the Quay case on the 3rd of April There are many Republicans who oppose seating the ex-Senator. S-nator Daniel a few days ago made a speech in behalf of Senator Quay. The committee appointed by the Legislature to inspect the statue to the lamented Vance, consisting of Hon. R. II. Battle, Mr. Brown. Hon. J. D. Boushall and Hon. R. II. Speight were here Saturday to per form that duty. The weather for the past week has been most unusual for this sea son of the year, and at times the temperature was as low as 14 de grees, snow to the aeptn or six inches has fallen Attorney General A. Cook, Col. J. C- Walser, Col. C. L. Harris and Col. R. 0. Burton have been attend ing the Supreme Court. A Criticism of the News and Observer Method ot Lying. Elm City, N. C;, Mar. 15, 1900. Editor Caucasiax I see that the News and Observer has again published that false and distorted report of Senator Butler's speech at Rocky Meunt. 1 remember that that paper refused to publish the affidavits of thirty or forty men who heard that speech to the effect that the report was false, but I did think that the paper would have the decency, after refusing to pub lish those affidavits, never to re publish that false charge againi was in six feet of Senator Butler the whole time lie -was delivering that speech ajid heard every word he said. There was not a word in the speech that anybody could i3ve objected to, and, indeed, I heard nobody, even those who held different political views, criticise it. You will remember that it was two or three weeks after that speech be- ore this false charge was made, and while five or six good men were gotten at the time to sign an affi davit in support of the charge made by that Rocky Mount paper, yet, as I have said, thirty or forty as good men as there are in the State who heard every word of that speech made affidavit branding the charge as false. But not a single one ot the ballot-box stuffing ne gro organs that published the false charge would publish the correc tion or a single one of the affidavits. I suggest that you republish those affidavits. Yours truly, John D. Meakes. NO RIGHT TO UGLINESS. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, bat one who would be attrac tive must keep ber health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify tne blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-down invalid. Only 50 cents at all Drug Stores Simmons Has a Monopoly on Such Tnlogg. Chatham Citizen. So far, the Populist have never rotten egged arsy one, or gotten up drunken, red shirt gang. When they do and send off and buy guns and stack them out near election grounds, then and not until then, can our Democratic friends cry anarchy and threats of violence on the part of Populists. There is not a Populist paper but would condemn it. Did you ever hear a Democratic paper condemning such things? Beggnlg Them to Keep Quiet. Chatham Citizen. Democrats ot this county are scared and scared oadiy. inev are beginning to be. anxious for Demo crats who oppose the amendment to keep quiet. A good citizen who was here tnis week said he had been asked to say nothing till it could be explained to him- Democrats de ceived him in 1893 and thoy cannot shut his mouth now and he continues to denounce this disfranchising as dangerous.. His Intonsitr- Cholly Your papa kicked ma out whn I asked him for your hand. ., Miss Gbby Papa is so intense. He puts his whole sole into every thing he undertakes. Biltimore American. An Ingress "No, sir; the Rev. Mr. Spicer- has never seen a play.' "Why is he preaching so vigorous' ly against the stage, then!'7 "He is in hopes that his congrega tion will send him on a tour of in' vestigation.'' The Smart Set. TWO SENATORS' TESTIMONY. Tell What They Know of HOX. EDWARD DWYEB. Senator 17th Dlitrlct, Chlca,o, IlLJ Hon. Edward Dwrer, State Senator, Seventeenth Senatorial District, Chi eago, 111., writes : 44 Pe-ru-na cures when all other remedies fall. I can heartily recommend Pe-ra-na as a catarrh rem edy. It has been two years since I was cured, and I consider my cure perma nent. I took the remedy for two months and am now entirely cared. I applied to several doctors, but they were not able to care me. I tried many remedies without avail. "My catarrh was located chiefly In the head. I was afflicted with catarrh for seven years." Pe-ru-na cures catarrh wherever lo cated. Who is It that says Pe-ru-na will oure catarrh wherever located ? Doctors ay it, lawyers 6ay It, preachers say it, a vast army of men and women pay it who have tried It. The old and the young say it. They Baj it in tho eat, in the west, they say It in the north and the oath. DR. LONG'S ADDRESS. lie Saya That the Amendment Is Uncon stitutional Toll Tki Disfranchisement Graham, N. C, March 14. Hon. Daniel Long, late President of An tioch College, addressed about five huLdred people in the court house here to-day in opposition to the constitutional amendment, Mr. Long invited any Democrat in North Carolina to reply to him, but no one offered to defend the dis franchising scheme or the infa mous election law. Dr. Long spoke for one hour and a nan ana was irequentiy ap plauded. The opposition to the amend ment in Alamance is growing daily and we expect to roll up a hand some majority. An examination of the tax books of Alamance county shows that there are 12G7 white men that had not paid their poll tax before the 1st day of March. If the pending constitutional amendment was now in operation every one of these white men would be disfranchised. . .) HIS LIFE WAS SAVED. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonder ful ileliverence from a frightful r'eath. In telling of it he says: "I wj.3 taken with Tvnhoid Fever, tbti ran into Pneumonia. My lungs became' har dened. I was bo TTfeak I couldn't even eit up jn bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to oon die of Consumption, when I hesrd of Dr. King's New Dis co?! One bottle gave great relief I continued to use it, and now am well and strong, I can't say too much in its praise.' This marvellouB medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all Throat and Lung Trouble, Regular sizes 50 cents and f 1.00. Tr;al bottles free at all Drug Stores; every bottle guaranteed. The Twenty-fourth annual Con vention of the Youmr Men's Christ ian Association of North Carolina will be held in the town of Greens boro April 5th to 8th, 1800. 'The Smart Set," a new monthly magazine has made its appearance, and fulfils all the promises of its promoters. It is handsomely print ed, and contains 160 pages of contri butions from such brilliant writers as Julian Hawthorne, Edgar Saltus, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Bliss Carman, Theodosia Garrison, Oliver Hertford and Gelett Burgess. New York Society is represented by contribu tions from "Julien Gordon." Mrs. Barton Harrison. Caroline Duer, Sarah Cooper Hewitt and Eliot Gregory. H. C. Chatfteld-Taylor and Reginald de Koven contribute a novelette entitled "The Idle Born," which is somewhat sensational in its satire. The magazine is unqulne in the periodical field, and will doubt- ess be read by all who profess to be 'smart." "Still Harping on my Daughter." Asheville Gazette. Louisiana which has adopted a disfranchising scheme similar to this one is in the throes of a political campaign and the bosses are again crying "nigger, nigger" as loud as ever. The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist. The Discoverer of Swamp-Root at Work His Laboratory. There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because to decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to ad vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves break dawn and waste away cell by cell. Then the richness of the blood the albumen leaks out and the sufferer has Bright' Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the new dis covery is the true specific for kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases, after all other efforts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cent and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling about Swamp Root and its wonderful cures. Address Dr. Kilmer &Co.. Binghamton, N. Y. and mnntion this paper. FAT FOLKS 51 II A KMX.ES 8 1 Doniids ser mth. tarvlBl SStm I J ilf II eraerlenee. BOOK TKJEJS. .Address DJb ixVrKK Am w BmdMi, New Totfe.tf.8. Catarrh and Pe-rn-no, Hon. Porter Johnaon. who dm rwm four yet m Sute fcnator from th Fourth DUtrict in the city of Chicago, 111, and who alo In the firt Democratic Senator ever elected from that dUtrlct, write: " I can heartily recommend Te- ro-na a a catarrh cure. It cure when all other remedie fail- I applied to several doctor, hat they were not able to cure me. HON. POKTEK JOHNSOX. Senator 4th Dittrict, City of Chicago, I1L I took the remedy for fifteen weeks and am now entirely cured. It has been a year and a half since I was cured, and I consider .my cure durable. I was afflicted with the catarrh for five years. My catarrh was chiefly located in the stomach." Send to The Pe-ru-na Medicine Com pany, Columbus, , fur Dr. Uartman's latest free book on chronic catarrh, la grippe, etc. MARCH AND THE LION Something Better Thsn the Old Snw. The saying about the lion and the Umh in March often proves false, but there is another and better one which in litersllv true. When March comes in and finds vou taking Hoods Sarca parilla to purify, enrich and vitalize your blood, you may expect, when it goes out, that it will leave you free from that tired feeling and with none of the boils. Dimples and eruptions which manifest themselves because of imnure blood in the spring. If you have not alreadv begun taking Hood's Sarsaparilla for your spring medicine we advise vou to begin today, we as sure vou it will make you feel better all through the coming summer. . Call of Populist Convention la B rtle. The People's party men in Bertie county will take notice to meet in County Convention on Wednesday the 4th day of April next. In the town of Windsor, Bertie county, to elect delegates to the People's Par ty State Convention and Senatorial Convention, and to perform such other business as may bo deemed proper. All true People's Party men will be recoenlzed as dele gates in said Convention. Bv order of the Executive Com mittee. M. J. Rayjjer, Chm'n. This 5th of March 1900. VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cores them: also Old. Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils. Felons Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out Pains and Aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all Druggist Our exposure of tricky Joe Dan iels' most recent exhibition of his prevarication proclivities has made the little man froth at the mouth and utter some very mean and ir relevant fibs about the Gazette. Joe makes us very tired sometimes, but he is also amusing. His reck less disregard of the truth when a campaign is on surpasses anything of the kind that has ever come un der our notice. Asheville Gazette. Machine Shop Horned. Middletown, N. Y.. March 29. The New York Ontaria Western Machine shops were burned this morning. The lvss is f ortv thousand dollars. Twenty-five Drowned, Vienna, March 20 Twenty-five peasants were drowned today while crossing the Danube at the village of Paks. Onr Greatest Specialist. For 20 years Dr. J. Newton Hath- away has to successfully treated chronic diseases that he is acknowl edged to-day to stand at the head of his profession in this line. His ex clusive method of treatment for Varicocele and Stricture without the aid of knife or cautery cures in 90 per cent, of all cases. In the treat ment of loss of Vital Forces, Ner vous Disorders, Kidney and Urinary Complaints, Paralysis, Blood Poison ing, Rheumatism, Catarrh and Di sease s p culiar to women, he is equal ly tuccfssfully. Dr. Hathaway's practice is more than donble that of any otter specialist. C-sfs jr- nou-icd hopt-lss by other phyeic irs, readily yield to big treatment. Write him today fn'ly abou your coe. He makes no chire fr c n fulation or advice either at hi? effi e or by mail. J. Newton Hathaway, M D 22t Suih lirod 8i . A'lantu, Ga AMERICA'S REPRESIiNTATIVIi FASHION MAGAZINE " J THE DESIGNER ! Published f1onthly -I WITH HANDSOME S COLORED PLATES. i i ALSO illustrates THE CELEBRATED. Standard Patterns The only reliable patterns, because they allow seams. U Subscription Price: $1.00 a year, j 10 cents for single copies. CANVASSERS WANTED FOR THIS PUBLICATION. Liberal esah eenialssloa. Writs far sample copy anf terns to Sibscrip- tlos DepartaeiL . THE DESIGNER, 3a West 14th St., New York City. POITS CUIFMER AFFIDAVIT. ONE OF HIS MtrmiuM up FOOLING VOTERS IN THE LAST CAMPAIGN. HE MAKK0 AFFIDAVIT THAT A rwt . OMTTOX TO rIKRAXClIXSt XI OROEf AND ILIJTIRAT WBXTr. WOULD VOX RRCflVK A PIMSl.t DEMOCRATIC VOIF.KXK THK LI,! LATUR AJCD MNOfSfH THsv WHO MAKE TH CHiWJK AO rilK IJCO FALSELY AND TRYING TO KK)I. THE FEOPLE. From Caucasian Oct. li. The following affidavit made bv James II. Pou, ex-Chairman of th- State Democratic Executive lom mlttce, during the lat campaign, will be interesting rtAdlng. Oar readers will remember that when ever and wherever it was chargd in the last campaign that if th Democratic machine undt-r Slm mous got control of the State, that they would offer a scheme to dis franchise illitterate votes, that th charge was indignantly denied and denounced by every iHmocratlc speaker as being infamously false. Even Jir. Mmmons, tne iH-mocrat-lc State Chairman, issued an offici al statement to the voters of the State, branding every such charge as false in toto; saying that that campaign lie had been charged against the Democratic party be fore, and that tee charge was now so oia ana so iaiso inai no one would believe It. Mr. James II. Pou, the ex-Chairman of the tate Democratic Com mittee, in his epeeches made the same declaration. Hut It seems that in one of his speeches in Moore county, some members of his audi dience expressed doubt of the truth of his Indignant denial, and called upon him while upon the ft and to know If he would make an affida vit to that effect. He publicly agreed to do so, wo are Informed. The result Is the affidavit below, made at Ilalclgh, dated Oct. 14th. 1898. It will bo noticed that Mr Pou, shrewd, slick and cunning as he is, attempted to word his afflda vlt so as not to say explicitly what he had said publicly on the stump, and yet at the same time, to say enough to make it appear that his affidavit had made good his cam paign declaration, and fool the vo ters Into accepting his statement! and voting for the machine. I The following Is a true copy of the affidavit: . State of NoktiI Carolina, l j Countv of Wake. i James H. Pou, being duly sworn deposes and says : "I have never said that, If the Democrats regained control of the State, they intended to disfranchise the negroes and illiterate white vo ters I never have said anything like this, and I know that such is not the Intention of the Democrat ic party. I have never heard a sin gle Democrat give utterance to such a sentiment, and I do not be lieve, if such a proposition comes before the General Assembly, that it would receive a single Democrat ic vote. I believe that a majority of the uneducated white voters of North Carolina are Democrats. The Democratic party Is apiwiallnj to them for aid in preserving white supremacy in tho center west and In restoring It In the Eastern part of this State. They are responding to our appeal, and to repay them for their aid with a disfranchisement of their votes would be folly and ingrattiude indeed. The man who makes these charges know they speak falsely, but their cam paign this year is run upon the idea that the peopl of North Car olina would rather believe a false hood than the truth, and they would rather hear libels upon the honored dead than to ber argu ments based upon truth. Signeuj James II. Poc. Sworn to and subscribed before me this October 1st 18'J8. Signed Geo. W. Thompson, Notary Public. Notarial Seal, Geo. W. Thompson, ) Notary Pnblic, i RaleiRh, N. C. V Two five cent "'documentary rer enne stamps attached. If tb Baby U Cutting Teeth. Be sare and use that old and well tried remedy, Mas. Wikblow'b Sooth mo Stbup for children tee thin, it soothes the child, softens tbe gums, allays all pain, cures wind colio and is tbe best remedy for diarrhoes425 cts per bottle. Dr. llaihavay Troats All Diseases. His Method Inrariabiy Cares All Catarrhal, Bronchial, Long, Stom ach, LUer, Eidnej and Other Com plaints, as ITell as All Diseases and Weakness of Women. In Ir. nathawafg most extensive iraroce, nor erinc a period of more than Tean.be baa been called upon to treat all manner of fliicatca of men and women and along tne whole Lne of nuuaa ailments ho baa been umformly suc eevrful. Xw. nathawart me thod of treatment rets directly at tne seat of rm-lfla tbe trouble, purifies tbe blood ""'., tones up tbe whole system and tft Bleed, neutralizes tbe pobons which produce tbe diseased conditions. " All iAamm Nearly he restores to perfect health thousands of uSerers treated. from Catarrh. Eronchmi. As thma. Hay Fever. Lang Complaint. Stomach, Urer and Kidney Diseases, Piles, Tumors. Can cers, Eczema and all manner of tk!n affections. . Ir. Hathaway also treats with aT. reatt success all those " many distressing weaknesses and diseases by wfilca so many women areaffifcted. rinilrinsil 1r- Hathaway's offices are fitted m nYZnl w1tn tne latest electrical and Appuaaces. other appliances, in tbe use of which, as well as the microscope, ne has world wide fame as an expert. All of tbe medicines used by Dr. Hathaway are compounded In his own laboratories, under bis personal direction, and special remedies aro prepared for each m dlTldual case according to Its requirements. EMsalaatlosi Dr. Hathaway has prepared a series of self -examination blanks apptrmc to the dlSerent diseases which be sends free on application: No. 1. for Men; No. 2. for Women; No.s. for bkln Diseases; Ko. 4, for Catarrhal Diseases; No. &. for Kidneys. ur.uacnaway makes no chair for consultation at either his office or by mail. X H3WT0M HATHAWAY, M. Dm Tr. Hathawy i

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