CMJOASIAM :1 Vol. -XVIII. BALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, MAT 31, 1900. No. 26. - - ' -r - 1 1H1 IK i' EDITORIALS. Towne. Ah, there, Dewey ! Towne, of Minnesota. Democrats bare tbeir ehoiee of Bryan and Towne, or four more yean of McKmleyiim- Es. It would be interesting to know how much tome letters published In Democratic papers cost It is a faet tbat Democratio lead ers have resorted to all kinds of meanness in order to get the cfflees in this State. Towne, of Minnesota, the mot lojuent member of Con greas, next Vlcn-Presldent of the United 8taU.s. -People' Advocate. Kvery body knows, and no one will deny, that the amendment ill ele-1 . 4V. -l . . I i ., Tate the educated, neTO above the unfortunate white man. If the negroes were Democrats, the Democrat, would not have submit- ted the amendment. Their purpose Hi tnlifnnnliiai k;. -.u then tod.sfranohise white men would hare been too plain. For rereral weeks. Democrats bare en nt i';shinfc a lonir nothing. 'tfi' "J he negro won't be down-1 ." V ,.1 then, let them stand nn if men, ii mem stana up, ir vii - to strain a point and pay IvOO 00. Through its official head, the Dem iw ratio party has pnt itself on record I as favoring mixed schools, social reality and intermarriage between the whites and blacks, and the ap pointing of negroes to positions over white men and women. Rcv. Dlvon Democratic Candldat-1 I candidate tn AnHltor .,. le candidate for Auditor, By "ttiereare no Democrats In the west I opposed to the amendment." mn""" ZnTZXZl a man tells what he does not know, I tolls what Is not true. Hence, conclude that the Doctor has been I mlannttid I iuiquui-U. I The most Lamb-llke joke of the reason IS a letter recommending pleasure. This brlnrs the party orjranlM-i- riAr T t t i . ti I tlon as near the people as it Is poss'ble fix Governor T. J Jarvla for Presl- for fh. condnct of these offers, who dent Of the Ptate University. That I Joke beats the Dewev boom for a Democratio candidate for Presi dent, when Dewey himself has not decided to what party he belongs. It kinder makes the Democratic papers mad because the Populist Chairman chalenged Mr.Holron for a Joint cnvaps. If the Democrats conld have It so, they would prefer no Joint Canvass With any party. j r "j i They Just Whistled at Mr. Hoi ton to keep up appearances and to make . I IC appear tney were not scared. In writing news and polities for I publication, be plain and as brief as yon canto express what is desired ... , . ... , . . and what yn think- will interest onr readers. Facts need to be stated, ... , T. . , not discussed. If anything happens. send it in at once, jnst state the ... . racts, tne reader win make theap-hnir plication Of them. If th nffrn Annid ha taken ontnf , , . politics. Democratic speakers would be bereft of all their ammunition for litiVl and l,tm arlreo.ea. L r , no yon snpoose mey warn srcn an expensive and laborious thinir as tolt w - - - i get np anew speech f Tf von thlnlr - - I so, yon have lost all confidence in Democrats as economists. M- T. n ri.i4.u .., ... kA . ' J . A. . . Sf. . U-TVIl, ' 1 ' . I.WW I ropuiistuairman or tne nirroao . jit i i ;lwblch the dcleeates tere must deter , ,r.mtD,Ps.ou. ami p pm i--r iv ijjuo, nas cme nacr into rne wenic- cratie party, and is speakinc for the amendment." News and Observer. .. u Mr. Caldwvll is as mean astnei. IVmMril. aaid bo waa fi.nv va .ra I ... . ,u w V ..."..v. . I . ... I ...... i ago. the Populist party has gotten rid of some pretty bad rubbish. Times (Hickory) Mercury. B. R T.sev. Demooratie candidate ... ii - for Treasurer, on his visit home. .... th. .11 bt Th.ta - "e. j annrehepslon that his nomination whaf tme. If they do not treat and dis-c-er mav be the action taken at Rnssa v. tk. .1,1.. w..- tu.-IC'tv. will reaplt in anv renetU'on of the "ou"u,w uv go to tne pons as toe election law provides, and as they are reported as doing in the town election in Hen- dersonville, he will find that it will go against the nnjost amendment. The Citixen believes if the leeisla 4 ,. . ..u - tnre provides for submission to the people a constitutional amendment that will prohibit the Bon or grand eon of any man not a voter in any state in the Union on January 1, 1867, from voting, it will find that il has undertaken to do something that is nnoonsuiutiooai ana voia Asue ville Citisan (Dem ) February 1 1899 The latest ie to she effuct.. that ' ... wu"w Greensboro recently, was talking a to two Democrats, one Irom the East and onp from the West. The westem man said: "The amend ment will be defeated by 45 000." at ,hfoh Mr mmMAn. a 4. u wblcU Mr blmmons tnrned to the Kasiern man ana said: "Now youltions of the mine was pure. Eastern fellows see what you have a W got to do. or word to that effect. That means they must steal that much more. Uonelty, where art thooT PAHIO 111 KEHTUCKY. Senator Joe Blackburn Startles His Constituents- GOEBEL LAW A FAILURE. Bleckberai Sara It Has Hot aeoompllshed Wba w EipMttd aad he Waate It Re pealed Ue ulli tor mm Extra KmiUi of the Latfpletare and Wants the Parts, Ma ehlaery Mint pi Mod la the latereet af tha Peeple. Morning Post. Louisville, Ky., May 24. Senator-elect Biarkbnrn today canned a panic in the ranks of the Goebelites by Bending from Washinsrton s aimed statement to Ken tucky demanding sn extra session of the legislature, the repeal of the Qoebel flection law. and s complete change in the party mien. In part, he said: Tbe present election law was passed prevent Republican f rands through lint uiruiiiiuu ui iue vuumjr juiikoi luu other election officers appointed by them: not wme charge, to enable the Dem trie meoiation of tne county judges snd ocrats to steal toe election, it nas faued I of it a nnrnnao. a a la ahnvn h the vnt Ion final account at the last election. Is "J. y a law KInS TffMJffiS framcr conld not fnlly anticipate all the scheme" and wiles of the ever-active BCenc,M oC force nd frnnd? Election laws are never erfect, and must be con stantly changed to meet emergencies as they arlne. "The convention should, therefore, de clare for an amendment to the present election law no a to fire to each of the two leading political parties major ,tT n'1 minority representation, upon bofh the 8tftte and TOanty board, f elee- tion commissioners and an equal division r eJeotl" omrnn at eacn voting pre- "ini'i, uni ir"i "inin juifr m im cuoseii and appointed by the county boards of election commissioners from a list to be furnished by esch respective party and the la w should be safe-smarded with fines, penalties and otherwise as to pro tect both the election officers and the voter from force, fraud, corruption and Intimidation by corporations and em ployers of labor, also the mllitln of the State, the nloce force of cities and towns and all other public6 functionaries. with adeqnate penalities to compel all persons nnon whom anv duties are en- Joined relative to the casting, eonntlne and certifying, of the vote to honestly, f,5thfll11v, fRiriy and promptly discharge the same. . a a a . mm a . Tronic, may be satisfied with the action vention shonld provide that rules be anonrea autnominir ana empowering me membera nt the nartv organization In each precinct to select their own com- L,n(, rnan7n 8n(, Temove the same at "re likewise responsible to the people Tt prevents all centralization of power in a srovernlnr committee and aonlies to onr nsrtv organisation the fundamen tal nrlnclnlea of our eovernment. a or ernment of the neonle, the power of the npnrOp to eofern and control. We mns build frm the people up If we woalJ succeed." CHIRLFS TOWNE A Hetf iti1 an Klement of trergft. The National Temocrat Th pominatlou bv the Peonlo's Party rhsrles A. Towne t or the Vlee-Pres- j V fmnmnA mnoh rll9inmn that baa not been whollv tolerant and faK Tt w" w:" kn0Trl, ufJFl.t'i?ri "onrentlon assembled that Mr. Tryan Itvonld be Its nominee for the Presldnev. -nd lntereat centered upon the V ice- residential nomination. Pevond an- lfnir lnfln,.n n nynocratV atTalr- "trove to neranade the convention not to maVe a pomfnaMon for second nlaee. but tft tnrT, tne wn0 nuestlon over fhe conference committee, which win neet with the renreoeptat'es of the Tvmfwrat!e nsrtv at Knsaa rity. .Tulv 4 nt the rtmwirm sctnated wtW bv not nnatlfible pride in the stnnd- of tn pont,nat partv. felt that s Jnnm'parlop was essential to ma'ntam the ilTeKT'TV tit TnnT nrirn nun i ixii. r ui m- oa- thit the first delcrnte arrived at "T Falls nntll the time that all rte- Inarted. there was not one word herrt on I tn ,treet- of the Mttle dtv nnfrlendlv " Mr. Brrsn. The convention wa- ' T- 1 r.r:'' 'I'J- V;:'V" --. - v vni,,, -orAnld bavelfhat the wiser eonrae would te to make i'" hit in" t ' " " ' - - "hoaen. But It Is the duty of all meo . .. . . , a 1 M I irno are euneten m me iui""' 01 iru- oTpasIr'e reform pollMcs this year to ac vention as taken in rood faith. No onehse as we who fel tt hat the be at -AJn enn tell bow the Democratic convention . ? Z." to .n.nt .a.fn1 In cent the action of the RIopt Fars con tr ct. m ,,i ti,. nnmln.-Pw. ' I lH ' ' " 1 . n III . ' ' ' ' ' v . v ....... .--tt 1 HVf n A'Zl "ZXZL ,n(4 rtpmwlw. t. on the other bnnfl no onP rnn fflirlr and honorable r?e anv cuestlon a to the entire trood ''H' of the men who have put Mr Towe in nomination. As for Chnrle TonP Mmapif. he K as all who Vrnnw him rCCOtmine. a 1 'emOCrat in " everTTninir pxrpni immr. auiuuk iu- vonng men m onr parry Tnere are rmn rvhn eo bevond him 1u devotion to the Tlemocratlc caue a It is todav donned Tf his party afllHatlons are other than Democratic. It Is onlv heeansc It paa I "eemed wise for him to stand with hl nd anaoclates. SPrt h'S OCVOtion to tne Icanae of nroeresslve Democracy Is such I that po Democrat wp.l have the slightest and disastrous Tom Watson In I Hdent RATSIN GTTDn TTAT AN ANCIENT S T.TJTATTOn. When a knleht of old entered a "nr".." - " ...... TT I napv or JBles ne remove nia naimer r Indies that be rnnsidered himself among friends, ecd-that ther need to protect himself. This nraetlee has survived In the custom of rsls'nr the l" whn saluting a lady". June L.a dies' Home Journal. Stma and Tewe a Tr'rcrh The People's Advocate, of Mendvflle Pa., complimented the Sioux Fanr con renlon 1p the following words: "Patriotism has triumphed car par tisanship, and the .People's Psrty in I national contention have risen to . the heights of the rrandeat loyalty to the re- nhHe pd n,om1nat-d Bryan and Towne nv nrc.amanop. jnrvau. . tds cnamnion of sll the people, spd Town, the ahles nerenoer or tne principles or nnTeon- rovemment and the money of the con atltnt'on he Republican party ever pro ducel. it is a.tlciret for the - wnoie I maMa ano .r.rv vatrivf .C .v.rv n.mri r -. . kuu.v... v. .. j ir'.'.' .isnonia support it. I . , ,r7TZ ' " , , I T I. ..til 4-nat moat of tn. mln.M f. the Cumnock mine met death In attempt ,nr T0 "nn rominu m coutsct witp I 4Va IamI atp fAm flrniftl tha ATVVin Kill I been eonsnmed bv the eynlosion. It rbourht probable that had. they remalne lyaiit convention, and It has everv rea,B0P ,n thp,r own rooms several lives wonl-Mt feel that out of that scHon shan rom have been saved. The air in other por-leven a more Intimate tie than that, which a---.- . w. . - . . . , I FTTP a BAaaoa a aeaaafa adva ta aa aamnsnp which had lt hnUdfrfr and contents wn-lht? strte emanatlDff trtm enemr ftn flnme1 hy tlr lat winter, la morfnjr Intonrlntil fn papers which Ma. Vnow to -be its new nniwinr recently erecreo:, snn . .. . . . - new mscmnery is oeing purm si ureens .. .., . . . $50,000 FIRE IN DANVILLE, VA. AJaaoat a Saar Barmvd IaUsiag Sww ml X4rgt TkMv WmfcoMW la te Coaatvy. Firs broke out In DaavHIs ut I a m. May 22 la the tobacco warehoaaa aad factory district snd for ever three hears rarntahed the fire department the most stubborn fight of late years, being only gotten nnder control at 6:30 a. m when two of the largest warehouses , la the country, both in regard to site and sell ing record, two factories and a storage warehouse, filled with bright leaf tobacco, were destroyed snd upwards of 800.000 pounds of, valuable tobacco, vslned at shout 1115,000, nd buildings at $3.1,000, had either passed to smoke or were mined. Several fanners narrowly escaped with their Uvea, .lelag their wagons, loaded with leal tobacco, bat saving their horses. v , ; The tosses are ss follows: Acres Orest Tobscco Wsrehonse. covering an sere of gronnd: Banner Warehouse, also a large one: Brown's Pack are Ware- houae. with about 700,000 pounds, of the American Tobacco Company's leaf tobacco fn hogsheads: - Acres Tobacco Factory, leased by Chalmers Patterson: Hndnntt's .Factory, and a number of small brick and wooden structures. The territory bnrned covered almost an en tire annare. The largest Individual loser was F. X. -Burton. Eso- owner of the Brown's Package .Warehouse and . Ban ner Warehouse, which were uninsured. THE PRISONER SNOT AT THE PEN. O'laraa Receives the Roport Prom the Spe cial Agent Rent Her to Investigate. Attorney General Griggs nas received a report from a special arent who went to Balelgh, N. C, to investigate charges tbat the warden of the State prison there nad snot and killed a Federal prisoner without cause. The Attorney General will soon nass upon the report, which will show. It Is said, that the prisoner attempted to attack the warden with a stick. The warden fired on him. wonnd- ine him in the lee. The wound develoned blood poisoning and caused death. The remaining Federal prisoners In the pen itentiary charge wanton shooting, and cruel treatment of prisoners In general. For more than a year no prisoners have been sent there, and It is now probable that all those In the prison will be withdrawn and placed elsewhere. IThe News and Observer, in rivln the : above, which ' Is the sum and snb stands of all that has been published, heads It with the words, "Continued on Tenth pace." Whether this was acci dent, or to dodge, we wiJT not say TEere were only eight nasres. If Populists had been in charge the Observer would have given the report. Ed. I MR. RICHARDSnrS CONTRACT. His Connection With TnMeAtlon of the Sfeaaaaas Bonorhla The Commit Report. The Senate committee on prlntine Mav 1A made a renort of its investigation of the compilation and publication of "The Messages and Papers of the Presidents." "ider the resolution of April i last. 'Hie committee finds that Representative Richardson devoted fonr years to eom niling and Indexlntr the papers. "Tt Is pot to be douted. It savs. "that his labors were most assldnons and that thev consumed during this period a great amonnt of time." Tt is also stated that he exnended .i.CO0 of his own funds In secnrlne as sistance in the preparation of the Index The committee reviews the dontfnn of the plates of the worV of Mr. Rlehsrd- aon. but savs tbat this was a m!tare ind places Conrres" in a fale position. With reference to Mr. Riehardson's con tract with Tnv.llhir Ttsrens. the com mittee nronoupcea the eontract Uhftb- raiiure tne cotton msrRCT Peeame pame tectlopable. but thev clrirlele Barcns' rrlcken and broke 10 to 13 point. The mUrl aa nneatlonaMe. leadinsr to the extent of the decline from the h!ehet v .v.wi.. . ' . lArttiA "-.'TT ' ,"1 Mi:.7,n.. .w ...... with the publication and sale of the books. Mr. RlcboMson's reef pts have mnnntiut to $11 RSV ...... ... .. . THE PEOPLE'S PARTY stands Pide by 1- Wlh Democracy for TV- nVOr.ttoT, of the PaotIo 'arrv, wnicn was nein at rioTrx ran. Sonth Dakota, on the Bth of May. was a raTnerin or men acruaten ny a sin- cere and earnest purpose. No Itemocrar could haye heeu there and cryert J I action or tne convention witnont neme imnressed bv the fact that men were fMrnaMtn rnoro ipnn nan Tor rnpir ritictp i - nnrnose tne nesire to anance tne cauae of Democracy. nil particularly tbe 1n- -rests of Mr. William J. Brvan. J" the eve davs that I spent, at Sonx Falls T heard po word from anv renreeentatlve of either faction there which did not In dicate the most sincere desire to hem Rrvnr-a cause. It l true mat tnere was . . - .a . .a I s difference of onlnion as . to the best method to be rdonted. There were those nft frtt- T flTT) franV to say I feTt. 1"" '"'""""'"' '' " '- PT I 1 1 5. I III H I I T" VII HVPr in l. IIIIIIICUl C ommlttee. There were others fust as ineere and lust as honest In their nur- 'I'hpT nittmareiv Triumnnen. put . 1 ..! .t there is no bitterness of feeling, because we. are not so sure tnat we were rlrht bat now bavins' been beater We WOUld wnofip the action ta Ren. Kvery mTi w-bo wns active In 1800, every man who alnce tbe defeat of that rear has Ket "ctlT-elv at work in Mr. Bryan's behalf- Vnows Charles A. Towne to be one of our best, truest sun sMest menus, we can have no sunrehension that out of his om1natlon shall oroceed any sort of dantrer to the Democratic party or "sther. to the three allied parties, each or whi"U fieserves eonai consinernon r tnn I if mnrTRTir thiitv snail nominut" tr- m . v. ill i.. r. .nt aflmlrahlc. candidate. Tf the Democratic narfv aball have reasons which may de - -elon between now and Jnlv 4 to dec'lpe to nominate blm. no one who knows him win nnp-eherd tPt he-wm mSRe anv double for the l"ed parties. :.And the nomination, of .Towne looked nnon as a thoroughly friendly nomma - tton. The platform adopted bv the People's Tartv.roes perftsns a little bit bevtmd I tv. -i.- hih th. nemooracv 1. artH- rn; me TrrJ7ii nren in uiiiuwinn lire pi"'in rblcb the Democratic onyapHort shaP dont. It Is a Ponwllst pTatform .nn - doWhtedlv. but tt Is not an extremely radical cue. . tuT. tne vitbi iran btibht this con- rentlon, the one for which ft Is well for all of us to keep In mind when we read of It, or sne.1t.ot tt. Is that the conyen- But the vltsl thSnr sbeut this con- -tands for. Such statesmen r as Gen " Tames TV Weaver. Senatow Pettlj-rew. littler. Hehlleld and All-n. Jerrv Slmn- Cclore" Davis. Dr. Howard S ITsvlor.Tom Patterson and their sort, are I ... .-5,enHa11v Democrats, and itt,eT controlled that gatheriur. Tt Is true . . ... . tl . 1 1 l! l i -nax tuvt were ni an hdiiph in ineir I -lews nf. he course to he adopted, but I't Is eqnaiiv true tnat an are nnited m I . l 1 . . . . J xl - 1 interests 0f Mr. Bivan and of the policy iffr which he stands. . I ft!.-. Ta.M.mjaa V.m aam.a.aa "mt lUi....t with th action of th.-Bi. B ""'I net wa- -.-a-. . - a-... ... I VT a I bound the fusion forces In 1800. There I will be stories printed of disser 4 I !....aJllal.1. a . m a , aa I aa ka- . . an a B . .l.. . r aw S3 Mm lu r lantaroaistie to our can ms. t av. ... . . . ' ' w " - inot. iu:tre national i ......rat r rmocrat. Chfeago. . non annweo xne mo. ; nwiv.T mnn aeir-i xne .uemocram to rnn imiuw.B. - ri i I i .1 l i.ailini i Ti1i ii " In TTiW Im rr n acrifi 1 i , ,L Tm. I ' Instructed 'tor Pry o!f'aj.-i I Tofk' Cotton (Til com ?).- -i. .Jmousl -very way. in- mrn wn9 irn n re xne ATassacnuseTTS. ov: i.inrnjsT.u, r WvLu tl.:.! wbohaedoWalnaeTeoa men who stand conrseeotwiv fo- tbe Hampshire 8: North Caronrazz: : renn- L.y'JT'. TJV i i" pend that the Tlemocratle martr t...l. at. TTfoh. fl- TPfrrip1a.v 24: 1 the best farming? . . Il 1?" . BIG COTTOII FAILURE Price, UcConnfck and Co. Forced to the Wall &L0SSE8 IN THE MILLIONS. Resulta f BeUg Long Otto la ilM Vaee of a Tailing Mark t A na -meat the luywiln Crnntes Or Kxalteaaaas tfce Kzekavag PHeee e Tnaable, Amgwt Opttens Drap plagt 8.40. Morning Post: Nsw York,' May 24. Announcement of the failure of Price, McCormick it Co. was made today by the chairman of the New. York Stock Ejchanga. The firm Cnnctata rf Tliailiin TT 1p4aa TXT fi li. Cormtck, B, M. Btuart-Wanley. Walter w. moe ana ueorge Urocker, the latter a special partner. MnCrste oMM wealthy Calif onria tamUy -olFthw The announcement, of the soaDenaloni vicnieu grvai exciiemeni on ine C9tionj exchange and led a zeneraT selHnr.-' nn,i aer wmcn August dropped front 8-53 to . rew triesns and . Europe were conspicuous sellers on the oxMk -,. , , , Today developments on the cotton ax. change marked the culmination cf one of tne biggest bear movements ever re corded. Previous to the . ananenaiott. af Price, McCormick Sc Co. the market had broken over 20 points under terrific sell ing1 for both accounts which came from an directions. ' An smut, the most active option, br&ke from 8.M -ai 8L8&. -and.' I arrer naving.rauied to 8JEW, fell to 8.40, wnen xne rannre was announced. The T.iTntnnnl mtrVat m j.tvaw1 hut k - " f " . .IVWf .'II I 1 1 fc. MtrVinfr "r.H '"Zlt"1 Lna.e Hart Kt Ka. M.rit.flpeTt eleetlon. despite the frantle vanor- was intensified early in the afternoon-by rumors of other firms being in financial! straits, fnce, McCormick &- Co;' flayer1 long been regarded as -the leading snni! porters of the market, and at. one tiaa it . was saia mat tney were Anit :X icT: ? JLa .L dine of the past vmoclh was the firm and. defcnfte 1 theh ef-' against , u& vu-w K-wa, vbuvmim . w a fnrto ha ia . .v- J Therefore today's developments did not rr,. Q . . 1 wi .u hafl anfflMont fnr n t-mAt5iw JtL I moralize the trade. . 1 . v. . . V. M11 '. - -- though it is believed the firm materially reduced its holding durine the last few icui vi me lauure ;s not Known, i uaya. iDt nrm is o prominent in the street U 1 Ji .1 . Mm . , . . . l one of " the- Sost itrUt wd was said to rclrtoS In Thl fce of n -n; i s. TTTi-ii- j I sTble t'oVt any' dS'fiS various firms In Wall' street place the firm's loss at from $1,000,000 to $3,000.- 000. : . . McCormick & Co. a notice war ' posted referring all Inquirers to'Willlam J. Cur-1 tis and William N. Cromwell, assignee; t The alTn, a-T", Republicans for Governor Sunrests At the office o the asr nees It was an- if1" w .P JneTC! PPraranniating ortor nonneed that a formal statement of thAltBPKS Sh OP Id be Compelled to respect." assets and liabilities of the firm prob-J ably would be made. later in the day. JlaKe tna case . Mr Prorfcar as .aaaal nartnair ! lil ' A REPUBLICAN. understood, contributed to the firm $!S00 00J special camtaL., "Ths present firm was organised January 2. 1807, Z1: stock had been aold and 1 bonght under the rule of the stoek exchange for ac count of Price. McCormick & Co. Mr, McCormick Is a member of the Chicago famllv of asrrlcnTtrrrel implement fame. R. M. Stewavt-Wartelev Is a s-u-ln-!aw of Rear Admiral Schlev. The firm had a 1irte out-of-town business. Following the announcement of fh I nrio. xrli.n tho hnll moiromont enlmlnate Voo W:v;...ft.l. has been 122 po'nts. other rannree pwe saio: to Pe imnenoms-. wirn tne name of one promlnenMv mentioned, bnt ill. t t I .A1.I.I- 1 Jt t ti iw iinr fMir itt-n timi-iniiT nmi i nn""i- ed. Tater In the sesalon the market be came more unlet, but continued to show a weafc- undertone on the generally tstt ravoraPie crop accouuTS. i ne marker at 1t4! p. m. showed .a net los of if" . aa . I "7' i' " " fjfiT.TlTCV PTTT.Ti POTt WOMT2N .TOTTTt'NrAT.TSTR. fnm ftf th- tmr.ortant onalides Hons of a woman JourpalM Is a blxh wn,. of nOTft fo, oonKtantlv meets Ut. u0-t i h A. ,., . ai . i .a i TnaTTers wnicn are in Tuprnwivn mter- fn,. iTA-Mrtr.. bnt which are aentlally private, or to use as material Mfs Af raat'op and repartee' which I were never Intended for publication The vonntr Journalist must have as reonlsltes to success, taste and refinement: she must be courteous, so that no one win ' I I e i t- s f i I tv-irr r- ' mil r " i nnrt nor TeneTled bv her lacV of mavltv: she must be vicarious, thlnlnner a sreat deal more of what others eare about than of her personal reference. I nnrl aha moot ho accurate HTsve'Srcf Tl Gangster, in tne June liadies ttome ,iour- I - .1 "Bla Clnb at MM". A eorresPOT'dpnt of the AaheviHe Qarette. May 2fi. Pfys: . "At a meetlnr held h' "iTiTCnS OI iim'irn mi irin j-it ji'-iim nin club was ortrani'ed with a roll of 143 I n.n.Vr.a WMoH haa nines hoen increased u .Vont 9nn "The members are aP voters D. M. 1 T,nther has been Invited to address the I r-inh at an earlv date. The sntl-amed- ment carse Is on a boom In Maiden and -i?nuT vrr. know the people of Maiden, and vnow thev are too fair and honest to .t..i .r tr to tVe bv law the ballot J from taxpayers bv votlne for snd nass- tjje amendment and election law, s-he W-shlftn Pas On Keataeb, 1 The total population of Cnba. on Oc- toher 1 determined by be eansns taken as of that date, was 1J572.T97. 1 u-k Tr.rttncW nemocrits- celebrSfed the Supreme Court decision hy arresting 1 another Goebel suspect. TTentnolrv win be treated to - several mmrths of the boy Porernor experlenoa. ..v - .nn7 th. laaTadv . cnu. .v -u.j ' i former .Jehl i conunCT nis rimmriT ctiuu.wh Tndlana and Ohio banks of the Ohio tnivr. as -v-nw - ' l k final accounting wHl show that tne rtentueky . Democrsts have execnted fventuCKy. uemocrara nave ""Tr'"." ratW expensive piece of political lax- ceny-. 7 . - I lyniiin. r-r . I Vebraska. lrU Rhode Tslapd. f cron, 8; District of Columbia, 6. Total, m The i fisherles.of Norih Carolina. Ju j number" of persons em 1 f nMnta era mar tl lOTtni nnu Tiuc nortant aa those of all I . .. . .. 1 Jl , Atlantic BtaTea connnneu I anna! to them In no.nt 1 to them in i ni or.cepjT-i ii,tv. . e latter Jrf2ic:.4nR.TPer 1.2.045 persops emPioyea ana nonpds of nsn caugnt. asama oyster industry Is steadily increasing. slow 1 The : bean eroo Is little m.trlnr. but If It ever mature tnere ist ni v- , ..... . w.nT.nt-v ann . to anirra. - . tn There Is a larrer acreare around voms- it. a larver acreare around Golds ' - . . . t. estimated that l.Opp acres would cover the crop.-t,oia8Doro Argue. The SEABOARD is the battJclIld Wrfplaps tba taj own-neol tormi of eight yesrs for "TTr 1 ronteitn the-oefederate Tteunf on ht I pWatelgh Correspondence Charlotte jofflJr110 rhr v l.ii. v. 9nr.h-Jnna 8ra. t LETTER rcS3 CSAVEH. Tlka awyaa win x raaTmaaallaw. Editor Caccasias.1 llay 23, IdOO Editor CaaeesUat - At the DeiaocrsUe prtmarfas last BaS ordsy Ue Bryan faction best eat the aatl-Bryan erswd. lab was a emrsrlM ilj J1. Jl mlttee, T. a Watson, baarsl f the reasdt he exdslmed, with a loud toW: -WaB, hy G d. if they (meantnr the ' Bryaa lacuoni pset- sae- ta steat tna elect loo hf order to. count them la. then they arm be badly mistaken," or Vorda to that effect.'- This Is teod eesomtio en the laruoni expect s t stesf 19 atactlon Prt of Mrv Wataoa and tt ha keeps his word there win be no way for say of the Democrats to sat ta MBca tat eaia COUnty. It WnaM Ka imndn tA 1 that for once the Democratic party had a 'head that' would-net stoop to' 4a a mean thing in order to carry the alee- tion "by force or frand" W ah all pect .Mr. WatsoU ta keep bis word: and I then the "whang-doodle will mourn for I ks first bom." I LfmVLm CaapaBataTVRtNtatj " We.Jiotice that 'the Democrats kaye history of the comity that a colored man discovered, a , "conflirt" la the amend-1 ba Tr been elected to any eoovea ajent; A nlty It la that the find had tion by tny party. The Wstsugs Demo irfcm 1 my angle of vialon I; think-the "csa- fflct" was yost a mistake and should stand as It now Is: A msjority sf the quauneo voters," jnstesd of p, majority I DUl .w" nuir" of. the Votes 'cast. But when thai"'', he Is not of the clasi i xoe voiea caar. nnt when ttt I "brain,, meet In June, If the Will alsOi"" tb tcrin editor of the Patriot and nndo tha many other mean things they I w ot ,tr,P are uowllnr them haye done, we will all be glad to allow Is! hoarse In trying to force nnon the mem n man tne cnaaga -nr tne mcchV I " nl1" ai easiern ano central cara- fiict." for It. will make no diffm.. MlUna. It Is the ignorant. viHoaa nerroee. to the result, as,from what I can hear, the hellish amendment will be lost sny way. ' I am yet hopeful of this conntv. with some show of success. VOTER. DANIELS A P1A8IARIST. Ortxlaallty. Asbeyille Oasette. In the Newa and nhaerra I tfna Af IndM iilim. A .k. I oV-Ta sSKSlna: , , . . - j . - "The nomination of Judxe Adams fc. I . x ia . . a . . I w tne wnite mew or ;asweura mriRT picnic party of colored camn meaHna ar I? .of a .sultry snmtaer dsy, aiid inaioares mat na la the same nM nae. ambulating nigger tank who anchorel himself many times 'along with the' frowsy coons of Caswell." The late W. C Brann, wrote an article In hla namr. th Taaaa4. . - . - . tote-W.0.- Brann. wrote an jy-tlele In .his nsner. the. .Icoooclart. In May. 3897. entitled, the '."Perfumes of " Speaking of, the order of the f tchonll . In thl: article, be need the fonowiit lanrnam'i . ! Vita, picnic p.rty,T OPPa ramp meeting at z o'eioeg or a ?nItrT summer morn. Who has not ptanired down' a handful of lOB,Jr to And. himself .anchored alongside Mm . frowsy ... female7,.. The h, or the American sovereign, has Comment Is unnecessary. Let the Jury Keldsville, N- C, May 21 tsafca PHMIfl aCsBfMlMarsm. of the Pfogredy Farmer.) Mr. A Tesssr sssnmed control as spperlndtendent of the State penitentiary nrll 1. lew. " and remained fn. control W. AnH 1. 1807. Jnst fortv-ehrht months. Drrntr this rime be paid Into the State treasury on earn lnr scconnf f471.2W.57 avallablVassets'to Vis successor 20.000.00 . I'l'V" reeejven rrom njs preae- ' cessor anoui; O.uuu.UO Dednetlna leaves net earnlnrs of Tasar .S40fl.!r;.n7 .veraee eamlnsrs per month. T.tis,.r Tveorar had aopropat'ons. . . 74,171 Prices In New York: Cotton, 7.72: , John R SmTp sncceeded Mr. A. t....- Tasar" April 107. snd M'. J. M ' T-n rn i jipi u a a a ' ' aa ' i Mfeawnw .eucceeeo:, . Mr, John R Smith .Tannary 1. 1808. and re tired January I. ' 1800. ' Derlnf tbfa period of twenty-one months covered, b Smith snd Mewhoorne tnere wsa paui Into the State treasury on eseofnea ac count v...-.'W08.8r2.48 vvinet the camlnn from ' tne earnings rrom 20.000.00 And we have ... 1178,862.48 Dav received from Smith and Mewhoorne a years supply of corn and forage worth at least . .. i . . 80,000.00 Dsv has realised , fum sur plus ea mines left to him by Smith and Mewhoorne - more than PO.OOO.OO XfaVlnc earn Intra of iStftltft "- snd Mewhoorne exceed. . . .f2,4 Aversr.' esmlnrtper month. 13.Z7fJ.irj Sm'th and Mewhoorne uad no appro - nrlatlona. Prlc-s o New York'. Ootton, fJ.47: 1 w. 9A TK ". Tbe. sum .total. of . .these ; two Hems Iam whaoa he near rarract at 1120. 0l)A thn "OONia - . - - Capt. W. - H. Dir. euperlnteplent. neeceded Smith and' Mewbbtyrre Janu arv 1. 1800. and rro to. May Tv 1W. he had tnrned Into the State feeem-p .n arnlnes" account . . 54,836.09 He .aecormtod to the board of directors for ... iH.Krz.7i Total aeeonnted foe S173,708JJ8 Deduct reaped from Smith s and Mewhoorne s earnings. 90,O0O.OO Net ; receipts from nav's , earnlnrs .f lZS,7Wt and Now 'If- Da has In hand earnings wortn . fVO.OOO.OO TOM "A: W1.?T.1D,lB i&iml'1 called bnnp bv tha people tn axpls' U wiZiIAi- CI. i.i -rrrzr I DerW sdmTntstratlon na nan U SSlZ21mZ 11 0 li" 11- .hiJ. rar 'r - I for tne STfnorip.. . -rArM -t-aiaaa T carneoner monin......vo.o.. i Smith eaA Wawhoorn 'asiMS-'- ' fer month r1mi DaesVhM W ttoonth. fi - " . -.l . . . -. - amavf 11 Mm? i " 77 IV IV I "ww " " " 1 tnWriatwn . "lrm""" " aK dti tft U-"Li2Lt;wWorb; . fviaU r:."nn..'"i. hf-w' ' Vorb- TToton. JSSfJun -f t-' t tFtS ?LQt?T-i "-W tn New Ltb"lM;' ta NtW a w TT wm v aa m Br ir I J " T " s.. w-w. tbaf the "tbe .W r- " ., . .. - i - '.vi TI-I' ..ti of the A new enterprise ta.Grnsbor X" rV h. th-. ? - uu - V A . t -V it-i. -.. . V'? "faT ttafkhy II UI1 t - - - In notable men. Senators Remesetanvee. "'"T'Xlir.i'.i I m.MMM.I M.nW.n I 1JM1 Tt Ts ecfd thst are. . '::JZ-nrr i "" - - I i '"ire ;-' v'. Vlrvj;.vr i . i i a. ui.. m . n . , r i. i iiiiiisiu i u. & .f i. not "rem . .-'frim futn'where Vsnce was o greatrf Mi . . r ... . v. Mja a.Mttta " I nhsarver A UEGRO DELEGATE. To tts Operatic State Con ventfoa Fron Uatacga Co. DON T WANT TBI ELIMINATED. NEORO Taa Wkl laprmaa Craw W kllvwMli lac a Vegra-A PtaMuHa Wegra Wr Tana a Bapaailaaa Vava-waiia Maa. Waara art Tbaa T TTnlnn PmmlLi.. ' John A. Denny, s colored mss of Watauga county, was sleeted a delegate from that county to the Democratic State eonrventWm. There are probably not ovr seventy-fire colered voters in that cotinty, snd this Is the first time In the crtt, rsf errlnr te the matter sa brooch t JJ m n dJKr1l ' 'he Patriot, has the following to "Wa hT not trmrd him Republicsn sav: genealogy. tne are of nt m am i iur n oi nrcnm comnoslng sbont three-fourths of the Re Tnblican asrty In Norta Carolina, and wh, are the pliant tools of anacnmnloua. aeeiemng wnite demagomes. s menace to the peace and prosperity of the Ftate snd a burden snd reproaeh to the ollrl cal party that attempts to carry and de- rend them, that the white people are solng to dlapose of. pollrleallv. at the Intra f the Patriot and such sheets." Now isn't this a pretty eorae off? The so-called white supremacy partv In one f . the whitest counties In the fttate bolsterlna nn a arm dlM tn forrn his exalted dntv In the Intereat of gnite anpremacv" In the State conven So. sccording to the Democrat. 'nT.T""n in"T i tk . a. a e am. a aav. aa arentleman nerro as the nemoerats of Watanra sent. be reeoenlaed as amon the leadera l" wnuw wunremarv moi-emenr. lwn,h sre to dominate o'-er the !''tete 2 h Illiterate wh'te man. The Democrat will emember that there has ,onir twn trovlalon In our eleeMon lawa f exclnde the "vlHona," to whleh 't re- , , , . . .... ;;n';" TVZ n V'-ZTuZl !" x h r,lft. h1eh H re- "n' mP!n w-rrabMn, t?'?'? M m?n7 wneb. Z?J:fnZ7 hnZr nrt" roinc- to rer sionr with neh riMim r.r0! ""'T.. Ir" . . "rT-,T;"lw Tn ""Tl"V. wrT r"" 'genealogy" bear Mm out. THE PR8HIBITI0VJ CONVENTION. ' aaileiary ml aaiiBed a Fall teta Tfehe. - -i Salisbury. N. C. May 2R. The Prohibition partv met here an Tuesday. Mav 22. Kdwln Slavey p-e- lded and J. W. Vew-bv. of Wadenrfle. was seeretarv. O W. Stewart, of T1H- no'a. national ebalrm)n. was prMient. The State tirltet nominated aa fol. eiineon: T-fAntonpt Hovemor. Dr. John W. Pil1orr; ftnnrtir of Ptate. V. Parl-.r. of Pnnn: Troaanrer. V v--v-. of Wn-iHll! .Uor, T. W. f Retihnw. of Oreens- boro: Snperptendnt of Pnhlle Tnst-ne- 'on. H. C. Pont. of Ttfirftnrton. Por I rv. Snrt J. W Molt. Of Buriineton l - ore named, bea-dea dltrlet .Wor. VAn Sha-rer. of Salisbnrv. remains chairman of the State executive com- m'tee. That convention and Its candidate wHI not be abused. Ope reason l thst the ole-hupters do not think It will smonnt o anything. Tf the nreachera and thoae who are prohibitionists. In the sprinr elections were to vote for It, then they would catch the scratch. A VOTER. OEHOCRHIC INCONSISTENCY. THEY ADOPT NF8R1 RULE IN CON VENTION. The MaehliMi Takes tha Oanveatton by Fore aad Traad and Ko by law af a. flbeyill,Ostette,MaT 17tb. Yterdays Rnneomh connty demo- eeaMfl cof.yey.Mon was eOPtrofled I'hronrPons ry eietnear or the erfy in this eiry. The O'rt starfl 1 hy office boldfogand office seetHpr ele meat divided np the plae-s on She Heb t imnnr tbene1fea. The "content" ronri the Urst nreciltiet was decided In favor of the negro who voted In the primary in favor the contesting del eratlon. Dillon M T.nthee. a 'bite man. belr ftls'venehjaed. tbns effeet- tnr arvnloa! Halifax connty demo oratlo white enpremsey Tlenry. The aeeretarv of the oonventlon waa a man alui ntii the last residential elea. Itlonfor McKInlev: mapy af tbe dele rates present were men who are ont- noken In their nnpoelHon to. the J " . nnninr. nir rj. iff i.iinir'1 ii.wfii-,T-u ii" " nre nf JeglsVitlon and pmpoad cnnatl I 'H"""!! reviamn in . cnrn-p ot "(last letisTstnr as aimed ar the w the bite tyareg In the west and voted aralnf nwltS final naasara In She bonc. Th otliev nominee for rnn er'rn"e w.' 1 fpn rerea pa tn rn ain iw year I f ..fl w 1a1,tIof, Lwaliii'tttwecl If bis party were l adveP power. Tet thp pan ventf on. n n- - . , ... i . . nrf TSaainmii m in rif' . mur" thadiserancnlstnr amendment. The rnsr nde mprb shod ovey eveyytbtrr anil'avarvbndy. and notnlnafed a Heket lew bft Kn efe atari, apd doobft- U. -ah k ' Pay, Fi fFort Scott Lantern.) Bav come to "It Is - JlnS "Say, pana,' why do so many Germans mis connrry r . . , becanee of our sdortous republi can lustfrtttohs, my son. The poor people irre are rronnd flown ry an enor av of Riaa.000.Ono to sustain a arandfor army, wtiile nerr we os- tipon onr citizen soldiers In times of I eafMtnGB W mm mm rw nmm . nana: T was Inst reading hi tba -Ksnass City Jonrnsl thst the war lU-UTU Waffi n 1 th. Oreenaboro broom works. Tt i Tt will mm,, the Mitchell factory hnndlng. en B Meade avenue, and work will begin I i at once. D. D. Alexander, an officer from Ten- I n..r arrived In Ralelah Friday, havlnr 1 i.Tll-w TT Mate If. who eacanad u . I lu Lun' .v. . tbatlescaned convict Is a white man and re be-lslded near Madison. He was sent nn Sas twm Ttocblnrham county to . serve a nrwim w e KSXTR CAKCUNAt PCUT1CAL S4TBA- TlOst Tra Sata4 t m Wevtay mt That Lead ta f aaagbt. Editor Csacadaa: Calcalate the vaTae af Xarth Una's palitlea: Waa raa da sit What mlad raa tally raaarefcead the saisl- meat) What late.Uct raa graap Che la famaae theme af the eVarttaa law) Stretchlar from the ahores ef the At lantic ta MltcbelTs laTty naak. sad frmm me U!1 aomlnioa af the north to the Palmetto ef l eoat a. wast a rtar4aaa State la ears, with aeiteaa te wait atasa as sad raiae nr tea-cent rattoa: with a government wMra. for lau ft A v a sd Pol tics 1 Hbertv. earaaaaee aQ that ver catered lata the iaa rlaatL-n af a Slmmona or aa Arrack: with pr aa prejadlcad as the fa hkj eaarae bear nine apea. With a naaalattaa af aTL- Onn voter, proeperoaa, happy, eater prtlor. np their tmn nf pralae ni lavoratloaa ta the Almlcatr dla Pper of event for the rreat bUaalac of liberty which thev aaw eafffv, rha rouowmg in tbe wake of Paa'a Cara lina. Toulalana and vlal1ppL a dla unlted and arhannv neanle. arha . their tave. who work the rablic roads. wao help to fixht oar battle, wkoae fathera followed the reliant Iiea sad ackaon. whMe forrfathera were at the hattl-a of King's Monnfsla. Saratoga nd Yerktnwn. and were ant the matoe. ity of them unlettered. Lnt Ubertv-Iavlaa men? Taxation wlthoat renreaentatU Is nncona!tntloaat and eaaaaf mnA ta If poaalhle we are drifrtnc Into the black hvas nf anarcbv and HvO Maodshed? Cod forbid! If this amendnaeat carrtaa. If this election law la etrictlv adhered to II over our rrend old mainmvMhk a-here! where! srala rti th aoor aad HWerate man look for hope? What other a'ar of freedom ran pierce the dirtneae Hut tber aav the nnlettered maa nrfll not he denrfved of hla vote almplv from the fact Ma father or rrandfather voted prior to 1T7. Suffice It to be trae. Bat let na a moment: It la tree, af conrae, that la ant embodied la the im POS'1 amendment to the maafltntlan? bnt what elae did the lerlalatnre do? It rraffd a herhed-wire election taw sad mad- prorlelona for bailiff ar on. tables to arrrat anv who mivht t.P bla Irnorant netrhhor. wha cannn m1 m write, which of the x ho tea In which to reat bis hallote Where are the n- Nlona for the blind end the milnwdt ran a blind man vote wlthmt h.lnr ld Can a man vote wha haa ao ands. Ta Mr. Mmmare to rote trr hem? Vo wonder fVnator Ttn'ler and uatne TMtchard sav 1 will nlerran'hW the poor white man. ITia father aw hla vandTather cannot nreaerve Ha fraa chlae or nollt'cal llherty for him. a capae. as I aald awhile era. aa maa U llowed to tetl hint In wbleh hnv t Met hla vote, aad If he votea the vim icket In the wrnnr box hla vote la hrown out ad not counted; therefore e 'a diafranrhiaed now. But. sav some Democrat. H will not diafranchlae a alnrle wMte man after ions. TV, they think all af nnr bore will learn to read and write bv that time? or. are thev eo nre1odled tha thev cannot tell the truth? To thev nor now. an doee sir. .immon not knew there are pee cent of the white voter f North Carolina wha car not read end write? In view of theae facta, we can onlv ludre the future bv the past. The Temocratle nartv haa had the rule af anr Ptate for the past ouartev of a eentnrv Ard what haa been the educations' facllftlea for Vorth r-arallna? We have ha ahout fonr montha echool eacb year anrt the percentare of children baa onlv hceW 40 ont of 1rt who attended rer nlarly. TTow tone, at tbla rate, da yan wnoae It wTM tabe Vorh ParoMna to rid beraelf of 1Pterw? With th'a nrea ot wTm of edncatlon are eea nnlv re dnce onr ITllteraev one-fonrth of one per cent each rear: therefore It wfTI fake tr fonr voara to reitnce It one nr cnt. and n 10OQ we wITt 1 hare retnced It two ner cent, which will leave twewv-ono aer enf of the wh'e oeonle of Vorth Cam- Una who ei- 21 years old that cannot re sd write. The fnlon lewlalatnre eaoed to be anH- mltted S school tsv to rive n. lonrer t.rma of echo.?, and waa voteit nnon "School. nr "No choo1a and the vot. atood: Schoola. 7 iHt enf nf t W 'n the Ptate of Vorth Ct1ne. TTow was thst for edneatlon? Rut. thev mw. rj-e want the nnfi ont of be wav? TP d thev not let rsr-1e WOMama tak- Mm? Th.r nre pot e'nceee In what they av. Thev want to t'afranch'ae the peevo to ret In and then the poor white rnan to atav In ete. Doee Mr. Clmmewa not V.ow hat th poor white man Lheed h's libertv the same a did? Dow tpeuv men wHI vee foe th'a amendment who have bora who wfTI never read ae write, a. 4 who wTTl bo be of are until after 10f8? Paher. be art re vonr aon ran and arm learn to read and write before yon rat aonr ba"ot for this amendment. "Olve me libertv or rlv m. ah " J. N. CMPRT4Tfc VashH. N. C. BKUNSW1CV COUNTY. The (VntTMlaa at trkwaM'i Patlr Weatlaattana far Ceaaty OSmi. fWHmlnrton fr. arTFretr,.0. Mav 94. At the ttmnwteV rmoersio Convention. s T.ocVwoodVi Folly y.aterday. the fnl- loarig nnvnlnalona wre road ; TTnnee a' UmtattiM T B MeNelll Sheriff Jamea TTolmea; Rerlater ' Ve.taT! V Toa-t1 ; Trcsaur er Q. Tf Ova t : ronvn.f Ynrw Oore : Cora, m I art on r atmna1 Danford, A. M. Mre. J. W T aneaatey. The convention area veyv nneaHafan- torv to m-nv nf the deleratee. McNeil' nnhllelv declared Mmlf aralnst th amendmeat. bo for all that b ws nominated an tb Crar hallo. Part a' ha rfeteratee withdrew. refnipg to aka further part In tha convention. r waa ana a rent tha cantMiHaa waadom'nated hy IfcNeilPs friends and the Poppllsts. f Tbe shove shows tht tba amend ntent ta not a party question, notwith- tandlnr b machine has tried to make it sncb. Democrats, even, sav to Mr Stmmona and bis thnra tba hav do nna want SPy mem Tmuos. murders nr tbreatantng tbe llvs .... , honest wblte men J , , The enrlne t now ntaklsr naDy tnpi ahove Rrevard the Inrth of thoae trip" epandlpa on bow fast the track Ja. laid The b'e ent In Brevsrd Is finished, and he completion of the road Isnow only s ouestlon ef a few weeks. Brevard Newa. ... . Prom aTl rarta of tha county cornea the report tbt the wheat crop la the beat ears. If no damage Is done the crpo bv storm or pest, bv far the Isrgest cron of wheat ever maae in this enuniry wuiiT.tlnn cars, amoked rl-a and liB-haor be harvested. Monroe Enquirer. I h provided Aa the time-table nf An effor is h-lnr made to boont Governor Jarata fr tb pnaftlon Prealdena f na Fveraltv and namea nf nbar rettyad politlcfan have been mentioned In ppnneeafnn with this Imprnt plana Vo mar wha b as t be I ntereata nf tba Un' ver1v Is or the educational ntavesa nf tbe state afneerely at bear would surge a polltlclsp. snd eepenaPv an eld apd wora.oot politician fnr this 1mpora-t ooattlon. Tt wonM ba better to eloae thedoora pf tb. TTnlyeralty at onne ban nbeyeldlnf the dry mt. which It wou'd moat ceranly do nnder sncl rnan.t-ment The man who p1aea at te b1 of tba University should ba. flrar. a tecber ycunr. Vrwnn and rrtrrpmiwt mtn. sot sn old foe tl looking for a Job. dtatesvilla Land. mark. II. Y. DRII0CR&T3. a!l Endorse D. Zvzi Ftrlra- IVX- HILL AND OTHER LXADKEB CONFI Tb tba A Tart Alt BanHas Tbat mraa b tartela. New Tark. Mar 38,-Tba Peat eava: Et-tWaator David B. IDt aad tor n.tar4 Marnhv bad a tak wttb EEUrft Daaforth. rhatrvran af tbe tire romaalttee at tba Daif ataV coaveattaa to4r. Mr. UA ta cat at'a tbe rvaalta at bU tffn Se Kaw Terk. He haa ronfevwd with tba af Tatnmaay Hall aad af . cnaatv lWnrrafy. aad 41 waa aotborttattvelr hafore nnna that tba pea gran far the Stste con r eat tea aad baaa arrrad anna bf all narea naseiraaa. Tba feat arm af tbe twagraas arrt- "Klrvt. Tba coneatka m-Ci ile a fb. candidacy af WUltaa J. Bryaa aa4 remraiae him aa "if aauaaal teaaay. "Kavaad. Tba CbVaga btatfatm wt3 not he anrmed. 'Third. The drleratra ta the aatSaaal cna veal lea atll t he laatrarted." One af Mr. 1 1 ill's tWatenaaTn. peka for him, gate thka eiUaaUaa "We are all axrvad hat Mr lrya resomlaa'lna U a rertalatr. aad tbat at we raa 4a la t a faS lata it, bat wa raa not !. the whale CWesga ptat fonn. aad It pot aecenaary ta aa aa. Tbe Kaaaaa City roarrafloa may adtfy that platform we ran epderaa TV7s sad declare that we wtn aappart tbe platform af aar party. Ae ta tba tn atrartloa of drlegatra. that ta pstfhar neeeaaarv aar la accords ace with praen dent. It la cntarv ta taetratt arU gatea ta s aatlaaal res vrattoa enlv arbea New Tork haa a raadata. It haa aa candidate this fear, ee aa aadaraamiat af Brvaa U all that raa b naaaMr eipected. We wU ra ta Kaaaaa 4ty aa Bryan men. bat we da et tmrm ta ha aa committed that ra ess not aak far a HMidlScatlon af tba ChWaga platfa OUt INCONPf TtNCY f RQWN Pf tba Piaaaat Wlat TVm rataa Le tara. It la wen eaaarb tbe tagtatattw A Jonraed ta eneae bark ta Jane, tt Is tbe ea'r legialatara that avar ha4 Sa g back sad da la work pear. We cany what the Ralrlrb neryapaaSept ef The TTenderaoa TTrrald mmywt "It tnme ant that there te d1iet aoa e'-t la aectlona twa and fane af ebapter TISJ af the Tawa nf 1-Pft. earied "Aa scf ta amend the CnnavttneVra af Keith Carolina." Th'a ta the rhantey ahWb wwHdca for the anhmtaatoa af tba pea poad emeedmeet to tba naanta. ? nrartdea that tb prwnoaaH tnent ahetl ro fetn enea aa Jnlv T.' 1ISTJ. If ma loritv of the nnar.Sed eee ea he State en at tbe eleetlaa H k nf ;rt nevt. Peraton 4 pravidea rba 'f a ne1orta af fhe vote eaat are hi favor af aald nrnwoa.4 aaaendsaeet. fha overror ehaP rrrllfr tha pa was ta Ve eeretarv af atate. Section t ae areV4a of the minfmtm amvtdea that tba Ooa ItnMon tnav be amended If a maWrrr of the rne eaat era In favor af tcoooaed emewdmewt. Tf fba honld he held nnder the taw aa aet oat a vrare nneartaa for Vha Sa rme Coerr wnM at once ariaa. Ta hla rlew Tfoa. TT. O fonnar. aneabev f the TToaae af R waa aewaHvea. baa the nrailra thereof ro he pare and h. nraaent at the eertar ef SW wnerat eaaemhtv aa Tna4v, fhe 1t ef nevt monh. for tha nr nm af atvfk nr or he worvta anatlSe4 9mm and l-arrt S-otM rrJ ' eo aa to aaaVe mm vtiiw ef ia read Jf a nalorit? ef he of the Ptee ao S-mr at fhe r'ect'on fa jteenat neyt. The Panrenae Conrf haa deced neev tlaaee et the wor ta onatSed ro.r ateaaa fhs neraona whoae namea era an the pee a. ration hooba. AH each aa raoea havfar len formd to na the ana t! 41 cattoaa wm ontd hr the Cow'ltwrloa mm p tnm ennlelte to rerrrraHon aad voter. n4r raenea ee then traeae.tted aa vha vaaSa. retloa hooba. and thev are fhep aaaf- mA) rora In tV mmmmm of fhe fWaVt. Mon aa laid deam bv the Napnaaaa Conrt. Therefore If tha nraneeed eatead- nept moat he annmved bv a ptlaPi of the nnatieed aot.rV af tba fttp. hla nnmher waa'd he di mlaed pa he total number af name ae an the rr1rTet1oe hacks m the election In Anrnrt pevt, Tba ratal nnmhee nf votera In thie Sate bi sbnnt tre hnndrmf and eventv-fra tbapeaad tf all nf theaa votera ehanM ba tapta- tered one hnadred and aA m .a. thonaand vote woald be raairaJ ta adopt the proposed s amendment." The prealdenev af the RaafW Female Pnlveraity haa been tendered te Rev. W. C Tvree af Tnibm I r Tim ta ana- J ,nr f the Flrat Bantiet Omrrb af that J HtT "i.w a vrnr and t a lea ted foa- later. TTe was nm.ia.at4 here at fWt- urrlav by a nomntltte a tba end tbe arerideoev of the lnrfoiaa tenderi4 blm. Tt hi eald that Dr -riTl In an nmhabPltv scnant-RaWlap Cnrreapondent Charlotte Obaarvar. The a meant ef lamber eaattpg - tpfa enolr 1a aomethinr wnnderfnL Lest rerk's banl pinaf bare rtM etea) na o aoa mITTloa feet. TV WTleaa lea. rvnppanv alone Halms ta bay areaj f bt one-half mTTTVva feet. And tMs j here wfl be verr peariy aa mark, I w have mad aomewbera at a peer who. when hvnery. cnt down a trea and I eat H. For years a treat mtay af par ..i. h... h.. .. i. - - ronic I " . I ie-e Is a nave'tv for vonr The Snath- j p.nwav wtn maka a denarrnra aa I MT oo the day of tbe total ecWaMaa ' land rrm aoecat acHae tralna. eo t1mJI .v. v tn .... v. ... .va. r tn v. u tra"s icaa tha State I .v. a-.-. vm vw rwMM t rwv foTlr Mri, rbe Nw York Herald, 0awr- the eetnai- f to t as eertala fhe t11;if exl n tbe arm. the rall-rav can make pa ra4a- n'jake. and knnwa Joe whep end whet be 1 to meet th deepest rtadow n em RaHway runa thmnrh fifty-op piTlea af tatanty. snd win pt on sn rrama vweltl snd make bay wane tn ppp doesn't shine. Tt reoutree from sx to sight bushed of etrawherrle a dsv to sunnly The I mnng lladlea at the Normal, bat -there fa no traubl In curiag h nnrr frpip -ha girt ma near oy ureesaiwro I Record. 1 . " - . I TPe tun v frenns am nnwirr np I rppldly now and pone wants tn fall tn meet Hie eomrsoee as inn insTaiftW Wennlon at Tnisvllle. Mar SOtb-Jane rd; speHally wben tb rate' are an taw. as they, are by the SSABOABD AIBTLINX RAILWAT. Iboro ITl!.May19. IjUUIBV WRJ mwvmtmm ar - - I " ' ' AX-

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