TUK CAUCASIAN. July 19, 1900 WHO SHOULD HAVE TIIE BENEFIT OF THE DOUHTI During t-e trial of the Democrat lc registrar at Wlost n, Judge John Gray Bynara, who was for many jwari a Democratic Judes of the Ho parlor court of th Htate, in his argument, Bald: "I im going to vot for your constitutional amend ment. I do not know whether It Is con-tltutlonal or not. The benefit of tbedoubt that is In my mind Is to . glvt-n to my party." What a t nlM conf. f6lon for any man to mk mcchkss a lawyer and an ox Judg". What! VUllJudge By num k'v th hen fit of tho doubi to hi parly before he will rive it to i ho Constitution of the United H at s and his oath to support it. W muni btlieve that Judge By nam diil not measure his words From his own confusion It is evi di nt that he is In doubt, and bl p In doubt, it Is his sworn duty, s ht musr upn rfleclon, toglt-eti thn Constitution and to his oath t support the Constitution, the bene fit f all doubt, Instead of eivlng I to bli party. And Us ides thin should not J uge Bynuin and ev fry other vot r who ran nadaiu) write, and who would not there fore b personally affected by th amendment If It la unconstltutlon al, have tho patriotism andth HnK of Jus ice to give to the ililt nrat white voter of North Carolina th benefit i.f all doubt, lnntad oi to his party? If Judge BynumV conscience will not bring him to do thla, then surely every illiterate white ioter In North Carolina musi give himself the benefit of th doubt In self protection, for If It Ih unconstitutional, these illiterate white voters, If the vo e for It, will be voting to disfranchise themselves. WHAT MAY OCCUR OH THE DAY OF ELECTION. Mr. Aycock (Governor Ay cock no-called) Is reported as having ald In his speech at Fallxbury that 'any man who says that this amendment is unconstitutional is a liar." Is It possible that a man who makes any pretense of being fit to bo Oorernor of the great Htate of North Carolina should become so rattled and desperate when a great constitutional ques tion Is being discussed before the voters of the Htate, as to use such language before his audience? In Mr. Aycock's audience there were several hundred of as patriotic and Intelligent clMzens as there are In the Htate, who sincerely believe that the amendment is unconsti tutlcnal. Besides, over two-thirds of his Democratic audience would believe the same thing If Mr. Aycock had tho courage to meet his opposing candidate for Governor la Joint debate and permit the people of all parties to hear both sides discussed fare to face. The same causes that forced Mr. Aycock and Mr. Simmons from a j int dis cufsion. have forced Mr. Aycock in nis aesperation to stoop to sucn a plane. Further comment Is un necessary. Pesilrt Party Sjatej. rroimTt or so, aiasr tsacst or tbxas. Hon. Harry Trseej, of Texas, cm of tht finest campaigners in tb United State, sod the man who organised tht Farmers Alliance io North Carolina, come all the way from Text to Join Iin tve 11 tht for human liberty in North Carolina. EewM address the prop) on the questions of the day at the fol lowing places oo the dates samed : PitUboro, Chatham county. Mndaj. Julj 3 t, with lr. Cyrus Tbompsoa. Re dTi)le. Rockicghameountj, Tues day. July 34th. 8Hbary. Rowan eooaty. Wednes day. Jul j 1ft. Harmony. Iredell county. Thorsdty, July J Sutwille, Iredell oosoty, Friday, Juiy 27. Examine tills marl DEMOCRATIC JUDGE OF ELECTION TO NEGRO JUDGE OF ELECTION: and see If ho has a right to vote. Zl NEGRO JUDGE OF ELECTION appointed by Democrats TO DEMOCRATIC JUDGE OF ELEC TION Boss, yon go ahead and do it; I don't like to enterfere with white folks business, but whatever you gentermens do will be all right with me. NEGRO JUDGES OF ELECTION clnct; J. W. Taylor, Democratic ne gro, Fort Barnwell precinct; J. W. Jones, at Dover ; Emanuel Bell, at Batchelor. A WORD TO rOPTTLISTS. We want to say to Populists ev erywhere, in town and country, that It Is very important that you go to the polls very early on tho day of flection and vote the first thing, and then if possible, remain all day, or until all our boys have voted, and then leave some trust worthy persons to see that the votes are counted as cast and the returns properly made out and signed. Now do this. More de pends npon It than you may sup pose. Be determined, but sober and quiet If any one Is to act the fool let it be the Democrats "ALL COONS LOOK ALIKE." Di yon Bee "our Isaac' the Dem ocratic n'gro member from Craven county, iu the cartoon on our first pagtt Do you see bis white ally, Frank D. Winoton, tbe man who considered "it a great pleasure to ride the dis triet with tbe negro Congressman George H. White. Do you s e Frank D. Winston wbo said tbe members of tbe present leg islature should "sink their conscien ces to vote for the proposed amend ment." "All coons look alike." If you d not believe it look at theui in th eartonn. (Continued from Flr6t page.) denceof the disgusting hypocrisy and disreputable policy of the organ ization which brought about the ap pointments of these negro Judges, under existing conditions. It is a fact that in some parts of the State members of this Democrat ic organization, who really believe in consistency and honesty, cannot bring themselves to believo that this outrage h&b been committed by their organization, and letters have been received at the People's Party Head quarters asking if In the name of honesty and consistency, and of de cency, such was the fact. There need be no further manipu lation of words concerning this mat ter. B dow are given the names of a number of these negro poll- holders in various counties, and the lists from some'rounties have not been received. It is declared that in Hertford county a negro judge of election has been appointed for every precinct. In Nash county a number or ne gro judges ot election has been ap pointed by the county Democratic Election Board, and. the came of one of them Is George Merrlott, of Rocky Mount, N. C , who has been appointed a iudge of election for Stoney Creek precinct. Negrojudg- es are aUo appointed In that coun ty for Ferrell precinct, Cooper's pre cinct, and for other precincts from which no offlciil report has been made. These negroes are known to have voted the Democratic ticket for some years, an.l yet they are ap pointed to represent the Populists of thA pree ncts in which they will preside as Judges. In Durham county, a negro has been appointed as judge of election at Stayville, named Sam Scales. In Craven county negro judges of election have been appointed to hold the polls in precincts In which a majority of the voters are white. The names of some of these ne- A number of negroes have been appointed Judges of election in Jones county. The names of some of them are: James Black, Mays vllle, N. C, who is about eighty years old, and who is too infirm and decrepit to perform the duties of his responsible office ; John Mayo Pollocksville precinct; Albert Wat son, Plney Grove precinct, Olivers postofflce ; Fagus Green, Bonus, N. C. In Greene county out of eleven Judges of election, to which the Peo ple's Party were entitled, and for which good responsible white men were recommended, the Democratic County Board of Elections appoint ed seven negro Judges. Their names are: Sidney A. Busbee, Andrew Dixon, Travis Dixon, General Moye, j Jack Holmes, Frank Joyner, James Wade. In Wilson county negro judges of election have been appointed, and in the town of Wilson there are two whose names are: Jeremiah Scarborough and Geo. Towe. In Pitt county the "white su premacy" "negro yelling" election board has managed to out Herod Herod. Out of fourteen judges of ejection, which the People's Party were entitled to, and for which po sitions the representative people of the county recommended white men of intelligence, capacity and high character, the Democratic County Election Board appointed nine negroes ; their names are: W. Arnold Spain, Hill, N. C. ; J. J. Chance, Stokes, N. C. ; W. S. Davis, Grimesland, N. C, James Mobley, Ayden, N. C; Oscar Johnson, Falk land, N. C. ; H.G. Moye, Farmville, N. C; S. P. Humphrey, Greenville. N. C; Dorsey Cox, Greenville, N. C. ; J. B. Clark, Pactolus, N. C. There are still more emphatic glaring illustrations of flagrant in consistency of this Democratic white supremacy negro howling organization, and among them is the case of Granville county, in which, under even the existing fraudulent election law, the Peo- judges of election, of these seven teen judges, the Democratic Coun ty Eeltction Board appointed four teen negroes, their names and post offices are as follows: James C. Adkins. Wilton, N. C; John S. Mitchell, Creedmoore, N. C; Jordan Bullock, Wilklns, N. C. ; Wm. Handing, Stem, N. C. ; Robt. Burwell, Culbreth, N. C. ; Daniel Smith, Berea, N. C; Mark Smith, Buchanan, N. C. ; James Morrow, Bullock, N.C.;S.L. Daniel Stovall, N. C. ; Chas. H. Taylor, Oxford, N. C. ; Wm. Alston, Oxford, N. C. ; Wil lis Moss, Oxford, N. C. ; Lanier Har ris, Oxford, N. C; Wallace Taylor, IClay.tf.C. We can give further illustrations, but certainly what is above presen ted should be sufficient to remove every vest'ge of doubt in the mind of any voter in North Carolina as OraavtU SMatr.TWre- ity.Jsijsa. - crtag, m sorsewcaty, Friday, J a- If ffiL sty, &4tsr- J. BssWL CUts las d y. Jsl Mth. Boilisg Spnuo, CUvtiaad MosdsT. Jsly Xfc. Lasrsdsls. CUvslaad cos at y. Tst dsy.Jaly SlsC Liaeolatoa, Liola ooasty, Wete-ee-day, A eg. 1. srrotsTHBrrs or os. satics est. Wins on, Forsyth county, Wednssj, July S3. Morkftille, Davie comfy, Thursday. July z Newport, CarVret coonty, Maturity. July 2ib. st It ss. Morrb 4 t(r. srtrrrt oouotr, st urdsy, July luh st 8 30 p m. ArroisTM xxts or AID CAW. B. SBSATOE BUT LIB B. DAVIS. Whitevills, Columbus oennty, Mon- oty, July lira. South port, Brunswick county, Tuss dty, July tUh. E. M. Johnston's Grovs, near WiMard, renor county, weanesasy jaiy n. Warsaw, Duplin eounty, Thursday, juiy ia. Mt. Olive, Wayne county, Friday, Ju ly 27:h. Pikeville, Wayns county, Saturday, juiy zstn. Duqt:, Harnett county, Wednesday. Augu-t 1. APPOINTMENTS OF CAP. B, B. DAVIS, Capt. K. B. Davis, tbe eloquent and ' forcible speaker of tbe Pople Party, win saaress tne neopie on the ques tions or tne day at the following pu ces on the dates namrd. Voting Place, in Btiley's township, Xh county, on Monday. July 30. n. Smitbfield, Jobntton County, on Toes- day, July 31st, (witn Hon. Marion But ler.) APPOINTHXNTS OF BOM. JM0. X. FOWLBB Hon. John E Fowier will address tbe people on tbe questions of tbe day at tbe following places on dates named. Trenton.'Jones county, Monday, July 23. Kinston, Lenoir county, Tuesday, July 24. bnowr Hill, Greene eounty, Wed nesday, July 25th. Bear Grove, Martin oounty, Thurs day, July 26. Washington, Beaufort county, Fri day. July 27- Aurora, Beaufort county, Saturday. July 28. APPOINTMIHT8 Of DI J B FBBSOIf. Sanford, W oore county, on Saturd y, July 2l3t. with Hon John E Fowler. Holt's Cotton Factory, Cumberland count?, on Monday July 30th at 8:30 p. m. Bennett's Mill, in 71st township. Cumberland county, on Tuesday, July 31t,at 11 o'clock, a. m. Hope Mills, Cumb rhnd county, on Tuesday, July 31st at 8 :30 p. m. APPOINTMENTS OF HON. CYBCS THOMP SON. Hon. Cyrus Thompson, reople's Par- ; - Xil .1 .1 to existing facts, and further it is ; ' i t" .: surely enough to show that the on-1 at the following places on tbe dates ly inspiration of the negro yelling named: white supremacy organization, to dttJ3'dhatham CUnty' sound tneir slogan ot JNlUUttKI Fayetteville, Cumberland oounty, on from one end of the state to the baturdav. July 2tn. nhoria thairKniiaf o.on "son, Wilson county, on Monday, . July 30th viction that the people of the State I Linton. Sampson county, on Tues- are either fools or idiots, and as day, Ju y 31st. such are only fit to be played on AProiBTMSITTS OF BOB. SI IIV BOOBBB. Hoa.J M Mswbooros. rODls's Parts Moon-sTille. Iredell count t. Saturdat. Is .AW n .VI ULIi . 1 . J. Juty 8. - i Questions of ths ds st thm fnllAvln Morrtnton. Barks ooaoty. Moodar. Lum ik. a.i . Ji Oft W mw- w iiimw . -w.n, CsUwba eoantT. Tuesday. s.i .t i mw ' July tl. I Ik... Waka rniitlt Tui J.I. Concord. Cabarrus oonntr. Wednes- um maviw. JL ' day, AutUtt 1st. Vtf Qill. Wsk Maul. WIri. July 35 to, at 19 o'clock a. as. ' Holly 8pr(oars. Wska oouatr. Tbars- dsy, July t9tb at 10 o'clock a. . Raleicb. P. M. Steward's Store. Fsy. ette? ills street, Tbursdsy, July leth at nignt. Kalelsrh. J.R. Uocbureb's Store. Kast Harcett street, Friday. July S?ih. al nitbt. Ralelrh. Pilot Cotton Mills. Satur day, July, 13 h atnlrbt. Garner. Wake oouutr. Moadav.July 80th, at 1 o:eiock p. m. Kaieiffh. Kills' Store, on UilUboro road, Monday, July SOtb, at 0 p. m omitcnrld. Joboston count t.oo Tues day, July 31st. APPOIBTMBBTS OF CAPT. A. S. PBAOB Capt. A. 8. Peace, nominee of tbe People's Party fur Corporation Com missioner, still add re-s the people at tbe following: places on tbe dates named : Plymouth. Wasblrrton county. Tues dsy.Ju'y.ls. Kdenton. Cbowan counts. Wednes day, July SS. Hertford. Perquimans eounty. Tburs dsy, July 2. Ehtabeth C ty. Parouotank eountr. Friday. July 27. Camden. Camden oounty. SatordaT. July 28 Oatessille. Gates county. Monday. July 30. Winton. Hertford eounty. Tuesday. July 81. Kosemead. Bertie eounty. Wednes day, Aug. 1st. Igro poll holders are: Samuel Willis, Democratic neero, Vanceboro pre- pie's Party is entitled to seventeen for all that can be gotten out of tbem in the way of their support of th:s nigger howling horde for the various official positions in the State. It should be emphatically recor ded in the mind of every citizen that these negro judges of election constitute part of a jury who sits In judgment on the liberties and rights of the white voters in every county in which they are appoint ed. They are to determine as to whether or not the ballot cast by white voters is legally cast, and de cide as to whether or not it shall be counted. They are judges of the exercise of the highest privilege and right known to the American citizenship, and their appointment as judges enable them to "domi nate" and dictate the action of white voters, and to pass judgment on their fitness and qualification as electors and free citizens. Kenansvice, ruplin county, on Wed nesday, August 1st. APPOINTMENTS OF HON A C SHUFOBD. Hon A C Sbuford will address the people on the questions of the day at tbe following places on dates named. Cleveland, Rowsn county, Mond.y, July 23d. at 12 m. Mill Bridge. Rowan county, Monday July 23d. at 8 'JO D m. Eiuetivilie, Rowan county, Tuesday, July 24. at 12 m. China Grove. Rowan county, Tuesday July 21. at 8:30 n m. Faitb, Kowan oounty, Wednesday July 25th, at 12 m. APPOINTMENTS OF HOB. H. F. 8BAWBLU Pspalfst SpMklag. The candidates of tbe People's Party for tbe General Assembly and oounty candidates will address tbe people at tbe following places and dates: Adams Store, Friday. July 20. at 9 o'clock a. m. Morrisyille, Friday. July 20. at 8 o'clock p. m. Cary, Saturday, July 21, t 8 o'clock p m. Franklin, Monday. July 23. at 11 o'clock, a. m. Apex, Tuesday, July 21, 9 o clock rn. Hilliard's Store, Tuesday, July 24. at 8 o'clock p. m. New Hill, Wednesday, July 25, at 9 o'clock a m. Eno, Wednesday July 25, at 8 o'clock p. no. Holly springs, Thursday, July 29, at 9 o'clock a. m. Smith's, Friday, July 27, 9 o'clock a. m. Myatt's Mills, Friday, 27, 8 o'clock p. m. Township House, Saturday, July 28, 9 o'clock a. m. Auburn, Monday, July, 30, 9 o'clock a. m. Garner, Monday, July 30, 8 o'clock p. ro. Wiidera Grove, Tuesday, July 31 at v o'clock. Harris' Store, luesday. July 81. at 8 o'clock p. m. Every person, regardless of past pol itical affiliations, are earnestly and cordially invited to be present and bear these speakers discuss tbe vital questions freedom and liberty 1 Hill K. Kino, Ch'mo Ex. Com. P. P- Wake Co. Public School Books! a The Public Schools are now opening oier the State, and will need supplies. These school books and supplies can be had at discount to teachers and dealers from ALFRED WILLIAAS & CO., IR A TiTTlIGKBI, 3ST. C. WONDERFUL SUMMER BARGAINS Dobbin & Fcrrall. At Tucker's Store. IU & I2S PiyctteUlle St. Kaciait. .V C IN FINE DRY GOODS Msay lines we are eloisr oat at rlly half rnr ALL THE HEADY MADE-MAN TAYmitKD LADllv bt'IThXAT HALF PU1CIX All the FOREIGN NOVELTIES IS COTTON. OROAXDIEH. LA WN8. DIMITIES and other cool and dainty fabrics at half pri. ALL THE ODD PRICES AND SHORT LENGTHS uP CARPETU AN I MATTINGS at half pno All the Small Wares belonging to this summer limits N-tr. Pass Ac., at at half prirw If possible to do so come and personally make your porebasw, tf yoa ee,t come write ns for samples or diseriptioos. V will grm via tbe vary twet attention in the most polite way. DOMUN A KKKRAL. Hot Campaign DURINO- HOT WEATHER will be mire sgixable tn one of tb KEROE SUITS at oooJJI FtrawlHatslOeto II. Underwear 60c" a suit. WHITING BROS.' This firm makes a specialty of Hot Watbr Wearables and soils tbem cheap.! Soft bosom shirts 43c. Tie and 11 Bojs suits 11.11125, 11.50 and;ri.00. 8boes 50c. 75c, $1. 1125 and 11.50. '. Anticephalalgine T HE YARBOROUGH HOUSE, Hon. H P Seawell. People's Party nominee for Attorney General, will address the Deonle on tne Questions oi ibe day at tbe following places on the dates named : Henderson. Vance county, on Mon- dsv. Juli 23. Durham, Durham county, on Monday July 23. at 8:30 o m. I " " . WW Roxhoro, rerson oounty, on laesaay, July 34. Hiilsboro. Orange county, on vvea- nesday, July 25th. The Original HEADACHE and NEURALGIA CURE. SAFEST - AND - BEST - 25 and 50 cents a bottle For Sale by all Druggists. R A N. C CREAT DAY AT CLINTON. The Charlotte Observer said yester day that "the amendment was kot a party question " The Observer sure'y has not read the State platform of the Democratic party It has not read Mr. Simmons' letter to Butler. Tie Editor of the Ob-erver sho1 Id read up and perhaps if- would be f- r Bryan and find out that the I'emorratic party ha9 no other "party is ue," except the amendment. The Fpworth T.eavue r onfrence at Atlanta U the first oc aeion in whi h tbe youncr reople f Southern Method ism have had a meeting a 1 their own Take the aboard tir Line Kail way. PUBLIC SPEAKINC. Messrs. W. R Dixon and Gabriel U FUrdison, candidates for the fenate in the Mh Senatorial l strict, will ad dress the people at the following times and pjat-es: Saturday. July 21st. at Newport, 12 o'clock. ssturdav. July 21st. llarlowe, st nirfht Monday, July 23rd, at Bcgue, 12 o'clock. Monday, July 23rd, at Oak Grove, at nijrht. Kveryone is invited to come out and hear these defenders of human liberty. 2,000 Fire in Raleigh Wednes day Night. The cotton gin on the Fayetteville road, near Rocky Branch, just South of Raleigh was turned Wed need s y night. The gin and the the storage warehouse was burned to.tbe ground, with all contents, for the fourth time. . The loss is estimated at $2,000. g Kelly and Lloyd Speak to 2,000 People Sampson in Good Shape. To-day was a great day for the People's Party of Sampson county. Congressman J. E. Kelly, of South Dakota, and Capt. J. B. Lloyd, ot Tarboro, were the speakers, and ful ly two thousand people from all sections of this county, and many from adjoining counties, were assem bled to hear them. Senator Butler was expected, but pressing duties at headquarters pre- j vented his coming. Capt. Lloyd ppoke flrnt, and was introduced by , Hon. J. E. Fowler. Tne captain . . i l!it was m his usual gooa ronuiuon, portly and handsome, and notwith standing he has a 6trong likeness to Governor Roosevelt, of Isew York, yet our people like Capt. Lloyd, and the magnificent speech whicn ne made here to-day. lie was contin uously applauded throughout his en tire speech of more than one hour and a half. lie attacked the consti tutional amendment and its advo cates with gloves off, and showed to the satisfaction of his vast audience that the scheme, though aimed at the negro, would result in the dis franchisement of a large body of the best white citizens in the county. After the conclusion of his speech II. J. Faison, Esq., introduced Con gressman Kelly. Our people had not seen or heard Mr. Kelly before, ana anxiously awaited his appearance upon the otonrl. He has a eood head and a Btrone. honest face, and proved him self to be a power as a campaigner n1 dfthator. He forcibly showed how the patriots of Boston in 1775, at the Boston Tea Party began the struggle for American Independence and were joined by the patriots of Xorth and South Carolina, and that now when manhood suffrage in North Carolina was threatened by a monstrous device in the form of a constitutional amendment to our State constitution, that the cause of North Carolina was the cause of South Dakota. Mr. Kelly spoke for nearly two hours. He declared the 5th section of our proposed amendment uncon stitutional and would disfranchise all illiterate white voters in the State. He regarded it the most j monstrous proposition ever submit- . ! ted to any free people. His speech i was powerful and convincing, and did great good. It is to be hoped that he can visit every county in Eastern North Carolina, and if he does, we predict that wherever f he is heard that the amendment is doomed. More than a dozen Democrats de clared openly, after to-day's speech es, that they would not support the amendment; and there are more than two hundred and fifty Demo crats in the county of Sampson who have already declared themselves against it. Sampson will defeat the amend ment by a majority of not less than two thousand, with a fair election The white men of this county are more than two to one against the amendment, and that means that the election is going to be fair. If the rest of the State was like the grand old county of Sampson, the amendment would be defeated by as big a majority as it was by the last Legislature of Georgia, who voted it down by a vote of 137 to 3. . Correspondent. AYCOCK AT HILLSBORO. Kot 12,000 Present Only 2,000, OTer Half Ladies One Lady in the Horse back Procession. Special to Caucasian. Hillsboro, N. C, Julv 16th. It was reported that iwelve thousand people were to be here to hear Mr. Aycock. There were only two thou sand, and over half of them were women and children. The horse back parade was a thin thing. In stead of two hundred, there was but one lady In it. They had two brass bands. Mr Aycock said : "The sweetest thing on earth not excepting the firs kiss was office." He then said. "You see, our election Board and and registrars were appointed to keep tbe Republicans from cheat- ng U3. Do you see?" Winked and then thundered, ul am GOISG to be GOVERNOR " There wer at least fifty Demo crats who said, after they heard hi? speech, they wou'd not vote f. r the amnidment, because he did not cite a single authority to prove that it was constitutional. We told R. . Russell, candidate, for the House of Representatives from Durham, that we would vote for him and the amendment if he would show any authority by which it would not disfranchise white men His reply deli v red with great earnestness and force Was "WHO WOULD MIND DISFRAN CHISING A THOU8AND OR MORS WHITE BOYS IN ORDER TO GET RID OF EIDHT THOUSAND NIGROIS fw You can depend npon it that Or ange county will defeat the dis franchising amendment. R. C. Hill. THE UNIVERSITY Of NORTH CAROLINA LEIGH, Is headquarters 'lor Everybody. Rates $2.00 and $2.50 per day. Elegant Rooms With Baths, 50 CENTS PER DAY EXTRA. L. T. BROWN. Manager. yi rim oijs A A. 1 . At every puDiic speaking get up one or more clubs for The Caucas ian. See onr campaign offer. HICKS' CAPUDINE Headache Cure . . LEAVES NO BAD EFFECT WHATEVER 15, 25 and 50e. at Druggists THE HEAD OF THE STATES FREE COACH AT ALL TRAIN8. EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM. Three academic courses leading to degrees. Profpsslonal courses in Law, Medicine and Fbarmady. Summer School for Teachers. Scholarships and Loans to needy. Free Tuition to candi dates for Ministry, Minister's Sons and l Teachers. 512 student besides 161 in Sum mer school. 38 teachers In tbe fac ulty. For catalogues and Informa tion address F. P. VEN ABLE, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. Tuition $60 What is to Become of my Boy and Girl ?! IT DEPENDS LARGELY UPON WHAT YOU DO FOR THEM. Give your children an opportunity to meet the stern realities of life by giving to them brain powerthat power that will enable them to meet the problems of Church and State; that power that will enable tbem to go into the mental contests of life ; a-d that power that enables the hu man soul to enjoy that which is purest, noblest, and best In this life as well as tbe lire to come. GOOD OPPORTUNITIES for your children at CATAWBA COLLEGE, NEWTON, N. C. Fall term begins Tuesday, August 7, 1900. Full college course leading to degrees. A strong facnltv of young mt n and women. B"ard at the Young Woman's Hall at $4 50 to $5 per month Tuition $360 to 4 per month. a 1L ME BANE, President. Rev. J. A. FOIL. Vice-President. OXFORD SEMINARY THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF Agriculture and Uecnanic Arts. TECHNICAL EDUCATION IN: Atrieulture. Stoek-raulnr, HortleulUiiv, KLanari. tnl. Electrical culture Engineering. Txtil Io4itry . ' mi. try. etwl I Agrt-J I PRACTICAL TRAINING IN ; Carpentry, wood-turning, Clarktmi thine, wkhine-work. Mill Boiler-tending. Eegine tending, and ljae-tdt8g. rpe work. Tuition. .0 a jear. Board f a month Next eeeeien epnt (September e.D Knterenee examinations in each County Cojrt to'!. Jf o'clock a. .; alio the ('oi lege HepWmber 4th and 4tb. For full Informatioe. addreM tb. 16 President Geo. TV Winston. RALE ion. N.C J OXFORD, N. CAROLINA. Hen ean be enred privately and positively at home of all weakness and disease. Write for new free book. Dr. J. N. Hathaway, 209 Alamo Plaxa, San Antonio, Tex, Fifty-first annual session opens August 29, 1900. First rate facilities are rffered In Languages, Literature, Laboratory, Science, Conservatory of Music, Art, Elocution. Location unsurpassed for healthfnlness. Sanitary arrangement per fect, the school pnysiclan having been called but twice during the annual i session, though the number of boarding students was 84. I Board, fuel, lights, full literary tuition for annual mh!ou fizs. Musis I HO. For handsomely Illustrated catalogue, apply to PRESIDENT HOCGOOD. IDarnell & Thomas,! Jto (o o o (o(o4 143 Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH. N C PIANOS-AND-ORGANS. tezznzzzi Prices sen! ooIoc!icatiOB.