.'kit. ' J"' - at 3 -L NO wr RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, AUGUST 16, 1900. No 37. THE n-MF;A'AN Vol. Ice, fraud,; INTIMIDATION El' lEV: ill . i;ky amexd v : i i urr dem- ol TICKET. nEHS FROM EVERT SECTION OP THE STATE ,r '1 In" r vi ,'tr f r - iM-KT't ' 'f i i IT 1 1 ' ,V. I ' ' ',' I'1' ' mi;"'-) 1 1 . r : f - ;hwr . ti:" ll 'i'l v,!-t ' 'I I Ik- .Method Used -iniiiioin Machine tin Will of the i y rom Last Week.) .-ON COUNTY. .mH: "Doubtless joa tint, of the wholesale t in tliln county. At the t' rro, i,cxingtou,Tho- A Mint's Creek precincts this county, by honest ... at least 800, yet the t liH-vt', claim the county Take Tyro for instance r;iti', gave our ticket at straight, yet in th iy ir.'ive nit oi, wmch Is Imlt the votes we know If the vote couM be !, we would ctrry not r.ou n t y , hut thisHenato- ! 't I'l- i.WIK COUNTY. ,t;(rt; "m MiM-ksville: "We cannot pi to I it ; 1 1 ) y submit to this revolu- n brin,-' i nhitut hy force, fraud, and niilit "ii, mid th sooner the Situ i, tow ! nr "eliminated" tlie bct v. rx ii- h free people at all iird- ( TVBA COUNTY. Liti. r from Newton: They have nplv stolen this county. At Mal- N-wtMii, Houth Hickory and vcr tn-v transferred over loo m. Tli' .lection is a whole fraud. UUKKE COUNTY. he night of election the claim th. some of them were shot at from am- -nan on meir way borne. The? ran-ed "cain." ant foe th a,r, aod telegraphed for blood hound- tuoiney say), but the whole thing '"iuM, a we mot it waa a put up job among themselves, for fier the sheriff came we heard no more about it. Home of their employee! voted with ns aud bare been die misled, consequently are out of work. Bo not think any of our people are getting weak. Thev are stronger than ever. With a f a r eleetion we could hate can I'd the State by a large majori ty. Is there no protection from these devils who curse honest m- n r r voting what they call the "nig gr tic kt" and then they steal the ticket? At on of the precincts In our fou ty they ran off the men who hd our tickets: at other places they were so badly treated that they walked off without voting. They had wineheaUrs in the postoffic and loaded them in the preasnceof some of onr citizen.. FORHYTH COUNTY. Letter from Winston-Salem : We had no election here. We should have had between 7,500 and 7,800 votes cast here, when in fact we had little over 5,300. On the day flection nearly every negro voter In Sabun, Winston, Middle Fork and Old Town were challenged, and rn st of tnem were forced io stand asid and a largo number of the challenges were -never tried or counted. In Winston as a Republi can voted the boxes were Immedi ately changed so that no Republi can who could read and write c uld show or tell another how to vote. In Vienna township, every ticket was handed to the judges and some were put In the wrong box and thrown out. PKRSON COUNTY. would not deposit their ticket. they could not be seen at all and the tickets j mm - mm. mm Of- nnflAAM AAllAla"lf IMniAMAMT tkfVt7 tu every Wy attlUs would then take them, but at night j were handed to the Judge ttuxugb tb iTU L PtP t F aALIPKIILI lallllUlV I U II 1 1 S U A I J I TT-i-tU tney.were nearly al! fuoud iu the 1 window. There were about l of o I 1 1 ft- I SW I hi. WS vnilll WWSW WWWSVl iiimimjiih wrong box, and thrown out. The truth j who voted the straight ticket, but the ' , u we bad sro blsctioi: in this county machine only gave us credit for 65. m.. i . . . . . ue ufraofnu voiea m-ir own way.j PASQUOTANK COUNTY. but refused to let the other side vote. and put their tickets in the wrong box Great many men, seeing bow the elec tion was being conducted did not at tempt to vote at all, and others, when the judges refused to take their tick ets, walked out of the bouse and car ried their tickets with them. "If our government 19 going to per mit uch tbinga to go on in the future, there it no use to hold elections at all. There is no use to upset the people every two years just to go through a farce." PERSON COUNTY. Letter from Marqus: The election In this county was a farce. The Dem ocratic poll holders met at some of the precincts before sunrise, and threw out such men as they want ed, before the Republican pollhold ers got there, so yon see they car- Letter from Elizabeth City; The', Democrats committed frauds in ; this county as elsewhere In the State. In several precincts of the ! The Simmons Democratic Machine Forever Doomed in That County. In an 4t an4 tl ft-ffecrar hJ hlasif . rtj-l im rrnurrMNl an ruTDrf 4 th Wba b tu th- rvunt mil mhww, dVoyteg th right of any qualifiol ntef mmm Ing the cnt a cotWWI fbr In lb elect loo law, hi fr ntm county they had only Democratic ! QnB ThOUS3d White lit DCSliYed Of Ihtll lOtCS h The Dca3CfatiC ClQIlSSing BOIItl .nwnuxanytM owt-mrhta. judges of election Having ap- wa that It w Moo br4. om of pointed eoch jK-pobiicn, M they Five HDDdttd Qualified Voters Refused Registration A Graphie Story ol Oercecuticithri.,ih,.tdj,.i1, ??:?Zr:Zwv nmm-m CoBoti Still Populist, Alter the Gigantic Steal, by 650 Uajo.it,. Z'Z:'!. filled on the day ot election by '. TT'TfVlTlWIB OF THE MACHINE GIVEN. ! the day or the year given, wen- de- entire wuuoj iu idhdiuiois auu boxes. The bull pn system was Tho YlsUt Wtul $trlctly jjetweea Inaugurated here and carried out 1n white Men The Invasion ot the most partisan and anscrupu-1 Armed ltexl Shlrt Revolution. Ions manner. At these precincts arr and Will Ie Coiuleinnenl. The Populist majority In Samp son county by Democratic count wai where there were no Republican judtre?, the friends of the Illiterate j nen. the noor fellows deooslted fourtwn hundred a Kln tied the eloction jusl as they wan j taeir ballots on the boxea or in the!one thusand in the ist two years. The fight iu HamjiHon was N'tween w ouuo" wrontr box and thev were thrown tute Democratic tickets for Fusion , WT0n8 na tney weJft thrown tickets after the latter were handed out and not counted. The- mam them. They had a man In Woodb- moth fraud of the county was corn dale township who was not a citl- in it ted at the Gth ward precinct etter from Morgan ton : There ro about 1(H) colore 1 voters in g township, most of whom were V n tji stored and sworn, and l th othcrrt saw their names writ in what they supposed was the zlntrstion book, but woro after Is changed to another book, and the name of these voters were t out except 31 I examined s.b.,okion challenge day and and their names not there. I utiont'd th registrar, why it as that their nmos did not ap- r on the book, and he Bald he mid answer no questions They re not allowed to vote, although Hy went and tendered their bal- Its. They wero told that their ameswere not on tho registration Mtk. Tho registrar of this precinct rag mimed j. a. 1'erry, ana ne n il iu ano her township, and hi pilly liv- il thoro at the time, and lo f reside there, and he registered nil voted here. Thoy appointed a udge that could neither read no mu and who refused to serve, nd itiHtead of appoint ng one of lit Republicans that we tendered wy appointed noon In the place i the judge resigned at all, so the cctl'iu was held by one Democrat iutk'e, the registrar and a Dem cruti.j clerk. The registrar did not Utend to the registration books bimaclf, but received snd deposited a ticket?, and the cle k checked lie registration book. There were nany tickets dep sited in tho wrong os, all of wh ch were Fusion tick M. At the box on the other side of h cMurt house there were two fntccratlc Judares who would not How a single Populist or RepuMi an aifut the polls only while vo- titii?. Ou- tickets were handed to he jmlget or registrar, and I am nformed Democratic tickets w re ubsti uttd and ours cast as de. ' I'onu'ist or Repnbllca i was I'tv nt when th counting was be- iun (1r tlnishel. I was prosnt al ur l x part of the timf when the uuntir.g was done, and was th on T on, a lowed H the room, bo wa aot sl owed t. take any part. When a ticket was scratched, they would lot show tt 1 1 me. lots of ticket r.. in the wrong box. al hich were ours not a single Dni "era.!,, ticket In the wrong box. . At Llnvllle township, aboat 8 or '"coored vo'en Wote al. owed to vote ut , f 50. Some went up and wmdt-red their billots, wh ch wer tak.-n from them, destroyed, cursed an l told to get nu . Five men reg 'sterfd and vo'ed the Democratic 'Ickft at Upper Creek th a', lived In a.ther county and did no, move in intll the Saturday following the Jetton. Thiols only a small part of tho tul' altty and fraud practiced 'i this county. ROBESON COUNTY. I. tier from Roxboro : ' There were grofs frauds perpetrated at four pre cinc s in this county. There was by far the moHt dishonest and unfair election held in this county lint Thursday that han ever been known here. The four precJncts were east and west Roxboro, Chub Lake and Woodsdale. In east Roxboro, we had no representative at all, but the registrar and judges were all bitter democrats and we lost uu that side between 50 and 100 votes In west Roxboro, they gave us a negro judge, and they ran it rough shod over him At this precinct, they only gave Cole man for the Senate four votes, when he received, or should have received, 150, as the balance of the ticket received about that number. At Woodsdale, they made a man a judge of election who lived in the btateof Virginia, who could not register and vote here him self, and the precinct went ab jut forty democratic. This precinct was stolen outright. The same was done at Chub Lak. Long's majority over Coleman in the county was 825, and Bradsher's over Reade, 545. Mr Long, himself, is not satisfied with the ount in several of these orecincts. and many other democrats are disgusUd at such rascal ity. Our Register of Deeds was only defeated by nine votes, and this was du solely to an outrageous unfairness, when he should have been ele ted by at least 200 majority, and a democratic judge tout me tnis nimsen." WARREN COUNTY. zen of this State. lie registered aod voted in Virginia. Neither of the poll holders were sworn In, so you see they just car ried things as they as they wanted to. MOORE COUNTY. Letter from Carthage : The red shirts at Aberdeen Intimidated very many voters the day before elec tion. In Bensalem township, our candidate for the legislature, one report says 59 majority, another 68 majority. The canvasser reports ; that firo red shirters came Friday night and took away his returns by force. He brought the tally sheet with him and left it In the hands "It seems that they have stolen more than they cau conceal. Fraud in every township in Warren county. Day by day.it is leaking out." MONTGOMERY COUNTY ' "The election in our county is a where about 400 Republicans regis tered and only 67 Democrats. Two hundred of the former were pre vented from voting by- delays in challenging and other fraudulent methods. Even after disfranchis ing 200 legally qualified and regis tered voters of our party, we ought to have had a majority in said pre-; cinct of at leabt 130, yet the Demo white men with the ratio more than two to one in favor of the Popu lists, and the increased majority this year was caused by the shameful conduct of the Democrats by wear ing red shirts and importing all the red shirt cut-throats and tramps in adjoining counties to invade our county for the purpose of terrorizing our people and driving them tVom their honest convictions. The leaders of the Democratic crats counted themselves in by 75 j party in Samjinon county and epoc majorlty. - , ially in Clinton, encouraged and The mayor and entire police force t protected this howling mob to the of Elizabeth City, together with aidisgustof al, dewnt people in the lot of loafers and clerks from the !ou nd to theJr ute rout atnroa nrro cinfAnfralixl At t.nlR of the Democratic Register of Deeds ! , . , . . . repudiation at the polls. office. He w.as directed to fetch the I Pce for. the sole purpose of in- ' - nled n'gb4ratiun. Nearly all were asked if they had listed and paid their poll tax and if not, they were disqualified, when the constitutional requirements to vot? In the eleetion law makes no such requirement. In many townnhlpH men were solemnly asked ujoii their th alout th ir private family affair. How he and his wife got along together and oth er foolish and absurd -questions and In many infancies if he win not liv ing with his wife, or bad not ten divorced, or domestic trouble of any kind, he was promptly disfran chised. In Hall's township, a uqdte man was disfranchised Ucauxo lie plowed half a day without a plow point. After they had denied sev eral hundred in the county of regis tration in the way I have stated alove, they drove many from the polls by intimidation and threats, and by requiring them to take sol emn oaths about trivial and irrele vant matters and threatening them j with criminal prosecution for iierju- ry if they made an incorrect stato- oo th l.W of th hcp. ThU tvsr,- he exvtMi tlm ! J. 1. Kerr toiUtrar, wh-o hU JrUtry could a Clinton via Wilmington In nler to'loogrr U hlddm. refurt UKtlft- cau- ik-lay, and cuncquetitly for about 10 day then wa u regMmr or registration lokln the township. lie Mjtity txmrd then appointed jor U th-lr ow1d. Th another and after oMi-ldermblel-Uy, 'Jod nl mgWrr ho n-Awd to tie reslgiHsl, and iIkti another wa appiiutoi uh'i was a practicing Jli- slcian with many sk-k Aver teot; and Of euuMe it wu undemtotal h' wah to nlgn. The iN-iiMiiTst and loHlllstii ofthe tow llhip lln-n ! "iuUd hiitmntiydil tle nrk tvcomniended anther who 1 signal the rrturn. Yet thU deunwrat ate! u ho, prouiise.1 to serve j "tultlned gang .f ciwr.t canvar as registrar, and he came to Clintmi I nlI to throw out the entire to receive his appointment, bat the oard nfusel t appoint him, Itut aptN)inted another man who thev ! vrt new lefore hand, wikiUI resign. Finally the last day of registration tuine and no nglstnr and les than ne third of the qualified voters In the township ngitcnd. Kvery In telligent man in the town-hip and tally 'sheet before the board, and lo I timidating, bulldozing and dlsfran-! With a fair registration and hon- raent in an' articular. Hundreds it proved to have been stolen also, while the board was in session up stairs." PENDER COUNTY. Letter fpom Grit : 'In my township there were about 50 refused registra tion, on the ground that their age did not tally with the old registration book. I learn that they have disfran chised about 1200 legal voters in our county." ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. -Letter from Reidsville: At sever al places in this county the regis trar and both judges were Demo crats, and nearly all of our votes were found in the wrong box. At three precincts in this town, both judges were Democrats and nearly all our votes were found in the wrong box. The boxes were shift ed not only at the&e precincts, but at nearly all the precincts In the county. At Iron Works precinct our candidate for sheriff was credi ted with receiv ng 64 votes in the first box; S8 was voted for him in the wrong box and thrown out. I just offer this as a sample. WILKES COUNTY". Cutting lllO rwepUOllCaus WUO wert) rri ttiuut oninun nuum nave gsrc as much entitled to vote as any j Populist by not less than 2500 ma- citizen in the world were registerea on strips of iwper and 'these stritw were afterwards SELLING AND BUYING. In Politics -Bot Dangerous The Worlds I the OOUUty by 1100 majority aCCOrd jority. After all the stealing they destroyisl by the registrar and their could possibly do on the day and j names never carried to the registra night of election, we then tarried i tion books at all. Utter from St. Pauls: The "lection farce is over and all th devilment done. We had tue mean nt mi et damnable fraudulent af 'air mortal man cou d conceive Tbey refused to regUter at least 25 n "ur legal voters on the thlo pre- xt of their not having a bonatide Hence. Some o! them were born and raised in the town6hip atd l ive never been oat o! the State, 0i (lection day thoy, challenged 32 " 'i voters who were registered a)l srn'. i heir roaeon for challeng 'Qf? was thtir age did not tally with the old resist rati n book iruK men live in the township. vwn t Htr own homes and are good 'u.ns. une man leaned on th r !i aud was ordend away, and "uen ne refused to go, tney tele Pho. el to' he p t three or fou places; a d soon they were omlng u on wnis, in hck8 and in bug ana when they anlved every 0lri was as quiet as a funeral hey had wiochester rifles stared is Uouse te&r th polls P.s'ola wen md la nearly all the Democrat 1. Po-k s. between ten and eleven o'clock on Letter from Wllkesboro : I desire to call . your attention to some ot the most dastardly frauds ever com mitted by the Democrats in this county. All the evidence points directly to the premeditation of each and every point. Some are as follows, to wit : At one of the precincts, the Dem ocrats put up little ball-thread ropes mhinh (hav fhimaolvca put nr hari fraud. The democrats in Hill to wnship done At the same after much threw out enough votes to count their Der8UadIne and begging by the Ro majority more than the number of publican judge, they (Democrats) votes given in the township. This seems assured him that no harm would to be the case everywhere." come out of it. In this case they unBWnnvi.v a&reGd w .finish counting, herore uftBwUi,i . night, which they did, and on ac T.ttr frm Sanfnp.l ; W rarril COUnt OI Cutting Ol TOpeS, tOUn I... n 1 t- hl K T- - - I anf na oaa Ir. naa hoAn AflCATTAn . j. .1 ! I , I uuuvuui , n.e, Kv iu ur.. WW. .... and duly credited that a Democrat anjunngiiKeicin my nie. i ue aemo stnffod a box with thirty tickets; crats wre shooting cannons and guns that box was largely Republican. all night before the election, in wes' This box was thrown out-. Another Sanford the registrar and democratic precinct was thrown out on account judge had a pistol lying on the desk of having all the votes counted De tiMi. th hntn. and m east Sanford fore sundown : tnis DOX J.UU ttepuD ih ha aa .innr.koor.pr r.ni of t,h Ditcau. Alter mis was aone, a. u. J -" I n r u- o.I,taI worst lellows in "own, with a red-shirt rQ"r f " aT 1 UZ UOUCUlatOU 0UA TTCStO UUAW ClVVtUU The entire matter is the besest of ;r vs villk county. raud8 Letter from Knapp of Reeds: "I wis tuu.Mi wish to inform you what a dishonest Letter from Wi'ke-boro : "We have election we h d here in Granville coun- t,een sbimefully outraged in this coun ty. In Wilkins, we bad from m to 200 ty by the work of the Election Board, voters who voted against the amend- wno disfranchised about 760 voters of ment. There were only 105 votes coun- a8 good citizeas the ouaty has, for ted against the amendment. It was the n0 caU8e whatever. The democrats se same way with the balance of our tick- eo their men : drilled them in everr et All the judges of the election at parti0uUr to do just what was done in wilKins were aemocxaw. we asseu oe verv i6tant which furnishes the pre b ard of election to appoint a Populist, text for their crimes. It was - the work butinsWd of that they appointed a 0 their own machine; it wastheirown negro, and he was not at the voting I dog8 that kiUed tne sheep, and thr piace iu iiiuc, ou mcji avf"1-" 1 uounds tnat are to eat tne mutton oorat, which was not according to law. They can be traced by the wool in their It was the same way in otner precincts. tM5th in every instance One of the judges at witains was seen tAkinc some tickets out of the ballot b xes We should have the majority in this county, but we were cjuntedout. HERTFORD COUNTY. Curse Should be Condemned. The Labor Advocate. The man who sells his vote for a drink of bug juice or a ten dollar bill, ceases to be a man, he is simp ly a commodity on the market and does not deserve to be permitted the society of human being, he sim ply ought to be locked up in a cage and marked ''for sale to the highest bidder." He doesn't deserve the re spect of his family, for he is jeopar dizing their interests, he is sup posed to take caee of them and vote for their betterment and fail to do so he is working them an injury. He is no good to the world for ho-does not set an exam pie good for his fellow citizens to follow, and ne works.injury to the community by sustaining some scheme injurious to the communi ty, for the person or persons who buy votes do not do it to further honest principles and wise laws for the good of all. Consequently such a man is better out of the world than in it. These reflections also apply to the fellow that sells out for a thousand, or more or less. The man that buys a vote, well ing to their own count This them. majority I All of this fraud and deviltry was I rf nn avail Tho muni V IMYW stronir. was appalling to i er Populist every day. Some other They did not exiiect it. They hoped by their stealing on theinext ncheme was larceny and it le- plan must be resorted to. Their day and night of election, together with their fraudulent registration, to carry the county. They decided that this big majority must be re duced by the Canvassing Board on Saturday, and here in the court house of the county, a venerable temple of justice, and in the broad ! open day time in the presence of several hundred good people of the county, there was perpetrated the-) blackest and "most damnable outrage ever witnessed in a civilized coun try before. The highway robber who sits by the road-sidefipr his un suspecting victim, otfhe chicken thief who crouches in the hen house in the night time, or meaner still, the sheep thief who walks off with an innocent crying lamb on his back, any of these, in the estimation of good people in a Christian com munity, would be regarded as hon orable men and gentlemen compared he's about as fit a candidate for aj to the measly gang that called them ue th eouot. but It w prtaraptly U ken apandrooipleted by ulhrr Hectt ta rata w ho ftlgrw! the rHuro ami make thU count are lad triable ooder the election law and thocod for fall ure to wrform their duti-i, but their refusing to do mi dUl r4 Invalidate the n-turn, oh4ltut-j were ap township with 21 3 ote lni4y ! cau -4 the Popullstn had a ntajf1ty of ThU Lrtuir ua tu VoKTH 1.1NT low nh ii- Th U township by actual rou nt wt l'o4itit by three majority, and tie-l'opull-t poll txNik In wbUb w re corded the name of each PopulUt v.- o ... . . , staixls the trouble in Lisbon town ship. It was a contain Hi Me con spiracy between the ele-tion loan! and the cliairmati of the Denmcratlv jmrty of this "ounty ami tlicee n-git-trars. And to complete their dirty work, they took advantage of by showing a msjorlty of three ote for the roptill-t. yet the Itefitorrat ic count in thU tow n-hip i fhmi 0l to 111 uajortty ftr the leime crat. It wi lone in thU way: Tin lxe were ruil off and the -int was made bv the Ilefiinrratl' Judge . t a . meir own w rong ana noi oniy mu-n . f ..ij,,,,, M tl0 n. tmy fu the the 148 voters they had denKI the! , . . r . .t ... . .if privihife of voting, but threw out j hv WHIi WM HfnilD(W 9nA anl refusel to crunt the W vots u w lin II R iruiiv"" i'j w- mm w- 4 pnirly registered! an.l pro-rly v.. ; . t .,,-.,1,1 .,--u tl, thereby throwing tt the entire j 4i. ckijs ,,M ill(inv .,r ti ,kk.,, votecf thi- township, con-Ming of I Wiwn-Int lor M. w ll!.. warmer climate as it is possible to get. He entices as it is possible to get. IIe entices a brother human being into committing a crime against civilization of the world. In selling his vote a man lowers the standard of morality and debases himself and by his act setting a bad example for his fellow being. But in buying a vote, the persn that does it, seeks to degrade, - and lays the foundation for the overthrow of all that is good and noble, mak on selves the Canvassing Board of Sampson county and polluted the county's court house on Saturday, August 5th. After taking a sol emn oath to do their duty before God and man and to administer jus tice to all parties, they proceeded, while their breath was still hot on the Book, to throw out Lisbon town ship with 247 qualified voters; Tur key township with 228 qualified voters; Herring's township with 21 3 lng the world not a desirable habi- i qualified voters; Honeycutts town tation to live in, or life worth liv-Lip wjth 400 qualified voters, ma ing- ! king a grand total of one thousand and eighty-eight qualified votes stolen bv a sampson, county Demo- Danger in Over-Confidence. The only danger that confr u s the 1 c t.anvasping board !n one day, uemocrais 10-uay 111 aor.n tanunis is i JACKSON COUNTY. Letter from Speedwell : ' 'The cacdi- Le'ter from Winton : "The democrat- dates in Jackson county are defeated in a shameful and mt6t disgraceful manner. The democrats disfranchised 100 Indian voters to begin with. There ic registrar refus-d to register Jour or were66 republicans disfranchised be flve hundred opposition vo'ers. They cause they had not listed their poll tax circulated tne report, inai iney naa There were over oq iuegfti votes cast in wer . a Z I - one nunarea rvincuesier nneo 111 everjr the county, making over 175. It is sim town in tne county, ana mey aia nave p, an outrage . tavo shinned to some of the towns to 1 confirm their rumors. At Harrellsville BERTIE COUNTY. a few days before the election, a crowd)! Lefer from Powellsville : "The box- of democrats jumped" on 'Evar.s, the es were placed in such a -positi- n that most active Populist in Harrellsville, J we COuld not deposit our tickets, but and gave him a beating as he was pass- j Da(j to pas them through a small win ing through the town. "At Ahoskie, thedaj. Aycock sp ke were placed h'gh up in the window atttl there, his mob undertook , to destroy two of them were placed low dowp jhe one Percey RaynoV, who knocked a hind ths above named two, so we could democrat down for insulting him. j not even se the o'her two so as to tell rhe Judges would tak-. the tickets of one from the other, and ss the other every democrat and- put them . in the two were off from the window we could right box, but refused to take the op- not diitlnguish one from the other as nosition tickets at all, and when tlfey they were not labeled, as the law re- would nf ue to vote bec'ause the judges quires. In Township No. . I, the boxea the danger of over-conn tene. The Democracy knows that the reg istration bo.)ks show a majority cf 30, 000 to 50,000 for the amendment. Is there.not danger that . thi6 gratifying knowledge will lull the party into puch a sense of security as will make men feel that hard and incessant work is unnecessary. A registered majority will not elect Mr. Aycock and the State ticket, and a registered majority will not make the constitutional amendment a part of the fundamental law It i9 only a voted majority that makeresults. To work, Democrats, to get out the vote ! Raleigh News and Observer. You see the Negro Organ admits they did not have the registered voters, and that their only chance was to steal votes, and so they did. , To Change the Goebel Law. Frankfort, Aug. 10. Beckham will call an extra session of the leg islature to meet tie last week in Au gust to arneid the Goebel eleoiion law toonform to the Democratic State platform, providing for equal party representation on boCrd of dowtothe judges.; I wo ot the boxes-fe?00 m elecUon of offleer0. . ; ' An txploration of the Hon. Adlsi E Stevenson's political past disclo 4s th- fet that in 18V2 he was a sound money man.- Bat the plat for ua was for sound money that year and Adlai is a great party man. Washington Post .: The Populist party includes Jmore than twice as many white men as the IVmocratic imrty in this county and own more than twice the real and personal property of the countyf and poll more than twice as many votes as the Democratic party, yet the Populists were denied represen tation oh the canvassing board and in several of the townships were re fused a judge of, election, but ap pointed Democrats in their stead. The registrars were all Democrats and every scheme and subterfuge was resorted to by the registrars to prevent Populists and Republicans from registering. Voters applying for registration were asked all kinds of foolish and absurd questions and 1 required to answer upon their oath. Hundreds were denied registration because they could not give their exact age in days and months, though they swore to their exact age in years and had been voting regularly more than a quarter of a century. Others were denied regis tration who swore to their exact aee but could not - tell what year gan in this way: iioxeycittt'k TOWXSHU'. This township, the old home of Senator Butler, is a large and strong Iv Pooullst townshin. On the last -mf - a. a day of registration it .could te easily. seen by the Democrats that the Populists would have a tremondous majority iu the township. W. A Baggett, the Democratic registrar, on returning home in the evening of the last day of registration, claims that he was assaulted about dark in a few hundred yards of his home by a mob of men and made to surren der the registration books. He made no alarm and had no search made for the parties, but came to Clinton and reported the (act and had it wired to the State papers that the Populists had stolen the lxok, claiming his liook showed a regis tered majority of 27 votes for the Democrats, while both Baggett, the registrar, and John D. Kerr, who sent out the libellous reiort, knew that it was untrue. - There was a legal election held in this township. Each man taking an oath that he was registered, and the registrar, in the absence of the book, certifvini? to the same tact., and o passed all that were projwrly regis tenil to the wills, who voted. The actual count after the polls closed showed 29 Democrats and 241 Yo uosts, and yet in the fw-e of this, John Kerr wired to the State ipcrs the vile slander uion the Populist of Honeycutt's township that they had stolen the regLst ration books as the Denuierats had 27 majority in the township. The canvassing board, at Mr. Kerr's request, threw out" the entire vote ol Houey cott's because; they alleged that not !allthe menin tbe township voted on the day of election. The Popu lists then agreed to give them every man in the towhsbip whose name was on the registration books and count all not voting as Democrats This they refused, and after having ernien'the registration book from their ow irTegistrar, committed the double crime by throwing out the entire vote of the township, thereby stealing 241 Populist votes in one precinct. Their next crime w in LISBON TOWyfeHlI'. This is another r Populist rtrong hold. The first registrar the Democrats- appointed was given his in struction how to proceed with the dlrtv work of cheating the Populist out of votes, and he was either afraid to do it or he was too honest to do It and after registering about fifty voters resigned. The "County Board of Elections 217 vote. The cause of their cowardly and niggardly conduct Is 'explained by the fact that the Poiilit had almut 215 majority in the township. Their next steal was at TL'UKEY TOWNSHIP. This was also a Populist township and the election passed off orderly and quietly and the registrar mnd judges declared that It wa a fair election. Wheu the canvaing board met Saturday the word was given ami passed around by .1. D. Kerr, the chief mogul and advisor for he sheepish-looking outlay and Turkey township, with its entire vote of 228, was dumt?d on the Itter heap. Luke Kennedy, the Hjmocratic registrar, and brother of he Populist candidate for the Sen ate, J. T. Kennedy, In order to hrow out tbe township and deftat lis own brother, took the Holy look and swore that there was in timidation at the i)IU, but said he was not intimidated, and when asked who was, could not name a single man or produce a single wit ness; yet, upon this hearsay evidence which is inadmissable in any court. and evidence which would lie In ompetent and insufficient, even if out even Uing unfolded. Thl wa done In the prcMence ufi Urg nutn ler of PopulM voter and Iulit candidates for office, w ho by thlsar- ibitrary ruling of the Democratic reg istrar and judge of election, cnfbmd by DemoiTatic bailiffs, were cooi elled to stand off and see tbe vote, they ca.-t counted for men they did not vote for, and counted for OHn they would have died U-fore they would vote for. T1e Democrat U Judge counted all the loxe but the township box, and the PopulM Judge counted this box, which showed a majority of three votrw for the Pop ulist In North Clinton township, and it wan so weirded on tbe tally sheet Vn the count was made. In the atmence. of the Populist judge, the registrar and Democratic judge changed this tally sheet after it was tdgned, to ehow a iJemorratlc majority vt about forty votes. This was ilone to prevent too great a va riance U-tween thelownnhlp box and the other boxes, and to prevent their rascality from Mng too noticeable. sntTII CLINTON ToWJCPlfir. When this township was reached by the canvassing txrd they pwmed it over without Invertigatlon, a It was one of .1 lie two iXiiiurratlc tow n- .1 am oitmluuftKla fhta lx.ar.1 threw Hit Turkey township. . It was done -Ml- " the CKinty. The Populist .llk.MHiin l.rna rwll ltl InVeHlln- .1.1 tnu4.nM kl tt rn wt ra r ni ' ...... tiont it wv at nrsi Teiuj. erof the Populist candidate for the K nate. It was au exixte hearing and their conduct U without prece dent iu North Carolina and wa without authority of law or shad ow of evidence. through the apil of the counsel for the 1'oj.ullst they flually agreed to admit evidence. The Populfet preferred chanhargt of fraud and Irregularities in North Ointon tow d- ship as follows: The Caucasian is informed fmn j ,M rl'" mnrr that Are or six wit- iiidiTe ofeelifn were no eworn on v i ' au Dses were pat on tne stand to eor r borate the Demoeratio registrar and every one of them awore that l. Tv wa ro iO'Oil.l'kH " far t m y c"nld s e. They tjegan their ra-cality again when they reached HXRBI-'S'V'b TOW-HJF. Thii was another stroivg Poiullst township and tnat be disposed of. The election te-d off quietly and I he dav of election as rju!mt by law. (TtM- Poilli-4 jeV was sworn.) 2nd, Tbe counting u done by the Democratic Judge of election, se cretly and fraudulently, no rmi ting any one to the face of the tickets as tbey were being counted. a is required by law, (Continued on 2nd Pag they were born. Others w ho swore ' then appointed another registrar. He to the day and year Jn which they w,ere barn and gave their exact age, but referenceio the old registration books did not correspond either in registered a.iew and then he resign ed, and instead of sending the book and his resignation direct to H. E. Falson, the chairman of the board, NO MORE NEGRO HOVJL Simmons,. Aycock and Ml Democrats PfocisBd ii Its Got to Stop -Chairman Simmons, ofthe Democratic State Executive Com mittee, was asked yesterday if the nejrro question is to an issue in the presidential caninaiffn in this State.and replied that the canipaijni would be uion the issues formulated at Kansas Citv. His position is sensible, and his reply i in accordance the nlMo-eof the Democratic party in the recent SUte cam paign that if the amendment were adopted the nero question would disappear from North Carolina polities. If we are to continue to hear about 'nigger, domination' and - white inprana cy: people will wonder why last week' election was held .and a ofood many ot them will get very tired, not to say disgusted. The The promise of Mr. Simmons, Mr. Aycock and all the other Dem ocratic leaders was that with the successful close of the late campaign this could come to an end.-Editonal in Charlotte ObserYetfAug.! 0th, 1900, r 1 5 '" """ V!

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