THE SIAN I; - - r - -f r - rr Vol. XV HI. FORCE. FRAUD. INTIMIDATION : KI) To 'A Kit Y AMEND WKNTSANO ELECT DEM orifATICriCKET. 0 LETTERS FROMIEVERY SECTION Of THE STATE' I f.. That The Method L'sed i: Tlx- HIiiinimiN Machine lerntcd the Will of the People. i c tinned From I.ant Week.) LINCOLN COUNTT.El r -itT from Denver: "At Lowesvili. (!-y roped the boxes The h iien wer j it dl a hoiiae and rope put up t fflrti lxr. The o Ulcer at od at the fi-trance. They let aix democrats tak. Mi'-ni In nnil vte them, b'it refu. f)r.v Republican ami PopnIUt wh , tiled to go in and vote tor our man Ihej Hiiinged the boxes vera I time in tool our people, and make them pi. t heir ticket- in the wrong box, n . it thirty votes in tlU way. V e ha. men who will swear tlmt theilemnc ;it were lold l j vote early, ho the b miii1iI he changed. In order to coiiIm our men and throw out our vo'ea. l i. republican jtulg. i a man who ge under the Influence of pi it and i very careless Wat out many time dn ring the day. They refused our m i. :itiiiittance when the counting wih g. 'ngoii. At the ebction they vono tour men who did not register till al ter the hooka were closed." ItOBKiON" COUNTY. Letter from Sterling! township : " 1 i (liiit t wiidhlp the election wait la i mm lair or legal, in the Brat pi - (tic rep a rar and both the poll hohte were straight out democrats, and t to tio-coud place, vome were not allow ! 1 1 remitter becauHe they had n paid their taxea. Other failed to re uter, not being abl to find the r. gi trar, he hnvi g taken tu bookii a 'eft home i hen other were challenge) and their name eraoed before the. ei.- lion, without having had any bearin, at all. that la the way they manage to pile up audi a major. ty in Kobeaon I hey luve simp y earned tur Aycoo' promUe to carry ihe Htate by fraud . r fntce." NASH COUNTY. "Prominent democrat told u thai they were going to carry this coun( by fair or foul means, one of the two", and ior once in their liven they kept their promise. Their fir t art ahoweo that the) feared an boner I and fa elect on, when they appointed worin lewa hegr ea at each voting place to rep resent whit- men an J Popuiiata. "Jim Overbj , the "white supremacy" nrgro for thia (Xabville precinc. ,) "ir not a native of this county, but li e in town and "waits" on the 4,boase " This is my first taste of bull-pen vol lag. Just think of one party in ful ruarge of ba lot boxes up stairs, with guard! to guard them, strange thii g happen, ol courne. Not I ng alter v -ing b gn .ome of our tickets wen found back of the cojrt Louse, an 1 our it. formation wan that a proun. ea.dt-m ocrat was aeau to dasb them dowu jnri as he came out of the back door from the poll. No name were called, b .t this fact was at once made knowu t the crowd. One scarcely ever uearc such cursing and abusive language .r was indulged in, audit seemed tint n was Lot a Lealtny place for lop.jht- or Republicans 1'istols and st icks w r iu evidence, and such word as "sh ol the damn rascals" were heard. Mr. K. W. Lyn, no uKI and reapec able white man, who baa been a t esident of thi county for many yars, was denied the right to vote, nrtr having regist r-o according to law Mr Lyon feeis t at a great injustice has been bim. It was unilerntood that, he was going to vote against the democratic licaei, and that tells the tale. Democrat (.im ply carried out their declaration oi priucipleH to wit: "Fair or foul,"' and they chose toe latter." I'XNDJCRCOrTY. Letter from Northeass " The neg o I oll-ho dr appointed by the machine wi given a piace at a table with a pen cil and a pap r about six or eight fee irom the boxes, and of course, did nothing to assi-t the voters. The red shirt registrar kept the book and atten ded to the depositing of the bal.ota o white man is to be disfrancbis d, you know, but if an bid l'opul at who had Uft his glasses at home, got hi ticket in the wrong box, the registrar and hia friends only am. led, while he was careful to amisc any one whowa.i voting their ticket, even going so tar as to point out tee boxes as the voter presented his ticket A Degro po 1 bolder waa appointed in each of ln twelve precincts in this county, and I suppose the same methods were per ued at every one of them. If it i needed we can get the name of everv man who voted our ticket. We are nil anxious for this election to be set aside on account of its unlawfulness and un constitutionality. LENOIR COUNTY. Latter from Kins ton: Oa elec tion morning 1, accjmpanlcd ly two friends, webt out to lbs voting place and offered Mr. - to toe registrar to represent us exactly X minutes to six o'clock. , The rOa latrar claimed to have appoint! Mr. Marpney (Democrat) to repe atnt u, Itbenasktdlf the pillb were open. The registrar rpllea "No," as the poll holder had tot come. In about three or four mln u tea the other , poll holder arrive.. waa swurb, and they , proceeded t huainess My friend and I prote ted and Insisted tiat we have rep reaeatatlon, but It did no good. Th nas done in the Car. una Tobacco Warehouse. io ouc- waa allowed Inside of office except ton holders, a Democratic challen ger, two or three SLeclal police and i ae voter. The waa a'Uwtd y the police or special officer to walk in, one at a time, hand In his o&ilots and walk out. As soon as the reslatrar announced that the p lis were closed I went in nd told them that as we ha had oo representative oa the board, wished to be allowed to see the voUa connted, but was re. used by pou bolder and registrar. than called their attention to their eiestion law. The section of the ,7,L1 it" ?" by on- . . . lively refuaed AdmitUnce. iVbJn Urted to lea re The rurlstrar called me and eald I could stand outaldu the railinff. I told him 1 wanted to ao the vvUe counted. They again refoaed. From what 1 can learn the Ocm ocra a have done almllar to thU in nearly every precinct In thlt coun if Lponone occaalon Eagland'i greateat i'r.mler aid: "Koll up the map ol Europe, It will not be needed for i be next twenty yean." If auch proceeding aa have taken plac In North Carolina from the Wilmington matitcre up to the weent are allowed to pass unre bukid. then tn United states Con greaa should roll up tb constitu tion of the United mate and place It in the archive an a relic of de parted civil liberty. CUM HURL AND COUNTY. Letter from Dial : "The election wa- cariied by fraud at almost every pre cinct in the county. At wton'hpre cinct, 71st township, we had a very plain case of fraud. There were regii tered 314 voters. Tolil vote cat An gust Jnd, 1900, 2S0. Of that number 154 votes were caat for the co-operative ticket and against the amendment This can be substantiated by the aftt d at its or thw men who voted the co operative t cket. Two t ckets wen faund in the wrong box. This wool., give 152 votes for the cooperative ticket and on y Vlii for the demorrati ti ket. Hut w hen the votes were coun ted, the democrats claimed ltW v.t for a.-veral of their candi-iat and 1 1. was tl e largest vote counted for tlx co-operative ticket. It m evident the tickets were called wr. ng. But Hie reg.strar pla :ed himself against the wail of the hooe in such a ponition that it waa impossible for any one to see the ticket but hinuelf when l was calling them out And when I had reaon to believe that they were being nailed wrong, 1 requeste t the regist rar to let me see the tickets when he had called them out. TI is he refused to .!. but continued to call out the names u the tickets as fast as possible ami throw them down.' Ct ASTON ''OUNTY. Letter from Beati merClty: Wi.ile the Democrats refused to regisiei Mme. and challenged some, t at I was ooly a annll part of thj pro gramme. Intimidation under th cry of negro, two election cu nota bles and four special police witi pistols in their pockets to butt ui ertry voter that could possibly b made to vAo their ticket, and an that would not t keep away fton the polls. Tnat is the way things wer.' maaag.d in this county. ANSON COUNTY. Letter rfrom Peach'and : "While nearly all were allowed to register, n ly twenty-five out of over 150 voters were allowed to caat their ballots as they wished There were a great ma 113 challenges. I am unable to give the en tire number, as I have not seen the books. One was challenged on a "count of not being in the Stat long enough and l.e moved in the State from So .th Carol! 1 a in 187 I was present when he registered. His name and post tlice address, Jeremiah Jackson, 1'eachland, N. C Sidney W infield, of Peachland, was cl allenged on oo unt of the regis trar putting him down for another poet officH, and Winfield tells ine that he will swear that be told hi o that Peachland was hi post ortice. (leorge Tbomaa Cole, of Peachland. was told that he was chall-nged, and he asked on what charge, aud they refused to give any, ooly thit he was not regis tered right. Randolph McKoy was challenged on account of bis age. Oth ers were challenged for not being r. g istered correctly The judges of elec tion were all democrats One of the udges says th-y ohanged the position of the ballot box occasion ally, so that the PopulUta and Republicans would vote in the wrong box They had the names of the officer whom they voted for pasted on the bozea upside down, so that noo.e but a good reader . could t II what they were voting, and said judges refused to deposit ballots, or to tell voters where to cast them. Ihe holes In the boxes were abaut one bj eight inches in size, a man could r .n three Bngera in them. .They let one J W. Carpenter, democrat, vote, who had been convicted of going to an insane man's house at night, taking him out and having him horsewhipped, and saio W. Carp nter had to leave the State for two years for said crime. 1 he reg istrar did not swear any of the voter when they went to register. E. K. Bar ret, of White Store post office, tells m that there were two, if no mure, illegal democratic voter in White ?t re town ship, that he knew positively that tbe had not been in the State long enough to vote, AH . the above statements can be fully established, and more if necessa ry.' . RANDOLPH COUNTY. At Cedar Fork preeinoi j idee was told thai he bad bees . appointed to act as elrk and . take -dwn names This ha refused to do, on the ground that he had a right to taka in tht balio s and see that -a . fair election was held, and offered to pay five dol lars to hire a elerk. - Oat of the first seventeen ballots received, fifteen were handed to him. This did not snit the registrar and other judges ot election, and they declared the polls c losed. and kept them 1 jsed for over two hours, when the Jropnlist jadge resigned and the Democrat,, who had been appointed in his place, acted with the Democrats in holding the election, which continued from 11 o'clock until sundown. : The board of canvassers rejected this precinct for irregularity, although, 215 rotes were actually polled, onf ot 226 who were registered At Gantham. precinct, after the votes tor the State ticket had been counted, the judges rsfosed to eount the legislative vote andeonnty tiekot (Continued on Page 4.) AIL DETAILS ARRANGED. PROCRAM OF THE UNVEILINC OF AMC STATUE. lr. N'aor aixi Party lcmy iioiaboua on the 2lHb -A nt M ilttarv liUplay ! Amri-Vm-iUns r monies Art To ii 91ial-. (Morning Post. All indications point to a great occa sion in Raleigh on the Sind. A spacious platform will be erected and an awning will be stretched aero,: the open space around the atatue, which) bn.tJiK uri in l fin Tf rcismA. with the trees, will prtect ail fram the fierce rays of the August sun. tk. , ... m uc" aLirini h iir-s flii i si si m n lis wstaii r a feature of the great occasion. Milita ry organizations from all far s of the State have indicated their purpose to be present. Mr. Vance, the widow of the distin guished N'orth Carolinian, her son, Mr. liarry Mart n, and two childreu, will leave Gombroon, the late Senator's mountain home, on August 20th. I hey will be the guests of Mrs. C. M. bee. who is a niece of Mrs. Vance. The procession, led bj the band, will form at Metropolitan Hall at 11:30 a. m , the day of the unveiliog. There wih be a platoon of police, uiilitary compa nie s, Confederate Ve erans and others, but the order of their march has 11..1 been arranged. '1 here will te no v hi clfw or mounted men in the profession On arriving at the capita) square, prayer will be offer. l by Rev Dr Ku gene Daniel. I olon-l Tbos S. Ke mii chief mirsfial, will introduc the orator f the day, Hon. Richard H Kittle, who was the ' War Oovernor's" private ee: retary. It is uuders ood that Mr. Ha -tie will give a co nplele e, itome ol Vance 's life ai d an e-t mate of hi character base I on his own intinmi knowledge of the man and t he observa tions of others who wa died his great p.iblic career. A sub-committee will be in charge of the exercises at the cap tol square and receive visitors who are of the family of the late Senator Vance and alsodis tinguisbed visitors from other Stales. The moment of supreme interest will be when little Kspy Vanne will unveil the statue and reveal t i the assembled multitude the likeness of her n.ble grandfather whose name will long re main a household word in North Caro lina The bronze statue is just larg enough to appear life-ize to those who view it on its pedestal. It represents the gre.t commoner standi - g, hisg a se in one hand and the other resting lightly on a tablet : just as be stood s often when his sympathetic eloquence swayed large audiences from apprecia tive laughter at his endless store of an ecdotes to a resolution to vote with the man they loved and trusted above all others. " Among the distinguished visitors ex pected to be present on this occasion are the g vernors of Virginia, Tennes see and South Carolina. From every section of the Stat camps of Confederate Veterans will be represented. Among the mibtiry or ganizations that will attend are the Vance Guards, of Henderson ; Fors th Rifle, of Winston; Wilmington Light Infantry, and the company from Dur ham. v .u . , a vriia ur FUSION ALL RIGHT. When it Help Democrats Ilryan Chief Ktisinnist. the Editor Caucasian : Occasionally you hear some little democratic heeler spousing about "fu sion. ' And if you will listen to him explain and foam at the mouth, your greatest wonder is that he has esoaped a tenth-rate Inn, tic asylum The only thing that has kept him out, is the fact that asylums are built fi r men and wo men who have seme enough to become nsane, and not for Ihe natural born idiot. He forgets that the present demo cratic party in North Car Una in a fu sion party. That tte Democrats and Whigs right after the war "fused." He forgets, that the democrats had to change the name to the "UonRervatlve., party before they could fool the Whigs into it, and thereby got their vote, par tially by fal e pretense. As long as Vanoe lived, the Whig element had re cognition and were nut "makkkd " But now the old bourbon element is in the saddle. These fellows do not know that the democrats in every State, where they are weak, "fuse" with everything in sight. Now they are trying to fu.e with Republicans in rennsy lvania Doing it now. They are 1 using in va rious States west. They are g with the negro leagues tven. They can't deny it. . . In this State,, in 1890 they fused with Marion Butler and the bad (?) Pops. And Joe Daniels wanted to fuse with the Pops in 1898. It is not his fault that they did not "fuse," Then the democra's have' nominated the chief Populist "fusionist" for Pres ident, and all democrats have agreed to vote for him, except the Oarlotte Observer, and it will have to do so, or be called "nigger. . D. F. S. LABOR TROUBLE IN DURHAM. . 1 SO Cmployea Join tha Strike The X tional Union Will Stand by Them. , Oa last Friday the mill hands in West Durham went on a strike. The number is from 150 to 200. Two hun dred and fifty looms were left stand ing idle, dome say it . wilt cripple the work, others say it will . not. It was expected by both sides. While the strike was not ; authorised, -yet the Union .will stand by it. Tht cause of the strike cannot be learned. It is Co be regretted. Troubles like these should be aetled on terms that will do justice both to labor and ear.- mm. la uupvu sgamvaiuBLrwui rnlt on both das. RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA, AUGUST MECIO RACKET TO STOP. I VTIil I lu I -!- ai if e , ,jnU fh.Ot.t I ...I ... (November the recently poU-nai;. appeal of the color line In politic i nominaUd W. T. Crawford has fallen a 111 born. The SUte l!,c Congrea, rightly sick of the whole subject TK.nni- . n now that settlement has been mad j W-Tjf f4. ?u,Dt' fa'IB ! of it. LpI th eh.nt. f -f.- Ponced 4iU bashela of wheat tht fall on it. Iet it go with the Re Hhlrt waist. Mr. Hrvan is Inter ested In having it forgotten. Mor- ganton Herald. F'l m I I n I. . W t .u..i, UIurBu, we uope we in i m MA tt 1 . - premie?' and gVdoml7lo" during these years. We have had , enough. Lt ns a cl IzenS and as j men Into the discutslon of bes - ir inings and in tne fature dea i . ' . nplftk si . si I a m J . at... ' vriiu queiiuu sua issues inai t.k AI 1 . mase ior a oetter state and a nobler citizenship. Christian gun. 'The Charlotto Observer sav: i There will be a meeting of the bus iness men of this city and in a few other Xorth Carolina towns relative to the political conditions in thl State The BUirtrevstloQ iMm t h toat they expect to met at (Jreens- boroor Charlotte and formulate a resolntion expressive of theit viovv of the situation : maintaining that rtl I . I A 1 1 I 1 tviitivai sua vuoitomic proon in are closely akin and tbattbey bav a right to speak as to the latter, i Thev will nuhll.-lv vnlr their ! that will come to this State if the! cry of 'neg o' is prolonged and th win voice a wish for conservatism and decency in politics. We take no McKluleyism In our but we haye more respect ft.r a man who h neatly supports Me Klnley than the miserable, dlry mouthed politician or editor w b is trying to inject the "nigg r' racket into the I'res dential cam paign.-Our Home (Pop.) It seems that we should bav little trouble to carry North Caro Una for the Democratic ticket wi : h out beating the carcass of a dt-nd monster. The Concord Standard Wo thought we had eliminate the netrro from politics, but soui seek to drag him back, and tht-.v are Democrats. We don't need a u. of the nigger cry to carry North Carolina for liryan, and evory t f fort to bring In the negro will los votes for Bryan. The franchis question has been relegated to tht rear or rather settled by 60 000 ma jority and we propose to let it s?n.j settled. Gastonla Gazette. There is some talk of making th. national campaign in this State on the color lioe. This is a mistake. The people, do not always want to hear the cry of "negro." The near ty sixty thousand majority for th amendment is emphatic evident of the truth of this statement. Tt e were promised that If this measun carried that it would eliminate the negro from politics, nal. Monroe Jour-j A month ago we were assuror that with the passage of th amendment and the elimination ol the negro from politics it woulo Lave the white voters free to form opinions as to the different politl a) Issues and to vote according y, aid now there seems to be a fear that they will exercise this privilege. Durham Herald. "Let it be remembered then that the menace has been removt d There is no more occasion for lnfla mlng the fa-son of men against the negro race in North Carolina on account of iniquitous and efflcien government. Presbyterain Stand ard. I hold that men ought to be henceforth free to vote according to the merits of measures propoded and csnd dates nominated, without regard to the race Issue. I shall certainly do so, and shall respect every man who is honest in nL convictions, no matter which pari j he la allied with. I understood that all of us were going to do thb a'ter the ratification of the amend ment. I bold tbat if the Democrat ic party revives the race issue, its pledge is broken aud thereupoa one wlil have the right, whether be were In tne primary or not, to refuse to be a party to a policy tbat will injure the Commonwealth and tne nation. -J. W. Bailey, -Editor Biblical Recorder. The negro question as a poll leal issue has been eliminated and an attempt to revive it will be an act of in fust Ice and ore of Imbecility. The differences hereafter will be differen ea between white men, and vtrily, we have been benefitted A M. Waddell, Mayor of Wilming ton. Ard the News and Observer , s hereby notified that with th deab of the negro issue on Ar-gast 2, 1900 also died the power of the News and Observer to frighten anybody into forsaking the cause of honesty, jut ice and humanity by classing them as McKinleyltes, Perhaps there is some relation bstween this fact aad the other fact that the News and Observer is trying to prove that the race queaton in politics ia not set tied Greensboro Telegram. . During the campaign we told our readers oyer and over again that the adoption of the amendment wonld settle : the negro question (politically), and we meant what we said. Other issues must now come to the .front. Roanoke Chowan Time. A victory has been won, not for any party, Democratic, Republican or Populist, but for a pnnoiple deep ly embedded in the Southern heart and, -in fact, in the heart of the whole nation. A mojority of voters has recorded its conviction that in telligence must rale this nation, and that: Caucasians, from the human standpoint must be the arbiters of their own destinies. Let us now look for peace and the burying of all animosities. Raleigh Christian Ad vocate. : - - Populism is the sponge that is gradually absorbing the Democra cy. Washington post. NEWS ITEMS. llf.Ii MIL I ,i..lci c . . l From iu...i. ; . ..r. r.riiaiie icr liiv The Ninth district Iemorata I year James M.Moody was noainatd tor Congreas by the ttepubile.o of the Ninth district. M . f Democrat, in thsir re sot ES 3 W .Vi. f . . At Wtlkesbarre, Pa., An. 10, 1 Wilkinson, agd 8l,3nd Ja rh ; adb vodd. seed Z. were mamn . - 1 Jake Be Us a nesra at Cor.iih. atsaulunra ten voar nl.l .hir.,. urn iiuvuni on iub i.i.n , me rmlipmos are still iihttLf the Americans vigorously, it is 101 bands of robbers as has been i- ported. s FUzsimmon and Tom 8h 4i ' Jf?y have agruod to fight ou Augu-i otn bolore the Cone.) Inland SjM,n lnJ? Club foT a parse of liojKiO. iu . ... - , ' -w. VMM lUIWIl Utl U t Ksw Mexico on the 16;n. His ease was of the thru., and he h . . 1 w m xiarco iwj. Hia lim , --.-""" l0ium, oi tia do.,., Last week was a sc rcher in Cm cago. There wre C00 deaths aga o tbu wevk before, the Ilc.m.i, being mainly attributed to Ue in tense heat. At Graham, N. C, a tjwn 2,000 inhabitants, on the night . i tae 11th, two aged raea drpe. dead, viz: Messrs. Joseph Thomp son and Jefferson Johnson. Several telegrams were i,eut u Raleigh by leaUiog papers from .i over theMorthand West, want f to know Hanator Buret's posit ... on the ttievenson fusion. They m i It plain. - The first bale of new North Car -Una cotton sold la llaloigh in Season was purchased by Mes f. L.e and Latta ac 9 5 8 cent ( , r pjund. A repoit from General McAtthui annouuees a total of 5,029 men si. . among the soldiers in the i'aili pines In his comma ad Of tin number 3,808 were In hospitals . . 1,201 in quarters. Two freight trains nude cohe sion near Morgan ton, N. C, on t , 13th. Seieral persjas weie hur aud oue colored man killed, l u engine and several cars wre da.. agtd, causing great loss to the co pany. Theo. F. Kluttz has been reno . . nated to succeed himself from t . Seveat i district. R ted oy acclamation. J. Ii. Blaw. ot Montgomery, was nominated lo. elector and H. P. Grier, of Iredeii. was elected district chairman. It's said Wnorton Barker, m d i.. -of -ihu-road-candidate for Preaide is that office. While . Kussia some years ago, Mr. Bkt was made "Lord of St. WnencheN .' by theCzr. He did not ask C , greuB lor the privilege, and there. t us forfeited his citizanship. The Stata Alliance met at Hill. bjro laet week. There were ."X delegates present. They .are speak ing ot selling the plant a. d movi -fc headquarters to this city. M... farmers thmk tae city ia no piact for their organization tj mak neadquarters, for they have tr.. it a d that is, in part, what ia tin. matter with tnem now. At Chicago on Aug. 13, Bryan , twelve year old son, W.l lam, wu b in General Wheeler s offlee, amusing himself by daugdng l.e oasior of a chair to wmch he faau a a a ueasome niDDer bands, from ti, tnd .v nan.iivk..uii. uwcl ujjpcui to iooa: arouoa ana round you g Bryan haeginghead down from . e window holdiLg on by h.s fit oraced against the aides J the w . The General quickly grasped hi and pulled him in, and declar. k I ne had noticed bim when he did t .. boy would hav sorely fallen to hi death on the street below. Where Simmons Rules Supreme New Hanover county with a pop tia tion of 94.02 gave a total vote of 2.9t.7 Of thfse the Democratic machine poll ed 2,965. Only two men dared to v w against the machine, and according t Wilmington papers these two men will be "looked after" by the red hir Hundreds of white men stayed at borne and did not vote at all; for to have jo ted their sentiments and as their con sciences dictated meant tie briogii.t; upon them t he vengeance of a remor - less gang of red sh rt politicians, ii mtant ostra. ism, personal violence loss of p.iaition. financial ruin and, t some men loss of life. Freegovernme t has been abolished in New Hanovi r county. The ballet has been destroy, L Free speech has been denied. The peo ple are ruled by a corrupt, insolent machine, backed by a red shirt mob This will soon be the condition of the entire State unless the farmers am' conservative people of t te towns stand together for honest elections and free dom of speech and action. We are liv ing in dangerous times. THE RACE QUESTION. Rm Been Solved 5To More .Friction and Conflict ia Political 6 uaapsiam. . The adoption of the constitution al amendment solves, so far as the ballot box can solve It, the race problem and puts an end to the friction and inoesaant conflcts that marked every one of onr political campaigns. This of itself it such an achlevemeni that every true white man and woman in the State should rejoice over It, as should every negro who haa eense enough to appreciate the benefit At will be to hlm.Wllmlnffton Etax, Aug. 3, 23, 1900. WHAT DO BRYAli DBQOCRATS DESIRE? Populist Help or Populist Extermination? A Utter From Dr. Cyrus Ibompoa to a Democratic Friend in tieorfU. e p4illin ttt-iow (Im grvatrr J Jrt of a letter written t.y Dr Thoiupn to a ix j DeD,o,T.t. In the 8 rrwHiai melpl, a a i m .Stale of (ieunria. . . t ini gentleman had written to Dr ' Tbm ln lh" , ,l tated in im Atlanta CootilutUr. that I r. Thompson had oiiily alu Uhat h w.miI.i .m.w-ii ! -rj for the Prenideucy, and ?viig that i h u,. 1.1,1 .h v !ail'wW''w H over the loi-torV own signature. Tl gentleman In i Georgia wrote as follow: ran inot Mlev at thit crUK when much may tleut on North I'uro- lina'H vote, that you would a tan Ion that combination of principle which j contain the l.t of the Vine rat ic. t Populist and Silver atr- tie. The K ansa City platform i broad enough for , every jatriot Ut ntand upon; and ' eeMH.'ially i it strong; when it U Kupjx.rteil by the platform of two other great jwrtie. With full harmony in their work ings, the platform will Maud, ami give to u, as yuil ami I lioth think, the greatest men in American ni. id em history for our next President." The following, written iu reply, is well w-orth ra refill I reading: Uai.kmjh, N. !;., Af. H, 1 .. My Dear Sir: I am jut in rt eeipt of your favor of the nth, and will show my appreciation of if iiy replying at once. Ofeourse I should vastly prefer an afternoon chat with you. A to the statement that you tw in the Atlanta Constitution", to the effect that 1 lut.l oenly said that I would supiort McKiuley, I have lo say that the statement is without foundation iir fatt; iki such state ment haviug Un made by me, oinIy or otherw ise. I ant not a llepublican, and never have leeh. I have never pretended to le a 1U publican, and whatever support lle publican have given me in the pat, has lieen given with full understand ing of my political views. I am dimply a Populist and I am a Po ulist because I am democratic, that is to say, Jerteraonian in my view ot things. And as I am not a Repub lican, so also am I not a Democrat. Kight years ago I would not choose between the two parlies that snam-battled every four years over the tariff; and I see no reason why 1 should choose now let ween the two parties that four years hence, if i.oi ooner, will be aham-battling over sometiuug else. i am not ready to return to the. Democratic party. either in the nation or in the State lira. . - - w neu j can nna no ticket to vote Out a Democratic and a Republican ticket, I shall ease myself up on the top ol the teuce and calmly wat h the dO fight, sympathizing alwav with the under dog, provided he i reasonably honest. in ist i refused to vote for Steveasou for Vice-President. snail not vote lor him in 1900. If I were ready to return to the Demo cratic party I should vote for him; .1 . au.i uuuig .mi, i snouiu oner some apologies for my stroll from the ranks of the Democratic party eight years ago. I have no apology to I make an I n v.f t.. 4- r V make, an-1 no vote to eat for Mr Stoven-i,n. If the Democratic party desired Populist help, and not Popnllst ex lerui ina lion, Mr. Stevenson would not have been nominated at Kansas City; but Tow ne would have been accepted as the Vice-Presidential candidate ol'three parties whe vote it was desirable to concentrate on Mr. 'llryau. But the Democratic convention refasod to nominate or endorse Mr. Town, and now Mr Towne tleclines the Populist nomi nation suffers himself to be per suaded, they say. Of course for himself, he can do as he wilL Imt without necessary leading the Pop ulist into the Democratic party with him. The Populists weut initside of their own irty for both the Presi dential and the Vict -Presidential candidate. They ought not to lie exected to go to the Democratic party for both. When they do go to the Democratic party for Imth, I shall begin to biush the seat of my trousers, and . look around .for the fene; my purpose being 4o calmly view the dog fight. I believe that the vast majority of Populists iu Xorth Carolina, feel about as I have expressed myself. -I FRAUD AN0 FORCE. Never Kill a Only Tbe Odm YVWo P tice it The GtMtpel ud Cttma CoBtratd. Raleigh Cor to Times-Mercury. Raliiqh, Aug. 8.-AU is quiet herei L k everywhere, the Democrats ate o n boa ting of their ehumed vietory. Hen do ' not geaerally rej iee over what they get by "fraud and force," Senator Butler is in fine f pint. He is still on top and will be so long as the wise and christian (f) party has to resort to ' fraud and f ores'' to de feat bim. . Tha man who thinks 8ea ator Butler is politically dead, is j oat talking through his hat.' Yon can't kill a man by 'fores and fraud,' It kill tha other fallow. The , Popu list in the State are more determned than ever. ' They will ba there whan tht general roll ia sailed. The Dam have Uo il.Kil.t that luany t.f thru will now vou. ur lUrkt at. I ltri iwlly, and rvtuain lrfrer twrvfVf in tht inlddiv t.t" the rui. Manv ot thetu. 1 ain wr-, will tedimt- ly for McKlnlry, a a rutti aalmt tbe couJuvt d Um llryau iK-tum ral In the reTUt ttate t.uiiaiigu; Hm- bltterue ajwl terror ana hrlurv. and fraud uleiie ui a nkli liaa drl n away from lb lVuiOtmtlc rty every Poullt who ran not gain hu couent Ut cow er like a t ur lrlut. hi enemy. When 1 t to mtt myp. aud t Ulieve that 1 aivouel lit- mi as to ttmuiautl tin? no i of my wife and chlMref I niiall iMi tr Willing for it Itt be -il I ha I I tin a North Carolina lvuia-rai. Know In what I know, hat lug -sti what 1 nave st-ii, ami having unYrvo what I Lave surtonl at tlx fiainN ol the iM niocrmtic rty, I fhoulti io no n-vt for myself in mui oi I-rsnl integrity, geiiulut' luanbood, tr seu ti iiit-n-IioimMv. ii 1 wen tt Vtrte tlw Iteiiita'ratb- tb at-t, Malr or National ! Tne Slate elts-t Ion iu Auut a- an internal tiavtwty, a int-rt- r.- ysiu ami arbitrary l-nial t.f right a fetleralistic triuiiudi of olivan n in the name of lh-moira y. legah ting lis fraud and raliug itolottn, deny lug tli-uiou, t-upitt-iug freetloiu id' f!feiii and ot-ri brow ing iK-rsoual lllH-rly; ami mi ayhauitl Is the irty of its victory that u tlaren nt Ijiatst of it. I ttult tits ntuni to the Demta ratiu arty,-uu or national, without iu inv own iiiIihI, emlotsing all that I bav. deiuiHsl. in a fair registration ami iui-t elect ion uii as w a had in North Carolina ill I s'.M., 1 ta-lieve that lit State of North Carolina in lionet ly against Rryau antl Stevt-utti, lul tliat, in the round ti is may tinnii for ntilhiiig. 1'illts-n huiulnsi ami fifty registrars in North Carolina may register whom they will, ami refuse whom they will; and in- Judges ofeltvt ion at tilttt-n hundred and titty irecincts may tlenv 11m- right of voting to w houista-ver tht-y will. When the lallots are countttl they may lie counted as the judge of election will, reganlles ol bow the xuU-n may have lweii cM. This is tlw way it was done on tin L'wl of August, as thoriMighly believe. What has la.en done may U tlcne again. The methods used in a State elect it n can be used in a National election. The attitude which Ptf ulists may assume in North Caroli na, cannot affect Mr. Bryan's chain f in North Carolina, under the pnw ent election law atxt pntentelts.tiu methods. Hence the men whose aid wasought to tarry the State for Mr. Rryan In isttg, (Mr. Dull r, myself ami olnersj an insulted in the caiiiMlgn by Mr. liryan' friends, uenietl the right to speak in public, and -omet linen asulted and pre vented from speaking by fonv. North Carolina can te tvrrietl for Mr. Bryan without the Populmt vote, but not honestly. Mr. Uryau went to Kentucky and heliaxi Ooebel. 1 hiwwvu now here from him a condemnation of Ken tucky methods In North Carolina. I have always admired him and un til his visit to Kertncky, 1 tHievt-d that he was the omliodiuieiit el' all tbat was honest In government and all that waa honorable at the ballot I.,... . .i . . t . . -. wu. j no uoi kuow ma i irio ia.t of North Ca ot ina inakeauy tlifjr eiioe liHw et'ii "lanvny and recti Ing." l nee tnings are tuiitiainental in a republic Ihe right of elect Ini, honesty at the I -a I lot lov, the sanc tity of an oath every where, irsiial Ill?rty, ami freedom of piei-h These an denied, dlregardtsj, ami overthrown by Mr. Bryan's Ieroe cratu ft lends in Xorth Caro. Ina until tney are re-estabiinritii, iki question of cirwnsioti or auti-fXu-sion, imperialism or anti-iuiiierial- ism, an seem of much con-iuen e to a Populist In North Carolina, tbat is to say, a Xorth Carolina imfkris- i.kk. For the Populist-, of ihl State suffer already, through Mm 8immons-DanieI Demtrcratic ma chine, all tlie evils of Imperialism. 1 have wfillen you very frankly and as fully as I have expre ed my self to anybmly. 1 boi I lutve i-t m . a oiireii you. ior However mucli we may disagree, I have the very high et regard for your personal charac ter ami Integrity, ami for tlie gottuV ne wnicn i Know ilwells in your heart always. You are not at all the type of the Xorth Carolina ma chine Democrat. , Very sincerely yourTrieud, CYRI's TllOMl-HtX. . oerats have settled the negro ques tion now, aad now white men ess say, "bold!", Tbe tall campaign ha begun. It is now in 'order fox t t christians U gather up their rott eggs, whiia the other aide savs at their mission money and pastors' sa ary, and buy them a gun. if eiviLz tion and Christianity has to be shvt into men. . , - Bipoktik. Z31 m w Si4. Ws beg to say to the esteem, d Wash ing ton Post that if it ia ne e aarv to red start" tha elect rJ vo of North Carolina far Mr. Bryan, wa are to do it, for "rod ihirt" stands for honest white supremacy. Tha Wilson News. There ars 30,000 lepers In tha Philippines. - ; - ; ' - - 7 No 38f mifD FORCES WIER CHIHJ rotficms ti Tkt uuiicacm. cviB fton niii rt men ro und. rt IW., S.m.tkm --, U1 ,t' l-Mt-t IW4 rWrfc -avra C . ! M 4MaU ri q I .,- tral lM mt J-fWI tUlM. I..l3t AUf. IT Th- mllltavrv frctMof ih aliitad wrs bate t. Uit kla and avt iht mtnla. MS SOd Otbr ftATrmCatM. aka ki. u--a tjo Uz basMgS by tttr la B. a. . lb legal looa. Tht, bAfkbtm mt Oh i orv II. M ttallaviLra mrm. orvkan by th rapid awl . and iVai linn . . . . . - . con iiHwwitvnrNW id latef. ial fur--s. tor th.r mm ... tion Ulan to ib-lr vaterlug th tn Prt i fiy. int. ailtt otnDl4a ihn rnliff minh lu i'j. . ar now In rharra t.f ik. ii.. dli lomata. Ta tiannau ConMil at HbaBtfkal not uij in, lortiga oXTlea thai ttv lc haul ettara tba. .- II and VfJ th luleUur- aod thai th w iwn aorompiua.d with t Qcbtlnc. Tha (term an JO if Itsgram follow: i n nits ntrvd Pkla with. out any flgbilng. Tt. rntu have ! o rlld aud the far-ng. A I . . . . m mm " libtratJ ans nf " . . - MOn lflr lha r.ralr.1 .,f t V. A . - ---- - - w t u mi- ...... L- . I . ... . . . . . aMn irvm IhrrilB, tailla a, D g eel vt-o rrum Sbangbal. dated A . II w blCt mm : f h avlll.w m tt.r.t r.ti aa nttwday. It Is U I ihal Viceroy nan SLIh Kava tmojaa have fomm . 'urii.i iu uwH. i id iowager nt rt s duilng htr fl'f hU A dlt)atrh artt .mwI.Ji i.. K ltllttTal TailaxrrtkaB I'iHiiMm. V - W...H I I WIH Shaugbai. confirming the atatemoat that th Intfraatlonal army air. rm i)txini.iij. mm anota Shanghai lltftam states that Hun I'htn ah... & er LI m . w.vmu.v inat Bt has rcl vt-d a teltsrapbic dlapatch in tKM rr.rf-t t , .in.j - m.w auita I VI i VI enurtt ikln WtHiaeiay, Aug. li. aa fl t Is - . - .lil s a mvm a VFrviion. M CAHA WILL ROT TIllO. I wiS 1 baltMiC Ik. la naia !.. m Urnvaril, S. C. Aag. V-V. H. McUaha. sheriff of TranavUanla county, wh was txuntd out by tbe destruction of ballots parpcMly deposiud by art onicial of electtoa n the wrong boi, will dscllnn to surrender his office of aberlff. and a suit In court will bt nctuiary to dlaplace him. Tti ca Is rt-gatd-d a very linftortant, as it will uat tne validity of the Hlmmons lc tlon law, under which th offloMrof election at Brevard waa artlnr when he dsposlted th votes wrung ly, and thus turd a major I ty for tne Democratic learlaUativ .Bt tjouotv ticaet. wberaa Lh vuta as caat gav in llepublican candi date a majority. MheritT Mcdaha is acting under th law whi iu aya ne hatl not a?iv id hi offlc utttil nis suoccsMor u ' laly elcud" and quahtittd, aud Mr UtUaha dalM .nal his ubuuou.t in thm rarunt campaign I duly lrtd by th deMUUvllouoi the ballots whlca gave him a majority ol th vota in the countv. INs siilrt JmperiaJUru. What a light Nwrth Carolina has Joai thrown on Mr. Bryaa's para- o.oannat: way u sathiBg said oythkqant Meoraakaa against impniita in oa of the oldct Amtieaa atatcal Ds not the eon inuiioo follow th flag lato Xorth Carolina, and an- aei Ue Bcros oorn and brd ther eitueaa, aad as aocn eQiiUd to all riarbu aad tra- aaniuajoje4 by u whitT Way thsa, ia ia cuampioa of th Fib pi- sos siisnt npon to i a famous treat mnt of Aoincan ciusnf Chisa go I'oat. mEvmns KIXT. i tin t'M-Ml r(MM Mttat Vott lrtwraat VkiO Mat Xul.-A r ttm la M aiaila. Fr tbe Caoratu. VVe-abl io tlte rampaign that tbe Slptin oi tlt- aoiendtBeot waa tt flrat atep Ui human alavery. We a!4 the next thing wouU be la stop igo. rant white from tig It la coming to that. Time will pro it. II a to be done to keep N'orth t aruliea f roaa be cowing the dumping ground. A it in V'irgittia. will ia le Iter. I It Virginia Time a: "It will be a tleaing beyond mesMire when tte negro ueatitn ia settled in toe booth, whetlter reprertatofi la redtu-ed ur not, and tb rntr4 f the state government i put in ihe hands Of tbufte wis have sotuelHng at stake, or intelligence and integrity enough qu.llfy litem' fur aaffrage. Kor our. aelve. we are iu farr X an abalutely impartial qualification of ufTrar f Virginia which hall app y to white and blarka alike. Wed not believe In the grandfather qualification, aud think it ia opposed to tbe genius of oar intli tation. We have a lar number of n groea in Virginia who are good citi zens, and ar worthy to tote, under say qsaliSostions that have ever yet been applied, and there fa no desire on any ode's part, that we know of, to di (fran chise tbetn. Now that the election ia over t ia no reason that In those counties and predncta where registrars ana judges of election wer Indicted for alleged lnegularitiea in the dis charge of their dnty, that th mat ter ahonld drop or will become a dead letter. Let th law take fta course and if the charges ars suffi cient, conviction and dua punish ment ahonld follow. If not guilty, then there ahoutd ba aa ready and hoBorabl ' exhoneratlou. Union Republican. 1