POLITICS AND ftf LICION HtttMtm rlD IH4 itrrugatll Th 'LrlMtaa I barrk should Hi to t fell Hall. "The Htale ha Juat panned through another exciting uloctlon-porhapV the rn4t uicltln lu It a history, aiysth Raleigh Chrl-ttlon Alo rate, ''which uttHrsncu In ndorMd by every thinking citizen.'' It says further, "a victory ha ben won. nt for any party, Itermcratlc, Pop ulist or He pub) lean. ' Wh let this pass foriu worth; but In the name oolumu, wo read: "The Htate h.c tlon on lam Thursday resulted in the election of the Democratic State ticket, tho adoption of the Consti tutional Amendment, and the elc tlon of four-fifth of the legislature in each branch." Then we begin to think poHnibly It was mistaken In the victory for all these parties, as first stated. We continue to peruse the name column and learn that ''the election was perhaps the quleteet In the his tory of the Htate." We have racked our brain trying to reconcile this statement with the first one. Wo content our utter inability to undtrstand how an election can tie both tho most "ex cltlng"aml the "ulotett ever held In the history of the Htate." "Not a single disturbance was re ported' It says : Was there no disturbance In the report that the Judges of election were In a houno in one county, where one crowd threatened to kill them If they came out with the baJlot boxes, and the other crowd aald If they did not come out they1 would "blow thorn up?" Ik there nothing about that to dlsturbo the acefut repose of citizens! In speaking of the act of Govern or Mussel I In keeping the Htate Guard on duty, It eays: "The Gov ernor by this act, has aroused great Indignation all over the Htate." You mean among the 'red shirts, do you nott You do not mean that the people who wish law and order, condemn tho action, do you ? Do you mean to Hay there Ih no "disturbance" In a crowd of "red shirts" dragging a man from the platform where he wn? exercising aQod-glvon right the right that the laws of the country have here tofore declared to overy citizen, and kicking and cufOng him about up on the same principle as the vult uro, who seeks his prey In the help less. Do you mean to say that Is no disturbance? If the editor of the Advocate were to go out for the purpose of deliv ering a speech upon a subject which he believed to be true, honest and consistent with the laws of his country, and should be' treated thus, do you think everything would seem quiet and com men da bleto him ? Home people look at a thing from an Impartial standpoint, the only christian way, while others yield to popular applause or prejudice. They float with the tide, loosing al sight of light and justice, forget ting to "put on the whole armor of Uod," that they may be able to stand firm In the midst of deepest conflict. There are many Republicans and Populists who are Methodists, and who are Just as white an any man who ever donned a red shirt, and are fully as loyal to tho true teach mgs or the Methodist church and the:. God as any person In the Dem ooratic ranks who do not preach equal rights to all, as .set torth by the teachings of the Bible, and work for the special privileges of the few. Read the discipline of the Meth- odlst church, read the Bible and see if it upholds monocracy and ballot box stuffing, and see if we had not better "como out from among them, and be ye separato, and touch not the unclean thing In ail parties. There is no party prej naice in cnrtstlanlty. There Is no thing right in mob law, you cannot make the Bible teach you or any one else that it Is right to persecute the ignorant or innocent. ma Jesus Christ go with the moM No, and furthermore, no chris tlan will b guilty of such a thing Would he endorse abruptness for party sake? rso, he denounced it in all places, even in the temple. Do we claim to be the followers of the "Meek and Jxwly? "He that say etn J know mm and keepeth not His commandments, la a liar and the truth Is not In him." Are we not commanded to love one anoth er.as God hath loved us? Then. 1 we do this we will refrain from ud holding or endorsing unjust things which are perpetrated upon others We will not "beat out" our hats in cheer for those engaged in perse cutlng helpless humanity. What is the matter with the pul pit and the religious Journals that they do not come to the front and do their duty In the denunciation of these terrorizing things? Are . they afraid their subscription lists will be cut short or their salaries f al off? God forbid that should be the cause. 8urely, they are not in sym pathy with such things. If such should be the case, we would say may the God of heaven awaken them to a deeper sense of their du ty, that they may not become bias In their attempt to set forth gospel facti. I have been a member of the Method Ut church 21 years and am sure tnese wings are condemned bv iv as weu as oj me ciDie. it is a dishonor to John Wesley to find the members of the church he was Instrumental In establishing in establishing nob a condition. A UlTMOaiST. The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER ROYAL the most celebrated of all the baking powders f hi - the world celebrated for its great leavening strength and purity. It makes vour cakes, biscuit, bread, etc., healthful; it assures you against alum and all forms of adultera tion that go with the cheap brands. ROVAL BAKING fQDER CO.. 100 FORCE, FRAUD, INTIMIDATION. 'Continued from Pane 1 and all of the boxes were bruai up containing these tickets before the board of county canvassers. They refused to hear any evidence what ever in regard to them. At Cedar t ork precinct there ws a majority of 100, and at Rantham precinct the majority for the Fusion State ticket was about fifty. By throwing oat these two boxes, one member of the legislature and the whole of the county ticket was de feated and counted oat. Oar people will not submit to this outrage, we will contest the last inch of ground, and sae if any justice can be had in the courts for county offl cers. We do not expect justice be fore the legislature, however, and have little hope of seeing our mem ber of the legulatnre. who was coun ted out, seated. WAYNE COUNTY. When the count in? of ballots be gan, the registrar, a Democrat, shut himself up in little house prepared for the occasion, and no one was al lowed to see the count but himself. Wuen the State ticket was counted the Democrats claimed three ma j tri ty We were surprised at this, kuow ing that our vote was ahead,, so I proposed he recount the votes, but this he refused to do, grabbing up a taudtut of tickets patting them back into the box, and locking them up so that I could noc count them. When the count of th county candidates was made, the D n.cc ats had thirty majority. 1 kiio of at least twenty five Dem ocrats that voted against the amend ment, but according to their count they have a maj irity of seven. Daring the first part of the day the Populate complained that the poll holders were tearing up their legis lative tiekets. We have had no elec tion here at all, and neither has the State, for it was handled elsewhere jus' as it was here in Wayne county. If the law cannot protect us, what la to be done in North Carolina with Simmons and his lawless red shirt drunken mob f MOORE COUNTY. The co-operative ticket was count ed oat ia Moore county, with the ex cepsion of Jones for Sheriff. W. C. Wilcox, our candidate for the legis lature is behind only a few votes. At Aberdeen precinct there were 193 Democrats registered, and be tween 180 aud 1S5 Fusion vo ers reg istered. Of the 1S5 Fusion votes on ly abjut twenly were allowed to vote. There were 36 red shirts around the poll on election day. On several nights before the election the red shirts rode around over the country firing off their Winchesters and de claring that if those opposed to the amenament tried to vote there would be trroald be trouble, etc. In other townships they challenged oar voters S W1 lr AW. t M JV W HVVH A. t- . A. i and kept sonn from voting that were i legally entitled to vote. Ia oar very strongest precinct they tried to get up a row so thev would have . nrA. 1 text to throw it out. I The red shirts went to the rn;- . . . m night after the election and overpow i ered the registrar and stole the re- tarns. Next dav. thev. or anmA Ana stole the tally sheet oat of the Dem ocratic registrar oi Deed office. The election judges, or returning officers taree out rvensaiem township as there were no returns. In fiat thou aa - - enough enough to damn forever any puiiucu party. If we had had any thing like a fair election, we would have elected our whole ticket by from 300 to 500 mi- jsrity. Tae so-called election is simply a farce and ought to be declared void. PERQIMANS COUNTY. I consider our election ammnWa farce, and to tell of all the irregu- loriiiet woujq require a volume. At three precincts in this corintv. t h result shows crookedness of the worst sort, and It seems to me where one knows the facta. th and registration book should be conclusive evidence of fraud. At Hertford precinct we abnnt ins votes cast for the fusion ticket, wulle the returns show 89. votes for our ticket. Th n judge deposited mct of our tickets. auu. uunug tne aay ne tnought he thought he was doinir fair, tha alio ted for our Judge acted as clerk when the votes were counted, our tickets were found nartiv in tha wrong box, and 89 was all we got counted. At Parkville nrecinct. whurn tea should have carried bv 25. want a.n cording to their count, 76 Dsmo Ctatlc. Here tks Fusloa State ick- ml A.utu linking fiowrtfr are low prii rd a aiiim rtist t-ut two tt fils a Miuiid ; 1ut uiutn is a luniwu- lw.ison anr! il lenrtcis (lie linking jwiwritr .junerou to i,.e in food. WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. et received 1H votes more than the Democratic ticket for htate ollicers, vet the legls atlve and county tick et was counted Democratic by 75. At this precinct, the Democratic judge took the tickets and seemed to do fair, but the count failed to stow fair Our judge at this pre cinct was so unfitted to perform his duties, that he refused to act, and a Democrat was out in his place, thus we had no representa tive. At New Hope precinct, where by fair dealing, we would have carried it by 50 votes for the Fusion ticket, tho roturns show about 130 majori ty Democratic. Here we had no representative, as the judge for us first appointed, refused to aetata Republican, saying that he was a Democrat. His place was filled by an old time Democrat. At this pre cinct I am told the officer refused to deposit the tickets for our men, out wnen a democratic voter wan ted Information they would make signs to nim. wnen the vote was counted we received 59 a oure out rage. Many voters at this precinct were so disgusted they left the polls witnout voting, rue Democrats or course, claim the election was held according to law, and I guess it was for the law is at the bottom of all the rascality, and was made for the Dumose - If we had carried the county, the County Hoard of election had a Dian ready fixed up, and an excuse and reason for the same, prearranged by themselved or bv which thev Intended to throw out two precincts, ueividere and Bethel, where they expected the returns to be against them. A Democrat cave us this information since the election, and we suspected some such foul play on election day at Belvidere. our county is shocked at such an out rage. MILLIONS GIVEN A WAY. It is certainly gratifying to the pub lio to know of one oonoern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to tihn naarlv ind an PFavi n tr Thi n.nn.i etors of Dr. King's New Discovery for tuyuusumpuon, cougns ana coias, nave given away over ten million trial bot ties of this erut meriimnn; and hvo the satisfaction of knowing it has ab- soiuieiy corea mousanas oi nopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis. Hoarseness and all diseases of the throat, chest and lungs are surely cured by it. Call on all druggists and get a free trial, bottle. Regular size 60c. and $1. Every bottle guaranteed or price refunded. v"The Republicans of this section have always belittled the claim that negroes could dominate the politics of even the negro counties. but the recent election shows that they have for once dominated Cald well county. The legislative tick et in this county was defeated by 91 majority. The negro vote in the county is over two hundred. So It la nlilnnn,nnal..f vote brought about the result. Ad- A - nt - - J J A. .It A V mer majority was 2. Eliminate the negro vote and Aycock would have had over two hundred major ity. This negro vote not only gave us a notoriously incompetent rep - resentative, Dut came very near county solicitor verv nearly as Topic. incompetent." Lenoir Bro, Blair was defeated for the legislature. He feels sore, aud must blame somebody. It seems he was the only white man beaten by the two hundred negroes. If the ne groes elected Adams and Isbell, did they not elect the Democratic county candidates ? Then how about the large negro counties In the East) How about Halifax Co. getting the Vance banner! Where does Aycock aud the State ticket get their large majorities? The on ly trouble with brother Blair Is, there were not enough negroes In Caldwell. That's what's the mat ter with Hanna. - IF THE BABY IS CUTTING ' TEETH Be sure and use that old and well tried remedy, Mrs. Wihslow's soothing Syrup for children teeth ing. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind collo and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. 25 cents a bottle. A FRIGHTFUL BLUNDER Will often causa a horrible Barn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Buoklen'S Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Uloera. Boils. Felons. Corni.mil Rkin Eruptions. Beat Pile ours on earth. Only Mets. a box. Oore guaranteed. Sold by all Druggist. ffOPtfS PARTY PiAtrftRsl Arrtt lath, i Th People's Party Convention uMmbid in IUleigb. April 1SU. reaffirms the principles set forth tr. the People's Party National ) form adopted at St. Louis la National Convention at 8!osx7")t4 t credited the Brt gieat jMrHM May 9th to vote for the nomlnatioa of William J. Bryan for reslst We commend the present Ctate Administration for iU high pei sonal and official integrity, 4 challenge a comparison of Its rec ord with any and all of Its prede cessors. We condemn the Democratic Legis lators of 1S99 for its extravagaat ex penditures of publio money .amoastiaf to fl,&9,76&.76 in 18V9, as opposed te .1,283,971.11, expended by the preced ing Legislature, an exoess of $110, 794.65, not inoloding the sum of $100, 000 for public education norths S63ft0 for purchase of State farms. . We farther condemn sa d Legisla ture for the eai.as blundering and careless legislation, including more gross blunders and unconstitutional laws than ever before enacted by any General Assembly in North Carolina. We farther denounce the machine leader of the Democratic party for laying the whip on the bank the Democratic: Legislature and forcing them into enacting and submitting a diafrabchising constitutional amend ment in violation of the solemn pledges of the party, made not only officially in their campaign handbook but by members of the General Assem bly and other Democratic candidates for office in their canvass before the people. We denounoe them not only for doing this in violation of their pledges, bat also for submitting a me.( in re most odious in form and danger jus in effect. That General Assembly oeing composed of seme of the best lawyers of the party, must have Known, or at least had a reasonable loubt. not only as to the unconstitu tionality of the monstrous provision of Section 5, known as the "grandfather clause" in said amendment, but also if the great danger of that unconstitu tional sectional section falling, leav inr the remainder of the amendment to stand, thus disfranchising by an ed ucational qualification fifty or sixty thousand white voters of North Caro lina, who in 1893 gave the Democratic party power in the Legislature, and whose ignorance is no fault of their own but is chargeable to the neglect of the Democratic party, which now seeks to disfranchise them and make their ignorance a crime alongside that o the felon. But even if the proposed amendment were not unconstitutional (as it clear ly is), still it is especially objection able in the following particulars: (a) In that it dignifies with the right of suffrage the most vicious, trouble jorne and obnoxious class of the negro population, and completely disfran chises the most faitbfiil,kindly and or derly element of that race. (b) In that.wbile clamoring for white supremacy and declaring that no white man shall be disfranchised under this amendment, they have so written their amendment that every white boy be ooming of age after 1908 stands on the m e tooting with the negro, and can not vote unless he is able to read and write. (o) In that by the latter provision they have made it possible for the ed ucated negro after 1908 to cast his bal lot while the unfortunate son of the white men who have been the strength oi true democracy stands without vote at the ballot box. They slaughter the suffrage of the son whose father they dare not openly attack, (d) In that this suffrage amend' oaent does not remove the negro from politics or settle the negro question in North Carolina. (e) In that every voter who has not paid his poll tax as much as five months before the State election and eight months before the national elec tion, shall be disfranchised as much as if he were convicted of felony or were an ignorant negro. The purpose of this provision is not only to disfran chise every good honest citizen who unfortunately cannot pay his taxes by cne nrst oi laarcn preceding tne elec tion, but further to try to bribe the vo ter to surrender his euHrage at the ex pense of the publio school fund of the State, which is derived from poll taxes There lurks behind this proposition a still greater danger to the publio schools of the State, for with the adop tion oi me amenament tne opponents of free sohools in North Carolina will at once raise the cry that every dollar raiseu ior puunc instruction means tne increase of the number of negro vo ters, and thus the poor white man's son will be chained in bondage of ig noranoe and disfranchised to prevent the education of the negro voter. There is no white supremacy in this. The constitutional question pre sented by the proposed amendment is one that must be determined by the jUUUICUII UU WUBUlEUim Ul CBOJI IUU1- vidual voter. Therefore, we do not make it a party question. We state the evils and dangers and leave the voters or all parties to pass their verdiot in the light or these facts. The question is a oove party, and no one should be more active and anxious in our iudg- ment to defeat it than the rank and file of the Democratic party. ine reopie s rarty is and has always oeen more aistincuy tnan any other party in North Carolina a white man's party, and is more anxious than an v other party to solve the raoe problem, auu iu iuiw an piutiea u it UiaeUBBlOn or the great economic issues so vit&H affecting the welfare of all wealth pro ducers of the State and nation and de cency in pontes. Therefore, we propose in lieu of this dangerous amendment, the best solu tion oi the race question that is possi ble as long as the 15th amendment to the Constitution of the United States stands a solution which denrives no white man in North Carolina now or hereafter of his right of suffrage, to wn Amend Seotion 6, Art. 6. of the Con atitution or North Carolina by insert ing among the disqualifications for omce, enumerated therein, the ifollow leg, via : All negroes and alpersona of negro descent to the third genera tion inclusive. If the Democratic Legislature which meets in June will offer this safe, con stitutional ana wnoiesome amendment intiieu or tne present scheme it will nave our nearty support. If they will not, we appeal to the oeonle to nit tn our assistance to elect a Legislators pieug-eu o support sucn.an amend ment. We congratulate the neonle!ofiVnth Carolina upon the decision ofjthe State oupremi uou-i in cne case of Harvia vs. Wright (13 IN. C.B, 173), declar ing that the General Assembly has power to provide different systems of county government for variona (nun. ties of the State. Acting under this decision, we pledge the People's Party to the maintenance of the system of local self-government in all the white oounties, towns and cities in the State as established by the General Assem- Diyoiisao, ana at the same tim tn provide and maintain a legislative sys tem of coonty government for all the negro counties of the State, an tht there oan never be any Question that the whits people shall always have full and complete control of, county in.the Wa denounce the Democrat! a T.rt.. lature of 1899 for passing an election law, every provision of whiohgis care fully and cunningly planned., and de vised to thwart the sovereign will of the people of North Carolina by whole sals fraodend debauchery of the bal y -"fJ ooearadiet, that it tat I- partisan. aafalC tafaeseeBaf t &! bl suction taw that ha et e tfterrftae the tutu boat at may la the Uaio. W pled oeraelve to iacreeae te Bcieoey of the poblle aeboci system la North Carolina, and point to the fast that the People's larty hae doo more for pubUo edaeatlon i 3orth -ra!iia than the Democrat! a party -r ia ia twice lb lees-th of time. is tb public school system. We pledge ooraelve to 'be ears of the aafortaoate elaas ie North Caro lina asd to an increase in the aecea ary facilities for the earn. As aa nttof ear sincerity, we point to oar past record in this particular, aed ay that co "Legislature la which Populists have had a controlling voice has ever turned a deaf ear to the de mand of the unfortunate, or been fol lowed by an argent appeal for addi tional provision aa has been recently issued by the Board of Public Chari ties because of the failure of the Dem ocratic Legislature to make such pro vision as seen and urgently needed at the time they were consamiog their time In enacting political legislation and creating new offices during the session of 1899. Labor is Indispensable to the crea tion and profitable ose of capital. Cap ital increases the efficiency and value of labor. Whoever arrays one against the other, is an enemy of both. That policy Is wisest and best, which bar moniiesthetwo oc the basis of abso lute justice. ROBBED THE GRAVE. A 'starling incident, whichMr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was !the subject, is nar"ted by htm as follows: "I was in a o.ost dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunk en, tong'ie coated, pain continually!in back ana sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by 'day. Three physicians hd given me up. Fortu nately, a friend advised 'trying 'Electric Bitters;' and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle madefa decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50cts., guaranteed, atJail drug Stores Should not every one in your neighborhood see this week's issue of the Caucasian. Next week's issue and the issue after that and every one in the future will be as good Get all of your neighbors to sub scribe. Send in a club at once. AGENTS, Booker T. Washing ton has written the story of his life and work. He gives his views on the Ne gro Problem and all his best speeches. White and colored people are giving advanced orders. A , bonanza for agents. Both white ' and oolored agents make money with this book. Write today. J. L. NICnOLS A CO., Atlanta, Ga. WILMINGTON A WELDON R. R AND BRANCHES. AND ATLANTIC COASTLINE R R COMPANT OF SOUTH CAROLINA. coxnnMsnn schbdoxb. TRAINS GOING SOUTH 9 C 3 0 -CO 53 3 & r. v. 9 43 10 3f IDATKD July SI, 1899. 2?A 2 PH. a. m. TV. 11 50 Lv Welaon.-.. Ar Rocky Mount, 12 5C 12 21 6 001 Lv Tarboro. 1 1 00 10 86 S 46! 5 40 8 20 12 52 Lv Rocky Mount, Lv Wilson..., Lv 8elm. ....... Lv Fayetteville. . Ar Florence 58 11 14 7 10 2 4C 2-56Ulf57 4-30J 110 7 25 8 15 P. tt A H. 7 801 7 01 8 21 LvGoldaboro.... Lv Magnolia Ar Wilmington.. 8 09 9 40 4 28 5 50 P.M. A. M P. M TRAINS GOING NORTH. S'S 9ti o KB a. h P. M Lv Florence..... Lv Fayetteville. Lv Belma....... At Wilson.... 8 40 7 45 9 46 12 20 1 50 2 35 10 54 11 81 A K. P. H. Ly Wilmington.. Lv Magnolia..., Lv Golds boro.. 7 00! 9 4fi 8 84 U If 12 80 5 16 8 45 P. M a m. P. M. Lv Wilaon. . Ax Rocky Mount, P. M. 2 85 5 43111 81 10 88! 3 80 6 16 12 07 11 85 Ar Tarboro., 7 04 Lv Tarboro. 12 21 Lv Rocky Mount, 8 80 4 82 12 Ofr 1 00 a., p. u, at weiaon..... P. M. tDailv ezoant ifondav. flHli hmm Bonday. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Yad kin Division Main Lin a Train leaves Wil mington 9 00 a. m., arrives Fayetteville 12 15 p. m., leaves Fayetteville 12 25 p. m arrives Banfard 148 n. m. Satnrninv Banford 2 30 p. m., arrive FayettsTUle 8 46 p. m., leave Favetterille 8 50 p. m., arrives Wilminsrton 6 60 p. m. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Ben nattarille Branch Train leaves Beaaette rille 8 15 a. m , Mazton 9 20 a, m.. Red 8prings 9 53 a. m., Hope Mllla 10 42 a. m.. arrive Fayetteville 10 56. Peturainx laaraa JTayetteviUe 4 40 p. m., Hope Milk 4 59 p m.. Red Springs 535 p. a., Maxton 6 15 p m., arrives Bennettarilie 7 15 d. m. Conneetions at FaTettariUa with tml m 78 at Maxton with the Carolina C Mi Railroad, at Red 8nriim with th ba 8prings and Boamore Railroad, at Saafoid with the Seaboard Air Line and 8outhrs Railway at Golf with the Durham aaa Charlotte Railroad. Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Ttnm leaves Weldon 8 85 p. bl Halifax 4 Up. m. arrives Scotland Neck at 5 08 p. dl, Green ville 8:57 p. nu, Kinaton 76 p. m. Betarn 5. Ajmwn t w a. m Ureearilit 2 a. m.. arrivins Halifax litis m Weldon 11:33 a. m..daily except 8a nday . Trains on Washington BranM lamwuk trgton &10 a. m. and 2:30 p. m-, arrive Par male 9-.10 a. m. and 4:00 p. aa., retarnins leave Parmele 9-.3S a. m. and 6-.80 n. mt rive Washington U.-00 a. m- and 7 JO p. m daily exospt SnndaT. xramieavea Xarooro, n. c-, daily TMni M"M""I VV JV. III., WUIIMHJ 410 U. m,. rives Plymouth 7:40 p. m.. i 10 pom, return- wa; iaTa x-ijxaauui aauy ueept trondat 7:60 a. m and Bonday 9 a. mM arrives Tar boro 10:00 a. m. and llKW a. m. Train on Midland N. C Brana i ... Goldaboro daily, except Sunday, 7:06 a. nu. rnymf Dmiumeja aim a. m., ntaroJV leaves Bmlth field OHIO a. nu, arrives at Qolda Boro 1028 a. m. Traina on NaahTllla Branah laaw niww Mount at 4:30 a. m 2 40 p. m., antra Nah. v1010a:-M402 p.'nt, bSiHo?s 10 40 a.BOu 429 n. m ratnnilna' LI Boring Hops 1100 a, nu, 4 SS panJNaahviUa aww. u. tu aw in., a p. ia., qjuj aXOSDt Sunday. . , Train on Clinton Branah laaiTaa w.m for Clinton daily, axoapt Bonday, 11:40 e. as., and 4:15 p. ma returning leaves Clinton at 7:00 a. in. and 150 p. m. . Train No. 78 inakes close connection at Wahkm for all Borata North dairv.lainnf i 7' ax UMnto TpAlfiS Doubk Dauy Ssryice HTWKKS NKW YoKK, TattTA. ITHNTA. NKW OKI.F.ANH. ai rut xt iHrrii AND WMT. IS EFFF.CT JUNE 8od. IfOO. ' SOUTH BO U MP. Daily Daily U Mt Yert. rraa K K 1 OS pm 12 5 Lv rbilads! P R It U.m 7 X & Lv Baltimore, F R R 5 St pes SB am LV V Mftimoou r. SV. K . .7 U0 pa 10 55 m. Lv RicajDonC 8 A L Ry 10 u pm luu. Lv Petersborc " 11 S3 pm S So am Lv Eidgeway Jet 8 25 am 17 pm Lv Hendvraoo 2fiSa 40 pa Lv fUMrh 4 OS am 7 SO pm Lv Southern Pints 6 57 am S 42 pm Xo.408 LvHanlet 6 50 am 10 82pm No 31 Lv Columbia t 10 85 am It 55 aa Ar Revasnah'-' 267pm 6O0am at JackaoarUl 7 40 pa 9 10 am Ar Tampa 630 am 5 Sj pes N 403 Ar Charlotte 9 31 am Ly Chestsr 9 62am Lv Greenwood... 11 42am Lv Athens 1 4S pm ax Atlanta 40jpm Ar AogusUC W C... 6 10 pm Lv New York N YP A Nt SOOam Lv Philadelphia 10 20 am 11 28 pm NY, OD 3800... t!00 u Lv B-ltimoreB 8 PCo 1 6 oOdra Lv Wash' n N A W 8 B 6 SOpm No ros Lv Portamonth S.A.LBy fl 20 pm No 41 aSjam 12 Oipm 1 20 pm 2 13 pm 3 51 pm 8 12 pm 7 SO pm No 27 12 aS an. 5 00 am 010 am 6 30 pm lv weiaon i2o5 am No 31 . 2 25 am .2 53 am . 4 on am . 5 57 am No 413 . 6 60 am No 31 10 33 am 2 07 pui 7 40 pm 6 30 am Lv Ridgeway Jet .. Lv Henderson . .-. . Lv Raleigh Lv Southern Pines Lv Ilamlet Lv Colombia! Ar Savannah Ar Jacksonville ... Ar Tampa .... M ... . v No 403 No 41 Lv Wilmington 3 UP pu. Ar. unarione, 9 3i am lx so aa Lf Chester 9 aa am 10 5 pm i.y. Greenwood 11 42 am 1 07 am lv Athens 1 48 pm 3 43 am Ar Ataala $ 4 UU pm 6uoa Ar Augusta C A W O - 6 10pm Ar Macon C of Ga .... 720 i m 11 10 am arMont'r A A WJ .. 9 20 pm ilOOaro Ar Mobile LAF 3 05 am 412 pm Ar New Orleans LAN. 7 40 am s 30 pm Ar Nashvill N C Bl L 40 am 6 56 pm Ar Memphis " .. 4 00pm 8t0am MORTHBODND. Daily Dally ho. 4. Mo. 08 Lv Memphis N VA Bt L 12 45pm 14 pm t-vNasbvill 6 30 am 9 10 am Lv New Orleans LAN 7 45 pm 7 45 pm Lv Mobile LAN 12 2 am 1220 am Ly Montgomery aA WP a 20 am 11 20 am L Macon C of Oa .. 8 00am 4 SOpm Ly ah gnat a C A W C 940 am- HO 402 no ssy Lv AttantaJ SAL Ry. .. 1 00 pm 900 pm Atnena ........ 2 50piu 112Jpm Ar Green wood... 4 44pm 2 06au Ar cnener..... o2opm ao am Lv Charlotte 6 3opm 6 00 am Lv. Wilmiogton, ... 12oopn no 24 woes' Ly Hamlet - 9 Ojpm 9 20 am Lv 8outbera rinea 10 00pm 10 Oipm LV Raleign 71 40pm 11 5ft a tu Ar ttenaeraon- 12 50oi 1 1 pn RidgewayJct ....... i aOam 1 46pm Lv Peter abnig 4 Ham 4 40pra LvRicamond 5 l'am 5 40Km Ar waaniugton. P. K.K. 8 45am 9 40pn, Ar Baltimore P R R ... 10 Ram 11 36pm Ar Puilaoelghia P K RT is 3 pal Shao. Ar New Yora P R R ... 3 tSpm 6 13a ' xo 40 J no 88 Lv Rld'way Jet 8 A Ry 3 00am 1 40pm Lv weiaon..'. 4 30ui 3 05pu Ar Portsmomn . . . ... . 7 00am a 60pm at Waah'ton N A W B B i 00 Ar Baltimore B B P CoT 4 6 4am Ar 5ew YortTo Cos Co 1 130,m AT l-nuadelphia N YPAN 1 6 4 pm 61 0am Ar yew York ss-pm 7 43am Noie. fDaily except fruiida'v. A Slight Amrr m ..am... bridg on diarrhoea which is. In many cases, followed by infiamatlon of the stomach and other dangerous com plaints. All suob disorders are dang erous and should ip tneir infancy be treated with th hmit a-nAarn ..m... The merits oi Pain Killer are' known and it is recognized as the standard specific for cramps, diarrhoea, etc AVOid Substitute. thra la Knf Pain Killer . Perrvl Davia Pri- n- and 50 cents.' VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS " Are erand. bnt Skin tr llTA nr In P ii .k l.i. i . cures them; also Old, Running and Fever Sores. ITlcara. r:i. vli.. Corns, Waits, Cuts, Bruises. Barns' acaias, chapped Hands. Chilhiaina. Best Pile cure on aarth rwiA . Pains and Aches. Only 25 cts. a box vurc Kaaraoieea. doiq oy an Druggist. COLUJIBIA-COASTER BRAKE laMM-ri It flat m4 t'mM-Amy- tkt fm I A4 Tw w l. rrats, pWacVd foe th aakeedaat. J- psrtlee ami tp th fry uf grt U' k.. a. k.MiMlftfK ttMlt mm lkt wer f.r it t it wuuld hlp tlrr party and ettl tb rcv qwtM. IK m.rratle paper wM uhlih It aud rail thm wi aad b'r-. Kr the News and Obrrrr did. Hut' all chaagrd oo. On Anpa lt,io a p--h at Wil rity. in rrpf rtlog a mting of IVn rratio pte huetera. mj: . Waddrll !' fr tl aiuJ ffil wa a vrry arnt one It alt a a a a. infti t ku. h argued, wuuld end tti heart htirninr. bJttrrnaa and tr!f of r rm i vta 1 1 aiviM ntMik t m Kit Ulnr Oa Anpa K Id a p-h at Wil - lnrton. th Kv oinr iMtratrhof that of two parti in Nvrth arotiaariihrr a a a -a oi wntCQ d a j id rcniroi mf foitrn snnt tarMklel ta fsv Ski I StfBtltiIsttaHl 1 1 urged New Hanover cwMjnly to poll tl row. lie received tbnn1rou appU.- a Cl IT il FlIffriAirv attherlo of hi ph whirh wai A A I IC A I I.Kf I A 1 1 aliNi pinrtuatd with vlgwriMia Vhr- i V. MrlIUll V n L irg." After the rlrtio. on Aug. Sth. tl ame papr nays: Aftrtb buaine of tli vrnlnf a closed up Wilham J. Bellamy, K., as called en for a pech and rpo df d in a way that greatly pleased Ms hearer. He called uton th nimbr of th rlub to atand br Whit Suprem acy io National a well aa Htate poli tics. Ue warnrd them again' ptty faction in their own mmhrhip which might rolt in undoing a great deal of th good already accouipliattU. tie urged them to. vote for Hryan and hjr hi election tabtiu wMt Mjprrm acy througluut tb com. try and nt an end to the appointment of cegrt a Federal officia'." In its issue uf Aug. 10 h, th negro organ of the State, th w and Ofo ervrr, says : 'Th AshevilieGazet.e. th Kaleigh ril ana the e hero Journal are op-. poelt3 references In th National campaign to MrKinLy'a appointmeni or negroes a poat masters and other 17 Fedrral otflciala in the S.mi1i " i y UN a wonder the cowardly negr or-' gaii hail not mentioned the Charlotte! Observer, the Oreenib5ro Telegram, !w and the religious pre of the State..' wnicn win an condemn red hirl, an archy, ot racUm and the squall of gro, especially by many who prtctice) social iualityt a th "tan" among' lie negro show. Th New and Ob- i server and others, aquall tiiggrrl-! cause they have not the n or,rrcord I to go before the people In a deceit1 -i- j il and Christian way. Any set of men who have to appeal to the prejudice, instead of the judgment of men, ar as dangerous to the Government a the Ignorant 'nigger." A THOUSAND TONOUES Could not express the rapt ore Nil Annie E. .Springer, of 1115 Howard st Philadelphia, Pa., when abe found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption had completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made lire a burden. All other remedies and doctor could give her no be In. bat she iiti of thia Rai - ' - - - - -WWJ souietoiDg i can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like Bounding ita praises tbrougbtout tbe Universe." 80 will every one who tries Or. King's New Discovery for any trouble of the .L! - tnroat. Chest or Lung. I'rioe and $1.00. Trial bottlea fr at i Stores; every bottle guaranteed. j iTapn atnn. aKawnlar ate. Readers of Tbe Outlook will b glad i L L. DILL. fmpi. to know that th seriea of articles on South Africa, contributed by its spe-! cial Commi.sioner, Mr. James Barne..; COUNTY AND PRECIKCT CHAIR will be resumed at ouc. A particularly j If TH 1 interesting article, written by Mr ' MCM." Bar n en in Pretoria, and describing the ' n entry of the British forces, appear in ! POStetS F0 PobllC S D 68 stlO ES the issue of August H. The censor or i w. I the mail has swallowed i:p several of , Df? on. bDd Barnes' letters to Tms OrvLooK i . Iarrf ,ot of kuown to have been properly i eted' i tera, 12xl, asaora- butfrom which nothing further ha T1 colof, thr ever been heard, (it i..,r t.. nave place left look CoMrasv. New Yora'i . I BRAVE MEN FALL, ! Victims to M,njaout liver and kid ney troubles as well as women, and all ! faa 1 t Kaa taatf 1 a a I nr tdBwIll. fn II- -T. " oil! , -Aiecirie Bitters are just tbe thins; for a man when he is all run down, and don't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than anything I could take. 1 can now eat anything and at all drag stores. Every bottle guar anteed. Salisbury Sua: Mr. John A. Murphy is grow in a n,w f,nn. tooth. Yesterday he had a demist to pull an old loose tooih mtd found a new one air. ady through theRum. . inurpuy ib oi years old a ??w K.16 tiine to nexti 11 . Ui. apeeB aaa for honest elections. Lt tti rirn.,i.u help you in your community. It mill win aee mat mere are enougn regTUar sub. c ribers -to it in yoar neignoorbood. at once. Send in a club Hundreds of persons, yonng and old, enjoy the advantages whicn the bicycle offers as an aid to recreation. The ideal mount for outing purposes is COLUMBIA BEVEL-GEAR CHADLESS. r.pT.t deV,l0Pme"t ' d,ffre, "" whl typ. I. COLOUBInS, HARTFORDS, STORUBRS ?, PBHIiAHTS Applicable to elthrchtnlM or O crop can fcrowwltfv Potash. out Ever)' blade of Graif, every grain of Corn, all Fruit and Vegetables must have z. If I i t ! enough Is supplied ! ! rn nn rotint rtn n liiTI - ; if tOO Kttle, the growth tafll - J w - ; " SCrubuV. a ' I un mm TIM KC t take eft bXh ssi.t. n 4a Star II t A at a TlaaeTata of ivt r a ad aU eaawwMMiui u Arrnoi rnaise rraTitJs r .v N a. aiLBt a ad a. M. : l 7 &1 no a a 10 w a At7 i a SftO a t r soa r m a 9 1 SA a ia oi s n a 19 SO a l f io ao t i I Ki1 a . 1 I I M r hi f ! e tar a ccr f N I U i . 76 i :.7c?: . 7 II A.M.' A at. W 7 LaOraaga .., FalllnglTvaS Klnatoe Caawill fi i-- 4 W ryre Craak Toaoarora Clair s NswWra. Rlvardale...... Ooataa Havalofca Haw pott......... Wtkfwood AtlntVi AllaaUH(I M M. City Depot.... WB8TBODHD TRAINS. s Da. , at eapt iaa day. Mat eoUa Fri Paaaaacav 1atlr. TATlOMl. A.M. Ooldc'toro' U 03 Bests . a 1943 Lartraajr ion ralllag Oeak a 10 22 Klaaton.. a 1011 CawwelL f a ro P.M. SOB a 711 i ?; I IS' a S 401 r ui a a r?j a 8I7 a -if f 4 11 A W Lv Ar W Dover. Cora Creek la 9 4r jj v a 980 920 Sit 900 tr 9 If Clark's...'." t ... f Lv Ar Newbera ja Kivardala ......... f . i V. troaiaai . .. . . . . , f SOS HavaWk sfpto Newport a 7 s Wlldwoaal f 7 as Atlantic f 7 Bfl Merahead Otty.. T7. g Atlaalle Haal af. City Dapat 7.BB Lv Ar OOrt. j Lv t., i :a. m. S a TWbU' . l-atop oa Bayaal f blank for to! nrt tbe name of 8PKAKERH AND PLAC'EH OF BPEAKINO. and will mail them post paid, fifty for 25 cents. Order a fllled atone. Bend money or twt oeot sum pa. Capita! Printinj:' Co., RALEIGH. K. C. . I - 1 j : i , fteonaaoliat VAjnnNi KCBHR Ckvili-M. MAJORS VKMLST. ' the eUla modI. BMArtl Major's Cement 1 f C A i A ... m m o aaS arwr. Columbia; Bicycles, I lot svi. " w eoisxs. witconi fur nf f Conn. S- Hartford