Vol. XVIII. HAS fHE BOERS WHIPPED. ; ,Hii:hOBCRIS REPORTS THAT DEWET IS OM THE RUN ! , , . he t.M i , .1.1. rorr.,,.,,,,,,, .c,t. j r. ... . 4. n, Aog J.5 A report from! "TtZl!"''. .-ii. .u .u la lUUf v demoralized and decisive tic t'.ri lor the British force, may loot, ,., peeled. According to advice tu uiv iriuauconienuer-in-cniei licUVt bas been out off from the i n it ward atd has probably recrossed ii . M ig!.eterg, in an effort to ea , i nis pursuers by plunges ino the a ;in nit country of the Orange Itivei colon v "t n. Ujberts reports that the Boer n!y about three hundred same Christian, Mif half a d zen of i ..iiuwi-rs left and that DeWet has I 'mr best neighbors were to request i,m -u compelled to bury his guns. -hat the ballot ones be put where I rub&bly because he was unable tc ! dl could see them and hare an hon rmiHport tnem during his hurried election would he agreed WT" He According to official advices Pres i l' ut Steyn is making a despeiatt :7ort to get out of the field of mill ury operations and j in Krngr at Machadodoip. Kjborts Hays that u-ya is reported to have recrossec tl.o 1'ienaars river for that purpos j Advices Indicate that the burgher ! are in most desperate Uraits and o -! Mcials here are rxptcmg tews bi i l Wets surrender at any time. 1 i i also beloved that Steyn will be ( Hpturnd before he can join Kruirer at .Mucnadodorp. 15 u Her has had some bard fighting 1 ilnnug us advance. Hubert a report that he was fifteen miles south ol lfast Tuesday and that his columt bus had twenty casulttew. There was an engagement Tues lay between Baden Powell and Urobler's rear gaard, the latter bn in driven back. While the tihtinp wh in progress the advance guardt ruBhed into each other and the Hio Ifsians had a heutenant-cnlont-1 and tour men killed aud two oftieers and six men wounded. )en. Uoberts' dispatch to the War office as follows: "Pretoria, Aug. 22 Bulltr was at Van Wjk's Vlei, fitten miles soub of Belfattt, yesterday. II j has had twenty casualties. Baden Pow. 1) drove Orobler's rear gunrd back east of Pienaar's river in a tl git yester dav Dating the fight ttie advauce guards galloped into tach oiher, the Knodesians losing a lieutenant colo nel and four men killed and two of ficers and six m n wounded. It seems certain that DeVet, who has no hope of getting to the eastward, has re crossed tne Magliesberg with the in tention of returning to the Orang Hiver colony. He has about three hundred followers. Most of his guns have been buried. Steyn is stated to have crossed Pieuaar' river witb the intention of j ining Kruger at M&cbadodorp." The correspondence captnred by the British at Bloeinfontein was puft lished today. It consisted m jstly cf letters from Cape Colony oliticians to president Stevn aid Kruger. Th members of Parliament whose name? are mentioned in the correspondence and Henry Laoourchere, tditor of Truth, Dr. Qavin Clark, formerly consul general of the Transvaal t Oreat Britain, and John Kdward Millf, Liberal member for Notting hamsbire. The alleged Incriminating lett,r were all written before the breaking out of the war in South Africa Tn Hole aim of the writers, apparently was to secure a peaceful solution t the d tllculty by means of a compu -mie, tkud they specially urged con cessions by the Boers. Instead of be ing in any degree reprehensible, th letters will impress impartial read em as being distinctly creditable U the writers. i.lrN Ail vised to Marry Country Hoy. Thu Colombia, Mo., Herald advl girls to marry country boys "The wise girl," says the Herald. 'nts her cap for the country boy." It continues: True, he wears overalls and has brown hands and bis feet are In hh way when he walks, but he it worth a dozen of the town dudes, with their white fingers and high collars and unpaid laundry bills Take a country boy who will stay In the country. He Is a free man ; the town boy Is a slave. He works all hid life at a meagre salary and spends that in ways not always commendable. There are torn who do not ex pec c to have their wives support them by keeping boarders; there are some who d not loaf on the streets Sundays and stay up late at 'nights; theie are town fellows almost equal to the boys from the backwoods ; but be ware of the other kind. Stick to the country sweethearts and stay stuck.' BAILEY ANOWHITE RICHT. .Mi'Kiuly Mn Will Not He Suppressed f haft? A rain t Supprion Morganton Herald. .r Krv We are not in the confidence of the McKinley people; but they are quite sure to have something to say in th state for their man at d will not be found so iiy of nupp'eHniou or com. poneti of the same class of men, who very foolishly rented the adoption of the amendment We stand Hat footed with' editor Bbl a V"d the Rev White In this matter Vvhile loath to fling an ugly WStd Vly confess that we chafe und'i j se ins a settled purpose to deny tree speech, even in the matter of the Preaidwnoy. j - . r "tor from robesom. U'liat a Church Mn,U iia vkt ircbr ald, Thr. ar ton, Good UAfuo,vux,'Ilrm- ,r0B, ! fraud we. committed t 6er P'winet. Plenty of fraud committed at all precinota heard r0m in tni. county. It aeem, that -cbinehadpLt7oe7.hir! ..nt-thrftft. J all the dirty work but doubled kii .., .loomed ,kQnk, would uXoopQ . ,h -h.m.- .v.- . to machine and some of the red shirt eatthroats hare lone. I hare been informed thai n officer of a christian church was he cause of the ballot box being 'oped off m St. Paul s precinct. One f the best and most respected citi zens of that precinct, said to this replied : No, by golly, you will rote ike it is or not vote at all." This same church member mikei ong prayers, and no doubt says tc Himself, '"J d, I thank Tho that J tin not as oth. r mu are aud I kuow that I am not honest, truihtul etc., ud some of my neighbors know thai &ru not, but r pra eve ni ht b , ... . . , fore retma. ' inney to uip iut preacners raise 'cam ' in Caina, and for other missionary pur j poses, Luke lS, 11-12. Also I know that I and all of like character ar rbe antitype of the cUss spt ken of in Matthew, sixth chapter aud eleventh : word in the fit'th verse and pray ac j cordicgly.'' j I ara proud to say that there are b j few Christians who are working for ! the glory and honor of their Redeem er. Church members who took any part, or in any way, endorse the dev eltry perpetrattd upon the good peo pie of this State are not christians or now have an aching void. A preach er in this county was heard to say that he "would rather a drunkard b elected by the Democratic party that have a Christian elected by the Pp ulist party.'' There is more dirty meanness be ing engineered by cnurch membors than a majority of the people have an idea of. Nr Plus Ultra. St. PauI, N. C , Au. 20. NECRO HOWLERS OUT OF A JOB. Th Hid NVicro-Stale iech Diftfrait chiMHl The NiuKer Howling Speaker iio With tb Isnorant Nicxer. We have been made tired of ti rads against negro domination For a genera ion are more, it had been a burden of Democrat iespeech-mak ing. The same old speech did err vice from campaign to campaign. That great election on last Thurs day disfranchised both the negro and many a tiresome old speech. Some familiar speakers hitherto will now disappear. It is hard for old aee to learn new tricks. Thos who have' with their one speech kept themselves prominent forthir ty years will ecarcely find? them selves equal to the exigencies or the era of new speech making. A full and free discussion of public issues on their merits by many new men may be expected hereaf ter. The debates may be cleaner and on a hlgncr plane Mort thought will be called for m argu ment and a wider range of infor mation will be necessary in order to meet the demands of the people Last Thursday was epochal. We have entered upon an era when he who would win popular faw r must work. The old negro in tl.e woodpile speech has been dlsfrau chised.-Lumber Bridge News (Dem; Pruyed For a Bolt of Lightning; uud Got It. Hartford, Conn., Dispatch, 17th. A laige barn on Windsor avenm owned by George Demlngs was struck by lightning on Wedn.fc.day and burned.. Mr. Doming employed i farm hand early in the season who left him some time ago after u disagreement. This workman hat boosted to his acquaintance s many lmes recently that he never laid his head on his pillow at night tha he did not pray that Dt mine's barn ovght be s ruck by lightning. Deming had heard of his formei employe's enmity and laughed at it, bnt he said today that thfr seemed as peculiar and clear a case f answer to prayer as he had eve) heard of. Cousins Drown at the Same Time ut Different Plaees. New York Dispatch, 18th. Stephen Peacock, son of George Pea cock, of Yonkers, N. Y., and George Peacock, son of Stephen Peacock, of Pe kkill, were drowned to-day at dif ferent points in the Hudson rivf r. They were cousins and went swimming at the same hour. Stephen at Yonkers and George at Peekssill Each boy be came exhaust d, got beyond his depth nd was . drowned before aid could reach him. Each father sent a tele gram to h s brother telling him of the loss, and each father received it at the water's edge while aiding in the efforts o re. over the body of his own son. Heir to f 30,000,000. A special to the Times Herald from Asheville, N. C. says a girl baby has been born to Mrs. George Vanderbilt In Biltmore House. Mr. Vanderbilt announces that her name will be Cor nelia tituyvesant. The little stranger is heir to a fortune or X30,(XX),(XX). AMENDMENT AMD NECRO. v bat EBwrt win u ii,o iiiaa-x.ii- i u stxii uui ud j,ir .ad by HnM, ,u mm a rxiter citizen or , - iuuib ieanui Deasir is be n bu- nan or is h a brute. I shall as Hume that he is human. I find no-j thing In the Book contrary to this assumption. Then, if be is human j he is entitled to citizenship. If a ; man is disfranchised be Is deprived ? of his citizenship and placed on a ' -."lumBiBmu.na ion oear. i Now what right has any State or j oernment to ask of a man to sub- j ecv niniseu and property to taxa tton, to do the duties of a good eitl-! zen and perform the functions of government without guaranteeing ; to mm the right of free citizenship j and independent suffrage? ' 9 The Morning Post ' commenting oa the situation, tried to console the disfranchised element by say-1 ng that it would "take no part in ! the McKinley nigger issue," that the negro shoold be allowed to rest. and that we should try to make ol h in a good citizen, etc. What new 0autiis in the adODtion of the a - intendment does the Post see for the n gro and poor white man? Can t show any color of a rainbow that has been lejton the retiring storm No, the rejectiou of the Howarc amendment aud the adoption ol he Uth and 15th amendments tc the United States Constitution hat ;lven him a taste of free suffrage and American Ubertv: and nevei will he be content or happy. Hit country's flag has been folded, as tc him, and he can no longer rally around it or sing his songs of lib erty beneath its shadow. Make better citizens out of sucl conditions? No, instead of mak ng better countrymen of them you have either driven eighty thousand ood laborers from the State, oi else you hae turned loose eighty thousand negroes who. will degen erate into so many Boxers or an archists. And what will you do with tht sixty thousand white men who wil be disfranchised under the grand father clause? Any man who can read or spell, and put two words to gether, can see that this clause crosses the 14th and 15th amend ments; and any one can understand what Webster ment when he saia that ' six men can sit on one long b ach," can read a second time and know what is embodied in the 14th and 15th amendments. Prince Daniels or Lord Sim in on might say that Webster did not know what he was talking about, that six men were too many on on bench This might be so if it were a short bench, but this State is long enough and broad enough for eve ry man in it who behaves himself, to vote, and Simmons and Danlelr are as poorly equipped to test th qualification of a votoi as any 'sim Uns' in it But thev have cast the lie without the count, and without the test. The State has been rav ished of its splendor and civil lib erty, has been robbed of ns glory, ree and independent suffrage is a thing of the past century. Cecession has been repeated, out compact with the Union severed ; how an oath has been disregarded to accomplish th'S end. Power has- been taken out of the hands of many and concentrated into the hands o a few. We are virtually out of the Union, and are regarded by othei states as a iot of perjured fools. The distant impe ialism that w have been hearing so much of, hat been established in North Carolina rbe empire is complete, and tht Emperor is A Cock, and he will b combed when the ravishers meet at Raleigh next winter. May God save the oor inconsistent mob. This is a nice step for North Car ollna to take. It looks a little be - ter for South Carolina, the home o cecession, rebelism, Tilmanism and riot. But they say every man vote in South Carolina that wants to Phis is not the case. Every man who accepts the empire can vote for the Emperor if he chooses, if mot he is elected all the same. I believe too they have some kind ol a row up there now, as to . whom shall be Emperor, but it is all in the family. But how does the adoption of the amendment look from a Christian standpoint, and where was the re liglous press during this conflict for humanity? Looking at it even from a moral standpoint, we see sixty ' thcusond white men and eighty thousand negroes whose chances for heaven have been re versed. The religious press, with a few exceptions, was silent. The leading Methodist paper said but little, what it did say was for the machine, or at least that is our con struction upon it. Since the elec tlon the same paper says edl tori ally: ;s--.. . "For some reason many colored men did not register, or go. to the polls" - ' v. -;: V Is it possible, that the editor of that paper does not know why the negroes and many white - men did not register or vote? - He does not RALEIGH NORTH CAROLINA, AUGUST 'read hU tichauf, (or porbap.1 they are all machine papr) !! he would fcav atd t many of the Uoloied, a wH m the whit, menj artven rrom the poll by mobs of. rva anirts witn snot guns etc. The 'fame paper further says every poe- slble argument was presented on both sides, and all had a good op oonunlty to understand the merits of the political measure." I would iik fnr thAtm that Christian journal to tell his sub- scribers what chance the Fusion speaker had at J-mlthfleld to ore- sent his argument, when he was dragged from the stand, which had been erected especially for him to -peak from, and kicked through the streets by a mob of red shirt Boxers. This lookslike presenting arguruuitsff) It looks more like , . . 'civil war or missionaries lu Pekln, surrounded by mobs of Boxers than place 1 n civilization, where freer dom of speech Is tolerated The editor goes still further and says: "It becomes all good citizens to accept the decision of the ballot box, adjust themselves to the situ ation, aud do all they can to ele vate all classes of our countrymen.' There has been no decision at tht ballot box, the decision that he it speaking of was reached at Raleigh when those Southern atheniant adopted that infamous election ma chine called the election law (?) There has been no other count oi ny other decision since, and doet it not look like elevating a country man, when you place him on a lev el with a mule for a foundation from which to build a good citi zen? And now I come to the most pitable scene in the conflict Just passed. I know one or two gospe ministers who became officers in the campaign clubs, and paradeo and churned with the balance pi the mob. I have heard of one who laid asid nis clerical garb and donned a red shirt and claimed to be 'clothec and in his right mind,' but I am not advised as to his course outside of this. I don't know what to think of this kind of religion, but I think it must be a very cheap kind, so common I would not risk my chan ces on it.I could just take on a litth more sy mpathy for the Boers ano the unfortunate of my own native land, and risk getting to heaven on cnat rather than such religion. There is another thing that loo& strange ; that is, to see a minlste. get in the palpit and preach a bh7 sermon on prohibition and pray most fervently for prohibition tc 'Weep the country, and on electioi. day allow some political fanatic to lead him from his own ticket and vote with him. Why can't a man vote the way he prays J Why ask God to direct you and then allow the devil to lead vout I believe Id consie-tency . . I want to hear no min ister preach prohibition who did uot support that ticket on last elec tion day, nor I would not go far to hear him on any other subject. J. E. H. A MATTER OF HISTORY. Did Th Democrat Aek the C onsent of the Governed f Iowa Sent'nel, Aug. 10. Hosv many of the Democrats ol this vicinity are aware that in 1853 tne United States mlaiaters to Grett Britain, France, Spain and the Netherlands, Russia and Prus sia, all Democrats, met In Ostend, Belgia, and Issued a manifes o de claring It was the purpose of the Democratic party to annex the ls and of Cuba, to purchase it peacea bly if possib'e but to acquire it forcibly if necessary. How many are aware that the Democratic platform of 1860 (every faction) de clared for the annexation of Cuba? This plank received every "vote it every convention held by the Dem ocratic party that year and not a word was said about asking the consent of the Cubans to the ar rangement When the Democrats under Jefferson in 1852 annexed Louisiana they did not ask the consent of the inhabitants - When under toe Democratic administra tions of Polk and. Pierce about half of Mexico was wrested from hei and annexed to the United States the c insent of the inhabit hts was not asked. The sadden interest In the doctrine of consent now enan elated by the Democrat is in oppo sition to Democratic history -and prezeueui wen as to ineir p es en practice in North Carolina acd ot it.r Southern States. l,2U3,6W7.8ouls in Philadelphia. The population of the city of Phil adelphia, according to -the official count of the r turns of the 13th cen sus announced is 1,293,697, in 1900, against i,oio,otf4 in ltjyu These figures show for the city as a whole an increase in DODula- lion of 246,733, or 23.57 per cent from isyu to iyw. - : . C A Cause Tor Regret." :JJ A country paper has ais person al item : i hose who, - know old Mr. Wilson of this place, personally, will regret jo hear that he was a saulted in a brutal manner last week, but was not killed!," OliTRClNICCEt. - ,r xw., J " ruber ton Argus, (Dem.) Is It poible that there la any end to the cry of nigger In Norih ', Carol lea political Was not the chief argument of the ltU Campaign that we should not have to listen to that old itump speech any more. And did not all the newspapers burst into rtjjicl og fu,r toe elec tlon beeanse ww must bdgia U, study pojltics with a wider view than the race isue, and predict that statesmen would now grow np in the place of harranguers and rant ers? And is it not almost Incredi ble that some of our chief paper should begin so early oa the old hgwl! They must tav grown old in tbe btiief that politics la nigger aud 11 nd it Impossible at this late day to readjust their minds to the new state of things. If we revive the race question now, we revive it forever ; it is Just as nearly1 settled now as It will ever be. If a man a3ks yoa to vote against McKrnley on account of the neg o, tell him that he is a a enemy to the peace of the State; and that if you vote against McKinley it is fur othei reiiOLB. The North Carolina De mocracy has won a great victory on that slogan, but it can Lever win auotber that way. Wit is so un wise as to fall back Into the old rut, it falls to its own hurt. Are the editors fogies, or do they take the people to be. An Insult It is to put such an ar gument to a good citizen, and the party that does so commits. a great folly. It is hih time to awake out of slet p, and see that wo have put our feet on the edge of a new era. rhs weak man is he who canno change with the changing times. Condition of Cotton. There is slight improvement in the condition of cotton In portiom of Mississippi and Louisiana where, however, complaints of in sects, suedding and slow growth c ntinue. uver eastern Dortionaoi the cotton belt the reports are gen erally unfavorable, indicating pre mature op. nine, sheddine and prevalence of rust In Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma aid Missouri, the reports are alao unfavorable rust and pr mature opening being general. IaTcxs, tha crop as a whole, has Improved, but is shed ding And has sustained damag from rust and insects in many lo calities. Another Simmons Trick. The tally sheet shows that in th Ashtboro precinct Dr. ri. A. Henley, Democratic candidate for coroner, r ceived 102 votes and that Dr. S. W. Cadde;!, Republican candidal received 126 votes. On the abstract A the to al vote returned to tht cle k, the six, where written, i jrased and the figure six is conver ted into a na jgat, making CaddeU't vote 120. This Democratic ttick elected Henley by two vutes. The abstract is on tile in the clerk office and every citizen in the cjun y i3 invited to call and see it. Randolph Argus. CHARLOTTE OBSERVER INDICTED. "Political Farce Comedy in the Acts" By the Political Clown That Covets the "Sinecure" 3,300 Salary. The News and obierver in its is sue of Aug. 23d saj s : (By Charlotte Observer.) Act. 1. Before the Democratic Convention in Chicago : "Loyaity to the p.atform of th National Democratic Convention it the supreme test of the party fea' ty. If this test is not recognized, vbat is the use of party organiza tion? ILpw can a party hope to ac complish results? a man who de nies the validity of this supren e test is a political Quaker, a mug wump, an Uitlander, He cannot wear a party uniform and drill in the ranks. .And a bolter is worse still a traitor. Charlotte Obser ver. Act 2. After the Democratic Con vention in Kansas City: 'The Ob server will not support the plat- icrrn nor we candidates." Char lotte Observer. ; Act 6. ihief owner and boss of the Charlotte Observer appointed to a $5,500 sinecure Job by McKIn ley, for President. Tit For Tat. Mark Hanna puts two negroes on nis aavisory committee. He Is welcome to them. tie miebt add more and we would interpose no oojecuons. Washington Progress. Mr. Bryan put himself into the advisory committee of the ' negro league in Cnicago. They are wel come to him. They might aid Jo Daniels and Chairman Simmon. and I would Interpose no objection. They ought to get P. D. Winston U organize negro leagues. HU friend George H. White, of color, might am mm. jtie can - "read , and writew and hence is an intelligent voter ana has the right to hold office according to the Ameadment. D. F. 8. Green boio aldermen have enact ed an oid nance prescribing a' fine O $2 for: spitting on the sidewalks of he city. Loafing - or loitering round tbe passeueer station and , the federal building is also nrohlbU tea oy uw same ordinance. 30, 1900. THE NORTH CAROLINA ELECTION. Mc4 ,, . . pnlf Salted to Future Reference. SeUic Butler In New York Indent. W-ut, Au . lei In the eiectlun wbUh wu rld oa Thursday the pnminntqueitloo! was the pruol atoeodtuent to the Constitution of North Carolina, which, t ripped of lu subterfu and dteguLs, and put In plain Ku gliah, according to the purpose ex pected to be accomplished, may U coudeuMxl tu follows: After July 1st, i02, kuo negro uot sbi to read and write (ejutpt those or their deMceudant who o tod lu the State prior to I8ii, or in some other mate ou January 1st, lbti7, or prior thereto), shall register in any election therealter to be held; but all white peraous who now vote or Urouie entitled to Vote prior to December Ut. lyus, the UeMcvud- ants of thorn who voUd on Jauuar st, 18ti7, or prior thereto, rJull continue Uivgiaier at all elc-ctiou- which are held during their live, although unable to read aud wriu; but after December l?t, iyo, nc mate pennon coming of age tdiall tw allowwl to rejrister units able ic read aud write. After Julv list. 1UU2, no person shall be eligible tc reg bier unlern lie shall have paid b tlio tint of March preceding Uh election the toll tax tor which Im may be liable. Although a plain violation oi Article XV of AmeudnieutM of tht Constitution of the United State. this Amendment was proponed, aim the white people aroused to a frenzy and urged to declare whether the favored "negro rule" or "white su premacy," when not a ningle candi date for the" .Legislature was a negro, and when the Ijegialature of 1&9S- was overwhelmingly liemocratie and had declared through the cam paign of 1898 that a restoration ol the old legislative system of count government for the negro counties of the east was amply sufficient tc. lift "the ruthless heel of the negro off the necks of the white men" lb such counties. In addition to this, we had an election law. in comparison with which the Uoebel law would U considered just and fair, and undei whwh no provision was made that registrars should be sworn, and no punishment was provided for the- most arbitrary and despotic conduct of the registrar. He might exclude such persons as, he chose from the fight to register. The two judges of election, appointed to act in con junction with the registrar, wen required to be of opposite political parties; but if one did not appear on the day of election, some "discreet person" should be appointed by the registrar in his stead. . Those recom mended by the Fusion party were in most cases rejected, and men who would not appear were appointed, so that in many precincts only Dem ocrats had charge of the election. In addition to this, especially in counties along the South Carolina border, Kedshirts were organized and negroes and white men intimi dated, and in many counties the negroes especially were not allowed to register. In New Hanover coun ty only two votes were cast against the amendment, but in that county the Democrats simply excluded the negroes, who were in the majority, and intimidated white men who were opposed to the machine from registering. Challenges were al lowed on the -day of election, and many registered voters were rejected and deprived of their votes. Under this law no mandamus, injunction, or restraining order coold be issued until at a regular term ol the Superior Court the facts stated in the petition could be tried by a jury that is, after the election wat orer. This was a practical denial ol all right of redress or appeal from the arbitrary and despotic ruling of the registrars and other election officers. The registrars and judges of election bad full power to refuse registration, to hold the election a they pleased, and make what return- they saw fit. In many instances, although the law provided that the ballots should be counted in the presence of as many electors as chose to attend, all electors were excluded and no onlooking was permitted. In large negro counties, where In nue cases the white . vote did not number two thousand, the negroes who voted against the amendment ana tor tne - f usion ticitet were counted as voting for it and for the Democratic candidates, and a major ity of thirty-five hundred returned. Candidates for the legislature, who were Populists or Republicans, were v Ek Gor. James E- Boyd, the only Demoerat ever elected aa governor of Nebraska, ha announced hU op position to Bryan on account of hla free silver views.': - , - tml. in a Brief tou Cmutsc okiixI out, rl lnurrmtlc twr return tn tbrlr ptav. Hy tbw UM-ihod a majority if Uty thotind Uclaiuinl for tb A lurod tuent and for the IVtuotTrntkr Mate tkket; aa Ubi In Ox Mornlurf !ot, a "glorious vktory a ho n by fVrv " About fuur-nfUw ol the Sena to and ticMue of ltrprve-n-UUvcM will U Democrat. KrmUd and rascality have reign! mivum aud hon DvimarraU are dl-utnl with fictitlou rvturua and the cwal lugof count In which lite 1'Uftiou iU have nujotlll ranging a hlh a two thousand. lVmuvralic speak er, from the candidate for tiovrtn or down, rej-atedly di flared durtiig the campaign that lh eod ju4inrl the ujean. Ttn-y ilnliml tl-ir detenu lnation to rule,- whetlwr for-e or fraud. They taul Um Ii preference tu rule bylaw whwn Mas the law legmlliitig fraud. iS-ui- cK-ratic members of the Ij-gbdaiun- toldly declared that theelevtiou law was made for the purport of adoM ing the Amendment and a-rpi lus ting the iowcr of tlie i K-iuoi.-rl u Irty. To theMU ateineuU then arose a mighty protect from lVu lisbi, ItepublieatiH and dlutd iVmocratM, cx)mioniiig a Urge major ity of the voters of tin; Mate, hut whose voice wan arlly atltleii lu many placm byaruieil iiitiiuiaalion, consLsting of ltednlrt rnola organi zed and encouraged by thecauliJal for Uovernor, whom they eriel from place to plav; aud further bi lled and overthniwn by "the litl'a mous provisionof an election law wliich lelize-i fraud and lawlo-nes-. Horn McKane would have gloried in these frauds, by the 'ulv of w bu b his reported returns te into insig niticancv. lie was sent to the Peni tentiary, but the recipients ot tlifr fraudulent returns, go to the lA-gb-lature, and their boss, biuanonM, by the aid of their votes U to go to the United Hlates Senate! ( tkmi-ka, ( MOH! These fiauds eoinmencvd yean ago in Eastern North Carolina, ami for a lonr; time were denied. They were praciicttl especially in the beconl district, in which tlie Demo- crabs tbrougb their professional poll-holdeis, ?U)c-ied a member ol Coiiitre-tfi. They were exiosc,d in the ccjutest of Cheatham vs. ood- ard, but the Coininltbv on Klec tions, like Oallio, "cared for none ol these things." The election of 18'JH wa.- carried Dy such methods, and today the stench is awful. The law abiding iieople of the United Ktates must face the question whether the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States can be nullified by a State or shall stand as the supreme law. Il this amendment cannot Ije enforced, were n not better lor me morals ol the nation that it lie rejiealed Every voter In N'ortli Caiollua is sworn before he can register, "to support and maintain the Constitu tion and laws of the United Ktate, and the Constitution and laws ol North Carolina uot lucoiwsteut therewith." How little regard is paid to this oath! White fuprema- cy Is the slogan, but it has degener ated into the itedshirt, the symbol of anarchy. Imjierialism was the "paramount issue," but it is the des potic sway of tlie Boss and his henchmen. We flrot endure, then pity, then embrace; and th judge of election, under the orders given them, select our rulers, and all w ho do not tamely Kubmit, are denounced as traitors to the white race and told that they ought to be expelled from tlie Bute. The Declaration ol Independence was read on July 4th at the Convention in Kansas City, and made a part of the Democratic platform; but by North Carolina Democracy it is not considered to apply to negroes nor to white men who do not vote the machine ticket The claim is made that "the Con stitution follow s the Flag." Perhaph it has gone to the Philippine or to China It has certainly departed from North Carolina during thih election t and many of the provision of the Constitution of North Caro lina are placed i.v xubii s until the fraudulent returns of this election are made. Thus voters are deprived of their right to elect their represen tative's aud officers, as no law was left by which they could get the aid of a judge to protect them u their right to vote and have true returns made. Unconstitutional regulation have taken the place of the guaran teed right of suffrage and represen tation; and those In a little brief au thority are the masters who select the rulers and servants of the peo ple. At first It was cheating ne groes, but now It is depriving of tlx right to an honest ballot and fair count thone who were bora free. These men may attempt a repeti tion of these methods, but there is retribution In history. "Itighteoo ness exalteth a nation, but sin Lj a reproach to any people. . Raleigh, N. C. A 15 year old boy waa found drunk on the Streets of Wil mine ton a few days ago. Why not get the redshirts af ur the men who voted for the' liquor. ' No 3D m:u itkvv .'ra,i tit ffvm Two Tai at. A tare LuUy ,f fu. tttmtm. ha lka tb a.bl. l.lo t ruatlaw th rof a uf daatat.w al Aty. W rteai tier iu k aikM twriicU r"raa,at teii)4iaf Th fcwpaiur and r'mprM lsw r Uft Praia aal mml rtwarj Mil trorU4 to bm mir4 th. arv4 lliy of p.ku Anf. lUh J. W MrAlllair.o: iUlrlch. allied lu a aaJtn la Nwvrt Nw truU-r lUfiba rijiev,U- tl i4a that brj lrr at Nwf,.,t, a,4ir4 lrt Lar4ar- fUUnLa..i. tut l on. Itv tratur carrll otf hj lb tiUe.Mli.mf u aaiU to hav iiiuunul U day tnlhtoa tala. 1 bairiutn J. n- Jrinr rrpuru that rrnau-r Juha I. Jwr I, a. fuiW rliaU r M'krt tutu llv tU-pJtH-a lU" I'niud Mt cw rutu-tit . a m ut r-ly 1.1 liua i r. J.c iug lu apj-al vr a i-alUi' ut ha l.itiMiu Cbma New Lnland mill uin arv rharc 1 with tuiptinj 10 civu Ut tail. (a tlon aniung ouraiors la '"KfUtUiru cotton tniila. UuU, it i r-porUd, la LutU ling w itu tn muraiH romtalM u lUw UulUd M tat. hi tor a luaa of Ure,. baudn-J mllilou ruubl-. Kutua Krnrick, f Wk-nld. XI , has lt t fcro, j far, a a npailoA llruiluior. fie Oa copd k6,V aparrowa and ;, gK"- ' m Ht nry D. Stringer, of Svw York, went intobaukrut tcy rM.oi!jr witn tiMbiliiies amounting ut ii,2M. ti uiauagel av flu for bl tieUiu.fi. Tlio Weather Uureau report flight Improvt iii .nt In condition of cotton In parta or Mltwipp and Loumiana; in Teiaa the crop ha unproved; over the caibrn por tlous of tb-lelt the eondlllotia ar unfavorable. TbeSoaboard Air Line ratlwaya' (lrst motgage to the Continental Irust Company, of Halt tm r, to cure au usue of ilt&njif) foar pc-r cent, gold bond, na been fill in the cl rk a office of the Hu parlor court at Atlanta Ua. Man'a siil Utmliia A cableKratn from Paris say : Oa ot lu must wondriul storus of to transmigration ot souls ever told cvtnes liomL Orient, an Eastera sea port, wbcre seven poraoos of ioUlli gouee aud reputation for troth swear up ja their honor that a dog spoke to iom intell getfl. Tn year ac, aco dit-if to their teaumony. a air n. r by tne name of Kerbee, who had aUayt butin a firm tM.hevt-r 10 the uaj.tDiratioa of the Ltuto aool to ih body of ao in f trior being, told n;s wile that alter he ditd he would returu to her in the dutnia of am idotnestie pet. Fuor yars ao a atranredor waa- oered into the tioase and reaiaioed, bug well taken care of by too fam ily. Toree days ago widow Keibee, ner ibre grown ebildreo and three otiKbbor-, including a tkeptieal cfaooimastr, were speLdiag the eve- oiLg tcsetner at the facnae, cbattiag liaaantly, wbtn anddecly the d g, crisUfeaiiig awav io a dark corner, b gn to njjan pitectulj. Evrry one tnooot that the animal waa dreaming, but pretenU h roe ou toa hind legs aid spoke duuaet ly, ia a faraway unnatural voiee, mse words: 'Aden( wife and chil dri ; aditu, friend .n Taen the u till over atone dead. Noinitg can shake the eoavietioo ot lue Wttaeasts cf this tctut that the dog really spoke. Toeacfaoolmaa ter even aaers Uiat be saw Uie am maf jw mot aa ho atUred hia at-cabay fare wt 11. Many of the citizens of L'Orient are derply inrenacd becaaao the Cath'hc church antboriues doehao to hold religious ceremonies for the onr.al of the dog Exchange. Crimliiul Ffdly tlie People Will .Vot Submit io It. The attempt to con tin Be the ne gro a an itpue in politic afur the adoption of the aineodmect la no .hiug abort of criminal folly. The people will not submit to It. As an excqrslon waa returning from Wilmington to Wilson Friday night Kome one threw a brick lato one I the coaches at Jet. Uhve, barely mleslng the heads of two occupaLts. The same thing wis repeated when approaching Dudley. W en Moore's cros.lt g, about four miles frm Ooldtbro, was teached, -a 1 rer bettle was thrown through wind .w, cutting the face and arm of M as Mamie Pittman. A larre piece of th bot'lo also struck the bed of Mies F orence Pittman, but tbe'injary was tlighL Ought to Htop the Negrr Howl. Reform ("Larch Corinthian. "How to nae the victory la thequee iion which iat.racUrg the atteotion of be more tboujtblfn nea in tb tuc ceeful political party fa North Caroli na It is gratifying that thee men are saymg that the promisrs made daring the eupalga shall be carried out; the oero sbalf be protected in all bis ngbu and that no political canvas shall "be made upon the iaaoe, of 'nig ger. Leas than this can hardly be done and mala tain party integriti. t, - f 7-:-:--i -1 . ir

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