THE CAUCASIAN rM!BLI3HD It VICKY THUKaDAl mi iHK cavcasiam ruBumUtt oo It tOllCIUPTION KATE. YliK i i Moarrm itiltfl 05TBB... ..I Oi IS Catered at tbe I'ostOtTias m Haiti gb, N.C. as necond-eiMs mail matter K)MK IS I lll-IMlY HIE KEtl'll. The rayetumlleOoserer. Ij the kdmir rdi'orial of its isae of Au- gUt litb, H t "Lvert dar n- foutert ar r ported from McKloloyi tu tubaup uori ol Mr. iiufco mdw tur thn uublmbMl, of nooiioent o, n I whoiaip rted MKiJry. bot lo f (i drlre thir adbewon to myar, i-u been ivn to U pubic. Ine concern rre;enterery part o. our yaat ountry, ana tne beher now aiuinjr tr.nih that Bryan m inic to -wet p the field.' lu 10 -wetp iu umu. W. sa.d ihemoTern.nt 'Pfr'1" every part of the country. fbai is io uo inrue. Iu North Carolint, a tnin emutithottjrwnv. ln McKlol-y "Democrats' wi h whom we ined in IH'JS uave proven fa se to tht-ir luiplla 1 piominos, ai d tne mti of li;ordaui einaieatfl which hh been MghMug under lit Uvmocratlo banner seems rent io twain. The Bryanite tloment lutsj kop aboluo faith with it allies t r t? hid Its nosi at th re- suits of the unnatural anion " Wo think the Fayetteville Ob-orr er states pre. ty correctly the prestmt Httnation, and we also think it atat 8 1 correctly the cause wtilch has pro- daced it. The real friends of Bryan and silver, a the Observer states, d.d all they could to get a co opera- tion of the silver forces in Nortn Carolina ia lHyo and run a campaign on the money qaeation aud get tbe trusts as the issue. This iffort was defeated by the monopoly agents, with the assLtauee of Bryau's loud- mouthed, but falsi State. friends in tbe Instead of a co-operation on silver for silver aud Bryan', there was aco operation between the so called sil ver Democrats and tbe Monopoly Democrats on the ntgro as the issue in tho Interest of monopoly This explains why we haye bad two negro oatnpaigas ia North Carolina, and this also explains why there is now eiiredsed any djubc about B; van's carrying the State. With the co operation of the silver forces, Bryan carried the State in lSbyover twenty thousand ma jority, and it was not necessary to holler nigger, and appeal to race prejudice, or to steal a single vo:e to accomplish that resalt. Tnis aud more could have been accomplished ia 1900. The editor of tne Fayette ville Ooserver and tbe other true friends of Bryan and silver in the Democratic party may yet learn what we suspected ia 1898, and what we still suspect, and that is, when tho fusion of the so-called silver Democrats and Monopoly Democrats was made, with nigger as the cry that there was a secret deal to the effect that the CUvelaad Democrats were to get the State offices ia the Aagast electioa, and that no serious obstacle would be put ia the way of the moaopely and Cleveland Dem crats carrying the State for McKin ley. Unless this was tbe dtal, what other explanation caa be given ' of what the editor of the Fayetteville Observer calls the "unnatural anion" ot discordant and antagonistic te meats. It is clear that whatever deal was made that one F. M. Simmons was into it. It is well known tbat be is aot a silver man and not a Bryaa man, but that he ia a gold-bog and a monopolist and a hypocrite, to say the least. Senator Vance's denun ciation of him went even further than this. It was only a few months before Bryan's nom: nation in 189G that Mr. Simmons, then ona of Mr. Cleveland's revenue officers, declared iu an interview in Washington City, taat he was for Cleveland and for the gold standard, and that North Carolina would send a delegation to the Chicago convention of that kind. The Democratic candidate fc Gov ernor, Mr. Aycock, who hv just bei n oounted in by fifty thousand majori ty by Simmons ballot-box stuffvis, was also a Clevolaad office holder, and while he has talk ad in public for silver, when campaign exigencies demanded 1 it is well known by all who have discuss d the matter with him in private conveieation, that he has always bean against silver. As to little chameleoa Joseph ui Daniels, he may have been into the deal or he may not. He promised Mr. Bryan aod the friends of silver, to woik for a co-operation of the it ver forces in this State ia J898. One thing is certain: he did not keep his promise. This little political chameleon is so wanting in convto tion and po itlcal honesty, that it is difficult to form any conclusions at any time from anything that he tays or does; oat h.s condaot for the past two years would seem to indicate a. W a . i. ii . tut u was into tne aea He not only sat idly by io the 8tate conven tion and allowed the Cleveland and t f ii j . . . icixiui7 democrats xo control it 9 m a., . ana turn aown tne silver co opera tion, but he has s ince played into toe hands of that element When the National Committee Meet ug vi w "ouiuoi auo party was held in Washington last Spring to name a time and place for the na tional convention, it was well known to every member of the committee and to.the public tbat Mr. Bryan and his friends wanted an early national contention not Utr than J on 6th- was also well known that Croker, Hill, Gorman and McLean, aid that oote rie of Cleveland Democrats were ia fiforof t UU convention, and that tbrir dale was Jaly 4tt ; and the onlroonteit before the Committee was as to da'. Tn Croker-Hlll Qurman crowd won out, and ibey rn i,nt with tha votff and halo 0, C )iUDiittuD Daniels of North Car-J olma. When th national contention did L, m-etat Kansas City, it waa well I kaown to every one in the Convii-to . . r.nt.M- of .i thkt Mr. Hrvanl" wanted a specific declaration for tree Bivr at 1G to I ia the platform. Hill, Croktr, f L in. and all that .inu unH nnnnnl I tuiideiireof Mr Brjan. Tney won oat na-l ucceeded fa taming down tie wiheof Mr. Bryan, ani tney id it with the helD of one Commit- . . . s th Carolina. mol . . . man, wun wnai iununce nu uvuc be could make ws very active in whin jinir around fum hottl t hotel whipjing around fiom hottl t botel d o, posing the nomination of Mr. Towne, and advocating the nomlna- tion of Mr. S evenon, while it is genr rally understood that Mr. B.y- an wanted Mr. Tovtue nominalej. Now eiuee thm touliar conduct oo toe uart of thie man Dan'eJs, it is noticeable that he has been MocUiruin thftt he was the great . . . - i I and that it wa his duty to t ty trait- 0r a- .,v-rybody tut did not come to him for orders. It looks very uiacb hke a ca" of thief cryinR: "atop thief T" In tbU connection It might also be added tuat tnis fellow is one day de- noancimr the P puli8ts of North Car- oliaa, at.l declaring that Bryan dem ocrats a not want or need any of their b lp to carry the Sta'e, wbiU thentx day be is ciying that the Populists don't want Bryan elected, and will be responsible for his d feat if he does not carry this State. We carry do not care to comment upon tnis a8sinirre cry except to observe tbat Mr. Bryan is much more popular in MlL vr. 1.1 una voruiiun iuau vmuci uu if Is or Mr. 8;rnmons, and tbat if Mr. Bryan caanot carry the Sta'e by no honest count of the votes, that then it will be much easier for Simmons and Daniels, through their election machinery, to cunt in the electoral I vote f ir him. if thav wanted to do it I . ' . .... man it was tor inein io steal tne I State offices for themselves by fifty thousand majority on Augnst the! 2nd. In short, under present conditions, unless Simmons and D tniela entered into the conspiracy to turn tho State over to McKlnley. it will not go for aicn.e,, uecause it win ue very i easy for them, regardless of how the I voters vote, to coaut up fifty thoas- and majority by means of the elec- tion machinery. If thy are mio the deal, of course they may stand to it, and let the State g for McKiuley, or theymayget greedy and want the federal patronage i a the State, as well as the State offices, aod refuse to stand by tbe deal Wuat will be the resalt, we do aot know. We do kaow, however, thai Mr. Bryau's iaterests ia tnis S ate are in false and treacherous hands, thonsrh it may be that their greed for the fed erat omaes win cause tbem to save the State for him. 1. b. since the above was writ ten, the following has appeared in tae wasuiugtoa lost, aod has been copiea oy some north Carolina dem- ocratic dailies with approval: "The situation in North Carolina. as between Mr. McKinley and Mr. Bryan, is engaging some attention among well informed politicians in these paris. No one is quite read v A . Al A a. 1 m TT i -taw m I to say tuat ine Aar neeis win desert the democratic columo, although the story was brought to this city some days aeo that there was an agtea- ment between republicans aud dem- ocrats, made a couaiderable time ago, uiai lue amendment snoaid oe car-lAm riedia August aad North Caroling electoral vote delivered toMcKinley ia November. Taat storv has ben told quietly, bat with great empha Slatet why did ihe Democratic boss- was 8toien for him by the said Sim sis, here of 'a'.e. It has not carried es arrange for the Ameutmnt not mons by fraud and force, werepres couvictiou tbat any such agreement to go into effect uutil 1902? If we ent We think It a little some SXiSS, o ..d i, w,. V to helr credit that the, strong tendency amotg some North bad why wait nntil 1902 10 get rid 8tyed way. When Ransom and Carolina democrats to fall in line for of it? We content ourselves with d6181" were prosecuting Sena- the republican ticket. it ta-lSl&5Sf Catuniaan: who are in the confideuce of political parties that there is a movement among the dmicrats down thereto issue a manifesto within a few d.ya o!l ;I l.-rPrer"nc. ow tuat Mr. McKinlty. Dea Is of the men and of their iLfluenoe ia various I XMortb Carolina communities cannot I how oe given, out steps have acta ny oeen taxen to tbat end. with P osptcts of successf al culmination." The above shows that 'others be- iaej ihs Caucasian- believe that m . ... such a deal was made in 1808. inrKUiAUSM AND ANARCHY" nERE IN NORTH CAROLINA. The Democratic machine in thulP08 la adopting the amendment! State is already howling against imperialism in the Phililoines. xms is the machine that inaugura A.. .!.--. . tea ine reign or terror in certain sections of North Carolina to intim idate voters and to rob ballot boxes and to break u p free speech byk; , x, n' . means of redshlrtism, ruffianism and and anarchy. These things are worsethan .imviriaii. 7 l.V.!!! who are honestly gaiot unperiaT iam Aann., i . 4T. imperial - gin at home to practice what they preach. If Mr. Bryan is honestly against Imperialism he will not en- North f?55!CfSic maclline In atal'nat ,,75? against that that is at our doors oeiore Deing against that which maV exist In th lalnnH.. . tk. r. -in" I v . LiTLh kV u r- clflo Inhabited by barbarians. THE SAME It THCK IX jrORTW CAR OLIO A. Major Wui A. liotchkles. editor of the National Republican of Mia neeots, ao able vert-ran wbo has bwen battling la the racks of re form for a quarter of a txatarj. writs the following leading edito rial la nie lata of Aug. l?tb. with rtf rence to ths Vice Prtaldsattil !tatl0I FtAd hlr. Towne'a declination I ni.,Ani. nnniiornmtniTftd Pf hlra In od faith and expected him I W I remain ia the field. We think igro rale North Carolina; and plant declination a mistake Jt will on of electors. By nominating Mr. Bryan the People's party proved ita patriotic aeeire ror tne necessary hr I0?",.. wl , f .5 '"P?" Ml 1 H A I illl7 j MA l(J III A A A n .OPfnriimnat m-r he thft n,m ocrata In the same generous apirit. ir It la, tnere will be harmony in Minnesota ana victo y will result." MalOr HotChkleS if! the abOVe has firnroad fimrtlw thA MntlmaiitaL. i 1 of PopullsU In North Carolina. uu U1 everywhere, will not be di will not be d nd of the rank and file of the party ine feopies- party delivered bag and bag- N?K iwnwcnwic lyf ana tbose wbo are advising it and are attempting to accomplish it are vwrJ unwise ana loonsn, u tney think they are doing it In the in- Iterv.t or Mr. liryan. ir there are OQy doing thin, hoping to carry fa- vnr wl l.h Mr. Krvitn and t hurahv I cure federal patronae, he should cau a naili on iavm wnnouiiurxner delay and pray to le delivered from! ftuch friends. SOMK OF THE DEMOCRATIC RAS- CAI.ITY IS THE 14 I'M aKXATO IHAT. DISTKICr. Tho Democratic returniug boards in the 14td Honatonai District has counted out Mr J T. Knnuedv. the Populist Senator elected ia that dis tempte,i to ha County It .tarai tnot lbe Simmons machine at- ave tbe - Democratic taming B ard ia Sampson county to steal enough votes to beat Kennedy and put in the Demoeratie e&nma&ta. i nn in a ava, ian l,j.j , u . . votes ia Smps.a county by throwing out four large Populist townsbip, carryiag that many Pjd- uusi oiai ruy wiiaout any cause i ... whatever, but sttll this was not enough to count in the Democrats. So their next fctrtn wun tn nr.lar tha nm t- ... m . , e n, aen coanty to send ap the returns r. xr i with Mr. Kinnedv a ntma wrnrnr. Wfl notiua t- . nmiim. nara h.a . M I Kenned. th P.nnii.i a,. . daf-tftd h,, hU nama W-L. ed ron .n .. a .... vnt . . . B,.d Th- . ih . a THf catjoasun has ia its doss.. ion ftnn:A, of th- ti.. a nna . Mit .. . gidftJt tha ,Atnrn. waav ma aa u ld :a aiariar: Klin . iih 1Q Blad(m in tQwn onft w-rglMnf lfl K 1 ..' oorreotiy Tae dJVi try WM COin mitted by the Democratic eouaty re turaiag board of Biaden. Taese Dem- AAH . . Li . l.u . visum iiuv ivr nuuuia everv nno no i indicted. Mr. Kennedv shoald con- test for his seat, and if his Democrat- ic opponent is au boaest man and al geatlemaa he will aot accept a sto- len seat. tarred and feathered for AND FEATHERED STUFFING BALLOT BOXES The press dispatches rtDurt that an attorney named Baker in Okloho- ma has jast beea tarred aud feath ered bv th hnnMt people of his county because he was I caught staffing ballot boxes. Mr. I Baker should come to North Caroli-1 . na and join the Simmons machine. I where tne more rascalitv ha wna I rni nf in tnffin. k.n u j I .u e yw"B" Ul wnlM, men' ,ne moro respeciaoie ne would be with Mr, Simmons and his crowd, and he would no doubt oe rewarded with an . i . , . , 6 J"d rascality If we had negro dominatiou in this I asking this question now. With la- - -re woa r "eaoticetaat some Democratic PP" are continuing to say what they said so frequeatly during the P"011 of tho amendment will be re1 neHD me negro, and espe- eialiy stimulate tbe education of his race. This prompts as to stir . what we have said frequently, that if all the negroes are going to be ed ucated so thwy can read and write within the next few years then all of the same negroes will then be voting wno nave voted in the past. If this is going to happen what was the onr I1 th PMPle remember . these I things' and watch later develop aents. The New and Observer in report ing Mr. Bryan's speech in accepting th Pnnnliat nn'm;.;M. 771-?. " 7 UM L 7I "utarism." won- !er lf ha Mld anything about ihe 2 T T 1 m North Carolina, nndar th. of redih,rt? ' - Te negro racket is now confined wtirelJ within the ranks of the Dem ocratle politielana. The eood JSli 0 the 8tat6 wiu now bwathe easier ana wok on complacently at the hair- I -. .. . wiwiout even ine nana sym- athv far th. -ni., 1 w wva y A HAD MARCA!. The Democratic party of Mortis Carolina ha la the last two cam paigns conducted a warfare, tbw niAnur of whlsh will forever leavs a atAlo upon the p da ted page of the history of the State. The as sumption of the Democratic Gfice seekers, who had for to long be nuMng their wrath against the eommon people of the Bute for o j anewrwmonfaustw and with nnhMrd udacIty removing them from pnoiic pap in i3, was tnat tne ne- i a W 4 . w a - ingr themselves a do a this falsa at none knowing better lbn they Iu baselessness, they proceeded in their revolutionary to fwe aaote their rlffhuoas declaration) "lift the ruthless heel or tne negro trom tbe neck of tne . . . wnue man. . j.ueir pian oi cam- paign necesaltatea an attack upon the Nwo. They well knew that Uhor r.a nn hnrw fnr tham arm 1 , ff10 Stete against him, and to do this it w&a necessary to make them be iieve that his was a dangerous race arrogant and vengeful. The Dem ocratlc press and politicians de lighted in telling of his Insolence to the whites, of his threats to burn and to kill. Were these threats either made or executed? No man m the State can say, of his own personal knowledge that they were. n. ti. rv. . i. pers, papers which are to day In a flght among themselves, each awearlog the others to be the blg- gest Hats. But the conduct of the negro him self through both of these cam paigns tells more eloquently tban j can be told of him that he belongs to a race hlch bears no malice and which cherishes no resentment This too, by the way, proves more conclusively than page upon page of argument bow unnecessary were the anarchistic methods of the Democratic party ; and better than anything else could do, tears from the stalking horse of the party the mask of "white supremacy" behind which it revealed the hungry, ca daverous look ot the office seeker. But even the worm turns, and in this case the turning is in a way which is of no small concern to the white people, especially to the far mers of North Carolina The ne groes not understanding that the movement against them was for the aggrandizement of Democratic office seekers, have come to believe that for them, North Carolina is a dangerous State In which to live. Already they are leaving it in large numbers, and from every part of the 8tate we hear tne Stressing y r -scarcity oi labor." This is a serious condition and one which should be changed If it can be. The most distressing part is that the element which seems to be leaving r those who work the farms, who m5ver Intended wrong and wh neve ld It, except as all men are liable to do wrong. Of course Mr. Bellamy's "aristocracv" have no cau8e to fear and are remaining to !3?y T dl8tinctin ot easting ""i5 xur. ueiiamy in controlling tne state government. So it seems that the only com pensation the State sets for the shame of lawlessness in which N. Carolina stands before her sister 8ttea the relSn of terror that has been lnfllcted uPn her OVfn cdl zens. the Inconvenience to farmers whlch the driving out of the negro labor means, is that Democrats now WH.. . noia jods. is tne state to be con- gratulated upon having driven a good bargain ? , It is noticeable that the unveil ing of the Vance monument in Ral eigh last week, that neither ex-Sen ator Ransom nor his political hench man, ballot-box staffer Simmons, nor the so-called governor elect, Mr. Aycock, whose title of certificate r Vance during the last months Ufa when he was a sick man, Z "a 7, " with him, and were backing him, sucking the public teat bv the ffrace of Ransom. If Vance had been Hv- ing, no such infamous red shirt run, and neither one of these men v would occupy the position that they now occupy in the party. . We notice that tbe Democrat c red shirt convention of the Sixth dis trict has renominated Congressman Bellamy. It is an exception to the rule when a North Carolina conven tion of any party condescend to nom inate for a high and honorable posi tion, or for any position, a man who has shown himself to be an arrant coward; and even when snch a thing is done it is a still greater exception when the people at the ballot box endorse snch conduct and such a man. Politicians in their wild yells of negro rule and outrages are but ap plying the fire brands and then fan ning the flames of race prejudice Thus the boys are growing up with murder in their hearts towards each other, and the only remedy-to pre vent brutal extermination, and mur der on every hand, is to separate the races. There is more reason and religion for the church to take, hold of this and push It as a great moral question, than it was to free the slaree. - Jure. I The Vance Monument, which was 22nd, 1900. FORGE. FRAUD. INTIMIDATION USED TO CARRY AMEND MENT AND .ELECT DEM-1 OCRATIC TICKET. LETfTRS FROM EVERY SECTION OF THE STATE. Prove That The Methods Until By The Simmons Machine De feated the Will of the People. (Continued From Last Week.) CATAWBA COUNTY. From Newton precinct: "The steal in Newton Drtciut is larer manwequotea you sometime ag .. We claimed Voters. Oar bnvs nr. anxious to sign them. I dou'c thiuK tbe rope busiuees will work in eld Catawba any more. No Bryan a d Stevenson in old Catawba for our boy 8. Some of us would rather b found dead in the wocds with a sheep in oar arms than vote for a democrat.". NASH COUNTY. a 0 . trt m n. letter irom money lirees: pre cinct: "Those wbo held the polls were all democrats. By our outside count we were about twenty ahead Wilh their count they were from 150 co 200 ahead. They had their tickeit folitd with two sets sometimes, aud they went through all right. It v&o be proven that some vo ed two sets of tickets." ROCKINGHAM COUNTY A letter from Reidsvllle : "It is no fault of ours that we did not carry this county, for the county, by a large majority, was for our ticket; but with such an election law and such electioa officers we have no voice whatever, even though we had four-fifths of the vote. If this elec tion ia allowed to stand, and with such an election law, many of us ia this section will never go to the polis agaia to take part ia the farce of casting votes to have tbem counted as we did not cast them. We wo a Id have given a good majjrity in onr county for our ticket, out we were simply robbed out of our votes, that is all there is to it. The democrats picked two of the best men they ecu d to do this, and selected for us the most ignorant man i hey .could fi d and one that would do to suit tbem, and (hen put these three men ia a dark hole to do as they pleased Two years ago our men were care less, but this time they were aroused and enthusiastic, and are jastly enti tled to the mhjmty, which would have been ours bat for the mixing up of boxes and the unfair count. No people have ever been treated as we have. Spaiu never treated tht Cubans half as bad as we have been treated." BERTIE COUNTY. A letter from Quitsna precinct : uThey took from us in this precinct 170 votes. Did it by counting our votes Democratic.'' BLADEN COUNTY. A letter from Elizabeth town: "At Cane's Creek we had a clear ma jority of from 140 to 160, which was thrown oat ; in White's Creek, an adjoining township we had a large majority, but the Redshlrta from Clarkton appeared on the grounds at counting, and votes were counted and returns signed under drawn pistols and rifles. In French's Creek, heavy frauds In the count. At Brown Marsh at Clarkton, they had a revolving table so that the boxes were continually changed. A few of onr men voted, balance it ft In disgust and from fear to vote as they wished. BERTIE COUNTY. A letter from PowellsviUe: As we here In this precinct stood around the polling place .on elec tion day and witnessed the fraud and rascality of Democratic office seekers how. they deprive good men of their ballots, e were forced to the conclusion that civilization and the Christian religion was a thing unveiled in llaleigb n August o ti e past, in this part of thecoun-l ry at ttaai. Under tbotlfCtion lawldently re erson s friend, ttated tbat nen who opposed the Democratic a m WW think it time for every lover of lib-j orty to walk out of the Democratic! party. It is like a cage of unclean i birds, so filthy and so stinking that all honest men should have no part iu it A good many Populists in this section say they will not vote for Bryan if he endorses the red j shirt ruffianism of the Democratic party In this State. BRUNSWICK COUNTY. A l.tter from Gay's precinct says: 'Dowa iu Bniusanck county. it G tys pre;iuor, tt Iraud. was per eti&t-a during tb canirign just ohs , whicu tor barefaced, unprin- ci ph d deviltry his nt been excelled a' any time, so tar as I am informed. The case is thi : ys precisrt usually gives tbe fusion ticket 100 inj ri y. Owing to ti- c ose ui' j ray ni tho euutv i i 1898, the wist iSilonswho manipula.ed in Brans - :wuK, ,nougbt w w "'8'rnenise 1 liAtri iTtP n t m ant II ,mnn o i inr. f " J - - cess. So thev went it in the man- uer following : It was decide 1 that a reirtstrar t bo aid be ap;oiuttd ho. a was understood; would resign ; beu ; tne davs of resis'ration Da8d hv and tae 100 free cit.zias or B.un- i wick ounty were of their liberty. But afur all, tne P.pu!ist carried the coanty by a ma j jnty f party were not anowea to vote, weiis not true, ine iacts areinai i nao 143. I torgjt to utate taat tne 12 r- wntier, a brother ol Senator But Democrats of Gays preciact wr ler. will fare equally as bad if he registered and voted ia the election. Thi more c mclusivelv shows th- inarduess of tbe couSoircy. CUMBERLAND COUNTY". A let er from Clay Fork, Cumber land county The democratic regis irar and tbe dtm jcrnio ju Igrt or dered a hoase built to hold the el?c tioa in. It was roped oft all around, but a small place to ; t the polls and vote was left, aud a sinaii i.lace to depart from the polls. Tae elec tion constables were all democrats and oae of them, (M. O. Ballard,) bad two pistols iu his hip-pot ket. The constables did cot stay out amoig the people where disturbances might occur; bat tney passed along the entrance tj and from the house, uut uatuijr crm umeiue me rope. They stayed in the house more than anywhere else. Tbe people think it was the most damnable election that was ever held at our preciact. Tney bailt 'he pea so they could sto ft box es and steal, and that was j ist what they did. Tne couaty canvass ing board threw oat the Hales School house piecinct, whici bad a Pop al ist m j rity cf from 18 to 30, beoause there were 24 more tickets ia the menduieut box tbaa there wre names on the poll books." We notice that a number of the redobirt organs are now saying it is time to stop talking about the last campaign, and the so-called elec tion. Tuis is perfectly ualural oo their p.irfc. Wuo has ev r heard of a thief wanting to hear the theft dis eusittd. He is always anxious to bae tbe matter hushed up, and no more said abont it, as soon as possi ble. Democratic papers still publish that 8naiir Butler will stump the State for MeKinley. Tney know bet ter. They have no authority for say ing so. To say a thing you do not kaow, is lyiag. Bat to pat some ed itors on the simple basis of what they know, and you jast as well close them oat of business; they know so little and getting bigger fools everv day. The Dioioerat who wants to carry the '-negro raeket" into the Federal electioa, has no confidence i a Bryan, bis platform, his party's record or his own ability to meet argument and fact with argument and facts. He is a skunk; he fights only with his own c ff ensiveness. Fixtb United States cavalry and En glish and Japanese dispersed tbe Box-! ers near Tien Tsm; 100 Chioeee killed; five Amerieans wounded. . A 1EHT COJARSIT atUCK. UtHTKllI US3AL f AISE KEfOIlS AKOUT IT. Ha tM Mraa,Vntow On Monday of last wtk a tuo nanit-d lVlron took adaniaxvuf Kx-OongrrwAmaa Fowler and hit him ooawar-a IVtrrwoa claim d that he t Indlgoaai and fe'.t out ragl baa MT. Fowler la hi ptH-h at tbe Indignation metlux at Oltntoo on Saturday the l'. charged that Vtroii wm n ui tb int-n who oieil Wtocbwttr rill 's and rel hitt. Tre ivport f tbl affair was grvatly dletorUtl ty tbe Dwmocrailc pnw. V. give below a card from Wr. Fowler to tb Wtlmtugton 5lar which eta tow tbe facti: I'LIXTOX, N. C, AO!. 2l Ei.itor Stak: We notuw io v if to-day d papwr, an ace mat of lit i pcrp" bre a tbw 'JO.b lust. twea Cleorge Pler-a, ot ih.s pla and tuy-lf, n which oq vy ih iiffisulty t'mm oat t.f th- f et tba' I tuade tir chare- hre oa Saturday to at George P.teraon bad goituti auimuuitioo, t ber bwfor th eltcuoa to intimidate Poulits auJ antt-men!ment vottts. 1 made to suuu cbargr. 1 did uibc(ua Sat urday at tae ladigna too invetintf at Clinton, tbat I bad bowu away from hume lor a few wteks ir-r to tbe elc;i-Di aod tttat oa my way home Tuesday prior to tbe il-ction. I wt painttd to see at Waisa" a liUObtMt) oi reu sniru aid wurb tr r n s waiting tor ti e train to brio? tbem to Clinton. 1 alo statfd tbat I was informs tbat they wrr nrderid by a merchaLt in the town f CItotoi. The crowd then ritted tbat I name biro and I called the name ot O rge Pctersou. Your eorresp indent, who is evi- I we quarrel led on the streets. Tins I m. m . been an invilil for tbe past tifieu mjntbs. lrsterday morning i gor I out of a sick bed and etarUd to tbe loffl $e of my physician for a prescnp I tioi?, and just as I starttd ap stairs I Peterson, who wi 1 weigh lt0 pounds, I without any warning whate ver, ap pro ma, ana oerore i could veo tara to aim, hit me ia th fare Tnere were no words exchanged b tweeu us. I never even euspecUd tbat be was mad till he hit me. and I was totally unprepared. Ihcsearethe facts As to which one of us got the best ol it I doxt suppose tbe public iscooueraed. R 'Spectfully, Jno. K. Fowler. Now In order that our readers and the public may see how Dear these Democratic red shirt organs ever get to the truth, we make tho 1 following extracts from" their rt- m of the affai i it..,.. tU i ,.. i . uu'"8 -ruwier Badly Beaten at Clinton," tho Kal leiirh Potof the-lat Inst mntninaH the following special from Golds I Dor: "Passengers arriving here to- I nignt say that z-i.ongressman wier was badly beaten at Ciln ton yesterday, and that George I doe8 not retrace certain statements cnarea to nim." With reference to Major George Butler, the report no doubt refers to the article which appeared in the last issue of Thk Caucasian headed: "The-People of Sampson IndJgnaui,' which article showed up ihe thievery and rascality of the Democratic election officials In stealing more than one thousand vo-es in tbe county. That article stau d the facts and the truth, and any set of cowardly thugs that think they can force George Butler to retract statements that are true, nave mistaken their man. The Raleigh post, in another is sue, in a dispatch also Irom Golds- j boro gayg. "Parties arriving from Clinton to day say that the feeling ajaiuat George is strong because ot a rocent tetter in The CaUcakIan and that Butler do. not walk I tit streets.' Every ooo in linton kaows how basely false this u. George Butler has been on the street every da attending to his bushier, and those who pretended that they w6r look ing for him have aiways looked M0 It 11 JED T XQ0AL8 fHItOIlA, 80 THE W0UXH ALL SAT . MIm Swaaa Wywkar. Mlas Baeaa Wrmar. teaclr la th Richmond acbool, Chleaco. Ill ri thw following Utter u, Dr. Hartman re gardlng Pe-ru na, fib says: Onl those who have suffered as I have, can know what a blMsing it la to be abU u. And relief in Pe-rn-na. Tbla a as bwea any xperlencs. a friend la nesd ts e frtsnd lndwsd, and every bottle of Ps-rw-aal erer bought prored a good frisad to me." Soaan Wymar. . Mrs. Margaret ha Danbsn, 1214 Kortk Snpsrlor St., Racine City, Wta, wrltest "Ifsslao well and good and happy bow aatpeneaanotdsacrillt. Fw-ru-naU everything to me. I bare taken asTeral botttes of Pe-ro-na for femalTsxi.iVT I am in th.,i, J,?.!M bange of life arad Itd. tood. Pe-io-na has no oonalrin ti t the Irregularities and emsrgenciss pw collar to women eanswd bw Mlvu eatarrb. . J M Addxsas lr. HaVtmaa, Colombas. O. Is a free book for vtaii .!. aaly. jwhwrw they knw fied blm. epxtal to tb- 'bvoM bttty hua at , i -f- Mvj'l-r. .f , ti r ., . ttuOcr. will far ..4u. , h Jim, ttot r. t r tt-roeat. ' Thn v timtojttot; M. ...... -fn to Im prtu I , lan ui uriog in. X C anr. In It r-.ort rm , ' : a2lr. eayw : to h tV bu off Ut- ,... , , rcaU n4 in ,lt t k rti.i..u i . i ait'l arrijit it Ut .nt i, Mtrtl U U ! i , -i v: etou, a ititfhlv r- , . wtrtilat.nt m..rri. ,.f 1lln "ladignaut P.....! :ti the Ovmrat lo milmi i4t v . . lUtw 11 urg-4 th. Pup j'j.t.' txiycott Mr Vtt-r.o' t-.r. not tj trade with blm T.u , , . Mr Fw U-r pe"b ar,u.l t .. rial ion th wnnij war. It a l'frhn n hUrtr, and .:.... 1, morning at CUt ton bn h.. (w : , Fowler and gav. him a irli.:.. i a. j , a a uirg. it aam mat row r t. the rrctad to takt- hi in " The aboe U atM.ut a. n. nr y ., truth as the Mtnt-pg, r ! That -r will Dot pubSUli a truit, when it knows It, and It u.r tri. U find It out, wh-n It. tar.un prejudiced are ua the l.l...r th. : . Th report of thi affair li. ! Wilmlngtou Ntar, at .1 the . , which Corigraman Fowler r. , ! follow: -A "scrap- to which atta eom political ltttort U r p.rl.. irom Clinton. Saturday, at tt. ruontiter indignation iii.tli.l: ' tu that town Ka tongrf.ina(i J t,u K. rowler. wbo -aaa on .f il, pakerfi. in eaid to ha v.. in.l .:,mi In bitter pt-reonalltltw and to Uo. aecuned Mr. Ut-orPe P,.. r-..u a merchant of the tvian. of La bmught to Cllntou arnm ami am munition with which U, intlm da "opullst and antl-amttndiiifnt ...t- HrS. The allegation wan not nr eu by Mr. Petersen until .Ht r.j) morning, wnen be met the F.n ,,. greasmau on the strtn-ta. - r. j.u diaUtd the chars-o mad in ii.- speech and denounced the autii.T On word led to another with iir result thta flatcufl was inviuli In In which Fowlor gut -on.i-ra bly the worst of it. Further parti, ulars were not obtainable v. -t. r day." The Charlotte OWrver of Aup. 23d contains a special from llai elgh, under a big heading, an f.j lows: "To Whip Major Butler "and with tho following ub bad Im ocrats of Clinton said to haw It In for him. The special reads a follow "To day a man was wen h-r !m. was at Clinton, Sampaon count) , when George Peterson, a leading merchant of the town, b. at I t Congressman Fowler, Populist, m, badly. He says Mr. Fowler de nounced Peterson by name and called on tbe Populists pr nt u boycott him. This speech wa mada at Senator Butler's Populist icdi nation meeting, at which Ave hun dred Populists, or thereabout r., present. Tho Democrats t.f Clii ton are after Major George C. Hut ler, the Senator's brother. Majr Butler It appears, edits the Km tors paper there, and in it editori ally denounced tbe Democrats in a very personal way, my Infornaa says. The latter says tbe Clinton Democrats d clare they w 1. 1 swept no apology but Intend to whip Xaj. Butl.r He says they looked for tb latter a oon as bey haw th -!:-torlal complained of. but tbat b had gone away. They say they will carry oat their purpot who he ret urns." The above Is another lie out of the whole cloth. The Cacca! is reliably informed that Maj. But ler has not been out of Clinton since tbe article referred to was written and published. In fart the article appeared a week b.-fore this special in the Observer, atd thOM was plenty cf time for Major ButU-r, who wa In Clinton -! y day and on the streets every da-, and In his office every day, to le found and whipped If there n any one who was willing to under take the Job single haodd aod alone, or even with the help of a cowardly mob. Out break f l'liol-ri. Loxdo, Aug. 28 Th pr-efit epidemic of cnoiera, aaye tbe ri tu la correspondent or the Iaily M , "Is one of the worst outbreak .a record. The bubonic jiaue i child's play eomparv-d with it. "The natives are dying like f!i at the rate of 3,0o( a week. The y Idemic Is undoubtedly due to tb pollution of tte scanty watr up ply during the famine LV Drop the Vjrr Question. ApexXewa. Stme of cor newspapers are til! trying to foree the nepr it so m tbe November campaign. W thick this w a sal mistake. The fcople of N Carpuna understand tt'ee tbe ad p uoo of the c onstitaiio 1 amend aiJt Ang 2d, that there will never be dan ger of negro domination in tn ta'e agia, heace it is foUy rerivs tie old stereotyped issue ct negr j domi nation. Tni a are pier, y of blund ers made by tha prewen adrntoisira tion to give Mr. Bryan ' ie ci toral vote of the 8tate, let b . aegio vote as he may. Mehtinlsv is only a tool In the hands of trusts cd c moie atid many of his tnpp r srs in W' all over the United Sis aredeelt r ing almost every day t' t they v i no longer support tlu present ad miBistratiOB. Among t nose are n.a of much irfloeaee in their re ! tiotfk. Several D ta ocrats who BmTB nru,ror Ppo- d . 1" J aaeount of his views os the s.Ur s - . . question are now advocating bit lee tion. Expansion and iapenalura are the paramount issujtbe are more than enomgh togiva M'. Bryan a jonty of lis elwetoral vote, without wonaidertsg trusts or ttgto domination. I

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