:' a i 4 1 CAUCASIAN.- H Vol. XV III. RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1900. No. 39 IHt NEGROES' SOLID VOTE. lUUNlll) SOLIDLY FOR MR. AYCOCK AND DEMOCRACY. V1 ro u u, i " hi ouW fur tb I ua erratic J ! ' til A UinliJuinbt. V. .11 Opliblitt.il. ur democratic friends raided a K it fu.-f la-it campaign about the i yr. voting Id one solid maw. I h. y fiUo argued that when the it r voted ho destroyed a "white ia n V vote who voted on "the oth n l ie. ThN they argued In all so t i a? wan an encroachment upon tti. liberties of the people and call . I fur immediate action. Now sine the election, if our l. iniM-ratio friends will lock back ;t u loturus of the election made them they will tlud that they ii i m committed the greatest "out i.i.f" along this lino that ha ever i . . n committed In North Carolina, ' .r the n turns show that at no time the. negro voted ho "solidly" as ti. did In the last election. They vs .-I e not content to "eveuiy divide" th" vote but they made him vote practically in ono "solid mass" the I t'!!ucratic ticket and to dlsfran t iiin himself. They did this or f.ilrtely counted the voto. Let us review their returns of the nigro i-nuiitieH. Nmw Hanover county with .'5,000 iu gro voters returned two votes as nwt against the amendment. Kobeson with 2 43s colored tax payers returned 7l votos against tlieamendment, t,Uf for it. fcdgecombe, with 2,)."7 negro polls and 1,'4'2 whites, gave 371 as the vote against the amendment and :,7S1 for It. Halifax, with 2,G.s." negro polls utid 1 , ;7 whites, returned 8'J'J an tt amendment votes, and for the amendment. Hertford, with 1,0:12 negroes and sj whites gave 37 against the amendment and 1,107 for it. Northampton, l,r.jO negroes, 1,- .",:,; whites, counted 1,005 against aud 2,4W) for the amendment. Vance, with l.ltm negroes, 1,(n'S whites gave 013 against and 1,313 for the amendment. Scotland with an excess of nesrro polls, returned 7 votes against and l.St:i for the amendment, almost rivaling New Hanover. liertle.with l,f3i negroes, 1,508 whites, turned In 914 votes against and 2,0 iy for the amendment. ( raven, with 1,811 negroes, 1,5:15 whites gave 055 against and 2,002 for the amendment. Then whose yote was "destroy. d" by,'the negroeb vote! Was It not a case of the negroes vote of the East destroying the vote of the white people of the West If we are permitted to speak of the negroes' vote as nothing but a destroying agent. The Eighth Congressional Dis trict in which all of the counties have a large majority of whites there is according to their returns l,3f! against the amendment. It will also be noted that In this dis trict Forsyth county, in which there aro more negroes than any other countv In the district, went Democratic by 210; and in this county there was a large majority against the amendment in the country, but the city of Winston Salem with her large negro popula tion came up with a majority of about 1,100 for the amendment and reversed the white people's major ity In the country. Noeuea of Desolation 1 it City of lVkln. A recent account of the conditions prevailing in Pekin, received by mail at Shanghai and cabled to London aya the capital city of China presents i lie appearance of absolute desolation. W'e quote the following extract from the dispatch: 'The destruction is simply appalling. Legation street is unrecognizable. All the houses of the foreigners have eith er been burned, riddled by shell or Mown up. Hundreds or acres covered ny the natives' houses have been burn ed over. There has been most wanton destruction of property. Buildings, not horned, were pulled down for mere pleasure. The top of the city wall is Hrewnwith barricades, while under ground shelters are littered with dis carded arms and uniforms of fleeing Chinese. Evidence was discovered that an at tempt to undermine the American le gation was made by sinking a shaft irom the top of the wall. Fires are turning ever j where. Several build ings within the imperial city wm set -n tire by the allies' shells." PERISHED ONJHE SCAFFOLD. ' Jones, the Negro Murderer Paid the Penalty for Ilia Crime. Tom Jones, the murderer of Ella Jones and her five children, was bung In Raleigh last Friday morn ing by Sheriff M. WaPage. The ne gro met hii fate calmly, ilia nerves did not fall him. He walked to the scaffold with a firm step. The ex cution was swiftly done, and he died quickly. His crime was per haps the most brutal and inhuman that hag ever been perpetrated ln North Carolina. TO REPEAL COIBEL LAW. KVuiuck IeaocraL AptMOlwl at 'It rlnlnil DUboMrt, or 1 tr Own elec tion Law. Haiti more New. After dragging the atate through a year of almost unparalleled bit ternes and disorder, the Dorno cr,tU of Kentucky have decided, It 1- said, to repeal the infamous Goo b. 1-election law. Political exlgen-cl- s are na d to b responsible for t hit determination. Ir the Goebel election law remains on the statute books, It will probably disgust a ulliclent number of Democrats to make the success of the party in November extremely doubtful. The Prty is split into factions, and there can bo no peace until the off. naive m.asure becomes a thing of histo ry. It is to bt hoped that tbeblood shrd and disgrace of the past year ba brought the Democrats of Ken tucky to a realization of their re sponslbl itles. The time is passing when any party in this country can, with impunity sirbvert the will of the vo.ers of a state or a municijallty. The Goebel law of Kentucky turned a usually safe iH.mocratlc State into a state with a Uxpubhcan majorl y. It was on ly the weakness and folly of.Gov. Taylor that prevented Goebel Dem ocracy being swept oat of existence by th. Indignation of the people of the State. Now it is said that the Democrats of Kentucky are going to make an election law so just that j the Itepubllcan party will lose its i campaign issue. The friends ot i fn I r ularHona will nrnfoii nml. ' F..cV i j and see before congratulating them- j seives on tnecnange or neart or the Kentucky Democratic machine Still, if the machine, even for self preservation, gives the state an election law under which the peo ple of Kentucky are permitted to express their will at the polls, h will make some amends for the dis graceful history of the past year AWARDS TO NORTH CAROLINA. A l.itt or ( itina and Other Winning I'rlz.a. Raleigh Post. The following awards have been made to this State, so far, at the Paris Exposition : Ai'i'LEs Benj. Davis, Wilson Hensley. Bald Creek ; Buff, Wilson Heusley, Bald Creok ; Camsck, J. S Ray, Burnesville; Camack, Wilson Hensley, Bald Creek ; Gilpin' J. E. Smith, Banner's Elk; Btine, D. H. ProfTlt, Burnsville; Stme, G. D. Ray Burnesville; Wlnesap, George E. Boggs, Livingston ; Yellow Newton, J. S. Ray, Burnesville; York Impe rial, J. E. Smith, Banner's Elk; Ben Davis, Moses H. Cone, Blow Ing Rock ; Limbertwig, Moses II. Cone, Blowing Rock; Limbertwig, .1. H. Hatley, Hudson. In Forestry and Fisheries State Board of Agriculture, Raleigh ; T. K. Bruner, Collaborator, Raleigh. Mining and Metallurgy State Board of Agriculture, Raleigh; State Commission to Paris, Ral elgh. Agriculture Col. John S. Cunlng- ham, tobacco, Cuningham. There may be additions to this lis to come later. So far, it is ex tremely gratifying. The details of some of the awards have cot yet come to hand, so that it is impos sible to say just what is covered in the awards to the Board of Agri culture and the State Commission to Paris. All of the collecting was done by the Department of Agriculture, ex cept those marked by an which were collected by Mr. Moses H. Cone, whose enthusiasm and pa triotism is justly rewarded. A WOMAN ASSAULTED. Sue Struggled Witn a Masked llemon in the Dark Her Screams Brought Aid. Duriug the absence of her husband, Mrs. George btyron, of Washington, N. C, was attacked in her home by a masked man. Mrs. Styron commenced tnncrpiim. The viliian caus-ht her bv the throat and threw her to the floor. Her loud screams brought some neigh bors to her aid and the man flVd. After his escape a mask waa found upon the floor. It is believed that Mrs. Styron 's ansailaot was a white man. He is still at large. Elopes With Employer's Daugh ter. Charlotte. N. C, August 30. Tilden IT m ..luin a farm hind fit W H .fAhna. ton, oi naviuson, una run away - . j. a with the 14 year-old daughter of his employer, and the father Is now aear chin ir the country for the runaways, Harrison is only 20 year of age, and no one had any idea that he and the girl ever met each other except casu ally. m . -w t w a yi Wrilliamafnn M H A MtT A ,.,.l,fla, 1H nurrn hnv .Mlri.nt. If llliaiMVWUt a. Vax a-a, va a, a. I v ahot and killed nimseil here vee- . - - - terdav. He WM Playing With a - m broken pistol Which was, or course, unloaded I He was looking down the barrel when It went off, the ball taking effect just arjove tne eye and penetrating the brain. - Over five thousand dollars in cash. stamDs and postal cards was atnlttn from the nofitofflce. at St. Joseph, Mich., Aug. 29. There Is Clue to the rODDers. CRA2E0 FROM EXCESSIVE! HEAT. Mr. Mand Became Kskaaat4 and Lal f VrUhtrUl to Wlloiiiurtoa. Wilmington tiUr. Mr. L. L. Bland, of No. 4j5, Camp b. II street, lost his mind Saturday by becoming exhausted from beat, and his condition Is still unchanged. Dr. Andrew B. Harrl was called In to see Mr. Bland Maturday night as soon as his condition was ascer tained, and after examination decl d. i that it waa exhaustion that caused him to be demented, but thought his mind would bo restored in a few days. The circumstances In the case were very sad, and at the same time very peculiar. . Saturday morning Mr. Bland and his wife went to NV rightsvllle on the train to visit Mrs. Bland s relatives. Soon aficr their arrival there it was noticed! that M t. Bland was acting In a very peculiar manner, but no especial attention was paid to him. Be ex-, pressed a strong desire to taxe the mid-day train and return to the city. It seems that before he ar rived at the station his mind was completely gone, and he wandered, along the shell road and finally reached the city on foot. Without beiug noticed or given any assist ance he reached home at 8 o'clock that night, but his mind was so de ranged that be was not conscious of biag at home. He attempted to leave soon after aud when asked his reasons for do ing so, he replied that his wife wa lost and he wanted to look for her. He Is not at all dangerous nnd oc casionally shows some intelligence. BURIEO IN A TIN BOX. Kiirlune Worth STA.OOO Wan Iur l in Itirharrt Wallar-', Vrl. Vmv York Sun Richard T. Wallace, a real estate agent, found an old tin box about a month ago behind his office. Some excavating had been done there to move the building back for the purpose of widening the street to make room for a trolley road. . The box was battered and showed that it had been in the earth for a long period. He put it away in his safe and tried to find its owner, but was unsuccessful. He examined Its contents the other day and found a batch ( f United States government bonds, which are said to be worth 7.r,0iK) There wore also several commodore's buttons of the New York Yacht Club and a number of documents dated 1&"9. Mr. Wal lace expects to find the owner of the property. Will Xot Support llrvaii and Stevenson. We see the Populist Committee, on Monday at Chicago, in violation of the sentiment of the Convention, endorsed Stevenson for Vice Presi dent. Some of the Populists in the west may vote for Bryan and Stevenson, but, unless we are deceived in the grit of which the Populists of this State Is made, they will not vote that ticket. They can't do it without voting with and for men in this State, who in the recent campaign, sanctioned assaults upon Populists with arm ed red shirts, drunken roughs, rot ten eggs, threats of murder, gener al suppression of free speeeh and all kinds of lawlessness and anar chy. They cannot vote that ticket without sanctioning, Indirectly, what they have condemned, and thky will not, and a man is a fool who thinks they should Times- Mercury. Allows mo Hatless Women in Church. Buffalo, N. Y., Dispatch. Kev. J. H. Quinn, Rector of Holy Angels' Catholic church, puts a ve to on the custom of women appear ing at church without hats. He says : 'This is the house of God, and I every respect should ba shown to Him by those who enter it. From tnj8 Bjme on n js forbidden, at any tim-) ot day, for woman, young or old, to come into the Holy Angels' church without covering on their neadlS. intS applies aiSO to wed ding- There is no exception made." Fusion In Washington State. John B. Rogers, Populist, has been nominated for governor by the Populists, Democrats and Sil ver Republicans of Washington. A full ticket was nominated, and ! strong efforts will be made to carry the State. I MM-Mff -M. nv ' xa a va ja .f a Chatham Citizen. - The meaning of words are often changed by usage. Aa an example or this the word "elected,!' means accord Ing to Webster's dictionary, chosen;" - "to prefer to an office.' According to jtbe Simmons Democracy "elected" means counted in. O, how. the world iuwi v a. A A,-. "cu u lueu -rjiuS v I - K a w aaflAn f n tulifaa K W CUD,: f"" j " j I J f a.aA. m. I 1 a in6 uiaoriminaie Deiween ine issues as some neing political ana some morai reminds ns of the fellow trying to di- Uide the Bible up into "essentials" and "non-essentials." Hickory Times Meroury. Fire in Greensboro last Wednesday in the basement of the JL. Richardson no I Drug Company's Wholesale house, de iiiroyia ioouv f9,uwworni oi gwiui IT SHOUL01STQP. vium ofta iHrty HmU Arm it Mill be reniaibi'tr4 ltxt ttiUtu (.riUC piper promiird the White peo ple of North Carolina, if Ihvj would w.ull not (itve the uerfro thrown all tttuaov more. But me of tbexu ko wIliff "n.ri?M" iinee the auindmQt I w. carried, oulv .tDDinir iccionaily for breath, sota of ocr xcbane I ihiuk It nll-s to trv to iln lhm I paper out of the mire, but we don't lhtt trouble "without a dismember exactly agree with thein. We have a ut of theJChluee Empire, have irood niLarv Uw iu Kaleiirh. and ot ten attended with much uc- we think it should he enforced, audi1 u.ake SJme papers get out of tlie low ! flu... .... wu ' . J wu a i xj aa ivtiv mug Uiscu3injf the effoiU of certain small fry poi.tic au to revive the "uig-1 er" racaet in poiit.es again, the Luui- oeriou ArKUii, ueiuucrsiriu tiiiuer a ay : 'H we revive ine racs question uuw, we revive it forever; it i just as nearly settled now as .t will ever be " We uotice that a number of lh uieu wIjo represent the bratus of the Leui oeralic partj are criticising lue action of the mushroom e.emeiit that are try ing to iiowi "i ifger' some uior;. We think it tune to let up on the mush- room le low. The are the goods box poiiiKM&iis who are too lazy to inform r..emeives so as to discu.s living is- Mies, l hev nave orn out the hjsoiu end of many a pair oi trousers sittin around talking "nigger," and tney privilege, lrue, all of this element . awore oy everytbintr high and low mall Uie aiiieuduieiit w ould settle the negro pi stion but it ;s their privilege to ue- eMve if they can, and ilie would be umrueu, iiieir nasi record if thev ; should be caught telling the truth undjous promem ana one wnicn Laninet j . tmg the truth at all nines. Let 'em I ofikvrs are not disposed to talk about. Have tueir way. i ney inay no ua ui T ... . Cheiii hold on to the old "nigger" cai- eas it smells eweet to them, and they dearly love ttat kind oi politics. ihy are in their natural sphere wheu hand- li if dirty, "nigger" politics, and it is as unnatural for tliem lo gel ao.ve inisi , lane ae it is for water to now up stream. All me religious, eaucauoiiai and decent secular papers tl ttie state in t) try to lilt tnis inuslirooin element I of the ueuiocratic part up, but it will 0e in va n. Let 'em alone, i uey are in their own happy sphere and are con tented.'' WHITE HOUSE WEODINCS. The first weaaing at4 ine w nite House was that oi Miss.Mana won pn.. rhu PruHirlfint' rlansrhtftr. in I . j j n r , ufii ua-kv vi a w-T"i nrw mj iii iiui i . ifin l erneur," writes Rene Bache, In the September Ladies' Home Jour- nal. "BQring the Hayes regime M-ss Lucy Piatt, a niece of Mrs. I they nave some inlltieiice witn some v."""-" - rpr- ueople. Yes, we are in favor oi let i. gcial session of Congress; but it may Haves, was married at the Lxecu-ltent tive Mansion to General Russell Hastings The niOst notable Wed- Uine wiottrawu m tun uo "u a - . - 1 L A. I A- V. XT Ufr IT.nr. I was that or Nellie unr, wn married May 21, lol-i, to a young p' ..ik.. Airnnn nhariHa iiuiioiiuiau) Frederic Sartoris. The only vvnite House wtQJing in wmca me tmei Eie-utive has taken the bride- ) l Qua orhan PraairlAnt rirnvHr i!.... lanH marrld Miss Frances v... I."!-, w., t'OIS-jm, tne aauguier oi me luiuiu law aner. President Tyler mar- 7 . r, . k.. i nea aurina uw lucumireuvj, uui iu New York. Kowan County's Scalp Picnic. Th4 annual scalping picnic was held in Atwell township, Rawan county, last week, and was a great success. Farm pests were acconnt- d fr as toilowa: Rats. 1.749; hawks. QOf;. A,Anra QOR. mUSfo sn- m.,.b,.,t. r- noiia 95 wa!a c 'm t T o. iwuitaiuBreuiMouiBu ot a.u.i a,n., and O O Harrison res- Utlltspie, and u. u. ttamson, res- pectively, contended for nrst place, the former winning on a higaerl number of points. This picnic is a most serviceable institution to the farm rs. It is the occasion of an J w ho do not approve of the Holiness ole inditterence ou their part to se- bn, 2; Gaaton, 24; Guilford, 12; iiali outiogonoea year, and it costs the faith, but he paid no attention to ctire plants so mauy who had inteu- fax, 7; Uenderson, 2; Irelll,5; Lenoir, public nothing. Hon. Theo. P. Kluttz and Mr. Walter Murphy , . iL , j. apjae at mega.ue. wuajr. A REMARKABLE DEATH. A Man, With His Horse and bogey. Sinks into a Pit of Fire in Hyde Conn ty Dr. William B. Capehart, of the state boari of agriculture, arrived lure from Bertie county and says the enormous' fires in Hyde county continue, and are destroying trees and soil atUU OVraia AUV BVll a a-waaa. aaa kan. hk. Under. 0a !- y.1- udat $10,000 ,8 burn .wy ttiat. iuAvnt.r aava it is not now worth $100. The fire is burning far - - J underneath the surface in . many places. Dr. Capehart is informed that as a farmer was driving along a highway the fire undermined soil gave way under him and he and his horse falling into the firy pit were burned to death. The smoke ex tends many miles out to sea and by . :.. ODScunng me iig oKub m has caused two wrecks in a fortnight, Wilmington Messenger. The Storks' Visits to the White House. The only child bom in the White House to a President of the United States during his term ot office is Es ther Cleveland, wbo was born Sep tember 9, 1893. Nine other children have been born in the White House: Julia Dent Grant, born in the closing adfather's second days of her grandfath wi-iui two KnnnuwB oix-reai- dent Tyler; fonr children of Ctolonel a r Andrew JacKson u melson, bom du ring tne j acaon aanunutration; fA7u-l!? James Madison Randolph born du- rinir the second term or his maternal grandfather. September Ladies' 43 . - . Home Journal. CABINET IN SPECIAL" SESSION. CLASH AMOKS ? POWERS IS CREATLT FEARED. rreafcfeat McKlulot'i LSurla to -woar rVa-v WKWwt a Ut um uk U-r tow I wf , ......,, MauHu limes Myw "The effort M of the United State to secure a y of mliltary opera 'iou' "d a concert of tie powers lking to the Settlement of Germany persistent retail lu rwiognlxe the credentUls of LI Jiun niiur. ur io iaii m wiin inv iaee t.roi!. has bn seized utn I1' Qd one of the other na - a 1 loiw a- a pretext lbr a continued at- titudeof holillty, Italia dbclalaw any desire or intention to acquire territory, but frankly declares that any agreement to refrain mut be uuauiiuous. This is practically the attitude of the other European pow ers; if there Is any grabbing done iney intenu to joiu ine game, phe attitude of this government j ,h Iuttions become embroiled ... s the principal fcubject dlK-ussed at the daily sessions of the Cabinet. That we will make a firm stand for frw to the 0rk.uta, marketH is freely announced. hat we will do in ease it seems lest lor certain of! tlie lowers to make a concerted stand uhwt the aggressions of. some one " ... ,00 power like Germany, la a more seri- The gravity of the situation has Ii'uiikujil a fuvlvol ti 1 111 t . I L- . 4 he stated that no call will le issued ! unless some change in the diplomatic , , 1 wtuailon makes it lnipurative to recognize a condition oi war in C'hi- na. Like Manv Other Towns. mstoii Itepubllcan. It may le a surprise but it is true, that the regular church attendance is ny no means what . it should le. ioorucit icin rw. i ne popuia- tion ot the Twin City is about 20,000. toiiy one-tourth is colored. That eaves at least 15.000 whites. Thtre. ,, , PBHino- ri.iirrhM ni'fhoHKfar . .. lent uemoninations. The averaee wuii.oi, average erp murcii wime wee nignt services are losnmiy attended to hgure to any great ex in the estimate. Thus we have M 5,000 people; 14 chun-hes; aud alniut fi.OOO who atlemi i hnreh ro-. al in nan whn H nntl These figures are not accurate but . are In the main true and shows an I 1 I J I -a 1C6WUS "OS xo i, and fashion? the weather? indiffer- .iwl r.o v, ...I ..,! . i i. ,f n. .- o .o MS1""1" " 8'- wuav; me lacia nresenteil arp evident ThflnnMInn P"111?1 are vident. Ihe question a serious one ana appeals to every ippeals ery ... .... . . . individual effort to in- ereaso e.hiireh ftttpiirlaneo. ami flisd by the good example, of attending church regularly themnelves. T Preacher Had Grit. A Louisville, Ky.. 'patwr relates th following I Whila hi- .hnr. uaa kimnmrr I over his head. Rev. Gav Rrvant. I leader of ft hnline rnnorPtrfltlnn at o-o Shoal Creek Tenn., preached a scath- . iug seruiou io a uioo oi iou iieopie people , l .,. Um ui. ui..M Brvant had been warned away from thI neighborhood hv th nAnnl a way a r- r-zt I 1 1 inv w u n huhi ii the threats. While he was preach- ing to his people last night the mob 1 formed anil aftr snturatinv thA rnnn- - .... .. dation or tne irame cnurcn witn on, to the door h thf ha devil was leading them in their at- tack on God's people. He was told again to leave the place or he would be treated toa coat of tar and feath- ers. From Small Beginnina-a. From the list of peddlers have a I come some of the greatest captains! . r y am a a . aJZZ SSKSK ColllaP. Huntington first 'bxrsineii venture was a Daddler of clock. I Tiey sold exce lent rat traps and vwm auuo wbuuvii ot tneir mammoin lortunes. Bubonic Plague at Glasgow. Glasgow, Scotland, August 30. Eleven persons are now suffering from bubonic plague here, and five others have svmntoms of the nlasue. - - r r-o- . e post mortem or. tne ooaies I A-Wv . ahaaaAa. a ata IIaJ FaaMa I lilin I1H1MI1IH WW Bill I aa-al IIIIIII LUH olatrue Aue 27th establishes the Tblcvll disease as Duoonic piague. x u loruigu uuus jib aro in uuixi- municatlon with the medical au- I thoritles and all Glasgow ships hfi nnarantinAd. Had Enough of Nigger. We thought we had eliminated the nei?ro from nolltlea. bnt some i I . k to d htm back, and they J . ' " - ao. pw.iorm mueu au.ua ur ai wiih We n't need any or nlgger cry cany Wortn Carolina for Bjan, and every effort to bring ti a a M mar I on tne negro win lose votes ior I Bryan. Gastonla Gaxette. ..untmu- tin.A .,n TISSUES Of THE CAtJPAICX. V ItmmcrmLic Vm.r D1m, TWm krroretve i'aribr. Mr. ttryan and hi aaoclair.M ILaiS ituprrialiaiu. trut, ud blzuetatiai tr j ih great iu uf ttM Naitotiai paiga. duaie nryas paper My iLl la North Carolina we iul hate a rtilval of the oegro queaUoa tUi, we prv ume, all the abu. tt rpitbeU. tit iialred nd the grueral dctuura.liatloa lLal every ou anow Lave alTchar acteritrd campaigu of tuu ktu4. It uch a campaign were neceatarj u tuaiutaiu the a4preutcy of lb Uii rice, we a-teert twat the pnee would j uok be too great; a it t not needed lor this purpuae, it ia foolish aud danger ous. Vet aeveal leading nc papers are ia,i, ling liat lhoe wbo demand I lie lultitluirni ot Deiuocratic plrdgra as to the belter fteling aud complete 4 olitiual ffeedotu to couie adopliuiiol the auieoduieut ...... &a a. a . ' a. . insist inai iue -auipaigu be lougot up- ou the great issue that Mr. bryau has srreviru, rneuiies ot Mr UMIU. workinarfortueelec.ionoi McKtule, . ! Ve,ily.c,uM.teu.yi..j.wel. J .SiiiiinonUMl lreuclu-r la Cum- S the Kayetteville correspondent of toe .Ar-beville uazette says : It seems that quite a number ol preaeiiers wereiedntnrtera lo ttutcouu ty. A rev. Mr. Jilmoti was mmi con gratulating one of tin parties wbo was accused of stealing the registration 0 ok in tedar creek lowuship aitd ap plied lo the sheriff a lew days ago lor a jol, but bheritf liuriis did not ee.u to lake iniii-ii ntcck in redhlrt preach er". r. h luZ triZ leauing eoiuriai oi ugunt rz, trie to justify the killiug of uegroea in Wil 1'iieAortit t aroiina Kantit. in mi ugton because s me .New York ne grots had teeii killed by Yankee. 'Ibe baptist in speaking of the riot iu W il miogtou sajs : " a wo yers ago peace and protection demanded some severe measures in the I oiiv of Wilmingtou. it ail .ew ..ot rl M-. hillincr r.f . rwli,... nv a nero ime ofticer ii th- riot and mudsi.el r - It was not wo in Wilmiug- toa ' fhe North Carolina Baptist knows) that inofleusive and unarmed negroes serve the peact, bdt luauad of Uu were shot don in Wilmington. If the ing this they actually Joined tne Kill. ng of negroes in .New Yora is wroug it certainly is wrong iu Wil- III 1 1 i( Lull. ine Uaptist is a peculiar paper. it cuuiaiiis prohibition editorials wheu there is no campaign on haud. U flflt, flnng ndi ,leVer ceased, apnng prays ior prohibition and voles against ,ug up on al ,l(Jttf In ine ai- u. a religious as well as a political rection of lUu bridge over the iui paper siioud denounce crime wherever perial canal being no most severe, found. "Twenty rcveuih of June. To- 1 he Baptist knows ttiat wholetale frauds and perjury were committed in Cne late election. iheBaotiet kuows , hut. frM -n-a..h . ,i , I , uU tne BoW" 18 ,,?'' te It all denend on .ho ..t ia . rtHi with some people." i i Tobacco Crop 8hort. JPyner. ln Greenville Kefleo- ..irSm. i. Much has Ijeen written and said atKjut tne crop of eastern North Car- obna. Tnere have been manv ditf- kreUt opinions expressed as to the snortage. in acreage and condition, I .... 1 31V On 11 OliltllOn tlAM IjBHU LliAt t ll aci-eage was not cut more than tweu- ty-tive per Cent., and primarily I do ' - " noi tninit tnat tne intent oi the ftr.wiwi: - I . , ... ,, . . Mnnrmbe. l: Burke. 3: cabarrua. it; iuuvo u. i.uau iiui, nn nrmN nhnrt in I auHj aa aaa va w n vv fiivi aaa a'aaaaa karB I ndas cotton at that time wasseiliug at a fair price there was a very not- di piautiug tobacco put their land U" cotton. The punier section of to- I . . OacCO-liroWinir in the east that k . . ... .ts. . " .... ' i hju uu ivocay .uouui has not this year twenty-rive per cent, of a croc a commred with last year, on account of scarcity ot plants. I know a farm where last year there was fifty acres in tobacco, this year there Is seven; and while J . a. 4 .a 1 as a mailer oi courw inu conamou does not exist over a great section oi the east, yet the shortage Is much greater than many at one time thought it would be. Now. as to th i-.iiui.tnn. it ij bimnio luut VHy . " T af "wa JTSJ "f" ""T T.5 anu 1 "ve never Known as . poor . I . r . a aa eonaations as nave existea lor ue i - -v "r to uegm witn, mere was nine rain to grow tne crop, ana it grew op - - spindling ana small. Aoout the time curing commenced the neaDugs , . th , .UTOarj.nCe and have hrnrked havno in manv rtftirtn There will be in Pitt and adjoin- imr wwinties this vpar lnt rr 1 nharm 1 o - srandiny on the hill the firnt of Sen- ""V" I .1. 7 7 ZI 01 M"t Ka Wn 111 I II IK 1 If ftl 1 III IIIKIIV VHnrH. I " J waw ever. I.was astonished to travel through the country last week and . .... much scarcely been touched, and I am told (hut in I r,rMt.A numtv It fa vn worse than it is here. I think that thlor this vear wiU be better j - ' h.n it -ha. hn in aoma Mtr, nr.! least the first curings will be, i,, vvrr t ,v there has been no rains to interfere with the curing and fill the tobacco with san. thus causlntr it to splotch. I . . . .. n the whole, tne condiuon in east is the worst I Ver saw. a., homielde occurred at Ed. Anderson's tne : j.a. Ca rr.CoU A. M. Wad j dell aIl4 chafrma,! Simmons have reaa . announced their -candidacy nr. the U. 8. senate, and ex-Governor Jar - I . . . . I vis, it is laid, will also be a candidate. CMiusi emeui? oiaiv. tk 1 J public lb foil j leg iUU tvu i lb Utary w! tAg b Cnia w&iat ( tn Pkla pabllatted to tb Norih' China Nw ; "By the fourth f Jua ta Unr iutiwt uJ Uguniwtx up m1 dtroy in railway bvta t'ekio Mad Tio Tain, aaa frvm that da also bgan to atr tbe city wait A fvJua, uuwumg la al toe rat of over one tnouao4 a day. xx in li tue, although in outlaws Ugaa Ut wholeaale alaugbUvr of whil tlana and burnlug of cboixbta o--Jdo Of feklo inone ul the latl.r ne bevo Ult landlng. As inaay as could eacp among the Caru tiaus ibvn poureU loto ihs capital, taking r.tutf In the leg auoue. f b tate of affairs, 1 may y, xiaimi ia the capital durlag Lb Uiat day of June. rhlri.rilli.,f Jan-. lV-J -Ahoul! aftar the j.u-k wniu la ln UnlTafeUy of ' - 1Ca',1V , aud whon,0 ,1 saw four places on flrw.wberv-!'' mu,i va 44 loo.hiup-!Upvn I lutnediauly r-turnM u!trai,B 0,1,M t'l . pvn l initnwaiaieiy my house, QtMequently mat all the churenwa and learning mUalvu tui an iuv vvhivuot iui-.wm property inside theutrn oiy bad ' motion aud rioting, niwelly in the t aiier wnicn a greai, lutuauf ui n tl 5 firing succeeded. Thu waa due to thoae places belugnear the Kua ian Kgatton." "This was the beginning of actu al hoetllltlea The govern men t feel ing that, under the circumstance, iho matter had got beyond recall, accordingly decided for Ihe lira i timo to oruer out tho Kanau corp to attack the various legation. "Twentieth of June. At 1 p. m to-day Kanau begau tiring on the Auilrtan legation from the frtnow palace. The firing lasted all bight. Twenty rl rat ot June. At 1 :.10 p. in., the Austrian legation wa captured by the Kanau troops ami at abont 0 p. m . they began aetting fire to the buildings near ry. A uighl fell the buildiags juBt east of the Austrian legation, namely, the luiuwrlal Chinese bank, and the dollar mint, got on lire "Twenty-second of June.-A the OUmlDK b)k W6 COuld eo thai conliagration was spreading aud burning more fiercely man er. rhe soldiers belonging loJuugi.ua own rjersonal coiuiuaud came on tae gne nsloro order auU pre- I Kanu men in getting loot. r.Venie dally It was round mas juu. uu ( i m m ... . in, irri.ariuii ai n i.ar - i uw u ai uajf was r a-- v . in respect. l i'ntv. r..nrth of June. Com- I . . day the liritish legation was taken ana tne foreign troops vooa. reiuu In a lane. The houses la Chia liug atreet had by this time all been ourneddown to the ground, scarce ly any being left standing. Here the diary ends. A iiur rm - .,n.,mi fn. .lin nub- " .f lished in the North China News mnnrm. mnr.,i tha atatamenta. NORTH CAROLINA'S TEXTILE MILLS i he August number ol the orm Carolina Bulletin, irsued by the State Department of Agriculture, shows that thre are zoi cotton miiis, it wcwieu I 'it as I II Z aft.. ia.a I BlUl S DU O Bl IK UI I US 1 II ,UC DHW, 1d8 toUl of tt milhl- . , .1 OA. 1 I. I.. 1. alJwell. 2; CaUwba. 8; Chatham, 2; - t:howan. 1: Cleveland. 14; iravea, 1: futuberland, 11; Davidson, J; Durham, 7; Edgecombe, 5; Koraylh, 6; Frank- ; uncoiu, K,aa.ru.8l,,,.,... U; Moore, 3; Montgomery, 5; New I If. 4 aa m i a O I &a a la aff A fl Iff 7 nuutr, 4 ; ui uSt, , i . , i. rik 1- H.ni.l..h. 14: Kich- ., , . - m0Bd. "5 Kobeaon, 1; Kociingnain, 7, Kowan, a; Kuinenoru. a, """.'i Unly.5; 8urry, 3; Union, 2; Vanre, 2; ake. 4; Wayne, 2; Wilaon. l. Nearro Ilaaced la Marylaad. Bellair. Md-, Aug. 31. William Black, colored, waa hanged bare at 7 :4 1 o'clock this mornioir. . H e meet leata calmly, althoogo he waa plain I 'v nurrom on hia vit to the scaffold. T I aid haa for aareral dava naat been " U,"MbZ'2 a??ft uSi --ult wmmitT on Mm Jessie n j - tw..M I Li.WU&UaU.a J veii'vav a a v av Bd neir Abt)rd6en this county. i ids negro overpowsrea ner in n.fh of wood. Pahrnarr 21. I r why He Waa Iefeated. lAaheville Gazette At bastonedefea'eJ candidate aeema 10 naTe i humor. F. Moore, defeated by Dr. McNeill for I . ? . t . . I r : ... . tn legwiavare ia oruu...c. Wuu writes the Southnort Standard a fol- s -w the auestion ariae. why a . . . a I " Dr Mceiii wa. eiectear wny. mesa l"' t"' TZ" J.T?'i because he received more votes tnan I aia ,1. , 15 V , I . . . I L J!J t. n mJw,,f occauwc a - i ... . . . . OI tne men?!a 1 "a ' " ' the people, like the doctor, were op- PU I think every man hi a for riht to, .vote ,for whom be Ple deJ ... a republican form of government. I rePUD,ii no l JL 10 tvbai"trike me no.w. tn.at 1 m Det "e lIJ Terj ..lrl Nlrk Lat Thursday Just before eundown - distillery on Hcnting Creek. Jim Mar al- low was struck with a stick of wood on for the side of the neck and shoulder by I a a a . it. a 1 Jim iewts, irom wnicn aeatu iouown 1 in a few hours, wiiEeshoro unronicie. NKUS UYJIS ft" . ... . f . II ... . t . 1 Thm 1m trviit frvi &r CUrdo ar rtlmirj ml ItMv ItW In L f iBttf vt iMNra loar I k.a I .MW I ft fal an.-M .U4 prt t t 1 dvplvattMt Uatu i trgta- a llugbtiie llagbea aya U taaa Oit.kMi wtia auMM la a l edil u ai.alt, Ml to aSiar La The vliy of Chicago has vr 14, Mi vuiptwj oa lb pA rvll. elti a 4 ol n dwpartruval vt lae M ovratloa cvu ucii and tb miBstl. Ta Mlae4U.a Ui aavlaa. if , . . . m VM.kt t I aria .BUMmMsuu .'.,ui u wa .uil. mnd. lr..j, iruui Jiu lu pM4da, aud Uw "t u B !r 1 liar lot l- tuiave.a M..ooo .Ura rfj 11 a III tm Urn alsj liaar tle plaul ol lur mH lri.iie .! ai.U rert.lt tec C' plaol. Iltf Milili tniitUlS ,llt tell alofle tilU lUv. 1. N. Irey, of lb lUUlfh Ourtaliaa Advocate, was wiivkat l'ieatoeal ol ihe North Carolina I'reaa Aaaoclauoa at lb aaaua4 niMtin in Asuwtille laal wek. I he twriitf -tbird anuual vt the taulilTa o l.iU-r.) iwnittl in t.aeHie it rtk. 1 lirre wrr !( iliellitH-ra preaet, rrpreaUllb ta. ola.ea. i liirt) new tt.ni.t-ra (ra4- Ulltll Iu IllVlViU' II. llwatal I'frM Am. laliua awl In AaUt-Vl.le oil laal WrJumli), 'la lrcaat iIm stale a a aril frpfMruiJ. a 1 u-etl ol a liea titwl la a waa tlu. uuiclily li. ruurU. A banquet aaaglt- ii ai (hi- ofeaiialioa Hotel. Al. AaoociateU I'rea tllraU-i truta vliKta aa a that Ariuour A hat rr-i-U all o. Ucf IrolU tle Huaaiaw Ao rriillirtil lor ailleu million KMid ol be- ou lti lnut,to l--J ttie aviidirra ol lite Cxar iu Likt lan I arrar, ol t;aulrtury. Y.ug- lauu, touiriuui- aj laiporlaut and iiKt-!.l - rU Ir l j lb ryylrat Urf Xaaiine NuiuUrul ll.r uil.k, all I'd " i nrolfti.al i,haiiKa ol ira iu Aiig.aud . ( l-i a )ru. 11m- ouuuuk ouuiaujr, Avw Vota.j Ceurral Joe n he .rr will if o4 years ol agr ."-p rmUr lOtti.aud ai.l tbeti gu on Hie rrlirfl liai Vj Ut operaUou wl luiiiiary law. drueral Iatt would uuduUb.eUly aucceaU liitu If tt awtuol lr the fact tnat lie tiaa already paad toe aga limit. Ul-kory, Calawha couaty, U becooi lug tin? leadiuK dour luauulavturn.g butrr ul llic Mikr. It bow tiaa law rA er uitlla in opr ration aud taw new uuet are goiug up. V Im-u ilae plau are cwujpirted tb capacity ot iticae ry'a unaa will t auoot boo warrela per 7. t Tno ComuiltUx of the Houthern Cutwu xaru opiunwia' AaauciaUon, ol which lir. J. 11. AtcAUeu, vr Cuarioliv, u Chairman, iu ia oou lereuco a 1'nliaUelpuia iaal Woe a witu acomuiittoeoi tne former Cot too Yarn Mpinnera awua. luwjr arwu auaa lua Oacrt aaw ia price wl Mlwa yarn ia uu to over- oruUuction. Ilia believed arrangw uieau witt be maue ior rauuetug the production. Nino hundred and ten people were killed aud neatly 40AI in jured in ine shop and facUiflea uf .Sew Vora alouv in &J. la the wnoJe cipaaian war, Including the lioosevelt oaa Juan affair, tnrv were but iaO Americana killed and hut 1,57 wounded, l'na in dua trial war under tnls ayatem it far more fatal Utan actual war wim nog range ril'.es, sutokcleaa powder and dynamite ahells. An editorial ln the K. Y. J5un state that American railroads .car ry In a year the great total of I, (JiJ.UUoVM) tons oi frelgnt. laat year Uie American railrwada trana ported W,W)J to as of grain whhe the traaaportauon of antnra clte ooal waa Vi,JO,(H tons, or percent, more tuau tlutt ot ail grains collectively. The trans por tauon of soft or bituminous uwal amoanted last yar to 3JVJ'J0I(W) tout, Mr. Jamea Barnes, who waa sect oat to .South Africa aa the bpeeial Corre spondent of the Aw York Ostlook, has had a varied experience in his ad vance with the Britiab troops. Ue haa been well to the front throughout, ex cept wbej ftlneaa drove bim totnenoa- pital, and hl lettera, liae hi well Knjwn novels and books oa naral aab- jects, have the element of dirertnaaa. Ireahneaa and vivacious narrative. He c.ntnbutes to the September Magazine Number ol the Outlook an article illus trated chiefly by photograph taken by himself, on the entrance ol the britiab into Pretoria. (13 a year. Tha Outlook Company, Sew York.) Work Boca Wajra. Topeka 8tate JoaroaL Wnen a man leaves the opposition and eomes over to your polmeal party he is the poaaeaaor of good sense aud judgment and is a patriot. Wnen he loaves your party and Joins the ranks of the other fallow's he ia laeking In discernment . and never poSMsod any conrietions worthy of the name, anyway. -it'