1 JL- CAUCASIAN H Vol XV III. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, SEPTEMBER 13, 1900. No. 40. TH GREAT VICTORY. i i M i;i;iM'orNTIESOAVK THE SIMMONS MACHINE ITS I.AIMiE MAJORITIES. HOW THE AUCUST ELECTION WAS WON yU I Win to find mrir. wTnttn domination, and therefore lees fear ui uacic domination. These are Camfen. Durham tf.t Duplin, Sampnon, Orange, Columbus l lnurn thnt Ita-v.-al tbe bsractrr jf tha i ..ruplriwy, MtiU Show the ll.Tpocriar .,! tin- ry of ".Niarer." K'titur of tho (Jaztte : ViMir comparison and contrasts i.f various co-intles and groups of (uiintUfH are very Instructive and im. ful in showing up the hypocrl i v and rascality of the Simmons mtchlne In Its subversion of frw g'jvfrnment In North Carolina aid th despotism It has enforced upon the poople and the damnable sham t!ir is In their excuse for such -iibvrsloD, but I have little faith in hucIi exhibitions working any r pt ntancro among the gang or any reformation In conditions wrought out by thwm. In the conflict that u t; lng on in the consciences of the rptrators of the henioos crime Vtlnst political liberty, there are Hntni. small ajgns of not going any further with it, which is somewhat encouraging. Most of tho religious ,r.'s of the Htate that loanod Itself n tho mob in the performance of thU unholy extermination of lib orty and constitutional nullifica tion have called a halt, and with th' so tne Charlotte Obstrver, all but tho ablest and about the mean .nt daily paper la the Htate that ad v oca ted tho hellish designs of Sim mons, lUntcls and others upon free is'uvurmnent by tho consent of the governed, with a great many It ss inlluentlal papers, have also served notice on Klmmons, Daniel and their co-oonsplrators that this kind of business in politics must go no further. For one. 1 have small faith in the opposition being able to cope with the traitors in harge of the craft of state. One b one thos op posing the ring will be read out of the party and will be delled to at tach themselves to any other party and thus the d epotism will grow stronger by aging Itself and decll matlon of its ranks. Pursuing fur ther your comparisons please allow mo space In which to expose some of the facts and frauds brought to light by the publication of what Nimmons and his conspirators name the returns of the election held In North Carolina on the 2d day of this month. According to tho latest and mos' accurate statistics there are twelve counties in the Htate that each have more black than white votes. Tht count includes the new county of Scotland with Richmond, from which it was formed, by the last legislature. Reckoning on this ba sis here are 06 counties in the State. For convenience and the gratifies tion of curiosity I will divide those in groups of twelve each, and give each group passing notice according to the instruction gained from an examination of the facts and fraud shown in the returns of each group. lU-glnning with the blackest of twelve counties I find by the statis tics already referred to thit those counties in I heir order an follow?: Warren, Halifax, ('raven, Edge combe, Vance, Hertie, Casweil, New Hanover, Hertford, Northampton, Chowan and Richmond had 21,875 white voters and 2S.fJ. negro vo ter. By reference to the returns of the recent no-called election I find that the democratic party carried ev ery county In the group without a BOERS STILL FICHTIUC. " Cairtarea a Train of tpUr, London, Sept. 7-Oeaeral DeWet baa CaDtured a train In tho naivh r mm ' O F --m-mMM ws f - w - n i muc), Chatham. Moore. Furvvih I borhood of KmanRtui - urino 11 --.I - . i ... . ' i - - -" ihnwun 33.405 whito and carloada of snnoll. i n j.-. i.i.-t ' .. . "Puaciivoiers. HVthe returns A Ri. i. at hand there were cast in thatirronn v....,.:, ... tyynm.t .. . " 1 'j iiuammea woiCD were m,.Mi. .iT.J 11 loree. of Oon. Ballr .nd OenerM . uw.k uirj live t.l. , . . . the democratic Dartv waa i ,., J Bolna ln th mountains above Ly to carry seven out of the twelve coun- r,nbar&n,re been suspended. Gn. MM - I tie with a total majority of 3 874 uiier casualties since August 21 wie nun group is composed as fol- naTe numbered zU lows: Alamance, Cabarrus, Currl- Both sides, the dispatch says, are tuck, Rowan, Tyrrell, Johnson, Gas- awaiting developments. Gen. Botha ton, Davie, Guilford, Harnett, Ons- being unable to get away to the low and Lnlon. With a white vote north, will nrohahlv rtt th . .4' t lino I A...a. ...I ' - :V:r aga.Lst i,,u oiacK, eight Houtbaach hills and thence toward V.:,TTOU? i .to Alkamar or Nelsprult. r.T"u.,":M"""? ." men assert that mo iwni u, o,ii.), in uiner woras, in a group of counties selected Indis criminately from all parts of tho state in which there were 20 &7A According to advices from Lo- more white than black voters, the reDz0 Marquez of Tuesday's date, conspirators failed in getting mere the Boors are trekking from I.y man 1 2,000 white men to see any delburg toward Hwazlland. The t Boer wo- assert that the army would surrender If the British promised not to deport them. danger in nigger domination The next group, Rutherford, Run- combe, Polk, Burke, McDowell, Htoke, Davidson, Cleveland, Iredell, Carteret, Lincoln, Montgomery, had 36,314 white and 7,599 black votes. Yet the returns show only 22,558 democratic to 19,583 fusion votes. In other words, in this group, where 29,0 5 more white than black voters live the conspirators could only duce 2,975 majority of the 8wazis are said to be looting the Boer stock. VANCTS GREATEST SEtYICL It W M IIU EiMvk of rtdelitr to Trwrt la Corr-pt Er It Wmm VW k K poad ud Dvflacid tbe Trickery at Bm tom, CVttad ta4 Klmnos. RaleigH News and Obeerver's 8oove nier Edition. ANOTHER TICICETJ KCXTI CJtCUBAl FAta nCSftCTS. n4 to n4. Political Intolereiice. Says Trojin" (Rev. J.C.Troj) in a published communication: "There is another need in North Carolina. It is the eradication of this fearful spirit of political intol- In- erencejprevailing in our midst. The whole Charlotte Observer thought the ad op- group to txjlieve there was any dan- tion of the amendment would make ger in negro domination. an free. it haa not done so. The The seventh group grows still more party whip is 8tin being and Interesting. The counties are Surry, Henderson, Yadkin, Dare, Catawba, Randolph, Caldwell, Stanly, Alexan der, Transylvania, Wilkes and Alle ghany, In these there live 30,239 white and 3,485 black voters. By the returns there were 14,990 denr ocratic and 17,887 fusion votes cast. In other words, where there live 26,- 754 more-white than black voters the conspirators failed by 2,897 to the venom of men belonging to the machine would make a rattler blush Negro domination (of which there U not the least dangei) is not to be dreaded more than the domination of machine politics and its bosses. The people are going to fight it. You may hear them talk every day and everywhere. The standard-bearer of the Demo convince an equal number of the vo- cratic party, W. J. Bryan, would not tcrs of the group that they were In danger of being dominated by ne groes. As the best wine was reserved to the last of the feast, so It is reserved for the last group of the series to cli max the argument against the perfi dy and infamy of theee conspirators indulge in such staff, and should he come to North Carolina would not tell the people that they were in dan ger of negro domination simply be cause McKinley had appointed some aegro postmasters in the State. Bat speaking of negro postmasters let me i&y: For four years the good old town or f ayettevtiie nad one in tne per in their destruction of liberty and 80n of Brn Henderson. He had been establishment of despotism upon its ruins. Then are Macon, Jackson, Mitchell, Madison, Haywood, Wa tauga, Ashe, Swain, Yancey, Clay, Cherokee, Graham, where live 23,- 356 of the noblest, bravest, most pa triotic white men that ever lived on earth, and with whom live only 1,- 341 black men. Yet these counties, the whitest in the State, without a appointed one year before the expi ration of Mr. Harrison's term to sac cteed a white man removed for cause. He filled out a four year term and not one thing in all those years was brought against his character. Go to Fayetteville and ask the people ab"ut Ben Henderson. This is thrown in i ast as a oit of history. The wri ter does not favor negroes in offioe, nnt he is m favor of Itt.B ums single break, thundered their voices alone and doing for tbem alt possi against this infamous coaspiracy with a majority of 5,945. Noble yeomanry ! patriotic citizenship ! whope voice could speak tor you, or eive such eloquent protest against the spirit of treason to your country ble good. North Carolina Las cause to be proud of her negroes, tatc- ing them as a whole. Let us be mis sionaries to them. Right here it is in order to remark that the stand taken by the editors of the creat religious papers of the Everything eooaidered. I think it mast be said that Vane stands above any other man prodoed by us. He is the only North Carolinian who, tine the war, has enjoyed what may properly bo termed a national repn tton. He was better known beyond the United States than aay eitizn of this State has ever been. He was, for example, one of the few Southern men who have reeeived the distinc tion of being made honor arv mem bers of the Cobddu Club. Ha was held in high esteem by tho learned men from all parts of Europe who compose its membership, and his death was appropriately noted by them. A noble tribute was paid to Vance by Mr. Bryan in his book, "The First Battle' He said that he was "one of the grandest public men given to this nation not only by North Csro- ina, but by the entire country." That is extraordinary praise, which the people are better prepared to ap preciate now than when it was uttered Hoth because they know Mr. Bryan better and because reflection upon the career of Vance has informed even them. Indeed, the two men were very much alike in mental and moral make-up, and the yoanger p triot spoke of the older with the dis cernment of sympathy. Vance's predominant traits were his devotion to duty ; his modesty, and his sense of gratitude"grat! tude,w as one who loved him f aid, "to God and man for the blessings of af- foction." I have placed his sense of dnty first, because that overshadowed all his other virtues. This inspired his loyalty to a trust, which was abso lute; and so to his party obligations. Correlatively, he scorned a party bol ter, but had an even greater con tempt for the man who ought to bolt but who retained the benefit of his party's name while giving aid ard comfort to tin enemy . Nevertheless, he was charitable to the last degree towards those who openly changed their beliefs when free to do so. Upon the surface, his most con spicuous service to the State would seem to be, either his conduct of her affairs during the war, or his rescue of her people in 1876 from a condi tion which had been worse than war. But tnose were things which his ge nius and his patriotism readily en abled him to do, great as they were. Far beyond them, it seems to me, was his stand for principle and party loy- GOLI) STANDARD PERIALISTS NOMINATE PRESIDENTIAL CAN DIDATES. CALL THEMSELVES USE IATI0XAL PASTY. The rapid taerr la aombrr of cot ton mill aa4 4TlopDBt ef mlalag lumber and oibr iodatnr Id North ANTI-IM-1 Car. MaaU creating ow arrcltormt condition. I &c reaped Aaaad ar be nf made poo It) a farsnrr. Tba martet for his prod oca U aot oalj wi denies; and changing;, but U eoeatog nearer bis door. A fw year agocoUoa, iobaroo, aod truck for northern market, la tba at, and cotton, wheat and corn In the Piedmont and Wester oountlee were the farmer's cash ttaplea. New In ad dition to theae staples, t)e rapid-grow-ing manufacturing towns la all parts of the 8tst furoUh a reliable rath home market for his garden produce. The National Party, the official! fruit poultry, milk, butter and all the title of the gold standard antl-lm- other so-called by product, which have perlallsU, met In Convention on lonK brooght prosperity and Inde the 5th Instant in Carnegie Hall, Plenoe to many northern farmers Now York city, and nominated can- m iswouqchoo oi rouer mm. in ! . . - I the Slat la innlhar imn.. riant fiitin dldates for President and Vice- , , .: . 1 r . . . . im agricultural aeveioptneni it na A platform was adop. l wonderful ir,cM ,n nsme ua an emoiem Doaald Caffwy Ttaaaed For PreaMeat aaa Archibald Marrar Howe Far Vioe-1 PrMidvwt -TV Party Adopt a Plat form. I IT AS AID TKE KtCU. NEW ITEMS. that Simmons and his gang sought State is to be hignly commended. In vmi to adont. fact, not two but four. If the negro One more comparison and I am had to be cared for by the politicians aa in iua crrnnn tha nPTf he would be in hell right now; and maKe w sianu luacou, ished him well. I voted for the Mitchell, Madison, Haywood, w a- amendment and would do so again, tauga, Ashe, Swam, ancey, Clay, Dut j oppose any action that has any Cherokee, Graham, Hurry, nender- tendency to destroy its fruits son and Yadkin, 15 counties, every one of which without a break con demned Simmons, and that with a total majority of 7,635. Had Hali- ax county been permitted a fair election it would have given a fu sion majority of more than 2,500. Under that farce and fraud it is President A - J 1 - lI wneat. eaneclatlv In the western were chosen. Theae are the candi- counties, in the Piedmont coonties. dates: it is said, fully one hundred roller mill For President, Donald Caffery, of are now in operation. These mills hare Louisiana; for Vloe-President, Ar- not only driven western flour out of aklhaM Xr 17ntA rt Pmlt,llia I flip mirkpfj In a larva nnrhnn nf lhl vu.u "vt., vr. vmuutUKc, o- i I Toe lemorrU voted d wn an g, I s ate, out are exporting large quanti- The following platform was adop ue 01 nour w 1 n1 UT' crai'tu a lucai uemana lorwDcimnicu so far 1 he farmers bare been unable lo mett, and large shipments are made from the west. ted: "1. To procure the renunciation of all Imperial or colonial preten sions with regard to foreign conn tries claimed to hare been acquired through or ln consequence of mill- ta Taaa IUaWkaa Xeayrw We -4rt XUrV w IU1 atntam. (Hickory Memtry. Thstmm wbo cant bate tbe txl tj lodikruM lasara and tberrbr ap peal to tbe reaoa of men, are 1or& to quail aegro ltd tbertbj Spiral ta the prejudice of mn. If Mr. Bryan bat to depend apn lo cal laeuea to e'ert him. then a oitioatl platform was aeleas end he repreMau a local and not a great natiot al part j. If the negro tuut be aard in tht campaign, because the amendment d e not go Into vffect till lvWl. then -ibe wlae legUlature" made a nii!il bj not allowing It to take effect on w rat ification If tbe negra cry tuut be uaed berattae McKinley may sppoiat regrne u of Ore, then the IVmocrats lied whrn tbej sa d the amendment woul I -! tie the regro question. Ktr McKinley or same one like bim, m T rua twenty years from now. We se It ba not fet tled it In S uth Carolina. In fact, the amendment Intitea Mc Kinley to a( p int negroes to oftw, f ir according to It. thoae who can read and write 'are inte ligent voters and hall be e ligible to the holding of office s mend- ment sating a nrgro shall not hull of fice in North Carolina IteODoerata appoint negroes to onVe They arpoiuted mny negro poll hold ers In the eastern pari of the StatelhU Fltctian fr flay Peoples. fully we are convinced that prospects i tary or naval operations of the last forsoccesln farming at present are two years. - particularly bright in North Caralii a. "2. We further pledge our effort Opportun ties for development are In to secure a single gold standard creasing lftheiarmers are quick to and a sound banking system. r them and make e,rne,t ,ntm. 3. To secure a public service based , - , . . . ,. on merit efforts to meet the new coudi- "4. To secure the abolition of all tion8 ln BP,r,t of P" thrift corrupting special privileges wbeth- sericulture will advance hand in hand er under the guise of subsidies,! witn manufacturing and commerce bounties, undeserved pensions or tmf whrn and whrr whit nirn avrrr After looHng the ground over cire- j,., for. a nrJfro r, Ju,Ur . white man's vote and help to order him t i jail without trial-that too without being sworn or under bo;. a hitnef - it come with poor grsce for tho who appointed negroes thus, to kick 1 e cause McKinley may ap;oint one and put him under bond and a strict law to do hi duty and treat all Ju-fly. 1 he I'Dly negroes we ever saw here trust-breeding tariffs.1 The Convention was called to or der by Thomas M. Osborne, of Au burn, N. Y . who presided at the Indianapolis preliminary meeting a month ago, Everett V. Abbott INDIGNATION MEETIHC. To tbe Citizens of Harnett and Adjoinlna; Countiesi Now the election is over and men's - n a. & , t 11 j 1 . I . .... waa neurmary. ah me ueitjgau-si reason Has returned to tnem, you are were volunteers wno nad replied Dy their preeence to the invitation is sued to all persons In sympathy with the objects of the party. It was decided that the party b known as the National Party and that Its emblem of the Statue of Liberty on the capltol dome at Washington. A resolution was passed Instruct ing the campaign committee when it shall be appointed, to provide pasters for voters. SOUTHERN TEXTILE MILLS. Consumed 1.507,112 Bales or Cotton x hereby requested to meet in a general mass meeting at the town of Dunn, Harnett county, N. C, on Saturday, Spt 23, 1900, to give expression to your purpose as to whether or not you are in favor of ''equal rights to all afld special privileges to none,'beinggrsn- ed to speakers of all political parties, and whether or not you are in favor of a free ballot and a fair count and a just election law in North Carolina. The holding office, were appunted tj oVm- ocrate. One was a policeman or health o ulcer, and the other a mH agent, to went in under civil servi e whilet l-tr-hnd was president. Mr. Ilrytn d.ie notoblectto the. "civil service." in fact, the amendment is a kind of "civil service. The Ide of crying negro is u armie the rr judice f the people so they will wink at election fraud, red si Irt ism. ha' lot box fluffing and ba! ot tot msnrpulaion In fact, it amuses us to read after these little fedows who want to keep up the negro cry. Tbeftry to mialify the subject by a multiplicity cf words lhey can't harmonise the r campaign speeches with their writings. The fact, that it taken so much explaining are minus of Tb cnacj flrvr of 5Wmsx City, Iowa, show tt t&a poi'atk ha t :WmkJ 4.94S durlcg th pavat m The Wei don Ie4er,a eight psvf wek!y, haa Jat N-esj starW at U'eldosv. with tvant Tons Cmry aa owner, and Mr. W. It. Ore a as edi tor. Arthar rWwall, who waa th lemocratlc ca'tdldat tor Vie. Prwa Ideat In tha ramrvatf u f W. di4 at htshomala lUth, Ms on tho Sih InstaoU Prraldent Kragr, of tba Trastav vaal. haa pruUated to LM Salla rury and the powers aralnst aa annexation of tba ltputhe by Oraat Britain. r Ire at Athboro oa Wrdaesvtay mornlrg deatror1 tba p'aot t tha Ahehoro Wiil and Iron Works, entailing a Kwaof f Tbs prop erty waa Insured for fC.l). Jadra R m atn has raadersd a leiloo in tb It ekwl-Osrham Tobco C oinar rs overttr it t t-a so'd oa Nov-mh-r & h. Ne riJtofls than IICO)0 wlilba entertained. The Adjutant General haa rra td x rm lm to l. J. F. Arm field fur his riflment to go Into stjmmerencampment.Tbe t nsmp ment will Im either at Charlottaor K hevllle, and will take plac torn time ihls month. Kanaa('ity U tifnr the Itrgest wh-st receipt on rfu- rd In fnir weeks IO.UiO cats of wh-at hate rm Into Kanoa City and grain I motleg ont a at as eatrm tost co take it. Viroptra'lteljr ni a i h-inc vtoret. The t'nited VHfiiof an l Mani.fartu ring tmpany of Mall iifire. will put up a 'arg- t a t for quarry in x and saw ing marb:e at Marhl rrrrt, i.rsr Mur phy. hrrokee county, and wlil employ 100 men there. Th lrg saw mill f AlVa Itroa. a'dll M, located alct f 0T r.iiltS 'rom Hltbarr was b--eet Thara day nieht. About :'K feat of timber was a!s burned, i'som of tbe fire was acc dcnl and therw was r narauee. The loss was about 12 (K. fJovernor Mr8wenev lat Tbora day dvbsndd tho 'nj Itol City iuanii, a colon d mlllila company In South Carolina, ard th b-t drlllM colon d company In tho Stato, which f-Pgagot in alb god ri otous conduct on the Ktato Capitol gtoundi Iabor Day. Tho Holmes Orocery Ompy of Wilmington, wa- Incorporate! last meeting will be addressed by IJon. Ma rion Butler, of (jampson county, a Pop- to explain, shows they ulist: f F.x-Sherifln John A. Green, of I facts . --- . r ..f . i a Tne mosv unxina rruicism we nur and Hon. O. J. Spears, of Harnett heard as to such long winded artic'es and John h. Armstrong elf ned the countT. a Renublican This is uo ra- was from a Democrat who said : "The articli s of agreement, Tha com pa- I I . s a a. . a a a a S t.lt tian meetinr in behalf of any politi- po5r fellow must have a chronic cae ny win nanaie wnoi-aie o rviavu He seems to be grucrioa, in. tf In f h Krrilirv rf K..' hw wun a ctpiiM clock of fiosifi. Oabrlfl Home, Ft-itrrt Ia- llolmaa the following extract : -ln 1RQ7 it. was announced with S altyinthe memorable contest with eat deal of satisfaction to persons in Mr. Cleveland in 1893. Here his de- tereted in the study of indutrial de votion to dnty shone with effulgence, velopment of the South that the cotton On the one hand was held out to him mills of that section had passed tbe the prospect of personal ease as. the million mark in the use of bales of cot result of harmony with the powers ton. The total consumption by South- that were, and of almost unlimited ern mills in that year was 1,042,671 la. . a. n a a.aa.1 a t patronage as the reward of a betray A Baltimore special gives a review of the development of the Southern textile indusfcrv from which we make cal party, but now the amendment has or cnoiera imamom - 1 . . -I . M a heen carried and the netrrn Is out otlsuneriDST irom a aisenvery oi worua politics, it is in behalf of white men of and a constipation of thought all parties who intend to preserve their liberties. Citizks LIND RENOMINATED. Democrats and Populist Fas la Mlnae aota-Onn or tbe Moat Eatbaaiaatic CoBTentlons la All Its Ulatory. St. Taul, Minn , Septemter fl Fu The State Fair, It is the purpose of the manage ment of the State Fair to empha size in the future, the educational department. The premium list of re- the present year has been enlarged turned as having given 5,381 ma- and enriched. Among the valuable jorlty for the conspirators. Thus premiums offered Is a school libra- through intimidation, fraud, vlo-1 rv of 34 bound volumes of standard lence and perjury the county of Hal- authors, which had been donated 9 ii ra nnt S v ..AVAM n I wax, wun z,zi wune vuwre, " for that pure ose. The premiums made to offset the 15 whitest coun- oflered the ftnd college8 are ties in vne otaw wun vuit tu ppaic, VVJ 1 HIV fc- Mrr iiiiinw." i i . - x I . . triotlsm of the liberty loving white PUPS are Ior Pbuip. The Negroes' Best ( ?) Friend Colonel Bryan to-day expressed much satisfaction over tbe accession of Bish op Henry M. Turner, of Atlanta, Ga , bales, or about 86 per cent, of the total I one of the traders of the colored race. I Bion was efTe ted between the Minne number consumed in the country. In I He said: I sota Democrats and Populists today, tbe year just closed, however, the con- J "The Democratic party is the best and a full State tickt was named. Lind. An endorsed by the total number of bales used being I h i t.ha ttxot.. niahon t urner is e-r- the two conventions. ly choose the latter alternative, be- 1,597,112, or more than 40 per cent of I tainly a most valuab'e addition to our o.noo Antr, Ibtt ftiore. a Till RtTRlffht- tha Mncnmnlmn in tho nnnntrv. This I folTeS and 1 am prOUd tO Well ome mm al of those who gave him his trust j on the other, the hostility of every favored interest in the land and all that thev could influence He calm- vne year just cioseu, nowever, me cou- j ne uemocranc pany is lue oent ana a luu nave ticai t sumption by Southern mills has gone party for the colored people and many headea by Governor John btT-tlb.lUcrf b.lf ;iX,'S'.Liti!S! e.or.MI,.rt . .U.r .S A. A. 1 tk. A bVkSam hmaW Wa a - & a a .Aa...Kli.ata way incurred such a torrant of abuse, showing was to be expected in view of J " Jn. from one end ot tne oiaie 10 tne oia- me rMi tiFuo,uu "" - . . i i i er, as tew men in our uistorv nave been subjected to. Those who were near him know that he was fnliy aware of the pen alty which he should pay for his hon orable steadfastness; but he never faltered, nor did he doubt what would be the verdict of the silent message. the South during the past year, as one town after another has started a mill for the first time, or has added to the j mills already in operation, or increas ed their capacity. There has been pos sibly a slight decline recently in defi nite plvns for additional mills, although the belief in the future of tbe South in this field is as strong as ever, while tbe support of the movement for textile The Democratic convention was ore of tbe roost enthusiastic gatherings of the party ever held in Minnesota Nearly every one of the 1,140 delegates was in his seat. Governor Lind s nom ination to succeed bimse'f was made by 312 782. an tncr.x of 43 71 or Itv- acclamation with a roar, f.hv rcnt H aton'a nopula' oi la Tha North Carolina Pine A isola tion. Coo'rdSiwgall ht larga Ism bee m.lls in Etstern Virla;a anl Nrth Candi bs. mt a. the Nor'olk last week. The lumber conditions ware reported as more promising thaa month ago; the stock oa hand les and the output curtailol. Toa as oeilion resolve' to mke nt change m the present ptl&es of I amber. An snte-belliirn negro as"ciatioe. to emprise a'l the Southern itats, will tie organized in Macon, Ga , on Sep ten b-r 2. 1 be object i to diacotinle-nan-e the erimr of young negro- which lead ft lynrti'nr and to estab lish bett.r rare relations. Hooker T. 'ah ngtin vr II attend the rxaven tiii. Thocensuaof Han Franeco Is break by a vote of oOVf9 against 9.:i29 cast for its opponents. In oth- or wonls In a district having a black majority of 7,.0 the Btmmoas gang to preserve white supremacy, has majority of 21. 880. Take now the next group in the order of their sable complexion as followe: Pender, Pasquotank, Gran ville, Franklin, Annon, Bladen, Rob- w a lit. a. I . T)-Mn 1 nn, waKe, vvasniogmn, rvTui mins, Martin and Pitt, with a white vote of 29,127 and a black vote cf 23,5o7, I find returned 28 ,8G7 dem ocratic and 15,706 fusion votes. In other word; thin group with a white majority of .r,o90 rolls up a majority in every county without a break of 1.1,071 to the honor and in glory of v hite supremacy. In the same way take the next group as follows: Jones, Greene, Gati, Mecklenburg, Person, Cum berland. Il.vdp, Beaufort, Brunswick, Wayne, Wilson and Lenoir. With '27,068 white and 18,038 bluck votes 1 find 26.8G0 democratic and 13,985 fusion vott-H actuated for, a majori ty In everv county for . tne defense f write supremacy excepting Bruns- 'vk k, wl.er 'old man MO till, aem ocrat,.aM hf did u t fer the negro, amounting in the total to 12,875. Here are now a couutexl for the 86 Maikift cuuntlp hi the state, every .nirle on, with the exception o Hniii-wick, 33, voting for white supremacy, uith a total majority reaching the unthouglit of but grat ifying total of 4n,27t. What helf-.-Mcnticing cr-atutvs those negroes wn to vote themselves Into ixiliti- cal loiidage, that their former mas Un and polliical enemies might be freed from the hllghtlnj pall of their horrid doniiuaUon, His other great deeds, which were I training is becoming stronger tvery a, a a wa a v a a w.w '-"-- " - . . i p 'onle of North Carolina is aroused drawing, industrial and mechani- bieMed with the reward of immedi- day. A gratifying feature, however and while its banner ma v trail low cal work, art, etc ate material benefit to his peop'e, of the textile news presented during for a season its day of retribution Four premiums are offered lor pale iato insignificance beside this the past montn ny tne aanuiaoturers Bishop Turner's lines will now will surely come. J. WlIiEV The nearo becomes a nice fellow, fit to vote and hold office, when he joins the Democratic party. His transfigu ration is remarkable. All his short comings and misdeeds, his sins and in iquities vanish as tbe summer fog, and he shines out in all the refulgence of mmlarii aiamocrSCT. .-oi Ttr.an in the conversion Rican tariff, extends f jmpatt y to tue ij-i k'jC. sn Inceas of Zl.Vfi of the neero Bishop Turner a -most T republics in South Africa and r 27 p r nt. Kan.Mn.v, M?( .tKi.r:.:. . .r.nA tA condemns the hep-Piican ior not ex- 103.72. an Incrcus or uio.i.rai. welcome him to tbe Democratic party "Pressing sympathy w.tb then; e,. urcent. l,!0;J;" . . . . , . . I H.mn. the Utrh protective tariff as Incr. of 2f) rercent. Invar, Ulevelana recognixea merit in i emo- ..7 1 . r liitRVi .n Inrr.-an of "ill Dt-r ct. i.. .w Droductive tf trust, approves the ef- I I3:j.lwJ, an incr.-aae oi -.is per ti.. : .- ,.. -nrt f -nrnnized labor for a ftbort-r . ft" u i a a-, a n a an ata w 'a n saw wav i s (if iws n The platform renews allegiance to )8'J2, a gain t f II2,1I. or per the r ational Democracy and its rinci- cent. pea.rejrce. int nomination of Bry- Url7 " l-SrTa- of v . Pit'sburg, 321 GIG. an Increase! or an and Mevebson, condemns the 1 orto AlkrhenT VI A .amr.o-lw ondrirana I . . essays, subjects : "Tne Best bookx last act in the drama of his life; and ftwuru w,c v " f.,i in pha-ant places Ue will become "m" - -" , , ' Capital ani Shook. Have Read This Year, and Why I Uv-i. than fll heneath completion oi newiy organizeo mins . Bh!ni-nr m(.mher of that -colored ar- the aumin-sirauon w pernor r. " " .. ;s n uwu"- . T There were nine of these mills, four in u in all particulars and demands tat tt e eur "orlflmaBuu the weijfnt oE executive Peonage jn ..si ocracy wu en -r JrF-i . hI1Bf1rold 4n . r.olul u accum Issue. Resources 'First and second pre- nsed Agfkinst nim it is the living I . t. . 0pn . - h nwctine sied tne adoption ci tne what Is left afu-r Iur. A Ixw and Dlszustlnir I 1 1. A. I . . . - . . A. n..uit nonnrw namonrat. miums on oscu Buujwct. principle of that great movement Mmm.n nrod.icinr iroods shortly Since the election some of our The educational -exhibit will be which is now sweeping over the land The,r equipment ranges from 200 to j : the most prominent part oi- tne i . reTO!t asrainst executive usurps- o3nooDindles and from 200 to HHIHHIllrni tiDlil LAI1 ai 1CD asjaa va t fhoa- snmo nf tho RuWr mltt bniIdlnl5 lDe mauien- tion and legiiiahve oorraption " I PrMxr OfiKar 9Rfh lo to i ,T . .- i t, L... Iti.nnrh I wnaii'-o. niuaj) wwv ..v., , vSaOe 8 COQlcBi at) mtj luiuiut; their columns, sVoken most empha- be Educational Day and a special ia 0 affair8 with entrenched power ..-.n i m,h to tho ational pre gram for that day is being ar- and its sycophants, will stand as long 700 looms and represents a total of 75 580 spindles and 2,224 looms and an invest ment of $1,500,000. The tick-1 was ratified to-night by a mass meeting of the tw t oonveotions, A Bull Pen ln Davie. iivanjr "6C"" " " Inlnrncf tn 1 . x, Ll-.i. 1. ... - ... I iaUklU IUDII TT All MO V. uroa.v w I to niHflTT IKSTF. inH DUUIHKL EUUIUK campaign, wnicn win pegin cep- - - " . . ' ... . tember 1st. The Raleigh Post, au DUt PcJr of public virtue wnicn any oi our The Vermont Election. The returns from the Vermont election on last Tuesday gave " Y A 1 TVi, o VkJ parents who are Interested ln our n60nie have displayed. mwioii on iw iusua, is.vsuvs. w lboilMlwIted BlbllcalRecorder and he Presby- e Mr.CharlesJ. Park- tb.ShLi which his 30.000 majority for W. W. Stiekney, monB. redshlrt thugs, terlan Standard regard it as unwise An" W1" 00 ino w. " . . . p.nn m lean nn.ndldatA for governor. I er, manager 01 tne ideational - athtne wiU t6ach, and with gathering nTtlo memberahin reau, wno was iur uwanjr oio forces as time passes Secretary of the State Teachers As terlan Standard regard and unfaithful to the Democratic cause, nationally, to inject the ne- mm tea.. a Im thai full pumruilffn UWBUi99wu.uuUv a I ..K1T nrllt Ka Hlrcntor of tha dfl 1.11 - U .V... Van A tha Wcws I WUIIB UU WW ua ,v"" ..mant TTq will CflVO hlR TMUT - 1 uaiiiuijuvi . . a . v r nd Observer, Wi mlcgton Messen- a nal -ttentlon to the exhibit, see- ger and several other pa; ers declare ing that they are In proper plaoe, ,h.t nrrrA nftatmaaforfl. Fiiftrai off well cared ror ana returnea. IS. 3 HALE. fioe-holders and such make It nec- . ssary that the negro shall be an Is sue, and anything detrimental to It would be suicidal to the Bryan dtctoral vote this fall. - We believe thac no BUeh low and degrading issues will ever be thrust upon decency again and should not For premium list and fall partic ulars address Mr. Parker at Raleigh. A Paretdlse for. Squirrels. . Democratic Hypocrisy. It the Democrats are such firm be lievers in the doctrine that govern ln the next legislature will be about 45. In 1896 they elected 19 . mem bers. The Republicans lost heavily in several important counties. ment would create. After all, it is not so much the ngr dean, and Populists that the Demo-1 Messed by Governor Lind cratio machine coliticians fear and hate. It was for this ela's of citizens that their infamous election law was I Davie R cord. passed and the amendment adopted. It Out of nine voting precincts ln was the white Republicans and Popu-l nvie county .Jerusalem enjoys tbe LPa fornUhln a portion of tho ra- rmuui 1 . . - 1 v ' - nl list, not tne negrcs. wno were nou dutmctlon cf havicg adopted at iui InTrsted In these nterprte. Z H '?u!'JriU!v d Dd beatn 7 the August election, the - bull p.n" ,f yoa are g,ttlc? nothing out of v.i mnni rimhiiirb ujujes . . i I ... . arrangement to tne extent oipiana- (ezc4.pt the price or jour atiiy Inar off the polling place, and they I nVeiihoxl t If oa have nothing left Courting Torbldden by Tmw. h&d three baiafl or constables. If L. ths rnd of the week eicept tho ulated labor; It tho e-xpenaeof production ani marketing have been met. When wo seo rat capi tal InvMUd In any enterprlae, therrore, we witne tho accumu lation of labar. If yoa are a toller In any great manufactor.ng estab lishment In any city or town you rSalisburv Truth-Index At Mr. Albert Miller's, in Davie ern Statesi Will the dtstranenwea county squirrels are very plentiful. I negroes of tbe South not be govern- fhey can be seen 00 the trees n the -a withont their consent and will yard, and over the buildings almost , t h B Uxeo. -uhout represen- be; tne jenersonian principles ui any urns, iney uave eaten uy avuut tat;ont True Populist. a. 1.1. t- . n 1 . v,..v.r. . U. Mllloo'a kafk thin I T. toe UemOCratlC party wuivu sin 1 icu ouaucjia i OM.M.. aaaa a . 1 a t l.i I mnA at nna tlma Ciirahm Sttrn ht the runaamen ai principles ui uuu- . - r " lr tha irt-Hma weather nronhecs . . a.. 1- . 1 A. nnnnUn TIT . O BOH 1ITPI ! TT1 H K ! It If inr - " ar ar esty and 11 Deny, win ue lougm, u based 00 August fogs holds good a higher basis with Issues of more Z there will be no snow this winter. vital lmLortance man sue negru vu a 1 The number 01 snows are buodobwu problem whlc a was set.led at the his gun and killed two at one shot. jto COrre8pond with the number of A Congressional Aspirant. Mr. John T. Johnston, of Bell Haven mants darivA their iast powers from I Tiaaiifnrt nnuntr. was in Raleigh one I insr love, spooning, hall bo guilty " . - ' "... I ' a -w . 1, .u- ..Aio.1 .Wim ..Wvuk fn tha interrat of his lor a miSOf mvnaor. sou euan w j.: u;- ti-;.r Lanftidae tor the ConffTesaional nomi-1 fined not less than $3or more than mey aumK v. j m.- - 7171" v7 ?--T- . t.. 1 J 100 for each offeneo." v . . ai r i ujth. i vx.i.iiiri in Li 1 rwa isii uiaui luia oa a . aw ' to create asuojeeiciaEs ia mw tjouitt- ton is a mercnani, sou ui punucs is -a The board of aldermen of Pern. IV0U wm g0 to tbe Ktglster of Deeds jfict that yoa are seven days nearer 111 has passed an ordinance wnicn 1 offlce anj feXMaine the bill sent Inl a pr man's grave than yoa reads as follows: I f..T the tax payers to pay. you will vrereone woek before, too are bo- -Whcsoever shall congregate on nnri that thro constables put ln a I j-- ,i.rirAlt of that which bolonrs M?tlllfi?nefil2 mST bill for fo00,and tbe registrar II lo yoUt aD1 others are accumula ro for the purpcoe of courting, mak-r I (bollpen). If every-township Id jog the county had adopted this tuu Tng , not r'ght, and whtlo II pen bailiff lnipection business It maT ueo-Mary under our pres woald have added f63.00 to the ex- ecocomlc nystem that tbe titlo pjJU on August 2nd. a fit. T.anis eomoany reeeiv an Ord ifPoi NW .MsOtl for 6 pb. His corn cribs are ravonte resorts ior fo-s 1- Anerust. As no fogs were the squirrels of the settlement. ' visible last month In this section This place seems to be a paradise for we may expect little or no snow laulrNiiwid hfjd finythipff to tiM this wmtir-provldlog Ifc deew't aa a . ara . aaa m mt m saw sv sa s m . m ... Republican. "u roiu. , F, - - - - nge. of the eUotion. accoroing to w what u k00srn as capital abau : r--. aT" :t Hra't at: this bill, "you pays yonr money vested ln a few indlvldual.,thero A large number of colored women bwTof tae eaon and takes your ehoico." Oar peo- M n0 justification la ethics or areieavmg Winston tor new w u Ttry propitioas and ths supply of pie will wake up to true reallsa- 6xpedlency of a policy which oom- ana otner noriueiu omu wuciu wi ibor 1 aia to do snort la shut cvoh- tc. in, atoThonaawork. Six left on the I ti1 am ale to oiek it, the crop this morning train and more will loavs year will hardly reach thoss figuroj. The wif a of W. T. Pet- tiford. tho janitor of tho Winston-1 High Point will vote again Octo- tlon of tho facts before long Poor I pj, tn9 crt...vr of capital to sub- old Jerusalem Jerusalem I Jernsa lem ! why hast thou fallen ? m a 1 a St. eist upon a mere pittance, wum tbe so called owners of capital are not only enjoying all the luxuries of life, bat are expending their . A . a. j nrn.-ira Tho maianrs iDiniOD Liatfjis uou " ii in invpntinr new sau uu- i,a..- ma. L. iA ... SISKlDSUU waw ""'- r . I -a. . T ... Thnl.r lIU,""" " . . - suuauoiw. audj w w v-J I has previously been dexeateo. Tne "nyrnuB f-" -T 1 natural methods of enjoymsnt, ae .A;.;kateanahaaffrmBtoffetllfl.Hon in that town and nominated J. C. Buxton, of Wur v "w " T " - - I r (hem flkoatiQsi that pty from . m aW a a -mm a a til 1 Buaiuui hvui r ss&tPZ. ;i- 3i S.- r ; . . ' '

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