1 i i , i I vol. xvm. RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA, OCTOBLR 4, 1900. No. 4a. i THE CAUCASIAN. ' f. A FARCE AND A FRAUD. M I 111 CAROLINA PAPERS hM.KMN THE PRIMA- RViSVSTEM. IlllCAl VOTERS VOTED LIKE SHEEP. u f Education a If rnubuc in the I'Miuir-ito "tat Hrliuarr Mlri. Mlttir ScraiuW by Daalcolar rol- I tiitrlotte Observer. It tit uo wonder that a good many i.r th decent people of Mouth Caro ('it are suffering with nausea on recount of tho primary election -teui In etlect In that State. Mr. A neurit Kohn, the Columbia corn. p..ad.Qt of the Charleston Xows & Connor, who toured about half tbe State with the candidates In the re rent campaign, writes thus to his p;tper : There can be no question about t bo disgust and dissatisfaction with the primary system as at present in effect in thi State. There will bave to be radical changes In the nybtem or It will go to piece. If it is kept up as at present it ought to tro into disrepute and oblivion. It h a humbug and a farce to have ciiodidates go around the State abusing each other and not discus sing issuex. During the last cam paign the Hpoakers consumed seven long and weary hours, day after day, and there was but one Bong, self or liquor. Tne campaigns have bi-vn thought to be Instituted for a discussion of political and Indus trial issues, and not for abuse and the discussion of ooe's self. Day af ter day the candidates generally made the same speeches, many of them did not so much as change the dotting of an "i," or the crossing of a "t," and yet it is urged that this is a campaign of education. It is not so." It is observed that this view of the question has a good deal of sup port In the press of South Caroli na. The Hock Hill Herald, for In stance, copying and commenting upon tho above question, says: 'The primary election Is sure to go If the Ignorant, irresponsible vo ter cannot be eliminated. It Is well known in this county that In the recent election a number of men had their Humes put on the club roll- bd voted in the primary wbo were uot even citizens ui iu coun tv. and some of them were only re cently from North Carolina. They were voted like bo many sheep. It voters who really have an interest In the affairs of the county or State ate to submit to the results of the primary, that election must be pu rified. There must be some pro tection thrown around the ballot. elrto the party election will degen erate even more into a miserable, filthy scramble In which ociy de signing politicians will enter. No self respecting man cares to have himself plastered by slime thrown at him by mangy place-hunters, and have to bo a competitor and control votes by appealing to the ignorance and prejudice or tne vot ers. Until a change. comes unless the primary is protected against the unworthy voter we may not hope for betttr. It will continue to be, as The News "and Courier's correspondent says It Is now, that "substantial, good business men, .uh nrnrht to be elected to offi ces of this State, are not coming out." All this has particular Interest In North Carolina at this time when a primary for the choice of a United btates Senator Is on band. It Is to be hoped that conditions here will not drop to the South Carolina lev el, but the primary here Is but an experiment and we shall see what we shall see. It was tinkered with in a small way four years ago, with i.trnni rnnapn nonces, and the UIIODVivud w "1 r outcome will be fortunate If in the train of the one now on hand, there are not left a lot of tarnished repu tations, strife and heart-burnings nri a disruDted party. The pri- COV. R00SEVELTROUCHLY NAN01E0. KecWMftUoM or North Carolina KI Sbirtiaa la Colorado. An aa-oUated press disoatth truu Ll'nppU Creek. Col., states that Gov. tt sTelt bad a moat etcitioo- expt ne.nce last Wednesday t Victor, a mining town, a few mile from Crip, pi Creek, where he was billed to speak. Tbs Governor had a narrow e. cape from seriou petsoual violence. bing attacked by a small body of roughs who had been oreanit.dand paid for the purposa of breaking up i ue meeting. "Governor tCoosevelr spok at Ar mory Hal', which was filled. He had hardly began speaking when he was interrupted by noisey demonstra tion. He said: "In my Htate the men who were put on the common platform to draw up an anti trnat platform at Kansas City Convention had at that time tbir pockets Ailed with ice trust stock. The Democratic leader in New York, Kiebard Croker, upon whom jou base your ooly hope, and it is a mighty slim hope, too, was an other great stockholder, and if, in fact, you were to read through the list of stockholders in that business, it would sound like reading the roll of membtra of Tammany Hall." A Toice cried, "What about the rotton beelt" The Governor replied: "I ate it, aid you will never get near enough o get hit with a bullet or within five rnues of it." Governor Roosevelt succeeded in finishing Lis remaiks, though there was an evident intention among these prtsent that he should not do so. Wbeu the Governor lett the ball with bis party to go tewatd the train ae was surrounded by a company of ttouirb Riders, commanded by Sher man Bell, one of bis own soldiers ic the Spanish war- He was also ac companied bj General Curt 8 Guild, Jr., of Boston ; John Proctor Clarke, of 5ew York; General Irving Hale, of Colorado; United States Senator Wolcott, Frank C. Goudy, candidate for Governor of Colorado; Percy S Ryder, candidate for Lieutenant Govemoi; A. M. Stevens, Lieuten ant Tice aud Beveral others Gov. Roosevelt and his party wer on toot. A crowd of boys and men otgtn throwing stones and shouting (or Bryan. The Rough Riders, mouuttd and unmounted, cloted in around the Governor to protect him from assault by the mob. One made a personal attack upon the Govern or anu succetued in striking mm a blow in tne breast with a stick. The sailnt was immediately knocked down by Daniel M. Sullivan, post master of Cripple Creek. A rush was then made by the mob to drag the mounted men in khaki uniforms from their horses. The men on foot, also in khaki, closed around rh.. 14 , -:-, CAPTURED BY FILIPINOS.! CAPTAIN SHIELDS AND HIS ENTIRE COMMAND MADE PRISONERS. BELIEVED THAT 8EVERAL MEN WERE KILLED. War Hreaka Out La Peacful ectiun of Oms Philippine Oorerautaot Autliorl tlea AJartued ml -th Outbreak Several North Caroliniaoa Cauturl. 'I be War department is seriously alarmed at the situation In the Philip pines. War has begun afreh in ihe territory conquered aud held by the American military power, and por tion of the islands hitherto peaceful have broken out in rebellion against the Americans. During the past week the American lines bave been cut, out posts attacked and several sharp en gagements bave occurred. The most serious affair that has occurred recent ly, is the capture of Captain Shields and party, the report of which is gives in the following cablegram : "Mani a, September 28th. 'To Adjutant i.eueral, Washington. "September lltu Captain Devereaux Smelds, 51 men Company F, 'I'wenty- niuth regiment, United states volun teer infantry, one hospital corps man, left Santa Cruz by gunboat Villalobe.- ior rornjos lnteuaing to reiuru over land Santa Cruz Have beard nothing since Irorn Shields. Scarcely doubt en tire party captured with many killed, wounded, sbields aniong latter, infor mation pent by letter iroui the com manding officer at Boac, dated Septem ber 20th. received September 24tti, con sisted ot rumors uirougn natives Vcrk town and two gunboats, colonel George . Anderson, Thirty-eight in fantry, two companies Thirty-eight in- I a o try sent Marinuuque lmiueoiaieiy Anderson conhrms first report as to capture, but unable September ztn u give details present whereabouts ol shields and party, names killed and wounded. Tnis in format iOu probably available soon. Anderson has orders to commence operations immediately and move relentlessly until snieias ana par ty rescued. All troops expected soon. cogan will be sent to Marinuuque h necessary to clear up situation. (Signed ) jh'Akthuk." A list of the officers and men of com- pauy t T wenty-nintn regiment, f now? the following names from inorth Caro lina: charlen J. Beck, Benjamin J. aeay, Noah P. seay, James L. Simp kins, and Thomas J Spirey, all from Bryson City, Swain county. pushed through the crowd, and they dually succeeded in gaining the train which was surrounded by the moo. Bv this time there were probably 1,000 or 1 500 excited people in the vicimtv and fisticuffs were exchang ed on all sides. Many of the mob were armed with sticks and clubs and some with rotten potatoes, stale gs and lfemona. The entire patty re gained the train, however, withou serious lciurv and it pulled out of the olace with the Houirh Riders on the mm m w K a 4 f Am KentuckyN New Election JU11. The Democratic House caucu o th Kentucky legislature has at l&t agreed upon an election bill which provides that the Htate board shall consist of one Democrat and on K nublican and a State officer. They snail appoint the county boards, one or two from each party and from lists submitted they shall also ap point an umpire. This will give the Democrats ama- j irity in each county board, but tne nnarda shall have only ministerial power, except as to questioned bal lots. Jt is said that the jiemocrais of the Stnate will readily accept this compromise. An Owl Perched Over the Judge. Btltimore Dispatch. A big owl found its way into the court room at Towson, a few days ago, and there it stayed while the session lasted. When the bird of wisdom came in at the window court was in session, atd Judge Burke sat upon the bencn to iatn- Uestructlve Fires in California. A report from Santa Clara, Califor nia, WJiri- . "Fire which has been burning lor several days ab mt Occidental nas cov ered over 150 square miles and the dam age is estimated at fi,auu,uuu. asuhu- gt?r who ns Deen ngunug me uamcn missing and several of the volunteer have bad narrow escapes from suffoca- So desperate was the situation that the women and children of tne town wre placed in cars and carried out of the burnipg district." Poor Tobacco Crop. KAIAMCUIIC COAL STIIUKS. Ufa iu tb PeeylMla I oal Kioaa ImrtBc Tlau of Mria-AlaKM a "or eica 1 a t.4 . New York Sun. -To tt average American." taid a business maji ut down from the coal regions, "the various ttrike meeUDfi are intensely odd and interesting. So where else iu the world can uch L eroblages be met. Why, 1 feet as if I rtert just back from a big trip through aurope. In a week I have heard har angues in all European lanfuage,po tibiy save Spanish and tretcn. At yahtnoy City John Faleski madr ipeet he to a crowd of miners in a naif Jozen tongues, tie couuseled tobriet , and loyalty to the cause of labor, pre sumably, but the Americans knew not His hearers bad bland, serious face. They all w.rk in the mines. Andrew Part isb also spoke in the Slavonic and Lithuoian tongues. Nearly every mta in the crowd smoked Lis pip and occa sionally cheered. "At Nequehouoing a Slavonic ora tor with an un pronounced namej kept yelling to the crowd in tones that soun ded alike for some time. 1 got a young Slav to translate for me and he said the speaker had thundered out : "We musi strike, if we are men. JIf we are cows, we will work. Are you men or cows?" His bearers all yelled for strike, where upon the orator shouted back : "An swered like roaring bull." "Then tbe orator denounced weak backed men. Stay at home with the women and take in your cabbage and cut sauerkraut,' was the advice of a German striker who spoke for peace and against mob violence. I found that tbe foreign strikers were on the war path against Slavs and Huns from the strike districts, who were willing to work where operations were still car ried on. such men were denounced as dogs, and they took up tbe cry, Death to the dogs! Let tbe women kill the dogs !" At other places the foreign or ators paid great attention to advising the Slavs to be careful what they said. One of the orators thus advised his dArkskinned hearers: 'Keep your tongues between your teeth. Don't talk. What you may say a secret detective will hear, and he may make jou pay dear for it when all this is over. It may cost you your job or your liberty.' " These lavs are very suspicious, es pecially of those not of their national ity. They live in clusters and are very clannish. TKey never become natural ized, but drift about as the gypsies, from place to place, wherever they tan get laboring work to do. The Poiand ers, however, are more substantial. So are the Italians and some Huns. In a short time, if the strike is not settled, thoucands of these Slavs will go to the soft coal regions for employment. If there is any violence these untutored men will be shoved to the front, as they are verv excitable when aroused and under the influence of 'polenki,' a mix ture of beer, alcohol and rum., 'ihey are bard workers and do a lair day's work in the mines at from 1 to $1.20 a day. At one of their mass meetings they do not stand together, but in groups some distance apart. Many keep chatting while the speaking is going on. A good speaker can harangue a crowd for an Lour, ringing the change on a lo minute suDStantiai Bpeecn. i have seen them pass a big pipe, like the "They are very .penurious. Not manj fire off anv monev in the beer saloons. I have seen them pas a flask just like a pipe, and drink without taking their kvph off the orator. Their women Kavi the shanties and iorm the back ground nf mnv outdoor meetings. "1 he women have their heads tied up with small red ,hawls, but they do not attend indoor meetings. They gossip and laugh du ring the s peak i; ganu enjoy meanau made on the 'dogs' and 'cows. '1 he nun women are stout and courageous, ancTare ready to do anything to help their men. They never lock any doors Tney nave mo THE GOAL STRIKE. COAL OPERATORS MELT A.ND DISCUSS THE SITUATION. to ctotf conca ta zaiiiui. IT IS BELIEVED SETTLE MM T IS NEAR. Kkialaa K4Mrtd ia Maajr C ltioa A. Taa Par Cant A 4 vatic WOl Probably bm 6 ranted. The striking miners constantly gala accessions to their ranks a the strike progresses, and the oper ators moro clearly see their lnabll lty to operate the mines by the aid of non-union men. It has been re potted that negro labor from thi South was to be Imported to fill the strikers' places, but this turns out to be false. . The preeence ol the negro in the mines would unit thejentlre white foreign and native population in a more determines effort to win, and result In serious Injury, pernaps death, to the ne groes. Thri operators dare not bring negroes Into the coal region. The attempt to bring bituminous coal into the hard coal markets has also failed, the soft coal miners refusing to mine coal for sucn purpose. Tne presidents of tho groat coal ruads met in New York Thursday, and It is believed that they bave agreed to accept a ten per cent ad vauee in wages. The coal operator of the Wyoming and Lackawanna Valleys also met at Wllkeebarrv last week and discussed the matter of raising the wages of the miner. at least 10 per cent. There is a strong feeling against recognizing the Miners' Union; but President Mitchell, of that organization, sayt ne will not stand in the way of the men accepting an advance, and wi uld have no objection to thi operators dealing direct with the men. It Is believed that the strike will end this week. Eia4 WMbaa to to tH.iatia t ito t auto aaaaaa' s!. Lobdou Di patch. Zanzibar may suppUnt li L'nlUxl bUUa as tLe ource of tirvat Brit iau'a cut Ion supply. Tt alUtloci over the txhus la Uw I jnraahtnjx tile trade haArewuitd lu a plan to iuuuduc the uuttou industry, uq- dr tbe guardianship ot' Britua capl- tai,4luto the 11 ttie island doUitla in the Indian OcuutT Tbe autWUie2a4-rt that Zua1 bar aud th cvotiguuus territory aloog Um ii'A Irlcan cost is ouiy reigiuu luihe workl w hers ;tA lou fully equal iu quality to the American product can be grown. Thun are lnoicalion that no reilel may U ttxpevted from the CnltMl Suum eithor this year or next, and tho situation has given rinu tw a variety of suggeUous for em ancipation trom Yankee maulp ulalion of the cotton production.'' One of these novel proposala re ooui mends that ramie, a plant that grows wild in the jungles of India, oe scientifically used. It Is said that ramie can be worked into anything that Is now made out of cotton, silk or wool. INDIGNATION. MEETING. URGE fKoWii IN ANCE AND GREAT EN THUSIASM. KtW tKAl km m)4 faruT Ik fl to u t ay, taai law m fa fv jasl la fiBtJUa U14 fear tva kaA. m w a l4rLD d, ia a ar4 u mrxyi tka pr4is as4 tkos Jiaa f 4ar i)tIUd tto m' r . - m pr4tio hm cfbtc tocUk- 1 MOM. UAJIOH IUTUI A10 01 US SPtAK. rM.a Urn ItltuM Au f mmitm mm j f ar ta r i rw.kw u- Xaay rraM rnnii u ! i C.aanaS a. ADVISES THEM NOT TO COUBIKE. Mr. Maya Pa I lie Schools aa4 lteaoailaalloaal NchooU Caoaut tie UaItS Wit boat la Jury to tb Kablie ficbuula. 1 o the County Superintendent : 1 still have some enquiries in regard to combining tbe Public Schools with Ueaouiinaliwoal Schools, and, therefore write you in substance wnat 1 wrote the County Supervisors during tbe year 18VH. 1 think it best for tbe committee al ways to provide a public school lot and building. 1 he spirit of all our laws seems to be against combining Church and Slate hi any way.- Wbeu tbe public school is combined with a denominational school the best interest of the public school can rarely If ever be served. 1 he public school will not have the support of all the people wheu united with the church school. The public schools are for all tbe peo ple, supported by all the peopie, and must serve all the people by giving in struction without any regard to denom inations or churches. 'the law provides for combining pub lic schools with private, but 1 do not thi jk tbis, in any sense, means denom inational or church schools. Therefore, my instruction to you as County Superintendent is thai you do not combine public schools with denoui inatioual schools 1 am aware that these church schools have well prepared teachers, but, not withstanding this, tbe primary object for which they are employed is to ben efit the church, and in every communi ty we find some parents who will not uiul ii- .it,l-rnTience uniei W""' we must not have any hindrance or objections to our public schools that ma v be easily avoided. We must have the united support of the people in tbe pub.ic school work if the work is ever to ue and to accomplish what it should. Yours truly, C. U Mssixs, Supt, Public Instruction. Greensboro Record. I when they go to sleep. ..n I . Pha pooointx on our market lor tne i uey faveu M. V - - f - ' . . - . ,. , . past week bane not been very large isr oy uayiigui. tho -need I hidden awav. mi wall nettled, ana are a I he ouantitv oi tne ontniiK - noor. still there is a srood sprinkling ol great crtdit to me region .luQirahiii tnhifun heiiifir olfered od tbe uvaw vwvwv C7 market. Prices are the best we Dave seen m years, notwithstanding the fact tha the quality of tobacco is very much poorer than it was last season. Pric are from 1.60 to $4 per one hundred better than they were last year. A Federation of Catiiolics. rii rt.hnlic Youos Men's JSationai Union, in convention in New York last week, decided to form a federation for the purpose of influencing legisla tion and f urtherine tbe claims of peo- ni who embrace the Catholic faith. BishoD McFaul's idea of a fr deration f .varx, nat.hidic. club and society in i, iTmtPi states, to be formed by tht a npointment of delegates to attend a monster mass lueeuug u"c6- from every prominent ciud anu society thi-nnirhniit the country to be held ii. .vow York city on Thanksgiving Day, November 29. was unanimously adopt ed by the convention. Committees weie appointed to carry the plan into effect so are tn b -m . I I'des The slate nickers anu Dreaser b ys are bright and well learned, w nei washed up tney are fairly good look ing. The boys are full of fignt (or their rights. Many sing unusually well ome of the boys are nephews of men who once were rich and known as the coal barons.' The Slavs, like the na lives, are intensely in earnest in this strike business." AFRAID OF HIS OWN MEDICINE. Simmona Keara the Machine He Haa Set in Motion. T'avie Record. It's a little amusing to read the plan our Democratic friends bave adopted for their senatorial primary. Each candidate is to be represented by a pol holder. This shows that they are actu tlly afraid of each other in this elec tion Simmons Is afraid of Carr and V addell, and vice versa. If in order to procure an honest election among them selves, they propose putting in for poll holders, a arr, a Simmons, and a w ry fairness would naveprompvew-etienT to have given the Populiats and Repub licans equal representation at the po Is .n. the Augu.it election? Let's protect ach other from the rascals in our own ranks, is Democratic consistency and honor, but let's pu-, all power in the hands of these same men, when an elec tion of stale and county officers is to be h- Id. If they fear cheating and steal ing amonir themselves, how can we ex pect to escape at the hands of the same anTKYNCH LAW DOESNT HOLD COOD crowUr we are Diivriy uyiioocu w onv nniit.toal nnrtv bavin? entire con- r . "vs f - I , a .ww.. I. Vnt Rmdob tro; ol tne election uiacuiuerj. mi i x u our Simmons now feels that his chancs are lble For i0b violeoc. C harleston. 8. C Sept. 27. Tbe an -lvnchine law of this SUt. making ners- showin his financial .condition, the county responsioie ior uaniKc v i . : tanrmranv annifim Taniiiv ui Lilt? viuuui. uw . . . v. i..it 5 Rrvan and ihe nrincinles another biack eye. On January 4, iwn he represents. It's no fight of ours, Isaac Brown, a negro, was hanged to . 11, hut. aoo I thw rmlroAd crossmsr at stuiton, ur- o..t.thu i retribution in history, aneebur county, hia neck brosen ana .. . : t:r . ,w, hi. hl riddled with bullets. Brown's Mr Simmons u uuv m uiuwuu u. "-j . . .. er in this state, which he now fears, father brought suit against the county and he stands before the macnine qua- ior aamaes ii , , c , j-w il. "Ii, i... h.t. it will Hnd him nromnUv brought in a verdict for the j : VA.iniwp oiMHnn I miiintr. The verdict was set aside b if the poison he has pressed to others' Judge Gage, and . . r. . i a i K I ... mu haa Kaon lian Thill WK. lull inn w r nrnsr, auwn nis own mruai, i amc ----- . ' - l'riday, the 'Jlst. will svr be a day emorabl la the history of t'a I beriaad. aa4 one that will not oaii ba iamBibrwd as of political aigatfl oauoa, bat as on rtlt with soetal -j -ytssat H as da lsap kasda a a eosim ri saas. vtiU old f nsad hips wtrs rssswsd aad f.riaed The ladiM ot Kla Utll. ihaa whom bo sctuaof North Car o4iaa farnUhss a nobUr, parsr sJ nor beaatifnl, did thsaselVM cred it ta frashiBff one of lbs oast bcuntiful of dinners, while hsr star ly sons, chivalrie iu tims of war, iBiiaatrioaa and frral in timai ot peaos, and botpttabte at all times hrsw widrt open the gates of wel come. Tne meeting was called to order by J. K Uarrett. Chairman of tbe axecatlve Comrnl'tee, who after -i plaining the object of the meet in, called J. C. Bain. EsqM of Black Lttver, to the chair. fter the reading of the evidence of fraud In the late election by the cretary, Mr. D. B. Culbrnth, aev r.tl shon speeches were made con Hi inatory or same by parties from tarlons sections of the county, when the meeting adjourned for dinner. Upon rvaarembllng, lion A. A. M Cask 111 made a abort and telling speech, after which the committee on resolutions was announced as redy to report, and same was adop U1 by a rising vote Ifon.Thos. E Owen, of rarkera- burg, was then Introduced, and told at- Home thing about the condition of affairs In Sampson II carries with him no honied phases for bal ot box stuffers and manipulators. and those who heard him are pre pared to congratulate 8am peon up on ner choice or a repreaentativs. flon. Marlon Butler, wbo. In a short spm-ch brought this most sue censful meeting to a close, dealt alto liuu, auu mtm aYui v j dIh to tenia in at home, touching up on national issues and the nation al campaign ooly so far as to sat that Mr. Bryan was actually ma lng speecuesin the West upon me Declaration or inaepenaente ana Filipino Imperialism, and he would br glad to have blm In North Car olina upon the same Issues to ee bow It sounded. Mr. uutier na lost none of his ability to pleaae aud to captivate his auditors. 1LKTI0M ok 18S. IT go to sleep, i uey nave mu- beautifully less, if one can . but it would puzile a burg- SJe ffouThis begging, pitiful letter light to hud out where it is (Sff ti- ATTEMMt'r j ava aa pmiiuviaa Btoa ; 'orii. Car4lba taaa-(a taat ; artll dv la hutarf aa 0S W ! 'ally unc:;d t l'o4f IV i4. raip r a mn taal ta lasaaa V-- .v.- . -. . id-a.lar4 a atvvfiy uaSttsU lt tajr pMiU hi o( Usui wr iraat.Ua I iloia wf Ow.aparativ p., Kb cry -f -ilCfr. aiCr. '." brJ frwtu tba maaiaias to Ua a coast, whtUarni "r4ahlru a hu Hail fctitaaS tat lamT 1' PW.. r. I I.w- a A. J.,r.l t. ' la v f whIU. aa4 I tv) ba4 Lmm vrgaaltl by Ftmtim . Wtuatua. bo bad wrtttoai tb j Hon Mr. Wat to, ootorwO, that s j "Wwutd coaa4ar II aa twb-r to rtla OU jedk-tal duUUI mU sU," I ilU aitb Ooruaacav yll, wail aigbt m mad-) hidavs (bj Ltv p, poPt IP ptstuU. M a, w Im ri pr ecily la-Koaat vf aay thing ilk wroag, artnad tbcas4a with WiachtoUr and avaitod th irrtbU. tut unkaowa ordl. Tt oulorvd popU looked vt with stoi cism sad lodlfTarvac. wvodsrlag wbai it all maavat, and It U a mat tor to tb-lr credit that notwith landing th abawt batd upo inui, they attompvUaa sm rvtaJla tlm. in tba rvportod langoagv ho w ver of tbe gaaiUmaa who U u rpreani the county in tha r-aaU. "It ia not the elgrsr are aftor, bat them 1'upctiaU." This mmm ih keral in lb not. IntbeOuA ueBoemeut of the campaign th iaunieol had ben made that It was but lti t-ectnolng of th dial a- Ugratloo f lbs Populist party. It was to U a war of x term I nation. Did they dlslnCegrais? Wr lhf exurminatod? Atwater tradwd and has now recl vd his reward. I'robably wiui fw others did tn same. Buck hlttcblo, nrer know ing exactly where br la at, spun oendid kn-as and grovelling la the dust, kis log the ftt of lbs powers (hat be. U oo thought worthy to make red shirt" spertk on pic nic occasions, but Isn't truatod loo (ar. But, seeing that It waa impos sible to carry the election by lo limldallou, !,() negroes and Re publican were tiougbt and ihey carried tbe day by l8"j majority. N w comes the rub. rka few, wab more ejnscienc than the oth ers, dsurmined to put aa sad to ta ol of 'mgger if possible and be gan to agitate the question of dis franchisement. A noetic c of lh Deuocrallj Central Kxaeat Ive Com aittoe is held asd thry were starttod t the figures on exhibition. A cam- sr only able to Brchaat lavisii- lata and steal t the aiawoat ol (HJU, and this only gave thsm a ma- iatity of 1SMJ. Bat tbsy tad us legislature not a brilliant ons 'Us true, bat, if we tuav jsdge by thstr sets, an utterly ucscropsJoos oae. fVfaea somethn.r of real beasnt to the peopU was to be considsr4. or the txrsaaed wishes oi Uir eoniwi- asncy to be 4vrned oat tbsy wr sadly deficient. Whsa else uon laws ox disfranchisement taeasurss war to disideratnm, they were every thing that a Bimmoos, a Oobsl, or a lienry Berry Lowry ooald wis. rney wr f ally up to the standard. nd ready for all emergsneia. Tby The Vear 1898 will ever be a mem orable one in the history of North t nrollna. maklnz as it does a new- epoch in Its political calendar. Tw adjourned, and Dsmoerat, as wsil as years before tnere naa oeen iu i populist, and uspnoueaa ongrata Farmers Meetings Fair Week. At the October meeting of the Board f Agriculture, introduced the idopted : That. t,h officers of the Board of Ag riculture co-operate with the officers of I you used it against Col. J. Bryan Grinoes following, which was chnnid take the dose like a man, and swear that it's sweet, and for the pub lic good. The battle has just begun, and before tbe ides of November, crim li ation and recrimination will be heard from these men, wbo plotted against an honest election in August. Your s ns will find you out, Mr. Bimmors, but if you can ue your machine against I 'arr una W addell. as successfully as the nepuDiicans, soother verdict rendered for the coun tv of Oraneeburcr Tne defense offered no testimony, re ivinir unon th- failure to pr.,ve a lynch ing which, he contended, required the congregation of a mob or a multitude of per. ons. Buchanan, the preaidit Judge, charged the jury that a lynching mi rht be committed by a mob or by any person or persons, but the charge niwinito have had no effect on the r r . . . . .-Ml I... A motion ior a new ina m w a li. -.1 h! n. n-WT I Wk AaflfOfilllllir. I aA.n a&aan aWArWI T..V Win WIMI'l.lllll I llirw during the State Fair week of the year Uether you enjoy tbe fruits of fraud, made, but' this second verdict rbows of 1900, a series of farmers' meetings, intlniidation, redshirtism. or not. cone naively that the MU-iJ"'""! o be held in Raleish, (new auditori- p,ovis on of the constitution olloi- r-?5iis. ei iiwinir JdPad failure, so far as it provides u.ov 'J -" i DBraaa.nu H-ahww MHV.H.H.'m acnsiun unrrani kiimnvi .lon or agreement between the Pop nlist and Democratic parties it which both oast their votes for th Domrjcratlc Presidential candidate. ThU had been brought about by he adoption, by the latter, of which is known aa the Chicago piaiiorm, near akin to that of the Populists. For one- time In the last forty vear hla nartv. foreettlng ita sectional hatred. IU utterances that diner ed only from those of Its opponent in word Dhraatns. nao given o oe iieonle a clear and unmuiaxaDie AMuranca that It desired earnestly he welfare of tha people r nee. in this Southland of ours, so intent was It apparently upon tbe attainment of this object, ana no 4AminiriT honest was tt In IU mo llis that thA old ralivinz cry o- wtth knitted brows. trviOK om some of tbe intricacies of the law which was being explained by one of mary. the leaving ot everything to tn legal lights of the county. the direct vote of the people, tnis i.outivu and rAferpndum on a liuuaviTc small scale we are so much wiser in matters of government than our fathers were Is a beautiful theory, Kt. tha Observer has alwavs uuv I thought of It to quote an expree slon of Old Bill Allen, of Ohio that It Is "a d d barren Ideally." Artesian Well at Blind Institute, f limes-Visitor. The artesian well at the Biinu insti tution has struck water and the insti tution now has a supply of aboureigb teen eullx-ns a minute The well rea h h . Houth nf 157 feet at 3 o'clock last evening and water was pumped out un til 10:30 lat night. However, it has been decided to go about 4 or 8 feei deeper to-day, then the connections will be maue ajiu iuu throughout the building. The estima ted coat Is only two cents a 1,000 gal lons, whereas the price now paid tbe Water Company is from 18 to 24 cents . f .L I imi ior tne subjects: Tuesday Night. Mixed farming in he cotton and tobacco belt. Wednesday Night Good roads and the farmers. Prof. J. A. Holmes to ead. , Thursday Night. a orage crops anu live stock interests. BisReasons for Decludnr National Gold Democratic Presidential Nomination. Hntwrt. A. Widenmann. chairman of mimx for the heirs of tne victim though it is admitted that In iu pri- mary object, tne supprea iou ui ijuvu- insr in this state, it nas uwi successful. Been Kidnapped by to Ilia Father After A Hoy Who Had Gypaiea Ileturned Veara. Cumberland, Md , Sept. 27. The eleven year old son of H. W. Baker, policeman, of Thomas, W. Va., who was kidnapped at Peoria, 111., six years ago by a band of gypsies, was restored to his fathsr to-day. Tn father had not heard from his boy until a few days ago, when Lewis Allen, eonnty elk at Beikeley Hnrinffs. W. Va.. wrote to Baker who ha offarl CL 500 reward for the Th bird at once took in the situa tion, flying over Judge Burke's head, perched itself upon the drapery pole immediately oacx oi ma wamru judge. Here it sat without moving feather, with one eye turned down ward and fastened upon the move ments of Judge Burke until court ad- jurned. Trapping Negroes for Convict ' Camps. Char ees have been filed with the . .;..-. at flAASrVla. prison eonHu. vt " "J - rRaleieh News and Observer iicitorJ. W. Kdmonason.w rW six new convicts were yesterday county, against the McRee convict Drought to the penitentiary by Deputy camp managed in Lowndes county, sheritf Reed, of Perquimans. One of oi.- in tha form of afflda- thm i n nld white man. who coine in VIA IS av wCa sv as vuvu - Tits from prominent citizens to tne p for 18 months for stealing hogs Jean thatV M.R.. B,oth. h. xsafitfS'JSK kidnapped innocent mu auu The white Sen as Ex rvn sreHsman Fowler Noml v w r-n - - nated. the Campaign Committee, and Everett V. Abbott, secretary, of the National ..it. toiiows: . ' - . .,, . .i- kniii i ia nn&iteraniv ODDoaeu w wre uj- - thu cnamnion oi naii huuci, uv i dsku wt w considers a foe to srovernment oy law. Why They Are CJoming South. Qe i8 opposed to the policy which 1 would destroy the idea of the govern A Denver soecial says : mant. fmindml nn the consent of the ated himlf upon the fact, uat Jisy adjourned to meet again, and tt is thought they are still ad j aura- log and meeting again. The Constitutional Aaont thsy gave us was aa evidstvos or. uieir laabilitv to eop wita issu ok rat auonvsat, and yet, at the same . m a tuns, gave ns the most nncoantea proof of ib sir ability to meet every xigsncy ia wbien a qaesuoa i fraud was to be the oatcoma. Tasy avs ns a disfranehiatmeat act that lutranehised the farm hands and tha "old uso, who had aevr ba iroabiesoms ia politics, and to-day very Uam that leaves oar eoaaty town carries witn it more or Uss of thoss we are last able to spare, and uta niekinff of cotton has a&vaaeod .a price Iron. 40 to CS esnta. Thsy nimmr" was lost slsht of. and for did not disfranchise the bar room one campaign, i, w loaisr, or aim wb bh ja uvi peace and a fa!, bnnewt eiec-aMtioa to neet reqairemeau ana tlon. The result of that campaign jut fn fluent principle to sell his U a matter of history. North Car- ut to the last man that catch ollnagaveto Bryan a majority of aim. With the present election law 20,010. According to agreement, ,B operation, aceording to oar eonn the Populists of Cnmberlsnd conn v paper, th Democrau voted him. ty voted for Mr. Bryan Demo- The Democrat depended uo him crate differed as to the main plank (or votes. He, in tarn, depended np in the Chicago platform, honestly n ui-m for eonnunaac. sopport and thA had the rlcht to .ml a(ml a ak him his Dohtics. aad Fayetteville Observer. , djffer and no Populist questioned ae woutd tell yon that he was a JSa- The Populists held their congress-1 tn6r rlKht. Their votee, If cast for tl0um Kepuohcaa, bat a if late vm- tonal convention at Clinton yester-l cKnley o'r for the Gold Demo-1 ,ciab Every honest maa looked a p- day. Byrd of Harnett waa caairmai . cratic candidate was fairly counted 0B ium as a rascal, xae iMmoerats wa nuiui I credit given mo u-mwranc i natta mm on vam vaca . " Besolntlon I mrhlne did not hare control of the I ne.s despised hiss, aad why thsy oallot box at that time. The only J oAvent eat his throat and throwa regrettable circamstance that oc- to tbe dogs, la, pernapa, oecaa sometimes Convicts From Perquimans. these meetings during were naaasd endorsing the Populist RtatA and National platforms, Meaars. J. E. Garrett and L. H.Lnrmd in this county during the Tew were the delegates from Cnm- campaign, waa the attempted mob barland county present. All the blntg ot ome Northern Democrats, vnntir.s were represented except I vho had. In the even of the Demo Craven and Jones. 1 cratic machine, the insufferable te- ThA Democrats and Populists have mAntv to nndertake to make cold- u.tA thai Mtnvantioiii. and it is I avcVioa in th court house In I m anvil rated the laws in those States were not so oy 0ne or the other i f the two great that tne Republicans will nomi- payettevUIe, after being invited to 1 aid iU State Convention and nomi much in favor of laboring men." parties of the nation, which are now M H sioenmb of this eity. do so. Plated a ticket. Tasy knew that the in a rioamntA atrilCcle for SU- I """ . .... ti. W.ftAMr a I , I. ... m .i,.m.fiil IBn ItU. "Referring to laws in the interest of j governed and would build up favored labor. Governor Koo6eveit saw iu one i uias.-es in lexiaiawou ..a A af Ba I . . . a t 1 ak Mas A m4 VT TKA amVO .,r hU anAonhpg nere tnat manuiawbu-1 "i im neanuy iu in NJaxir w.nrlnd and New York I "with the movement which is design- ICUIU ,tn B T . . o. .iU . v.- ! were moving their factories to ooulu i ed to be a reiuge ior tuose wuu -arolina and ortn Carolina, u"e siaents irom ui we pwiwcn "The pUassrs is as great Of being cheated as to cheat." KXSCTIO 07 1900. The August eacspaiga ot lflOO was I no-xred in a desperate struggle for su- rne national isuicauuui Strikes. nomorfst. TJovd. author of I The oman. r,, nr.r all convicted of stea'insr and sppea innoeeni mi. a Mntrfrom six months to a I Henry . i - avA . ab nniim uicu " b- : . i - . , men uu w . . . . l The wnite msn s name w ntoi, i weaiin t. vuiuihuuhou", armed guards for an indennite pen- he .g aWe expiain to the satis- . the big striket nyB i IT.. . ... h nil! liitAii mat, I ' o . ... OU. It is eharged that one pri tbe McRee Camp has oeen to . though he is a penecwy lto'tafee tbeir street fights Public Arbitrationa Remedy for prema surrender their principles, lose."" nn or discuss- r.corrotth.loj.Uit hethoogh. tnfV, to .nut lMMt U, , " " WiDg" J Sf publi .rbitratlon .nd wenill Trusts Advancing Prices. Kansas City Times. tv. nriae of fljnr has been advan- : . . ta t k a. i. AaI w trust has I 1.a ' nrtM Af inMT frOBl O tO Manassas, Va., Sept. 27 Prof. J. U mmtltm . -jo-nd: the Standard OU n TtMhm. nrineinal of the Prince) has advanced the priee of oil i tA ia cents a sranon , mo Serious Charge Against a School eed by the flour trust from Teacher. ' ' ' $2.75 a bag; . the sugar to o.u in Kiaf ia th htorv of I mIaahab law was sham mi ana sua- UUI aa l - . . . .. . the campaign of 1896. - eeptible of being abused ; Dnt ta tneir In the summer or tne wiiuest inariuauua , . r . .f vaws rarollaa. met In I at tha extent to wnich it woald be Convention la Raleigh. Prior to this carried. They challenged the D em- meeting, the Populist otave w- oersts rot jwu oikwwb, y- rentlon bad agreed, inasmuch aa proposal waa deehned without the two platforms were so nearly thanks. What aae for an honest dis- 1. a a a. - .ai Vak sm Jm) 1 m a. Z . a- aaa. aW ak aa a A TSVaa I a alike, ana that tne two psmw i eussion ox we qawu w-w - aa a a a . . a a I ' aka, aa aw A la.1 t nAn tha vrpaiOAniiat caaui lAtwitnnar was in ia wimm-i date to submit to tbe Democracy a What aae for any discussion. rkeaa aanh Meebau. there. Berkeley Springs tod ay, and father and son recognmd each other' at once. The little boy had been adop ted and treated well ny tne -ie-chaos. . And Iav no root-Print in th Sand or Tim. Chicago Record. Lives of some men oft remind us, . If we had but half their gall. We eould loaf too, and behind ns Leave not any traeki at all. .a . Blurwentto "Vv'rKVfci f to im- hi, hoe-pen. Unfortanawij, m nog. m UlV a-aw . a . nn was taken as prima facie evidence Two Children Killed In a Cyclone Jgainst him He was charged with tbe . . i thett. -i ne om ui" aj c ..v. Two persons were aiueu iu -tured in the tornado and cloud-burst which struck Ferguson, lows, one day last week. . , Haifa dozen houses,. including the iini. on Hotel and the St. Paul Rail- innocent and vbe bunch. lespectable prisoner in no monopoly except our own monopo y, that of a people supplying itself, at it, ia nfflciallv announced that there will be no fusion between the ' Demo crats and Populists for Congressman in the Sixth district of Kansas. me, in u.- " o , "a -.f Ka-f fenm 12 to certain conditions. J nis wm obw rha, eeno, was, aa last night by uepuiy D. li. M idmM of 25 at the lnxUnce of certain Demo- o our eonnty candid a ts : "xnis is a bangh and placed in tthplaee l6cnU apoMd we h.Te the authority of I m.neountry. andbythe upon a warrant charging him with per cent ek. ihewe DeiocraU In saying that they Q -d they ahall ralr having committed a felonious asxauit . eu trust, P-'r: I ated under authority and by adr 1 ottl analyxation this speech was upon a young mi. I"" er JffjJ"J L: . d similar exor- vice of Chairman Jonea and of Mr. Ira tTOaL Bansom. aad the only ishn waa rrnnil of his school. i ai d leather trust , ana Hnuv. . : ! r thl . ... !,. u that thaeandi " " - ar I , . . J , m Ida nna AT CnAlr I nrVBB. XUI uauav road depot, were demolished. Handsome women are not always the The total cost of the session of the anvAreitrn crana inae-e ot s av rhP net earninss OI tne uoutnern Railway Company for July and August, in Riehmond. Va.. was $30,127. i898. were $1,17U20; for the same pe- lr! t-v. axr.fi. n.i.m aa I in iro. 1.473.474: for the same aooointed to ieviae the digest. : period in 1900, U.488,884 , SSiff TSv7 beTn S Conrention, not only did not fa. refwred to laith Canton flannel is ad bv the Revolution areensboro-Uie nrst oi wis eiaas ot , V.r;i.r'7Za7 in th I aomewhat more couraffeoua tnan manufactured aoutu oi iroi -r"V!:r 1 ' hi rmitiara who dared . to intl e:oods ever New Jsiugiana. housei ot the poor. With- sto-un- fortnnatathiHg is that the eandidaU referred to lantterly naable to eoni- peopie tail so re kind. ltwasMnlr Continued oa Second PC- 5 f i J moat amiable. V ll II

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