THE CAUCASIAN IIJllUSllEI KVKKY THI.'IWIiA II V T 1 1 R A f A M A X IT H. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Od Vfr, . Ma Month. I hrM Month. el.tMtj .ISO 3.1 r L.-JJ MK. 1AIKI.1T.AK KOlt Hit VAN. W will not j-Tinlt Hutl-r to tike any rt In tin 1mih htk' tuili for Itrynn," xnl.l JimIiu lniK Dfiinrratir National (om-uiltt-iiiari f(.r North Carolina. "11m cannot i-ak iioti any Iviiimrstlc stage, an.l will ! rnprnJUtwl ly ua.M Washington .Star. Hlmmous admit receiving cam paign money from the Koatburn ltallroad as follows: "I HAVE NKVER AI'PKARKD KOR THAT (SOUTHERN) KA1LK0A0 IN ANY CAPACITY. It UAH NEVER PAII MI A CENT Of MOM.Y IN MV LIl'E EXCEPT A CONTRIBUTION MADK TO MR At CHAIRMAN OK THE COMMITTKE IN IH'JH, WHICH WA SPENT FOR THE BENEFIT OF THK PARTY." Extract from Simmons' letter In the Now and Observer, Hept. 18th, IV 0. KEUHIIIItT ltrK"lANlJM IN COI.O HAIMI. A few days ago Mr. Roosevelt, the Republican candidate for Vice Pres ident, Senator Wolcott and he Re publican candidate for Governor ot Colorado, were at Victor, Colorado, to fill an appointment to speak. Their meeting, however, was broken up by a gang of rowdies, who teems to have employed about the same methods employed by the Simmons redhirts to North Carolina to pre vent free speech and to break up public meetings. The conduct of these redshirt rowdies is not only a disgrace to Colorado, but to the whole country. Mr. Bryan was quick to see that the conduct of the redshirt anarchists in Colorado would be dis approved of and denounced by all fair minded citizens, and that it would do him more harm than good. Therefore, he save out an official in terview the next mornine deplorine ..i.i- h ri.membered that on the i i !. i wuo u&u ueuieu ireo speevu kuu oro- ken up a public meeting; and aa a further effort to atone for this crime against republican institutions, he requested his friends in Lincoln, Ne braska, to take hia picture from eve ry show window in the town on the day that Mr. Roosevelt should go there to speak. This action of Mr. Bryan's is very commendable, and u -- 1. oliftii k. ka man liberty and for government by the consent of the governed. But we regret to have to state that up to date Mr. Bryan has not denounced similar methods employed by the Democratic machine in North Caro lina. IMPKIUALISM IX THK PHILIP PIXKM AX1 IMPERIALISM IX X OUT II CAItOI.IXA. mt. my an in his speeches out West, is each day quoting from the Declaration of Independence, and quoting the utterances of Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson in support of those great fundamental principles of free speech, liberty and good government. lie has grown eloquent each day in denouncing im perialism, and showing that wherever there is government without the con sent of the governed, that there, there is imperialism. It would be interesting to see Mr. Bryan come to North Carolina and make one of these speeches. He could not do so without denouncing Simmons and the whole Redshirt Democratic nia chine. Indeed, he would have to denounce them with greater vigor than he denounces Mr. McKinley'a policy in the Philippines. If the in auguration of Imperialism over sav ages thousands of miles away in the Pacific ocean Is an attack upon the lunaamentai principles of good gov Biuweui, ib uoi toe inauguration of imperialism in North Carolina over our own people who fought for their liberties in the Revolutionary War a thousand times worsef vnu a . wumingion aoes not seem to be up to date In the matter of ballot- box stuffing. In New Hanover Co it . t ine macmne seems to have been content with preventing any one opposea to tbe Democratic tick et from voting, that Is, those they did not kill in 1898. It seems that they served notice on them that they would kill them this time 1 theyvotod. But Halifax and oth er negro counties were not satisfied with preventing the oprjosKion from voting, but took great pains to see that every negro vote especi ally was registered in order that It might be counted for the Democrat ic ticket. In this way Halifax gets a stoien majority of about 6,000, while New Hanover gets less than half that amount. The W limine- lonmacnine is Dadly behind the times. Did the negroes In Halifax coun ty vote for the amendment and for the Democratic ticket or were their votes stolen and counted for that ticket? We await the answer of the Simmons machine to this Question We are willing for them to select whichever horn of the dilemma they preier. What a glorious boon Is liberty ln the Philippines. The Simmons machine tried to crucify it ln North Carolina ln the recent campaign. WHAT A llilMVM(K Hr.iii: Mr. L 8. Overman, lo a speech to th Democratic Clabs in tb eity laat wm k said : "We are Democrats. Weare-rood of oar party's past history and its traditions. It stands for tbe Decla ration of Independence, and the Constitution sacred." Norelf Mr. Overman mail Ix woe fully ignorant of the principle enott Mated In tbe Declaration of Inde pendence and the goaraoUes of tbe Federal Constitution, in making suet au asaerloo; or else be Las forgotten be recent "foree and fraud" eo paign, in which tbonsacds of white ueu. wboae ancestors fought at Ata man e, King's Mountain and Moore's Cretk, lost their political liberties b) baring their ballots stolen from them. Neither the Declaration of inde f.undenee, that "all men are created equal" nor the constitution was ii any sense "aacred" to the Democrat ic machine. What a sham and hollow mockery is it for Mr. Overman now to deelar I I . . i. : vt u r..i;.. I UM DH PJ B'1" B 'u,lu viuu bag any regard for the Federal Con- titution or the Declaration of lade- pendence! In this State it stands for "force, frmd." nnrchv. redshirtism aud government by the mob. Indeed, with such a "history" and such a rkcokI) as it has made ii North Carolina in tbe last two cam paigns, why should not every Demo crat rise to hit fall height and de- clare that be is "proud'' of his part) and its recent conduct in denying men tbe right of fiee speech thnr trampling under foot the sacred guarantees of the Constitution ! FACT! A MO UT THK FKAUIW IN HALIFAX. In another column, under th heading of "Force, Fraud and In- tlmldittlon, will be found a report from Halifax county. If tho facts stated ln this reoort are correct it .. aimmnn. m.ohin. BUUnD VI AO Si iUO nililiuviio aa- a in that county, not only counted the solid negro vote of that county for the Democratic ticket and for the man,im.t h..t. tht. t.h.,v Mi..uaiu- W...UHVVM , ruuuieu in buiiio utrtim-io mvtr . . . votes tnan tno total regisierea voie of all parties. In this connection of all parties. In this connection ! nnkf nf Ihu ul.lnn ffria raA ohlrl i "'K" v. wiwu ..-.v. iiiaviuuo ui uniiioA wuuu vein- . 1. 1 .. 1. 1 I fn w- rx.-, ,.!. graphed Mr. Simmons that they had carrltMl the county by six thousand Simmons replied asking them to ,euuwkU" lUCTjui ij . 14 wo .c member correctly the papers for two or three days announced the majority at about 1,000, and then it suddenly Jumped up to 6,000 and pers. we have been told" that the Democratic machine in Halifax Co. submitted for two or three days to Mr. Simmons' order to reduce the majority for decency sake, and then they swore that they wore entitled to the Democratic banner, and hav- ng stolen the votes they must have me vrvuib ior tueir rascality, ana they insisted that the majority be mnere I1 nn ...Ict.k. I. .V... . . " miobaa.7 iu IUC lOViH report - J from HaUtax county, Th. Cau - casian will gladly correct it. We will w it a week or two without comment to see if a correction is asked. But one thing is certain, as the matter now stands : that Hall fax county, the biggest negro coun l-ji . .. ... ty In the State, Is entitled to the Democratic banner. No man who left the Democratic party on account of the action of campaign in that State the other newsPaPer the effect is the same." the machine has any reason to re- day, said that honest elections lay at In the above Gov. Roosevelt has tarn to It. It Is safe to say that the the very foundation of Republican described the real and most danger Democratic machine, after its re- institutions. He said that until ev- ous kind of imperialism. It is the cent campaign of abuse, vitupera- ery voter could east one free vote, kind that will crucify liberty and nS:" i Kneand murdercaD "dha tht runted as cast, destroy the Republic, If it is ever , - J w iuc ?nB!1 dement, to join it. The masses have respect ior iaw ana oraer, wnue the Sim mons crowd stand for the opposite It would be interesting to know the amount of the contribution that Simmons received from theSouthe railroad for campaign purposes 1898. W it u: ... uuuoi ii 01U1IUUHS Will gt SIX thousand majority in Halifax coon ty in the Senatorial primary? If not, why not! Will he make the four thousand and more -"niggers" vote for himf The Democrats of Ohio are charg ine mat the Kepublicans have th Goebel election law there and that under it they will steal the State Wrt suggest that they might try the Simmons law if they want to steal by wholesale and be sure that there will be no witnesses on hand to tes tify to the fact. The cause of truth, justice and lib erty cannot be advanced without diligent efforts and personal sacri flees. Our ancestors did not stop to count the cost In their struggle for liberty. Shall It be said that we are degenerate sons of noble sires! Are you willing to work to preserve your liberty? Does Mr. Bryan endorse the Dem . , ocratic brand of imperialism in this State! We do not believe th&t h noes, otherwise he eonld not uay De quoting the fine and loftv Mn timents of Jefferson and LincAii, rn liberty and advocating the great pnncipies or tne declaration of tt. independence.. But would it not be well for him to take a little of h, time to denounce the red shirt an archy in North Carolina alonir with the milder form of imperialism in the Philippines! TXH MBEI1TT IX Till I 4TATK- Tbe Biblical hVcorder of lt ia-l uehad an eicellent editorial on K'briatlaoity and Liberty.' Christianity la tbn mother of Mhrtv" avs tho Recorder, and If " that be true we rlae to ask our don temporary why waa the "mother" Hilent or absent In tbe last cam on paign when Liberty waa Ix'ing 10 riitt.iftflv MtAbtMrfl? ' I rear V- j - j . If "Christianity" 1 the "mother I tfie of Liberty" she should certainly I for have ert'd herneif when 'blood abed, riot and anarchy were rife In tbe State prior to the last election, that precloua boon, Liberty, waa re ceiving death wound In the grand old State that waa first to protest against the Injustice, wrongs and oppressions of the deaplaed Eog llah King who denied the colonists any voice In the government. The Recorder states a truism in the following : 'fllveaman the rlaht to vote I d v h ut thiJ rl 1 n I. iia viiLH I and by any means privilege of thinking or speaking, and vnu hattt a slave The ttecoraer can oe or vamaoie service to the people of the State who love nneat ln Ptlca by joining with The Oaucama Id urging the repeal of the Infamous Qoebel-Slmmons law under which such glaring frauds are committed. The repeal of this law and the en actment of one that is fair to all political parties will remove all danger of making a "slave" of a man who as the law now exists, is denied the privilege of voting and having his vote counted as cast, un less he votes with the Simmons "force and fraad" crowd. The Re corder, no doubt, has many sub scrlbers who had their ballots sto len from thorn ln the last campaign and It should Join now ln an effort I to remove such a disgraceful law I from the statute books. Will oui esteemed contemporary take up Its cudgel against this vicious law and I advocate one that Is fair and lust? I I Speaking of Liberty the Recor J der says : I Them can be no liberty unless hnere Is liberty of thought and ol I speech and we mean absolute op- n1Plin t.v wlt.hrtiit. nv h nnmnb I J . whatever save Honorable argument and persuasion. Wltnout such lib aud persuasion. Wltnout such lib y our country would fall very rery I lUlCkly. A free press and a free Dlatform standing for libertv of I " . . . ... hdaacd. a iree cnurcn Btanainir ioi soul liberty, a free school system 1 . 1 M 1 A. a, a X I. canning ior ireeuom w iuiqh., a i lhh n;iiioL HMnuiDir ior iruuuuui iu act unon these is our nation foun- ded. and each one of them is an es- .oup.uu.iwu. MAYOR JONES OX IMPKIUALISM. Mayor Jones, of Toledo, Oio, who ran forg jvernor of Oaio last year polled over 100,000 votes, is ouVmak tug speeches for Bryan. A few davs aeo. while he wat. speaking on imperialism, some one iu wis nuuicuw uiw wu&i ne Sl t ha flnliAn a a a Mly m. J L. 1 1 4. 1 Carolina. Mr. Jones promptly re- plied that he was agaia8t imperial. North Carolina that he would fight ism anywhere, and that if h in 'uld figh imperial tht n. k.-.i ; Vi UIVO"'" I jam k. ; i i a Z "J'!.W" ."fiSlt I r " wi uuuoilHBlU 111 the Philippines. - finds expression in either word or Mayor Jones might have gone a deed, then we will indeed be with step further, and shown how much in a measurable distance of losing more odious and unjustifiable impe- our liberty. Then, and not till then, rialism is here in North Carolina tne wrst thing this country can over our own people, than it oould possibly be in the Philippine Islands The Democratic candidate for trav- ernor of Delaware, m oDenin hi kuak lucio vuuiu ue no omer question I t(u:tvrTut for free men to QOn WhJf' ........ would that Democratic candidate for governor or Delaware Bay if he should read the Simmons election law and then see the red shirt ballot box stuffing machine at work ! The law was drawn to legaliza the deep est fraud and the blankest raecalitv. Bat the election officers went further in their thievery tnan even that in famous law provided. There is not an honest man in the State who can endorse the methods of the red shirt machine. Can you find one honest man in your neighborhood who endorsed the methods of the Simmons machine in breaking up public meetings and de nying free speech oy red shirt mobs and also in stuff! ag ballot boxes and stealing votes by the wholesale! If so, please send us his name and post omce and let ns know how honest yon think he is. If it was right to deny the Peo pie's Party and the Republican par ty representation of their own selec non on tne election boards at the August election, then vwhy do the candidates for the Senate demand this right at the Senatorial primary! It seems that they were willing for Simmdns to steal rotes from Rdnnb ncans ana Populists, but they are not willing for him to steal from them their part of the stolen goods. The receiving of stolen goods is just as great a crime as th stealing of them. Therefore those who have received the stolen offices are no better than the Simmons Red shirt machine that did the stealing. The great Lincoln who believed in tbe liberty of man, said: "Stand with anybody that stands right, stand with him while he is right and part with him whenht goes wrong." jARriS IS THE RACE Ex-Governor Jarvla, of dWntef- visiting statatman" fame, ha He announced through the prw, hi candidacy for the Senate." He writes a history of hU wry Loo that to bi tarty In riat caiuiignt and appeals to the voters to reward hltii tel the grotind of pa.-4 st-rvitf. He- "point with prlik" to hU brief ca- in the nenate as an earn -a 01 great things be will do If cbown i the jit!on. Indl, the whole 8ute will await In breathle silent the an nouxv aml bril- inent of tho glorious (?) liant It) aihlevemenU la the Sen-1 no ate by .the distinguished visiting statesman." It U surprising that lie should have . . so long kept his senatorial achievements In the background. in his letter Senator Jarvla says: W e have a common enemy whose ... 4 14 it. .i M tier poises tena to unuennine ana - . . . a a danger tbe very lounaaiion oi im Republic, and which if not checked . will ln time convert It Into 'an oil garthy, if not an empire." Truly the "distinguished visiting statesman," who Is now so fearful lest thlrf grand Republic be trans formed into an empire," has lost sight of the fact that he and the Simmons "oligarchy" were engaged in a dastardly atruggle in the last election to convert" this old State inlo a political empire," to be dom inated solely by an "oligarchy" that has no respect for the rights of oth ers. On the contrary the "consent of the governed" was in no sense a guiding principle with the North Carolina Democracy. Let the "disinterested visiting statesman" and all others who de nounce imperialism abroad sweep their own doors first; let them "prac tice what they preach." While cravine iustice and self- government for the Filipinos let these North Carolina Democrats first manift some degree of consistency 4 . . nonwa-y m uKpnuuywai, i.u.u,. I V e Deueve in iree. iHjpuiar covern- I " . ment evervwhere. and that the Fil- th - ht t . ... ..: I govern tnemseives; oui we likewise I oct inati' firt far our own cnimtrv I j " " this is impkrtai,ism. ov. Kooseveit, in a speecn at Canvon Citv. Col., the next dav af- ter he was assaulted bv a mob and by a his meeting broken up at Victor, re ferred to the matter, while iniperl 1 f . 1 1 aiisui, as iouows: ACFJev.d3 is if it is invited as a reaction against anarchy. Anarchy is the handmai- denoftyrranny. If ever we grow to substitute lawless mob violence I J 11 . 1 i iti i m i . i ior ine oraeny iiDerty uiat we en to substitute the rule of brutal force for the rule of the ballot, where the k ireeiy ana cocntea as H5 if ever we row to exchange ior government oy aebate m the ll.t,,. 4- n-giaiatuira ui tire tuuuiiv aim UU B we to ex- on ch.norA for fhKa thta. v nlanna K I nae is the man sitting in ease at home exciting other men who are ignorant to deeds of violence, and whether the exciting to violence lie by a politician or the editor of a ism we have in North Carolina, and we feel sure that Mr. Bryan doe not endorse it any more than does Gov. Roosevelt. But when he con demns it, he must condemn the Sim mons machine in this State, Col. Kenan has been re-elected clerk of the Supreme court, and the News and Observer says that dis tlngulshed tribune "has done well." If you want to win praise from the average Democratic machine paper do something that will enable Democrat to get an office and im mediately you become a nice fellow, and are lauded for a "graceful" act Everybody will remember how abr - sivethe News and Observer wua when certain decisions of that court caused some Democrats to lose their offices on account of being elected by unconstitutional methods. There are only 2,369 white voters in Edgcombe county, yet that, coun ty went Democratic (!) In August by 3,500 majority, Now, the ques tion arises, will the Carr and Sim mons vote combined in Edgcombe be 2,369, or win they still have that 3,500 majority? Will they have all mj "uiggerB ' uown mere to go Democratic (!) again? If the com bined vote is only 2,369, will they not show to what extent fraud and vote stealing were practiced? Can there be any compromise with "fraud, force" and dishonesty in poli tics, any more than in business af fairs! Let every honest man de liberately ask himself these ques tions : "Do I want my boy brought up in an atmosphere of fraud, dis honesty and corruption! Do I want him taught to disregard law and order!" inm vinr or assault. It Wa Set th Wawt T a Io- thirl OrcwIuilMb Nebraska City, Nebr rVj. iC Being 4kw n a telegraiii to tlieerlei Theodore IloiK'velt wan aeaul- at u-Utr. Cxrfu by a lnd of hired ruf8ans benight, Ir. liryan wrote the follow loir ettenieiit: "Fnmi what I know of tlie o4e of Colorado, I am nt witling to l lieve without lirther evldeinv that they denied to Mr. Koowvett or to any one eLe a fair liearing. If it oruvt true that he was moMiel or in any way iuterfeml w ith, I am mire that it Witt not the work of any nolitical onaultatiou. There n ! iuHtifk-atlon for a report to lo leuoe in this country, and tnone who report to it Injure the cauao which 'JXtSvVnic for Nebraska Cit thU evening, Mr. Bryan, iu a note to the pre?, requested that hi polit- leal friends remove his picture from Uie windows on lhtAr 2 as a mat- di,laUft)r Viw iideut. Col. Itta - a ui ivmuvm v - a oi raunwy lumr iuihwiw Velt wno vi!iits the city on that day. - - TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. A Hutlnm .Mui Forced lo Iave Klnaton on Account of MIliNatMtfit bj Ikt; 1 Hiuooral. Editor Caucasian Dear Sir-. As I have never written anything to the Caucasian, 1 thought 1 would like to have spaee in tt t say a word or two about tbe way I waa treated in the August election. The night of the election I was met by a mob ol one hundred men whose purpose ii was to rotten egg me, because I did not vote the Democratic ticket, and they would have succeeded in their purpose had I not entered a store near by and been protected by the store keeper. This occurred in Kinston where 1 waa in buainesr , and the mistreat ment I received there caused me to leave the town and leave my business n the hands of a friend. The day oi election 1 was giving out tickets and some of the Democrats around me be gan smoking in my face, but I did not resist, as I knew that was what thej wanted. They found that would not do, and they pushed one of their number against my table, turning tne table over and scattering the tickets over the floor. When it came time to count thty would not allow any one of our party to see them counted, aeither dld they an0 ag any pon u.ij.. rk-, nn. 1 uwiuo. ..usums TkD. ted out thev Rave us only 45 votes against, the amendment, the amendment, while I thmk the votes east against it were between three and four hundred. There has never been a time in the history of the State when so much fraud was carried on. J. T. Barker Gum Branch, N. C, Sept. 28, 1900. ConeresBional Convention id District. The Populist Congressional Con vention of the Third District as sembled ln the court house, in the town of Clinton, on Tuesday, Sept 2, lyuo, and was called to oraer Dy McArthur, Chairman ot called Mr. J. McK Byrd, oTHarntrt ? "J?0, ,chalrm aod MrA,W' McCullen, local editor of The ? "7 17 7 rt00,BUim secretary. r8anizatlon was madw P Theowlng were appointed a committee on Platform Sl Uesolu- Tc. Wilcox, of Moore county. S. M. Jackson, of Oarnett county, L. J. Tew, of Cumberland county. J. W. Smith, of Bladen county. R. O. Maxwell, of Duplin county B. T. Johnson and Maj. George E BUtier, or Sampson county, TtTL II . At t a wnue tne committee was ou preparing its report the Convention was highly ontertained by address es from Messrs. J. C. McMillan and R. O. Maxwell, of Duplin, and T. E Uwen, or Sampson. The Committee on Platforms ami Resolutions returned and submit ted the following report which was unaimously adopted by the Con ventlon. resolutions. 1, That we are citizens of North Carolina, freemen, and are entitled by virtue of the State Constitution to free and fair elections, and there fore demand same. z, That we are entitled to free dom from interference and any at tempt at intimidation, and to this end we demand the abolition o red shirts. 3, That we demand that the vo lation of all law and order In Inter ferlngwith public speakers, enti tied to free speech, be established and that men be guaranteed their free liberty In this respect. 4, That we most heartily endorse onr state and national platforms ana pledge ourselves to their fur therance In every particular. 5, That we heartily endorse and ar prove tne course or our Senators and Representatives in Congress. W'. C. W ilcox, Moore Co. 8. M. Jackson, Harnett Co. L. J. Tew, Cumberland Co. J. W.Smith, Bladen Co. S. T. Johnson, Sampson Co. R. Q. Maxwell, Duplin Co. O. E. Butler. Sampson Co. J. E. Garrett, Cumberland Co Nominations then being ln order. Mr. j. (jfarrett, Chairman of the Populist Executive Committee, of uumrjerianaeounty, arose, and in a well worded speech presented to the Convention the name of Hon. John E. Fowler, of Sampson coun ty, no other name being presented to the Convention, the nomination or Mr. Fowler, was made unani mous. On motion of Mr. W. F. Sessoms. Chairman of the Populist Executive Committee of Sampson , county, a committee consisting of Mr. J. E. Garrett, of Cumberland county and Mr. jk. a. wiiKtns, or Duplin coun ty; were appointed to notify Mr. Fowler of his nomination. The Committee reported with the person of Mr. Fowler, who took the stand, and in a short, but well directed speech accepted the nomi nation. Mr. C C. Vann, of Duplin coun ty, was elected a member . of the totate Executive committee in place of Mr. E. M. Cole, of Moore county. Jtr. v.j. ueajtnur was re-eleo- ted Chairman of the Congressional Committee of the 3d District. . Oo motion of Mr. W. C. Wilcox. of Moore, the Convention then ad- ourned. J. Mc. K. Byrd, Chairman. ' W. G. MqCullek, Sec. IXMGX.YTIO.V 3IEETING. ContJnwil from Hr4 la. eer.-aggW ajrals. Oor eoitJ IcBerue oigaa had vry early ta tbe ra m paifn proaouaced the eiee ttoa law a food thing;, a one 'n dord by all coud sues, and approv ed by ministers of the gospel even.' and it really looked aatf it wers so. Men hum we bad been taacct to nok upon as sabs pear et aaaa re- proche, aa t apart as aa exaaipls for their fellow-men, sodly aad cod tearing, wiae tn their day And fraas tation, Uying up a sure foundation f r the tme to come, exhorters in Us chnrchea. some mtatster even. enraged ia tr-e rry that we have ha- Untd to for 35 yea's and that has so reason in tart, "agrer. niggsr, ate aret. lrv to arica me qneetioa with one of tbem, if too pleaded, and the logie that had stood him la rood tead in bringing sta&ers to repea- ranee, utterly failed him. bat with a vaeaat slarr, totally at v art nee with an honest destre, be wunld reply: "Tbe time ha eome for all white aien to stand toretber. Tbi a course m h aI i et tjk aa w vtsm w aa I inn tint until that explanation ia mads one lassa t waaasej va v vsviaiB3iivisi must oe impresseu w u in iruia oi the couplet: "Making good tbe saying odd. Near the church and far from God.1 Frtaehers vor the red-shut aaem hers of the cburehts engaged lo practice that will forever damage tnei.r mfljenee for good for what purpose? Was it to disfranchise the aegrol No. For 30 years he has been lisfranebisd and, not only so, but his vote has been counted for the Democrats and will be until the end of time. Then what was iti Waa it because the opposition waa of that character, morally or otherwise, cal eulated to bring reproach uron the ountjt We might ask for a com parison of nominees and accept a Democratic jury were it not a mark -d characteristic of that party that After much dbate. The man prevails above the . magistrate." Then woat was itf It was for the purpose of disrupting the Populist party. Did they do itf (Jo to Jjamp non county and aee, go to liarnett county to morrow. The principles for which they fouirht is as impor taut today as yesterday, aud the par ty as strong as when first organized. What was the cry immtdiatelv after the election? Was it not that Marion Butler would ha ve to leave the State! Has he done itt They would like to ae him go. To all outward appearances it was not as violent a campaign as its pre decesors of two years before. The midnight robber gives no notice ot his approach to his intended victim The slogan of their Govt r nor, as re ported through the newspapers, was that the last campaign was one of force, this was to be one of fraud. The election board in Cumberland had secured the services of their a- gents. The discussion ln this coun ty was but a "blind". A eampaign that has no equal in the State with such limited meana, personally con ducted by Senator Butler, was waged by the Ppilists with every appear ance of o0 000 majority in the S ate. 7e had every prospect of carrying ,nig COTiaty. The mornin of elee- roped'oT au3"oaililfs" ancl'parusa'fi J udges iu place, but Populists had no rep?esentation. The first news re ce morning was that the registration books at Cedar Cieek, a strong Populist stronghold had boen stolen. After this wewere preparfd eryiuarnat lZ SS I?. Hill NoTand "XV etc' and i.LW Crk :tlZZ:Z: ;7h ul IV'V r,IT 'U"F Amendment and their ticket tbe few persona votes east by friends for Populist candidates were counted for the op position. This may be right in the eyes of some. It may even b en dorsed by good men and approved by ministers of the gospel even," but let us hope that it is not endorsed by all good men and all ministers of the gospel, for certain it is that, If such were the case, the devil his a clear title to the human family, or that portion of it represented by the so-called Democracy. Th re is one consolation. The f usiooists came out of the contest with hands untarcUh ed with fraud, and with consciences clear. They knew that they had been vilely defrauded and as put by a Democratic paper were "simply la furiatrd," and it is an infuriation that will last. Their confidence Is destroyed in their fellow man and in some cases can never be reatnrAii Their respect even for some claiming to be embassadors of the lowly Nrenew.gone. They know that IVZ iZ: . . - A " T Tu " " so lonsr aa the T)Am(unt n, holds the reins of government, Bu ' they are asking no quarters. They j are not "bending tbe oreamant nin- i ges of the kme that thrift may fol-1 low fawning." They are not pro-1 testing against a vemocratie victory. wm are protesting against the mens of its acccmrjlifthnriAnt They are not seeking by this means to alter that verdict: such an effort may b resorted to in oth er ways aud by other means. They have been insulted I their sneak have been denied free speech in the State i violence has In manv in. stat ces been used to prevent them from assembling themselves to rath er, and this in violation of the con stitution of North Carolina. In a sister county seventeen of her sons have been dragged from their homes into another county, to be tried for having the manhood to give express ion to their contempt and utter ab horrence of the methods adontAd by partisans, both dishonest and fraudulent. They were entitled tn I n II llln II I II """ M -" wholn J.xrwTOH HATHA WAT.K.D. " hl7.H " . j Write to him or call at his office for a free mnr symptom blanks, and for free consultation and " ,,KT0., HATHAWAY, M. D. trta! 1b their ovra ecohty. and tbi only raoa thai can b asvtlUNl Is that tbe prosfccsuoa fard la ls oe wbn they arw beat known. I a tbUcooatY of Cambwrtaixl w hare ba rruMl & a or ia th court buuM for a public sp-ak- tag, something unhard of before, and when tt I rvroembervi Uas we htva aa roual l!U rvt la that boiM Irg cltlMS a4 las payers oi --. the county, aati a ma ng . h.v. nikt rltl ibi mad other political patUea, H b.ome-jinC a mailer ol the utauwt importance to a to know hovr long belorw v- . . - . . t .1 I m. .ry n(ni san priTiiajE win abridged HS nave Ueo oiacaant ed troia employ meat for wtlng the topulUt tL kei, and It l a mooted question with many aa to bow loag we will t alio ml to eenre Clod ao cord In ir to the dictate of our own (conrimc . Talk about Imperial- Utn aa a national leeoe, romootn, when lncerlalUm In Its darkest and moat aggravated form rxtata la North Carolina. Talk about Y 11 ulno IntoerlatUtu wheo we have North Carolina lmperlaLmadmla Me red to us at the handa of Bryan Democrats, with tbe cry of Imper ialism on their tODgoea. It It charcrd that Ilryaa taias aUtut Imperialism In th V and r that he Is not only an apoWl and advocate of Ooebellsrn to Ken tucky; tmt Hlmmonaiam In North Carolina. Let us hop for the ak of humanity that this Is not true. Can it x kMi!ble. as reported, that he ha Instructed his special organs In this Htate lo advoca e 8 onMi for Senator, and that thev have dipped their flags and are obeying f If so, truly the memory or anoe u dead and we have fallen upon tioa blesome times ! The pn bent election law, In the hands of corrupt agents, can be so manipulated aa to forever pre vent a majority from controlling. All that we ask Is that men be allowed to vote as they please, and that their votes b counted Ikld .hi. hU lit. (hll V AAMt mil tee would respectfully submit for your consideration the follow log resolutions: KKSOLTJTIOXrt AIOPTBI. Rkholvsd 1. That we deplore and abhor the methods adopted by the Democratic machine In this State and regret that they find It nces sar v to reeort to such methods In order to maintain their control of I affairs. 2. That we are freemen. North Carolinians, entitled to every con sideration guaranteed to us by the constitution the right to assemble ourselves together ; endowed by our Creator with certain Inalienable right, such as life and liberty ; that we are entitled to free elec tions; that we are entitled to free speech : that no human author ly should in any way interfere with the rlffhta of conscience. We are 1 entitled to protection by the con- stltutlon of North Carolina. That falling, we are also entitled to pro tection by the United State gov ernment, and we are justified now in asking for that protection. 3. That North Carolina waa nev er so disgraced-aa she waa when, during the August campaign, the gallant Confederate soldier, Capt R. B. Davis, and others were assaul ted and prevented from filling their aplr-fnuents uy arm red-shirts and scoundrels ; and we denounce them as violating the laws of North Carolina, but we rec ognise their Immunity from pun ishment by tbe obstacles that will be thrown In the way of any apr al to justice at the hands of a parti san magistracy and judiciary. 4. That we and each of us hold ourselves ln readiness te prosecute to the end In tbe Federal Court any such attempt on the part of ballot box stutters and red -shirts to hold other than a fair election and to give other than a fair count in tbe pending campaign. 5 That we denounce the nreMHnt election law as violative not only of the highest moral law given to i . . . man, but as destructive of liberty ana subversive of the very genlun of our Institutions; as alike danger ous to the creator and manipulator as wen aa to the coerced and de handed : as destroying honeatvand Integrity and heaping up distrust ananatreo;aa defecting the will rvf tk 1 1 . vi mo wuia Bail crusnmg tne re sult af the ballot; as giving to men offices to wnicb they are not eatl tiea ana defrauding men to whom the honors and emoluments of same justly btlong; aa suborning the courts ana aetillng the springs of justice ; as f urnltoiosr to a Dart lean judiciary the necessary stamina to uo iqii beneats or it n&rtv &nt placing law and order at a discount - - - - j . faith In the courage, honesty w dom and natrlotlsm a Thl' i7T U. mat we still have an abidlns whose life, public i na private, pure, aa It Is la a an nicient answer to hla traducera. . . . . . "r, sua we wisn tnus publically to give expression to our confidence ana esteem. J. E. Garrett, Cross Creek. D. C. Dowjuxu, Cedar Creek. O. F. Bulla rd, Beaver Dam. H. M. Fill yaw, 71st Township. Johx CCurrik, Quewhifle. James Patk, Grays Cretk. D. O. McLkllut, Black Rtver. M. N. Bl'li.ard, pearee'a Mill. Ctrl Murpht, Flea Bill. If. M. Pate, Rock fish. The Simmons and Carr forces may make the Senatorial eampaign qoite lively. n 1 ? frequeoUyoMisUmuraia W w 1 I lure. t-m -hn siirK --v , uu ine wtwle Derrous system. Tlieordiwi ry method n-sort-u t.. f.,r a e,.re tre oniy ewr -.P Hat,h,ra.v yrsago Jieardl these old-tline WUwnu BVttHjdS aud rrfml a srtcm by r hich lie remove the stricture redo ing tbe thick waUs of the to nnZ Tlrt- .s.oratHHi. The trwttrnent ta applied by the patient Wnm-ll. it S mi. aud take, no time f roui busliM. Tbeeure erTe tedlspenuanrtitaudneoinplicat1.1 u diese4 cood Mods are remorwL This metliod of tr.tment and cure of Strie. turelsexcliMirelyuMdbj Dr. Hathaway. Dr. Hathaway, by a almiUr method, cure Varicocele without operation. All Sexual, Vrtaary. Xerrou. Bluod and other dlteuiea aisv T hlui by hU excluUre .yvtea. m uiTariaDie la iu Mult. r hu . . . . adVlee aeuxainmanoa '. -D" South Rrn.H Rtr. t. THE CAUCASIAN LfBCaf Ctkljr NWh CaruIlo. The Fanner and- Merbaoic's Paper. I i ML THK NKWS OF INTKKUST FKO.M AU, TA UTS i IF THK STATK AXIi FROM ALL OVKH Til K ttirXTHV. Pqj. Silliflo Sll1mrriti. "ifcii. OlliiSll l Hon Olio Year, $1. !00ll GRAND CLUB RATE. Semi in Five Cnsli Snlrtrrip fions, ami w will semi von the I'ajier one ye&r Frw: ur if yon arv already a Sn Wi i- Ix-r we will wove up your date one vear. If you w ish to reach I he I'eople alveriie in THE CAl.' ( 'ASIAN. Agents wanted in every Neigh borhood. Write for rates. s CAUCASIAN PUIS. CO. Pioclanation by the Gov-ercor- $200.00 Reward. i MTATBOr Nukih CaauLIM. KXSCOTIVa IBrttTMSMT, WhxBEAM. oOcial Infnri.ikti.n. haa been rvcwivtKl at this a-oart ment that Jonathan IU DDMLf. rtrv the lirst day of November, 187, ta Yancey couuty. N. C did km an murder oo Leuora Uay, and wHKKKAa, it appwa.e tnat th. aid Jonathan Bennett has fled ta State, or so conceal himself that the ordinary proceaa of law cannot be served upon him: Novr, therefore, Jt D. 1. Russell Governor of the Htate of North Car olina, by virtue of aathu.lty in m vested by lawr, no Is u ih.s my proclamation, offertag reward of Xwo Unndred Dollars lor tne appre hension and delivery ut tne aid Jonathan Bennett, to the Snenff of Yancey county at the l uurt-huai in Burnsville. S. C and 1 rid a.n Join ail officers of tne btate and ail guodcliiienato aaaist la bringing esid criminal to jostice. iwneu our city or JU1 elgh, the 23th day of beptem ber, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and in the one hundred and twenty-fifth year of our American Independence. Daniel L. Kumeix. By the Governor i. BaylusOade, Private becretary. - AUta. 6 a. s v i

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