1 CAUCASIAN o Vol. XVII RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA, OCTOBER -5, 1900. No. 46 THE WAR IN AFRICA. DEMAND FOUR HEADS. ..Ui ATTACK M INFLICT J. OSS. I5HITISH HEAVY STILL FICHTINC IN CHINA. ""W1 Principal Unlit r Ohm. Paris, Oct. !. a dispatch re celved from Pekln states that M. PI- hon, thr, French minister, In reply, ing to the note of Li Hung Chang and Prinw Chlng regarding peace negotiations, remarked th.t rn.i. by recognizing that she had violated 1 the law of nations, had admitted her responsibility to those- concerned. ! He therefore demanded the punlah I inent of the principal guilty person, . Prince Tuan, Chwang, Kung Yi and Tung Fu Hshtng, and added that un til the head of these officials full hostilities would not eea.se. The note sent to the ministers states that China offers to treat lor Iaoo and that she accepts the prin ciple that indemnities shall be iid for the destroyed legations, the lori es to be computed by delegates of the powers. It adds that the Euro Iean nations inav La awm-riftl IVaH from Proto- j commercial advantages or modifica- rm . uaaeraate or uct. ltti as fol- t onofthflf.nl trMtiM- i.t a ti.,. j avesWV.J ' VS. V ,? llll requirements of the powers vary It A party of Boers got Into Jag-'is nelJlul that they Individually rrrt ,ntein on the night of October ! tftte them. The plenipotentiaries i'tr, ana im .rnlng. JO killed." .ml Mnnsa Troops IWpftr Motors In Turn are Whipped ly th French ,, i if(,M)i I. tka ISrltUb. Hoers are making an aggres , campaign against the British .d.!ern, attacking outposts, cut V tl communications and capt tMif niall Indies of British troops. .r 1 JJoberts reports vaiaer uate or Oct. a fight ensued in the j promise that the princes and ralnls Our loss was 11 killed. ! ters who were aPcomDlice of tha Boer lost their commander Boxers shall be nunlshed aeeordino- .nv i u ' -a ., ... .,,.- to Chinese law. and a i rnin ana oeen derailed at Kaap !;i r Three persons wero killed In accident. The lloers have broken the rail- way at vraarontein. Ther fought ro- law, and in offering to negotiate they demand that hostili ties shall immediately cease. LYNCHED IN THE STREET. A Man Hang-ad fur Attempted CrtaiiAal Aaalt. Na.hville, 0. t. IS. Frank Warlield. j a negro of 22, wai lynched shortly af ter midnight this morning at K kton ' in Southern Kentucky He was charged j with an attempt to commit a criminal cBiui upon juri. remcs, wile oi a prominent young farmer i.ear El kton. WarUe IJ went to her home Tuesday af ternoon about 4 o'clock when, it in ! claimed, he knew the husbtnd was ab- j sen. W th. f'enick had time to lock Ler- fselfin, but toe negro tried the doors! until something frightened him away, j The hatband returned and bunted for and chased the n-gro two miles from! Klkton. He was placed in jail There j wa not much talk of lynching till last mght when a mob came to the jail and demanded Warde d. After alight par- j leying the jailer gave him over. j was swung to a tree in Clarkfil!e street in the suburbs where hundred-, j passed to-day aod gazed on the body, j Uia f ather refused to take the body for I burial. The coroner's jury returned j the Udual finding that the negro came! to hi death by hanging at the hands of a party or parties unknown. The verdict was signed by six men, the last of whom bore the name W. T. l.vnch. COTTON MAJOI PETE ISO I DIES OF FEVER. IS KING. XorU CarollaUa-Illc WUW aalctde aa Uwur Aft-r II U II Was a Com salt !. Washington, Oct. Is Surgeon j General Sternberg received a cable I message this morning from Major Qorgaa, chief sanitary officer at Ha CRISIS SPREAD- jvaua, saying that Major k'ttt H. rMnwn, commusary of tnbsist ence, V 8. V. died of yellow fever at I a Animas at nine o'clock last e enlng. and that Mrs. Peterson, his Fa TEXTILE 1NG OVER EVROPE, THREATENS TO M TRESS LABOR. IT THOUSANDS OF WORKMEN THROWN OUT OF EMPLOYMENT. Iligti PvieeatoT Cotton nd I'nMHisTactorjr A HEALTHY LOCALITY. Su 1 Tmiitxt on Huiall force that was sent to pit'r the line, killing several ard wounding a number, feomeothet' vn r taken prisoners. The Boers Hr- v ry active in the Kroonstad DNtrlctof the Orange Free State, wht ns Oeaeral Dewet Is operating. a correspondent writing from t'rt torla describes the situation as fallows : I' ruler the fih:idow of our own red,' white and blu and grenii, I may still write the truth about this horrible war kfiil the truth is that, though Roberts hxi in this sect on 40,000 against our 410O, and has taken poss-nsion of n few i owns as we vacated them for the hills, I m pay ma: dearly for them with life an.1 money If his force are ten to our "tit his loHHe are in tne same propor tion, and this while he is taking every tiu'itn advantage and defying all rule anil precedent in civilized war I n I'retoria he no sooner gt into the town than he drove out all the worn n and children, so as not to have the ex I't iiMe and the care of them 'Go t) Krugr,'' he sa d to the poor w mcj shose husbands and soim and bro hers were already driven from home ard lighting tor 'heir lives I hey may 1:3 'lj inff or dead, but their women ai d children must fly, too. and leave the5" li 'me- and little pieces of ground and hU their little belongings and lly." I hii corre8pon.:ei t says the Boers nr Mtronjrly posted at Lydenburg in the heart of the mountains, where it will be almoht impossible ftr the Jint-'.-li to (rain a foothold, and will be able to maintain the war for a long time to i'tiue. Put (Has In the Oatmeal. Charleston, W. Va , Oct. 17. Mrs. M. V. Hudson told Mabel Warren, a colored domestic, that after to-day she would not be wanted. A colored girl in a ne ghbor's family cautioned Mrs Hudson that Mabel had insinuated that glass in the oatmeal this morning would furnish her revenge. No one ate any of that dish for break fat to-day, and an examination show ed the p rridge lull of powdered glass. I he girl got away before she could be arrested. Tost Office Burglar Killed. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Two masked burg lars broke into the poot-ftice and gen eral store at ao.bra, a small town near ihickshinny, this county, tarty this morning. I hey covered the watchman, Henry ilighes, with their revolvers, and, after tying him, started to ran sack the post-office. While they were at work Highes loosened the cords that b und him and witn his rifle opened (ire on the burg lars He fired eigiit hots. One of the men fell dea i from two bullet wounds hiki his companion ec-ap d in a woun ded condition. 1 he dead man has not been identified. Mr. UigAes gave him self up to the authorities. larr for Undertaker, Ma or Doctor. Winston liepublican. Bishop Rondthaler returned Monday from Willow Hill, Va., at the foot of the Biue Ridge Mountains, where he had been to dedicate a new Moravian church. It is a pretty and picturesque spot, where good health is a heritage and a blessing, such as few sections are privileged to enjoy. The Bishop says that ha met with one patriarch who had lived at the same place for ".0 yetrs, had raised 7 chillrenand had 17 grand-children, anu was toiu mat to ere had not been a death in the family since 18 1 5 a Mr Childers, anoth-r pioneer, had 7 de scendants. including his wile, children. grand-i-iiiidren and graat-gra d chil dren, and that there has only been one death in the family for 30 years, and this departure was caused by an acci dent. There is also another family near comprising a husband, wife and 8 children and the d ctor's bill for 14 years has only been $2. Condition of th Tiru Mrt ITaioc Wltb the TrnJa Wr In b! AfWtd the Induatry. THE SOUTH INDUSTRIAL PRCCtESS. 1IM Tot-Mi7 f 'iBllil Ualtimoki, Oct. H.Th exports of cotton, naval stores. 1 amber, eat tie, flour and Iron from the South trn States In which cotton growing iwas once dominant, other article are being addtd yar by y ar. Among these are petroleum. With In the past five years the produc tion of crude petroleum In the i or alcana fields of Navarro count. wne, tinea nerseir an nou after-i iexa. nas been steadily dereIord, wards. What makes the cae a i bringing new population and tt particularly sad one Is that Major j Industries In its trail. The dUcov Peterson had an opportunity of go j ery of the oil was made In the h art ing to China several weeks ago, in j of the city In drilling an arwlen which evtnt he would undoubtedly ! well. For a couple of years slow have escaped the fever; but at the1 crogress was made, but since lS's solicitation of friends he decided to when a refinery wa ballt, It has remain on duty at Havana. The ; had rapid expansion. According to double tragedy recorded in Major ' a correspondent of th Mannfact Oorg&s' telegram Is the result. urwrs' Record, since Jan. 1, ls''J th Major Peterson was a native of; work has gone on uninterruptedly, North Carolina and a namesake of ! until the number of produclr ir well Ki-Senator Rinsona of that State lie was gratuated at the Military Academy In June, 1SS9, and had ten years' service In the Infantry army, In the field Is with a dally r ut put of ,lJ barrels. Oil of the I j brlcattng variety has been struck at a depth of four hundred feet, near According to a Washington special, the crisis in the German textile trade is said to be spreading. Over-produc- being attached successively to the t Powell, eight miles from Corslcana, tion, due to the rapid progress of Eu-' i"lh, 16th, 7th and r.th regiments and a pipe line will be built In or ropean trade in other countries is the i of Inhintry. In October, lt&'J, he der to get the oil to market. Month disease held accountable for this affl.c- j 9 appointed a commissary of after month the tankage capacity of . . i a tt i. c. . subsistence with the rank of Cap-1 their refinery has been Inoreavel ttonintextileindustrie. United States, ,n During tne 8paEl:h war he 1 until there isow about forty Unk. port to the State Department says that j fntry, and on the muster out of the the high price of cotton and theimpos-! lecrlment was made a mainr of vol. THE CIUNK8K WAU. Oc- A special from Tien Tsin, dated tober says : "Reliable unoflicial reports ay that the advance guard of the allied forces entered l'ao l ing Fu Wednesday, Oc tober 17th. The city, it is eaid, was practically deserted and offered no re distance. The British column captured seventeen imperial soldiers at We Nan Hien, October 10th, who were part of the force of two thousand men sent to disperse the Boxers in that res on The aotives assert that th. y killed 200 Boxers and w ere returning to Pa Chow when they were lired upon and dis persed ny the French. The British confiscated their arms and horses and released the imperial soldiers." Colored Girl Kidnapped and Forced to Danco In Saloons. Hagfrstown, Md James Brown and wife, colored, of Charlottesville, Va , were arrested in Ilagerstown 10 day lor kidnapping Lillian, the eleven-year-old daughter of Mrs Martha Thomas, or Frederick, Md,, who swore out the war rant. Brown and his wife trained the girl io it the inusc e dance, and took her on a round of the saloons. Justice Hoff man sent Brown and his wife to jeil for sixty days, and Mrs. Thomas Uok her daughter hime. The girl executed her dance, upon request of the State's attorney, hetore the justice. " (irent Kastern Hallway. Tarboro Southerner. Thomas II. Gatlin, Jr., civil en gineer, reports that the progress of the work on tnis line of railroad is reasonably satisfactory. The Eagle Construction Co., of Toledo, ., has the contract to build and complete ly equip the line, and the sub-contracts made by them with various outfits asMiiro its completion by Mar. Nt, 1901. The section from Fremont to Snow Hill Is about half-graded. The line will be constructed from Ital eigh to Englehard, in Hyde county, ou the Pamlico Sound, a distance of lt7 miles. Mrs. Nellie Shepherd Darned to Death. Greensboro, Oct. 18. News has just reached here of a horrible occurrence in the northern part of this county. A widow. Mrs Nellie Shepherd, aeed 70 vears. lived alone. Several days pass ins: and her neighbors not having seen her as usual, they went to her hou?e to see what had become of h r. Their in vestigation showed that she had been burned to death in her own house. The skull, the heart, a foot aod a few bones were all that were left to indicate the remains of a human body It is believ ed that Mrs atepherd was sitting near the fire and was attacked by an epilrp tic fit. No foul play is suspected. Populism In Tennessee. Dalton Herald. We are glad to see the evidences of returning life to Populism in Tennessee. Under the inspiration oi their new tttate paper, Our Coun try, together with a number of the old time Populist fpeakers, the Pops in our sister State are bestirring themselves. We lo k for a larger Populist vote In that State in No vember than has been polled since 18. Hevival is coming, boys, and it's c anlng fast. The old King Roosters of Georgia have volunteer ed to send a delegation of tax-fed spellbinders Into Tennessee to help their brethren of that State head off the Pops. Tevas Planters Able to Hold Their Cotton. Austin, Tex., Oct. IS Many of the cotton planters in this part of the state are rrfusing to tell their cotton at prrsent prices and are yarding the sta ple. Mst of them have sold enough o square their accounts ith the stores and wilt not sell the surplus un il high er prices prevar. They say ttey are out of debt and have money in the bank and can afford to wait nntil the top notch in prices is reached. More cot t n will be held in Texas this year than ever be i ore known unless prices should take a material advance. Tending Whither. Coming Events. Occasionally th world's plutocracy pauses in its wild revelry of luxury and power, and with an air of assumed in nocence aks : "What's wrong?" In the name of justice what is right? Liberty is being crucihed ! Patriotism is dy ne: Justice is dethroned! The rich are reckless in their extravagance: the poor are Ftarving Government, that is supposed to find justification in prin ciples of reason and humanity, and de rive its powers lrom tne consent of the governed has become a tool of oppress ion Armed invaders are sent frc-n ontf country to another to conquer subjects The military is bzv, strengthened Plutocracy is arir t; itself tor a contest, and labor is pre paring to accept the battle. L,egisla tive influence is bought and sola as though it was an ord:nary commodity Courts are corrupted and justice bar tered. The ballot, the only instrument the people have to protect themselves with, except the bullet, is being tain perd with and controlled by "ringrs ' A selfish, unscrupulous "wage heeler," or souirrel-tailed politician, is consid ered of more account thn a dozen hon est voters. Corruption, monopoly, op pression is everywhere. The people ?re taxed on everything they hancve, whether they eat it, wear it or use it -n their different vocations The genius of man discovers new inventions, but the avarice of man at once monopolizes them and they become agents of op pression, instead of beneficient discov eries. Wealth is concentrating in tt-9 hands of the few and children are beg ging for bread The wise are blind, the church is asleep; the press is subsHiz ed or hypnotized, and the statesmen are scrambling for a "job." The idle army of workmen is increasing. Di rectly they will get hungry, ah, they are hungry now. Some are begging: some are stealing; some are starving Bu all of them a'e verging on to tht madness w hich is the sure precursor to revolution. The eyes of the Triumph ant Plutocracy see not the danger, and their heart heed not the cry of the op pressed. The world is bright for them Why should they care? "Am I my brother's deeper?" "Eat, drink and be merry, for t-wnorrow ye may die " And the world swings round The gulf Plutocracy is preparing for Belschaz zer's feast. Nero is fiddling while Rome is burning Caesar is crossing the Rubicon. History is repeating it self tnd God will wipe out the. wrongs of humanity, although it ets back th hand of progress on the dial of civili zation. sibility of getting equivalent yarn pri ces is playing havoc with the trade. A great number of mills throughout the whole of Europe are cluing down on account of shortage in this article. The war in China has affected indus tries generally, more particularly the iron trade. India, for instance, had been constructing numbers of rice mills a d bad hougDt tne macmnes in uer- many Since the troubles in China aro-e tnis encouraging progress nas come to an untimely end From Alasia in the West to sjllesia in the east of the German Empire, a gen eral cutting down of working hours. and thousands ot weavers tnrown out of employment bear witness to the de plorable state of this industry through out the country The velvet industry is the only one of this nature which ap pears to be holding its own. notaing rrora sixteen thousand to jthlrty-sii thousand barrels each. which others are added as produc tion increases. The refinery is not able to refine the entire product, and large quantities of the crude oil are shipped to Mexico, whore it Is refined. The res id urn of the oil. unteers In the commissary depart msnt. He held the rank nearly a year, serving most of the time at Mantanzas, from where he was re cently transferred to Havana. While serving at that place he was refined at Coreicana, Is used in lo- taken with the disease which re sulted In his death and caused his wife to commit suicide. - Mrs. Peterson was the daughter of a prominent business man of Cincinnati and was gifted with un usual charms of person and mind. Her devotion of her husband is in dicated by the t ragic manner of her death. Prosperous Western Farmers, tforning Post. In Kansas this year's wheat pro duction far excelled the t tor age ca pacity of her elevators, and the railroads are quite unequal to the cask of hauling it. At the stations wheat is piled high in the air. In the Dakotas, Minnesota and Ohio there are similar records, while the total increase in the value of horses, mules, milch cows, catt'e and sheep for the country at large has mounted up to half a billion dollars. The farmers of the far west have more than doubled their stockholdings. What are Krupp guns mammoth warships and all the pomp and show of war, as ev idences of national power, com part d with these? ( al?b Powers and Number "13." Powers, the Kentuckian convicted of complicity in the murder of Goe bel, may be excused if he put some faith in the idea that thirteen is an unlucky number. He was nomina ted for office June 13,1899 arraigned July 13, 190d, as one of thirteen con spirators named; was defended by thirteen lawyers; his sweetheart was the thirteenth witness; the evidence allowed that 1.300 soldiers were rea- day to defend him; he gave Culton M.J'Oto pay the expenses of the mountaineers; he took $1,300 with him when he fled; the evidence closed Aug. Drawing a Fine Distinction. "James." said the milkman to bis new boy, "d'ye see what I'm "Yes, sir, replied James, "you're a pourin' water into the milk." "No, I'm not, James, i m a-pour in' milk into the water; so if any body asks you if I put water into the milk you can tell 'em no. All en stick to the truth, James. Cheat- in' is bad 'nough, but lyin' is wuss." Pick-Me-Up. The India Famine. The Viceroy of India, Lord Cur zon, in a speech before the council said the famine had affected a quar ter of the population of India and that even now two millions of peo ple were receiving relief. He ex pressed the hope, however, that in a month's time these would return to their homes. His Lordship further said' that half a million deaths were traceable to the family and that the loss of the crops involved the loss of fifty mil lions sterling, plus some millions for the loss of cattle. Tw elve Mistakes of Life. An English paper gives a list of what it terms the "twelve mistakes of life." While there are undoubtedly oth er mistakes than those mentioned the list is a fairly comprehensive one. It is a greater mistake to set up our own standard of right and wrong and judge people according ly ; to measure the enjoyment of others by our own: to expect uni formity of opinion in this world ; to look for experience and Judgment in youth ; to look for perfection in otuown actions ; to worry ourselves with what cannot be remedied; no. to yield in Immaterial matters ; no.' to alleviate all the needs allevia tion so far as lies in our power ; not to consider everything impossible that we cannot perform; to believe only what our finite minds can grasp ; to expect to bo able to un derstand everything. And the last and greatest mistake of all is t live for time alone, with no thought for the future when any moment may launch us into eternity. Prosperity in Stanly County. A reliable gentleman from Stan- j ly county teils the Charlotte Obser ver that the cotton crop or nis county is about 65 per cent, and that the farmers of Stanly are in good condition. He says Albemarle has grown in four vears from a pop ulation of 350 to 3,000, which in crease he credits to the railroad and to the three cotton mills located there. cal mills and factories for fuel, and large duantltlesof it are shipped ty train to Ha nine Pais to be loadfd on steamships for tne North, whore its by products are derived The outward movement of lum ber is strengthening. The repo ts of railroads as to lumber traffic rep resents it as quite up to the aver age for the season. Iieporis from all milling sections show no excos- sive stocks at any point, while many mills are moving lumber as rapidly as it leaves the saw In the North Carolina pine section the cut look Is very satisfactory, and white there is no very great activity in the market, the demand is sttady with a good inquiry which later on will develop considerable actual business. One of the most interesting de velopments in Southern textiles during the week is the beginning of the construction at Clearwater, S. C , of a plant for bleaching and printing cotton goods. This owned by Georgia parties, represents an investment of $390,000, and will have a capacity ef bleaching week ly 8,000,000 yards and for printing 3,000,000 yards, the Eufaula, Ala., Cotton mills will erect a new power house for two 250 horse-power boil ers, the Stanford Cotton Mills, of Cedar town, Ga , will increase its carding machines by twenty per cent., and the Middle Georgia Cot ton Mills at Eaton ton, Ga , has awarded a contrct for a building to accommodate 5,000 spindles and li") looms. ANXIOUS FOR PEACE. TIIIIS II WHO TO MtCflT. t . rry 4 ft New iWra Jcusl ; A Use m U yi&. tin oae flst go vbr ety is, U Make aofity, are goo4 ta Uo la t ea fe&aiee aod traJe of aii slada CHINESE WANTTHKU.U: To!---kw STOP. BUT IK NOT iilVK SUFFICIENT GUI It NTEE. TllttS Of PIQP0SI0 ACtEEMIRT. Tk ASsbII f.UWlHyror Is!.. K(. lrM K-r4 e.s4 ra VTtllia u V iU Assrtklaf 1st l Wy f TrMUM ls i oasMeratloa wf t VVUk4rs J .f Troup m an iraiiUM Chl- I. j Of oa aU C4d that Ue pret I Hwva l a gvoj oe fer kt latoriBg ' ao. the retail zi toWd4i- era. a&4 t ike ceseral saereaaule trade is every way. Work u offered fi every kiai ef labsr, at good piMi it to wort la j field, or at the Usc&. ; Was rowl crop of tobacco a4 i eottoc. bieh ar trlagUf matkWt j ter pnes tfcaa aioal, esciaJiy eV to, there is bob r is ideal r. aal tae local tralera ia Uelr dany eaiee. ' are floJibf ft oat. It ia at theee proeprou pricdi that erery loea' tada ry ehoal4 W jmakifif money, and every aeosr i agemeat should be rtvea t the ro- WaHI-GTOK, Oct. 1. The neee government has made a re- cboUjb of Ue beat isurHti of this quest upon Secretary bay that ne-;'"' y. mr Better- gotlatlon. begin to morrow at P.-: it kin, looking to a settlement of the; that private aad poods larT- DSSCOYERED BY MULES. mioteo quoauoo. it ia aaiu at me , State Department that Mr. Conger' i instructions are sufficient in; breadth to enable him to proceed j with negotiations to-morrow with out further orders from the Depart- j ment. However, as the Chinese counter proposals received yesterdy thro Mr. Conger, appear to warrant fur ther Instructions from the frvtl- dent and Secretary Hay, Mr. Con ger was wired to day an outline of the course he is to pursue In fur therance of the plans already om- mltted to his care, tor obvious reasons the State Department has decided to make public the text of these supplementary Instructions. But It may be stated that our gov ernment does not regard the Chi nese tender as sufficient to meet the necessities of the case. It Is not In d lea tad In what respect they fall short. The Chinese agreement, ac cord.ng to their note express re gret, admits liabilities for Indem nity, and jlelds anything In th way of treaties, in consideration of the withdrawal of the troops and an armistice. It is Inferred that our objection it based on a lack of guar an tees for the present safety of American citizens and the legation In China as woll as for the protec tion of missionaries and trade In terests in the future. It cann t be gathered that the matter of the sufficiency of the puntshmtnt to be! meted out to the Chinese rnending officials enters Into tbls objection The alleged edict setting out tbpun iftliiiients allotted to I'rime Tuau and his fellow con piratora, is surrounded with doubt. Mr. Con per has advised the State lepirtnient that tbj autheo- icity of the edi t is called in quextiun in Fekm, but no where has the State Department been able to secure any official statement as to the i haracter of the edict The State Department has so far made no answer to the Chinese propo sal and as already indicated, w id re turn t bis probably tbrough Mr. Con g". mesis aaoau De made, improve ments tobitaoUal acJ permaaeat ia ehraci r. In aach a eeaaon aa tie present, with gjod crops aad kih pneee for farm produce, the farmer akeald prcfit, in retting bib prtdect to market in the best of mark table oape, thus realu.nf the hiheet prices and he should to it that the money mad ahould be employ--d advantageously m payug all debts, and in proV.ding agaiast to or wants, aad possible eoatlsf eneiej. The merchant who before this period, baa been a steady aad per istent adverur, ia now rwapiag richly from lb few dollars spent in telling the cewapapcr readers what be had to eell This is theeeaaoa when th adver tiser is getting bis reward for eo acientioas and persistent advertis ing in the paat and preeeat. Kry trad and prafeaaios, with hardly an eteeptijn, im profiting by the good times with plenty of woik at good wages, and good erope with high prices for them, ia bringing to the people of this section The Un.es in which people ahoald profit, are hk the present, and tboe who tail to gain In aach prosperous periods, will surely fail in any sea son, no matter how prorperoas it may be. FOUND CUILTY BY THE JURY. CORONEIt Serious Case of Shooting. F. J. Dempsey, a well known planter of Wilmington, shot him self in the breast and made a dan gerous wound. He was unloading a rifle and accidentally exploded the cartridge. Doctors are afraid to probe for the ball. 8,000 Gallons of Benzine Explo ded. Charlotte, N. C High Point, N. C, was shaken as if by an earthquake to night at 8 o'clock by the explosion of a benzine tank containing 3,000 jrallons The exploaion occurred on the outskirts 01 tne town, anu no casualties resume Over-Production. The Hickory limes-Mercury, fears that "if the seasons are good next year, there will be an over-prduntion of farm product grown " This fear may be well founded as to eotton and tobac co, but not so with cereals, fruit, meats, bay, butter, poultry and garden products ro long as thousands of dol lars' worth of these products have to be shipped in from other States to sup ply our people, aa nas oeen tne case in other years, even in years of plenty, there is little danger of an over-pro duction. If North Carolina farmers will all lend their surplus energies to the task of increasing the production of these supplies they will do little more than keep even with a rapidly de veloping home market a market de mandinsra constant increase of the .-mall no-called by-products of the farm Diversified farming is the key note te success in North Carolina. Damage to Texas Cotton. A stat 1st ican of the Department of Agriculture at Washington, says that the West Indian hurricane de stroyed in Texas, cotton which, when matured would have mad about 68,000 bales. On a basis of $50 per bale the amount destroyed would represent a value of $4,400,- 000. The Durham Herald says that in one of the school districts ill Dur ham county a mother and daughter are both on the school census list. Tho mother is just 14 and the child i a few months old. Vice Consul Keed Dies in Madrid Madkid, Oct. 18.-D wight T. Reed, United States Vice Consul in Mad rid, since May. 1899, died yesterday morning at 9 o'clock, and was bur led to-day In the British cemetery. BSMBBBBSSBMlBaBBBBBBaBBBI The enumeration of the twelfth census is completed. There were 53,000 enumerators and 297 supervi sors. The cost of the enumeration will be about 14,200,000. The re oortof the Census Bureau when completed, will occupy eight vol umes of one thousand pages. The man who attends strictly to his own bnsinesss has a good steady job. Ixehang. Swinging to Bryan's Coat Tails. King's Weekly, a Democratic pa per, published at Greeneville, says: "It is hoped that V. J. Bryan has a new coat or has had the tails of his old one greatly strengthened as Joe Daniels is again swinging to them." A Man in Iowa Gets One Cent Year for Carrying the Mail. a A Treasury warrant tor 1 cent was issued a few days ago by the auditor of the Postoffitie Department to Frank H Lyncn io cover nis salary ior uarryiug "out OI Style. ' Suppose. Human Educator. What a marvelous ehange in the treatment of horses would quickly occur if men were treated exactly like they treat their horses. In that case whips would seldom be used. Jerking the bit would cease also. Telling, cursing, pounding and kicking. Check reins would be very slack. Blinders would be discarded. Clipping and docking would go He Prayed Hard. Atlanta Journal. An old man in Georgia named Jack Baldwin, having lost his hat in an old dry well one day, hitched a rope to a stump and let himself down. A wicked wag named Neal came along just then and, quietly detaching a bell from Ballwin's old blind horse, approached the well, bell in hand, and began to ting a ling. Jack thought the old horse was coming and said: "Hang the old blind horse ! He's coming this way sure, and he ain't got no more sense than to fall in on me Whoa, Ball !' The sound came closer. "Great Jerusalem, the old blind fol will be right on top of me in a minute ! Whoa, Ball ! Whoa, haw, Ball! Ned kicked a little dirt on Jack's head, and Jack began to pray : "Ob, Lord, have mercy on whoa, Ball ! a poor sinner I'm gone now, whoa. Ball ! hallowed be thy gee Ball, what'll I do I name. Now I lay me down to si ge, Ball !" Just then in fell more dirt. 4 Oh, Lord, if you ever intended to do anything for me bai k Ball ! whoa ! Oh, Lord, you know I was baptized in Smith's mill dam whoa, Ball, ho ! up! murder! whoa:" Neal could hold in no longer, and shouted a laugh which might have been heard two miles, which was about as far as Jack chased him when he got out. the United States mails during the past fiscal year. Lynch carries tne mails from Mineral Point, Iowa county, Wis , to Dodgevilie daily. Ha drives a stage and makes a fairly good living from his passenger and freight traffic. He was afraid some one would underbid him for 'Carrying the mail over the route, so a year ago be contracted with the government to carry the mails for the next four years for the sum of 1 cent per year. June closed the first year of his contract The warrant sent Lynch to-day went tbrouth as much red tape as tne one which arivea the New! York Central Railroad $360,000 every quarter for transporting the mails. Lynch has been offered large sums for the warrant bv relic hunters, and it is believed he Big loads would rarely be seen. Axle-grease would have a boom. Better roads would be loudly de manded. Wide tires would be universal. Race-tracks wonld be "for sale." Stables would be light, clean and airy. Horses would be watered frequent ly, and regularly, and have a van ety and sufficiency of food and a deep, soft bed at nignt: All of which proves how mean, cruel and foolish some men are. Lots of men who claim to be look ing for work wouldn't recognize a will realize several dollars f rpm it If he 1 job if it stepped up and tapped them agreti to its sale. I on th shoulder. jtxshaags. A ow we Can Hide in Air Ships. N. Y. Herald, 18th. The problem of practically navi gating air has apparently been solved. Count Zeppelin, with four pass engers, in his big ''ship'' yesterday rose a thousand feet above the sur face of Lake Constance, and sailing within four points of the wind about as close as a modern racing cutter could get in the grosser ele ment voyaged a distance of seven miles. Maine Survivor Commits Suicide. New York, Oct. 19 After suffer ing intense pain for two years from a broken jaw, which he received while on board the ill-fated battle ship Maine, when she was blown up in Havana harbor, in 1898, and also from internal injury, Nicholas Scalp, aged 47. this morning ended his misery by sending a bullet crashing through his brain, in a boarding house in Brooklyn. They Kicked up the Ground end I.ald Bare Valuable Deposits. Chicago Record. The animal with the gazellelike eyes, the sardonic smile and the wicked pair of heels the mule -Is responsible for the trlpoli excite ment in Jackson county, Ind. The story of how the mule once did good is an interesting one. A. H. uarnaugn, a farmer living near Fretown, seven miles north of here, recently hitched a team of mules under a tree by the banks of 8alt 'reek. The mules were attackea by flies, and In their frantic efforts to drive them on they pawed up the ground. When the farmer re turned, he found a peculiar bluish dust enveloping the animals, and on the ground was a heap ot sind aa tine as flour. He became inter ested in the find and so sent a bot tle of the sand to State Geologist Blatchly. who soon sent back word that it was trlpoli, worth between four and six dollars a ton. Mr. Har baugh examined his own land and found that great deposits were on his farm. His neighbors, becoming luterested, have done the same, and a number of them have b. en fortu nate enough to find several small beds. The deposit on Harbaugh'a farm is more than thirty six Inches thick. Tripoli is not easily fonnd, for at present there are but three exten sive beds in the United States. The largest bed is in Newton county, Mo., and another extensive bed is in West Virginia. The people of Jackson county claim theirs is the only de posit in this region of the co intry. but this ia wrong. In Perry county near 8t. Melnrad, there is a splendid deposit, bat it is nearly inaccessible. The beds of Jackson county, how ever, are easily reached, for tke Southern Indiana railway ia near by. Tripoli is used mainly for the pur pose of polishing. It la rather hard. but it has not tnfflclent grit to eut metal or glass surfaees. It is claim ed the Venetians were the first to use tripoli. It is often called "rot ton stone." bat its technical name comes from Tripoli, in whieh coun try it was first obtained. Tripoli is principally a silica, and it is formed from the shells oi mieroseopie or ganisms, accumulated in oceans n9 at wide interval drifted, forming a deposit. Another use in recent rears has been found for tnpoli. it was for some time need as an absor bent in making high explosive, out in the list few years gan eotton and other materials have supplanted it. B asides this, tripoli is used in mak ing soap, and it is claimed that deli cate fl jsh is not iii j axed by contact with it. I 'sea of The Lemon. Home and Farm.J Sick headache may often be cared by taking half the juice ot one lem un in a teaeapfnl of strong black coffee. Headaches from biliousness or torpid liver sometimes yield to the simple treatment of half a lemon squeezed into a enp of hot water ithout sagar, taken night and morning. Lemon jaioe and sugar mixed very thick furnish a ommon household reuudy for coughs and colds. Ho: lemonade is also good, but the very best form in which the lemon can b? used for sueb eases is the folio win g. Put a good sized lemon In the oven and let it remain nntil thoroughly baked. It will then be soft all through. Take it oat and add enough sugar or honey honey ia preterable to make a thick syrup with the laiee. K.p this warm and take a .teaipoonfn! every few minutes. When yon makeah)t lemonade for a cold remember that glycerin instead of sugar will make the rem edy more valuable. For feverishness and nanaturai thirst soften a lemon by rolling on a hard surf ace. cat off the top, add sugar, and woik the sugar down in to the lemon with a fotic. A hen slowly suek the lemon. Lemons in almost any form have a beneneiai eneei in cases oi rnen ma ism, and ars recommended by doctors. Aa a remedy for an obstinate corn bind a piece of lemon upon it, renew ing every morning for three or lour day. Then the corn will be easily removed. Bread ernmos soaaed with lemon iaiee may be need for the same par pose. Bobbing with pieces of lemon will relieve sore and tender feet. Chilblains can do cured bv rabbin with sliced lemon that has been sprinkled with salt. The ehapping of th hands by ex posare to heat or from hot soapsuds a a at - - may be prevented ny running wits lemon iaiee: and with salt, lemon jaice will remove iron nut and near ly all vegetable stains. Jamas Scvlt and Kd Ptt- Itoaad 0to osrt-Alktwad (.! UaU. Sanford, N. C. Oct. 13. The cor oner's jury in the kfclver murder c& hei-t mat Melver cava to hi death from a pistol in the hand of James P. Scott, and that both Jat. P. Scott and i. Petty wre respon siole. It is directed that they b held to court, bat recommended they be allowed bail. The tragedy took place last Mon day. Mcfvtr had tied his horse on the sidewalk and objected angrily when told to move him away. Petty, the constable, remonstrated with him, and in the scrap that followed was severely cut. Daring the fracas M elver was shot by Jim Scott, a special policeman, and ran across the street and fell, dying ia a few minntea. After he had fallen, Petty struck him several blow with a club. There is a great deal of ex citement over the affair, and the friends of both parties are mach aroused. Mr. J. I. Scott, is a son of Mr. Hjm Heott, a prominent citizen of Cary. Main Gives Up Two More DesvL Newnort News, Va., Oct. 17. Workmen on the hulk of the burned North Uerman Lloyd steamship Main, undergoing repairs at the shipyard here, have found the botes of two bodies in on of the pa sages leading to the coal bunkers. The men were probably part of the crew hastening to the bunkers for safety while the ship was burning at her pier in Hobo ken. I'liyalcluir Tragic (Suicide. Camberland, Md., After affec tionately greeting hi family on the Baltimore and Ohio station platform at the Grafton House, Grafton, W. Va., yesterday. Dr. J. L. Crbley, of Nawbarg, one of the oldest and bt- known physicians of Central West Virginia, drew hi revolver and blew at hi brains. His family had j oat returned from an txtended Western visr, and Dr. Cortl-y went from Neabarg to Grafton, thirteen mile, t meet them and ec rt them Lome. They had wired him that they were returning. There was a larg crowd abont the station at the time. Including many warm friecds of the returned famdy, sr-k m a a a ana ut. isoroicy arsaiue act au bat caused a panic. II fondly em Oiased hi wife and cmldren as tney iigniea. ana cnaitea pieaaanuy wun them for a few miuctea. Taming on hi heel, without a word ot ex planation, he suddenly drew his re volver, and before the surprised on lookers could divine bis intention, seat a bullet into hi brain. He fell back in the arm of his twelve year- Old aen and died before medieal aid eould be summoned. His wife is almost insane frm grief. Hi family claim he was des pondent. Those about th depot aay Dr. Corbley had bees drinking be fore meeting his family. His ie tnain were viewed by the eoratr and then removed to his bora at Newburg. hhot Ilia Sweetheart Faths-r. Oreensburg, Ind., Oct. 20. A du el was fought by Dr. Claude Deck and William Barton at the village of Waynebu:g. Barton Is shot through the body, and, it Is be.iev ed, will die; while Bck escaped with a bullet bole through his coat collar. It is claimed that Heck was reful the privilege of keeping company with Barton's daughter. Ue k,whU drank, sought a quarrel with Barton and t-hot him fatally. Quite a sensational escape occurr ed at the Federal Conrt in States vllle last week. While David Isen- hour. of Alexander county, was on trial for removing and concealing, he walked out with the Jury uncon cernedly and has not been seen net. The Very .Latest. From the Philadelphia Press. 1 Sunday school Teacher God first made the world, and all the beasts. and the birds. Now, what was the last thing Hs created? Willie GreenWhy, x guess it's the brand-new baby that earns to our houss Friday. I aial heard of aayUuag later. K rarer Steal Oa Hoard. Lorenzo Marque, Oct. 19L Mr. Kro ger was secretly taken at 6 o'clock Sat urday morning on board the Dutch cruiser Gelderlaod. on which vel be i to sail for Holla ed. The reason given for Sr. Kruger's embarkation is that be fearer1 the Bo ers here would attack him. Th feeling of the refugee against Mr. Krsger ft feeing from the country Is very ttroog.