CASIAN H CA i.. Xvlli. THE TRUST. ILLEGAL U.I. I'KinilT JtEAL n 1 KKuFdoVEUXMKXT JU UACK again 1; 1JIE MONEY CENTERS. JHU'jr WORK fOK HORIM CARO LINA FARMERS. of Ju ft Walter (.'tin tWura oitn Carolina 1 obacoo frorura' ... luti ii In -ealn In Uatala-b, Oc- r i 410, lOOO. . ,. pprec.ate the honor wf an invi- u to addreu you, though I ran but briefly. At a time, when li .ny re timid in opiiig the iii'Uh inlluenee of the illegal Mnation of capital which n de- of the law exi-.t ari'J find great M and tio inoN-htation in contin to eti.-it, y u have the, courage our conviction. Without he.i , a or roservttion, I will say to . Hut I tun with you, not half , , but altogether and entirely " you. The law should l -u-' l' land where the will ot l'oph express.! through their I' -eniallve 1m the law and the v' a well a.s the humblest n ild how in nuhinisHion to it. 1 lie Congre of the Unit d .State, the Art of 1'.I0, chapter i7, 1 : n the "Sherman Anti-Tru.-t ; w," prohibit trut under a pii- My of $0,1101, mid one year's luipri-- nt, and Act ha-t l-n lied .n-1 n iitimul hy the Supreme Court ! the United State in no I s than ;luee well known le Ision-i. In North Carolina also, since Chapter '.'i, Act Ims'.i, triHt.t liave Ikn'h i I it .. l and uhject to a iionully of $ 1 0,000 mul ten year' imprisonment. Tnat A-t define a tru-t as "any arninge nt fur the pnrjMise of Increasing - r dc'nasing the price ot any ca--i ti' prtxlucts the price that vmild Ik tlxed hy the n.ttunil de imiid or supply." Y't it i a trust, t douhly illt gal liy hot h Stale and Nutional law, and whose ni iiuig. rs have U-en every day lor ten jcurs jtt liahle to tine mill iiiipri-oument, a!i1( 0 wiiii l f 1 1 1 i j 1 1 1 1's you i:d ilcs Up lie wealth Which Ih- long to you in th. ir ov rtlowingcof I'crs. It is to right your wrongs and to insist mon the vindication of the outraged and violated mnjesty of the law that you have asseuihled. This not the ase m Mage of the men of' uny one pirty, for if it were, pro priety would forhid that I Khould uildress you. Hut it is an assenihlage ot represent a tivew of one ot our greatest industries, lrrep ctive of party, to demand thtv faithful exe cution of the la, and that there diould tH an enforcement of the Iav iigalnnt those who llnd enormous wealth in its hahitual violation fi well a Hg.iinst thos? who violate ii without profit. When the great armies of Kurope !n 11 I, in overwhelming nil niters were niuverging upon 1uh, detend el hy a feMe hind unler Napoleo i, an unexjHH'ted movvuient of that great genius discon -erted them so '.hat an immediate retreat walgun hy th'ir vast forces. Tout night an unsigned note, in a female hand, coining lrom lari", was delivered into the hands of the comnintnling general. It read: "You can do ev erything and you attempt nothing." That note changed the face of the world. A Council was held, the ar my alout-t'aeed, and marched straight on l'aris. The great military mon archy of Napoh on fell. Ho it should ! said to the American people. You complain of the evil the trusts lntVict up.m you. You complain that the earning of the producer, a ud the profits of the small dealer, and the opportunity of advancement f the many aie all contl cated for the creation of a few multi-uullioii-alres. The people should told: 'Why do you complain? The rem- dy is in your own hand. You can do everything and you attempt nothing." The people are all hw erlul when they really will it. At one exercise of their will they can lake charge of ltd government from eonstahle, to President. If mem ler of State legislatures and Con gress are unfaithful, the people hould mai k their course and el ct others. If statutes passed in the puhlic interest are held unconstiiu tioul hy judges, then the same ple who made the Constitution can amend it if really necessary, or if the fault i in the Judge remove them and put letter men In their places. The servant i not atnive his master, and Judges and all other puhlic otllcials are only servant ot tli -ople, and they arv nothing more. The statute making trusts illegal have not heen enforced. Then look into it and see what puhlic servant have been lacking In zeal to enforce the law. Those who are friendly to the trust f-ay there are no trusts. The aelence of these hireling of illegal CDinhinations for no man unless re viving leneflt from them would de fend them sound like a nlea set tin hy a young lawyer whoso client wa nued for damaging a kettle he had Wrowed. Hi plea ran thl way: (1) The kettle was not cracked hcn he returned It. (2) It was cracked when he got It. (3) lie never th blamed old kettle. So these ('ioployee of t( njrth , I ru-l are & neeewry and ay .'1 j unavoid- ; V.J. (2. The are very u-f.jl Ji'l-'l beiiefl lal 1 t.u-t. i'i There are no t - , j 'u know very well thai there are I rn-t, that they have etei, up your JJ"-t earning like the Ioeun of j -K.Vt. that they arr not beueuVial to tho-e not in the.,,, and OU know that being in,.Kai ailfl iljJunuu lhH , 1JU ougm to suppre ti. in. i ou Will a-k how this To r. done. An honet, faithful -x-vutiou i of the law-j alndy Uu the -tatut., j '"' ,k w,'ul,i Wroy ihwm, and that ! liUhiul exe;utiou un in, had when ever the puhlh; will arouvi theui ! lves to w,lct only ,Urh public ser J vauta ah wllltklttjl'uUy exwutethej j but it will he jggted that addl- nonai enaeinjent w illl,a ful I would not be understood ad opposing fny ouggeMioi.s made by others at this minting who are more familiar with the subject than I and who have studied it more profoundly, bu. I venture to suggewt souje o-hers t at may well le enacted hy any legisla ture which 1 really and genuinely h-stile to tbe-i cancer upon the oody iolitie. First, consider tiie nature of the oeratiou of these ille gal corsjratIons. They combine vast ma-sea ol capital, then when ever tuey llnd an honest dealer or a competing manufactuier making a reasonable protlt on the sam gooJs, tliey put an agent, or open a store no ninaliy In the name of another, alongside of him and undersell him. Wnen they have biokeu him up or forced him to sell out to the trust, Immediately the of the manu factured article Is put up to the con sumer and the price of the raw pro duct is put down to the producer. The monopoly having no longer anv couin titor, the producer is forced to take an unjustly low price and the c 'iisu mer to pay an unreasonably high one and the opportunity of countless thousiiid of men who would have leen dealers and manu faclureis supK)ning their families, i destroyed. Thse dealers ami manufacturers would by their cam ietition have guaranteed just price to the creator of the raw material, and reasonable prices to the con sunn r. Mut the trust destroy all das' alike and put the protit into their own eotlcr. The additional legislation which has occurred to me are: 1st. The tru-t U'ing illegal, they should le treated as all other outlaw and for hidden the use of the courts to col lect debts due to them. When they sell goods on credii, the defense that the creditor i a trust may be pleaded and if proven should bar any recov ery. Enormous a are their illegal accumulation-, even the trusts must lo some business on credit. Such an act its this has lieen justed in Mis souri, Arkansas and Texa, and jhis sibly in other States. This statute in a modified and milder form was introduced in the last General As sembly by Mr. Steven and passed the lower House, but the agents of the trust were able to persuade the Senate that it was a dangerous measure a it was, but to the trusts only. That the tmsts should have so earnestly opimsed it I conclusive answer to those who i-ay the law would have done do good. The trusts may be trusted to know their own interests. When the "Stevens" bill is introduced in the coming legislature, if public opinion is ex pressed unmistakably in its favor it will not suffer a s. cond defeat. 2. There is needed a rigid en forcement of the Craig law, which forbid any corporation chartered In another State io do business in Ihi state until it ha been re chartered in tli is State, and similar acts have la-en sustained by the United States Supreme Court. By its enforcement every corporation doing busine-s in this State will be subject to State control and regulation, and if any of them are proven to le trust or oth erwise doing an illegal business, they can be wound up and forced to cease their operations in this State. 8. Another just measure Is one l-ecently pur in force in Germany by which a graded tax is laid upon the earnings of corporations, the percent, of taxation being increased in pro portion to gross earnings. Thi dis courages very laige aggregations of capital and ten t to give small man ufacturers and small dealer an op IKirtunity in the struggle for exist ence. It is a just application of the maxim of "the greatest good to the greatest number," which must be the basis of all just government. It is lieiter far that we have a very large number of prosperous, well-to-do citizens with moderate incomes, than a few multi-millionaires, high rolling in Loudon and New York, while the masses of our people are struggling for a bare living. A sim ilar application of the German prin ciple is the graded inheritance tax and graded income tax in England by which the great fortunes are heavily taxed, raising about one third of the annual revenues of the British Empire, while the small es tate are only nominally taxed and those under a certain Bum are en tirely exempt. 4. And there is still a fourth measure of relief. The trusts oper ate by underselling the small dealer, and after he is forced out, they re duce the price to the producer ot the raw material and raise the price to the consumer. This can be met by a statute empowering the Superior Courts in such cases to issue writs of injunction against the corporation thus reducing prices from again raising them, and making an attempt to raise them a forfeiture of the charter, provided a jury shall find that the redaction was made for the purpose of de-troy log competition.; Aa undyr the Crg act corporation j cannot do bu-inn here witliout ; State charter, this would cirs ot s ail huch operatious. Individual! may reduce prices at will, but wheu ! oorfioration. crc-ateJ sfjlely by thej State u- their powers agaitiat the j public interest, it can lj made cause tor withuria lug th. p.wer. le-lieM the evils from tru-is .! ready enumerated, there, are theej wll worthy of your attention: l.j Und-r a normal andju.t condition! of affairs, the profit 4 of the, prjduc-r I of the raw material, of the small J manufacturer and small dealer, audi the sums -aved to the consumer by the lower p.icw to the in where there L- compett-iuu all these sums stay here and their accumulation will make the State rich. Under trust rule all these pr. fltg are accumulated lu a few hand and are steadily car rier out of the State to nent impoverishment. our perma- 2. The owners of the vast accum ulation of the illegal concern, oper ating under the prohibition of both fttate and Federal statutes, require to I) protected against the peualtiei denounced by thee statutes. T. that end portions of the amounts Illegally levied by these modern Dick Turpins on the public are set aside for the purchase or eonirol of newspapers, for donations to educa tional insiitutions which shall in doctrinate our youth with senti ments of the beauty and holiness of tru-t and the lib rallty of trust magnates, and In the debauching ot elections and the manipulation of legislatures and Congresses through and oiher well known and reprenen-lhle methods. They are thus a cancer on the body politic. These and other evlla are known to every one.' They are like the sun, but only in that none can fail to see them. No one denies the existence of these evils or apologizes for them save those whose who are employed by the trusts or who are in some way favored or controlled by them. Pul lic sentiment and the public intere-t are agdnst them. But the tru-ts survive and pros-r. The people of the State can put an end to them. Will they do it? Shall it be said of our Hple as of the allied armies of 1 X . 4, "You can do everything and you attempt nothing." The British Government of 1776 in this couutry stood for plutocracy. The Whigs of that day, led by Wash ington, Adams, Jefferson and others, stood for a government of men and conquered The trusts of this dav area revival of the Tories of 177G and stand i,r a government by the m on ied classes. Are we weaker than our forefathers? They won the right of hell-government for us. Shall we lose it? Shall we permit the real centre of government to go back again to the money centre of London and New York? You say no, a thousand times no. Continue your agitation. Let the truth of the present condition of affairs get to the masses of our countrymen, let them understand tnat the termination of the evils that sorely afflict us will come when they shdl really will it, and the trusts ami alt like evils that now overcome us will disapjear like mists before the rising bun of the leople's sovereignty. How She Gave Him Her Pocket Book. Kansas City Journal. It happened out on a suburban boulevard last Saturday night and the heroine is an athletic girl out of a high school only a year. The girl wait returning to her home a little later t an is customary for young women to be on the streets, and hen she was within a block, of her house a man sprang out from b hind a tree and demanded her pocketbook. Upon the gin's hesi tation to give up her money the man stepped nearer and growl, d: "Hand me your pocketbook, and be quick about it and don't make any fuss " Now the pock, tb ok that the girl carr ed was the kind that has a strap which slips over the owner's hand and wh n it is worn it lies over 'he back of tbe fingers. Wh-n the man made a second , demand for the pocketbook the girl stepp d ch sh to him and nanded"' it to him, but not in the manner expected. She just landed one on he Jaw with the hind that, carrd thu pocketbook The leather spr. ad out over the little flit, and, as there was considerable silver in it, the blow was vicious. The robber went down in a heap. He wa- on h's feet in a second and came back at the g rl with a look of tho greatest surprise on his face. 'Hand mH that pocketbook," he growled "AM right," answered the girl, striking him again on the side of the jaw Thi tune tbe man did not get up so quickly, but lay a moment groaniug on tbe ground. This was the advantage the girl was looking for, aod she took to her heels and was soon within her own home. And here follows anoth er part of thi9 true tale. When sh flew through the doors of her home and was met by her mother and sisters this strange girl didn't faint, but sbe Just sat down and laughed a load ringing, wholesome laugh, and made light of her adventure, thus further shattering the tradi tions of her sex. A Message From a Shipwreck. Jacksonville, Fla., Nov. 10. There was picked up on the beach the morning of the 6th inst., by Mr. B. O. Uolden, who is a machinist the Seaboard Air Line Railroad, a bottle In which contained the fol lowing writing: "Off Nassau, N. P., Oct. 4, 1900. I am wrecked on life raft three days and nearly exhausted; send help. liALEKill. NuKTIi CAROLINA, XOVEMBLU THE WAR SITUATION. AMERICANS Tl) HKVFAV W U ! K liih I'MILin'INES WITH FRESH VIGOR. ENCLISM BATTLE WITH 0WIT. iir-rt FUrbt Five Hour arid EDgiiati iUoat 1 hlr CoioiW anl orai Prlrato Kmer In Europe. Washington, Nov. 9. Two of th th rei hours that today's t'abinot -r-aiou lasted were ot-cupied Iu a dir cussiou of foreign affair-, neonssitated In part by the fact that the Presi dent Intends to exhaustively treat 011 this subj.-ct in his forthcoming mes-age to Congress. Itefetvncc) wa made to the expressions in portion of the Eur .-pean press that the Unit ed States' jolicy regarding China would undergo marked change im mediately after the election and it is au horitatively announced that aller a most exhaustive review of every step of the Chinese difficulty, from lis iuception up to the present moment, delivered by Secretary Hay, the Cabinet ratified every de taii and moreover unanimously ex pressed its Judgment iliut the poli.-y so far pursued should be continued wittiout change to Its logical con clusion. Accordingly, the present legat'on guard at IVkin will be maintained and such troop a yet remain to In withdrawn, according to the origmul program, will be shipped to Manila With this addition to his force, Gen eral MacArthur is expected to renew the campaign against t-ho reliellioiis Filipinos with the greatest energy. Administration orfkidls here think tnat as soon as the result of the elec tion becomes known throughout the Philippines, the resistance to the authority of the United States will 1; overcome. Bothaville, South Africa, Nov. H. Tnere has been heavy fighting smce November 6th, resulting in the defeat of the Boers, who lost T.l killed, 30 wounded, and 100 taken prisoners. Seven of their guns also were captured. The British lost three officers, and four men killed. Marseilles, France, Nov. 9. Mrs. Eioff has arrive I here to await the arrival of Mr. Kruger, her grand father, on the Dutch cruiser Geld.-r-land. In the course of an interview today she mid: "The difficulties surrounding Great Britain are so great that the Boers are convinced they will finally gititi 1 he upper hand. We hav the great est confidence in the journey of the President w ho in s ite of his great age and fatigue will travel across Europe. He only decided to come because he has in his ios.sehion a very efficacious means of action." Woman Huflragre Working Harm to the Women of Colorado. Denver, Nov. 14. hViv V O Rau.ofst. Louis Catholic cb. ich would like to have the question ol granting sun: age to women nsub initted to the voters of Colorad .. He believes that If this wen done. ' he right would be revoked, in a speech b fore the Denver philisoph ical society he said: "I Voted for woman suffrage when it was presented to us, bat n w I feel that 1 ought to throw a white sheet about myself, btand iu front of li chu ch door and do penance for it. It is working harm t thu vtomen of thi Maie I hav been shock, d to i-ee them tngae in political workasthev ua ed .n They are losing tnetr womanhood through i.' Ke port That Evan Will be Made Post Master General. Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 12. Ac cording to a statement made by a close personal friend of Pension Com missioner, H. C. Evans, the latter is to be the next Postmaster General of the United States. This is a surprise, a no member of the administration has been so bitterly attacked as Mr. Evans. His strict administration of the Pension Office has incensed many Federal veteran who thought he was not liberal enough in granting pensions. Costs Money to Run a Campaign. The amount of money required to run a modern political campaign is enormous. No poor man has any show in politics, especially at the North, unless ho is the tool or rep resentative of a wealthy ring or cor poration. In the city of New York alone in the campaign just closed the preliminary to the Re publican party ran up to ?1,120,000, to the Democrats $875,000 and to the smaller parties $80,000, making a total of $2,075,000. A Fatal Accident on tbe Seaboard. Charleston, S. C, Nov. 10. There was a fatal railroad accident Thursday on the Seaboard Air Line between Cheraw and Columbia, about 80 miles from Cheraw. A car broke loose and ran into a hand' car, killing the section master, 1 man named Boyd, and two railway hands. A Philadelphia lawyer complained of a cold in his head that was so in tttoM it cracked hid giaa. THANKSCmNC DAT. : Oowraur i!il'i I'rtK-Jatu.tioo -ilug .jirt .VovMbljcr 'iWtb. i Governor liu it t.a l-t-ued hl prtx-Umatlon, aettleg apart Thu.--j.lay, Noveuiber 2.h, a- Thaukgiv ! lug day, m follower Where., Th President of the ha Us ur-ds v. Cuif d Mates of Aui-ric. j proclamation, net apart T the 29th day of the present i a- a day of 1 haok-gi via mia-hty trod for the manil'-M bJ.- ing tnat have been voueh.salM io th- r.1 .r .k- r...... .... ....... - j,,, v. vr, t-yuiiv uutiuw tne year 1900, And, WheniA, It hs- long be-i: trj- CUalotil in thi, Co,, m. ..r.u.-... It I. to set apart one day in the year a- a day of Thanksgiving and rejo cing: And, Whereas, It is le'Jttlng an.) proper that men thould at all time testify their gralitude loUoi for t tie blessings Which he bestOWs up-ill them, and it being especially Ijeiiefl- 'clal to the moral and religioas healtn ol the Commonwealth to net aside irticular iay fnjiu time to time up..n whicti they should eeMaliy mart their gratitude to Goi for p-t "' j Now, therefore, I, Daniel L. Ru- ; -ell, (Joverucr of the State of North i Carolina, do set apart and appoint j T. !.. .u.. on... . I inui3uj, me ism uay 01 ovem- ler, instant, a a day of thauksgiv- mg and rejokl ug, and do hereby re ijuist the people of this State, so far as it may be within their power so to do, to assemble in their respective place of worship and make solemn thanksgiving to God for all the blear ing of Hi good providence, and it is suggested that the interest iu thee thanksgivings may bc increas ed and the enjoyment of them great ly h-.ightened. by the bestowal of larg -sses of the world's g xxi things ujntii the orphans of the State and upon other-, iu circumstances of di-- tress. Done at our city of Italeigh, this the eighth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand and nine hundred, at d in the one hun dred and twenty-fifth year of our Americwi Independence. By the Governor: Daniel L. Uuhski.i,, Governor. Baylus Cade, Private Secretary. Mother Mwki l'ardon for Her Hon. Richmond, Va., Nov. 8. With every vein in his (system tortured by INtison, and rapid consumption haj pn.g hi life, George Tnonias, a VOUliy whit- eimviet t thu jK-ni teutiary farm, i waiting for death to come, and his mother, Mary Caloway, of Lynchbuig, is wailing for the home-coming of her son that in the last day of his life she may give him the mother's care which Conn's from a faithful "heart. The mother's appeal to Gov. Tyler for clemency, is lucked by a letter from Surgeon A. C. Turman, saying that Tnomas is in a critical condition. Thomas wa convicted iu the Rich mond City Hustings Court in 1897 and sentenad to four years. Dr. Turman says there is a possibility of the convict's recovery. A KirTlvorof the Alabama's CTw. Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 9. Special. T. F. Howard, a resident if this city, claims to be one of the survivors ol the Alabama's crew, despite the statement from Atlanta that the last survivor died there yesterday. He says he can produce iiers hhowing the truth of what fie says. He talks with uerlect famil iarity about historical detail and hi words bear the stamp of truth. He is a native of Gloucester, Eng land. He was on the Alabama from the time she left Liverjiool to June 18th, 18G4, when she was sunk by the Kearsarge off Cherbourg, France. Violates Compact of 1TS5. Richmond, Va., Nov. y. Gov ernor Tax lor ha written to the Gov ernor ofMa.ylaud relative to the ar.est in Octolter last of Virginia oystermen in the Potomac River, and their punishment bv the au thorities of the latter Htate, hobiiug that the action referred to is in vio lation of 1 he comjwet of 1785 be tween the two States, with resect to offences committed in the Poto- niMC He asks an investigational the hands of the Maryland execu tive. Frunk Funk Hanged. Washington, Nov. 9. Frank Win. Funk was hanged here at 12:- 09 o'clock today for the murder of William Hrooks more than two yiarsago. He walked to the scaf fold with a firm step. He was dress ed in a Prince Albert coat, black neck-tie and patent leather. After ommitting the crinje Funk escajajd from Washington and went to Columbia, Mo., where he was finally capture!. Serenteen Convicts iu All. Morning Post. Sheriff J. A. House, of Halifax county, who brought a 3o-year term convict to the tetate pri-on Thursday, said yesterday that seventeen prison ers were sentenced to terms of im prisonment during the recent session of the Halifax Criminal Court, and that all except the one mentioned, were turned over to the convict guards on the State ikrms in Hali fax. Sugar Refinery Burned. New Orleans, La., Nov. 10. The Meeker Sugar Refinery at Meeker, eighteen miles from Alexander, was destroyed by fixe yesterday. Loaa $200,000, kxganooe $140,000. 15. HtOO. BilOXI SWEPT BT f IKE. ila4rJ of rxi,l - Ma IIt Toal Lum e-lOO.OOO. N'w Orit!. I. a . No KJmtl. . iCui-j i.q u.,. Miiipi vj(id O aj let frum r Urirar,., wa. twrpt ' i trriS. f. Ui 1 fii rnin, h et d-tro) -d up a rvl uf b j. Ur-u 1 f tuil iJm.O ai.0 fnlrr-J 1 unJ'rO. of fw. h n.c!e hi xi 1 a 00 if ? ,0 1 Vui e ai i? a kr.uwn unitn.r r- njonUi jrt rr i, l-,i,;,;an and Li.ui.:n tu At- - ii"-S a wli.ler rr-.ri n r V.rifeem J !t 1 rall 2r- 2p.rtn.riU . t.'l o'Miin, n.s:!j frrn tJuJ-i-rf, I aim i no? -iuj;!y bur..t-o until . - ""'' , .ioiLifia- riinre t.i on it bro- !w.t -h nl afirr in a lve ' ' 'r lh" 1 oul '1 Nahir. . : ----- - a .,r,w-rrpi.) ng nc, hj aiir JK'o. lua tL- d ot hwepl ttr. Ua-L i.j ih tx-ach. a di Ulc 01 ftf -q..aro Nol vrtwrrf i-js , Put maij of ih po rrr ywp iut ah t rir iui reiyD!. 1 Le athuin h ret', ctio.l a.-id cotiTftit. two nr ip-r ort1t-s .d r'sl nne brie sturewrrti,uii lie buiiUtng Or tr..yed .he tola 1 is etiaiat?d at 3aj.w lin m.0oo of iii.Lran.e l. luore laruui luarr rr a f.i- j iuwa l. f. Dulii ilfT if tlh Othl Or. j Irar Hutel, (4 two; atholic Comeut. jchrchand achoul, $15utw; Loo-e? & eiupxny, grocer, i),oo0; Will atu ivei.u tiy, drua- atere, uu?d by L. Le i. J-0.uoo; twelve iifeof j.ruprtj i; 1 ,e ba d & ..u $i.Ckj.i; 'P" tl V'' 1-5 w - "i COLLISION ON SOUTHERN RAILWAY. lb roe Knglne H-molUbed. One Ku tn rr Killed, Aaullier luju.wd. Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 10. A fast p)seiiger and a double-header Height collided Friday morning at llooge'a Siaiion 011 the Southern Hail way, twenty miles of Kiiox viile. Engineer W. C. lhomas wa latally injured. Engineer Richard's aim aud leg were broken and lie Wa otherwi-e seriou-ly in jur, d. Mail Clerk I. N. Thomas W. 11. Rob rts and E. H. Harris were also sei iou-ly injunst. l n, three ei.giuts weiu couipieteiy d moliihed. si.t Ilia Wire, Thru lllew ia llraiu Out. Dubois. Pa , Nov. 10. Ueorite M. Harding, a will known t ltlzeu ot K. ynolusv ille, attempted to kill 'it- vif,Hiid then commit ed hui cide b blowing his brains out To AfUe will probably n-cover. Th coupie quarreled liHtw.t-k and Sep tr-itel itie 1 u-btnd charging th. wife with Infidelity. He took their two sihaU cinldreu to the home ef n parents, w here he al went t. live Mrs Harding went to th. home of her parents. 14.rsjri -k.l.,.t wu hlj wl'o nt ht-i parents, home, aud wtien suema b her appeatauce he threw his arms .troULU her and fired a bull.t Into her head. He tueu turned the weapon and blew his own braint ni t, his body falling beside his prostrate wifo liotn were nigni r spected. coming from two of llu ld t famili. s in me comuiuuity. He was tenty eight y ais of age, aud w-tScmployeo by the Reynolds v lie and Kalis Gr ek Railroad Com pany. His wife i twenty ar ol ge. Al inn tune of iiiutr marriage quite a sensat.on a caused by me young duple t loping to Nm York State. Several Men Hurled lr a Cave In. Cumberland, Md., Nov. 9. 1 p, m. A hewer caved iu heie thi morning, burying a number ot men. Two have been taken out dead Full particulars aie not yet to t ascertained. Ti.e alfa.r has caused considerable excitement. succearul Teat of YVirelaa Telegraphy - London, Nov. 10 When the Oi tend Dover uitn packet Piinoa 'leineiitlue was nenrlng Dover yen l- rday a ge by the Mircotil system of viroloiS telegraph v wa received on b ard fr.m La Panne, it wa re trans. nlt'ed to the M r oni station at Dover t'ourt, tn Ei- . more than eighty in.lta tli tant. Vrroated for Kinbzteiunt aod for Falae Swearing. Somerset, Ky., Nov. 7. George W. Wait, president, aud R. U. Hat, cashier of the ?Somert lUtiking I'ompany, were arrested today. Hall wa arresled on the charge ol emU-z-zling $l;,ooo, and Wait on the .-narge of fale sa' earing in making the bank statemeut Roth gave bail. Child Killed !y Swallowing Whistle. h'eyser, W. Va , Nov R ChurW, the two-year-old ni of t'harle Krvm, d ed este. a v aa ihe reu t of anci- de"tally wal owing a Miia'l doc-shaped whi-lle lust we k. The whistle 1 dged in the chi d't) throat and wa lo cated hy the ue of the X-ray, hut phy sician Were lilla'iie lo remove It J lie little patie-.t ..fle-fd great agony un til relieved by death Another of Mr Ervm'a children died in the same wan ner some time ago from havng swal 1 .wed a splinter. Secretary rtoot'a Plan for Iteorrantxatlon of tbe Army. Washington, Nov. 9. The War Depa tment ha drawn up a plan fur the reorganization of the regular army. It U to consist of 65,000 men. There are to be 30 infantry regiments, 12 cavalry regiments and a corpi of artillery which is equiva lent to 12 ngimeuts. This plan u ill be submitted to Congress by Secretary Root who will ask that it be adopted during the coming ses sion. Halcyon Days. Chicago Times-Herald. "Pa, what are the halcyon daya?" "They are the ones a fellow looks back to with pleasure because he has forgotten what tough lack hs vat having at the time." A FCTI1I0M TO SCCPITAKT NAT la i Iim Nf Tor . S . ii'J l tify'im ft 1 1 (id c Cvrtiriiiao f ' k u t tj ir on i in or d t"'rnniri t muts r'rfn- t. hi.. tU-j 1 rep red tj a luntwr S c:-rr ciixn-tc: i iijrt.. 1 . -l.liaH I a '.Ir d t- ritrj ta Jot.n Mat. ?-J : r...w ir. c Inriri,.' ru 1 .. i ... rr(irrtit iir.t s.w:!r3 rr. . . ! I." .!'it rr ;r. 1-.1 ;r. :!. r--i 'J . f I 'in.-ip ! v If. tip 'r-tanl Sir I .iii iJ Uf.1 : hm b.'a-n e? - u. ii -Ji . C tuna hat 0-orr-! f . u !j o-s-..; n 1 i nirii fr-i it.- h : 2rct it. imi i t iun aa'''a1 ' of t he :r a. . n i ; C ll-iii nil!.. 11 lt,r i.itl .inO ,. ''rrifii t tl;rif ri'.fl and hrluO lli nam . f ..,! j a j.rt . f t!;e v '.'. 1 luat; utact ur.njf ii.Ureli and ; t. - i t tn lUr r-.v.te (,.' tt;e irc-l.l C .- !. trip I he jrnao re. t 1 ;irt- iiU 1 ber duubl ir-ai c u J tx ri-n-e-.j a 1.0 In tio l(ilnre w tl.ere a d oealu i to an ur ij.i.r.v- ib. ueiu.?n' tl.e part of a .ne to I It m l a p'e- nt-d. tiijt U lh- oMrar) ll.e w rf. ' u' lj iritrreirt! 1 t i .t f rrgn trade anJ r.n ri; Or-ir- 1 ' a-, ihr t t'.c t '. i M - Hti! will r.inl lime tip e rlT-.rtv t.-i ti.) in hina h it al, iu m ral a. i v.iith nilier by r . ij.r. ai ajcr.emrnt .ir th-ri e The petition i a f.ll..w : "ll. 11 John Ha). serrtar ot State. Vahicgton : 'I he tiriilt-roa;iie.l n.acii'a.-tirer '"t'.fu gsl- in Hi- M.uiirrii tt: d-U lunpn-M thnr ap..o l of ll.r Vll'iU . i ll.r I Intrd -lale- tl 'V r r .u. r i. ill 'h- prole, lion of . liirr.i-ali I l-r-eat in hn.a t what i knoMit 11 tl . en iloor' , o i j , an.l tru-l ti-t U.i P-itioii imj he tua iitaoieO. aiet m r. e-pecialljr r-5ati g lo Wa ilM.r.a. t-. whn Ii seclio 1 of the huir-e e.i.pirt- larra peril 11 of llj- ( r. J.i I on .,1 ll,. eo toll Ur I . atnl -l.rrUlu Ml.liuta.- tureiiiiihe Sooltirrii slater are n ported "Ai iihj wHI be kiioMii, Una travie has increased in re-eiit y e rs l pu I. 11 extent th t tl e ...n or 1 1 . 1 r terence in . hina ty ati Kuropean u-- - Illlielit wniilU to nrrM.ii!) il j .f leil on y lhe o;toii manofat lunea' ". .lutrie, tint oth- r li.iH.rtai.t prl... t ot the I lille.l Slate whl. h are li.ina tiipp d to hina. F.r the protect mii. ai 1 perpelilil) of theae -.i..inr. ial -e I ImI I11I14 ari. ll. . p . 1 I .( 1 I .. K I 1 . .. . . , iiiin-ii ui inn win iahe .! 1. auoi. a may be proper ui.uVr exi-lm i-..n.ii loiet It I I. ot 011I) ir iiiamiiU. to rrrs of cotton a'MHl ttiat 0.1 d t.e -rn.usly aHerlel, hut liters uilie.i. .Un. ter and eottoi -rw r, ul;o timl a ' a-h ha e o In prHlii-i at l.i very d. or, and al tie- lli...ini.1-. l employes and Hie l.tior.n Ijh..-- w Ii 1 are eligaed in the tto'i 111. 1 s and de. Hnd 011 the Mire- m ( th-e liilu-t for a livellh.MHl.' l'oliab I'rieat lllrw I'pa lloapilai to ll a .rt.l. ra.-ow. l oiainl, ,.. v. prtet na'i e 1 llur)kii. m Ii a Kr.ide aKaiiiat a p.leiit 111 the nt l.. pi'nl, ha ao.ight revenue by bhiv.ii.g nptli. t.u 1 Id 1 n n v.i;fi dvnaimt- Five innidr-, patient and f..rty 1. tor and l.i.r-.--Wrein tli hi.-oi a.. I he ei l ti denireted the ea-l wilia o t li I. toll ll.g. cau-i glhe death of four pl.yi- cian a. d tne iniurv of tl 1 1 nut r t A lllob hiH.II gathered. a.l(hl tie- prie, and, -fier atripping olf hi r. hen, lynched hiui. New aae of Yellow Ka-er at Ni.rhi. Jackson, Mi, Nov. in. One new case of yellow fever i rep..rie to the S ate laiard of health tiom Natchez thi iiioruiug. Mr, l.utt ler. the first patient reiorlf di.-d last liigtit. She uaa nie of ov ernor lOi.gino. A iirgiiti of t,e marine ho-pital erviei 1- now to Natchez, endeavoring to trace the hourci of the Iuf-cli,,u. OhJrta to Fia-eut VurknB'i Farea. Ph.-bu, Va., Nov. 12. The PhN bus couihII hnn grantel a ranch! to the Hampton Koal RHway ,.inpiny to run ! tart, ihr.uuh thl city Th franrnUe however, provide for a ."1 ciit work itieiiMri 'am from Pb hux to Newport Noa?. and th ri. w co .1 pny iecltreH that it will not ac cept the francbia) with that provl So. Jerry Lynch, the I.aat Narrlmr uf tbe AUbami'il rev. th,m4. Atlanta, Nov. 10. Jerry Lyneh, g.l 72, the lat Mlivivii.g inetnU r id" the crew of the Confederate lat tlehip Alalrauia, died al hi nid entv in Iattiau Park. He left a large estate. Iteaaltnrtbe Klr-tio lo I'orto Iie.. Han Jl'a.v, I. R.Nov. 8. The of ficial return o! T.nMlaj's t lection ar nearly all at hand from the va ' riOUS part of the ltlatid l he, ; He l imn - f ,aaaaloai to hW. a WaS anticipate! ard for.-- lede . t.ataliata aal laalaMaa. ct.d, theel.ctlon by the R- pub-i Nov. Hlh.-Iiiabop licans of the entire b.-us of de e . . . .. muvr gite, an1 of Senor Fr.-d. rUo li g lU"'rvL Patter, of Nw .ork, tta etau as coiumUfiton r lo t ongre-t i tiflel to !ay U f ire th Indu-trlal Only 151 F-deralM went t the ; Cniin!.ion. !! imld he had mcr poll-, the to'al Republican vote l ! 'oiifi Jeuc In voluntary t.rgatiiza lug about iSJ. llou U m-t vlli tnat grow out of The only disturbance, thus far re- Lm at rhop ayt rn than la ported occurred ast evening, when , g'tlon. He a l.o ated a pir--ome twenty Kepub'ican if San 1 mau nt comiiiilon to med at. b Juan, who w rcelebratlng the vie- j 'W'tx-o raf ltaiita an 1 latr orani- tory, visited Rio PJetiraii, a Federal nations, lie a- OUint Jtn.-o to fa town They were met on the out-; vor ompulory arb.iraiion. L- skirts by the Federals, wi.b the mayor and A ce. Sbottwer x chang.d.and one person was killed and two wound d. There was aorne rioting In the town throughout tbe night. Police re enforcements were bent this evening to prevent a threaten ed renewal of the dUorders. Shipmate Kills a Sailor With a Wrench. Niw York, No. 9. John Col llns, a sailor, was murdered on the British steamer MDunton'' early this mor'iog. Bernard Colllgsn, another seaman on the sambhip. Is under arrest charged with tbe crime. It Is alleged by wltnSse that Coll gan sneaked Into the bunk where Collins was asleep and killed him by crushing In bis head with a mockey wrench. Theblocdv wrench was found behind the bod v. Collins and Coll gan were drink hr throogh tbe back. O waa ptr Ing last night, and quarrelled over mltted by neighbor who wi neaattad. a trivial aaattsx. I the sa order to tax&ka kla escape. 49 GOLDBUG SCHEME. THLV WILL CUTt UL rus I'EMKR.vii' i'AKTY UiAl.N M. OlCalMSCi bW:Ct5lS A P1A1 cf eiqs:4;zaii:. ""m It ll-U la xVw Tk taw ' u Ma..a,i l..ia l 44 Iu41ta 1 rr ri ll i lltmf , ial to 'I Um Waaningtoa loC I'e.rolt, M n . ; -Waul i! re.- Ir. 111 tt i .t lbrw i.l h-liodm N Voik a nj.a-t C t.l h 1 .f t It Int. ro.i t. th a. ,f ... 1 1 nnf. r.-atu tf tha .-111 - rai c p. rt , . loj M Iuk -.u. o! h.t, ii, 2. allioritv l,r '!pi.ut vl t!.. ..alil.i 1st iUm a. 1 ..J I.iiIUi Io O. n ( . in- j. . i p.i IH..H,,,. l'Utj...u jhn.J r tti- ...,,p t ( . r 11 ig.'ii.eiil of .. 4r; a d i b U. nd. .1 l 1. 111... rata ut - oi. a' d i. i r !. ion 1 . . ... 11 i v.,.. . I 1 I 14; 1 .alt-ra "I " I 'I..; ili a, m . : i Ii,. f..r tl. Hake ..! "l,"l e 1 au i (u paity a . ui, o io r oiKiiiia..,,u wi, t, . -.,i. d up 11 1 1 . . r.. d lino :T.t fiie A v in ta tilt ti tli a 1 to l .n.. o .1.1 i, ,i t t. 1 1 t,y Mr, aid lair winy mailer. .f . .o.j .,uie tioia far, a a Hie, lti ,h fcUlU j,. I al . Jllt la'ure tll e'--t. ll a Sllo-t- g W,i h. !. In S, y ,k .y f . f pi. 11. In. 1. 1 aid U.awra l. 111 m taiH. ln. o ,d..l that Iu U.e..i.t ,f liivat fc d.Nai they would liav.i I lie 11.., f ,r g. rieral r. ..rait...atioi N..a Hi. 1 ion in a ii.t:lr .t Ll-t..i. th oiildl.ig of a; '.-at 11. - nioc Ut V N tilt- llV. lii .. 'lheall fof I lie lu.-e; In M 111 M. m nt out lU a f W O.I M. It will 1. mall. .1 hroadraat tnr un .ut th- tan l mi iM-aluiir t. ad l in. v ral t.. gold and ilv r alike. to lltilt.- UiMOl a d.- Ulalli.n ..f ur n. .l. . t.t ... I, . t,AI , v rmu (n. M "Ul.iliif MO..f) tour year h net, io thi tali alii !. altar l m gna Ulf of l.loiiil, rait l.-iie eta:a fiulU every rl. Ill tlie fun.n, tblef an.oig th. tu Iwiug ('.. iitii l, Uiilia,,, Wuilii.y. and .tb.aiu .S. M. witt, of ,..,, Vuik A NEW SCHtME fCR VOKCtS. SICUEIKC Dl Tw.a V. o nt X ..anata ta. F.!lol It a a lluli.-a llur lt.-ai Ainir4. Nr.w- V.uiK, N .: if. nry Z- Ira- r, a lawyer, and a man k 110 an tm Frank Wl H .n, c par intL r. w. rt a i !d toUv 011 at c harg f ma- lrn v to ). t.-at and otruct th lid o jat l . It I aiiegad that In tbr. ip. ran ivor i .k . .. irt er haa a 1 l"r.i m ea.un. 1 for th- pialiatirT, -1 '1 that A l.'s 01, wlm M arvt bit d r a di:T. n ut iiao.e In at ti c a, aj.p. ar.d a the prn lual witii.aa again, t the plan. ill and t.-ulbd that Ktatutorv ru4. for t'vdivortti liad be. ri of 11 mitt, d t.y th tl f. ud-'-t The w. tu.u were held la t."Mo hail lor iriat. With th.. no u th. rt, wm arited a young woman who glvei tL uao.f f Mary II. Joiu. k na hb a C.IIIOIIII.-.I to tn.- tioua of d at tention, w Ii. ie ah will if be d aa a ltins. Th. 111 a 11 im ald by the d t.s t ite. In tho a. to b a 1 To? mi trial fo r. ;elilejt " Ao tordll.g to th. dttectUta Tn W. re r.1 ur.d to lfii4 rol.ate ttl defendant In riaui divtn. f ti t e. ai d in thin way a-a w tm til .I hii.I Mt1l.1l aitli.,ut thtt tal d f.-i da'.t ktioaing t.f them until t In handing down t.f tb. de. rr. Th- p-di- toii'gtit t-k Into custo dy Mia ii rr k. who via-eoli.g her li.K'iaiad for ai ..ute dnoroi Tha nr. -i v as inalai on warrant la utd by R. cordr .,3. BISHOP POTIER 01 THE UBOR QUES 1I0N. o jr. be aid. i not w.11 rewarued vo!unttnly hy any oo. That wa the keynoU of the labor queatioo. A WOMAN MUSCEP.EO NEAR CARUKC TON. el ah bora r fieorr Mcra44ea tkot Il-r Lkxra aawl 1 ivea U- l ardw a cap. CoLrwma, S. C, Nov. 8 Gorra McFadden, after murdering Lid la, a young woman, near Dar lington. La. 3.4 tbe couttry. He had been visiting her fur a year or more, but of late had grown eld. She vUlted h m at Li home and appealed to him to k p his prom WcFadJen replied anrlty and rvfued t have anytblrg mors to do with her. She Kit the houa making tbna'B. Asohe reached tbe gate McFad-d- n appeared at tbe door aod shot