CAU (T. A AN ' ' i X NO VUL. Xlll, UALEIOH. SOUTH CAROLINA, NOVEMBER 22, 1900. S o 0 NEGROES LYNCHED. K un.'NED AT THE STAKE IN COLORADO. -UAC.NCS fCS MERCY FALL ON DEAF EARS. TO BREAK UP THE MILK TRUST. j WlREUSS TELEGRAPHY FOR NAYY. . v wt. Las' In i-atlo UtU orth aui , Soutti t olot-l Il1 Kurii i ;;urtlTr Taiana Han KIot. ;.! , Col. Nov. 17. l t t . 1 'V.ii-r, a negro boy who ravishe . a i toa L ute Fp3t, wai .a I a iu turned to death at tu Vfc kii.-n where, th crime wns eoiuuiit i Porter a teiriblo de.ih 1'itcuiuK (ilc of h ir i. A'. 0:23 iiiu tatuer f the murdered girl ph. d tli torch. S.inu minutos lt Utr I'orter ws uncouscions, and ! iwouty minute uotulug but a char i ml miiss uf ll.h remained of tbe n," (. Tuu tho bo?ird-i wrrf etttr-d A th it tines shot up. Now cnly a tudl pile of ashes about a pieieof rutr'ad rail marks the spat when tbe murder avenged. Fa-iav ttj dark blur in tho yellow piaine tfie only remaining inttk of the -po nre the little sriri received bt iJt-ath wounds, the negr boy mil irrt-d ihe tortures of the damn d uu ti! W a'li nut . m rclful etd to b ; hc IT ri"gs. About ou th.- opeu oral rif io .d four hundred men, sdent and vrun. A few tnockf d hi" crim f pain, but moxt of thtiin stood i Lu tbe eiribj which bad r"en formed befor- he nvtiu was applied to the neap of f?ots. Dallas, Text", N v. 10. Three, ae yros were lynei.d ltu lightio Me llon cnuutr, T. xs. A uvb ot ab mi tuouHaud Dttt-o ov rrowert d the itilratJ fl rdu, to k Jim bSthw, KaroMvsftiMl ItelryBMm of I.o.ylai ! I a 1IIIL ...... I - Mil rwc to tumuum Phi adelpbia, Nov 1 A fljfht U brewing bcwen the ,oclatd Milk fci.'taoe. co rum only known as th Mi a . rut, and th farm-r and Dmi rtnen ot Pnoyl?aaia, Mw YOrkai d w Jersey. TLe rxpfcted outcome will b a revolution in ilieprloeo' iuiik to th avrrae co auuier. lnhi city al n upward of o0,U00 quart of mil are uil daily, for which tecooiunit-r pay $21,00 J or thht larg-e atoouut the fartiit-ra and iiairmeu recei e about 19,000, While the trut and U Uiatriba tora rake In $1B,0U I luring the u tu rner the farmer rrceiv tw aud thr 4urter cent a quart f.r the milk sup- P aai in mij winter three ent a quart. 1 he city houeh dder payeiffht wnw atiurt aua the proc to the rut over Ji6(J per c- in Aa U la, farmer. dairmeu and couuraer have uolbtug 'oaay about t e luuuatri. I he truat i ot only Him the retil prices, but it a a- Orcide at what rate the fartue rj hal part with their product. A can- van lor month ha been aroinir on liO- jf the farm ra and the dairymen of JNe York. New Jeraey and li n- HiVnia, and it is proposed to do away wtiuiiie trortia and the uuddleiueu, who are gatheririir in all th : protiu. aud rll the iuiik a.i nearly m poihle lirecttothe couttuinrf. iii iti wty t .e farmer will get a better price for the milk and t' e couumer wili Mave at least two cents ou each quart THE DEWEY ARCH REMOVED. A Hcramble A won; I telle Hooters to !Se care of the "Victory" -Figure. New York. N iv. 15 A d z u men with pickaxes, crowoar , snd shovels appeared at Madison Bqoaie thm evening to begin the work ot removing toe Dtey area. lu a f w moments the laborers paild aa the heavy co&tiutr arouud the bane of the pedtif 1, situated oa the park side near Tweuty-flf th street. A crowd c'Uid, and relic huut erh by the score appexred, seeking to oh am some cuon ot the sculpt ured figure of "Victory," which or- uameuud the front ot the columns. Tne tkeletou of the eoiamn was I tid bare in a few m nutea, and tbf wood wot k was torn apart and laid i t an . i uu tue eiaewais. xue wota was done under the direction of a fore man ot the department of streets atd highways. 1- reeman I' rfcuue and LhjiH Min to a T. xic &. I'acinc ra lrol bndnre, a few miles iroiu towi , and hanged them from thn irick Umbers. Toe negioes wre it, j il hwcaim' of mu lru aHhult iooa If S alkup, oi! Jtfferoi), wli'fii numd ou 'he night of Nov S u. Ir. 8 allcup was afacked in his ra?n after havn g re turned from a prof) o al visit, d was rendered un-conactou tr m " blow ou th" hmd Tfe inre ne- ut-ihh wer- ti"ti ur'ext d ai d cou- ffsed ihir cnn, xaviug thir ob lect was r bnny lnroats or ven- iHHiif wet inndn and to avert it bberlff 1'aywt.od pirited his prison era into the country, where he put them in hiding uotil Handay mtcai; then he brought them back to j il. The j til is aim 'st a mile f rem town. It ia isolated and secluded. Onlv the i tiler lives there, the heriff's residence being a mile away Last niffht the nvo'a movfrnTits Were ao outet that they had the ja 1 surrounded before any one knew of their presence. When the j tiler eaw them he ran to the telephoueto coin municate with the sher ff . Tne wire had been cut and the door was knock, d in, and a squad of about 60 eaterrd the buildlutf. There w. re no prelimioanes or paleying. Five or mix men eix 'd tbe i tiler without raakinif a d im-tnd for tho net?r ims, and niuiomnir hi arms, took b)8 keva from h'm. Then a depa'ation of twenty watered tho cage aud got their victims. The negates cowered down, beg Cblf or tb VaaJ llun-tu of KqntpaifBl ltooDna;nl It A o.M U-r l ot a.1 KcliMe uflU Sob1 17, liMil. The reort uf Admiral UrvltorVl, chief f the naval bureau of eiule uieut, Mft forth the durability of naval Matioit at Quaiu, empbaiiztng the. importance .f the 1-UqI a- a na val La-?, it Item thy only Unite I rittten port between Hawaii aul the I'lnlippineH. The. amount of coal being consumed by the uavy U in-cra-ing year by year, and iti Oot la-t year a v eraifel nearly $2 a tou more tfinn dining tn liberal year f iHy. Adoiiral liradfttru again rts- neWH iii.- recomuit uoationt for new naval coal depot.-, aud dwell upon the great mfennity of, iiiaiuUiuin an t-Ricient eoal wuply wherever na val ojieratioufl might be looked for. 'I he bureau recomiiiendfi the In stallation of the Mirconi Myatem of wireless telegraphy on board of sev eral shlpM of the navy, provided it car bo done at a reaotiabio cost. The admiral state that theaurvey by tlie United States hhip Xeni for a traa-vPacitic Hub-marine telegraph cable between Honolulu and the Philippine Islands was unst bucceM fully avompll.shed, and that a Hati; factory route for an all-American cable to connect the Pacific coast with the outlying colonial iKWHeasions ot the United States in the Pacific and with China and Japan, has been din covered, thoroughly explored, sur veyed and mapped. The bureau is now ready to lay the cable at any time. Tvto parties were Rent Into the field by the Naval Observatory to witneas the total eclipse of the sun, May 28, 1900. The result, says Ad miral Bradford, was, as a whole, buc i-eshful, there being, h iwever, some failures with minor instruments. Attention is called to the fact that another total eclipse of the sun will occur May 17, 1901, which will be remarkable on account of the long duration of the totality, and of the high altitude of the sun. An esti mate to enable the Observatory to send an expedition to witness this eclipse will be submitted. BtC CEAL III ARMOR PLATE. I t. Ikrae l-aJ I A tlt Krrj Mad' tty o-rHwnt -'! wo on. pan- to hunib tb Armor M a M ailiaam t'rice ot f 1 a. i". Washington. Nov. 1&. Secretary Long tolay Eiinoumwl the cuwlu mon of the long controversy over the price of armor plate for naval vewv-H and an agreement with the t'arnegie Company and Bethlehem Compauy for Krupp armor at S4'o a ton with the poHfible addition ul royalty le feee, making the maxi mum price $455.o2 a too. The am ityit of armor involved is the largest ever placed at one time by the Government and ia said to equal all the armor plate purchased by the r;ivrnriient UD to 18y6. It Covers the armor for wjveuteen blp now in various stages of construction, In cluding eight battlenhlps, six armor ,h cruisers, &"d three protected cruis ers. The following official statement was given out concerning the agr-e- meut: "The Navy Department has c.m"e to an agreement with the Carnegie and Bethlehem Companies for Krupp armor of tho first-class, amouutn g to 24,950 tons for $420 a ton. The Krupp process Involves the Harvey patent, validity of which is now un der consideration by the courts and it U further agreed that the Govern ment will aumeln addition any li ability for the Krupp proces not ex ceeding 5 pounds sterllug, or $24.32 a ton for Krupp royalty and not ex ceeding the United States license fee ..f Si 1'20 for Ilarvev royalty. The maximum prit-e to the Government in therefore $455.52 a ton, subject to dimunition iu case of any reduc tion in the foregoing royalties. BOERS GAIN STRENGTH. jvitCINUCQllECCFQI YOUIt lACIfsl a I cuaaiu. TAIER f tOM JAIL IT A MSft. ENGLAND COMPELLED TO SEND M0UE TROOK TO soirrn africa. CAPE COLONY OUTCN JOIN TNEt MEN. KINS' AbMi 7 S.OOOi tawarmacw !. UOU. It.Be, V, Nor. 16-Vlr- n tvtl Whl lb Mm" mf l. l'r-ailly l.jmt. Alttffuarir, N.C Nov. 15. A i-nmd of mm l.rol Into ttJH glnla tV4i.-K au institulloa f.jr h-n. Iat nkht ami took frwu i ell young 14 lien, aituattl Ju.-t ouUid J,4,n Knot, I tiru rharl with the city limit of lloaiioke, ulu- killing lr. Iits a iwulow.t tnfc- tally dewtmyeil by flre at an early phyiclau of thla txwnty. It U fui hir VeliHday morning. It wa kt.own whwher be wa lytu 11 a .-dnirt while after h rumg be41 t... Varioaa tDjori ar beli t had t-ij rung, when It w dl-axjv- hi motlrv. ered the hall way of Ut big build- After Luv'a Milkti th la! ing Wfi? flUed wlih auioko. The Auu-t, Knox wa ui"td -fgiv young laIIja rr notified to lusiio Ing hi in pulaou. A crowd toik bin. time In getting out of the building; at that .Utl thrtriMl tolyDCi. to Mop for nothing. The word w a fm. 0 roull having arisen quickly ed around and the your, whitman powder on totna'.or th. lailes 150 lu number, madethIr ihetlay befur LoVa demth, arwl way out, many of them thinly clad, tH, a Jo th dM t hardiy any with auythtng morr Vann Syke of Union county, wb. man tne eimoieet eiKiumeH oi ti liumUht! ttie tajwder. hvt l IVr and HteyT Tofrtkoi-Mlan Own er liefua to hoIiler Tr 1 -tx aod Thivai-n to AU th-4 Uoera-Km grr la Karope- Kecent reports frou Konth Africa ssythatin "ape Colony the Detch ma jority are supplying hundreds of re cruits to the Boer CooimandoeH, and organizing to commence a rebellion against British authority. The British- army commands the country only within the email radiu of its effective reach Death from en teric fever are again growing numer ous, vhile every day Boer activity ac counts for several British soldiers be ing either dead, wounded or missing Lord Koberts is still obliged to re main in Pretoria b-cau3 ir ctnnot be sfely trustee to the railroad to Cape l own. and the subi'isration of the re WOMAN THREW AN AXE AT EMPEROR. Sbe Waa Arreeted But la Thong-tat to Be Inaane Brewiau, Nov. 17. While Emper or Wil iam, with the Prince of 8axe Meiulngen. was driving in an open c trriaae to the barracks here yes terdav. a woman threw an axe at the KmpHror The axe fell short of his cairihge. The woman wits arrcBted. No one waa hurt by the woman's act. The Emperor was very cool and he and prince Bernard coutinued their drive to the bar rack; as though nothing had hap pened. The woman is believed to be insane. Student Meets Wltli Accident. Raleigh Times. A distressing accident occurred at the A. and M. Tollege at noon Fri day In which Mr. J. B. Gilmor, a cadet was badly tnjurea. He was putting on a belt in the laihe shop when his arm got caught under the belt and was rraotnrea in several places from the elbow to the lower joints, and badly racera ted He was taken to the College Hos pital and Dr. J R. Rogers soon ar rived and attended him. It is fear ed that his arm may have to be amputated at the elbow. The injured young man is irom Vavnt sville,and a son of Hon R. 1). Gilmer, who is to become Attor How the State's Cash Stands. Chief Clerk Denmark, of the Treasury Department, has given out the following statement of the con dition of the State Treasury: Balance ou hand December 1, 1898, $185279.91. Receipts during the year 1899, 11545, 717,69. Receipts during the year 1900, $1,480,245.38. Making the total receipts for the two years, $3,025,963.07. This adds to the balance on hand December 1, 1898, makes the total resources S3 211,242.98. They have been disbursed as fol lows: Expended during the year 1899, 1,600,033.30. Expended during the year 1900, $1,469,221.61. Making a total for the two years of $3,069,254.91, which is$141,98S .07 less than the resources. The above includes: Bonds sold from invest iment ac count to the amount or $148,388.09. But for Hi is sale, therefore, there would have been a deficit for the two years of $6;399.93. The above statement covers from December 1. 1898. to the close of business October 31, 1900. LEPROSY'S SPREAD IN THE EAST. Haifa Million Caaea in India, China Haa tie Same aud Japan 200,000. Mr. Stapleton, writing to The Temple Magtziue on mission work among lepers, makes the following appalling statement-: "India has about halt a million, China probably as many and Japan 200,000 registeied cases. The mo ment leprosy appears in a man, wo man or child, banishment is irrevo cably decreed. There is no pity or compassion, for lepers, young or old are turned adrift as unclean things on the highways and by-ways and are dependent for substance on tht casual doles of food thrown to them. In India the leper loses caste which i recr&r ded the worst doom. In Japan he is treated with the greatest cruelty. The same is true in umna The leper there is often put to death by fire without compunction, and re ligion has not a ray of hope for him in the next world.'' mg ptieoQsiy, but they nuinea tne Qn, rai Qf North Carolina next doixnu.i men awav to the place or , ' execution. rd when their work bad been accomplished quietly disap peared. Yorkvlllo Graded School lJumed link Hill,H.C ,N .v. 16. A tel ephone message fr m Yotkyille te'la of the burning of the graded school at tbat piace this morntug. Fire was discovered ear y in tbe morning acd it was thought to have Win die tirgaished, but u broke out again ahout eleven o'clock and the budd ing was completely destroyed. The school of about two buodrtd pupi's wan ia aeBrfiou waen the fire was dis- th s ootid time, bat all weru marched trom their respective order. . The building was the joint proper: jy of several basinet meu of Y'ork ville, and was formally tbe York . ille Fmale Colleee. Io its day it was a handsome building, but it wns not at all suited for a grided ochool It was bnilt at a cost of $12 000 acd was lnanftd for only 2.1KXJ. The school will be discommoded for Bome Postell Indicted. In the Federal Court at Ashevill Thursday a true bill of mdictmeat wa fouad against W. J Pmtell, charging him with having refused to register qual fid voters in the Au gust election, and therefore with bedroom. Then was little con tusion and no great exciU inetit. A soon as meu reached the bcvim th y cheerfully Umnod their overcoat oj the girls in light ctaduuie. Some of the neightairs In the uieauwhile brought blankets od the girb Im had the least clothing went into near-by houses. The fire started in the toiler nam. exactly how is not known. It made given a prvlltniuary trial. tit wa rele.tJ ou ItirUlF.vlent evid.-iov Knox V lajuud over to onirt, plaoJ In Jail and rviualnl tli-n uutil lat night. TbetTowd -aitii. at midulght an.l demande.1 ttw-Jai! kev of Sheriff McCain w -! n fa-l to give them up T1mv th--n u W ed out a hole lu the wall at tr- I of Hk .stairway leading to th-c 11. secun! Knox and thrust him quick work and in if than two through the hole In the wall t hours the buildings were entirely twenty-five men uuUide. Th-y al destroyed. The dewks from the bu.-l- l.wtl hiiu to get to hi f-t. H news omce ana a lew artlclux oi ran ui the rtrei t eafe. alibiugti turniture was aliout VII that was doxetisof pltol I Kived. The building was of !rl k lilm on all fide). and fitted with all modern conveni ences. The is $75,000, with about $25,000 insurance. The build ing Itelonged to Miss Harris and ill were tired ik.ik Som claim that It wa a erowdol Sykt' frleiils who feareit the evi dence might Implicate Kykt; e they released him n iKirj!1 Others think it wa acnwdof Iovt- Mrs. lioat wright. The students wdl publics Is less complete than when he be kept together In Roauoke a few friends who feared the evident-, .l entered Pretoria months afiro. days until it is tlccidcU where the uiued under force might not con ----- ' I a I vlct. Sheriff McCain expnfssl th. opinion that the negro was lynched. FAMINE SUFFERING IN INDIA. Hue to.Kzorbitaut ltritiau Taxation and Kobbery. In a late issue of the New Kng- land Magazine, J. T. Suno rland tells the c.tosM of ramine sutlering in India, lie declares that there Gen. Pe Wet and President Steyn are school w ill resume. n the western partes the Oracge rrej; tate aud Botha and Viljoen in the eastern Transvaa' Other grotps nr really composed of guerrd'as A recruiting depot is oemg etiai- lishedin London to mpply 1000 men foroen Baden- Powell's South A ir can police force and reinf rcing detach ments are c n-tntly going to join the regiment- In the Transvaal The statement made by the British authorities that mine owners would be compelled to psy the expenses of the war has tilled tne nig minirg compa nies with consternation, home ot tne leading corporations have open'y made threats that they will a o tne uoers win their n dep-ndence beiore tney will pay the expenses of the war. President Kruger nas lanaeo at, nr- seilles France. It ha been ascertain ed that h. is a special envoy, duly era- nowered bv the g ivernments ot ine t ransvaala' d Orange Free State to fully eatlsty the cravings of huo present their clain s before the Kuro- ge'", and from Sir Charles Ellloit, nean nower3. aud if given opportunity ihuf rmmUiinner of AMam. that oo treat for peaoe with the British Gov-Uha!f tnH agricultural population The little 1 -year-old child ofGeorg, erimieui. f hum In nnt Irnnur (rnm nnn xt.iu r a I V....-..I I llulmr vir ! Miiuv'i 1111 ial states that Parl a- ""Vr L i. !v" . r - -srw .,..-.... y" - j - Train 'Wrecked oa tk amboard. Charlotte, N. C, Nov. 15.The Chariot te-lound Seaboard mil traii was delayed last night eeveral lusiif by a wreck: lift ween Hamlet aini llockingham, caused by tbe break- has boen almost always plenty of in of a wheel. Al ter the train hao fo)d Hi India alone without calling for fo id el e-where, but on account f British taxation the people, whose crops fail are too poor to buy He quote from Sir William Bun ter, (or many yetrs head of the In dian Statistical Bureau, that some .'orty millions of the peoDle of In dia a e seldom, or never, able to got iuto Monroe there was a clll-loi in the yard, which Miiashed up a la.seenger car, but did no damage t the laLssengi-rs. The train flnallx reacheI Charlotle ctxl-lderably !a hind Hchetlule time, but in gol shajie. cisuiiD iypis cyi pitrr. "itr. iiU lAtMluurk. Mr. MuittM??. Vitm to tw r-tiaUjs lal tnary atl 1m rj;t V D4 -Ul-lljfc l Ua aiil Infv4-nal lie ha 1 e.ry a-Jtai?-' it tlo rjr la-ii-a a ai.r- i ai:ticiaa ut tf-- tiT--.i tu tho ill- llat litnll. iU-r at l ha.l Of th Ia.q,-rart. t4ftt.laatiott. Nr. with the t an I .m a b.thX, mi "t. Tt. mid f dfi.U.. jf ora f'Ct it 1 iru- irt-rt b-'.. Ttro- atonal fht ha- --u U:tr aodlf It l'sa nut remuii lu itfu dauti U the I Wnoxt ali party tt iii Urn avr ltiuA-. Mvirgantta)! Hera a Mr. SimunMi with all hUahrww-U nt I ie.d a tyjsal North roila ian, be l.- tti4 r' i to tho gm .-ral Vol. tif tte S at a. king U lia'ae ll lf lnrl al-rxaid. Im ta a l-ial i l.-.l.-r not Iributx arS -lotliilig but 11plllitllieOt l lb -tore 1 tt li IiIi.-Ia, aliu roafkbi out for a i;ret cn-r. 11 I a dohhl lucn, t.t tcrowing ut he U-t of l.lm i ! ftlixl. N cr Umly bear him ii j. riial III wlii, Ixll aoul'l le fal' to tiira lttt did e i.r r tl Site tsHiratulatixjs ofa hi rhxtioli, wliih vt c do ut fl del whUh tlw fm lu the aMM do :i4 warraut. Vta.ter' V.-. kly. rsuos da not !atg th l I hat t'bairiiiao Siui'iioii uJ tb ltrty math uery to r.iiit hi mv onal ambition. It u a t;ot fair, t . a -a 4IKI we luqa,l n H UV crvur agam In i-nh anUiiA i or t rith i-iii niiii Mr. Slmuioct tiur.' lu w iriiig In at id out um tb motwy tpteiitll. Ida Io!byi)g to d feat the 1a oil tie gnaa rivl4a of the tailnwds, aiel IIh a Mitlooal fat tbat tie Miral by and aw a riHiotaf f his law Mrtu cut tlx -ry ail uut d'the M.ens anti-lrust Mil and o-ard hi di iaratioJi that there Hen io tru-ts in North Carolina, wllh- nit oja-ning his luouth by way of prot.; that a In k f f.oo f. hitdiy.iig lu t ne us- la-fore ttH I g- lature was made yal'e to Sim- lions 1'ou .v ari, Hand. ur I urges remain uiiuwenl. They an not U i luted. Mr. Siniuion, ibough, is to have hi 'ay" for bla woik as Chairman. Thrrss ( hlldrrn Harnrd to Ihnala. Favetteville. N. C, Nov. 5- k. Lot don spe' ment will assemble Deo 8 to vofc the expenses of the war in South Africa, which are now expected to amounc to fully $500,000,000. BOULDER FALLS ON OURAY, COL Crashes Throneh the Town, Oestroyina: Meveral Knildines and .Injuring: One Woman. A boulder weighing hundreds of tons broke from precipice over- end to another what it is to have. a tull meat '' The rea on is that they ar- taxed to death to n.atn tain England s empire m Asia. II M Hyndman in the Wts minst r Gaz tte estimates that England I has taken out of Ind a in the lat tTenty-tive years more than two billions five hundred m llions ot dollars. Has tbe Death Penalty Inadvertently falling in the tire. Been Abolished in Indiana! RAISED THE PRICE OF SALT. Salt Trust Determined to Get Its Share of Prosperity. The National Salt Company, other wise known as the Silt I rust, immedi ately after the election Put"P nangiog the town of Ouray, C ,1 J Indianapolis Dispatch, 14th. unci! Ul i;uuiinyi. uau.v, . - ---- i . JJ an anHooma Kah nff mi i 1 i J - ... - . -. . . nj .... .1 . fit... I t I I. W l. 2ft V 9 . 1 V. v. w a- I II fr. I IW'I IVTV U MX 1 1 I Ml IM I 1 M V mialir.V to 2 OU Der IW uouuus. i lie . "... ' rice before the trust wa formed was down, demoiisning everyining in that the Lej,i8ature 0fi895 inad- 100 pounds for the same its pain. xt ien urei, vertentlv alndished canital n-. nT, rf-nr t In Indiana by the law of 1897, Was burned to death yesterday. L w as left in a room with an open fire by iiself, and in plajlng fell in tin lire and was burued to death. Thio ls the third case of the kind in thU vicinity within two week. Lat-t week the Maynor child was burned to death in Lutterloh Alley, and week before that a eoiored child wn- burnetl to death In Caaipbelltou I13 Caoarht in bi own Itevlro aod Kscaped IWtb. arrowly $1.10 per grade Tne company is saiu vi cuuirm ui rectly 95 per cent, of the sit output of gtractljn. Large trees were level- which changed the State Prison Winchester, Va., Nov. 17 Tur ner A. Iiewis, of this county, had a narrow escape Irani death Thursday while operating a thrashing marliiut the country. To mine owners not in . d t Q a dozen buildings de South to the Indiana lteformatory. on the fg.rm 0r George W. Bromley tnetru-t, the latter py8mre fvr the gtroyed Before the law was rshed the stat- Ue ha1 piaCed several Inventiona ul PSrt SdSibuS . In tho path of one of the pioces utes provided that criminals tinder hiH owu upon the machine, amo:,y iiii.i.riidiii vu" lvivw.-- 1 1 . a m a 1 . 1 . . a .aaa .i - jobbers and in this mauuer th- big combine is able to maintain supremacy A Wilderness of Poverty Rx-Governor Pattison, of Penn sylvania, has been traveling recently over the island of Porto Rico, nd has thoroughly investigated the con dition of "our new possession." In his opinion Southern car pet bagger ism of reconstruction days w as tame compared to the disgraceful rule of our government in Porto Rico. He says that the island "is today having deprived eitizeas of their eon- a wilderness of poverty, misery, stitutional rights. The Gaz itte 8ys: P.stell was the Democratic reg istrar in the fifth precinct of Ashe- ville, where voters, or rather JK, puo lican vo-ers had to almost g.t out search warrant for the election of ficers whn they wanted to register, as the effl-ers oscillated abont irom . .! n . . . i 1 one section 10 ni"u"r. the man who for om time refused to register Collector H. o. H trkms. He has been indict a on aooni a ao-z-in d ffrent eounis He will b tried ai the next term of the court. heart burning and conflicting inter ests. Its great resources are pros trate, its largest industries are at a standstill, its coffee hills and tobacco fields lie fallow, and its people, the most patient, docile and industrious people I know, are dying of hunger." was the cottage or james inuaiey. the sentence of death should b exe- them a chain aud enrocket wheel at m r a SI 1M.. In lv .. ! .. . r I ' Airs uouaiey wa aiouw iu inn ok cutea either in the Stat 1 'rison nf.hinent ""?Lu",rfV thesute while sUnding on a platform he ioiri Mraoudlev was serious I n North, at iNlichigan. City, de-jjj hU 1ialail0e and fell ,lito 1h. lv bruised but will recover pending on tho bituation ot the coun- chain 1Ie wa8 to I he top . 1 The storage building of the An- ty where the prisoner was sentenced. the machine and was being slowly heuser Busch Brewing Company W hen the Indiana Reformatory law drawn under the lata! knives whet, wa? wrecked and its contents are was passed the State Fn-on South j.y a powerful effort he succeeded in aim st a total loss. Many of the was changed to the Indiana Reform- thmwinir the chain from the fproc- mania n v simi ni-rr ii niruiru. a uc v " 1 ... .a' . 1 n tery ot their disappearance was solved smaller buildings were reaucea to atory, and the State Prison North ket wheel and stopiinl the marhine to day by the arrest of Andrew Hill, kindling wood. , j - was changed to the Indiana State 0ne of the knives had pierced hi- colored. He admitted havingtaken the Ouray is in constant danger from Prison m that there is no penitent- ..i,.,Mno. i.,-t over th heart. tne 1 . 1. i . : 1 . ... I A. Door-Mat Thief. -Wilmington, Nov. 16 Not less than 25 door mats have been re moved from piazzas of resi lences here durirg tne last two weeks Jardinieres and p -tted plants have -dso been stolen. Ihe mys- 1IU Own Cinttid ftlir. Sorne time f ii.iv it was atmsincsl th:tt a man at Titu-vilh, l'a corn .niltcd euicide for tin M range reason ; bat he had disco v-ntl that In u his ow n grand I at her. Ili 1-Il a dy ing statement, explaining Ibia slog ilar Htatement: "I .nrii tl a wid ow w ho had a grown updaughier. My fath-r vitnl our hou-s very olten, frll In love with my stejs laugber and married her. So my father Irffame my son Iii law ; and my stepdaughter my inotltr, lv i-aue he was my father's wife. Mime time after my w if. hail a eon; he was my fath r's brother In law, ind my uncle, for hwatlH broth er of toy Mejalaughter. My st-f-js laughter had also a son; In was of course my Imdber, and in the mean time my grar.dchild, for Ik was lb -ontifmy tlauiter. My wlfewa my grandmother, lMcaut she, wm iiiy 1110 her s tootle r. 1 was toy wile's husband and grandchild at the same time. And as tlie husband of a s-i hiii's grandmother is hi grandfather, I wm my own grandfather." missine nroperty His arrest; was ef- glides of this kind. All over fected through an auctioneer to wnom town are scattered great Douioers which have fallen from the preci iary iu which to put criminals to urn anid several of the macsand whoseL-ui-t. ,-., !!. rm ac nroH- death, as proviaea ny me statute. suspicions were awak-ned by the large . mostof taem before the town Consequently, having no place in Fiwidit .0 cabin-nt ou.ntity of mats which Hid wanted to 01 aem Dt,Iore whil.h to kill them, as provided by VnUm l.- .t v .7: f fl,.o r,f tho m.t whlf h thl I WO UULlia. I I . . ... , c .. providing for rnuaueipnia, -ov. 10. rnmru- to IHoe With hiladelphU. dispose of. One of the mats which the auctioneer purcnasea was stoieu iroui his own residence. Threw Himself in Front of Train. Frederick, Md , Nov. 15 An un known man. sunn sed to have been a Got the Negroes Into Crap Game Lexington, Ky., Nov. 19. A. S ThomDSon. a promin. nt farmer 01 Bonrbon county, Ge ugn Lary and Ram Adams colored, were held in i $1 000 bonds by United states Com missioner Hill, to he Federal Court, to answer charges of con spiracy to hinder negroes from vo- at the last election, it is r""" ZlrJZXZ hv a freichr train at statistics of the Sixth district, em . aL a .A.a. ls a1 la- ia r. . II ha f en m Catoctin owitcn last nigntano ihswh. oracing tne amuiiv wwhiuo nvm Klondikers Vote for Bryan. Victoria, B. C, Nov. 16 A dit ,im hnt Yorkville will no patch from Dawson, dated Nov 7 . . , '. .1 J t,a laotion hold thr ling dOUDt set aoout t on w tu ,- o I ... Q ,.-! that. ,5tno-mes werstart- .tHable building for school purpo- coincidentIy with tne American elec- K ftd the -n lt were ar. tion. the ivioname country weu- ;. hoforo tho election ho as nirpr whelminirlv for Bryan. There . . rm ua Colored Bishop C ondemned Kissing were 3 337 votes t)Ol'ed. Drvan re liable 2 404 and MeKinley 854 B I . i . .i 4La kll A MiuUinOTt I . --. - T XL.. A A. . Tenn NOV. 10. The ' "e lermB ',l fc w b,-w i a jse cro aiuea ny s irau p.e- i I m . . M mwm i is mar w n mm rv ill n I) i km a w mi i iwnri ! nir which is now prepared at cost of over $500 00 Nashville, African Methodist Episcopal Confer ence had a warm time to-day. The temperance cause, r- qairing every minister to preach a temperance ser mon on a fixtd date every yar, was ntttetly ODDoaed by Rev. C. 8 Bow Morehead City, N. C, Nov. 16. Last night about 2 o'clock, Enoch Armstrong, colored, was killed east of the Atlantic Hotel by the Atlantic Year's Work of Life .Saving Ser- vice. Washington. Nov. 19 In Super intendent Kimball's report of the life-saving service, he gives these the statute, the law i hold. Vie- McKiulev and the members of hi comes inoperative. cabinet have accepted an invitation 1 . . & a WAa to dine with the memuers oi ine Union League, of this citv. Novem- l'opulatton or AlasKew 2 the oor-igion being the annual Tho rVnii Riireftii has criven out leelehrat ion of founders day. Vice ly killed. Sevr ral people who saw mm ijape Henry, VTa., to Cape Fear, W iust as the tram passed state mat me n , Numb er of disasters. 42; value the following statement with refer- President-elect Theodore Roosevelt ence to the work of the Bureau in has also signified his Intention oi Alaska: being present, as has also Senator valUH of car- "The native and mixed population Lodge of Massachusetts and Senator a m I I -..- -i o i i -- I l i -mr.tai vu ki Yrg in .a a a . r a a a ziv .a r"r.-. - m kohi that, identiflca- KUW5' l i,u,'"'u w"m.1 ' . ot the northern district; oi Aiasaa is v oicoti. oi tjiorau. wa d- vatj ..........v i .. . onauufi. m.mi.i. tT naranna I . . .. tion is impossible. ZZL "mI! n n 1MTOjoh."' t,,e U" waiu o "v" I Ihlj all- ! tipo oil ' I persons lost, 38; num-yer of ship ' ; dorln'the A Boy Kills U la Father. Kttgliier Klllel In n CdllaWn. Franklin, Pan Nov. 1G Tbe Lake Shore pasM-nger train, which lea this ciiy for the WW at " -clock this evening co!Ildl with a Pennsylvania fieigbt on the Lake Shore, la-tween Polk and Raymllton, 12 miles west of Franklin. The en gineer tif the freight w as killed; the engineer and fireman and I-rank 1'ailen, of the im enger train, were ladly Injured. liaggage-masterTou. mutton, of Oil City, aud three pas sengers are uilnsiug. man deliberately threw himself on tt.e j vegi,egt $1 022,850 ; track in front of theeugine lhe body . ur-joiO total .. k,ii ncrlH that. idnt.ifip- goes, $1 WOAUlO, Wfcai 890: number of persot on hoard vessels. 391: number oi wr -a -n a At. V -.niul I V J trm A as. jl aa fs A Seren nnnarea iuo 01 lwu iuc. wrecKea ruus bu;wiou iv o- . , - , , -. it. i ma . i - f . anAnn. w-inter. ana enumerateu o.oio tier- iu.-aiwnt , Unntornmarv Ala. Vnv 1ft A fire I er .-At 'cQR. vilna nf nrnnarl.v I sons all of whom were Indians. Mr Thomas Booth was killed InCrokerV at noon to-day destroyed one section of gavet $i.8 0 162 ; value of property Johnson visited 74 interior villages beat thLs morning by his bixteen- me Kani urouiers uoiuprc- ou BW- . . , number of disasters onrl Hnrintr the time saw but three vear-o d son. ineirouoiearoeuei nart of Montgomery. SevVn hundred involving total loss or vessels, i. bales oi cott"n were ournea anu injur ed, and the loss on the cotton and b ad ding was abjut $40,500, fully covered by insurance. Iti. not known how the fire originated. Crushed bv Wife's Monument. Winchester, Va , Nov. 15. Will lam H. Brill, of Capon Bridge, W Guiteau's Widow Takes a Third Hnsbind Va.. was seriously injured last ev ening while returning to his home I jg tne summer. from this city, ne was unviug a The vome district is the most fires burning in the shacks, or dug the sale of a book in whicb the boy outs. The poor creatures huddle to- was lnieresiea. gether iu their miserable dwellings during the long winter and subsist General Mile declares tbat the force nn frozen fish and a little seal oil of the reeular anar should be mcreas which thev secure on the coast dur- ed to one mao for every l uuo popuia- Tryon Hotel Burned. Spartanburg, 8. C, Jonroal. 'The Liorelr,' tbe widtlj-ksowa simmer and winter house at Tryon. N. C, was borted abont 7 o'elofk last nigbt. Tbe cause was tbe ebok- ne npof tfli vitl oou iotninc 16. I saved exeep; a little furnitnre. Th nvn and fnrciture were insured for $2 700- Toe boose was closed for a while ind was ia the esre of a tenant, who lost all bis ff ct. The owner, Mrs. Brockman, is at tbe North. Blizzard Sweeps New York State A creat blizzard swept along the and North Carolina mail train while 1 r a . I - , a A man, who .aid that tbe preachers I south shores oi ine wreai. ta.B it was DacKing awn w iiwuejiyv. would be chased from the church if week. At Watertown and other Tf lfl onnraTsed that he tried to board they attempted it The n-port was points In Central and Northern New L. e tram and being under the infla- adopted. Bishop T. C Tanner, in York snow tell to the depth oi three f taunr lost his footing and dmittlog s-verai ministers, con- feet on a level, and drifts from six . . Tho train cut him ten feet high were piled up in Chicago. Nov. 15.-A license was is- I0!8 ?"lX?Jl VP northern Alaska. It is I n..nminn Knnr.h All: n Mrs home to erect of r hir es j wife. Just Guiteau, hanged f ir the aassination horses became frightened and bole . .aa -tv . ? . I a a S J I . . J . ai . Tovrth HSJhi Pbable thatthe Population of the A man ct over the grave ot nts v . . , . . avlAdvtosit outside of town the town ome daring the winter ?d"8" Shorter, But More Eloquent. In the public dLscussIon lietween tion. tie say me preaeuv ior. . uui the tw 0 candidates in tnirago, me sufficient to man tne lon.acauoua. . IMlk htul lmuie a masterly argument, and at the close of his ef- A man should always wait for rort he sat down amid tbe enthuid- d mnt d the kiam hahic And aaid it I -J M-WAV SHWW w - vw would cause ihe downfall of young uiiuiater quicker than anything else Population of Hawaii. Washington. Nov. 18. The noDula Hon of Hawaii, as announced by the lftiaiia Ilnr.n i AKA (Vtl o mini- mMQ in 196. This is an increase of Eight Spectators KlUed at a null ,uw, or 41 2 per cent. 1 Fight .. . - l.l,.hava Pacaun. I n IWO. gr tSSS were de"uy".nd ft5i He w, IVom Baltimore, .nd service susDended on the railroads, a sailor on the schooner Cherubim. a number of trains were stauea id An inquest was neiu louay. xo the snow Farmers were snow railroad authorities had "him decent-4 bound In their homes ior several ly bued at their expense days Perished In the Flames. Nine-vear-old George Harrison, colored, was burned to death In Char- Allcante. SDaln."NoV 17 Daring intta ittftf. week. He was alone in ' " m I 11 -U . 1a I v"" 1 - t, i.w t vt i-- t tne nrozrss oi a nun uku b"u il nt a sunrvwwi to nave ' iaii x. runic, iitn l uia iuhu- - . Drtinor I '1'7 "wuJU "ft rancs t roker, became despondent over by women toreadors at rHireV get the buildiug on fire and perished ue tj losaea oi money wagcrea on nry- uer mm y-j, "Tj; in ha names before help OOUld reach wuiuiihw lui.tll mf auvvaiu i auu o nwiw nv. -..-. i ma nraina QBm llmlnroti lauw of President Garfield io 1S82. her third husband. Graded School Burned 'Down. Charlotte. N. C . Nov. 16 News was received here to-dy that the graded chrpl building at Yorkville, 8 J was burned at eleven o cioca mis moruiug The building was tbe old female col lege, valued at about $5,C00. None of tbe pupils were injured Allen is ed Brill, who was riding in the saddle, was thrown and dragged, his foot becoming entangiea in ine stirrup. The. strap finally broke, and the loaded dray passed over his right leg, crushing It and f rac- tnrintr the bone In several places, He received other injuries a do ox the head and body. down beiore seating j applause of half Ihe large audi oes in chair in the room. " I o 1, .iA..ih. In onlv nnet m Ka hoiu-oon l nnft and S.000 " I ence. WW A A a aj-sa - s-aa v v v f - iaorira Pearram was convicted - of inn -der in the second degree in -the criminal court at- Winston-Salem, last week, for stabbing and killing Jonn Hairston in Kernersvillf, Forsythe canntv. last month. He was sentenced to tbe penitentiary for twelvt yean. . Suicide at Concord. . A special from Concord announces the suicide of Doc" - -Bost, son of Levi Bost, of that place. One of the family upon going to the young man's room found his body lying across the bed with a bullet hole in In. Our New Foesessions. Tre election repo'ts from tbe Ha waiian Islands, state , th it Robert white, the independent Socialist Can dida' e, has been elected Delegate to tji naress from Hawtii by a smn ma jority over the -Republican cand date i and gWallowea an old umbrella Wiic x represents in negro iacuou, , . - vft-a The yeast fer and promised nis irienas mas u oe montftd in the .-o- animara atom were elected Queen Libnokalani should be restored to the throne But when the other candidate arose to speak he (imply raid: a rovti snrrowiui f ace. r "W in an leines voi cow a TnHianA ennntv farmer lost a to vote for me Jine me at the bar In cow in a very queer way one night the room belowT laat week. The animal got out oi And he was ine man w no carr. the pasture, and in rummaging I the entire audience with him. through a summer kitchen roaoa Her Play. From Brooklyn Life. "Junson his developed into a con firmed kicker, but his wife can handle him every time. lie kick ed lad. night because his dinner was col6V "What was his wife's plsjr?" Sk made it hot for him-" 1 9uh and raised the umbrella, and she died in terrible agony, truthful ly declares an exchange Tw.tlv healthy Deonle have pore, rich blood. Hood's aarsapar it ia pan- Mfnister So f ou aw some boys flsh ingon the Sibbath, my young man. mdyou-do anyjthingwto disooorage a. am - sSili Boy-Yes. sir. Lstole tbeir fi- !??- aud mMm hilt laTwrisnge. I W

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