IAN. Vol. XIX. BALEIGH. NORTH OABOLINA, DECEMBER 13, 1900. No 1 CMJCAS Jt'Hfe BOGUS BUT TER TAXED. HLEOMAKOAUIXE BILL PASS EI) IX THE HOUSE BY A VOTE OF VM TO !)2. TEN CENTS TAX ON LARD BUTTER. rn-tloa for tba Dairy Indaatrr Fraud VrmrrnlrA -The I'eople Will Endorae Thia Mraaura. Washington, Dec. 8. The House yes I'flij passed the (Jrotit Oleomargarine ".ill by a vote of 199 to W. Th bill a panned makes all articles known an oleomargarine, butterine, Im itation of butter or imitation cheese transported into any Htate or ;Territo ry for consumption or sale subject to the pol re power of such State or Ter ritory, but prevents any State- or Ter ritory from forbiading the transporta tion or sale of Mich product when pro duced and sold free from coloration in imitation. 'J he bill increases the tax on oleomarg trine colored in imitation of butter from two to ten cents per pound, and decreases the tax on oleo mnrgarine uncolored from two cents to a quarter rent per p mnd. A long and interesting debate prece ded the vote in course of which those who favored the Grout Hill claim, d the additional tax on colored oleomarga rine wan the only lfeotive remedy for preventing fraud upon the public, while thohe wio opposed it contended that fraud would be prevented by the subxtitute, and that the real purpose of the Grout Hill was to destroy the oleomargarine industry. rnrideration of the bill began imme diately after reading of the journal Mr Henry, (Con ,) opened the debate in its support. lie explained the fea ture s of the bill. The increase of the tix on colored imita in butter, he said, the majority of the Committee on Agriculture believed was absolutely necessary to protect ihe dairy interests of the country. The cause of the enormous amount of fraud and the illegal Bellingof oleomar garine, he said, was due to the great profits derived from the sale of the im itation becau.-e of its abso ute counter feit of butter. Thirty-two Mates al ready had absolutely forbidden the manufacture and sale of oleomargarine colored imitation of butter, he sid. Mr Henry cited figures to show that iricludi g the payment of the present internal revenue tax of two cents the t-ortt of manufacturing was no; more thin ten cents per pound Mr Henry said the increase of the tax would p re vet t the lare profl 8 while the reduc tion of the tax on oleomargarine in its natural color would enable those who desired to consume it to procure it at a lower cost than heretofore. Mr. Grout, fVt , autior of the bill, wh then took charge of the measure, declared that the purpose of the bi I, in whch every man, woman a d child was interested, was to suppress fraud in the sale of a food product by pr venting the coloring of ole margarine in imita tion of butter. Over 104,000,000 pounds of il-omarganne bad been manufac lured and sold last year, mat was about one-ninth of the butter consumed in he United States Mr Grout produced figures to show that oleomargarine costs less than nine cents per pound and was worked off on the public by the retailer at from 18 to 80 cents per pound. ANEW PARTY TO EE FC2UED. Mrran lo yPathy With tka MomHSt. All the Braa roreea to ret Tonrtfcoc. Indianapolis, Dec g. Charles W. VV alter, secretary of the middle-of-the-road Popullt State committee, ha issued a call for a conference to be held December 22. He Hays this conference will be the first step In the formation of a new national par ty, to embrace the Social Democrats, Hilver Republican and reform Dem ocrats and will pull largly from the Prohibition party. We expect that In 1904 our par ty will be the Hecond in numerical Htrtngth in the country," continued Walter. "We expect that in the Went it will absorb the Democratic Prty. I know personally from men clone to Win. J. Bryan that he U In sympathy with the movement. The names suggested for the new Irty are "Federate," "American" and "Federal." EXTENSIVE 8KIN- CRAFTING. Thirtr-Sev-n Oae-Ioch I'lecoa Take From Twelve Uoy. Chicago. Dec. 12 At the bedside of little Felix Machut twelve boys bared their loft arms and allowed surgeons to slice from two to four inches of skin from their arms di rectly over the biceps. This was engrafted upon the thy of Machut, where previously a pocket had been cut into the skin and the hand in serted. In all thirty-seven Inches of skin was removed from the boys' arms and planted on the wound in Machut's hip. This cae is one of the most successful and extensive attempts at skin grafting on record When Machut s band wan injured. in order to avoid amputation, a pocket was cut in the unfortunate lad's hip and the hand sewed in. In three weeks the hand took on flesh enough to cover the bones and re maining muscles, and an adver tisement brought the boys to the operating table to furnish the skin to cover the wound in the hip. The boys were given f 3 an inch for the skin taken from their arms. SEIATOI STEVAITtS UCEIAL Iatrodboa sBdl to Greet aSlOO.OOO Btopeem Comrt tn Um PklllUaa There Is nothing mean ox small about Senator Stewart's idea of a colonial government for the Phil ippines, lie Introduced a bill in the Senate yesterday constituting a Supreme Court for our new Asiatic possessions to consist of five Judges to be, appointed for life and to be allowed a salary of $20,000 a year. This la twice the salary that the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States are paid. It may be adorned that Senator Stewart will want bis Philippine, government to be all of a piece. Applying, the judicial ratio of salary the Governoi of the Philippines ,wlU be entitled to twice the salary paid to the Presi dent of the United Stales, or 1109,- 000 a year, and the members of its Legislature to twice the salary drawn oy a Congressman, or $10,000 a year If the Filipinos are to be expected to maintain Senator Stewart's colon ial government at their own ex pense they will have little trouble In 'convincing the world at Urge that they were justified in rising in rebellion against their new masters. :a RICH FIND OF COLO. New Mine Opened Up in County. Montgomery TOWNETO 8UCCEE0 DAYI8. lie Will Accept the Appointment to the United 8tat Henatorabip from Min nesota. Duluth, Minn., Dec. 8. Chas. A. Towne has confirmed the report that Governor Lind had tendered him the United States senatonshlp to suc ceed the late Senator C. K. Davis, and said that he had decided to ac cept the appointment. lie has tele graphed the Governor to that effect. HETH00IST8 END0R8E THE DUKES. Xorta Carolina Conference Paaaea Br, oltuloa of Sympathy for KUjro, Duke and Udell. At the sixty-fourth session of the M. E. Conference, which was held in Newborn last week, a resolution was offered by E. A. Yates assuring Dr. Kilgo and Messrs. Odell and Duke of the sympathy of the Con ference in the position in which they are placed on account of the decision of the Gattis-Kilgo suit. and assuring- them of the confidence of the Conference and of the con tinued support of the body. This resolution was adopted by the Conference. Dividends We Must Have. Ite v. J. Mont Travis writes to the Johnstown, Pa., Tribune from Con cord, N. C, about the labor of child ren in the cotton mills of that town: "I could not learn the wages paid to adults, but I paw children 8 to 9 years of age working from 6 at night to 6 in the morning for 10 cents a night. One of the mills I visited at Concord has increased its capacity three times in thirteen years, and at the same time has paid regularly a 10 percent dividend. There are some fifteen mills in Charlotte and half as many in Concord, and I was told they were all doing as well. "Doing as well!" Making money fast, with child labor paid 10 cents a night! Is it not high time that some missionary work of a practical kind was done in North Carolina and some other states, as well as in far away countries?" Boers Coming to New York. On the outskirts of New York city a colony of Boers Is to be estab lished. Seventy families, who have resolved not to live under the British flag, are to form a settlement between Hicksville and Syosset, in Nassau county, and apply to the richer farm lands there the industry that has enabled them to win sus tenance from the barren African veldt. A tract of land which will permit the allotment of from five to twen ty-flve acres to each of the seventy families has been purchased by the committee. The first members of the colony are expected to arrive here on De cember 28th, coming by way of Delagoa Bay and Marseilles. They will be followed soon by the others. (Jraham Tribune. A great many geologists contend that North Carolina will yet be the greatest gold producing State in th Union, and we are indeed glad to herald the news of a new and rich find of that precious metal near Candor, Montgomery coun ty. Capt. M. L. Jones, who has had a va ried experience in prospecting for nnd d-veloping gold mines, is in charge of the work, ai d at a depth of fifteen feet a four and one-half foot vein of rich f old bearing quartz and brown ore i ound. Two assays resultid in an av erage of $i 00 to the ton, and much free gold is obtained by panning. Eight pans yielded $15.00, and several small nuggets were found in the product thus obtained. The strata is on a line with the ft mous Keigle mines in Moore county, fifteen miles distant, and startling de velopments are sure 1 1 result within a rew weeks. Five hundred acres are 1-ased by the company now operating near Candor, and Ms said that the price of land in that section has increased ten fold. Mach nery will be installed in the near future, and the work carried on in its entirety. We have a fine specimen of the go d bearing quartz kindly fur nished us by Pinkney Jones, who is a brother of aptain tl. L Jones and re cently visited the new mining section. We hope to give our readers further particulars along this line in the near uture. Agin' the Arlstoracy. Our Home. Most towns that get to be much size generally become afflicted with two kinds of pests, the loafers and those who try to assume "society" caste. Sometimes we have chintz bugs and other kind of bugs in this section but as yet we are practically free from loafers and self-appointed society" folks who feel like they belong to the old bourbon Southern "aristocracy" and were created better than other folks. We hope our society will always remain pure and free from idleness and undesirable influences. STATE AX9 CSSEIAl CRT. CUpped mm CoeSe Tor The Atlantic Coast Line Is replac ing Its passenger coaches with vesti baled ones. During the month of November Winston shipped 1, 605,64 &k pound of manufactured to baud. Twenty blind tigers were brought to light by the police In Greensboro last week. Greensboro is a dispen sary town. The penitentiary farms this year will produce 1,500 hales of eottoo. brides good crops of corn and pea The State Board of Agriculture has decided to establish a fih. hatch ery at Avoca and appropriated $4,000 for that purpose. Early Friday morning 300 men in Wythe county, Va., hanged a ne gro to a tree limb for criminally as saulting a woman. Kentucky's official vote gives Gov ernor Beckham 8,689 plurality. The Democrats elect nine and the Repub licans two Congressmen. A number of well to do negroes have established a savings band at Durham with $10,000 paid, up cap ital. It will be officered by negroes. The aggregate expenses of the Na tional government for the coming year are estimated at $626,741,762, a slight decrease from last year's esti mate. Greensboro contractors say . the buildings now in course- of construe tion in that city will, when com pleted, aggregate an expenditure of $100,000: The report on cotton mills char tered by the state to date this year shows 26, and 10 knitting mills. Today the capital invested in these in $8,567,000. ENORMOUS SUMS. FIFTY MILLIONS TO Bfe EX PENDED FOR WAR VESSELS. i una kev iattlksiw akomqis- EKS. Appropriation for War Vfinli ' Mad -Klfht Bidder la t Field Oreat IedaatrUl H rival. 8peclal to the Charlotte Observer. l Ashington, Dec 7th Never since the birth of the new navy baa there been inch a gathering of ship builders and metal kings as was assembled in the office of the See retary of the Navy, at noon today. to witness the opening of bids for an amount of naval constructloa which Secretary Long denominated as the greatest industrial 'event this, or any other country had ever seen, involving the placing of con tracts for about 150,003,000 The cabinet meeting to preside at the ceremony, and associated with him were the chiefs of the great naval bureaus, Admiral Hlchborn, Ad miral Melvill, admiral O'Nel 1 and others. Among the spectators were Henry 8eott, Charles and Edwin Cramp, Mr. Trigg, of the Richmond L comotlve Works :Presldent Morse, Manager Newman and John Lindsay, of the New York Ship Building Company, the New Dela ware river concern ; Manager Clrk, of the Miles Tool Company ; Louis Nixon, of the Crescent Work ; Pres ident Olcott, Judge Payson, and Manager Post, of the Newport News Works; F. O. Wellington and B. T. Elwel), of the Fore Blver Ua SATS CICSCSATie UiAJUtS OF. PAITT IS II ad a IfttTtliM St rack t-orWt U4a4a. Terr Haute, lod., Dlpatrh. In an address prepared for his fol lowers Eugene V. Debs makes clear that he hope for the growth of the Social Democratic party though ao cewlooa from the rank of the Demo cratic party. After saying that the triumph of the Republican party will Incite the trusts to run riot" and bring abont over-production that will result In a panic before the end of the second McKlnley administra tion, be says: "The Democrat 1c party present a picture never before ex hi blted in the political gallery. Its platform look as if a cyclooe had revised it and its demoralization is complete. There is no longer room for a irty that seeks to ride into office by ! raddling the class Lwue. With the double daling Democratic party doomed, the political atmosphere will cUwr up and the working claw caunot af ford to allow the Democratic party to rvtire from business. It mut be used to arreet the prugrer of Social ism, and so It is entirely probable that the radical element will be given full permission to galvanise the corpse with an injection of pub lic ownership." A call is issued for a national con vention to be held in Chicago on January 15th to adopt a plan for an aggre-wive campaign of organization. Referring to the vote polled by the party, Debs says the total will be between 100,000 ond 150,000. He thinks that 200,000 voters tried to vote for the party ticket. The re port of the campaign committee hhows the total receipts to have been $8,537. OPPOSE STAUP REDUCTION. The Cabinet Opposed to Lobbrtar Off More Than 830.000.000 of the War Tax-SO-Ont DoINra for the Pbillplnu Trade. Washington, Deo. 7. The cabi net meeting tody was largely de voted to a discussion of the ques tion of coinage for the Philippine Islands, and as a result it is proba ble that the Secretary "f War will Works : the Moran Brothers, of Se- The State Board of Agriculture Uttle: President Taylor and Mr. reports that the sales of commercial Tarbett, of the Blsdon Ship Build fertilizer in North Carolina this sea- ing Company ; John Dialogue, of son are 30,000 tons greater than they Camden, and a number of others lrhmr'r were last season. identified with ship building. There nqust a hparing on t he subject be- were iixHL season. utA- u fore one of the committees of Con- IVTC710 VftUV UJUUCIO) CBIU V va nut bids were well within the limit of First Presbyterian church of Patter- owed by Congress for the son, N. J., have gone on a strike, re- tiks riuptio tirmu. tWpiwiw tHM evert IU,w a ere rtfly auve Kia-e. , Manila. Ur. More activity U fthoern Id the ofmtkir In Northern and Southern luria. General KuneUm, with Troop A. of lb Fuunh cavalry and a enure of erouU, la4 Thureday, roruutml a hundred lneurgmu poe'ed oq the opiaeJie tank of the Nrhico lUv. r. Ihe American rharxtl enre th stream and the enrmy tvtm'ed, fir ing from cover. They left four ol their number dad on the fW-ld. A native who wu captured rpnrud that Fajrin, a deeerter from the Twenty-fourth Infantry, who ha leeo active with the FUif4ov with a party of two cavalrymen, had been Wounded. Lieutenant Morrow with fifty men from the Fortjr-eevrnth regi ment, atU keil and orcupIM Outaran. While returning 1nee tronjn en countered (V)Ione Vict or K oirtipy lng an entrenched polllm, with thirty rifle- and three hundred bolo men. Lieutenant Morrow' furee charged and drove the enemy from their mj4iIoo, luflW-ilug, It U be lieved, ht-avy luw upon them. Pre ceding the fight, the exj-dliion had captured Major Flores and weveral of hi followers. An engagement I rejOTted to have occurred near Ban Itoqoe, in which according to the native fifty rebels were killed. Several minor encounters and captures are atao reported. Th Atneri an caullie have buen very slight. The Inland of Bohul ha recently been the mvne of more activity ou the part of the inHurgents than formerly, and a oomjny has teen sent to reinforce the battalion stationed there. ntrsTiajiziKC m sstu. fusing to return to their classes as long as the pastor remains in office. During the month of November the J. Van Lindley Nursery Com pany, of Greensboro, shipped 18,000 orders, representing 500,000 and plant0, to 21 states. The Pittsburg Press says are over one hundred' firms in HEAD-ON COLLISION NEAR RICHMOND. Two Freirhta Collide on the A. C. 1.. fireman Boyd, Who Waa Killed. Lived in Weldon. Richmond, Va., Dc. 8. A head-on oo lision between two freights occurred on the Atlantic Coast Line two miles below Richmond tonight, in which one man was killed, three others war- in jured, and an engine and a dozen freight cars wrecked. Fiteman Robert Boyd, whose home was in Weldon, N tj , wis fatally crushed under the overturned engine. Engineer v imam u f unpen, of Man chester, Va., was btdly scalded, and severely though not fatally injured, and coiorea uraR-man Ken rowel 1 and Jesse Butts were less seriously hurt Flippeo. was brought to hi- home in Manchester; the brakemen were b oujfbt to a h spitl here, and the body f B -yd will b' ent h me tomorrow to his heart-broken bride of a few months. The oa-t Line train run in to a Rich mond, Fredericksburg- and Potomac shifting freight which had come the belt line, and was the Coat Line track. Tonight's trains all came In over the belt line- time. While it is not possible at this moment to forecast results ac trees curately, there are indications that in at least one instance, ana per haps two Instances, these attempts u l will do atliviuitiu witu buuiw uegroe " I a M . a. . i a. I i 4.U.4. oi success, tor it ioobs as tnougu cuy engaged m ure manufacture oi apoI1 the Fore Rver Company, stogies. The largest of these produ- nrh1fh nru)nru fnr the ft rat time ah " rr ces o,uuu,uuu stogies every year. a bidder for constructing armored mu , T. sh'ps The Pacific coast, too, pre The State has sold the White LiaHkiw nUriato in ih Mo UaK wwamp l-tMis tn unsiow county, bid. Because of changtsmade consisting of 223,561 acres, to 8. W. ttt the specifications by the bidders Isler. of Qoldsboro, repreeentiiig an the general tendency of whloh is eastern syndicate. The price paid to considerably reduce the equip was $26,500. gross. Nearly all the business or the island is transae ed In Mexican dollars, and army commissaries and others supplied with United States money are at times greatly embar line of the old organisation, which. '"""TV haveonstructed all of the heavy ?e pf "tpinps, from the fact that ships. The notable feature was the attempt on the part of the younger and smaller concerns to break the Congressman Kitchin, of North Carolina, has Introduced in the House a resolution providing for a ment of the ships, it is not po -Bible yet to tell which of the bids are act ually the lowest. A naval board will consider the bids and report upon them The constitutional amendment to repeal of Coagr. s limit the cost of the fifteenth amendment to the Fed eral Constitution. David Stokes, a lawyer, shot and instantly killed Rev. John W. Wohle, a Presbyterian minister, in a street duel, at Williamson, W. Va., last Wednesday. The quarrel was over a woman'. cruisers to $3 600.000 each and ot the battleships to $1 250,000 for the sheathed and $1 000 000 for th un-! sheathed Secretary Long expressed himself as pleased with the le-ult of the bidding and said that the bid were very liberal The bids were for five ne bat its value, the latter often refuses to accept it. The proposition which seems to have met with favor by the admin- istiation, is to purchase silver bull- ton at the pres-nt market price and coin it into distinctive dollars hav lnir a sold value of about fifiv cis. each. These dollars probably will conttln a uUIh less s'lver than the present standard dollars. It is hoped that by the early action oi ongress, the new coins may be put into circulation before a great while. The cabinet also discussed the House bill revising toe war reve- ou act, all of them think that the cut is too deep and agreeing that it won d be un w sh to make the cut greater than $30,000,000. lie Meant Business. December Success. A Davenport boy went to New York to solicit a position to travel for a whole-ale house. He went five times to one establishment, and every time was told that they did not want to make a trial trip, but to no avail. Finally, he proposed to Our ItleaMKl ClrtUvatlon. American Nonconformist. The following is an extract from a recent dl-patch from Manila: "The eoldlers and marine who have returned from China are wil ing quantities of curios looted from the renidenccs of the nobility or wealthy peixorw at IVkln and Tien Tsin. Many of them are valuable and ridiculously cheap and a num ber of Huch presents have been nent to the United States for Chi la mas presents." The world do move civilization is making mighty sttidos the ris ing sun of righteouHneri is app-ar- iig over the eastern hills thin year we will celebrate the birthday of the founder of our faith with rare aud coHtly giftn thoxe gifts will have added value because they were stolen by our gallant soldiers from the enemies of our holy religion. The festal, day of our sublime talth will be celebrated by adorning our daughters with costly gems taken from the dead bodies of the wicked pagans slain by us in our holy war for the spreading of the kingdom of the Prince of Peace. The temples of Confaclns have been looted to ob tain costly gills to lay upon the al tars of Christ. When w e contem plate the glorious triumphs of the gospel of Christ during the pant year we will be able to sing with renew ed energy and increasing faith the glad Christmas authem that typifies our redemption: "Peace on earth, good will to men." Hew IW i le IW fc A few day rv y the VaH lerioa rW, th M.nlf Ual r, U IajcmSoq, paUUhed a; teller from a color ergeaat In tbe'K -yal K lllera to hi father t bnene. fl U fetoaMmme that the wrter did D4 rijvt or wla hU letter U find It y loto print. It U etill a.rrf to aiwtue that he U1 be bU to regret hU very raodl-1 rtveeaiat. eore. He deerrtt In Uln laa guaee how the llritlah are rmrrj lag oo the war aftlie. the ll-a-r la Suuta Africa, Tbia 1 a mrt of what he vi rut r: "I think the war U Dearly - me to a rl.er, od that le rv-e of peote Uiktt aUiut, ralel Moeea, hae vanlhed We go out uoce or t a meek for two, tbre, and tx-tifuee flee days, and have a little &lUng, trn few lartu, get a few rhi. keita at d dm k aitd foitder, rn, e c , atel re- lurn home. 'We meet out fo five day Ua we-k under ei. llanoo; ttte ee- her wu grate!, Uh day aiel ultffct. We burod atuxit twenty farms aud all the furniture Itwde ihetu pplemtid plan an-i orgaua rre burnt, and it wan iMtlful to ee the lUtHhen atting lh-Jr little eooi oo the De k and rlflug tbecn. Wetoik.ji li.ooo worth if "tuff from ltotha's larm-etlle. grain, foraic. waev, ec. Tb young women kielt down atel pra)ed-IIible In hand aud I a--ure yu the Um n41i do n my rbeeks for a moment when 1 a ordenl to uuaeh aud wt fire to a plendld set of furniture aod a piano at a bourn u here an old lady, thee nice young girl, and a boy were 1m ploriuc toe to n tLeiu their fur niture. "Hut, on the wlu'e, five tlays out were a piculc to all of u." The aUve In a fIr rluien wf the way the noble and ploue Angto Haxon Is conquering thn world fur ChrUtianlty and tle Cm A. C L PAINT SHOPS IUKRE0. Forty it. la KMlmmmtmA at r Klfty Mra ot r aaa.fMMt -of atsfiwr. tleshiDS and six armored cruisers aggregating a total displacement of buy a small stock of gooaV; this was 1FL1IWI titna Of thA haitAahina I hnalnMo. and thev wem rp1tr ti The son or tne ceiebratea mpino namfiiv The Pennsvlvanla. New au. w thn wAnt nn th rtA nn from cniel rresiaenr runao, oi tne is- Jersey, Georgia, Virginia and Rhode nia own account, and made money; Robeson County's Growth. Lumberton Robesonlan. Tne census returns for 1900 show that Kobesou still holds the fourth place in population among the coun ties of the Staie Her population is 40,371. Only Mecklenburg with e w c a i fa r- a s o 1 w oo.ioo, nu wim ui.oxo win lnteHVrwi with oombe wiih 44,88 Ieart her, Char- mmrhin ah..m . . . t i . . iii i i loue, ivaieign tun Anueviiw neip io i lhl . Wj. Korn-J Wilmington, N. C, !;. H. Thin morning at 4 iVlo-k fire ditroyeit the paint nhoin of the Atlantic (t Line in this city, en'aillng a le roughly ret I mated at from 1:5. 0(x to 80,O00. Toe fire U suppieed to have orlglnateu from fiuouiaiytiua combustion, and owing to the char acter of the material, ttte flames laf- fled all the eflorU of the flrti drpart- ment. The principal building burned, li one and a half etoriee high of brick and 70 by 120 in hIe. On ooe xr- ner was and ell with machinery fur running the plant. Another ehed. 140 by 60 feet In elze, containing tle freight repair offlon wat alwi burned. The content of the build ings conHumed couf-bted o( palnta, oils, and varnlnhen, macldcery, tools and fittings of every kind. Forty or fifty men were employ ed In the taint shop and thene, will be temporarily out of employment Three coaches and three old freight cars which were 11 ng reiwlnted were ah-o burned. Fire is especially unfortunate at this time, as the syctem U overrun with work In furnishing many of iU lines with new coache. The ahona will however, be rebuilt at once, and material for the Name has already been ordered. The fire In no way the work of ihe It Is understood property mas at baokinsr on to Hand ot ban unez, win enter tne Ag- island, three are to be sheathed ricultural and Mechanical College and coppered, ana will carry super for the colored race, at Greensboro. Imposed turrets: the other two are after the holidays. Baltimore II aa a Big- Fire. The editor of a Kansas paper the j other day was - blessed with a baby boy. A little sister," after examin ing the baby, went to her father and asked: "Did we get him on adver- to be unsheathed vessels, having the "auadrlteral arrangement" of 8-inch turrets. Gold. Chicago Chronicle. The totil product for the decade now closing will be $2,106,000,000, against ab u $l,300,ono,00d tor the ten years ending with 1883 The enormous and whully qi expected it crease has been dueio ptrt to new discoveries, but in greater measure ti improvements in the methods of separating thj metal from the substance in connection with whir-h it is found. Of course it is im possible to foresee h w long the prea- ent rate of production will be main tained, but i here is no reason for an ticipating any decrease for yeara to come and the question of a substitute for g Id as the material of standard money may be regarded as postponed for a decade at least. Tbs largest stock-yards In the world are in hio.go. ins combined plants rep eeent an invstm nt of over $10, 000,000 The yards contain 20 miles of street, $0 miles of water trough. 60 milMof feeding troua-he, and 70 miles of watrf and drainage trough. The j ai i arv v yioie ui receiving ana aa WttfflodatlDf doly 80,000 tattle, 20,000 ua iiuwu nogs. Operatives Leaving Alamance. Qraham Tribune. Wednesday evening about sixty union cotton mill operatives left Haw River for West Point, Ga , and fully half that number left Graham Thursday evening To night the Burlington delegation. numbering about twenty-nve, will take their departure, and hereafter the immigration to that place will be determined by the encourage ment g.vcn by those who decided to throw off the yoke of oppression and go where the light of liberty shines nnobsenred. Cotton in French Colonies. Samples of American cotton seed are being distributed by the French gov ernment among many of its colonies and it is predicted that they may in time become formidan e riva's oi tne I'nited States in the production of the white staple. It is said that the soc css which a tended a similar effort on the part of th- Rusian government among its colonies is whar has inspirtd the effort on the part of France. Baltimore, Dec. 8 The extensive stores and stocks of the Baltimore Bar gain House, at 212 to 220 Wet Balti- mnPA Bt.raaat. nrapo AaatvtwaA hv flpat.hia morning, and the stock and building of tising too, papa?" UrntlAn. I.nn-. r. t n nriimninir nam I considerably damaged. The fire was I John M. HIggins, a member Of di covered shortly af er 3 o'clock to, the City Council of Indianapolis, ana ournea nerceiy an tne balance or I jn(j , has been sentenced to State's ne uiKHL ana iar into me morning, i . .i ka nij commeteiv ohstrucfcinB- tr,ffi, in the prison, having been convicted on a .r " . . . I 1 I A.. X 1 II busiest part of the city during the ear-1 cnargw oi uuwiuk w noept unue ly morning hours. Several firemen I for pushing a measure through the maae narrow escapes irom aeann, ouc i Council. none was seriously luiurea. ine lwmore nargain uouse, oil As a result of a MIL presented to wniou nr. iaia ApsireiQ is me prei-1 dpnt. i one of the ueeeat on nf the present session of the Georgia the kind in the South, and had a large I Legislature to prohibit children un holiday s ock on hand Mr. Epstein ialder 12 years of sge working in the aayeti unable to give an accurate esti- rotton mills of the State, the mill mate of the loss on stock, hut r. ntrhlv I . . nia it. .f. i i nnn raor . iL t- owners ot ueorgia nave lormeu an Co., estimate their loss at $5,000, wh'ch association to stop the practice. the loss on the bnild-ngs will probably swell the total to $300,000, all being fully covered by insurance. Operations have been resumed at the Fentress copper mines, twelve miles south of Greensboro, after a suspension of several years. The Wnite Supremacy In Alabama. I mine, which is very rich in copper- Birmingham, Dec. 10. The epe-1 bearing ore, has been purchased by rial committee of the lower House, a Northern syndicate and will be appointed to visit certain convict operated on an extensive scale. Want to Bring Hngenota Here. Wilmington, Del., Dec 8 Perse cuted because of his avowed sym pathy for Captain Dreyfus, of the French army. Lieutenant August Dunont. his fellow officer, lefc his native country and has located in Wilmington, where be will be lenc tng master at the Young Men's Christian; Association. He Is the hero of 14 hot conflicts with swords and fell In defeat but once during his 27 years' service In the French army. He was a close friend of Dreyfus and espoused his cause. As a result he was so persecuted that he was forced to resign his com mission and leave the country. He has been living in New York where he formed a fencing class. and at the same time Interested prominent men in a project to form a colony of French ' Huguenots in North Carolina. That, aside from fencing, Is his bobby, for he says that hundreds of Huguenots are awaiting favorable opportunity to seek America to colonize. so, when the nrin saw that he meant busine-s, they were ready to em ploy him, and is now wealthy, be ing a member of the firm. Not a boy in a hundred would have had his persistence, after a refusal. There is nothing like courage or faith as an aid to success. Another mem ber of that firm had only fourteen cents when he reached New York, to seek his fortune. Trphold FeTer In Sin Sins PrtWB. BirgSing N, Y, Dec. 8 Warden .lobnson announced today that Uphold fev r had broken out am ng the con victs in mng ing in-on J nere are now even cases of typhoid in the pris on hospital and additional ca esare de veloping dally It ha been decided to fl up an additional building as an emer gency nospiia'. Tbe supply of water to the prison comes irom tne tjrouip reservoir, and tbe wat-r that ia con sumed in tbe prison is boiled. least partially operative plan. lnanred on the co Vi TOLO TCI 10. Mora Tasea Meet Be Rala4 to M a Kxtraracaeee of Ike feieiaoM (iut The Raleigh correepondent of tbe Charlotte Observer, in last Thura- Theymay well look to db Lue : 'Several of our friends," says the Billville Banner, "who were coming to spend the holidays with us, were wrecked by a railroad train on the way. Provisions have been scarce with us for some time past, and we consider this a Providential inter ference." Atlanta Constitution. We Answer, No! The Buffalo, NY. Express asks If It Is "just" that 59,000 voters in Mississippi should elect seven Re presentatives In Congress, while 86,000 in Erie county, N. Y , elect but two. General Eagan. tha army officer who waa convicted of baying tbe embalmed and rotten bear which killed so many of our soldiers during tha war with Spain, haa braa reinstated and placed oo tbe retired list by the Wasbfogtoo military authorities, camps in this State, is said to have found 72 white and black convicts sleeping in an' apartment about R(yT( ff In nlz- Thev fnnnrl fht th hosmitiil about iftrifi ft the Jnvenile class in size and Now, Johnny, what can you tell me about Moses?" asked the Sunday- school teacher of a little fellow in "All I know," Ghastly Reminders. i : i l i j l. that whites and blacks wu go are required to occupy it together aia ""7 , , , JS ... u "Mister, do you remimber thot ye said one does av yer pills wud make another mon of me father?" "Throe to th' wurd, sor. Whin me rather started taaun' thim ne was a loive mon, an' faith whin he hod finished he was a dead mon." was louna in a rush battle of Bull Run." basket at the Galveston, Tex , Dec 8. Tbe terri ble loss of life by the storm of three months ago is again in evidence by the bodies of unfortunate victims having been found under debris in tbe city and numerous bodie round in swamps on the islands ana mainiana. Chicago News. Dr. Randall, who is directinr the r8 search for bod es on tbe island, rep rts a . . M A B. a ." "J , . i When a man loves sin be goes found and boned on tbe island and , J;T. v.. thus far this wesk fifty bodies have dowo1 when h ,07 hu wife he b-en discovered and buried on the h0I- go8 home; when he loves an tber ivar peninsula. nd there are others I mana wife he goes to the grave- awaiting Interment, yard: when he loves a grl the All these bedes are in the last stages I both go era sy. Orange, Va , Obser ot aecompoa won ' ana uiiwriy dttovu i taent noauon. ana were latarreawnsra fnnni If lawvlrr or othar imnavlaba bra effaota ware found noon anr of the Ona dla'rlct in Ooloraio, lets than when sick. They also think that white and blacks are fed out of the buckets In the same apartments In which they Representative Sulzer, of New sleep. The punishment of this I York has introduced a resolution in camp is said to be too severe, the I the House, reciting that Congress committee having occasion to ex-1 protests in the . name of humanity amine one negro whose head was I and civilization against the continu- badly bruised and cut from the anoe of the Boer war and urging the blows of a large stick. Another eon-1 British government to adopt: ths ar- vletbad bean out with kni to Mtrattoa policy to jjvwni&w. iftumuw' m owmaiiisv i graves maraao.- ywinpuo. swell the population of these lead ing three. Robeson has no large town, therefore she has the largest moral population In the State In the past ten years the population of Robeson has iniTeased 8.889; Meck lenburg 8,268, Wake 5,418 and Bun combe 6,022. Therefore, RobeHon haa grown faster than two of these three, while the other has beat hef onlv 132. - 1..- .a a their laurels at the end of the next "As was menuoneu some nays decade. The fertility of our land, ago the Legislature to meet next mritv n.i ihunHtnm of our water J month will be confronted with the th hithfnlnfxw of thA irrouni- great question of how to get more m m a I ArMi as 1nelM K a MimI msrs onerea xor nome maaers ana w! " j-t large quantities of uncleared foresfs which ended November 80 last, the for new farms will draw to us more exceB or aisDomemenui over airect people probably In the next ten I receipts was 1178,000. There will years than have come In the past certainly be a prewing can ror mora ipQ money lor me puoiic senoots, wnicn It ! urged ought to have at least America xerroea rttt o. sui f Fin-1 ii.oou.uoo. i nere are tares ways pIwm. I of raising more taxes: Ona by an Manila, P. I., Dec 8, 1900. A increase of asementa of all proper- dispatch has been received from Gen- ty, another by taxing railroad more. eral Funston, giving an account of a either In general valuation along two hours fight in the woods of Han-1 with other property or else by a tax to Domingo between an American on receipts; a third by an Inbert- force and 300 rebels, commanded by tance and legacy tax ana a tax on Sandico. The American force, con- oyte which will really amount to HI5UUK U 111 II iv uiwisDnwn wm- i puui' a manded by Lieutenant Jeruigan, at tacked the rebels, who retreated. Child Labor tn Concord. leaving on the neia sixteen men Rev. b. Lacy Hte, of Concord, killed, including the rebel leader the BaptLrt State Cooventloo In Aguilar, ana an American negro. Raleigh laet week declared that IS It was at first thought the latter hours of labor were endured by the was a man named Fag in, a deserter L,Der,iveg in bis town, and that Ihe fr.im the Twenty-fourth Infantry, I Christian people of North Carolina but this turned out to be a mistake. mast demand legal rent rlci ion. Mr. Hoee said that the factory owners btanaara ror jreruiiaers inxeo. denied that children under 12 were The 8'ate Board of Agriculture I employed, bat," said Mr. Hoge, "I hiui flred a Rtandard for brands of I have seeu children tolling In lhOW commercial fertiliser and Imposed a factories who are under 12, under nenaltv for the Bale of brands below 1 10. under 8 years, ev e years oia. the standard. The required sum to- c else we have a race of dwarfs In tal of percentages required range I Concord." from 10 to 1L per eent. No mixed Young men and womtn are grow- lerOllaer can be sold whloh contains Ing up without any education, bright Haa than 1 per lent of either, am- young people are la the egnrnhea mmii rr wiih. r both wham thcsr who eannee - write er sead Ood axe alaimed in the same fertiliser. I Word. j