THE CAUCASIAN V Vol. XIX. RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA, DECEMBER 20, 1900. No 2 BRITISH DEFEATED. AN ENGLISH COLONEL AND THREE CAPTAINS KILLED. ICERS SUCCESSFUL FIELDS. ON SEYEIAL J I pre V a strange Hants Cliui, Keining in her trusty steeds; Steadily anil true they serve her, Kagerly they till her needs. Tis a strangely mixed condition; Tell me, is it not, I pray? Instead of reindeers in the harness, Here's a dear within to sleigh. Jean C. Havet. TRUST ISSUE AT FUNERAL. Attempt to Withdraw Hear Because Independent Hark Wert Hired. Norfolk, Va., Doc. 13. Norfolk r.kI Portsmouth have a funeral trust, which ha broken into court. The mill in prows out of the attempt of a npreentatlve of the Liverymen's Aciatlon to stop a fuueral iif thi presence of comjietitive hacks In line with the trust hearse where in the remains of John Bell were Ix'ing taken to the grave. The representative of the trust narrowly escaped rough handling at the hand of the enraged mourners. His instructions to the driver of the hearse to leave the body and return to the stable Immediately were only prevented from being executed, it is stated, by a policeman, called in by the outraged family. Subsequently he was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct. The action of the Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Berke ley Liverymen's Association really came near precipitating a riot. TWO NECRO WOMEN BURNED TO DEATH. A Mother and Her Daughter Perish in the Flame. A dispatch to the Morning Post from Fayettevllle, Dec. 14, says: News was received here yt'jterday afternoon of a fearful tragedy by Are on the cast side of CupeFear river, about twelve mile from this city. The daughter of Allen Fenter, an In dustrious, hard-working nesrro, dis covered a pile of shucks on fire in an out-house, and, in trying to extin guish the flames, ignited her cloth ing. Her mother ran to her aid, and the unfortunate girl, by this time a very column of flame, threw her arms about the old woman, and in this furious clutch of death agony, both perished there in the yard. The older woman was well known here, being for many years a faith ful servant in the family of the late Dr. B. W. Robinson. CRANO JURY FOUND TRUE BILL8. Rerlatrara and Sixteen Cttlaene of Win ton Charred With Depriving Citizens of Their Blshta. A special from Wlnston-Salm to Washington Post says: The grand jury of the Federal Court, In session at Charlotte, has rendered true bills against three election registers and sixteen citizens of Winston. The specific charge is 44deprivation of rights guaranteed by the Constitu tion of the United States," which means a charge that they prevented various and sundry voters from cast ing their ballots. A dozen or more witnesses in behalf of the govern ment went before the grand jury, which returned three separate bills, all for the same offense. tne wpuumca cf oui TOWNS. LAtCEST New Cotton in 1858. A Cape Tiiues correspondent has Interviewed Mrs. DeWet, wife of the Boer general. She said: "You Englishmen will never catch my husband. He is going to win back for the Free Staters and Transvaalers what they have lost. He has enough food and ammunition to last for three years, and that is Just how long the war is going to last." A Volcano in the Moon. Paris, Dec. 16. Albert Charbon ueau, the astronomer, claims to have discovered an active volcano In the moon. Its eruptions are marked by puffs of smoke at Intervals from a small crater near the crater of Theet tus. The smoke, says the astrono mer, hangs suspended for some time, indicating an atmosphere, in which case all theories concerning the moon are upset, including the question of Inhabitation. Charlotte Observer. One of the o!d newspapers fonnd in the Colley hou-e The Western Demo crat, published at Charlotte, edited by William J. Yates and bearing date of September 7th, 1858, has the following: "Two bales of new cotton were brought to this market on Friday last, September 3rd, one by W. W. Rae, of Providence, which was purchased by R M. Oatea & Co , at ll--and one by Robt. Cunningham, purchased by J. E. Stenbouse & Co., at 11. There is some question as to whose bale arrived in town firstboth claim the honor. The weigbmaater is of opinion that Mr. Cunningham was here first and sold first. But there waa bo little difference in the time, we think the credit ought to be divided between both." General Clement Fore to Betrent by tne Boer Commandant Delarey-DeWet Still rifhtlaK. London, Dec, 14. Lord Kitchen er report that after severe fighting at Nooitgedaeht, General Cltments' forces were compelled to retreat by Commandant Delarey, with a force of 2 500 men. Four British officers were killed. The other casualties were not reported. Lord Kitchener's efflclal dispatch to the War Office is as follows : Pretoria, Dec. 13th. Clements' force at Nooirgedacht on the Mag- allesburg, was attacked at dawn by Delarey, reinforced by Beyers com mando from Warm bath, making a foree estimated at 2,500. Though the first attack was repulsed, the Boers managed to get on top of the Magaliesburg, which was held by four companies of the Northumb erland Fusiliers, and were thus able to command Clements' camp. He retired on Hekpoort and took up a position on a hill In the center of the valley. The casualties have not been completely reported, but the fight ing was very severe and 1 deeply regret that Colonel Lgge, of the Twentieth. Hussars and Captains Mac bean, Murdoch and Atkins were killed. Reinforcements have left here." Lord Kitchener also reports that the Boers made an attack and were repulsed at Lichtenberg, and that Qeneral Detmer was killed. Attacks upon Bethlehem and Vrede we e also repulsed, the Boers losing ten killed and fourteen wounded Vry heid was attacked Dec. 11th. Snip ping continued when tne message was dispatched. . The scene of the fight is omni ously close to Pretoria. Nooitged acht is only twenty-two miles northwest of Pretoria It is repor ted that General Knox, co-operat ing with the British column at Red dersburg, has stopped General De wet and that a battle is proceeding. The report adds that many of Gen. Dewet's followers have been capt ured. The scenes at the War Office to day recall those witn ssed in the early stages of the war. A constant stream of excited and anxious peo pie filled the lobb es. The absence of the names of any of the officers of the Northumberland Fusiliers Id Gen Kitchener's dispatch leads to the foreboding that the four com panics of the Fusiliers mentioned are In the hands of the Boers. The War Office official evidently expect a heavy casualty list, but they are hopeful from the fact that the dispatch does not mention the capture of the NorthambcrUnds, that suoh a great catastrophe has been escaped Orders were Issued at Aldershot, Malta and other military centres to dispatch all the available moun ted infantry to South Africa. Johannesburg, Dec. 14. The bat tle still continues in the hills a few miles from Krnzersdor, Gen. Clem ents has asked for reinforcements, and mounted men, under General French, have already gone. There have been many casualties on both sides. It is estimated that the Boers number 2,800. WllmfBrtoa Still Load the UaaCttlea Maniac Oraalut Gala In Lent Ten 1 ear are AahvtUe, Greensboro and C kar Uette- a Uavln w Cenaea Taken. We give below tbe population of towns in the State, having a population of more than tTO, as sent out from Waahington. Raleich is having a new census taken cf the city. The first column of flure shows tbe population n 180, the second tbe re sult i f the I9 0 census The citiea ma king tbe laricest gains are Aaheville, lO.jfSd - 14,6; Greensboro, 341710, 035; Charlotte. 11.N67 18.091 ; Kllxa be h City. 8,251 6 and Winston, (Salem not included 1, 8.018 10,008 Some remaraabl gains wre mad by tbe smaller towoi, aa a glance at tbe list which f .ws will show : CITIES. THE REASON WHY. NOBTH CAROLINA HAS NO LARGE, POPULOUS CITIES. Asbeville 10.236 Beauf rt J,0"7 Buriington 1,716 Charlotte 11.557 Concord 4 339 Durham 6.45 Eden-on 2,21)6 Elizabeth City 3.261 Fayettoviile 4 221 i.aatonia 1.033 Goldsboro, 4,0l7 Graham 9ttl Greensboro 3,817 Greenville 1,937 Henderson 4 191 Hickory 2 023 High Point 3,01 King's Mountain 429 Kins ton 1.76 Monroe 1,866 Mount Airy 1,768 n ewbern 7.843 Raleigh 12 78 Randieman 1,754 Keidsville 2 969 Rocky Mount 616 alem 2,711 Salisbury 4.418 rtta'esville 2.318 larboro 1934 Haehington 3.545 Wilmington 20.056 Wil-on x.186 Winston 8,018 1494 2 195 3 62 18 01 3.046 6 S44 4 670 4 619 6 877 2 052 10,W5 2 565 3 746 2 535 4 163 DUE TO PECOLIAI COMMERCIAL DEALINGS. Tke State ITae Xe Railway Terminal- o Effort Made to Balld ay Trade Cen- I Newbern Journal. The United states cenaua of 1900 ahowa that North Carolina baa ao large , citiea that ran be really so considered 7 910 i ' 01 t'r population . 6.tt7U When mention ia made that tbe rae- ! tropolia of North Carolina baa a popu lation or a few thousands over twenty must cause a smile when a place of auch a population is hard I v known aa a city, mush less a metropo lis in otber States. When the average North Carolinian goes to Wilmington, Charlotte, Raleigh or Greenoboro. be feels aa tbouch be 2' ! was in a large city, and so he is by 24-j7 joomparia' n with the same country 2680 town he lives in, or by tbe change from H,O90 13 644 2 190 3.i2 8,652 6 277 8,141 2.499 4,482 3" 976 8,625 I0,0u8 A FUSION BLUNDER. Mak'a Doable Trouble For Electors, Two M celiacs Ncceesarjr. Davie Record. Kaleigh, N. C, Dec. 5. The elec tors of the President and Vice-President of the United State-) met here and adjourned until the second Mon day in January, when a second meet ing will be held, and the vote will be cast. This first meeting is use less, and is th result of ignorance in framing the statute calling the meet Ing. This was parsed by the Fusion Legislature of 1895. The electors meet twice on the first Tuesday in December, to comply with the State law, and on the second Monday in January to comply with the Nation al law. This latter is the date on which the electors in all the states assemble. Winston Journal. Some of our Democratic friends are s proue to pack all such blun ders on the Fusion Legislature that it gives us great pleasure to inform the Journal that if he will turn to Chapter 507, St-c. 83, laws of 1899, passed by his Democratic legislature, he will find that it is a Democratic blunder, and not a Fusion blunder at all. Bead: "The governor shall thereupon immediately Issue his proclamation and cause the same to be published In such daily newspapers as may be published in the city of Raleigh, wherein he shall set forth the names of the persons duly elected as elec tors and warn each of them to at tend at the capitol in the city of Raleigh at noon on the Tuesday pre ceding the first Wednesday of December next after his election, at which time the said electors shall meet, etc. Were to Flrbt the Duel nt Lee Monu ment O rounds. Richmond, Va., Dec. 13 A duel between O. B. Jarman, of Jackson ville, and George E Hugby, of Statesville, was prevented by the friendly Intervention of Prof. J. C. Freeman, of the faculty of the Mas sey Business College, In which the young men are students. It was re ported that knives were to be the weapons. The young men had trouble in school, and decided to settle the matter afterward at the Lee Monument grounds. Mr Jar man and a few school companions went out to the monument in the afternoon, as they agreed to, but Prof. Freeman prevailed on Mr. Hugby not to go out. The students afterwards said they only intended to hare a fidtcuff and not a duel. Squadroni In Hampton Bonds. Newport News, Va., Dec. 13.-Two squadrons are now assembling in Hampton Roads. One is the squad ron of small vessels destined for Manila. Of this squadron the gun boat Annapolis, c nverted gunboat Frolic, and the tug Pisca aqua are at anchor. The gunboat Vicksburg and tug Worn pat uck will complete the force. Of the big squadron to sail South January 4, the Massa chusetts and Kearsarge have ar rived. The Indiana and Alabama and several torpedo boats will com plete this squadron a farm. To the people of these d'iea, whose p pn'ationa are now made public, the nnmhar nf t hjir inh.Kiftnt. mum Ka ? ??I !diappoioti sr. ni m 7 M I . . Mui to ne carerul observer or the student of how cities crow in popula tion there I an unmistakable rraaon. a log cal and well defined ea-on, wb North Carolina has no larce cities, a d even more, why in the future, uoles pre ent con Mil ns change, there will be no specially large cities in th s state. North ' arolina being an agricultural Stnte will be given by ome as a cau-e for no large cities But tbis rule d ea not hold good, for othr agricultural Blates ran be named wh'Ch have cities with lare populations. The reason in Morth ''arolma is du to its peculiar commercial dealings at home and abroad, and that these com mercial faces tions are carried on is flue to tne railroads wtich traverse tbe State passing tbrough it, frm North to fiouih. C nsider the traffic parsing over any of tbe g-eat trunk a s ems through tbit rtate and it will be found that foreign, that la good from other State, are coming t Kaieign, Charlotte. Greens boro or Ashev lle, and their h-ime pro ducts are b ing carried by these rame railrod to other Mates. 1 here are no p aces in North Caroli na whi' h can be c-lled great home markets for the state's prod -cte, w ere t apittl centers, where people neter and build up great business bouses, and so a grebt population, with am pi cap ital, gro int'i a great city of ne or more hundred thouaaud po oiatioi hese great railway system-., admtra ble in heir way, create no large cities. because 'hey hae no terminals in tbe State. Raleigh ia sta ion, Gren-boro and .rarlotte arestati ns, where pas sengers may get a meal, or there may be a ahifc of engi es. But where are the railroad running from the Wes to East, carrying tbe State's varied products t tbe coast. where the products are to be handled, and be used at h me or shipped ab-oad? it is tti way iatin situation o North Carolina cities, which op-rtes againsa their grow b, sad becoming Ire cities, aid which mo-t con una for it is against the inter sta of the railroads that any change b made in their long hauls of passenger and freight, and without railroads r aat -nd Weat, t carry home, and freig pro ducts to cities in tbe State, to be ae- aiea by tnete ci lea, mere can be no larg-centera of populat'Oi in North Carolina, and no disappointment need be reit or expressed over census re turns. I 4 r- Xs. V v .. . I ' .1 J .n- ARRANCES TO HOLD BUIL-FICHTS. Arizona Syndicate Sttra TJp the Pnatora of Phoenix. Phoenix, Ariz., Dispatch. Ministers of Phoenix have aroused indignation in this place over a bull fight scheduled to take place here Monday, the opening day of the car nival. They planned to telegraph the President and United States At torney General, in hope that thy would instruct the territorial offic ers to prevent the battle with bulls. Acting Governor Akere was waited upon today and the Uaitfd States marshal at Tuscon was noti fied of his duty to prevent a viola tion of the United States laws. The special act of 1896 makes bud-fighting a felony. Tbe Acting Govern-ir declares he will call out the militia to stop the bnll fight. A local syndicate at considerable expense has engag. d six celebrated matadores, or bu I I-flg titers, of Mexi co, and a number of picadores and tandilleros, with a herd of wild bulls, to faithlully reproduce the bloody bull-fight as witnessed In CHEAT SOUTHERN INTERFUSE. IRUTAl NAZIRC IN CHICAGO. University Atadente Dean n Fellow Sta dant With Inknnd Compl utrn te Han tk- aaatlt. Chicago. Dec 14 Frank Lua a-tu dentinthe NortbwesUrn Univeraitv Academy, was hated Iat night by twelve maaaed students. He waa tak en from the uneraitv rimni.litn where be was pract cinr. to eeeluded spot on tbi Iae bore, wnere be was blindfolded a d bia clothes rem ed A coat of blark Ink and soft, soan wa then daubed over hia entire b Jy After tne treatment oi ink and soap, tbe tu denta lined up and oom.iell l him to run the gauntlet. He fainted whi e be ing taken to his home L.ast week l,uat received a threaten. ing et'er signed by several fictitious name- in wi-ich be was naked V wau-b out tor di'e treatment It ia thought tbe victim reoognlted several of his tor- meti tors. Last Knday nicbt F R. Saed -never waa visited in bia room br half a dot n student aud treated to a ooat of flv paper. Porto Rlenn Women Proline. New Orleans Dispatch. Officers of the Southern Paeifle R R hioh has the contract of eatrynff Porto R can laborers from New Or leans to 8 u Kraaciae", wh nee they g to woik upon the Hawaiian sugar plantations, are started over the jnesa of tbe wamen of the par ty, aad fear their contract is an nn iroatabl one Tne first party which loft here for Ban Francisco consis ted of ninety persons, men women and children, and went in a siogl passenger coach. Six children were born on the route and th comfort of the mothers and babes otnp-Ued tbe railroad to pat 00 a second paasen yer eoaeh. There is no money in the contract, a railroad official says it all the Porto Riean women are a proline aa this. NORTN CAROLINA IfCTROOISTt Own Mor Than n M UlUe Dollar Went of aarrh fropmrtf - arewn mt the le noailaatioe Thn different reporU to the North Carolina Coofrreno- an aa follower The report on church property hows t at th r ar aix horeirvl and fifty cnurchen In tb confer enw valued at e ght hondmd and flxty thousand dollars; one hun dred and twenty x 'Sraoosra, valued nt one buadrwd and slaty tbouan1 dollars. Tbe Sunday acbool report shews I x hundred and t-n schools with five thousand -fiWrn and teachers and th ny-nlnn thousand and ocn hundred and nlaetv eight scholnrn. Tbe report of Epwartb Ine-un hoard ehows an lrcr. ae of tea League gnd four bundrwl m-m-her. Th namb r of acceselnna la choroh memberarip this year is mr than counterbalanced by deaths, with jrawali and expulsions. Will Incresvnn Vnlunllons. Wilmington Dispatch. Col John W Hlrtsdal. tvtnosel for tbe'op4railonf'onimla ion In h rail road ta 1 aeement e ae, atat a tbal I t hs epinion tbe rreult of lb- raae elll be a very large iereaae In the valua tion of all property If tbia result re ally does ome. It will have been a mighty good thing that th cae was started. It is far better for proper if ewnera to gle In their proper tv at iroe va-tie and have n low tax rale, than it Is to have a high tax ate and have property value SBinimited, Happy is the man who owes thing aud whom jo one ows. no K intnekiaa Hs 0 ailed as a sir. New Yorker And what did d t Kentockian I went to the f antral. Detroit Tree Press. liar. you. Tbe Newton cotton mill is build -!"g school bonse for ltn b'B. fit f t e factory children. Nwu,n I m ter prise. IVtVorirci. A rranwmi'nta whis made) : quietly, but since strong opposition ; ,h car building line were is developed the management de clares It will put on the tight strip- where Miaalonary Work la Needed Raleigh correspondence Wilmington Messenger. The Baptist State Convention dis- i cusaed state minions and destitution in fiortn tjaronna, wnere it is greatest, covering ten counties. Y n a : a - ti i iiev. oruioa iraijc eaiu in tueair t counties are people who never heard of Jesus; that in Edgecombe alone, there are 8,000 people who do not believe in Ood and have no church connection of any kind. Ve night wind howled like a giant's song, puucb waa hotte, y punch was strong, Ye knigbtes were gay, 0 ppe was emptie ere 'twas fulle, juat how many a goode strong pulle 1 could not say. Ye girle U sweet, ye glrle Is fay re; Sir Ueoffry holds op high in aire Ye mistletoe. Both handes are filled, she cant resist, So Juste how often she is kissed I do not knows. Jean 0. Have. At Glad Xew Tear. De Gary It won't be long before you 11 forget you ever promised to marry ne. Madge Bout say that. dear. wrote it down in my new diary last Seaboard to Build Her Own Tmlne Keep tbe Money in the South. Norfolk Dispatch. The Diptch Is glad to learn from the news columns of a contemporary that the Seaboard Air Line is prac ticing what all Southern roads are preaching. It La building up home enterprise, and is keeping some of the good money that has been going North and WVst so long right down here in the South. Over In the big shops nf the Sea board Air Line, at Portsmouth, Va., they are building passenger cars. a n n e wild! Lne na n"eaHa new equipment. It wanted to put a half d-ix-m new trains on for service between New York and Tampa. Am it was deired that the cars for thi service should be, nf thn flues t posdble make, It would probably have b-n le-e trou ble and just ab mt as cheap lor the road to buy outright from the Pull man Company. Instead of doing this, however, it was determiued by the management that it would be better to keep tbe money in Virginia and not to send It to Chicago. Accordingly the cars are now under construction at the Portsmouth hhops of the road. A Virginia industry is being built up. ped of its worst feature. Recently an unrestri' ted bull-fight was held in Tuscon, Ariz., and there was not a protest. Saved by a Ring. Parkersburg, W. Va., Dec 14. Mrs. John Tucker was hung up bv a finger Thursday in a peculiar and painful manner. She was about to descend a flight of stairs when she lost her balance, and to keep from plunging head long down the stairs she threw her arms up and the ring on one of the fingers caught on a hook in the wail. The whole weight of her body fell on the one finger and she was unable to regain her footing until help came. The finger waa honiblv lacerated tar the acci- brought here and others are being trained. Some of the cars have already been finished, and others are nearing com pletion A reporter, who has seen these cars, passes judgment on them as a popular expert, and intimates that they beat anything that Pullman ever turned out in his palmiest days He eulogizes the cars, and states that they are "veritable rolling palaces of the most modern design." The World Is Sick. Cardinal Vaughn, the eminent Roman Catholic churchman of Eng land, declares that the whole world is sick and that he sees no hope for humanity in the dawn of the new century. The spirit of greed, ne says, has mastered Christendom, and tbs prospect for humanity is almost ''The bother of present baying Is purely I aginary. Now, I have my mind made up as to what I shall pure has , for Angelina. Yes. that Is Just what 1 4niended getting, but perhaps she would ike something else better." 7T. -Great Seott I What shall get? If S3 And this Is why Angelina waited In rain for a Christ from Harold I girt nightChristmas S start Set. Idt&t and had to be amputated. as bad as it can be.