111 1 1 " " " 1 - - - i i l THE CAUOAQIAH PUBLISHED KVERY THURSDAY BTT1IX CAUCASIAN PUB. CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ou Year 91. OO Bla Mnlllkl. .... "SO Tina Months. ... 85 I Lfln 11USUUU UUVU vuv ibaw.v I I property of the State. Oar aaafraine and rctej-iLitded od of the Old North Bute baa point ed out in a reent issue of that most tateiman like and altogether vera eioai and able journal, which bat lereral timet tayed the State, that, practically, the State has no debt; that the State eonld sell her stock id the North Carolina Rilroad for enough of cash in hind to pay h- r public deb'; and that, therefor?, tie coming lgulature can very well af ford to iaeoe bonds of the State, or ll her credit in the oren matket foi enough of cash to endow the public common Schools. This scheme i brilliant; it if evn Napoleonic Bat, like several other brilliant nheones that bare come into the politics of North Carulms, it hs two or tore things the matter with it. If we re member aright, and we taint w do, about $3,000 000 00 of the State's dflbt, carryiug a .x per c.ct. rata of interest is not due until 1919 In nineteen year from ths writing the a KEC10 LYKCHED II INDIANA. THEI-EOIiUTL'KEOriftOl. The legislature of 1&01 will aoon assemble In thecapttol to grapple with the questions that aro up for settlement. A largo number of the citizens of this State are curious to know Just what tho oncoming gen oral assembly will undertake to do, and Just how much of It they will gMt accomplished. It would bo profitless to try to forecast tho ac tions of this rather remarkable ui' ami wm shall not try our wh a- a nmnhet at this time. For 1 8ta es stock in the North Car-li hhnnnrr.f thKtate. wohoDetheIt.lroad my not be worth halt legislature of the year 1901 may enough to pay the ui.r gage which be more creditable than was that of 1899. Whllo wo shall not venture any predictions as to what this Demo cratic legislature may do; wo want to point out some things that they will In compelled to face whether they want to face them or not. There will bo the Irrepressible conflict between the corporation wing and the antl corporation wing of the Democratic party. Uow thoua two factions are trolnz to keoD a peaceful boose together does f ch.ldren to read the constitution .nn.r rn n nrdlnarv observer. w. aua iui muemc ir, iu UV f The fuhionlsts In North arollna will have whole "gobs'' of fun, as they stand off and watch the dis plays of unity and beautiful broth erly kindness evinced botween thH followers of the News and Observer on the one hand, and the gailant coharts of tho Charlotte Observer nn tho other. It is known that those who to use, in a slightly modified form (Jovernor Russell's now famous saying voted for Bry an and prayed for McKlnley, do love the News and Observer faction for all tho world Just like a cat does hot soap ; and we make no doubt at all that there will bo enough of that peculiar tort of affection exhib lted In the forthcoming session of the leglnlaturo to make the sixty days following the ninth of m-xt month to bn red letter days In the lives of all fun loving fuslonists In this old State We congratulate you, one and all, old fuslonit breth ren, and advls i you to get your but tons sown on tight Then the question of providing such numerous and such efflcien public common schools as will en ablo all tho white people in the Rtate to educate their children so that they can nad any section in tho Constitution by the year 1908 will have to bo confronted, and will havo to be settled. This Is a most Interesting question. Just what means will bo used to settle It one does not know. Several ways have already been suggested, but no one of them seems to be quit satisfactory. For example. It has been said that a large and altogether adequate public, com mon school fund might be gotten into tho Treasury by a tax upon the gross earnings of all tho railroads within the Stato. No doubt this might ba done And no doubt Democratic states- now covers it over; and, 11 tne Dnos suggested should bo usued to meet the current exp-nes of i hs ommu public schools of the Stat?, it might end in aaotuer period of bankruptcy and disgraceful repudiation. No! Tuia scheme of borrowing money for public frducat on is rri.Iiani s wor thy of the great j .urnl taat pnh lisned it; but it is riy, and we think will not be adapted. We think of only one other schema that can be used to prepare all white in re jects, worthy of the trreat Demo cratic party m North Carolina, it was announced on the stump in the campaign preceding the election in Aagast last by one of th? Democrat c speakers. It was to tho effect, tnat the first Democratic lginl&ture af t r the ratification of tbe suffrage amend ment then pending would pass a law dividing the public common scbool fund, in such way, as to give the ne groes only tbe public school monty paid into the Moa Batlar la Jail Door aa4 Drag VlcUaOttto THm. Boooerille, Ind., Dec 17. John Rol. Is. the third of the colored men Impli cated in tbe murder of Bollie Simons wit hung to a tree in tbe court bouse vsrd br a nv b of abnt 100 men from RockDort tbis eveninr. Two of bis com ( anions were Ijncbed at Kockporf taut nirbt f r tbe same crime Not a shot was fl'e! a' d everything was conduced as quietly as if tbe exe cution bad been one under tne sanction of lh law. KoPa was brons-ht to this place this afternoon about 3 o'clock in cf are of herf7 And-rson, of Rocaport. t 'pon his arrival he as placed in a cell on the aorond floor r tne 1H ana nis presence ws known or ly to a few citi A few ruinate after fl o'clock a body of 100 men marched through tbe pnn cpal stre-t to tbf jail and demanded that the prisoner b turned over to them, l eruty bheriff Ravrnond ber ry was in charge of the Jail He de clined to jrive up the keys and the mob at once began to batter in h wall of the ia'l with a telegraph pole Six members of the mob crawled tbrougb the hole, and with sledjre hammers b-okedown the door of Roll' eel and soon tbe thoroughly terrified ne gro wns in t h- h.inU of the men, who l laced a roi around his neck All left, crawlii.g again through the hole b. whi h they had entered, dragging th negro fier ibem A few mi utes wan consumed in the march to the court houe yard, the rope was thrown over the limb or a tree and a hundred hands cent his body flying into tbe air. The loose end of the rope wa 'i d to a tre, and as soon as tbe mob was sure its work had been com pleted it left in a orderly a manner as it had entered the town. None of the mob wore mask and the men apparently Tom every station in life, took pa-t in the lynching Ex cept for the excited groups of m-n standing on the stre-t corn-rs. a ft ran ker woiiM have known nothing of tbe tragedy thai had just been enacted. AJMthr Dataeaaawrt of BHtUk Caytwrei by thm Boara AJIwaI, North Cape Colony. D. 17. A party of Brabant's Horte, consisting mainly of recruit, en gaged a fore of Bors Dc. 13, near Zastron, Orange Free ritate, losing fonr killed. 10 wounded and 120 ta ken prisoners. The English say the Boer force was superior in nam- bs-r. London, Dtc. 17. General Kitch ener, in a dispatch received by the war ufflce confirms the Assocla td Press dispatches from Atlwal North. Cape Colony, of last night, announcing the capture by the Bors of a detachment of Brabant s Horse, December 13th, near Zaa- trnn. Orange River Colony, and says 107 men were made prisoners on that occasion. Ma aern, Dec 16 -De wet's force was twice repulsed before it broke through the British lines in the neighborhood of Tbabanchn In the third attack Dewet led in prison With a few determined men he charged and broke the British lines the rest of the commando following He was forced, however, to leave in tbe bands of the British a fifteen pounder and fifteen wagons with ammunition and stores. THE MAN FROM HAWAII SWORN IN. Protttt Afainai Seat In TTtm In Cong-rets Wot KffectlTe. The D. . Csnsns Report of Catarrli,THE m Compiled by the Greatest Living Authority on Catarrhal diseases. men to danger and Washington, Dec. 15. Hobert W. ' their doom Wilcox was -worn in today as dele gate in Congress from Hawaii. The protect against the seating of Wil cox, lodged with the Committee on Elections No. 1, was not effective. Chairman Taylor said today that it charged only in general terms that the election in Hawaii was invalid, but presented no specifications. No protest was made on the count of State Treasury by alleged bigamy committed by Wil- A Threatening Condition. Vineland, N. J., Independent. Strange things have happened when the toiling millions became maddened by poverty and misery. Conditions in France during the clos ing years of the last century were not materially different from those existing In America today. It was a greedy and impudent aristocracy agaiast a patient, long-suffering peo p'e, and when the latter could en dure their privations no longer the former went to the wall and there was little left of the once proud and aristocratic France. The curse of greed and thirst for power blinds drives them to There is a half century fSf 7 rril-e-frlrWo VUtS&itiZ&'t il- S.'Xi- a V Caiarra af aaa. m&L.n. TrnvBsSp y 1 Si eatarra prevail mm wtk f I Tbe Lctdnt Wcckl) la .Vxth CaroUna. Ilisrhl) faroreU tf 5 deatb froru catarrh Imm rnvnrel neefloaa-. (0 of 20 deatUa froai cAtarrk. Catarrkal illaeaaea preTall 19 of 40 deatba from catarrl I IOreatnt totality from ratarrb lie Farmer and Mechanic's 10 leUi rfvm catarrh MRS. BELVA A. LOCKWOOD. Mrs. Belva A. Lockwood, late candidate for tba Presidency, writes: "I have used your Pe- runa and I find It an Invaluable remedy for cold, catarrh and kin dred diseases ; also a good tonic for feeble and old people, or those run down and with nerves un strung. I desire, also, to say that It has no evil effects." Mrs. Lockwood's residence Is Wash' Ington, D. C them, and tarn over tne money paid by the white people, to be used alon for the ednca ion o' the white children of tho Slate. Ic my be that thU plan will brt adjfttd by the next leg islature. We cannot tell. Wo could ruggest severil thing o tho lf-frisUtard s xa to moot in Kiln gh. Bat a tve not bee 1 soe i ally aked to niak) sagg-stions t- bat hOdy, and we forbnar; premis ing otily ihat if the measures akeu Mtfail be wie, and fair, and patriotic -e shall be glad to give them our approval without ne-itation or resei atioa of any sort soever. cox in marrying his present wife. Mr. Wiliuix says that before the date of the present marriage he was notified by the Italian consul at Honolulu and by the archbishop of i he Catholic Church that a divorce had been granted by the courts of Italy to his first wife, a native of tnat country. She did not appear betore the committee, as it had been reported she would do. Chairman Taylor said that it would have made no difference; that a controversy over tho regularity or validity of divorce precelings could not be made sufficient grounds for refusing to seat a man. of hard word behind me; one half of this time has been spent in trying to convince the American people of the existing danger of this Republic being wrecked by the systems of government dictated by the money lower. 1 am not inciting a revolu tion, or foettring a spirit of uurest, as has been charged; I am simply calling the attention of the capitalists of this country to the law of cause Taa Caaaa mt Hod B4ily CONGRESSMAN CUMMINOS, OF NEW YORK CITY. Hon. Amos J. Cummlngs, of New York, says: Peru na Is good for catarrh. I have tried H and know It. It relieved me Immense ly on my trip to Cuba, and I always have a bottle In reserve. Since my return I have not suf fered from catarrh, but It I do I shall use Peruna again. Mean time you might send me another bottle." Catarrh has already become a national curse. Its ravages extend from ocean to ocean. More than one-halt of tne people are aneciea oy iu aiarrn a a temic disease. Peruna is a systemic remedy. Peruna cures catarrh by remov ing the cause. Address The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O., for free book. laCatarriL QESERAL JOE WHEELER. Major QeneralJoseph WbeelerA commanding the cavalry forces la front of Santiago, and the authoi of "The Saatlaro Camnalrn." la speaking of tbe great catarrh rem edy, Peruna, says: ! join whh Senators Sullivan, Roach and Mo En cry In their good opinion of Pe runa. It Is recommended to m by those who have used It as an excellent tonic and particularly effective as a cure for catarrh. 'aper. OYER TEN MILLIONS. Government' Estimate of the Cotton Crop of tbe United Statea. Washington. Dec. 19 The Statis- Mfia.n nf tha A orrlrnl frn ml riantrt and effect, that they may stand from ment reports 10,100,000 bales as the uuuer ine avaiancne. 1 nave no ae-1 probable cotton Jprod notion ofithe deire to see an upheaval of the fires! United States for 1900-1901. In the of hell, or to inspire a reign of terror. I making of this estimate, the same Nor do I want to see th mn whn 1 methods ana agencies nave Deen toil become so poor that they are unable to fl!-h a nickel out of their trousers pocket to buy a paper. Just no sure as death and taxes, there's trouble ahead for the millionaire, and unless the pressure is relieved, the oppressed are liable to do what they ought not to do. used that were employed last year Many thousands of ginners, howev er, made reports for the first time. The estimated yield, In pounds of lint cotton per acre, is as.follows: Wife Beaters Organize. Parkersburg, W. Va., Special to Philadelphia North American. A secret society, "The Home Mak ers," which has a large membership in the mining districts of the State, advocates wife-beating. The purpose of the organization Is to provide and maintain pleasant homes for its members and those dependent upon them, and as gossi py, careless wives and mothers are held by them to be the cause of a majority of the unhappy, ill-kept homes and neglected children, the FIRE IN A SCHOOL. to Virginia 180: North Carolina 199: ! mnr.xMv u.i lfa wamKo-. . The mach talked of libel case against the Sampson Connty Popu litt?, which came up for trial at Ko cansville, at the Duplin Superior Court ended quite tamtly, and was no donbt, disappointing to the public Not that the public was anxious for the prosecution, butbacausethe pub lic was anxious for the facts which wouia nave Deen made public by a fall investigation at the trial. This prosecution was brought against the Sampsn County Popul'sts for expo sing the election methods lu tbe Au gust election, through the columns of The Caucasian, and of course, a write up of tne fraud, force and in timidation which characterized that eltction, was necessarily libellous As it always takes strong and forci ble language to expose crimp, and SQUEEZED HER MOTHER TO DEATH. Girl Burning- to Death Throw her Arms Around Her Mother, News wa-j received here Saturday of the horrible death of the wife and daughter of Allen Fuller, near Fayetteville. His daughter dls covered an outhouse on fire and ran to put it out, and in doing so her clothing caught fire. Her mother, attrac ed by her screams, ran to the aid of the young woman, who was in a mass of flames. She then threw her arms around her moth er in her dtatn agony, and despite the furious struggles of the old wo man, literally squeezed her to death The doctor says the mother was killed before she was hurt by the flames. Florida 133: Alabama 151; Missis sippi 159; Louisiana 231; Txas 26; Wnen coal miners diir in their Arkansas T16 Tennessee 177 ; Mis I souri 275 ; Oklahoma 318 : Indian How onH mi,.T .., I Territory ..zay. CuiF1uJCu ""u . after eliminating half the time; when skilled factory JrZ w'hlci To cVop wha operatives receive only 60 to 60 ever w!11 gathered, is estimated wuum, wuwii wApr?neeu cierKS can i at 25 034 734. do nirea ior o a weeK; wnen far mers must put their wives and Pretty Woman Sentenced to Jail, daughters in the field because unable Richmond, Va., Dec. 14 The po- tu liiixs ukip, wnen mure are a mm- uC8 justice of Kichmond todav sen ion men unable to find employment I tenet d Annie Wyatt, a refined look at any price, relief must come if we I ing young woman to serve 3 months would keep the smell of sulphur out m jil for the larceny of $500 worth of the atmosphere. "God help the ' goods from the store of Julius right to use every possible means to see that their homes are not neglect ed. A member who corrects his wife by beating must do so only after all other means to induce her to do her duty have failed. The society pays for the defease of its members when arrested for wife-beating, and in case of convic tion pays the fine. rich; the poor can beg!" while this write un bv the SamDson men might bo found who would Connty Popt,,, wa8 in stronjf Un make an affidavit, If required so to gug9t yet an investigation would do, that such a tax upon grosj earn- h.TO pasilv vindicated them, for th ings would be equitable, but It is trntn ig alwayg a valid defen89 and not believed, to any considerable ample justification. Th Caucasian extent, that the railroad corpora- that the eae im to nh tions now doing bustness within the an untimely ending. State would be enabled to enjoy SmCe the Dr08eoution had chosen such a scheme of taxation very to bring the Buitf and had taken tne defendants with at least one hundred much. And, if numerous and effi cient public common schools should be provided for by the next legisla ture In such a way as to be unen- jojable to the great carrying corpo rations of the State, they might not be willing to help the Democratic and seventy-five witnesses to a coun ty where none of the parties or their witnesses reside, and since all that mass cf evidence as to election frauds in North Carolina was on the verge of being made public. We re party to carry the State in the year peat that the Caucasian as well as lm. upon somewnat mature con- all other lovers of truth and honesty alteration, we oo not tnink tne Nn North Carolina are somewhat du- gross earnings tax will be resorted appointed that this notable case to in the pending emergency. should have cTosed before the evi- The common public schools, so dence was given to the puoLc. It osiraoie in tne immeaiate ruture, wouid have made interesting read t a i i a i -ii . a I . ii no wuimj cuim is w uo aiiowea ing and served to enlighten the to De ignorant or tne state's con- worid on the ample methods of force stitutionarter J9U8, might be provi fraud and theft of ballots resorted j ..j a 1 1 AW 1 a 1 m I uu lor uy rmsing me vaiuavion oi to by the Democratic machine in property for taxation within the North Carolina to carry the August State. It Is reported that quite a election. We are not surorised that number of real good Democrats the prosecution plead for a continn- nave lately sworn before Judge lance of the case when It came nn for Shepherd that there Is now, and trial, they were no donbt advised to has been for many years past, a that course, and the fact that tbe uniform rule amongst assessors and suit is now ended and finallv di. list takers In North Carolina by p0sed of, will no doubt give relief to wnicn mey nave put aown an prop- some of the beneficiaries of that elec eriy xor taxation wunin tne State tion. at about two-thirds of Its actual viu. mm sworn leBiimony De Notwithsianding that Chicago true, or, if it be not true, the legis- hasn't a very enviable name, there latare might direct a large increase is one man in it who is doing a great in tne valuation or taxable proper- deal of good ; but, strange to say, he tJr, uu muss uia. aumcieni provi- is against free advertising. He has sion ror tne public, common authorized the police to draw on him b;uooib. wrmuuu mignt De rrom week to week for a laree none, ana, mayDe it tugbt to do amount of money to relieve the de done. But, if the next legislature serving poor people in that el tv ! bnt should order this thing to be done ; says that if his name is divulged, he anu, ii ineir agents snouid take will stop the allowance at once. tnem at their word, and actually J. iLI. AL I a a. . uo ,U18 in,nK " Deneved that We aro in receint of a conv nf tha not even the magnificent counting Southern Labor Union, a new paper Wi " Aemocratic party published In this city. It is pub would save them from utter ruin In lished by the Union Publishing Co Wi.uu oi iwo2. we are not at Mr. W. C. Terry is business mana- au sanguine as to wnat the coming ger. Labor is well organised in the legislature win ao ; out wears fully State, and as its representative the purauaaea tnat tney will not raise paper should meet with success. MATTIE HOLLAHD MARRIES. She la the Young; Lady Who Recently Elopd With a Crazy Toons Man. Special to Atlanta Constitution. Ric hmond, Va., Doc 15th Miss Mattie E. Holland, a pretty Suffolk girl, whose former lover is said to nave gone crazy because she refus ed to marry him afier eloping to wedded Eddie C. Small last night Miss Holland's parents objected to her now demen-ed suitor, but un der persuasion she agreed to -fly with him. The young man, tern porarily elated, got almost drunk and thH girl changed her mind, passed the mghc with a friend, and returned home next day. Atlanta's Mayor Locked np on a Char re of Being- Drank. Atlanta, Ga.. Dec. 17. Mayor Jas. Q. Wooward, of thitt c.ty, has been arrested and locked up in the police barracks tonight, on the charge of being drunk Some time ago, for the same Cause, the city council and board o' aldermen threatened impeachment proceedings against Mayor woodward, but, upon prom Ub8 that he would abstain from further Intoxication, no action was taken. The mayor tendered his resigna tion to the body and it was placed la the hands of councilman Ra y son, who holds it, on condition that if the mayor becomes intoxicated it shall be tendered for acceptance The registration was submitted this afternoon at a meeting of that body, but action was postponed un til Friday. Hog Had Regular Jury Trial. Norfolk, Va., Dec. 14.-City At torney Walter H. Taylor, assisted by John ii. TiUod, today failed to convict a dog, owned by Mrs. Ella L) Winn, a prominent society wo man, or tne crime oi being vicious. for which the canine had been sen tenoed to death. mi mm me animal was released on eood behavior, after being cot fined at the police station for some time, and promptly bit a man. Tais reopened the cass in the Corporation Curt harkoned more to tne argument of Walcott, Walcott & Gage, a promi nent firm of attorneys, who appeared as counsel for the dog, than te that of the city attorney, and the dog goes free. RAHD JURY FOUND TRUE ACAINST W. F. MOODY. BILLS Myers & Sons where she had been employed several years. Her sweet heart stood by her in her trouble and begged the judge to make her sent ence a fine, saying he would pay it and marry her. For Refusing to Allow Voters to Beg-later For Augnst and November Elections. Special to Raleigh Times. Charlotte, N. C, Dec. 18 Texas a Great State. The census returns not only show that Texas is bv far the largest -District I state of the Union being large court grand jury today found a true enough to have a great empire of bill against W. F. Moody, who is Its own within its borders, but is president of two leading Democratic one OI tne most peculiar ones also clubs here, and has been recentlv For example, the returns show Bal anDointed nrincioal clerk in the State ly county has but four residents, Treasurer's office. There are fWe or I Cockran has twenty-five, Andrews 8 x counts in the indictments, all of has thirty-seven. Lynn se enteen which alleges that Moodv as reiris- nd Dawson thirty-six. Twenty- . - " id ii ii.. i i trar in Ward .No. 1, refused to allow nveomer counties nave a popuia nf grof s to register for November elec toas. August and tion of less than five hundred. Some counties have no running streams within their boundaries, some are hundreds of miles from any rail road, and others are almost wholly Tne Western Insane Asylum. inhabited by prarrie dogs, jack rab At a rrww of Tiowi r bits and rattlesneaks. Tom Green icvwia ui mo nraiciu oww xxubui- l..l.o.inl rv.i pai iw nio luoaue, at muianion, and na8 q 8Q4 inhabitantS. last weeK, Lr. it. Li. Murphy, super intendent, read a report which re- Divorces in Canada. 1. - 9 t A i I O,"uo miciyswiig lacus. xue An Ottawa, unt., dispatch says insxuuiion was duih io accommodate that during the last year only 17 oniy 4uu pauenis, wnue it nas now divorces were erantedln the Dora in within its walls 745. Hundreds of applications are on file for admittance of patients. The new buiidiner. which U now being erected on the west side of the hospital, can accom modate but 300 more, and that can not possibly be finished before next winter. The report of Mr. Murphy showed that while the hospital as it stands cost the State $350,000, it can be du plicated, without the administration building, and give accommodation for 400 more patients, for $150,0u0, lees than one-half the cost of the present building. Thrae Ulrls and tha Janitor 8ppod liar rrishd. Fredonia, N. Y, Dec 14. Fire was discovered early this morning In the room of Phlneas Morris, jani tor of the Fredonia Stato Normal School, and before It could be stop ped the building with Its contents wa dfetroyed, entailing a loss of $100,000. Before the fire was discov ered It had attained such a head way that it could not be stopped. The two spiral stair cases formed a flue up which the fire leaped; quickly to the third floor where elepr 75 women teachers and stu dents. The ringing of the alarm bell on tho building aroused them and when they rushed Into the hall they found their escape cut off, so n their nlgtt robes they were tax- en down the ladders and fire es capes. All t scapea exoepi inree. The janitor perished in bis room in the basement. CONTAINS ALL THE NEWS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PA UTS OF Til ESTATE AND FROM ALL OVER the: .COUNTRY. Porto RIeans Refuse to go to Hawaii. San Francisco, Dec. 15. Of 130 Porto Itlcans brought across the continent to take shop for Hawaii to work on the Island's sugar plan tations, only seventy sailed on the steamer late yesterday afternoon. The remainder reb. lied at Port Cos ta and refused to go on a small steamer to take them to the Rio Other malcontents went on tbe steamer, but when they came to the big ocean liner their courage fa.led thorn and they declined to go fur ther, declaring they would stay in Sanfrancisco. What the Porto Ricans will do here is uncertain. as they will have difficulty in find ing work. A Familiar Calendar. The 1901 edition of the Columbia desk calendar is being distributed by the American Bicycle Co., Columbia Sales Department, Hartford, Conn It will be sent to any address upon receipt of five 2-cent stamps. This unique and useful compilation has been issued annually for the last six teen years and it has come to be re garded as an indispensable article in many business offices and homes. Express Messenger Gets f 5,000 Worth of Diamonds. His Hair Sprouted by Electricity. A Cleveland, Ohio paper says "Bald-headed men need despair no loneer. Timothy J. Mulchay, an engineer In a Cleveland tannery, has at last discovered a remedy that grows hair on bald heads. For several years he was in the front- seat theatre class, but now he has a fine head of hair. A few weeks ago Mulchay's hair began to grow. At first a tiny fuzz came out and It was not long before a well-developed head of hair was In evidence. Mulchay asked a doctor to explain the new growth. The physician ask ed him what he had been doing. He said he had been working under a belt. He was told his hair had been sprouted by electricity. Cannot Interfere la Porto Rico's Claims Ag-alnst Cuba. Washington, Dec. 17. The 8tate Department has rendered an opinion to the effect that the United 8tates government cannot Intervene in fa vor of Porto Rico In the matter o: her claims against Cuba for $2,500, 000. The Spanish government rain ed a loan to this s mount from the Porto llicans, to help prosecute mill tary operations In Cuba, baling the loan upon the revenues of the latter island. In substance the decision of the Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 14. Five; United States government Is to the thousand dollars' worth of unset effect that leaving aside the question The Caucasian, following its cus tom, will give holiday to its printers next week ; therefore, no issue will appear on Thursday, Dee. 27th. If you wish to start the New Year aright, send in your subscription to Ths Caucasian by January 1st. ion of Canada. In the thirty-two years since con federation there have been granted by Parliament and the courts 271 divorces in the whole Dominion of Canada. - In Ontario, population 2,114,821, there have been granted 45 divorcee; in Quebec, population 1,488,835, 16 divorces; in Manitoba, population 152,500, 1 divorce; in Nova Scotia, population 450,000, 91 divorces; in New Brunswick, popu lation 821,8000, 73 divorcee; in British Columbia, population 80, 200, 43 divorces. There has not been a divorce in Prince Edward Island, population 100,000, in thirty years. diamonds, the property of the jew elery firm of ocnbner & Loehr, wer stolen from the Adams Expree Company, about a month ago. Thej were not discovered until a fev days ago Detective Doran has ar rested Kosco Hoffman on a cbarg. of grand laiceny He ls 'chargec with having stolen the diamonds, and he admitted having taken them. Two Thousand Telegraph Operators to on a Striae. Chicago, Dae. 8th. Two thousand telegraph operators on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe went out on a strike at 4:20 this afternoon. The lines are all inactive from Cnieago almost to Los Angeles, it is said. Tnis is reported to mean a big tie np of all kinds of traffic. Twenty-one hundred telegraph operators on the Santa Fe system struck. They were paid off and d is chared and their places supplied with others. There was no question of compromise or agreement. There are extensive beds of mica in tbe western portion of tbe state. Mica mining showed an increase in 1899, there being fifty-three mines. What! Old subscribers who pay up back was pronounced to be tbe finest deposit due8 and send in money for renewal of magnetic iron ore in tbe southern I. n,1BT... 1 tn , , states exists in Ashe county, and mi0 the Caucasian we will send November, 1899, a tract of 10,000 acres ' them Turner's North Carolina Alma wa leased by two Pennsylvania 6teel ' nac for the year 1901 free, provid- companies, anu ranroaa extensions to subscription Is sent In before thA Mat nf nnopitiAna vara rrniaMH f wmw rfv vv aw.wMB w v vaawv The State Auditor reports the sessed value of property of whites January 1st 1901. The price of Turner's North Caro- in North Carolina at I24S.-000.000 ' Una Almanac is ten cents, but we and property of negroes at $9 500,-! will send it to you free if you will uuu. ine latter snows an increase send us a new subscription or if you are behind with your subscription of half a million in the year. Ten Million Bales. Washington, Dee. 19. The Agri cultural Department's eotton report oday estimates the crop at 10 000, 000 bales, and the acreage at 251 million. if equity In this case to sanction the -ollection of thla claim again.it Cuba iow would be to open the door to lumberless other and larger claims which would exhaust ' the financial resources of the Island. nig host In the World. London, Dee. 14. A dispatch to the Times from Rangoon says that the Pennsylvania Steel Company has successfully completed the Gok telk Viaduct In the Shan Hill, the highest railway bridge In the world. Five Bids Cor the Roaaova! of tk Mala Havada, D.e. 15 Captiin of the Port Young has received fire bids 'or the removal of the wreck of tbe Uni ted States warship Maine. The bids have not been mad public, bnt the removal of the wreck is assured. Orders hav been reeeived at the recruiting cfle at Greensboro to enlist recruits for Cuba and Porto Bioo. For Single Subscrip tion One Year, $1. OUR GftAHD CLUB RUE. Send os Five Cash Subsrnp. tions, and we will s-nd you the Paper one year Free; or if yon are already a Snbscri ber we will move up yonr date one year. Home & Farm AND The Caucasian One Tear for (1.21 Tbe howl of the full dinner pall vot r is now heard In tbe land. The Ohio steel trust has reduced wages 33 per cent Southern Mercury. 0 useases ; j: HATHAWAY, K. D. It is oo tats daas of dimaa (hat suf ferers espetlaoeat. aca not only tb rll. Ali ort of druw a&4 palrtrf Medicines an! "fcuaOyreiDa-!- are tried: nwdx-al'-loxtituu" and CoiuuaiW" ara reaorttit U but tbe condition benotnet vore nJbrr than brtu-r. tlir uaturr f the dleae lt-etf, u-tl-r a ith at! lu eom- l:-Oot. wli h n.ti-t ie btforeaa h)ta of treatment -aa V j.iewrJ'jeJ. It i an individual fierxrud treatment which Is ott-l-din -ry.-i r--n- -j.e. ;Vr it be 1um of Maaijr Vigor, Varicocele, stricture. Bioud I'oivuukiz. or aay form of Gebital or Urinary Computet It I ix- treatment that Dr. Hathawajr fires his patient. anl such treatment oU! . That hit. method i right ta been rted by tha uniformity and invartahirtj of his cures rr the pat 2t er. a record vhleb. baa ;Lieed him far 4n advaa'-e of &U other r:ia!;t la the treat, meet of Chronic Disease. Can at Ms office or write him f f re cmmiltaUuu and ad vtea, fcr a ct-i.y of his new apage book, "Oautiuetk, VlcurfUealtb, .a i . MMk sstt tv . . . . - j . VW A A I luu "II rjiuiuuvu rne Mormans neia tneir annual uu v uf . mewton h.th4way. m. o. conference in Goldsboro yesterday. will send you the Almanac free. J iiuwax u tl'TV'.Soufh BreaStTM The H0C3E .AftD fARU is ao Eight-page. Seni-nonthlj igriccltcral Piper. If yon wish to reach thr People advertise in THE CAUCASIAN. Agent wanted in every Neigh borhood. Write forratea. CAUCASIAN PUB. 00

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