CAUCA Jl. MO voi xi: RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, JANUARY 31, 1901. So. 7 THE SI AN KING ED WARD VII. TITLK OF THE NEW OF THE liltlTISH PIKE. It F LEU EM- QUEEN VICTORIA DIES OF SENILE DECAY ller llriualm Taken to Ioolon Haturdajr Court nlrrd to Monro Una Year Coronation I'oatponntt. Queen Victoria of England died at the royal jwilace, Osborne House, Iwle of Wight, Tueeday morning, Jan. 22, a wah rejrted In Tiik Caicahian Jast week. She wan surroundl by many royal relative. The end wan peat-etui; she hij tiered no jailri. After ruling for sixty-lour yearn one of earth' mightlent na tion, this woman t-he wan only a woman lies cold In death, an in significant atom of clay. I)eath,the great lovelor, ha triumphed. It I said her death chamter waa a simply furnished room, a Higniflcant contract to the nhow and glitter of royalty which attended hor life from early childhood. Queen Victoria was eighty-two year of ago. She wan queen of Eng land more than half a century, dur ing which time her nation attained the highest development ever reach ed by a Euroean power. The I'ng gllsh joople called her "the Good Queen." Hhe was, we believe, the Uwt ruler England ever had. The correHiKndMnt of the Associa ted press learns that the cause of the queen's death, as officially given, was senile decay." The dcx'tors have adoptd this expression as most suitable and truthful. They attribute the paralysis which attacked her as secondary to tho general weakness of her condition, nor is it considered advisable for reisons of state, to in timate that her Intellect was dimmed by this particular form of disease. The body of Queen Victoria was embalmed, and taken to Loudon Saturday. The nvord of the last days of the reign of Victoria is not easy to tell. The corresMndent of the Associated Press was the only correspondent admitted to Osborne IIouo, and his Interview with Sir Arthur John Kigge, private secretary to tho late Queen, was the only official state ment that bad Ihvii given out. For Heveral weeks the Queen had been tailing. On Monday week she sum moned Lord Roberta, and asked him Home very searching questions re garding the war in South Africa. On Tuesdiy she went for a drive, but was visibly affected. On Wed nesday sh suffered a paralytic stroke, accompanied by intense physical weakness. It was her first illness in all her eighty-one -ears, and she would not admit that she was ill. Then her condition grew so serious that, against her wishes, the family were rum moned. When they arrived her reason had practically succumbed to paralysis and weakness. The Prince of Wales was proclaim ed King on Thursday, under the title of King Edward VII. The cer emonies are described by the Asso ciated Vtt ss correspondent as follows London, Jan J.. lh quaint ceremonies with which King El ward VII was today proclaimed, at various points of the metropolis exactly followed ancient preced ents When the Inhabitants a wok the entire way between St Jame Palace and the city was lined with troops. About 10,000 soldiers, L,frt Guards, Horse Guards, Foot; Guards and other cavalry and infantry r g iments. had b en brought from At- dershot and London barracks after midnight. Everybody and every thing was In crepe. The ceremont began at Stft. Jam- s Palace, where, at 9 o'clock. Edward VII was pro- claimed King of the United King dom of Great Britain and Ireland and Emperor of India, The procla- matlon was as follows: Whereas, It ha ph ased Al migh ty God to call to Bis mercy cur late sovereign ladv, Queen Victoria of blessed and glorious memory, by whose decease the imperial crown of the United Kingdom of Great liritain ana ireiaua is sjiwiy ana rightfully to come to the high and mighty Prince Albert E Iward, we therefore, the lord, spiritual and . . i i i i a lemoorai oi tais rvaim. ueintr nerc assisted with these of her late Ma jestv'a privy council, with numbers of other gentlemen of quality, the Lord Mayor, aldermen and citizens O! ixjnaon, uo now nereoy, wnu uih J J - . 1 1 I 1. voice and consent of tongue and heart, publish and proclaim that our high and mighty Prince Al bert Edward Is now, by the death of our late sovereign of happy memory, bocome our only lawful and rlghtfal liege In d, Edward VII, by the grace of God King of the United Kingdom of Qreat Brit ain and Ireland, Defender of the Faith and Emperor of India, In whom we acknowledge all faith and constant obedience witn all hearty and humble affection, bo seeching God, by whom all kings and queens do reign, to bl?sa th Royal Prince Edward .VII, with long and happy years to reign over us." The King was not present. The .coronation will n jt occur until 1902, the court having been ordered to go into mourning one year. Albert Edward Prince of Wales, noV King Edward of Great Britain and Ireland and Emperor of India la in h!a 60th year. Ht la scarcely 5 feet 7 inches high, and rather tout. nn west virgins dm sign- caiee tn item of $3,600,000 for re ed a petition t hang her husband for I 1. ,Hwow " ' . U aiiuag oi har brtthar. WHY CHINAMEN HATE FOREIGNERS. Tb !ok I 'poo Opltui mm a ti mat Co roe and ItlaoMt Korlgofcm for Ilka lJrotrve lloa It tiring. Nebraska Independent. A missionary in a upeech In New York stated that tho chief cause of hatred of foreigners In China aro-o from what is called the opium war. All detent Chinamen look upon opi um as the greatest curse that eer befell the nation and they lay the blame for the destruction that it cause upon the "foreign devils." They all know that the import of opium was forbidden by their em peror and that England waged a fierce and cruel war ujHjn the Chinese un til the einjieror was forced to with draw the decree. It Ls said that about 100,000,000 worth of opium is an nually consumed in China. This terrible financial drain on so poor a people la the cause of China's ex treme poverty. Not only do the better part of tho Chinese curse the lay that opium was forced upon them, but the sufferers from it al so learn to hate a foreigner with a hatred that has no parallel elsewhere in the world. All this opium is shipped Into China from India. The English owners of the poppy fields roil in wealth, call themselves Chris tians and patronize the churches. while the victims of their business die by the million after suffering the most horrible tortures ever Inflicted upon the human body. Carpenter, in one of his recent let ters from China, describes some of tho effects of opium upon the Chi nese. He says: "The craze for the drug is beyond description. I am told that Chinese mothers often sell their little girls to buy opium. Fa thers sell their sons and husbands tneir wives. Dr. Boebe, who is in charge of the big hospital at Nan king, said that he had a neighb r who was an opium smoker. He spent all of his money in gratifying the taste, and when that was gone sold his three children, one after the oth er, and finally his wife, to satisfy his opium hunger. I sit and watch the Chinese dev ils at their hellish work and as I do so It seems to me that I can see the pictures of the ruins which it is to create as it is scattered through out the Chinese empire. I can see lens in which scores of haggard eyed, yellow faced mortals are lying and smoking away the wages which should go to the support of their families. There are women as well as men, and children as well as grown-ups. Here is a mother with her baby at her feet lying before the opium lamp. The piie has fallen from her mouth and the little one is playing with it, sucking it. I can see tne opium parlors of the rich and the hells of vice which I have seen at Shanghai a score of pictures." Is it any wonder that the Chi nese hate foreigners, when they view the miseries that foreigners have brought upon them for the sake of gold? Is it a wonder that they are hard to convince that there can be anything good in a Christian civili zation that has wrought such misery and woe in their midst? The gov ernment that did this awful wicked ness now demauds that the sover eignty of China shall be turned over to it and other nations professing tne same creed. If China fails to keep such a contract one that she was compelled to make by superior torce where is the moralist who can blame her? Meantime about six thousand of our troops are in China. If they stay until gotiations are all completed, they will never see the green fields of America again. They will die in China of old age. Another Alleged Kidnapping- Case. Atlanta, Jan. 21 J. P. Patter son has asked the police to fincThis 8n Alon.zo aiterson, a 13-year-old boy, who disappeared from his home in tnis city last Thursday. Mr. Pat- terson believes his boy has been kid namied. napped. The family of Bass Frazer, who is believed to have been kidnapped two weeks ago from the Georgia Technological School, has given up hope of ever meeting him again. Frazer's brother, who left for his home in Alabama, today, has no idea that the $500 in gold, which he paid a negro who promised to restore the student to his family, will ever be recovered. The police are at work on both cases. Olivia Itaney Library. The Olivia Raney Library which cost 40.000. was donated tn tha citv I w of naiej0.h. w Thnrsdav nitrht bv Mr. K. B. Raney, as a memorial of his wife, Mrs. Olivia Cowper Raney. The gift was accepted by the city, with appropriate exercises. The presentation of the building was made for the donor by Dr. M. M. Marshall pastor of Christ Church.. The Way North Carolina Democrat Liook at the Klection Law. Philadelphia Press. Aicum So you've got a political situation, eh? Do you expect to keep it? T a mr a m w ivaneny f aun, l ao so, an what's more I ixpict it to kape me, The first six months after he gets married a man's heart is so soft i hurts every time his wife sitrhs. After he's been married a year she couldn't drive a hat pin in with shoe brush. N. Y. Press. The postofflce appropriation bill ral free delivery. THE ANTI-CNI10 LABOR BILL Aa Eloqo-at Spoecn IHtw la taw or-1a jfmmkmrm hj thm Horn- Saa- bora WriiH, Wka Spot fur its n While the anti-Child Labor BUI, which was defeated, was up for dis--U'bion In the Georgia Legislature, Hon. Seaborn Wright spoke elo quently fur its passage. Ills perora tion, as follows, was a gem of ora tory: The spirit animating the opposi tion to this bill la the spirit of com mercialism. It knows no pity. It chills every generous thought and deadens every holy feeling. It meaun s all things, manhood, wo manhood and childhood by the dol lar. The hearts and brains, aye, the puny weight of children, are valu able only as they can be coined into money. You lay our little children at the feet of Eastern capital and say all this will we give in exchange for your dollars. I lift the standard of revolt today, and in the name of the South de nounce the unholy traffic. Mr. Speaker, I stood in the door of an humble cottage shadowed by the factory's ma-Bive walls. The mistress of this home was the wife of a gallant Confederate soldier. They ha1 seen better days. Death had kindly come to him and he slept. The remorseless hand of necessity had driven the widow and her children out from the old home stead to the humble cottage. As I stood, the gates of the factory swung open and amid a hundred children hers came. They were young child ren. The kindly walls of the nur sery should have been around them. There was no spring in their steps, no light in their eyes; their cheeks were white, and I thought, standing In the presence of the children of this Confederate soldier, l would give every spindle and loom in the South to bring back the light to their eyes and see the roses bloom again upon their little cheeks. I would like to see every boll of cot ton whose white bosom opens to the warm kiss of Southern suns spun and woven in the South, but there a ra rtr!a T wnnlri nnt nav for if. - " " r. - I " . . ... . I seen. Tne men ot tne jn ortn ana HA3t witn spmaie ana loom ana treasure, are coming to our cotton - . i a a ml fields. The laws of nature, stronger than all the laws of man, compel them to come. But, mark this truth, they are coming as our mas ters: our cnildren and our children's children are to be their servants. 1 would put no restraining hand upon their coming. I would fling wide the gates and hid thf m entei; but, so help me God, I would never give them our children until their little bodies had grown beyond the nur sery walls, and the light of know ledge had dawned in their souls. Last night I sat with my wife by the fireside of our comfortable home. I watched my eight-year old boy lay his head upon his mother's lap and close his tired eyes in sleep, and I thought except for the goodness of God he might be numbered among the thousand little toilers in the J mills of the South through the long a a a j I nours oi ine nigni. Ana men, wun justice in my minu anu pity in my t a a s I heart, I said: "I will do for the children of my people what I would nave mem ao ior mine." v I Blll Anthony's Coolness. "Bill" Anthony was one of the best examples that came out of the Spanish War of the man who can keep his head when others have lost theirs, says Richard Harding Davis in Everybody's Magazine. His coolly indifferent announcement to Sigsbee that the Maine was sinking, either showed a soul disciplined to the condition of an automaton, or a spirit which nothing could dismay. once asKea caDtam olsrsoee li the popular version of Anthony's speech was correct. He said It was. but that Anthony did not salute him as f 1 was generally um, nor preiace nis peu wuu - I nog w reum bit. - i HT W I 1 A. l -il l ii . uuuipeu iumj tcn omr in me dark," bigsbee said, "and If he had saiuwju anu spuiten wim mai iorma- njr, uowuuw nave uwu uiunung 44-.. V.n 1 ,1 - U 1LI-L1 of himseli and of makinsr an effect. and not of his duty. What he really .JSSJS!.1 Saleof Papers Prohibited.. uape Town, outh Africa, Jan. 24. It is believed that the presence of nvadine Boers In proximity to the western coast is due to preconcerted Plans With Eurnnean fiHhnafAra to land a lanre ernislcnmpnt." nf arm a and ammunition at some point be- tween Port Nolloth and Lambert's Bay. . Many traitors have succeeded in enlisting in the local forces and there have been numerous arrests. The saie oi veynoias weekly JSewspa- per, or London, and The Review of lie views and Truth, has been pro- niDitea nere, as it was lound that tney nave Deen circulating among the Dutch. Girl Student Brutally Hazed. Wichita, -Kan., Jan. 23. Miss Pauline, daughter of the late Gover-j nor Llewellyn, was brutally - hazed by women members of the Alpha inew wu. Dociety oi uxe wicnlta nigh scnooi. Tne letters vA. T. M." were burned across her - forehead . . . . . . . . with nitrate of silver, and she sava thaAnrtsT h.iraMsiirf w ikAMM cannot he removed. Rh tiw 1CllK;" W K WK WUlgU, w... A 1 1 1L. uuciu w Ktvo utti uuuw .r110 P14 toths haminyor w su uw iv jwjFpvosAu , QUA PCSSIBA. Wka "StV Talaaa ot Talmr -. ami. t ..t.nM not A as wmw aVam. sa fcraaaai avatst W Noamw awv j m loped a wIL The machinery la In the cities and the people move to it Hoola Boom Is needed to import some life to this Legislature. Senator J. D-Glenn looks as If be were in search of a hypnotise Drink cold sage tern for night sweats, and change your politics. The sense of feeling in fish is greater than that of seeing or hear ing The measures Introduced against lobbying purposes make very slow progress. liow would Cleveland an " Har rison do for the next Democratic candidate, Geo. E. Badger had to be given 50 acres of land In order to be qualified as a State Senator. Mordecal and the Post quarrel is not only becoming old womanish but actually 'nauseating. In the death of Queen Victoria the would loses the greatest jewel in the crown of Thrones. Hon. Joslah Turner the man who loves a fight is here looking younger than he did 20 years ago. The Democats propose to change the election law mainly to get rid of the necessity for buying votes. A law ought to be enacted binding out the men who have children in cotton mills and loaf themselves. The millionaires of New York should remember the looting of Teln Tsin and Pekin by Christian soldiers. The man who used a turkey-blind to shield his illicit distillery was up to the modern mark of shrewdness. If Bryan does not take care he will become a millionaire and thus place himself out of the fun of an other run. tlt-i TTi t. nrj u: i i , . i i i , frr&eafhllv rmrfnrmvl r The space between the storm doors of the Yarborouirh House is used bv the green horns of this Legislature tor caucussing, introductions etc. From the distillers point of view ihe dispensary is better than prohi bition from the saloon mans stand point absolute prohibition -is better. The banks ought to have railings so that customers may line up in the order in which they arrive. As it is the last is frequently served first. A man in Rockingham doing a dren in m M fine cook range and built the fire in the oven. It is a good thing that face is not always taken as an index to ones character otherwise some people would form wrong impressions on sight. Addicts of Delaware, who is hav- imT such a ,.Ioomy time DUrchasine MS wav into the U. 8. Senate, is a ricn He shouid go West and hnv & fifatA Gen. B. S. Royster is a convenient sort of fellow because he can afford to take the exalted generalship un der a Fusion and a Democratic ad ministration. Bob Glenn is an Ex-Senator and as a h pouter has some superiors. He is evidently bent on making an im pression. He did not bring his nig ger typewriter to Raleigh. In speaking on the Hunting Bill Senator Woodard said a five dollar I """ w " w a cnt Pum. Must be mighty big irees m 1118 wrriiory vo ue worm as much M m. of I . It appears that there were some unaesiarDie protessionai tarmers on I . - . . the Board of Agriculture, hence the change in the law which makes prac- tical farmers only eligible as mem- I. ... . , i Ders or the rJOarxi. I .... ... .... Tne Jnmclary committee of this lawyers was found to be so puuuuruus iuiittb lb uivx w ins u.iviuu fvtn V araf aUHrTa Kootrira mlili'llAa Ud ' Uirht weiirhte and a OTbKXach eiven to each. 'I'Dem is a otate ana counry tax oi I mi a m l forty dollars on every dealer in , WOOd. It Is Uhjust because it falls I chiefly on the townsmen, is there- fore discriminating in Its effect, and this same dealer has to pay pur- chase tax as well. It should be I abolished. The man who was tried in Bock Ingham last tall tor snooting at a revenue officer and after being re- leased on bond, was put in a red- shirt and escorted about the town by gome of the best citizens is now serv foe, a 3 years term in the pen! ten- tiary for passing ' counterflt money. Uncle Zeke's Sermon. Down in Oklahoma a preacher in delivering his farewell address said: "I don't believe the Lord I love8 this church, for none of you AVArdla. Tdnnt hAlieva von ma 1 I each other : . I never marry any of I Ton. I don't believe you love me. for you don't pay me my salary only in wormy fruit, and by their W know them, I am go i lng to a better place ; I am going fill tht Af h-l-n nf .ha vi lumtJirv. ' Whnm T am va unnntl AMnt t.Antv.thrM nnt Af ,. ri -- ... " - I come, but I go to prepare a plaoe izj you.- - N "lUtDINC KANSAS" Twray 1Vaa ffcs4 UmmM WaiU Aa- oUmt a 1114 om a Itarrw. Wichita, Kan., Jan. '21 Mr. Car rie Nation, the woman saloon-wreck er, nas now K-ur wrvckwi miooivi to her credit, wrveking the fourth to day at Enterprise, near here. Khe left Wichita lat night to prevent being hurt by a mob which pursued her around town and threatened to lynch her. As soon aa she arrived in Enterprise she went to W. C T. U. headquarters and held a consulta tion with the women of the order who had advised her to smash the Shilling saloon, one of the finest in the town. Later she armed herself with a hatchet and rocks and pro ceeded to the saloon of John Shilling and opened fire, smashing the large plate-glass windows, and then went inside and proceeded to ruin the fix tures. A large mirror behind the bar, several pictures of women, a large refrigerator, eight cases of wine and many bottles of whiskey were smashed. The bartender drew a revolver and threatened to kill her. but she laughed at him and dared him to shoot. Twenty women of the town stood guard in front of the saloon while she demolished the in terior. After the wreckage was com plete the women went down the street singing "Praise God, from Whom All Blessings jlow." The town marshal started to ar rest her, but she dared him to touch her on danger of being hurt with her hatchet. He left her alone, and at last accounts from Enterprise she was still at large, but had not smash ed any more saloons. QUEEN VICTORIA'S PRIVATE WEALTH. She Proved to be a Good Fin tncier aa Well aa a Wiae Ruler. London Dispatch. The Queen's private wealth yield ed an income of about $1,000 000 yearly. This is exclusive of $1,925, 000 annually from Parliament Ser private income, as gathered from easily available sources; was from the duchy of Lancaster, up wards of $250,000 ; from 37,372 acre in the Queen's other estates, $125, 000 ; from London realty, supposed ly, $50,000; In consols and other se curities, between fifteen aud twen ty millions. She inherited neirl.v nil th Prince Consort's estate of f3 000 000 fort v years ago, and $2 -500 000 in 1852 from John Camdei. Neild, the eon of a rxh jeweler. The Qaeen was a clear-headed business wooian, aad of course, bai ne best financial advioe In 1881. v tho advice of Ljrd Cross, Lor.. Sidney and ir Arnold White, sh 0 ught property for $390 000, th- mtrket value of which Is now n-ck ned to be $1,350,000 bhe had ales in s iveral German principal ales, and inherited a beautiful vil la at Baden from Prince Hohenlohe The Qaeen's laces are worth an en ormous sum. Tnese ana ner private jewel?, gold plate and pictures, etc , are estimated to value more thai) five million dollars. "BOB'S UP" BUT NOT SERENELY". Mr Glenn Make a Speech Denouncing Corporations and in Same Hpeech Ad mits He la an Attorney for It. J. Rey nolds Tobacco Company Which Belong to the Bia-eet Tobacco Trust In the World. For The Caucasian. Hon. R. B. Glenn appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee and made his characteristic speech on the Ward Bill, against corporations, especially . .. . ... . . severe in ms denunciation or tne American Tobacco Company, which he said had greatly damaged the business interest of his town, Winston. Before concluding he acknowledged be was attorney for the R. J. Reynolds Com pany, and benator Fousnee stated to ibe committee that the R. J. Reynolds Company was a branch of the Ameri can Tonacco Company. See what dem agogues some men are. ATTEMPT TO KILL QUEEN OF SPAIN. She and Her Childr, n Were Boating- in the Royal Park-Ball Struck Hailing- of Tendon. Jan. 26. VVnile the Oueen namnt n! hr nhiidron wiri hntinir I ft"- o in h. rai p.rfe on th onrskirfc of Madrid today." says the Madrid corre- ,nndpnt of rhe Dailv Exnre a. "anhot I ' . . . . ' I was nred from tne DanK ana peneira I ted the granwale of the boat. The park was searched, but the woald- Qeeo was considerably alarmed. The ACME MANUFACTURING COMPANY SOLO OUT. The Amount Involred in th Various Properties 1 About 2SS.OOO. Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 25 The nine fibre nlant which the Acme Man- J ufactury Company of Wilmington has been operating for several years at rronly, on Carolina Central Railroad, thirteen miles from here, was today aold to the American Consolidated Pine Fibre Company of New York. The amount involved in the various proper ties taken ov-r bv toe American Com pany is about $285,000. Child Fatally Burned. Charlotte. N. C-, Jan 25. The four- year o'd child of Mrs. Mary Medlin, white, was barned S" badiy today that it will die rhe mother 1-Jt her chil dren at home wi-iie she went to her dav'a work. The chdd's dress caueht I fire Her brother ran tor a neighbor. I who fainted when she saw tne little I girl in a high wind enveloped in flames I W"hn the child's cloth ng was finallT wnS"u,"w u.r """J I aA Iia Kill Minlt I One of the Yanderbllts has built I a million dollar swimming bath - in connection with one of Els pala to I ces. I L000 coal miners the world oyer I are uuea annually. THE LAW MAKERS. CONDENSED IlErOKT OK THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE LEGISLATURE. HOST IUMITANT BILLS INTI00OCIO AND PASSED. Maay Bills aad Ileaolatloa latrwtaw4 rw laaportaat Maoaaraa !! IUi 1" The Senate and llouwe iiawetl a re solution Wednesday afternona ex tending sympathy, to the family of Queen Victoria, and wi-hln King Eld ward VI 1 a happy and aucctwful reign A resolution wat also pai directing that the Hags on the Capi tol be lowered at half nia-t as a fur ther tribute of respect to the dead Queen. NKW I1ILLH IX SKXATK. By Mr. Long: Joint Resolution (23.J) of respect to the memory of Queen Victoria of Great Britain, ordering flag on capitol building placed at half mast for three days. Calendar. By Mr. Alexander: Resolution and petition from Mecklenburg Camp, No. 382, United Confederate Veterans, In regard to the Soldiers' Home and pensions. By. Mr. Foushee: 8. B. 221, to amend the charter of the Methodist Orphanage. Corporations Commit tee. ALw (222) to amend chapter 262. Acta 1885. Judiciary Commit tee. Also (223) to regulate the pro bate of deeds, etc. Judiciary. By Mr. Henderson: 8. li. 22, providing for alimony in certain cases of divorce. By Mr. Miller of Pamlico: S. B. 225 To protect the lumber inter ests. Judiciary. By Mr. Ward: 8. B. 220 To re gulate the hearing of injunctions, etc. ' Committee on Corporations. By Mr. Smith: 8. B. 227 To authorize payment o( tees, etc., in Johnston county. Counties, Cities aud Towns Committee. By Mr. Calvert: 8. B. 223 To regulate fl-tuing by du'ch nets in howan river. Fish aud Fisheries. By Mr. Woodard: S. B. 230 To amend Sec. 1034 of tho Code, pro viding sluice ways in Tar river, Fish and Fisheries. By Mr. Burroughs: S. B. 239 To authorize the Seaboard Air Line, successor to Richmond, Petersburg. Carolina Railroad, to exen-ine powers conferred by States of North Caro lina and Virginia as to sales, leases, etc., Committee on Railroads and Corporations. S. B. 91 Senator Brown's bill to prohibit the sale of cigarettes, ciga rette papers and substitutes there for" in North Carolina, was the special order for noon, but the bill was not considered. BILLS THAT PASStP. The calendar was taken up and was cleared of all the bills on it, as follows: ti. B. 153, II. B. 161: Authorizing the town of Concord to issue bonds. On third reading passed. Ordered enrolled. S B. 35 : To incorporate the bank of Freemont. Passed and sent to the Souse for concurrence. 8. B 123: To incorporate bink of Bed Springs. Passed and sent to the House S. B 33: Exempting Daniel B. Davis from peddler's tax. Bent to the House. 8. B. 181 : To incorporate the Dur ham Traction Company. Bent to the House. 8. B. 120: To amend Chapter 84, Private Acts of 1899 was tabled on motion of its author. B. B. 190: To Incorporate the Sur ry County Loan and Trust Com pa ny. bent to the House. 8. B 57: For the relief of J. B Arrington, late sheriff of Nash Co Sent to the House. 8. B. 188: Amendatory of Sec. 616 of the Code regarding tral of suits to test titles of office. Passed and sent to the House. (This bill, extending the legal notice from ten to thirty days. A lot of new bills were Intro duced In the House, but very few of them are of general interest. The most important ones are as follows : H. B 405: By Mr. McLean, of Scotland, an act to authorize the commissioners of Scotland county to issue bonds to build a court house, county jail ana nome ior the aged and infirm. H . B 416 : By Mr. ttayne or cnero- kee. An act to prohibit the manu facture and sale of brandy in Cher okee county. H. B. 420: By Mr. Boundtree or New Hanover. . an act to regulate the return of property seized under attachments and to repeat section 373 and 374 of the Code. H. B 422: By Mr Willard, of New Hanover, an act to Incorporate fie South and Western Kali way Company. By Mr. Bobeson, of liuword: res olution from alumni of University of North Carolina to increase the appropriation to the University. BILLS PASSED. The following bills passed the 3d reading: H. B 182: Prohibiting sale ana manufacture of liquor within two miles of the Mary Stuart school house. In Harnett county. x H B 141: Amending section 894 oMhe Code, relating to appeals in peace warrant cases. H B 146: Incorporating the bank of II c Olive. H.B 151 : Amending chapter 392 of toe Laws ot 1897, relating to et- tabliabnoeet of graded cbooU la Ulh An act to tBforporaU th Illltoa Rdand Ugtsf Co. II U. 17: To lacorpotat Wlatr-tIU-Hlro rkhooU Put Co. 8. B. II. li. 1VD: To iacorpor at th tank of Plvmoalh 8 II. 20, II. R. IV.. To ainead tloea 3k t SMI to aboltah offlc ol Htavadard Kpr mt Nona ana p ton cvnaty. Amended by comoslt Ww muio Inclode Wtrrvn coaaty. II. B. 1M: ProYldlag addltioaai Justices of the ptc for Ec field oort, Halifax eonaiy. An act to IncorporaU the town of Biaco. An Act ntlilwl an act to amend ecttoo 1 of cLap. XJ of Pabltc Laws of 1S3!. iHcaaoar. t!tATr The SnaU waa a&t to aeealon but on hour, at noon they all wect or to the Hoaae In a body to hear the addrvee of Dr. J. L II. Curry, Treasurer of the IVa bodr fund The bills of ffBtra! In portaac lotroduced wvrw aa fob lo: By Mr. ilenderaon: H. R. 215, Pro viding that peraona who have Uwd confined In aayluma fjr th Inaaoe to manage their own property af ter recovery. Judlclr Cnmltu Ry Mr. HtrlngUld: M It. 217. to amend chap Z Acta l&TJ. i oaa. on Printing. By Mr. Travla : H B. 2ol, to regu late fe of clerks of coorta an 1 reg isters of dede In recording chattel mortf(age. etc. Commlttae on Kal artes and Fes. By Mr. Warren: S. H. 252, to pro tect policy holders. Judiciary Ovm ie It tee. BILL I'AKfCU. 8. B. 41: To gradaate the tax oo corporation charters. On motion of Senator Henderson tb bdi was amended so as not to apply to charters granted at this s-nlun of the Leslslature, the act to go into effect sixty days after ratification It was then pissed and ordered sent to the ilouso for concurrence. S. B. 45: To prevent hunting In Washington, Wilson, Biadn, Ca barrus, Wayne and Pender count les, without written -onsnt ot owners of land, wai passed and sent to the Hous for concurrence. House The most Important bill Introduced were as follows: H. B 460 By Mr. Pearson ot Wake An act to settle a debt du the State to Martha Mordecal, ex ecutrix of Henry Mordecal, dec-& ed. This bill asks the Stat to pav motnr Monlat $16.0K) tor iuou xjrrow.dof Unary Mord.xal fortb freasurvr wailn Jnatnan Worth was Governor la 1SC3. II. B. 5G6 By Mr. ShU. An act to regulite appeaN in criminal actions in justices courts. II. B. 49 By Mr. GattU ol Orange Aa act for the nupport ol the University of North Carolina. This bill anks for an incrt-asM ap propriation to the amount of2V 500. Of this amount f 10,.r00 is to be devoted ! needed improvement and $15,000 is to be added to the re gular appropriation to provide ad ditional teachers in the maintenance of the University. II. B. 470 By Mr. Smith of Gates An act for the correction of youthful criminals. BILLS I'AHbEI. The following bills passed their third reading and were sent to the Senate for ratification: II. B. 66. amending and enlarg ing the charter of the Cleveland cot ton mills. II. B. 148, changing the name of Union City to Ash pole and amend lng the charter of the same. IT i.w. Inor.rr.or.tlno- who ifll. ton Railroad and Logging Company. ., . t. .... II. B. 403, making provision for the drawing of a jury list in Scot-1 lnrl rriiintv. ul nuiucr u rui. aiuK county. H. B. 192, a. B. 8, esUWUhlng graded schools in Rocky Mount. II. B. 204, amending the charter of the town of Salem. H. B. 214. correcting State land grant 1875 formerly of Macon coun ty, now of Swain. H. B. 213, authorizing the com missioners of Macon county to Lue bonds for the purchase of land on which to erect. FRIDAY. The election of the State Libra rian has been set for next Friday. Mr. Webb Introduced a . bill to amend section 721 of the Code, re garding machanles and laborers Hens. The bill was referred to the Judiciary Committee. PASSCD SCX ATE. 8ikatc The House bill lncorpor atlng the Cleveland Commercial College was passed and ordered en rolled. Senate bill to regulate sale of per- sonal property by administrators. Passed and was tent to the House for concurrence. House bin to allow commission - s vrw a. 1 i f OIx," "uu'"ut, w 8. B. 157 To supply certain doc - nmenta to the Aflrrlcnltnral and Mv chanlcal College, Passed third read ing. 8. B. 182 To establisn tne era ded school of Guilford, at Greens boro. Passed second reading and was replaced on the calendar un der the rule. 8. B. 33 To validate and conform certain articles of agreement and probate. Passed and sent to the House. 8. B. 191 To amend the oyster law of Pender county. Pasted and sent to the House 8. B 196 To amend the school law of Person county, repealing chapter 650, Acts 1899. Passed aad sent to the House. 8. B. 201, H R 49 -To repeal chapter 13, Acts 1899, la regard to It arp!lrtl to Cbrtaa4 Co. Mt J'l 11 113tT rrUcaap. Ut Arts i r', repMlisff ta lavt4aHi rtxaaif aawa-ecnjp Uw" (ehtch rare reward tor ScsJps of UvttllM laro) 8 B li II 9.?o ae4 a-tloo l ut ctaptt ?. ArU lty. Pavd a4 earotteO. ri B tir.-Toam.n4chap.rrJ Acts ly-'A ThU bill provides taat faads of dtspneary ot Ratlrtod coaaty be at the dtspvnJtloa of the eonaij ronmta4onrn te beapi by Ihem as ttsr BU Pan d rtt to the Hooee. 8. B ZJEi.aip-lnc llryaa Hack from peddler's tax la fut coaaty. Passed and sart to tbs Boo M It ?l-ToamBd chaput VL AcU l&tt in rrgard to i of hrt8 laccar)leK prtsonsra from oe county to another. Thspraat law pruTidm for pajat ta lbs shsrlff of aaii oooty wbsao prts onsr fld only, this bill stlpalaU that lthrr raa bm paid, sU. Paaaad aod nt to tbs Hoom Ttw following rr th nn4 Im tant bills lntroduord: II. It. by Mr. Martin oT Vllkn: An art to iroCrrt uvum of timlirr In Wllkm county. II. It. by Mr. S-aell. of Moore: An art u anwtvl Hrrtloos 1MI, I S t :. and llU of tho Oah Ut prevent th tnUYiuarrtagw of whito aTuii and tht ofChlnrvwdnrr&L. II. II. by Mr. rpalnhour. of Iturlu: An art Ut nUr guud gov ernunt in MiuhH cxiuiity. II. It. AOI, by Mr. WlnUKi of IW tie: An art to prorid a vfmanMit ret(UtratUm uiMbr Artlclff 4 of tb Constitution. The following bilN tblr tblnl nnuling mwi wert rn to tbt Senate for ratification: II. II. 40, H. It. Incuriura ting th- hurr County ln aod Trut Comjwny. II. H. 9, s mending tho charter of the Winrdon-Saieni Railway Cnm pany. II. It. 21 , allowing the rotumU aionen of Halifax to u funds do rived from the al of bond. II. It. t0, amending thorhartor of the Fries Tower and Manufacturing Coiiijwny. II. B. 43, n-Ruuitlng the cot of claim and dfllvery, whlrh was amended ho a to apply only to Hamp Hon county. II. B. :i'. 1 , ! nrorporat I ng the Golds lKro Oil Cmany. S. B. 171, II. B. 47fi for tho re leif of B. K. Kidder of WlUon. II. It. 174, ainnding the charter of the Mxre County lUllnd. II. B TJ'J, itMt,rporatlnjf the WrighUville and Ouiow Smvlgm- llou toinpiny. H. B. 3t, H. B. '2'J0, to repwl rbaj.U r 170 oftbn lawn uf 1HS9, whirh prohibit the fir mat Ion of a c rration with a capital stork ex- noting one million dollar. This bid doHM not limit the capitol stock of coritorationn. II. B. nC, to atnen! bapU-r 22, Private Uwi of 189.1, relating to the lUxkri-h and Atsrdeu Itallruad. II. B. 106, to aboliMi tho offlee of Htandard kee-r In Warren county. was tabled. (Continued on Second fags.) ' Charged Tkat Fowlar DaaS Wu rr4 Wilmington. N.C , Jan 14 A so- aational turn was riven a e Id Hu- perior Court here today, which started aa an action to correct a ded mads by the late W. O. Fowler to nJa wife. ZU- lab Kowler, conveying to ber certain city property. oaosel for J. J. Vow- let. defendant In tne actios, to wbom aa nephew of W. (J Puwler, with other neira, tne property would refer; If tne leed were declared void, set op tbs conlentisD tfast the deed was forged. , T,, IjimmU nif I a aeoaation. fb amount Involved Is less than $1,000. I " T r t p4rkeritrjrr, w. Va Jan. 15.-Tbs I discovery was mads in a cemetery in Itnls city this moralor tbat tbs rrsv "r Tracy baa been robbeo. 1 ' t-f av awaa A ft. M aJK anil I aaaa tnt : iheHo thl de" ZZ dead man wore and valuable breast pin had been stolen. 15,000 Fire at Davidson. Charlotte, Jf. O, Jan. 21. A f 15,- 000 fire ox-urred at Davidson, twen ty miles from here, early this morn ing. A livery stable and several stores were burned. The student ! at Davidson College were given a holiday to amit those whose pro perty was damaged. The origin of the fire is unknown. AnatraUa SaffrlBT rroaa m Ho Wih. Victoria. B. C. Jan 25. A heatwave Is passing over Australia, blighting and withering everything, many deaths and being indirectly ths cans of bath Ores of widespread dimensions. rb thermometer id some places nas i riaen to 120 degrees la the shade. Hon- a At m ' . dreda of families have lost their bomes, I stock implements and grain. - 1 Kuc reward wM mh Liwr. I The Queen's will provided for the payment of King Edwards llttl 1 MU- whlch .nioanted to 15,000,000. This was over ana above nis income - 1 as Prince of Wales. A dispatch from London states that t is rumored there that Lord nalisbory will rot be Premier after bs re-aasem- blieg of Parliament on Feb. 14th, as there are strained relations betw tbe King and his Premier. According to ths 8tate Pactcry Ia'peetor of Pennsylvania there were 453 000 more persons employ ed tn that 8tats In 1900 than In 1896. A London banker In a recent in terview says that the Boer war Is I costing Great Britain tZM a mlncta. Imperialism comes nlk,

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