THE CAUCASI Afl'WLLTinEY,'ALLDm AaAl91 isi legislature ui io nu vi graceful failure la their effort t en WASHINGTON IM!RLISI!KI RVJCRY TIlUrWOAY rttiik :auc;aiiam pcb.o. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Om Year, . Its Months, Three Month. 1H VKMAIILK'M HKi'ORT. Dr. Venable abmittM bit report! m President of the I'd lenity to tbe Trustee of that limitation at their ion recently held in thu city. Tbii reat loatitatioaof Learning, which la the pride and glory of tbe Hute, certainly deier?e tbe beat and highest consideration at the hands of the whole people, and of the Oeneral Assembly in particular Ool a few years ago the enroll- msnt at the UnltersitT was abont two hundred, while according to tbe report of President Venable there are today 501 stadents taking ad raa tage of the splendid opportunity of obtaining adcqaate educational equipment to fit them for tbe great struggles of life. No State can achiere greatnes or become a power in the development of her resources if her people are not provided with proper means for securing an education. Money eaa not he invested, with greater safety, than in "immortal minds." In affording proper facili ties for the promotion of education we make a safe investment that will pay handsome dividends for all time. We may erect monuments to perpet uate the fame and greatness of our noble citiiens, but there can be no nobler duty than that of building an educational system that will "defy the coroding tooth of time." and give to the poor children of the Htate a ohanoe to equip themselves for Iheir life-work. act a stringent and effective anti trust law. Toe proof of tbe fai are i shown now when anottur a tempt is to nude in that direction. A? aa'vros bill has already ren inrodicd, but the stmt irflaenes dauosi the l-git'or now that wresopow no 1 erf ul in 1899, it ean safely b irt - ? as dieted tnat n uco erae-ie egi ia- t on, as is sorely needtd wi 1 be ett acted. The professional lobby st 1 be prejent in full fore when tha was ure is considered, and it is m r than probable that it will he rmiien ated as to render it practically a ' !. letter" on the statute books. Tuey will have to pass some sort ot an an ti-trust bill in order to fool the po pie again. The trnst evil eau largely D re moved by tbe action of Htate l-gu latnret if they are honest and it. cara in their desire to remove this eincer which is so rapidly dis roy insr manv of the treat industries ol r m tbe country. An anti-trust bill ean be s? fram ed that t will furnish tbe r, m dy. but the serious question ic: on it be enected into lawt Tne shrewd and competent law yers, representing tbe great corpo rations and combinations would be on band to attack certain provisions and before the bill became a lw it would be so amended that the au thor would net recognize it. Far thermor, tbe victory of the present anarchistic redshirt element is due, in a great measure to corporate in flaences. The machine demagogues raised the "nigger domination" cry aid the corporations furnished the mney to supply such literature bsaring on the race issue as would most effectu ally arouse prejudice, and in this way they won the victory and g it in their work, This explains why the anti trust law of 1899 was such a failure. There is a true saying that you can "fool part ot the people all the r fet or Philippic lfs!ntloa la O purtMl Kills- IU-poct CommImIoo. i Hii to tba CAtrc'MAJf. j Washlnsfton, January 2 1901. Hut five wefka remain of the life of tbe Fifly-wixth Cmigrp. Many matter of icrat imKjrtanoe are prww ing for attention in both branch of the National IUIalun, and the tifiie U'twt-cn now and the 4th of March mewt need b thoroughly oc cupied if the dominant (arty intend to enact any 'egtaUtion of national concern anide from the regular ap propriation bill for the support of the Government. The time and attention of tbe two Houmcm of Congrem has thu far mainly been engro-ned in the con federation of appropriation bllU and In the peonage of the bill reorganu ing the Army and increasing It size to what the Ke publican Adm in Lst ra tion deems adequate to meet so call ed ptesent emergencIeH. ThL bill pawted both the House and the Sen ate, and, on account of amendments out on In the Senate, went to a con ference committee. The report LETTER. jiniibu I stance. Mcy c aaaical aJ!a ii.t rre bmtwat m darif ! a m aaa. I a e or- i nr. roa s pati wna a-rd to lUastae and iaetcaae ta ff c 4T-v of bis arr omeat- M E. Ciapp, who wa csoaaa or u lrgi!a Uf of M'isnaou. o fi'S rb vcor eansed bt tbe dea o o' Cusbutu K- Uvis. wbien ae) tf wa b ig temporarily filM by 8ntor Tawae, was pront doriag Mr T"WB. r mark asd was sworn m m. m. f . a in iBiDaiAfc-if alter lie aaa evneiu )f hu ira Qiicr lha service of Mr. To wne as a Sena' or. It is tafa to sy that very fw men aava crea ted such a faverabSe tmpreaaloo aa M'. Towne has daring hit brief Hen a'orlti career, and there are many expreiaiots ot r-gret upon bis retire ment from tbe senate. iU vy;uu GOLDS AE3D CATARRH THE CAUCASIAN Peruna is a Sure Cure. A Most Excellent Family Remedy. THE LAW MAKERS. (Continued from First Page.) Educational progress in the State has, Indeed, been slow, but it is grat-l time, all of the people some of the ifying now to see tne revival ol in terest in the matter in every quarter of the State. Dr. Venable, in his report, says that "the University is emphatically the hops of the poor boys of thu State," and that "our one hundred and twenty five are working their way through in whole or in Dart." Indeed the University, in recent years, has furnished a great oppor tunity for young men with no means or with limited means, to get an ed ucation. and the fact that over 125 are now, by their own efforts, ob taining an education, speaka volumes in favor of the present management. Year by year the enrollment is in creasing, yet practically the same appropriation is made now that ws made when tne Institution had ab iut half its present enrollment. Tne fact is the University ot North Caro lina is today one of the strongest in stitutions of the South, though it is doing its great work on the least capital ot any similar institution in the whole country. Dr. Venable nrges that the teach ing force be increased in order that more thorough and effeotive work may be done. This is a reasonable suggestlen in view ot the fact that there are more students at the Uni versity now than eye r before. At present the classes are too large and nnwieldly, and it is impossible for a professor to do his work with that thoroughness which is so essential As showing the niggardliness with which the State deals with its greatest Institution of learning, we quote the following from President Venable's report: "The State now appropriates $25, 000 annually to the University. Fif teen years ago the appropriation with the land grant fund amounted to 927.000 and there were time, but you can not fool all the poople all the time." and this raot the legislature should bear in mmd. They cannot cover up their mis deeds and failures by howling "aig ger" "nigger" any more for that is sue is as dead as Julius Oeaar. The people will be satisfied with no hing less than an effeotive anti trust law. DISGRACEFUL. POLITICS. ! Last week when the resolution Inviting Dr. Curry, agent of the Peabody Fund, to address the Leg islature was pending, a few of the members of that body arose and severely assalld Dr. Curry, alleg ing that he had lobbied with mem bers of the National House of Rep resentatives in the Interest of Con gressman Richmond Pearson's con test Both Dr. Curry and Mr. Pear son indignantly denied the charge and the next day these hot-headed partisans, feeling keenly the injus tice done, made apologies publicly for their bitter, vindictive and par t.san speeches. 'Tls a pity Indeed that some men occupying official positions of hon or, trnst and responsibility, are so small and narrow-minded that thty frequently make ugly spectacles of themselves ! Dr. Curry was not Invited to ad dress the Legislature on a partisan subject, but on the great and absor bing question of public education, and if his assailants had been gov erned by any sense of propriety they would have spared the distin guished educator such an un war ran teed, unjust and false attack. Away with all such narrowmlnd edness, and llttlenss I bach conduct was a most dis graceful exhibition of peanut par tisan politics. North Carolina can the conferees has been agreed to by the House and i now pending in the Senate, with every prospect that It will be finally enacted before the present week has passed. During the coming week the IIoumo will be engaged principally In considering the poet-office and other appropriation bills. The post office bill is likely to lead to consid erable discussion owing to the omis sion from the bill of the provision for pneumatic tubes. There is also a strong effort being made in the House to press the consideration of ttie Hill bill, which is designed to maintain the pari'y between gold and silver under the existing gold standard. Owing to the fact that appropria tion bills originate in the House of liepresentatives, the necessary busi ness of the session of Congress is probably more advanced in that body than it is in the Senate. There is also greater latitude of discus-don In the Senate, which prevents a dis position of the public business as ex peditiously as it is taken care of in the House. Only two of the great appropriation bills have been passed by the Senate. The Indian appro priation bill Is at present pending in that body, and will probably be dis posed of in the next two or three days. The bill passed by the House of Representatives reducing taxation under the Revenue bill has been re ported by the Senate Finance Cm mittee. and Senator Aldrich, chair man of that committee, has given notice that he expects the Senate to take it up at an early day. Tae ship subsidy bill, tne pet measure of San- . - a a ator a anna, is aiso panning in me Senate, and has the right of way when appropriation bills are not un der consideration. This measure, however, is likely to provoke more discussion than its friends ever con templated. The opposition to it is determined, and the prospects for its passage are very dim. Saould those who have it in charge endeav or to force its consideration, therj is every probability tht a filibuster would be instituted against it. Tne Grout bill in regard to the manufact ure and sale of oleomargarine, a bill which commands aluost univt-isal support in tbe agricultural districts of the country, is nearly in a condi tion to be placed before tne Senate, and no doubt, a strong tffort will be made to secure its passage, with good cLaneeS of success It seems as if the Nicaragua canal proposi tion will have to give way to other matters, and go over until the next session of Congress. Senator Mor gan, of Alabama, in charge cf this measure, has made every possible ef fort to have it become a law. There is a general opinion, howayer, that its consideration shonld admit the action of the British government on the Hay-Pauncefote treaty, which is now in the hands of the British cab inet, and this vu w will in all proba bility prevail. Tne repo-t of the Taft Commission to the Pail pnine Islands, recently transmitted to Cen- SATURDAY. New bill introduced In the Sen ate: By Mr. Vann: To author ice com missioners of Hertford county to levy a special tax. J udlciary. By Mr. Justice: For the relief of of I the Henderson County Cattle Asso ciation. Propositions and Griev ances Committee. S. B. 245, (by Mr. Henderson), to provide for the restoration of legal rights of parties who have once been insane, or confined in asylums for the Insane, and who have been re stored to their right minds, so as to enable them to manage their own proierty, etc., was passed. The following bills passed their third reading in the Senate: The London libel bill passed unanimously. House bill authorizing comm is sioners ot Yancy county to levy a special tax, passed and enrolled. Bill to establish Guilford Graded School of Greensboro, passed final reading and sent to House. House bill to establish stock law for entire county of Nash, passed and enrolled S. B. 73, to amend chapter 98, Acts 1899, in regard to the liquor dispensary at Smithfteld, Johnston county; substitute for original bill. Passed and seat to House. yv m ' "j I JMfI'7riv "I'fY.lmV ...... . Atifffi MR. HARRT M. 8TKTEK8, MIDLAND BEACH, L. I. vr. i.rM HL...HI MMlmd Batch.! "We eaa never thank you enough for L. I., New York, proprietor of "The the ehaagyoo hare ma4 In our llttl Ri,,mAnii Hot.1 of Parana: one's health. Before she began taking " gives me plemsure to testify to the vmlue ot Peruna, I hmve used It for years mad hmve found It to be m most excellent family remedy. For colds, catarrh and similar Ills, It Is unsurpassed." Mrs. C. B. Long, box 2M, At wood, Colorado, In a recent letter to Dr. Hart- man, says the following: voar Parana and rock eandy she anf farad everything la tbe way of cough, cold and or oup, but now she has bean taking your medicine a month not quite one bottle full, and ahe is ae well and strong ae she has ever been in her life. Ha not had the cronp once since she bagan taking it, and whan she has a little old a few doaea of Peruna flxee her oat ell right." Mra Nellie Courier, 14 Centar avenue. Jferwalk. Coaa wrUt -rVruaa doae woodera for aey prtlaa It oob. I thlak It w ' bet anedcla on rth ; t m tall joq why I think eo : My ba allctd with catarrh alaca h litre month tld. for yaaxa I bad t watch Mm ail bight long, and kp bu nwmth a ao be cvoJd braatba,aa ha ooulJ ot trthe taromgb hla aoa. Ha baa al aj tn very dallrau. 1am haeotninBd taklBg tba I r- rmaa I caa go to twl ajd lpall blftbt. fie braatba through bta 6oae any way -a Ilea, aad all that hawking eaa pltttag 1 goo. My boy U ea waP tdty m wbB h I'll on talBK m ad be ooly Uxk on botlla." T. T. Linallan. a prv.minat jwunp lawyer of Washing ton. P.O.. and broth er of W.O.I Jb JUn,la the U.K. doeament room. has taken Parana for catarrh and paake of IU ef ficacy la the fol lowing word a. Mr.Llenallen saye: "I rn happy to write you that I am cured of what 1 tbouabU aa well aa mi doctor, an etrcrlaaling catarrh, and Uk plaure to aying lh Parana baa dona It all. Any one who wishes pcrfec health must be entirely free Iron tmtmrrh CmtMrrhl welt-nlzh unl si aawe a ww - - renal; almost omnipresent. Pe runs Is the only absolute sate guard known. A cold Is the be ginning of catarrh. To prevent colds, to cure colds. Is to cheat c tarrh out of Its victims. Pcrun& not only cures catarrh, but pre vents It. Every household should be supplied with this great rem edy for coughs, colds, etc. Addreee The Peruna Medicine Co, Colnmbua. Ohio, for a free book on catarrh. The Ixadni Weekly In North CetfoHna. fees T. T. l.-olUn. He Farmer and Maoif' Paper. of taxes from tax payers removing S B. 74, to amend stock l&w of f rom nn onnty to another. only 200 tnriAnta f.rt Ha fan cr t ' Wii. rni , i ; . . never become a great State if such With 601 students now at the Uni- i versity, there should be enongh money appropriated to meet the present and increasing demands. The University is the head of the pnblie school system of the Btate, and as such it should be fostered and encouraged. It is an institution where rich and poor boys meet on common gronnd ; where young men are taught lofty ideals ; where ambition i given the fall rein, and above all, where man hood, morality, moral courage, troth, justice, freedom of thought, speech and action are inculcated. MOBJC JUDGES. It seems to be a part of the ma chine programme to increase the number of judges in the 8tate. The people who pay the taxes to support these officers may have some thing to say about extravagance la ter on. If all the judges faithfully dis charged the duties there would be no large dockets to be continued from term to term. The ballot-stuffing machine raised a great "hue and cry" because the Fasionists increased the number of magistrates in the Btate. Oa every stump they charged that . additional offices were created for some "hun gry Fasionists." It should be re membered that there was no addi tional cost to the people on account ot the increased number of magis trates, whereas four additional J adg s, with salaries at $2,750 each, will cost the Bute $11,000. On with the dance ; let joy and ex travagance be nneonflnedi The peo ple will have their 'innings" in the near future. small and narrow men are to con trol her affairs. Mr. Spalnhour from Burke coun ty has Introduced a bill in the Souse to ' restore srood eovernment in Mitchell county." What Mr. Spain hour means by "good government" Is for the legislature to aDDoint a more county officers in Mitchell Co so as to place the Democrats in con trol of that county. Mr. Spalnhour was elected So licitor in 1894 by the Populists and Republicans of the mountain coun try and then for him to turn over to the Democratic party and come to the legislature and ask for the gov ernment to be taken out of the hands of the Populists and Repub licans of Mitchell county, because they succeeded in electing their of fleers notwithstanding the rascali ty they had to contend with, is base Ingratitude to say the least. we nave received a copy of the "North Carolina Year Bok,n pub lished by the News and Observer Raleigh, N. 0., which contains abont 160 pages. It Is full of matter of ii terest to North Carolinians. This book represents a vast amount of work and is well worth the nrW The only thing we see about it that eould be criticised is the imprint of a Virginia printing house on it. I does seem that North Carolina eon-d print her "yf ar book' - Johnston county, passed and sent to House. 8. 13. 213 For the relief of J. B. McFarland, late sheriff of Ruther ford county. Passed and sent to House. Senator Marshall's (Rep.) bill pro viding for an amendment to the constitution and the re apportion ment of the legislative districts, "on a white basis," was next taken up, with an unfavorable report from the committee. Mr. Marshall asked that it be re committed; that he would like to appear before the committee, and if he couldu't, persuade it to adopt this bill, he had a substitute to offer. But the bill was tabled. S. B. 221 To amend the charter of the Methodist Orphanage. Passed and sent to House. S. B. 230, H. B. 46. Authorizing payment of salary by board of com missioners of New Hanover county to pay a salary to its chairman ($50 a month). Passed and enrolled S. B. 231, H. B. 395 To print 500 copies of Gov. Aycock's inaugu ral address. Passed and enrolled. 8. B. 238 To incorporate the Vance Banking and Loan Company. Passed and sent to the House. - S. B. 240 To incorporate the Fayetteville Savings and Trust Com pany. Passed and sent to the House. 8. B. 242 To amend chapter 410, Acts 1891, in relation to obstruction of Swift creek. Passed and sent to the House. 8. B. 252 To protect policy-hold ers in insurance companies. (Pro vides for the bringing of a new suit in case of loss, within one year after a non-suit should be taken in first suit) . Passed and sent to the House. . S B 255 Restoring to Governor and board of public buildings and grounds the power to appoint keep- H B 285 A.mending section 353 of the laws of 1897, relating to stock l-ws. H B 286 Amending section 752, ralnma one of the Code, relatinsr to !the printing of county statements. This bill is only applicable to Jack son onnoiy. M B 287 Authorising the school directors of Jackson county to pay certain claims. 8 B 99, H B 292 -Appointing D. Worthington, of Wilson, a Justice of the peace, and allowing him to practice law. H Jt 2aa An act ror tne protec tion of deer In Onslow county. H B 367 For relief of the Hend erson County Cattle Association B B 188 Amending section 616 of the Code, relating to the trials of titles to office. H B 300 -Amending section 157. laws of 1899 relating to trapping of quail H B 320, S B 17 Incorporating the Security Life and Annuity Co SB21.HB 321 Authorizing the incorporation of street railway com panl s under the general law. S B 62, H B 322 incorporating the Egle Hose Company, number seven, of Greensboro. H B 333 Amending chapter 360 of the laws of 1899 in reference to hunting in Wilkes county. H B Amending chapter ly, pub lic laws of 1899, relating to dlspen sary in Northamptoon. H B 432 Incorporating the Car olina Art Company. H B 23 -Giving extra pay to the county commissioners of Craven H B 96 Repealing chapter 65 of the laws of 1891, giving to Superior Courts jurisdiction in cases of cm elty to animals. MOXDAY. Sknate There were no bills of special importance introduced in the Senate. The bill that seems to be of most interest was the one intro duced by Mr. Warren from Jones to gressbytbe President, and strong- er of capitol and public buildings I amend the Code in relation to the ly recommending that steps b j taken to supersede the military eovern ment of the islands by a civil gov ernment, has aroused great interest. and much speculation is indulged in as to what action Congress will take in regard to the matter. Mny think tnat ii something is not done before Congress finally adjourns in the line suggested by the report, an extra session of Congress will be inevita ble. It can be stated, however, that an extra session is not desired by the administration, and, therefore, some proposition looking to the establish ment of a civil government in the Philippine Islands may be looked lor during tne present session. Oa Mondav, February 4'h, the Senate and House will meet in the hal of the House of Representa tives, and exercises commemorative of the one hundredth anniversary of the assumption by John Marshall of the office of Chief Justice of the United States, will be held. The president will attend these exarcises, aad hey will be ver? impressive. 8ome alarm is becoming evident in Republican circles Owing to the enormous appropriations which have ren made by the two sessions of the 56 h Congrets. Cnalrman Cannon, of te Appropriations Committee of the House estimates that the appro priations for the present session will reach the enormous total of $800. 000,000 The appropriations for the last session ot the 56;h Congress ag gregate about the same amount, so that the total amount appropriated during the two years will not fall short of a billion and a half dollar f, and some even figure that they will reach the stupendous figure of a bil lion and three quarter dollars. Tnis fact is sufficient to arouse tbe fears of the Republican managers, and a policy of economy is accordingly be ing broachfd. Senator Towne, of Minnesota, ad and grounds, the House. S B 260, H B 155 To validate certain probates, in regard to privy examination of married women, etc, Passed and enrolled S B 264, H B 146 To incorporate the Bank of Mount Olive. Passed and enrolled. Joint Resolution 286, providing for election of State Librarian. Pas sed and enrolled. S B 236 To amend section 3410 of the Code in regard to sluice-ways in Tar river, repealing present law. Passed and sent to the House. house rne most or tne oiiis in troanoeu in tne tiouse were zor pen sions, and are, of course, of only lo cal interest Mr. Nicholson, of Beaufort, intro duced a bill to pay certain claims to Fred. W. Latham, in connection with the shell fish commission. Mr. MeCulloek, of Bladen, had nothing else to-do, so he stepped over into Sampson and introduced an act to repeal Chapter 78, laws of 1901, incorporating the town of Par- kersburg. The following bills passed their final readings: SB39.H B 434 Providing for Passed and sent to deposit of the State funds so that all s the money coming in to the treas urer's hands by virtue - of his office shall be deposited in State banks only. Mr. Glenn of Guilford intro duced a bill to increase the license on the bar-room men in the town of Greensboro. Mr. Arrington introduced a bill in reference to apportionment of legislative districts for House of Representatives. Referred to House apportionment committee. BILLS PAS8SD. The calendar was then taken np and cleared, tbe following bills being meet at 10:30 another at 8:30 aud one old gentleman who did not ex pect to be there Monday made a mo tion to meet at 7:30 and the motion was carried. NEW BILLS. H B 642 By Mr. Gaither of Ca tawba An act to amend chapter 98, public laws of 1899, relating to physician's license. H B 547 By Mr. Morgan An act to regulate the stock law. HB 550 By Mr. Willard An act to secure a proper assessment of property for taxation. H B 551 By Mr. Yarborough of Franklin An act to authorize the commissioners of Franklin county to issue bonds for the purpose of paying for the construction of a steel bridge at Loulsburg and for other purposes. H B 552 By Mr. Spalnhour of Burke An act to appoint a board of examiners to State institutions. Mr. Hoey of Cleveland, intro duced a bill giving the governor the power of appointment in the insti tution for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind. The bill provides that the regular annual appropriation to the institution be increased from $12,- 500 to $20,000 and carries with it also special appropriations amount ing to $32,000 for improvements and repairs to buildings. MORE SALARIES. A bill was introduced by Mr. Wil bird of New Hanover, which makes the Corporation Commission a Btate Board of Tax Commissioners, cloth ing the members with authority to Increase or lower the assessment of all property in the State and giving them general supervision of the tax system In the State. All tax officers in the counties are placed under the supervision of the board by the pro visions of the bill, which increase the present salaries of the commis sioners $500 each. law H B 258, amending the Stock of Edsreombe county. tl B Zoo, autnorising tne umioit sioners of Jackson count v to levy a special tax. H B 313, authorizing the Cmtnis sioners ft Brunswick county to levy a special tax. H B 317. authorizing the town of H gh Pnt to issue bonds. H B 339. for the imorovemnt of the pnhlift roads of Pernon county. II B 381, authoring tae Co amis- sioners of otoxes county to levy a special x. H B 274, an act to keep in repair fences i Macon county. 11 15 372 repealing teuton two. chapter 353 laws of 1897, relating u stock las H B 467, a resolution author:z:n the Siat- Traurr to py J. N. H Ming $250 for Ie?al eervires be fore the Printing Committee in th- legtfla'ure ot '99 H B 519, prohibiting the sale of qnor withiu one mile of certain churches in Pitt and Macon count ie. These churches are B ;ar Grass. Connoho, Greit Swamp and Briery Swamp. The sale of finger ale and pop and the taking ot pictures on the Sabbath are also forb dden in the bill. CONTAINS ALL TlfK XEWn OF INTEREST FKOM ALL l'A HTS OF Til K STATE AND FKOM ALL OVEtt the; COUNTRY. (Continued on Third Page ) A Canadian Want aa International C a- nal Without Forta or Hold i era. Nw York, Jan 27 -The Hon. R. B Dobbelll.a member of the Lau rier Canadian ministry, arrived on the Etruria, today. He said It the United States would be only a lit tle more generous an agreement mignt be arrived at by wnlch the United States, England and Cana da could Join In bullutng an Inter national Nlcaraguan Canal without forte and without soldiers The ab senoe of forts and told. try on an In ternatlonal canal at Nicaragua won i a De tne best possible euaran tee of peace. In case it were threat- a a m enea dj ioreign nations tae com blned fi.ets of Eog.snd and the United States would insure Its de fence." S B 249 To revise and consoli date the charter of the town of Elkin. Passed and sent to House. 8 B 237 To amend the charter of town of Boxboro, Person county. Passed and sent to House. SB 238, H B 22 Authorizing the town of Franklin, Macon county. to issue bonds. Passed and enrolled. B B 155, H B 24 To allow com missioners of Craven county to levy a special tax. Passed and enrolled. S B 26 L, H B 152 To incorporate the town of Biaooe. Montgomery the indexing side notes and publica-1 county . Passed and enrolled. tions of the captions to laws and res olutions ratified by the General As sembly of 1901. H B 147 Authorizing the estab lishment of graded schools in En field. 8 B 63, H B 323 Incorporating tne js&ok nr. Clinton H B 228 Prohibiting drunken ness in Taneey eounty. This bill gives magistrates power to cause the , the arrest of any person who shall j be drunk in any pnblie place. It is intended to put a cheek on unusual privileges which visitors from Ten- dressed the Senate today on a reso- ne&see assume when they enter Yan lution introduced by him a few days cey county. ago favoring the independence of the H B 233 Jit quiring the board of S B 246 To authorize the muni cipality of Durham to issue bonds to be known as "market bonds." Passed and enrolled. 8 B 291, H B 223 To authorise the trustees of the graded schools of the township of Goldsboro to issue bonds. Passed and enrolled. 8 B 315 To increase the liquor license tax in the town of Greens boro (not to exceed $1,000 per an num), via agreement with county commissioners, etc. ; Passed and en rolled. 8 B 8, HB 192 To establish grad ed schools at, the : town of Rocky Cape Police Surrendered. Cape Town, Jan. 26. Twenty Cape police surrendered to the Boem at Devondale, north of Vryburg ! -pin0 PP1 presented by Senator January 21, without firing a shot ' I Jeller recently, spoke of their fitaess It is reported that onAri p.i- or self-govern meut and declared . VH'waWA a jL4aa Filipinos He presented a masteriv I commissioners of Forarth to amr. 1 Mount. . House amendment con- wBuiuem sua was iriven eioe atten tion, many members of the House of Representatives coming over to lis ten to him. In beginning his rem vks ne reierrea to the petition of th Fil a, a. A. a. 1 XT a - m . . sloo was wounded in the fhrhtino- nf t u" ea ?IMM era hound grant 730 tor Macon eounty. - January IB hgn ttag of . by eTOTy obli?ation to acoor4 tnde. H B 282 Amending section 3692 1 V ' pendeice to the people of the Phil- of the tow relating to tht aoUtotioa bound sign boards along the pnblie roads. H B 272 For the relief of tax col lectors ana sneruis. inis bill eiva authority for the colleetioa of back taxes for the years 1895-99 Inclusive. Tbis authority eeases December 31 it, 1SW2. HB 274 Correcting State land ! grant 730 tor Macon eounty. curred in and passed. : Ordered to be enrolled. 8 B 104, H B 125 To prevent fishing and shooting' from bridges over Trent and Neuse rivers. Passed and enrolled. ' - i , house There were several mo tions before the House Saturday as to the time they should meet Monday, BILLS THAT PAJSSKD. H B 327, changing the boundary line between the Counties of Bun combe and Madison. H B 315, prohibiting the felling timber or brush in Meadow fork of Spring creek or any of its tributaries in Madison county. 8 B 86, H B 365, amending sec tion 82, of the Code relating to the qualifications of Justices of the Peace and matters incidental thereto. H B 876, an act to prevent hunt ing on lands in Craven county with out consent of owner of land. HB879, an act to prohibit the Killing of birds in McDowell county'. H B 385, incorporatinsrthe Cham ber of Commerce of Wajthinrfon. N.C. H B 398, an act to -prohibit the sale of spirituous liquors in Bun combe and McDowell ngntif with in six miles of Black Mountain. H B482, prohibiting bird hnati t- PI....JW ..- o B 181, H B 478, Negroes Going to Hawaii. w ureans, jan. 23 a car load of negroes from Kentucky and Mifcslseisslppl passed through hr today for San Frai-isco wher thv will sail for Hawaii to work on the sugar plantations of that country. jiiey come irom around Hopkins vine and were Fcurd by a labor agent ;or those Hawaiian pi n tors, who bul teve that the negrroes will make better farm laborers than the forto Klcans. The emigration movement is be'ng forwarded by a numoer or colored ministers, who nave rormaiiy and officially recom mended Hawaii as a paradise for negroes. The emigrant agents de cline to have anything to do with city negroes. Domestic Export Statistics, - Washington, Jan. 26 The total vame or domestic exports for the calendar year 1900 was $1,477,949. 66, aga!nst$l,275,467,971 for 1899. The exports by chvea for 1900 and : their value were: Products of airrU lneorporatu g ; culture, - 9 904, 658,958; products of pro- Dn;!!!flW. i manufacture, $441,406,942; -!.JT rT n1"' u- aucts or the mines. $39 222.902- H B33S. for the better drainage of . , w lue IwnenS 18,074,684; land on Caik creek in Lincoln county. HB119 author: sins; the tion of roads in Taneey eounty. miscellaneous, $5,167, 027. For Single Subscrip tion One Year, $1. OUR GRAND CLUB RATI Send us Five Cash Snbscrin m tions, and we will send yon the Paper one year Free; or if you are already a Subscri ber we will move np your date one year. Home & Farm AND The Caucasian Ob Year for $1.25. Burning at the stake was a legal punishment in 1760 and 1766. Jnrwiortiau Dr. Hathaway has known aa tba lea41og tpecta&st to tba car at chronic dlsaaaaa, Io carahla caaet ara aeot to htm 4aJ)V fmn .1 partsof tbe coootry by ptar&ldaos who hare bad temoBstrated to them tbe larariabfflty o( hU cores. To him nocace it -bopek.-Iflinetlod of treatment U bis own. It U a system whlehhaa 'auiw ao pmeaea aonng us nag years at acUre. Uni practice. Tfcs IIOLIE AND fkm is aa fight-page, Seni-EaathU AgriccItcrrJ Pc;:r! If you wish to reach the People advertise in THE CAUCASIAN. dlsaases-tboee of the Blood, tbe Xerres aad the cit Urinary organs. His caret of Varicocele and Stricture without upcrauw. uj means a painless bone treatsaeot. are tbe ; oi we neaKai profession. Men wtwi ti in rn. atnre or whose blood has been poUnted br eonttoo t htM bekTlutoaierfestateofb . AfiTntS Wanted In KP1K. HeteTttsean those who bare any form of chrooie disease or " J w caa at bis office, or write bin. for free eoasnitittn. . ' . . raTJLB. aad nrantnarloa aad adrtoe.- Be wm also send (mb. t a. norDOOA. Yfit6 for T?ZL d-rrxtrrc iuarcv-fAY. cd. i Castaway 4ila. PB ,nMinutW Broad Ctrtst tfeata, Ca CAntiAciAn pua ca )

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