7 THE CAUCASIAN u Ol. XIX. RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA, FEBRUARY 7, 1901. No. 8 I I TREASON CHARGED A i A I N S T I E L W i A T K HO UK HT W. WILCOX, OF HAWAII. HE FAVORED THE FILIPINOS' CAUSE. W'rot l.ttra tu Filllan l.ra lr ofT-r-iiitf Thriii Ills AM In Ibrir War fur la-illnlfn- - Highly Htioaat luoal vl )iiiiciiI. Washington, Feb. i. Charge have lieeti Muhmitted lo t tu; Hou-e committee on election No. I,againt Delegate Will ox, in Hawtihn re priH-i.tative in ine Jiouseof Urj recntatlvcH, by (icnrifH I). Jear, ol" Hawaii, who submitted letters pur mrtiug to ! copis of lcttr- writ Ion !y WII ox to Filipino official. The alleged letters art? of a highly Hcnsatinual character. One I war the alleged signature of Wilcox, It is dtitiil I lonolnlij, January ,, IM!)9, ami h ahlrcs-cd to Dr. J.s. Load, Cuptuin Marti Burgos and Scnor .1. I.una, and introduced to them "a friend of mine who 1 a very able man, to help you in your chump." Anions other says: ''Mr. things the letter will ho a useful ally to tight for the cause of tiie Philippines. One thing is sure-that you could re Hint ngtiinst any army of division. You have a population of 12,000,000 and already a disciplined army of :;o,Ooo well euipnd with modern arms. "I have already made up my mind to join with you in your country against America, in csw they insist to lurnore the rights, tin justice of your cause. I know well my pro feHsion as an artillery ofllcer. I have no fear of the whole world when I light for a legitimate cause like yours. Iitwccii (icncral Aguinal doN determination and myself it would lie very little chance left to the invading army of the 1'nited Slates tocnuer your country. Tell General Agumaldo I have already gien my service for your country ami I am ready to oley orders to go to your country and tight for the In dependence of your people and country and at any moment." Another letter, dated Honolulu. March s, ;:, says: am think ing to go to I he Piiilippiue Islands and give my assistance to Aguinaldo against the invaders the hypocriti cal Yankees the eariet-bag oliti cian, Otis." The nt it ion says thf-re was no election machinery when Wilcox was elected Delegate, November G, I ".too, and that many voters there lore made no attempt to vote. It is alleged "that Wilcox, in his sjieeches prior to the election, made use of the strongest kind of anti-American ut terances lor the purpose of carrying the election, telling the native II a waiians that the Americans had stolen their country and that a vote for him was a vote for the restora tion ot the (jtiivn, and that, if he were eltvted the Queen would lie tt stored; that said Wilcox was and Is guilty of treason against the United States in that he did as ietitioner!is .. l it i ' iiiioniieu ami oeneves, since me an nexation it MHid Hawaiian Islands, w rite and send through the United htates mails certain letters highly treasonable in their nature, wherein lie did counsel and incite others to engage in open rebellion against the United States, and did so offer his own services." The petition, in conclusion, charges his election was invalid; that "he is not a tit ami proper jierson" to re present Hawaii; alleges bigamy and further alleges "written and uttered treasonable language;" wherefore it is petitioned he should be expelled trom Congress. Mr. Wilcox says he has no fear of the charges made. lie admits that he wrote a letter to Dr. Losada Captain Burgos an t Senor Luna, in troducing C. Caesar Mori no, an Ital ian of this city, whom he knew w hlle the latter was in Hawaii, ant to whom the unaddressed letter filed by Gear was addressed, but he said ho was unable to say whether the letters filed were exact copies of those sent. CHILD LABOR IN THE MILLS. oooo )p ratlvea Petition A rain at the Hill and the South Carolina Leg-ialature Killa It for the Second Time. Columbia, S. C Feb. 4 The Iieglslature has the second time kill ed a bill to prohibit child labor in cotton mills. The vote in the House was 6(' to 32. Thirty members were absent. The action is based upon the fact that 6,000 mill operatives In the Piedmont section presented petitions asking to be let alone. The condi tions in their belt are ideal. The mills furnish theatres, schools and churches, but In other Bections it ia charged a system of bondage is be fonteml. More Red Shirt Politics. Th i town of Lumberton was to hold an election on the question of issuing bonds for an electric light plant, on Tuesday of last week, but the election could not be held be cause someone had "misplaced" the registration books. A reward has leen offered for the conviction of the guilty i r ties. The commissioners have ordered a new registration and the election will be ' held about March 1st, NOTES AND COMMENTS. What n.mlb" Tblak ufTbloc I Uea rraJ. l'orhaM a few good fellows got left reselling for oflire. The State of Virginia alsoIutely rule out -lot machines. I take up other jieople's thoughts and they takedown mine. Col. I,uk ought to ! a candidate for minister to Tea-he-Kan. There I a man in this I-gi-.lature who swallow other NopIe'.s. thoughts. The l-gi-daturc s4-eiiis to lack the prepuce of Hoola Itoom, the Chero kee chief. Major IU I ward Sully, the gold bug Democrat, gave his presence to Kal eigh last week. There is no uc in talking, but .Julian of Rowan is mis-ssl in this era of good feeling. The "yaller" dog has more friends than any other animal in this State, even the man animal. legislators swell with their com ing, -wink with their staying, and swunk with their going. There does not seem to have Ik-en a foot-hall headed man sent to rv-ren-nt himself in this legislature. The most magnificent man in a military sense comes from Hender son. He has a face and poses on it. The old-young man from Person, Col. Cunningham, is here happy in the knowledge that he has many friends. Mr. Pain-hour seems to want Mitchell county to have a different set of officers from those elected by the people. They have caught 7 out of every 'is rabbits in Chatham county this w inter, but exect a larger crop than ever next year. Chambers ought to have some thing even for having ran so often and been turned bottom ui bv the H-ople every whack. A fellow who was taken for a Methodist preacher during this ses sion, remarked that he was but on- y in so far as chicken and appurte nances went. Somebody is sure to get mad and those who did not iret the vacant laces under this new government have the remainder of their lives to rccurierate their good feelings. The Judiciary committee of the resent Legislature had to be com osed of itself, so that every man who had seen a law book was put on the committee in order for weierht- iness. That same committee wast-o onderous it had to be divided into three compartments, white, black and yellow which is the "Jim Crow" dispatch? Murdered by Wife ami Compan ion. Richmond, Va., Feb. 4. News ias reached here of a remarkable murder near Diascund Station, in James City county. James Beach was Kineu in ins own iiousc oy ins wife and Roland Wholmes, and his i. Hi., i i . i . i i body was placed in u boat, carried a mile up a creek, and then placed on the railroad track, in order that his Beach's death might be attribu ted to accident and the railroad com- any held responsible. The first train did cut the body to pieces, but the crime was traced to Sarah Beach and noiuies. The parties are ne- grMs. A Stir Among Town Otlicials. Parsons, W. Va., Feb. 4. The municipal authority's at Glenville, Gilmer county, are having a warm time. The chief of police heard a noisy gang, headed by the mayor, a railing the streets, and arrested the mayor for disorderly conduct, but released him for trial on his own recognizance. The mayor then had the chief arrested for fteing an ac cessory to the disturbance by arrest ing eaceable men. Woman Wanted to Hang. Trenton, X. J., Jan. 31. Mrs. Storey, an aged spiritualist, of Cam den, came to Trenton today to see Gov. Vorhees for the puriHse of of fering herself to be executed in place of Hill, who is sentenced to be hanged at Camden, February i. Gov. Voorhees was not here and the woman left the Statehouse say ing she would go to the governor's home at Elizabeth. A Costly Iatrodutioii. Xew York, Feb. 1. James Henry Smith, said to le the richest bache lor in the United States, is going to introduce himself to society by giv ing a$K,000 dinner and dance at Sherry's. It is estimated that each plate will cost $100. He inherited $G0,000 from an uncle who died lately. Cut to Pieces by Train. Richmond, Va., Feb. 1. George Jurkes and Winfield Rogers, two woung white men were caught on a Chesapeake and Ohio Railway tres tle in the lower part of the city las 11 a n. a nigni oy a shirting engine, run down, and literally cut to pieces. About Right. Durham Herald. The Legislature is largely com posed of lawyers and they could not do better than to repeal about hat the laws now on the statutes, many of which they do not understand themselves. CHINESE CIRLS SOLO IY AUCTION. ri t Up at I'-bllc Hais ud Krk-at fmm I.700 to 2.SOO Kara. San Francisco Di-jmteh. Five Chinese girls were old at public auction in 'Frisco' Chinatown recently, a publicly as though they hud I sin in Canton, China, where uvh human slavery is a recognized institution. These girls were the property of Gong Gow , an old Chi naman who has kept for year one of the di-reputable den in China town. He wanted to go lack to China, so he ad verti-s-d the furniture and chattels of his establishment at auction. According to Chinese cus tom creditors of Gong ap(ieared and atel bills on the door of his place, -jmilying their claims. I'very Chi naman who bid at the auction agreed to pay the claims against the girl he fancied. When the sale lxgan there was a large crowd. The girls were exhib ited and the auctioneer enumerated their good Mints. They stood sto lidly by, as if they were used to such proceedings, having U-en sold before they were brought here. They fetched fancy prices, as the restric tion act is so rigidly enforced now that it is difficult to get pretty Chi llers' girls into the country. They sold at from $1,700 to 2,o00 each, and they were at once removed to the quarters of their new ow ners. TOWN OF PLYMOUTH BURNED. Bank and I'ostoffice Destroy d Upward of $100,000. Loaa ia Norfolk, Va., Jan. :50. The town of Plymouth, N. C was pretty nearly wijKMl out by fire last night. Telegraphic advices from the scene received this afternoon state that the Bank of Plymouth, the iost o thee, and the large stores of Messrs. Hornthal, of Norfolk, were destroy ed. The moneys of the bank and the itostoffice are in the safes, which are in the ruins, and are still too hot to handle. The loss is upward of $100,000. A Queer Trade. Philadelphia Times. Johnstown, Pa. A remarkable and funny case came before the court in Edinburg recently. George Reed resides near the city and wears a ieg leg, and Sadie Brown, a neigh bor, also uses a wooden leg, as the result of an accident. She alleges that a month or more ago Iteed per suaded her to trade pegs with him. Afterwards she became disatisfied with her bargain and wanted Reed to trade back. This Reed positively refused to do, as the leg he had tra ded for suited him better than the old one. Miss Baldwin then brought suit against him to recover her peg. Reed pleaded guilty to larceny by bailee, paid the costs and returned the arti ficial limb. Beat Her Head to a Pulp. Greensboro, N. C, Jan. 31. John Burton, a negro, is in jail charged with attempting to murder his wife last night. The woman's head was beat almost into a pulp with an iron kettle and a large rock. Burton and his wife had been to a dance and were near their home when the row occurred. Mayor Taylor heard the woman's screams and went to her releif, arresting Burton and carry- ing him to jail. It is the woman's injuries death. thought that will result in Mississippl Get .$750,000 Back Taxes Jackson, Miss., Feb. 1. The Illi nois Central Railroad this afternoon paid to the State revenue agent here the sum of $7o0,000, being the amount of back taxes due the State and various counties and municipa ities in the State from 1893 to 1900 under the recent decision of the United States Supreme Court. To be Tried by Court-Martlal. Washington, Jan. 31. The Navy )epartment has ordered a trial by court-martial, at Port Tampa, on "ebruary 9, for the loss of coal barge No. 2, off the Florida coast, Decern- her 30. while on the u-av to Cien. fuegos. McCormiek commanded the tug Potomac, to ving the baree. Quickly Defined. From the Chicago Times-Herald. Pa," jasked little Georgia, "what's the pomp and circumstance of war n7u,ov,"l Geii. Miles," replied the old gentleman without looking up from his paper. Tn MnrlArn nom uie nicago imies-iieram. TCa. a ... 4.1 i m: - t r , He I believe that my father and your mother were once very fond of each other. She Yes, I have often heard mamma say she was more than half sorry they ever got divorced. Will Open Parliament in Person. London, Feb. 4 It is officially announced that King Edward has definitely decided to open Parlia ment in person, on February 14th. A Distressing Question. From the Kansas City Journal. The Hon. Joe Bailey, of Texas, will now pass from the House into the Senate. This raises a new ques- tion. Does the Constitution follow tfaneyr Mr. Chas. Pearce formerly btatesville; was drowned in Lones- viue, La., one day last week. SENATOR BUTLER'S RESOLUTION. II Aaaa for as A pimitrlmlUm tm 11 thm OtMrtnarttoM tUa Moatta oT la urvaanka Bir. Sja-cial to Charlotte otiTV-r. Wa-hiugton, Jan. 31. Senator Butler Is exerting him'lf in help along the inland water way route, and will have a formal hearing be fore the Senate committee on com merce at the earliest opportunity. He is also pushing the Caie Fear improvements before the commit tee. The Secretary of War, in re spone to a resolution on-re I by S'nator Hutler, informed the Senate that it w ill cost $100,000 to remove the obstruction at the mouth of the Brunswick river. Mr. Butler will endeavor to have an appropriation of $100,000 incorporated in the river and harbor bill when it reaches the Senate, to remove the obstructions. SEVEN THOUSAND KILLED IN BATTLE. Groat Slana-hter of Nativ Warrior In Abyaainla. Paris, Feb. 5. A dispatch to the Francais from Cairo says news has lxen received there from Abyssinia of a great battle in which 7,000 men were killed. It is supposed the chiefs relielled during the absence of King Menelik, who has gone to the Egyptian frontier, in connection with the delimitation of the Egypt Abyssinian frontier. A Cairo special to the Exchange Telegraph gives the same reiHirt. A London special says it is not unlikely, that certain malcontent chiefs may have taken advantage of King Menelik's absence from tin- capital to foment an insurrection. EXCITING NEW YORK FIRE. J-iarjre Factory L)etroyel lxa a Mill- ion and a Half. The seven-story factory of the William Wicke Company, cigar box manufacturers, at 401 Thirty-first street, New York, was wrecked bf a gas explosion and burned last Fri day. Nearly 800 . persons were at work in the factory at the time. A panic ensued, but only two persons were seriously injured. Fifty-four fire engines were called to the scene. me ouuaing ana contents were damaged to the extent of !1,"00,- 000. A Walking Fisli Caught. Jacksonville, Fla., Special, 29th, to New York Evening Post. The first periopht halm us, or walk- ing nsh, ever seen in American hvaterH has just been caught in Nas- sau Sound, near Fernandina, and is now in alcohol on exhibition in this city. It will be forwarde-l this week to the . Smithsonian Inst tute at Washington. Zoologists have long regarded this native of the West, African coast . which remains for tiava out of wter . . - I an vji nit: Diiaiiumt uriRiiiuirn from nature. For this land life the fish is fitted by long arms, with el bow and wrist, while the fingers are separate and prehensile, instead of flat and fin-like. Two Men and 1 4 Wives. Charlotte Observer. Mr. Hamp. D. Smith, of Steele Creek township, was in town yester- day with a wagon-load of hogs for sale. He had good luck and was in a storv-telling humor. He is half- brother of ex-Sheriff Zuck Smith His father had seven wives. "In the same neighborhood." said Mr. Smith, "was Rev. Mr. Garrison, a Baptist preacher, who also had seven wives. If pa and the preacher had lived a while longer they would have married every widder in that part of the country A Timely Suggestion. Hickory Times-Mercury. In selecting school looks for the State, those w ho will have the work in hand should try to adopt as near as they can those books now most generally in use. This changing books every five years will prove a burden. It will be more to the in terest of some book concern and its paid allies, than to the interest of edu cation. Changing books is a heavy f xn to State adoption has Prov.en in this State to l)e n,ore m the interest ot the book com panies than to the children. Rut it was not necessarily so. Heaviest Snowfall in Years. Wheeling, W. Va., Jan. 31. Re- Prts from a11 Ts of West Yir"i- ia tell of the heaviest snow that has been known in several years. Throughout the eastern mountain. region me snuvy is num mu iu live : au r . c i a I feet deei. and in maiiv olaces is hari- I ' ,v drifted. Warm rain has follow.1 ed the snow in some sections, and fears of floods were prevalent in val ley districts till to-night, when the I severe freeze checked the rapid melt ing of the snow. Another Find of Gold. I Charlotte Observer. Mr. J. R. Winchester yesterday had a rich pan of gold on exhibition in town. He found the ore on the farm' of Mr. Beattie, in Berryhill Mr. W. R. Cochrane and other ex perts who examined the pan, say that the ore will assay not less than $60 a ton. Mr. Winchester says that at.the place it came from there is a good supply of ore, enough to instifv mining noeratinris nn ft krw scale. i j j 0 -x e of Trinity college has 280 students on the roll, the larcrest number I its history, 13 THE UNLUCKY NUUtEI. Aa ElkibKioa of .-.Naf-roar Mia4 Aav4 laaaall Kuwla" km tk Wjr ta. faXrtot Tmaa taa laorra Mr Im Votaal Ar&ist Ir. ( arrr- It will be n iiM'iiilrnil that Dr. Curry wa invited to addn-c tin Legislature a few day ago in the iuten-t oft iu.t..ii but Me of the Iem.vrmts voted against inviting him. The Democratic a. .a la. ireeii-in rtiruu, a tuper, ha the following to say of the unlucky numU-r: "Thirtis n memlers the North Carolina Iegi-lature made an exhi bition of their narrow mind- and small souls lat w-ek, when they voted agaiut inviting Dr. Curry the general-agent f the leabHly fund,! which has been of great a-Utanec the alueational interests of this and other Southern stat, to addre the geueral a-s'Uibly on the uhject ol istucatloii. 1 fie oiji'tlou was made on the strength ol a rumor to the effect that Dr. Currv had lobhhil ffor Richmond Pearou while the latter was contesting the seat in Congress to which W. T. Crawford nai iK-en envteti. inie tfie rumor lktl klkfkL'tl tt liu-.. LuiM Cal. and while such action would have been very unltccouiiug on the part of Dr. Curry, there could have lceii no occasion for any mcmlicr of the legislature showing such rank par- iisansiiip.ts a matter w liicli iMire no relation whatever to politics. NECRO COLONY FORMED AT CAPE MAY. l'he Coloniata Will Come From North Carolina, Virginia and New .)rray. Cape May, N. J Feb. I. The A fro-American Equitable Associa tion, an organization of negroes w ho proitose to found an industrial col ony on 1,100 acres of land about ten miles north of here, are meeting with much success in the U'ginning of their etiorts. They have an op tion on the land and now lack but $400 to make up the amount neces sary to have the land iwss title to them. Over $300 is also in hand to begin work with, iu the way uf starting an industrial school ami a plant for light manufactory pur poses. Each colonist will be apportioned a certain amount of land and neces sary farming implements and stock. No one will be allowed to work or reside in the colony, except mem bers of the negro race. The first lot of colonists will come from New Jersey, Virginia, and North Caro lina. In the Virgjnia .Legislature. The following bill has been intro- I .i....,i : i. at!...- t : I xeg.siature n lu KIUim . u i" , - i .- I , A l 1 1 A il 1 . 1 CItHti umiU IfOIU uie P iHbr w"ul l" of such child, with """it iu c.uui v iuuik oi "iary benefit, he shall, in the discre- tiin Tf f lia iiir u miniuVittwl trttli . . . deatn or nn the iiutentiary not jess tnan ten years than twenty years." nor morf Millions of Postage Stamps Washington, Feb. 1. All records in the "history of the governinen were broken in January in the num ber of postage stamps printed by the government. The value of the stamps was $"0 l,t7U,01;", of these $y,0U4,000 worth were bound in boojvS to be sold at an advance of one cent above the value of the stamiK contained in the books. Bought by Northern Firm. Greensboro, N. C, Feb. 1. The Southern Finishing and Warehouse! Company today sold its business in Greensboro to the Lowrey-Coulter Company of Philadelphia. New machinery will be installed and other improvements added at once, greatly increasing the capacity of the plant. A Grandfather at as. Patterson, N. J., Dispatch. Fred Lind, superintendent of Levy's Silk Ribbon Mills, w hose home is at Xo. 25 Wash inerton Xo. 2" street, this citv. is nerhans the ' - - -, ....... , t youngest grandfather in the country, He is 38 years old, and his daughter, Minnie. Hlvearsold. and w ho was married a year ago, became a mother last week. Tobacco Production. Tlio mrmrt nf t h enm ni isintitr of revenue shows that North Carolina i..V .V '. ... . .......... ........ ... tands third in the production of to- bacco, with k35,952,401 pounds Missouri leads with 67,432,305 and Kentucky second with 40,022,401. Virginia is fourth with 28,845,588. This is not the pounds grown, but manufactured into chewing and smoking tobacco. Exchange. The Governor of Tennessee, has attached his signature to the anti cigarette bill, which prohibits the sale or carrying into the State, for purpose of selling, cigarettes or ciga rette papers. "A law passed to the same effect a fewT months ago but one of the Tennessee courts decided it unconstitutional." Whether the last law is constitutional or not it stop ped the sale for thepresent. Mr. L. P. Erwin, of Rutherfbrd- ton, has loaned to the museum ' a flag that was Carried by company G. 16th N. C. Regiment Volunteers, and used as a battle flag. The flag is made of silk and was in the bat tle of Seven Pines. The widows of nine ex-governors of Indiana are living. There is not in la sinefe ex-srovernor of the State 1 alive. THE LAW MAKERS. tUNHKN'SKl) KhTOl.T OF Tin: .NOKTII CAUOLINA STATK LKlilSLATlKrl MOST IMPORTANT BILLS INTRODUCED ANO PASSED. Maai Killa awl Itwlat Kaa larudax4- Kaw laiortaat MMtaraa lla H a laaad. W K I N I I Y A KT r. K N X . Senate Only one bill, which ut of minor importantv, w introduc ed in the Senate on Wedtn-Uv. Among the titin- pre-nted were those bv Senator ichael Mt'nn ciii- ;&en of Allegany cou tit y and anoth er trom citlriis ol .Moore county a-king a modification of the existing ehvtion laws, which was referred to Committee on Election aw. The following bills were l-se!: S. B. :t 1 1 Authorizing the mun icipality of OrcellCVillc to UMte I xinds. Passed third reading and sent to the House. S. B. :l"o To iucorHrat the Co. Phslmont and Alleganv It. It Pasxil ami s-nt to Hoiis. S B :$l:l To im iriorate the Ituth- erfonltou R. R. Co. Pa-s-d seeuud reading. S B :WJ To authorize shoo commissioners of Keidsville dMricl to issue Uinds. Pas-sl second n-ad-ing. S B I'.'K To amend chapter :t7, cts Is'.!'., in reganl to apjwiintment of memlNTs of the Boar I of Agri culture. Pa sms I and M-nt to the House. S B io", H B toTo prote-t quail in Yamvy county. PaM-l and enroIUsl. S B 300, 11 B l-'.H To incorpor ate Hilton ..Logging and Railroad Co. Passed and enrolled. S. B .121, II B 2!S To protect dvr in Onslow county. PaMsl and enrolksl. S B y.'lO, II B 462 To prohibit hunting of birds, without coiiM-ut of owner of lands, in Clay and Macon counties. Passed and ordered en rolled. S B 341, II B 37f To prevent hunting in Craven county without consent of land owners. PasMsl and enrolled. 8 B 405, II B 447 To apiint two additional commissioners for Hertford county Passed and rder- ed enrolled The Henderson Alimony in ll was defeated by a vote of 20 to 1 H. House Some of the bills issed are as follows: II B 4"0 Authorizing the town of Marion to operate a system of water works and sewerage and to issue bonds for the same. S B 151, II B 474 Levying a special tax in Ashe county. II B "G4 Enabling the city ol Charlotte to fund iart of its floating debt and authorizing a levy of taxes. II B ;H2 Authorizing the com missioners of Wilson to issue I Mind to improve tlie court house and oth- I er putdu property. II B Uay Authorizing the com missioners of I ret lei 1 to laM, hire out and work the convicts of the county. Mr. Wright, of Rowan, introduc ed an act to place all ex-Confederate soldiers and widows of ex-Confeder- ate soldiers, w ho are now over fifty five years of age, and not worth 5-oo in worldly substance, on the jumi-ioii roll of the State. According to the tax returns of 1900, filed in the Auditor's office. the valuation of real estate ami t- sonal property amounted- (in round numbers) to two hundred and titty three million dollars, and according to said returns there are 257,000 poll .listed for taxpayers. The bill provides for an annual appropriation of $25,000, besides an ad valorem tax of 3c per ? 100 on real and Iiersonal I property and 9c on each poll, thes a .a makiiu? the sum of 99.010 by tax r-, . lation, then add the ?2 ,000 to & propnated by the General Assembly, I makinir $124,000 to be applied to the class of iMisions provided for in this bill THUIISDAY. Senate Many. jetitions were presented in the Senate asking for a , . , . !u,RU,,.llu "Vw,.c law. The following new inn were introduced. By Mr. Martin: S II 417 To authorize railroad and transportation companies, . existing under laws of North Carolina, to lease or le leased by, or to consolidate or be consoli dated with, and to make joint stock with railroads of adjoining States. Referred to Committee on Railroads and R. R. Commission. Bv Mr. Long: S IS 433 To ex tend the charter of the Atlantic and Western Railway Co. Committee on Railroads and R. R. Commission By Mr. Warren: S B 438 Pro viding for service of legal process in certain cases. Judiciary Committee. By Mr. Foushee: S B 441 To en able the Norfolk & Western Rail road Co. to build new lines, extend old ones and operate new branch roads, etc. Committee on Rail roads. By Mr. Brown: S B 442 Resolu tion of enquiry, to ascertain number of employes of the Senate, etc. Cal endar. BILLS PASSED FINAL READING The calendar was then taken up and the following bills passed their final reading: . S B 366. H B 445 To amend chap. 12. Art. 1 S It 3? To autti-tuunU lt ily or !U'ld UU- t U ?-ttt t !- I l-uv f.sr nit-utmv. S It Sit T itrft' ltullr" ftltU llallrtavd I . ,rtil to ll4r. I ioUs, Tt" follow Itm rrr !O.P: llllartl.t bill ltttratir tit tin lit II R oi.T IU Mr. kl..4t lUmufort A r lutli f ti- ltf ting of the amount ja i.l ..r lit, running a-tts t ttw tne- I -illy. II It ;; Ity Mr. (irmtiaio r Grau ilt-- An 4 1 to roide lf the auditing and unluif i! I.ual return ot eoiuiul'kn r l -a ll rm! and ja rsUA pna-rt . 11 It .T 1 - lt Mr. !iohur Iturke An fe t t atiM-O'l tl- lart r of the Carolina and Northuf!rrii lUUnavl. II IH.T l -Ily Mr. Calh.ua -An a t to rv-iit t4 k from run ning at Urge in tb- ounli. o Wi Uua, Wilk.-. C.I. II and Mltt b ell. 11 It ;Tti Ily Mr. Murphy ol .Mi loMU -All art to MaMl-h the lo k Uu in a ei-rlaiti Jaft ! Me I i ll ixuiit . It It '.s7 -ity Mr. Mann of 1 1 yd.- Au act to plaiv the tate' . U r steamer Lilly in th- cut.l of th governor. II It Hi Ily Mr. Nii hol-oii ot iUnufort An art lo prohibit the le of spirituous liUor- uithin i-r-tiiu ha-alitit-s in U -a u fort .mil . 11 nijn.v Mr. Field- of All gany An act to prohibit bunting iu Allegany county without utilt.-u coiieiit of the owner. II It liv Mr. Ill vibe .f I .i- der-on (by ri"pii-t An ai to reg-! uiate hiiiitiug and lo protivt game. 11 11 Hy Mr. CoU'inaii - All act to author!- the Ni n Ury t State to isciif a land grant to J. M. Kit hen. II 11 H'.U By Mr. Car-oii - An act to strike the iiaiue of Wilson Itowiuaii of Alexander county, from the . n-ion roll-on aivount of fraud ulent repn-st-ntation-. 11 B By Mr. Car-.ii Au act to give trial judgi di'H't ion to the iiuiiiImt and length of sjaivh s iu all action criminal in tln-ir n-lni-tie courts other than capital cases, thereby eliminating the n-ei-- ity of the incnas-of the tiuuiU-r of the Supreme Court judge in Ihe State and the ueles exenditun' of the in-oiih-'s nioiiev. H It f.'.H Ily Mr. Baldwin ol l-'orsyth An art reuiriiig the exe cution of all capital offenders to ! private. 11 B iVM By Mr. McKethan of Cumtierlaud An at transcribing the punishment iu capital cases when the jury find and return a verdict guilty with a recommendation of mercy. H B Cits By Mr. Morgau of Johnston An act to tahli-h a county disensary for Johnston. II B 700 Mr. Taylor of Beaufort An act to y certain claiui. of (iilliken for scrvici reiideml the State in interest of shell H-di indus try of North Carolina. II B 702 Mr. Wllum ofCa.swell An act for the protii tion of deer in Caswell. H B 70.i .Mr. Win-roii of Berth An act to make the lli-hop of the Proti-stant Kpi"omI rhun h iu the diocese of tlnl Carolina a corpora tion sole. 11 B 711 Mr. Oliver An act to prevent the running at large of lie stock in the county of RoU-nn. A bill was iutrodiuvd to take the steamer Lilly aw ay from Mr. White, the Shell Fi-h Commissioner, and place it under the control of the gov ernor. The bill iiast-ed its second n-ading and when it came up on its third reading Mr. Blythe of Henderson, moved to refer to the Committee on Oyster and Fish Industry. Mr Blythe motion prevailed. The following bills ra-il their third reading: II B 74 An act providing for the celebration of North Carolina day in the public schools. II B H2 Amending chapter :J'J7 of the laws of 1h;7. II B yi A pioint ing A. L. Ly man a fustic of the iace in New- Light township, Wake county. H B 122 Ineoriiorating the South and Western Railway Comjrany. II B 206 An act to more effiv tivelv protift schools and religious gatherings in Ashe county. Thl- bill prevents drunkenness within 200 yards of school houses and hurches. II B 613 An -act cotwerning the Asheville and Strartanburg railroad. II B 667 IUsolution Investigat ing running exiienses of the steamer Lilly. II B 42 Ftabli-hing graded schools in Henderson townnhip. Vance county. II B i."3, S B 409 Ineoriiorating the town of Merry Oaks. FRIDAY. Senate A iietition was presented by Mr. Pinnix from citizens of Per- son and other counties, asking for a modification of the present election law. The following new bill were in troduced: By Mr. Miller of Pamlico To in vestigate the management of the Soldiers Home. . By Mr. Lindsay To provide for an investigation of management of institution for Deaf, Dumb and Blind. By Mr. Foushee To protect farm- era and merchants.. Propositions and Grievances Committee. By Mr. Alexander To encourage manufacturing and to aid the State Horticultural Society. ( By Mr. Smith To repeal Bub-eec- U lb r-frtr Ui Mat tfiU r i i ritiKi Tt- ll ti. alttiej t4i , in jf a'loltrtj bli tak- Up attel aa lU third 1 !Us. Mr. MlWoo !Hfrill ..atr. t!f lit.rarUi t.. tou.-If. - It IZS To m J. Maot, t; dl- lt-lrl I I4ult.tsi.arv. It rs. ii it i tuxwUtiur H Hit :: Ayti..ai,ti.( ettlti,,s.l.rfM f ,,( (altla to u Ut plu tUl.d. ! I.alxl lrMII sU- t H It r?. II It HI AHirtUU0 ofrib sl.fC,.Wv ,Tin. I4ll rovlW-a ar ia-)a ffVUl JUatka aaf lrm Ut tim tUt Cuit In annt rs l-V Klvlt. Id. rlr.) f H lit II II ;.!- Author IXMUtllla-Jottt-ra t,C Irtairll olbt t. "bin taut, lr atxl rk -aunty rmvh-t." rtr. Aiixti.l. t.y Mr. StlkrUaattfrf a to nviflwi It Ut.n lycmvlla duly aut-tK-M lyttar courts of Irtb-U oiuuty and tatlwr IV KJH tie. (tVtOvhlfl, bHl aai hlrral Hit, are to la- cutrd.-d by of!k.-ra m aiutel by eoutity, rtr.) H B 29i, II B 1-2-To ivetit ale of liquor la I Urnrtt county lamr Certain rhuntxav I'avwamt llnrifl e-l by Senate, jx-nt to I low f.ar onM-urreiHv. I Kl! Otl T TKI A-l liHllll' H B .mi, rn-atlngoGW ,f jaunty tr.ayurfr In Surry eouuty, onl reach!. Sua4ltute bill reairt! by iiimIttM, whU h trikmHjt iianM of J. A. Adatu and imivhW that Oovcroor aiMlnt the tnurrr U fill term until neit getM-ral rlwlli. Aitotlier Mjlftltutc, by Mr. WrW., neat ing t!Uv of tre.un-r, taut ic- viding that it not fllle.1 t nrtt genera! election. Thl vw finally adopt ei. The urpse of thla bill wm to again ereale the ofTW of trrmMirer and aplnt a leiorrat. J. A. Adanes the defmlol tndldate fr Sheriff, of Surry iuuty which off! clal now la-rforim iIm dutU of Insurer. House Morgau of Jotitiaton From ritix-iiM op ami tig tlw euact iie nt of a sba k law. BrltUin of IUikI J4i - IleguUtln the bourn of la'ior In textlk nilll. M- II of Caldwell Kroui ellttm of Caldwell and Rockingham cvjuii tU asking fur certain tnodlfl'avtluoi of the present eleitlon law. Waver of Ahe From rltlxerm of that county asking for terUlu modifications of the election Uw. Graham of (JranvUh Asking for an increase iu tin apiroprlatlon to the Insane. Payne of Cherokee From citizen of Cherokw and Beaufort asking for certain modiuratiotia of tlx elrttni law. Tb following im-w bilN were in- troduoed: Allen of Wayne A noluthn authorizing the Judiciary Commltt to coral atteiilaiKf of wltnw and prtnludlon ot bookn. (Thla art wa lntruIuoi! to iTitnjal wltneawxa to attend in thecal of Impeferhmfiit against Chief Ju-tiw Fun ben and Judge louglai for onh-rlng Slate Treasurer to y Mr. White amount due him as Shell Klwh CMiimlMou er.) Nichols uf Pitt Au ait to prevent live tttick from running at large In certain rtioiii of Pitt and tu -m-Holldate and enlarge the 4ot-k U w territory In tle county. I 'age of Montgomery Au act to provide for tin heating and ventila tion of the ca pit ol building. Duncan of SampNon An act to authorize the treasurer of HamjMoti county to y ML Mary K. Thorn ton f 42 out of the mbool fund. Pearsofi of Wake An act lo amend chapter 26 of the law s of IHH? in regard to tdandard measure of m- nuta. Bradmer of lVmon An act to regulate tlie employment of labor. We give below the text of the hill introduced by Mr. Brad-Jier: "Any ijernon, firm or oorporatioo, who ahall knowingly hire, employ. harbor, or detain In hu own nervine any rvant employed, or wage hand of any ot her person, firm or corpora tion, who fehall have contracted ei ther in writing or orally to nerve hi master and who shall have led the wrvice of his mater in violation of hia contract, the person, firm or corporation ao offending shall be guil ty of a mbxlemeahor and fined or Imprisoned, or both at the discretion of the court. Dean An act to amend section 2766 of the Code relating to entries and granta. Gaither of Catawba An act to amend section 3722 of the Code, re lating to servants of State depart mtnta. The following bills isd their final readings and were sent to the Senate for ratification: H B 732 Amending the art rati fied January 26, 1901, for the relief of W. T. Crow, clerk of the Superior , Court of Gates county. II B 628 Authorizing the citi zens of Macon county to subscribe stock to tlie Atlantic and Blue Ridge II B 347 For the relief of N. O. Petree, clerk of the Superior court of Stokes. S B 345, H B 612 Increasing the license tax for retailing liquor In Greensboro. H B S80 Repeal ing chapter laws of 1897 relative to live stock. This bill applies only to Johnston and Randolph counties. SB 221, HB 620 Amending the charter of the Methodist Orphanage. (Continued on Second P&vge.)

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