a PUBLISHED RVKKV THITRMDAY BYTIIK CAUCAMIAX PUB. CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Oae Year, Bis Moatae, Three Moatea, . ir I LKT THEM UK TIUCD JU1MJE. like TUE Just now certain newspapers are i busy each day aaylng that now inoethe JudfrMi have ben acqujvi . 1 A K too, tnai vne pryuv.u- a a a . a .ev v A-n ri cratlc Election omcer wuo charged with having violated the law should b stopped. We fall to km the connection. In what waT can these two matter be connec- ted? The Simmon rwiahirt ma chine did it utmost to convict the ...I... Tki,au I rtfl i'tjui felftCtlOH Of Juuk . fleer are Bimmon. tools, ,ana. vlolatod tno iw command to overthrow the will of tne people. The judge were ac I qultUxl lnepltoof the Simmon ma chlns bcaue they were innocent If thie election officer have viola td the law they should be convlc-1 ted. fhe Judg were tried. Let the election officer be tried aUo. If a inn,uni. thv too win D I ""' J ' " " acquiwea. timikoik onohms to act. In another column will be found an Interview with H. nator Burrows, of Michigan, clipped irom me i Washington Post. Upon the retire nfUominf rhanfllnr from the! 111 V U V W l.'l. W w. " I Bonat-, Senator Burrows becomes chairman of the Committee on I Privilgs and hioctions. 10 say i the least, hi interview 1 not only Interusttng, but very significant, j Itwlll be noticed tnat ne aamiis . a . I that at Congrtss has during the last igrt years either shut its eye to or winked at the various more or It ii..n.n.i riitf..nnhljr.mm i u. blv mlht be what I called negro Hnmination- It will also be do- ticoa tname says .uwtuot.uxuaB now come wnen ongrtsi cn no longer shut Us eyes to what nas been in North Carolina and to what is bolng attempted ln Maryland, He very properly says that there has not been and cannot be any ne- rro domination ln thoso two States where the negro population is less than one third of tho white popu latlon, aud tht, thorefore, dlsfran chlsement schemes Inaugurated for I luch Htaus are nothing more or loSi thau attempts to porp.-tuate a mluority In power. Senator Bur- rows sa s that the Democratic pol- Iticlan in the-e States have been hnhLm,,! hv thtnWmwftnf cnn.L vuw.v j " gress in the past to do that which nin thiit..n tho vnrv fniinHaMon I " T J w..WBw,..-.-.f . - KgaDcuNKiuuuuMiWMHBuu that disfranchisement in these States is not a race or a sectional maner, out 11, is aiuipiy vua lacuua A A. 1 IA..I T . attempting 10 u me nanus 01 an other for no other purpose than to THE CAUCASIAN secure the spoils of office and power thing in his power ln 1895 to pre 0nttlQ second article the result for themselves. He further says vent the co-operative legislature was r convIction to 26 for ac that if this thing can be done in fr0m doln? that verv thlnir hnt quittal a gain of three votes for North Carolina and Maryland there ! '.V. . " . . . ' " snouia De aone in inaiana ana Michigan or Illinois, in fact, la any Stat, aad done regardless of the number of the negro voters that may be in such State. There is nothing tnat Thc CAU- ....... casian is now or has been ln the 18 now ur nBi DWU In ine past more stronly opposed to than what is commonly known as Fed- eral Interference In State affairs, but the constitution or the United States plaoes certain imperative duties upon Congress, and we agree with Senator uurrows that the flag- rant defiance of the fundamental law of the land by tha Simmons redshirt machine In North Caioli i - . . . . naisoi such a nature that Con- gress can no longer close its eyes to its plain auty. without any in- terrerence in btate anairs, Congress in at least deny a seat in either House of Congress to a man who nas not only oeen elected by tramp ling upon the Constitution and laws of the United States, but has also by lraud, force and crime pre vented a just expression of the will of the people ; and surely lt will deny a seat to the man who is the head conspirator in such revolu tionary and infamous proceedings. ONE DOG TO TUB FAMILY. The Raleigh Times says : , "Tennessee lfglslators proposes new solution of the dog tax prob lem. Proceeding on thc theory that each family ought to be en titled to at least one iog as a neces sity, a bill hs bet n introduced to tax all dogs ln the State, but to exempt from taxation one djg for each family. This is approaching the question gently." When the dog problem was, several years since, fiercely agitat ing the North Carolina Legislature, one of the professional leafing MYarboro House colonels" remark ed: "They will never pass a dog law, because every poor man has one dog and every d n poor man has two dogs." If that "Yarboro House colonel" was correct, then lt would seem that the Tennessee Legislators must raise the limit to two dogs or they will get Into trouble. The Washington Post makes the follwlng pertinent remark: The North Carolina Democrats who started ln to Jam through an Impeachment of the Judges of the Supreme Court will think better of their failure after things shall have simmered down.' Km iTir-Ai. raid 05T TUB SU- I'HEMC tol'KT. 0f tfoke v Hndero i, then it wm We-M th.- fwilwwlnjf nr.,..lttn- 1 H.ty of to rovt t I the rial Hrt.rain Irum ih abing- niaodaoju to t q -ir th ffiftO , p,t: b pid. Th- mt.prri4il.o h.d uni... u..t. . ....i,.. ikahIaam bt. n madr far tl aliy. i b ac- much to tbu Democratic maiber I IK" ' 'l Biunu'v - wf.'v I of th Htate S nate who decllntd o - . IJVIU lit - promo Court n ... -aIiHi bI raid on ih Ha- "Th Korth r-rollna Democrat have bn savd from the scbeau of Dm" decidedly reckle leader. fVinrt ami hlo Isalwatsa danger- pr&cU(M The Poet Is right In b,th of the bofH p.raffrapn9. The people of the 8tat, are graterui to the teive ......... a a Itiinocr.uc Senators who rtfuatd Qb the dcUtei of the Sim rtdshlrt machine to make a noli t lea I raid on the court for the puri0 w Gf t curing office and packit g tte court. But the law and U keen and intelligent Interest In the evfleQC4J wero 8!, -trong In favor of impeaehment trial that since the . a I . . ...! I I ine juajr o agaiuai, iuu I pchment the only wonder to th, L, Qn fc mrt,clethero h4Vebeen pwpleofNorth tar Una ia that gtDgiB B,,D,tir couul have voted for convlctl , vt-n thuugh tae party lMb waH Jf ,d on mott vigorously. The Pogt , r, ht ln the Bcon,, Dra, - raDU when it av that the I twejve Senator have saved their party from doing a reckless andl Liangerou thing. Indeed, nothing u l j . I couiu ny uiuSou i,u imw.i- lc party more and notmng coo a have made It more certain that the oDDoaitloo would go into DOW- L er the next election than for the I f m w Simmons machine to have convic- tod th Jude by brute force and I numbers. I Thu fiUmnmnochin. la iimniv I . w w ...MvM. .w J I drunk w j 7 VL . i u , phed in the last election by force I f t ii H anH pvlma rhu m sii c. ar I i . it um aod fraud and crime, the mad rev olutlonist could see no reason whj they should not impeach tho re- malnlng offl;ers which they could I . I leglsli legislate out of office in no other way. Wi lie we believe the opposition I , j l. . i . I . . . Loached. vet we are rlad it was mt Jn. t nniw o. th iud.' a.. . , i 0ount, out ior a greater reason namely : that if such an ltrageon! crime had been committed and I then the opposition had been swept! into power by an Indignant public! there Is danger that the opposition would have became drunken and m nd mlht hv mnt, retaliate by impeaching all officers that cou d not be gotten rid of in the ordinary way. Such a cocdi tlou of affairs would have been a horrible thing for North Carolina and yet a few days ago the State ws on tha ve.ee of such a catas trophe. I We have always thought it was - u uu iuucvvuv tuiuK iui uuo uai (Y , I when in newer, to nrocped tn r,Jine 01 ine 8aia . i c.. I mawer tu uibviivvb ui a oiaw bo .uoiuwHHUBwiuo. me m.jor- Ity. We nave always thought It 1 wa8 a Very unwise and indecent thing for the party in power to at- I . . ... 1 temnt to legislate out of office rr- BOns ln office belonging to a differ- lent nart v. The writer did flVflrv. I w - nevertheless, it was done to some extent in ibo ana iy7. The Dem- ooratlc nrnaa. nf nonnu. Honnnti i - ' - it than hnt nn anar vora th. in - aw -w . w wwV vwa v W MOT SUB power than they out Heroded Her Qd. and hence the scandals that k. ve sickened the State. 1 1 The next step In this mad bust. nets would have been for the party nets would have been for the party m power to impeach all of an op. poslte party to get rid of them. We trust that the verdict of the Sen. ate ln the Impeachment trial will put a check to all this mad and an wise business. We do not wish to be understood as saying that we do not think that a legislature has the power to re-1 move a man from office. We think I . . that under the Constitution the legislature has that power, and sometimes, no doubt, the interest of the public requires that that power be exercised, bat It li a pow er that should be used wisely and conservatively and most sparingly. We have no sympathy or Da- tience with the doctrine laid down I in the famous case of Hoke vs. Henderson. We believe it a vicious principle. We said so when the first case of Wood vs. Bellamy was decided ; we say so now. Bat no one can reflect upon the 8upreme Court for holding to that doctrine, however much he may differ with them. Everyone knows that when the first decision of Wood vs Bell amy was rendered the judgment of the court was conscientious and against the court's political and personal friends. It was a consci entious judgment, and no doubt the court would have preferred to have rendered a different verdict. At that time every Democratic pa per ln the 8tate praised the court for Its righteous, nonpartisan de cision, ln applying the same doc trine in subsequent eases the court has simply been consistent, al though some of those cases have re sulted in putting Democrats out of office. In this connection lt it be remembered that the act for waich the judges were being tried was for being consistent. The Simmons j machine wanted the court to decide that the doctrine ot Hoke vs. Hen derson was good law when lt would put a Populist out of office, but when auiow wu ac scaxe tney want- ward the Boers. However, we re ed the court to decide that lt wm grot that there is not a greater con not gcod doctrine. jtraat than there is betwen Eng- So far as issuing the mandamua ( land's course towards the Boer Re was concerned, If the judgment of public and ours towards the Filipl the court was right in White's case nos. hn !hT re-nErm"! Ihv d.cl U)n of the legislature lo tr.. isg to coDftti u the law for the court and aatlnz to whum t . la i Uould be Dld wm rec-slly uncntl tutlonal if tht dscl I jo ot ho cuur to White's um wm correct. So the court wm limply belcg trltd for ticking to the doctrine of Hoke vs. Hand. raoo. for which ever Demo enUc p. had pralaed them when lht) v, rdcl kepl a Democrat In office AKT1CXE4 OF IMPEACHMENT AND THE VOTE The general public ha taken such verdict and a seuarate vote was many request fur copies of the ar ticles of impeachment. Thin 1 a good sign. It shows that the public wishes to analyze the- vote in view of the hargea contained in each ar Iticle. Inasmuch as the articles are very long, we publish below for the! benefit of our readers a condensed . 8tgtement containing the substance I ftf h of the flve rticl. A .,. , Tk. .k , t , oaa t..-, a lar - r a j . a uwm. as uukixi a uiuiica a uu i0uelaH. with Chief Justice Falr- cloth, now deceased, under color of I their offices, diu uniawiuuy and in j violation of the constitution of I North Carolina, m the case of White I va Auriitnr raum to ix miimi a .1. . At . t, it. Auniinr. raiim 111 ih? issumi ai mandamus compelling the payment! I White, shell fish commissioner. Article 2 That on the same date as above the said judges "did usurp legislative authority, and, to assume w to themselves legislative functions. and intending to bring the General Assembly of North Carolina into A laromif t niihHf Rrnndftl and dis. loftheir office as members of the I 8?ld Supreme Court of North Caro- Un?' ."d oi tneir oa ns ot orace ana in contempt, uisregaru ana deaance 0f the provisions of chapter 21, public laws of 1899," did cause I to be issued the mandamus afore-j said. I Article 3 Charges a violation of I the law by the issuing of the man- dam us after the passage ofaresolu- tionofthe Legislature, in adjourn- ed session, lor inquiry into the shell I fl-h matter. I Article 4 That the judges direct-1 ed the issuance of the aforesaid man-1 damus not in conformity to law, I nor according to the ordinary course I of practice of the courts. Article 5 Charges the with deciding the office-holding I 06869 ln a n"""11 to nullify the ac- tion oi tne legislature, ana to suit , . . , , , For the benefit of our readers we The oath administered to Aguin On the first article the vote was 27 for conviction and 23 for acquit- i aaa. wv as iiiii vw s&n nan vnii w tium mini l iii i the two-thirds necessarv to convict the j udges. On the third article the vote was LL lue same, w zo. "n ine 10Urtn arUCle tne vote j. a m . M 10 zo &m lor tne judges over the vote taken of two. On the fifth and last article the vote was 16 for conviction to 34 for vote was 16 for conviction to 34 fo acquittal-a gain of 16 votes for th judffes and 18 short of the numbe 1 . ? T? number necessary to convict. WAS FUNSTON'8 ACT CREDITA BLE TO HI8 COUNTRY t A few days ago General Funston. stationed at the Philippines, caot- nred or claims to have captured I . Again aldo, bat he confesses that ne did it by forged correspondence nd by entraping the Filipino lead er while pretending to be his friend, We take it that every American citizen would much preferred that I this capture should have been ac compllshed by different methods So far as we know Aguinaldo has been a straightforward antagonist since he learned he mast occupy that position toward oar govern- I mnt. So far as we know he has j generous and ha mane in his dealings with our soldiers who have been taken captive by his men, but no matter what his conduct had been, we regret that oar officials In the Philippines felt called upon to capture him in this manner. , We notice that the English press eriticlses severely the action of Gen. Funston, and says that we had to "stoop very low" to capture a brave antagonist in which we were most cruel toward the Filipinos. Whether this is true or not, we de sire to remark in this connection that it does not lie in the month of any Englishman to criticize oar conduct in the war in the Philip, pines or the conduct of Gen. Fun ston, however much he may de serve censure. The conduct of England ln the Transvaal will be written down as the most unjastl-. liable, brutal and infamous war that has stained the chronicles of history In modern times. Whatev er our conduct may have been in the Philippines lt will show up white beside England conduct to rlc FREE RURAL. DIUTXRT AJTD SEW- A TOR BUTLER, The Caccjjuax copies with p!M- ure the following editorial from the Aihevlllo Gazette with refereac to! free rural delivery and wishes to I a:knowledce the kindly personal i reference to the President of the t'At'CAJiuy PublUhlng Company. The editorial is m followt: "The newspapers throughout the country and someof the Illustrated magazines are lauding the praises of rural free mall delivery, which hM now pMsed beyond tha experi mental stage and Is a splendid prac tical succeta ln many part of the country. It Is a cause for ptids to North Carolinian that lt Is due mainly to Senator Marion Butler that the great system of postal 1m p rove men t wm adopted For years Senator Butler fought for lt ln Oon- greas almost single handed, and lt was through his persistence and the Influence he exerted that the appropriation wm first made to try j the experiment of rural tree deliv ery aloog the lines that were pro posed and advocated. There would have been no rural free de livery system spreading through oat the United States today but for Marion Butler. The herd of petty oartlsans who continue to hurl their darts of melovelence at Mr. Butler can nane no living man of their own party In this State who has accomplished so much for his State or the nation as this single ici oime msa moy idviw. tack on Senator Batler have ex- tACyK on Ken tor Batler 1 ftAAdAd all honnda of decency and reason. Mr. Butler is still a young man The nation will continue to know him and to recognise his abll malicloas partisans who are still heaping Insult upon him cease to figure ln political life even ln the counties in which they live. Mr Hill er QBHcrvtB tno inaua.a ui n the American people and especially kl.- V.ma. 41W hAnnat. olcn. duiihi uboi-iyco duo mouo v i for his brave fight for honest elec tions. We notice that Congressman Bellamy has been in a fight with Attorney Meares at Wilmington. It I is hard to understand this unless the had no chance to run TAKES THE OATH OF ALLEGIANCE. official. Now coantoa Ataidoto help Reetore order in the island. Washington, April 2. Aguinaldo has taken the of allegiance to the United States and has solemnly. sworn to renounce all his relations with the revolutionary governments in the Philippines and to henceforth recognize and accept the supreme authority of this government. The cablegram making this an- nouncement was received early this morning by Secretary Boot from General MacArthur. It follows: "Since arrival in Manila Aguin- judgeslaldo has been at Malacanan investi- gating conditions in the archipelago Has relied almost entirely upon in structive advice of Chief Justice Arellano. As a result today he sub scribed and swore to declaration on i , , mv A)1TiUfll rpnort " aldo is the same inform as that which has been sworn to by the other insurgent leaders who have I - . surrenderea ana accepted tne su- preme authority of the United States. If you are scof ulous, dyspeptic, rheu matic, troubled with kidney complaint general debility, lacking strength, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Removed Stomach to Get Rid of Cancer. New York, April 2 Jacob Wych mann, the German whose stomach was removed in the German hospital at Williamsburg last week to relieve ? ca had such a bad turn lasi uikui uia it 10 icaiou us vr 111 soon die. At the hospital today it I Wfts 8111(1 that wyciimann'a condition was precarious. "Everything went well at first," said a nurs, "and the physicians were beginning to think that the op eration would be successful. Even Wych mann told us he was feeling well. This continued up until last night. Then he seemed to get rest- ieM and fe8r 8et a and nobody I an tell anii Tvill hannan W -" " " A Mutineer Snot. nrX xrnV Tha ijLSnf th. ony, April 2 -The leader of the men belonging to the West African regi ment who recently mutiaed because they were not returned to Sierra Le one at the time they understood they were to be sent home, has been court martialed and publicly shot. The rest of the mutineers have been sent to the island of Sherbo, forty miles trom Sierra jueone. The 3 ew South. Boston Globe. Southerners have sometimes been called dreamers, but the practical side of life is certainly seriously en grossing their attention and engag ing their energies at the beginning ot this century. They are ambitious to make money and are well started on the road to realize their desires. Two Killed tn a Freight Wreck la Rich mond. Richmond, Va., April 2. A dou bleheader freight on the Clinch Val ley division of the Norfolk 4k West ern Railroad ran into a slide this morning. Engineer Hetheringtoa, of the first locomotive, and fireman Singleton, of the second, were caught under the wreck and killed. ROBBED THE GRAVE. "A starling incident, which Mr John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows : "I was in a n.ost dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunk en, tongne coated, pain continually in baok ana sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker' day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Fortu nately, a friend advised trying Electric Bitter;' and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim.'' No one should fail to try them. Only GOots guaranteed, at all druar Stores A UNITED STATES DARSHAL Thanks Peruna For From Catarrh. Ex-urrrreD states marshal . . . . . o.i.. Hon.n. b. MiiiDf wi.t x'ubiwu owv to Th. Peruna Madtclna Company of Colamba,Ohio, writun from Haaelhurat, m . a m st .dt aJmL awaasT awjAawsr MAM am happy to aay that I am cured of catarrh and nead no mora attention from you. It is a great satisfaction that I am able to write you that Peruna has In my case done all that you claim, and that I will need no more medicine. ThatrreatmiiitituriatikathlaremedTlth Damnhlett. There ar thoae who without any other advice than thadlree Hons to he found upon the bottle and in I Lord Salisbury, Prime Minister, of Great Britan, is sereously ill. HOW'S THIS f We offer one hnndred dollars reward for any case of Catarrh shat cannot be eured by Hall's Catarrh Our. F. J. CHENEY k CO., Prop's Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and ba Meve him perfectly honorable in a'l busines transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by tneir nrm. west & rruax, Wholesa e Druggists, To edo, Ohio. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Tjledo, O. Hall's Catarrh ure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Suld by druggists, 75c. Hall's family Pills are the best. Snow in Cnristlanburg Virginia. Richmond, Va., April 2, Snow fell at Christianbug, Va , today the depth of one inch. to A ONDERFUL DISCOVERY Nat -j.y cures, but it keeps well. Is sol J ' y an organized company of reap .-oble business men and has the end ement of thousands of Clergy mf nd noted people throughout the country. We speak of tnat wonder tut instrument, Electropoise, and ask your careful examination into the cures it has wrought. Col. A. P. Nun ally, of the Inter-Ocean, Chicago, writes : "Nearlv three vears ezneri ence with Electropoise only confirms the truth of your claims. 1 aay to my friends that thi instrument is a most wonderful invention, and I would not part with mine if I could not get an other." Send address for our book giving letters from people who hrr been cured by Electropoise. JLv i'Kurui8J co 513 Fourth Aven.e, Louisville, Kv. Have you enough loye of State to unite in order to wrest control of Its affairs from the hands of the riot- rs, revolutionists and redshirtst A THOUSAND TONGUES coma not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard sc, Philadelphia, Fa, when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for uonsumpuon nau completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. All 0the' doctors could give her n0 help but Bhe g of tbi8 R y Cure "it soon removed the pain in my chest and I oan now sleep soundly, somecning l can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding its praises throoghtout the Universe." So will every one who trie Dr. King's New Discovery for any trouble of the Throat, Chest or Lungs. Price 60c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at SDrug ore- every oonie guaranteea ASSIST NATURE. i ou nave oeen toia to "niton your wagon to a star" that natnr will as sist you. That's all right. There are time, h twever, when you should assist Nature, ana the spring is one of these times. Nature is now undertaking to cleanse your system if you tke Hood's Sar saparilla the undertaking will b sao cessful, and your complexion bright ana oiear. EDITOR'S AWFUL PLIGHT. F. M. Higgins, Editor Seneca, (Ills ,) News, was afflicted for years with Pil-s tnat no doctor or remedy helped until he tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve. He writes two boxes wholly cured him. It's the surest Pile cure on earth snd the best salve in the world Cure guar- anteea. uniy z cent soia by K H. Holliday, druggist. Strictly FIRST CLASS Equipment on all through and local train; Pun man Palace Sleeping car on all night trains. Fast and safe schedule. Travel by the Southern and yon are assured a safe, comfortable and expe- Apply to ticket agent for tlsse ta bles, rate and general information, or address (No trouble to answer questions) . S. H. HARD WICK, G. P. A., Washington. D. C R L VERNON. TPA Charlotte, NC THAD G STUBGIS, OTA Raleigh, N C His Rapid Recovery i hatthews, or missismippi. u.k.l If lulunn Ib a rMnt lttUr hiu vi .rri - prefer, however, to correspond with Dr Hirtmin durine their sickness. To all THAT THROBBING HEADACHE Would quiokly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers haveprovd their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They mak re bio l and strond nerves and uild up our health. Etsy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Mon-y back If not cured. Hold by all Drug gists. We have a book, prepared especially for you, which. we mall free. It treats of the stomach disorders worms, etc that every child la lUtblh to, and for cb prey'8 Vermifuge has been successfully used tor a half century. On twirl. t, mat I for 2Se. .. &. S. m E I , Btltiar. hi. K & II. C. RAILROAP. tact ffot Bandar Ifar. U laoo. at ?: A. M. St MlaVtrtBlU. upersaoss zua Takla 10. of OeU B isus and all supniwanlB ttsrsh UAflTBOH TRAIK3. uvx STATIONS San. mlxt -"d frel't I agar Daily P.M. and A.M. Lv. Goldsboro Bert' LaGrange Falling rfe.- S 3 5 5 5 6 6 10 avinnon Caswell 6 is Ar Lv Lover Dover 6 46 6 45 CoreXCreek Q Oi Tuscarora 7 no aa 6 57 liiarK'B New Bern New Bern Biverdale Croatan ww . 7 15 7 SO Ar Ly 7 40 8 Of 8 08 naveiocK g 30 Newport g SS Wildwood g 39 Aiiantie g 44 Morehead City g 53 MoreheadCity kv Atlantic Hotel. M. City Depot 9 rjg At Lv Ar WE3TBOUHD TRAJjrt. Dally ex eat BU UCTATICS. daily. 3d jtS an aad P.M. 800 'ar; 7 to S 967 S S40 f 8U S 8X7. SfCR S IU f 9U . 4(9 Havalnek rteiVDOTt Wildwood f Atlantis. . f 1.V Ar Ly aty.. Hatal " - M. City Depots TaT A W P. M. --Tsiegraph station. B'WnlBi stop 8. L. DILL tup . 7 pala or 4 wm Ar goiasssiB' uos S 1043 f 850 . s 9 is ooa . in A? ws .. in -- V AM 789 798 7 S? 7 ASWrKatMAWATaLa. 8SfTC HATMAW AY, 1 jpSlW SMSBBBSjBBaBvVVV k) VsW ah he will make prompt a- c aarwer wlthoahar- T r.crooker of -T: bo was iw 3 A.tmA UC- Schools at B.ffAJo, ta !' ULr 14, wni: m been a sufferer from cm tarrh six or seven years, and after trying many remedies, was Induced by m frtend to take Peruna. Th e results have been highly sat' Isfactory. I take pleasure In u. J r. Crook r. recommend Ing Hut. PttBU tc turbfoi- Peruna to any one suffering with catarrh, as my cure Is complete. Hon. B.B.Dovtoer. Congressman from West Virginia, la a letter from Wash Ington, D. C. to The Peruna Medicine Co, says the following of their calarrr remedy, Peruna: I Join with my colleagues In th House of RepreeenUtlres in rwm mending your excellent remedy, I run, as a good tonic and also an effect ire cur for catarrh." Mrs. Mary C. Fentress writes from Paradise, Tea- the following t -1 think I can sar that your good adico anl medicine has cured ma of chronic c tarrh. I have had no pain in my beJ since I have taken Peruna. I bar. been ln bad health ever since anc have taken a good many medicine which were only of temporary relief Peranalsth catarrh cure. ThePernns stopped roy catarrh of the head so thai it did not become chronic, and 1 am very thankful for Dr. Hartman's advice and medloine.n Peruna Is a specific for all catarrhal diseases. It acts quickly and bene ficially upon the inflamed mucous membrane thus removing the cause of catarrh. Catarrh Is catarrh wherever located. Catarrh is essentially the same every where. The remedy that will care ca tarrh ln one situation will cure It in all situations. Address The Peruna Medicine Co, Co lumbus, Ohio, for a free book. WILMINGTON A WELiXJN K. I AND BRANCHES. AND ATLANTIC COAST LINK R K COMPANY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COMOBBSaP SCHBPOLS. r RAINS OOIHO SOUTH 8k 8k 3k aa il.l01 a Lv Wsldon. ... 11 M S 54 '. Ar Rocky Mount 1 00 62 Lv Tarboro.. IS 21 6 00 Lv Rocky 1 Of IOC2I3 17 5 IB Lv Wiser. 1 69 10 iO 7 10 6 07 Lv 8elmn. t 56 11 IS .. .... Lv Kayettil 4 SO 12 35 Ar Florence 7 13 2 40 r. . . Ooldsbero 7 6t S Manjolia.... 7 6. Wilmington.. 8 T. km. a bj. IS li S 4C TRAINS QOIHa HO 2TB. o m 1 o J I o 1 2Q Lv Fioreno... Lv Fayetteville. Lv Selroa Ar Wilaon.. Lv WUmmrton Lv Magnolia. T. U. 7 00 19 SS 8 U 10 Lv 6oldsboro 4 50 8 S7 is se Lv Wilson.. r. ar 10 45 ar Rocky Mount, U 21 AxTarboro. Lv Tarboro 4b 8 80 4 tS I la.ax.lv. w.l Buid WUy exovpt Wilmington and Wsldon iuihsiad, Yad kin Division Main Line Train ltavas Wit S1.9,!?.!li ?7ttviii Iklto MM. - Wlbauigton and Wsldon BaUxoad. Ben- SHif 80B, h m Maxton 9 05 a. mljjTi 8Pt 9 35 a. nu, Hope Mills 10 85 a. Ba? nu. Bad Springs Ftt p. bu, Mxto 6 18 p nu, arrive BeniiettaTUle 7 15 p. nu CoMecttcns at Fayethrvilk with train ao MHnaa H U9 P. m On bu Imvw Klnaton 7 60 a. m Greravlhs Widdon 11:89 a. mdailj axoept Suadav. Trains on Washington Branch iaavaWaah. tofton 8:10 a. m?aSTS.lS?rr a. m. ana ,uu p. lsvaPannsie 9-.S5 a. nu ad jsIa Yay&.aa a. At g f Mm. a - &?2K. aatw t anuigKm U.-U0 a. m and daily except Bunds v. rtv PiySon& & SZiaZrfZz lag leaves PlrmaatT daQv axciSI? boro 10:10 a. m. and U.00 a. m?, V ftato on Midland N. l. Branch Imvs. Goldsboro daily, except Bor6r00 ,o:; 8 P arrry at Boekv Train on GUntoa Braneh lanvaa ,. to Ototem dally, xnStoatyTSSS fla Ho. 78 ms!kss elaa nnnnartioi. Stasis sa.srsfji PI zr accrete oadav. nerer care; an opera- TtaUM on Mash villa Braaoh tea r.w. Mount st 0:80 a. inTl 40 SLi 1100 a. 4 " E: "r. HP espt as aatpntaooa wm ear aora frw T ur byBolahtainSi 8rtotheiriiatarllea1c Sar a stmllar exehnto t-ja x eoreal r.Bathavars specialty la confine a- rhw-. ISaiSexnaLUrtiaryaMBloorjSea CblimSc tXra tot th new aditw, CAUCASIA!! Csiniltna. The! Farmer and Mkih CONTAINS ALL THE NKWs OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OF THE STATE AND FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. For Single Subscrip tion One Year, $1. Um GRAND CLUB RATE. Send ns Five rash Snbscriu. tions, and we will send jsb the Paper one year Free; or if you are already a Snbsc ri ber wewill move np yonr date one year. Home & Farm AND The Caucasian Obb Tear for Tts HOQE MID FR3 B it Bjhl-pegB, Scai-Conihlr ric:ltcrtP Pe; :t If you wib to rrark the - j ! . 1 AgenU wanted In erery Neif b borhood. Write tor ratea. Caucasian pun. oa tv4l rtit

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