1 C. A T T(T. A 551 A N H JL NO V 01.. XIX. RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA, APRIL 11. 1901. No. 17 WOMEN ,CHT A DUEL. ONE OF THK PARTICIPANT FALLS DAGKUOLULY WOUNDED. . RESULT OF A FEUD IN OKLAHOMA. Mrs. Hllfn tiallefs-d Mr. Danchson to fr ight a iHief with I'istols at Twrm; lara a . IaaMrr of tht first diirmI a"a tb Mla-nal to Hr.- llushaoda now . fHtakin for nah otanr. Chicago, April 4. A f-eial to the lUt-ord-Herald from Now kirk, Okla., say: Mrs. Klla Selglin and Mrs. Daugh son, living near this city, fought a duel with revolver at twenty aces to-day ami Mrs. Selglin In now in a hospital dangerously wounded. To of her opponent's hots lodged In her breast, hut she i able to talk aud is anxious to mover that nh may again fl ' t Mrs. Daughsoti. The duel grew out of a long standing feud hetwcen the wouen, Jealnuxy lieing the canst. Mrs. Daughsou lives on a Turin just south of ttie city, and Ma Selglin hs frequently endeavored to arouse the tempT of her ueighlter hy various means, the most effectual lieing the claim that she (Mrs. Selglin) could 'take Mrs. llttughsonN husband away from his wife any time she wished. Mrs. Duugh-um finally ap'aled to the courts, and yesterday forenoon Mn. Scigllu was fined 300 for tresjaslng uhhi the I)aughon property and inciting trouble. As noon as she paid the tine Mrs. Se glin drove out to the Daughsou home, smarting under the loss of money and the criticism of the Judge. Hiding up to the door of the Daughsou house, she invited her rival to come out and light a duel. Mrs. Duughson promptly accepted the challenge, and came out armed with a revolver. The women then faced each other at rilty feet and le gan shooting, the signal leing given hy a daughter of Mrs. Seiglin, who had accomianh d her from town. Each tired three phot a without eifect. Then Mrs. Daughsou got the range and iired two shots in quick succession, both striking Mrs. Selglin in the brenst. She fell and Mis. Daughsou assisted in carrying her into the house, where a physic ian dressed her wounds, afUr which Hhe was conveyed to a hospital. Now the husbands of the women are seeking tach other, vowing to kill on sight. The partisans of each woman are also burnishing up their weapons and seeking an excuse to shoot Home body. During the trial the two women attempted several times to Hy at each other and tight it out then and there, and the belligerent spirit permeated the entire court room. Mrs, Seiglin says her revolver re fused to work after the tlrst three shot', and that she will make a bet ter rtcord when next she faces Mrs. Daughsou. The latter has not yet leen arrested, and grimly remarks that she has taken the precaution to ioitci.iHiuuiijuiuiB, .......it.... .....i ..si t., ami that she cm le. louml at home bv any one lookinir lor an argument, . . ' ' ' I Electric i.io to connect iiuriinirton. tJrabam no.1 iiaw ui,er. tlraham, N. ('., April..1). The plan lor buidng an electric line to connect llurllngton, Craham and Haw River is backed by a New . - . - 10,000 people living along the line . .I of the proposed electric road aud it would have a flue business. Georgia Won the Cup. Athens, Ga., April 5. The debate here to-night, between the Univer sity ot North Carolina and the Uni versity of Georgia, was won by Georgia. The subject was: "Re solved, That the combinations of I capital, commonly known as trusts, are more injurious than beneficial, Georgia had the affirmative. Wootlburn Gold Mine Reopened. Greensboro, N. C, April 5. A number of hands are employed in opening the old Woodburn gold mine in the southern part of the county, which has not operated for years. The mine Is rich In gold- bearing ore. Knox Attorney General. Washington, April 5. At the Cabinet meeting today President Iff 1 a . xucrviniey auuouucea io tne mem bers that P. C. Knox, of Pittsburg has accepted the Attorney General- ship, which was offered -him laat week. "Xaxarenea" Burned In their Church. Vienna inrll n Tho llVo renee," a sect, resembling the Quak- ers, were attacked in their meeting house at Oresswardein, Hungary. Ten were killed and many wounded. a moD set nre to the meeting house, auu lerrioie scenes ensued. Jew killed In Helicons RIoU. D A. At t vousianunopie, April 5 Many Jews have been killed and scores wounded in religious riota at Teber- . me i-ersian capital. The Shah " ordered Moslem Shlek Ildrahim, wno sxarted the riot, executed. lork corioration, and it is expected other officers and mny men wound work will legiu soon. There are ed with the Russians pursuing DRIVE HAD BY SMALLPOX. A Crazsd Negro Baas A tmmrk a ad la ho aad Killed. Lynchburg, Va., Special, 3d, to Washington I 'out. , Rivermount, the suburb recently atmexed to this city, wan the scene of Intense eicitement about o'clock thin afternoon. A negro, who came hy train from In.n Oale March 10, broke out with Miiallpox and wait then immediately w-nt to the t house, Ixcame delirious soon after 4 o'chft'k to-day, mid attacking the guard with a dick of wood, made hhewaiie. He entered a residence in River-1 mount, but was driven off by the inmates, and then made two unsue- en-ful at tern pU to Inmrd street cars. Coming nearer to the city he walk od into the yard of the home of J. C. Woodson, Mt-retary of the Citizens building and Ranking Company, and, going upitairs, secured a pistol loaded in live chambers. While he was there an aunt of Mr. Woodson started to go upstairs, when the n gr. from above tired at her, nib-sing her. Mrs. Woodson, hearing the report, also went to the foot of the stair'', when the negro again tired Roth ladies ran f-creaming to a neighbor and telephoned to Mr. Woodson, who was in the city. Tho negro ran out of the house and started toward the river, a street car conductor firing tw ice at him as he went. Urged by the cries of tbe ladies, Walter Wlngfield, a young white man, gave chase to the negro, caught him, and, with assist ance, brought him hack to the front of the house. Ry this time Mr. Woodson had arrived, and i-eizing a stout roe, made a noose and threw it over the negro's head, leading him toward a loaded wagon of wood, whre he proposed to tie him. The ueKro, however, threw the noose off aud started to run again toward the rlvt r. Home one in the crowd fired and then Mr. Woodson ordered him to halt, but as he did not stop when he had gone about 75 feet, Mr. Wood son fired at him and the negro drop ped, dying almost instantly. The maor was notified and went to the spot, where Mr. Woodson gave him self up. A coroner's jury was empaneled, but l he inquest was postponed until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, Mr. Woodson being bailed in the sum of $2,500. tho negro's face was a mass of scabs from smallpox. His home was in Pittsylvania coun- y. A Riot in Wyoming. Cheyenue, Wyo., April 6. Three hundred Austrians employed on the Union Pacific grade, thirty miles west of Cheyenne, engaged in a riot yesterday and many were injured. bo far as known, however, there were no fatalities. An Austrian had been discharged by the foreman, and, followed by about one hundred men, he sought revenge. About two hundred Austrians took sides with the fore man, and the opposition forces fought for ten minutes. Pistols, clubs, knives and stones were used. Two white foremen were fired uwm. but escaped to Laramie. Officers went to the scene, and the rioters were loaded on cars and sent out of the State. Russian Fight with Chinese. Berlin. Anril fi.A dianateh in rvi,., n.,Mtn a t,-.-o i i i h.l.s s 4 j I II I 15' MVH IIMM1 IN rHIMiriHfl to have occurred between the First, C? W o Second and Third East Siberian rifle regiments and several thousand Chinese troops between Kobantsy and Sinmin Ting. The Russians lost a captain and several men killed. and a lieuteneut colonel, several i . them. The date of the engagement is not mentioned in the dispatch received. The Merrimac Blown Up. Santiago, April 6. The collier Merrimac, which was blown up and sunk in the harbor by Constructor Hobson while Admiral Cervera's fleet was inside in 189 R, was success fully destroyed by & ton of dyna mite today. Hitherto it haa been extremely dangerous for vessels to attempt the narrow entrance to the harbor, but now that this wreck has been destroyed it is perfectly safe. A great crowd of people on shore witnessed the blowing up of the old hulk. Surrender at San Fernando. Washington, April 6. The War Department this morning received the following cablegram from Gen eral MacArthur, dated Manila, April 6th: Nineteen officers, 173 men, 133 rifles, nine revolvers, Pablo Tecson's command surrendered at San Fer nmdo yesterday and took the oath." Gold Dlscorerod la to FhUippi Manila, April 5. Promising gold discoverings are reported from the Island of Masbate (close to the South ern extremity of Luzon.) Wrldon National Bank Anthonxed to Be a-tn Business. Washington, April 4. The First National Bank of Weldon, capita: $25,000, has been authorized io be gin business. Lived to be 101 Tears Old. Knoxville, Tenn April 6. Mrs. Mary Frye, aged 101 years, died suddenly ytsterday at Limesrone Cove. She had never been ill. CONVICTS ItUTALLY TfcSATEO.. rturMa MfMna lar at Intra fey latlva t'oaxaalttM UorHbU 1 ale of la bbm Treai akvat. s Tallahaee, Fla , April 4. The special committte authorized by the last legislature and appointed by ex Gov. Rn xham to investigate the convict leane system in .this Btate, referred to .at the time in the con current resolution m shame upon the fair nam? of Florida reported to day aud submitted a measure in tended as a remedy for the present conditions. The report was made oy Senator frill. It finds that the present system ' titles not meet th demands of an enlightened convict sjstem in accord with humane treat ment of prisoners." It says that the sublt-srees are paying for the convicts they employ under their sub-loases prices far in excesri of the Trice the original contractor leased them at, prices ranging from $00 to $180 per year lor each convict. - The report carries with it bill providing that btate convit-U shall be controlled by a commission oi three members whose duties and powers shall be prescribed bylaw; that a State penitentiary shall tie es tablished at Marianna, where all fe males and youths shall be employed on btate farm work. It provides further that the commission shall establish State farms . for the con victs. The present system works all of the convicts, regardless of sex or age, under the lease system principally in the phosphate mines and turie tlne camps. Horrible tales of brutality or bad treatment are frequently heard. In Hillsboro County to-day a spe ial committee appointed by the county commissioners has been investigat ing charges of inhumanity made against some of the lessees in that county. This action results from the story of James Miller, a white convict, who alleges that he wa thrown to the ground, a negro was made to sit on his head, while four others held his hands and feet, and in that condition he was unmerciful ly wnipped. He alleges that Susie Brown, a woman convict, was strip ped and held upon the ground in the same way whipped He alleges a number of other instances of equal or more revolting brutality. Eaten hy an Alligator. City of Mexico, April 6. News has just been rtceived of the horrible death of Lieutenant Jose Carmoua, a popular younir officer of the entri- notir mnw . u,!wi u-ou o-ro.lnoto,! f... a-a. vvi a it tw a a- utai aA vui I the military academy at Chaoulteoec four years ago. Lieutenant Carmona was in bathiog in the Tames river, near Tampico,where he was station ed, when his companions warned him that a monstrous alligator was making for him. He made desper- ate efforts to escape, but was seized and devoured in the presence of his companions just before he could gain footing on the bank. Scarlet Fever Cloaea a College. College Park, Md., April 4. The Maryland Agricultural College was closed yesterday, and all of the stu dents went to their homes on ac count of four eases of scarlet fever in the institution. Those who have the fever are Cadet Capt. H. C. Whiteford, of the senior class; T. M. Underwood, and John Hopkins. School wras to have closed to-morrow Mr. Whiteford was captain of the basf ball team, and it is thought his illness will prevent the team taking its Easter practice trip through Virginia. Lieut. Got. Hunt Takes Possession of tb Executive M anslon. San Juan, P. R , April 4. Per sistent rumors of the impending re-iguation of G -v. Allen, now on his way to the United States, are in circulation in San Juan. Mr. William H. Hunt, secretary of Porto Rico and acting governor, reiterates his denial of any intima- tion from Mr. Allen of such an in tentlon: but It IS regarded as Slgnifi- cant that Mr. Huut moved his fam- ily and effects to-day into . the exe- cutive mansion. Robbers hare a Desperate Watchman. Fiht with Chardon, Ohio, April 4. Half a dozen robbers this morning blew open the safe of the Citizens' Sav ings Bank. After a desperate fight icUh tha nloMnr.lAhm.n TVima-ror tw a in vaj tuguv naivuuiau) l uuiiuj and Dr, Hudson, they succeeded in escaping with two hundred dollars, One of the robbers was shot by the night watchman before the latter was gagged. iLeft Arm Torn Off. Davis, W. Va., April 4. Jacob McDonald, an employee of the Black- water mill here, was fatally injured yesterday by having hia left arm caught in a rapidly revolving wheel, and torn entirely off. McDonald was married, and about thirty-five years old. Election Judge Arrested. Denver, Colo., April 6. Frank Fisher, a judge in the twentieth pre cinct of the Ninth ward at the re- cent city election, was arrested to - day. He is accused of having muti- lated about one hundred ballots cast by Republicans, thus causing them to be thrown out. A Big- Shipment of Havana Tobacco. New York, April 4. The steamer Mexico, which arrived to-night from Havana, was delayed two and a half days at Havana, waiting for a ship- ment of tobacco. She brought the lai-crest canro of tobacco ever shihned from the port of Havana, having board over 7,000 bales. - C0UXCE CJtU TRIED TO HOPE A GeraJ Bsbt Kaaa4 fcatwaaa tb trakst aad iW wvKI b CnwM Chicago, UK, April 4 A pecial to the Chronicle from Owe!burg, Ky , says: A teiMttiua that banned In Rowling Green last Saturday night held the undivided attention of the grand jury today. The affair com prehend an interrupted eloprnent of five young women from Potter College, Bowling Green, one of the prominent seminaries for young women iu the South. "About midnight five young men, all members of wealthy families, drove in carriages to the college and with ladders aided four young wo men to leave the building, by climbing through the second story windows. While assisting the fifth one to the ground the young men made so much noise that Presid nt Cabell was amused. Seizing a shot gun the president began shooting at the young men who returned - his file. Tw o of the young men were wounded, but the president was not hurt. The girls screamed, but re turned to their rooms and the swains went away without them.'' The Five Men Arrested , Rowling Green, Ky., April 5. Five young men, belonging to some of the wealthiest families of Bow l ing Grten, were indicted by the graud jary to day, fur alleged parti cipating in the escaptde at Potter's College Saturday night in whi-h several young women attending the college were also involved. Those indicted are Roland Fitch, Willis Potter, Pleasant Potter, Kloyd M. Nahm aud Harry Nahm. It is charged that they placed a lad der' under a window of the colb-ge, aud wheu Prof. Cobell, president of the college, shot at them, they re turned the tire, but without wound tug him. The joung men declare ihey intended to take the girls to a supper. A Srrro Woman lot) year old Burned to Death. Wilmington, N. C, April 4. In a fire in the negro quarters of the City this afternoon Hannah Richard son, a colored woman, reported to nave been 109 years ol age, was horribly burned to death. She was in the house alone, and when mem beis of the family reached the scene and opened the door the interior was oiie mass of flames. The body was burned almcst beyond identifi CatlOO. The Old WOIIiau'S age WaS ed recently brought to light by a visit from a census enumerator who was ohowu her age in the usual Bible record as a- corroboration of the siatement. Ltt Bojer Charged with the Theft of ifty Caaea of Bacon. Manila, April 5. Lieut. Fred erick Boyer, of the Thirty-ninth volunteer infantry, chief commis sirv for tho second district of the Department of Southern Luzon, has arrived at Calamba, Province oi Laguana, where he has been charged with misappropriating fifty cases ol bacon and with other irregularities. It is alleged that the shortage in the commissary depot in Manila aggregate $185,000. The accounts of the custom house, internal revenue department and licenfce office have been inspected and are reported perfectly siraight. sian Fount! Dead in tae road near Green- villa. Golasboro, N. C, April 4. A white man was found dead in the road near the river at Greenville yesterday. From a gentleman from there it is learned that considerable myslety hangs around this death. On yesterday tne deceased was granted a divorce from his wile, aud it seems was en route home, judging irom the direction taken on lfaving town. There was no mark of violence on the body. Even tha Hones Thought it a Rotten Play. Washington Post. A pair of horses used in the New York production of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" rebelled and jumped off the stage the other night. The intelli gence of the horse continues to as sert iteelf. A SMrt Wist CsasM Trouble. I Washington Post. A North Carolina judge got into j a street fight because, at the sugges- tion of his wife, he took tbe pains I to admire the pretty shirt waist of another man's wife. The attractive i things in shirt waists always did cause more or less trouble.' Caoaiiea Government Collect a Haven ue on Coal, . Heavy J Washington, April 4. The dis- I covery of coal in the ' Klondike has induced the Canadian government I to issue an order that royalty shall be paid on coal as well as on gold. - Dawson consumers have protested mb tms ""B 8enle,icd to Yer impriaonm.nt. 1 Maj. W. H. Martin, ex-clerk in State Treasures office was, sentenced to ten years imprisonment in the penitentiary for misappropriating some of the penitentiary funds. The amount not yet known, y The Curfew Law in Force in Danrflle. Danville, Va., Bee. The curfew bell was heard for the .first time in Danville last night. The festive kids had taken heed. It I was hard to find a 'man on the on I streets after half past 1 8 o'clock, to I say nothing ot the boys. DYING OF humceb; THE POPULATION OF INDIA REDUCED BY FAMINE AND CHOLERA TNE DECREASE IM CENTRAL PROVINCES Viva MilUiMM aava dld 1 SUM tram I'aaaea directly da to Faaia wloc 1SM1 it ka b a over a MUlHta wa the laenaw ahoald aaa Million and a half. lvOtKlon, April . Tae depopul t ion of India through famiue ami cholera is assuming alarming proir-hiU( tions. The latest advices from Simla say the census returns of tiie central provinces show a deerea.-e oi over a million since l0l, when un der normal conditions an inerea ot a million and a half might been expected. have ji m muimwM uu uw uniinMih tr . i . . t . t a. 4 iut I nave oiea in inaia since iy irom causes directly due to the famiue. in western inuia mings are even l' rLJt TKo I l.Mlnt'tjtn Uialn . nu.nc. tiic iuux-jriui t-wic iv i turns snow a aecrease oi 4i,uou or forty-five per cent of the population; the State ot Rhopaul shows a de- j cr-ase 01 nvo,vvj; wits uisirici t il Randa shows a decrease ol 124,000. in Komoay cny me population iiai liminished by fifty thourand souls. Trie localties which escaiied the plague, show a satisfactory though uncompensating increase. For in stance, Madras, which has gainetl eight per cent over 1891 A Rig Snake Story. Freemont Vi-itor. A wonderful story comes from the grader's camp on the Great La-tern, ou the Mill Rranch just back of T. E. Yelverton's. La-t Friday a negro hand was taken with convulsions and after some time vomited up a snake ten inches long. ai.dashewalkelabout among the crowd the snake would follow him. Later the snake was caught aud put in a bottle and when the man who had vomited it would go near the lx)tlle the snake would exhibit great com era, paying no attention to any one else. We give the story as it was told us. FlfED INTO STEAMER, CREENWOOD. Fl vepersoos. including; t Lady. Wound- ed Seeley's Reckless shot Point Pleasant, . Va., April " William Seeley, liviuginasbanty boat on the Kanawha, when the stearmer Greenw ood was passing out of the river fired into the boat with a shotgun, wounding five persons, among them a'woman. Seeley claims some one tried to flirt with his wife, w h ch aroused him so that he picked up ihe gun and blazed away at the boat. Seeley had escaped before they could get to him. A Better Dinand for Yarn. Charlotte, X. C, April 4th. For the first time in many days the yarn market is reported as fchow ing considerable activity, one com mission house having purchased in the neighborhood of one nundred thousand pounds of yarns. This state of affairs is attributed to the belief ihat cotton is more scarce than supposed. It is further predicted that cotton will continue upward and that mills will not sell any lower, but will advance yarn- w ithm the course of a tew days or a week. . Oeorria Fruit Crop Not Materiallr lam a d. Griffin, Ga., April 4. Commis sioner of Agriculture O. B. Stevens has just returned from a trip through southwest Georgia, the fruit section of the State, liesajs there is no indication of serious injury to the fruit roD from the recent cold weather and he regards it as now out of. danger. Mr. btevena says Georgia farmers, as a rule, are not going to increa-e the cotton acreage, Prlxe Flcbtioa- In Manila. Washington, April 4. Prize fighting is one of the sports Intro duced in the Philippines by the American army. Soldiers have nrmtnleed th Manila Athletic Club lowing Craven county to Issue bonds, today for being mired up in a cock nlsheded home. Cunningham eo orgamzea ine juaniia AinieuctiuD & ,s I AKf rwioni.f int TavW nf ti i.hAni .nrinl itt firutlnv In the Philippine capital, and spar ring bouts are of weekly occurrence. According to latest advices a figh- for the championship of the islands is scheduled to take place there on the 25th instant. To Remodel Wake County Jail. Raleigh Times. Chairman Green, of the boird ol county commissioners, has the mat ter of changing the jail in charge. This will certainly be done at an early date, and adequate provision will be made for female prisoners that they will be in a different wing fmm the males, and not hear laneru ' age used by them. - Many More Massacred. vtnonnvm- r f Anril 4 "Thfl North China News," announces the massacre of fourteen unaccounted for missionaries, with many women and children. : v. -t kU , Z ,LZl K!7 r sd Juiic dl A Jones Judge of the sixth district. TNE UCISLATUn CET CI CS ESSAY. I taia Emm a V TT Ivilatur tn-t again lat a e-J very liltb-bulnof Imj-KtaDo- There were only f,ir 'SmUoh v eoorxuay atxrrnn, tmt irnct prwent. Toey wre: Arrlngton of Nah, ttroughtoti ff Wake, WUni t-f WlUin, and (ilenn of (iullfonl. S-nator Hruughton iwnt ftnward a bill providing that Wake county U irickeo from the Fouhee lg-ird primary law, and aaked that il b placet! ujKn iut immediate j-ae. The bill d it. final ndli.g. The following hill from trn Hou.e wen received, .Md ami trderel enrolled: Senate 1671, If. R. 22;7 Rill supplemental to an act to apint .... i . . t . . . ation. luvium-rs lij nit COUUIV LhI Hi S. R. Ifil. H. II. Rill riip- plemental to an art entitle! an act to provide for the division of th Sute into judicial dbtricta and to provide lor holding the court there- in. ratified March ll, l'JOl. S. R li;73. H. R. 2lV,o RIM uo picmental to an act amendatory ot Ian act to establish a stoik law 4n certain tortious of Wayne count v s. r. 1676, H. R 2'2Cl Relu la . a nun io iwy cieras ana other em- ployes mileage for their attentlance Uion the pm-ent oion of the (jeueral Assembly. n. R. IU78, H. R. 22C5 Rill to amend chapter 20.1, private laws ol iniUJ. 8. R. 1(181, 11 R 22C8 Rill sup plemental to an act entitled au act relating to fees of wltue in cer tain cases, ratified March II, loi. S nator Woolard intnaluced a resolution providing that thn clerk of the judiciary committee, M. McCall, be allowed mileage, as were a . . a inner employes oi me AvHMiiiiy. Senator Woodard allerward with drew the bill. At the request of S nator Rrough tou the resolution providing for the payment of $100 to Judge T. R Womack for hervice in prciriug the bill for the divHou of the State into sixteen Judicial districts, wait taken from the calendar and put uj)- on its third reading. The bill pa.-w ed its final reading Hol'se. There were only eleven members present In the House. The Speaker requested that some one move to concur in th Senate amendment to the bill providing for compul.-ory education in Mitchell county. He said Representative Rurlison of Mitchell was anxious to have this bill ratified. Mr. Allen of Wayne introduced II. R. 22C0, which was an act amending the bill relating to the tock law in a certain township in Wayne. "I think I have lobbied sufficiently to get this bill through." The bill passed its readings. Mr. Winston introduced resolution 22ft I, authorizing the payment of mi ge to cl rks and employes. The resolution was adopted. Mr. Watts of Iredell introduced H. R. 22H2, which made the act relating to the fees of witnesses In certain cases applicable to Iredell an-i liertie counties, ine oiu jass- ed its readings. H. L 226:1 was introduced by Mr. Howl of Wayne, and it pas-ed with out opposition. This bill comet an error increasing the capital stock of the Goldsboro Lumber Comtany irom $100,000 to $300,000. THURSDAY. President Pro Tern. Ixtndon call ed the Senate to order. There were four Senators present. London, Ar rington, Woodard aud Rroughton. A resolution from the House that the General Assembly adjourn sine jie at 1 2:30 was passed. House bill to increase the number 1 of commissioners of Iredell county to five, to become effective after tbe ' next general election, was ied. House bill to supplement an act to amend chapter 82, private laws of 1899, was passed. A bill introduced by Senator Woodard increasing the number of commi-sioners for Wilson county ta five after 1902 was parsed. President London then ratified the bills awaiting his signature. A House bill authorizing all per 9 m a a. . a sons required to give oonu to me State of North Carolina to give the rime in surety and guarantee com panies was passed. House The House met at noon, Sneaker Moore presided. Bills were introduced as follws: By Winston; to amend tbe act al- DV SinainK oui nits uruvuiuu that the smallest bond should be $10 000 to make it $10, as was in- tended - By Watts to increase the number nrmiintvfflmmlnnpra in Wilson wiA Trenail Mva av -w i B v Winston, to authorize all per- sons reouired to eive bond to the SF w State to give security in guaranty com panies. All these passed. . a rpsrtliitlna to adiourn at 1 2:30 was adopted and tbe clock- was eet Kont kii rwxxxwi .k.i toV.nrv ha nfRo so ' nmM?nr ptork and olacimr that A ! j mi)b, fn thA hmnA of the Secretarv - 1 c,. I Ol uuiix; I The followine bills were ratified: in,antintha fnriwMai district at of 1901; amendlng the Wayne stock Xa.AJLi Vava.a aw aaw -f w I i.or mn- imorutincr chanter I private laws, 1899; to allow clerks I per diem and mileage for this ad- j Ionrned session: to regulate fees of I wintneases and officers in Iredell Mnntv. o h h va rail Wake from the r- I nim ottn tn allow I r vuou ntv t vt J flawr lfmii to a major to amend toe conmy ooaraot euu- cmt Ion art ko far a Imkll 1 m cvtt 1. to pruvkW lr ! i4r tKn uf all the prvrrriiiBC taf th ftMJtt of lnirrheeot; tw nrrr numtr if cuoimtJtjmt to lrrd. ll CfKinty; to abnIUh l ot&yr of t- t'"h,n rrk; 1Z namW t-ira In W llia. NO AN RAIT 129 YEANS CIA. A Mli r ana t aJla la a For more than half crtitofy Nh lUbr. Inittj a objrt of Kln i-rjr 111 to tlx Uttrr' nUit of North Carolina, ba tr-n an lit. ttiate of th' r farm In liataiay towitldr, tar New Itruttatrkk, N. J., and Ut Tuday e rrlcbraUAl the 12?th anulveAarj of hi. birth. Itaby ba MiitAt-d a ! "inn Im wm five yait oCg il U a gtat lover of totaiftxj iii any form, lie ha n4 riaLet of ardi.t spirit in a ln f time, lm-ipall' ) ru- lt could not ret them, Ua f.r th tat time of h a life, iudul&vd lit IUjim., malt aud tpirituwu, in nioilTatluti. Tbe old man hasgrowit very wtvk Inrlnir I Km l-t mn.t In- I. int. , ' " - - dav M the iult'ttt h ba Liio.n . " 7 , aaj saaatti am a a aavr e ' - usually a gala at tltv kiv farm, t In formers from mi In around having teii In the liabit of lrliitilng Ut w ives and daughtrr to do hfur Him man who was allvt wheu the iK-elaration of I ndrjw-ndefMv w a igoed. IaM year the rtivpt Ion i fatiguing that It an feared that tbe old man would die from ihf rtTti-tn f the kindti-wi ahowerl upon him by thw vifitor. Itaby sayn that be um m April 1, 1772. !! iviiitiilH-ra to have heard tieiteral ltrgt WaihlngtHi make an add re-, at Yorktow u abmt tle year IT'.M). Alniut the U-ein- uing ol the lat tvniury he joint! tlw Unitel States navy, in widch In remained until the breaking out of the pecond war with Knglanl, when he went lauk to North Carolina, but the grl whom he ex p fled to marry proving f'ukle, h left Ibatp-rtof the country and went to New Jer-y. He settled in Pbcstaway township. and luis contlnut-l ti live there ever since, adoui nny years ago lie ia came an inmate of the iMrhou. He ha -t never narrie, and ha neither kith nor kiu In thl p.rt f the country. lUby's father an Indian, and he himself hat alvtays lived an out- -ide life. ThiH fai t it held to Uj paitly ref km mi I ir for his longevity. KxehaiiKe. BRITISH LOSSES IN SOUTH AFIICA. f'asualfl s fur l.at Month, aad !ath lt Tur Kntlra 'aaalrm. lioiwion, April 4. Tbe RritUi casual ties in South Afrit contlnu' bUh. The totals for the month of March are: Killed, '. officers and 103 men; wounded, 26 officers and 270 men. The casualties during the war to the end of March were: iVath officer", 90; men, 13,731. Mining Officers, 17; men, 7.rs. IHedatler returning Officer-, 4; men, 30O ldtclisrged as unfit for duty, 2,!y. The letter of (ien. Ijtha, tlie Rocr commander-in-chief, to Lorl Kitchener, ctmimauding the RritUh iorce in Strnth .fri-a, preliminary to the recent icaeo meeting, casually referred to In Lieut. Gen. Kitchen er's report of the neg rtiations, and from w hich the opponents of Colon ial Secretary Chamberlain hoped to obtain some clew of the recent fail ure of the con ferenot, wan u bl Uh- ed as a turliamentary patter thn morning. The letter Is dated at the couiniaudant general's camp Febru ary 13, ana, commented with a re- f. r- nee to "the verbal message from your excellency." Continuing, the letter ayt: 'I have the honor to inform your excellency that no one desires more thau j do to brj lh,9 blood rWe to an end x WouId alw Iuuch very like to meet your excellency for the purpose of mutual dbvustdon to if it Is not possible to discover terms under which this can be done." The remainder of the letter of (ien. Botha is of no Importance. It merely suggests a place of meeting, and arrangements for the guarantee of safe conduct. New Orleans, April 4. Tbe South American cleared to-day with 1,000 mules for Cape Town. Mast Stop Ckickoa ria-aUaa- id. la Rica- Richmond, VaAiriI 4 Sports of all kinds were In the police court i ... - - -1 the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals witntwo police officers, arrestra u. w. meinourg 1 and E. King last night, charged with carrying on the fight, and I Thomas Vial for allowing it In his place. The society has been making 1 . . m a . . a test or tne cocic-ngniing ousiness. j The attorney for the accused pleaded guilty and threw himself on toe mercy oi tne court, it was aareeu I . - tr a that a cock was an animal and came I a a . a. - a I Jff fa . innaer tne society's iutwucuqu. ioo society's jurisdiction. I mn were fined S20 each and sever e- : ' . , ly reprimanded, the police justice warning them that if they repeated I th ofience thev won d eet Si 00 i J fine and six months in jail. The I iustlce sars he is determined break up cock-fighting In this city oiLlasa nuisance ana demoralizing j the young. Sia-aed. Washington. April 4. The presi dent today signed the commissions the of Frederick Funston and Jacob on I Smith to be brizadier eenerals, and ipw-u. a A GHASTLY STORY. SAILORS AliftlKT FORTY DAYS OX A lLlrTUITII IT FOOD. cut nro Of tni iimici tctnn. ' ftrat aaa Waraa. , tl k ON. I'MmIi, . U Tl Mnpj.4, txni.HHlt ,.f TIm Utitj Ki,-. wira haftly c.f rat.MUlUui at U.ttt to Mri:aawry to j r ir uf'tlrt Na switu tta Atgda, anrM U Uaya al ftyu Manila. rt.-t r Irxi' U.t. Th t-irrt.rttdiit TU aur 1.. Jol.tm-n. a S.lr, .,H1 MartUarou .. . . . V "-. a ... im Juiani, aa-rt that tlx- .ttrlu Mturk a rerf. Two rafla w.-n. I... 1 1, Ttw taoalU r. twairlug n mm, !i.I apard. Tle otl-r. with tarlvs mh-ii, drill d for 40 4ya. Jhm allots at imrnarl, a, Wm BtM finally th ir ju. On th taetity. nilhday two h-,ut lnaiw aiwj ktllil tlK-m-.H. On th twroty ditti a rrviMhuian kllll U uuU allh suata. drank bU MulbI aix! trbol to rat Ids hi alii, tnjt aa -Vrntetl by tins ot!er. Neil day ttM- 1'rrlHhniiD aa klllnl tiii. attetu4ing to tuunlrr tte ralu. TIh aurvlvur-, all .,f wbum rrr now luin-, ate th I'reiK hn.n,. Ualy. CatinltUtii otnlluul uutil oidy Jobniw-ti and MartUiimu r-maiiH-l. On tlw funyrin day lb ran otraiUnl at Naut.l, -Ut I -land, in th Natuna gHHip, tMrtt Mt if RriHt. Ji4iuus iixt Martieoruu were awfully tnuariatMl. Fri-udly Malay tut them by Junk to Mtiga TNE CUBAN CAVA INT" A wtuos I kat Caaaad 11 uf a tatir 1st alw. Havaita, April i. TIhj DUcuwiloti ha.i U-en uppnwl by order of Governor General Wood, aixl u of- lkvri have tax-n tloMl and !-!. Thin action wan due to the Ai Mira tion in The IIeulou yeMrrday of an Uluratlon havinir the tltUi of "The Cuban Cavalry , repni ntlng the Cut u republic s-rotiinM In a Cubau -oldler Mux rrurlflM tiw ing leprwnUd aa mm thief and and Prtldeut McKlnley aa th oth er, both being lalfed with their nam. Senator Piatt wan reiirttn. ted an a Roman soldier giving vin egar and gall in the form uf tin Piatt AineudiiH-ut, while Public Opion, aj Mary Magdalen, w as we-i- Ing at the fot ol the crts. Relow was Allowing iiu-ript loo: Jh-stlny will not n--rve for u glorious resurrect Ion.' The picture ul much unfa voralile tmmeut v4erday, from the Und-jint of detx-ncy. Tlw al itor of the iis r. Sentjr Corando. wa arn1ed but m rell on laaJl." It is probable that no other art ion w ill lie taken again-t The Iiarum. ion than upirimlug iU publication lor several days. S-uor Capote, I Klcnt of tbe Cuban Constitutional Convention luut vbiled ien. Wool and told the latter that 'the Conven tion individually and as a body re gretted tbe publication of thl carl, cature. Senor Caiiote naid tlie i41- ure inisreprehented the feelings of tne Cubans, w ho held Gen. Worn! and President McKlnley in the great e t niect and were dtieply grateful to them. On hb Bollcitallon, (Jen. Wool allowed the Uiacuiftion to coo- Jinue publication, but the Judge of the Correctional Court will prefer charger, the character of which la to be determined later, agalnt Kditor Coranado. Editor Coranado and CasteUanoa, the cartoon bit, will be tried on a charge of criminal libel. The former Is held under f I.OvO bond and the latter In the ram of 1 500. Tried to Burn hla Wire. Patterson, NJ April 6. Patrick Bunmngbam. In a drunken frenzy, tried to burn his wife to death to. day. Tbe w oman had been out wash ing at a neighbor's and had come in I tired and worn out. Site lay down on a lounge In their scantily fur- o... , a that she wa aaleep crept to her side. i set tier on nre ana men sneaxea out i oi tne noose, ronanateiy tne names I leaped up where her bare had was lying and she awoke In pain before I the fire not much of a hold. While she was fighting the fire Cunning- a a . a a i nam returned ana attacxea ner witn J a pair of scissors and tried to stab I her to death. Tbe police arrived in . a i time to save ner. Crmaed on Love. Vr Yr,rlr Knn. I The belief of Joseph Joyce, aged 1 17. of 199 Hamburg avenue, WU- i- , , - I liamsborg, that every girl he looked to at was In love with him drove him I insane, He first showed symptoms to ion Tuesday. His parents quieted him but on Thursday night he had a violent outbreak. An ambulance was called from the Eastern District Hospital early yesterday morning. Joyce embraced Dr. Vogt, the am H. bulance surgeon, under the impres- I sion the doctor was his sweetheart. He was taken to the Flabush Asy, : , . X I

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