THE CAUCAGIAH PUBLISHED EVERY TDl'IWIA BY TUB CAUCASIAN PUH.. I SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Vmm mmr Is Moatkt, Thr Moittks, 1.00 1 iff .sol 8ft I allOULU TIIJUl)UltHi of the newjirotht were rampant! for the lmi-achajent and conviction 01 JiMgen ruiwrsanu I rr-ntly Ueu suggyHting that tliese I judge nhouM resign, now that they I havebii acquitted ty the Hlghl Court of Impeachment of the grave chargtw preferred against theiu Iknow, and would It not be almost -.-..I..-i. , J criminal to think that they could 111 Villi I WAum I I losey, wi. 'V light along common line- oi think- lug, tlm time tor the judge to en-1 teruiu me notion oi resigning cios-i 1 with the preferring of the artlclenc4i prejudice can again divert the of impeachment by the Hou-te of I llepreHeuUtiveH, and that this peace ful muthod of retiring lit now aug gwtabie only to their prosecutor. It would have been cowardly of I course, for the Judges to resign un der 2r, but with a partisan majori ty against them In toth Houses and a partisan proHecutlon and convic tion staring them in the face, weak er men, men lens conscious of their own rectitude, might have deliver ed their coveted belongings to their greedy puruureru and Bought safety from their fury in disgrace by the easy route of an early resignation. But this they did not do, and would not do; but said effectually to those that Bought to dlHgraee and humili ate them and the State, "We will stand the trial and take the disgrace In a brave and lawful way, if it be the determined plan of the majority to have our placee even at the cost of humiliating the State along with These Judges, having trustea not in I vain In their own integrity and in the! integrity as well of Senators iu kliw i i I I out of their own party, were acquit ted with tatlalactlon to themselves and honor to the Commonwealth; and being acquitted, they of course retain their offices, the greed fori whlph lav at the Wtnm of th t.rn. wh th lay at the bottom of the pros. cution; and now the hungry horde having failed, they suggest that these judges resign. A hungry man went on the road and fiercely fought his adversary for .uKuh.uVcia.ijrio. moat. He spent his bitter strength lifting aaa iiuuiuDU rviu6Rlu' iiv;is up his pleading hands in In rfiiUliktiu nrriim n Thnn W nw pathos mild, he said, "I tried to rob you but failed; noni the less I pray you, give me your meat and go on your way empty-handed; I do not think that you ought to eat meat any way." Hut, when the vote was taken and the bright light waned that had twinkled in Craig's dark firmament, he could with propriety have resign ed. When the vote was taken and Rountree's pleased contempt for all the defense failed him, he could with grace have thrown up the sponge. Whan the vote was taken and night swept over gloom of Graham's the customary dark counten- mm. ha mmiM witt. nrnr, h. resigned. When the vote was taken and the picnic Joy of Allen' rosy face fled like a frightened child at his failure to disgrace the memory of Judge Falrcloth, his old-time friend, part- ner, and benefactor, there would have beep no resignation. And all those Impropriety in his who, while catch- ing at new power and trying to do themselves and their friends unlaw fill trond and their nnnrmonfo !, inn. .ni r 4K J mii Muvivb BiuuBiauLO a , , 77. V ' const ttuttnn and rlorhf oioA donati. I"; .Cr":, rVJmob. When legislatures actwith 4u..jr xa-aix ucu couia properly hear, but not make, a pro- position to resign. If Judge Furches or Judge Doug las had sought from his high posi tion on the bench to remove his colleagues to advance himself and had failed In his attempt, resigna tion could be properly suggested to him, and the suggestion acted upon with propriety. IN DISTRESS. The News and Observer Is in dire distress. That sheet failed to se cure the Impeachment of the Judg es, and any one who reads the edi torlals since the trial can not fall to be Impressed with the direful and plaintive sounds that emanate from the editorial rooms of that pa - per But one thing sounds strange in- beginning, were instituted for the deed is that the News and Obser purpose of removing the Judges in ver should have the temerity to order that the highest conrt of the speak of "political corporations and State might be packed with Demo trusts." . cratlo machine partisan who would Pray, tell ns quickly if the Dem- be certain to the bidding of the Red ocratlc Redshirt Revolutionist ma- shirt Revolutionists now in control ehln If not the greatest political of the State. Spainhour may have trust and monopoly In existence on been Indiscreet In the above utter earth to-day? The opposition are ance, but he no doubt told the denied any rights at ths ballot box truth about the matter, whatever. If this Is not a trust and Bat ths Rsdshixts have received a monopoly of the wont form, pray savers rebuke in their revolutionary osflas a trust. effort to pack ths sowt, TREAArRZIl XKCDS fX'JIDa. In a recent issue of Tbe CaCi a- srAK wecelled attention to tbe.ef.or moos appropriations made by tbe legislature, and tbe probability of a deficit In the Treasury. Treasury Lacy baa tuned a latt r to tbe sher- - of tbe 8Ute to harry ap tneir collections In order that be may b . able to meet theae appropriations a tbey. become doe To W.- I msmmm that thla fl -CO Tit 'u,uw .T .T " I letter or tne i reasurwr is w prep- the people In advance ao that they may not be surprised or alarmed when the Treasury becomes bank rapt owing to the extravagant, reckleg Md ,normon, .pproprt ai00i made by the legislatures of jgyy ftnj qqi. But the "party of good, honeat government" Is In power, doocher .. . . . . or would waste the people's mon-y? Indeed. In their own estimation theyarw ne on,7 one, capable o managlng the affairs of the State And inch management! No ra minds of Independent thinkers, and the Redshirt Eevolutlonlsts will . . yet have to aniwer for their - travagance and general conduct at the great bar of public opinion. fallej to provide for the assess They shall be Judged according tol ment 4nd taxation of railroad prop- tbelr deeds, with no "nigger ' tolerty in North Carolina. If this de- hide behind. AHUUl XU UUl lUa AtnAu I The sudden decline In the price I of cotton should have the effect of I mrvnin i.rarnPtinn in thai v-"'""" - i .7o nf th. (1iv atanle. If this la not very generally done through out the cotton belt It Is certain that the price will be lower next fall, j It Is far better to cultivate and i fertilize very thoroughly a reduced acreage, because better results are I attained In every way ; the price will be higher, the land will be left in tatter condition and less labor ... ranotrfid I " . ... inesearetnree iwnmnsi enrer largely Into consideration and! should not be disregarded. In writing these suggestions as to the curtailment of the cotton I acerage, we are prompted solely by I the desire to subserve the best In-1 . i m m and we trust that they will give this matter earnest consideration, for It is one of the highest Import - - ' i I 'a" w I " Deir receive sen ,or an elgn milIlon Daie croP ,nan I centj f of ftn eleyen ml1on crop With the reduction of the cotton acreage there snouia follow a dlverseflcation of crops. In this way the lands will be improved and there Is greater r - - "-ta w certainty or reaiuing pronts as Mfomw Wi nwi uiiuvvuu ouvito REWARDED AT LAST. Francis D. Winston has been ap pointed Judge by Governor Aycock There is a trite, but true old say. leg, that "everything comes to him who waits." Mr. Winston sought the nomination for Judge at the hands of a "nigger ' convention in 1QOO anst thnnah ka annuoHiwI In lt ha f.11M, ftf ftWlAB I ftn . n. h.ft f. w w " mm-r w w wm v V aingine aistnct wun ms rriena, . X . 1 . . . ue negro ooiicuor, vreo. n. v nive. In early days Mr. Winston was lndeed yery fond of his "colored I brother" when there was any pros pect of obtaining office through that source. He waa always prom inAnttn tha Annnnti. and tIon9 of the Rennhilc.n naPt v. -nA haa been K to Wftlk the Btreetg of U..L politicians. LET THEM BE DECENT AND DIG-1 NLFIED. ujruHiH 01 our iariuiuic nuuuinou,ii" ai non. cy. watson in ms speech lnlMvinmil -nd ouat nr. Miliar af the Impeachment trial said: "I have seen legislators scaffed at w... w mm amwv. il o v MAV contumely and contemDt. and lt'sl time for this branch of our Stats eovernment to aasert itself anl t-.k I the Dosition the fathers dahrnad tt I should take." I When a legislators comes into I nowr bv riot la til Mian am anamhw I and revolution, and aontlnnea' to m act in the most revolutionary man- ner it should deserve to be alled a I ner l snouia aeserTO SO DO MU6a ft nftv pnm ". ZZy "aa Z ' will receive and desenre the respect -- Mr w.. v. Twmamr. They will then take the "position the fathers designed they should take" and not before. THE SECRET LET OUT. Representative Bpalnhour of Burke In an Interview after the ac quittal of the Judges, said : "It was the almost universal opinion of the Democratic party last year that lt was necessary for the Leirislatnre to stand vntrH nmr the Constitutional amendment tn prevent the Supreme conrt from interfering with it. The general opinion then was that they would destroy lt if they had an opportu nity to do so, and that is my opinion till.". Now, you have the whole secret ariv 1 en away. The Impeachment proceed lngs as this paper charged In the T Cttt K3 CFCa CSCSf OX IS CCSID. I Tk Imp aaM- Trtal. You linpt-ach thene judges "for what you call partUao dcWmw, In thp corporation curaniwsion cae tbey declared ttt Abbott, who was a railroad com niii oner, wm entitled to hU term of office a a corporation com mL loner and thU you could not put Beddingfleld, the Democrat, In hU place. i nm oecusiou rM-u .u thing. After tbe adjournment .oil the legislature of 1899 your Wga- ture and my legislature, txcausM 1 1 Kolrxwl irt tirinir It hTPi titC nil- I rwcu,wben tbe corporation com- me rauroaa propeny in u went oeiore a r tueru juug auu go i an Injunction restraining tbe corpo- ration coinmhttloneft from aaueesing and taxing their property. The railroad lawyers ued before Himoa ton precisely the same arguments Chat the lawyers for the prosecution of these judges have used here in this trlaL and Simouton decided that tbe corporation commission had no power to assess railroad pro Dertv. and if the corporation did not have it, the legislature of 1899 J" , , ai 7 I body In N orth Carolina. Simouton . . wuiature of 1899 it intentionally Icision of Slmtou had stood our great legislature of 1899 would have been tha lanerhlnap ffW-lr h whnlo w mmmm.M& State, from one end of it to the other, and that decision oi uimonton would have stood, but for the de , .... ... . lesion ox mew two juugw and the I late Chief Justice m the case of addou vs. ceauingneiu. xnis a a. a m ajt i mtrtt t I court, considering the act ol 1891 1 establishing the corporation com-1 mission and all the acts amendatory thereof as one act continuing the same office and providing specifically tor tne same duties to do penormea, declared that every power ot tax- atlon which had been possessed by tne railroad commissioners belonged I to the corporation commission. Then u -. ftfthft f,tMt tint th,a MH..ottt t.. at k.. a. -J muat fon0W the construction of vour State courts upon a State statute." Because of tuis $40,000,-1 000 of railroad property were put I nnnn thA tavlluta arH fha Jotm i i . i-. . , compenea u, oepaia u xne people f 'he ritetf f 5f Carol ina. It 1 true we lct ldingfieid, but the people of North Carolina gained $50,000 and more than $50,000 in just taxes on railroad property, and j our legislature was saved from be- rf Ing the laughing Again, Senators, if there is one thing that stands nearer my heart than any other in North Carolina it is the asylums for the care of the Insane In the State. Thirty years 1W when I was speaker of the a House of 8 and a Ke- publican was id charge of the asylum just outside of this city, a bill was introduced looking to his removal. I I left my chair and went down the I floor and what voice and influence I j had I raised against that proceeding I and stated that these institutions should not be carried into politics; and so a Republican was retained at the head of this great institution. I Again when I became Governor of North Carolina the asylum was established at Morganton. Men I . a a ' ... I gatnerea arouna me ana saia, "Ap- j nnmf this man" inH thtt. man no I fr'V-" " HOI airector of tni8 institution "in order I that w mav ftlent a cprtAin mn. But I said "No. I will appoint a I board of directors from amonsr the I best men that I can find in North I Carolina, and all the restriction that 1 1 sbH Put DPon them shall be this: Go and find the best man that you can and put him at the head of that institution.' And they selected a man, and he has held his place at Morganton Asylum aver since. In the case of Wood vs. Bellamy when the Legislature of 1895 at- lamntxbft is to Ira ohtftm nf tha lOoldsrjoro. Dr. Kirhv at KiAli-h I and Dr. Murphy at Morganton, it "S"- puuuwi oau- cImto9 and retained tne Democrats in their places. And remember, Sena- I tors, this case was decided upon I principles laid down in the case of I Hoke vs. Henderson, the same prln-l I dpi which controlled the decision 1 01 ine COUTl in tne cases lor wnich a . . . . . . - 1 19 "P1. 10 Pctl l JUQlje8' ni me Auoott vs. ued- hitniaj M(U ,.. jij .ZZZ . wnicn requirea mat an acts relating to the same subject should be con- QUHvu nrauvi) atuvA luiuicr XV I member, Senators, that this White I case was decided on the two prin - dples of Hoke vs. Henderson and imperi materia. Now, Senators, even if they were guilty of the things which are charged against them, shall we for get the great good they have done for the people? Shall they be I ludtred bv the small faults of their hives 0r by their great virtues? I pray God that neither I, Senators, nor you may ever be Judged in such a manner, either in this life or In the life to come. Ex-Governor Thomas J. Jarvis. . Drunken Negro Falls Under a Moving Train. High Point, N. 0 , April 8 Last night Sidney Threadglll (colored), an employe at ths depot hers, jump ed the north-bound mall train at the station and rode within a few feet of Main street crossing, where ha Jumped off. In doing so his feet got under the ears and in conse quence were dismembered about the ankles. His skull-was also mashed, caused by striking the ground with much force. The ne gro waa under the influence of liqu or. Dr. D. A. 8tanton, the Southern Railway nrgoon. took the negro In charge and early this morning am putated tha mangled portions of his legs. At thU writing the negro is alive. . - C3TUAS3 CCriST. Oom Paul sssebs to be paiac hi bat around tines he qcit hta gold diamond fields. Wot sot iorpaeh the Democrat ! Judge fir balding bis ayes to) losg on acmbody sues ante s waist T The civil service law onght to b amended that nobody bat an Ohio man shoald be eligible to pis. Baaaebod oukt to hare ktdaaDLV j th t0tr'ut' .B(! na ..t taonld bavs been offered for itsrs- tun. Mrt. Ntioii'. oJn til. Uetor- to retarn to the .mB.hiB0 bDBMi n.n& i&k a new atAr Mayor Waddell, of Wilmington,! teems to be fond of rsvolstionar) methodt mean while onlookers ar interested in permitting the bloody village to "stew in its own mass." Tne consensus or opinion among the Democratic press aa to the nolle pros idea is only remarkable as if i' were a virtue for registrars to vio late the law and snbjagate their oath It seems that the filing of txpla-l nations was almost entirely ot fitted to those who voted for getting th i offices of Farcbes and Dongrlas. Did not know it waa loaded perhaps. Bellamy and Hears, of Wil mington joined hands and fonahtth "niant'1 I m of. wa v nwar . mtta aI "principle" now they tear loose and flgbt eaeh other over a matter of pie. Van Wyck, the ice trust major of New York, is claimed to be blKd- kind to North Carolina ; snob a claim is also set up for General Fututoc in a remote degree. How about guinaiuo r Caoitalists do not inveat their money in enterprises in older to in- crease the prosperity of somebodt else and mctdenally of the eountrj lo bnt only as a prospective pro ductive investment. Mr. Claude Kithen, new member 0f Congress, advertises for a candl date for West Point cadetshlp, and among other requirements the boy must tell the complexion ot his pol itlcs This is not only a new Idea but one which is likely to handi cap the lad In after life. The army and navy are above the arena of politics. Our Democratic cotton mill trust are almost as obnoxious as the iee. n -n i.: i vt v . ' IUKW H UBUS. n UUJ iiaw xwiver jh.iiih duuoi in xibw idu chea e Wlne wnioll hM taken tour across the equator and around the world certainly improves in aualitv but it is astonishing how an article that is manufactured at our doors can cheapen itself by a 500 mile trip tQ New Lady- School Teacher Save Thirteen . from Drowning-. Omaha, April 8. A special from Harrison, Neb., says an extraordin- incident of the White River floods developed here this morning when Miss Lizzie Cottman saved thirteen children from drowning. Incident- ally it may be mentioned that the daring woman also saved school. house No. 19 for the Sioux county tax-payers. The building, a small wooden affair, occupied a small glade one hundred yards from the banks of the White river. The stream has in the past few days reached the proportions of a torrent because of the melting snow and rain. Gradu- ally the water backed into the ravine, &nu tois morning wnen miss uotc- man arri vfvi thft whrml-nhiMron 1 iL? 1 -ma. . m were making merry in the building, . v- - which was nealv snrrnundod hv water. An hour later Miss Cott- I man was frightened by hearintr the I water passing under the house with I a roaring sound, which gradually I increased. The land was twenty feet away, and the water there was deep. She struggled through to dry I land. which one of the children had rid den to school. From a stable she I took a rope, and, leading the horse back, plunged again into the torrent, The rope she fastened around the hnraa'a nfvlr anrl tha rit Viqt an) ana made fast to the door l&mhnfthn buiidinar. Bv thLs time th hn lid- ing was floating and ready to drift '" omm uuj-o wul to the shore, and Miss Cottman was forced to hold its head above the I water to keep it from drowning. The animal dragged the building close to shore and it was tied to a tree and the children sent horns. And StUl Auotner Scrap In Wilmington. I Wilmington, N. C. Aprtl 8-Min nieBrece,a white man aged 21 years waa shot and killed here at 7 clock tonight by Lout Hardison, I luuuin 'UUUK TV 1X1 Ulna. iaetwO I men were discussing the physical 8tren8th of an acquaintance, and tne aiscussion aeveiopea. into a quarrel, which led to Breece stab bing Haralson in the face with a knife. Breece ran, and as he did so Hardison drew his pistol and fired at bis fleeing assailant. Breece ran into a store near by and fell dead. Hardison is being pursued by officers. ACUINALDO SIMS THE COCUHEKT. Col. 18 Officers aad A3 Sarrendsrad. - Have Manila, April 8. After objecting to two clauses in the draft of the peace manifesto, drafted by Chief Justice Arrellano, Aguinaldo signed the Document. Colonel Aba, Insurgent leader of Z&mbales, with thirteen ofieers and eighty-three men, has surrendered to Lieutenant Colonel Goodrell. Gener al Malver is expected to surrender soon. FICHTIKC IN SOUTH AFRICA. Om Hundred British CapSmred bj the London, April 9. Lord Kitchener reports that a detachment of hun dred men of tne Fif th"Lanceri and Imperial Yeomanry were attacked by four hundred Boers in Cape Col ony. After several hours fighting the British surrendered and were captured. Only 25 managed to saps. 8o many hoaaewivas saffer from nr Tou depreMloa da to eatarrhal weak ness peculiar to their sax, aad after oa year after year, not knowing what their aliment la. Mrs. Mary Cook, ot Pitta ford, N. suffered for six years before sho learned of Parana. Mrs. Cook re cently wrote the following letter to Dr. Hartman: was not wli tor ala ymrm, pmid many doctor bill, but otrer Improvd very much. I gar ap ropes of erar recovering. "Finally, I wrote to Dr. Hartman, and I am thankful to say that I am now weii, through his good advice and medicine. I am gaining in flesh and feel young again. I was very emaciated, but now my own children are surprised in the great change la ma Whan they visit me." Two Men Killed axxd two Injured Wells, Nev., April 8 The west bound limited train on the Central Pacific was ditched last nlsrht near here and three Pullman coaches were burned. Charles Leoder and Daniel Hickman, firemen, were killed and Warner and MoBrlde, engineers, severely Injured. Probable Case of Plague. Ann Arbor, Mich., Apiil 8. The mystery regarding a young Univer sity of Michigan student who has been sent to the pest house, suffer ing, it is believed, irom the bubonic plague, will not be cleared until he takes a turn for the better or worse. The authorities refuse to reveal his identity or to express any opinion as to where he contracted the disease. The patient is a medical student who probably became infected by handling culture tubes in the bacte riological laboratory. Col. Hatchett of Durham Insane. Durham, N. C, April 8 Col. A. Hatchett, who some ten days ago was taken sick on the street here and carried to Watts Hospital, was pr nouncf d insane today by county Health Officer Brook and clerk of the Court Green. Lately he had become nncontrolable and today was removed to the city Jail. Ap plication will be made to-morrow to have him placed in the Central Hospital at Raleigh. GOOD WATCHES ABSOLUTELY FREE. We want your name for PASTIME a brt ant. clean. Illustrated story and humorous paper for the family eircle, is large pa&rea, only 7oo a year; on trial 4 months, 10c, Wa give a nioklr silver watch, guaranteed for one year. will keep time for many years as ac curately as $100 watch. And we give Gold Watches, Bieyoles. ato. Sample and particulars free. Send as your addreoa to-day if you do no more. We will surprise you. Better enoloss 5 stamps for trial subscription or 4 stamps for watch and paper and post age &o. while the watches are going free. The PASTIME Pub Co, Louis- vi Us Pensions Granted. Washington, April 8. Pensions have been granted residents of North Carolina as follows : Bettie Lee Ward, Llnoolnton, $30: Rebecca Munds, D wight ,$3: Polly Ann Anderson, Oxford, $3; John C. M. Valentine, Owenby, S24 ; Charlts Ownsby, father, Bat Caye, ft. A ONDERFUL DISCOVERY Not iy cures, but it keeps well. IssoU i y an organised company of resn- d.ole business men and has the end ement of thousands of Clergy. mr it and noted people throughout the ojunry. we spaas oi snat wonder lul Instrument, Electro poisa, and ask your careful examination Into the cures it has wrought. Col. A. P. Nun ally, of tha Inter-Ocean, Chicago, writes: "Nearly threa years experi enee with Eleotropoiae only confirms tne trutn or your oiaisaa. i say to my friends that this instrument is a most wonderful invention, and I would not part with mine u 1 could not get an other." Send address for our book giving letters from people who brr bean cured by Slectropolae. XL1C rtturuiAB Wm, i jrourcn Avena, Louisville, nv. IT SAVED JUS LEG. P. A. Danforth, ot LaGrange, Oa , suffdred intensely for six months with a frightful runming sore on his leg, but writes that Bueklen's Arniea Salve wholly cured it in ten days For Ulcers, Wounds, Burns, Boils, Pain or Piles it's the best salve in the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c. STORY OF A SLAYS. To be bound hand and foot for years by tbe chains of disease Is tbe wens form of slavery. George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich, tells how such a slave waa made free. He says: "My has been so helpless for live years that she could not turn ever In bed alone. After uslnr two bottles of Electric Bitters, she is wonderfully improved and able to do her own work. This! supreme remedy for female diseases a sickly cures nervousness, sleepless ness, melancholy, headaobe, baekaobe, faintinr and dixsy speiis. mis nura- ols working medicine Is a godaead to weak, sickly, ran uown people, xsvery settle guaranteed. Only S3 osata. Miss Annie Zlott.73 Livingston street, Newark. N. J., took Parana for extreme aervooaaeaa. 8he says i I waa very 111 aad thought I would die. I had a ter rible headache and my head swam; I thought I would never get well; I seemed to hare a great complication of diseases and bought medicines, but they did ma no good. "Finally I gave up aad thought I would wait for my and. One day 1 happened to pick up one of your books. I read of other women who were near death and bad been cured by Peruna, so I thought I would try It. " took a couple ot bottlet aad began to teat better. I cantlaoeef Ha use until oow I am a well woman. I praise Peruna highly and wish other women would uae 1L Rt. Toss Dlioa to Visit Kalalffh. News and Observer. Rev. Tom Dixon, the noted preacher, is to be in Raleigh very soon. He is expected to reach the city about the 21st, coming from the West, where he has been lectur ing for some time. It is understood that a strong ef fort will be made to have him lecture for the benefit of the Baptist Female University while he Is in Raleigh. NERVOUSNESS AND NERVE The more nervous a man is, the less nerve he has. That sounds t ar adoxical but lt Isn't: for nerve is stmina. Hood's Sarsaparilla gives nerve. it tones the whole system, perfects digestion and asslmulatlon, and Is therefore the best medicine a nerv ous person can take. If you get tired easily, mentally or physically, take it it will do you good. . Chinese Immigrants Stopped. Maiono, N. Y April 8. Twenty nine Chinamen were arrested on the Canadian line north of Malone today trying to make their way in to the United States. Humors of all kinds are prollflo of worse troubles. They may do entirely expelled by a thorough course of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Wire Glass Trust. New York, April 8. Tbe combi nation of all the wire glass proper ties in this country was announced today. The new concern which will own all the American wire glass patents and will control directly the entire production of the commodity was Incorporated at Trenton, N. J., a lew days age. It Is called the Mississippi Glass Company, and Its capital Is $1,500,000. Dr. E. Detchoa'a Anti Diuretic May be worth to you more than $100 if you have a child who soils bedding from Incontenence of wa ter during sleep. Cures old and young alike. It arrests the trou ble at once. $1. Sold by Henry T. Hicks, Druggist. A Big Baltimore Fire. Baltimore, April 8. Of the big warehouse of the wholesale drug nrm or Gilpin, langdon A Co., at the northwest (vmo rC T (k . Lombard streets, there rraaln fourlL blackened totterintr walla. Fl broke out in the place this afternoon and within an hour the skeleton walls and pillars and a red furnace of debris marked the site of the big business place. The loss is estimat ed at $200,000, which is fully cover ed by Insurance. v MW Fever Epidemic In New Haven. New Haven, Conn., April 8. Notwithstanding the efforts of the health authorities to minimize the effects of the typhoid fever epidem ic, new cases are continually added to the list. The total number now exceeds 160, and many of them are at the critical stage. The demand for trained nurses has exhausted th the supply in the city. Mi r"" r wurw n-sae strong sV MSwTOai HATHAWAY. Mrs. Anna Roea, SS1S North 71ft street, Philadelphia, Pa, writes: "Pour weeks ago I bettered I hat consumption 1 1 took a aerere cold, am although tor the first tew days tbe mo ens In my throat and chest was loom. It finally became so bad that I had dl. Bcuttyln breathing. Pain in the shoulders followed. A had placed my confidence in you an Peruna, I followed your direction trie; ly, and improved from day to day, an am now well again." Most women feel the ned of a toui to counteract the debilitating effects summer weather. Peruna is such arte edy. It cures all catarrhal conditio! whether it be weakness, nervous d. pre . slon or summer catarrh. For a tre boo. on summer catarrh, addreas The rmn: Medicine On, Colambaa-Ohl. EssBoUIbs- Aroaad Kx strati Maasloa. Washington, April 8 Thirty thousand children observed the annual Easter Monday custom here, and rolled eggs in the grounds sur rounding the executive mansion. President and Mrs. McKlnley ap peared at the windows frequently during the day and waved their handkerchiefs at the little ones. HOW'S THIS t We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be eured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO., "Prop's Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busines trannactions and . financially able to carry out any-ebligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggiots, Tolfdo, Ohio. Walding, Kinnan 4 Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and mu - cous surfaces of the system. Send for Testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the beat. ' WU1 Sue For Her Hatchet. Topeka, Kan., April 8. Mrs. Car rie nauon says she will sue the city for some of her hatchets, which are now in the possession of the po lice department. The hatchets were taken from her on the occasion of ner several arrests during saloon smasnmg days. She made a de mand on the chief of police for the naicneca today, but was refused. BI8MARCBVS IRON NERVE. Waa the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tre - mendous energy are not found where 8tomach, Lirer, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, uae Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25 cents. Sold by ail Druggist. The Menhaden Fishery. Wilmington, N. C, April 8 The Mtmnaaen or -rat back" fishery down the river, near Old Rmn. wick, and the plant for the matin. facture of fish scrap for. fertilisers la now In full operation and Is profing a paying Investment. In previous years twenty-three to thlr- ijr vessel cargoes of this material nave been brought to the several U. . . 1". now -aa asa kjiiii Military nv rna j-kM i .a. ay nl inf a I furnish a part of this material at ume. . PREVENTED A TRAGEDY. Timely information Riven Mrs George Long, of New 8traiUville Ohio, prevented a dreadful trarrdy !d uveS.two JiTg A Mntfni cough had long kept her awake eve ry night. She had tried many reme dies snd doejrs but steadily grew worsenntil urged r try Dr. Kins's Nsw Diseoterv Ooe bottle wholly eurrd her, and she writes this mar velous medicine also eund Mr. Lonir of a severe attack of Pneumonia! Sueh cures are positive proof of the matchless merit of this grand remedy for eurrng all throat, eb andTunJ twubles. Only 60s and $L00 Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free .uninntiY cd GBOTALsr- wwe . Men who bare kt routh-. i-7Z and whole again by this Hinn.M. Vlf -ad free. pots. nrnseliisai ' ma say PS 'P-Ponti Broad Street . -UHe.t-i.Ca m CAUGASIAti Ike Itcaf Uttkf) in Carvttoa. Tie Faraer and lleckiu e CONTAINS ALL THE NEWS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OF THE STATE AND FROM ALL OYER THE COUNTRY. I For Single Subscrip tion One Year, $1. OUR GRAND CUB Mi I SSaa mmU l81" ve C1" oObftrnp, tions, and we will send jei the Paper one year Fre?; or it you are already a Subscri ber we will move up yocr date one year. H f m A J?. 1 lAUlllO Q Farm AND The Caucasian Ore Tor fir $l.Si. Tt3 K0E ACD Firj b ss HjhTOQ. &:i.C::t!;lf yon wiah to reach the " People adTcrtise in THE CAU CASIAH. - Agenta wanted in ererj Nelfifh borhood. Write tzTKtzx CAUCABIAK PUD. 00,