THE CAUOAGIAH! PUBLISHED KVKKT THURSDAY BYTIIK CAUCASIAN PUB. CO. SUBSCRIfTIOM BATES. OmTmt tl-OO ai MmUi. 60 nm Mootka. ... 8t I WAH TIIEItIC A BAIUJAIVf We. notice a nugjfeMtlon In certain auarton that the awns agalnnt the Democratic reghtrarn were nolle prow! as th rwult of a bargain or understanding that thi nhould be done if the Judgw were not convict ed. We do not care to believe that there wan any Hu-h harxaln or un derstanding, and If there wm, we are Hatlafled that the Judgen them selves were not partly to It and never would have consented to Much a r"-ritfltion. It Ih a nlander on them to ugget urh a thing. However, if Much a bantam was luade by any ne It U a disgraceful Ierformano. In the first place, the ... - IlOl only a piece oi unmj inuiwu Mhip, but Is was U gun w lih even a lower motive, no doubt, which may have ln to try to force a trade by which the eases against the regis trars would be nolle prosHed. In deed, wo have some reason to be lieve that such was the purpose, and we have reusou to further believe that there was an additional purpose Inspired by a hungry office greed to get the Judges out In order that some members of the Democratic oolltlcal machine might got into their places. Having failed to make a trade on this basis, the trial of the Judges was proceeded with, and Mr. 81m mons and his machine, as Is well known, did everything in their power to try to convict them. In deed, Mr. Him mons hlmseii was fYeauentlv seen conferring with the liiKirman tvtin hail in iiauu iirmn Hio' case in a way and manner that would have been more than ques tionable In the case of an ordinary Jury. The Jury In the impeachment case was the highest and most im portant that can sit in the State. Therefore, If he was lobbying i he Jury he was ding a most reprehen sible thing. The Judges were acquitted be cause they were Innocent and be cause all the p.wer of the Demo cratic machine could not to so great an extent prostitute Justice. It seems to be admitted even by the machine that these Democratic regis trars were guilty; and hence their great uneasiness. But even if they were innocent, they should have stood trial as the Judges did. THE NEGRO I'llOIILEM. Many newspapers are hiving much to say on the so called "Negro Problem," tho discussion be ing caused Immediately by a recent address of Dr. Winston be fore the American Academy of Polit leal and Social Science. Briefly stat ed, the two conditions hVd down by Dr. Winston as necessary to the betterment of the negro and to a more friendly understanding be tween him and the white people are: 1. The elimination of the negro from politics. 2. The Increased efficiency of the negro as a laborer. There is much truth ii what Dr. Winston says; indeed, we take it no one will question that in a general way what he says is true. The lat ter proposition would be a truism about any race. The former proposition is no doubt instigated bv the reoont political events. The greatest trouble about the negro in politics has not resulted directly ' from the real fact thtt the negro was given the right to vote, but from the use that politicians have made o' the so called negro cry in order to arouse race prejudice and pat them selvts in office. As we have said many times, we think the enfranchisement of the negro was a blunder and that we would have opposed it, but the ob servation we tow desire to make is thi t those who are having so much to say about the necessity of the ne gro getting out of politics are a great extent guilty of creating unpleas ant conditions for .partisan pur poses (not referring now especially to Dr. Winston, but more to the newspapers that have commented upon his article), and In the next place these men have originated and advocated an unconstitutional scheme to accomplish thtt result, and monstrously magnified what ever evils there were In the situa tion to accomplish their unoonstltu tionai and partisan design. So far as North Carolina is concerned, there never has been "negro domi nation," and there niver would have been. Y A. S. A . & a. m xUb do mat as it may, is is. no doubt, better for the negro himself that he be less in politics, and it is rery probable that his Industrial and educational condition to-day would have been mnch more ad vanced If he had never been en franchlsed. In closing we beg the opportunity to say that Dr. Winston's article is well worth reading. A ha been occupying tha stage of Caina for almost a year still stalks abroad in that unhappy, Ill-favored land. Woe i to that nation which fines its elf prostrate at the feat of the so- ml called great and alleged Christian powers of the earth, for their merej is like unto the merey of the destroy ar. their rreed comparable only to I old the greed of an inaatiaU fiend. The I lie TIT PASSI5G OF CIHjrA Toe military dram which harmony pretending w eomroi iuihuuwu. ..... ...... actions of the powers in their deal- "er , X. - 7 ings with China is the mask of hy- M roff th? mtv' poerisy. The real mainspring and key-note of the whole wretched, de-1 ploraoie anair is no. juawoa H tb0 peace nor honor, it is the aeiire tor commercial ad vantage, blended with an inordinate, overweening longing to share in the spoils when the much iAnht for dismemberment of China Acknowledging the light and dn- ty of tbe tations of the earth to pro- 7 " w ,U1X, c , rial court oi resin, wo uoibuuio- say that from the landing of the for eign troops on Chinese soil there has been in t&e handling of the Chinese Imk.AsllA ..rv littla in Ka TmnA of. tuvawtt..v " J K ' I r , -'"T:. in a aeaiueu pf greatness ana gooaness oi anity. Beginning with the looting of Tientsin and the pillaging of oth-1 er cities, comprehending the murder of Uhmese omoiais on me ipse aixu of foreign ministers without semb- lance of jaiicial trial, and ending tl .,ki i..mii, Willi VUS 0lVIHWUl IUUJ1UU. J w A. -V,,w nn- Klno. flnnr in I . .. " . , . I tne races or tne rujiog omoiai. oi unina, me wnoie penormauco umm been a wild org j of selfiianess and tyranny. The claims for indemnity present- d by the different nation, interested are appalling and moostrous aad far beyond the power of the Mongol Empire to grant. As we see It, tne I claim i are made purposely excess ive in the hope that China will be unable to bear the "white man's bur den" and will go bankmpt in the at tempt. Then the door will be open for the heroic and justice loving na tions of the earth to grab Chi nest territory and retain the land so ao qcureaa- mouiut iu uo China. Such holdings of Uhinese I real estate will in the end involve a I title in ptrpetuity. Thus is the rapacious zeal for commercial supremacy on the part of the kingdoms and republics or the Occident tearing Into the vitals of oldtlme civilization, which, ko vever effete and degenerate, yet has some right and claim for consideration. O commerce, what crimes are committed in thy name 1 It is to be hoped that the United States will refrain from Indulging in this wild carnival and "grab." 'THE POPULIST REVIVAL IN SOUTH." THE The New York 8nn of April 15th contains the following editorial: "Chariman Cook, of the Populist party in Missouri declares that the alliance heretofore existing between tbe Populists and Democrats ot Miss ouri is likely to be broken at an ear ly day. The Populist think that they have not been treated fairly. The election of Rolla Wells as miyor of ot. lotus shows that the Missouri Democrats are drifting rapidly away from Bryanlsm. Many disaffected Silver D mocrats express a desire to vote the Populist ticket m preference to voting for Gold Bug Democrats, and a total vote of 30,000 in Sc. Loo ts tor a "public ownership ' nominee for mayor indicates the number of xropuiisiB sua ouciaiist sympBuuzers iu ue iuuuu mere. This is the record of the Populist vote in Missouri, increasing until the indorsement of Bryan by the Poju list St. Louis Convention in 1896, and rapidly diminishing since then: 1892 40 925 1894 42,463 1896 Bryaa. 1898 9,937 1900 4.244 The revival of Pooulism as a dis- tinot creed in any of the Northern States of the country is a matter of no particular importance, but in the MAntH wavrtAVA v m a maiaa a iiam. South, where the margins of Dem eratio control are small 32,000 plu- iralitv fnv ftivAvmrti in Miauvnri 3 - I V . . ' ouu tor vi over nor ot iventucKy, zo,- 900 for Governor in Tennessee, with the Republicans divided, and Mary- land and West Virginia uncertain tne innuenoe oi tne ropuust party seems likely to revive to thi peril of the continued supremacy of the Democrats in those Southern States which the Republicans have not ear ried since the elos of the Civil War. Tbe Populist party has been madr up almost ex jlnsiaely of white vot ers, who preponderate largely in all Southern States except those on th Oalf of Mexico and South Carolina.'' There is some truth in the abov iibservationo of the New York Sun ; iid.ed, a great deal. The question of public o worship ill sorely be a more or less buro ing question in tbe future, and it i w seem that neither the D-mo cratie nor the Kepnbliean party will i i . ... m. ... cuampiua uu great question, xnis win causa a ropuiist revival not on ly iu the South, bnt over tha whole country. We notice that one, James Haffl- davit Pou. and one. Ttedahirt fllm. mons. are now boastine that their . ..... . " ,J "w,n vuo luuiytw registrars, couia never nave oeen convicted and that they have never had anv fears. If thi. Is tn.e, why mlb ,m.oy -i.i.i! . . . nollA nrrtwlnw ih noon X rr""u wr.wmsK3 HUU IUO IIH.1I1T.1VH TITMB I a VWM hA the registrar! made a condltton r r - o m.n Mj I qulslte to the peace which earnestly sought for? was so Girl Strikers Win. Shamokin, April 15. The Sham- okln silk mill, which had been Idle since. February 17, owing to a lock- out because the three hundred girls Insisted on the recognition of their union, resumed work today, the company granting the demand of the operatives. , Tf Walca U a Rat Eatata Oww.. Charleston News and Coarto. ku,. i.. auicub, mm estate owner, The ew IUv. u i ... Register explain There Is In that town a magnificent oak tr e, altoated in a place wbre it would naturally be lo some danger of the woodman' axe. Many yean ago the tree and the land about it were owned by a man who felt at if th- oak were bin personal friend. had watched it grow from his her at - that devWng Mmt) wgy by whlch tree could be -nrtually protect- she ecf ftQCj finally he had a deed made indue form at the county court house, conveying Ho the said oak tree entire posseailon of itself and all land within eight feet of It on all sides." It is the only tree in theJ H? lteelf "nd 1 f" oa be pursued in the case of the great sequoias of California Iater War ewi from Kentucky Mayklng, Ky., April 14. Later advices from the feud troubles at I . .! .V.. r. ..... Ol iff Sohn H. Elkins, of Whltesburg, who was on Wright's side, was shot twice, once In each shoulder. Creed p0tter, with John Reynolds, was Bnot twice across the back, only slight flesh wounds. John Ry-1 noma m ueueveu iu uo ua lttuxn.i lng conditions which they as-ert Twenty more men frm the Spo.tersexl8t in the island. Mr. Iglesias wenueys jomea me weynoius faction today. A dozen armed men - . w. Kultru iue aouae wuere jouu rvey- nolds is being nursed. The others for plcket duty I Th Wrlffhtu r.elved over a d zen armeci recruits today. W. 8. Wright and his son, Wil- lbm, were burled in the same grave today there being :over of friends at the burial The feeling b such that trouble is momentarily CMhier Lewi Embexseied I Washington. April 13. The I Cnmntrolier of the Currenev to-dav I appointed J. T. Sullivan, of his I office, as temporary receiver for the! Farmere' National Bank of Vergen-1 nes. Vt. The bank examiner. Frank I J. Fish, during an examination of the bank on April 8, discovered a n. -mm mm shortage In the cash, and a further investigation which has been con- ducted by Special Examiner John B. Cunningham, Indicates a total embezzlement by the cashier, D. H. Lewis, of $90,000. After the discovery of the defalca- tion, the examiner secured the R. turn of $25,000 to the bank. Until t tnHin w I I th rt r to Mfihier ta maHA it ih I imnossible to state what loss, if anv. wm accure to tne ueposHors. n7r"L- beuevea, nowever, mat tne loss to i the depositors will be large. CASE OF BUBONIC PLAGUE IN MlCHICAN The Doctors Report oo the dent at Ann-Arbor So Spread. Afflicted Stu- Dang-er of a Chicago, April 14. A dispatch toand that the concern would find a The Eecord-Herald, from Ann Arbor, Mich., says: , Dr. Victor C. Vaughan, dean of the medical de partment, and one of the most noted bacteriologists in tne country, ap peared before the State board of I health yesterday and practically ac knowledged that the case of student Chas. B. Hare is one of bubonic plague. He assured the board that I there would be no spread of the disease, as all precautions had been taken to prevent it and the student i will recovery. Small pox In Charlotte. Charlotte Observer. Since Tom Sanders, the colored janitor at the new graded school, on I Ninth street, has developed small- box (21 days after he was but under quarantine). It would appear that the doctors who advised th rlninor of the school and the fumieation of the buildW and the school com m is. sioners who acted upon their advice were wise in their day and genera - tion. Sanders' wife broke out with Ismail Rn.i UaH.k A. 1. r I WftS tn fear of nis having brought the germs of the disease into the I school that resulted in its being i closed. In Jail for Blackmailing. Utica, N. Y., April 14 Chester Arthur Lisle, 17 years, is in the Utica jail, charged with using the mails for fraudulent and blackmail ing purposes. He sent letters to ex- Mayor Chas. A. Doolittle and Thos. F. and W. T. Baker, the latter pub- Ushers of The Utica Saturfay Globe, f o me eneci ma unless mey deposit - ed certain sums, varying from $200 iouuu, in a cenaiu place, tne ..r..1l J wuiu uu-ugure U1U evenirvaa, flr!. oKotl nlor nn Hatpin. kiU the daughters of their famlUes and others. He has made a com- I 1A. . . P cumwou, impiicaung otners vhrafl tmm; will fnllnw. I " " - 1 I Trial of Sergeant Memsou. I Manila, April 18 The trial of . . Sergeant Memson, the first case in the commissary scandals, began with in awning, aisciosures expected. 7- "" 4unu - ties oi nour were taken from a gov - ernment warehonm and nlH h I three commissary sergeants and two others, who divided the Droceeda. I ""S P"rie.t-' f uiu uuuvv. was lncrimintTMi inn I -w 9 Iwmhji uusiuvss meu were ajsoin I iv v t . Vlv? The. tont 5. sale has not been ascertained. Tne Treasury Buys Bonds. Washington, , April 15.--The Secretary of the Treasury late thla afternoon purchased 11,600,000 worth of 4-perent bonds of 1907. The sellers were Harvey Fiske & Co., $1,500,000, and N.W.Harris A Co., $100,000. The price paid was $113.55. , The offers were made tab morning. " . .... Tvocaiicsa ujail Aea r Mwrmmm Ha rfcg wt Oalr Elg-fct Tear Out. ; . , . . ktoo, McL, April 1 4. (n a I iee wan ant sworn out by State's Attor- partmeat today la coafarvooe wtth ney William 8. Evans, of Elkton, ttocrvUry Hay on the status of m Deputy Sheriff William McAllister fotiailona at Pekln. The If iniataf b hA imnL. a .nd indovri in (.ii somewhat concerned over the delay Sarah Sim pew. aged twelve yearr, ln wtM, i, ch ,Vged with the killing oi l youug-r brother, Howard Hini- perm aged eight years, at t heir home Appleton, on Wednewlay last. to The youthful prisoner is unoon-1 sponss to loqaries on theae sub- cerned over her arrest, and insist I jecta : bo did not have any thing to do with the shooting, while her little near tnaicnina was rery bjow. du i.i. . i. . I in thla case many wecka and who secured an o!d army mus- "th' ?J "Ly. , . . . . . . laeiar tvriuuMuia m v,mua swim ket lroru its place over the door, Md t wlthoot andcarringit to the yaM, placed defloite DroroecU of brinrtnar the it on the old store box and told him I n, gotiatlona to a clone. This un to pull the trigger of the gun. I aetled condition b very injurloua to Both are held for the action of the I China, but It also la an Injury court, which will be in session next I which effecta the whole world. Taae week. On account of their youth, 1 the State's attorney will urge that they be put In a home until they ara of age. PORTO IICAMS IN 0I8TRESS. Laboriac- Mtn Preaest m Petition to tke President. Washington, April 15. Santiago Iglesias. president of the Federation of Workmen of Porto Rico, present ed a petition to President McKinley todav signed bv 6.000 Porto Ricans. praying for relief from the distress-1 was accompanied to the White Hout-e by Frank R. Morrison, secie- tary of the American Federation of Labor. The petition begins as fol lows: 4The undersigned, workers of Porto Rico, without distinction of color, political or Religious creed, havt lhe honor to bri to your at. Uiloa fUto-lng fLt Misery with all its horrible consequences is spreading in our homes with won derful rapidity. It has already reached such and extreme that many workers are starving to death while many others that have not the cour- age to see tneir motbers, wives ana sisters ana cniiaren perisn ot bunger, commit suicide by drowning them- selves in tne rivers or nangmg tnem- selves from branches of trees." May Build Smelting Plant. Norfolk, Va., April 14. The officials of the Wheeling Develop ment Company, who have recently purchased for 1275,000 a track of Norfolk City realty having a deep water frontage of ample length to a"W"g, ue- cline to dl8CUSS their proposed steel- makeng industry. Several of the promoters being Pittsburg men close I 1" J1 Vj' nat, anu owing to the I further fact that this is "-" , T T " V " " : I vuimu icaiio w iuv ueiiei mail the new concern intends locating I here one of its great smelting I plants and rolling mills. I It is significant that the proposi-1 tion to manufacture armor-plate for I the near-hv shinvards is still alive I I local patronage ready tor it. CENERAL FRENCH CAPTURED. It ia Imported That tbe doers Hat Caught Him Alone With SOO British Troops. London, April 15. It is said that a private letter-telegram has been received to the effect that General French, and 500 British troops, have been captured by the Boers, I while his force was enveloped in a mist on the hills: No confirmation ui iuc icpoit u uc uuutmeu. xne " vmvo ucao jvuun o uvwiug uuut the rumored capture of General French and entirely discredits the r Boers Killed and Captured. London, April 15. The War Of- flce received the following dis- I paicn irom ox)ra jvuenener aatea I Pretoria, April 15: I "Colonel Sir Henry Bawlin and I commn rushed the south laager, 1 northwest of Klerksdorp, at day ass i a rt v- a i light. Six Boers were killed, ten wounded, and 23 taken prisoners. tie captured a impounder, one pompom complete and two ammu nition wagons with ammunition. Our casualties were three wounded. Colonel Plumer captured a field cor net and seven men with ten wagons and 18 rifles. - "uuring uoionei loicner's opera- tions in Orange River Colony, seven Boers were killed." What Was Expected of Him. Lumberton Bobesonlan. turn to tne annoaace8 thllt i;nim -liiatlPA Knivhaa nn hia ra 1 mftora wmirit, hfra tht o,, far M he Ia rftn,ml. will h ,n. I aiflAnvl ftirlv r,rt lm.Hi.n .n,i I J , IfZ , IT' vnw him , wtt, Mo I ""V V mM MM V TT HVVUWk V AMA VU V MAO conduct during the impeachment I r I proceedings can doubt the sincerity I of his expressed purpose. A Pillar ia Westminister Abbey Falls l8 b v t he f nil Tf anelehtn T A 11 19 0 i I foot nillar In Wfiatminiatpr AhW i tne puiarsiooa in tne side chapel 1 northeast of the chancel. It fell with a tremendoua crash, waa ah at. terta into small pieces and dam I be tomb of Lord Norreys. In IK? ?S L." . f . very unsafe. Steps have been ta ken to assure stability. HIE KIDNEYS JND THE SKIN. In the spring the kidneys have much to do If they are weak or torbid, thy will not do it well, and fcne 8kln wUl 1)6 Pply or blotchy, Tbj U llin fcho 8tory in fw iS?L , V . . ZlfS? kwlSlt!. Hi ets all citaneou Sruptlons. ' Don't fall to take it. ' ..... i Buy a bottle today. Sore ta Nay War. to ia vrrw. Waahlncton. Anril 15 The Chl- ttlntater waa at tha 8tate De- bHagtng about a flnaJ ikdjna fl "Jt fl-nr -hu,K rra. berond the abllitr of China mL. Ulnlater Wu aaid la re- We hare been accustomed to for instance the cotton tnduatry of the South. The ahipmeata to Chi na are very large, pat they have been falling off owing to the anet- led condition of affairs and the I trade is seriously menaced. What we need and what the commercial world needa ieetabillty and aomel definite understanding of what con ditions are to be. "As to the quest on of indemni ties, I receive itttle direct informa tion. But I have regretted to aee I some of the publi bed report that the total of lndemnltlea b reaching a very large sum. it should no borne in mind that China herself nas suuerea great losses inrougn the recent disturbances, 1 oases which will amount to many mill ions, and for which she cannot hope to receive Indemnity. So that If the claims of the powers aggregate 14 uw.uuu, as l see staved, u wouia i probably not be an underestimate to say that China's own losses will I wUl I reach twice that amount, aay $600- 000,000. In the aggregate, China wi 1 bethouldering :a burden of colcal r-Plrn" ter the coun ry has passed through a most trying experience. "1 note that a number of sugges tions are made that the lndemn.ty should b along the lines of com mercial advantages and improve ments rather than In money. How far this is feasible I cannot say, but the principle involved seems to me a good one. It has the merits of being unselfish. As I understand i. the indemnities thus far asked are based entirely on the interests of the various powers. But the in terests of China are worth consid ering in tnis matter, for after all the Interests of China will have much to do in the end with the in terest of all those nations having relations with her and who are car rying on extensive trade with the east." Mrs. NatloQ Forced to Leave Missouri. Kansas City. April 15. Mrs. i r riG Nation was arrested yesterday cnarea W1 n oosiruciing me street, morniog, fined $500 nd eivun until 6 o'clock this eve olnff. iHavA th citv Th nri-0 wamed Mrs. Nation that if she was found in the citv after ttrnt honr she would be arrested and placed In Jail, she agreed to leave town, and ,a hfte. n minutes later boarded street, car ror ivansas uity, HOW'S THIS? We offer dae hundred dollars reward for any case of Catarrh shat cannot be eured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Prop's Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and bs here him perfectly honorable in all Ibusinea transactions and financial! able to carry out any obligations made oy tneir nrm. west & rruax, Wholesa'e Druggists, Toledo-, Ohio. waiaing, Kinnan & Marvin,- Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Rail's Catarrh nr. i. tek.n i..t...Il, a IIU BCW UireCUV OD tne DIOOU tLltO mtt I cous burfaoes of the system. Send for resumamal Iree- i i,ia nv arntfsrintM 7fi. I Hall's r amily Piila are the best. mi rm - Gov. Smltli's Lumber Combine. Norfolk, Va., April 14. Gov. John W. Smith, of Maryland, who is forming a combination of all the manufacturers of long leaf pii lumber, with the supposed co-operation of the Belmonts, was again here yesterday, in conference with the owners of many mills. He was accompanied by Gen. Francis E. Waters and Mr. John both of Baltimore. MARCH AND THE LION. SOMCTBIXQ BBTTEK THAN THB OLD SAW. The saying abiut the lion and the lamb in March often prove fale, but there is another one and a better one which i literally true When March comes tn ar d finds you taking Hood's Sarsanarilla to nunfr. enrich nd vi talize your blood, vou but nn.i.t f .S'L'SJe? free from that tired feeling and with ' ters to ear- Stomach and Liver trou noneofthe boils, pimples and erup-1 blea, but she heard of it, took seven tions whicn manifest themse ves be- Srh'i ina now nareaparuia ior your spring medicine, we advise you to begin to day We assure you it will make jou ft el better all through the coming sum mer. B. H. Holliday's drug store. CT JM t. tt . o Unknowa Man Cumberland, Md , April 14. The body of an unknown mar which had be n bur. ed from hia head to his knees, was found twenty feet from the Baltimore A Ohio track near Gibson, on the . Pittsburg dl- j vision, this morning. There was no ' evidence of a fire near by or a strag gle, and it is supposed the man waa murder d by tramps, his clothing set on fire, and hts body east from the train - The man waa probably thirty years- old, with blaek hair and beard. .. Fava not Recalled. - . , New York, April 15. This state ment comes from Baron Fava, the Italian ambassador who it in this city: - - ,.. . uIt is not true that Baron Fava has been recalled. Owing to Im portant family affairs which re quire his presence in Italy he has applied for his retirement. Baron Fava, on his return home,- will re sume his duties in the Italian Senate. , -. .'. j. .. , . - UsPeruna In His Family With Very Great C03GRESSOA3 WTIXI1M P. ALDRICH, OP ALOBICU. 1L1. PeWaMeaklneCompany, wrltfn from Washington, D.C. tonic and catarrh cure in the followtng word i Th; c tn certlfv that Peruna. manufactured by ' .. . M Uld ww- Jnc PenM mCUlCine UU., g. r m.r tamtlxr . . m; ocen iwcu iu mimjt mmmmmmj Wt occu mu - tonic and Will DUIld Up a recommend it to those JZE?2?,Z flJCUJwflJCr MUM MfclIIIli Addreaa Th Pruna Medlcln Co, Summer Catarrh," which treat on the and contains Dr.Hartman's experience disease. Of Interest to Farmers. As the spring has opened and crops are being planted, insecta are again .becoming numerous and th lr ravages will soon begin. We i wish to urge farmers not to wait until a crop in ruined, and then write for information, but as soon as an Insect enemy Is detected, send some specimens to this office, so thit they may be identified, and remedies suggested. The Impor tance of the work against injuri ous Insects Is becoming more and more apparent. Everybody is in vited to take free use of this office to obtain information regarding In sect friends and foos. Franklin Sherman, Jr., Entomologist, N. C. Department of Agricultur , IU1 elgh, N. C. A FRIGHTFUL BLUNDER Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world. will an: tne pain anu promptly neat it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils. Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile oure on earth. Only 35ct. a box. Cure guaranteed. Hold by all druggists. Sold by B. H.Holllday, Druggist. Pimples, blotches and all other spring troubles are cured by Rood s Sarsaparllla - the most effective of all spring medicines A NIGHT OF TERROR. 4 Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave Generl Burn ham, of Machlas, Me, when the doctors said she could not live till morning ' writes Mrs. 8. H. Lincoln who attendnd her that fearful night "Al thought she must die from p eumonla, but she begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, saying It had more than once saved her lifo, and had cured her of consumption. After three small doses she slept easily all night, and Its further use completely cut ed her." This mar velous medicine Is guaranteed to cars all throat, chest and lung dls ess. Only 50c and $100. Trial bottles free at R H. Holiday's drug store. Maat Bmwm LAeeaM tr jom Drlsk la Ar Little Rock, Ark , April 15. The Btate Ser ate today passed a bill making it unlawful for any person to drink any Intoxicating liquor as a beteragunnUss he or she shall P. MoreJ"ve ODiainea a license as a , dram drinker. The license Is fixed at. so per aonum. COLD 8TEEL OB DEATH. "There Is but one small ebanee to save your life and that is through an operation." was the awf nl prospect set before lira. L. B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, WU, by her doctor after vainly trying to enre her of a fright ful ease of stomach trouble and yel low jvrodiee. He didn't eonnt on tie marvelous nower of Elaetrie Rift. bottles, was wholly cured, nJw weii avoided ghs more itively guaranteed to enre Stomach. uirar ana jvianey iron Dies and nev er diaanpomta. Price 60s at all njgglsta. Sold by B. H. HolUday, DrnggUt. Mules In South Africa.' New Orleans, La., April 15. The steamer Monterey, cleared for Cane town today with 1,100 mules. PwmMei u n 15aa,T"to0 th the i aia, eteT Dr. Hatha wet's ana4fleetreaat i aTca suTaxwi.Tjra. rre-i matnawav, n, a Piv Usaaaway 9 cm lo the . t. ...o nhln hxs ui situiuuut "r with GUCCBSS. ctirr-jz- It iS O flOC m m ST A - A JWWm 9 M depleted system rap ivij. ' Who need a Sfe, reliable Columbia, Ohio, ror a ir copy phaaea of catarrh peculiar tohot of fifty years In the treatment of tHese DaDanlr. ! Woir Hopper and Was. A.I Brady Under Arret. New York. Ap-ll 14 Dan Daly, De Wolf Hopper and William A Brady were arrested in this city to night charged with violation of the nvaa1 A rv I mm aa . W At IaH ar a K ft h at 1 raising and lowering of curtains for I day. The men are charged with bay ing produced a burheque on MUn- cle Tom's Cabin at a vandevllle performance at the Academy of Mu sic. De Wolf Hopper played the lm ItatL.n cf Uncle Tom. All three were released on ball. A MONSTER DEVIL FISH Destroying Its victim, is a type of Constipation. The power of this mur derous malady is frit on organs atd nerves and muscles and brain. There's no health till it's overcome. But Dr. King's New Li'e P.ils are a stfe and certain cure. Best in tbe world for Stom iek. Liver, Kidneys and Bow els. Only 25 cents at all druggists at R. U. Holiday's drug store. WATCHES AID Jiff MY. High calss Goals. Lowest prices. My Clocks are reliable any style. The little intermittent alarm clock is a sure worker. Every home needs one. Repairing Done Honestly and Carefully If you are thinking of purchasing a Watch or watch cbarm or other Jewelry, come to aee me. T. W Blake. Raleigh, II. C. Local Inspector lor 8. A. L. , SOUTHBRH RAIL! standard Railway of The South. The Direct Line 'o all points - - - - - Texas - California Florida - Cnbaifi Porto Rico. b olh pattern. Dr.HathawarViasS2ri oleTerTponofth body alS??? rvMi vi SJUfl noav St TTmnTm M mmmmA .as . - .BOBI 4ra. ner "ar WbiwaUBefatlyoran taa dC" M bis taetboa. ,5 - w rat iau mm THE OAUCASl Ttc ix&Cai Wcckl i v n Carutl oa. lie Farmer and hm Paper. CONTAINS ALL THE NKWi OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OF THE STATK AND FROM ALL ; OVER THE COUNTRY. ifor Ollierle Oil DSCHp- tion One Year, $1. OUR GRAND CLUB: RAIL Send us Fire cash Subsoil tions, and we will send jm f the Paper one year Frw; r ? v ii you are already a Snbrri uer we wm more up jotr date one year. Home & Farm The Caucasian I Ore Yor fir $L25. Tt3 HOrE AHD FtD is i B:t-p:p, $ii-C;3!h!f CrintercP Pe;:i If jroo IwUh to Creach tbe j People adTertice in THE CAU CASIAN. BBBBBBaM Asm i g wanted in erery Stigtr i Hrhood. Write fcr ratca. jr. o ale J: at day 11 o fit ef r.n Mai wot Mr Cat cr the Wl 1 br, l Tk a i e; so ac U U If w OI 1 w ft 1 L & t J 1 1 i 1 I Wfc -T ouv Wroa.1 eirtm I Alt CV CAU(8lA!i PU1X (XX

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