THE JJL JLL JUL 11 V CAUCASIAN Vol. XIX. RALEIGH -NORTH CAROLINA. MAY 2 1901. LETTERS Ot THE PEOPLE. SOMK TIILMiS THKY ARK Til IN KIMS AHOUT-ANI) COMMENT Til Kit IC ON. FACTS, OPINIONS, VIEWS AND NEW8. Tbwre I Yet Work to lM-IIw "lied Helrt" Oraaaetrr to Wrap up Fact- A Democrat Properly Ot-HorxJ Cottoo Afr'l'lk 'l b I lurMlag and Horn if II rrlenla, TIIK IlKST I TICK hTATK. Iteidsvllle, N. C, April 24, IJ)1. I euclose, amount for subset iption. I would ntop ttlH pajier, hut it I the beat in the utate. J. 11. TKI.L THK "NEWS." Durham, N. C., April 23, 1901.- Kncloned Is amouut for renewal of my subscription. Tiik Catcahian improved every year. I hope it will continue to tell the news." J. C. Ckahtkkk. DKKINKS A DKMOC'KAT. Leggett, N. C, April 25, 1901. Kudosed Is amount for subscription to the Caucasian. I can't do with out it. It Is the only paper that define a democrat and a democratic legislature Just as I wee them. T. W. RlDDICk'. wants a good patkr. Nlcanor, N. C, April 24, 1901. I enclose you amount for bu Inscrip tion to the Caucasian for one year. Mr. J. M. Maogs here takes the paper and fays it Is a good one, and that is what I want. M. J. Nixon. as lono as i CAN." Severn, N. C, April 2, 1901. I enclose amount for Caucasian. When my subscription expires, please notify me. I like the paper as well as any I have ever taken, therefore I wish to continue it as long as I can. L. II. Pai.mkk. TIIKKE IS YET WORK. Kappa, N. C, April 21, 1901. Enclosed is amount to renew my suttHcriptlon for another year. I do not think the paper has accomplish ed Its mission or that it deserves to die. There Is yet a work for the Caucasian and the People's Party to do. W. It. Ketch ie. BATTLES FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE. Edward, N. C, April 22, 1901. I am proud to see that the Cauca sian still battles nobly for truth, Justice and humanity. Never before in the history of the state have her people been subjected to such a reign of political tyranny. I J. Stim.ey. SOME NEWS ITEMS. New Light, Wake Co., April 26, 1901. The planters In this vicinity are very well up with their farm work, though wet weather has pre vented extensive plowing On Sunday, April 21st 1901, Miss Cordelia Hay was happily married to Mr. J. M. Nines, at the residence of the bride's father. The ceremony was performed by W. D. Kay, Esq. It." TKY TO "WRAP IT UP." FUmore, N. C.Aprll 24, 1901. Find enclosed amount for renewal to Caucasian. I am nearly sixty- nine years old, but still I desire to know something about the political affairs of my state, and through your paper I find the only chance to tret it. These little sheets down here the followers of Simmons red-shirt, break-neck, negro-poll- holders, falsely so called white supremacy policy try to "wrap it up." S. D. Boykin. COTTON ACKEAOE A PREDICTION BACKWARD SPRING SMALL POX REPORT. Wakefield, N. C, April 2G, 1901. I think Oen. Cox hit the nail on the head about the farmers' meeting, advocating the reduction of the cot ton acreage. The more it is talked the more cotton will be planted. Nothing short of an earthquake will make a farmer think and open his eyes. When he sees the papers ad vocating reduction he will think the farmers generally are going to "reduce" and he will say, now is my time, and will plant double his acreage, and all of them think alike. They have bought about all the guano they can get on time, and cotton at 5 or 6 cents next fall will make them open their eyes. This is the most backward spring I have seen for years. The trees look almost like dead of winter, and if the leaves get grown by the 10th of May," they will have to hustle. Tobacco plants are the smallest for the time of the year I ever saw, and not a good stand either. Wheat and oats are looking fine; clover almost a failure, it being so dry last fall. i nave not neara a person express themselves yet but what think the Impeachment trial ended right. It Is reported there is a case of mall pox ia Wakefield, Wake Co V, L. Chamblke. BONIjH in kinhton. Kinton, N.C., April 27th. Kin ou Is calling for more bonds. We have now outntanding thirty-three thousand, ami are now asked to vote twenty thousand more for school buildings. Our townaaien are taking after Orover Clevelaad. They abus 1 Orover for issuing two hundred and sixty-three thousand dollars worth of bonds to keep up the gold renerve. It appears that our townsmen are taking on a mauia for bond. I wonder if they ever heard that several yearn ago tliis town sold -ight thousand dollars worth of bonds to build au electric light plant, and I wonder if they ever heard that that plant was burned without a dollar's i nsu rarn-e. I wonder i f the bond ad vcatH ever heard that eight thous and dollars of bonds has been id. I wonder if, in 1900 they didn't sell twenty-live thousand dollars worth more Ixmds. I wonder if anybody ever heard the advocates of the bonds say that U' the people would vote for the twenty-five thousand dollais worth of bonds they would call In the eight thousand they is sued st! vera 1 years ago. Have they done so? Home say no. Will the advocates please add eight thousand and twenty-five thousand together and see how much Kinston now owes? Will some of the advocates of the bonds calculate the in terest on that at six per cent, and see what that will be for one year? Then multiply that by thirty, since the bonds mature In thirty years. They say the way to build up a town is to sell bonds. I wonder if they ever heard of a nation or a town getting rich by selling bonds, espe cially If they take the interest to pay. You can build up a town by build ing manufactures, because it is like a merchant ship. It brings its food from atai. If the bonds are to be paid who will pay them ? The la boring man pays It all. All wealth is created by the laborers. The bond holder feasts and fattens on them. The bond bolder is not taxed in pro portion to the man that drives the bull yearling. F. li. Bkcton. The Democratic War of Spending Mon ey for Education. llendersonville times. Figures quoted last week by the Ilaleigh News and Observer on the authority of the State Audi or show that the impeachment proceedings had cost the State up t that date over $8,000. In other words that is the price we are paying to teach a part of the Senate something which they ought to have known already and which some of their colleagues and a good many of us outside the Senate did know already, namely that the judges ought not to have been impeached. After this can any one say that North Carolina is un willing to spend money for educa tion? 'The Standard Bottles up Oil Fields. the Beaumont Beaumont, Tex. April 26. The Beaumont oil exchange to day post ed the statement that the Standard Oil Company had purchased the rail road terminals wharves and shipping facilities at Port Arthur, and 90,000 acres of land surrounding the port. The price was not given. Port Arthur is the nearest deep water port to the Beaumont oil field and by controlling this outlet the Standard Oil Company can control every barrel of oil taken from the Beaumont field. A Curious Blrtli Complication. In a small town of Warren county, New York, two boys were born of the same mother, one just before midnight on December 31st, 1900, and the other soon after twelve o'clock in tne morning ot January ...... . 1st, 1901. There is quite . a contro versy as to the day on which the children will celebrate their birth- day; and whether or not they are twins, or onlv broth. W that, thev were not horn on the mmoHnv. nor the same year, nor in the same century. Baying- p Old Southern States Bonda. London, April , 24. A London firm Is promoting the old scheme of buying up bonds which the South ern States issued during the recon struction period and which, later, were repudiated by the State gov ernments. The papers exploit the enterprise, urging the bondholders to come forward. , There is consid erable local interest in the repudiat ed bonds, which are largely held here. One bank is reputed to hold a majority of the Arkansas Issue. Magnetic Healers Fined. t r r, a si .to t r Stephen A. Weltmer and Joseph N. Kelly who operated the American School of Magnetic Healing, at Ne vada, Mo., were fined $1,500 each in the Federal Court this morning. The pnRrim wu iihitiv 1 iih ijiiiihi nuiira t IL. TTli J Dl.1.. . " t : iimiiN ii ir i,i n iiurinij ua a a a uii. uv promising for a consideration to cute persons of poverty and all known boily ills through 'absent treatment" and "mental suggestion." ouryreu j , ou I Cape Town, April 26. A troop of Western Province mounted in fan try was surprised by the Boers April 20, fifty miles north of Calvl nla. Cane Colonv. Two men were killed and seven wounded and sev eral were taken prisoners. 1 ELEPf AST OCOVIS TRAJCEI. Ifebt elaa Uatftrtki Water Till fee Wee Dead. 'Ike the Heart ru Away. Peru, Ind., April 25. Henry Huffman, a well-known animal trainer with the Wallace show a, met a horrible death here to day, being killed by "Big Charley," a monster elephant, while the animal was bathing in the Misslssinewa Kiver. "Big Charley" wound his trunk about Keeper Huffman and hurled him far into the stream. The man was u nil jural, and when he return ed he said: Why. Charley. I didn't think that of you; aren't you asham ed of yourself?" The next instant Huffman was grabbed by the big elephant and thrown to the bottom of the river and held tliere by the forefeet ol the animal. Then with a great roar the elephant ran away. Several show men shot at him with no effect. He broke down fences and roamed about iavfc-Ag field, keeping everybody at a distance. Apples loaded with strychnine were thrown near him, and he ate one. An hour later he lay down and was in terrible agony. A rifle shot settled him. "Big Charley" weighed over three tons, was valued at $10,000, and in his lifetime had killed r Keeper Huffman at different men. times was animal trainer in Fair- mount Park, Philadelphia, and Cen tral Park, New York City. His home was at Columbus, Ohio. Never Uaed an Oath, Irank Uquor or Klsaed a. Woman. Chicago Dispatch, 24th- Prof. Algle li. Crook, the bache lor member of the faculty of North western University, surprised the students during a heart to heart talk In the laboratory yesterday by say ing that the frivolities of the world had not tempted him. "I have never uttered a profane word," said Prof. Crook, "never have smoked, chewed tobacco, drank Intoxicants, nor hugged or kissed a woman." The confession brought blushes to the cheeks of the young women of the class, while the vounsr men look- ed and wondered. o "That Is true," added the pro fessor. "Well, spoke up a student, "you don't know what you've missed, professor." Prof. Crook, after a moment's si lence, and as if talking to himself, remarked: "Perhaps not." Prof. Crook is a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University and is 37 years old and is known as one of the most athletic and learned men at the Evanston institution and is a favorite at Woman's Hall. VIEWS QN FUSION. Kanaaa Populiata Seem Alone. to Prefer to it Topeka, April 26. The Populist State Central Commitee has been sounding the rank and file on the question of further fusion with the Democrats. The State organ to-day gives this result: 93 per cent of the letters received in answer to the queries propounded by the State Central Committee are in favor of putting a straight Peoples party ticket in the field next year. The other seven per cent are in favor of all Kansas Populists going into the Democratic primaries and taking possession of the machinery of that party. About one half of the writ ers say they would favor the forma tion of a new party in the btate pro vided all the reform elements could be united under ita banner: other wise not. All of the writers favor direct legislation and most of them favor makirjg it the paramount issue in the next State campaign by em phasizing it as the only way to get public ownership of public utilities to stop the corruption of legislative bodies and to secure genuine rule by the Deo Die i ---- - In The Periodicals. No broader distinction can be made between men than that which divides them into two classes. To the first class belong those who al ways have a good excuse why tne thing required cannet be done. The second class is composed of those who manage to do. Foremost in this latta class stands out the figure of General De Wet. Allen Sangree, I wn0 nas just returned from the Transvaal, draws a vivid picture, of the character of this most remark - able general modern times for the May Cosmopolitan, and the : article is illustrated with the most complete I collection of photographs and draw ings yet published. A great deal has been published, of late, on the career of General Funston, but the subject is approach ed from an unusual point of view by Prof. James H. Canfleld in the May. Dr. Canfleld was one of Funs ton's colic teachers in the University of Kai He writes appreciatively of the qt Hies displayed by young Funston rn the class-room, recalling that he was ''wr""lvv' I mmsen once lainy "noorea" on a i . . - . ... - - f i . e e point in economics by his briMant tion of Niagara from the encroach pupil. x I mnt of commercial and mannfact- Xhouaanda Hare Died from Famine. " Vienna, April 27. About 20,000 nersons are renorted to have died I - famine In the Russian provinces Kherson and Bessarabia since Feb - 1 ruary, and the famine cannot fail I reach a stage of even greater severify - 1 before the crops of 1901 mature. I The provincial authorities are help - - less in the face of the vastness I the calamity.. FIGHTING SMALLPOX. OFFICIAL AND MEDICAL OPINION TO THE EFFECT THAT IT IS DANGEROUS LY PREVALENT. ADVICE OF STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. Vaccination Ur-ed a a Precautionary Meaaare. The IMaeaae Declared to be Prevalent all Orer The TJnlU-d Ktatea And Said to ba on the Increaee. It seems that the smallpox is le coming to be a matter of much con cern in some sections of the state. If not prevalent, it is at least con sidered dangerous in portions of Wake county. Last veek there was special meeting of the Wake county board of commissioners to consider what steps had best be tak- eni hi End, UPP t hi plague. They were first in session in con junction with County Superintend ent of Health McCullera and Hr. It. H. Lewis as a county santiiary com mittee and then as a board of com missioners to take action in the premises. The following resolution which was adopted shows the result of the meeting: Whereas, in the opinion of the sanitary committee of Wake county, on account of the increasing pre valence of smallpox in some sections of said county that compulsory vac cination Is necessary for the safety of the health of the public; "Resolved, That the county sup erintendent of health of Wake county be, and he is hereby author ized, empowered and instructed to vaccinate all persons in Wake county whom he shall see fit in any t-ection of said county, and to enforce pulsory vaccination in such corn cases . - against the consent of such person. "Resolved, further, That the coun ty superintendent of health t-hall have the power and authority to delegate and appoint any reputable physician in Wake county to per form said vaccination and enforce the same compulsorily, said phy sician to exercise the proper discre tion as to the necessity and propriety of compulsory vaccination in any case, as is given to the county super intendent ot nealtn in this resolu tion." Dr. McCullers, superintendent of health, made a statement which showed that there cases of smallpox in the vicinity of the Neuse river, in New Light township, St Mary's township, in Little Ltiver township and in the vicinity of Apex. The county authorities and the practicing physicians are co operating vigorous ly in a united effort to stamp out the disease. It is proposed to order compulsory vaccination only where the conditions are such as to de mand it for the public safety. How ever, the people generally, where necessary, are advised to be vacci nated as a precaution. In fact, there is an effort on the part of the State Board of Health to have the peo ple throughout the state vaccinate as a protection against possible con tagion. The' state has just had printed a large quantity ot very large posters with heavy black cap tion: "Smallpox is Prevented by Vaccination," ani illustrated with four halt-tone cuts of horrible cases of smallpox. The poster reads as follows: "If you do not want to have smallpox get vaccinated! The dis ease is again generally prevalent all over the United States, and particu larly so in the states adjoining. As fast as it is eradicated at one point it is re imported. At present it exists in many counties, ana is growing more and more serious, both as to the number of infected centers and a more malignant and fatal type of the disease. Despite all efforts to check it by iso'aiing huuhiouS ovc icFjiv I . e so, on tne increase Decause brought in again and again by some of the thousands coming into our state. "Bemember! That you can con- tract a malignant and tatal case Irom a very mild one, ana vice -versa; 1 that it you contract it you win De quarantined, The one precautionary measure is vaccination. "Stats Board of Health. "Baleigh, N. C." Some cases of Btnall pox at Hills horn sppm to have scattered the disease pretty widely. A few days ( ago Mrs. Graham, of that town, went - 1 to Norwood, Stanly county, to visit her married daughter, and was taken with the disease after her arrival there. Miss Bettie Walker, of West Durham, who had been visiting in Hillsboro, returned home, and soon - after her return, was taken with the disease. An oo moot rvloa fnr fho nroaoro. tiring interests, so far as tnese may ini ure the beautv of the neatest 1 natural wonder of America, is made of I in The Outlook's Macrazlne Numberr of for May by Miss' Mary B. Hartt. si . - 1 The article is accompanied by illus- to I trations which add to the point of the author's remarks about the in Jury already done to the beauty of 1 the Falls. ($3 a year. The uut- 6f look Company, 287 Fourth Avenue, New York.) COVtCatUlT CC3TE31 OF VICES. Cnaareeeea IHra Tavwc Radical Ita- fuciaa la fuetaJ ColumUi, Ohio, April 24 In ac addrrw before tlie Presidential lt- masters Association of Ohio. to-lay, Congressman Charles F. Dick, chair man of the liepublicau State com mittee, declared himself la fav.r of govevnment t-ontroi of telephone and telegraph lines. All meauA of communication, he declared, should be under govern mental aupervUion eleihouie, a well as the mail system. Thi is certain to come. The United State finds that the surplus of its products must be disposed of in the markets of tne world. It mu!t not oulv protect but aid its couiuieicial in terests, and in commerce it U an ad vantage that communication be not only swift, but inexpensive. It a telegraphic communication can be sent by the government for 5 cents, then private corporation must not be permitted to charge and collect 25 cents for that service. The means of communication ought to be the government's monopoly and not lhat of a private corporation (Jen. Dick said that universal Ir.-el rural delivery is certain to come within a very short time and de clared himself emphatically in favor of postal savings system. llow a Dog Found a Fortune. Because he was too poor to buy food for his dog, John Anderson, a settler at thelittle village of Black Duck, Minn., is now a rich man, with every prospect of becoming richer in the near future. Anderson, who took up a claim near Black Duck last fall, w as ill nearly all the winter. How he man aged to live is a mystery. A short time ago his provisions were entire ly exhausted, and he was forced to turn his yellow dog adrift. YeMer- day the dog returned with a bone and the earth adhering to it was till ed with shining yellow particles. His curiosity was aroused, tsp dal ly as his claim is on land that has every indication of being gold lear. ing. Scraping together a large num. ber of particles he carried them to Black Duck and visited the local jeweler. When the jeweler tested them thev Droved to be eold. The value nf th dust was sso. whieh u,a iwwl by the jeweler. When Anderson located the xrmt from which the bone had been dug, he found it rich in gold dust. Inside of au hour Anderson had been offered exorbitant figuret ;or his claim, but he has thus far refus ed to sell. With the money obiaiu- ed from the sale of his go'd he has employed several men, whoa c now prospecting and making strikes that are proving rich indeed. A small creek flows through one corner of the claim and he is now diverting the cour.-e of the water in order to bring ii nearer the gold bed, so that he can wash out the lrt. The ground is frozen as yet, and the work is slow, but up to this time he has obtained over three thousand dollars worth of crold dust from a tract less than ten yards square. amaiipo r.piaoe. It was just after a dinner and th6 man who had been sitting next to the young woman with the beauti- ful arms and neck thought that he was the most fortunate individual in the room. He said all the bright things he could bring to mind and was congratulating himself that he was keeping up his end of the con- versation tairly well, when the young woman, began to display signs of nervousness. She gazed around the room as ii looking for an avenue of escape, moved unea-iiy in her seat and allowed two or three jokes to pass her by without making it evidt nt that she recogniz-"d them. Astonished and half alarmed, the man looked at her inquiringly, and, meeting his look, she said: "I am in misery." "In misery?" echoed the man. "Yes," he replied, "l was vac- cinated the other day and it has taken beautifully. I could almost scream, it hurls so." The man looked at the beautiful arm?, and seeing no mark there, said "Why, where were you vac- inat- ed?" "In New York," she replied, with a smile. President's Remarkable Suit. A suit of clothes of black woollen cloth which has never been through tne dye tub is probably the most re markable costume that President McKinley has ever owned. Thit be can wear it, as one - of a very , few men who have enough of the wool tn mat a. nit of do he. 1 dne to the courtesy of George W. Peterson, who owns a flock of seventy black .b th onlv rativ black flnck in the country. Mr. Peterson has also rivn senator Piatt a onantitv of thft saniA Hoth. No dve of anv sort urea nuewt cnrl fhA wnnl Is as nil re tn oolni- end txtni a when if came from the sheeps' backs. As this .-W Vnnrn ln.rf.nmln whloh """"J hlack ninth has Wn made without dveinir the wooL President McKin- ley. will be a . marked man when he appears in his priceless suit of clothes. Mr. Peterson, an amateur stock breeder; who has a farm at Auster Etz, N Y., raised his black shep at ereat expense and with much care "Can you let me have th it ten dollars you owe me?" said Thorn ton to Perkasle. Perkasle shook his head. "But I really need the money." Do as I did borrow." Pack. BAD BANDIT IS HANGED. 'HLACK JACK KETCH I'M SUFFERS DEATH FOR TRAIN ROBBERY IN NEW MEXICO. (A REVOLTING SCENE OH THE CALLOWS. Wrote a lsHlr Iteclariaf Three ( Vrt- ed Men IimttiI ofrHa-Vu t.ed.r of A Itwbtwr Bud. Clayton, N. M., April LY,. The execution of "Black Jack" Ketrhuiu, convicted of train robber v to-dav e e waswitneMried by a Urge crowd. A thousand cowboys ami miners tM-avi-ly armed were present to prevent any rescue by outlaws or friend.-, Ketth um displayed great nerve. He arvwt at 7:30 and ate heartily of hieakfaat. When asked by the sheriff at what time he would be ready he replied, ,4Oh, suit yourselves. I'm content ed, just so I arrive in hell for din ner." He requested iuuiu and a violinist was found who went to his cell and played fur two hours. When he concluded the bandit re marked, "That's my lat inu-Ic." He then wrote a note to President McKinley saying he would die like a man and requesting him to irdou three men now nerving time in the Santa Fe penitentiary fur a crime which he says was committed by his brother Bam, now dead. Will Carver, Broncha Bill and himself. He told his attorney today where he concealed articles and money secured in the Southern Pass hold-up that occurred In Arizona, in 1897. At 11 o'clock he began dressing for the gallows. At 12:30 he ate a light lunch and sent for a priest. While he refused to talk to the priest he listened to his counsel. At 1:17 he mounted the scaffold firmly without a tremor and aided the sheriff to adjust the black cap His Dig last words were: "Good bye. my 8 deeP please." When the trap dropiied the rope severed his head from his body as ismoomiy as uiougn oy a Koue. i ne 1 L 1 11 I 1 9 a WW 1 scene was revolting and made the strongest grow sick and faiut. The body and head were placed in a coffin. Ketch urn's letter to the president is as follows: Clayton, N. M., April 26, 1901 . His Excellency, the President of the United States, Washington, D. C, "Sir Being now at the town of Clayton, N.-M., awaiting my execu tion which is set for this day, and realizing the importance of the liberty of other men and the duty which I conceive to be incumbent upon my self, standing in tne pres ence of death, where no human aid can reach me, I desire to communi cate to you by means of this letter some facts which I deem would be f interest to ixple through their rresiaeni ana per naps ne tne means of liberating innocent men Ther ar now three mpn in Santa Fe penitentiary serving sen tences for the robbery of the mail at Steins, Pass, Ariz., in 1897, viz: Leonard Albertson, Walter Huffman I and Bill Waterman, and they are as I innocent of the crime as an unborn I babe. The names of the men who i committed the crime are Dave At kins, Ed Bullin, Will Career, Sam Ketchum, Broncho Bill and myself. I have given to my attorney in Clayton means by which articles taken in said robbery may be found I where we hid them and also the names of witnesses who live in that vicinity who will testify that my I gelf and the gang were in that neighborhood both immediately be- fore and after the robbery. The I fact that these men are innocent and are suffering impels me to make this confession. While you cannot help me and while I realize , that all efforts to secure tome a commuta tion of my sentence have signally failed, I wish to say this much in the interest of these innocent men, who, as far as I knew, never com mitted a crime in their lives. I make this statement, fully realizing that my end is fast approaching and that I must very soon meet my maker. Very respectfully your servant. T. E. Ketchum." Thomas Ketchum, alias "Black Jack," was the most noted desper ado of the southwest. Although be boasted of having taken the lives of many fellow beings, yet he finally paid the forfeit with his own life for an attempted train robbery in which nobody was killed. His crime was committed near Folsom, . Mn August 16, 1899. Single handed, "PlackJack" held PP Colorado & Southern passenger train. He ordered the engineer and fireman to uncouple the engine and I leave J.D0 train. I mau agent wpeneu ure , on aim is whicn ne prompuy reiurnea. rie I PaOeiTea UW WulCUUJ Ol a UUUUra I. - . . . ,. ... wrreieu buuikuu iu u Kao, axiu, but quickly changing the rifle to Ms left shoulder he succeeded in wound ing both conductor and mail agent. He then escaped in the darkness, but was captured the next day. He waa tried . for assault on a United States mall . agent and sentenced to ten years in thep nlientiary. Then I in September, 1900, he was tried on the more serious charge of assault on a railroad - train with intent to commit a felony. He was also con victed on this charge and sentenced to be hanged in November last. The- rimitlon a etaytit uMll March by antiviral t th tet ttut uitMiie nrt, vKmIi fflrul 1 1 OinJlrg of the loairr mutt t I in Marxb a rrprietr a grant d until April 2C. "Black Jack" waa .aid to have bren the leader ol a tid of outlaw who couail Ul tuany train robbrrie and otbrr ralda In Tra-. w Mr too and Aria. Th band he lw-n ej-attrm! alM hi ar rrt. Seven or right ha U-u killed. Thrw ar) in jail and 4brr t are tn driven to tlx tn4ittli. COLO SfEUtSUEET 6EA11. TvrrtMe Telee 1M r (be Oelr . r of a I'Ml; af all - A lteM M4f H ! Wall of lee. Chicago, ID , April A aval to th llecorder-llerild l"ntn Yirlu rla, B. ' , my : "A terribW? 4ry of the fate ui a Irty of ix gold-Mei'krractiMie floiii DawMHi, where tiM only eurvlw ! the little cotuiewiy ha arfUed. Tti party left Seattle thre y ar igo for Copje-r river, and axordi g to thi mm'tale, the trvt-hvnu YaM ilarier claiml one of the prty for ltitown. He dbp-arv I in a ri-euie In the ico, drvndlng a lUlatH-v HeVetity-fl ve tVet, u Iwre Im lievaioe wedged la-tvkefi wall of . Here, mained ronsciou and gae final in. atrucllonn to his couietlou, who were powerl to a eit Mm. 'The uext misadventure wa on a raft which was lowesl over thmd. ering rapids and broken to pieoea against th Jagged rock. The fl men made a desperate rigid for lif , but three of them weie iteteriem again. Two reached idiore, one of whom wait severely Injured Inter ually and the other had a !ratured arm. They were bereft of all provis ions and hundnsl of id lk- fiom civ. Ulution. Alter days of untold suf ferlng the spark or life in the man injured Internally was mercifully ex tingulshed His lone partner for 13 days wandered on without food. Af ter that his life became a blank for a pi riod of twelvw months and when his henses returned he found him self among friendly Indians." BRYAN NOT FOR A THIRD RACE. He Saja kCaa be Relied epoe u Seppor W.J any U hi. h may lie eiulr Priarinies. OOIlini-ehartenil It l - v- 1 . ...ii ... I incoiii, -eo., .pru -o in a ,. . ..i.ui... ... m 1 1 . .. . I w.j. uryan xayn in enTi inai lie . . I. nomination lor me i resiuency. Jir. iryairs aunouncemeni is in answer i . . . i to au article in au eastern ier speculating on his pbinsasa olitical leader. Mr. Bryan said; "I am not planning for another Presidential nomination if I were I would not Iw editing a mw-paier. If I become a candidate It will be because it seems necessary for the advancement of principle to which I adhere, and that doc not now seem probable. I hall, however, take an iutent in Mliti for fever- al yean yet, if I live, and lie relied ujKjri to upport thif-e w ho a caudi- ddtes advance Denioer-tie tir-nciples and who can t entrutl toenform them if elected." The Old t:oarrderale Htalea lloada. Washington, April 2". Itegard- iog the report that interest In tin repudiated bonds issue! by tin boutnern stales during the recon- structlon period wan being revi veil in lndnn hWrftarv Caere (wliv said: -The Tnunrv Demrtment --, j r- has no information concerning the Ls-ue of Slate bonds by the iiwurrec - inrv KtiiM .Inrlnir ti,M rivii uir. i, m not a matter in which the general , 0 ... ... irovernment can be runcerneil. In " our form of government, tlie Feder- al Union Is not resuonsible for the debbiof the Hute under anv cir- cumstance. Whether or not the in- dividual States Issued bonds In aid of the rebellion the record of the Treasury Department do not show. To get accurate information on this point and to learn whether such Donas, 11 issued, are regarded as blading obligations, or whether they I have been distinctly repudiated through re-organization of State con stitutions or otherwise, the records of the several States would have to be consulted." in riweden tney nave a land ar rangement of this kind: The farmer will give a tenant so many acres of I ground, provided the tenant will give him so many days labor for so many years, the labor to be paid as wanted. Parson Arthur Dox: "I wonder why we received omany pennies .v-.w j, mm i 'cause tney aon't mace no smauer coins in the mint." Brooklyn Eagle. A seven-pound nugget of gold has been found at the gold mine near Condor, Montgomery county. The name of the finder has not been made public but this Is said to be one of the largest and most valuable nureets found In recent years. Gold is said to exist in considerable quantities in that section. 44 Whan I was once In danger from lion,'' laid an old African explor er. "I tried sitting down ana star ing at him, ma I had no weapons How did it workf asked hla companion. .Perfectly ; tne lion aian'i even offer to touch me.1 wujauuvit uxu. Strmngel How do you account far It Well, sometlmea Pre thought It wat because I ant down on branch of a very tall tree." SNEAK BILL DISCOVERED. I'KiilNMNi. lo ti.Mi NOTE V. IDKVRS I F.i.IM.Tl K IV WAS IT fUl TilOUCM IT S1IAITI t I tiilt Hi iMtaa K lue kf a rMOa I ia U lwii th e U II..- U lalure f-hiil liw H i nU au. rtStlllttol. Iltrr.' 11 1 in- -... it mi, r and iociMUiat.iv- thai. I.a nr-t rbartrit rlraal a mi . iU t,rtm t al Av-uit y. o.- .. th!. .iu ai.. "xi Injc" matter are Uln 1. 1 u, The lUUifh n i. tM lliarl.4l l--r-r I.Im- , .. ttwm thul : TIrfe I,. 4.t.! ,4 tak aUrtit IIm- Lilt to poJoMt H- taking of lef out of tbeMatf. ! turn. tjt that It a iutralut-l by iw uiiu bef of !le Ihiw who tntraJu.- a bill to prohibit I lie .Mat Tnwaurrr from iliig Dr. any mUry ai lor ration tomiuiotr. That ua rtiaiihlp to Tb aueak Mil u ill hardly h Id at-r. A Judge ald today thai In . of caM In the various iate o h erk bllU, which retodl to I. ottai thing and are auoth r bae ba de cided by the n Hi rt to bave no fat. ing in law TIm author of tM, t.UI lo prevent any ou ouliig timt-r in excetw of SOU arn-a r of tutti na il unb-en beoun a w mill iu tlx btate or furtiUhe It to otic iu Um Slate, would iiodirubt. If he Here in the Wet introduce Mil t- orohlt It th rdiipioent ,f loonarite or r- undum. Onwoflt- provUion forfeit all tluilr tracti of over 3Hi a-rt l Ul by previously rharterl couiinU 111 Itrit tlllllM-r llu H.rri.m t u f. K.. ... -" - - - - - - vs m m mm t m e.HUirll c uiment of the n,Mii,nu t. t.A. ("lurlotte Olf-rver U a - - - - It was read only by title and Om title U iniijc-tit enough: An act to prohibit the felling of tirule-r In cer tain stream." Yet only ot - tion of tin iiieafun aplil to tbi loial matter. All the oiIm r afVt- e! the State at large and lave tl efltct of prohibiting the shipping of log irom the Kiat and f.f invent ing any -orp .ration li. eitciMv now or that may -haitcrl ti tedit-r fr.'io bo ding over ;' ate. iim. Iier land" Hub il ha min- iu th S ate. It ! gralilyirii; to know that tb- opinion ol ahle lauer lh' the court will not uphold tin- bill, the pmvdent U-inz agaliM the vabditv of Sneak" lei; Ula tion Some i.Jan will certainly have to Im fSeviMl In the future, for preventing och legis lation an this. A more careful watch must be kept on hill that are rulil through their f-everal reading uin ",e reading oi ineir tn ieWII. I OOU uraCIOUftZ nucn crilK'lMn a I.,, . . . .. . Im" un ",e brainy, pirioii ouinUtlent body of "Judge Hunter." 1 ,n "w l,uo,c Mlu r a few we ki ag!! and from a !- "-'"c -ourc: . i . ..i i. i .t f ujwjy imaum iih? mw i the tn1 wu'l havr lm-n MJ ''' bad Ue-n I"d or 'Sneaked" or 11 anything doI1 to li h' tl-I i. rat kr gIture? jit 3TARTE0 OH TOUL WR Uaaeera Fir lea TTae I'reeUeari'e Trala Start oej Ita Ioe TH. Wanliliigtoo, Atril 2'J. President McKinley thU morning began hla transcontinental tour. He and hi party of dIsUogulaled gueKb lravl in a siecial train fitted with every conceivable luxury and convenience. It i- the Capitol of toe Uniteil HUtea on wheel, and this traveling White House will be seen by million in the trip across the country. One end of the President's car is fitted upaa his private ofihe, and the business of the executive depart ment will be transacted there for weeks to come. The secretary of the President, Mr. Cortelyou, baa arramred al deUl)g of tri TOmman fcatioo with Washington. Th train pulled out of Washing ton on schedule time this irornlng, amid the cheers of the multitude. The train was profutely decorated with beautiful flowers, the gift of friends, and tbe locomotive carried the President's official flag. Tb train stopped ten minutes at Lynch aTli' the home of Senator John w- Daniel, this being the first atoj 1 00 U3aT' rms is Loe most extended too; I ever undertaken by a President ii the history of the country. Bryan the Test. At Greensboro the municipal con vention adopted as the lest of Dr mocracy loyalty to Bryan and the national Democratic ticket. This caused a great thai of dh-satlsfao- rr!!Tr i uuu, u uho ui uie uiu jiroauaeut auxens ox tna wwn woo nave taken a great hand In local politics, I did not vote for Mr. Bryan. .1 .' i Si ) .

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