CAITCAS IAN. 1 flUK i . . O ' sSSss.Sr . . Vol. x R LETTEF OF THE PEOPLE. HOMK riJMJKNT OPINIONS AND COMMENTS FUOM MEN WHO AKEKKAD INO. UT US, IN THE tICHT OF TRUTH. Tee RarklmrCrrofXerro Domination" Was a I'aaatom of Tfcelr Owi Crea- tloB. "MCT UH IIAVK PEACE." Why do we find the Imploring words In all the pai)rnof thedorml nant rty In the state? Are they not in fact and In truth a ira phrase of the despotic words, "Peace Iteigns In Warsaw?" If not, then they can only refer to the usurping mem lerHofthe leglnlature of 1898 and U00, anl their heelers who shot white jk11 keepers, seized ballot boxes, suppressed free speech, and Inaugurated a reign of terror In our state to secure the siwlls of office There have been no other desturb ers of the public peace but these. The dogs bark, the caravan passes" Hays the Arab proverb. Simmons, Daniel, Winston and company, are the caravan and as the procession moves on you hear the barking. ii us nave peace." ma a . . - ... mm ox the legislature of 1898 of which Mr. Craige says, "every important act was declared uncon stitutitlonal except the election law, and it was necessary to keep the legislature in session to hold the court down and save that, or it would have shared a like fate. in the legislature ol 1900, the ilrst act before the court is declared . . uui-uiisuiuuonai, ana tne revenue act is likely to be declared null and void for like reason." When they were shooting poll keepers, dragging speakers from the stand, seizing ballot boxes, and sup pressing iree speech and a free bal lot in our state, they set up the false plea, the irjured justification, of "Negro domination," as an ex cuse for their revolutionary conduct and foul breaches of the public peace and for disfranchising by wholesale tens or thousand of lawful voters. let us, in the light of truth, see if that barking cry of "Negro domina- A mm won" now changed to the tune of "Let us have peace" was not a phantoms of their own creation, in vented as an excuse for their cow ardly refusal to meet the opposi tion speakers in a fair and free dis cussion of issues before the people. By the census of 1890 when every black man in our state had voted and his vote been killed by a white vote, there were still left to vote 109,543 white men, to say who should i uie over our people; and with this fact staring them in the face that they could not gainsay or resist, what could they do to develop the finer arts of larceny of the public purse as since exhibited by them, but refuse to let their followers hear the truth. H. P. IIarreix. EXPOSING THE VILE TRICKS. Pike, N. C, May 24, 1901. Herewith find enclosure to pay my subscription. I believe the Cau casian has established a reputation for truth telling and exposing the vile tricks of the Simmon machine, so I want to continue my subscrip tion. M. McLeod. SARAH SMITH TELLS A PITEOUS STORY Learea Babe and Vanishes, Well Dressed, Educated and of Refined Appearance. A pathatlc story comes from Dur ham as follows: A white woman, young and handsome, who gave her name as Mrs. Sarah Smith, left her three months old son with a lady here for a few minutes and now, she has abandoned the child and gone to parts unknown. She arrived In the city a few days ago with the baby in her arms. She said that she had bnt five cents in the world and was a stranger In a strange land. The story touched several, and in a short while a subscription had been started to get money for a week's lodging and board. In a short while the woman was quartered in a nice boarding house, and several were out looking for a position for her. She was profuse in her thanks and yesterday went to see Mrs. Un derwood, who had been so kind to her. After staying there a short while the woman asked Mrs. Under wood to keep her baby for an hour or so, and then she went out. This was the last seen of her. Later in the afternoon Mrs. Un derwood received a note from "Mrs. Smith," telling her that she was gone and that she would leave the child in her keeping. "If I have sinned In this," she said, "It is not my fault. I cannot raise Ithe child and make my own living, and if I could my son could not be raised as he deserves to be. Kiss him good bye for me and pray that I may be forgiven." She added that she was going to Raleigh and then, she knew not where. The woman was well dressed and educated. She was young and re finedin InmaMiuia mA .. MJ 4 ly vpX what the tretendd tn ho A Kf NACXABLE tCUiC UAH. A . ua M. Mm4m,t Win Tri For Hot opeaaiae- Oa CMt Vmmm A - . wry interesting account of some young men at the Agricultural iiu iuecnamcai College hi given by i'OBBinu uunerver as follows: i iu ana m. College the offer oi two prizes by Mr. A. L. Cham berlain, postmaster In West Italelgh, has developed a spirit of thrift and Mxra-Miiy that Is most adniliahlA. Mr. l hamberlain at the beginning onerai a prize of $5.00 hj young man who kept the neatest aud best stated accounts of oi nis receipts and expenditures for tne year and 16.00 to the tudent wno spent the least money in an un necessary manner. T. f uc winner in tne first contes is Mr. w. L.. Jrulp, whose account book Is a model of neatness. The HMvmil $5.00 was won by Mr. II. p. Foster, who lias not spent on cent unnecm. sarily during the past school year. .mere were thirteen contestants for the prizes and the iudees whn selected Messrs. Fulp and Foster as tne winners were Messrs. Cha. tt. Heine and C. C. McDonald. In the contest as to who would spend the least money unnecessarilv several Interesting facts were devel oped. Mr. Fulp, whose books were the neatest and best kept, spent un necessarily only $3.65. while others of the thirteen spent sums ranging from $1.65 to $7.00. Among the unnecessary things which the young men confess to h .ve Indulged in are chewing gum, bananas, lemons, oranges, cigars, tobacco, street car nues. valentines, wanna mnri., chickens, tickets to baseball and foot ball games and opera tickets, while one young man Includes tickets to lectures. No student confesses to having spent money on his best girl or to Having squandered his shekels In buying flowers for her. Mr. Foster's record is remarkable. He came to the A. and M. with $40, nis own earnings, and by his indus try and application earned during the year $113.06. This money he got by cutting wood, milking the cows, uoing carpenter work, work ing in tne garden, and so on. While the other boys were playing or sleep ing he was at work. He spent $24 ior college dues $72 for board and lM A A y ior necessary expenses. This left him a balance of $27.87 at the end of the year, and is a tribute to his thrift and economy. He is one of the brightest students In the col lege and has taken a high stand. The committee commend the en A . a m tire thirteen as makine hiehlv meritorious reports and wishes there were prizes for each one of the con testants. IS EVERYTHING A BUNCLE. Even The Election Laws of The Last Leffialatare are Tangies. Winston Republican. The way the last legislature mud dled the law regulating elections in towns and cities is beginning to bear iruit, At Lenoir, N. C, there seems to be a dual government as one in stance of the result. W. C. Newland and six commissioners were elected without opposition and were duly sworn in. Mr. Poe, the former May or, refuses to step down and out. claiming that the election was illegal ly hem in that It was held May 6th Instead of May 7th as the "bungled" law demands. In Winston and other places there was no election at all. the Mayor and Aldermen holding on under charter privileges although the new law repealed all charters In conflict. Verily, a few more legis latures like the last and it will keep the Supreme Court busy unravel ling the tangles. PRACTICE OF PENSION SHARPERS. Another Scheme for Adding Thousands to The Pension Roll. Washington, May 23. An Inves tlgation of the practices of pension sharpers in San Francisco and their methods of annoying soldiers return ing from the far East has been started, by the Pension Bureau, and prosecutions may be expected in the near future, according to the officials of the law division of the bureau. The sharpers are not all representa tives of large pension law firms here, but many of them are, and their methods are characterized as illegally outrageous. They meet returning soldiers at the docks and often per suade them to file applications for pensions even before they have been discharged. DIDN'T KNOW COMBINATION. Woman Breaks a Safe to Make Coup In Northern Pacific Stocks. The wife of a merchant in Yon kers was moved to attempt safe breaking by the craze to speculate. Her husband is In Europe. In his safe were 500 shares of Nothern Pacific A Wall street man who had sold them to him rushed to the wife and offered her $60,0Q0 for the bunch, which represented a profit of $40,000. . . , . "But I don't know the -combination to the safe," expostulated the wife in answer to the Wall street man's frantic appeal for the stock. "Well, blow it open, send for a professional cracksman, hire a safe expert. I'll pay any man $1,000 to get the safe open." The wile protested, but the Wall stree man 'finally induced her to consent to the burglary and he got the' stock. The wife spent $15 cabling the nera of the transaction to her husband agot this reply: "Good give him the safe, too." RALEIGH. ACKAT UAtXStJAN Vrm BUT KitnorttlMrr Proaeteacy vrtt a Hevolver, "Wild Bill" llkkok wa the firt frontiersman who recusal zl the im portance of proficiency In the uae of uie si x-h outer, mys E. u. Little In ij'c,;uwj o iuuciziue. in is -wis the real secret of his supremacy. He as an unerring marksman, and shot as accurately under fire a when fir Ing at a mark, apparently takln no aim. Probabl V DO til An VAr tMtiial- f a t e -. .... eu mm in the Ihrhtnlnir-like raiid- ivy wun wmcn he could draw a .... weapon in time ot emergency, and In the thorough self-possesKion that made It possible for him to take ad vantage of every opportunity In sav age conflict. He had a standing or- uer to nis deputies that they should not rush In on him in any of his af frays, and especially should not come quickly up in his rear. Ky fonret- ting this Williams met his death. . . . i """ ior an emenv. a-x " """K rapiaiy mat it left no ..i. ... uuuuy Ior recognition. He luauuy iueu tne wild goose across tne smoky IIIII with his revolver. Kiding at his horse's highest speed he fired shot after shot into a tin can or hltching-post a few rods dis tant. Standing at one telegraph pole he would swing rapidly on his neei ana nre a pistol ball into the novt - i m. voicgrapn poie. xnese were some of the simpler feats he per lormea day after day on the street to settle little wagers. He could snoot a hole through a silver dime at fifty paces, and could drive the cork through the neck of a bottle and, at thirty paces, knock out the Dottom without breaking the neck He could do what the fancy shots of tne present day do, and possibly some of them equal him as marks men with a revolver, but it must be remembered that he was the first to acquire this skill, and that he shot just as well with others shooting at mm, and at a man, as steadily as at any otner target. THE HOC OF DEATH. xnree Cblldren Crashed and Eaten by a Black Bear, 1'ittsburg, Pa., May 22. A Job. W. Va., special says: to De crushed to death in the embrace of a monstrous black bear and their little bodies afiarwArri r - 1 .4 1 ll uiaugieu auu pamy aevourea was the frightful fate that befell the three young children of E. P. Porter field, a mountaineer residing about twelve miles southeast of this place. Tne remains were iound yesterday out since Sunday evening eluded John weldon. a Maryland hunter, who within a few minutes after the discovery of the bodies, snot and killed the bear in a neigh boring thicket. Tne children were Mary, acred three; Willie, aged five; and Henry, ugvu seven, ononiy alter noon . .1 nn tr a v Sunday they left home to gather flowers in a clearine near their home. Nothing more is known, but it Is supposed that they wandered into tne woods, and becoming lost con- tinued on their way until they were overiaKen oy tne Dear in the dense forest three miles from their parents' a i t m . home. The bear feasted off all three of the bodies. The bones of the chil- dren had been crushed like straw, and the flesh stripped off with teeth and claws. The party divided and began a search. Within a few minutes Weldon discovered it in a thick clump of hemlock saplings near a small stream. A single shot ended its me. It was declared to be the largest bear ever seen in this neighborhood. SEVENTY-SIX NEW DOCTORS. The Work of The State Medical Board at Durham. The State Medical Board met at Durham last week and had a most interesting meeting for the profes sion, two iaoy physicians were present one from Raleigh and one from Goldsboro. The principal work of the board was the examination of applicants lor license to practice medicine in the state. The official report showed that there were one hundred and four applicants ten of them being negroes. Two of the applicants withdrew twenty-five failed to 38, and licenses were issued to seventy-six new doctors. Officers for ensuing . year elected as follows, all by acclamation: President Dr. R. S. Young, Con cord. First Vice-President Dr. A. G. Carr, Durham; second, Dr. Isaac N. Taylor, Morganton; third, Dr. E. D. Dixon Carroll, Raleigh; fourth, Dr. J. M. Parrott. Kinston. Secretary Dr. George W. Press- ley, Charlotte, re-elected. Treasurer Dr. G. T. Sikes, Gris- som, re-elected. Wilmington and Newborn both asked for the convention next year, 1 . tf A y . a. ana oy a vote oi me society it was decided to go to Wilmington. For the Methodist Orphanage. The eight children of the late Mrs. A. F. Page, who died at her home in Aberdeen, N. C, in 1897, have contributed the sum of four thou sand dollars to the fond for the erec tion of the main building of the Methodist Orphanage in Raleigh. As much of this as shall be required br the purpose, to be used in the in terior finishing, decorating and furn ishing of the chapel, which is to be dedicated .to the memory of their mother, and called the Catharine Page Chapel. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY MAY 30. 1901. NOBLE GIRLS COLD MEDALS A THRILLING SCENE AT THE COMMENCEMENT OK THE BAPTIST FEMALE UNIVERSITY. CHEERS FOR ISA YE YOUIC LACIES. vm voiaatariijr -arMd Their Sekool mM-Wtoi the Drawl Smallpox I- kdd thm Iastltattua Ir. Vmnm'm Qt ItemarU. T f . A A Klo- jnciueniai to the commencement i exercises or th T?r0 ' I Acuuuo Unlversitv last wir. th, i - " occurrence that is not common on such occasions. At the close of the annual concert, the President, Dr. R. T. Vann, took the platform and told a most pathetic and eloauent story of those days during the ses sion when the small nor. tmt int the institution through one of the servants. One of the young lady students had a severe case of the dread disease and one or two others had varioloid. The Times-Visitors report of the incident says: The entire institution, contain Inrm 4 1 a . . . "s uyot two nunarea ems. was quarantined for a month and the girls endured the confinement like soldiers. When the news of h dread disease became known two of the young lady students volunteered to nurse the girls who were sink with the disease. For a month they were shut in the rooms of the buildingr In which the sick were confined, and ministered to their wants, going voluntarily Into con- tact witn tne most loathsome of diseases to save the lives of their friends. It was the same spirit that 1 1 1 a a - upneia tne martyrs in the davs of old. Dr. Vann called Mls Love and Miss Miriam Welch, of waynesville, N. C, to the platform. and bestowed upon them aih a beautiful gold medal, presented bv the students and faculty ot the in stitution, in token of their brave deed. On one side of the medal is engraved the name of the young lady, and the college monogram, on tne other Is marked: "For Heroic Service February, 1901." The med als were pinned on the young ladies Dy miss Leila Highsmith. one of -1 ana wno proDaniv awMhAr iifi their nursing. The audience filled the chapel and all the that halls applauded them wildly. DB VANN'S REMARKS. Jjr. vann, in the course of his speech of presentation, said: "Not many years ago the governor of AonJ"ng province, in the presence of rreucu wmy caned before It." A . -m m- m mm 18Mir Marle Therera and ad aressea " words like these, "lowI xneresa, you were wounded on battlefield of Balaklava, I. 5 sincsen soia- I iers You were forwards wounded U7 n i in i - r tvvsi -v. mm x at Magenta, In the front battle line. Yo.u lol,owed ou' armies into Syria, mna ana -Mexico, rendering all womanly service and sacrifice. : At me umue oi .tteicnsnoien you were borne from the field and laid down to die in a heap of wounded soldiers. t.H U. . A" a n After your recovery, when a shell fell among a group of wounded who were under your care, you seized the death missle with its blazing fuse, bore it twenty yards away. dashed it to the ground, and were yourself mangled by the explosion. xou have continued to the present hour in your heroic service. Sister Marie Theresa, kneel and receive the cross for tried valor. No soldier in the army could wear it more worth ily. Soldiers, present arms.' And as the gallant Frenchmen executed the order, the tri-colors of France were dipped in reverent salute. Miriam Welch and Bessie Love. four months ago when the shadow of a great horror fell upon our school. and one of your fellow students was stricken with smallpox, when no nurse could be procured, and the stricken girl with her room-mate was imprisoned, in all likelihood for a month, without suggestion from any one, you volunteered to give up study and pleasure and freedom that you might immure yourselves and nurse the stricken ones. Your teachers and fellow students felt that a deed like that was worthy of something more than passing words of thanks. And so they have sonerht in some manner, however inade quate, to express their high appreA elation of your sacrifice. They have therefore had made for each of you a medal of gold. I think it fitting that one of the sufferers, blest by your gentle ministry, should present these tokens, and I shall ask Miss Leila Highsmith to perform this pleasant service. (Here Miss High- smith stepped forward and pinned the medals on the young ladies.) In conferring these medals we have be stowed on you the badges of knightly womanhood. They are memorials of our grateful regard. May they also be a life-long inspiration to high womanly service. CEOWIKC TflSS. Where Salaries or Postmasters are la- Salaries of postmasters at these towns will be increased July "next; Dunn, from $1,100 to $1,200: Smith- field frm $1,100 to $1,200; Little ton from $1,100 to $1,200; Southern Pines and Sanford from $1,100 to $1,200 each. A DELUGE OF RAIN. WHOLE TOWNS IN MOUNTAIN COUNTIES SWEPT AWAY BY THE FLOOD. ICSSIS AT ASriYIUI, BAIT CILUM. Umch to Us I tfw. I rv-. . . " " " mmm tmnmwrnm KlWTwo " 5st week there was another vial- unon ot storm and flood in sections oi ine state, and wherever the flood occurrea u was one or the worst and mosi aestructive on record. In the eastern and piedmont section of the A m. sute there was much havoc. The Catawba river at Moreanton ws 01 ieei aoove low water At three places near Marlon It chaneed Its course. At Clarion seven hun dred feet of track on the Western N C. division of the Southern R. R. were washed away. Passenger train no. 11 was water-bound at Mud Cut ior three or four days. The Cllfls Hotel on the Catawba river, near Hickory, floated down the river, half a mile from its ori&rinal site. At Durham 5.28 inches of rain fell mm xiuuxb. xuno river was higher than ever before. Many I ? . Dnages were washed away and the damage to growing crops will amount up Into the hundred thousands of aoiiars. The Durham water wnrka mmm. . K. plant was badly damaged. One hun- dred feet of the dam. one emrint. one vww biu oi ine engine nouse, one -n n. naAn MX A. side of the filter house, and forty nve leet ot shafting were washed away. At and around Moreanton in tturxe county there was the most terrific down-pour of rain ever re membered. It is the concensus of opinion that the streams were never so high. Two iron bridges that cost the county $8,000 each one on the McDowell road and the other on the road towards Lenoir have been destroyed. The central pier of the McDowell bridge, of rock and of magnificent proportions, was top pled over by the logs coming down the river. The flood was so un- usual and of such grand proportions that people flocked from all sections and directions to see it. At Kanlord, on the Seaboard Air, water rose in the boiler room of the Sanford cotton mills, putting out tne fires and stopping the mill. The engine room of Cobb's sash and blind factory was flooded. Every Dridge in Sanlord across Little Buf falo creek save one was washed away. Washouts were reported along all lines of railroad, and trains on all roads were delayed from one to six hours. LIFE AND PROPERTY DESTROYED. Knoxville, Tenn., May 22. Mil lions of dollars damage has been done, and at least eight lives lost in upper Tennessee by the floods, caused by the recent heavy rains. The Doe river, the Wautauga river, the Hols- ton, the Chuckey and the French Broad are out of bounds and the growing crops have been swept away all along their course. On the Chuckey river three chil dren of Joseph Hill were drowned in his house, while he was at his barn looking after his stock and un aware of the danger. On this river six bridges were swept away, doing a damage of about $60,000 while the damage at farms, houses and stock along this stream in Greene county alone will amount to one half mil lion dollars. At Leeper's Mill, on Chuckey river, two Bolivar brothers fell from a boat into the river, being drowned one The Holston river is rapidly rising. At Morristown twelve houses floated past to-day and one corpse went past on drift-wood. One hundred thous and feet of railroad ties bound to gether passed this point. These are supposed to have come from Eliza beth town. During the week nearly all the larger streams in the state equalled or broke their records for high water. But the most destructive rise of the waters was reported from streams near the mountains. A conservative estimate of the damage done to property and 'crops in McDowell county Is two hundred thousand dollars. . All crops along the watercourses were entirely de- stroyed, and some small farms have been left absolutely worthless. Four or five cloud-bursts occurred on the mountains above, washing away houses, barns and mills. Catawba river was three feet higher than it has ever been and was two miles wide where the aver age width is one hundred feet. Thousands of fish were left in the river bottom when the water sub sided. The following is a list of the heaviest losers by the storm: J. H. Greenlee f 10,000, John M. Greenlee $3,000, Mai. Wilson $8,000. Maj. Young $3,000, William Quinn (house and all stock), D. N. London $1,800, Miss Sallie Young $1,500, Maj. Conley $2,500, gilas - Proctor $3,000, J. G. Neal $1,000, Austin Conley $2,500, J. 8. Dysart $1,000. LMrs. Corneninur S2.500.Jnhn Yatwwv Jr., $5,000, Geo. C. Conley $1,500, A. K. Weaver $2,000, Sheriff Burgin $5,000, B. W. Brown $5,000, Lee I WUIlams $1,000, H. A. Tate $1,000, 1 n- 7TT iw u urtraife Il.ioo, Will Ward lboar)tO. W. CuoU-j 11,000. A irrm many utfcmt k.t from f too to r each. UTEiexvscFTciruca. wtslTsMtsllM M -uanou, js. May 51. Ileporttf rutninj? In from cuuntlM m further Uck In the nmunUlai brln . .11 . 4 . . I ui lunner iuwns by the uvtt were last and a number - - - uuuswi uraroyeu at liakenvllK The following la a ILrt of uwurn of destroyed by the atorm In lUkerevlUe: K. Morean. UlbUi ureen, jiicka fattenun, M. Buch- I . . ' .wu, ti mUAMLm OmMll lUIDPr. J III I luin III UtVeU. Nun 4 m itronn llo.... u. I mjviij Ml KIT. 1 nil. Ifrllt. Olllnlnn f,w. UW1C V.I silver, ilw. Liazie Howe. U. II. YounK. Henry Poteat. John Uudm. Da Uie ptut church. ineso nouses, together with ail luo couenoia effect, were swept I ILa I ft SB .mm "wr nood. A irrtmt many I . A k oine were badly damaged. Ham lurneriost a trunk containlur one thousand dollars. A laree number or people had Uken refujre In tlte rsapiist church. They barely es caped before it was watihed away. huiuwu ioore ana son were drowned in Loafer's G lor v. settlement near Ilakersvllle. l. lorbes, Deaton A Wilson. Charlie Stewart, Culburtaon and D. iiicivinney lost houses and store rooms, together with their content. Jwery house in Magnetic City, a gooa-sized village In Mitchell coun- . w ty, was washed away. Twenty were aestroyed at Koan MounUln station. . olx oreigni urge stores on BiirRock creek were washed away. Hunts dale, with fifteen miles of railroad I . nr mere, was entirely destmvf! John McKInney was drowned. An unknown man killed bv a slid.. near Lioaier's Ulory. About sixty-five houses in Kllza ueuiiown, i enn., just across the line from Mitchell County were destroy- ed. An iron bridge across Toe river at Spruce Pine was washed away. i-Aier news lrom this county show the damage to be much greater than urst repuneu. ii is oeuevea now it will reach three hundred thousand M mm.-.. . A 1 T 9 a dollars. The people are doing the best they can to repair the losses, but srreat suffering will ensue as so many have lost their only means of making a living. All public roads here are im pass- bie. and In most places destroved. Tne Thronton farm near Bridge- water was damaged twenty thousand dollars. The only means we have of com municating with the outside world is by telegraph. No malls have reached us since Tuesdav. W haven't even been able to get a news paper of any kind. Trains will prob ably get to this place Saturday or Sunday. It is impossible to get any news lrom Wilkesboro. Great Damage In Chatham. Rialto, N. C, May 24 The rains this week in Chatham county did great damage to the crops and wash- .l 1 a a eu uinus resides, carrviner awav public bridges over the many streams in the county. The water courses were never known to be so hieh. rhe bridge at J. W. Atwater's mill ? Is a total loss. The large corn and flour mill was floated from its piers and carried down the stream, as were also his saw mill, lumber, etc. His loss is about five thousand dollars. ttesldes eighteen hundred or two thousand dollars to the county of I Chatham. THE DAUACE8 HALF A UILUOX. Southern's Losses by Flood Aroaad Asherule. Asheville. N. C. Mav 24. The damage to the Asheville division of the Southern railway by the recent floods is estimated at a half million dollars. The Asheville and Spartan burg branch of the Southern will re sume schedule to-morrow, but the line to Salisbury over the blue Ridge Mountains will not be open for sev eral days. Officials of the Southern railway at Chattanooga, Tenn-, announced to-day that they will be able to run trains through the flooded district to Bristol over temporary bridges by Monday and will reach Asheville to-morrow. CKAT BARK SCSEKE. - ! ' InatltBttoa to be a Bal war k Bet wees TreaeiuT aad JTmaacial World la Tlase of Stress. New York, May 23. The Mail and Express says: ' "Private dispatches from Wash ington and elsewhere hint that J. Plerpont Morgan has in mind the establishment of the largest bank . In the world, an institution will in volve the consolidation of several of the more important houses of this city, the object being the creation of a bank strong enough to act as a bulwark between the Treasury De partment and financial world la the case of need. "It is stated that Mr. Morgan has conferred with officials at Washing ton as to the feasibility of such a scheme, and that while he has re ceived no direct encouragement, the financial systems of the country practically precluding such negotia- lion, yet there are those high in power who . have assured him that such an institution might be not on- ly useful, but actually necessary.'' Ttc:u ta cifcrx. A Ms AmiiMis aa4 1 ipmm Um Jell m Lrfc A wtvaiUuaal 4ory xur Outn Oifurd la lit Neva and oUnn aa fullowa: The military ruenpnny at Oxford a calk out !at bight to imrol the lynch in j: of Audrrw WlUm, Who la now in lall lam fi u. uunU uf WlUUtu Vtk.wr. The killing axurml Wnltwdir trl CWthnra and Vll. I " w mm m J MM in iJoyw. of Um Ckntdy borrr Ckctorv. whkh mult! In WIU u4i.... tTawthorn and so badly wovudlnr him Uiat be dinl Uiat nlht. On Thumlay WIU tu arnlrd asd I IJuv.1 In .11 . ...I m. t. . - I r u jt buu imauir m inp i . . . ... . vw utucw uc mmm CUtuiuilWU larlfK..t II - 'IMMMI tM Early last nlirht th fVUt.l. r.rtw. murdeml man bnin t. sm,i.u about the court boom and Jail and make threat whereupon Um fthertff made application to Adjutant Geo- era! lloyter, who U a mddent of Oxford, fur aid. Gen. Koyster at once called out the Oxford military company and they were on duty around the Jail all night. Immediately tlte Madiera tuade their appearance the crowd dhawrsvd and up to a late hour there had Uvn no further attempt at vlolencv. As soon aa Uie military hd Uvn called the AdJuUnt General wired Informing the Governor of his course and asking hia apicoval of the same. This teltvram was rt eel veil about 9:30 o'clock. Governor Aycock replied at once approving the order and dinging mm to call out the entire Kui I -m m . uuaru ir neuessary to unmerve Um lace aud prevent violent. The Governor's teletrram rviMwUxl (iu. I . v " Itoyster to Inform him t.r any further development, and the Governor remained up though Ull tar inattt-r become after midnight to give the any attention that might neesHary, no further deiU-heM were received. It Is supposed therefore that all U now quiet in Oxford, and it is huil I Ull danger of lynching is put. I A special to Sundays Post saya that no mob was formed to lynch W li son Ed. Train Held hj m Rock. Correspondence of The Observer. Wadesboro, May 22 The south bound train on the Seaboard Air Line was delayed for several hours last night at the rock cut just this side of LilesviUe. A laree rock had fallen so near the track that when the Atlanta special taused this point each one of the coaches crail the rock. When the south-bound tralu came alone In a short while the engineer saw the rock lying near the track and thought that he would be able to pass by it. He succeeded in getting his engine past but Just as the first coach came oppo-ite this boulder, the jar caused It to fall over and smash under the coach. The train was then held fast and could neither go forwards nor back wards. Drills and spikes hail to be used and the rock broken bit by bit. The train passed Wadeloro over four hours late. Two Persons Drowsed WsMoa. Weldon, N. C, May 25. Edward Wilcox, of Portsmouth, Va., a trav elling salesman for the Hume-Minor Company, and Elliott, the fourteen- year-old son of J. H. Norman were drowned in a branch between Wel don and Halifax last night about eight o'clock. The river bad backed into the branch and the water was over fif teen feet deep in the road. The young men did not think it was dangerous to cross. They drove In and the buggy was turned over. The horse broke loose from the baggy and ran back to Halifax. A search was at once made by POOP1 from Halifax and Weldon. and the bodies were found this morning. They were Just eight feet apart when found. The news of the drowning of the young men has aroused the deepest sympathy for the bereaved families. Failed Once' May Fall Again. StatesYilla Landmark. The Charlotte Observer is inform ed that the "machine" (it is pretty well known that we have a "ma chine in politics in this state) has already made up a slate for the sena- torship and Supreme Court Judge ships to be disposed of in this 8 tote next year. The machine Is a pretty strong - combination and may suc ceed in carrying the slate through; but we doubt it. The mapin de creed the impeachment of the Su preme Court judges a few months ago but was unable to deliver the goods. This jarred it somewhat. Those who previously had absolute faith in it are now a little suspiciou- notwithstanding the Governor of the State gives it all the aid and com fort he can by appointing to office only those who are agreeable to It. Two Mea la Oxford Shocked Ucfctatas. Oxford, N. C, May 25. Daring a sudden electrical storm here at 5:30 this afternoon F. C. Spenser and J. F. Madowv while sitting in front of the telegraph office, were Mverely shocked by lightning. Mr. Spencer was unconscious for some time. Medical aid was promptly rendered and both are now very much better. Mr. Spencer is our telegraph opera tor and Mr. Meadows is a prominent tobacconist. There was no other damage in town. . No. 24 ATJARCHISrS SUIGIDEO THE MIKDEKKU OK KIM. YlCTOK EMAM'EL II A.(iS HIMSELKIXHIS CELL BA tzn CF BIS catatTBic iaMn w ua Ilutu May 13. Gartna It, i the aiaJn uT kltv it .-.I . . IrOO, has CXKUtultU! suULU I. the la.'fillfitUrv nT M.t i . " Mmmtms DinUU, It U aniMMinrsAl bora titat lt ho had Ut growing ukxv at.! mora drapuutlmt. torr his kw. nh!ng Into atrip TueaUv md rvp and strangled hltu rlf. iMtad reoraUy wruta in wi. Vktor KmiuaniMrf. th niinUt. and hia wlfr, iWlariujr thai hm r s ntI hU crime and cuuki au Kmi-. rr stand the rwuon-? he u ing. The details of the Lnr.l . Moruw which ahurkrd all ..M till fnh in th minds uf lisiu. King Hututrt had lut . dlaiributlon of irla in rwt-Ua wun a gymnastic runt and had eutrml hi carraigr, who thn ahota were fiml at him frun ih. crown. He dhxl a Tew uilouU- laU-r. lln-rf, the, waa Im. mediately arrr4l and n 1th dim cully aaved from the venguc oT the fuople. linwtl waa placed oa trial at Milat., Auguat 2i, loo, nd th Jury In a few hour found a ananl moua verdict against him Tor mur der. While trMlfylng at tl trial lirtMcl admitted that lh crime a a a deliberate outs that he had wound ed the King three lime and that he had previoujily cut the bulMa with tisHora ituwrtlug dirt In the tita, eu aa tu make the wound produced more dangeroua. 1 Ir waa era U-nurd to lmpnnonrnent for life, the first seven years to be spent in auilury confinement. Brad had belonged to an Italian anatchiftt group in Patteraun, New Jersey. He was a constant reader of nixtorical book at that time and was always telling his aaeurUtea that they ahould learn to live without work. UL4JOM IX FATTfcKBOX. PaUeraoo, N. J., May 23 The news of the death of Gaetno Umci brought profound eorrow to the Group of Eltenv," PatU-rsWs famous band or ananhbi!. Um I waa om? of them and hU killing of King Humbert in believed to have been the outcome of Uum mad at secret meeting in this city. lira! was employed lu Paltrwti from April 1, 1BV9, to May 12, ioo, at Hauiil Hooth'a silk will. He earned on the average of $14 a week, aud during the investigation of hia crime it was declared that be had some regular source of Income out side his w ages. He waa about thirty years old. lire I had a wife and children In Patterson when lie went to Italv. The woman, who U not an Italian. was left deailtute. She made her way to West Hoboken and became a charge on the town. Another child was born after 11 rem I had been imprisoned In Italy. CC3PSC LAKCtO II f CtX CF A TKL A Boiler Ksploeloa at tUg Oaa. Meore Cornat, KUle Joe Cade. Carthage, May 23. A fatal boiler explosion occurred near Big Oak, this county, Thursday morning at Mr. Hector McKaaklll'a shingle mill, killing lite fireman, Joe Cagie, and injuring several others. The force of the explosion carried Cagie seven ty feet and landed him In the fork tf a tree, severing one leg entirely from the body and othxwlae muti lating him. Broken fragments of the boiler were hurled In every di rection, one part striking a green pine tree the size of a man's body cutting it literally in two. nis OScsal ew York World. - As president of the Billion Dollar Steel Trust Mr. Schwab receives a salary which dwarfs any known. It is believed that no New York iw. yer earns by his profession uore than $100,000 a year and no clergy, man more than $20,000. Two phys icians are credited with earning $50,000 each, and for a very few years a pugilist or a jockey may reotire $25,000 to $75,000 De Ileszke gets nearly $100,000 a year by his voice. : Some of the highest official salaries paid In the world are shown In this table: President of Uaited tstAtn Pres Mat. Ufe insaranoe Co. Pre i. N. Y. Life taaeraaoaCo. Pres. N. Y. CeaUal Railroad $ 10.000 100 000 lQOjOOO Pres. Pa, Railroad Go: ;nier J occe UJ4. gepre. Coert lOJtf) Gen. Miles, Com. io caf U. 8. Army,. liono Rear-Admtrs's, U. 8. Navy, 7,500 P. ea. Zquitaala Life ina. Uo. 100000 Meaabere U. a. rabiaet, s 000 Major K. T. City, is 000 Qov.lfT.stao, 10,000 Vloa-Prea, U 8000 U A. Senator and Congressmen, tono Pres. Klbot, of Harvard, 8,000 Pres. of the aagar Trust, ?t,000 Engiah Lord Oeief Jos ioe, i 49X30 Heal-Admiral, Kaguali Navr, 13.004 Com. la Chief ttriti.h army, SS.000 Speaker House af Cob moos, x00 U. 8. Ambassador, 17,000 treasure o' U. S. 8X00 ail. Scbwah, lLCa 't t